WINES Al.'D LIQJOUS. RWE RIVER DISTILLERY ! HANLEY, Prop’r, JOHN A JACKSONVILLE - • - OREGON O.tou i Girrett, General Agente A Pure, Unadulterated article or BOURBON. RYE \ND- Corn Whisky! «<■« « i.i «/ h . itks with fit puhlicalioxs . ora- ltorti«« ptoyira fur ttia T imks in advance at o«r roduc*d cad) rat«» wiil l»e famished any of the following nanded publication« in connect tun with thi« paper at the price« given below. It will be noticed that there 1« a rtxiuction of at. l»*ari 15 per eent. ou publi»her»' custom ary rate« in every luatanco, and in «ouio much more: WEEKLIES. Toledo Weekly Bladu ■ f 3 00 Harper’« Weekly...*..*. . 5 70 B»’H«ntific American .. 5 On Detroit Fre»»Prv«».. . New York Star . N»*w York World.................... San Francine«» Examiner.. Portland Oregonian Harper’» Bazar............ Pioneer Pr^ .......... ('hi.,u4 al price, that cannot help to «ire Mt u* tact i on. « » »- li 11 .r. are nix .Intel, p ire. and enperlor tu.ny ri tit.« nrirk-t. H A I ls KA I I' >N G ÜAHAMTKED. [OlBUKcntÜ WKBK1.Y.) Floor, i»erthuu.<*Hii Wheat, per bastie! Barley, ” Data, Mill Feed, por ton .. Hay, wheat or timothy, per ton tto»’«n*. per dozen Butter, per lb. ( or. California and Oregua StrexU, J.tckaunvilla Potato»*«», per lb. CabbaK»*. ** Onion«. “ HENRY PAPE. E«x|a«.r, B»«ana, •• Curntueal. per lit lb« C ents . Izard. |*er lh in tin« Ham ami Boron 12 to IX OH piloti E WINES. LlUL’onS AND CIGARS Dried Applet«, per lb. Plum«, 10 VJ constantly un hand. Th»* reading-table is also Pear«, 10 Mappii**«l wit^ Eastern perutdic&lM and leading * Penche» “ ... ........... 10 papers uf the owO. Sortchum Molaw-. per gxdion... t’hickena. perduren........................ J2 Ml to 3 I») i'j.rkf.VH, 4« to 12 OU Hide«.............. »1 1» to « OU l>een!«iurt ... l»to2H0. GRANT'S PASS. W«« I. Burina .13 to 20 S to 10 .. « to H J- 3. HUT0H Proprietor. ...HtolO RailroaJ Saloon. THROUGH TICKETS, 12* n LIVE OAK SALOON. Die finest W:i •••». L pior» and Cigars are .<1 way* k «pt «ei hand, while th« reading tap!© to «applied wuh th« Intxt new A P gg I Table may a! **• !>•» f on ad her*. I pro|><>«e to keep a strict ly tiret-rla.-« place, (rive uic a call. J. B. HUTCH No*«*, or from anv caiue to «peedily cuu- trulled ami lapped, from a enromen Biotch, w Fi-iiutlcii. t<> H k > wor-t s< r<'i-.ila. S iH-rh<-u ns, “Fwvcr-. orc-s’’ or Uongh "Min, in »n<>rt« nti duk .t*1« by Kid bèxMl are CI I Ui-n-., Ly II ■< por. ri’iil. p::r'fyW. and lii»l,ron'.tli'^ irretì. Ci-ear rallu, 1!. •era mploiy L .1 unta r ite beniiaSuence. lapeeialhr h>s it ni:uui'«U«l li-, i-, t.-ncy in eurlng, ito.e Ma -li, Rollo, < ur. onnelco, S.rro F.y“« Sfrutti luna sores .*»»<• ilio««, lU.t.JoInt Di*case, Uhlto h-.vellfns-s «oltre, «ir 1 >il' »>• -.i-i>,«r Or. Pierre»«« ilrlr-n 'le.tieni liiweut-r,. a.i-' good sseMlun, u fair «kl», I ¡teia.H «pir. -, »11 tl ■ trenti!., nr I ..toirrlucr . ol ,numi.a“leu, il.;i ... euuUtata-f. COKSU^mON, wMcl» *3 Nero fu 1<» ws lìla^sac of tho l ungs to premp ly an«l cxrtjunly onesti d and cui- ¡I ty thm (»ol-ciit-n r» tu» »ijr, if ti.ken t*» fon- thè List stw:» sur thr dto< «un* uro rt«ch<«to D<»w t!ie pubUc, Dn. PirhCK ibotie it e* rioiisly of cal’ -¡^ >t hi.« s'i Top< ioti CurOy»* biisalutnd» n» «I tl.nt nanu* tuo ihnitcd for a !*»••»lii-lr:o wiiw-b, freni its non-b-rt.ilmmhinuti* <»f ionie,orati« n rtlwn- Litr, alterativo, or btood^aeunein.^. ai>ti-t*U)«MMK , p< ■ turaqunù nutritive eroi* rfi. .1, uih ì , uj .|<* ì • * only ih a r-^i^'y fur tiun«uui»t»on uf ta. iung% but Aor ad CHRONIC or Tua D1SSA3E3 Liyfi^laeiihiidlungs. W yr 1 f ! .btl», .-„-rrre, «lei :..tat Oc,« n>». u apoti <‘U far r b, frio-H:.* k.-aibictie or «lizzi n*c s Lui titalv ri ii.uutli, iolcrual hut or cb.Ua, aUer:u»t:T< wlt i hot b .l. Jow »pirita ano Kioomv iriccular apret.te, ari. «fot»! t. n.-ti -, v< Il nre Butt.-rtnjr rioni Indi- Rotlou, r>) «pepala, and Torpld Li ter, <ia furile*-.'--» - : . . rrhwhiciith»v . ] cuur.. t etti •». If y<1 bave (’alanti. Tnu’l- ■Mitto of ai* k» ruiitMl«' in I mi M'U Scyk. ui—t Mack, rxh year. »«- 31’4 p««».. S1, * 11', in.h««,wUh over 3,BOO llltutratlon« — a whole Picture Callery, GIVKS Wholesale Price« il.rerl r-> roMciiwi'-r. ou all perwual or fuiully um -. Tell« how Io order, anil giver euwk eo«k uf every- thlaw >'**** u»e, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. The»« IXVAI.VABI.K HOUKS rontaln Information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy FIIEK to any ad­ der»« upon recrlpf of 10 eta. Io drfray erpenie of mailing. Let us hear frun> yon. Hr.p-clfully, O Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. It I«’ c»w*iing, cleanring and Healing» I z II z IFFH iM ujt'rti «’rtlcaGiouff for thia *-t**^*4 i I. j Cold in tb«' Head.Ac. “Pondto Hvlrart Catarrh (torr." «pec aH . p »*ii.4f, I t«» meet***rk-u8ca««*», alould t> app: ■ <1 uith P»»nrln(4r. