I LOCAL VOIF..S. titeiKlalr (ilit{eriii'ji We have received a copy of the “Busi­ The Jacksonville debating society held Jacksonville has no tailorshop at present, another interesting meeting at the Jackson ­ I Mrs. Celia Langan berg spent Sunday vis­ owing to the failure of Ji A. Larsen It ness Educator," published by A P. Arm­ Oregon kidney Tea. Fred Browu is in Portland. iting friends at tlii« place. offers superior inducements to a good nie strong, of the Portland Business College. ville school-liouse last Saturday evening. Build the wagon road . Mrs. Ralls of (»old Hill is still quite ill. Mrs A. U. Hamilton is the guest of Mrs. 11 is or.e of the neatest appearing ps)>ers The room was tilled and some excellent cbanic. aaiTiD »TATEI OFFICIAI HIM. The Ashland Woolen Mills are running C. Jones at the White House. This is the Lenten season Miller Bros of Portland, whose plants, ever printed in Portland, and full of val­ speeches were made on the subject selected again Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Slenter were the Head the new advertisements. for discussion. An astronomical question; • seeds, etc., have gained a wide reputation, uable items. Mr«. K Kubli, who has been quite sick guests of Mrs. Carlisle on Friday. FEBRUARY 24, 188» FRIDAY • ‘ Are there other liabiiuble worlds than The valley is full of drummers is about again . I am prepared to make delivered prices on all kind* of W. 8. Humphrey, the Roseburg bat ker, have something to say in our advertising Oscar Wilde, who honored Glendale by a Dr. Whitney of Eagle Point is making a brief visit, departed some days since. is very low with consumption, and no ours?" will be debated to-morrow night. columns. Raia will soon be in order again. number of improvements. DEMOCRATIC COTNTTCONVENTION Mrs. B. McCulloch and Mrs. Annie Mc­ A correspondent of tlie T imes , writing Judge Day, who has been appointed ex­ hopes are entertained lor his recovery. He Chinese new year closed this week. Much work is still being done on the rail­ Culloch are alarmingly ill and Dr. McCarty is well-known here, and his friend» hope from Chimney Rock precinct, says: Stock ecutor of the estate of J. W Collins, de ­ is in attendance. road track south of Ashland. Attend the coming school meeting. A Democratic Convention for Jack»ou county, Oregon, ia hereby called to be held at the Court ceased. elsewhere publishes a notice to that his condition it not a« hopeless as re­ have wintered much better on Butte creek The numerous friend? of Mrs. Alonzo J. McPherson of Spencer, Iowa, is in ported. News of importance continues scarce. House iu Jacksonville on this winter than last. Grass is growing this section looking fur a home. Jones will regret to learn that -he is lying creditors. H. E Happersett, who has for the past finely and stockmen are happy. Consid­ Saturday, March 'll, HifiH. seriously sick at the Clarke Hotel. Remember the Democratic p.-imaries. Babbitt-metal for sale cheap at the A German and his wife were in town Miss Katie Clarke who lias been danger­ at 10 o'clock A M.. for the purpoee of electing Railroad trains are on time again and ar­ this week lo iking, (or work. They seem to ten years filled the position of roadmaster erable grain has already b-en sown in this T imes office, in quantities to «uit. «even dnlegate« to the Democratic State Cot.ven- on theO ,t C. R. R . on the west-side di­ B Miller of Lake county wa* Registered ously sick, is convalescing under the skill travel on foot and walked Iroin Medford vision. has been transferred to the south neighborhood Mrs. W. S. Gray is recov­ at E. tion to be held at Prodleton, Oregon, on April 5, rive regularly I lul treatment of Dr. Kremer of Grant’s the V. S. Hotel during the week ering from her serious illness. Geo. Far- IKsA, and to t ran «act other businee« that may prop- Pass. Dr. Braden and RtlphDean were in town and back. Fred Luy has almost fully recovered, erlj come befo.-r »t ern»liv:1 wile will start to Die «everal precincts will be entitled to ««ne on Wednesday. and may be found in his shop again. 8ub»eribe for ilie.S.ui Francisco "Exami- vie.- Johnson Crescent City. Cal., mi a short time. It is past week, but is somewhat improved at drl«tc«te tMAch and one dehyate additional for ev­ Sheriff* Deaii was indifferent portions of with profound regret that we note their Nature s remedy is what they -ay of tier" and New York '’.«r. the two best ery 25 vote» cast for N- L. butler for congressman Read our grand ciubbing inducement^ this writing. the county’ this week on official business. departure. in lHHfi, to. wit: * pa|>er.» published. Subscriptions takeu at published elsewhere, and if you want tlie Oregon Kidney Tea. Vote* caM tn tsHrt Precinct. Cass. \\ alker has been elmsen as assignee How refreshing, how like a benediction, The bridge catpentt rs. with l imes Mur­ ................ IrtH A«*'land................ Bargains in every line may still be found the T imes office. of the estate of J . A. Larson, an Insolvent leading journal of southern Oregon and the sleep comes to one who. for tiresome days ray. forent.tn. have been a» this place a ................ 55 Applegate........... The buildings, machinery and mill site best newspaper or periodical in the United and wearisome nights, bad tossed about debtor. at Newman Fisher's f week'. They are engaged i i repairing dam­ ................ 