WIDEBAND LIQUORS. OCA < I.IHHiyii KATES WITH OTH­ ER Pl'HLlCATlOXa. Partios payizg for ths TtMXS in advancuat our roiuced cash rates will bs faruiahsd any of th» following named publication» in connection with thi*« paper at the price* given below. It will be noticed that there is a nsiuctum of at least 15 p«r cent, on publisher»’ customary rate» in every instance, ana in Mime much more: WKKXLIX».' * Toledo Weekly Blade........................................... *3 00 Harp>TV Weekly.................................................... 5 70 Scientific American.............................................. 5 00 - - S uu Detroit Free - Press............................................. 3 00 New York 8tar .................................................. New York World ................................................ . 3 • OREGON tfan Francisco Examiner................................ .. S 00 JACKSONVILLE . 4 (S) Portland Oregonian ..................................... Hari>er'» Bazar .................................................. .. 5 70 3 110 Pioneer Pre»».......... ........................................ Caton A Qarrett, General Agent»- . 3 oo Chicago New»..................................................... . 3 on MiBsuuri Republican...................................... . . 3 uo Globe Dem«»• mt 3 id Philadelphia Time»......................................... _ San Francisco Call........................................... . . B 25 5 70 Frank Ia*he’s illustrated pHi» r:. 5 70 *r (h*rman .. 4 50 “ Sunday Magazine............... ” ” Popular Monthly................. . 5 00 .. 4 90 ARTICLE OF “ Budget ................................... . 4 50 ” *• Pl««usant Hour»................... MoNTUl.lt». Wr»tShore. Portland. Or................................ e.Sl a) Century. Scribner’*’............................................ ... 6 hi Demorest*» Magazine.................................... .. 4 HO Gutley’s Lady Book......................................... ... 4 it) 8t. Nicholas.......................................................... ... 5 (iff Harper's Monthly.............................................. ... 5 5ff -AND- .. B 50 American Agriculturist.................................. Harper's Young People.................................. . 4 it) Peterson’» Magazine........................................ . . 4 00 i«'uavacrpri ..................................................... ....................................... Housekeeper Other publication» C.L_. ____________ wiil _ be _______________ furnished nt a re- duced price when orderxi with the TIME*. TIMES PRINTING HOUSE In quantities to suit and at price. thhtcannut Jacksonville Oregon. help to give satisfaction. O.ir li pl >rs are absolu-aly pure, and superior JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. to any in this market. SATISFACTION UUARANTUCD. [COBBrj TXD WKZXLI.) Flour, p*r thouMURi lbs.......................... Wheat, per bushel.................................... Burley, ” .............................. .................................. Mill Feed, per ton .................................. i or. California and OroaiM 8i.-»rta. Jackavnrille Hay, wheat ur timotuy, per tun ........ E mks . p«r duit’D........................................ Butter, per lb........................ ................... HENRY PAFF- Eagtaoar. P« Hat am *, p*»r lb.......................................... I ablirucM. *‘ ........................................ THROUGH TICKET8, 12) C ents . Onions, ** ........................................ Bean». - ...................................... pilOlt E WINES. UQCOILS AND CIGARS Cornmeal, per VY I I m . ’ * • >■ hand. The raading-tahj« i» nl«o loarvl. per In in tins.. ............................... .......... supplied with Eaetern periodical« and leading H hiii and Bneon Dried Apples, per lb............................... paper« of th« roaat. •• Flume, M ............................... •• Pears, •• ................................ Peaches “ ............................... Sortfhum Mtilasaes, per tiallon. < ’hiekens, per duaen................. $ Turkeys. •• ........................ ... GRANT’S PASS, Hides........................................................ || l>eerakltis............ ............. ... \V«iol. Spriiix.......................................... J B. HUTCH Proprietor. ................................................................ I ho The finest Wo»*». Liquor» and Cigars are always I uck............................................................... kept on hand, while tho reading table i* supplied .e....................................................... with th* latest now»t»ap<*rs. A Pool Table may a!•»> be found here. I propose to k«wp a strict U tirvt-cla»» place. Give me u call. J B. HUTCH the JDruiotratic d disapprove 1 scarcely did expert. Bee idea, my arm a nymbol is. To show my future wife Th* duty of protection which I’ll owe to her through life.” Then in low tonee she archly »aid : * Per hap«—you may, dear John; If that’« the view you take of it Just keep the duty on.” , ALL 80RT8. GENERAL NOTES JLND NEWS. Linn county prohibitionists have call­ ed a county convention. A Texas editor, having charged that the father of a rival journalist had been in the penitentiary, was told that he must retract or die. His retraction read as follows: “We were mistaken in stat­ ing that the father of the Bugle editor had been in the )>enitentiary. 