(L lu ^eiuocratic (Lunev •vL.I 4.1/7/ Co/ \/l JLE.US Bonanza revel« in a skaking rink. j(bSL/’///.v/; cor.VD'. veii . s . — h. LA 11.1 IH (Ol.\TY*a I1KA1Ì P AYL KU. Tl « following is a list of taxpayers of Kf un-I . cuunty who . pay taxes on $3 - - - aud over : sth Hon. G. W. Riddle of Douglas county Jas Barnes ........................ w as at the county seat one day last week. ( asebeer Bios .................. We are sorry to learn that Miss Mary Fink A Water« LUNG RESTORED. SANTA ABIE, N’(»VEVIBKR2.». 1«. • rut.he of Plevna precinct is quite ill. FRIDAY J. H Latnson, formerly in the employ A (’ Helm I L Leonard KING OF CONSUMPTION of th«* S. 1*. D. & L. Co., now resides ut ¡Ream««A Martin............... T1i”ie is a l ’ oo Santa, burned at A.toria one night this we«l teadilv. lion S. F. Chadwick of Salem haa | M Obe ichain for ( oughs. C< Id«, i.urig and Brou> | J Owens A bou................. chial Trouble«, etc., etc. lately been looking alter hia mining in ­ and totally deatrey««!. The pasai-ngei■ W K«»i»m»on. ....................... Sam Colve is purchasing several terests in this section. | ( S äheiluck ... ......... v.ere all saved. o.eees of property in this county for eas­ I J as Fay lvr HE ONf.Y GUABANTEEI» ( CUE FOB Profs. LaFrance and Ganiard gave a | Wells «t Siad»« tern parties. < atarrh. ('<»ld in tue Head II ay Fever, !»«»ae Rrw\nr or fwiTATIONH None genuine unies« ('•»II < 'Mtarrh d i leaf nt**«, anti S »re Eye«. Re- T he Supreme Court has affirmed the dancing-party at Grant's Pass last night, [ DA W A Walker. the woalh “Lung Re-torer.“ “Santa \bie, ’ are on «: ores the sentie of taate and eiiielh rern«»vea b«d Chas C and S. B I.ow have rented ' (' (. unningnam which was well attended and passed utT the iwkb»*!« of radi butti»» Not a «»*crct com­ tn-ife and unp'eaMiit breath, reauitinx from ('-**- decision of the Circuit court for Klamath i> ( ronvimllwr ............. >f S. Colver the place fo. merly owned by pound. Fur sale by m H druggists, wloletode and tarrh. E»i«y ami pl»*H«ant to u-«* Follow direc- very pleasantly. J Kuhn county, in the suit of Jas. Tobin vs. Juhi- (>. T. Brown. retail. tion« mid h cure i« warrant««! 8<»nd fo» circular •» W Luubley........................ C. B Hariuon >f Deer creek has se­ John Lousley ... to AHIET1NE MED1< AL ( OMPANY. Oroville F. Miller, a swamp land case appealed An enjoyable thanksgiving party took TRY SANTA ABIE AND CAT R (TRE. California. own»*r« of the only Abietine Grove .. cured a scholaraliip in the Monmouth • ’ B Boyce nearly two years since. We Mill pub place at ti e new hall in Dairy on Thanks­ and Distillery m the world. sly A Hartery normal school, and has gone to the scene J B D PKEFARKD ONLY DY Carr hsh e. full text of the decision as soon a? giving night. of his fuiute studies. W 0 Crawford...................... Six months troi'meut $1. By Mail, Dan ('aidweH ............. w • arc able to procure it. The Keno postofliee is now in running Jas. McFall, justice of the peace for E< AG W Hart SI.IU. irder and many people will soon get Altliouse precinct, is proving an accept­ R llutchiireon.................. Oroville, Butte Co. Cel. U. . A A lbion W. Toi boke begin» in the De­ their mail there Kehtvr A Son ......................... able officer. He is quite pupulal with Piers»»n A Fearer Owner» of the only Abietine (iro,e un.i Di.