She democratic ïimc$. 0rfinal taper (er Jackioi, JewpliiBe k Lake FRIDAY DECEMBER 9, 1887. T he political crisis in France isover. President Grevy lias resigned and M. rdi Carnot elected to succeed him. The «ejection gives general satisfaction and everything is peaceable. D ubins thé niue months Califor­ nia has gained 20,000 in population from immigration. Oregon is beginning to feel the effects of this immigration, and she will realize it more after »lie has through connection with California. G eneral S uperintendent F illmore of the Southern Pacific Company state» that owing to bad weather in the north the last-spike ceremonies in connection with the completion of the California A Oregon railway will be necessarily de­ layed from the 10th to the 13th. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Some snow has fallen in this county since our last issue. F. A. Cogswell and J. W. Hamaker were in Portland last week. Stock is fat and doing well. An abun- dance of hay has been put up for winter use. Arthur Langell, who has been at Jack­ sonville on legal business, has returned home. Jas. D. Fountain of Ashland has been at l.inkville looking after his mercantile interests. C. E. Phillips and wife of the Golden Eagle Hotel at Linkville were at Yreka last week. A. P. Ball,manager of H. Judge’s bus­ iness at Linkville, has been at Ashland on a business trip. Pat. Snyder, formerly of Linkville, has completed a residence in tbe north­ ern part of Lakeview. The condition of J. H. Colahan of Al­ kali valley has considerably improved since our last wilting Tlie following deeds were recorded in the offife of the County Clerk of Jackson coun­ ty during the month November: Jas Helms to David Payne; 4 47 acres in donation land claim No W. township S8, south of range. 1 west. fl. John M Mark to F H Carter; 1 acre in township 33, south of range. I east |2W State of Oregon to Daniel Reynolds; 40 acres in townsbip33, «outhof rang»-, 2 west »50. E Del’eatt to G S Butler and Jacob Thompson ; 40 acres in township 30. south of range, least. »125 B ,V Powell an»i S Rosenthal to Philip Haught; lots No. 14 and 15 in block 14 in Medford »200 David Payne to Jas Helms and Henry Atneruian; land in township 3A. south of range. 1 west »1,792 John Holton to David Payne; 54 78 acres in township 38, south of range, 1 west. »1870. 1 J Phipps to Stephen S Cooper; lots 5 and t>. block 52. in Medford »50. J no Holton to G F Pennebaker: 37 acres in township 38. south of range, 1 west $10o l.aura E Beauchamp to E P Gearv ; lot 8 in blocx 15, in .Medford. »2U0. W H Wickham to Stephen Cunningham. 17.34 acres, township 39. south of range,}! e. St »2IÖ0. O Coolidge to William M Gilroy ; 5 aere» in Ashland »500 I’ S patent to James 8 Horn , ; _______ land in tow iship 36. south of range, 3 west. BF Myer to B F Crouch; 6.«6 acres in township 39. sontli of range. 1 east 2l»X>. E lgar E Miner to Lavi Morris; 238 acres in lownstiip38, south of ranga.l west. »0UUÜ B F Crouch to W C .Myer, 4 71 acres in Ashland. »790 John M Mark to Irene Mark ; 1J, acres in township 39. smith of range 1 east. 12»MJ John M Pollard to S M Rhodes; the north 30 acres in township 39, south of range, 1 east. »1.600 Marlin f range. 1 east. »1. W 11 Brown to John Johnson and C J Anderson; 20acres in township 39, south ol range. 1 east. $600. G H Baser to Geo And« , lots 5an.l •> in block 18 in Medlord »250. G 8 BiC.ler and Jacob Thompson to W 11 Brown; 50acres in township 39. soutli of range. 1 east. »250. O 3t T Co to .Martha Payne; lots 3 anil 31 in block N in Ashland J108 O .t T Co to 1 N Sho >k ; lots 26 and 27 in block N in Ashland. Ashlaud. __ 190 __ »lois . Robert Garrett to F D Bauer: lot 2 in bloca V, in Ashland 375 dula. A 11 Bennet to G C Roberts; 160 acres in township 3t>, south of range, 1 west. 3 fmo «iols C B l.iiid'ay to Jasper Gleason; lots 42 and 41 of the Myer tract in Ashland. do Is. K Kubli and John Bolt to Miss Finnki«» L Barnes ; l»i0 acres in township 35, south of range, 2 west. l.tiijO dolt AS Jacob-, late sheritt’. to Kubli & Bolt; 160 acres in township 33, >011111 of rang.-, 2 weft. 1127 dols Max P Jaoby and Wm P Jacoby to Sophia Jacoby; lot 7 in block 14 in Gold lliil 6T.r»dola. United Status Patent to John W Abbott, township 39. south of range. 1 west. John W Abbott to George M Boman f 80 acres in section 3, township 39, south of range. 8C)dols. Thomas G Reames to A II Maegly; 162 2S acres in section 19, township 36, south • f range. 1 west lijó dels. Statu of Oregon to A H Maeglv; Aü acres in se» lion 17. township 36, aoutb of range, I west 100 dols. U 8 Patent to Edmond Brooks; 100 acres in section 19, township 33. south of range, I WFSÎ. EDITORIAL NOTES. Uos. M b . S helron , of Brooklyn, who claims to have spoken to Blaine on the subject of tbe recent election, says that be feels the defeat in New jYork and is doubtful of a Republican victory in 1883. H on . J ohn M ykrs of Clackamas county, a deserving and active Democrat, has beer, appointed U. 9. Marshal of Ore­ gon, rice Penumbra Kelley, suspended. Mr. M. was for many years a State Sen­ ator and once ran for congress. T ub president has sent the following nominations to the Senate : Lucius Q. C. Lamar, to be associate justice of the su­ preme court of the United States; Wm. F. Vilas, to be secretary of the interior; Don M. Dickinson, to be postmaster-gen­ eral; Charles S. Fairchild, of New York, to be secretary of the treasury. Bao. C arlisle of the Me Iford Tran- script claims to conduct a Democratic |>aper, and yet there is not a Republican journal in the State which abuses Demo­ cratic officials