ovil CLV Ü HIN ft R I TEH W1TU OTH­ i ER PU HLK..4L1OSJI. I WINES À ¡3 LIQUORS. * DISTILLERY! JOHN A HANLEY, Prop’r, JACKSONVILLE - - OREGON Oa’.oa 4 Girren, General Agents- A Pure, Unadulterated ARTICLE <>K BOURBON, RYE —AND - Corn W’dsky! JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. li riviriti»« to «uit ned;. . ’•* that cannot i VOURnCl LD WEEKLY. ] beh» to g v • ««atiafactton. ♦> i .» i i »-•* ir.» kb*>luft*!y p ire, and superior Flour, per thou-iand lb* ................... .... 113 CO Whixat, per banltei .............. ........ ÖO to » iy in thi* in irket 50 Barley, ’* ............................... SAriSFAt’TlON ( ANTEED. Oht!*, •• ... ......................... ........ 50 Mill Food. p<»r ton ........................ ... .. . 15 *U Hny, wheat or timothy, per ton ....... . ... HI Ut) EtfgH. per dozen ... . ... .. I»' Hu : per lb. ............. .... 3o (’or. • *ahforui3.*:id Or-goo Streets. Jacksonville Potato«*«*, | h . t 1 b................................... . ------ Ul (abikigu, “ ......................... .......... ------ Ul OtllOHH, ” ............ ..................... ----- OP* B mu *, *’ ......... ................. .... US ('»»rmtioal, per !C'. lb'«. ...................... .. 3 uu rilHOl’Gii TICKETS. 12} CUNTS. Lird per In in tin*............................. 1) Harn and tkanm ...................... .......... 12 to 15 Dried Applet*, per lb. ... ................. ....... U6 J’ I >I< E WlNK.4. l.lirl.’ORH INI» CIGAIta Phlin«, •’ ............................ ....... H) V .''»iiti'.'indy mi hand. T:.e 1 '¿dm;;-table i* ;«!•««> “ Penta, “ ............. ............... 1U ■» i?r»li t with Eastern pun-►heal« and lo.uiinz 10 pip »r-* o* th.» count. 75 $2 So to 1 k«»vp n strict ly place. Givi» tn« a »‘.all. J B. HI; PH MISCELLANEOUS INVALUABLE FOC. BUTINS, SUNBURIL-, DI.'.l’.P.HEA, CHAF­ INGS, STINGSOl INiECTS.F1LE3, SORE EYES, SORE FEET. THE WONBIB OF HEALIN8! 'n I Orffnntae.l with a tall SlaST at cfgbfe.a Kxperirnt-rd a,J MUUfal Phy.lrtana and buiEcona far th« tr-atnKB< or all Cbrunle l>:»ea«.;. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chron'e Nasal Catarrh. Throat an* a^auiZ lUtaMMt».»«. Liver «***4 Kidney Bladder i>isea«<»% lileeaees or WomeniBloo;! Dieeaam a:>>•«■ *o,i. i4L«at.j. j tarr j-ractlccs are •isKslit, For Pile», Illitxl, Blccdintr or Itrh- 4n», rt is rhe ijr-atc t known icinetly. For Buri)«, Sc -.l«!-., ». aad<. l!rni-c« nail Sumins.it i r.no”: 'fl st« ppin.’¡»nin aud healing in a marvcih ' - .ninr. For Inilame«! ;»n«l s<>* 'hrs. H-* effect upon th«- pg ilelicau- organ * i-* -. ¡-!y marvellous«. It is the Y.ntlies* Frlfsul.—Ail f -nuite complainU yield to its woutlroua power. For (.'leers. Old Sor«'«, <»r O|>cn Wounds, Tout liar lie. I'nccarhc. Ittica _ __ of ln«e«*f«. Sore Feet, its action upon these is most reuuw'.ahlc. liLcoM v i. .V de <> n r rn isici.t ns ! VSED IN HO.SPIT IIS! Ertufion.—PONIES EXTRACT ft ax bt^n imi­ tated. The of mure h u wordt “ PONiys EXTRACT^' Noun In iAc f ¿c >. ami our picture trade mark on r u rou ■ •dlnq bujj^ u rapper A one ctJier u genuine. Always v.eist on haring POND'S EX Til A C T Take m> ci her pr+pctra- tUm -11 I* n«c«r eo/cf »« b-Uh or hy tneavtre. XT LA U2.’SATE T j TIE A.NT PR CP A?. AT ION except the Genuine vxrn uu» tmio- TI ons . Vi^d Externally and InttrnaTy. Prices, 50c . $1, $1 75. Sold everywhere. CTO vr N ew (’Attrni-rr witu H istoky or or* PiiBrAiiAYiONS Fi.vr FREE on A ffucation to POND’S EXTRACT CO., 78 Fifth Avonuo, Now York. 1 per'nan. nt y cund l.y out Specialists. Boole, p. ^t.pald, lj ct... iu stump*, nuptwrc, er Drench, rarti- cally cin-ii, without thu knife, without dependence upon trusnui, r.-td with very llttio Uo"k *vnt Xor Uo 0,1113 ta stamps, PILE TmOKS n-v| S’T Rir-Tl ftr«1 t-’ Ut.'l with th" go a’. : ,u,., < Book «-tit for ten cents In staiu| ;. Address W orui ' s t ISPKS.AKV JC:t«i<-.u- ~4UUAItu.-i.ew Main Strert, BudUu. 24. Y. Tao ticn'mc? cf man-.- thcu-an , t . ■ s those dii.-ases |-"cui;..r to WOMEN s’ t»>o Tnval'ds' Hotel end thnvenl Institute, I ks «f. C Tp.TKi.ct; IQ '• «uxd rtUobdicn FIi:iXC£»9 Favorito Prescription Is tho result of thia vast experience. Tt !* n powerful r!c*torative Tonic in d Ncrtlu-. (;n;»aruvi'’«.r and str.ngtli t > • )'•S’. au. (Aq jf I y m jrru . l,rn« rorrhea, or tthhev’ exetaalvo liw iita, painfu **enatriiatioii, uu« i.ttural a»1 j»prt.•»-« proInp*nu or billing ot l*2O ui » k. , v . cu ' a back, aiitr version, retro ver-i am , bearing, down wen «at loi’% ehrouir conffea« .Ion, In.tamnioEfon and ulceration ih<* v. .ai!», 1. nammatlon, pnln □ ml ten«!« r ’puu in o%nrtp*i, (uteri* tl lit at, and “female MrcakncgR.M • r’ ll'v i find runs Nnnsea ct «¡« mo ch, In«!igec. tion, N<»r* otiv | roMrntioxi« and tMecplcB*nc »*, In either rvx . PRICE $i.CO, ??„• 3SSS Sold by r>rn-'r:«l. r, (.¡A -tvh'-rn. S.-n4 IU M 4 1 • 1 . 1 ,r |.ir..a ».eatwe UU l>bu«L< I Ul v . ¡.. U, ¡ik^iraud.' Work's Dispasary E'ij'c-' IssMkliax 603 lluiu Btrcat. DVri’ALO. N.Y. {'iiunAsxs, ' •”'> -î-cda«hr, ì'lZ/.>< .. 4 'lllstip'l. iloti. •. i..-■ 11 on. a :> I l.ll.ot. . prut: ' cur 1 I .- Dr. S’iertr’s i'.raic t I'm-gativ« Pellets. u nís a v*»l, by T>ri«gu:i Oregon & California The Mt. Shasta Route. Clo-.. « -n v -’ions ma I-ir Vhland with ntag«* > of the California. <)r.’_on and Idaho StageCo. DM V l:i Nl|.