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other pr»*|Miration hA» cured inora ciam ’4 of th. A.» di-itrvMHing eomplainu than We Extract. Pomlto K m tract Plan­ ter id inv«Hable in the»«* dtoetiiMi, Lum- l ag<*. Painj in Back or hide. Ac. Diphtheria, Sore Throat. ■I mu tho Eit a act promptly. Delay to dangeruii«. PlIpC IMi»t known remedy ; r«|> i llv curing v !i« n other medicine« have f .-«I. I’oiil'« Extract Ointment is <’f g:> at .■‘»•rx ice where the removal of d'Hhing to inconvenient. For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. ^<2: «’•oil Tin» Rvtraet wi!) never be with* out it. Pontl’ff Extract Ointment to the l»e»t emollient tlia» ran be applied. Female Complaints. itv «■f.d*»u’.’tlirti n». ff tin» Extract can bn ?wA'Z.eLI K jiuwh .- with the p'catc'Kt Denetit. i* uii direction» iircoinpauv each CAUTION. Pond s Extract I'ho genuine haa the worth ••Bond’« Extract" blown in th* g!a.w<, am! our ph ture trade-mark on aurr<»untilng buff wrapper. None other to p’Diiim». Alwavffln-.; ton having I’ontl» r.itiari. T ike lie c tli. r prr[»aratiuu. // ri r rvr^id tn bulk or fry w. «»err. Srld eicrywhrt?. I’rirex, .‘»Or., fil, $1.75. Frepirrl only by PO\|»S EXTBACT CO., XF.W YORK AND LONDON. 'fbc Theatrical I r^fcoHlen. Peril w I win and rec It .* j •/ :> p c *’ G«-r. I - : t iro Igl* y .r* <_f vrit.ral «nd r.-vt.’ al t. > •\’<»! ie ‘ mi i cd ; id immovable aa .er’H’kof « **ra’ tr in»'.. • « pialon, and hencr- *<»rt!i need <» fur !»er ; uar •>»<-e :.s to their grnu- i». n< ». Pi. . pun e l *. i h..t Swift*« Specific • ;hv 1 «».-•. ' a» d j r i i . ■ y » .’ |<|, isvncof lheao ' ..r rxt 11; tif which we have .rtikt'ii, <«. m 4 <’ v ... ttty D < . nr« pw»t!i this eon vk-iMMi uccper «.. i <.f p» r i . j no opini->u. Every i.w« ( o .r in A im . i ,» un.| lu Europe, *ery traae. r.’ i pr e. jgd . In«*tuu, h .u i* *r;.i* toluu».«ry tc»U- • 1 my i'll’ ret.» .rkao.e viriuc* ot S. H. 8. unit ff inia.l.:-! ’ »Hl .wy pi all <1 -rnM-« of the bl h «I. 1 • i«-»e l•■-..ll|o*.iai4 i.reon M<’lQth<-thow- - n 1«. fi<| ■ .«ei I io in p»*cl ;on «*f all. Now come, 1 .11 • wu • i-'iDKUfHiM <1 >.»-ntrtrff of the thrat ri.alpof >n. w .<» nr.itrfi.iiy testiry loth«-wonder- *.l < tr*t.v.* * Tt»e«tr«>, Berlin. Ger •n.. or». 1 <>f STcVick« r*« M.>ck Comi any, of Chicago. • •* «reutl* tn'U 1« u Wi ll fiiiowu »>f the New •r* Th . . » j !i. .or»» ( oi tpu: y. R>:h arc well kn<>wu . .btretr « . I circle»in tuia o.uuiry tucl in Europe. ( barlotto Kaudow* » Tvalimony. 2»'tw Y vbk . Nay S, JsHL • ft S.•» clf.c Company, /.th n:a, Ga.: «♦ uil. men H ivtnc beea annoyed with plmplea. i piM» » ¿tii'l ioutline . < f tac »kin, fnuu ItMtl n tu»u <»( i»ty i'l rtrti, o.r in..f (! year, 1 used;» • »-. uik i - p tr... on < f sarwa > trHlaandc4heradver- **. >1 ir.ic uu > to no t-J» <■( lh» u 1 voUHulif'd a proin- ni phtMcuii. ai, try th»* K. R 8. rem .. for th* LU mm I. ui.d lhe »ChttrM to mv -kin h .re ni«.|c me happy, and i ches rfuiiy give v .1 I lh t tunonial for such ua«» *a«i publicity us you wl*n t » m:*ke «-fit. < : tl’I-OTTR H4VTXYW, 1 J Dow . r_., hear Ctouxil street. Ku;.-f> linw-sLt r/iff Tr»tiaiony. .fl Specific, Atta: lx Û1 ; koi <*» tiiivnn it Fr two ye. is l Lada m v«-r* caao of «••nt;t. I n»w| tar si'M|is, “ M*afN«.an l>y ntiDit>rrs j.h»•H’. mum , bui (otitMl no ».• »»< At la>t Ï -.renw* co II mm ion he made, an the nnd»*r- aigned ha* made inr>*»tinwitH that make it nec**- i ■ar> that h'*e«»lieeta th* money that i* du* the •«id firm. Th* not««» and a -count** ar* taxable at the <»ffi'*e of Ream«** A White, in JackM»ti7ille, Oregon. rime between Medford anti San Fninctoc«», E. R. REAMER twei ty-fonr lx »tira. April M. I*»**. cu.iroKxix KxntBtei n«\ IN« daily . Oregon tt Arvh * t..l*bil v.Pi. • • .ÍKA.«Z7Z.VU ZX4CDÏ. A ASK FOR- THE BOSS BOOTS South.:_I______ ; •! t 1 tri»» I’ M , Leavo Arriv* Hri* A m Leave Medford Leave 7 1 > i m %rri vc Sin Francisco I/’iive North. If to %. m H:25 P. M ■> :o p. ■ PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. EXCURSION SLEEPERS for Hec«»nd-< ¡He*» Pa»«*eng*rs on all through trains I*BEE Ob’ CHARGE. The O. A C. R. IL Ferry makes connection with all the regular trains on the Enet bide Division from foot *»f F street. Wut Sitie nivtaion. RETWKKX PIIKl l.tM»* t OKVtl.I.IM MAIL TRADU PAILY (FVin Rt'XDAY.) AKIN, SELLING & CO.’S 7 »i a . MtlxMv..