12 Hig Butte .......... ................ 41 Land on the bill back of St. Mary’s Acad­ ages caused by the Inie storm Chimney Rock A. J. Cook, lately of Applegate, is now a of the Big Butte steam »aw-mill company States for the price of one. call or send to seeking the rest lie could not find ; burning ......... m A »leu........................ emy i.s being cleared and will be planted in K. Martin Smith, a wealthy San Fran­ weresold at auction last Saturday, but did the T imes oilice. resilient of Foots creek. ................. 24 Ev^ne Creek .... with fever or shaking with cold, utterly- fruit trees. cisco gentleman, will a» lire in a lew «lays ................ Ì6 Foote Crrvk .... not bring much For g.xfti shingles, shakes and cord-wood Could anything be more delightful than Geo. Jensen ami wife are being visited worn out and prostrated. l)o you ask what and spend the summer at this place. He .............. IS Flounce Rock Call and see those new goods just re­ the beautiful weather we have been expe­ wrought this wonderful change? Frese's by their daughter. Mrs. Lindslev of San will be a guest of the < ‘lai ke Hotel. .............. 227 Jacksonville .... the T imkh office, apply at ................ 76 Little Hutte F rancisco. I We are pleased to learn of a rich discov­ ceived at the Postoffice Store. Woodville. ................ U4 M»afford .............. Fresh buckwheat Hour ami rolled oats Or. Henry says that he will not be under­ riencing during the past ten days? No Hamburg Tea. the great blood purifier. It Carlos Goddnsd and wife and Monroe ery having been ni<>-.~il>l<*to Tear,and it will nut Crack. number of German mastiffs, which are 5 Steamboat It is thought that a quarter of a million represented by Alohz > Jones 'They will SOFTNESS—Wlx-tliPi Cold or Hot, Wet or Dry, it is always Soft Store. Jacksonville. We are not responsible for any views ad­ among the largest and most valuable dogs Tkhlr Kock. .... .............. 1OÎ ?• /I K.WO.V.I L M E\TIOS. fruit trees will be planted in Jackson and erect a quartz mill in the near future. ................. 27 Trail Creek. Byron Presley has returned from north ­ vanced by correspondents. Feb 2uih. 1JOW. Ji mi s in existence. an«l Easy for the most Tender Fret. ................. U Uniontown .... Josephine counties during 1888. This is H E. Ankeny returned to southern O.-e- ern < aliforni i. lie will not engage in ................. 5A Willow Npnnc*. Pay your arrearages at the T imes office merchandising at Agc*r. WATERPROOF—It will 'lurn WaterlH’tter than any other Ix-atlier. A full line of elegant furnishing goods evidence of the fact that this will in tlie gon this week. tlrmo. Total numbers of delegat/w .............. ®2 ami get one of our premiums. Wm. Barrett is now lookin ' after the for gentlemen—the latest styles and best near future he a vast fruir-producting sec­ COLOR—»A «Jet Black that will not Fade or turn Red. Primary meeting« in the vanoue preemet« for Rev Father Herrman returned from the Western Stag»* Co.’s stock at Topsv sta­ k ! Tlie weather is line and the farmers are Our Glendale correspondent has our materials—has just been received at the tion, the greatest on the Pacific coMt. th« election oi delegate« to the County Conven­ all I hisj - plowine ami sowing tlieir grain. POLISH—I nlike till other Grain Leather it will take a High Polish tion, Klamath county. north yesterday on a visit. tion wdl be held at th« usual place« of voting on thanks for substantial favors. 8. F. Variety Store. • Re ne.uber that Pond's Extract is to be The «ale of the Dardanelle« place, owned with oniinary Shoe Blacking. Sai ar.lay March 17, 18s8. at 1 o clock P. M. . Stanley A (.'omits are making a weekly Mrs. Stout of Phoenix visited friend« in Marshal Curtis elsewhere announces that All person« who favor the perpetuation of The annual school election will be held obtained only in bottles of Pond's Extract by Tims, (’havner, i> reported. It contains elemi-up ol K«> | rr week from their arastra. CLEAN AND LIGI11 \\ E1GII1—Not hieing Weighted with Tan- Democratic principle« and deaigu supporting Jacksonville last week. Lfioo acre- and is held ar he is a candidate for re-election. on Monday. March Ath, and should be well Company'«own putting up (buff wrapper, rhe rock so tar l>:i« avergsed 412 per ton. the Democratic nominee« at the approaching hiD^Matcriule and Grva-e, it \*ill not soil a Stocking and wcighl At the raffle at Eatrie Point on St. Valen ­ elections, are cordially invited to participate in with le trade mark) and in no oth ­ Old papers, in quantities to suit, can be attended, as many matters of importance Robinson Wright of ¿Kg Butte precinct 8 J. Heckel has sold his sa*-iui)l and tine’« daj’ John B. Willinrr.y» w«»n the horse the pn marie«. Light for the Sul>stan<-e. er way. Anything offered you not so put was in town yesterday. will then come up. bought cheap at the T imes office. By order of the Democratic Co. Committee. farm to Howard . t'ox A 8|>eer. They w ill and John F. Howard the revolver. H K. HANNA. Chairman. AVe carry in custoni-imi'le ut the Highest Grade of this stock, After diphtheria, scarlet fever, or pneu­ up is