1’lie effort of his friends to have his sentence com­ muted to imprisonment for life failed, and the wretch was hanged.” Joseph Medill thinks Blaine's letter will only promote his nomination. The San Francisco coal famine con­ tinues, and oak wood is worth $10 to $12 a cord. E. O. Hursli, formerly of Roseburg, is Curt for Pilot. about to start a Republican paper at Piles are frequently preceded l>v a sense Baker City. of weight in the back, loins atul lower part abdomen, causing the patient to sup­ D. R. Locke, editor of the Toledo of pose he has some attention of the kidney, Bladr and author of renowned “Nasby” or neighboring organs. At time's synip- letters, died Feb. 15th. torn, of indigestion are present, flatulency uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A mois­ It is said that during the late cold ture, like perspiration, producing a vei« spell the Umpqua river was frozen over disagreeable itching, after getting warn for the first time in its known history. is a common attendant. Blind. Bleeding ami Itching Piles yield at once to the appli­ Two distinct shocks oi earthquake, ac- 1 of Itr. Kosenko's Pile Kemc,;iv, companied by a loud, rumbling sound, cation which act directly on the parts affected, were felt at Snohomish City, W. T., absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense last week. itcliing and effecting permanent e cure Price SO cents. Address. The Dr. Bosaiiko The Salem Sentry lias passed into the , Medicine Co., Piqua, Ohio. Sold at the hands of AV. II. Byars, E. M. Waite, 'City Drug Store. and others. W. H. l’arry will be con­ Hr. Gunn’t Improrril Lirrr Pilli ~‘ tinued as editor. Remove constipation, prevent malaria, It lias been two years since a vessel cure dyspepsia, and give new life to the was wrecked on or near the month of the system system' ’ Onlv one for a dose, Only dose. Free saiu- Columbia, notwithstanding all that lias pies at City Prn« Store. been Baid and written about the “terri­ »-i_______ ble” bar. Coni|>are this record with that trifle «ritli any Throat ot ol the Sound and the north coast. \Jx3W V pyig Disease. If you have Nearly $6000 has been guaranteed by a Cough or Cold, or ilio children are the citizens oi Sacramento for the pur­ threatened with Croupor Whooping Cough, pose of erect ing a building near the depot use Acker's English Remedy and prevent on the ground donated by the Southern further trouble. It is a,.positivo cur^' Pacific Railroad Company, in which to and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50c maintain a permanent exhibit of pro­ For Sale at City Drug StTlre. ducts of the soil of that locality .Manager A. Ilayman has signed a con­ tract with Mrs. James Brown Potter, for her appearance at the Baldwin theater | San Francisco April lti. He lias also in We must eat or we cannot live. ( contracted with Abbey and SchreiTel for This we n'l know. But. do we al) the apjiear mce in San Francisco in May ’ I know that we die by eating! Itis of Joseph Holman, the child pianist. Forewarned Forearmed U no f ar of Dy spcpMa, Klicuniatiam. Keu- Uhmn, Tetter. Eczema, discolorations of tin* skin; win :i (<-■ liiu r.:k ia. Salt of languor, iudii "d, |. In- imteth i y t n- rib. Liver troubles, or any of the of tlic stoni.T-h. Ihi-r. mid kidm-i'. y>u ili-..:,-r. nri.in.' from bvrofulou* iainta In should lake AycrS sar-anarill: I: v.!3 -:!i - blood. G;>io. v.rin«: ••Ayer'« Sarsaparilla baa rausc the vital ortranv to properly perform It.--n iiwfl in my family for a number of if-u -. I n a» a constant sufferer from their functions. If you sutler from Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, /ffreted a perm*- or Neuralgia, a few botth- of tyi-r'. ar- bu* V v » t S h i ; ciiiv. yrar* Apo mv wife wm saparilla will relieve and cure you. Kendall. 21s Tn-mont »t.. Bo-ton. Ma-., tfiHibieil with Goitre: two bottles of writes: •• I have been troubl< il w iih V ti- A mi ’« >ai>}«p:inih cured her, and «he has rAlgia. pain in the side, and weakm —. mid iv \« t h:id an) return of the di«ra»e. I re- have found greater relief from Ayi-r'« ir::rd thi> preparation n« th»* be*t medicine I ever found such a happy rclii Í from in iim - for tlw blood.** B. Barnard Wxir. 7.5 A **!.. Linn. Ma**., write«: ” For many >enr* I suffered terribly from Indi- p. *!ion. h\ w|x>p*ia. ami Scrofula. Almost Bheuuutisiu as iu ho}K*le« >i'-. < <• LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. and am u well man to-day.” otice ih hereby given that the N foiowing-named settler tia* filed notice of j his intention to make final proof in support of i his claim, and that said pr, for Ed- I son county, Or . CH A8. W. JOHNSTON. Register uoatioual and CliantAble purpose*, »nd it* irau- : chiso mado a part of th« present Stale < onrtitu- lion, in 1879. by an overwhelming jx»pular vote. ; CAPITAL PRÏZE, $300,000. Louisiana State Lottery Company Notice for Publication. It* tirand (Mingle Number lirsuint» will take place mouthly. and tho Grand Quar­ terly Drawing» regularly every three month» I (March, June, September and Decmnbei). WV du hereby certify that wenupervi^e the arrangements for allthe Monthly and \ Quarterly Drawings of 'lhe Louisiana i Mate Lottery Company, and in person manage and control the Drawings them­ selves, and that the same arc conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorize the Company to use this cei tificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its advertisements. Omen et B' mzsvbo . O b . / Dec. 2". I« h 7. I otice is hereby oivem that i iie N fofiowinE-na.nad iw.E 27,1KHH. »1« : Henjarum C Edmond MMi.honMwtrad entry No. for tlm E li of 11.» 8 E rmr-tion V. a dH W of 8 Wk. «action ill arid N W of N W section IS. Tp 34. 8 of It, s cant. W M. He name« the followiuK wit. nr—oeeto pro«« hi. c\»utinuou" n-.idanc« upor, and cultivation of, wild land, ,iz : ll«ury H ux I h —. W. I., Edmondson. Jormpli Geppert and l'lrnd. Brockway, nil »t«r Notice for Publication. Be sure and Being highly concentrated, it is the most g«*t A\rr\ Sarsaparilla, the moat thorough : iii <1 «’fleet he blood purifier. The best is economical blood purifier. th«* < lira pest. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer a Co., Lowell, M om ., U. 8. A. For sale by all druggists. Price $1; si* bottles for Land Office at Roseburg. Or., ( January 27. 