I '<»t'A « LVBB1.VO X.«T£.V iriru OTO- MISCELLANEOUS. “ •in» 4‘*‘.uuuerformer, died at Sisson the 7th : FRI PAY . MARCH WHW8 inst. . . . WKMUK8. Sullivan and Mitchell wen arrested Toledo Weekly Blade............... L,,................... fS On Harper;« Waslly........................ [........................ 5 79 anw> ■>•« . 5 OU J i the fight. They gave bail and skippeiL Mmit Kr~. Pr«MMi......... ■rive. MB ranar a oose . a - > UU 1 Th« TIMKS hiu a rlreulallon ol 4400, Naw York Bear............. The celebrated trotting stallion Anteo 3 OU ! •BAIXMT. CHEAPOT. EASIEST TO TAKB. <•• Mora n o.I.l............... M>1<1 bv the Santa Rosa, Cal., 8 (MH me InrKvat aujoyvilbj any aewapaprr liaM been ................................................................. . 1-, . 8 ao1 3ewsroo* Imitations, .-'ntalnlnir Poisonous San Franciec.. Examiner Fer ¡air, •Ob It «heil balweea Portlaail xml Keil Stock-Breeding' Aswxiation to a Ken- Mtoerit-. Alwajr« for l)r. Pierce's l*ellcts, Portland Oregonian ■ 4 00 fllwtr, t'wl.-a diatanee ol BOO mile*. II A first-class piano and a small safe will Harper's Bazar ................... tiickv party for 120,000. which are 1‘ttte jug.ir-coat.it Pills, or AoU- 5 7U Pionaer Pre««. .... ........ bil'oua Grannies. 8 (D therefore offers tbe beat lailueementa Just Injure locking our forms we learn be sold at a reasonable figure, either for Hclua Purely Vegetable. Dr. Tierce's t hicago Now* ................. .8 (MJ to advertlaara. Oar Hat la principally I chs I i ur note approved security. Pellets "Benito without »tisturnance to the >»i»M*OQri Kepuhhcan 8 «) I that Lizzie Ingalls, the lady who had the Apply soon nt the otHce. ■j.tem. ox in Dunsmuir, died to-day.— I vials, hermetically mi >I<->1. Always fresh ana HnUdclplaa 1’iaH-K .... naatoeaa men . 3 un Kinmall, remalles. S'l.zon lhral ‘ 1, March 14. rrUsoto. They ar»- a gsntle laxative, or an San Franc i »»co (’«11............................................. . 3 25 •3k l*\cc 4k Elixir 1* the only active purgative, according to size of dose. Frank Lnrilio’» illa**trMtvd paper......... ........... 5 70 •hould take note of ibis. The House committee on manufactures 'ixv \s.c\ » §lood Kemedy guara/. ‘ German. . 5 70 -------------------- I—--------------------------- ■ has begun taking testimony in its inves- | teed. It isspoaitdreenrefor Ulcers, Erup­ Bunday Ma^zme................... Popular Monthly..................... IX'O.VL LITTLE MAID AT SCHOOL. tigation of the various “trusts.” Some tions orSypLillticfoigoning. Itpnrifiesth* Budget....................................... . 4 30 ¡ ------------- - inteiesting developments are exacted. whole system, and banishes *11 Rheumatic Rlllun« llcadnchr, PleKMU.t llouru....................... 1 ; One little maid at school is »he, Blsslue««, n I sornetinie- A ssociation , N o . tui M,lin st., Buffalo, N. Y. JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. but if Russia tights I will stand by Aus- I She’s rattier weak in geography ; f i» ’\ fecl dull tria.” His son, the Crown Prince, will I in the back. “How funny.” she eaid, one day tome, [COBB®-KO WKBKt.l.j succeed him under the tit’e of Frederick ! and sleepy; tin “The equator must look on top of tbe eea,” Flour, p« r fhoUMMid ibs.................. ............. <18 00 it L has a Had little girl at school ! »Vhent, per bushel .......... 111. ............. 55 But what is the earth, I’d like to know. Barley. *’ ............. ............... ............. in tin tail taste, »-¡i ■ 60 The joint resolution changing the time That she not'd thought on tho thing bestow? Jy > is 1 ff. r>-<1 b-. the manufactnr. a Ml». *• ............... ............. .............. 60 Ti* enough if shH touch it with her toe. morning. j S --"i 1 o - < ky slinte for the commencement of the Presiden­ ............. 15 tO if . ' . . *>» »>• l»r. **4|e’« «alarrh Mill Feed, per tks like the wild Chin»*»©. Hutter, per lb...................................... ............. 30 wblvh they cannot cure. There is a ap|*etitt is jKX>r. That come»» on a box of China teas, FutAtvea, per »b........................ . .. ............. to Jan. 1st, has been favorably repoited 014 «YMPTOtlt OF < tTABRIl.-Diill, < ’»»hhHge. “ ................................ ............. 014 Or just like a clothesline in a breese to the house. id rtn th ■heavy bca.laei»-. obetr. :-tu>n -ti\ •. Foor little girl at school! “ ................................ ............. 01 trnssaa.'., dia. lianr< s railing from the head Heant*. She has tried those wayward stroke« to train, •• .............................. The 8. P. engines in use between HI . faint, ; face th.- thr .a», wwretinivs profuse, watery, Corn men), per lit lba..................... ............. i iiiat-li; «mtrtiiu • But she gives herself hut needle*» pain; ............. 2 OU Dunsmuir and Ashland have been an<1 acrM. at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, hlow could such a pretty hand be plain ? per lb in tins ........................ ............. 19 i- sensation at ti pit of t purulent, bk.idy and putrid; tho eye* are Ham and Boron changed from coal to wood burners, la- Fair little girl at school! .......................... weak an I watery; there is ringing In tbe Dried Apple«, per lb......................... ......... 