|s u4 %r M.IMi. I Tiruo hvtW’-eu M'‘«lf.»r«l arid San P'r'*”ci«co. twenty-six hours. Tl. A! As 1» AILY. I"7. F »rr i., i A -Itf»- 1C JU A. M ’■ l»-ave 6:25 I». M \-l.l a. I I. vóli p M. Public Notice. VtiriCf: 14 HERFHY tilVI \ TH A T 111 VMFS .N Hnw. h »v»’ ptee»sl a large rm.nte'r <»f their »ut*”» i »«! •«'i th»*ir t»«H>k MCCiMirf*« in th« han. tic. I NY GJ tut • tf i • -n «I rete L A «r )twtf A’v I - v- awl S» tr. •! ■*.»• ; free t-» Fit |»M . Tj exyirexs hartes otx tje-x w hew vi'»» a-x 1 •<'>-e«s a Idrrv. • < ! 'fiVer* I to ! ’ . 1 \ • o <« Ar h ««. .Phri xdrtnti'.vr*. . a ». mu a »i e/’ Lw i rn J :.\ú i ka ASK FOR THE BOSS BOOTS And all of UNRIVALED GOODS! K. R. A:i I C*>nn.‘ctiou.. m JL »»O Waba.h Avcuuc. < lu .«o, IU. ■ n April «. UM. Tnz ?-.v ~ ma. Cx ; G .fitli >>t. , i I pensioner for forty yean d ■ ;ry and other diseases In ■ tun the liter March. 1575 < <'f rheumatism. On that day 1 w ’ v.-l.h that dls- ease In both id; . 1 >r twenty days I walked «n erutcl ■; aslcsi violent^ but It ihlft’-'t • wreks I woulj be tutalh d«-. r my body or the other. 1 • i moment for «•lev* n >* r.i * i' ft « nt March 1, ¡»¡5, wtii’D I • '>i*r 1. ;•*<». whrn 1 was. • • rn j enrs of in- tense SUiTe,;; I j prescription* from vnrl - • » lythlng i>ug- gest-’ I hy frl. it.' • ivt-d the least b«n« tit from in. • Internally or ex ternaiiy. 1 uii ; i 1 ch , about tba first of Sept -Li : . ! • tn ¡ro to the Hot Spl in» * of Ar!; ¡ •«paired of erery other remedy, v 1 in . met an old ae- quaiutanre. J*-. K’ ’ t.‘ Lawrence House of this city. He i. u! «. . -« 'i, h.i been cured by a V is;t to ¡1 t : s. 1 * w c. n I met him he told me ri. it. .; . ' • • it • Si . - r!-gs _____ was — in vain - — he fou nln H' -f '¡it from H<>t3pnngs he hu.tr« i, f< r t) : b. s. a« a remedy fur rhet nia’isin 1 ,.x »«»trie« made comple'e cure. . t v e parsed since, bur he ha* lia-l n • rrf. r « < i ’ i . I IrnriedKitUy i ' . t■ ir. In September I took f->ur i> dtl« ■*. HU'i • t.‘■ ilr*t of October I was wail-as far a.» th« ri «:i wan concerned. All pain had di • ■ • ,, < . t ¡- elt a Twisag OF IT SINCIL I nave no Inter» ; f ► ; : his statement other t han the hope t¡iu . i.i.». »ur« • <>f rv. I if it has this result I am well rewarded f. r y t? >ubls. I am very re- •peCtfuily aud truly your irieud. J. M. H Maanx. OVERLAND .0 «HFORNIJ VIA MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. ■ I •!fic as a . I ..11 blond dis- u u* Illustration nnso’.ic.ted and cncrable gentle and conclusive. >«lppL Tho r-s an i to whom owes his King. for k of the Lawrcnco For ul. by ail ilniesUt«. TreatlM on Blood and san. D i . oiuhm ruallvd frac. Tan S wift snciric Co., bruwer .1. Atlanta, Oa. Th» 1.1 1UUV <11 11,1C ta l*>nr<) Sept, aiul March, each year. ¡oqgm, H v 11 luciieM.w ith over 3.COD lllu^ationa — a «hiilr Picture Gallery. GIVES Wholesale Prices direr* tn rnntnwr» ou all cooda for l»*raoi»al or family use. '1 < 11« hove to order, and gi»r»« riatt co«t of every* tiitan you u»», rat, drink, wear, or hare fkn with. Thete 1SVALV 4BLB HOOKS contain information gL*aur«l from the luarkrf* of the world. We will mail a copy I'HKE to any ad* «ire«« upon receipt of 10 cts. to dt fray espenee of mailing. Ix*t ua hear from you, lie «]>ect fully, IVftSTOPPED FREE ■ dH Wk ÀI IJ I Wf Buuk 4 tl) 1 St. Nichol as ................. .............................. 5 AM» j II trper's Mon:hly . ... . 5 5«) | H«r dusky skin, her blushes sweet. Her founded girlish face. American \g iculturiat ......................... . 3 50 | Harper's Young People ......................... . 4 UU 1 Her dimpled hands, her tiny feet. Her charming mod*a*t grace. Peterson’s Mugazin»» ...................... .. 4 (M H«His<«keeppr 3 (I) Her m»»rrj laugh. her flashing wit. O furnished ata re­ Would make a cynic r.iwe. duce*! pricj when «Tilered with the t'lMES. Oh. 1 would never tire of it nilEd PRINTING HU USE If 1 could be her slave. Jacksonville Ougun. ^OGUE RIVER .71N£S, GENERAL NOTES AÌDSEV8 Simes. ¿¡u The country may real asstireO that New Yoik State is ever nun* fur III? Democracy. Th** new relied d.‘of the Northern I’a- cifir wont intoetr ct S in lay. It hort- w ens in eastern connection eighteen hours. Fred Grant, the son of his father, was beaten nearly 1.4.000 voles in tl.e iare . ior secretary of state in New York on the ’ Sth. ■y"11 L. SanineFk has disposed of Jiis litho- i graphing department to a job printer 'and will devote himself to the IFfif I Shore. A \Vonv.n irom .\iistria, Near Hie i il.- ¿e of Zillillg- dorf, in Lo-vi’r A. t::a, lives Maria • i: an intel' nt and indusl • «nr 11, \v!.i'S.‘ story of phi ■ it ; ¡ iii iing and final ,. 7. * relief. ' -< i\'.'-;le«tii i nuik, butwassn tilkell v. iii; a pain in my side, which i’ little while seemed to spte d over Lover my whole laxly, and thiol i ■ I :n my every limb. This w:t h'ilowed by a cough and sl:<>;: i <-s of breath, until finally I f<>id«l not sew, ami I took tc. t::\ > . d for th ami, as I i . ■. ht, for time. ?- fi.i mis toll my tiii;-- L i i . ally c that I could not liv than when the trees their gt' < u one«1 more, haiipctic I to get one o gel pirn p’:!