* 12:25 P. M. Arriv.» Port land ('orvalliM Àrrivt* S:t5 P. M. Lmv»* 1:31) r. M. UNRIVALED GOODS! CENTRAL HOUSE, E K BBEITMAN, Proprietor, Ashland, - — Oregon FRIDAY Small-pox is reported at Cal. Redding, S. S. Cox will act as speaker during Mr. Carlislo’a illness. JANUARY 27, 18*8 Snow was reported one to tive feet deep from Ashland to Della, Cal. This is the country where it is never too cold for an overcoat or too warm for a duster. Holman of Indiana thinks the tariff should be reduced at least ),000,Oik). Correct. AYLK S v gor No More Balli Hbj Si V To produce a iuw growth of hdr lle-lon-x lhe color, glow, uu.l youthfill frc'Ini ■-■of t!i.. hair; Mhinilalt-v a rich anti on bald h<-:t altttie Monthly and Quarterly Drawing, $ of 7 he Louisiana Ntate Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the I>rawmgs them­ selves, and that the same are conducted honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and wc authorize the Company to use this certificate, with fac~similes of out signatures attached, in its advertisements. | 10. and N W’< of N W ■*. aeetion 15. Tp M. 8 of R 3 cant, W M. He xiumen the following wit- ne»*e* (o’prove hi« continuum* rrMdence upor*. and cultivation of, mud land, vm : H«ir> Hughre. W L. Edmondaon. Joe»pl> Geppert and ¡had. Hr'ockwai. all of Bi« Butte. Jtckaon countj Or. Hrocawaj. (.HA8 w JOHN8TON. R.-gmt.-r cotuplaint of Notice of Final Settlement. thousand« suffering from Asthiua, Con­ of Ayer’s Hair house." Miss In the Cimnly Court of the State of Oregon, for sumption, Couglis, etc. Did you over try AYER VIGOR Vigor, nixi, be­ Kale Rose, In- ALL 80RT8. Jacksun county Acker's English Remedy? It is the best In the matter of th« eatateof Philip ( .Miller. fore I bud u.-ea|>er-inill plant, very exhaustive speeches for Mitchell’s I the hair on lhe top of my head was In­ hereby notified Io apjesir ami file hu or her oh- forty-two inches long, and as thick as which will be run in Pendleton. W« the undorwiimed Bunk» and Bank«» «'I* J.s-t Olis to said account ou or before said day . bill providing for our coast defences. N< ai’ Ute village of Zilliiig- could be desired.” The wife of Dr. V. 8. coming w c:ik and thin. I procun d Ayi-r'i pay all Prize«drawn in the l^»ui«inn« Blate I *•(• Published by order of H<>n K. DeJ’eaU. Jude» The Eletn. Owen« failure ha. caused Lizzie Van Pelt-George, accused of in­ dorf, in Lower Anuria, lives teriet- which m ay be presented h ( uur counlet« I.otel.u e, Lovelaceville,Ky., bad very bad Hair Vigor, the application of which In­ of said court. MA((V R MII4J£B# a large amount of litigation, resulting in fanticide, was acquitted upon ptelimi-1 J. H. (MHJABY. li-tler sores ti]H>n her bead, causing the vigorated the hair roots, and sent out a Pre«. LouiMiuua National B/uik Maria II i l -. an intt-!1 ’•."■nt and Adminiftratrji of aaid Ertrte. f’reat detrimeut *o the people of Doug- nary examination at Salem last week. P. LAXAI X. hair to fail out. Ayer’s Hair Vigor healed new growth of young hair. To-day inv Dat*d January 4. Wtf. ________ oh county. Pre«. 8t*tn Nation«! Batik industi vii- Aonain, wi ns*story The bar I ted wire patent has been de­ the sori «, ami hi less than twelve months hair Is as thick and vigorous as ex er. I abaldwh . Some excitement ha» been created by clared null by the (’. S. supreme court, of pin Pre«. N. O. National Bitt k suffering and final still um * the Vigor occasionally to keep my prisluei-d hair a foot long. Notioe for Publication, a rich »trike in quartz nix miles from and the price of wire fencing will no (AkLEOH'I, scalp in a healthy condition.” Pre«. Union National Bank. relief, as related bv herself, iff PREPARED BV l*olta, Cal. The rock is said to be full doubt come dow n. Land OOeeet Koeeburg.m , I of coaree gold. January 1K. lnwe. J of int> last to English women. DR. J. C. AYER & C0.t Lovell, The fact of the winter lioing so very NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! , VOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE AYER S Senator Hoar has introduced a bill severe in ’tie East inclines us to lielieve “I Avas employed,” she says, Di fi,!l. ) „;n«-iwin« ‘ l M-ttU-r I m fil«l notice of OVER HALF A VILL10> DlSTklBl 1ED Mass., U. S. A. I I i» intention lo m»k» final pn».f in i-upport of paving the way for a railroad Iroin that we will have a big immigration to For sale by all Druggists. I.,» ctaiin. «»<1 'b* Pr,»’f W1U Is-mtaieti-fore “ in th ■ work of a large farm ­ i Spokane Falls to Japan, the only ever- this coast next summer. the J oil«» or ' Wk of the County < oart of J»ck- pro|>oseK-k«on»iUe. Or . on house. Overwork brought «on Sol. Abraham