12 to 15 cause the latter fuel is found to be the ........... (B •nach which b»o" does I »■ara. deatnaM, harking or coughing to clear What if her French and German, too. Pinout, •• ........................ ............. 10 cheaper. There is abundance of timber th. ihrtMit. ex pc-tor* (foil i»f offensive matter, Would turn a French or German blue ? ** Pean», •• ............... . ............... 10 isfy. The eye’ re Slllllv together with arairt from ulcers; tbo voice along the road. And her Latin pro»e is Greek to you, “ Pearhee •* ...................... ............... 10 ia clwnged and has a “rmsal twang"; tbe Droll little girl at school! ............. 75 hands ami feet i- ••ome c« From the account of the Sullivan-Mitch- bn-a« is offensive; smef! nn.l taste are im­ Horghurn Molasses, per gallon, I’m contented quite 1 mast confess. 62 30 to 3 <<> paired; there is a Mmseten of dizziness with t thicken«, per dozen.... chell piize tight it would seem that Sul­ If. when for an answer 1 shall pres», $9 to 12 01» 1 claininy. Aft< : a whii mental een adde 1 to the railway system tion wa« shut otT, a heavy sleet having els become costive; tbe skin is Catarrh Hem.-dy, in thre month*. I was a well No*e, or from any causo is speedily con­ of the country,at an cx|M>nm* of'ijOO.OOO,- broken down the wires. trolled and stopp«?d. man. and the cure has been permanent.” Foreign capital is once moreevinc- Letters from southern California say dry and iio! : t times; the blood “Constantly Hawking and Spitting.” Ulcers, Wounds, 000. ing a disposition to go into southern rail­ the bottom is dropping out of the big becomes tiiick and stagnant; T wowas J. Rrannra. Esq., WS Pin* Nfrret, way bonds. boom there. That southern California St. Louis. Mo., write«: “ 1 was a great sufferer Sprains & from catarrh for three years. At time« I could Isroin has been a good thing for Oregon the whit s of the eyes become It Is1 cooling, cleansing and Healing« The l'acilic Mail steamer, City of New hardly breathe, and was conMantly hawking r nl^rrh ** niOHt effieacloua for thia and Washington lumber interests, creat­ tinged with yellow; the urine and spitting, and for tbe last eight month* York, sailed for China yesterday after­ ^*****•• I Ilf diBc tK) Cold in thoHead.Ao. ing as'it has an unprecedented demand could not breathe through the nostrils. I noon. Among her steerage passengers ••Pond s Extract CatarthTar»," thought nothing cuiikl bo ih.no for me. Luck­ i fug logs and lumbei all along the Colum­ is scant} . ; 1 high colored, de­ specially prepared tu meetreriousoasaa. were fiity old and decrepit Chinese, who ily. I was advlwnl to try Dr. Sago'* Catarrh bia river and Gray's harbor. positing a • diiin ut after stand­ should b<‘ applied with Pond's Extract ilemedy, and I am now a well man. I believe are being shipped back by their coun­ Nasal Syring««. II tn ba ika ealy sura remedy for eatarrk saw After the Mitchell-Sullivan fight, sev­ trymen. ing. 1’hcie is frequently a insii.ifactured. *n.1 on* ha* only to give II * Rheumatism, Neuralgia. r t-lal to »•rperi.’ne»* nstuunduig result* aud A New York woman l«s applied for a eral wealthy sporting men of Portland spitting up of the food, soine- sent a dispatch to George A. Morgan of No other preparation haa cured more a ir rmanont euro." dhoiee on the ground tnMt her husband ciuk*s of the»« uhtrew*ing complaints thaw A complete Tr.-arte<- cn Catarrh, giving ral- the Hoffman House, New York City, to times with a sour taste and uoured ashes un lu-r head. What would tlie Extract. Poml'i Extract Pla«- U’»»:’o hints as to clothing, diet, and other invaluablo In theso diseae««, Lom- the lady have? New York real estate is the efTect that they would back Jack sometimes m nnort m ■■. will bo maih d. port- with a sweetish Detnpsey to tight Mitchell, any rules, for bago. Pains in Back or bide. die. p .id to any a-hlress. on receipt of u two-oe :t so high that she must nutex|s*i’t to have posts*- ito-.p. Aihlr.-ss. a side, with a preference of $10,- is frequently at- taste; this Diphtheria, Throat mud lavished upon her. rivr i’e lii-saii-ary Se-ilea! luwslailon. OiM), London P. R. rules preferred, tight ■I m * the Extract promptly. Delay le tended with palpitation of the N.>. css u on su«e». wvrrtLo. w ■. dangeroiui. London, March 13.—Tlie sculling race to take place near San Francisco. P! InC Hilnd,Bleeding or Itehlag. ft heart; the visi„„ ’--------- ini- ision becomes between Wallace Roes, tlio American, General Bragg's appointment as Min- 1 ilvot 1» the greatest known remedy; ra^ and (jeorge Buliear, of England, for the ister to Mexico is an eminently tit one. I Idly curing when other medicines hava -¡MitM before the paired, with challenge clip ami stakes ol 4 poun'ls, The General will do as much us any faded. Pon l's Extract Ointment to cl great service where tho removal of feeling of great took place to-day over the Thames course, American can to promote cordial anil ¿yes; tln n- 1 \ • «un-os. 1 bi : in i> urn. n_> clothing Is inconvenient. from Putney to Mort lake. Ross won mutually Iwm-tii-ial relations between tlie prostration and weakness. All - slew , March ", lvs- i by two lengths. For Breast \ ' • I I« 1. is l.LKLbl «. 