t* KIttOS AL MKSTÌOS, Aleport is in circulation that Ashland Itelif/inu» Amri. Ml SI Mi V/ÍH.S. Fui th** most stylish millinery goods call at Mrs Pi ini’s b iz iar, where everything has been selected as a division by the rail­ Rev. Father Hermann will hold regular The White is king. Messrs. Hanna and Prim,who h been The miners rej'iieu over the falling rain. imaginable in that line is sold cheaper road company, which will build a hotel, attending the supreme court, r urned services at the Catholic church in this Oregon Kidney lea. If such should be The best and cheapest mining blanks for than at any other place in southern Oregon. roundhouse, etc , there place next .Sunday. home during the past week UNITED STATU OFFICIAL PRESS. •ale at the T imes office Pay the printer and be happy The most elegant glassware may betouud the cuse, it will ensure the future prosper­ Liberal Sunday-achool ami Bible class Miss I la Prim i* v:*iting^relatis. * and Miners are patiently awaiting rmn, a« Read the new advertisements. atlhe8 F Variety Store. Cal! and get a ity of that town, and w ill likely be one of meets every Sunday at 11 o’cloc k a . m a» friends in Porilan«! an«l vicinity. much more importance than it now is. most of them are ready for it. piece, as it will only cost you 60 cents.with 1 KIl> A Y I»E('KM BER 2. 1SK7. the U. M. L. Hall, Talent Strangers continue to b? abundant. JacobS. Taber, a prominent m- • rmt a can of superior baking powder included G M Bowman of Seattle W. T.. has This has been an unfavorable season for The following are Rev J. W. Miller’s (bi to the 8. F. Variety Store f »r the nob­ and citizen of San Francisco.paid J u l.x »n- purchased #0 acres from J W, Abbott of Huoeeatfnl far lira. miners, so far; but i! is not vet too late, by Newman Fisher has one of the most regular appointments: First Sabbath in biest novelties. * A ville a visit last Tuesday. Probably the must stuaessful hall given complete and best stocks of goner..I mer­ Wagner creek, paying him |* mm ) for it each month at Gold Hill, at 11 o’clock V any means. Wm. AI fen has removed from Phoenix in southern Oregon in a long lime was chandise in southern Oregon. and every­ few years ng » h»* paid $2u for a lot in San I John Sisemore and Pelton Bros, of Sam's M.andCp. m . second Fabbath. at Central to this precinct. not long i valley were at the county-seat during the Point, morning that which tu«k place at Central Point on body acknowledges that he cannot be tin Diego, which he sold for and evening; third Sa* since. He does not expect to maks hardly week. Our merchants have been ¡«ay ing3ocents dersold. bath, at Medford, morning ami evening; the evening of Thanksgiving day. One fourth bahhath. at Jacksonville, morning so n.uyh protit on his last purchase, how a dozen fur eggs. Judge DcPeatt was at the county-seat hundred and ten tickets were sold. No Deeds, mortgages ami every description ev.-r*' and evening. this week on prufessi«>nal business. pains Lad been spared fur the success of Mensor Bros ’s inercantileestablishment of real-estate and legal blanks f«»r sale at The following are Rev. R Ennis' ap- the event, an ! the managers are entitled to •*p«»rts a i cw sign. 1 ir*« Robinson and <»*ll have obtained Messrs Roberts and Bennett of Medford the T imes office at Portland pi ice« < i ve pointments: On every Sunday morning, much credit for the manner in which Nature s remedy is what they say of u« a call, if you n-*e«l anvtning in the b:ank .ill the n»M•»■*• sary appiiam e> for the treat­ precinct were here last Tuesday excepting the third, he will hold services everything was conducted. All enjoyed Oregon Kidney Tea. ment "i consumption and kindred diseases Arthur Langell of Klamath county is in at the Presbyterian church in Phoenix; on line I O¡»erations are pr«>grc*sing nicely at th? themselves thoroughly, nothing having oc- by the new method which has caused so town on legal business. It is suggested that the ce el»rati«>n com­ Bargains in every Ene may still be found H<»pc ledge in Wamicr creek district under ti e thir«i Sunday mo ’ -ning and every Sun ­ mm h favorable comment in the eastern < urre»i to mar the serenity of t!ie occasion. at Newman Fisher’s 't mittee invite Henry Villard t<» j »in in the Messrs. Ach,Goldsmith ami Binnwanger, day evening hr will preach at the Presby­ the mana p*ni-nt of Dr. Everette Th States, and are about employing it in th»* 1 he tables fairly gr ianed under their terian church in Jacksonville. prospects are continually getting better. Give the band a rousing benefit on the fesiivilies. He i uilt the gap between Ro*«- case of a young woman residing in Trail three clever representatives of Portland weight