counterfeit. Refuse it. Base-ball and spring fevers are the most D. L. Hopkins ol Ashland has been in Mr* Marv Miller of this place has been take (lossession the middle of Man i. appointrd as D D G M of the Rebekah Sam. think« ol moving to the eoa«t soon. The bouse and lot belonging to the Priest town during the week. a hand welt (men’s) Ince -line. nuid< on the English Watikenphiut last, monia. Hood's Sarsaparilla will give popular complaints hereabouts. X, .Srregrtisi r’or^orwriois. decree of the l.O. O. F. for tin’s place Michael Bicki-ub.K-'i of this place ha. j at 00, anil a Isu-e i-hoc made on the Harvard Box-Toe last, calf Pure and fresh garden seeds of all kinds strength to the system and expel all poi­ estate, situated in the northeastern portion O. E. Ruse of Applegate paid the coun­ The bad treatment of the passengers by J. S Morgan and wife of Gall’s creek sold out bis farm on Evans c <-ek to Mr. of town, near tlie scliool- liou.se , will be sold i son from the blood. ■ lined throughout and sole> of < 0 imine English Sole Leather, at $7 00. for sale at the S. F Variety Store. • ty-seat a visit this week. have s<»Id their real estst»* I-» W. (iakr - f< r the railroad employes in the late slides and llnoo.and will piobably remove to Medford. Howard of Medford. Michael thinks of Both are in seven different in-twidths to each size. For 25cts. A full list of real-estate transactions in at guardian's «ale to-morrow (Saturday; storms on the Siskiyou mountains, and The 'Plaindealer" has hoisted the name Arthur Langell of Klamath county is in The report that Mrs <’. ('. Beekman of starting to California before long. Success ! additional they will lie x-nt charge», prepaid to any address by mail or Jackson county during January, as record­ at the court-house door. It will make tlie Jacksonville on legal business. the failure of the railroad authorities to of Binger Hermann for congress. Vis'nrx this place lost her b w >n and orange trees to him. purchaser a comfortable home ed in the clerk's office, wiiy>e found on M weather is unfound­ Ditlrent After Eating. first page of the T imes . e'i,n>s< route over their line, and the advance in the 8. F. Variety Store. Jacksonville. • The Souiiit rn Pacific has mad« an excess Mid lord were in town Yesterday. ed. * The result of indigestion will no lunger Portland, Oregon. freight charges, already too high. will not Dr. DeBar has purchased a large stock of be experienced if Simmons Liver Regulator Attention i« called to tlie adveriisement baggage rate of 43 per 10O pounds on the It is plated upon good authority that Dr Mis.« Hortense Russell of Ashland 18 hoots and shoe* in Springfield. Mo . and TT make as favorable an impress: ill in behalf is taken after each me.d. It is such a go-»d I of Gist Starrett, the well-known seedsman t'ahtoruia A Oregon road. The old excess l.eni)>ert is in California, alive and well. paying friends in Jacksonville a visit. I will engage in that boniness \Ve wish him digester, and so mild and p!e:(«:»nt in its of the new regime as was hopefully antic­ l of Walla Wall i, W f His seeds arc first- rate «a« 4,>. but at the lime stage ci-nnei - ■ «iir-mss effect, that it i« used by many. afte.' a ipated. The employes will take a walk, Millrt see.l. fresh and clean, in quanti- »class in every particular. lion had to be made between Ashland and"! W. H. Xvwtun and family of Sardii.« «1» mstion !’h • <’. B Lin 'Mr. an /‘Xpert t»v-< han*«* rind hearty me;»!, to ir.Mir » creek spent a May in town last week. aud pub.ic attenliou will be cal led to that ties Io suit, at theS F. Variety Store. • tin- Si«kiv< n m* m da ins the excess rate was ' Regulator d«»es t:o* n u-e»t* < r irritr.t» lb» an iudustriotis young man. has removed Supt. Jacobs, in the eilucationai depart­ »7 .-) stninai-h. *»ut correct-jo liiv. dini A-hlatid to Beiliugtiam . W. T Suc ­ tact inorder, perhaps, to shield some «ulte­ H. G. Moyer A»f Caimney Roca precim l Prof. Merritt has sold his interest in the ment of the T ime «, makes a iiumber of cess to him. gases, allay« irritati.m, an 1 ..s-i-t* the rior officer, equally guilty, »ays the Rose­ "Oregon Sentinel to Dr. Will Jackson '1 be pipes which carry waler from the made Jacksonville a visit Wednesday timely suggestions, which sh 'iil.l lie fol- Emil lL*rl><‘. the enterpri.-ing vinevar .1 ' <> San fonn-.eco <;.!. Some fruit trees have been shipped to traveling pleasant. Let them come—there self such universal confidence as Ayei's a notary public by Governor Tennoyer. iiums of gold to town tin- w ek. a few of Chronical. Nov.90. keep them within the bounds of reason. Sarsaparilla. It is the most powerful com­ whit Ii were. ‘■»•Id foi several do!l irs’each. One thing that the different county asses •outhern California from this section is room for plenty of them bination of vegetable alteratives ever of ­ E. D Foudray and A. G Epp* of Pine- The r-‘o! i»rt \ve»n tiie count «-«eat and sors should do at once is to raise tlie as­ I lately. r. ■ - • • -r d'.rr.er Everybody shouhl call and see that mag­ fered to the public, aid is acknowledged M« dim'd i> i i r. im-‘ an ini pa «sab a- e<»mli '■ rdlyP-s- Mark Armstrong is engaged in serving nificent stock ot goods being displayed by by tlie medical profession to be the best nix made our town a call during the week tioii sessment of railroad property at least 300 ami I biimi.i;'di-_rraro to a < tviiiz <1 prpsia, v.;2 V Tabi.