1K88. ) OVER HIU'AHLLIO» DISTB1BHED. «5. Land Office at R«>**burg.Or.. I January 18, lbao. ) VOTIC’E IH HEREBY G1V1.N THAI THE 11 iullowing-nanifd acttler has tilt’d notice of hi» intention tw make final proof in *ui>iM»rt of I hl» claim, aud that »aid proof will be made before < omni issi on rr«i the Judge or ( lerk of the < ’««nty ( ourt of Jack- i We the undersigned Bank» and Bankore v. ill Mui county. Ort*g«iU. at Jacksonville. Or., «»n pay all Prix#»»drawn in the Louisiana State t vt- Saturday. Slurrb S. lure, vu : Daniel J. 8. l’««roe, ___________ presented at at our I teriee which m m ay ay be beoreeented our counters counter» boine»t«‘Md ei try No. 444rO, for the b W L J. H. OWI.KMBY. V . and W ‘i of 8 E *4, section 6. and K W U of Pres. Louisiana National Bank. N E U, section 7, township 39 south, of range 2 I\ LAWAI X. west. AV. M. He name*the following witnc*»«» Pre«. State National Bank. to prove hi» continuous residence u|»on and cul- A. BALDWIN, i vat ion of »aid land, vil: Kelly Fields. Jac«»b Pres. N. O. National Bank. Parks. Jo-eph B. Baitmarsh. Th«»mas II. Gilaon, C ARL KOHN, all of Jacksonville. Jackaon count». Oregon. ( HAH. W. JOHNSTON, IU*gi»ter. Pre«. Union National Bank. A Z It takes $28,100,000 to keep our women in silks every year. There were only four deaths from smallpox iu San Francisco, last week. Col. Mapleson, the opera manager, Executor's Notice. has been declared bankrupt at London said we dig our graves with oui In the matter of tL* estate of John L/*»inox. de- in the Academy of Music, New Orleans. Now, for the first time, the Oreyi>~ Wild animals are getting away with How *f >o!ish thii. Hounds. Tuesday, March 13, 1888- a good many sheep in the vicinity of nian is very much interested in the mat­ teeth. VfOTICE IS HEUERY GIVEN THAT THE ter of jsjrtage railways at The Dalles and Yet it is fearfully true. > We are ter­ li undersitfnud ha- b<*en appointed by the Dora, Coos county. county cuurtof Jackson ooonty. Oregon, witting the Cascades. It is rather remarkable rified at the approach of the cholera in Probate, executor of the estate of John Len­ There is one case of varioloid rejiorted that this project was never of any impor­ nox. deceased. at Red Bluff, but every precaution has tance worth mentioning until now, when and yellow fever, yet there is a dis- All pereoim indebted to *Mid eMat»* are requeued Tenth« at <2. Twentieth i at *1. been taken and the spread of the disease Portland and the railroad have partially caee constantly : . our ‘L^as-and in to settle ths name immediately, ai d those having claim«*againi-t the eslate will present them to me our houses lar.iuore dangerous and ' is not feared. dissolved partnership. list or raizrs in Jacksonville precinct. Jackson county, Or«*g< n, destructive. Most people have in with the proper voucher» attached, within t»»X 4 PRIZE OF »SOO.«» i> .......................... The crank who was arrested on his The Blair bill, which proposes to dis­ month» from the first publicat ion of this notice. 1 PRIZE (IF !■«».<»<> i».......................... their own ytonu. -'ys a poison, moro way to the White House with a large tribute for educational purpose,$77,IKH),- J. F. ATTEBKRY. Executor. 1 PRIZE OF 5O.t«M' i-......................... buil dcK probably expected to feed his 000 among the several states upon the slow, but iputte a* fatal as the germs 1 PRIZE OF 2.-..GK) is... Dated February 10. 1888. 2 PHIZES OF !<>.««> are .......................... dog on the president. basis of illiterate population, has passed of those nvib' lies which sweep man 5 PRIZES OF 5,a»are .................... Executor's Notice. 25 PRIZES OF 1.1>«> «re........................ Alvin T. Smith, said to have been the the senate. It passed the same body two into eternit; by thor.sunds without 100 PRIZES OF 500 ore ........................ years ago and failed in the house, where first white American settler in Oregon, warning in the times of great epi­ In the matter of the estate of W. A. Childers, de- 200PIUZF.SOF Sinjar. ........................ Than by any other Route. died at Forest Grove, aged nearly 8<> it is likely to fail again, as it ought to. demics. But it is a mercy that, if 500 PRIZES OF 300 are NOTJCE 1H HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Mr. Blair’s scheme has fitly been styled years, on the 22d of January. APPROXIMATION PRIZES. we ar<^ wati hfu', we can tell when undersigned has been appointed bjftbe coun­ “ a bill to promote mendicancy. ” First-Class Through Passenger anti Freight Line from PORTLAND lOo Prize, of S5(i. approximating to ty court of Jackson county, Oregon, sitting in VEGETABLE ¡ a At two of the leading hospitals of Paris we are tluvalt i-t-iL TTiA following 50,1 <00 Probate, executor of the estate of W. A Childers. $30U,tr>) Prize are ....................... The Oregon in a, which now espouses I and all points in the WILLAMETTE VALLEY to and from SAN ~ Pnfit ■' approximating to the death-rate from amputations of all Kt) • «< * 53OJ Í are nmonj? th" symptoms, yet tl.cv d«*et is a dull and sleepy feeling; a bad Messrs. Hulman r any-farther informatidb ap­ Notice of Final Settlement. It l»v cooling, cleansing and Healing. cently from Oregon, has been committed I account. The story of the young army t-> th! Worrt Srrotula. Sali-rbeum, ply to the nniirreignail. Your liuidvritinc ninat ••F,-ver-«ore«,”>»<-.-»l> or ttoopii Ikiii, Imdirtinrt runl airaature plain. More rapid re­ In the County Court of the Btate of Oregon, for C afiirrh If !■ most efficacious for this to the Stockton insane asylum, because officer and a Yamhill county c/oofc/iinun seems as lhe; , i! the patient could in oho:-«, nil disc IB’« c.c’.wui by laid betod ai. Vdlttl 1 111 «lisease. Cold in the Head.Ac. turn mail delivery will be aeeured by your en- J&rkaon county is still within the memory of old resi­ noteat enough, nnd occasionally no lie says he hears angels Binging. conqw'rvd hv thm pvw< rfnL purifyftw. and »•Pond’s Extract Catarrh Cwre,” In the matter of the estate of L. A. Colver. Leave Yaquina............................................ 6:30 A. M. Leave Albany................................................. lrfttP M cl<*.in« an Envelope bearin« your full uddree. dents. iavù-. rn.-'na’mc*h. :nc. i.rrut lint I m t I- appetite at a !; «tullnoaa and slug ­ Specially prepared to meet »erious case», Corvallis ......................................... lti ’ 38 a . m . “ < ’ o ” valli» ............................................ 1:47 p. M Hand IMHO A I. NOT».«*, Exprre. Money Postmaster Roby, of Portland, has “lOrhElS HEKEirn.lVEN THAT THE ecr« n phi:>- ln-cl u clcr its bi -ium htnumcc. should be apnliol with Pond'» Extract or New York Exchange in ordinary letter. ier- Al The house committee on publie lands gishness of th- mind; no ainlntton Arrive Albany................................................... 