of delicious victuals. The ladies Rev. W. B. Smith of the M. E. Church, houses, were in Jacksonville during the burg and the ( ah forma line- all but four­ creek precinct. Extensive operations are in progress at having the supper in charge were deter­ 30tb, for it deserves it. South, has made the following appoint I Coulter A Co.'s quar:z mill near Gobi Hill week. teen miles. mine'! to furnish one fit for a king, and Assessor Childers and Thos Center® Attention is called to the advertisement Engel Drcs pt Phoenix are displaying a.i W. G. Cooperand D. Wilson made the ment«; 1st unday, in Jacksonville at 11 Several hundred tons «»f ore are already on that they succeeded is too apparent f«»r made us a c ill Saturday. • 4 tin Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band, a m . and 7.30 r. m ; 2d .Sunday,in Browns­ T imes office a call Wednesday. immense .«to» k <•!' geneial merchandise ami the dump ami cru-!iing will so.»n c< even question. The music furnished ny which organization will give a grand mas- For g«M>d shingle*, shako and c.»rd-wood boro, 11 a . m . and at Eagle Point 7:30 r. nienc?. A coii*i«lerablc number <»i i selling cheaper than ever ’They keep only tpicrade ball on l ii.iay. Dec. 30th. Thus«’ W. Al. Huge of New York, representing m . ; also at Antelope at 7 :30 P. m on the are also engaged in tunneling for the c< Nichols Bro««, was also first class A neat apply at the 'T ime * office. the b»-*t ««f g«H.«ls and never fail in giving who attend may rest assured that no pains Hooker A Co., proprietors of the celebrat­ Saturday night before the 2 F. Variety Store • at Gold Hill 7:30 r m ; 4th Sunday in Tai- Tonic. Alteratirr and Catharic. Kubli A Bolt have so!«l the Aker place in events oi t*ie holidays. The best of music last Wednesday. We found him a genial ent considerably by outside donations. at 11 a . m . and at Medford 7:30 r M Simmons Liver Regulator cures malaria, i ’ rof. La France ’ s dancing-school will be gentleman and a thorough business man. I Sam ’ s valley to ( ’ apt. Barnes, who has pre ­ Red Men’s tail was well idled on Thurs­ ami supper will be provided. Th-* following are Elder M Peterson's biinmsness. dyspepsia, headache, consti­ sented it to his niece, Frankie Barnc«. The day evvniug of last week, on the occasion in session during the evening. W. A. Bantz, th? well-known real-estate pation and piles. It i* most effective in < has Bateman was arrested one day last appointments First Lord’s day. meeting Starting th • secrétion* uf the liver, causing Fay your arrearages at the T imes office ¡•rice paid wasflGbO. C. McClend«»n ne­ of the party given by Well »nah Council week, charged w ith stealing some farming hgent of Portland, called at the T ime * of- at Mound school-house at 11 m ., and at the bile to act as a pu»ge. When there gotiated the sale. No. 1. Pocahontas degree. It was a dc- and get one of our premiums. machinery, belonging to his brother, but tice Wed n 3sday. Esgle Point at 7 r. m . ; at Gold Hill, on the is an excess of bil? in th? stomach,the Reg­ rided success in every (»articular, Su pe- Call and see those new pants, just re­ Several cases of diphtheria are rcp«>rtfl under lien to H. B Miller A Co. He had ulator is an active purge; after the re­ Cncle Dan Fisher and wife of Willow second Lord's day ; on Saturday , at 7 p. rior music was furnished bv Messrs. Sutt- ceived. at Mensor Brog store * at Ashland, one of which resuked fatally. an examination in Justice Euoank’s court, Spring* precinct were in town one day this m . hci<»re the third Lord's day. at Grant’s moval of the bile it will r»*gulate th«* bowels and impart v gor and health to the whole mor. Adam and George Schmitt, assisted We want coi r» spondence from every por­ The vic tim was u child of M May«-r, the l»ui was disch; rgvd, the District Attorney week. Pass; on the third Lord's day at the svstem. by Miss Birdie Schmitt <»n the organ . The tion of the First Judicial District. tailor, and whs buried in the Jewish ceme­ m»t deeming the evidence against him W. R. Potter and wife pf Eagle Point Nidav school house, m ar Jump-' fl Joe at t.ntvvpriaing IhntjgiKfn •Upper provided by the lady numbers of tery at Chis place. 11 a m ; fourth Lord's «lay. Medford, at a rung < nuugh tw ensure <•- n\i ties made our town a visit a few flays since. S‘-vrr«d local items of interest will he <’an always be relied upon to carry in stock 11 v m and 7 i- m Hr egp ■ g . |{ the order was superb and could iml he » x A complete and first class stork <>f gent'« found on the first page of the T imf ..