F Í ■ ■ 1 - "------ JOSEPHINE COUNTY NEWS. ^cwocratic ¡Times. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. CÆ.VTÂIL POINT POINT KHI. MININO N PII S. MISCELLANEOUS. Pleasing to the Palate and Death to a Cough. Dr. Hinkle an«l wife were at the Miners are praying for more rain. llavnfHville clamors loudly for a black- Wtu. Bybee of Jacksonville has been county-seat during the week. smithshop. in this section of late. The best andcurapest mining blanks for A. H CAKStaX. L. W. CAUSO#. J>r. Hinkle calls upon all those indebted Jah* at the T imes office Geeee and ducks are plentiful and our a¡(iei>l Paper for Jark»on. Ju»rphiar * Lake The excursionists will lie at (¡rant’s to him to call and settie by the 1st of Jan­ eportemen are happy. Tbe Squaw Lake Mining Co. will make j 1’aae either Saturday or Sunday. LUNG RE8T0RER, SANTA ABIE. uary, 1888. application for a patent t«» llieir vxtensive J. F. Mansfield, formerly of this coun­ Several of our miner* are at work, but DECEMBER 1«. 1**7 KKIDVf Scott Gritnn, a gentleman who lately ar­ mines at once. Hix mil»-» Hoath of Graot’« P h *«. J«»«eph;j.e» KINC OF CONSUMPTION 1 ty, no longer resides among us. the rn.ij rity of thou; need more rain. County, Oregon. rived here, was in Jacks inville last Friday The quartz mil! near running Th« original and only genuine scientific com J. Baughman, once a resident of this Tits Roseburg ••/.V iuch ’" ha» a new T. I.. Knox, an old and respected (ili­ i in company with F. Connitt. pound of Abietine Gum aud Y«rba Santa, day and night and ( rushing a larg« amount ]>r**«« o|H-r.ite’l by «team ami will enlarge um of Applegate, >« unite ill, we are sor­ county, is now in Lassen county, Cal. for ( ought*. (’<. Ida. iaing and Bron­ j Mrs Staples of Marion county, mother of good «piartz chial froublns. etc., etc. it« »ixe thi» week an.l ireue a holiday ry to learn. Prayer meetings are now lieing held j of Mrs J A. Hnssy of this place, is pay- A fresh supply of the American Mining regularly in the Presbyterian church at Newcomers are plentiful and the price number, i»»Ur the management uf Fred. HE ONLY GUARANTEED (THE FOR ing her daughter a visit (’ode, standard authority on tin? -:i‘»jt-et. Linkville. (5ktarrh ( oM in the Head Hay Fever, (Mme Floed. I' i» an excellent paper an I we uf real estate has augmented consider­ B ew M ik of I mitation ». None genuine unlaaa (old Catarrhal Dfafneea. and Sore Ey*». R»*- Jas M Hopwood sold «»ut his interests for wale at the T imes otli ■•<*. ably of late. Miss Mary Hertings has located a land th»* word« “ Lung Rentorer, ” “ HantaAbie. ’ areon •toreethe non»»«» of tast»* and hiiiw H; rcmov»** bad are glad to learn, of it» »ucee.-«. Long on Evans creek and in now a resident of the I jh I m 'I r of oach bottle . Not a •«•cret com­ taat«* ami unpl«MM*ant breath, requiting from ( a- John Miller, who own s a large and fir*t- Jacob and .la«. W.’Wimer,having sold eiaitn on Lost river and is now en­ pound. For «aie by all druggist*, wholesale and tarrh. Eaay and pleasant t«> u»«- Follow «lin*c. may it prosper. ___________ this vicinity, being engage*! in tanning til«' cla.ss placer mine on Farmer's flat, lias It) Stock. COUrtMClIlg on Tuesday, June The county commissioners have granted creek district this season, which prospect.-* who have been making quite a splurge GRAPE VlXE.M, CURB A NTS, GOOSEBER­ The veteran» of the Mouthern Oregon 19th. This will be hardly necessary, at the metropolis, have returned. the petition of our citizens to change the extremely well. Indian w.ir- w ill meet at Grant'» l*as» RIES. BLACKBERHIES. RASPBER­ onlv to keep up the organization oi the name of Manzinita precinct to Central J. Estes, formerly of this county, is tomorrow to form an organization. RIES. STRAWBERRIES, FIGS. Messrs Jcr.sen and Allison arc still run ­ now in the employ of the railroad corn- I Point and to remove the polling place froiu tap the pany on the Siskiyou mountain. dent Cleveland will purely U re-elected, the original townsite of «¡rant's t*a.«s old Holman ledge, ami are hopeful of ex­ Our trern ar»» grown without irrigation on red in spite of everything Le politicians uiay have advanced pne-s nearly 50 per cent. John Tobin of this county died recent­ new quarters in this town. Ail of which hill land, a"d all of known variety« that eu<*ceed cellent results. Good prospects have re in Bout hem Oregon. ly of a malignant cancer at Portland, is right and proper. do. «•ently been found ThoM* c<»nternelating tree planting will do well The Odd fellow.«’ Christinas ball at whither he went for treatment. Central Point ;s never behind I the pro­ to vinit our orchard and nurw-ry. or write to ue Grant’s l'a.«» will no doubt l>e a grand J«»hn O Brien and T. Il Berryman of for price-list Addreae to uh at Murphy. Joee. Jas. Morton, an experienced and popu ­ cession, and our citizens have made ur T he Secretary of th • Treasury sup- affair. Min h preparation is la-ing made phi! county. Oregon, or to K R Station. lar aaleeiaan, is tilling I. C. Johuaton's rangements for tbe appropriate reception Applegate are completing arramrenirnts t > GiantV I’ uh -, Or plementM the Pre-id« .it 4 ludasuge with 3 for it. put in a lot oi hydraulic pip ami operate place at Sergent Bros, store at Linkville of the California excursionists A. 11. « ARSON A HON The Jack- re)«» t urging the gn- it and immédiate Oscar Topping of William« creek, the temporarily. sonvilie Silver Cornet Baud lias been en on an extensive scale this sea** m. The\ Neither ui Ou r.t ,t*. IJ.ialé y. \ ,r,,»t i ■•. Site of 1'r.wa. nor H- m IO i Mnri Vigor of Bunin, «nd ernbrnre. expert me, hanti - , wa« in Jacksonville necenwlty •!