Í he ^eiuot ratic Siuies. UMITÍO STATU OFFICIAL MtU HElit: ANI» TH Liti I This is Lent. . Pruning is in order. Oregon kidney Tea. Beautiful spring weather. Read tbe new advertisements. DEMOCKATIC COCNTY CONTENTION B- sure and call for B. and 8. medicines. A Dem«M*rat>e Convention fetf Jackaon county, ’ J<»hn Johnson was in town a few days (>r»‘„on, in hereby cu!lt*il to be h®td at th® Court since. FRlDAY FEBRUARY 17, ltWfl tiuum in Jacksonville t»n *BtNr«tey, March 'll, 1999, at 10 «»’clock A. M.. forth® purpon® < J electing »•even delegate to tbe D»*m<><*ratic Stat»* ( oi ven- tl««n to b»» h»'l«l at p»‘n (¡old Hill last week. Bargains in every line may still be found at Newman Fisher’s t Ihe streams have ’til» :d»«l am! are little above iow-water mark W R. Cook has withdrawn from the contest for town marshal. 8t Valentine’s day passed off quietly. The usual number of missives were tent through the mails, with the comic predom­ inating Considerable improvement has already been begun in Jacksonville. T he pioneer town will look better than ever at the end of 1H54S Frank Smith is at present engaged in put ling John Orth’s big brick building In town in ttrst-rlass repair. A new root will also be put on. The bull at Eagle Point last Tuesday night whs much of a success. The attend- ance was goo»I and tbe music and >upper lirsl-elass. Fill and s c ’li m «? n»*.v -*«»>4* j H re- (tivei.it toe P.fiOffi ‘ Stole. Woudviile, Or Henry says that he will not he under­ sold by anyone. * Subscribe for the San Francisco “Exami­ ner ’ and New York “Star,’* the two best papers published. Subscriptions taken at the T imes office. Those who have not been vaccinated should lose no time in visiting our physic­ ians, all <>f whom arc supplied with the best bovine virus. A full line of elegant furnishing g«»ods fur gentlemen- the latest styles and best materials—has ju«t been received nt the S. F. Variety Store. A child of Horace Fitch of Lane county was badly bitten by a dog a short time ago Dr. Scarbrough of Fre.swell was called and I the child is recovering. Wheat ia quoted «1 4S cent, a bushel at the Medford warehouse Very little grain h 1» been sold, on account of the low prices, an I we are afraid our farmers are waiting in vain for eny considerable improvement I hu.« does grain-growing become less rc- ni’int rativc • at-h year P>nd’s E .tr.it is known » very where ax an excellent medicine. Il, docs what it claims to do—cures all kinds of pain, in- flan, malim: and In n.on lu ges Weak and cheap immitations Mill not cure, and inno­ cent purchasers sutl r both in health and in pocket in consequence. At Congressman Hermann's request, the P»tsf«iffi’e d ; ■>. <>Hi ■» on a new mail ser- viiv he: v c< d Laki \ u w and Purnx, one at Warner Valkj, wilh 1> R .louts as post- uiottr, and one at Rockford, in Grant cuun ty, wilh J R. Howe as postmaster. Trains arrive regularly from the north, but the late "torms interfeicd considerably with t ommiimc.nion with California. Most of the railroad between Ashland and Red­ ding is yet id an unsafe condition und it will be several years before it will admit ol steady tr.iffic during all seasons of the year. Bill Nyv wb » has run country newspa­ pers, speaks from the card when he says that the number <>t opportunities that a ¡»a per lias for jti.n, ii g on a great wrong with both ft et. whil»‘ the gentleman who fur­ nishes the information conceals himself in a cyclone cellar that up iu wilh a time lock, is imply appalling All sub-criocrs to th« l iUK*« wii> pay their ai rcai.igt! wiil be presented with a year’s subscription t > the “Farm and F.nside, ’ a Urst-i laa» journal for the farm stockraiser and bouschold, published seiui- montlily at Springfield, Ohio; also Doctor Kendall's ccleDr.it» d treatise on the htjr.se, standard authority on the subject V PERSONAL MENTION. Alvin Cardwell is in »lugene city. G. A. Hubbell is now in San Francisco Dr. R .biiison is • li 1 in by sickness. Will. Vining oi Tae >ms. W. I' . is paying Ashland a visit. Mayor Mills of Ashland left for C'liieagn last week to bnv goods. E. B. Hunsaker of Ashland was in Jack­ sonville one day this week Mrs. E. J. Farru of Willow Springs pre­ cinct is visiting Jacksonville. l’ickens Bros, of Table Rock precinct were in Jacksonville Wednesday. N Cooke nn.i J N. Mansfield of Willow Springs were here a few days ago. Mrs. tli’een Ailiinia of Smith river. Cal., has gone toC’hetco for her health Fred. Buhlnmyer and sister of Medford precinct were in town Wednesday. lion J. T. Bowditch and C. C. Walker of Ashland spent yesterday in town. Dr Colvigof R uck Point precinct made Jacksonville a visit one day last week. Geo. Bloomer, who b is been quite sick, may be found ut J. Namm’s store again. LOCAL NOTE’S. LUMBER Olmfialr (1 litterings. J. H Rul field of Jo» »ph in a county víbí U mí bis parentK at the Cow creek bridge on Sunday. Business is improving. Strangers are numerous. The Clarke Hotel is crowded with guests, and H. L. Ish was in town yesterday. P. Bonneville now resides at Seattle, i still they come. This hotel is becoming more pop­ W T. ular every day. Fruit trees an l grape cutting! ar»? in de­ Mr. and Mrs. L. J Barr have acaio become | residents of this place. They received a hearty 1 mand. Another wedding is rc|»orledon the tapis ’ welcome from many friends. in town. The health in thin Hertion is exoellont and A dancing club has been organized in this place. ' farmers are busy p'owing and making gardens John Moon«*) was in our midst again thia i and generally everybody is prosperous and happy. week. Hon. Sol. Abruliam, W. H. Byars and Jamen Chinese new year commences next Sun- ’ Wright, prominent buiin»MA in»»n of Roseburg, day | spent Sunday at Glendale. They registered u< the B. Rosenthal is teaching several the (» r- i ( larke Hotel. man language. T. A. Ireland has purchased of J L. Arzner < has. B uck of Big Butt • visited us one theB. F. I>«» r depot building, where he will open , dnv this week. John Ortli fe lining up his bri< k building a ' KP.loon on the lit of Mi r *h. He will r»*tit and refurnish the same at once for hotel purposes. The Glendale Sabbath-school which was