-ts. \ r’j I 11. L. Ish and W. E. Wil«ciuson •»! Big I cmum'i* per cent. The previous assessments have 1 sub|H>enas on witnesses in the Hamlin Newman Fisher. Great bargains in every blood purifier. ;t\ h ^.’i >u’ I be ’.vHI grade 1 al They are a p ' ) cur j f .-1. -pensla, In- Butte precinct were here a few days sin« <• once. been ridiculously low—many times lower 1 case. ¡V digestion, I : y r. 1 < uu: : ¿.ation. line are being offered there ‘ N. H Sj-cncer, who purchased ibe Palm­ 'I he ?dvdford ' Transcript, whirl» should We guarantee theta. £ 5 r.r.l CO cents. than those made by counties in California J. A. Cha«e has invested in some land Judge Day. who has been quite sics,ex ­ The Democrats of Jacks in county will er farm on Griffin creek last fall.has cleared have n ached J r kMinvillo last ru<*8<1ay. upon similar properly. inearTolo station, which he will plant in hold two conventions one to send dele­ nearly ten acres of land and planted it in pects to be ill his office by the 1st of March. has not arriv/d a> yet an<| it i- n'p»»rted ' fruit. that the publtcatioti <»l »he pap< r hi»« been gate« to the «late convention and the other trees,of which tw.-'h'rds are winter apples NEW THIS WEEK. Noah Allen nnd John Hollon of Wajtuel di>< or.rinucd jinuHul r.rCH AfecfieH. Gardening has commenced and garden to nominate county officers. H< is one of those progressive farmer« and i c:i«'k nisi riel were at the oouuty-seal Hal- Nvlicc is, hereby given that the annual In ’ otv A Vhp dr of Ei^le Poi ,t are sass will I h > in the market before many - making a numlrt*r of improvements ami 11. Mensorof Woodville. Or . will pay horticulturists which s.-irhern Oregon! I uid.iy. Executor's Notice. town election tor the town uf Jacksonville, weeks. wt.l Jlien ii$ve u very neat nluce of l>«»i the highest price for deerskins and furs of stands in need ol. i Wm. ikber receiitiy returned ¡ruiu his tie-« Uri-g'tn, will be heal at the Town Hall in In th« matter of the estate of J. W Collin*, de­ I hey keep I irg.* and • V l ent This is the last chance candidate; for all kinds. If you have any to sell, call and ceas'd. Hon t . H Watroi. of Astoria, deliver ! I springs on Evans creek muca improved in I stork of goo«L said town on Tuesday, th« 6th day of NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TH \T THE ed a iiios interealing iectura on “Crater health. • March, A. D. 1888, for the purpose of elect­ town officers have to announce their see me. I mean what I say. Li underMgned has been appointed by th** coun­ C. W. Logan ’- reputation a*** a I court of Jackson county. Oregon, sitting in ing five trustees, one marshal, one re­ claims. Everybody shou'd consider tiie best in­ Lake and its surroundings,” before the Jus. Robison, one ot the leading farmers i photographer i.s fjrsi-cL»-«. ami he receives ty Prof>ate. executor of the estate of J . VV. Collins, Build good roads to the main line of the terests of Jacksonville and vote for the Alpine club, at Portland. Friday «veiling of Wagner creek, called at the T im xs office the exclusive patronage of Ashland or»'! deoeaaed. corder, one treasurer and one street com­ much from eveiy portion of >. nit hern Ore ­ persons indebted to said e^ta’e are request­ missioner; also to vote for or against the : railroa l and our ira te will increase per­ ro3d proposition. Nothing is needed more Those who have beard the lecture pro­ Wednesday. gon He employs the b«-st and most pop­ ed All to nettle the «an»e immediately, and those hav­ nounce it a graphic and valuable desscrip- ular metho is. his work being after the ing claims against the eMate will present them to following resolution, to-wit: W hkkeas , ceptibly. than a good road to the railroad. Baird s celebrated minstrel troupe pass­ (latest styles, am! guarante/ s togive satis­ me in Jacksonville, Jackeon county, Oregon, tion of the lake. the interests ol the property-holders of the I Jos. T. Delk, the Lake creek merchant, The town election takes place one week with the proper vouchers attached, within six ed through the valley last week, en route faction. Give him a trial. It their- For the he«t turnouts for all occasions town of Jacksonville will be enhanced by ; brought a load of produce to town one day from next Tuesday Three candidates for months from the first publication of this notice. to Portland H1LA8 J . DAY. Executor. having a first-class road or roads built to j this week. town marshal are in the field and the con- call at the Excelsior livery stable in Jack­ J. F. Ragsdale and wife wilt soon make a Dated February 24. 1S88. lira ad flaflt». sonville I'lj inale's prices are quite rea­ some point on the O. ,k C. K. R . there­ Goods sold chea|>er than ever at the Post test promisees to be I** interesting. i wo large and magnificent oil paintings, visit to Umatilla county, where their rel sonable and he never falls in giving satis ­ fore be it resolved that a tax of J6nu0 be tiffice Store. Woodville. Call and see for in tine gilt frames, valued at $30. ami an Rev. J. W. Miller will hold servic s in faction You will also do well to patron- atives resides. elegant music box. playing four of the levtest tor that purpose, ami this reso­ 1 yourselves. A< KLS in lots to auit porcba—r»- in the city of A«ld»nd ate ofirred for -ale at fair |»rte submitted at the next annual on hh «> term«. , *. _. fled ofl at the F Vanetv Store in Jack ­ ■ Vote for goo I roads to the railroad, a. o'clock «. m . Rev. Robt. Ennis, tlie pas­ I place ami Medford. 