i- P Fieber « B lì ite .iiemoftatir Stmts, ehcjilritiMtatw ®imts. (iljr Published every Friday m»»rnÌDf by CHARLES NICKELL, EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR. NEW TINIES BUILDINC U.ttoe —Corner Third and C Streets e ADVEBl’ISING AND JOB WOBI. Ad’ertiMmret« will b< iuMrt«d ia th« Tian . I the foliowin* rato« : I en linw. on« .naertion................................... 91 to “ “ ®«cb «ubaoqnaot inMrtion....... ... 1 0» ilT“ La«al ad*«rti«Mnat>to iaa«rt«d raxoeai»!/. A fair reduction from the above rate« mad« t« I >early*nd tin.« «¿’«rtieere. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE IlHlea of Mab««rl|» | •• «ix month«....................................... 1 5t> •• th re« months. ................................. 75 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. — <■ mor« complete by far than any other in Soatb- ' ••m Oregon.and f)r««mn mnzS comparM -------- f««z,wakl« wrtfk mmm a* faTorwblywith »aria the Hiato. Job Printing of ovorr imaginable drwnptiondoneat Haa Francisco ratos.and in promptand hrsUctaasmanner. •JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1887 VOL. XVII MEDICAL. 5 MISCELLANEOUS. ItEAL ESTATE T K A XS A C T1OXS. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. GLENDALE GUTTERINGS. CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. The following deed® werg recorded in the The Transcript says that the initial Joseph Roberts of Jackson county The following is a list of rases docket­ office of the Count}» Clerk of Jackson coun­ local institute, determined upon by spent ia,t Sunday at this place visiting ed for trial at the December term of the STATE OF OKEGON. U. 8.Senator®. J. H. Mitchell, J.N.Dolph,ected, but among Treasurer. Geo. W. Webb; Htate Printer. F. C. II. K. Hanna vs. Levi Grigsby, et al.; ledge on Quine ’ s creek is still creating Everyone Should Wo and See the south of range, 1 east Consideration, $190 Our oldeet child, now eix yeara of age, when an Bnker; Sunt. Public Instruction. K. B. McElroy; » , those present were ..number of the mo»t great excitement and is thought to be to recover money. infant six months old was attacked with a viru­ duprem« Jiuigee. W P. Lord, (ffiief Justice W. B W Dean, sheriff, to A H Maegly; one- Jacoby Bros. vs. Chas. IV. Cornelius; lent. m&liguaut hkiu disease. All ardinary rem­ sixth interest in timber land on Big Butte prominent and ■iiccessiul teacher» in very rich. W. Thayer, R. S Strahan. Southern Oregon, and their interest and edies failing, we called our family physician, creek to recover money. FIRST JUDll'lAL DISTRICT. GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION $3^)0. who attempted to cure it ; bat it apraad with al ­ Comprising Jackeon, Josephine, Lake and C H. Sherwood of the cable-line office A. 8. Moon vs. Wm. Selph; to recover A H Maegly and wife to James Drum ; evident enthusiasm in»choo! work made most incredible rapidity, until th® lower portion K'amath conntie®: Circuit Judge, L. R Webster the session both interesting and instruc­ at Wolf creek and E I ward Rector of the money. of th® little fellow a person, from th® middle of sarò® land. $3^2. District Attorney. W M Colvig. ♦ OF NEW WINTER B F Crouch an»i wif® to Helena Harrison ; tive. The programme of the Institute railroad office at the same place, visited his back down to hi® knees, was on® solid rash, D. Linn vs. S. H. Egger and I*. Feh- J KCISO«« COUSTT. ugly, painful, blotched and malicious W® had 2.74 acres of land in township 39, south ot included School Discipline, J. S. Sweet Glendale lately. Senator. A.C. St lulev; Representative®, J. T. ely ; to recover money. no rest at night, uo >*aae by day. Finally, wo range, 1 east. $950 Bow«titch, li. A Miller;County Judge, E. DePeatt; of Ashland; Penmanship by H. G. Fair- J. S. Herrin vs. S. D. Taylor; to re­ wore advised to try the C utiouba R emkdies . C«»Tnmi®*ion«rs, Benj. Haymond, S. A. Carlton; There was a social dance at the Clarke John Fulluni and wife to Mary J Wick­ Th®effect was simply marvelous. In throe or ham ; 10.1-8 acres of land in township 39, clo of Talent; Number Work by J. T. hotel on Tlianksgivipg night Good mu­ cover money. Clerk, W. H. Parker; Sheriff. B. W. Dean; Treas­ four weeks a complete cure was wrought, leaving urer, N. Fisher; Aaaeseor, J. M Childers; School Hover of Ph«L»nix; II glory by W. M. Osborne »ni tin «¿i* C P Paiker anil wife to B B Hubbard; Blackford of Jacksonville; Language, eral good time had. though he had never been attacked. In my frey; Coroner, IL Pryce. opinion your valuable remedies saved his life, 3.35 acres of land—lot in Eagle Point. $300. W. O. Roberts; Physiology by F. R. Chas. Nickell, et al., vs. C. Lempert; JO8YEPIil!fK UOUMTY. and to-day h® is a strong hmdtby child, perfectly Laura J Goodlow an«l N 8 Goodlow to Neil of Jacksonville. Prof. Sweet could Senator. H. B. Miller; Representative, 8. U. French Steve of the Tennessee gulch to recover money. well, no repetition of the disease having over oc­ James Douglas ; 112 23 acres in township not come, and for some cause Mr. Rob­ Mitchell; County Judge, V. Colvig; Commission­ hydraulic mines visited Glendale recent­ CQITTY CASES. curred. G bo . B. S mitu . er«, 8. HeMenter, J. M. Payne, Clerk. C. K 35. south ot range. 