dis­ Some of the tail-sown grain was killed by the cold weather. ’ < continued daring the al orm. will meet on Sun- (’has. Johnson « ut his Í »ot severely with day.the 19th. at the usual hour, an»i all are re- an ax recently * ' »I'joHted to be present. Mr Albright has returned to Forest W. L. Smith, who was railed to the be iaide of creek from Oakland, Or. | his mother, who wan dangerously ill at Walin ' Mrs Dr. Aiken exp * ts t > visit her o!»l Walla, W. T., return«»d home yent^rday. He in­ home tier»* in a short time. | forms um that hifi mother is now convalesce nt. J. W. Richards of Stcrlingville precinct Work on the Groen Mountain Mine has com­ was her»* one day this week. Jas. Brown of Phu?ni < made the T imes menced and is expected to l»e carried on vigor­ office a visit one day this week. ' ously It in hoped there willbeH>me newdit- D. H Bloomer of the Dardanelle» ma le rovorie« made there soon.which w»- will be pleaH- e»l to chronicle. the county-sv.it a r ill yesterday. (’liarles MoDoland, r»-preheating th*» famous (L A Hubbell ha g'»ne to ban Francisco Ruble Hydraulic Mines, spent Sunday at this und expepts t»> l»»ctl«* in Ca!ii »rnin. Two JapHiics*- tramp*», s mu-thing new in pl »co. lie brought over a large amount of g»»ld- this line. <• tiled her • nut !o:i;r si n-e dtist tak-* i from those minen,which heexchanged H. M irphv and Wm .Mv**ke oi Apple­ for s here ■ ri' day r- ci nilv wt ay here ho win the gu«Mt »»f Mi a »id Mrs J. W Reames and White h.tv«- < m'> liished W i I mui . Feb. IS h. J CM «’S. ♦ heir store with a hands-on * glass trout. Ehler P( ter • n and wile mi l Mr. Robert!* l.V it t. MOKI A M. of M«mnd district were in town yesterday. N F. Steadman and wife have gone to1 heskas . 1 Tli, ___________ _ ____ _______ tiroui Hpirt, Ln. _____ ~H,n _ ht tornii Los Angeles. ( al . lí-aviog A-bland vester- fr W >m the hunt?*nf-grounds ■- oc «round*« o< Ins lii*. Father F .ther to that dav. tffurne front . wl ... 1 . . ............... «tiene«, no traFfd.T r*.tnrn. our The Ashland public schools are again worthy and r »teemed brother. John T. Koliffon, closed, on ac' o’ini Í *i< kii»^s among chil­ a reepeeted citizen and a m»‘mbrr of Oregoiuan- Pucahonr it» Tribe No. 1. Imp’d O It. M . of dren. Jas. M Boyh* and Mr. Fre'-z^« f Siski­ Jiickffunvilla. Oregon ; and W hekeah . By th® d-»uth of 'mr biolh®rth»*c<»m- you county, <*.;! . spoil Frid ty night in mnnity 1 Jo»t a worthy and an energetic man. town. «nd nut ivgo- 1 citizens mourn the lo**. of on«- of \V. B. Griffith au I U PowePof A-hian l their r M?in « and friends*, therefore, be it made the county s**;d a »all a few «lavs Rraoh 1. 1 hat we, hs memburs of thv Im­ proved Order of K 1 Men. of Oregonian-PurH- since hoof s T< ibe No. 1, exteed our sinc»Te symparhy R. \ . Beall, Chri* B>ihim-*yvr u:id .Lis ?be family and relativ«»« of oiir dee -a« I Hamlin have been m town «luring the to brother : »nd our prayer in that the Great Spirit, Week. whueeheart is a*way« ep»»n to the raMponae of the Lines un the death of Chira Eva King of widow and orplu* 1. may extend Ins watchful Foots creek will appear iu th" next issue of car® over »he «»(low and orphan child of our de­ parted brother io this Uriar Mid b«r.»av®m®nt . Hi»* T imks . it be»oe*dered by the Great Spirit that their E S Smith and a mining expert from and loss may Iwa d vine blnesnig to tbe widow <'al:f»»rni.*i were at Gold Hid Wednesday on great and her helpl s orphan . business. Resolved. Tn»it a copy of the«n r*w>)ulionff l»e lb»»*». Ciirrv and wiie«.f Table Rock pre- spread on the record* of the Tribe, and that a >'ih. i p.iiu .-iierdf D< in a id lamily a visit copy of th»* »Kin® with the wa1 of Die Trib»» be pret*nl'-d to th® widow uf our belov»*d and l»»*t ’I» - week. LUMBER I am prepared to make delivered ¡»rices on all kinds of BUILDING LUMBER any Station on the Oregon «t California Railroad. i' |p ' ¡11___ P. |V__ ?T PÎ \1 :H‘*I Svnwk This Leather is inauiifactiircil by a Process similirio that by which the Patent Kids known as Doisola are matte. The Points Claimed for it are these: TOl’GHNESS—It is alin<»t Im|M>ssil>let<> Tear, anti it will not Crack. L. Si vers of Pleasant creek precin« t visit­ 1*. Magers an i wife of Applegate visited SOFTNESS—Wlit-tlu’i Cold or Hot, Wet <>r Dry, it is always Soft ed Jacksonville Hie forepart ot the week the county-seat this week. anti Easy for the most Tender Feet. A. D. Nuylor ha® returned irutn bi® trip Furgooti shingles, shakes and c«»rd wood WATERPROOF —It will Turn Water la tter titan any other leather. to Klamath county and called on us Mun ­ T»»iai number* of delegate« ...................... 0.' u. Primary m®«»tingMin the vari«»n* precinct* for apply at the T imks office. COLOR—A .let Black that will not Fadeorturn Roti. day. th»* election ui* delegatiM to the County Conven­ We are not responsible for any views ad­ POLISH — I’nlike all other (»rain lx*ather it will take a High Polish tion will b»« hehl at th«» uaiial plnr. « of voting on I J. M. Mark um! G. 8. Butler wore in Sa’unlay March 17, ls**M. at 1«» clock f . m . vanced by corrrsp«.»ndentx. Jacksonville last Saturday un land busi­ with ordinary Shoe Blacking. All poreon« who favor th» ¡»-*rpt»tnation of Everybody should call and see that ni.tg- Fresh buckwh»* it ti »ur and rolled oats D«*ta.»cratio principles and design *upi«»rt*ng ness. CLEAN AND LIGHT W EIGHT—Not being Weighted with Tan- th»» Democratic n»>minee*i nt th«» approaching al the 8. F. Variety Store. * liilicent stock ot goods being disp.ayc 1 by Chas. E. White and family of Rock Point el«*ctio-««, are cordially invited tu participate iu ningMaterialfi ami Grease, it will not soil a Stocking and weighs Newman Fisher. Great barg tins in eve v th»» primarieN, Read the State TreasurerT2'Th notice to precinct paid relatives in town a visit last Light for the Substance. “.By on ter of the Democratic Co. Cum nut tee. line are being offered there. holders of Oregon warrants week H K. HANNA. Chairman. We carry in custom-made work of the Highest Grade of this stock, Shingles are quite scarce in this market Day Indore yesterday was the tir^t day 8. Colver of Ph«mix m ule our