1X t X ! h Cnited States and the country in which of these symptoms are in turn » s 1 * A Texan is picturesque under the most he first won military fume. He fought her ', b lull » i " b vnriui.t", ami lli.a ti.v -« It is thought that trying circumstances. One of them, against a dictatorship. He now goes to present. u-Ad The Extract will never be with­ lx-|iu ni mi in, '■'iiiitli‘i:> alili:, ilti! out It. Pond'» Extract Ointment to near Austin, got drunk; lie also got in cement our fraternity with a republic. u arly one-third of our popu­ warini.t» liutilx-mr 2141. 2211». 2 Uic beet emollient that can be applied. his wagon and tried to get home. Cross­ Mrs. May Davis, says the Eugene 24<>l. 33..’». JP.b Complaints. X! ing a mud-tlat he fell out, stuck fsst Guar'l, has brought suit against Mr. S. lation has this »lisea.se in some 2212. — il 2X!>. head and shoulders in the mud, and P. Sladden for slander, in the State cir­ of its varied forms. i»y ot dhrasus tho Extract can ba 2221. -■»•13. 17 V n*c»1.as in well known, with the grrateet froze to death. The pa|ien declare that cuit court for Lane county at the April bcm-riL, i- nH dircctioiM aceompaDj eaato It ha« I »>-eti found that phy­ 23iO. 32 U 23ÓU. 215 ; it is the first death of freezing ever term, laying the damages at $10,000. bcltie. * 2'-b7. 2213. sicians have mistaken the cause known in that section. He led off in a The attorneys for plaintiff are Condon & -27 4 n CAUTION. way to get noticed. Dorris of Eugene city and H. Y. Thomp­ 2210, 33>7. 333* 2167. >f this disease. Some have Pond son of Portland. The defendant has filer! 22-*t » 21. »3. 3330 A Hungarian miner has been foural the w-.rd-* “Poud’m r xli act” blown lit reated it for a liver complaint, 23U2. 2 UH. 17MÌ» his answer to tbe complaint, and is ably 22BU. ti« * and our picture trade-mark on in Pennsylvania who lives on two cents 2181. t"lj. 1733. 22«s. 2171 I rejireeented. s irroundinf buff wrapper. None other is »thers for kidney disease, etc., a day. He was brought over and put in 221s 2'4,1. 1’24. 3211 Jl» 2.’feO Sennine. Always insist on haring Pand a The House committee on |4, 2U1 s, 22iO. ^26», uxtiuct. Take lie other preparation. It i* n' i i>r ro d m bulk or by mcaiure. 2.111. 2312, 2346, LU>. »1 mine-owner of Pennsylvania, who once has made a favorable report on the bill «»«rywbere. I’rhn, 50c.. ftl. S1.7&. 2321, !2n7. 2317. 2.W«) 2313. every four years tells his men that war relating to claims lor |>ensions by de­ treatment have ’oeen attended 232s, 2 kill, «*33. 2J»i2. ¿lit Prepare I enly by POD S EXTRACT CO., 2324. taxes must be maintained unless Amer­ pendent parents. It will only be nec­ with success; for it is really 3.1:2», 233*. I. *34. 2341. 234.3 23- a,. NEW YORK A 3D LOJfDQN. ican labor is to be brought into competi­ essary to show that the soldier was en­ 317. '¿'st 2THJ SHI. 2. Ho, tion with the “pauper labor” of Eu­ titled to a pension, and that he left no constipatio’i a’» ! »lv-'»-->»sia. It it.*» 1.1 23111 widow or minor children, anil that the is also found that Shaker Ex­ rope. ..ail MU i 3 i»J 23. »I* parent or parents are dependent. Tbe It is rare that a man dies laughing,but committee has also made a favorable re­ tract of Iloois, or Mother Sei­ VIA • X.» William H. Brown,a New Haven saloon port on tlio bill authorizing the payment gel’s Curi’-vo Svrup, when 2I.<¿ 24C. ¡1.», 417 Oregon Ä California R. R. keeper,is said to iiave met death in that of the |«nsions of habitually intoxicated Au I C »aiinctinn», properly p> n <1 will remove 24»u. manner. He was sitting in his place the persons to their wives or to guardians. 2 •*’2 3421. 424 2u;. 2411. 24 H‘. 24-4 other day in conversation with a friend, « this disea-» ■ in all its stages. The Hfrnhl'» East Centerville, R. I., 2401. 24. 3. 2287, 3l>4. 2414 and just finishing a funny story at which 2*22, ,2 *27, 2412. 421». 2440 both laughed heartily, was noticed to special says: Mrs. John L. Sullivan is Care must 1-e t - ken, however, 2421>, 2uí». 24» living quietly here with her mother. Medford and San Fmarmco. grow pale, and then fall from hie chair a to 8eeur< t! . .s-nuim- article. 21. >2 ho . 21i »2, J t>l twenty-four hours. corpse. The doctors said it was heart When told the result of the tight she 2k»l. tai. •Jit«», 2K.I said: "1 am glad of it. I wish Mitchell 31* IT WILL -I.. L llETTER THAN disease. 2 *l>2, 2><», • 41,11». .51A EXVKI.M TUA IX» ¡»HUA . bail killed him. He is great, but no good. 1 ri ’ oN. CO Whistling is the latest fashionable He often told me he could do nothing S- 2¡ k * o . 2tM»2. feminine accomplishment, observes a unless he made a big assault at first and 2 M m , ■I:' i’ >< l.-.v >v- P »r ta i Arrivwllfi.fi) a . M Mr. Jo’t’t ( . 11 emptinstall, writer in the New York Fashion Bazaar. A- -M. L M m if ord L'*avb!t> ’ 2 • «•. M overpowered his man by his superior 247'.», í i 7 4 I \rriy.» S‘*?1 Fr«i: »<->» 1 • p. M >.<■ -, Cleburn Co., No such old-fashioned superstitions aH weight. Mitchell is a dodger and he of ('hill.:' 2»d-. 