1 i U W i A< KES in fire, ten and twenty acre tract*. adjoining and near Ashland. lb* beet quality the forepart of the week, but has since re- sonville on St F«n trick’» Day. • election to the voters of said town. The 1' H JU <»f fruit land*. and most dneirablr Mtuati»»n«, ar»- now often d for «ale at r hi* office The tor. will officiate in the evening. in Fruit and farming lands in tract* of from 4U to lit’ acre«, near AMiland. and along the lino of ttea polls at this election will open at 10 o'clock j they would help our town amusingly highest throw with the dire gets the pic­ Grown from acclimated stocks on Many of the farmers in the southern end turned home railroad, can be purchased at thi* office. The brick foundation of tlicM. E church of the valley complain that a large amount a. m ami will remain open until 3 o'clock | every way. F A. Kennedy of l’hoenix passed tures and the lowest tin w the music box iny own ground. A BpUndid Stock Ranch of SOou arrt* in Jarksuncounty and one of 4'11 Ville Wednesday, on liis Tickets, »lily || each, i’on’r fail to I uy for «ale at a bargain at thi« office. . y. M. By- order of tlie board of trustees. one. ; rot«*>nab!e comnn*«Mion will I m * rh«rg’*d in all <•«*»••« for bnyin* or aellinir roal-eetate in scriptions taken at the T imes office at re­ adj soon be thoroughly renovated and will January, and it will lie necessary to do the way to Applegate J. H- Hl rraa. Recorder It yxiur merchant does not keep j Jackson ami Joeephine ar <1 Klamath countTitl«*« will I»« car»»fullr inrort¡gated; abatracta fur- then present a neat appearance. Pn ff/if/Hi It May ( •tarf-ra. conveyancing dona; loanw of nionay -‘-cured for the borrower or found for the lender on the duced rates. Jacksonville, Feb. 28. I*f8. work over again. This will prove a great them, send for catalogue. Address niahed; J. T. Hover, one of Ashland's leading mt*t reasonable terms. . . ____ _ The undesigned hereby notify all tbOtfe Wm. Eaton, who lias proved one of the The infant child of David Daniels was ! inconvenience as well as a considerable We shall always I m * prepared to give a"j information desired concerning the n**ed*. resource« ard A Tlraaant Deration. teachers, attended the party here last indebted to them to come forward and set- prost-enty of Ashland and Southarn < >rego... *nd will take pleasure in showing the property ws < ffer best street commissioners the town has I loss This has seldom, if ever. liapi>ened buried in the Jacksonville cemetery last The residence of Maj. Sterling Neil was Wednesday evening Je on or before Feb. 15. lsss, cither by cash ever had. is a candidate for re-election and before. the scene of a delightful select party last Wednesday. ROPER, GALEY HELM. Real Estate Agents. Dr Aiken has been appointcsl chemical or note. We mean a* we have WALLA WALLA. W. T. will probably have no opposition Ashland's common council has raised K. Kubli Is beautifying his premises with Friday evening. Ibe occasion was a re ■ i" ..................... -■ ........................................................ — assistant l-> tlie London Woman's Hospital if1»' for what is coming to us. I The fall-sown grain isgrowing finely in lhe lieeii«e for seiiing liquor there to »COO caption given by the Major, complinicn!ary a neat, new fence. Others should emulate at 1. rido i. England. K i \< \tb A Kirin v. moat portions of the valley. Excepting in per annum,which will act as vii t ri! prolii- Io bi« relatives. Mr. Gw »rge Neil,of Oregon, his example. Central Foint. Jan. 19. 1NSS. ■ kre.i A Auteiirietn, a prominent young and Mis» Nen. »4 < uvr Spring«, Georgia Better than many lett -rs to your friends the southern portion of the valley, not ' bition. We learn that all the saloons have I man ol Yreka, Cal., was in Ja. ks-nividr I permit« to «ell liquor until Jan. 1. 188!». The ladiei uf the hou«e received their | elsewhere: A copy of the I'tMEs sent regu- much a :« killed by th* col I weather ANNOUNCEMENTS. Wholesale and Kutail Dealers iu Tlie sale of the Dowell property. which ■ which wil’ give the pe.;ple an opportunity yesterday on husine.-s. gur-'ts in their characteristic hospitable i larly. Try it. - io elect a c >uncil that will ell iiige this rate. < Win. L. Bilger, representing ihonipson, manner. The first part uf the evening was . J. H. Oriflis of Gold Hill has comnienc- was advertised to come off last Saturday, For City Marshal. spent in spirited t unversation. About 11 I ed work on the new building for the M. E was post|>oiied until to-morrow There Articles of im-orp ration have been filed ' D.