(il- SANTA ABIE AND OAT-B-CURE. wry iu tho world. cember number of Lippineott's .Vija:tnr b Btake] .............................. O. T. Brown and family have gone to those matrimonially inclined. For Sale by all Drug# ret«. JWSEM) FOB PAItTlCULAHB. D Ven Brimmer a aeries of sl-ort »toriesof mystery, com the eastern States on a visit and will be Sheriff Patteisiwi announces that he B F Van Brimmer plication and detective ingenuity, unde' gone several .nonihs. wili sell some real estate belonging to A 1 D Applegate.................... I a * vi Br<».»dsw«>rd J. Grimes <>n Dec. 24th, to satisfy the 1 tieeknim tl.e general heading of "With Gauge A The skating rink at Linkville A Langell mortgage held by Kubli & Bolt. J 11 ( olahan. Swallow ” Each »lory will lie complete «gain ls*t-n in full bla-t and was I R Dawson .................... .atroniz.-d while it lasted A match game of baseball was played Estate ot G. Deal in itself, though all revolve around a .... w N. LrcKKY. N »Ury Public. 8. C owles , Chas. I.enz lias removed from the at Grant's Pass, lietween the academy Gerber A Hall .. common centre of inter»«!. J.T. R u D ieks . Ben Hail.. vicin.'v pi Gl'-nc ami is ». w in charge of and citizens’ iiin>*s, yesteidav, and re­ Hamaker. Horton A Co sulted in a victory for the former. Il I. Webb ’ s farm rear Linkville. H W Hoagland .................. M h . T imothy H opkixh , of the South C P Hughe« Gen. I.i gan Post, G. A R , of Giant’s S > Hazen eru Pacific Railroad, ivs the O. A C The county cb-ik has been quite busy N F Hildebrand Puss, will kindle a camp lire on the or reveial weeks paet, ami is l>eing ef R. K. will be completed by No vein be ....... eveiungof Ike. “th, when a least of pork S E W Ki!g««re iv-iectly assisted by A. I. Leavitt. ■ Kilgore 2óth, and lli.it lie cxp.-c»« the California and beans and coffee will bespiead. Arthur langell I'. M. Strickland, a popular merchant Ge«» McDonald . excursion will le;. .<• Sall Franeiaco The first quarterly meetiug uf the M L W Met 'urdy if Canby, Modoc county, CaL. was at xod a al out December 1-t The citizen* u’ F. Church for this circuit was held at J R MrClel un . Linkville recently for a load of flour A Paul .. . . ?i?«Viei *n.^uani’ Swing]«* d a auccessful term of echool at Plevna, Agn -s Mackin of Grave creek ill matri­ J«»s Hwmgle tion oi the ovedanwin£ t<> -h»»rt rr<»p** in some ¡wvrtion* John Howell and son of Jackscnville Th«»a Wilson of people from (’uhtornia. ( ol. Ch.i« 1 •f M’ m I im - county, (’al., there ¡ h quite a are engaged in painling Bigelow A Son’s O T Brown hnnind fo. Linkville fl »nr from that Crocker will have the matter in han* tine, new residence on Williams creek ; indrew Broun I . PEAR, tiie best lute shipping variety. E < «»(pH and will spare no pains to make it the section. Il is about the handsomest dwelling- »t A Fmiuitt Ml IR PEACH, (freestone)still heads the list. l> J Ferree .1 M I> dd of B nianz i keep« a ¡rood house in the county. great event of Hie doling year W G P ;rker A Sons KANADAY’S CLING, the eanner’s pride. k <»! tete¡ne«1. iipio s ar (1 e ga»s. Ev?»y- Supt. Hathaway annmnees that he W E Stewart . T he Secretary of State on the 1511 wslte’ who c.tlli« a! KELSEY’S .JAPAN PLUM, has no peer. wili hold the next public examination of () A sterns.......................... ■l.«<*-»bThompson . . Anv p«rMon wishing to bh R property w.ll fi:»d treated w. II inst. directed the American min -uer a those desiiing teacher’s » rtificates ill GG And»*reun R(»BE de SAliGEN 1 PRl NE, never before offered in Oregon, it to their inter««et t*> cali a d se« un . tbe Em< k.i high school building nt Wil- L R Appleg te .1. II La»nr*Of>, an «■xe-Ilent mechanic, Her in to coinni'ii.i. .