‘ ts. I re; my de:. <>' 11«* ' }4 Judge B. F. Bonham has been attack cd with fever in (’ ilcutta and for awhile his life was despaired of, though the | chances now ate in favor of his recovery. The vote on division of Dakota is esti­ mated at b>,0<)) majority, on the ques­ tion of prohibition and high license it is ’bought prohibition will get a small ina- ■ jority. The special session of the Gr»»gon State Tempeiance Alliance, ordered bv the last regular session of the alliance, convened in Portland. Oregon, Tuesday, November 22, 1HS7. at 19:30 a m ALL SORTS It is reported that the famous Jane L, II. Ruler Hatmard is said to have two owned by S. G. Reed of Portland, is for more literary monstrosities in course of sale, th« price being |2,500. Last week Wells Fargo sold f»>r fl,590 and she is construction. worth a whole stable full of such ani­ The latest sensation is the discovery­ mals. in San Francisco that by some defect in Pete Olben, tin* Napa, Cal , murderer the law over 1000 divorces have been granted illegally in that city prior to has a^ain been captured at Moscow, Idaho. He has now been arrested at 1880. Great Scotti lea-t a dozen times, besides being killed William Dillon who, while in a drunk once or twice, hut always escapes han^ en condition, accidentally shut and killeti in;. Charles .Manciet in l’uitlanl never»! Oregon voted on a constitutional weeks since has been convicted of mur- ' ! amendment to change h -r election from tier in the second degree. to June. A colt which has the head and pans November u",n 3,i>'li() votes. It was beaten by i............. It was sillmiitted of a bear and is covered with a long, ¡at the wrong time. Oregon ear not forego thick coat of hair, is a curiosity in the pleasur? of firing the tir't gun in St John’s parish, La. When walking 1888. the colt stands erect on its hindlegs, like The supreme court of Georgia bus a bear. decided that brewers whose piopertv A large amount uf Laki- county wool has been damaged by the enactment of »till lies in San Franei»co in the hands prohibitory laws cannot recover damages of commission merchants. The ow ners on the ground that the public does not are longing for a rise in the market, the take and inju e ’heir property for the proiluct liuving arrived too late to catch ‘ use of the public,but pr.-vents them from the best prices last Rprin.». taking or damaging the public for their Delinquent Subscriber (to country j use a long way for a che ip ma .. The expense of living h i, g » h \ n.- cr*‘ast»d in Washington, an I tin» h g’n r- nts are troubling many (’ mg »-ssni n who have only their s,ihi:ie> to «l«‘p«*n I up »n. Houses in the fa'h ona’de set ,.. tion rent from $(» 10 to $13.D »’) a y> a’ , an»l the $»» )0 hous. s are, as a ml.», li’th* ones of six or eight io<»ms. l’rovisi>»ns are plenty, but prices a t» high. S Hi Fran'-is -o has ! >st a g m > I <|.»,il of northern Dade sine » th * opening of the Northern Pacific R lilroa l. It I ia « not. however,lo-t it all by any means. When tho C.ilitorn:a and t) eg >«i road is fini«*h- ¡ell, it will teg.iin a great d«»al of wh.it has I been taken fr mi it. As this road will be | ' o;»eiied about the close of the year, a hri«‘f resume of the present status of trade bet ween San Francisco and Oregon will I be «acceptable. H. C. Matney died .it hi.- Lome on Matney flat several days since,.says the Arlington Timex. Thecause of hisileath was the »»»suit of an accid nt which be­ fell Mr. Matney while he was hauling w j>i a few days before lie Hit. Y»v’vv and uro pr.-.-outed by Dy»- nitrii • mile*« of Linkville. on (he Fort poptia, uso Acker's Ey. pc; .3 Tablets. Klam., • »:i*l. Fifteen u *ree a>* • under fane»» and ir ■.’¡»tjon. w > le m»*t of th « b-I ince is They are a pe.sitivo euru for Vyspensia, In­ *o*e«*ptJ. io tilla ______ :•*. Thro»» ¿-A a g<»o*l Wi-ll of r*. digestion, Elatu: r.-y ai d Const.paticu. ter and u iorb ou-*e on t’.e •• property. — For further Wu guaruutc them' and 50 cents. particular* call on or whir**** 1 C. N GJihJJM. L nkvilla .Or. Qty Drug titare. Daily Passenger Trains Except Sundays Leave Yaquii a ” Curvai ii* Arrive Albany. ft;30 a . M. Laiva Albany 1 i A. M. ( ■’ < valli« H;t5 a . M. Arrive Yaquina 0 &C. Trails Coined at Albany and Corvallis WM. M. HOAC, caniitK trli • Ex- f Acting G. F. P. Ag«*nt. 4’orvallie. Or 1 1 ; »i) ir ) *n»;« powder nev'c A marvel of purity. Xrenc’h nnd who!•wonwn^t More ex-oBonti.wl Jinnth««»rd oarr i r.d«,md' -in-"t besoidincom with t'«o - ♦-«», abort v: '.^htjnbiTnorph'js. ris CANS. U "AL liaLDi'a ,. P/'WsdHI» >epliii e County, containing 320 acre* of rich bottom land, especially adapted to the growth of timoihy hay and clover. About one-half in cleaied ai d in cultivat »0’1. and nio**t of the balance can be easilj cleared. There ih a «ttenm of water running tliroughthe place the v» ar round, affording plenty of water foi atock and some for irrigating. The place is all inclosed by a good rail fence. I here i* a house anil bam And 2PH young fruit tree* on the place. It also l a« the best outside range it the county; also another excellent place contain ing 12? acres For full particular* cill upon or address O. J. VANN01 Kerhyvillr. Oregon a ip » :i.tiinilhiu' ■ < • • ! i-i- niotht-! . ! i>< ri lieve li< r t. » one crossed ' 1 ► ! '7 could ii, t h.t:' i tie little I h '.I in our plncc I. we thought but Seigei h i'.xhact of i now she I ¡y. goes to b, uni! even in the i 100.000 Tic\<’tH nt Twenty Dollars each riolv^s at ¿10 Quar. er«* at $5. Teutlis at $2. Tweutieth at $1. THIS is th;; top of the uine “ Pearl Chimney, ail are imitation . FARMS FOR SALE THE UNKERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE A No. 1 grain farm, contain).' g 2(4 ncres of ullal>4<- land, lying near the stage toad, hix miles east of Jacksonville. Place is weU improved; good well of water for house use and living stream for stock. Also, 215 acres lying within half a mile of Phcenix, all under fence; can at small expense be put in cultivation. On the 2)4-acre farm there is lit' acres of gram and bay growing that 1 will soil with the farm if desired, ( an give pOtiSCHMon at any time. For particulars call on or address JOHN 8. HEREIN. Ashland, Oregon ¡'.