1 west. $2,100 erts was absent and his subject was ly. He reports work in a fiourishing Atty-al-Law and Ex Pros. Att’y, Ashland, O. Rachel Leu is vs. 0. F. Lewis; divorce. t’hanslor; Sheriff. T G. Patterson; Treasurer. J. Almira R Metcalf tu John M Gibsun 10 23 taken by Prof. Watt of the Jacksonville R kfkkknc B: J. G. Weist. Druggist, Ashland, 0. W. Howard; Assessor. J. P. Lewis: School Su­ condition at those important mines. Geo. E. Neuber vs. A. 8. Johnson and acres in township 37, south of range,2 west. perintendent. E. F Hathaway; Surveyor. W. N. BOOTS and SHOES, school. The question box, and the re­ 0. Coolidge: equity. $235. Saunder»; Coroner, Dr. Kremer. Measles are prevalent at this place, THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN plies, formed a very suggestive and J-nni, E. Bsitey VB. CUXS. V. Bailey J J N T Miller and Betsy Ann Miller to Jas KLAMATH COUNTY. Miss divorce. Are born into the world every dayvwith some ( Wbipp; 4.45 acres in township 37. euulh. pleasant ;>art of the work-W She institute. the most serious case being tiiat Joint Senator, (’. M. <'art wright of Wasco; Rep. TOBACCO, GROCERIES ecsematoos affectiou. snob as milk cruM ecall Alice Blevins, who was thought to be in reaentative.fi. McLean of Klamath;County Judge, Mr. Hover ’ s Number Work method, of range, 2 west $1,019 Terence Byrne vs. Henry LaCbanau; bead, scurf or dandruff, sure to develop into an Cl. W. Smith; Commissioners. J L. Hanks. H. Tims Smith to Clara E Payne; lot No. 10, as explained by him. formed a very ed­ a critical condition, but is better now. agonizing eczema, the itching, burning and dis­ injunction. CROCKERY, ETC A. Em nitt;Clerk. W.C. Hale.Sheriff. M. D. Chil­ figuration of which mskn life a prolonged tor ­ block 6. in Ashland. Oregon. $650. ifying feature of the institute. He evi ­ B. W. Huston, etal., vs. Wm. Bybee; ders; rreaenrer. G. T. Baldwi r, As®e®sor tt. H. Thanksgiving services were held at ture unless properly treated. J W Shepard to ('has Coweles; 1.79 acres Hatton: School Super tendent Mary U ing A warm bath with CUTIct'RA S oap , an exquis­ in township 39, south of range. 1 east. $475. dently lielieves with F roebel and Pesta- SingWtary’s hail in this place, under the injunction. Surveyor, R. 8. Moor®. ite Skin Beautifier, a»'d a single application of , Remember, th»*®« gooff® are new ami bought since N. Langell vs. Arthur Langell; suit LACK COUNTY. Th»»s Uhavner and wife ti Ella E K'tch- lozzi that by object Caching one can do auspices of the Glendale Sabbath-school, CUTICUBA. the Great Hkin Cure, with a little the war in railroad rale® and are *«>ld Senator. C. M. Cartwright of Wasco; Hepreeen CUTICURA H b R oi .TENT, the New Bio«4 Purifier, • •n ; 126.12 acres, being a portion of the T more in opening up the unexplored re­ which was followed bv a dinner prepar­ for a dissolution of partnership. tative, R. McLean of Klamath; County Judge. A. is often sufficient to arrest the progress of the Warman I) C. No. 50. township 36 ami 37, gions of childhood than in any other way. ed by the officers of the same. No pains Mary Gardner vs. C. H. Gardner ¡di­ Fitts Commissioners. Ge«». M. Jones. C. Loftus; disease, and point to a speedy and permanent south of range, 2 west. $G00. Mr. Hover uses objects, (tooth picks,; were spared to make the occa-on a pleas­ vorce. for ( ’ii.-ili ! Clerk W T. Boyd; Sheriff, A. J. Charlton; Treas­ Clioap cure. W 11 Atkinson, et al., to Benj Fox; 42 ft" as aids in applying principles of rational ant one, and it was a success. urer A McCallan: School Superintendent, A. H. Chas. Nickell vs. Alice and J. M. Hence, no mother who loves her children, who Fisher; Assessor. O. L. Stanley. takes pride in their beauty, purity and health, acres in townaiiip 39. south of range.1 east teaching. He considers this teaching in Smith ; confirmation. XBRTIN«» OF COURTS. RTC. $1 25u L. I). Montgomery, an old resident of and in liestowing upon them a child'* greatest the natural order of development for the Raphael Morat vs. County Court of Country Pro I k * » b^ i r*it and sold:’ilao. Wool, The Supreme (dmrt of Oregon m»*eta «at Salem W H Atkinson, et al . to the public will; inheritance a skin without a blemish, and a Douglas county, who has spent the past Ja< k»on county and C. B. Hostel; writ regular term® cotn:n«wicing on th® first Mon«layi> Hide*. Furs i ui D-^r Skins Solicit orders for body nourished by pure blood -should fail to a strip of‘and 60 feet in width, being 30 min*!. Lumber summer at Burns, Grant county, has re ­ in March and October. II. G. Fairclo’s exposition of penman­ make trial of the Cuticura Itemedief. of review. feet on each side. Dedicated. MAX MULLER, TheCircuit Court forth« First Judicial Di®tr ct G L Webb to Mary R Phelps; lots 1 and chip was thoroughly good as tar as it turned to Cow creek, and is looking af­ Board of School Land Commissioners seta in Jackson county on first Mondays in April. Bnld ®v®rywhere. Pn -»* : Cuticurn, SOcent«; 2. in block 3. in M» »¡ford, Oregon. $650 ter his mining interests in that section. Postoffice Building. went; in the limited time. Like any BeptHinbfr and December In KI «math county vs. Hannah F. Davis, eta!.; confirma­ S«»ap, 25 centa ; IhMolveiit $1. I*r«*p-»r<*n tion. November In Lake ounty on th® third Monday ) ié^Sor.if for “llow t»> ('un1 Ski. DiRoaaea,” fU 4° a< r«*s iu township 39, south of range. 