«'• t<» the empe o « f It is this which, in a dried state, forms the oeiebrated prune, D EN TE. OC App e^at® re i <’W et yiitfrd Ml le i «Li g a < ommo- derville next Wednesday. («••riu.iny the «• >. Fount in ar ai d • tfici nt official. it is feared that »1 w II prove fatal. A musical association was organiz 'd P R Fire n Ia INFALLIBLE! 4.» iivvs. K»*tch rn A Wnd have put a I at Giant's Pas- recently, with “il tiiem- Grave«. K rtehem A Ward Evergreens, Slirub-, It Cb iuiiis anil Flmvering Plants, Small A M.D.riMr of lh« Demociatic Commit new ff»»oi in o their li.d!, which adds lieis. IL C. Kinney has been elio en as John Gleim b**»atoor h. (» Hsidrich AMTHM 4 Fruits, ((rape Vines, Etc., Etc. tee which 1» in charge of the movement »r.-dl v to its ipi.ilit VS. The thanksgiv- leader, l’rul. Benson as assistant, Mrs. Estate of W II Horton Helir*e«l in Fire Minntea. I I < Hanks Kinney as organist, with Mis. Ilveal as n<* patty given theie wa*» much ul a sue- to have the national Democratic conven ; IWore pnrc!ia*ingsb »whore. p»rfi»*s in< *ndmg to p’ant tr. e wiff tind it to their interest ♦« H A YI’EVER, Ja Ingalls assistant. cum.« an 1 ««Moir «t «••< in 1 l »i- i » ir pri *.»*. ’it do ; t «* m .l-.i gratre upoa application Cur<*Gu»r&A.tred if Take» in Time. lion fiel 1 in San Francisco next June i» ces». Mo«»re A Son Addrers all ooniniu-H *ations tn J »‘ n F M Iler Seve’al new po-t- ifii ■* are t«elng to occur (hiring the week. Favorable pEAF-SFteH Kev. S. p. Wileoti ibdiveied an inter- W P Mill. r __________________________ HANI5/1ON BROS. Phneaix. Jacks*m Uounty. Or. Car» d hi lia« e to Nix Month*. aii-weia have been received from four • >;»ened hi thre countv. principal am« n.» exting icrtuye at the M. E. church in i’ll»»!* Martin a lii -h ar«* K»*no and Havn»*svil!e. The Gram'* l’a«« I. ini Friday evening, fur tin* J W Maimi g. Dllibtheria. 4 roup. Neural« te n national couimittwemen. Senato Marple A t r.»wley Kin, llcadarhr. burr >4 ♦*.(! in«-*erev in <>ur population make* b i.e’it of a fund to purchase hymn N rh«»la A Harnakir T hroal Arthur I*. Gorman, of Baltimore, ha­ them a net-»* ty. bu<»ks, etc. .A neat >utn w.re realized, W l Njeh»jb N febdily Crxxn. E R Ream»»s il ritten a favorable letter for Sao F.an Invaluable Remedy I Mis« Maty Ceding^, School *nperin- the attendance being gool. \ M Stout rat»nti*iied and one «•! Im* S»». g«»nt Hro« Price of Treatment, (3 00; (Smaka G W Smith F u R kbt > I mlm continue to rag«* in wc*t* 4*ni • t’lo i of up-.Ip- tn’s for teacher’** b«»r-e« ihjurvd 1») a «.uUi*i«>n wiih one ui J sT«»Hin.............. ik'U. I'. 00; lh be lator, fur Internal fee. S’ 00 ) tp’ii Teniiv*-eH, MUsig-ippi ai.d«ii*tv n c •• t !b iitvs ? ext \V«-il’»« «»lax. tne S. I*. 1>. ifc L. Cu’** logging leaiiiM oil W A Wright. Mrs EE Wrec the bi idge acr ■-».**» Hogue nver, n»*ai Ai kah'UH, and are heeoming suriullrt. It dubb A Bad v w s the I r t man io 652 Market St, San Francisco, CaL JACKSONVILLE, OREGON 1 H llazird i t an the loss. If iw mo widespread in it* na nty. II s gir I mi . in mo . isoii , U^unty. an able mmi«tvr, will toun re* la* Meieren tme that an estimate cannot be given. alx>i;nd(*d in ur vxpec t him to pave ihu way towari) put "ruta <»F churches prayers were offered ve*te»da> eli i-c I a Laling m uliine in Jackson ling up a neat church ouil ling at tire I\)A\ PROPERTY, I \RMN. VIN.AARD» tention is given to the tilling of Pi; <’ .uxiï S. a » >i SrpKRiN rr-xprsiT. ( // If 111 Rs / \ s f / / t rr. county-Neut in the ireai !utu;e. a*» h • i> J VUK* 'STILLE. Oil N .V. 11 1K*7 1 in I Mi ’ ’ *ng t'iaiiu« B »U41»t and Sol«.