town h Otinocmtio County Convention. it hand welt (men’s) lace shoe, made on the English Wankcnphast hist, and there i» a good demand for them. This of or Ash Wednesday. call lust Saturday. Hu is in the best of As will be seen by the call issued by the i> evidence that considerable building is at $5 00, and a lace shoe madon the Harvard Box-Toe last, calf Thousands of fruit trees are now health Democratic Central Committee, the De­ contemplated during 188#. Elder Peterson writes to the TiMte under lined throughout and soles of Gi-uuine Engli-h Sole Leather, at $7 00. planted in southern Oregon. M. A. Brentano and Capt. Gamble of mocracy of Jacksou county wiil meet in I H. Mensorof Woodville, Or., will pay date of the 11th: Some are turning the Both are in seven different insteps and widths to each size. For 25cts. John A. and Edward Wil’iams of Batte Wagner creek spent Sunday night in Jack­ convention on Saturday, March 21. 18.88, 1 Hi»* highest price for deerskins and furs of “sticky’ to-day, and if this weather con­ additional they will be sent charge* prepaid to any address by mail or for the purposHof electing seven delegates creek have been in town lately. sonville. ' i ill kinds. If you heveany to sell, call and tinues a wtvk much grmnwillbe sown to represent them in the State r»»nvcntiun. Pay your arrearages at the T ime - «».lì« • *ee me. I mean what I say. Wm. Bylne has returned from ^Jiis express. Messrs. Your.g, Sunni ms and Richardson • which will be held in Fendi ton oil Ipri. and get one uf pur premiums. springs on Evans creek and is enjoying Portland, Oregon. The Knights of Pythias of Ashland gave ire pru ning my orchard. They arc expe 31. Primaries wi.l laXe plac • in then I Oal p ipers, i i quantities to suit, can be a grand ball last Tuesday evening, which livnccd piiir.e.s, the lirh* named gentle­ good health. sp»*ctive precinct« <»n the Satm : »y before bought cheap at the 1 i.m.s offi. e. Sanford Smith,the ivid< awake real-eslnlc was one ul the :i.?mls»»m» >t affairs lliat lias man 1» ; :»g r»•• .1 !.y from Mi higan. We h >pe ill it there will be a fu'i atteli l- amt mining expert, pai l Jacksonville a Pare an«l fresh garden s. 'rd- of all kinds I he Jar ksviivblr debating society dis ever taken place at Ashland. ance. and that harmony an l i true pa­ | visit this ueek. for sale at the S. F Variety Stoic. * H»n J M Ala« i i oi i.i« iii. arotber brother A considerable amount of rain has ialleu i cussed the Mibject of m«ma’ >uflinge last triotic spirit will prevail. The present i* In Frr 1 m. F. ienJship and < liarity. The decision of the Mr- F. Squires oi Portland, wim has • »( Mrs M<-Cully .if (his p| « ... ¡, expe.’te i G»» t»> E. Br«>oks for B >ericke and , since the last issue of the T imes , which in­ Satinday i veiling < II4H N ict e ^L, one ot the most important year» in j»o!i here nt any time. A SCli »UTT. judge-, was iti ihe . llirm.'Ci ve T lie meet- bv« n visiting bero'd Immc in Ashlan I. has Schreck ’ s honuepathic medicines. * terrupted farming operations a: <1 i:r.de tic , inasmuch ».< th» re will be a presiden­ C I’ Mord‘"i J. It. M K ii ;'i’ m l 1> H. I ('omrnittoe. mgs of the society are w II ;.tlei «led and returned home. R»*« d • t Portland w»ie ii I iaii the fore­ tial election as well u«* one for state and Superior potatoes and onions for sale at the roads muddier than ever. part of the w»*ek much interot is In iug taken in them, 8ev- Geo. 1’. Holman, tbe energetic traveling Loving li m-mtira are of Little Cittì a comity officers. Upon the legislature the 8. F. Variety Store. Jacksonville. • C. C. Parker of Big Butte precinct in­ S Ariastiiitb has sold |jis land on Big! Era King. era! of the members evince considerable agent for Whittier, Fuller 4t Co., is in the which will bo chosen in June will devolve Applegate t » \\ . E. IL ihh > I U‘ $5 U, Geo : Millet seed, fresh and clean, in quanti­ forms us that the health of that section oratorical alniity and excellent reasoning Sie p on in thy In autv. valley on business. McLaren informs u < the election ot a V . 8 ¿senator to succeed ties to suit, at theS F. Variety Store. * has improved considerably, and there is Thou hwre angd child. powers. IL K. Gook an.I E B L »uison of San 1 By sorrow unii rhted. Mr. Do'pb. and upon H uh official may D. ( ingkade and Chas Carney of Little Francisco comparatively little sickness now. iiUmvi'-u<• i »mr c“t¡z*ns the; By hin undefiied.7 Winter Sturgis, formerly of this county, One ui the best managed establishments Butte precinct made their usual trip to forepart hinge Democratic ascendancy in the high- of the week E. F Walker of Central Point precinct is now a resident of Scio. Linn county. in southern Oregon is the Union livery Lik«' tin-»i ivo to the i-rk fst council of our government. The ne- H<»*i. W. F. S »ug» r an I .V 1 V ver of • Jacksonville Saturday has purchased the right to manufacture 1'Jiou hist t! -w:i to thy r* •( ; A complete line of B and S. remedies at sta’»le of Jacksonville Here may always Asblan 1 w< r»- in Jack><*nvil!e a tew »lays ' vessity <»( concerted ami enthusiastic ac­ From the wi i f hi *f« and sell L D. Bunce's patent churn i»»r E Graupner, ( apt. Saltmarsh amt K. *:n<•<* («i busint .*•«. be fo in I new and comfortable vehicles ot To the home oí the bl» town during tin? week. A voir-} wo lov«*d jH Atil]c stMTrt i r v son county will play no inconsidor tble time flies. 1 his will be a year of elvction». A <»l *> ♦* in T4Ci»".i in otir hum«*. pviilion fur changing the county road near pains to give hi.» customers their money's I*a.ic Blum, a well-known commercial irk Watkin 1- cd G V F .U.-rtt .4 part in the coming contests, ami if we are A'Inch never can I m * tilhd Benson Siurr, a former resident uf Jack­ i hi* p’ace wi’l be submitted at the next worth an I ->ii-ceexls well i i giving satisfar traveler, made a business trip lo the Wil­ Big A ' ii !