of Roseburg, having de­ Hnturday March S, lasH. viz ; Daniel J. 8. P«wrce, lnconM»ru(*d in lotto for '<46 y«ton» bj tiie lx*gi« l.onv-etiwd ei try No. 400. fur the 8 W *i, of N k On the Oth inst. at ltiverside, Cal., the termined to retire from the mercantile sick headache, l./lowed by a iature for Educational and Cburitabl« pnrpooo«- U. and W ‘v «f » E to, «h «ni N W to *»f thermometer registered 26 degrees lie- business, is still selling the remainder of with a capital of II.IAIU*» which a »«««rve N E to. section 7, township 2V «outh, of range 2 deathly fainting ami sickness low zero; an l this in the land of otanges. his immense stock at less than cost. fond of $55o, In the Count> Court of the Kfate of preftun. fu* y do some work, but was sc* land for the trade of the northwest. driwing . t’LAHs n. in T hk a < aiiemyof health officers, both of the cast's of small­ Jarkaoti (¿»uhty. MDSU’.NEW GRLLAN8. TUESDAY. FEBRU­ In t e inattaruf lhe of the minor heirs of t..kt n w ith a pain in my si< ARY? >*rt -l»9i Monthly Drawing. lai Grande’s improvement» for the pox that now exist in Portland came Mary Mark. , and the from San Francisco. in ViRl LEOl* AN ORDER OF HAUL DULY which in a little while seemeu I) lb’uedout of th»* above^nf it led <’ourt, th* pn>S|iects are favorable that this record Biig. Gen. Siglin, 1). N. G., says that uniienHBTind. gttnrd ihh of said minor heira. will, to spiced ovei iny whole body, will doubled during the present year. next year the artillery companies in the Satire Tlrkrto are Trn lh»ll«rs <»«l). Il«hes,4. ou Finks. $2. Tenths. $1. and tlirobbc'l in my every limb. S.ibtr PRIZE Ol- and slumm s-4 of breath, until •JU.tUI counly nr,d Stale, at 2 o'clock r. M. of «nd d»r. line between Dayton, W. T., and Uma­ case of trouble would lie very effective. 10,(111 . nil undirided twonintli» in »nd to the foliowin« 2 LARGE PHIZES OF 2t).(MI) Thun by any other Route. 5,(110 . .. 4 LARGE PRIZE» OF tilla, Oregon. finally I could not fi(*w, and I 20.0GI drecnle-d property h»-lon«iug to oaid minor, to. The supply of wheat in sight in the 20.(111 WThe nonth half of 8 W '« of Sec. M. eootainin« ¡¡ft pgrzta o( The Orrgoniun says that if the paper United States and Canada, east of the took to m\ bed for the second, SO •' 25.(0* Owen.B.-end the W L !4<.f hw.;'.'., cunta'iunc M0 First-Class Through Passenger ami Freight Line from PORTLAND 11MI o on which its new-year edition was Rockies, was given by telegraph Jami- and, as I tliought, for the last ami all points in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY to ami from SAN 20n io.tnu acre». All irt'Tp. >ie 8 ef di 2 l>- printed were in an endless roll it would ary 11», as 43,2.’>S,Ot)t) bushels, a decrease 1UJU00 ND time. Mv f: icmls told me that FRANCISCO, Cui. Willamette River Line of Steamers: trrnoxiMtnnx PBIZEM. be a strip 24 inches wide and 175 miles in a week of 599.000 bushels. At the ♦NJU.... D.»ted Jan. *5. 1WL same date last yeai the supply was <12,- 100 Approximation I1«»» of long, and weigh 20,005 pounds. my t ime had m arly come, anti “WM. M. HOAC," THE “M. 8. BENTLEY,” THE “THREE SISTERS," 1n Messrs. Hillman A Co.'s Dock, ‘200 and 20’^ Front St., for Corvallis and 2,179 Pris»*, amounting to ............... 1515.(11 The Orrg'‘"'itn sui inises that Senator than when the tree« Estate. zero. When it is only thirty below Application f»»r ratesfoclaba should ---------- t* made people think they have an tqien winter, Stewart of Nevada voted for Lamar’s their gi’cen once more. I intermediate jxiints, making dose connection at All;aj;y and CorvillLs In the County Court of the State of Oregon fur only to th* office of the Company in New Orleans confirmation because so did Ids master, and begin to talk of spring plowing. the county of Jackeon. For further information write clearly, giving happene'l to get one of the Sei­ with trains of the Oregon Pacific Railroad. Senator Stanfortl; but in our opinion it In the matter of tiie Fatate of Mabel Prieat, Aria fnll a. theie will 1« a bitter fight lietween Miss ernor of Mississippi, Henry S. Foote. County ('*r»ign<*d. guardian of I e mu »r Arrive Yxquina.............. . 