1:15 a . M. I Arrive Yaquina........................................... 5*50 p u order* L'P'aH.uIy fi» It uuucf'iUxI Ila ptHcncv hl fifty-nine |iersons on his pay roll, includ­ -it» ra J Administrator of the otato of L. A. (olvor, Nasal Syring**. Currency by Expreas at our «xnene« nj.lree~«.| - -uriug Toller, Hove It a -h. Holla, C«r- has adopted in the new bill for classitica- I to study cr work, more or less head­ M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orlean«. La w ,-wiHrd.hn»> tiled in th* county court of J«ck»fm ing thirty-one |>ostal clerks, and be dis­ •a dis-» >uuc!<>«, karo liy i-a, rtcrofulo»- Korea Rheumatism, Neuralgia. or M. A. DAUPHIN. Waahington. D. C. county. Or., hi* final account a« each admimetre- tion of public lands the following section J burses monthly the sum of $4,672.80. ache and heaviness in the head; aan W t » c lit jure, UlA.Jalnl Diaeuww. tor an* dbeaaet, Lum­ nkwoki . kask nationai . hank ored pli-ci, on Skin D' •«*«, or the s«mo weight, covered with stamped leather to emption laws, and who has failed from I ed tongue; a h < tme of a load on the bago. I'ains iu Back or side. Ac. .«,« Orleivua. Ln, jection« to aaid account on or before «aid day. •inmint far*treati.'«' on ."crofnli.iis Air. ctk.ns. Published by order of Hon. E. De Peat t Judge ‘ Sailing* T)n.te» “THS Ul.OOD IH THE I.IFE.” cause, except by sale or disposal of I stomach that nothing removes; hot Diphtheria, Sore Throat lie usenrourMy li'-Hiu«» It by -.»dnir Ur. Pierce’e FROM SAN FRKNCWOO. cisco. wo. vvqrisA STEAMERS. JESSE DOLLARHIDE. ■Use the Extract piomptly. Delay i» eivldra Sledleal Dieeowery, and pood ’Friday . ... A high toned Chinese wedding took itis sjirlit thereto, to perfect title to a and dry skin at times; yellow tinge Eastern < Iregon Jan. 4th IVI j M EM 1 »fall erala B*wuregard «nd Ear­ ... lloc.30th BY Hll It SABOVA KOK«of of great service where the removal of the heart ; itrpaired vision, with entry lost.” T This Company reserve» the right to change Hailing dates without notice. clothing is inconveuient. New Orl««ii-. and the tickets are signed by th« The local option law of Washington In the County Court of the State of Oregon for which lg Scrofulous Disraso off the Pniwcngers from Portland and alLWillaniette Valley points can make close connection with the President of an Institution, whoso chartered San Francisco, Feb. 20.—The State I -.pots that seem to be swimming u. the c«»unty of Jackson. For Broken Breast and territory has lieeu declared unconstitu­ board H promptly and ivrtuinly arrested train» of lhe YAQUINA ROUTE at a I Lan v or ('or vail is and if destined to Ban Francisco, should right« are recognized in the highest t'ourts: there­ t he air before the eyes ; a cough, In the matter of the Estate of Mabel Priest, Ada oi health has just issued a preven- j and cured by thia Uod-plvcn remedy, if taken arrange to arrive at Ynquina the evening before date of sailing. fore. Iieware of any imitations or anonymous tional. It is held hv the court that the Pn- st. Effie Pri<*st. Flora Priest. Edith Priest Sore Nipples. b£?*n£: tx’forv the laatstutn.'sof ti“* disc.^ un rem .h« d, » vith a greenish-colored expecto- scheme«. table disease circular, containing facts power to make state laws cannot be dele ­ and William Arthur Priest, minor heir* of From ita woudertul power over thia t« rribly 1 used The Extract will never be with­ for jieople concerning smallpox and vac­ •ation ; poor nights'rest; a sticky i Wm. Priest, deceas'd. fatal diiieaae, wber* tii^t offering this now eel- | gated by the legislature. out it. Pond’» Extract Ointment is N PVKSUANt E OF AN ORDER OF THE ebrat« d remedy to the public, l»a. P iekck cination. The circular states that vac­ For information apply to the best emollient that can be applied. County Court, made the 6th day of December. thought »ertously of cali ng it hi« u<’on* The visible supply of grain for Feb­ cination is the only preventive measure .lime about the teeth and gums; C. C. HOCUS, C. H. HASWELL, 1887, tbe undersUtned« guanban <»f tie minor •umptlon Cure,” luitnbaudon«-«! that name Female Complaints. ruary 4th was as follows: Wheat, 41,- that is known to successful! v avert small­ tends and feet cold nr.d clammy; heirs of Wm. Priest, deceased. wiU offer for sale au too limited for a nr-dkino which, fiom it» Oen'l F. A P. Ag't. O P. R. R. Co. Gen'l F. à P. Agì. Oregon Development Co.. rritablc temja-r ami bowels bout'.) ity of fatale disease» tlie Extract can be 086,000 bushels ; corn, 7,817,000 bushels ; to tho highest bidder, on wonderful rombimttlon «-f tunic, or »in ugtla t> pox. If ptojierly done, with reliable 3i 4 Montgomery St.. San Francisco, Cal. < orvallis. Oregon. used.»» i.-« well know n, with the greatest ing, alterative, or btood-cicantiing, anti-biToufl, ‘ oats, 5,402,000 bur hels; rye, 36o,000 bush­ virus, whether bovine or humanized, up and costive. This disease h.T Saturday, thf 25th day uf Ftbruary, 1888, benefit. Full directions accompany tach paotornl,andnutxitiv ?» nqs rtire, 1» i ; k <¡naled els ; barley, 2,1*29,000 bushels. bottle. there is nothing more absolutely certain puzzled the physicians and still puz­ at 1 •»'c!<‘-k P. M-, at (he court-houae d.xvr in n- t only ua a remedy I^r (.vUdUmstlUQ ol th»-1 lunga. but ior aU r ' JackMinville. Oregon, the following described CAUTION. Benjamin Eggleston died at Cincinnati than the fact of protection of individuals zles them. It is the commonest of real property : fiom the fatal effects of smallpox. The ailments and yet the most compli­ lately, aged 72 years. He served thirty One house and lot in Jacksonville. Oregon, l»e- —AT----- Pond ’s Extract The genuine has years in the city council, two terms in state board of health earnestly protest CHRONIC DISEASES lng h«t No 1 and part of lot No. 2. in block No. the words ‘♦Pond’s Extract” blown in cated and mysterious. Sometimes or Tn a 71. a*- laid down on Pool A Klippel s additi«»nto ’) the glass, and our picture trade-mark on congress, three terms in the Ohio senate, against the careless and unscientific it is treated ns consumption, some Ì, the town of Jacksonville. Ja«-ks«>n coiurty. Ore­ surrounding buff wrapper. Noneutheris i manner in w hich vaccination is too often and was always in political works. gon. genuine. Always Insist on having Pond’s times as liver c miplaint, and th'-r. performed and its result ascertained. Terms of 6ale—Cash in Land. 01 Extract. Take ne other preparation. Manufacturers <>f the A corqioratiori with $4140,000 capital IDA PRIEBT./ again as malm in and even heart di It is nerer fo'd in bulk- or by measure. Chairman Mills now promises a tariff Guardian of the minor heirs of Wm.PrMtet. has been formed in Chicago to remove rtf yon froi duff, drowor, d. billtatcd. hare Sold everywhere, I’ricrx. 