-tonisliej A CARD Tuesday, December 13.1887. FARMS FOR SALE. IARM FOR SA l E I t comprise* 80 acre* of land, most of which is i under fence, well watered anti auaceptible to cnl- ' tivation. The dwelling house and outbuilding« ar«» in good condition, IwHide* which there i* a cabinet shop supplied with superior water-power For further particulars, enquire on th« premise* ' or address G. B. CALDWELL. Williams P. O.. Or. eing in this section now , m aking a "r«»p'»rt” <>f c«rtain ruining property for ea*t- FARM FOR SALE. '•rn t.N *w York) c iphaltets, I will take pleasure 1:1 pHr-Aonally meeting mine'* and mine>owner» ind rn-tk« arrangement« with them to render an THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE Illn'Uratrd ••Keport*’ anti thnrottzn lnvr>*tiratten hi* farm, *ituat»*d r.»»ar Bybee s ferry, ten mil»* of the Title. C«»rr>ct Lnration Line*, auiomii ! of from Jacksonville. containing 160 acres, Mi' acr«* Gravel or Ore in tight. H^rsonalh avtavrd »alue being under cultivation and the balance being nfaniMjroloirical ( hart of the ••WORKING PROi- first-class timber and pasture land. A go»*! I’MT." etc., of their property. Any desired refer­ house, bam and outbuilding!*are connected with ence can te, given, bur J would rather that niy the place. Title perfect and term«» reasonable w«»rk te» allowed to speak for itaelf. For further particulars apply to the T imes My correspondent m Southern Oregon i* M office or J. 8. GRIGSBY. E. B«.»:tyof Medford, to whom any comznui.ica- Central Point P. () tion for me may be address«»«!. DR. WILLIS E EVERETTE. Practical Mining Expert & ( on*nlting(»eologi*t. To Wiom It May Coaosra SMOKE TH rJPIDS! good, b Insist and top. TO ENGAGE IN OTHER PUlt- suit*. I offer f<»r Bale on reasonable terms my D ESIRING Property on Williams crtw'k, Josephine county, GEO. TO THE HUNGRY & WEHRT: Ashland Boarding-House and Feed Stahls! The i ’ l Tsigned take* pleasure in informing the public t‘iat he ha-* taken charge of the Bo.ard- ing-h«»us«’ and Feed Stable in the eastern portion of As.dand. on the o'.d at age-road, where he i* now prepared to furnish The Bait Aoiommodations Foi man and beast, at price* to suit the times . I <»ive me a call for pr«mf of what I way. THO8. MAYHEW H aving cost thk ^ hhlk of my prop rrty by fir*recently, ari I needing what i- due ni* all tli>»Ho indebte I to tbo und'‘r*iffnr‘d wi II do na* a créât favor to mil anti -«ottle wi'liout fur t er d*’lay. I do not wi*!i t » *vis ’ t rouble <>r exp- ►<• to a i.v>M»dy. ba« la . rompali«*! to a«k a «•pnody ■«Mtlement from all ovine m'*. A w >rd t »the wìm » is sufficient. n TJCLOPTaN. i Brovosborv, Or*,Ao«- 30.1W. A. ?T littsbur ■ B , i ' To the Miners and Mine- Ow.iers of Southern Oregon. POWDER Absolutely Pure. B For Farms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardens and Lawns âl V. an-an St., New Tort. I 1 , I Lind Offi -'-at Roseburg, Or.. ? O. t 25. lss7. ( fk|OT’( E IS HEREBY (HV* N THAT THE ■50 f«»il'W'i g nain«’d s«-tt!» r ha• filed notice uf I. s intention to make final proof in support of hi-claim, ar d that -aid pr of will be made be- 1 the J ud^c or Clerk ot the County Court of Jackson ' . <’r . at Jark-««::V'iie. Or., on W«-n th«* man­ (kt. 25,18-7. Oregon Pacific Railroad Co. ner provided ’»y Law; ai «1 1 will, in oh. dn nr»* to rjoib 1 BY GIVEN THAT THE san! writ, «-ff-r for sal«’ for card» in han I at Ew f olio** mg IURÎ lariu xi sen <*r I kuf filed uo i«« of public auction, to the highest bidf said da; ” ay, all the right, title Will .:tte V.llifv ■<.’itni«l y Nov. Mh, 1 i Friday 11th. 7 A. M h<»*n'’-l« «1 ent• •• No. 42- 5. for the S W 1-4 <»f 8 E and inter» st of said G“urge t Ú ............... . . rtefend ___ Wiihaiti-. I ,a-!cr:> t >r go-; .ThuradNy F id.y •* llfli. 9 . “ 17th. 11 1-1 s. elio.-. 4. Ü ! • of N E 1-4 ami NF 1-4 of NE m t. in arid io all «»f the following doscrite d r»»al Y «¡.ii"K i ’ey \V. d:.-l .y - likli. K» I ile.w-laj •• ?2«l. 5 •* He pr«»p'’rty. 1(«-*.vit : Th« east half of the following i ! s «’tion 9 *1 p 37, S of R. 2 East. W. M Willune’to Vall< y Tue-day " 22 i. H \lond iy _ ’* 28th. 10 ” nam - th - following to prove hi« coutinaoua *l»^Tibed premises : Beginning at a point 19 Eawtern Oregon Sunday " 27 th. $ Saturd in«»r of Mason. 111«*. F. Davis. All of Lake creek P. donation claim of J«»' n Johnson. Nu 43; thence o . J uh-on county, Or« gon. TOBY, Gen f th< Given under my hand this 2nd day of Nove u- ; »'ounij . Or- gon. at Jack-onvillc.Or. on Tu'tday. ber, A. D 1887. Dec. on. It>s7t v z: Gid ««on Hutchens, hoine- B W. DEAN. Sheriff -t*»ad eimy. No. 4JU3 forth’ W ‘3 of S W 1-4 of P. P. I^ tm . Attorney for Plaintiff. ' - ’<’t!<» 1 •?. and N ! s of N W 1-4 of section 13. Tp 37. S ««f R. 2 Ea-t. W. M. He names the follow­ ing witness' s 10 prove hit continuous residence uj>on, ami cultivation of. said land, viz : W. P. Fa.low. Joseph Ra'.idlua, Geo. M. .Manon, Win. NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Randle*. All uf Lake creek P. O.. Jackson Co., HIER HlLFlMILLIOXDIsTKIBLTED Oregon. ('HAS W. JOHNSTON. Register. ) to »!e- i; h i ' ut ■ i *;•' 111 Ev«i j Sheriff'8 Sale VAQULXA & SAX FRANCISCO bi Notice ior Publication B. W. DEAN, Sheriff and lax Collector uf Jackson < ‘ounty. C. C. HOCUE, («encrai Manager, li­ li thev saw li.