| on ( ’ o:n- Í 'countv »cveral mollili« -luce, g«e »(ili that »howera might fall and tin* uc- U ¡a ins To t’.«» tia ’her« ati-i pr«»»«pet*tire t»•«•*<• h« r-- of tii reason. V (Til l H HHÜ HYG1V1NTHAT KHITIIE en.-ag—l in puHi'ig n|> li iv mio b.ilu«. energetic and has been Ul ’ ilèL ’ Q. tiun cea3 ’. a 1 pnr«Hi-*- of making un exHUiinntiun of ull per- Jackson county: riiev bave m vie a sm.-e »»fui run, iluing labors rhewbv|*e. INING PVFENTS »»br.in.Hl ut r -«»nabli ►«».’I* who tn’*y «»ff«*r the p*»»lv«*** as candid-«tre* f«> Li order to develop to high«»»- degrees uf ••x * ■! gooil woik r it --* and with dre¡» .tub t'-Hi lior« of un* fc«-b«M»l» of ihre com ty. th«» County T he uiain building of Barnum A Bai- I-iG-o t •» w<»rk <«f j»ub!ic • ducation. I inter»! i< S-’,i»»ol SupTint»»nd»‘ f tli«‘r«<>f wi 1 huida public M / A / A G V ! H a Ti e am i l'n-nt pr ipo-iiu tochange lev’s •‘tireateit Show ou Earth” was de­ hold Io al institQtaR an«l teacher«’ nn*etmg« f:««-i D iGMl’T VITENri lN gi* -» to all 1.us;n.»as y' AMPLES ARE SENT ON AP- • z imin'd on nt nre «»Ifi •* ii the ('«»art House *1 V 7 Ja k**«»nville. on [ *t»*d wi ht >* La.el Office Pint r miners are ••r.»it¡ ig pHio.it * î r tun»» io tiuev m different portion® of th»* «• »imty i stroyed by fire at Bri Igepo t. Conn., on ile* lime fi r li dii g elei tioli» got ?i>ó lUrtLics /iv, .Votr/n^çr 1SS7, miior ty in tlii. vo'liily, but tliat prò plication through our «•hich will bunebt and help you in your too k ruin. tl.e night of tfie 2 »th. About 10:3 ) an mxir.g to leave tl e rejul.it'oii of thè „al­ LAND AT BEDROCK PRICES. c mtn-i.cing »«t 12 o'clock M and with your e<»>opuFatioa and attendance nr.<- Th«s^»*«r and cheapest mining bkrik* f»»r alarm was sounded, and in less than 30 ar e« thè I- gì-latme w.i« ilefeated by Firet grade cert«ficat«*i issue«! under the old good can be effected thereby We have a‘»>ot <2><) No H. 16(>acres, law caun«»t tm renewed All teachers l>«»ldinu falo at the I' iue « uffi. e m uutesthe fmild.i'g,which was GooxL’OO !!> i urli ir tv. b i' acre« fenced and under ci^ltivation and two •ix'y five teachers iu tffe county, and wh r. i cenificnt««* that will au *n «-spire situal i not i :<».»d spring • on tlie id ir \ D.i« 1« choice grain naglept attending the exhumation. feet and two stories in height, was en­ ('un si de rabie proMpci’ing i-«ti.i g>»iig on (here are «<> many tt acnera there must bo a v i Ri v Mr. »1. Li an, broth-r of Hobt. i i I fruit l and and is situated live mil«*« from Uutrel Un» lltti day of Nov mbar, ls*7. • iety of m ft! km I m -«on)’.» l O m I and e<»m»* poor. la jk’Oiiviiiu. tirety consumed. The fire was of incen­ McLean oí N ivlox, l.u- arrived from the it. this and Josephine «-«»untie». N A JACOBS 1' » 1 «ecuuh«» scqua»i t«d with the best plan« aim y«»unty School Supe riutendeat of Jackson A quartz mill is in • «il««»* «»f ••r»-e,.i««n at diary ongin and occasioned a loss of ewU an«l t.keli elmioi (lie I’le.byie- p r nere. No SS. ’ ' SSO arre* ( )UT-OF-TOWN' CUSTOMERS < ounty, Oregon. methods 1« z< r,ejc>*Mry that all those who ar< ii.in church it Linkviile. Tiie latter will Tìii« body <>f land ndjom« Jirk«onv 11«» and ih . which teaching and <>xprct t«» t«*arh «*h<.uld comet«- l»•v«•l. *7<>0,000, upon which there was only probnblv entrane in pa-toral woik in I the K*««»X ledge in J«>’»<*| ■;•».