in so mean and unjust a manner as his does. Next year we ex’ |>ect to see him supposing the oppo­ nents of the Democracy, and at the same time insisting that he is a consistent De­ mocrat. <»f course, he is not hurting or deceiving anybody, only )>osing as politi­ cal monstrosity. W ith partisanship and side issues eliminated, wliat are the precise points involved in tho Fisheries Question? Dr. Freeman Snow, Instructor of Interna­ tional Laws at Harvard College, has^ written a concise review of controversy, stating tbe case of each side and explain­ ing the bearings, one very |s>int at issue, of the treaties nml of international law. The pa)ier is explanatory, not controver­ sial. Still Dr. Snow briefly indicates how. in his judgment, u treaty of re­ ciprocity could I h * framed that should settle the d.ffietiltv to the advantage both of Canada and of the United States. This review will appear in the Eornin for December. .i ver y T resii indi vidua l The editor of the Medford Transcript, who is trying very hard to write himself into notoriety, seems to have a prnchaitt for abusing and misrepresenting every­ body whom he thinks is not doine him enough homage. When he arrived in southern Oregon he evidently imagined that his advent as a journalist would be the cause of a great commotion, judging from the tack he took; but the Berenity of the “Italy of Oregon" was not at all convulsed, and everything is progressing as nicely as ever, just as if Bro. Carlisle »as still secretary of the State immigra­ tion board and receiving the blessingH( ?) of the greater portion of the people of ■the State, which awfully friendly (?) feelinn was the principal cause for tiie summary abolition of said board. Prob­ ably this noticeable indifference for him is the reason for his journalistic reckless­ ness and his apparent determination to be heard anyhow. If he thinks that his recent ebullitions on the I’Orlnty-debt question will gain him the notoriety he so busily seeks or have any effect on the general public, lie again shows how poorly he calculates. This subject has been thoroughly dis­ cussed during every political campaign for the last ten years, and the people, by their ballots, have, at every election, shown that they were satisfied that the county debt was honestly and necessarily incurred ; that the great amount of crime which has b“en punished was the prin­ cipal cause of this accumulation of in­ debtedness, and it could not be averted without resorting to the dishonest method, so strongly advocated by the editor of the Transcript— repudiation. It illy befits a new-comer, who has hardly become acclimated and knows but very little of our county affairs, to talk of repudiation ; and his talk of “the people being robbed by a set of bo<*i- iers," is as impudent and silly as it is slanderous ami unjust. This repudia­ tion of honest debts and libeling of hon­ orable, prominent citizens may be “after his own heart" and customary when» he hails from ; but, if we are to judge from the expressions of those who have read his va|»fi ings, decidedly out of place in Jackson county. This is a very un­ healthy country for repudiaturs and slanderers anyway, which may account for the contempt efforts like that re­ ferred to are treated with. The editor of the Transcript again suc­ ceeds in writing himself down as a very impudent and unfair individual in his comments on the Hamlin case, in which lie proceeds to dictate to District Attor­ ney L'olvig what his course therein shall he He not only puts words in that of­ ficial's mouth that lie never uttered, but unjustly endeavors to create a preju lice against Mr. C. Prevarication and abuse have had their day in Jackson county long ago, Bro. Carl.sle will find out sooner or later. District Attorney Co! vig has the contidence of the people who know that lie will do his wholi duty, without fear or favor. MISCELLANEOUS Pleasing to the Palate and Death to a Cough. GREEN’S j/ .-•'FT-. :.'M REDLAND NURSERY, LUNG RESTORER, 8AN1A ABIE, KINC OF CONSUMPTION The original and only genuine scientific com pound of Abietine Gam and Yerbs Santa, for Coughs (?< Ids. Gang and Bron­ chial Trouble«, etc., etc. BETTER THAN GOLD CAT-R -CURE ub only guaranteed c uke for Catarrh. Cold in the Head Hay Fever, Rose Cold, Catarrhal Deafness, and Sore Eye«. Re­ stores the sen»« of taste and smell; removes bad taste ami unpl«*asant breath, resulting from Ca­ tarrh. Easy and pleasant to use Follow direc­ tion« and a cure is warranted. S md for circular to ABIETINE MEDICAL C OMPANY, Oroville AB1K AND CAT-R-CURK. California, owner« of the only Abietine Grove and Distillery in the world. B eware of I mitations . None genuine unless the word» ‘ Lung Restorer.” “Santa Abie. ’ sreon the Labels of each bottle Not a secret com­ pound. For sale by all druggists, wholeeale «nd retail. TRY BANTA Hix mile« South of Grant'« Paw», Josephine County, Oregon. T 1-KZVABÜ» OMLT BT ABIETINE MEDICAL Company, Six months treatment 81. By Mail. •1.10. Orovills, Butte Co.,Cal. (J. . A Ownvr, <>f the uni, Abirtin, Grove and Diatil- sry in tbe World. SANTA ABIE AND QAT-B-CÜRE. For Sale by all Druggiet». W8HND FOR PART1CDLAR8. TREES TREES MISCELLANEOUS. TREES A. II. CARSON A SON, Proprietors. 