-r out, l;n<>win¡» many yours *di" ha.I been iu To-ri»l f«»r ('nts HilOp M Ar tv. M I,.,„Vili,. I ,.»•*«♦• V4â A. M. liriu-e-. Sor«'. l l.-< r'. s.ilt Rheum. F vv . t At V - iny i-tij,’ , ■ >n-i.«ct with train»» of ' T«“. Telti'r. ('h ippeil Han.is, < inlhiain» <>r*»g.»n Pacific Cyrn'. ami all skin Eruption,, ni-l pcii F.. P. BOGERS. tn*• cur.', for l'ite»,orn<> iiy r.'quireil. It H. KOEHM It G. F. .V Pan«. A<’t <« iruaranieeil to i;ive perfect iati'fa. t on or Manager nion. y refu «»r in siipp«>«t of hi* «•him. ai d th xt sai«I ¡»»o«»f will be made before fl. ’Judge <»r ( P*rk «>f the < ounty ( ourl of Jack- -o’i < . Or . a’ Jack -ncviil«’, Ore on. <»n Wed- m*se strictly enforced. Louisiana State Choicr (trapee for Salr, I Grapes for sale at .1. N. T. Mil’er ¿ vine­ The general term of the New York t V i :ri I thri» ’- ■ its ;» ».- ji rm I . Supreme Court refus»»d t«> admit Hong yard, \ u ( hang, a voting Chinaman, as mem- All kiu Li of pi* • Iu- • ’a Ceti in "X.- ■L ’i ing«». * her of the I >ar. h<* havin'/ |., ishi ->I a-i ex­ A n Cur •. amination. W V ÌH‘ii Be pienentv l hini'-elf Í I’he (>i i_'i;i 11 Ai 11 ■** < >.nt ment is only 1.................... ■ . . for ex Iiiiinat ♦ .... on 1... ll(. ....... made an ¡uli i |.,vit i put up tn large tw«> »uuce tin i b ix«1', and is that he wan a re«ii|ent of that Stat", and 1 an ah-olnh» cur»» f.»r old sores, burns, had applied to the I'niled States Dis I wound-». ( h ippt-il hamh. an I all skin triet Court to tie made a citizen. I|p ia eruptioi-.v Will p.»sitiv«'!v (•urc all kinds a graduate of Columbia College Law of pile*. Ask for th*» Origi ina! Abietine School, lie was refused on th« giuund Ointment S»hl bv all »hngg ;is s at 25 * t«i. that the exi'ting laws forbade th • natur­ per box—by mail .‘10 cents. Work aud z»f Aii illmtrated < atalo^nc. containing lull information of fancy work and ninteriah We.t Sid« Hvi.ion. used, alsoof woolen yarns and their u-vs. Hirn i:»: V i *<» k < i. % . ■> a « intvil.i.1. with valm,bl« information to ladies. Sent on application. M iti truss nuLv (rxcErr srxDiT.) N ewmax a L evinson l'J9 and 13!, Kearney St.. S. F.. ( «1. 225 MILES SHORTEN, 20 HOURS LESS TIME. 3 F j The O. A C. R. K. F«rry mak«** connection with all th*» rnffnlar trair* on the Ea^f Side Divteioo from foot •»( F street. Notice for Publication 1887, ■ -1 i’ «>!.»• Is b • 1 s' foUIld, it k. pt iiki* :i V'dli'. I The frv. pt I'.-ci i cd nre lrfir- rowetl I to ...«d, an|>le lutve f tl.e art *«f ing flint it cured me, ;!|'d to |,e If.hj Lottery in 18>8, for E<1- < ►ale ««EgreHS of «June 3. 1S7S. t nt tied "An ru t for th« IS I Ì Incorporated by th» ’ Legislature of limb ’ -r lands in the States of California I' ! I :-ure to m t the right kind. I ' neatn»nai and Charitable purpos«»s. and its frai.- Oregon. Nevada rind Washintrton Territory. ' s « In*« made a part of th«* present State Cwistitu- Squire 8. Aiken of Deekins, county of Jackson, know« woman w).<» u:i> look­ I | lion, in U’79. by an overwhelming popular vote. S ate of Oregon, ha- this d ij tiied in this «.dire k 1 ins eworii statement for t»«ei«urchase ot th« N It» Ornud biiigl«* N(iuib«*r I ing like help for her, thMt the land sought i- more valuable for its j Decern bei). tiinl»« r or st on»' than for aaric iltural ¡mrpoees. th.it she had eoii'uitche miidit honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward claims in this office on or before said 14th day of make no mistake. She n <-k ; all parties, and we authorize the Company Januiry, 1*6* (View <>f Fence iti position.) ’ HAS W. JOHNSTON. Regishw i to use this certificate, with facsimiles of cur mv advice and the Syrup, nd I signatures attached, m ifx advertisements. now she is in perfect h«aitli, Administrators Sale of and the people around us art .K.eal Proper ty- amazed. The medicine hat In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the count} of Jackson, sitting in probate made such progress in In the matter of th*» estate of fsarah Selle Free­ land tieceased. neighborhood that people rt f TN PURSl KN( E OF A\ ORDER OF THE 1 < Ounty ‘ ourt, made t'.e 6th day of September, they don't want lie- doctor . 18-7. th« undersign«-«! nJinmist'ator of »he estate ' of Sarah Belle Freeland, deceused, will offer fur i-: a rr im hable . s*rri«o:>í<¿ < iti ÍMston era m<>re, l>ut th. v Like - *te to the highest bidder, on U p the und*r*igned Bunks ami Bankers wtb Saturday, the loth d iy of December, 1S87, SiiiT-rers fn> a • <>ii; Æ>1> CHEAP ¡»ay all Pri ’««drawn in the Louisiana Slate 1 *4- at 1 o’clock P. M.. on tie preudset* in and near tern s which m ay be pre-cnted at our counters COIlli.I.sl t. ■ • , »M-.I Ashland, Or»»gon, all of the right, title and J II. <44. I.I Sltl . ¿V’" Circular.' an I snrill -a'li^les of Fence senton applica Pres. Louisiana National Bank interest of the said Sarah Belle Freeland at the lmi d I y mo . c .< i- 1 date of her decease 111 and to the following real r. I.AN Al X. lion. Charges prepaid. ArLIress i cured by it. • Pr«s State National Bank. 1 property. t<*-wit: I Beginning at the nor* 1.oast corner of lot NO. 1. %. II Al.lkH IN. R. R V FENCE C )„ Medford, Or 1'r««. N. (). National Bai k 1 in block N«>. 