1 its fundamental principles which must be iriends. Geo. It. Hargadine vs. Ixittie D. Wil­ in May and the second Monday in <>ctol»er In page®, 50 ihuatration®. nini 100 teetimonials ►••a»-.. $450 Josephine county on flrat Mondays in March and j Caleb Williams, who is an uncle of R. lard ; foreclosure ot mortgage. (’ W Broback to J M Williamson; lots 5 made the familiar property of the pupil. AiigU't. Silas Hawk vs. Eliza Hawk; divorce. nATJV’Q8h,N ft”d S< Al.p pr.r*. rs.Ml and 11 in block 15, Medford. Oregon. $3u0. His snl»je«*t bi ought up for some discus­ A. Jones, has purchased of Mrs. Will. For Jackson county the County. Probate and D21D X O .uni boautifi'd bj (imeI RA I>. Chapman vs. Martha L. Gillette; Oliver Burscll to J J Hassell ; HO acres in sion the minor matters of holding the Smith the weli-known "White House’* Commissioners’courts m**®t overy month, com­ -ANO- M edicatki > 8 oap . (owi ship 37, south of rang«*, 1 west $l2»o |M»n, the use »>f the copy Look, character ; property which is a-ljacent to Glendale. s|>ociti<' |K*rformanceof contract. mencing with th« first Monday; for Josephine county, the first Monday in January, April, July W R Putter to Henry Richards; the N in writing, all of which he met fairly and i Mr. Williams and his sister, Mrs. Jones, CRIMINAL CASES. I’RUNKS AX'l» VALISES. and September; for latke county. ev«*ry alternate j ..f I> Lrlaim. township 36. sonili of range. to his credit as a teacher. It was the i have taken |K>-session of their new home State of Oregon vs. Walt -r Howlett; month, commencing the first Monday in January. ' 1 < .st, IGO acres $»«<*) sen.^e of the Institute, an«i the Kuj»erin 1 N»> ®ingl® »iisea®® has entailed more ®uff*rmg For Klamath county the first Wedneaoay m March, I and will keep a first-el iss hotel at that indictment for »oiomy. G W Cooksey to W K Price; 3»ii acres in or hantened th® breaking up of th-« constitution AT THE SAN FRANCISCO June. September an»i November State vs. John McMahon: indictment than Catarrh. The sen®»» of ®mell. of taste, of township 3‘>. «oiith «-f range, 2 weal. $4.35” tendent, that where the teacher was a ’ place. for muider. Hight, of hearing, the human voice, the min»l - I J Phipps to Marj F Williams; lot 2 in gaol p -nninn he ought to discard copy Mrs. Eliza Sleuter of this section, who ! one or mor®, and eonietime® all, yield to it® do- block 60. in Me«lford Î30 books. If he was not, copy books ought State vs. Mark DenniB; indictment for PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ®tructivH influence. 1 Im puiMMl it dietnbtttM O X T Co to Ellen M Young; lots 14. 15 to be u.s -d under ccitain supervision of ha’ lieen blind for over four years, has , throughout th® system attacks every vital force, returned iron; a two months’ visit to' ami 16 in block O. in Ashland. 210 dois the leat her. State v». Andrew Hamlin: baine and break® up the most robust of constitutions. O «t 1' Co t<» C H Vanpel ; lots 17 aud 18. WILLARD CRAWFORD, Ignored, bocauae but little understood, bv most The Physiological feature of the In­ Portland, where she spent a month at NEXT DOOR TO P. O. State va. James Noah and Delia Intake ; physician®, impotantly a®»ailer. McLennan, the stitute was set forth by Mr. F. R. Neil indictment fur unlawful cohabitation. Made of selected stock by the best American Manufacturers. ¡’lease charletan®. those suffering from it have litd“ A P Talent tn S A Oatman ; a block 120 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW in a carefully prepared paper and by a magnetic healer, without receiving any State vr . F. Houatt; indictment fur hope to I m * relieved of it this side of the grave. CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. examine Goods and Prices before purchasing. Respectfully, benefit for her eyeright, we are scr- ' Jt is time, then, that the popular treatment of iê» t s«|iiare in Talent. 100 »lois. Metlf^id. Oregon. short • xerci.M», a«- : *ted by Prof. Watts. obtaining money under falj*e preteoaes. Ben llavmond. et al.. t-> ThosFFish; this terrible «¡iaease by rem»*dieH within reach of ry to say. J. Mr. Noil ad verted to the question of nar ­ Thi. 1» th* place to get your State vs. !.