-. J. .X Voting and wife of Little Butte pre­ arnot Imlcpriidcnce t«> commence a the purest ami best goods, and sustain the To the vast multitude of sufferers from celled furnishing goods, su« h as white, percale Pioira. ted inreting at M«dfoid, January reputation if being active, pushing and fever and ague, coughs, colds, congestion. cinct were here on Wednesday Call and see that handsome display reliable. I»y recommendiiig articles with and neglige shirts underwear, etc..—the 22, lSi>R. to hold f«»i >«>mciim<-. Another Ruilruaii l*>opi>titiun. glassware at the S. F. Variety Store. In adache, bdioH-nr- s, and al! «»ther ills in­ well-established merit and ’-uch as are pop Ralph Dean, deputy sheriff, is meeting •ery latest—ha* just been receiv'd at the W A Bantz. formerly a railway <■ vrk. The fecund quarterly meeting fur the ular Having the. agency for the celebrated cident to the climate of the l’u< ific slope, the tax piyers at different points in the The best cigars of all kinds—fresh a S F. Variety Store. but now a real estate agent at Fortiami. Jacksonville Circuit, Columbia Conference Dr. Kit g’s New Discovery fur consumption, wc say, cheer up! a week will see a great county at the appointed time, but is not fragrant at the S F. Variety Store. ami coughs, will sell it on a positive As our new goods have been received. change wrought in you for the better, if was in Ja< ksoi.ville this week and maue of the M E. Church, South, will be held colds guaiante»1. It will surely cure any and writing many tax receipts, as money still R« member the masquerade ball on the 1 and having purchased th« in of the best y.«u wiil follow our advice and take Frrse s at Medford Dec. 3 1 and 4th. Preaching every affection uf throat, lungs, or che.-r, a proposition to build ami operate a motor seems to be quite scarce. and in order to prove our claim, wea-k houses in San Francisco, we now offer the Hamburg Tea according to directions. on Siturday at 11 m ami 7 r. m ; also road between this place and Medford, pro­ 3oth It w ill no doubt be a fine affair. I Deputy Sheriff Holmes last week made a Sunday at 11 a m and 7 pm , by Rev. J. y<»u to call and get a Trial Bottle Free. <»o to the F. Variety Store and see be*t quality <>f goods ami at the lowest vided the people will agree to deed him ,’UN) The musical associati«m.recent.'y formed trip to Trail creek, where he is interested W. Craig. P. E. The conference w ill cun price* Mensor Bro.*. * feet of land ou each side of the r> ad upon that han 1'ouif display of glassware. at Roseburg elected the following officers: to n considerable extent. vene on Saturday at 2:30 p. m . All raem- V f K it 11: it. the completion of the same.one v* ar hei <». 8 ( ow I *s has retired from the r»*a!-cs!atc Duck“ have made their appearance in ber*' are requested to be present, as there 8. West p'eiideut, Miss Zclia Zigler, E Fur- F. W Olwell.Jas Brown an 1 F It is promised to cut lip the Ian I thus do­ the valley, but are not plentiful as yet. ' \ \ I 1:. . \ A « ■ \ is important businei “ s. that demands the HIGH SPENCER—In Ashland, Nov. 2Sth. by •'••prc*i'h*nt; M iss Ruth Jones, seen tai y ; ry and wife of Eden precinct huve been in :i““>tance of very member, to be done. R»*v H. P Kat ch well, Nathan S. High and Sli*e nated into very s.nal tracts and require r.il incss w ill he continued by M< Ehler M Pctrrs«»n ¡.a* *«»hl a portion "f I 1 s II (’. St.niton, treasurer; Mi*s Vir­ town during the .v<‘-k Helle Hpencer. Lv. ry p< rs«m is s< li« it« d t«> attend the ser- purchas rs to build a house and improve i.d Hml It dgers. two tii -4 « !a«s 1 Ins farm t«» Mr R berC. a nt w c mier NEWMKN HARRIS I” i. X .v .'•‘«h. by \V B smith . P < ’ u i Kiiiutii» i vil «• .«»rganDt ;<». F il »du« V. the pro|M*rty. In this m inm-r acontinu- C f ue the T imes went to pro- the prosperity i f both Jacksonville and has become a resident of Smith river, (’al. Will I I X.M area: xiousiy wa'.tmg for coli ­ nity to debate the feasibility of this project exchange for goo» Is at Mensor Bros her condition is now improved. t «nal Mrs Alesai W A. Owen and Geo. (’ooksey. two ne rain, so that they can com in our own mind, nor have we heard any store HA 1 H WY Mrs. J Rapp of Wagnsr creek has been prominent citizens of Central Point, have This is the dryest season we general expression on the subject. We are D. I* Bar.ies has purchased TV W r •al<*. erally coinincncing at least a er, who has been quite ill. a visit. i>n i>. with the main line of road by rail a! some the same See advertisement elsewhere. A D. Naylor is again a resident of thi* point, should Mr. Bantz' proposition he the WISEMAN in P«»e valley, Nov. l'.th. Mr-. F John Sisemore \ hie a _* h ir«.! < is chara« terized by h be flrst-clas' V In m w liirli ar< T 'V" three peculiarities, mm v : A»jrnry I'.atabliah^ft and ..rdv. a. sudden a ( M ■ V V. T Hopkn *. the enrrgrfir .ngfiil •’ 4 If st i The ronibination of the various hill a ?. V a bi: W • lit i: remedial agents used. < r : W.igm i ni-r vii.'e a vi*it n-t M..U.U.V und slh < vl.r, W. G K-mnev, spires no exclusively to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and are Barron’s new dwelling house, which is a It ha.