24 «2 2 Ill “A whistling girl and a crowing hen, kept him at bay until he lost his wind. “My wife has Ain., writ s ,’.»D2, l!Jb. always come to some bad end” trouble Then my brave John I,, was winded and Iteen so i eh benefited by 2-» i < », the pretty heads of the demoiselles who helpless. He is a greatly overrated man. M’..t EXCURSION SLEEPERS i . "t I of Roots or are now all learning to whistle, since 1 am glad of his defeat. He will die a Slink: r F for 8 <«Uri.A'* f»A 1'IRV o 1 than the •' »ctors and more goo States, under the act of July 27, 1861, and Mitchell,voted for the unreasonable, M\ll. Tit MS- l»\tir0:VKH blNPAY ) T<» Hi»« Lineo it L'iith-id piacer nnin-r;il dep» unconstitutional, unnecessary and for moneys paid on account of military allother medicim-s pu t together. gold bearmi n.in« < '» 1 ■ • ■ 1 ■’ . .■ i ,k. .•:■.•'>!’• i’ M. wholly indefensible Blair Educational forces in Oregon during tlie war of the JKaml r ” " • ('»»r v .lliw I ,. .V I I'. 5T I would ride twenty miles to V. d Limi Uitì will, which was designed to squander rebellion, has been completed, and that ITHMN DAILY (Fjt*?EI*T Mt'XDAY.) eighty million dollars of tlie people's it is found that the provisions of tlie act get it into the hands of any suf­ volici; is m.io ;» ..i • P - ’. « . j Arrive V:'4; \. M. money. Il tbe bouse should pass this referred to cannot by any reasonable X* •» II. D»_ tv • Mr 1 • Lr'tVr T» \. M. job of recklens wastefulness, the Presi­ construction lie made to embrace any ferer if h<- can get it in no other Frwi (itirn mik I »Villuni hi tullir-*« i- ILdt. «'omit). U V .\l'» *ny n bl (’•» v :i .d jon n-ct with tr'Ainaof dent will have excellent use for another of the amount claimed. The items of the way. 1 belicVf it wil I >:x»n sell in ti.iHilA) fai ni ♦ onr Dpi»» V tiiun for h paient f»*r Of >«$(«»;< Ptiriti»«. claim are: For pay of troops, supplies th»’ c»j JtiiiuhLi p.oc*«r mine i»««*$i Uig gold. nt p;f <•. »n r<’ .-•een in­ ami relief bonds issued to volunteers, District, t «mi.ty ut J .r«•»..»., Miidbtat»» ni Oregon, K F.:»WN E. iVKOGEHS. ........... TESTIMONY Fill»'.! TEXAS. •nd knuwu M.id 4 h * uc .» «ted n» tin» fa id nul» .it.d R. KOLHI.I II. G. F. ft ttara. AgN troduced in Congress countless bills to $21!»,434.01; total, $31)0,820.10. ♦MfiiiH.i $>lu* um li.•’ it: tl. ih util ■»» l»»t or <*l«i;n Mauat said li»? or cl.'iim No. the pitt.xnce of the widows of Union sol­ The best salve in the world for Cuts thuty-Hi-v»-n Mi. being «$ m foli.>•,$«. to-wit; V. •*» < led with she hail been i diers who were killed in battle or died of Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever ure-t.oif oí i ne uorth»'.ir-t quarter, «mi fin» w» t ■ diseases contracted in the service and in Sores, letter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, ouu ludf 4»f tlirt S».u »! iL*t «pi «Ilei of Ih»« |.4>| Jl, n-t dyspepsia nt id >lise..-- of the qu *r:-r.an») tl.ew«*t un<» l./df of the n<»rih«-;i-t the line of duty. This shows a lament­ Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, «nd posi. qu»i.;r, k..d tb««»w»r o-t-b.df »4 Ih* $,»»HfiWe-( urinary organs and was cured able lack of gallantry on the part of the live cures for Piles, or no pay required. It q*Vbrt»-r. **' d th»* iiortheHM «»n«^»¡mirtee '.li t of Roots. representatives of the people. It shows ¡»guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or by Slink» i nurt.iWHMt <»n»‘-qir«rer wf thè »»ontheaiit on Price 25 cents per box that they are more concerned aiiout the money refunded ter vf oet-liun twenty two (XD, in town* For sale by all druggists. !:»i ti. merchant, R pv . J. J. M M»u h, of r.»ngK 4 w<*»t of tit • iHaaiHh* i votes of living soldiers than in behalf of «i». coutatuüM nufty acr«**. Thi» cium , who sold the widows of dead heroes. of the '3 • conti** tu ih»» log.d hii I m I ivihio ' im herein 14 Im VO C\\ A nndreliBbleMedicinftxarctliebegt li***'ritieni. Th», i«M*Hti*»?i uf ttn» mine i» no< • ii.i- !ii ’.iif, says Mrs. Bill»»:, i:. record. The land office of California and Ore­ v'Vxv to depend upon. Acker’s Blood El­ UXlTO STATES OFFICIAL FREU. SIM HHDiCHE. What is tiis Disease that is Coming Upon Us? fe«A$5!)0 REWiRD i ÎAIN DESTROYER' Hemorrhages. Sores, Bruises. Sore State Ireasurers lliirtirth Notice. Broken and Sore Nipples. ^. ‘ 2 Female <’fractly cr Indirect I;-, fully <>ne-lia!t the ¿uttering* vhkh uffilct nmnkiiul. '■ i* i'*»iiu:ly induced by Inactivity th? ino.fct b neficial results” J. Windhohn, Newark, N. J., n:c< ••Ayer’s ¡’ills cured in*1 cf chronic ( onsli;«ation.” Martin Koch. Hunting. ton. Ind., writes: *• La^t year I buffered much from riliouMict« And Headache After using ono box oi Ayer’» Pi!!» I was quite well." C. F. Ilopkin«, N«-s»da < itv, Mo., write»: •• I Lave used Aver*» Pill«, and thir.k they are tbo best in tbe world. They have cured me of Sick Il.adarb»- mid Neuralgia.” W. I.. Page, Iticb- uiond, Ya., write: “1 luivc bciu a »evrix »uffcrer from Headache. Ayer*» Pill, nflbrd mo »pcedy relief." A. J. For-tcr, Hau; bin *t., Mobile, Ala., writes: <• For a number of year* 1 have bciu troubled visa Constipation or.d lJcatlachen. After trying a number of so-called Liver Iuvigoratuis, without bene Gt, 1 was at l»»l Cured by Using Ayer’» PI!!».” Kcv. Francis B. Htulowc, Atlanta, Ga.. write»: “For year» I wa« lubjcct to Cou»tlpation, from wbicli l suffered Increasing iucor.v» t.'