100,000 TREES In stock, cun his Ung of Apple. Pear, Peach. Plum, Prune. Apricot, Nectarine. Cherry, Almond. Chestnut. Walnut and SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES GRAI’E VINES. ( U BK A N’Ttì, GOOSEBER- A. P. Ball, manager of H. Judge’s KIES. BLACKBERRIES. KA8PBEIL business at Linkville, has been suffering KIES, STRAWBERRIES, FIGS. sometime with sore eyes, but is getting better. T he U. 8. Supreme Court holds that Manufacturer and Dealer in Oar tr«**« are grown without irrigation on red The late rains hare placed the soil in the destruction of property by a prohibi­ hill land, and all of known varictiea that »ucceed go«sl condition for farming and our far ­ tory law is not a violate t of rights. This in Boutheru Oregon. Thoee contemplating tree planting will do well mers are taking advantage of their op­ tie« ision. while it is an : .. -resting point, to vimt our orchard and nuraery. or write to ua portunity. for price-list Addrega to uh a. Murphy. Jose­ has only an incidental relation to the phine county. Oregon, or to K K Htation, A corre«|»ondent of tbe T imks , writing prohibition question, i.nd its settlement (slant'» Pus», Or Our Stock this season C maot be Excelled on the Coast! from Langell valley, save that a large A. H. < ARSON A 8ON will no» a* the pr .hilutiouists a new nnmtier of good horses are offered for Neither in Quantity. Quality, Varinttes. Hixe of Trails, nor Health anorting Good» ever brought to Having failed V» cloee out, > aa ord» red a new and circuit court. thia market (rood» »old at the lowest po»*t*ible frenh et»x:k of (French Conserves). was not admitted,on account of a contro­ prices. The total liabilities of Klamath eoun­ A XKtnxG of the Oregon Alpine Club I will guarantee these Goods to b»- just what versy lietweeti l.ui as,who was appointed BERKELEY GOOSEBERRY, the most profitable of them all. I reprenent them to b«». Being thankful to my at Portland was held, when definite ac­ ty are »10,279, while its resources and old customers for their past patronage so liberal• by the Governor, and himself. funds on hand in the county treasury, ly best.jwud, I would respectfully M»licit a con­ Langue !•»<;, King’s, Soft Shell and Paper Shell Almonds. tion was taken w ith reference to hunters together with the estimated unpaid cur­ c<>n»ibtins of tinuance of the same. J ohn mu ler . A iiisPATcii dated Yaquina, l*ec. who are destroying the deer of southern rent taxes applicable to the payment of LARCE STOCK AND VARIETY SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Dry (ioods, Boots :in«l Shoes, Hats 5th, s^ys that the machinery of Oregon fortheirsk.ns. A committee was the indebtedness, are »15,623. This is an W N. Lccrrr, Notary Public. J.T. R u DCEBS the steamship Yaquina City broke down appointed to solicit subscriptions to a excellent showing ami reflects credit on ami Caps, Dress Goods, Crock­ Evergreens, Shrub.-«, R ues Clematis and Flowering PlantR, Small our authorities. n Yaquina bar at 3:15 that af- fund, and to correspond with any person Fruits, Grape Vines, Etc., Etc. ery and Glassware, Christ­ A. Met lee of Barnes valley,who was in ernoon, and she drilled on the spit in- or organization interested in the matter. B -fore purcha-ing Gtore, partie» intending to plant tree will find it to their interest to mas Goods, Toys, I ' and to take such steps as it may think Jacksonville this week, en route Lome ide the bar. She lies in an easy posi com»»an»! *•— «»u- ■» in-l I » ir i <» ir p i'«»». i’atalogae-t mailed gratia upon application from a visit to Josephine county, inform­ Address» ail c-».ninu ’ iieati«>ns to ion. The sea is moderate, and it is ex la st to stop this infamous practice. One ed the editor of the T imks that the road MAMMON BROS. Phoaix. Jackson County, Or. pected that she will come i ff a ilk the 1 plan suggested was to take subscriptions to Lakeview, spoken of by S. Wilson, is no doubt the shortest and treat road in (iive m« a call at Chavner’« Building, Califor- payable on eonvi< lion , then offer a re- tie. i. a «ir«-»! JacksoiiVille. l»w Price® and satis­ I ward of || ih ) each for the arrest and that section. It is a natural thorough faction guaranteed. E. JACOBM tare, and it will not take a gieat deal of Is a few days wmk will Is* c< mimnc- i conviction of the guilty parties. Any work to put it in first-class condition. A Of Southern Oregon are hereby informed that i .-d un tie | rupun-d copper wire between person desiring to assist in this matter portion of it has already been put in re­ addition to a large and elegant line of pair by the citizens. Portland and Redding, Cal., by the W. will please address the Oregon Alpine e 8 William Thiel, who had the contract U. T. Co. Operations will begin at Red­ G'.ub. Portland, aud the press of the ding and the line will lie extended north­ State is requested to co-o|>erate in th** for surveying the boundaries of the SIL AS Neicepoprr Law. Klamath Indian reservation, has com­ ward along the Oregon A California rail­ i laudable undertaking For the benefit of all who may seek to I pleted his work and sent in his notes 1 have added to my stock the following claee W TARY PUBLIC, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON road. This will give four wires between I Ri chi si x ran» i: M ills oi Texas will, i and plats to Surveyor-General Taylor. good», of which I have a full line: swindle the newspaper» »»ut of their just «lues, we publish tbe following, which is Portland and Ashland and thrje south- in all | robability, be cliairman oi the I l'lie eastern end of the south boundary has been carried south about three miles, Ladies' Furnishing Goeds. kept standing at the head of the tint edi­ ward from the latter point. ways and means committee oi the House, and the north boundary carried north torial < Junin in of our exchanges . Abstracts made of Titles to Lands. j Both Knit and Mualin. i and will have as much to do in shaping two miles The east boundary, about SraAKga C arlisle , probablv tl.e 1. Subscribers who do not give exprés LEGAL DOCUMENTS the tariff bill as any other man in eon- which there was a dispute, remains C Coleman to W H Parker; property notice tn the contrary are cons der«»d a- abl-st presiding officer the House of R-p- where it ha* I m ^ jii and where the Indians in L Jacksonville 40o doh. 