-Hart A Co. ot Portland, is in the valley he sub 8 i nmnt hesi ’ i < tfullt an - o'clock supper waa anuuunced, and was I Church, South. in the oitii e of the Secretary of State by looking after business were several bidders on hand, however no'mcvK that l.e will be h candidate for re. Apiary and Poultry Supplies. Ek. such a one as to make the guests linger the Ashland Hotel f'o . of Ashland; incor­ W. P. Jacoby, 'Squire Stuart, W. B. election to t‘ie «»tticeof eny marshal, «object to Deeds, mortgages and every descri|>tion long at the table, .and the many pleasures 1 J. H. Berry of Big Butte precinct made of real-estate and legal blanks for sale at porators. Fordyce Roper. H. B t'arter, Shepherd and John Halls of Gol-I Hill paid the (incision of the voter« of Jacksonville at the \s l.tr. Ir.i5 who ’.«re tv-»*d if and »roved ita vir. ensuing town election. I). L. (’UKT1S. h - tr« I ?« .-t c|i««*fully t-etify. It ia free fr«»® of the table and of the evening will live lung ■ us a call a few days ago He reports stock theTiMKs office at Portland prices Give i Jacob Thcmpson. Asbury C. Helm, G. F. us a visit a tew days since. ; li fielet-nous or p» « o ' h » uh drug*, and ia by far ' as doing well 209 SECOND ST., PORTLAND, OR. I Billings, J. M McCall, W. H. Atkinson in the memory of those present The host For Town Marshal. Judge Webster, who I.as been in the Southern < Ircgon does not need a" boom." us a call, if you need anything in the blank and Janie« C Tolman ; capital stock. »25.- Eastern States for nearly three months, is and hostess were complimented many line Bend for our Catalogue 1 000. ill. UNDERSIGNED ANNOUNCES THAT The Cleanest and Most Popular Dressing phe- All it requires is some of California's | time* on the success of the entertainment, he is a candidate for Marshal at the ensuing The board of trustees held a meeting last expected home in a few days. I Washington's birthday passed off quietly town election, and reap ctfnlly aol-cita the -nl- and good-byes were said most reluctantly nomeim! liars. 1 Monday evening, but, besides ordering the Silas Dildlne of East Portland is making freer» of the people of the town of Jacksonville. n«»w ujhiu the market. Notice for Publication at the parting - Fort Valley (Ga.) Enter­ I Work on the new Ashland hotel will question of levy ing a tax of IflOOO for road i everywhere, and with but little demon- F.GKOB. It in a #ure care for al I ecalp humors and will southern Oreg-m a business visit. He was I stration upon the part of the people of remove anti prevent dandruft; aleo. if tout hair prise, Feb. Uth. Land Ofiice at KosebarR.Or.. i soon be commenced. It will be a very fine. purposes submitted to the people, transact­ i# fallini; out. or han become hare h and dry. it will in Jacksonville Wednesday. I this great republic, who owe nearly everv- Feliriiary 21. 1888» 1 For Marshal. large building. check ii and render it «oft and \ nnoi n < ek him . !.i« ir.toxition Newman Fisher has one of the most the flag« were hoisted ami a grand hall who is investing’ in southern Oregon prop­ As soon as the road through tlie moun­ Oats and barley for sale at reason able t:> make final proof in support of Midfasa candidate f<»r city marshal, ai.d so­ i I Ins claim, aad t ¡mt sa.d j»ro«>» wi li !»•• made before figures. For further particulars apply at complete and Jiest stocks of gener.il mer ­ tains in Siskiyou county is in a suitable licit« the HufTrntfcs of the voter«of Jacksonrj'le. took place in the evening in honor of the erty, returned home last week. : the Judge or (’lorK of tin« Count} « «»nrt of Jack SF.HASI IAN K< HLMPF t chandise in southern tjreg-ni. an I every­ event. condition for trains to pass in safety at a the T ime » office. I non county, Oregon, at Jacksonville, Or . on i Geo, ii. Neil, who has been making an ex ­ SN'I LL. HM8T8HU A WOODARD, , Fn H No. 5208. for S E of N \V *<, b W • F«.r sale by druggist, generally. will be put on the California Jt Oregon. No i unwonted cordiality on the part of numer- dersold. I of N I HH<1 N 4 of 8 F. . bee. IS. Tp. .83 8, placecn tlie eveningot Washington's birth­ will return home in a short time. R 1 vast W M He uani« » the tohow ng witr.ee»«-» definite time arrangement has been nnvir j ous candidates T RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCED!YSELF AS The 8 lutliern Oregon Fruit Growers' day was ot.e of the pleasantest that has tn prove hi» eon'muoue residence ui»»n. »nd < ill- We received a pleasaut call from Supt. 1 a CHiuiiilalo for fhootliep of Street t otnmi— Itivatioo fur the train, but it will probably leave San of, seat land, viz Uriah Gordon, Jemee Jacksonville badly needs good roads lead- Association will meet in Jacksonville to. ever taken place there. The best of music aiouer at the town election, wbrnli will I* held on L. Gordon, and Blinn C. Goddard of )• tn». Jack­ WM EATON Francisco at 7 a. w. This will car y mail.