.iuc«, in »; ite of the use of medleiucs of various Lind». Sums mouths ago, 1 began taking Ayer's l'ills. They havo entirely corrected tbe costive habit, and l.avc vastly imi rouc my genera) health." Ilerinauu llringlioff, j-wclry mgraver, Ne«»rk, N. J., writ» ». •‘Costivcncss, indneeil by tny »edcutnry liabits of life, al ore tiins I •■»me ihronic r.nd exceedingly troublesome. Ayer’* l’i!14 : Horded i n: m months from the faret publication of this notice. manage and contrt the Drawings them­ 81LAb J. DAY. Executor Dated Febniwy 24, Ibbh. selves, and that the s.¿.me are conducted with CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000 honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, ami we authorize the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of oui Notioe of Final Settlemon t. signatures attached, in its advertisements. In the County <’«»urt uf the State of Oregor, L t Jackson aJac kann County. .rf In the matter of the estate of Dane») Hopxins.de- erased. HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE is ______ ______ _____ — Ex*c»tor ol the ratate of D-«mel Hup. N otice J kins, deceased, has tiled in the county court of ■* I Jackson county. Or., hi« final account a* such Executor and by order of raid court I ues- day, the 3d day of April, IM»»)*, ut the hour of ]J o’clock a - M.. is set for hearing. All persons in- ti i4-st»«d arc hereby not.tied to appear and hi« la« ur her «dbj-order of Hon E. Dd'eatt, Ju'lge We th« undersigned Banks and Banket* v.ili D L. HOPKINS. pay all Prizesdrawn in the Louisiana State 1 «1- of «¡<1 court. teneh which m ay be presented at our count ere Executor of said Estate J. II. OGMLABY, Pres. Louisiana National B .nk _ Dated March V. I*»r8. - P. I.AMAI X. Pres K’ato National Bai k. A. BAI.I1H1N, Pres. N. O. National Bark. In tbe County Court of tho State of Oregon for < AKI. HO1I V Jackson County. Pr»»s. Union National Bank. In tlie matter of the estate of John Straubs, de- Notice of Final Settlement. ATTRACTION! (H ER HILI'A MILLION IIISTRIBLTED- U NPRECEDENTED VOTK’K 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Executrix of the estate uf John Strauta deceased, tae filed iu th* county court of Jackson county. Or., hi« final account as such Executrix, and by order of raid court Monday, Prepared l»y I>r J. C. Ayer & Co., Lnwell, Ma»«., U. 8. A. Aj>ril 2. lb8H. at the hour of 1» o’clock a . M., is set for hearing. All person» interested Incorporated in 18M for 25 years by the 1.»»«.«, are hereby notified toappear ana file his or her ob- lature for Educational and Charitable purpose»- j'»«'U«»nt< to raid account on or before raid day. with a capital of fil.OOJtO—to which a roserve Published by order of lion. E. DePratt, Judge fund of $55*1,111» has since been added. of haid court. ' By ar overwhelming popular v<»t*» it» frHivi4.se CHRISTINA STKAUBE. 'wae made a pan <»f the present State Constitution Executrix of raid Estate. •df.pted Dec. 2d. A. D. 1M7V. Dated Murch V, lt»88. The only Lottery ever voted on and endora* <1 by the people of any State. It never scales or port- pones. It« Grnnd Mntfle Number l»rnwtiigs will take place monthly, and the Grund Quar­ Land Office at Roseburg.Or.. i terly Drawing* regularly ev«»ry three months I February 21. lhta. ( (March. Jun**, September and Docembet). VOT1CF 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 HE 1 M’LUhl» «»PPOKBINll'l IO a * foHowing-numed settler Las fahsi notice <»f WIN A FOKTI Nt: FJI’.sr GUAM» DRAWING. CLASS I). INl'HE V ADEMYob his intention to make final proof tn support of --AND- hu» claim, and that said proof will is* mad«» before MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS. I CESDAY. AI’IUL th»-Judge or Clerk of theCounty Court of Jack- in lrtM-2IMh Moathl* Drawiu«. son county. Oregon, at Jacksonville, Or., on Fritlay. April 6. ls-s. viz: M««nroe H (iuxdon, prr- mnpUon D H N»». '»JW. for HE1* <»f N VV x<, S W •4 of N I -4 and N <»f H E ^.Bec. 13, 1 p. XJ 8. Satire—Tlrk«t« «r. Tm IhiB.ra «nil . Il.hr«, &. it 1 »-ast W M H«» uamra the following witnesM* Fifth». $2. Tenth». $1. to prove his con'muous residence u(M>n. and cul­ tivation uf. said land, viz: Uriah Gordon. Jamw list or rmzK». Í15O,(M» . .fil |5u,:ui) L. Gordon, and Biinn ('. Goddard of Etna, Jack- 1 CAPITAL PRIZE rib ‘ 5» MIO.... 5n,«i<(« son county. Or . and William W. WiHits of Des­ 1 PRIZE OF 2» ,UÛU.... 2 ,(KM1 kin». Jackson county. Or. I <41iAN 1 > PRIZE OF IU,Oil i. . 2»>.(<»i < HAS. W. JOHNSTON. Register. 2 LARGE PRIZES Ol 5.00U.... 2» .IKÍI 4 LARGE PRIZES OF Thau l»y any other Route. ÎÂ'.OiJO 2U PRIZES OF 5UÜ.... 23.I4JU 50 3(4).... 3 .(*4 li«i 1Û0 ... 4o.(»i0 First-Class Through Passenger ami Freight Line from PORTLAND 2« Ml L and Omcg at R » hebi iu *. O k . / ou..». 5 o , i < m > 5 ' Feb. >, IM*. ami nil pointe in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY to and from SAN u»i»ii<»xiM vrtox rnizEs. oth e iw hereby given that thf . fisoo. fino,«» < Ki) Approximation 1’nzra of following-named settler has fatal notice uf 1’1! ANC1SCO, Cal. Willamette River Line of Steamers: 2 .'Oi 2W. 100 hi« intention to muk<* tir.al proof in support of !