'pt>W\ PROPERTY. FARMS. VINEYARDS Any p-reon Wishing to sill property w.ll f.i.d Of ntl kind, drawn up. >^p.eially f*r«ainin< t« gresa. lie has a bill |>repared which re­ wishing to eontinue their 'Ubscripti »ns • claim it should be. 1 and Mining (daims Bought and S«»fii on Com­ ros ntatives has had for the past 27 it to thoir interest to call and wo ns. tli« »vtll-’iuvnt of vitale. duces the tariff on nearly all articles, mission As cheap ns to be b«right any ¡»lace; also 2 If subscriberaorder the discontinuance JftOA ’ O/ri» hQVlttS yea s, was re-electe I last Monday. As Dr. C. E Munn, formerly stationed at 1 olli’dor of kronnti—IToiupt RrmilUncru and greatly enlarges the free list. This I Fort Canby, left yesterday for his new of their peri-•dt als the pu!>!;*h«r mav *• >n- WINING PATENTS obtained at reasonable was eminently pro]>er, be hail no op. I). V. Law ton has been appointed a in» tinue to \fn«l them until all arr i.s are all rate* and with dispatch hildren’s Short Clothes, Bill might hint California very much, l*»st at Foit Klamath. Sunday he ap­ , Investment Becuntie« a KtiecigRy Jackson position in the l*em«M:ratic caucus. The Can. Do CuxocL I Uoni.ty Scrip Bought and Bold paid / Under 4 years old i Schedule E oi this bill is the free list. peared al the Oregon Jr California rail­ tary public by Gov. Pennoyvr. ----- TUB------ PROMPT VITENHON giv n to all business A beautiful line of uulance of the caucus nomi­ 3. If/ubsciiber* neglect to or refuse to 1 e<»nu',,t ’d wi.tithe Land Office Considerable property is stilt rhangin^ ’ l iie pies. nt tree list is transferred to this road office and purchased ticket-to Ash­ ' I have a complete «et of Map« of all Surveyed nee» were also elected, which comprise land ior himself,wife and daughter, Mis. I Land» in thi» oounty. and receive abstract* schedule, and a iaige number of articles Van lluysen. In some manner the hands and improvements continue on every take tlirir periodicals from the office tn i monthly from Rowborg of all new entnee made most of the officers of the last House. winch tin y are directed, they are h»*ld re LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. hand. I 1 am thue prepare*! to make out Homestead and upon the duty list are tranaferred to it, ticket of the latter was mislaid and the ponsd ’e Hl- they haye settled their hii $2000 Pre-emption paper«, and can thus save to partie* Coneiibting of Lisle and ilk No 37. lfiOacr«*». I, INFALLIBLE! Rev. C. H. Hoxie of this precinct ha* theexp«‘nse of a trip to Roseburg Land Office Tiikcity of Atlanta, Ga., voted on th«* the gieater number being chemicals. departure bail to Ire }«>.-tponeiL The Id> aero» fenctjJ and under cultivation and two and kerchii : fs Relirvod in Five Minutes. »tilting in its defeat by a majority of pay duty are salt; copper, in plates, that lie had never rec ive.l it. Inslruc- lh mt iiiforiuing the publisher, ami the Jacksonville. 1 'barges in accordance with the times Jas H« r« iy, the Butte cr»*ek mail con- ingots, sheets, pigs and other forms; ■ pf »ers are sent to the former direi'tion, $»») P r acre. II AV~FE VER. 1126. About 9»MM) vutea were cast. Two tions Were given the con luctor to watch Refers, by permiiwion, to <’. C. Beekman. Esq. No 38. 350 acre«. ra« tor. is now in th«* employ of the O I ’ tuwanteed if Taken in Time. Banker; to H<»n. L. K. Webster. Judge of tins Ph»» tfsly of land adjoin* Jacksonvdle and it* ^t,- ami bituminous iron ore; lead for Mrs. Van Huvsen's ticket, and suie rthey arch Id responsible.« ago prohibition carried b^.'C».y lev«*l, rirli icmin. fruit viu<«yMr«i Ian«!, hih ! IM utdicial district, and to any business bouse in ■W'.ntV. '-.!»«•"» ctm*ing me; hair of t!ie*alpa< i goat and ether | Jacksonville SI EAS J - T AY- t he *ame inSyflf!w""’TTe^Tra11ge ta as >41121 wlsu Cur*«l iu Three V» M ax Months. relieved of it.— 1 I oijti i tn, IS - ti. Mi*. Cha« Welters, win» has hem very I to tate periodicals from the offl- e. or re. ing-hwu«»*. spring-liouso with fine spring, barn hh »1 outhous«*». »*"d a go learn. 1 hav.-“ alao secured the eervicee of a Throat JOSE RHINE COUN TY NE II 5. ¡ 'prima facie" evids'»ce of year pay nr nt». Irer, li--wn, sawed, squared and sided, Srrxnn.Y Cmxn. than when the traffic wa* licensed. i U). No 39. lfiGarr«*®. Mr Meeker of Portland, an insurance fraud. Invaluable Remedy I 4iiiAeri/>t \ pickets, |roles, latiis, shingles, clap­ school at <¡rant's l’ass, after a success- this place and vicinity. pl ,'•<•. which can be uii n ’ z •ls of instruments 652 Market SL, San Francisco, Cal fi »his which are level, rich. niead«»w. grain and ign »rant fellow, Jackson county'» offi» Ci* that all aitieles not enumerated in the if you vx.ant your property s »Id jui kiy the legal notice of the-neglect of a person fruit land, and U) acre» in alfalfa fliere arson Beware of Hurtful Imitations. j A« hundred»* who have u«ed it and proved its vir- E. Sanderson Smith, the onergetie the place a large and thrifty »»rrfiani tw.»dw»dling are IxjodlerB and so on. Poor Democratic t bril shall pay a unifovn duty of 30 per ’u»** will rntMt chtM-rfully testify. It U frw from at the best figure*, call on M E Beat’)’ t<» take from the office the newspaper ad- h»»us''s, tw<» larg • barns and 5 12 of an irrigating real-estate agent, offers a large amount etll deleterious or poi«on<»u« drugs, and is by far »yAciale! They ought to hand in tliei* r-i'iit. a'l valoioui. The enrcting clause of valuable pro|»-rty for sale. dresse»! I.» him.i- liable also to the publish­ ditch, carrying 3iinted to a .»