- l'i ,i :nixi true to ourselves and our parly wg may lie*« vi*il Wrdm « lay sonville, now conducts a b »uk-store at Sa­ term of <■•• draw those hmdsume ot real-est rte ami lerrai bl inks for sale at ' precinct, who live too far from the present V inschus ver A Go .Portland,paid our town ers ol lln* public s. Iiooh well attei ded and only the best men sent Grand clearan«'« *a . .il Mr« Prim’s mil Call not bark th® dear depart*-«!. t> represent tbe people in the Dem cratic prizes at the b.dl n x' A’« I ie« I iv even­ I 'the oiU e at Portland prices Give schoollmus* . are anximis fo lnive a new a business visit this week. lim iy store. I’ i. <•* h ive bee i reduced Anchored safe where Norah a »-o'er ; ing? district:- ¡:! 1 bv taking a slice oil Mead verc mm b C. I! ind *•«•< W ¡1. Atkinson and wife, wlm h.ivr been U- i call, if you nee I anything in the blank CO ivention On the border lami we lef’ them. Gavie I Ifell a'. I «if» ’ , aider «.topping at Boon to meet and part no m<»ie. John Berg, v, ows dlrl. d t and adding ii io Inrir se» lion. ! i” the Pastel n Stnt< s f<-rs< vi ral months, — —-4» 1 line M.’ Hord f»»T t fortnight h iv.* g ni»j to San I III jh'lff tl stea I on Bulie w ti in town tins I bin u ... »•;» .'i.e th ill !<• m ihtam a sdmol , h »ve returned to Ash’an I. Wh-n w»* leave this world of rhang -, Fr on i*cu. their in’ttr«* li.m; • ¡ Attention is railed to the advertisement In the 8Ute ctrt.mi c»»urt al Eortland week. When we leave tl im world of rare. Har\ lit. hi* ••« i.-.irne I from Willow! 1 of W. J Van Schuyver A Co. of Borland. lot a portion oi the \ ear. ■ imething th it is ! Isaac Mensor, who li.is be« n spending We shall find our mireing lov«*d ones last week C. W. Cornelius begun action Examine your guides and nee what ails I one of the leading liquor firm of the nortb- badly needed thcic. fhv school superin­ several months a! (»rant's Pass, returned < leek. < ’«I , : .1 r ||» 11- Ij’r.t If I Cll.'irg»* u| ! In our Father’s mansion fair. ggkinsl James Braden, Ezra Haskell, E. you, a nl try B. and 8. hoimcpatbic med- the We«4ern >iag»* Co .-tork wi -t They keep wdy tba purest and best tendent should look after this. home last Wednesday morning. I W. Allen and E. Atkinson to enjoin them Judge Cr win d made the T imes office Cnli/,ruin Fat-K-Curr. Bru. Nixon of the “Yreka Journal’’ is icines goods Judge Day, who has had a protracted a p.rasant call la-t Friday lie is one of from »riling or otherwise disposing of their The only guarantee.! cure for catarrh, trying hard to make his readers believe the attorneys in the Hamlin • ase Sickness is abating in Ashland.and there spell of sickness, iu recovering and wilj llios. Wright of Willow Springs precinct cold in the hcaii. hayfever. r««e cold, ca- interest in the ft 'guc River Mining Com­ that Hie Um lc Tom's Cabin (’u., the dou­ Tiie “Ti.llngs'' is a.gitatin ; the »pienti»>n tarrhal deainess and «or, eye*., Re.® lores pany, ami i»»r cause primarily alleged that I are very few cases al proent, we ar® glad through Henry Klippel, real-estate agent. ble distiile I fraud which recently swooped soon be able to be in his office again. of struiglitenin v the Greets in Ashland. | the sense of taste and unpleasant breath, | lias sold a piece of hi« farm, amounting to defendants arc short in their accounts to to state Hon J M. Mason of Indiana, brother which - lu.uhl ne act»- 1 upon at once. re-nlting from catarrh Kasy and pleasant down upon the p<*uple of this coast, gives Ai the r- Goods sold ch«? iper th m over at (he Post ; 72 acres, to I. J. Hanson lately of Dakota, the Gold Hill Mining Company, of which of Mrs. J M. McCully of this place, arriv- to take. Follow directions and a cure is Mrs. J. M ( ’ hil l -rsoi Sam ’ s valley has 1 satisfaction. Il s taste difli rs materially warranted, by all driuRisl« Send lor cir­ been unite sick but G r»*c«»vering under ; he is a member. In 1886 both plainlift and Office 8tore, Wo > ivilic. Fall anl see for i for j e»l Tuesday night and will pay us a visit. from the 2'» persons who witnessed the cular to Abietine Medical Company. Oro­ the skillful n atinent of Dr. Stanley. Xcwman Fisher ha« one of the most perform;!! » <• here, all of whom ackimwl th« defendants were joint owners of mill­ yourselves, D P. B iruci uf'imS v illey is quite ill. Rev. Father laona'd has arrived h re ville. Cal Six months’treatment for fl; a ing an l mining property and a quart» mill >1 irper's publications are the best. Sub­ complete and best st'K’ks of general mer­ edged that they had been ¡» idly bilked. by mail. fl.10. F >r »tie by all drug­ | It wa* at first supposed that he was strick­ from Dakota, to tuke charge «»f th« Catholic sent gists. i i Ju kson cuuul . v . bu: in December, 188?, scriptions taken at th ; T imes office at re­ chandise in southern Oregon, and ev *ry- ACRES iu l*»ta to »»nit piirc’iHNvrr- ii lit? city of A-'iland Mi»* ••Acred for mir tut fair price» and Mis.-« Corinne and Maggie Linn gave a en with paralysis, but this is an error, we parish, lie i> ,i(-con;o;»!íi<‘I by a nephew. ■ w V m / on »NkN.v tt-rni*. When to ah intents ami purposes the purl duced rates. body acknox ledges that he cannot be un J. I' V.ilentim repiesenting Moon»*y. muMcalr and entertaiaid a number of I learn. " g L any Throat of 1 HI UJ ACRES in five, ten and tu ' ity . »■• r.-ict**. adjoining and n»*nr Anitland. I'h** I»*®! quality Valentine u» UM acr™-, near Ashland. Hint along the line of th« en led. transferred all their int»-r»*Nis to the be sold at public auction to morrow’ by f'hinese new year conimene •nnt>. aniloir of 4 Mfiurrw in Kla-.nath county and as yet the festive Mongolian has not whist, jackstraws, tic., after w nich an ele­ threatened with Croupor WhoopingCough, S. B Whitil»-. repairmii. : »r the Postal J preim* court, returned home dt ’ ring the for sal«* :»t a barman at thi«office. asks that a receiver be appointed to exam­ Tel. ♦'•».. ( b m.ie i the .1 i s<.tiiv¡fK* office use Acker’s English Remedy and prevent reasonable rorniniH»*o»n will b» »•’ :•! m .»li »•*»*••* for l»(,*inz «»r a»4lin*x real-eMatw in Better than many letters to your friends ■ finished celebrating. Their orgies continue gant lunchum was ««rve I. Vocal and in­ past week. ine and accept such moneys as may be further trouble. It Is a positive cure, JucliNon and Josephine ar d Klamat.