50c., Si, $1.75. ease. But it - r< al nature is that • - deceased. DEALERS IN •alto« color of skin. < r >■< llo«M>b-livi>t hendat-bc or dizzt and make a show of it, tilling in the sur­ that as it now stands it will put wool on constipationm<.«<¡5 -.pepsin. Itari ■ NEW YORK AND LONDON. nrea, bad tajto in niouih, Internal I k at or ehlUo, the free list, and reduce considerably the in the digestive organs and soon NO. m . I rounding country with panoramic paint ­ alternating with bot (lashes, tow epir>U and duties, on woolen goods, especially the affects all the others through the •toomy borebodinva, irregular appet.te, and ings. Application for a Patent. vetad tongin1, you are auin rin< from Indi- cheaper kinds. Ad valorem duties are to BOOTS and SHOES. on. Dyapcirela, and Torpid Liver, The famous Prospect Hill farm, six be substituted in many cases for s|tecilic corrupted and poisoned blood. U. 8. L and O ffice , R asrebub «». O b . / or *• Hlllouaueaa.’* Ip trany curb ouly miles south of Salem, containing aliout duties on the ground that specific duties Often the whole body—including December 3C. 1887 C part ot tin-ae (yrupiotna are ei|.-rl«n<-,-<>. A« VoTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAI’ HF ShY 800 acres, has been sold by Dan Coffey, weigh heavily upon the chea|>er classes the nervous system— is literalbj a remedy for all aueb cnari. Dr. Pierre’, 1 a* Klipi>el. whose ¡»ontofiice addrsse ih Jackson­ Solden Medical Dlaeovcry .'ua no the owner, to-Joe Waddel, of Hennely, of goods. Lumber, salt, coal and a num­ alarm), even when there is no ville, Jackaon Co.Oreffou.has this day tilt’d an »i»- equal. Flynn tell the end story. plicaf ion fora patent, on behalf of him »elf »nd GROCERIES, DRUGS, For Weak Ln n(a, Rplttln* of Blood, ctM'laimants. for ths Squaw Lake Placer Mining ahortiica* of Breath, Rronchltle, $15,600. lronflre and steel rails will not go un­ The The^rical Profession. Experience I • « ,-liown that therein < laim.situated in Big Applegate Mining District, Severe Con,ha, (on.aaplIon, an.I touched. It is believed the bill will pro ­ Merit will win an^-ecelvr public recognition and t ’ ounty of Jackson, and State of Oregon, and de»- kindred affection«, 14 ia a aovcrelvn n medy. The reward offsrerl by the people of put oue ru • ! ■ that can certainly lgrutted by the field note« and official plat on file Send fan c*u In atanira for Dr. Piero», e praise. Facts, which are the outcome of general ex Monmouth and Polk county for the ap­ vide for a reduction of about 25 |>er cent, cure this ch», thence W 5.01, thence 8 20.0) never fails Lilt, 1uM rthn csw.n0 time have the governor increase it to $1000. have but very few oxi»en«oe. All kinds of pro. clus. thence W 5 ffO ch«, thence b 1041), thence W Tho indisputable fact that Swift's Specific ffirlfs BhfKttij iisdlcal Association, U ineness. aim at a reduction in the revenue of be­ should be lost in trying other so- lff.OOeh», thence 8 2U.U0 che. thence W 10(Ochs, duco taken in exchange and the best blood purifier in the world, is one of these The hou.-e committee on j»ostoffices tween $70,000,IW and $80,000,000. thence 8 10.00 chs.thence W 64)»» che.interecct the » p - . ;<_tora,«e3 Mata St, Burr aux H. Y. immovable Gibraltar r<»ck facta of which we have right-hand batik of Applegate river; thence with called remedies, for they will do no HIGHEST MARKET PRICE will not re|>oit favorably the biU reducing spoken, and every day's experience roots this eon the meander of tin- right bank down stream. vlctiou deeper aud deeper Iu public opinion. Every Gov. Pennoyer has addressed a letter good. Get this great, vegetable letter jiostage to 1 cent. The better plan class of our people In America and In Europe, N 6 deg E 0.00 che, N 29 d«*g E 15.(0 cba, N 18 deg allowed forsnms. Gall and see for yomelves. every trade, calling and pruirsdon, tncluding th«* is thought to be to wait until the system to the Secretary of the Treasury, giving preparation, (dis's orerc.l by a vener­ E 18.W» rhe. N 12 deg E V.5u rhs. N »1 deg E 14.UU JACOBY BROS m«*dlcai pw/fession, jhave txioi» voluntary testl his assent, as far as Oregon is concerned, ch». N 13 deg W 6.5*1 ch», N deg W 11 50 Chs, becomes self-sup;«,rting once more lie- mony to the reuMwkgfile Virtues otS. & 8. and •• N 28 deg E 8.50 ch». N 1 deg W 18.50 chs. N 26 deg in regard to the grant of money made in I able nurse whose mtme is”a house­ its InfallilHS efledby’ht cflrtnj «11 (reeowes of the fore making further reductions in postal E 11X50 che. N 47 deg E 13Jk» c!u>, thence E 2.50 I blood. These ten ti mon lais are on file bv the thou- what is known a.