* reduction of revenu® from \Ï M'''.v';'.u''f Etc.. , I’LUH. pkalh . puune . aphu <> t . nectarine . A ball will lie given at the Linkville gaged for th»* occasion, am! a ni< s time have plenty oi good ground that will pay rm';o;iv2 < II i'.llKI r>. ‘ AiaAklNDH. Etc. taxation. He al«o agrcan with the Presi­ not long since and »old a quantity of fine Hotel on the 23d, which will be equal to I will be bad here well. lumber. dent that whiukv anil tobacco shoulJ be anything of the kind that ever occurred I .................... ......... The members o( the J Ar ksonvi’lc Milling A large and Hrst-class line of drugs,med- The final statement of the administra­ in this county. ------ AMI taxed. The l*emocrati<: majority in the and Mining (’«». will hold a meeting <» ii icine*. paints, , oils, etc., can always be tor of the estate <»f Thoe. T. Bybee, de­ January 7. 1*WH, for the purpose ofjelvct Bonanza will soon ---------------- have another store, House mimt atten.l to thia surplus mat ------------ -------------- found at Dr Hinkle's dru, ceased. will tie heard by Judge Colvig store. He also Messrs. ( lopton and rotter of Jack-on | | ter. an-l agree on something. on Jan. 2. 1-HS. lias a nice assortment of jewelry, watches . pig five director! and transa-ting such county intending loopen a good stock of clocks, purses, la«li?s’ -at hels and no­ other buMness as may projx rlv con * up I.. S. Smith, Grant'.« I’asa popular liv Ips ids here soon. S«ji ru b kn ( B ilg >N is r»*cviviug mu«*h tions of every kind. Tlie d«M*t<»r keeps su­ at the inerting. cry-stable keeper, who was recently 1 V «'apt I. D. Applegate has gone to! attention from imuiigrants. Ac» «»r-iing x.‘ kr I oy a horse, has fully recovered. Frank Oggirr, , manager >■! the Steam perior goods and > 4!s at very reasonable southern « 'alifornia and may extend his 1*. l ’ EAli, the best late shipping variety. r »r«ek, iS III i K li if* Beer mine on Grav (»rave to the r»-pvit of the Secretary of th»* State we aie glad to say. rates t visit to Mexico, to which section other! preparations to do 1» g wotk during th*- Board of Immigration, the 71 reduced Ml lit I ’ EACII, (fr( ‘ »*>t«»ne) >till heads the list. There will be Chri-tm i* tree festivities F. S. Smith, the well-known real-es­ residents of this county have gone. aving failed to ( lose out my bus - tii ket* which were recently is«u-‘d are tate agent, has ta-vn authorized to select I\ ANAI>A\ 'S CLING, the cannerV pride. at this place on Christmas eve -Saturday teniin^ season. He ha> put in a new , mesa in Ja«'ka«»n vilJo. as 1 had wir-hed t«> do, We have been experiencing i ' °‘¡«I* F i I1, ‘ -1, 1*W—under the «iit<’h ami tiutne and has eve cry i li i ng in 1 have conclud<*«i to <*ont inu«* t ’•«• a un«* »»n a larger divided, according to counties, as fol­ a large amount of fruit land for an east­ KELSEY'S JAPAN PLl ’ M, has no peer. allspices of the M*aletl.an ever. 1 w;»- in San Ft iuc:-«-'» recently, weather than usual this season, 1 lie ’ apple-pn-order for the first water. (’. Magruder, l»r ilitikh*. where I laid in - »tv of ’!•♦• I ira — t aud be*l b’oeks low. J.u k*on,'•!; Josephine, l2;I*«>ug ern Oiegon syndicate. mercury has l>een gamltoling in tli»* • u,,Sa.v'‘|,hool ItOBE de b A 1 ffG EN 1 1 KI N E, never before offered in Oregon, «»fad kinds of Fin-anne. Ammunition. Cutlery. Will. Bigelow has «iis;n»sr<| of hi> third la«. 2; l.ane, ••; Marion, 15; l.inn, 1; Mrs. I'. M Stone of (¡rant’s I‘a«s car­ neighborhood of zero on different ucca- E. R. Owen and Jas. Kincaid have been ap­ It is this whieh, in .i dried static, forms the celebrated prime, D’ENTE. Hart! wit re and Sporting od- • v « t br«»ught to Ha. ¡ng fail-d to cl< *.<*<• out. « os ord> red a n*-w and interest in the Dutch m.n • on i ’ «»wel pointed as a committee to make arrange ­ thia market. (i<»«» !s sold at the b»weet poaeible fn-h Mock of sinus. ries the larj -st and Is st stuck of holiday It. i tun, 7 ; folk. ">; Yamlull, 2. price«. I ments, and will leave nothing uiidom* for creek t«> ¡nms «k <«ray. of l’tig«*m* « iiy, for ( French Conserves». pswis in «lie county and sells cheaper 1 Will gll.iT itltr.i !! ■•-•• (»ood^tO !»»• JI*', whht Haynesville, l.angell valley's new BERKELEY G<)OSEBERR\, the most profitable of them alL I'Hm The I alter gentleman are inakim I represent th« :n t j !<«.. B thankful to iny B reaking of the land office vacancy, than anylmdy else. Give her a call. town seems to be full of promise. J. the success uf the event, which will no • •Id customers f«»r th»*ir j-aet patr«»nhg» so iitaral• doubt I m ? an interesting «»nr. preparations to «•omniem e milling opera­ 1. Truitt, its merchant, has recently re ­ recently, the President sai<): ”f want ly b»*st'»w»*d. I w«iul«i r»»*¡w*ctfully -«»licit a c«»n- Elder -M. I’, tersun preaches at Grant's Languedoc, King's, Soft Shell an.I Paper Shell Almond*. tinuance of the »tame. JOHN MIILER. conMetii g of Daniel H. Wimer, father «»f J «> c. tion’» at v!i »*. 1'hry have n-»w in -ight a a yoontf man who will disptse ot the Pas,, on Saturday evening,I»--!-. 