* a monopoly «4* lhe telegra pliir dis­ age Rock precinct were in Jacksonvi lie a few Im rust nnTs their money's o i* ar commodious and first-cLifa-- ble Co.. ackn«*vi It dgr«l by all t«» be the most Lewi* painted it and did a good job Hansen's large farm. can "f baking powder at the S ini a ( .ill complete and reliable. Eight very large Hood s Sarsaparilla is prepare«! with the Supt Jacobs held his regular' quarterly More (J. A. Preston, teacher in penmanship, is ri pages are presented every day ami on greatest skill and care, by pharmacists o! exanan^ion this week, comm» ■nciiig on a resident of Butte creek valley, (’al al < i:\ r 't i L roi \ r roi \ ri: lit. education and long experience, lienee it Is a Sunday a ma mnioth 16 page c«btioi> i» is­ Wednes«f:iy. Four afqdi« an! for icach- present. His health is still ¡»our medicine worthy of entire confidence. Li you ts ev“rv Strange a i* see:» «»ur sued. < heapuess is combined withvxcel!- er>’(»-rtdicates presented thcmseiv« but siifft'r from scrofula, salt rheum, or any di*- John Al. Brown uf Gilliam county ay enev, for the “ Examiner” is furnished by we have not learned the r> ’«ult as vet case of the 1 luod, dy spepsia, biliousness, sick been making this section a visit \\ v I Subscriptions taken for the daily and carrier at the following low r ites: Single headache, ur kidney and liver complaint*, Rice Benson offer« lhe Mitchell farm, to see him locate the S. F. Variety weekly ‘ Examiner ” nt copies. 5 cents; by the week. 15 cents; by catarrh or rheumatism, do not fail to try consisting of 2»" a r» s. situated in Mead- V / ¡n otti* H(fl //<> Jas T. Guerin, the scientific brickma­ the manth, 65; yearly. |b. Those wishing More or T1Mi - "ffii e ows precinct, f«»r -ale ( heap For further son. who lias been in Washington territory to become subscribers to the monarch «4’ Jas liar», funnerly of Forest creek, but particulars see his advertisrment che fur several months past, lias returned. He* •• I recommeiui n«x»d’s Sarsaparilla to all the dailies should leave their orders at the w ho lu* b«*?n out «»f *ho c-»iinty fur some­ where Thi* is a bargam for some! ■ |y will remove to ( alif.irnia in the near fu my friends as the best bh»<>d purifier on I t». F. Variety Store, where the ‘Examiner” time past, has returned. Henry Mensor of the Po<< fib Store at earth.’’ W m . G aff , druggist, Hamilton, 0 lure with his family and probably locate is kept constantly for sale. ’The best stock of g'*«»ds ever kept at Woodville keeps constantly on hand a ni« e, Jack*- r.\ i “ Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured me of scrof­ E ( ’ . Kan? of Ashland, who went to Woodville mav be found at the Postofficv complete line of general merchandise, ulous humor, and done me worlds of good r (’alifornia on a trip for his health, has St«»re. Give Henry a call. 7 otherwise.” C. A. ABNoi-D, Arnold, Me. 'The following is a lis which he sells at prices to suit the times. E Amici ' turne.i much 1 '«»neiited A book containing many additional state­ Analjutirmd t«'rm oí circuit court is He spares no pain* to give «atisfaction. * (or the ensiling term at ng of t1 it V < I . V lor ments of cures will be sent to all who desire. Mr* E (.’. Kat e of Ashland is pay Jacksonville Lodge N< . F . being held in nder to g«- t several » ases • V ;i«t. ti-1 of ' tin* plate r $5. M1<1« •u • »yer. I* s ; Win nix h ave been rvp*■rt»‘d. Iciit the rum Kubli. Treus.; John \ J acks nvi .!<• f »r som» ! in,.- j-:vi. u i« ret u only by C. JKH'I» & C<>., Lowell, Mas». a: Li < a tli . In M' !; \ on­ Deneff F Luv, W J r m »le. T tut e I 1«. E»gle Point. to a IOO Poses Ono Dollar. ■aie at a The f»»llowii.3 is a lis I • ? a Mr Vaughn formerly «4 Trail creek, who for the ensuing \ » ar at I"» ia*t meeting < i is n«»w a resident of California, paid this I p;i: I« Ula Oregon < hapter No R A M.: T. G »: Ì L S vV E L A « a “t‘< ti«»n a visit quite recently *»t i ’«■ ag«” Mi ler. K A M Realm s. 11. P ; J. N Notes, receipts, due-bills, order« and J A. Larson uf Ashland, the popular I I» Wil Borrv, S.; D. Linn. < o ’ H . W Jackson. Notic?. of Fin ii S ?