-, the “Hatch' Bill,” it hold A-ord iii Germany) and be sure rates. chs to the place of beginning (Magnetic Varia­ and open to the inspection <»f all. Now come, QXVöia PILLS. Minds, being an act passed at the last session of to get the getic.ii.c article. unsolicited, two dtotinguifthed members of the theut- tion 18 deg eftetj containing 153.64 acre*. The lo- rirul profession, who gratefully testify to the wonder­ cation of this mine is recorded in (the t’onn’v A telegram from t-he Russian frontier Congress toestahlisli agricultural experi­ OrVEN IT BV SEVEN POCT0RB. AN-n.Bll.IOrS and cathahtkj . ful curative qualities of the Specific tn their Indi­ states that eight nihilists, including the I lerk’n office of Jacknon esmnty,Oregon, in Beak for themselves. Th» lady is a member of Conveyance*. for .miking an attempt U|>on the life of providing a sum of $15,000 jx>r annum gel’s Syrup h. « raised me to good the famous Thalia Theatre Company, of New York, an-1 formerly of the Reddence Tneatre, Berlin. Ger Any and a'i person» claiming adversely nny por­ lhe Czar during Iris visit to the Don Cos­ for each State for such purposes. He health after si e <1- ctors had given many. anr they will be barred by virtue of the provis­ A ;>oliceman on the Mexican side of Oregon as the proper board to which villa, Todd Co.. Ky. n cannot cure. i ions of the statute.» barrel Hack», and every sack is warranted to the fund should be paid. This board, by ­ Nxw Y’uaK, May 3, 1S87. SS \ 19 it you Laveartlochanre from has been arrested for passing Mexican HE HtXliD OF IT JVST IN TIME. CHA8- W. JOHN8TON. Register. contain 49 pound» of flour If you don’t believe BMra Lf tbe a<«e. offa-noivo or otber- i v*irt Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.: law, consists of the State board of educa­ leaden dollars. The jienalty for tfie thia, just compare a sack of our flour with any BW> w lee. (.«mal ireaot sme.l. tast.-, i “I had been shout given up to «.«n.lemen Having been annoyed with pimple«, tion, master of the State grange, and other brand offered for sale in this market, and fir st offense is amputation of the right or beurtnir, »veak eyte, du jipata I tiui s ;>m_______ bad c«»n- Sheriff's Sale. die with dyspepsia when I first saw note the difference in weight. Of preoRun» ’n bed. you have Catarrh. Tbuu. << 1. xh |, for m«»re than a year, I used a hand, tlie second the left hand, and for nin* others appointed by Governor leading preparation of sarsaparilla and otlier adver- *nda ut ea«> b rutiuafe in cvMuiupUon. ¡Moody. Underthe law $7500 was avail­ the advertisement <>f Shaker Extract Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION DULY the third the prisoner becomes a target im - I rvim dit-Mlo no rfl ’ t-4't. Then 1 consulted a prom- Dr. Say- « C ..Tvitaii l.’ijzrpv cun, the irorat issued Out of the circuit court of the State Flour and Mill-Feed able the 1st of last January to each of of Roots or Seigcl’s Syrup. nt phrslr.au, and from his treatment revived After for twelve soldiers. cavea ct Catarrh, “«'old In lhe Mead¿* liv of On*gon. f«»r Multnomah county, on the 24th no beut-i.i. I th n concluded l«> try the 8. S. 8. rem the States, but owing to the non-accept­ using four bottle« I was able to at­ aad Catarrhal tleadncbv. i .enU, day of December 1887, and to me directed and • ily for the blood, and five or six packagi-s. by a Constantly on hand and exchanged for wheat Upon investigation by the pro|ier au­ ance, as yet, of the college building at thorough < rad Ira:En of iny trouble and restoring delivered, in favor of The Board of Commission­ •mocthne«« to my skin, have made me happy, and er» for the sale of School and University Land» thorities in Portland it was found there Corvallis, it is feared thatonly $3000 will tend to my busine- s as well ns ever. I rht^rfully give you this testinionkil for such u*>- for the investment of the funds arising there­ BARLEY ROLLERS. and The OrYKRV «1 IDK »• aud publicity us you wbh to make of it. were about 1,200 of the pupils attending become available to Oregon for this year. I know of several <•■>;-■■ s of chillsand from of tho State of Oregon. Plaintiff», who re- C'nSRLOTTE IlAMDOW, Issued Sept. ««Mi March, Having added a set of Barley Rollers to my mill covered a judgment and decree of foreclosure of fever thai have be< - i cured by it.” the public school at that place had not 1.72 Bowery, m ar Canal Street. each year. fi«r 31'4 pages, I have set apart every Bat unlay to Iloil Barley for a certain mortgage in the above-named court on been vaccinated, and accordingly orders So writes Mr. Th m . Pullum, of Tay­ g>wxll\ Inches,vsithover Arnica Suer. customers. The work will be done on short the 4th day of January. 1886. and against the here, were issued requesting parents and guar­ Hugo IlniMkcrl*« Tcntimouy. notice, so that rwirties can return with their grisi innfter described real property belonging to B. 3,SOO illustrations — a The best salve in the world for Cuts lor, Geneva Co.. Va. E. G. HURT, Medford, Or. the same day. I am prepared to roll liarlcy at al! F. Dowell and N. A. Dowell, Defendants. I am Th • Swift 8; eelfle Company, Atlanta. Ga. . dians to vaccinate them forthwith. whole Picture Gallery. Bruises. Sores, fleer*. Salt Rheum. Fever times and in the best manner. This process is commanded to levy on ar.d sell eaid prerty to Gt-uih men F<»r two year« I had a Bevern ca«aof WORTH TEX lx-: : V'S A B TTLE. GIVUS Wholesale Prices Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, far ahead of the crusher. pci n t. 1 unrd tar •»uap«,sulphur MoapR,and variou.4 satisfy, tirat j—The sum <»f seventeen hundred and Rev. Father McGrath of this city was Corns, ami all Skin Eruptions, and posi. I di reel tn ennsumere on all goods for • .in r r« f'UMite». nnd « ia prf.rrii<*owell und N A Dowell, thing you uht , eat, drink, wear, or with several |iassrngers, went without in one}’refunded Price 25 cents per box town. Aceom.i; i> Ci.. "v'd., writes iih" thh certificate in any manner y4.11 with. Jackson ('ounty. to Hugh F. Barron,Guardian «»f the minor heirs ill GO HAbnKKRU have fuu wttlk TS»ese IN V ALl AllLK In the matter of the estate of Jane Holt., de- For .«ale by all druggists. food for about twenty hours. Passengers g -k vv:' - digestive •hat he bud bev-.i Member of Tual.a Theatre of Minus Walker. de<*> The Children. They sre es- tried inns. physn-iaiM ttnil merli- lone Treat I mi i n Blood and Skin Di-< ones mailed free. ,,f the lw>«t Stock or Dairy Farms in South, deceased, has filed in the county court of dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray due said Board of <'ommisHionera, with interest vW V penally liablo to sudden cinos withr.ut Ix nefit. He began to urn Oregon, situated on Doer ('reek. Joeephiue Jackson county. Or., his final account as siich ad­ Two Chinamen, Dan Lee and Phil Tnc S wift S ì t inc Co.. ripen* of mailing. Let ns hear from thereoo from the 4th day of January. 