<’. Wilson; indictment for Will prncti*-« in all th® court® of the State. all paased into hands at one«* competent ami 319 ”4 acre* in township 35. south of range, cotics, and thought that it should attract Office in Ha nim*® brick building, up-fttairs. tru®tw«»rthy. The new and hitherto untri«*d 2 v I *t. 1206 dais. The Clarke Hotel is now the dinner : laicen v. method adopted by Dr. Sanford in the prepxra- Johanna llom-k to Sophie K«»H ; 74L”’* unusual attention from te u hers. sta'ion for the daily freight trains, and tioa of bis K apical C ure haw won the hearty ai>- acrex ,.f land near Ashland. 15.606 dois. P. P. PRIM. W. M. Rlackfor»! ably presented tiie a« there are many passengersit create«' S wamp L\ m »«—Messrs. Elliott and proval of thouaand®. It i® inHt.-mtaneou® in af­ li B Carter t«» Ella C Galey; 9 a»rr.s in question of history, object and method® fording relief in all heaci cold®. ®r.®t zing, -null- quite a ru«h of busitie-s at this w.-ll-k 'pt ; RichrnoTid, swaiup-land «gents, have re- ATTORNEY f H(n»»ll, taste an»t hearing, and neutraliz­ Elizabeth A K :ppel ; 290 acre* in township discussion came about, showing a very her house a veritable home to the hun­ state that they will proceed to Tillamook puts . cards . ing the c 1'iHtitutional tend»*n :«e, hr«t door t«» th® hftofen l’h ’S llopwuod to JanivS Hopwood and Prof. Watts, accepting the place of Mr. eastern Oregon and back to The Dalles Ji Nil ». rOHACi II :. < K.ARETTES SvN'roni/s RsnrctL C ure of on tmucs’. I to await orders. They have already re- bitlJw of the K ad 1»'AI. ( ! Ri-. «»r • |.»x of Cv Rehr» < a .*,h Kenz. «• ; 200 acres in township l<<»b»*rts, presented his views of the ques- | TtllKHAI. SoLVLAT, Uhl lMHi-WEP lhiiM.ER. .V». smith of iange. 4 west. J d«»L tion of th«» langurge and its teaching in a . E- Do Pt. ATT Aa< > ng the December magazines, "I’e- porU*d their examinations in The Dalles Gent's Furnishing Goods. Wilhelm Wansner to N»-llie Price $1. very interesting manner. P utter I) rh » A M edical C u . B oston t” stands out prominently in its and LaGrand? districts and most of ex a ; 21« Herrs in Medford 2-»0 ATTO RN E Y A CO UNS ELOR-AT-L A W. And everything usually found in a first-claes the question box brought out sum*» fro«hn<‘«s and interest. It :» reallv a«- the Lakeview and Oregon (’itv districts. J«i‘ir M Pollard to ’» F Billing* ; t!n* right Variety Store. Also, to4oii dies «4 water in riulibhand blanch bright an I animate 1 talk up m the s ib- I tonislting livw blight and youthful this Mrs«is. Elliott and Richmon-i have ex­ 4* til nail, Oregon. of Wright creek, township 39, south of jects of school punishm nts. composition i ol.l favorite keep’; the only thing that amined the land around Lake Labish, CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. range, 1 east. $1 w«»rk, tard.ness, visiting by parent-, and ■ remind« one of its age ia the remein- ! Iieiou Salem, which they toand to lx» Wdi uraetice in vit I’n irts of the Stata. Oilice in ! Strains ani Weaknesses Our goods are th® bestand guaranteed as repr® Hcnrv F Stancliff to W P Haiumon;25 other matters, by Miss Carrie Baker,! Odd Follow’* building, up stairs. b. anee that it lias been a welcome • bona fide swamp laud. They found a hp rited. Prices lour, a* we do not propose to hr Believed in on® minute by that mar­ acres in township 38, south of range, 1 Prof. Hall, Prof. Goie, and a number of at the Old Stand of undersold. monthly gueat since one’« childhood: a considerable lot of alleged ®wamp land in west 200 «lois. velous Antidoti to Lain, hiihmma- J. R. NEIL. |>eriodical essentially for t>.e family, pys- j Malheur county. Nearly one-half of the lion and Weaknr®®, the Curiel a A H F MancHft to Thomas F Fish ; 2” acres others. If we may judge by the work of this sessingelement» of interest for all, from town of Prineville, they state, including A vti -P ain P laster Th® first and in township 38. south of range, 1 west. vrTORNEY 1 COUNSELOR AT LAW, only pain-kilting, Htrengthoniiig plan­ 200 dois. Institute, it is plain that these teachers the old-st to the youngest. Thi- l.asi"- | the part by the court house. ’ «•—• occupied —■ ~ er. Eaj»®cially adapted to inetvntly O «k 1 Co to F Newman; lots 8 and 9. are pro*»**eding with th;»ir labors upon been a rear of exceptional interest and !,oo* hous- and other,publ.. builJ.ugs Jacksonville Oga. relieve and speedily cun* Kuh ey anti Uterine th«» exee.lent ba*”* of «»ommori »ense. excellence; its engravings and ¡¡lustra was Fwamped swamp Pains anhland. 1*) doh. ......... ~ by the illustriou» ‘ — — - —TO OKT YOL’R — John M Pollar«! lo E. L. Prather; 10 They are «»videntlv deter mined on find­ to all «»ther piaster® At all druggist®, 25 cents, angel,” Hen Owens, and now there is a Will practice in all thè Courts ofthe State. ()f tions have never been better, and, re ­ five for $1; or, postair® fre®. of Potter Drug and ai'res in t»>un>hip 39. south ot range. 1 east. ing just what is pra<*tical, an»! what tire in Court H ouno , ®«cond d<«ur <»n right freni possibility that new title will have to be garded fiotna literary point of view, we Chemical Co. Boston. Mas®. 45o «lois entr« D Fountain; wo ks. \s >u h. every parent a » I «»very riel...; iii promise. N.'*ily a balf-ecu- There will positively be no Reservations. The goods must be —Tiie l»ecemlM*r number pMMl liti',.