«- « «u ric‘i grani, fni f » iti vineyard land, nn< tiid oliti.nu— «, a* <1 a gotti orrharti forni«. I'. S. Stanley ke | h .1 fir-t-cla*n fee 1 b-n« hr to many ot >««u l he advaiic»»d atf fa* . hij 'I thè baiane • un tur«». thr<«> ai tl rive, ting at our counters. ANDKr w C aiixegih , the Pennsylvania «!••• I'ld'u will lasting Htahh* lit I. Ilkville, on the tur west we-i Bi«l«tlJ' M ie,, “U***’l ‘’*rU 1’ilpii® ««f tne county wl.o expect to teach in th« vear paymenta. iron king, says: ' I am a staunch Re­ of Link river, and tadoinjr a irood bufli-1 ! mh » ii b«* resumed. future ar* invitwd to atte.id. fhese meeting- will undoubtedly lw a te|»ccuH»»,nrd no teucher < a No 39. 16-Gtcri-«. CORDVCTEl) BY publican, but I would »««u desire tu remain in pise**, which Cm» b.* u'l' i <1 t«» irr'cat»» rully on«*- THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. «late his rustotnerft. ii»j ‘ ‘ ' " “’"»y; t,vpsi for wale at the T imes oBice. Cleveland's administration has been tne ra ikn. >ou must attend th»-.-«»- h»« al iiret.tnn ■» •l ilfof th«» ranch«« if de^ir.vL Situât»«! in fable not fail to visit >ur satisfaction. Bring y«»ur note-)<«M>k>- and pencils with yon. i<»ck precinct . highly credit »ble. The Amencan abroad The Scholastic y»*ar of this school will enm- A corrc*’p»mdeut wrifefi from Gl. n Lile 1 will hold the hr»t of these local i >stnut»*s al I «ner.ee ab(»ut the end of August, and is dividtnl in Th»» case of Klamath county v*. Di*-| has no cause to blush, and I for one will New (iiscüVvrh-í* in various mines ami M»-diord, on Saturday. Nov. 26. Isa», at win« I llO.ua) No. 4 '. :r.»2 acres. •our sessions of ten w»-ek« each. tri« t Aitor n» v (’o!v:4 has been «lismiRsed. ¡line»* and Inn« 1 w »nid lika to see as many ol 2.’« acre« u->«l--r cultivation and fence*! mt»> iiv»* Board and tuition. ¡>»*r term................... ....$40 oo j ledge* near home .ire rep >rted every <1 iv. the teauh«v»‘ present as can mak»« it conv«*nieni ♦ield* which are l»-ve'. rich. rr.'-ndow. grain and abed no tears if Mr. Cl- velaml is re hip w 11 probably corn«* ii»»in a new form, 15 OU Music attend. Pi«Mfc*»e U q not wait to b* personalij "ruit I arul Io acr«’« in alfalfa flier«» a»’«« «»n elected.” Mr. Carnegie is a Republic.n i Your <’oriesp.indent voices th«* senti­ and vi«it<»r> are »<»ming heir by every train t«» Drawing and Pai Lt i ng ___ 8 (Il invited.but co»i«>id»*r this an invitation, and b«*oi rhe ¡«la '• a lar«’»* a-nl thrift) mchard twf»dw»‘lbi!g No. 195 First Street, ... 8 OU Red and Raiding .................. going Ituiji here •> the different mine«. Land piomptly at V o clock A M Tn* foil w- ■ «»ire"«, two lnrg.*barn« and 5 12 of an irrigtting of national promin-nce, and a great ments < f the ui.ij »r tv in hoping that ing is the programme H»*l»*ct»*ti for tne d »y, to­ litch, carry ing 3« ai in«*h«-R of water DAY .SCHOOL. the aulboriticH will allow the n>atter to The Pi»rtl«*nd Reduction Works, whi< h wn: S«*i«M,l dm iphue, J 8. Sweet; p-ntinn friend of J. G. Blaine. Primary Department............................... f 5 on drop at once. arenow in <»p r.ili<»n, cliar^eij lor * un- ship. H. G. Fairclo; nmn- er work. J. 1. Ilovui ?’«2X No. 11. lGSac’es Juni<»r ............. ....... fi (i) hretory, W. M. Hl.icxf«»rd ; language, W C. Ro ». This 1 «nad and del»mimed to d< timber la-id I h»«re i«a «tr«»a n <>F water run-.ing Pupils are received at any tim«. and special . at. comniimtioner, ai >i C. !