-¡.•ei table positio minder will g > into business her-’ io the near fu­ timber laud I here i-a •»tr»*a:n *»f water running Thia aawinill ia now in full opoeration and will now upon the market W. I). Sult. !Bipp’.l-, Ind., insti­ through the place Situated three mil»»« from kwp ou I.Hiid s füll »lock of all kinds and di men ture. know. It is really a deep tny*tery li«*w paring a tabulated statement showing Collector Abrams CONDUCTED BY It is a sure cure for nil scalp humor« and will ti e*« : “I tan i<■«-onimeii-l Eieutric Binerà Jacksonville. Mions <»f remove and prevent dandruff . aJao. if voQr hair a« the very best remedy. Every botti«* sold »e artairsot Jarktson county and Oregon i rates now nu|».sed an 1 those proposed in Tbe railroad company ha* advance«! the i-- falling out, or has I m -<- »me harsh and ary. it will No. 42. 200 ar re«. ha* given relief in every <• t>»* One m «n 11|n0 Elmer G. Gibson, son of Mrs. Jamssl plica uu THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. I » he<-k it and render it soft and k ’ ossj . Try it. It lots in this place an t «pnte a took six botti«*«, an«i was cured of llheu- »u’d h t:» baiaare good timber land, . d*. • u » i thi* illu-tri'» i* individual. The Scholastic year of this school will com­ Isen suffering with consumption for nil g«» »d fruit and grain lard, with two living O///«/lL KLM LT. Hare, drtiggi-d. Built ville. < >hio. aliii m-. »pring*of water Four mil«* ’ roin J wk*onville. mence about the end of August, and i» divided m price time, be found in the Rogue Hirer Board and tuition, per term.................. So -recarj of Sial«-McBri-l»-and two clerks, who i dled 1 I mv years exp» rien< t . is l'lccin- N»» 43. ROvr'». in our mill, we will furnish uli grade« of Messrs. Moore A Sanltorn, two excel 8NELL, HEISTS HU A W< MID A KI) Music.................. . -......................... 00 acre» of choir« grain and fruit land under lHual cQTtom, an»i instead of the vt*rbo> for two day* carefully canv;v»*ed ttiu return» of lent mechanics, have forme- the c«».ni»uiati«»ns of the class style at reasonable rates. DAY St’HOOL. best manufactured. disi’as» « of the Liver, Kulnevs or Blood. Hill d pot. Ginart Republican papers announced !>♦* , precinct» «»f ev*r county, a-« du! also one of the f 5 no Primary- Department.............................. Only a half dollar a b >ttie at Ciiy Dru^ fROO. 1G i nr>cs No 46 ’ Fur sale at a bargain -a cosy Iwdiing fi Ho Junior “ ............................. waa writing, he prwented to «rongies* t l»*rk* Several error«, evidently «clerical, were By order of Col. Kelsay,statecoininan- well watered. and first-class Htoie. Unimproved; ... N (Ml Preparatory “ . ............................ very able and elaborate e center of the town place to make a go»»»l ho ne. Benior and Graduating Departmimt. .......... .... 10 ivv Oo Two of Forluw */t Furoritra Happy. of Medford. For particulars enquire of R Pupils are received at any time, and special marial at at- ic tariff and surplus questions, tlie two footings on prohibition vot« »teemed to be trans. southern Oregon has been called, to tention i« paid to particular studies in nehaif of 240 acre». Mr« Henry Heifru-h, at til Shipley »St.. San |32íD. N«». 49. po-»ed, a* •■omputntion of th » c »rtifie-i precinct meet at Dr. D. S. Holton's office in T. Lawton, real-estate agent children who have hut a limit»‘ fitb-iny hus­ AT BSAS0NA3LE PRICES. Grant's I‘ass on the 17th. The ••all Is sign thor particulars apply a’ the Academy. band won in the L'»iii»*i;i iv State Lott»-rv fruit tre»»» . a <5omin«»di«»us «iw •lling-ln»u«e. barn ¡ I). T L iwt'in, wii » ni »wd to M» d»or l drawing .ir attention of ou« law maker*, and ed u-id t liie “yes’’ and “no” column* were the ed hv D S Holton, A. M Jess, t'ai-t D. _b aleo prepared to make contracte for any of the 9ih ult. and w»- sre both very glad and «»u’-li »u«es, running wa!«*r on th«» place ; c<»n- W<* h( are DEALERS IN iving ail other recoin.nendations, ar- co-re«»t toiul*. In Jack-MHi county it wa* found \V. Keith.T'hos F Floyd, Wm .M. Grif­ »«»nit» time since, w*® in tbe city un a t>us of it. My hu*i»ancr of erty on l urk St . where we intend to live hi a trai Point ne>.» trip. H«» rep»»rts fivorably on tbe tii •; the t »tai vote itgain«tthe prohibition ain'-uti- fin, Henry Kelley, Wm. Crow, D. II. J. R. W riblky . J. E. !!■>**. ments an I reviews to the heads of tin- I hhor( tun«* ' H»» i* a forern-.n confectioner of ;n- tin 1331, ineteui «»f 132-4. a** »-»td»wuit the Sexton. .1 I’. Tuffs, A. Cole, W. W. change of place and clini ite— E i*t Port­ Mehtsrs. Snhroth A Weeterfekj. Ho coutirnnd No. $0 244 acres l’HUIT BOXES spective departments. The President f » >: of the c »lain i of v»*t»»* heided .1'».* Fel- Saunders and many others. Uni’np.-«>v«‘»l, hill land; 8' acres ch«»ici> fruit 1 hit* wife’* statement. Fie had neyer ejpecHNl land r »rre*p»*nd(»n•*e. j such a «trike «>f g«»-*1 Itp-k as this. After voti-id- ami. hai'nio»3 g«»-el pasture ; thro« njiles east of of either hr or pine limber. ,1... .-empiete vote: er« »gnixes the importance of cutting 1 ¡ „ difficulty in finding Wiilian Dowling, a M-df«»rd. I lion. Arthur A. l’orter of Jowphine Orir uiierg dic citiz » i. I »’in W .Short, ha* • era!»!« All order» and bills til led with promptness and workman in the employ of th.