17th. (tn turned from Jackson county with several valuabh* lead of orc bearing fu-e go-I in w agonloads of supplies. -•unday iollowuiK he will hold setvieea Witu. r. »»f this place li«*d r«*cently at tl«- 3QH0 eason new pending in the land office. LARGE STOCK AND VARIETY SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES • consid« rabie quantities. an«l have mad«* ar at the Niday school house in Jtiinpuff- 1». W. Earl & mc of s C. Alfred, three miles vast of I want the accumulate*) bwiineiw cleared Joe precinct. commission niendian!», hav-* tuen aj> AMdaml. D•• e.i.-v I was i native of ban- ' rangements to have it milled at th«- Kir>s- EviT^reeti>, Siirnli*. Une;., Cbiiiatis an-I El¡>\,crini« Plants, Sinull aw iv.” Mr. Cleveland in full of buxi- w cfistcr cou uty Pennsylvania, and was in ; ¡mg mine on Applrgaie, wher«: t'o- Scott ¿Jennings' n w -tore at Grant's |snnted by the Southern I’jitjfii- forward I*'ruit.-, *et«d Sii.i will «Coll mg agents at Ager, Cal., wliieli if is his 79th \ c ir. He ■ am«* t » Oregon in M »v. Bayne mill lias lutr-ly i»»,.*n put up. any of the department*, lie i* rie.irh t,e occupied. It is one ot the ri’ for southeast­ IXVA. ai;J ha- resided m am! mar A*h«an«i b {■•fore j) r ‘ la-i'ig - - V‘,-r.. .rt!-. nite uling to i>:.nt tr< e will find it to thoir intoreet to coin«* .a id -■•«•• - i -• > -k i - I c ’ 'l'i1 '••«*. ^tulo^ i *” ia«il«*d grutia upon application '>uitdin¿s m soffthery Oregon and wit ern «»regon. on# of the b»-«t chief executive* the coun ev» r since H w;.s gentleman of many VI Ir —* ail • • ii' i i.io-.it »ns to I .... l>e stocked with a tine, Luge stock of HftMMON BROS. Plceai*. Jackson County, Or. The County «'ommissioners court hav' go» • I «pirilities rj | respv« t».d by all who try haw ever ha«I g1 >« '!•*. itig found ttiat alt-» Mary L'erlings wa- knew him I Givin-a ca all at CfiavruT’s Building. Califor- T iik forth iming ChriHlma** rnriU»**r A nice ( Muthern Ore- ti«»n, as they will be varie») and of supe- { i Bladder, Urinary and Liver Locase?, Dropsy Will. Martin of Linkville spent a few thought throbbing it*« arteries, an»l r.« hly rior quality. Gravel, and Distata«, are cured by day* al Jacksonville recently, b it is now g‘ci which will b( **.•’ ! at wry «luall pruiit de* ke«l in -u u| tons attire o illustrations. in Oakland, Cal., where he will pa«s It will pav everybody t" go thtjru- > before Prof Benoint of attractive reading a» 1 luxu­ .-»•fliru «»! th»* s *: i.-s p flu* M E. < ’ .U < .. man. and your com-spoii I- ')• wishes immens»* quantity ot pretty things« Ofi di.s- riant drawing-* it takes the | alm ev« n m Grants Pa-s. C. IL Carlisle of Me«)- I 1 have add«. N. Bell uf Roseburg tli? third. The whole Moor«- and Zumwalt, the painters who •‘The / »1 / s s í O % L /»’ v * t Ol K r lb s. S am I’ auey , <»f Ohio, in speaking Rev. Rubt. McLean has arrived fr«»m skipped nut not long since, leaving nu­ Both Knit and MtiMin. merous credits « be’i'tol them. Moore I i.v fol: • wing pr.»cec tiiigs t<> >k p a« t d t of the tariff, said it is |H>HHÌbh» to stimti- Klama»h c«»iwit v and is n«>w located at was brought back h, D nutv Sheriff LEGAL DCCUMENTS Grant’s Pass. II?will labor in the in­ Dit cmoer term ■'( tin* C’.urf : late a thin;; to*» nm» h. An indtHtry i> fiad 'TOWN PROBI iilY 1 \RMS VINEYARDS terest of th«* Presbyterian church and Sl.a’ex k and made a partl.«l .»I'tlrment, •*ir o Bright’s ItacaM, RiUnuon or Non ReUo Of «11 kiud. ilriw.i up. ....■.■1..11, i—rUuciug i< rrrient limi E 1 Jr Pratt. C-Hlllty j i:. - 1 and Mc.ing f ¡.«un-* B '•»-!)! a ’ d >«»!d on C«»m- jii-’. like an indivitlual. («ive a rnan n will n«> d> iil»t be found a»i ••’♦»«pbuit an«) but his partner mad.1 g<«*l hi* tlir wtll«tne:'.t of eat*;,.. r. of Urine, Pains in the Back, Loins, or Side m.HMon là.' Hav j •i >n 1 an I S A ’ . h lion. •' - h ■hl I» •IIP h Tilt if Whi-k' few drinks <>f •ne»geti«* «‘Xpinent of religion. lien lloht McLean ba- removed to mi" ioiltfff CoLrHur of kroaub—Prompt Rriuiilantr» yi\i\ G W L-wis ' ”u.",y. where ill/ an I Le i. rich a« Crirwu«, and can l i tine in itt« r «•: t«.-.* «” •;!»li-'!itneiii rates he will labor in the interest of the Pres­ Can Ì >o CujL’od. I J: » »••■! !;.♦•! t S1 ' ir:tl»**- 7» >p.*« i*^y Ji»ck«»«»D ••Home. Swim, Homo.’* without a bom.- ft?» front with a hlc»»»»l-tiirni:» >»?-t which ccuutv road, petilhHH«! |.«r by J C 1 byterian church. He is .in able and ener­ kve. vt «I. o |i r- | by tlie < »urt thrtt Under 4 year* old < onrtj Scrip Bought and Sold ------- THE------- liOMBT \ I f ’vFlON L’iv ’n t«» all biwincM ■A» i_d < 15 pound*, an I Thus. Mti'iav of H» ran lick hi* weight in wildcat«. K—| \ beautiful line of getic inin.-ter. who ha* lone mu h for -. him be cri'iiHied until the next reg e >•■tv ! -«i w 1 ht!.»* Luid Otfi*c « -¡res Intemperance, Ncrvoui DiteaMS, General Rogu«* river hnnight to Grant’s Pass 25 I have a c«»mpk*t<‘■ -t of Mupe of all Surveyed the thin^ up a few days and be is flu pounds of potato?* which weighed 501 the religious cause in this section, and term <4 lb.*» < mi rt. Lande in thi* county, ar d receive atxitracte be« ilitj, Female Weakness, and Excesses. In th»* inattei o! lije re survey "f th- month!.« from lb»*---burg <»f al! new entri»»e made w< tk as a child and poorer than the last t»onnd.s. (.n»* <>f them weighing flv»* will nod mbt succeed fully as well in his LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES «'.»iiiity r-iad between the larniM oí H Amy I new field. i am triu»- jo••} .tr»«d n» make out Horue»»t«-atl ard Is INFALLIBLE! »..