«,a« i ing to the railroad. Therefore build them, morrow. We hope to «ec a full attendance, was furpislied by the Jacksonville String Gamble and M. A ttrentano of the Wag­ March 0.188ft. J. 8. MfLI.KB’ ton county. Or , and William W.W.llitkot Dee- J. B. WUISLKÏ. well as passengers. Its advent will not in­ I and at once, too. as this society can do much good for this Kami ami the «upper was excellent. Eveiy- ner creek mines a few days since. I kins. Jaakson coun'y.Or Opp. Odd Fellow»’ Building, UHA8. W. JOHNSTON. Ke«i»ter. Ed. Brehera and J. D. Scharf!' of Port­ MA II II I E D. terfere with the running of the aecomnoo body present thoroughly enjoyed them- J C Wbipp is quarrying stone with section. land, well-known commercial travelers, dation tram now on the line. As the train I. W. Berry, deputy warden of the Ore­ selves. which to construct a fine erping around REDDING-M< MAHON in this city. Feb. 19th. Administratrix's Sale of have been interviewing our merchants wilt pass larger towns along the route in One of the leading lines of horticulture gon State penitentiary, will pay bis old by Rev Father Leonard, Wm Iteddingaud Mrs. tlie Ish burial lot. Real Estate. the daytime, it is believed that passenger Jane McMahon. in this valley will be grape growing. The home her« a visit next month. He has Mrs. R, M. McDonough ol Willow business will be considerably increased, I We never saw more delightful weather in been subpoena'd as a witness in the Ham­ fruit grows well, matures evenly, is free Springs precinct paid her parents (Mr. and COX—GREGORY—At the bride’« parent« in In the County Court of the State of Oregon for HIS WELL-KNOWN HOUSE. UNDER THE Point precinct. Feb 14th, by Ker. Mar­ J.-tck«un county. n«*w management, will be conducted on th« people being dissatisfied with the present | Oregon than we have been enjoying dur­ lin case. from diseases and bears heavy crops. The Mrs. Wm. Kahler) a visit one day this Central In the matter of the o«tato of W H. Jhmpton, tin Peterson. I). T. Cox and Miss Almira be«» and numt popular plan«, no pain« bafag arrangement by which trains pass their ing the past ten days. market is sure at a price which makes deceased spared t<» giv»* general satisfaction. It contains Gregory. Jacksonville is bound to become a great week. TN PVR8VANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE comfortable sleeping aikartments supplied with Regular services will be held during the stations at night 1 County Court, made the 2d day of January, wine-producing center, as a large number them a very profitable crop. No better in­ single end double beds, miking it a desirable Joe Braendel and his partner have re ­ TN ORDER TO MEET THE GROWING DE Lenten season at the Cutholic church by can be made than in planting a bok . v . 1888, the undersigned, administratrix ot the es­ JL maud for real-estate property we have opened place for the entertainment of both travelers and ASUI iw rfc« Toil». of vineyards are being set in and about the vestment turned from Gold Hill and will resume families tate of W. H. Simeon. decMswi. will offer for good vineyard. an office in the Judge Toohy of San Francisco has ren­ Rev. Father Leonard. «aIn to the highest bidder,on place, says a correspondent of the "Orcgo- in Jackson ATTEBERKY-On Formt creek. Feb. 14th. to Jos McVey of the Corners has presented work on their quartz ledge The Table dered a decision overruling the demurrers 1 Some of the ladies of Jacksonville already gonian." Saturday, thr day of March. IS8S, Mr. mid Mrs. John F. Atteborry. « son. creek district. to the Indictments against the Pilcher- have their gardensill tine shape and sever­ Will always tie supplied with the beet the market at 1 o’clock P. M. at the court-house door io Jack­ H. W. Hoagland of Central Point pre to the board of supervisors of Del Norte ABBOTT Near Talent, Feb. 10th, t. Mr. Hon. E. B. McElroy. State Superintend- I afiords, served in a s'} ie that will please the meet sonville, Oregon, the following described real Neustadt-Hamberg gang ot half-interest . al flowers are in bloom. cinct has sold 24 acres of land to W H.. county .Cal.,a petition praying that a bridge ent, will soon visit the leading schools of Mrs. J. W. Abbott, a daughter. fastidious taste. property; —On Wsgner cre<4t. Jan 25tb. to swindlers and confidence men. They will | It is understood that a sixieen-stall round Norcross, a new comer, for $1000. The lie built ac-oss Niui'li river. It was signed southern Oregm. He will spend a day in ROBISON ¿7”Rates reasonable and satisfaction guaran­ Two lots and a house situated in Brownsboro, and Mrs. Boid Rooison. » »dbtira N'uraery, Valley and many residents of Crescent the Jacksonville scliooi. Wm. Ulrich, a son. Parker out of his entire fortune, amount- | size as that at Dunsmuir. KOBE» LA HERBY. if. Sundeiiuan. Marion county, Oregon. All order« in that line city We hope to see the supervisors act J. Patterson and Henry Amerman were Administratrix of the estate of W. H. Bimpsoiw promptly atteuded to. DR. J. HINKLE. Ing to »11.000. Parker, who in defanlt of I Vegetables and flower seeds, onion sets, Mrs. Kosella Berry, administratrix of the favorably on it. deceased ROSHA WRLSLEY. at the county-seat last Tuesday, They re- »2500 bonds to appear as a witness against millet seed, etc., fresh and pure, for sale estate of W. H. Simpson, deceased, an- Dated Feb 24th. 1*88 Mr. Backus,agent for J. H Seltleineier's 'port much of the grain in the upper end of the trio, was routined for two weeks in the at the 8. F. Variety Store. • nounces in another column that she will well-known nursery of Woodburn. Marion the valley as being frozen out. county jail, ai’|>eared in the |>olice court We must have a wagon road to the rail­ sell certain real property belonging thereto county, received a full carload of choice We received a pl4asa?it call from Jacob W. A. OWEN. on an application to have his bail reduced road, if we wish to maintain