-«»a: tn- Jit;»-* will l»e «'urefuilv »nvw>turat«Ml; »•b-tructN foi" from Orth ’ s bui hn.r to new quartets day and night, and still the average citizen elsewhere: A copy of the T imes scut regu­ strumental muaic of un excellent charac- nifttied; conveyautwtig done; loans of rn«»ar> wrurod for the tn»m»w?r or fou.-.d for th* lender on the la*-t > *ii’«lay and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 50o XvUhd Cue or payable from tbe several D. Reynolds oi The Meadows ami Jos. . is not satisfied. most retuMinabb* term«. t r was one of the features of tbe evening, larly. Try it. Jas. Bryan ot Scott v. lh v. C.al.. who is For Sale al City Drug Store. t’oev out and all France of Sant's valley, two well known We shall always la* prepared 1«» give any information desired concerning th? need*-, rwaourca® and members, and also 1 Ihe handsome prizes which will l>e and altogether a very pleasant time was also interest» s sine . ROPER, GALEY HELM. Reni Estate Agent*. tn outside parties, a >d that be be granted sheriff will soon be required to interview grand ball here on the 221 inst. may be WEES. Circun s ’ am'i. > u, q itspmeus D A Presley «»f Clear Lake. Cai , is pay­ We have r» c. ¡v» ! a eonniiuiiicati»>n from m* n lurthur ruie& ¿»> the court may decide ti.e tax-payers si en at the S. F. Variety Stqrc. full there many o! the luxuries, and cv»-n M.-dforl. s I ioai gup ihe would lx* r» ’ pu- ing i» atives amt friends in Jacksonville 8irect Go niuissioJior 1« n >n l. n been » •- I a ml view them. to be juxt and equitable, says tbe ,‘N»,W'».’ forts, to wh»«'h we h:tv,- been ac diat«»rs in tlieir tiu • • »lor which will be a visit. H»1 is engaged in stockrnising in published m xt week pairing some of the crosswralks. Oth»jrs ♦ but there can be no i xcu-e for not provid A drummer lisnad Bryce, who hud Ixen Dittl t/n th* Cars. j bis m w home. G <• IL»»’ • 1 a- - • »r Mil’t »i-vti th Joseph Davis an overland passenger, ner«i attention. through thi s valley but a short time before ing ourselvt's in 1 tho-e <]cp< mlent on us JACKSONVILLE. OK. 1 ’ • i ' i«.1 t •-.> w ek. Oats anl birley for sale at reasonable was one of the patients in th** p -st house ; with u rviimdy for ,ho«c i.isid* »ns attacks i J. M. Siuith, after spending a few rimntbs , count1 . p.i; I j : I. T di« I tin the north-bound overland train 1 forth ?urp - * I • »ki * ' l tl«». »ruii am! liable. Frese’s • with relativesin Washington territory, has vine i mils near t »w i. schütz puoi Iasi >alurd.iy morning Davis was utll.ct figures. F»>r furthT partit ulars apply at .t I’.irtiaii*). He had u r.itlier severe at­ ot disease to whuh all á ! HambuXo Tea n »t oniy cures many dis- return«-»! and resumed bis |»ositi iay even­ ed wi|^ r«»nsutnpti.>n, and just before hi* the T imes office'. tack of small-pox B. HCHLTZ Kl.spEi ( Ft:: id ISFOtCdS , Merritt s store. ing. n»*| m'nu-d the following ju»i.c *s and Miss Genevieve Moore entertained a few lh«i citiz* ni»* k*o.i vdl • «mi burromuhng di - •>!uh»m had a violent tit of coughing, A comspomlent cd the “Sentinel says ' »eases, but is excellent as a preventive B. F Wade of Tub!« Rin k proc^ict u»ade , clerk-« of vl»" ti»»n A L R n?cr. K Kubli country that I h * i M ì «» w munii actur.ng. and will wiii’ i awoke all the passengers in the of her friends with a candy-pulling last the O. A C. R. R. Company intend to dis­ I in malarious und other derangements of [ and R. S. Dnnlap. j'i lg»-<; ( has. Prim and conjd’inllj keep on hand the very twit of l-nrer our town a vi*it a few d^ys »idee. He CX- Frank Kasshafrr, clerks beer. either in botti»* or k»»g«. the system. sleeper. The unfortunate sufferer saw Tuesday evening charge all their white section men and put hiii dr«-o*. who have n-«d i* ami proved ita vir- hibitt ! some fine specimens uf coal taken that death was near at band, and called 1 The board of trustees «list n*»se j t be str«-et- Chinamen in their places White men Next Wednesday i*1 the anniversary of •u ‘t» wiil in n-t A C. IL R nt their last i Notice ox Final Settlement the porter and said ; *’ 1 am about to die. the birth of the “father of his country,” should then do as little riding as possible. e ll deleterious or jmhmhk . iih dnipff. and i» by far Several cas«*« .»! meaUCfi u«c pxcvaicnt in and tin question whether the My only regret is that I cannot live to W. 8. King of Foots creek called at the meeting, when I scy Ci • i.«¿ mean merely to town will give a sub.idy tln-r--t«» will be In the County Court uf th« State of Oregon, for Stop Geo. Washington. 8am a valley. »IT«: AH fits stopped free by Dr Kline'» them ter a 'i •iron have them re- 4each Garrison, where nay parents reside.” T imes office Wednesday. He informs us sulnmnod to tin- v >trrs at the Man’ll elec­ i •luckton county. turn Mun. 1 m > _________________ A LADICAL CUU» J Cress A h< her are ungued in painting > Great Nerve Restorer No fits after first The (L baling club nt Antioch b tn suc ­ The porter at first laughed at Davis’ fears. - »»e ot that considerable iuiprcvement is going on tion. Something ought tn and must be In the mattai uf the e»tite of L. A. Colver. y I have mule tb decoA»»*d. in .lav's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise cessful operation. «lone in tbe matter. Then Davis was seized with another par" ths inside of John < »rib’s brick building in that section. UfOTl E 18 H EKER Y GIVEN THAT THE now ii|H»n (he marient and two trial Icottles free to lit cases. Send .JarksonviHe must h-» (*-inn«*eteff with the ■M Ad. .in'»trafor of th»» estate of L. A. Colver, If ihm ►•ire cure forali hch 'P humors and will oxysnt of coughing, an I a doctor, who was an artistic manner The roads are in a deplorable condition, W. R 1'orter, the irrepressible traveling main 'in» of tin* <>. A (’, R R r,y ra,s a,,M drceaNed.ha» filed in th« county court of Jackson rnmov»» and pn-vent dandmfi; tlao. if tour hair »oDr. Kline, 931 Arch street. Philadelphia. he Grob e ’ . s?w!n*re ann »unces that F anoat»l the train, was brought tu his l>ere he could render any anwist* will be a candidate for marshal at the en hern in the valley ami took numerous or­ Investment ami *i our t»iw n w ill stibscrilie day • Apn . 