-ir of l.azar-i-i. pounds. Consisting uf Liale end ilk N » 37. acres, Br«-»*u.ptu«n paper»*, and can ttii;»« »»¡.ve to an i Geo. ( '»« kscy l b - ('»»urt, utter lituo c» ! t i.l under <* riti va ’ ion and tw<» th •■* xp.-n»*.- of .»tnp (o Ros burg I^ai.d Ofli.. Th* Thanksgiving party given at in. th*- su: v< \ o.’< report, ai d being fudy Druggist Th«’ (liant’s Pass Ciairitr has again «»•i t1.»* i>i ». *. T .1- ih <• «»ic» grain -nd Uu« far na ar** in mv hand« for sal« A i . thoi gii T. K HuHivan i* well- (iraves. Kort« hem & Ward's hill having >atisiitd that the center of ‘•ai l above- 1« AMTHU 1 ■ i ami i» ’ liua ’ cd tav • inib-n f-<»in charm»* I hai Is. \ \ Allw.nth retiring .•arcs RUivusness, Headache, Jaundice, Sour s rii»ed road is as n*,-resented in the report PROMPT iil.l LY MADE TO KLL LE1TERH. RelievM in Five Minutes. kn«»wn A-» a playwright, it h m«l Is-ing sn •« • »•')♦•() bv Mr. Shepherd. h«*#»n a grand mi » cps «. w * \*arn that an­ <>f said surveyor, ordered that the same other ball will be given at the «sme place Stomach, I\vspep«ia. Constipation and Hlas. .argi-c in accordance with the t im»*»» I HIV FrVF.lt, only within a year that he ha» gained a Your « '»ri<*sp- .n lent is of the I ' « o|»ini<>n • J ' I 111 * '■ I III <11 . that be approv» «! $»iu p. r acre. N" "•*. Refer»* bj pffrmta*io!;, to v*r fqr- |Cur»*« • iivr uitei**’. if Taken in Tima nnd. This I um I) «>f . • I ijo n- -la k . ’ I 4 11 l iggressiv? _ _ . . . . ’ ’ .Ir,n¿ Ordered by til»* < »urt that Walden Bros Banker, to Hon. L. R. Webeter. .ludgi uf thi« reputatiun a« a writer of »»bort F»l»>rie«. level, n.-'i ■■ '. f- ; ' » I nEn^TNH interesting wrimr, am! h«>p hia succes- 1 ni-D - I for tin* fir*»t-ni'»-)!i»»ne I orca**!«»»» be ^run’t'l ¡i«pu»r license to sell in «—< ■u‘d •” f♦»^«•<■»• in five tv Llv I'll«’- • V» <•( ft The* e have appear**«! rxelueively in Cure'! ¡u Tlirw to Six MonLhx, •ior will sib ccctl as w 11 in pleasing bis Lv M'”. William* .it'd ill«* icfiMi' <»( S»:d- • j lau! » » iban one «piart/. tor a period til lng-lmu-e. N¡e injr imu^e with ti ham’s Mm* hand and M s R-d>r. 11 nn- .->« ruvnthk ..•} ;'p; ■*!Mik:y»u iiioit'i ams. in Srrihf>»r\. M i j , the ( hri«tin.ts nmn and outln».i-.-, arti a it«»«.d <»r Diphlhi rin 4 roop. Neural- natrons. i A -o i .«! pre. uh ' sak tr were first class. A< TH AT ONCE on th«* Kidneys, LI ver, I alf «’ash, at Í • ■>■■ r» i. uic • ûu tWo gia, 11« a*la<-lt«-, >orc And many other thing« too numerous to mention. her of which will contain another, enti 1 Lr«»al In toe mailer of th- petiti«,;, J.j change year pay in nt -, Jtulg»? \Vebst»»r*is . .. o t . Wid stor’-* decision d“ i': >n in thr th»* K?Hy-| Kelly- i 1 have also secunit the nervic** of a and Bowels, iwtoring them to a healthy ■ h.i- l»«** b--n n-v.r-.l Ti»«* Th- fol- fol-I I . ,n '’■‘•Supreme ( »..rt a f-w ilav* th»* voiing plate in S:«r»nn v Cram. tie») • •The r.nctiir»* * f Sucre-**.’’ It is R ■ rn- (•»*♦• Mai zanra piu. i<(¡ t ha* ‘n rever-md USUO. N.» • 1'Viarr«*. u »< . . and CURES when all other metLcifiSS » g • .ntrv at- nnh m . l‘ a a short -bort time ’ *;?**?’ (“•••’»■'»X -ntry «a< made: an t to t bahge the name »»1 -aid pre* in- i Invnluablo Remedy! ntrv up ■ ii'l«*r f--.;••■•. will. ..'•ii> -.tarna:>’ ’ It was «»rdered i»y the ( «»urt that Hie name .’ail. Hundreds tauu faved *ho have taeu on-hard Atitr»*ainof w C« t ru-i’cig through th«» John K»d ’y. appellant, vt. . ination which chararterized “The l.oet lo.,.;>,.., i-T*l A I 1.5 K IIL.-W1 oí tne precirn t «»I .MaoLiniia be andhcie plac*. which«*.•»!• ta tiiihz*-«! t«» irrigati» fully on«», And am prepared to execute all order* in that I’.. ,:rn I, . »*t -t a a'-.r-oondent« “,* '~P«* ’ appeal Iron, K.amath Ii ’..r»»i’p(»n«lrnt’*: ; • I Tr . f Tr aTir.ent ti '«>; (Smok* jivon up to die by friends anil ptiysirwu. ‘•alfofthc ranche if io-,r-*U. Hitii:»t«*d in Table R«‘;nhran changed It» the name t»f Ceiit'al P<»inl t-u > • ■ r.for line m firkt-ciaaa style at nmaonable rat»**. Jmlginent re precim t, am! it \\ a-* fui trier ordered that lto< k preciiK’t Send for j amphlet to I U . . I < all and »ee m»» at th« building formerly occu­ versed and . .mpl.rnt domi-e.L 'bin j t-.spondents to extend the tune until I»,- the voting plu-.c in >41»! prci i:i< t be an«t is lisinissed. Opin- pied by A. lj. Johm*«»n on < alif«»rrna wtreet. $10 (11») N«» 4 arrftH. tie- Supreme Supreme I ‘'•'■««*r l,. HS,. tn which to file petit.on change«! ir«r“j»on, int-mtN on >.v >* ah m. List ..-.I • <•( the MBS I’. P. PRIM HUNTS REMEDY CO., 2i’> H«*r»*** u '!« t <*'.iltivH'h>n HL-l f"!i'«*4 m!o fiv»* (»onri i for a rehearing; copy ot the petition or- Bros, to til« sime <»t Magru«l« y Bi->c iio a 652 Market St. San Francisco, Cal. tiefiih which urc l«‘v«‘l. rich, meadow, unnn and to in-ke another detennin» d effort to get Providence, S. i. • h*ied servedon II. K. Hanna, attorney located in the town of Central Ptiinl fruit latul. and l<> »cros in alfalfa Thpr»* am <»n Beware of Hurtft;! Imitations« . . ... ... | h’> (Tiine»«* bill through (’ongre>4 this i \* huiitin-fls wh«» hav»* ns«d if ar.d prov«*»i it- vir- Whereas, in view ol pubii.' charges r> At a in••••»ingon th- 5th in*t. of the citi- | for appellant. tip* pla«-«» a lar*ro and thrifty «»rrfian! t wodwellinK soi n HV All. DtllGGISTS. ; ’no- will m.*t C .»M-rfulii t-Mif*. ¡t im fr.*A «rum <»iinf?