* leniiiit. tailor, paid his friend* iu town.Iasi Sunday s als». I»'“ \ ' 1 ■ checks, in book*, in quan’itie* t»i suit, for P. J.; C. C. Beekman. R a visit. B »th of his sluq»« an- -1 mig a g •< 4 sale cheap at the T imes »»ffire. hr >r X pr- p » ill«’ IS'UlV, In t* e » ou ity (’«»urt of H • S’ C (’aineron. Treas. ; Max Muller, Sec Jackson c«»unty business. Henry Kubli, of the firm of Kubli A >n, w ;. k Fished G. M of 31 Veil I u\ a faim ¿hr ikuiofraiir Simes Hit: í IV/» III I 1. !.. LATEST FASHIONS IN FALL COODSI IT PATS THHTSAMIS TH TRADE HERE I NO MISREPRESENTATIONS I ONE PRICE ! fcj*Illustrated Catalogue and Samples of Goods Mailed free on 714 and 716 J St., 713 and 71Ö Oak Avenue. Sacramento, Cal. C H. GILMAN. Prop Two Story Bull.liogs. 9 7* Three Peculiarities M 1 Í 1st 3d Unknown to Others Hood’s Sarsaparilla I » F '1 lb I ( i ; H‘l 'll i I'D .»• ('o inâ'M' n by ROPER, GALEY & HELM U tl e r- REAL ESTATE IlFFICE IN ASHLAND. (III. NEAT IHHIR TO BANK. O/M 1 A< Rl> in i »:* t-.» ' <»n »•;«“) t'-rui-*. 1000 ;'f fru'p mu ¡' ir' ....... .. • - ;,u... . r *r an I i «*nr Ashland. Th«* best quality ¡■it i • i-. «r»* now «»tf»-r«»urrha»Hsl st tif 3intr«’tter ¡»rices may be real' izc 1 by the beginning if the new year. I'rohiibhi Messrs. S«m»*«»ii and R xford of Apple­ Samuel < '"’ver. a wealthy and well-known gate were in Jack*■>'.ville recently, and de farmer of Jackson county, wh > has been livered a large quantity <»f vegetabb s. •topping At the Holtvn house for-cvcrai \V T. German has taken charge of Wor- days past, is cun-'idered insane He has l«»w’*‘ saw-mill on A ntelope creek ami will been going ar« uml trying to place immense inanufa« tore excellent lumber of a I kinds loans, imagining that he has millions i«> Joan. He pawned a valuable watch ye*ter- day for |5. and conducted himself general­ ly in such a manner that Chief of Police Parrish detailed a man to look after him jrtment of fresh and see that he was not taken advantage of ern \ R Neil. J. W . N L uigril. I rras Muller, Sec , R. S Dunlap. Tyler her 3Kh. Another Hiff L tn-I tale. u \v c li.i* ><>M III» ea.t half of thr Barm > ranche in Manzanita precinct to 1’. W <>l’re»l of Phoenil for $15.000 Only a few weeks «Ince lie p«iil for the »ame properly. XodoubtMr O will also realize handsomely on his inv^tnicnt It is intended to divide the land into par­ cels of ten, twenty and forty acres, which will sell at fancy figures. Thi* scheme w ill benefit Central Point very much, as it will bring a larue and desirable population into direct eommui'ieat'on with tint place. The farmer« living in the vicinity of oil, r towns shou’ld likewise iliviile and m II their land in small quantitii-« a« it wiil not only help their »»eielibor« a great deal I nt them- selves in a like |.ro|H>rtion Jmj»rorrme»it Conlr»npht*ttl. The M E i l.urcli l.niíiünK thi. phice i« n -Klins rep.iir- veiy b.i.llv, »n-l it is )•»■> |H»»e-l Io rut it in a roiiifortable.Ti.I rr.p.-c table eoiKÜli.'ii »s so t as | h «sitile. tllb in the ri-ht manner it will require about which sum mir eilizens will he requested to Resist in r»i«:ng This is the pioneer ehitreh building of southern Ore­ gon. which wa« usidby nearly all religious ”... — ' -- • NVe hope denominations for a long time w ill r< >pohd lit « rally ami tl a> ti r I 11 * 'i< < V make the'intendrd I..;. ’ ’ improvement sue«»«.« fill. fUrCHit < »Orf The foil. «ii'K fraerrdinga. have take,, We tender our of hohd: :iy goods ever The largest st- brought to southern ’fregoli will be open» d at the S. I' Variety Store in a few days. ('.ill and sec it G » b> Ne vin’h Fisher f.-r the best I ar- gains in dry good*, groceries. b“ots and shoes, etc Hr keeps a laige ami splendid stock <»f goods. Sheriff Dean sold the Davis farm in Little Butte precim t last Saturday. It was bid in by J«»s S.»iom»*n for the amount uf the liens against t »>1 the Ma unie fra er- W» dit» -.iii Frim ise-» * Exatn- in» r th« monarch «4 the daily and week- ?y newspapers Leave y ur siiLscriptfrms at th»* T ime « « ffire. E. P. Rirl«ards"n has rented one of Ku- b!i A Bolt s farms on Tlnunpson creek. He is an experienced surveyor and offers his services quite reasonably. Everybody shouM call and see that mag­ nificent st k of goods being displayed by Newman Fisher, Great bargains in every • line arc being »fl,T»d there. The people of Woodville and vicinity will «Io well to « all at the Postoffire St«> •re. examine H'*nry'»» t »ek and ascertain his prices t>ef«»re going elsewhere. of school h*» •*» A large r- ’ «• •.m»*l*»»«' stationery et .—lir-'t-u«»*» g«»«»*L may be found at the City Drug Stor»\ and will • be sold at the most reasonable rates. place iu lb« circuit court this week I» ’• »’• t Al“V»n«ler v* «> R Myer, ar- lion to r?