1K»«(. at tl.e hour of 10 o'clock A •iev?T f-t’|- Manufactured and sold by a '.al u -m:-. n > iloii'it parties wouiff be M., > » for Laurina. All person* inten'«tt>d arw Ct’us tlx* worn ease«. Ilec,n«c others have tentiary to Vmatilla county for a new tri­ ance, however, the spirit of Davis had suing town election 'The mir.'l* of the political leaders are ders for his superior goods. falledisno re>i«on b*’ ’ ¡r>w receivings cum ,foundt<> ¡mil») it hereby notiti»*! to t pfHur and fia» Lis or bur ob- al, on a charge of cattle stealing, was ac ­ of Siskiyou Bsnd at <»*ce f *r •• :mrning agit.?te«l, and politics will soon pane»! away. The eoroner Prof S’hmitt infirnu us that he will Thoa Lawson of Tra’I t uft precinct Davi'l l>. II" .< of i.i'f Porilanl ami ji-c: •: m said acrount on or befo «-«aid day« mr hrui.i 'i ki > v . Give Express county took charge of the remains. Published by ordvr of Hon. E. D i’eu't Judj* and post iini. c not have any any further business connec- quitted lust week by the circuit Court ut assume ils wonted animation. It <■* •« jou nothing for * mail«* us a cull one day this week. He was i I Miss Martha Ar n«:ro ig of .1 i- ks.>nville of »aid court. Pendleton. He is well known in this sec­ HSKI.U HEUfTOHU A WOODARD. trial, Hid 11 < 1 euro you. Address The last few days the rain has been lion with A. Suttmer married l:»G Sip.day. Onlj t'w* rela JFSKF. DOLlallHlDE. accompanied by Mr. Hunter, cousin uf J ' ! were G.*u.*r*l Airrota. 1‘ortlud. Ór. ih>- ArunnK>‘rl. /.'sr1* ihe I- ' 1 »vihp.*-s. I t hr cenummv. tion. pouring down In t irrent-«, r.< though the Administ nitor uf »aid Fatal«. I’ im * *u*|.* by <1. lu’Ki.ti. K*-n.*r,ll>, The prcuiisiH formerly »«’.vn ' I by J M C. Hannah, who lately arrived from Kan H.trr wli.ch the . »u i ’ couple lelt i .r their Dat»M> F b 17.1*87. Waller N**usi idt. W. J J’ileher, Simon The Indian bur.* nt I.as aetc 1 favorably wii. loWi of Heaven were about to be Smith, on Oregon street, :ue being embel­ lutiire home May their journey through sas. Hamberg and Mary Ellis, the bait interest nr**oi the claim ol D ie id Evans, adminis- opeliu»l Jt/aili. life, so auspiciously begun, be both a bliss­ lished by ii . uv feuicing. Henry E Ankeny »»I Stcrlingville left fur swindlers indicted bv the grand jury for A. 8. Mouii, while carrying the mail ful ami successful um-. J. 11. W kimi . ey . J S.M* A pleasant p.irty t »>k place at the resi- tr ■:* of the estate of John K. Join I, de­ from >am s vid!» y to S;>ikenard, got into bis Immu in the Willamette valley last swindling F. M. Parker. f >rni“rl • of this ceased. amounting to |570, for damages den» ’ eof H Mcrivn'r of Table Rock pre ­ f lea rance Sale very deep water in crossing Evans* creek. week, lie will soon return und probably county, wsre brought bef >r ■ Jn*lge Toohy Opp. Odd Fellows’ Building. caused by Rogue river and Caw creek In­ Desiring to make room t»»r i»»v immense A bridge at tlie crossing of said creek, be­ take up a permanent residence in this of s.m Francisco a few days since on a cinct on Tuesday night. H tatk T hkasuhkk ' s O ffick , 1 dians. spring sto< k, i have dv ’ ermined to offer R m .F-M. (>B., February 1NW. ) tween the farms <»l P. Hull ami J. Bailey, The best of mtlaic and supper will be pro­ writ of habeas corpus, and he ordered them county. special in iu'cmenls for the next thirty N’OTK E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIEKE K. Kubli and John Bylt, who were en­ is an imperative necessity—a want that 3. Hall on the discharged from custody, "it appearing vided for tbe ball at th-? are fund*« on hand to pay the following war- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mae^Py iff Wyan­ day.«. The following are some of the re­ should have been supplied years ago. gaged in merchandising on Applegate for — the ia® Mme ___ will __ I m » paid .__ ___ on , prenen- ductions. for cadi only: 5 button Foster rants, and ' thaï that tbe offenses charged in the indictment 22d. All should attend. dotte, Kansas, father and mother of A. H. tatiou nt this office, warrants numbered: 1«2. We hart a live minister permanently Io- a long time, are dividing their partnership kid glove«, in black only, former priep $1.50, RIS WELL KNOWN HOUSE. UNDER THE upon winch petitioners were in custody Archbishop Gross, of Portland, contem­ property and making a general settlement. 1 cated in our midst -the Key. (L E. Jones - Maegly <>f Jacksonville, arriv<*d from Cali­ now selling nt $1; fine, black Milan hats, 1931. 1932. 1933. 19.3*1. 1-55. 1H50. 1919, Ï877. lKítt. new manairement. will t»e conducted on th® ix7x. 1>84, l»ll. 1S49, 1M2X. 1937. 19;«. iy.w, 1x31. are barred by the statnte of limitations plates building a sister's s awl at 1. >se- former price $2, now selling at $1.5 “ ; shade fornia Wednesday morning, and will spend Leet and in«»*t popular plan®, no i*aini» boiaa 18*9. 1819. ________ _ _ ............ , 1M2, less, 1431. ,7 ?A* ,1 * n , ®V ‘ - They exchanged several lai ms during lac wli»>isno< afraid t»» iaoor either physically lints from 25c to $1.25. Everything in pro •»¡Min ’d to give «»»neral eatiNfaction. It contain® 1732. ltWl. 157Ö. 1554, 157b. 1572, 1734, Thus it seems that California is as lax as burg the coining summer. 17U. l*»2ü. ' or mentally for the cause he advocates, a few weeks here.. eo-nfortabl® bleeping apart m«*ntN supplied with past week. ___ ■ * iati. “ • 1943. 1942. portion. Orders bv mail attended to 1950. 1957. 1-52. 1947. P.UJ. over in |»unishinj scoundrels. No won I t N ORDER TO MEET THF. GROWINu DE Mingle and double N x I m . mvking it a desirable 1*W. 19* s, 1959. 1W1. 1721. r.ut. Rii. Attend the grand lress ball at the I’. 8. W. S. Humphrey, president of the Rose­ promptly at Mrs. 1’ P. Prim’s Millinery 17X7, 179.», I he St. Valentine party hel I at I' llent i Heopemd before? us last Sunday, at the manti for rnal-eMate property we have <>p*»ned ¡>iac<* f«»r Che «»ntertainment of both traveler® and 1983. 19tW. 1987, P t, ira. 1X-J6. the citizens of that St ile become restive Hall next Wednesday evening and draw Store, Jacksonville. burg bank, is lying very low with consump ­ an office hi the families. M»juntain district school-house, the way of 1970, 1x21, 1976, 197». 