*. tw larv-* tarn« a ’ ul 5 12 o r an ¡rrigat in,«? «•ently mude that th»* «hikers of this coun ­ winter, which provides total prohibition z» ns ot < • rant *' l’a **. cofnnvttrea were | ( all acictcrioub or poiwmouff «jrugH, an«! iff !»} far ditch, carrying 3iO it;< h ‘r- of wator , rrt ___ »* .... H. I’. Pe«kins . ha« moved witli hi» ty ar«- ut.Liithiu! [-• their public IrusS an i ut 4 made ri 1 a’.1 • ... to lo of Chinese bn migra’ion. th«* only practi­ api»f»inh*d ami arrangements ■,.r .dm-»« of (he tundy t.1 K.mo, wuer. he m constrtietmg tlia' the fund-» ut the < unly have been «'X $-25 No. 41 1#>5 mc - c ®. make a «ii good fruit and alfalfa land and th»* balar.« »• tin»* T|,. . «onta of *t?ann* r K'aniatli I ity frotn th? up- He introilni't il II ■ witi» n our I•« r«l»*r trains from California '___ r_ . r Circini court »iid recommend that the tuntar la: <1 Th«»ra i-a Htr-am of wut« r running «in liiu tv ufilol tic 1» i <- lake, as has Lo., he -n state I. as it tu is the through t' ■• Situnt-d thr «• mil»*» from ¡ now upon th»- niark. f l< uit appoint three ««»rnpetenl and dtsii.> * Mame Lil1 nt I i-t........ ion. but gave way southern < begun ire awake to the in­ next thimt to an imjto-sibility. CONDVCTEP BY H - w ill, te’’e*‘te«l persons to make a thorough ai <1 Jackb«»:ivillc. It 1-a sure < ire forali ffcatp l.u:n«*rs and will tv th* i««lr -ion Lili intro li>it’r |iiafl No. I ’ . 2»*»arrfH. THF SI3TER8 of ’ he HOI Y NAMES lailing ou», ni h *»■ ta<-.rn** !iaren and drj ¡twill e.-n a most ener- p|. on the river Is-tween l’levna and or‘h of >.»id cuuntv ; tluTcforc H is »»r»l»*r» d an M'-rtow in tin- lion»*' an-I Sen:it »r Miller ha** joi-v-rcff of uni u; rta«*«| lan«i. 3'1 a»*res of wincii ‘' living •*s* ,:ih!l while in the Senut'* di'l much says the Shir. mence about tlie on«! of Auguat, anti i« divided iu .pri’igsof wat'*r Four mil . i-»in Ja^k-vonvilta. •tnd.i.T. Buwditch are hereby appoint* I f«»«ir e«*MitionH of r«‘Tj w. ok-* oauii. j'Mi-l ft»r th«* people of Josephine county. 1 1K^ '!.•* /' ■'** '' ■ u, w ■ «>»>*<• that as such commission, whose duty it shall i n«ar We are new prepared B«»er«i and tuition. }H*r term. . ... tunnmb so tins I kc all _’gr»* "iv»* ami abb* men he has N >. t.L K)*cr»«. M 'i- ■ 1 • enter wpt,n tlm dre- barge ol m .» i i <•• grain and fruit lami under to please our customers with an Drawing ••■vela! ui:«< iii|>iiL>t.- IL ; uL'i,-m i h »-t «f eneiniee: hut w.* think tbe ’ SNELL. HEIST'Hl' A WOODARD, an«! Pair.tins thirty «la* s from date iwr» •*; dwolbn : botín«* and barn, ami D W l’rosbv V <'«» b iv«” reti l fr »in lru*( ' v , . . Atf<*nt*. i’ Ttian«!. Or. arealreuily trvingb* make it a| ; .-ar (hat Ctu/kr “puls it rather HtronZ’ when' aiid to «••>i«hh(|-. »ireir labors !•• nun a' .* ■ i e«* 1 «»ue mil«»fr<»m Grid extensive, elegant and varied as­ Be«! a id B**dr«mgh ami sc ir> h , Im l'r>-«i.|.-nt. in In* in '-*-uge, <•*;' • rial ' it wavs; “His busincs- requires all l.is sortment of goods suitable for the Primary Department.............................. .. dteiitinn .,t j n-- nt : ami th»*ie remains! ft rn . « x tniiiiHli'Hi •»[ tin- pubic, rc • »rd*, and . J. S. SWEET, l’r ff. l nt. Mcv-r«. B. i U hi an t Fr^-j. c w? «■ 1:1 J.v \ No. irt 1'Vlucre« un i u I iih -*! -o'rlv attacked the tariti vii the uiif» itunately in lisputub’e fact that, , J uni<»r G ut the ilultig*» «»I the i puulic oftj -t*rs *»114 I I Mathematic-*, P*yc-»!«»gy and School I oonomy. UniinpruV’ «1; w«‘ll wat*T» J. anil tir»»t-cliwff Preparatory “ ............. hav.- be n ma«ie, and («» make due report ' wuol. Tin* i« >>"t tim- l!<* naturally in »«pit»? of what he !ui J «»•»•«»mplished f»»r j aut.villra few day* »ine?. ¡»la«*e t«» iii ik«* h g'M»d fit» 1“. Senior an«l Graduating Department. . 10 JULIA Wl. GOODYEAR, J . M. ( i^.in hi- • ’!>■ to < 'ahforni > w :,ct « tip re* f it I he term <>i ilire • ourt m*.v fol- ! Pupil« are recHived at hi y inn»*, and IM« iUu-tr:it»iii. ami .u* un this community, h«* l»a*» I uwh - - t|p* completimi i of said trust Í :gIo*h Grammar, Kl.et neuud Latin. t<*nti««n i« paid t«» parti«*ulMr studi«*» in s32f). N ». IM. 24 > 'i<*re«. mid not. ! h»* will r« main for •»••metini ■. »•onfl-Ifnce of th»» :»« '>p!»* extreme «■xaiiip ,. ''It* b'-m-t'*!« *1 pr«»- rhildreh who have but a !inr.f»*tl tun»*, Trio Inti” were allowed: M is I Soil, «1 i r k l«w*ni ; l ’ »3 ;»«•;«•- f-n< , -*»l. l 'i choice f he were a camli'lab*. I »• el»-cteil ther particulars Hf>ply at th«.* Academy. C. F. NESSE, I I. . H uiiilt-.11 wa« ut the (••»ii ity -»cat ( » .lancuiH expense!? ♦>»; c«»r«»ner s in fruit 11 ni?- ; <• »•ntn»>di-»u- «I w«*lhng-hou.’»‘. barn tecti-.ri, if any l>em»ti. « ri>u'.| come from P»». running w:i'--r <»n th«* j »I ik ’»* ; con­ CXU Jiitiiaipju »,! (»‘Hi h»‘i>. 1 l*»*nir..-in*«hip ami Ex»*cut i v«*,W«n k. , . Jail . rnrsd a>,and wh:le there paid tl» • TfMES , quests Every effort possible venient Io good sniitHjl; eight ea-t of < «*11- has i a high protective ta'iff <>n anythin;*. 11 * D> un; coiiuty otii' er>, $.••/> 2?. couut> i,.»- . DEALERS IN ! i tht e a vhit. ! ral l*«»int J. B. WniSLEY. i LOTTIE 0. WILLARD,I ! ¡»J ’ai. •>*; election expenses, Jo > been made to meet the wants ami J. E It,*« anrument only amount.' I tn thl« : \ pr >- Culture I vx immuti m of iireane |>er*.ons. $.> t ” ). tin- We learn that the real estat«* fin.i of ){.»•-*• N ». VO ‘JVacrefl. demands of th»* publi.- at this par- tective tariff on w in not tin- ble«; btat i«mery ami post ' Uncnprov • 1; h.'l Ian I; s’ acnMi choir • fruit MRS. C. C. EDDINCS, ¡ In r»* is m» •! m’'»f I ak wluit .!