«. G0-* • r •' ’ in Ashlan I. educator will aim’.ati 1 the'«» h* e-bvr.« ^hfj- All buain®Mi in ray line will receive prompt at­ fbw® HUB Hg nil am A* .Al« o Mill® t<» J. \ .. 'I J... . .'■»'■* •?,. — »•■■■■ sold at once, even tention. 1,5 K) tt.c tuenty-.e,v ; acres in H. K. HANNA. (‘ontaiEN tin) secni-annti il index, from ent f«»r their help, insisted that the we look forward to ilx cff«»rtt< in 1S48 Me.l' ffG 100O doh —AND AT— which a good idea of the number and ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT-LAW, I G A 1 C«» to D T Lawton . lots 11 and 12 teachers muff at'em! these Institutes. proving a complete triumph, value of tLe article* in ilir volume may in b’. -.4 12 in Me llord. 225 doh. literary and ilhi»trated majaz n*». The lx» obtain *■«» t nur» liman » t al . t ■ E ward Bra-e; Walla Walla” in th»» 117, f Shore, the ap- large reductions when taken in club*, Waiter Edgar McCann; on **JJnruv»tiA ‘ 'die® up «tairs in Orth'® brick. "I have used Simmons Liver ?< in |.»w;*-;i:,- 37. »-«»iith of rslg»-. 2 and elegant iirciniums to those getting and Upsala University,” oy Sarah K. \T pend»*d ex rept is taken : ‘ In February, Regulator for many years, hav­ e 125 d «I-. s up club-i. Sample-copies free to those Bolton; on “Old Stag»¥coach Day»/’ by I ing made it my only Family J'.ijes I’atri«” to (•**«« \\ (’••■»k-' V: Gil lSfifi, Fer i I’.Jt' r^oti, f»»r years one of d**eiring to g«-t up «dubs. Addre«» rrter- J. W. R obinson , M. D B. M G ilí ., M. H. W. De Ixing; on“OI[M?ra'l<>»‘S on the c*‘»n>l, p.n'R M^gctz'iur, .Tk> Chestnut Street. and on “A Fairyland of Scieo by me was very partial to it. It is DRS. ROBINSON A GILL, township 37, south «»frange. 2 west. 2\- camo down from the Boi*a» mines. He Phil nlelptiig. Pa. a safe, good and reliable medi­ Christian Reid, all fully, and e»«n pro- fiO” do! ■«. expt»'-s* I li at < «r»: *mpt far th • c »m- PHYSICIANS AND Si’lUiEoNS. cine for any disorder of the fu-ely illustrated. The last art <*le is II T "inifh t<• E iza Bei' 1« i 16 in l ì« » I miite ». an I p th < ’y ¡ns’dtp I t 1« *j 1 of J ACK SON VI U.K, OREf ION »yrtem. and if used in time » S l 5% t *!: D > i i*ii ¡¡a - m i !<• a*i exhaus­ ¡e -ie»rt -t« ry and Hcvcrai pretty poems 26K» doh. tiiv c » •« iiL «r Banner.” Ti.i« number ahrava kneplng klmmons Liter sb 39. s»»uth • •! l ainr *. 1 ♦».:. ” . 700 »toh. improved under the lull ate Sin Fran­ is one of the i*est Hu« located in Talent. Or.. for th* practice of Hrgulator In the house. V. V ('arter to W H í Atkin« Atkinson; lot 7 in Boyle’s burl e. shop and shot Pa(t»*rson, cisco, the mouth of the Columbia. San hh nrofe-ision. M ik-»« all chronic di«ea*»wi. «uch who was sitting in a « hair and lx*ing ui it in-i n i’D'u. Vt’r.n i. Pi!««. Kidnoy Diseaaoa, 15’X> »!••!.« ijl ». k 1 in Ashland "I have found Simmons Liver Diesel, an 1 th- n ru.ern «••»;<»*( of Wash­ L'vor Co.nplaiat*. A-’.. u «p •cialty. S enator J. II. Mni iii . i . i . will intio- John S (.’nnini »»is t-i J Wrl : J ; lo» a- r«*« shaved. Ti e w- und. I man jum|M*»l up ington teriitijry. The bill appropriate* Regulator the bort family med­ and ran into Wel» , h ’ ® -aloon, whitiier ,»f rniige, I wv«t. iliic.. a tiuir.ls r ot bills at the coming in township 37, south icine I ever used for anj-thtng $2S.(.Hl ».0 ri f »r tin» d»*i n •* «•! San Fran ­ L. L WHITBY. 5<. D. 2 56” d- »Is. Duiahiv* iollow-d him .»»ul dispatched that may happen, have used it sc-^ioii of <’ tigress. Among these »re Walter A. Wood’» Binder», in ltuiigrgtion, Colic, marrhtra, \ P r.’tlrut U» \ hl • IS W. i i ier ; In'l l i i him with two m r:» sho: • from the re­ cisco harbor. The 1 d < liove immediately. After eat­ Ea 1® Point. Oregon. » i;ed sports Ito - Jen-’ I to tak • him fr»»m j marine mine», t<»-p *<| » boats, thirty n—e immigration: hills for the protec- Walter A. W<»o»i’s En<’l»)«<*d Gear Mower? B W |> no. »•' «»riff, t » <4 W I*■» )« *; J«» ing a hearty supper, If, ou going floating !• i!t<*ri.-- a id mortar i;on of settler« along the Northern 1’acfic Having !<»c»u«*«l at thi® plar»* I nek a share of Gaar. "cot» A Co.’s Separator», to bed, I take about a teiwpoon- acres in t« 5n«hip .’•»», * »nth of range. 1 ; jail and hang : im. B r i i« » ¡'.itt nsmi < Th** b'p :! ” r >•>! !.ite< 1 •>.»>• >i» the th® patro'.a*:** '»f t:«is section, (’all® attended to was on their Lin k list, the vigilant«*« | for the e«t iblishment of a hfe aaving Plain and fraction Engines, * < rtar, Srott A I 'o.’s “ ful, I never feel the effects ot west. I7”doh. .-.:<•* to Amlrrsoi. Darne l!»1; | mittee was too pow *rful to be re-Dted, L'h<* bill ji v«’sm Di«».; « harh ir >5 FHYSh’IAN SURGEON AND ACCOUi’HI* UR Banking Il ei >e-s in a'l of i:« hra' i-h"« ■: Jnek- propriation ,4 |l ;l') i,». Patent. Ha» eur Z Stamp on front of Wrapper. provin*! New York h irb ir. nr. •«';• ■ :ng > » C iluinbia; also »751.0rlfor the improve- (aUformaMtoeta r (11KEKMAN. ♦ ;; g \ i Mil l LR a .ON, Agents, Jacksonville Or. Ju'ir. D IMueiih t i .I tnics llonwo»d: ¡prisoner to e-c.r« *. In September hr the bill, would be *2 I, U ».’