■ Richmond, t»*ntw»n i*» paid to ¡»articular studi»»« tn behalf <»f S ( <»!ver. wh«» will binl«l a gi ist mi’l on 0> per cent fur the silver contents oi the all in your power t<» mak»* this m«a-t»ng a ¡»rohta through t’«»« ¡»H»? Situttud ll»r b:e on*. Hoping that all will unit«» m the viton Jacksonville. rlnldren who have but a limited time. For fur­ coinmiaaio: i for the State, left .»Ibany the ait«* .Mr. !>.. who is an excellent ore. less $17 per t«»n for working < barges to elevate our ach«»olM. 1 am, very truly, ther particulars apply at the Academy. on f) - 21*t for Yarpiina, to iiis|>eet -aw null mm, will probably resume N. A J acobs . $11») No. <2. ( 'ounty Su*»eriiit«-ndenl . 2il i acr«*'* of uni'Qi»rov»*d land. 3 • •«« r.»« of which count v; at bus ne«» elsewhere in tho Klippid At Uasittl arc getting ready to s'v tup land*, near that place. The' J. E II osh J. IL W kislicy . »« prairie ta’t.l n t ted . -pri:ig«<»f water. Four tnil «• fr«»m Jack«ouviile. The hie grind j irv also condemned Fort Lane and hav<* s»me orc already on lands in eastern Oregon, and report Having been assailed iu un <»r “Man Friday,” fete»», with n w dwall a'-hwii«»* and barn. i.n<| examined not over 15 per e nt. is ac­ it e«. That bo«lv also recorninen led to on* Rev. ?i R«»b**rt McLean accusing me of guiigwav .Ji» tete hit h »everal cars w ib he run water for «t<» k. Situ i’e I ou«* nule fr »in G »ln buying for one dollar at Linkville, Oregon, un tually swamp land, and they believe it that no fee** l»e allowed justices of the .Mr 1 wtfwis. an expert froin San Francis­ ’ th® Hth day of November. 1««7, a vote in favor oi Hiff depot. . I»*a« e in criminal < ;rees until a full tran- $321M) No. 41. likiaor.'« will l>e restore'! to settlers. co, has lately been in Josephine county in anti-prohibili«»n. as appwre in a communication Sixty aere* f.»nr«* i; «oil windy loam ami hill Tin« sawmill is now in full «»i»«eratiuu und will i »ciipt ha* lu en tiled in each case, the interest of Calit'urnia capitalists lie i in th* * Kia n «th County bt.ic” of Nov. 11, 1«**7, houM«*and barn; w *11 and rannimj water Fir»t- krep on hand a full at»»ck of nil kinds and dim en Hums of claw* grain ami atoek farm. The Linkville flouring mills are run­ A crisis ia threatened in France Re­ i examined several mines while there and and sigtusi by < ’ N. Gordon, I have this to say in i in oiiDEi: ro M ei r Tin: growing he . plying to Cleiiiem-eau, President Gievv ning dav and nii»l«t and are even tlren •»eenre well pleased with «nine <»t them r»*piy : 1 hat I think the ««»-calhsl Revt-r«*r«l re th«- *»m. Ifi ' Tfl’f S No ta unable to fill *l»e demand for flour. A* 1 inand for real-ONlat“ property we have o¡>e3«*«i Unimi»rc>v««i; well watered, and firat-clas- author m fact o^ that wuirilous article, ns said for many reasonr he tlesiied tn re­ an ottico in the a consequence, Mr. Martin his been Mr. I. has gone home, but re expvclvl t«» ‘ N«-wt ’ im g«*n»»rally conceded to bHulinost “non place tu make a good home. comp're nvfitire,” and not capable of »-xpre-uiim tire to private life, but it was his d-sire compellt d to L'teatly increase the capae- return so »n. Il .vin-z plscwi th. fin«-t double Plftuer and much more than an »*du nitod ¡»<*r»«»t Taking ah No. 40. 