4, a* laid dow n in th« official map of our district thetown of Ashland, J ickson c «u.niy. Oregon; < AHI. KOH ft. E. C. HURT, Ag »nt for the Hoosier Fence.. Machine now at Medford I Pros. Union National Bank. thence north 3d degrees, w«r’ -7 5 feet along the by going / ■ I south lim’of Main st reel; tlmnce south 59d«’gre«*s, west UH f<»«’t; thence ►.»utli 3J < 1-grt•••*,<-a-1 *27.5 ami was in • feet to line betwee ■ lots 1 ami 2. in block *; FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. thc.ic«’ north 59 d»>gree*. 31 secomls. ea-t 1UU feet, eosfivetle---. a i inthe Academy of Music, New Orleans. to pluce « f b«»gii.ni«'g. Also beginnu g at the fl'tlil II hut Jfr. I'.ni '1'’l .Stiff* It .ill >r. >y that M . Hair Inviiforal ir I' an ex;el:ent anti tote furthe eth' ts of alkali du'.ton the hair I laving I it, I r I'l r •«-»’ll ■ and .cal l men I it t » the puh’i»’. J oseph E mery . I. s A /"’it of th • KI in ita Ib.-serv.ilion. V\fsv\^Y trifle with any Throat or -*-» Lung Disease. If you havo From a memorandum prepared hy one of the civil-service conimi'hionorn, it ap- a Cough or Cold, or tlio children ar, I earn that, exclusive of army and navy threatened with Croupor Whooping Cough, app intments, 4043 ni'pointinents ate use Acker’» English Ilcmcdy and prevent subject to cotifirmahon by th" s-nate. Of further trouble. It is a posltivo cure, them* there are under the depa'tment of »nd we guaranteo it. I’rico 10 and 50c state 803, treasury 3l*’>. interior 374, poet- For <'d.. it i'ir I ifi otr>ce departmentand the depart­ ment of justice 261. 1 he whole number ot civil ctnplov.'S under the goverment is about llll.lMiO, ,.f which 52,2 ate pos'tnasters. The total number of places subject to civil service examination is alxnit IS.«», of w hich 0300 are in the postal scuii'c and 3010 in the customs service. It will be -ecu by this that the civil-service law does not cover one- seventh of the government e mployes, an*87. ) votici : is Hi ri : by givi . n that the In the ( ounty Court of the State of Oregon, for xv following-name i settler Lus tiled notice <»f Jackson County. I is intention to make final proof in support of Int «• ma’ter «>f the estate of theininor Leif« of I ;s claim, and tf»at said proof will l»o made before Mary Mark, dec<*ascd '»■ try N • 421Í«. for ih * N W '4, of H on E i.and E '» of S W 4 « <*li«m 4. and N E of Saturdaiff November 1SS7, \ \V *», M'C'ion V. Tp 37, b of K. 2 East. W M H« ‘ ninncs the fol.owe.g wanes*»-« to ¡»rove bis sell to th« highest bidder, forcasti inland, *t ronin uou- resid« ne-’ up »n and cultivation of the < O'.irt-Hou-« door .n Jaeksunvili«*, in sai«i ’an«!, v z : Robort >mith. Ludwig Ton. county ami St*’«*, a' 2 o'clock P. M of said da}, said It'indh’sG <». M Mason. All of Lake an uri<1ivid. viz W. P. Farlow. Gideon Hutchtris, S*«*n- HE UNDF.RSKiNED. KHFRIFF OF JACK- u»’l (tendlce, Wrn. Randles. All uf Lake creek. Hon * 'oanty,Oregon, or his Deputy, will meet P. O., Jack .on county, • *r gon. CHAS W. JOHNSTON, Register. the Tax-nayerH of »mid county for the purfioMt of receiving For sale by all Druggists. IIHUt It is sai«l that Mi-s Mr.ttie Mitchell, second «laughter uf our vigilant nn I active voting senator, «le-lined an offer of marriage with th»» Duke d i Roche­ foucauld. S' *» h id tl.z» example of tlie i Holladay g r’sb’fiire her, w ho made a sad mistake in not niarrving some of tlr'ir own countiymen. There is noth­ ing in 1 ties, especi div now that France is a republic, and M ins Mitchell has Arrangements have boon made fora shown herself to be a sensible girl. grand California baseball trip. James The San Francisco Era mi ner has just Hart of Milwaukee, representing the Chicago and Philadelphia dubs, and Mr. coin** out with the startling pr«)po«ition I issue a rndlion copies of a descriptive George »Manseii, of St. Louis, represent­ t to of California bv ................ counties, *\ t .................. :... it ing the St. Louis Drowns, entered into I pamphh is to be • in ’ magazine form, with illustra- a formal agreement bv which the Chi­ tinns i and typography equal to that of cago, St. Louis and Philadelphia dubs will play a regular sch ‘»lute of games ¡ Scribn »r’s. California eeems determin- during the wint»»r at Central park, San led to seruro the bulk c of immigration east and Ein n|ip. And what is Franci-co They have already arrived. i from th? .1..:. i. : . direction? »: <>regon doing in , this Is it Some days ago s»-ulptor Par ks reached content to wait till California is filled u»« Indianapolis from Florenc»», Italy, with and then take thooverflow and leavings? a bn*t of the late Vice-President Hen­ Wo are too slow in Oregoji. dricks. When Mrs. H»»ndricks «aw th» .xv,% of ; The milch t dked-of Carnet-McAuliffe bust she said : It is a beautiful r piece marble and doubtless a work of art; but i ^or light-weight championship it does not resemble Mr. Hendiicks/’ i of the world aid $J.«)0!) a si le took place The Hendricks Monument Comini’tee at a suburban r»’«ort about t«»n mile« from have therefore a>ked other sculptors to Boston. The battle was hard and des­ present designs in competition with that perately fought from beginning to end, being one of the longest on recor»l. In of Mr. Parks. th»» seventy fourth anti last round, after The secretary of the interior on Oct. some h'-avv ♦•xchang«e,the men dindie»! 