« '»vvr m«»n»*v. Judgment by de­ fault in th? sum ofSM. Geo. R Hargadine vs. Lottie D Wilianl; suit to forrcl«»«e mortgage Judgment by default for $175 and decree granted D. Chapman vs. Gillette. ?t a I . suit for C B. R'lstrl s barbersli«»p is being reno- •|iecific yerformanc« of contract. Ju«lg- vated. anil will s«»«»n present a much iiu- inent for plain«'«*' proved appearan« e W. 11. lliigginn, an excellent mechanic, is doing the work. A’oHre FrwW G roiccre. A meeting ot the fruit growers’sssoeds- The h.nndso’nost glassware in smtbern lion of sciiti'-”* !«•. will !»♦• on « es ami w •I .1 ir « it iz- * h lo l to h i'’»* a *4 aigli t 1 to th** « '»ii’itv •‘■• it. which will n<>t o» !• a mm h shorter «me than th.it at pre>- tr.ivr e«i. but wiil also be first-class ami i to ra p’d travel at a : I' i me“ "t th»» year. ill not I t any hmger than the road be­ en Medf'ird and Jacksonville A a rj. 1 m«i first-class line of drug*.me.1- l'-ines, lints, oil*, etc. i. hi alway* be fmiiid a» Dr II nkie’s drug st«>rc. He also has a lire assortment «»I jewelry, watches, cltM’ks pur^rs. Ilies’ satchels and IK ti«»ns • f »-very kind. 'I he doctor keeps ni­ perior g.»oale, ami. as they arc | rompt and reliable, will no doubt scrib-d for so extensively ill held at Sm Er.inci-cu N<»v. 2!Hh, for Ja<-ks<>n. Josephine ami Klamath cuuiri the <‘»-1» bra.Hm «•( the completion of the It give* m l the local news. ( ahlornia A Oregon R R , Mayor P»>nd The D » ‘«•inb ?r term of the circuit C Hirt presiding, it was on of D-« ember 1() and procred t>> Port­ taurant on the Si-kiyou nmuntainto Frank land to O|- n the road. I he committee in Cook and taken charge of the Central Ho­ charge will c«m.“i*u uf Mayor Pond, of Kan tel, formerly c«»n«lucted by Mrs. Vining, in Francisco; W. L. Merry, president of the Ashland. Hr understands tl e business chamber of commerce; Geo. H. Sanderson thoroughly and will no doubt give satDiac- president of the San Francisco board of tion. trade;A.T Hatch, president of the state Judge Day. one of our real-estate agents, board of trade; Frank Dalton, president is about issuing a neat, descriptive pam- of the produce exchange, and W T. Gar- phlcl «»f Miutln rn Oregon, which will no *■<41, of the Manufactures Ass«»ciati«»n. The to this -ei-tion. Second regiment ban«l will .^ company the doubt be of mil' ll benefit I Hr has a lar^r Int • •f land'* for sale, u hich dea-galioii. w h«> will b? gne-ts of the city will be published in the back part «»I the «if Pm thiml. as ner inviiation received from book. May«»r (iates of that city The delegates There is no doubt about the honest worth ’.VI I o< ( upv thiec «-are, an I applications of Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier. ha v be«-n iii.idr ¡or a great number of t’ck Thousands, who have 1» •••n benefited by its els on the out >i«h*. Ti«‘kvt.*» g »od for six use. will attest its virtues. This reme*l\ d.r.vs co>t but $-’•». 1 I k re whs al“«> a pub* cure“ liver aim kidney complaint, ami lie mvcl ing >4 < itiz« i'S of s.f rumcnto to eradicates < ver\ trace «4 disease irum their take action on the driving of the last spike system of the California A Oregon railroad, A For the best turnouts fur all occasions committee was appointed to select repre­ call at the Excelsior livery stable in Jack- sentatives to go to the scene and meet sonville Plymale’s prices are quite re.^- people from Portland. Salem and other sonable and he never fails in giving satis­ places in Oregon. A committee of ten was faction You will also do fy ell to patron- also appoiutid to arrange a celebration in ize his stage lii.e running ; between this this city. (»lace and Medford. Take Notire. Small farms arc a blessing t<» any country, P. Bonneville, agent fur the standard and we hope to see those who own large >ew ing-iii.»'him Wheeler A Wilson—will bodies of laud divide and sell the same in remain a fc.v weeks l••ng^'^.aml those know­ quantities to suit. Noijonly will our popula­ ing themselves indebted to the company tion b** greatly increased but the produrti ve- I r« pre-. ;»i . a 1 :i*. I It tHhciradvan- Hess «nd value of the soil enhanced propor­ ta. ge t«> settle with him before his departure. tionately thereby. Letter a l'lr» >>e«l t«> Jacksonville will each (’. \V. l/»gan, the popular Ashland pho­ him and he can be seen at the IT. 8 Hotel tographer, who has been in California re­ eyerv Saturday. All accounts must be cently, ‘look in" several new wrinkle* in setth'd up. P. lioXNtVIl.LE. the art while in San Francisco and Oak­ i I land, and is consequently heller prepared I'ruil Tree* at ITholraalf. than ever to furnish his patrons with pho­ Or.l •rs taken f >r ci »ic»» fruit trees o tographs of every style and size. II«* docs every «!»•’ iriptiou. in a iy quantity, at the the best uf work after th»* iate.