24i) acres. ilv of Ids mill and has lately received a to quit the Elvsee pala*<* wilh honor to bn h.iiud in i he Roane River Vallny Several miners w.ll opeiale on a larger things into c »n«ul«TMtn»n, it re a mretvry t»» ni< Soil, da^k loam; 1»W acre« fr»nc«*d; lfti choir»* Mate:,<*r in our null, w.i wifi fannali all grades ot -ct of rollers to leplaco the burrs. He l.ow Newt." could soivt* any ¡»r«ff>k*iu. nom.it fruit tree«; a com » reek ami sun «i in»;» have been conducting th»» Fume btreiness for sev­ c mid take Ins d -paiture with dignity. W® ar«» are«» agents f »r the Wo alburn Nnr««»ry. B. A. <»oitrey*» attorneys have made kins of Pleasant ereek are v tch having eral years past in Kluruaih county, Oregon. Dur No. 50 210 acre«. He felt thia was due to his past life and M irioa county. < )r«»g«»n. AH orders in that line i ing all that time 1 have newr befor»» been ar- a motion for a new trial, which has been Unimproved; hill land; K» acre« choice fruit promptly att«*n hny one of doing a disreputable or «Ire- and. balance good pisture; throe mile« ea«t of the vflieo tie held, lie must avoid set taken nn«ler advi-emen? hy Ju Ige Web- KO8S A WRISLEY. . l«»>al acf. rii'*r»*foi»», I Lave» deternjimai th*t M'dford. | lured m Jacksonville. ting a bad | redecent. He ref. ried to n er. A« the matter will riobably not , tn* «aid ar •tc lfi(i acre« feured and ne »rly all under culti­ rid nearly evrrybolv hop»‘s that the In the Town of Anjb »<1 v <»an< it< h a gaining eonsid r- sentence of the c«»urt willla» light, if he ed up a* jooii as there is < nough water to vation. much of whioh wsuHCeptible to fruit cul­ operate il. A large amount ufqiiariz wiii be Wt Hlh» r 1 In» trouble i« to I* t » ». iiku tin ture. It is also w«dl Mituafcd in a h »althful loca­ a»>lc attention in the Portland market, a* is not accorded a new trial. «eho<»' hon«*© n»*ar by and leee than two on the dump by the time the r*J.nl gets to » in. hi win» < auglit the b«-ar. We a-lviic util tion n I - «from a mil road <1 pot. the following fio.u the f)rtg>>ni'hi of a rc.ii lei - I»» pu i cli;i>v «»f l>ru¿ S(<»r» « a hot Ja« II f’ohiluin. (-ne of the pioneer mmhly l«»r teaming f:WOtt. No. 5M. 20ft acre«. of I.ither Hi or pine timber. I’linne!* are b-ing <»t Santa Ahi«*, the < ’..lifot i»i.i Ku.g I Choice fruit and grain land; ISJacr«*« f»»n«'«» I. lat • date will ehow : “ The an iv.il at th«.* r»***i«lent** »»f this comity, and who is jen* run t«» tap the Iu Le low« r d«»wn ami i < on All or.l.'r- ami bill« blind with p’omplncs and i ••n-unipt'« ti. AMhtiia, Bronchitis, ’ »»ii^n* »t »«er«»« t cultivation; a living «tream of water eraHv resjw« fed. is King «piite jl| at market yesterday <>! Mirera! uarl»»ad< of an I ( ■ up < iirt- and ki t p it baudv. ' | . hroiigli he pl.iro. hnprovi'incat.« new and 'li-jutfcli No comment 1« n»»/»e««nry outlie «upe Siskiyou County, Cal.. Linkville. II«* tetea-’ thrown ft<»in his sidciablu tor*’c re emp’-»> «• I i.» th.- t.i»rg. I • -.»- iitjx t«» the tu«t»*an«l dtatli to theab \« tirst-class; 750 f’-uit trees of b»e.t variety; I ? riurny »»f tho qualify of our tir timber. fat, corn fed ho^M, the finest receive ! bii44v whit» tetnrning to his home in.Al- Nv.xt «♦ a1- »n the mill v. id be m«»v-I I«» the „ HARRIS »V CO. niles from Woo«lvilll«* A g[eat bargain. » iiipiaint- S«»!<1 at $1 Hh a bottle ur 3 t.»r Tbcr» I« a gno*| reati to tlic Mill tlihvrar. here dntitt/ the eeaeuti, iiluatratea a fact k ill valh’V fro«»« tire «’»»illUv Seat a short vicinity oi the Knott ledge, wh«*tvarontin- 5.,..'»o (.aiil’f'rnia ( at R < urc gives imine I have Great Bargain« to offe'ami it which ia perhaps not generally known, t me sim e. ami was » ot found untd late uv«l supply «»f water niil be obtained. < ii.re. iliaif rp.'irf. fhe <'atarrlial v»i t ie is «<»<»11 fire next mornin-4. after having «pent the A ( <»rm*iius is su »erinttn«'ing th».