28th parsed on the following Indian dep­ an«! both foil t«> the fl >or with Car?;ev on redation claims: S. V Parker, of Yak­ top. Th«» frends of both parties rushed ima City, W. F , amount $23.4X), in into the i ing and claimed the fight for 1875, by Yakima Indians, finding tlu» ¡both men, »»* ei y i»o I y claiming a f ill. evidence noi sufficient to establish the : When th«» ref» re.» could h»» hear»] he de­ claim ; John Kipp, of Curry county, O-., clared ’hat as Ill's was a tight to a finish amount $'J.28«’>, in 185B, by Rogu«» river anti neither of the men had been knocked Indians, finding the loss sustained to In* !<»ut. Io» c « ju 1 1 not «1 > otherwi-o than to $3.8).m l the claim not presented vtithin ; postpone the fight t«> some o’di t time. the limit fixed by law. N Estate. riCEFARF.D BY 1ÎÎ <»U If Parrott of’he Willamettes con :re the Judge or Chuk •»( th« County Coo't <»f Jack-on Co.. O ., at Jacksor ville. Or . on Tues, dav. D»*c. 20. 1887, viz : J»»hn Goldsby. homestead c.mry. No. 4(> I. for the S E 1-4, section 12. Tp 3'?, S of R, 3 Wert. W M. 11« names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up­ on, and cultiv.*. ton «>f. sai J lami, mz : Kobt. J. < aniernn. 1. Cameron Andrew Cantrell. John ’ nnfrell All of Uuiontown. Jackeon county. ( >r«g«»n. CH AS W. JOHNSTON. R^iaft r In the (’ounty Court of the State of Oregon lor Jackson < ount>. In the matter of the otate of I) B. Hire de­ ceased. V’HK E IS HEREIN tilVI N THAT THE 11 Administrator of 1’ i »-state of D. B. Rice, deceased, Ims filed i the county court of ial account as such ad- Jackson county. Or.. In •f said court Tuesday, niinistrator, and by f 1<> o’clock January 2. 1888. at t« s. A. **., M., is svi set »«»I for homihe hearing. ' All per«*<»ns interested are hereby notiti«'»! toapp»»ar and file his or her«*L- jections to said account on or bef«»re sai«! day. Published by order of Hon. E. DePeatt. Judge of said court. W. B Kl( It. Adniini-trator of said Eoliite. Dated November I’i. te*7 Guardian's Sale of Real Dr. «1. C. Ayer A Co., (Analytical Chemists), Lowell, Mass. I. I.;,,, 'deli i . .hr. - ■ kell tl ¡••It a < liat List ¡Hi ;< IbS'J. and . <■ . ’.'th, m !.< ;i I • Syrup. \ ci x '«x little light work, left me. and I i troubh 1 i;i hr am ptTiV.tly cui liow hapjy i a: expi' --' grat’tml« Sri<.)i.‘ Snap Jobu J. Uliliuan. Brooklyn, N.S., write»: "Twelve years ago, I was afflicted with a MWerc bronchial troiibl. , pronouncol Io a skilful physician to be very dang. rou-. mid Hable to terminate in l’li.unionia. After using one bottle of Ayer's Clierry Pectoral, I found great >. lief, and an occa­ sional n to the paper; it reL’is to me. St. Lou s. "It knocked me out," he Delinquent Subsetiber.—You? said, “when I saw Dan Lamont step otr E titor —Yi's. If 1 hadn't a patent iu- th- train and i urchase nine tickets to St. side I’d starve to death. Louis Cleveland footed the hills all Ikx-tor—You see, wifey, dear, I have th- way through. I have hauled manv pulled mv patient through, after all; : a a one of the statesmen and office-holders, hnt that is tli • first I ever saw who paid very critical case, 1 can tell you! Hi his own wav ’’ wife—Yes. dear hubby ; but then yon are so clever in your pi olession. Ah! if Twelve D‘--eine> rail manufacturers of 1 ha I only known you five veais eailier. this country aniioiim-e that they have I feel certain th.it my first husband—mv : Ic' idc I to order a gen-ral susfien-ion |»»T Thoma—would have Ixvn saved. : ; of w rk in th -ir in Insttv,throwing many I'ir» piinlitig in the du n «»I the capi .. ­ ¡ ,b set-, ing men ont of eriplovinent. tal at Wa-mingLm is the largest in th»» I Wh m is not -tat- I, but th- first day of ¡ Decomber is the exp-cte l time. The w«i: bl. and c«»'t $.’><),*h) >. fu.* unÜiiishetl frirse Wi«»k at tho ba-»e of th»* dolile I n ; t weli e piatto: ict'irt r- a»c conferrirg to­ now Swing completed l»y ati Italian g-ill.>r. .ri 1 give as i r-ason for the d'ttet, uho is employed bv th*» Govern- sii'p-ti'ion b • unsalisfacto'y eo-id tin:« inent ut $10 a »lav. Foo se i r i »! j • « Hit <>f the rail market. I Is Unequaled. n Notice for Publication. Notice oí Final Settlement. Pon-esxc, the rc:itc»t jKwdble power to heal »nd control aff-ctious of the throat and lung', «ilh ute safety for children or »dulls. The < xpc»i ■. f ill' -tiiuablc value aa a household medicine, and for professional use. Thousand' of physicians aud families testify to its great worth. Jas. E. Moling. Hil­ liard, Ohio, write»: “I bine used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family for twelve years, aud have found that, as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, or Sore Throats, it I The wife of Lt S«»i. Sparrow, daughter <»f (’apt. \V II. B»yle, 21st Infantry, tlied ut Foit Sidnev (let. 29th. She was a great favorite with Vancouver people. But eh* is far beyond niy reach. And 1 must 1 to alone. My love is very I ike a peach — She hue a heart of »tone. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral J. I. Miller, editor of tbc *• Lutheran Home,” Luray, Va., writes: •• I advertise nothing that I do nut know to be good. I was raved from the graxe, I am ►urc, by the UM? of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and have recommended it to others with the happiest results.” L. J. Addison, M. I)., Chicago, III., writes: “I have never found, in thirty-five years uf continuous study ami practice in medicine, any prepa­ ration of so great value as Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, for treatment of diseases of the throat and lungs; and I constantly recom­ mend it to my patients^ It not only breaks up colds and cures severe coughs, but is cffecthc in relieving the most serious bronchial and pulmouary affections.” LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. LIST OF raiZFS 1 PRIZE OF $30G.ini i« . $3 hl,mu 1PRIZKOF I00XMM M lOn.dii 1 PRIZE OF SUOOD !