17-a. iw s. on Tuesday evening was one of the pleas­ an*I often take the law in their own hands. one of those elegant prizes. 1977, l«l. I’.KS. 1Ö* i. 1V.U. . .. lite, after which he organized a Sunday- antest affairs that ever took place in that school, which will he in running order tion >n that city His wife is the daughter 1993. 1992. 1991. 2 le that will pleaee the moet 2H47. 8. J 6. W51. ¿»49. 3040. 1W7. while the thieves were free, their victim FLECK—ARMS 1 HONG At the residence of fsMtidiou® taete. tion, the result of coasting. Ml, 2952. Hlji). 1941. 1953. 364. ed themselves thoroughly. th«; Uria»»’s mother, in thin city, Feb 5th. by B. F. Dowell, who has been in Washing­ languished in prison. i4?'*llaie*'roHNonable and hatisfactioo guaran­ ___ _ . . _ . 2L 1S23. 1UM. 1591. 2CL2. 2v59. For Olirli businCHff. Ifev. J. W. Mill ir, 1). B. Fl»««*k of En«t Port .1 I- ir.it-C!u'e allowed after the date of J. J. STRAIT. Prop. practicing medicine at Roseburg. He is a published elsewhere, and if you want the Marion county, Ort^roo. All order* in that line Indian dypredutiun claims, is just recover­ PRIDDY—GUCHE8-At Medford, Feb. 8th. by thin »(nice. of Ib altli fur Ft bi nary opens with a por­ ing from the effects of a severe fall be sum Last Tuesday evening John Coffey und quack of the first magnitude. promptly attend«»! to. Rev. G W Black, G«*o. W. Priddy and M ims G. W WEBB TrcHMir r. leading journal of southern Oregon and the >1088 A WRIH1J2Ï. Affretta Gaché*. trait and interesting ddincation of tbe Ihe M kw » Mooie. living on the A’ l 'e- Martin I.aist of this precinct has been best newspaper or tieriodii al in the1 United tained some days ago while walking on the character of Dinah Mulock Craik. A gsite. met with necidenl while ^ros»in^ granted a ¡tension, he being a Mexican war icy pavement near the treasury building States for the price of one, cull or »end to HOM V. lengthy chapter on “Autographs” will the river. It acerxs that they were on W. A. OWEN. U. W. COOKSEY one day during the recent cold snap. He veteran and entitled thereto. the T imks office. pleese the collectors in that line “ Nota ­ llivir way to a party to be given that night fell upon his bead and was in consequence McDONAGH — In Uniontown preeinet. Dec. John B. Gross, who was sent to tlx in ­ 28. 18X7, to Mr. and Mrs. Ja-. McDouagh, a Notes, receipts, due-bill«, orders and ble People of the Day” contains portraits in the neighborhood, and Mr. Coffey at­ thereof threatened with brain trouble. His Ron. HT i tempted to ford the stream in tbe wrung checks, in books, in quantities to suit, for sane asylum, ha« been discharged as cured. and sketches <>f I’reridmt i’arnot, Chief face was badly bruised and is till very DEAN—In Flounce R»>ck precinct. Jan. 23d to The Multnomah county court therefore Justice NVaite and Vktorien Sardom. ‘ A Mr. and M tr , R. H. I);*an. a non. place. The horses soon lost their footing sale cheap at the T imex office. much discolored, but he is able to be about J and upset the wagon, with iu occupants, The house and lot belonging to the Priest discharged Henry Fir*, kenstein, his guar­ Guess nt a Riddn* of the Nineteenth Cen­ attending to business. [ AM PEKS«(NALLY AC QUAINTED WITH I inxny nt thn most nmi««<»nrr,’ Court. toHi^t.ty mi ir*, and 1 vili lx» ¡»leaded to carry with Owing to scarcity of freight, freight read this article. The Departments of assistance some of the party would have Don’t fail to see that handsome assort­ my own Unia and without rtiar*w all whowiah Tbe following proceedings took place at found a watery grave. It was certaii.lv a ment of stylish hats which has been re­ trains over the O. A C. between Portland Health. Child-Culture, Science and In­ u> jMirrha^e lard. Any ¡»ennui wndung a fruit er ncrieultural farm, or any i»erf»on hering a farm and Junction City are only running dustry. Correspondence, etc., are each and the February term of this court: narrow escape from drowning. ceived at the 8. F. Variety Store. for Nah*, will do w»*ll to call at my otte«* andar, Present—Hon. E. D I/el’catt, com ly on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. all replete with good things. This num­ nutre with me My characte will b»* moderate. C2NTBAL POINT, CP., judge ; II. Haymond and S. A. Carlton, Some valuable property will be sold at Office r.t Ontrai P«ni.t. Jackwm coufity. Or Josephine County Jurors. From Juncti m soutb *>n Tues lavs, Thurs­ ber contains al*o a supplement giving the commissioners auction at the site of the Bi< Butte steam J. híñele :. M U AGENTS I 'O1Ç adflresses n>nd<* bv the professors and stu- The following is a list uf the jurors In tbe matter of tbe change iu the lf tin; American Insti­ lion of tbe county '•ond on Mule hill, pe­ Ithve opened an office for th** transact ton of a drawn for the March term of circuit court sawmill tomorrow. N , oiher u.e I: ’ne is - > i * CYRUS NOBLE DISTILLERY general real-estAto busincm. and an* now ¡»repar- tute oi Fhr» • i v, with other matter re­ titioned by M irk Watkinds. et al. It «... for Josephine county : E. S. Bricker, J. R ♦•d to fuiniah barganih in all Irwdn of property. EhlerM. Peterson will hi'I serv h at Ayer's Cherry i'ectoi o for tl. lit n • to in-,rii« t:'.n i:i the su* jvet, which or.iei td l.y the court that N. S. Drew. \\ m We have hlrttady a lara® lint of d»*irHhte real-«®» JO9. SCHUTZ'S BREWING CO Jennings, E. V. Dvmick. J. H. Ahlf, H wibt» ! ’ in I g ». I P'.idmg $2 per year; Woodville to-morr >v.’ (Saturday) evening cough e > *ls. ami a.i de. a ige u Ray and f. H. Matney be appointed view­ tat? in our hand»», which ia constantly lM*iug in­ 2a: t>. i er number. Fowler to . Pubs , ers and Janus Jetlrey surveyor, and that Hulbert, J. B. Dv'sehes, W.n. Chapman. and Sunday morning at 11 »» c!o :k. creased respiratory otga'H It relieve« MILWAUKEE WIS BOTTL ’ D BEER 777 Hr Midway. N.Y. ger* Thoee in qu-st of good inve»»tm?ntH will tliev meet at th«1 residence of N. It. Wright Frank Dukes, F J. Howard. Benj. Bull. I. do well to ffiv<* un a rail. John Biiley of Meadows precin- : in­ matic and ron«u u.itiv *. ev * i ri on the 20th day of February, 188tf, nod re KENNEDY'S EAST INDIA F(M)K8EY A OWEN W. Brill. Henry F > >’H»r, lie iry Porter, forms um that MeSMrs. Mayfield and Morris stages pf the *!:«■• i-e. port all their proceedings at the next term C hh a .Spiff M inf tig Company, Central Point, Dec. 1,18h7. T. <> Harinua, D.m Hunt. 8. E. Hark- will soon construct an irrigating ditch. MEDFORD. OR. of this cutrt. BITTERS The Wagner Creek Saw Mil. Compiny rii»- \\ agntr Creek Mining Company, J. II Stewait. .Martin I.aist and T. I). nes*. Jamex Neely, Alex Burgess. R. Bi.’c expect to start much <• irlier than usual tin 1 !!