(■) K«u his claim, and that aai«l proof will be made be. “WM. M. HOAC,” THE “N. S. BENTLEY,” THE “THREE SISTERS," 5u, 1,'MIO Terminal fore the Judge or Clerk of the County Court of Leave Portland at 8 a . mv on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2 179 Prize«, amounting to............................ f5::5j»4) Jackson Co.. Or., at Jaeksorville, Or, on Batuidaj, April 14. ¡has, viz : 5-’Ail. for the 1. % to th* oific»' of the ( onipany in N«-w < )r » mi s • •f tta N F an.i N W »< «>f N I* Kr<* 34 1 p 32 intermediate points, making close connection at Albany andCorvillag only For further mf»»rnaation write rta«rly, gn.ng S 11 2 east W M He names the f«»¡lowing wit- full address. POSTAL MOTES, Express M<»n»-y neH-vs to prove his continuous residence upon, with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. Ord”n», *>r New York Ex<*hange inordinary l« tt» r. and cultivation of, said land, vtz : Thoma»- I*. cuirency by Expr*»*- fHt our «expense) addressed Kahler.Chuuncey Nye and Daniel Winkle of !)<«- M. A. DAUPHIN. Now Orleans, La kins. Jacittou< <»ut.tj. Or»*g«»n. ar.d Wilder Freil or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. of Etna. Jackson (’«»unty. Oregon. L«nv»» Yaqtiirft ..................................... 6:3.» M. LraveAlhany ........... ... ..................... !S«?P 11 CHAS. W. JOHNSTON, Register. Corvailin....................................... 1 i :w \. m . I “ Curvallia..................................... P‘M Arrive Albany.............................................. 1:15 \. M. I Arrive Yaquina............................................... P M NEW OR I. EOS MATION A I. RANH Mew OrleMiia. I. *. Land Office at Roseburg. Or. / March 14, ( DUH W DVD the presence <«f Gen The altove trains connect at \ AQl'lNA with the Oregon Develop­ III J JLI j M I VitTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE erals Be« u regard ar.d Ear «.1 followmg-nainod «ettler l$a« tiled notice ly. who are in charge of the drawl!»;/*, is a guar ment Company’s Steamship Line between Yaquina and San Francisco. antee of absolute fairness and integrity, that th« his intention t«» mak«* final i»r.. at Jacksonville. Or., on Wednesday. April ____ fttOM TAQUINA FROM SAN FH\NCISC«>. BTEAMKBM viz: Thomas Ferguson, i.um«**t«ad entn* I >oc. 30t h Wednesday...................... Jan. 4th ista UlANIEM» Ki FBI K NATION i BAMts».f 25 Friday Extern Oregon New Orleape. and the tickets are signed by the No. Siu», for the 8 % «»f N E U and N >, of 8 E • ’ llth Jan. 6lh Wednesday ........................ Friday . Willamette Valley *4. s»-s* 1-, I p :;i s, 1»»"<1 •*>* Eastern Oregon. " 16th'Sunday................................ . - 22nd rights are recognized in the highest (’»»urts; there­ the following witnesses to prove discontinuous q.m.lp Willa .»*tt»’ Val'e) residence u|»on and cultivation of. said land,vir: . ” 2>th fore, beware of any imitations or auoDymous 21s* Saturday.. Sitnrii!itj. Oregon. Passengers from P»»rtland an»i all Willa’iiett» V’.$ll“v points cin m ik* close connection with the ( HA> W.JOHNSTON. Register. truiiis of the YAQUINA ROUTE at Altanv •». < ’ »mil * *uid if d »«tined to San Francisco, should arrang»» to arrive at Yaquina the evening !>• fore date of sailing. Sold by all Druggists. Louisiana State Lottery Company THE YAQUINA ROUTE.; Notice for Publication Capital Prize, $150,000. 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME Notice for Publication N Time Schedule, Except Sundavs. Address Registered Letters to O.&C. Trains Coiner at Albany and Corvallis. Notice for Publication. Passenger and Freight Rates Always the Lowest. Administratrix's Sale of Real Estate. For information apply to In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jacktsm county. ln tho matter of the estate of W IL Siayison, dec rased. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE 1 County C«mrt. in ml»» ttoi M dr. of January Is88. the undersigned, administratrix uf the es­ tate of W. 11 Sunpsou. deceaaud. wifi offer fut rale to tiie highest bidder.un ’s Extract .Sat'i Manufacturers of tlie CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE I ütfERLlHO iO CALIFORNIA Administrator’s Sale Real Property. I Saturday, the 7th day of April, 1SS7, at 1 o’clock P m .. at the court-honee door in Jacksonville. Or»*gon. all of the right, title end mtereet of tlie said Sarah Belle E’ree end at the date of her dec.-aw in and to tbe following real property: Commencing at the «outhwwet corner of the N. E. of 8 W 1-4 of aection 5, township 8V south, range 1 ea«t; thence eaet ¿0.77 chain» to corner; thence north 2U chains to corner; thence west Ji.«» chain« to oomer; thence eouth 2u chain» to place of beginning, con tain ing 20 acre«, more or i aiM) beginntn « at the northwest corner of the i° j z in “orn the city or town of Ash­ land. Oregonthence north ¡66 fact to corner; ihenceuaht 410 feet to oorner; thenee south66 reet to corner; thence wv»kt 210 feet to corner; thence Houth lit) feet to the northeast comer; I hence we»t 2U0 f»~t along the north line of »aid lot to i*lace of beginning, and con. taining one and ontwightli acre« Terms of Sale-Ca»*h in band . . . . 