the commer­ on March 24tli. st tOb.tltW trees from this nursery have is paying this eoMHtqiHte visits I AM PF.KMONS.ELY ACQUAINTED WITH nisbing them, ft is to be hoped that the 1 many of the m<«*t paruun wiahiiqr a fruit or H*rrienltural farm, or any i«erwn haring a farm of the best hotels in southern Oregon, and quarrel over some trivial matter, when glad to bear of his appointment. that offers better inducement» to horticul­ | ceived at the S. F. Variety Store * #ale. will do well to call at my <»ffice and ar­ is doing a good business. She furnishes Bealman drew a large pocket-knife and J A. Cardwell, who lias been in ■ for turists aud vineyardists than the foothills range with me My cltarce# wilt I h * moderate. Farmers have been very busy during the Offirv ht < entral Point. Jarkron county. Or in the vicinity of Jacksonville. As grape Hast ten days, and a vast amount of grain ; the best of meals and lodgings and gives stabbed Parsley under the right shoulder Willamette for »everal months past, J. HINKLE. M D genera! satisfaction. blade, penetrating through the cavity of returned home. He has »old quite» num­ lands they have no equal in the whole | has been sowed during that time. CENTRAL POINT. OR.. of white bronze monuments lately ber The grand raflle for the pair of elegant the chest, making a serious if not fatal Stale, and are also peculiarly adapted to mtrajt V. Cook, one of the proprietor» of the fruit culture. Uonsiderable clearing is now j i Talent is moving ahead rapidly and paintipg* ami a fine mnsic box,announced wound. The culprit escaped. Have opened an office fin Gie transaction of a ¡¡j j , promises to be a lively town. Mai y im- to take place at the S F. Variety Store in I .................................. Clifton canneries, who is also interested in being done in that neighborhood,and it wii. During the last four month« of 1887, over general rwal-oHtale basine«», and ere now prepar­ not "be Very long beforo thia secti.-n will be , provements are being made there. ed to famish bargain» in all kinds vf property, Jacksonville, loi. been postponed until 425.'«») worth of fruit was purchased and the sterling mine«, arrive 1 from Portland have el ready a large list of dewirable real-ee. I The hers are lining good work again and March 17th, St. Patrick's Day a vast orchard and vineyard. We sin- shipped from this county. Thia is the be­ Wednesday, a .<1 will remain a few days. For 1««* I t letter than pvimt . ar.d should tate in onr hand», winch is constantly Items in- of every |ternon cwttmplr.ting buying creoaed ca;ely hop« that thoia who own large I the price of eggs has tumbled. They are Engel Bros, ol l’hoenix. the popular ginning Fruit-rai« ng is yet iu its infancy I' E. Hagglumi, th; expert tsHor, who ter- TI hi »« in quest of good investment» will MEDFORD. OR. PLANTS “BULB8. ^5 bodies of land weal of this town will sell quoted at 12', cents a dozen at present. mere'.ant.«, keep s large and lir«t class With proper care in pa< king and marking has been a resident of this place for nearly thousand« or Tllustration«, and nearly 150 pages, teilinf do well to give n» a call. COOKSEY A OWEN JNB. PI8TOLH AND OTHER FIREARMS what to buy. and where to get it, nnd naming loweat them in small parcels, anil Ilina lay the Fresh orange«, lemons, tigs, dates, can­ stock of general m< rchandise and sell at the demand will keep far in advance of the two years, left us this week. He went to ^ rn»airc d . wyn are requeeb-d to <-all and »«itlo th- fame | winch he offer» for »ale at reaaoaable pnee. I Great Nerve Restorer No tits after first themselves and their every interest if they nearly 200 acres in trees, all of which will sumption, Coughs, vtc. Did yon ever try | Peatt, Judge of tlie County Court, made Februa­ For Sale. with meat one. art harebeen appointed awixnee . Here i» a faxorahle opportunity to ineeet ines- ry IS. 1888. do not vol« "yea" on the proposition to be bearing by 1892. It can truly be said Acker's Englitdi Remedy? It is the best on file In Philadelphia onr all Lung Troubles, ■IA8 that Mr. Stewart 1« an energetic and pro­ j ry, 1888. P.P TR|g, Att y fot Pl'ff. Ina Aeepry of Mettra be sold cheap. Apply to C. B. Hostel, Iaivl two trial bottles free to tit cases. Send Bonanza K'amathooaaty. Or . Jan.118. K-. lstd. I llouanaa. June 1*. *88? Sqjd UH positive guarantee at 10c., 60a our aatherlsed afeita to Dr. Kline, 031 Arch street, Philadelphia. class toad from this placj to the railroad. gressive fanner anJ fruit-iaiser. gitc^nuotnitit Simes. H EU K AND TH EHE. LUMBER LUMBER. BUILDING LUMBER Tins Lealligr is mannfactared h? a Process similar to that tiy whicii the Patent Kids known as Do isola are made. The Points Claimed for it are these: Protzman & DeFrance, ! ROPER, GALEY It HELM, SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS II CEO. STARRETT, MOORE’S MILLER BROS., IS THE “BOSS ! ” T T T img, CASE & CO., Corrallu, Or. For «Street ^ommissioter. ASHLAND HOUSE I WRISLEY & MILLER Forty Years io Oregcn. Main St., Ashland, Or T Town of Medford. Jackson County, Oregon. REAL ESTATE AGENT, Central Point, Or. REAL ESTATE AGENTS 1«. , PRACTICAL CUNSMITH, POWDER Absolutely Pure. SEEDS ! ! LORD & THOMAS,««•«.'Si aiiV-PTISERS. CiaxVX. JacksonyiUe. T Bonanza, Klamath County, O ,