•»I. \ J. H. Zeil in A Co., Sole Proprietors, Prnf»«*ioimt eall. promptly attended to day .»r THOS G. HEAMF.8. south ”alt of d ••• io’ • laim No. 5Ô. t »’v. | wa*' arrested in San Francisco, but the mg to th - b;ll the .ip] ! -.- i.; I io;; - .■«. i I «* 'i.ei.t of the bs-k- at the <'a«cade«; also niKh' v lilantvs ii2;’. n cam? t»» t >e rescue, and . i ,<<>t'r.>pi lati hi for Yaquina aud Coo« sili;» 37. soliti; o' rang»-. 2 •’ »■st. 35() dois Frtoe, S1.00. PUILADELTHLl, FA, < ..! ion. .n oithsr English or Gerrnnn. A S Jacobs, ’at® sheriff, to Julia D El pai 1 the expenses ;>l r •!< a^ing him from iva lab!** as i\»ll«.w*: Forth? H m *. \»*ar .«ys.Kii th** appiopriation of (500,000 l^pr- , .the* and r»»id»uce on California strset. end.iig June 3), Iss9. |*J1,5 ’ i >, g « ); f.«r winds; «’•»r.'li li.'t’i ”1 the I Hopwood dona­ th»* toils of th.* law in tii.it citv.” b>r the con«tract:on of a lv>at railroad at oppo.it« Union Livery Stable. ea< h tis» al y»-ar the?valter. f«»r a |H*riod tion claim, No. 55. I»-wnship 37. south of the dalles of the Columbia; and several ranee. 2 west. 230 .l«»!s of eleven y«*ars, an«! for the fis ­ T. R. YOÜNG. M D.. W k got by teleurapli scan^elv enough cal veai ending Juno 3 ), 1910. $5.670.- others. M.utin Peterson toG C Roberts; 16”acres Koop* the largeat rtock of IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN in township .»6. south of range. 1 west. of Attorney-Gencial Garlanil’s long re­ ROA. ’ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 3.26” «lois. ply to Secretary Lamar's »piestions a» to Notn C okxitt , of Riddle, Dougin» i .1 II Barnum to lhivid J Lumsden; 10 the proper interpretation of the act for Central Point, Oregon. O regon P acific .—Work ha« Be n coiinty. was interview i by a Nrur re­ Over 30.000 Cures in Six Yearr. acres in section 37. south f range. 1 wot adjustment of railroKi land grants to pu«!iO'l all ad on the Oregon Pacific f » o porter in Portland the other day, and 1 300 d»»!s Graduate of th » Medical University <»f Loui^^iHe. ---- and---- give an aewhat iclva.icir,«. The prune interest, he »aid, POLYPUS RECTI. E tc . ard donation claim. No. 89. tnwnslrj. B. r OB«RT. M. n . » rnreg v. p . I !eis w I hmo entri»*s were erroneously c.in- with the work and not no many men are is liei'oiiiing an ini|>ortant one. One of s .nth »-f range. 2 west. 50 »lois. Retidunc on < ’ St Willia o«’ Hailding. on th® N»f,,i w«*®t coast. urei Without Cutting Operations State of Oregon to John B Dungan ; *6 c;*lle 1 for th»» benefit of a laad-irr.Mit road engagi-d as there Weie x »•nujih* of months lii« neitvi uuesthan he derived from the 1* llorl. Oregon «•«»rm r of : block 19. lot in Jack «on vi 11* to reclaim them, other wttlera who have valley, where the heaviest work is begin­ ; <’>3!l acres devoted to other purpose*. Surgeon.Oculist and Aunst andpropnet» rof the 756 dais. PRICES : ‘ » h « in A 11 i ri n«' Brick Ihiildinx Up-Htair®. Sanitarium for 1-ye. Ear and Nervous Disease®. G W Heckathorn to James S Purcell; bought the same lands in good faith from ning. Only two tunnels will have to lx* With such a showing as an encourage­ Portland, Or. ha® been app».inted agent and 152 83 a« r« * in township36, south of range the company, Mipp»»e n^ that the com­ built, one 450 and the other 400feet long. ment, it will not be long liefore Southern Apple Tn—. ............................. W »? »!2 »*?' l0?- physician for thi® system for Oregon, and ha® in 1 west. 2.7Û6 doh. pany owned them, shall have a right to Construction trains are now run twelve Oregon nnmes will cut quite a figure in Peach “ ........ ■ ............... a “ trt » two month® raaa® a number of cures of case®, in SOUK A(i ENTS P ’ OIi N. 0. Y O U N C, William G Cooper to J 8 Purs.-ll ; 23”a« i s obtain title from the government (Jthê'r'tr.'-s!“"!*’[rub'H'r» furui’h»! r.,toonably. j The mile« l»eyund Albany, and it is exacted the iiiaikets. tome of which, sever® operations with the knife in 'nwnsbip 3G. south of range, 1 west rights next in succession shall b<» those the road will soon lx» in a haveonly don® harm. t condition to Si RVEYOR, liefer® by permission to Mr. Ja®. W. Weather i.iMMNidols. S«nd for Woodburn. Or A I aluabl* Mnlicnl Ti »-nt I ar. ford, druggist, well-known in Salem; Mi. Frank I J Phipps toStcph.enS Cooper; 2” acre« of settlers in good faith residing on the give Scio |x*ople a grand <*x sterling Medi- cannot issue until the land^ shall h ive north of ti e former c’tv. Th“ San’.i nn < .1 Annual.kimwn Will meet patient® at 1« mi ” dois. f¡ j-teitei - A Imai.ar, 4L’ RISISI IN MY LINE PROMPTLY CORRESPONDEN C E SOLICITED. -.1 .-.’tMiulrff b>. .»r ie. ir«;»-® reaaunabt® Order® Stephen G Cooper to I J Phinpsjhe W’2 been reconveved by tin* company or hiidgP being built uiR le» of iron, liie i* u .a .< »'•’• ’. and m.iv be «»Mniried. free of J. FRALEY’S HOTEL, ASHLAND, left w th JwU® bay w;ll receive unmo hat® a<- of the N W 1, and the N W \ of S W ‘ -M. of IfUg^iwt» ;i " 1 .’Fncrai count r_v deal- shall have hem r» » ov red to tin* United I «re nt te:i’.