•(• < i. , A* Wrisley tins ta?n »)!*.«*«•!v»*» ' 6, r«a n:i«l. b.kl'inc» £<>0'1 p.'istur»* . three mi I »»a «»aat of ticular time. it in clam.-1 to •«*, much le«s a high j retiring. In»fr-.irii’-; I•*! II iihic . i pairs an court hoirev and jah, 27; mdi M ■ rifonl. Blit'fm is pusing »s t «Mi di late for picei- tarili on m:inv oile r thing« griit perso..**. 1128 ta, « ouuty priming, . W. (» I'uoper K» cp< a first « !a-s lin»* uf $7-«dv •>lo.»f. cin mt court expenses, |lnd mi , ‘ \ N<». 1 farm, aitnated two nub1*» n»»rth«»a»»t of I-’or a rich an-I substantial , «uddleM, Barnes- etc . an t sell«* ».helper H i lice’s cituil expensf's. Drawing :rul Painting. JO, j mi! ,i - ; Blue ix. hsvin« a ¡j'»«»d d'A« l hnR Lo i-'«. barn amj fur Ki is im fiee-rrad»* party in this interv -v •• d. in hi* («¿reign abiding p'^e | salary, ytj Toial >2.14 » 58. » than tL<* cbeape-t. »Ut build;!),’-, or- f.ard. «■•«•<1 and wh ’ ct tiiipi lj. gift may be mentioned LADIES’ Az ­ All oi»rr«*«pnnd-:i«-. cLoi.rfully ;c; sw-re«! . counti v. 1’’ » r • iff a partv, hiiwcver. II»* leaves !,o ¿» Ith! of tire fart that he i* ■ •ti* 16 i a«*r»*a fi‘U< i*«l and nearly all rtn«ler rhbi- dre--4 th« President, SILK ami PUSH , Jas Itali, fi»rnree!y 1./ tjiiv pre- 1 c t. lias vati«»n. miicb of w'.i«*h isnu-ceptd»!«1 to frcit cul­ WRAPS. wh«»-«»* 1» id»*r »•<• • »•” its wishes w.ien In* i tb*in.ic*»gu oi th»' bigg» «»t q,i*h’; Imt. Probate t ourf, ture. If is also \v«ll Hitua’«*d mali-ahhful loca- ilress patterns, LINEN table sets ' taken charge of Tino*. 1 ültaru m’s farm • 1 Ihe fu.lowing pro»-ceding«» tmii pchoo* hu»ii*e n«.uu bj and leas than two Wire tram- r*’c«»innmn !** that taxes which bring int« in th»» rota nf an ultra pr-»!e» ti mist, wlnj I I. tile .illtte preciin f aud table covers and scarfs. IN ORDER TO MM I THE GROWING DI nil •r‘fr«»iu it finiroad d* p««‘ acted at the December term uf tin. < vurt— 1 niMTid for rtffi!-»«-tat'- pre; i*tty vr hav»* <•!>• - I th? )’ S. Tri asmy and tak»* from tin* re in favor <*i maintaining the infamouw No. ta ftfifaurea. If yoii want your pr<»p»*i ty ”.»!iari ‘s uf life and people and their lmsim*ss rtfl acr«*H i • cult ivatiou; a living stream «»f water ut tii** iM-st ligure«, * al! 011 M E Itaatty In tire inatier uf ’be estate«»! E J. Dwi through ill«* place. hnprovrnentH n»*w arid uninillay mor-* than th»* Governnrent ndtbintf th«* f»*w it th? ext«ense of the I at his r»-a •state >tfi e in M^Mfor«! OH..ELS 1-KOMrn.Y fh . led .' towi 1 * l ; u - s , dc< «*a'V'i. Ei uat 2»^.» onnt of Jacob lirat-rla: s; 750 friu* trr.*s of boat variety; l'a nr«d«, sliunld be reduc* I. That pa t v s- tn u y, lie will n«’» g tin tin* p pnla ity lie Wagner, administrator. iiG«r«i and up- mil«** fr«»iu Woodvillle A tfrent bargain. F'T m ; i I»* at 1 bar ram -a rosy lw hlim; pr v» d ¡ui-l « »-I tain lauds un band o.-dci». 1 ¿•551 hl. N«>. 75. 21e acr«*. th? Ib»m< »eratie-, a: I t‘ ♦• It«*- t’ C t •• *«> I a p-•rr.ttraiiy -• -ks. ‘ h »tue ii'»’ far from th»* «•«•nt«*r of the tovvu liisiribuie !. Il l a.*r.*M ii <1 t f'Hb’e and in cultivation; a«»il. Manv of tin* iea«l ng j mrnala <»( ins i of M»*dfi»r*t. For parti- iriars »*n | m- • oi R ! Fur «neh bllstnsss. drawing the people’s wealth int • th» fr»'»‘, rich.«lark loam ; mostly level; tirat-claaa Est.ue of Mariin Vr-.aiu.an. Hearing «if .!E CNDEKHI hm ^. HCEBIFF OF J’»( K sun « «»uiit> .Or«'g >n, «»r hi»» l(* Py’a w ill meet meadow, grain and fruit land ; wn partv ar«* ei’ti« i-ing lire remarks ; T. Liwt ■ . r*».i!-«•*•!ate 3401?. * th»» Tax-n'iyen* of said <*«»u;ity f«»r tn* pd*[»« j «»» of two tarns, «»rehanl. etc,; aplrudid location: I*.’.» I irst Street, Portland, (Jrecou M«n j 1 oe.sda) . Jan 3. 1 ”-.S •■«mu. Ail • ■ • euouirli f«»r lioilse 1 piotuptly aU«»ndc«l tn. tlievn. atm I have !«»en snst inn d l»v tin «evvrelv, ainoiig u' :»•'•: re the rad « al I Sire: ill Dean Ua-.1t liti pl icuoi* fU'-n ’• Guardianship ol the minor h<*irs uf Win. receiving • nd rauei. pur[,i»M*. Two mile« w st of ('«Mitral BOSS A WR1SLEY. .Uiu'er iuad»‘ tor « de of real-estate ''"ihe, tl t *• iys, in vot»*« uf Repub’i anff in('ongr»*ss. B-ng»*’ ( hi* *g»» Point Fuat-ola*.» targau;. i fax « >ib « t’ng trip, ami re« »-;pt'-«l En« YpphcaUou / 4nt)4 *“1’1 Linrua J H *’Tn.inii, for un»-, haling vo*c 1 ag »inet nig »‘»lit»» i illy un Blaine’* message : ■ •A I I» may bi* Considered a £OOd Brucu :«>r Hie appiuntu «ut Qf H U, Carter tnjr i have Great Bargain«» to off»: and it »rk tin se hard tin,«** th- “Blaine, a: might liuti- been expect, d, ; as guardian of Abe! Allen, an insane p* r- Oil th«» following «lay-*, in their reapwt.ive pr«*- ?v»*n von, .»> • rpHis w ell known holm : i ndfr the will pay you t«» k»*»*p a cl«»«*.» watch mi this spar? so’i H- arm/ s^t tor Jan. 2, 1S8S. cinctM.at *!,♦., t oual pbi«*»** «»f voting, and w.ll re- f.»r th«* noir -ix *n«»:itli*« fi»r Special Bargain« If x * manag» .... •< ¡ .,.1( tf¡H . ms |> high-ta ff pr t.- -fittu frtun ¡» .vseiited ’»•sented !»:•; Trn ’1 has b'*»*n appointed ar« it of (if i/«Z. l-M n,4 p;,,,. ,,, . (>e E ’ate of i!.<- nr nor heir«. «>( K J. D*.vi- mirn iu • nch i»re».;.u-< trui” 9*»*«-|uck a . m . until you havnany pr»»i?*rty for -al-*, com? am! »*»*•• me i h ♦ h.j Town of ■ 'J", r ” .* ’ ■'••'»» It r....t»,r. nar ■* Insnr u.« c (’«> , « f Albany, ¡1 gaiis .1 p.u I •‘ali an point | " lit ••! "I vivw X iew a« op|> .siii"ii in H•••»'.ng ••! p»-’iti«»n for sale ui real- 4 <»’clo< k i*. m of t ’lcfi uTj.