4 t , H. R. FREELAND, Administrator of the estate of Sarah Belle Free- land, bledun up. I>liv*ti»>ii fora patent, ou buhalf uf himrelf *»‘<1 CJM-Iainnuita. for the B.|U rw Lake 1’lncer Munn« > bum.«itii»UM| ln Bi« Apphwate Minin* District, ounty ut Jackaun. and Blate of Ore«on. and dre- utnated by tee held notre and «.throd plat on hl« in thu othee aa lot No (in hoc« 1« A S0;Tn 40 8. K > «<*t. Bud plarermmina claim beiocdrecnbod e ,hS "» *'ec’ £®™of lx-t. section« la Anu lv. in trie 1 and rang«» s^rraaid. and running tliwcjBth. roch».th«uietv V/.WSGHUYVER&GO 63 Front Street, Portland, Or. gon road report* having for hale 700.000 acres of laud south of Redding. This is all io.>tbill land,suitable for fruit growing, Uf ENTS KOH I au.t will t»e sold at an average price oi i $2.j0 per acre. As the title of the land CYRUS NOBLE DISTILLERY lias not been given to the road yet, set- » .l\s, w. Jol^-sroN, H w.-ur. JOS. SCHLITZ’S BREWING CO tlers are not required to pay anything until the road can give them a title MILWAUKEE BOTTLED* BEER. Some of this land sold for $2.75 per acre, is now paying interest on $1,000 per acre, KENNEDY'S EAST INDIA The land of the company extends for Stag*of Or-w'in. Tr.'n.or.'r'r Office. I twenty miles oil l>oth sides of the track, BITTERS. Sulrin. lò-b. 21, Issa. Í from Roseville, in Placer county, north. N’ril’li ’F I» berabg siren taut there are fun.l,

««, at thia .4- fi.-a «..reti la nu.nl.rred ¿3.1.2 js. 2»ro »¡I jr’.i» J 1C Z.MH, J. "Pi. J eu. :<>îi a’7à Grown from acclimated stocks on my own ground. If your merchant does not keep them, send for catalogue. Address I.242. .TX.44U. JI 72. -231. ¿Iff. —■5, 2 . IM , 2111), I ». .1'1 2221. «17. «74. i:,t, r.-.t j will uut b .allow 4 aft'-r ft« .file of ,»„,. notice I G. W. W EBB, ’¿r. asiiror. Notice for Publication. CEO. STARRETT WALLA WALLA. W. T. LMILLE« BROS.. r Lund Office Ro«ebur*r. Or., ? March U . 1**#«. , ( DlTt'E LS HEREBY GiYEN I HA I THE to !«>wing-ipunil «ettlrr hae fil»xi n»>tjce of hi» lar.uit <«n tu nv*ko tinnì proof in support of hi« claim, anti tiiat wtud proof will h« innil-« b«»- foi y tl.e Ju-ige or Clerk of the County I'onrt of J h > ibrifi ( o„ Orwin, «t JackMunvUle, Oregon uuS. urvLsy. April J». l^-i, viz Hlinn ('. G» k L durd. Jr., pr»^inp<»on d •*.Nt*. 51'2 f«»r th»» MW1. of NL’4 Kb.** »»f ,\W‘4. NW^ef HW^. and NEA« of H A I*. M»r. 17, tp. X( H, ran«* 2 eii»t. W M. He uameg the fuHowin< witne»«**« t«» provH hi« c«'n- tiuuou* i*»ii«..cc upun and cultivation uf. «.lid U J. via: K. H D»- md Thonuui P. Ktdiler and < h/MA2«*.»9 Ny«of l)n county. Or. ( HAS. W. JOHNSTON. tUtfmtar. N Apiary anil Etc.. 299 SECOND ST., PORTLAND, OR. Notice i fiTlCE 18 IIEKFBY GIV^N THAT AM MY wde, llobi'O«.'» Jane Payne, ha» l«»ft tny h» une Mi.u ttoriTj. I t.ordy tn«« public that 1 will not be r»*»ponaiL»le f«r ai.y debt» »he may o«»o*ra^T rum Ajr ooD ’Htf! î irt Ui »dal» WM. FAÎNE PAYNE b»m • VlU.J. March 4. H». N I USP“ Send fur our Catalogue. Congress is talking of appropriating $50,000 to expend in representing the United States in the Australia ex|M»sitiun next August, which will be held in Mel­ bourne. These expositions are worth all they coat, and the appropriation would undoubtedly l>e timclv The Chronicle says: The trade ol the United States with Australia is by no means unimportant. For the year ending June 30,1887,we ex­ ported to the British possessions in Aus- tralasia articles of the value of $9,543,474, and imported a value of $4,411,119, leav­ ing the balunce of trade largely in our favor. ixir has been pvesciibedjaxj:ear*for kill 1»- puritlusof tlieBlood. In every formofScrof- }ii >ys, gyplillitioor Mercurial diseases, it is in valuablJC^t or Rheumatism, Las no equal. City Drugstore. IOO Doses One Dollar. nood’s Sarsaparilla is the only medicine of which this can bo truly said; and 11 Is an unanswerable argument as to the strength and positive economy of this great medicine. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is made of roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably known for their power in purifying the blood ; and in combination, proportion, aDd process, flood’s Sarsaparilla Is peculiar to itself. *• For economy and comfort we use Hood’s Sarsaparifla.’’ M rs . C. B rewster . Buffalo. “Hood’s Sarsaparilla takes less time and. quantity to show its effect than any other preparation I ever heard of. I would not be without it in the house.” M rs . C. A. M. H ubbard , North Chill, N. Y. 100 Doses One Dollar A German boy about 12 years of age was frozen to death near tbe farm of A. N. Brown, in Rye valley, Baker Co. The boy and his father, who is employed to watch the property in the Gold Ridge mine, had been to Express and were returning home when they were over­ taken by a fearful snow-storm. Becom­ ing bewildered they both left the team and wandered around in the snow, the boy’s father made his way to the ranch of Mr. Brown in an almost helpless con­ dition, and on learning the particulars Mr. Brown at once took up the trail and after traveling a mile or more, found the lifeless t oby of the boy. IIoodT Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, silt rheum, all humors, boils, pimples, general de­ bility, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick headache, catarrh, rheumatism, kidney and liver com­ plaints, and all affections caused by Impure blood or low condition of the system. Try It. I was severely afflicted with scrofula, am! for over a year had two running sores on my neck. I took five bottles of flood's Sarsapa­ rilla, and consider myself entirely cured.” C. E. L ovejoy , Lowell, Mass. "Hood's Sarsaparilla did me an Immense amount of good. My whole system has been built up and strengthened, my digestion Im. proved, and my head relieved of the bad feet Ing. I consider it the best medicine I havo ever used, and should not know how to do without it.” M aby L. T eble , Salem, Mass. .