■ •• Ex ’ eiiii n mid other companies Patton, previously ai'iminted road super ­ Fn-'li oranges, lemon«, figs dates, can- un >. pistolh and other fikearmh low. W ii II. . Barkis, Durkis, Alonzo Hyde. Hyde, L W ■ delibimi Tor • i»..uing in Wagner ctcvk district, have visors, declined, and T. M, Stewart, Ad. on iieeount oi !»C pr< repairM in the »»?*< rtyleand now olio« mad® (’renslnw. Dan. Green. T B. Houston, <’ •lies end nut- the nicest in the market— W imer amt W, W. Erb were appointed in to or<1»*r S-winK-machine® a I ho repaired and goo* 1 fir limber, waieli tins lit II has th: incorporated as the Golden Spike Mining their places. ¡»ut in first - c I unn order Administrator g Sale Davidson. J- John. E A. K«lss, II. Css- at thoS. F. Variety Store, Jacksonville. credit of always turning out with prompt­ Company The capital stock is $560,000,at B. C Goddard. Geo. W. Nichols, L. A. Pi ioee to suit the timm and satiafuction goaran- Real Property. A few copies of tbe American Settlers’ sidy, Cbas Hansen. I'h i-* Hughss. I.. N teol",OKDER O’ THE .»-foot bridge across Wilson creek, Del pany Jacob Eichel of Evansville, Ind., approved. The undersigned hereby notify all llrste It was ordered bv tbe court that the tax lulling impurity from the blood, which is | County Court, miwi® the 6:h day of September, Norte county, Cal. There is a hand-rail president; Align t Brentano of Evansville, levy tor ISSi in and for Jackson county be indebted to them to come forward and set- .POSANO 1887, theundei-Mign* <1, nilminiwtrator of Hi« estate the cause of th" complaint. Give if a trial. upan the bridge 12 feet above high-water secretary ; B .! Gillette of Citizens’ Na­ as follows: For State pnrposes, 411-10 mills; ........ or liefore Feb. 15. ISW. either by cash of Sira!'. B»*ll»* Fr««eland. decenvod, will offer fur Halo to the highest bidder oa tional Bank of Evansville, treasurer; ("apt. I'niversity. 1-10 mill: State mililia. 1-5 The M irk pro|«oity in the Cove. Ashland mark. This bridge will be of great con ­ or note. We mean Lut-iness. as we have Nalurilaii. the 7th day of Jpri7, 1S87, precinct, was sold at auction last Saturday. venience to travelers passing up and down Geo. JI. Gamble, superintendent; M. A. mill; school, 5 mills, county, 7 4 5. Total, ^fCÛN U,c for what is coming *o us. Brentano, agent. The p»>stortiee address 20 A mills. at 1 o’c'oek p M , at th® court-bonM* floor in It was bid in by Thompson A Butler at the coast K ixcaiii J c Kirrcr. Garden, Fl iwerand Field Swcgan, and southern Oregon was entirely covered with scrofulous sores, farmer* and ganlnrn* are ro»|u»*i«l »4 it< claas on the Coast, »< o(fors private or da«s T'or Sale. petition with the multitude of low test, short The annual meeting of the Frnit grow- Van Horn lot; thane»? north l»Ki feet to corner; to Merchant«, and master of many instrumenta, is pre- write for price». tu.r, day an ! evening throughout the year, in weight,-d tinoj j I, .p’inh: j«. •’• ! rn. 8 oi . doni . yiw will soon be full of i nmigrants looking f >r and bis b sly showed many marks of the thence e*'4 41u foot to corner; thene® south 64 A tirst-cla*® piano and a small safe will pareil to give instructions on the piano, or ,r-'A.sociiition »< aouthtrn Ortgon will AnfHractic, c? i il - B am : 9 l vAA-i-4 to., 106 WallsA, feet to corner; thence Went to 210 f®»*t to corner; ILLISTKATED ( AT 4 LOU I F. MAI1.» !» FHI.h. disease A few bottles of Ayer's Sarsa ­ homes. I hmking, horthaiy be sold at a reasonable figure, either for 1 : I agws 4!»d I nt 1 o cio-k r. w. By order of may bo fhnrni on line uf said lot tu pl. c® of feiginning, and con­ Portland to this place on several occasions. mera, Ind. He guarantees satistactiou. * . I al :*,gne tree. mttroug and Wasco. Pru wiatoM. Apply soon at the T imes office PkF.sll.K5r. fib? nt G eo . P. taining tb aero®. Also the following: B<*g:n Farm for Sale. »'or the best turuouts fur all occasions of tbe They were of excellent q tality and sold R owell A Co’l ningat the «»nthw**Ht corner of N. E. Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sprnoa 8. w. *< of See. 5. Tp.39. B of IL 1 K.-.thenoe Produce for Sale. HE UNDEllSUiNED OFFE118 FOK SALK, call at the Excelsior livery stable in Jack- t'rait Trees at Wholesale. rapidly. east 20.77 chain® to stake for corner; thence Streep, where ralvry» WAItU at a low turn re. eighty acr<* of good land, sit- sonville Plym.ale’s prices nr»' quits r^a- Tl. »so desiring a good quality of p»itatoes, tisu.g contracts i .hv RlfkUK Y|||fH Or h - la'; • i f »r choice fruit t.-ves uf north» t ‘ .ain*» to stake for earner, thane® waet ___ Hornet for *ai?. nated • i miles sani of Linkville. on : . fort Perhaps it wou! 1 be of some interest to be luxulu for H !••. HEW llllllWf 20.77 chaias tu stake for corner; thence south 1J0 i Rlam.'.'h iu giving satis- — — - r*<,ui. - —F'ft««»n acron are und-r fe.i.e sonable and he never fails i onionx, «bakes, won»!. |H»st.s. rtr.. can ob every d * ••■¿ ipt ’ o ». in any q.iantity. at the A li Ur»;r yi un" la.iion for also our readers to know that Silver lake valley chai a* to place uf b»*;ii ning. »iwl and . in (.ultiv.ui«m, w .de nost <»f th«» bn »i. •«' is I Inq or .»-J a id I.rod by G. W. Hunt. WLitoaker.Or Wr*i) t / i' »•)- luwe-L »V i >b»sale rates u Ài E. Beatty’s tain l ie>.i'iic in quantities to suit at very taction You will also d • Term»- of Sale-Cash ii La» .» miM.*ept-bleto tillage. í'nrwj íh ngof wa- u No. 1 l .r"*, young mare Rolli five vrar- is twelve mib s long and six miles wide. I h. K. FttKELAND, ________________ I ter and a io