‘tv-w,t. and I wi*l «!•» u»y b«*.-t for yon. D»r. < finu'iffy Rock Nov *’ 21 ' Xpplegt’t1 ' '>”>r.>.b|« -1... Hlwr'ni.-nt. «niTli—J with ottico <»:i California stre»‘t, opposit*» Sl«»v?r «•K5r k.ll Si l'»KI»r,M> St I'll I M tir-vt c.a-s organization He is a cstaic M*t f »r Eru 0. INv» th«* | ta *-n!»*nt’s v.ew m tar iff re­ -uè tu Ihe r<-ibi.vil'e Wednesday, :«»•» t>mp.i- Pl»*a«nnt Cr«**»k MHtif.»ri| k««*p on ¡.und a fui I atock of all kiadt» and diioeâ-1 I Will ylwHjw ta.upp’j.Hi with th- b«-M t .. n «ràffi I alifi ima o i »ri go» that it ha« 1 th » im (jiuardianship of the niiimr heirs ol 1. Wooiivilh». . value of th" argmnentH set forth, anil 1« I '»lcn . . ' aionnof nt»«l by Mr tarter, hi-* m»n inlaw 1 he B < <»ok Mrs ( J Morgan appoint« d R«trk P«»inf Cor. 7 lb and B Str»*«-!»*, uHor b- -rv.-l ln « M>h* that will pl»*... q... mo«t I« 1 Ashland D« « an«» prwsihL-to lay track. li|«-tation- we , ¡tac. public judgment wiiin'.t ii fi i ni cd by I TllffUdio.ie tariff guar«h.iii and Ben. H.iytn >n«i. E. M, Blev ­ att» r is a r***i«lent «>f Chadb'»urne. Neb., Foot» ('t»•••!» 2 ■n-p.’n'le,| for nevera! day« on that re the di.-tingi; >hi'd name behind them. It I *•**•*•'^‘* «U-» w.ti.'fcrt,..« ÿ..«a. ins and W L Colvij appraisers. At Iff-uit ono-balf mint bp paid m C hn I i . ;uid i** on his way to C.uifornia with hi» Tax-pajer« will pii- ,**e p ,y tJir*tr tax'* at the rennt A soaking rain descendet f,,i:r is the weakest ground Blaine as ever yet a!>«»v Mtat**d rim« “ *. The law in regard to their j j . '-rutti r-,.p. family. Frtiil Trrra at ll'huOnalf. Onc.fourth down, Iml.mce within six. twelve collectiun will be »trictly enforced Having phcM the fin »»it double Planer and mi 11 eight**en in-mlnu H-cupied, and no national party can ex- or Sv» days, making the roadlted very Th«»” M<-\ndrew of this preHnrt, who Orders taken for cuuhe fruit tree* Manufactur r of ami Dealer in Matcher to be found in the Rogue River Valley See map *»t lUdruttd D« pot f »r g ad. «i prie»*, B. W. DEAN, "mnsl.y." It was not raining in the |s*et Io go into a presidential campaign has »«»me <»f the best t»otu»ni land in the every description, in winv quantity, at the in our mill, we will furninh ah grade»» uf etc«, ur addrf »« Sheriff and Tax ('«»Hector of Jackson County. ; - V.« a , . . b 11 HASK1 l.k north' rn part of California the forepart on that issue no u.atter who may be its valb y. raise«! over 7’s» bushels of potatoes lowest wii »le* tie rare* ar M E. Beatty s Town^lte Ag -n' C. P. R. It. Hun Framn-co. ( ul. of «he week, rind if the weather eontin- leaders. 1 fie sui plus que»t.'on* must be <>n two acres la^t M« aM ni what has Isen suggested. It THE ROGUE HIVER That on* e introduced into the hoTseludd, close the enp iwtwe.-n tin-two linen, ft cannot 1st settled in accuidatice with the i 'lArtfffryaff Pa rtf/. Pond’.« Extract iiohls an uiidivi«ie«i place. O E. Rose will give a | a’ Os hull It i- an ii ifai.mg remedy in all cases where may be n«i e«aaiy to p. «tj«.no the cele­ Blaine idea.” A Specialty bration of driving the la-t spike till after The New York Tunft, speaking on the on Applegate *»n Friday ev* ui'ig. pece iii- a I'jtion or a liniment is needed, and as a aving recently been refitted wui. It pain d»<•*.’ the holiday, This w ill lie done if the subject, sac- W« ar* also prepared to make contracta for any JACKSONVILLE, OR " riu* then i* the sum ol ber 23*1 all modern im pro v»»m enta. are now turning heals cuts, buriu. bruises wounds, sore band. Everybody i* invihd to attend number of «»nt a hrat-ciitiw« article of Hour, winch in put up in j track is net laid bv to ,|av Blaine's policy, un i as he i* tiu- leader rickets two dollars, incliviitig supper an«l throat, licmoi'rliagcs. A*» k i »i V ol «¿’s Ex­ 4 barrel nacka, an«! **vpr> Mica 1» warranted to THE SÜHM KIREH TAKES I’l.EASl HE IN Take no imitations. Examine each tra« t ________________ • contain 4U nonnde of flour If you don’t believe 1 in for, i., r,k. t that I... I«. I,.,,,; of tl.e republican party ut present it must hufjie feed ts>lile varciuliy thia, juat'aumuza., a k of our flour with any j J»--k«..nvitK Hl Dr Aik. M,,.K i (h Monu.T ;»w..|ry ,n tl- t, -t .... I- ,,r r.- •»eiimer Y.iqnin* City was «itfhto.l . •» connect»*«! with my fiarne-*» shop Having Simmons Liver Regulat«»?. tip» favorite until they repudiate it, and it would be .bin nidi» or tup. al hu cat(i** brand«*«! with .■« fi-'Ur»* 2 <>n Ail order« and bill»» fill?«! with pruniptnww« and nbl»* rat»w. Hom»» iu »n hi ? born rich, notuo aetjuire rich».*« j eiigagt^ e ervic*s* of a first cla>s «hoemaker. 1 home remedy is ent relv vcgtdnbta R.- No <'oiB:u»*nt i* n»»eresary on the sup? | CW^Satiftfnotiun cusrantas! Giv * nmatr al -------- ------ —. M»*.i ut/iern t.uvH rich»*« Ibrunt up hi ihom. To well for them to hasten todoit. It is the purest and h»*M family ni«'d!»,in»* that arn pr«-par» «T tn manufiie*ur»* b»»«»ts and bh«»»- of dispatch notify of the quality fir timber. ' * of ' our ...... c-« —»— «nd ju ic»* Mr yoiKMdf BEIJII a I brand» a,** nhun cr*ip m fi-ft •* *r »n«! lui.g < rup in Ih«* luttar fortunutd clip« ta'hinx«* .Mr < burlen A. ta* iat»*at styi',ff promptly. o’nte «ent out to hrinu her in Wl I right. Ata, cat’l«- bm: tai wilt. SI’<•«• !