^t styles.and l0W*St W i»l ’* il • rates at M E. Beatty’s never fails in giving satisfaction, Don’t real-csta »■ '/office in Medlurd. 8atiafaction guarauui fail to give him a trial. y John Milb-r k< • -n* the m st cúmplete ami best imc of flrearr is. ammunition, cutlery, etc., in southern Oregon. A tine assort ment of shelf hardware may also be found there, all of which will be sold at tin* most r* asonaba* rates. Taking of evidence in the Mensor insur­ ance case before Justice Ply male has been finished at this place and forwarded t" San Francisco. The testimony of nearly thirty witnesses was taken and ail of it is quite favorable to the plaintiff*. I*. Hagglund, <»ur tailor, has been ill tirs ha W week, tnit is able to I»? at hi« sh«>¡» a ain a» th J \V (’oil;..« is n<’w • -j I A residence of Win. Wi'.son, hi* s m in-law . W ! U ! t hi Tabic Rock prccim t. an t i* u .■l«-i the Ita treatment ot Dr. Stanley. His »umiili*-n has been much im le ía'oi.u !<• than it was for sometime past, hut it is iiua leafed that the ravages uf bis disease are t"O lar advanced to udmit of hi* recovery t,«t S. S. Aiken of Flounce Rock precinct was I A at ibis place day b'dore yesterday. tim-t Louis Nordheim aud Mi“s E naia S. lila- gelo! Yreka. Cal., returned home Sundax. L'onta Crrefi ltrni». after a brief but pleas ml visit at Jackson­ A lex Orme. Sr . who died not Ion ville. f old age. w a- *<1 years and Jas Drum, nm» of our merchants, has returned home, after a brief visit to San Francisco and Oakland. Cal. G. W. Lance, S. Duffield and Jas Burns of Foots creek . paid Jacksonville a vis.» yesterday. lion S F. Chadwick of Salem, who lias taken much interest in mint’s of southern I Oregon for a long time, spent Wednesday in Jacksonvide. W O Turrell, M Mayer. M Hiegel and Mr Ross, commercial travelers from >’an Francisco, were in the valley during t ie week. E. E. Miner, uf California was in town yesterday, lie has just sold 20 acres of ! land in Ashland for $6n00 to Levi Morris M. A Brentano was down from the Wag- , ner creek mines last week. D W. Marsh, who is engaged in mining on Star gulch, was in town a few »lays pince. G. W. AS heeler of Lebanon was here this »k’s father, is is. his son-in Thus Moe ha* bought Thu*. Carr's inter- tercst in the Lum quartz lodge, and is pre­ paring to thoroughly prospect it. Good returns are obtained. R. L. ('«»ok. son of R A <’uok. who ac i" dont iLv “hot hiin-s» If throagh the foot while "lit hunting, on the 24, i*» doing well under the < are of Dr. Colvig. Miners are busy preparing for winter We had quite a rain <«n the 10th and llth, which increased the wafer, and Duffield A I auce will be ali e now to clean up their lK“t winter’s run Jone« A Olton have not got their wood contract with the railroad complet.d yet, and roads are getting bad. though they will make It. for Jones don’t krow what week. fail is. unless it is on prohibition. W. V. Junes, the enterprising Foots Draper. Nov 22.1^7. Mixr.it crack merchant, was in Jacksonville the llaar fhtll (iatnr at H ralii'n /**»*<. forep.it t <»f the week. A rorir*p«»ndrnt «»f the T imes send* us the fol­ F. N'twman and W. M. Gilroy of A sh­ lowing report of the match gatr.r of basr-ball laud were in Jacksonville one day last which t<»<»k place Kt firn:it*H Pas-on Thanksgiv­ week on business particularly interr sting ing day: to thcmselves. lillllH Hunt«. Town Nin*». Prho<»: Nme. In th«» mu't?r of th«» «»state <»f Dani“l U-'p.nus. or.b-r of m . i : ir of 10 o’clock \ d iy of Jic uarj. IH-Sx.'i ¡►••i - • * r tr ■ said day. b-r i'M’t on« tosavi account <»n u p .hh.M'i“»! by .»rd'T <»f H «.n n E. D Paatt, Judge of said court. It cannot be highly recommended, as it is truly a MAKVEL OF THE AGE, and no bousehoic abould be without It. It prevents as well as cures Skin DlwcaMs, Oor.t, Rheumatism, Gravel, and all Kidney Diseases, Affected Liver. Headache, Nausea. Bile Wind, Indigestion, Constipation, Diarrbc»B and Dysentery, Fever and Ague, Sleeplessness, l^sslUid/. Foul Breath, and every disease brought on or aggravated by a disordered stomach. It is a Bpw cifio agtlnrt contagion and an eCkacious remedy for Biliousness, Nervousness, Scrofula Jaundice end Dyspepsia. It Purifies the Blood, Cleanses the stomach and Bowels, and gives the whole eysUm a Healthy a&d Delightful Tuoe. NEW YEAR'S BALL 1 There Dever vaa a Medicine for the Nursery equal to IL FOR SALE BY ALL 0RUCCI8T8 ANO CROOERS. ASK FOR THE rtvcr by tie- Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band at fiso — •on Friday Exiliar Decente 30. 1887. (’ominitt»'«» of Arnuig«'inent*-- A'I hib Schmitt. G«*«». D. Linn and Isaac MutlerT Reception Committee Fr»*F TM*<» E \ E< f TIGN S DC I .Y i"HU(*d out of th.’ circuit court of the Statu of Oregon, f«»r JarkMon county, and to in»» di- rert«‘d and delivered <»tu* upon a judgin« nt recov- 1^111*1111 111*4* or»'d in Mud ooart ««n the 2Sth day of November. 