• 5» ».GO 1 PRIZE OF 25.0H) ____ ¡s . •25 .(W 2 PRIZES OF iu. •UUi.r« »’.(MM) 5 PRIZES OF S.OtlU * are . . 25. uo; ■25 PRIZES OF 1.O.K’arc 25.(1(10 10 PRIZES <»F 50U are 50.01" 2-t) PRIZES OF 3(K) are ... 6 1.0(10 .VU PRIZES OF 2») are 1!K»,(«OJ APPROXIMATION PRIZES 10) Prizes of $5ii 1 approximating to £3 ’i.iiKi Prize are l k) Priz * of $3(X) approximating to Prize are ........ . Jie.ao 10 ) Pfiz •- ot $- f appruxini»ting t<, >'»•. tO Priz* I ... .................... arc 3D.OJO TF.HMfVM. VKIZF* 100U PriZ’’« of 8l«J0 ar»? <1 «cidml by $3<«> !kki P; ¡sea ar>- liMMKX) 1(XX) Pr>Z«- "f $l'Kl deeni«*»! by $l'k>JkK) Prtzs are inn.ouo 9,138 Prize* ain«mrting to $1 <«55 (iiu For club rate*, or an- further informaHon an. ply t'» th« uml rsigmti Y «nr handwriting must b.»distinct and signature plain More rapid r« turn mail delivery will lie assured bj your en­ closing a*i Envelope b ’.»ring your full addres*. 8«n4 l’«»NTAf. NOTrb. Expr.*- Money orders or N *w Yorx Ex? in.ige in or imary iHtor. Currency by Expr«»js at o ir expen- ■ addressed to M. A. DAUPHIN. N« w Orleans. Ln or M A. DAUPHIN. Wa-hi- gton, D. C. Address Registered Letters to MH Olll.lOb NATION AL B%NK New Orlcaiia. I. h D I? If I? D I? IJ rh at the pretence of Gcn- I i D j I 1 j Ji IJI j IV «rate Beauregard ami Ear­ ly. who are in charge of the <1 rawing*, is a guar­ antee of absolute fairn«»s* a«. «1 integrity, that the chance* ar« all equal, and ¡hat no one can possi­ bly divine what num‘w»ra will draw a P?iz«. REMEM3ER' ’>f*t (he piym*nt of all Prizes Mil iRtMrU» III UH It > UION4 l!4>Ks<>f N ’W Orlean«, aa 1 t'ic tickets are sigmsl by the President of an In-ti’ution, whose chartered rights ar«* r«f »gaiz-I in the highest Courts; there­ fore. br»ware of any imitation* or anonymous Mchemea. Val .'ab'e Property for Sale 'VHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE 1 her choice and wall-sitaatet! property in th« western part of Jacksonville, consisting of eirht large lute. The «oil is of first-class quality and tnere ism bearing vineyard and an orchard on th« same; also a nir«» gani n spot. This property is V > i i » For Settlement all under fence and there is a dwelling-house. 4 !.•» »’!»•: r. J. good . barn and other outbuilding- upon it. together »Av •» «|i '•( * •i’l a 11 « • tie tu« «amu with a nu«. nev<*r-faiiin< spring of wat«»r. «ncl«m- with a ’ r »i-» a«! 11/, » >» i app »iati ! a*»i corner; thence south 66 f«*et tu corner; tlienee west 216 fret to corner; thence south 100 feet to the northeast comer of »«aid lot; thence west 200 f«et along the north line of a-rner: t‘ ”nc«‘ w«’-t ¿ .77 chains to st «kr for comer; thonct» s »iiili 2 1 chain* t'» pl »re of b ’ginning, and containing 41* j n«*rrs, more or !••**. Term* of -ale—Casti in ham!. B. R FREELAND. Administrator of th«’ «*tat«» »»J Sarah Belle Free- 1 md. r«’gon, ami for fh& fund-arisiog therefrom Plaintiff»-, who recover- ♦•«! a judgment and deer«*« of foreclosure of a cer­ tain mortgage in th** above-named conn ««n the 13th da} ««f Sept.. 1*87. and again-t the h«^ein- after d”»criln-I real property ix-longing Io Han­ nah F Davis and JoM’ph H. Davis, anti Mary M Dav 1-, Defendants, 1 i«m commaadcdt«« levy on ami *«11 said prop rty t«» satisfy the judgment of •aid B««ard of <'«»tntn'Hsioner* for 'he sum of $7. 5 33 an i th»» sum <»f attorney fees with in tere-t lh»»re*»n at 8 per cent, per annum from tl.e 13th day of S«*i>(emb«>r. 18*7. and the further sum of $81.48 c«ists a- <1 di-burH**menta. and also Iha ro.-t* of ami upon said writ of «-xecution; and ihegum of 87.121;’,. and the further sum of $60 attorn«’} fee, due Joseph Solomon from said de- («•laiants. Hannah F Davia. Joseph H !><».< ai.«i Mary M. Davis on a certain mortgng.- brld by sai I Joseph Solomon on naid premise • ami aliwitli«' sum of 9183 59. du« Jacob Walts and Mr*. Eme.iie Turner «»n a j in I g »nen f nt. rained iu *Md circuit court by the said Jacob Walt aud Mrs. Enmlme 1'urner against the defendants Hannah F. Davis and Joseph IL Dan*, a* del creed tn th«* suit; and in obedmnee t fcud writ. I did on th«’ 2»ith day of Ociob«r. 1—7, levy on mm ! rea!t> according p» law. «rd wtil offer f«»r sale, tor rash in hand, at public auction, to the h*gh«*«t hnlder, at tlie court-houi” door m Jacksonville, in said county and Stat’*, on Saturday, November isfC, at 2 o clo-'k n. m. of sai«l day. all the right, title am! interest of the t.*i,d Hannah F I>avia J.m^ eph 11. Daviaand Mary M. Davis, defendant«, ux and t<» all tho full «wing described real property o-wit: Tn« umiivided half intereat of the west iutlf <*f th« I’. \\ . Stow Donation lx).(k) List, nud *.rt»i chain* fiom corners to 5. sand 9. in Township of .. brctioi.» ... 4. ... . - M - _ 8. ___ R-tn.-e 1 V\«nt W«^t ; theuc* th.-nc* W««*| W. -t 80 50 5») ch tin«; «ins; f hence J”1!.* t" <'hH,ns’ thence Ea«t 8G chains, thence t ,Olt" c,ialn*1» I? l"° P“*'** ***’n*>ing. all in J*c,-e«»n count Oreg.» I . my baud tlu« Xtb day of Octoberk . A. D. „ B. W. DEAN. Sheriff EUZ4££TB TOTKO. I B P. F m X, Att y for Ftama»