< h Absolut* Cure. Hood’s Sarsaparilla The Original Abietine Ointment is ony put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all skin ."Uptior,» Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine Ointment Sold by all druggists at 25 eta. per box—by mail 3d cents. Sold by all druggists. »1; six for $3. Made only by C. I. nOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass IOO Doses One Dollar. Uinni/ FOR ALL. »VI A WEEK AND EX- W I I K 14 v®« is uaid. Outfit worth <5 and par- II Ulin ticular« free P. O. VICKERY Au- fustB, Maiue he has -.» i it for co'ir year* , it to fail.- .md ne. SU1‘. 1 w il­ ia that ician to !<» aux lb ill. 'utterinp swimming <>I t! »lay I it ail your pamphlet enlletl .\ mon./ tr<’ .'',lnikcrS, which descrilieil !'.'•} disease better than I could t ivself. I tried the Shaker Extract of Roots and kept on with it until to-day I rejoice in good health. Mrs. M. E. Tittdey, Bevier, Muhlenburg Co., Ky. For sale l»y nil Druggist», or address the proprietor, A. J. White, Limiti-d, 54 Warren St., New York. TO THE HUNGRY 4WE4RÏ Ashland Boarding-House and Feed Stable! The undersigned take« plnMure in informing the public that he hae taken charge of the Bre d are r**q ned to ti!«» th«ir mlverM* cl..i . —,*.•$. Ié'ki--t**r of ih»» Lllif'-d Stot«••• Lih H' ‘‘ burg «h the brute of Oreg *u. du ,lBiy .!»>. « pab)ie*tH>a h»r.s.7 u h' bwr-a U> » ‘‘»•’»“’■«'X. -f 4h- *lM*»e th. flth day uf March, ISM, at 1 o’clock P. M. at the court-house door in Jack­ sonville. Oregon, the following described real property: Two lots and a house situated in Brownsboro. Jackson county, Oregon. Terms of rale—Cash in hand ROSElLA BERRY. Administratrix <»f the estate of W. H. Simpson deceas'd Da(«si Feb 24th, 1st»«. Sammons. FOR SALE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jarkaon. (’has. Nickell, Plaintiff, vs. Jame» Obepchain, * Defendant T OFFER FOR BALK ON REASONABLE;term« To Janie* Obenchain. the »burn-named defend- I S°THE NAM K OF THE ST ATI: OF OREGON: ion« of th« limit Stock or l»«iry F hhii « in Hojiili «rn Oragon. mtuatad on D»-er Crook. .!•—«phi»»« 1 You are hereby required to appear and answer county, ccntmnin« S'J: »cr«« of rirh boltom l»n<1 complaint <»f th* above plaintiff in the above- especially adapted to the growth of timothy hay i the it tai Court, now on file with th* Clerk of and land, sit urre»; alw> all that p»rtion of douatioa c aim 1 uated 2‘4 miles east ofLinkville. on the F«»rt fifty-three, lying and being situate on th* west I Klamath road. Fifteen acre« are under fence side of the right uf way of the < >n«gon A Califor. bounds as follow«; Common- and in cultivation, while most of the balance is nw l^ailroad t susceptible to tillage. Three 1« a g<«>d well of wa­ cing at a point on the north lifie of said donatiou ter and a logh ou**e on (he property For further claim No. fifty-three, 3)43 chains west of the northeast corner of «aid last mentioned dooatiem particilJars call on or address claim and running thence west 45.74 chain« to the C.N.GORDON. LinkvHI*. Or. northwest oorner of said donation claim, theno* south 14.44 chains; thence ( ast34.ft) chain«* thence south ll VJ chain»; tiieooe east chaiu« to the w«*st line of the right of w.ty of tbe «aid Ormn A (California Rnilroui Co.; rfieno north 85 degree west, along the west line ot said right of way 32.48 chains to the place of beginning, excepting threfrom one acre more or leee heretofore, tie I the said Thomas F Beall iu hiajtfotiaM. told to George W. Cooksey, all of tbe etfd real property lying and being situate in townahip 37 eoathTof range 2. wert. uf the Willamette mendam dra­ gon . 1 Term« of «ale—Ca«h in hand As the undersigned i*» closing up his black Ad min ia» rater of the «ateta of T^F*Ba¿íV' ti«>n Ifi deg east) containing 153.64 acre*. The lu- '•uion of tin» mine 1» recorded in th« ( ouniy h*rk »omce.ff Jacksun county. Oregon, in B««ofc H. pages 1,0 and I»'. Book 2, page« ltU-3. Mining Record», and Vol. 2» . ¡»age 2iU, toranl uf Mining < ouveyanccs. Any and a’I persons claiming adversely any por­ tion of «-aid Placer Mining Claim are requir<*d to ide lheir adverse claim» wtb the I Agister of the U nited States Land Utbce at Rosel mg. Oregon ■ luring the sixtr day« period of publication here- <»r, or they will be tarred by virtue of the provi«. ions of the statute. CHAB. W. JOHNSTON. Register. Farm For Sale. T Farm for Sale. SMOKE THE LITTLE CUPIDS! Settle-up Notice.