1ssJ. in fav«»*- of Oslsirm* A Ah'xander. plaiiitiffa . . 4 J on Mensor II r. and against O R. Myer, defendant, by which I Mrs. E. Cochran ami her daughter. Miss J (>rd D. Smith J J u k Schmer 1 am conimandci to niak«* th»» sum of $53.72 now (i duo on said juiit, with legal int«T»*st th»*reon W. Razer Behe. (»€»» men and leading educators. brought gladness to many a household By nr real property of said defendant, by virtu** <»f servie»«» to the people of Southern Oregon. TUK MOST PERFECTLY EQI IPPED BCBOOL Afoore’e flair Inrifforntor its prompt use for breaking up the colds which la'-t mentioned writ. 1 did. on the 30th day . r>f its «I.«*» r>n the CuMt- it <4Terv private er class of N«»v»,tnb»,r. 1KH7. niako a second l»*vy upon said . ■a* ('an be found on sale atGeo. Hchumpf’s bar- ! that tow often develop into that fatal disease I hereinafterdeecri!»e th»* »aid two <>x«*cnli«>n?. offer for Type writing. Businei and Legal tree, ( all and try it. No lady's toilet is j grave. Y»u make no mistake by keeping ' sal»*, for cash in hand, at public auction, tn th»» Done io a superior manner and at prices t«» suit B v r • i^.Shorthand « -nd all Cw mun Schuol Branches. Students . highest hi'ider. al the court house door in Jnck- It cure, datulrufl. ? •> >''!» <•! U' ” |>le»«-.nt retn-dy u> your complete without it. I «»t ad age* and > tb sexes admitted at a iy tune. ; the tunes. I refer to the jobs of |«aintina I have IU f.-.llin/r (at .'ure ir .quallv ’ sonville, in said county and State.on prevents the hair from falling out. will ' nistroi«g and Weses. Pro »rietom. previously done for recommendation. Hausfac- Catalogue free. Saturday, Ikrembrr .?/, 18871 give dry and wiry hair a moist and glossy | effective ln eradicafing all traces <•( Nasal I tion guaranteed. • I Catarrh. Rolli of these wonderful Califor­ at 2 o’clo-k »». m. of *ii 1 dijr. al Give --------- me a ----------------- trial and -- judge for r yourself. appearance. right, title -— — -------- -------------- nia re.iiedien are sold and warranted by and interest of said O. R. My»*: I feadant m | Orders left at Merritt’s New Cash Store wip City Drug Store at $100 a package, 3 for . and to ftll of the following desci o I real prop. I receive prompt attention .VH.iral lnatrncltona. erty.to-wit: Being the south 6 4 ’ the follow- T. J. < RE88. he undekkignfd offers fob sal Prof. A ifuitiuer. a tirot clam mu’ician $2 1 ing d«y*cribed lot or parent of l.i., »-wit*, coin his f rm in D**r rres* valler. JceepMM | mencing at the northw»*fit c«»r and mi’ter of in iny in’trnnrent,. is pre­ of Jasper county. s«‘ven miles from Kerbyrills It ooc- Xfm . ' Houck'w hotel lot in th? town of A ’ in4, Jack- Uin? >«crrs of land, well witered. about 108 pared to give instruction, on tire piano, or­ From B., bve s sheep camp in Klamath son county. Oregon, and running >ncc south acres of which are under feoneand in cultiwUSQ gan, violin, cornet, piccolo and other musi­ county, several days since, a female mule, i 4«i fe 4. thence east 193 f«’>?t. th»»«v- ■ »rth 4 1 f»s»t. three or four ncree being set in bearing fruit 1 t-enc«» west 193 fest, to the pla<* beginning. A «HEHSMENT NO 17 OF Í2 PER SHARK ON frees and must of the balance te a ‘no sueceDQbln cal instruments at very reasanab'e rates. black in color. 15»^ hands high, branded The above l«»t is described ou tli- • • _ icial ___________ plat of 21. th« capital stock of the Gold Hill Mining to gram s’ d fruit raisi ur Th*re i» a oomiotta- ’ the surv«»y of «aid town of Ashls ■. in 1 n«9, hr 76 on left slide A reward will be paid Comnany. levied Ort- St. 1*H7, »»* rowdu»« atul Hn dw. lliiT’4 oom on tl.e pikce ; also a goad He guarantee, satistai tion. for her recovery or any information that i lot numlx-r (1) in bio k number A. i (3) of said pwabl»* to Henry K’ipp**l. Sorretary. ar Jack*on • bam. t-labl? and other buildings- This is onaoC ville. Oreiron, and if n«»t paid within thirty duya the best ranch?« in southern Oregon and wiUJm may lead thereto, (t is supposed that rhe : town. James .Sullivan of Salem. Orrgi Given under my baud thi* 1st day uf December. from this da»? will b? delinquent. hold cheap if application ia mada b M went toward the Klamath reservation I A. D. 1M7. ... order ------------------------------------ ----------------------- By of the Board of --------------- Directors or Tru tee? further particuls'« apply to Hsary lilipp«L he was cured of the A Ww B. W. D3 a N, Hberiff F lj FiauK Bybee. Magnet:** Elixir. .« v.t, • E Dxi’^A.’r At/* PWofit.-. B pecialty Ash Bedroom Sets from $3o