-Oakland Gai* ( orn- Iowa the constantly accuniulating sur No M. 2U»aor.‘« dispatch No co n upnt is necoaaary on the supe Pru it bit ion. Salari»**. EiWion«. eounty has been appointed deputy col- sold several! • .%-•* »flail in thi« vicinitv p.iny, he said: “When th«» list was published 1 $7fKii rjority of the quality of our fir timber. A No. 1 farm,situab'd tw»» miles northeast of tun and reducing the outrageous tarilT lector of customs at Portland hv (Ion. to Mr. \L*»»k»*r »»f Porlla i i nvcivin,* $65 lookisi for my tick» t and fount! it crumpled up N<> fix. having a g >->d dwelling house, barn and HAKB1S A CO. Ye». ><». Y»s. No. Mr. l’orter was a per acr.* f<»r tip* same. Not so very Ion r mt«» a ball hi on * corner of my v»*»t pocket I un­ Phc© n the necA»*sariea of life. N. B. There 1«. a ¡rood road to the Mill thi»year. ♦62 1 Hyman Abraham. »4 1 54* 73G 151 A*á rolled it an«l compared it with th«- list, when for a •tit budding*, orchard. w«'od and water supply, iJ in1 r etc lfih acres fenced and nearly all under cultu 6»'l -.2 member ot the thirteenth general as­ *M' 724 2» 9 1.271 moment, I though ’ I must be drunk or crazy But -94 1.015 sembly oi Oregon, and one of the sub­ at»(> h • p nd $20 p *r a re f >r th • pro,» -rtv. M‘.» 1.239' 17u 1.775 wheu I iook'-«i again I found that I was right and vation. much of whir!) i»8ueo«*ptihleto fruit cul. IIUS 1’ iie grand ju«y inade a inistak»* in not * I ’ 'iit'lkH tur«». It uleo well situated in a h Milthfu! loce.- 512 stantial men of his eounty, and if Mr. 1. H*l 1 2n5 95» lilt’s* *P B. W. Powe.l, o ie oi our most en ’rgetic mv number had got me $2 m'.’’ If« is said by his tion echoo’ house near by and less than two 252 476 267 43 .•.: a l»tf r-mployers and fellow workmen to bean h<»n«-«t, tb|M»*naing (’ B. (’.irli-lo of Medford, < »»lumhia I Abraham wi I make as judicious ap 9. U',5. 6W9 4:i business men, |s l>eiiix v *Red by his duugh hard-working man.and all ee«*m to r»-joic»» at Ins ind»‘Hfr»»m a tailroad depot. i t.79. TN ORDER TO MEE1’ THE GROWING DI No. 200acres. 197 ' p liniments throughout his administra- ter, whom he had not seen for mauy ypar*. K«ud fortune San Francisco'al ) ('all.Sept.9. 517 ;4* «VE INVITE INSPECTION 4 bo hat* been no quick in applying »u. •!» ( rook 4JV¡ i»2l 1 innn.l for r£fd-e*tat«* pru|M»rty wo h»iv« opened •>2 Ch<»l«.M fruit and grain land; 150 acres farced, W IX. 212! rj*. 129 an office in the » urry . ■ tion. the service will not siiff-r thereby. ?t names as “boodlem,” “robbers,” D»»U*{l>tM HO acres i i cultivation; a living stream of water ♦H5 1.337 93 1.751 She arrived from th«» eastern States a short h9H l.i >7 through ih»» place. Improvement» new ami 216 Mr. l’orter is one of nature's noldemen, 161 91’ 615 362; 4U tc , to county utlicials and vihlving .illiam first-class; 75O fruit tree» of b«*bt variety; 1‘» 7t»9 519 36« an honest man. We are please I to lime since and may remain here ¡»ernia- 4> S8H 1*1 (riant.. miles from WoodvilUe. A great bargain. 7u r pros pt* is for a tlouring 61 M9¡ 279 >9' 1»U h » t »» au der f-mc » ami in ca’tivation; «<»d. 2511 ÎM Kl-nn’ith. 69» > 19 4 1.37o fr-c. ii«-h.«iark loam; mostly level; first-cla»»« 12 Opp. O agen's for the W > sibiirn \ ir r> ♦* Of /.' tVbeu sha be. -amo stia», she cloag to C istoria, two barns, orchard, etc.; splendid location; 2» 7 12! 26.» Ho! 211 io LHibt but what that individual would L**k«» . . Manon county. Oregon. Al orders m that line 5< IK ft //<• I MO VN. lUój fine spring of pur«» water, larg«» enough for house 242 H9 2Ji at thi* |4.u”j it a certain .'tib>idy wit! he Wbeu she Lad Children, she gare tbaiu Castorio iiav<* entirely ha« ku«l d«»wn iroin his p»» I M.'tiheur promptly atten«ied to, .ICI 3 (/ .’»• K3H 2. VU an«! ranch purposes. Two mile* w Mt of Central 1.49* 2,03» M'int First cla»F bargaiq. 4 V • Partir« paying f«»r the T imks in advance at «»nr .Morrew. -iti» n, acknowledged that he was gu:i<\ 4.07 4 5.5M 2.^ »7 2.55» MulUiotuah. 1.9451 7.MI reluct'd cash rat»“« will lx- furnish»*! any of th»» be ai'ce’le«! to. 291 sw foil«»wing named publication» in connection with 7.19 547 *i| 1.141 I 6 pievancation or shifted the leiqumd ‘ I’olk... HIS WELL KNOWN house . UNDER THE i h iv«» Great Bargun* to offt»-and it 4 1.1, FAKMEKS STOKING WHEAT. HARLEY HU' 49* 242 3»2 this papHrat the pruu* given below. It will 1»«' 34« 25* rhe regular qnirtcrly meeting the M. new i «nH-’envit. will be conducted ou the will pay you t-> kw»p a cl«»«'* watch on tti<* «pact* iV «>r oat»; in the Mclford or Gold Hill Ware- »iltty upon some one else. Hu nt v» r 1 Tiliaruook. 1.952 54* 1.582 n«»ti«-r*l that there in a reduction of a’ iwast 15 1 331 1.0*1 ; U mat ilia b. i»» and rnoM popular plan*. r<» |Min« t*cin« : E. « hurch. S avh. for this circuit, was hvhl houses can obtain a f ir the n«*xt six months for Special Bargains, if 613 -6- 7.»y 912 3 5 1.197 ! I «er c«-nt. on publisher*' customary ratws in every -¡«tired to give g. r.eral «Mtrafhctwa. it c«»ntajr« cou »1 have proved his a*serti<»ns, uni ' Union.. you have any prop»»riy fur sale, come and «<••• m«» 35 S’». 136 instance, and in «urne much more: ♦21 2.S 24Û here 1 i«i S.Uurd.iv a id Sun.lav. Rev. J. »V m 1 i<»W l <•o »deeping aparttuent» supplied with and I will d«» my b«»*t for you. In the Town of WEEKLIES. 1.2-i"' 222 1.5M» 76Í »♦i. one kfiaW • b’dtui than he. N'»w iii«i , WiWCo : -ingl»* and double bed«, miking it a deeirable W. B Office on t'alifornia street, opptwite Klover 671 ¡ KJft Toledo \V»e'kly Bind«* 61 1.12 >3 UO | W Ur.i’g, presiding «filer. Rev «75 ar; ¡»la«*»* f<»r the entertainment of both traveler*» and C7n«H A <1 vnnec «•«»mtn. te«* has been appointed to in WiwhiiiKton ra>l 1.1*9 Ilan» r’» Wwkly............. ... 