5-W P M heim of Win. Pri««t. decti schedule of freight rates, which were to NKW OBLEAN» which I tool, exactly according The Oregon Pacific still has a gang of have teken effect on the 27th of last II*. IxU Saturday¡ ,^,,y f,f F*binaryt men at work in the Malheur canyon month ; but owing to the had condition at 1 o’clock r. >» . i»t the Court-houee d »pr n. to direction", anti I had not The above trains connect at YAQUINA with the Oregon Develop ­ Jacksonville. Cfi»*gon. ti e folluwit g dAcnle-d DU14 WmUD Th»1 H>» prccnce of G«u blasting out a roadbed, and aiealsoat of the road over the Siskiyous they have taken the ul:olc of it before I ment Company’s Steamship Line between Yatjuina and Sau Francisco. ItljjlX^jJ I'ljlt oral* Beauregard and Ear ma- property : work on the Cascade division in the been pustponed. Later advices state ly. who are in clu^e uf the drawintm. if a mar One houee and lol ii. Ja« fcM.nvill«*. Oregon. |»r. west. These barriers onee surmounted that no freight will be taken over th* ofHtwolnt»» tairnctia and integrity, that (tie ing h>t No ] and p.< rt öf lot No. 2. in l»l«»ck No*. felt a change fol the better. My i i Ii ii£»’ Daten tiie road will come with a rush. chance* are all equal, and that no one van poeni- 71. a« laid down on Ppp! A Klipper« addition tq mountains until early next summer. ___ IHOM YAQUINA Flb»M Sl.N FBAMCISOO. last illness 11 can June 3d, STEAMERS bly divine what number« will draw a Prize. th»* town of Jackeonvijlti. Jackaun coUDtj , Ur&< ‘Friftoj.......... . Doc. ML Wadnotwiay........................ RF MEM BE R ,fiat thepaym*nt of al) Prize* «on. Eastern Oregon Deer aie becoming very scarce in the Among the many disagretwible things Jan. (»th Wednesday ................. VVil lamette Vali- v 1882, anti co t lined to August . Friday . . tabirtWi:f io For« I atiuma BA*K*<.f Term« of Nilo - ('arli In hand. ! region surrounding Prineville, according connected w ith freeze-llp the shut­ “ lilth Suntlay................................ rip^lay........ Eastern On’i:<»n. New OrlaanN. and the tiokctN ar« turned by the IDA PRIEST. to an exchange. This is owing to the ting dow I, i f the Homing mills ut Oregon “ Tilth Sunday .................... 9th, when 1 1 Monday . President of an Institution, wh(»e chartered Guardian of the minor heir« uf Ain. Pneet. ” 21»i 8.11tira’ty Saturxl Ea«tem Or» c<»:* rigid* are recognize! in tliehi«h«*t ( <»urt«; the re­ dec HR violation of flu- game law on the part of city and Salem, ami the consequent scar­ Syrup. Very soon I could do a Wiliam- tte Valley. “ ¿sth Friday................................ Saturdaj . fort*. bt-ware of any imitation* or anonymous Dii»* December I3:li. lAa7 hunters who kill deer for tl.e hams and city of bran, middlings, etc. The Port­ Hcheme«. Tl*its Company r»»aer¥e*» tue riniitio • a*ling dot without notici» hides, as well a« the wholesale slaughter land Flouring Mills was the only estab­ little light work. The cough pHHsi’ngerb from PortlHnd «nd «II Wijlauiert« YalJvy point» can rrsk* « ìom » connection with th»* of deer by the Indians. lishment of the kind tunning, and the trains <»f «he YAQUINA ROUTE ut Alban v or Corvalln and if dtMmu«Q t<’B«n | ran cieco, »hould left me, and I was no more arrmw Sammons. to «*irnv<» at Yaquina the evening to'fore date of wiling. • ♦ r price of ail kinds of mill feed has been It is said Ihiuglas county is making troubled in breathing. Now I advanced. better progress than other counties in In the ( ircuit Court of the Stat»’ of Ortigon. fur am jjeiiectly cured; and oh, the ( ousty of JackftoQ.. western Oregon, excepting Multnomah. Anntlu-r drive-well ca°e has been de­ < ’luu» Nii’keil, Fianrtift. v«. C. Lempert. De For informati» na:»riy to The progressive movement is a result of cided bv the I’. S. supreme court, the how happy I am! 1 cannot'.t C. H. HASWELL, 0. C. HOCUE, judicious advertising of the resources of patent being declared invalid owing to To C. L/’QjpDrt, Die atroye-nattiwj deaendMiit express gratitude mough for G»*n’l F. A I’. A«'!. Oregon Development Co.; TN THE NAME Oh 'THE MATE OF OREGON1 aen’l F, 4 P. A h '!, O P. B, R. lío, the county. In this work the linieu-ir use two years prior to date of application 1 Y<»»1 nr* here )>> required to «nd anewor I Montgomery 8t.. Kan Francioc»», lMint or the abore plaintiff in rli* «IxiV’ ent it lef $.">0 per mouth in acknowl­ Washington territory Indian wai claims service, viz . the 2d day of ApnL l*bK And you edgment of her husband’s services in for suppression of Intffa'n hostilities in are hereby notified that if jtMtifail to answer 0? would do no good, and many ) said complaint, oa h<»reby required, the plaintiff the Modoc war. 185.1 and 185«>, provides for the appropri­ wlli apply 1«» the Court for a judgment agi.inM wen* diet.-I ij i’,t!i!( t-.-, <1 to tie- ation of f3,29r> i>58 81, as found due and DEALERS IN jou for tiie sum of 5?, with interest. tout of California, is in receipt of a letter from Publish»*! in the D khioc ^ tic T iklh for nt South Australia, offering to send para­ by the secretary of war, consisting of eonaecutiv week«, by an ouivr of H pq . 