|N»r »rv sirueture being «»f tentiun Every Seron«1 Sunday in Each Month. section 6. township 37. south of range. 1 St »trs by ju i.< iai pr<® • inu Finally, woo 1. It will be ¿Mi I leet long, divided »•i* tn all part* «»I the I’uitc i >t;«i< «‘. M®X- Address for pamphlet on Rectal Disease®, ea«t 2.5”” d »h. Manufacturer of [the fifth section, which provides that into f’iret* spans, two 11 1 and oue 120 i’ • .ml iml«®*«i in every < .vi ix«* > |»orti«»n ot DR. J. B PILKINGTON. United States Patent tn A .1 Da'ev; 8” 6| • h<* A .-wivri; Ifemi^pti *ic Fin- tluiaiiac Portland. Oregon. acres in township 36. south of range I west settlers who have in tf»» » I faith bought Pe? long. The permanent bridge uiil lx* i 1» o !•» <■»' ‘-•u ireguiurlyattheiGmimcfire- I from a company lands which had not wuh <*yiinders cylinder» eight feet in dia- me., t of every )e«r (or over «»ne-tHili «*( a- <»l iron, wUh I ».’ted Stat- s Patent t • A J Dalev ; 160 in tow »shin 36.south <»f range.1 west. been granted to tln»c»nnpany may obtain io<‘tor, filled with «•nnvrvte.—.S7«6-.< j / rix . uri,\xi>, oil , \V W Whittington to Henry A merman . as to those in the grant b»*lts. These pily but two well known. They differ in dar, astronomical calculations, chronolog­ —Nature’«* own lU-ruedy— of range. 1 ical items. Ac., ar« prepared with great *27• ’ arre« in township 37, sout h •*. A full line in st»*ck «*f i I ¡11 It«» >aifc. well furn*shed. Tbebest seem to he reasonable ami just inter­ different individual« to some extent. A ' care, and will be found entirely accurate. wc‘ t. 2.806 dois bilious man is seldom a bn-akfast eater. pretations of the law. Will speedily relieve end p<*rma general BÜILDÍNG material . Ford ve® R«»ner to O «tC II R Co ; r'ght tn OSE □ OLLA» PER DAY HOUSE Too frequently, ala«, he ha« an excellent I he iaaue of Hostetter’» Almanac for ¡485 DEALERS IN nanfly cure all the various ciirfieul- lav a water pipe upon in or under his lami appetite for liquids but none for solids of a will probably be the largest edition of a ti®* arising from « disordered con . t L’ioiin ls in Ashland. 1 dol t Dm nke tinea a or th n Liquor Ihiblt Poaltivt- i •> th* Sfa»®. i L.G.n«t-f «nd Prie. L..t morning. Hi* tongue will hardily bear .nodical work every published in any coun­ dition of th® li/ Cur'd by Adminiatrriug Dr Country orders a specialty. Nmry Carter to Charles Nickell ; 322.57 inspection at any time; if it is not white try. Th® proprietor®. Messrs. Hostetter A Hnints’ Golden Spurifir. FM TORV AT WEID1.ERS Mll.U -<’o., Pittaburgh, Pa . on receipt of a two- ' 2 >1-^31: ana frim the Hotel. and furred, it is rough, at all e»’«-nts. LIVER AND KIDNEYS ! a» res in township 34, south of range, 4 It can l>e given in a cup of coffee of tea west. 1.285 dois. H «o»-Third «nd EHtrnrt., The digestive system is wlio!lv -»ut of or- cent stamp, nil! forward a copy by mail to without the knowledge of the verson taking It is perfectly harmless and can B W Dean, sheriff', to Thus Chavnor; 160 any |M*rcon who cannot procure one in his » ' h «'nploifsl ami no Jovistion in POirri.AND OKEGON b® given to the most delicate woman acres in township37, sotPh of range. 1 west. it; is absolutely harmless ami will rff’»-< t a d®r an«l Diarrhea <»r ( <»nstii>ati<»:i mav be neighborhood. a svinp on or the two may alternate Then* PAINTS and OILS. nr child. For sale by all druggists. I « ia. I r 25«»ent®t«»SOosntn. permanent ami ‘•nerdy cure, whether the are 6s0 «lol® often Hemorrhoids «»r » ven loss of I'.. LE-VHTON Proprietor NN ELL. RE1TNHV A WOOD ARB, < » A T Coti Willard Crawfor«! ; lot No. 12 patient is a mod» rate d* inker nr an alco­ blood. There ninv be giddiness and «»lien ' < wrr Far VH^a holic wre< k. Thousands ot drunkard« headache and acidity or flatukne»* ami ten- i in block 66 In Medford .50 dois. Wholesale Agents, Pile* nre frequently prevetfed by a sense W E Price to H B Career; 4 OS acre« in hav® been made temperate men who have dernrss in the pit of the stoina< h. To c»»r- PORTLAND, OREGON. township 39, south of range. 1 east. 1.262 ’ i taken Golden Specific in their coffee with­ roct ill tin- if not effect a cure try Green’* of weight in the b-R’k. loins and lower part By the Thousand ! ot abdomen. < au«ing the patient to sup­ out their ktv wledge. ami to «lay bdii vc doh. August Flower; it costs but a trifle and pose* he bus some affection nf the kidneyr 1 h** public ire hereby notified that tha under- <) A T <’o to G I. W**bb ; lot« 1. 2. 3. 4 and they qfiii drinking of their own free will. th >u«and* attest its (fli< a< v. nillF (JNDFR8IGNED IS NOW TAKING OR •.*n*d will offer at private ealeali the 11 never fai!*. The *ypteni once impreg­ nr nrigiib »ring organs. At times symp­ E >»f li*egon Td?r.VhjSSh J^k*.nan.»J.-eph.n» count.« tom« <•( in.ligestiun are present, flatulency <» A- T Co to Willard Crswford . lot« N«». 7. nated with th»* Sp<-citic it !»<(•«.!!»