1886. at th* and by order of said court Tuesday, Wing, were formally baptized and ad­ Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, nse Slmkei- Extract of Boots or Sei­ county, containing 32ff acre* of rich bottom laud ministrator, 3. Atlanta. (ìa. rate of Iff per cert, per year, and th* further yon, Respactfhlly, especially adapted to the growth of timothy hay March 6, 188«. at the hour of Iff o’clock I mitted to church on probation at the etc. Wo guarantee Acker's English sum of ninety-four dollars ara ninety cents cost*, and clover. About one-half is cleared nod in A. M., is set for hearing. All persons interest«! gel ’ s Syrup about the 1st of Jan. MONTGOMERY WARD &. CO. and the further sum of thiity-ecven dollars and Hanson Place Methodist Episcopal Remedy a positive euro. It saves cultivation, and m«*t of the balance can l>e easily are hereby notified t«i appear and file his or her ob­ eighty two cent», costs on former writ, and also tit X 2-'U Wskaah Av rage. I telvaga, ilL to said account on or before mid day. church in Brooklyn lately. They are hours of auxious watching. Sold by 1887, and was so much better in cleared. There is a stream of water running jection» the cost» of and upon thia writ nf execution. in Published by order of Hon. E. DePeatt, Judge place the year round, affording plenty believed to lie the first Mongolians ever I'itv Drug Store. three week;- that ho considered him­ thronghthe obedience to which said writ, I did. on th* 12th VIA _ _ _ ______ of water foi stock and mm» for irrigating, lhe of said court. received in a church of this faith in JF.AN ST. LUC D k ROBOAM, ' <>n 6R,<^ l“*reinHfter de- self prscticnlly n well man. He place is all inclosed by a good rail fence. 1 here »cribed real property, in the manner provided by Administrator of said Estate. STOPPED FREE Oregon One Dollar. Hood'« Sarsaparilla ti the only dAar bitt for it" Dr.KLINE S GREAT O. J. VANNOY. Land Office at Roseburg. Or., ) hide or hip; alao cattle branded with a figure 2 on Saturday, February 25, A. D. 1888, January 27,1888. ( left aide or hip. lhe ear-marka of the alx>vo N erve R estorer Time between Medford and Ban Francisco, north, longitude 116 west. The source medicine of which Kerbyville. Oregon thte can be truly «aid; brand* ate short crop in left ear and long crop in at 2 o’clock p. m. of »aid day. all the right, title NRJtVX DtSRASKS. OsUj iurt All druggista. or Address A. J. ATOTK ’ K 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE twenty-fi ur ho»r«. of the Snake river is a small streacr in and It Is an unanswerable argument as to Afrctwmi. h:t, ftc. 1X following-named settler has tiled notice of right. Also cattle branded with BP or left hip. and interest of the said defendants, B. F. !h»weil .»n At directed. A j ! >tt A. Dowell, and of Noah Allen end Mary the Yellowstone national park, only a the atrength and positive economy ot this White, Limited. 64 Warren St. N Y. his intention to make final proof in support of and marked crop in right ear and hole and aplit J. Brown, i ’ im *n I trial bottle free»-» CALIFORNIA KXFRF.SR Tl.AfNH DAILY. also made parties defendant in »aid • » expv«w hargear>nhot «hen few miles from the headwaters of the great medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is made Farm for Sale. his claim, and that said proof will be made before in left ear. »mt, in and to all of the following dcMcrabod .P.O UI.» it Ardh St..Phil.-*deh»hi'l Pi. real property, »ituated in saidoounty «»f Jackson, of roots, herbs, barks, etc., long and favorably ¡ Co . at Jacksonville.On. on Wednesday. March he undersigned offers for sal T. J. CRESS. X VZ/Jg/nsrAVU FkALDS. PorÎïâmT Arrive Iff; 10 a . m State of Oregon, to-wit : ♦ n »» p j T Tλ'*Ave his f irm in Deer creek valley. Josephine It. 1888. viz: Charles <’haff«y. homMtmd entry The north todf (N 4) of block numbered f«,rty Among the turf notes in a San Fran­ known for their power in purifying the blood; Medf4»r«l ig»Rve'rt:25 p. M Mil»5 A M. Leave No. .’.WM. for t» e W ‘i of N W Sec. 27. and NJi cuuntv, »aven miles from Kerbyville It con- (44ii in the town of Jacksonville, count) of Jack- 7W V M Vrive San Fr.»n • - ■ » L- iv-"'. M p. M cisco paper Monday were the following: and In combination, proportion, and process, He tains SWiarrm of land, well watered, about 1(M> of N E 1», Bee. 28. i p. 34 8. R 2 W. W M son. Stat«» of Oregon, b»ing the bhx k of land >n acre» of which are under fence and in cultivation names the following witnesses to prove hi« con­ Lindsey has the Oregon mare Jane L. at Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself. which Sewell Truax lived in May. i860, end on three ur four acre» being art in bearing fruit tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said "for economy and comfort wo uso Hood's the Bay District track. The mare has which B. F. Dtiwell's brick dwelln g-hou».e in JACKSONVILLE, OR treoH.and in-*t of the balance im also susceptible land, viz: John B. Welch. John Bailey, Rice E. K. BHEITMAN, Proprietor, s*i ‘ l t« wn <»f Jftck*«onville now stands ; al««> lot Sarsaparilla.'' M rs . C. B rewsteb , Buffalo. liven rested since the racing season, and to gram and fruit rami ng Th*re i* a comforta­ Benson. Wm. Bailey, all of Spikenard. Jacksoo number four (4) of section numtier (wo (2), and EXCURSION SLEEPERS '* Hood's Sarsaparilla takes less time and ble dwelling-house on the place; also a ginxi county. Or. , _ Having permanently located here. I offer in. th«* nort’.'WHt ounrter of the north-east quarter has gained 200 pounds in weight. 1’en- for 8ec<>nd-('lass lfa»*erur$«r* on all through trains CHAS. W. JOHNSTON, Register. barn, »table and other building»- Lhi» ib <» t servicer, to the people of Southern Oregon. lN E of the N E U • <»f section number eleven 1 der, of Oregon, has at Oakland a num­ quantity to show its effect than any other x FREE OF CHARGE. the b»‘»t ranches in southern Oregon and will tm (11), and the nor(h-w«*l quarter of the northwest ber of trotting youngsters born in Oregon, preparation I ever heard of. I would not be Hold cheap if application is made won. For quarter (N W of the N W of »ection num­ House Paiuting, Paper Hanging To Whom It May Cone era without It in the house.” M bs . C. A. M. That). A C. R. R. Ferry makes connection with further particulars api»ly to Henry Kllppoi ber twelve (12i, all in township thirty-nine (Ml) A Texan is picturesque under the most H cbbabd , North ChUl, N. Y. 100 Doeee Thia weil-krown house I im * been renovated al! the roguUr train« on the East Side Divirion i real-estate agent Jacksonville, or to* Frescoing, Kalsomining, Etc., -outh, of range one (11 wenLof 4 illamette merid­ aving lost the bulk oe my prop - from foot of F street. 