1» R now, wlit iicvej ole* is to be Weliet»*r. Judge of the Circuit Court, rm Dec, sites that infests the cottony cushion A. .1. Smith, Rufus Ingalls and L. F. I Stth. 1HW found, it i t J.< pt like a relic. 11 scale, and which is doing much useful G rover. I (riven under my hand thia JUth day of Drcen BOOTS and SHOES. her. Ibe7. work in exterminating the scale there. The few preserved arc lx>r- John A. Gray, former pastor of the P. P PRIM. Att y for PI ff Mr. Klee is kept very busy, owing to the Fourth street Baptist church, Portland, rowed to reatl, ami 1 have lent large im|iortation of Japanese orange who went to Coos bay and there formed I trees. Several of these trees, which a law partnership with State Senator mine for six miles around our I; 50. ¿3. GROCERIES. DRUGS, were planted in Bvrkely, are now bear- Siglin, married an estimable young lady ■■ district. People have come ing fruit. I Application for a Patent. not long since, and for awhile was a eighteen mile* to get me to buy II i’ Recently by telegraph the Portland shining light at the bar and in society. I U. 8. L and O fficf ., Rosm»riu«, U b . / I- » the medicine for them, know­ c1 dailies were informed, through the me­ At last accounts he had fallen wofullv . . I>ecember ST. |ti<7 ' OTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT HENkk dium of tbo .V. Herald, that some from grace, and as a result Siglin had ing that it cured me. and to be We have ja«< recoired a full ■lovk in the above Scotch rascals had gobbled already 64,- to dissolve the partnership existing be­ Klippel wlnisv poet office address is Jackson ­ tinea of good*, which ve can veil cheaper than ■ I OOo acres of the finest redwood forest in tween them. Siglin says as a jury lawyer sure to get the right kind. lhe, ar. «old anywhere in «outhorn Oregon, a. we ville. Jackwn Co.Oregon.hss tin- day fil»Ml an ap. Í). J have tmtrery row nypemaw. All kina» of pro plicatieen stolen, and come heavily laden !i: Speaker Carlisle has not been well for them there was w help for her. inthi« othceaslot NuS7 tin Bees 10 A XbtTp it) R.K i allowed for aame. Call anil ree for > oreeivre. with exposun of fraud oiij' w lien it is several days. While at dinner at the that she cpnsjilted .several Meet. Baid placer ruining claim being deecrib«*! JACOBY BROS as beginning at the to sec. comer bet. sect ions IR too late to prevent it. Riggs lion«' recently he was taken sud­ and 19. in the 1 and range aforetaid, and running ! docUM’ff, Imt -jixHu: would heli) £ thence SAi.(■» chs. thence W 51MI, thence B 20-»• Kilrain and Mitchell are throwing denly and seriously ill. anil reached his ¡T ch«, thence W 5 00 cha, thence 8 KUO. (hence W her I fob I bey of Seigel h mud at Sullivan in England Mitchell room with the utmost difficulty. Dr. 10 Ui che. thence 8 20.(10 ch«, thence W 10 (<• ch«, never intended to fight Sullivan when Sowers was called in, who-pronounced Syrup, and wrote the name thence b 10.Ik) chs.thence W H.UO cl.».intersect the right-hand bank of Appkgat»* river; thence with lie put up his money, and he knew when | the attack a chill of the conjiwtive order, tn»* m(*an * D 50 che. over. It was one <>f Mitchell’s little ad­ several days, as he was in great need of Made by r i1’** iE b?°«-bu’ N Ld*« W 1M.5O che. N » d. g my advice ami tin* Syrup, ami vertising doilges. If Sullivan ever gets rest, and his nervous system was greatly E IO m X) che. N 41 deg E lOOcha, thence F Lto) a whack at Mitchell’s mug, the latter impaired. The illne«s of Carlisle will ctwtothg place of beginning ------- — window sills. The telegraph line for' over a mile was thrown down, and con­ C\ til0 things of this .>iifo aro rorrowfully let siderable damage was done to fields and alone account of Dyspepsia. Acker’s fences. Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia, This year’« political contest is not go­ Indigestion and Constipation; sold on n ing to be any child*« play. Lt is true positivo guarantee at 23 nnJ 50 cents, by that Mr. Cleveland will enter the con­ City Drug Store. test with the sympathies of the masses ; but it must also lie re- it Mr. Blaine goes into the fight with all the wealth and power and influence of the monopolies at his back. They are playing for big stakes, and if they lose this time they lose forever. They have the advantage of superb or­ ganisation, backed bv unlimited wealth. They arc in the last ditch and will make a des iterate st niggle to recover lost ground. Such, in brief, is the situation for 1888. Ira Paine, the famous pistol