5 7b !.Smith and several othwr members of the H““e' HENKY KLll’PEL. i.i* 1 1.1/771 till: 2.11 Yiintiiil fam ilie* 5 tai 22.76« Scientific American 19,973 27.95* 5. ".'3 Cr.SJi IS /estimate th books an 1 an opportun t> ’ 1'..-, .1 I . 3 IN) I church were tn attemlanc«» 2.614 Detroit Free Pre**.......... 29.6X» 7JM Tho Table Majorities * New York Star pr< nt' to so let t’uriish? prove what ! '»n application to meM»o«raae the grain is re- W. G Cooper, who has purchase«! D 3 ( » 1 New York Work! C«‘iv»*<1. .. 3 ftr ‘ this e har| about so persistently or go up Wilson ’ s harm ’ s« and *ho ” shop nt I WiH always hesuppliMi with th.- the market ! Han Francisco Examiner r Louns and Storasp* Room are ♦ ill afTor.b, nerved in a style that will pleas».- th« in«wt Portland < Iregonian THE ROGUE HIVER now solicited. <*n tl.e r» « old as a slanderer. The n» x The fvll«»wing is a li-t of tbe grand jurors Harper*» Bazar............... faetidiou« tast«*. . . 5 70 place, will k *ep a full ami first-class stock ot 3 (V all kinds of goods : i his line, selling al re.i • Rafes reaM»:(able and »at i*rMCt i»»n• guaran­ . .... .... i ......... I Pioneer Prese................... I jn. v may still have need for Irin teed ... 3 Hl I i'K.nskrort t sunable rutes nd guaranteeing sati^fac 1 tz^eiald. foreman. 'it».»ouri Republican circuit court S. J. J. HTRAIT. Prop. however. HAMMON BROS.’ NURSERIES JOHN MILLER, PHŒNIX, OREGON, and OAKLAND, CAL. «INS, PISTOLS AND AMMUNITION, (Í SMALL PROFITS nz I’I uiiis , Prunes anil Apricots on Alyrobolan Plum Stock. Jacksonville, Oregon. H NEW STOCK OF COODS1 GENERAL MERCHANDISE LUCKEY & CO Candies, Nuts and Tobaccos. HENRY KLIPPEL THE LADIES Ashland, Oregon, I I MILLINERY ! I I < J. DAV A Choice Collection of City and BtAL ESTATE AGENT! Country Property for sale. Conveyancing all its Branches. ^FANTS’ WARDROBE. COMPLETE YOUR CATARRH I IOS I KRY ! Carbolic Smoke Ball CORSETS MOORE’S IS THE “BOSS ! ” ROl’GII AND FINISHED LIMBER MOORE. CASE & CO., Corvallis, Or. Matchei Flooring, Rustic. Ceiling, aná Surfaced Lumber THE BEST OF EVERYTHING ENGEL BROS.. ROSS & WRISLEY, General Merchandise DRUGGISTS, Forty Years in Oregon. Town of Medford, Jackson , Coo ity, Oregon, ?H0ENIX, OREGON. ASHLAND HOUSE I Main St., Ashland. Or TOWN LOTS U NT’S . 3 1*1 i tion. He will no doubt «lo a go<>« I business Democrat ............ Win. .Soil' - in. \\ S King. 1. W. Burris. F Globe Philadelittua Time».................... • 3 •|l i T hk I >. Stiprenie Couit has «I»*«-. I *«’ K Furry, M. W Dun'ap. J F. Ditawortb dan F. whcisc «» t’all Hj-rih iitrnf lit Turn». ’ 1 ; • about a ilar. the Frank Lonhe * illuatrat»*i paper »’• e ecu)« n tax < •-<' us brought by foreign After bfiriir in 5 7 1 Germán Great excitement has hern cau*«ul in th»* making the following ♦ M •• •• Sunday Magazine l“>n II.oliler. azaiti“ st Virginia in lavu jury adjourne-i. 1 'll vicinity of I’aiis. Tv\ . by the remarkable •• “ P»»|Hilar Monthly >1 t I m * .'3tnte. which is a victory !«> th • report . 4 30 recovery of ,\|r .1. E <’«>rlev. wi.o was so • B’l'lget ............ 4 50 helples* he i i)ul»l not turn in be«I or raise »• “ Pleasuit Hour».. No charge« of <' rime carne bafore u< for .tat ■“ rights iloetriiw. dortrine. The opi'iitm. bis head; everyb -dv said he was dying ■ f MONTHLIES. invistijration. nor itati w»- aiiv intimalioii ...14 00 Consumption A trial bottleof Dr. King s which is that <>( the whole eourl, with that any has iwn roiuiuitted sime thw i We«*i^l;oy»‘. Portland.Or............. ... 6 (1) New Discovery was s.ut him. Finding re ! ('entnry, Scribner »-...................... the exertion of Jmi^e llailam, wlroli-*- I last term of this »suirt. . ♦ to lief. h<* lamglit a large b«»ttle ami a box of I Demoreet ’ » Magazine W. did pot visit rhe county hospital, for . ♦ »<» Dr King’s N. w Liie Pills; by the lim»* h«* «ent», »v.stains the State of Viigiina jt ?:ie rcu-.n that th» ¡a**t grami jury did so I Godey’s lauly Book.................... 5 St. Nicholas .................... re¡ ... it un- Harper’« Monthly......................... 5 5o had taken two buxe* of Pills and t \«> bot­ an complaint ha* American Agriculturist............ i dur g ><»d management rta'e as a political sovereignty e mu. t ' come troni th»- f since that tunc, to our Harper’» Young People.............. 1 • gained in flesh thirty six pounds Trial I "I B«ittl»-s »»f thi« Great Ihscoven for C«»n Peteoon’» Magazine.................. i>e used nor coerc 'd lit fedal »t-. ' knowledge 3 IX) sumption free at City Drug >t«»re ................. ■_ • • We have «-stillinoli tic? various county Hoaaekewper at a r«*- either by an action brought aizain.t her Other publication» will be furnished I otftues, and a. :nr ir wv have iwen able to ordered with the IT me .*. by name, or by an action brought atrau ~t as» rrtaiu we t Miev that the business ven- duued pneo when T1UE5 PKiOTING HOUSE Tlioitt'lurh vf fhillam. Jacksonville O«'gun. h.-r officer» in their official capacity. IT, * ivred in each one is we i and carefully Are ipei.t everv \c:tr! y the people of tin« I »lone. Hate for worthi« *«* mt dicinrs for the cure •o’irt declares that the eleventh am -nd- But, iiiasmiK'ii as the < hnree of reckless •• W> Point with Pridr»* <;f tbr »at and lung disease . when we know 'nent to theeonstituti -n e-tahliah.