<•« an utter LOTS FOR SALE. Startling Hut True iiupo«lbilitv for Im liq i ir spiwtiie t»» exist . nueasire^ of the stomach, etc. A mois­ for A, 9 and 10 in block 66 in Mrdfnnl. 115 > >U t ¡.I private »•fleet® of th® lat® r RUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, in township 33. south of range, 2 west. fic (*<• . 1<> Rae of tiie tljr-i.it and lung*. I got is a common nltendai.t. Blind. Bleeding »•■; • *!>«.mu to pnrm.M»e vome tm«t-<-la®® carnage Any kind -»>•«» in » fir* ' 1kM NurwrT ■ Frank Galloway to Edward Brace; lla mi low last spring I was entireii unable .it»d Itching Piles yield at . | ¡'»Il is, in the present age »4 advanced ab«<»rbing the rumors, allaying the intense Her® i® a favornble opportunity to invest in *■!- ( iuuUg!.t and culture, regarded a« a mark Mr H F Goodni-'hf.M'nt mo h trial bottle itching and effecting |>ermanent oellent town properly and “g • cv up w.ih the curw L. C. "T’ ..■••• • *rly. - 1' "■ Cure for Sick Haidarh i <»f refinement. This disfi”~uishable fea­ of Dr. Ikisanko’s ('mingh and Lung Syrup. country.” Address. The Dr. Bosanko F >r proof that Dr Gunn’s Improved Liv­ ture of beauty nature ha« .«• -nied ninetv- I found relief and after using six 11.00 bat­ Price 5111 ent« B. A. GODFREY. Medicine Co. . Piqua. Oi«in. >old at the tles. I \i a« entirely cured. I. M W eldex . I’-i Fi”it StrôT*. - - - Portland. Oregon er Pills cures sick Headache, ask your ! nine women out of every o Boi.nnza, Jane 17, 1S37. ‘ ' U!idred. but Front and Morn®on Sts.. Citv Dmg £p»rv. Druggist for a free trial package. Only | science and art. have suuph bis delicien - Sample bottle 5 crtil>. at ( ity Drugstore r»ek~.n».no.Or«<>n An«. 1 b«*________ one for a dose. Regular ®iie boxe.i 25 i cy in th,* prtMiucf ion of th;« I'oiin.nn. OBEUOM, lightful trà­ I'oory irork and Dnodn, cents. Sold at CiSy D»ttf Store trifle with out Thro»t or »let article. Wisdom’» R. i L ine, by the Wholesale a.)d Retail Dea’er* in CITY BARBER SHOP VJA jxv V Lung Disease. If you havo , carefi I use of which every««! Ah n!i**trutrd <«t«Inffue. coiiiainiiig tall !Gw tlrlrk. Virat-rla» ia ,11 Br.p-rU uty iH»«*e-c \JC vvrvw would erj iy your dinner : this—the chii f attribute ol i • .uty—a |.»ve- a Cough or Cold, or tho children ara iufor.da’i hi ..( fancy work and materials I CALIFORNIA. 8TBKKT THOS. CUINEAN, Poprlctor. * ) \v’an(j ar„ p- vented by Dys- 1 Iv comp!« \i«.n. Wisdom's ICobcrtinc is threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, ___ ____ _ . use Aokcr'a English Remedy and prevent u>tpi-M» «,t woolen yams and their uses« society pepsia, uso Acker's Dr ,’1 He*tTirunt io urwarpi**e,| in ■ M:> ! *: ag »n»,« for ths Rockford nekton with valuable iuLirmation t«> ladi®». ¡Sent I ami the stage the most churn.!ng an«l only every parti rular fnrther trouble. It is a positive cure, TLçy arc a pesi .. o cure for L';- spensi», lu- Kailro i l W it'he®. . innocent beautifier and |ue-» rver of the ou application, VI.L G3OIW IN THE LINS MXNJrV’i ; > P) AND REPAIRE Cud we guarantee it. Price 10 and GOc I digpstÎQA, apd Constipation. [co;n.pltjivn known. Sold 1 ’ h-j>d«ng drug Nr w-f iw < L*Ti»mr. F »RALL. $V» A WEEK AND EX- 'Vi*1' Itv s.rricT c We gtarcir.oo them. 25 sd J 00 bents. nit (*• ugglats nt fifty ce'ni> pei t ffue. p®n«®ri i:v. i. Outfit worth <5 and pur- For Bale »t City Drug Store. <4Fa«'4*d’3OU>»: Packs« *>dout uu suphciu Jr. U » □ a nijatj with u® r rfoie purchAiii.g *>Ua>b®re 120 and 181 Kearuay tit . ». T„ Cal. I ■< r«BM>Mbl. price.. (jgoHflg RCHCMPF * iiau’-ogj.ee. P. O VICKERY, Au- INFANTILE SKIN DISEASES. Jacksonville, Oregon. DRY AND FANCY COODS PERSIAN CASHMERES, NUN'S VEILINC, LACE CHECKS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. HITS. ZANZIBAR & PALMER SEERSUCKERS .MERRIMAC SATEENS, ORGANDIES, COCHECO I LAWNS Æ^il» SII AMIlIt AY. AMOSKEAC, STAPLE CHEVIOTS ANO CINCHAMS INDIGO PRINTS AND SIMPSON’S SILVER GREYS GREAT SEDUCTIONS Constitulienal Catarrh. AFINE STOCK VARIETY STORE I NEW WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPERS and BORDERS. Large Stock of Bo»>ts and Shoes n T nan . GROCERIES i r Æ ALL THE REMAINING GOODS THE PLACE « KIDNEY PAINS, A. G. COLVIN, JACKSONVILLE, OR BLACKSMITHING ACTUAL COST PRICES ! THE BEST STYLE AT A SACIt IFICH ! M FAULTLESSFAMILÏMEOICINE D. CRON^ILLER & SONS, BUY THE BEST AND BE HAPPY ! n BEEKMAN & REAMES’ ili Successors te C. c. Beskinan’s Biiik, WOODBURN NURSERY Brinkerhoff Systemfor Cure of a i RECTAL DISEASES. MACHINERY! NO ArHIS OBLIGE OUTRE THE INGERSOLL ROCK DRILLS INO COMPRESSORS and WIRE ROPE—SPECIALTIES. Westinghouse Automatic and Junior Engines 1851 J. C. CARSON, INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Sash. Doors, Blinds WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS 1887. ISSO Oregon Kidney Tea ! SHiBOWiGE, STOVES and TINWARE A Rare Chance! FRUIT TREES WAGONS, PLOWS, IMPLEMENTS, T NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EA^T Bonanza, Klamath County, 0r.s ESMOND HOTEL, THE LEADING JEWEILS OF THE NORTHWEST, SMOKE Diamonds, Watoli33, Jy^relry, Cloaks! 4 THE UTTLF CUPIDS! *