shot, made the wonderfakacONi' of 904 points out of a possible 1000, with a 44 calibre revolver, shooting 100 shots at Provi­ dence, Dec. 21st. The score included 4.5 Lull’s eyes. The shixiting was under­ taken on the spin of the moment to show Mr. Gould of the Boston Herald and other parties from Boston, who had come down to verify the scores recently made, namely 885 out of 1000, that the chevalier could repeat the record. Say« the McMinnville Jirporter: Al. Zieber, of Portland, basin his possession one of the first iob« turned out in an “art preservative’’ «nop. He was a printer in the days when Oregon was young, and when the first Odd FeHows* lodge was established in the state, at Salem in the year of 1857, he printed its constitution and by-laws. As a work of ait, looked at from to day’s standpoint, it will not hold up to the mark, but as a good specr men of work, with tiie facilities of tlKMM days, it is one of the ¡»est and will last as long as any ioh being turned out in these times ot fast presses and many sorts of fancy type. Al Zieber feels proud of this memento of old Chemeketa No. 1, and will keep it as long as he lives. R mc A ìcm '« Arnica Haler. The beat aalve in the vorM for Cut s ! Bruises. Sores, Ulcer», Salt Rheum. Fever Sore». Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Tbi* well-known house haa been renovated ALL THOSE JNDFBTI l> TO T. J. G(X)D- Corna, and al! Skin Eruption*«, and |»osi. through-»ut and - » wyn nr ■ n ns. money refu oled Price *£> cents per box, JA8 MORTON. A«»igne«» A good «ample room L»r commercial traveler . Bonanza, Klamath county, Or.. J one W, IB. UJ87, Fur rale by all druggists. has bean fitted up in connection with the hotel. Notice For Settlement N amazed. The medicine hat made such progress in OUT neighborhood that people say they don't want the doctor any more, but Hwy ;?l>! five years w’ith cost! veHes1 Jiyumatic pains, and luid to Im ye .u. attendant *0 watch lw hgr. Tiler« w* •’ a doctor in the 'Uirroundh •rict to whoty ¡her motl. not applied to relieve h 1, I hi < eyetv one cross. ~ ¿vea and sn 1 they could r • her. Wtioevwi the little lx *, ’rltic.h is rung in our pl.-> i a tinylkidv ■; ■’ ■« 1 wp thong! a traly it w ; but beige, a -)vrup and J’ .- '■ Ext rivet of R lots) ROfc'd iuq i. ¡uni now sho is as haUtJ)7 ifp 3, v./y- fiftxm to church, and tien in the fields. Fivt i'bi.h astonished when they uaw her out. knowing how many yeats she had laen in bod. To-dav sl.<* add» her grati­ tude to min-.' fur God s m^rcioH Seigel’s Syrup. M aria H aah . Siiakor Jf/idi cities arc now Itcing ■old itt nil part» of the world, and arc working wonders, us shown in the above . a-*e. A. J. Warrs 5-1 Warren St., New York. Settle Up Notice. ll persons indebted to A POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nev- varies. A min’d of purity. trenjnh and whol scmcncss. More economical .hf»n the ordinary ):■»w acres. For full particulars cdl upon or address O. J. VANNOY. Kerbyville. Oregon 1 ' I Harper’s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ! I I ! i • ! ! , Harper'« Weekly hM a w*ll-e*tabli«hed place a« the leading illuMrated newapaperin America. Ihefairne«« of it* editorial comment« cm cur­ rent politic* ha« earned for it the rr«pect and confidenc* of all impartial reader«, and the va­ riety and ezcellonc* of Re literary content«, which include noria I and abort aiorieaby the beef and moat i»opnlar writer«, fit ft for the peruaal of people of (lie widmt rang»’ of taetaa and par- «nit«. Supplement« are frrnnently provided. and no is «pared to bring the highiod order of artietic ability to bear ui>ou the illustra­ tion of the changeful phaace of hom* and for­ eign hintory in all ita features Harper's Weekly is admirably adapted to be a welcome guest in every household. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. he undersigned offers for sal T hi« farm tn Deer creelc valley. Josephine county, «even mil»*« from Kerbyville It con- tai na ncrs-H (tf land, well watered, about 1(1) acre« of which are under fence and in cultivation three or four a^rew being eet in bearing fruit tree«, a nd moat uf the Iwilance i- a'ao raaceptible t<> gram an i fruit raising Thrtre to a comforta­ ble dwelling house on the place also a go«»d tkarn. stable and other buildings. This is one iif the best ranch*« in southern Oregon an»l will be sold cheap if Application is made soon. For further particulais apply to Henry Klippel real-estate agent, Jacksonville, or to JAS. LUCA8. PER YEAR: « . 1? «’"^nty.Oteg.m. in Book ,‘liB5dlli?’ Ilook 2 Mining V°L a ’ ’“** M‘nin« JACKSONVILLE. OGN rl/l’|mn««dvor»»l««ii|r n..r- tioa uf raid 1 lncer Minn.« Claim are ruquirud to fita thmr ad»«re<. claim« »ith U,« K.-S1.rer of tl,» lUre.bu?« aving received my goods direct UiiitMl BtatreUuxlGflic« publication h.-re. from the East 1 am able to make the above dui-u.« Ul«.)XI> day. p-riml 'T1.* V* b> ’’rtneof th« provi». reduction. 1 keep a full line of the latest ?f.’2 ) ions »»f the statute. styles of _____________ < HAH- W. JOHNSTON. Router. H OLOTHS, E. G. IH’RT, Medford, Or. LARSEN, TRIMMINCS, ETC. which 1 im prepared to manufacture into clothing of the moat popular mod»««. All work guaranteed to fit Give me a call ami nee for you rm* lv»n before you pure ham* rioewhere. Pants made for >6 (Ml and upwards J. A LABSEN. Next door to Meneor Bros’ BREWERY SALOON Sheriff's Sale. DY VlljTLE OF an EXECUTION DULY 1» out of th« circuit court of th« Stat« of Oregon, for Multnomah county, on the *2411 day or Deccnjb« HyL «nd to m? M wd d.-hrered, ln tavot of Th« B.w| „f Commireion. B™Vr' r •‘*d BmvcreTty I* nd. «nd for the inrretment of th« fumta .n»mKthere­ from of the State of Or««un. I'taintiff». who re­ covered h judxment and decree of forecl.mare of •c* "!‘l“n«’rt«»Keinthe abov«-nam«d court on taJ/.re U'*’- *““< ?«?>"’*' "*<• '•«"«- F. liowdl «nd N commanded to levy on and rell mid property to reu«fy. tlret :-TlH- »um of «eventoen hundred and •ixiy foar doltare. with mterret iltare,« from th« Illi day of Jnnnnry. Ped, at the nit« of 12 >>er ce-,‘J .pTr ■1',nu,n,. <*“•’ “Pon » mortaace airen by rent liefendant.. B. F. I)v»«H «„d R A Ix>».-1T *2 M°,h to of ”*• ■"'noXlre of Mina« Walkar. weJl bUMe«. (’frUAda and Mexico. and N. A Dowell, and of N<n Paper Hanging Zf.rc’h mail. poHi-pai of le utpMi nipnber two (2» and No. 1 grain farm, contniniig *A4 acr»** of tillahto Done in a superior manner and at priocotusuit th* port -*a»4 unarter (4»»^ of the north «art »pmrtrr land, lying near the «tog* rood, rix mile?» enri of ; by mail, puri-paid, on receipt of >1.00 each the time«. I refer to the Jobe of puinting I have (ME! to uf ' “ ‘ • of - »«n/tiori nupi.>»f e’rrcn Remittance« should be mode by Puri -Office the n N ’ h to) Jacksonville. Flare t« wr’l improved; good . --------- -— ----- --------- — —-— -------- previously done for recommendation. Satisfae- (ll).IUl -------------- nd the north-We*>| qiiarUi» of the nprf hw*ad well of wnt»*r for houae ne* and living atmnm Money Older or Draft, to avoid chance of loan. ti on gu aranteed. by fire recently, and needinp what i« due w-nbed »■ folio»« ; Beginning «1 the north.»ret he undersigned hah a farm of corner me all thoee iodobted to the nndervurned will do of John Miller'« lot in ui.i town of J» k. lfiJ acr*« for rent at r»w«onAhle figure« All of me a great favor to call and settle without further the eame to under fence and about 80 acre« in ctil- «outill«. tlumcc running in an re»ierlf direction delay. J do not wirii to cause trouble or expense t ’ Vi’TV' .MtU'Urz lim- on« hundred • to anybody, but Ian compelled to a«k a sp«» edy tivati »n. Th« build’Qgv on the place ar* very (IM f.-etto Miller » north-eart.conmr: thence from all owing me. *A Word to the fair and everything in good order. For further northerly, nt fight angle with Miller'» tine ebiring to engage in other pur . settlement particulars enquire of twenty-one (21) feet, four it) inch»», ton «tnk»- suit«. I offer for sale on reasonable term« my ' wtoe 1« sufficient. CTMIKSEY A OWEN. T J.CLOPTON. Property on Williams creek, Joaephine county, Reel EsUt» Agent«. Central Point, Oregon. thence wret-rly, parail-l with Miller’, north’ Brownsboro,Or., Aug. 20, 1S87. iM.uidary lme. on. honored (100) fwt to the t comprise« R d acre« of land, most of which is re-l eideof I'hud afreet ; tbenc.. with tl.e bv S ander fence, well watered and susceptible to cul­ line of Third »treet in a «outherly direction to the tivation. The dwelling bou«« and outbuildings place of beginning, including 11. k. 11-reel I', taw are in good condition, beside« which there is a folly and excem. renew«lav » nenn, ooanufe and vicor w As the nrdendgned is closing up his bl ok t»J»ce. cabinet shop supplied with superior water-power of yntith. «'are* weak nee« of mind and body; Nerveoa smith basin*** a t Jacksonville*, tho»* indebted to A.'U rR>"nder m> tlM<> ',l'",ah werfu! narvov invinprator and rateoratiee Part*«’ or address G. B. ( ALDVA ELL. DAVID CBOMEM1LI4B. WiJÏuuB« P» 0«, Or. , «Urvtm. BAKKM KBM. 00, BosM, MUN, M. I. B. W DEAN, t her!it T. J. CRESS. HOUSE PAINTER, FAHMS FOR SALE. To Whom It May Concern H FARM FOR SALE. FOR REFIT. T D Bw^Wre^J.^ Settle-up Notice. J