* a ii [ extravagance in t xpenditure of enmity T»> the •nlv invest $1 in Saot.i fund’» is frvqu -tit!v iñude, and olir countv tinctioh between contiact» made by ind - • «»tticial« have been stigr..atiz*- we are *>l lhe opinion where i’ is prepare«!, there is none of coii ol Jackson Hoof al1 other would in this plra«ant remedy find rebef. that it is due to tue . people . eannot be enforced by the remedit - u • d county ami thu v iri-ms <»rti- ia’.s intere*ted medicine* an«i it ha« given the h«st of «at- It is rtM ommei.drcl by ministers, phy.«i< 'ans -n vioce its >ntr<>du«’tion t»*n jrar* and public speakers «if ttie Golden State to enforce the former, that i« by so.I- ii- that a thuroiiL'Ii s’ -i svaruhimr « lamina- isiacti This « «»ul«! no’ be it the nieoid ami guar.ititeed by Drug Stores at l»e made <*f the hnanuial records; ami atro 3. couits, and they are therefore with i «i«m not p«»**< ”»s merit. If v«»u «ufT-T fr »r»i in»- i fl :» bottle. I'liroe for $2.50 The most U-.yrefore wu w«»u d rrn-e- suugejt Ijl tune competent pure bl»>od. trv H«»oiu< at R-<’ure, Six months’ persons for tiri’ purpo-u. and ijivc them . inetion is given to them bv tbe honor i such t1« atim i.t for $1 mail $1 10 definite instructions a- w-md cna’»'e ; d onod f- :h of the contracting state, I them to nial.e a ‘»ati-factory showing of From Bybee’s «beep ennip in Klamath h state may consent to be sued in its i the whole matter rii court, or in federal courts. f<«r a JVtfttrw /• Fruit (t hr. ach of contract, but it mav at any meet(n< oí the inri gr MVarC «»«wia- I {southern Oregon w’li lw hel l at ui.e withdraw such consent and resume Li By . ’clock P. m a sovereigaty, and it cannot then le M ...rd Dec. lull. at 1 o slicially »-eerced at the request of an in- orüer of the president. C. B. M iller , Sec. pro tem ividual. conntv. *ev* ral days since, a fem ile mule, l»l.i« k i t color. 15’% I m i 1« hi^h bran-|. d 76 »»nleft »title A rewanl wi»' l»e i a d for her m- very <»r anv informal!-»!» »1 at may lea 1 ib- r< : It '• inppn.MX. i’.V.7,’. Soother at hand. It is the ot.’ v safe medicine yet made that will rei;, 'e all infanti'« di«or«,' S. It tontaina »« » OptUM er I ’* ' 1 • r’H l 'turai com frota > . t. 1 al « « kJ <»-• . bv«d * * City Drug 8tore. tixe STEAM FLOURING MILLS keuently been rehhed wm. all modern improvement», are now turning H aving i out a hrHt-cla»»* article of flour, which i» put up in Kidney-’Liver Medicine barrel sack*, anti every sack in warrant»»'! t«» contain 49 pound* of flour If you don't !»elieve this, juat compare a »»ack of our flour with any other brand ottered for «ale in this market, and n«»’e the difference in weight. fiEIEll KNOWN TO FAIL. Cl RES all I>l»ea»cM of tho Kidney», Liver, Bladder, and Urinary Organ». D ropey, Gravel, Diabete», Bright’» Disease, Pains in the Back, Loin«, or Side: Retention or Nc.n- Retention of Urine, Nervous Diseases, reinale Weaknesses, Exce^se», Jaundice, illousne»«. Headache, Sour Stomach Dyspepsia, Constipation, and File», HUNTS REMEDY CTRE3 WHEN AU OTHER MEDICINES FAIL, as it acts «I’rcctly and at once on tho Kidneys. Liver and Bowel» restoring th. ru to a healthy action. HINT’S REMEDY is u wT.'-». suro, and speedy cure, and hundred« have been cured by ; when physicians and friend» bed jfi» on them up to die. D--» not delay, try at on co HUNTS RZMEDV. Send for l'ampli let to HUNT’S RE 'EDY CO., 2’rovidence, K. I. A.\; ■ •’rn.ii.-? •’’ll.T’SRKMEDY Takt no oua ^ i . / I MONTAGUE, THE STAFF OF LIFE I ÏI DEST T FOR SUE ON EAST TERMS! H. E BAKER, M.dfurd Or. One-fourth down, haltnee within »ix. twelv» and eighteen muntin* S«»‘ map bt Railroad Depot for graded priemt, etc. or Ktldrt-es I) I! HASKILL. Town-Site Ag ir < . 1. IL IL, San FrancihC« . Cal. Flour and Mill-Feed I Constantly on hand and exchanged for wheat BARLE ¥ ROLLERS. Having added a «et of Barley Roller» to my mill 1 tav«» set apart every Saturday to Roll Barley f«»r ruetoroer». The work will be done on short ! notice, so that parti«»« can return with their grist | the same day. I am prepare«i to roll barley at all |tiinland in tne best manner. This process is I far ahead of the crusher. tr . .... «rol. G. KAREW8KI I st. ^i'it>virr PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, M im < >Rn. or . ___ /TUNS. PlST'MJi AND OTHKK UHI AHMF IT r«'i>-ir» catti«.’ brand»»«! __ <»n let! Jacksonville, in Dr Aiken's building on Califor­ «id<* <»r hip; ais<» cattle bnuitied with a figure 2 un nia street, and is pr>-paro»l to repair watches, ! eft nd»» or hip. ihe ea^-mar«« of the al>»v« are anor? crop in left e.irm>«1 crop in Are now prepared to furnieh th»* be»t of music clocks and j«w«'lry in the best style and at reasun- Iorandh rigt*t. Ale»» catti«’bracd d with 8P or left hip. for public or private Patti»»s. Balin, Pic not, Ac., ble rates. and mark'd crop in right etu and h<»le and «più * «* “ Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial at any point on the coa»»t. L BELF1LX ' in h ft ear. Al! the new popular manir i« pbt¿ed by this aud ju !ge for yourself. Oichestra. Having emi'loj»* HE UNQEK81GNED OFFERS FOR SALE, ciharges the aa0 acree of tend, eighty of »hit b tire under fenrs 1 he table is furnished with ihebent the market while tni-4tofthe bs lance is al no »ufcoptihle of . ’’ETON’S ’XD ’B '»'D TO THE UND » affun.i*. arid the taxi« are clean and co uforrable. cultivation. The huiLiings are fair and there {► < No pa n» «partMl to give «atisfaction. iiutot À <»t* »»r >>ok acro lut. ver ♦ |^e»»te« an abundance of good water on the premia<**'r quite leueuuable. tn ar. 11 and ««ttl« «rithout delay. For further particu ara enquire of Late of California, BONANZA HOTEL! T Bonanza, Klamaih County Or. Farm For Sale. T BICE BENSON, Spikenard. Or. ( G. EARKWHKI B. A. GODFREY.