'throughout and trying circumstances. One of them, near The anderaigned take« pleasure in informing ian, oonUuning ninety.sevmi <«7) acres of land erty by tire recently, and needing what im due the public that he has taken charge of the Board- ms all those indebted to the un«i»»rai«ned will do Done in a superior manner and at price» to «ait more or less, and being sttuated on Wagner creek ’ Austin, got drunk; he aJso got in his NEWLY FURNISHED, West Side Division. the time». 1 refer to the job» of paintin* I have in the county of Jaokaon. State of Oregon ; also m* a great favor to call and *ettle without further ing-hotw. and Fe«l Stahl, in the eastern portion wagon and tried to get home. Crossing of Ashland, on the old -taga-road. where he la r*won de-’ ha» bj«n fitted up tn connection with lhe hotel. now prepared to fnrnizh M AIL TUA I MS DAILY (XV'KFl SCKDAY.) »cril»ed as follows : Beginning at the northwURÆOIg.E, STUOLO Æ>I> CHEAP. o N OVERLING TO CALIFORNIA HANLEY & LOVE. 5 IOO Doses The Mt. Shasta Route CENTRAL HOUSE, C T HOUSE PAINTER, TO THE HUNGRY & WEARY Ashland Boarding-House and Feed Stable! PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Ashland, - - - - Oregon H One Dollar THE BOSS BOOTS And all of AKIN, SELLINC & CO.’S UNRIVALED GOODS! FARM FOR SALE. THE UNDEH81GNED OFFER« FOR SALE hi, farm, «ituatwi noar Bybw> « fsrry ton nuli» f ruin Jacksonville, cintannn« Irtuacrc. Wi acre, h-ina under cultivatmo and Ih» lialanca beine tir.t-claa* timber and naeture land. A «"«I hnuae. *mrn and out bolidi UM ar, connected wit b the place. Title perfact gd term» reu*onablo For farther pat tirala«i*PP>» ’« r*Mrs uthce or J, B. (iRlGbBx. Coltrai Pout P.O. »:<«> !• w. Arri. • McMinnville Lmve,5:4.1 A. M. At Albany «nd Corvulh» connect with train« of I Oregon Pacific. For information regarding rate«, maps. etc.. *ee Company*» agent at Medford E P. R. KOEHLER. Manager. An Absolute Cure, The Original Abietine Ointment h only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is ROGERS. an absolute cure for old sores, burns, G. F. A Paa«. Ag’t woundj, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine Ointment. Sold by all druggis h at 25 cts. per box—by mail 30 cents. 'VW is warranted, is because it is the best Blood Prejiaration known. It will posi­ tively ctiro all Blood Diseases, purifies the whole tty stria, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. Reiueiuoer, we guarflDtM iL “I was severely afflicted with scrofula, and for over a year had two running sores on my neck. I took five bottles of Hood's Sarsapa­ rilla, and consider myself entirely cured." C. E. L ovxjot , Lowell, Mass. “Hood's Sarsaparilla did me an immense amount of good. My whole system has been built up and strengthened, my digestion Im. proved, and my head relieved of the bad fool­ ing. I consider it the best medicine I havo ever used, and should not know how to do without IL" Many L. F eblk , Salem, Mass. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Made only by C.' I. nOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass 100 Doses One Dollar. Settle Up Notice. I 1 J. PERSONS INDEBTED TO TIIL ESTATE A of 8. P. Hanna, fieceaewi, are rrwiuwit«! to settle the «un» forthwith, if they wish to «ave coats, a. the business of the estate must be wound up wi thout farther delay. mil*of Phcenix. all under fence; can at small expense be put in cultivation. On the JU-acre fArm there is iro acres of grain and hay growing that 1 will rell with the farm if dreired. ( ax- give posseMion at /‘"{J• R*r" call on or address JOHN b- HERRIN, Ashland. Oregon. FARM FOR SALE. H. K. HANNA. Administrator nf the estate of 8. P Hanna 'ter tawed. SHROPSHIRE DOW 8EEEP. Imported and bred by G. W. Hunt. Whiteaktr,O» SMOKE THE LITTLE CURIOSI PAINLESS CHODBIRTB HOW *rrt Cttt’.rrkcBrza- »uits. I offer for sale on rewonable terms, my titter. Skin Car» »nd hlerai»h Eradicator known. property on Williams creek, Josephine county. Send »tamp for trial package. Addrw»M»bov< It comprises 80 acre, of land, most of which 1« under /cnee,, well watered andlj~«^ble tocuL tlVatlon. * UV caw- umn ~-------— ----- J...™ Vw^irlM 1, a fX“”iireX"renew.Ua. -ncr»..rear»..ndGeer are in good condition, beeidee which there 1. cabinet shop supplied with superior water-power. of youth. Cures wr-tkne** of mind and body; Nervous G?r?ALDWtiL”*’ i Debility, Bpinn! Exhaustion. Ixxt Manhood, etc. A D r Williams P. 0,, Ol. FOR RENT. THE UNDERSIGNED RAH A FARM OF I 1W act « for rent at reasonable tunire* All of the whjih ia under fence and about NO acre« in cul- tiration. The buiM»njn on the place are very fair and everything in gt*“d order. For farther particulars enquire of COOKSEY A OWEN. Real Eatab* A»ui;dary line, one hundred (100) feet to the east »id*of Third street; thence with U>e east Inie of I Hird stnyt in a southerly direction to the pface of beginning, including B. F. Dowell's law office. Gi.ra under my bund tb>«12th day nf January A. D. 1 h 88 B. W DEAN. Sheriff. ”------- Settle-up Notice. As the undersigned 1« closing up his black smith ba*ine*« at Jacksonville, those indebted to him will confer a favor bv nettling up a** soon a« poMible. DAVID < 11ONEMILI ER. Il rI WANTED. 125« W^kand ex- H r I n H penne?» paid. Steady work. Nrwiò»«»«!*. IIL.Is»r Sample» free. J. F. HILL d ZH mil* na«t of Linkvills. on the Ifort Klamath road. Fifteen acres are und-r fence end in ralUvation. while moat of the balance io auecoptibleio tillaae. Three i. a good well ofww. ierai'd u lo»h on lhe property For fartbet particulars call on or address T C. N- GORDON. LinkvUia, Ot.