• f' hip. IIAICIMS 4 CO. not a p rii v that th -y can go tsdoie the romponmied. No error t<> be frar<*«l in ad- JobnHon. So. T»5 W«»9i Qhio tyt-, 1 ’hi‘-«MC->, and Constantly on hand and exvliangfxl for wheat My price- in both d»‘partm«.*nte will be Q U(e an«! mark'-tl crop in right raw aud itul»* ai.«i **plit V. b. 1 her* i» • ?<»«<> rn*d tn th*- Mill tkl«year. mini”teting, no injury from •• ip -»* iip after Wt»«> wu*» th»» luck) holder «>f onu teQtu *rI li««*k»,t near the (jov^rninent jetty coaiinir in a |s*>p e with.” roaaonable and sat 1-furti»>n guano teed m 1* f< enr. N»». ia.rtlti which drew t>»<* firnt capital pri| ■ <»f taking, no loss of time h is the best pre W G (’(K)PER. heavy «eaattuek the nhi|>an.l broke the $15 '. Mi. in ih«O«*t«»b-»r drawng «>f The ix>uini- venfive mr-diein'-. and safe to take, no Medford, Or . D»*«‘ 1.1^7 K« nijitaj ' Noi tr» «teerinu tr«ar Th«- auxiliary irvari»-/ matt» r what t. e si kno-* mav i»r.»vr tn •»<•. uriA Hiatt* IjottMry. A '*T:av«)ler" reporter found Having &rided h sot t.f Barley Rotler». io my mill Mr. Johnvou, a very int»»Uigent /«»ung H*t*d»‘. I -i th»* ears, *«»ni»,tim-* - 1 r 'Mi ij . buzzing Jam! in ordinary «itaase wil: efle«*t a speed/ twenty fiaffen y»«ara of ace, a cabiuH- n *k«*r bj I liav»*s'»t apart «!v»*rj Sataniay to Roll Barky foi wax put in operation but broke, and t' £. X. BHEITMAN, Proprie:«, M»un«|. are « au-r t l.v < 1! • ' h. t hat »■ x. ♦•*«!- cure. oceupati» n. wlw mx j»«ars «g«», chui ” to Amer­ ruMomart». The w«»rk will lx* done on short rtbM*r f.ni'e ! with the wh^-1 anil 'eft ■ •• mi»!v di>.tgrwMhle aii i 1 very <’oiiim«»n ica uad found employment «t hi-» trade in t fiu nottc**.ii«» that parti cm can rfSurn with thtnr «rifft OF ASHLAND, OR., Mv*t Kjfrrtlrft. the *-ame d.ay. lam prepared to roll barley at al! cax««. liuviug threo tunes» before p ircha»»«*«i B A GODFREY. Fisp., • • inai mg al ” »» re- «ilweilM- IsU».* »»J •»•!»«• atMDier at the tm rey of the ware« She .1 .1 A ' k » K - i •x V i “«•. tn kets in th«* b tUTj ai:d drawn no L n .« b:» j<>. - time»» and in th* l»i»-i ma-mer. T’-i« pr«»<»e!M» i*. sub ir««m • ti.trrb. H« hh |'> ^¡u-tparilla. nurprise whs xieat wh‘*n he found that his rar ahoad of the ertiehrr. drifted on nhore below the jetty an I I he great bio* «i | ¡n’.i-r. i- s a pe« uliai'ly MIC r»*’:n . wr'L-n: ’ M V fami IV a«*.»l I are bene fut last inv«*wtnivnt hud hr..u*jh» Imn a r«* uro «>1 $15- <1. KAREWSK! which it. fi» i ui«^ of \<»nr m««”t * \ « lient medi<*ine. IXJU.- |( bii-MK»». Arkansaw Tiaveler, No). 5. « Mrandeii. At H:3d f. M. the crew were cesMlui ren»c»l\ •••!• this »li*«-a-«*. * '* kn«-wn i.uu* • 1, m , been ie:.uvat«i Mil »!•’< >K1>. « »R. Are now prepared •»> furnish (!•« taat _ .. »»f __ njuaie ___ J ft you Mlf- l»r King’s N» w l«ni overv t r « onsump- «»d raf. ly l inded and next day the removal fur puhli ■ p'lVH»«« l*a ti«s. Bdls, P jc ir»*, Jtc., throutfhuut iiiitl ivi t •■ i h i ■< all that you fer »r.un catari i». • • y H« » « d - >arsaparilla, I h j p »1 •.r on (fi • «• oam *. • i »im f •* it. »lenire to tr^tify To it” virtu« . 'he good thinr*’« of this ! THE HUIMCRIBER TkKbÄ PL’.VM RF IN oftLecar^o ««’ coinn»< need A gale the peculiar m«* lic'n« NEWLY FURNISHED. UNS. PISTOLS AND OTHER FDD VIIMS All !tan»» v popa'nr iD'isi«’ is playM bv tbie Mv fiu i -i-«, to wh« i*.i I h ivr *•’•' ii’o *i««l»«! i i firmi rt- paid ind ■• • h.,< t‘»--r.»iu hiy are sorruwi^Hy 1< t HE UNDERSIGNED HAH A FARM OF re}» iir»ni :u th«» r»e • style an I new «.•«•• rnud» (h. -tv,; evr>Ht»int'v since, ren ' A kooc I -ainpl • r-» »m f >r c •m n T'-mi travetar f «»*. •.«! • . w ;.-k ... V 1 ■•.! ta I ihm I h t uiu- ha- !>een blowing it. pru'«"1 it at .*verv »»pi <»r:n drv ” I»r alooo on acci'unt of Dyspepsia. Ackcr’c Irt" arr h for rent at r«s -«»nabL- ficurfM Al! of t<> ord » H-winrf-marlitne«» alao r««na »e/> • *r«4 i n »•'•• • .u n:, cu:.,,t irl( |,r ,ve la-t n ti l, d up >• cun.; -<•:• .:» with the hot/fl the Mame i* uniVr f»*n; o am! ab ug<“*. tr’r* I » • • - r í4F* G v“ 'n • a t'-tnl. . • ’. “? cents, by partimi! i > lv sit '-i i -u t > ~ furine alw* r«* iMunabl«*. /\d- ■ W i I l It P“’!-'*^ uaid. Ourfi« w .r • H’ld • ar- ’ ' :;»-t o, !.*•• • Tr .o .-»’de.- posiüro guarantee N » pGUBHpar d l . give *• -'Mti fore nearly a total !o>. Tiie larger por-j . .ie • ff « » UOK8EV «V OWE v R. . sir ar. »• «Í. .‘-'»h PROF. GAN1 MID. v.iii llcui.r® p. o vi kli ; y \ u . I quite rvMQuab!«*. lire al l llj iJiilg 9tuie. LarÿU size ,100 City Drug 8tore. IU a I Estab- Agents, Central Point, Ur« goo ■adf ord. Or. Ashland, Or. ’ 1< EUCH I EFS For It I COKSKTS HUNT’S REMEDY MOORE’S iWtìz v^v FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO. TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. YS1ILA N H : The Cleanest and M ¡st Copulai Dressing PREPARED STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, MOORE. CASE & CO. Cornili!, Or. 1887-1888 1«’ AC I IS THE “BOSS ! ” I a TN THE 8ESÌ OF EVERYiHJ;'- HOLIDAY TRADE I ENCEL BROS.. ROSS & WRISLEY, M.“ URI (if.IM'S, Forty Years in Or gan. NOT! ’■ I General Merchandise OREGON I TAX PAYEES !! OLDS & KING, T Of Medtard, Jackson Couity. Oregon. ASHLAND HOUSE I Main St., Ashland. Or Taxes for 1887, TOWN LOIS MONTAGUE, W. (Í. (OOPEK, MEDFORD, OR THE STAFF OF LIFE! Th«* 1’nbie ROliill AND FINISHED LI MBER. .FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS! BUGGY, CARRIAGE and TEAM L. BELFILS, SADDLESAND KOBES STEIN FLOURING MILLS H All Kinds of Repairing Done. A BOOT AND SH03 SHOP ip ‘1 I (I AT REASONABLE PRICES. HANLEY