* work displaced by its hculi'i^ anti penetratili^ will pay you to keep a elo«i watch on tin« «par» namely, that the counties ol Jack-i>:i and fo» tue next «ix month« for Special Bargains. If nature. Give it a trial. Six iiqi ’.I m ' tuat entire night which was a very wet and (»ne-fonrth down, tdtmeo within six. twelv you have any property for «ale, come and «<•<• me Josephine have splendid a Ivantagea stormy one- in an exposed condition, and \V B ^hephenl.an c.x.M*rivnc« d mint r, fl Uh. »ent by matl^l 10. an'i eighteen month« and I wi!l do mvbest for you. is acting :»s foreman. 8m» map Ht RKilrund Depot for graded priee«, <’Hice on California street, opp »«ite Klover i..r the production of p itk. Corn, which lie Ji.is been h>«H»jht to Linkville, where etc. or addreM House. if is hoi*»* 1 th if th • skill ’ ul medica! D. H HASKEL! grow, to perfection tn no other part of HENRY KLIPFEL. I rif¡¡hoiil, Mctirlft u.r, Oregon, ia itlwaya a < top there, growing efit him. (li'ilti'«, «Cv*. in (¡uantitie' that make it cheap fool for While tl.e editor of the T imes was in D.irbvs Pr >p!iylucti" ¡’luid wi 1 •irstrov d '.meetie stock.” Linkville lie took occasion to pay !>»•. tht» ii f»,cti«»n <»f all frvr,.« an«l all cunt í Kessler’s dmgsfnr* a visit. It has ^it X), g,eutei th m it best and p ir-• -t st«»« k in this line in Lake in rVerv .«i» k-r»mii TT.IE riEHT THE SUH« HIRER TAKEN PLEARURF. IN < burrel «ack«, and every mck 1« warrant»«! to KI im ifh counties, and on.» that 1 informing th»* public that he ha* 1>»rated n Iu lieen in many year*, and rolled up or ('ontMiii IV pounds of Hour If you don’t ^M»liev« Jacksonville, in Dr Aiken’a building on Califor­ this, ju«t compare a «ack of our Hour with an.\ w«»ul«l Io c • «1 t to towns much larger in-pite of the iiii-u 1« miiebyt iu li nia street, and re prepare«! to repair WHtchet*. >thcr brand offered for «ale in this market, and than L’nkvill»*. I> Kessler ha» had dock« and jewelry in the best styleandat reason <»t etho difference in weight. bor pixzty, wliieh pilled J.r.OD votes able »ate»*. much expo ¡«‘nee a» a drU4tfi»t and he is NUf/;z: K-vou.v to r tiL. Evi-ii the Republicans »<•-• the ba idwrit- prompt and th« r»>iitfl»ly rebable. • ffTNatrefaciion guaranteed. Give me a trial <»n api»liration Io m*‘Aseoon a« thè grani ih ro- and ju-gt* for youraelf. I, BELFIL'«. ceived. ingonthr w ill and r sort to all km 1« oi CURES all Dlsenne« of th© Kidneys, Applicati > iih for L »ans and Storage Roatn are t ‘ ’ onstaiitly on hand and exchanged fo r wheat Mftkr Minlt» I.». ex •Use» in order to break the force of n«»w sohcitod. Liver, Bladder, and I rir.ary Organ«; Il veti bave m:i«!e tip \ tl.u- virtually decided in ad- tak»* ani «•tli’-r II *»d‘« s ■•.♦rw.ii» *ar«at» trilla i« n Disease, Pains in the Back, VOTK E IS HEBERY GIVEN THAT THE H iving added a set of Barley Eoll«n» to mv mill I»te viriti* of X. partiu-rwhip h-r.-tofor» »ii.tini: B mwmmi 0». > • e. N'thing but death can defeat »»♦• •. iirnodu ine. I have act apart every Saturday to Roll Barley f<, Loins, or Side; Retention or tt- p« cu iar « .'Hbii.iitioii, prop»»rtioti :in.. I lint’s treatise o-i Heart H. E BAKER, Mr lou -t.it«- «>i thè s\ ntefii it hn.’i, Uau D u - I ums Haaiu kutKvr. the,book-* must be bal meed a« aooti an ¡»«»«Milde G. KAREWSKI i- unequal ed R«* »tire t<» get liood's. Thankful for past r atronare, a ontinuance of BilloUHncRH, Headache, Sour Stomach F’ti.xT'a H eart REvetrhi the same is required for the now firm Tin: Western Union Telegraph Com- j Uufl L.luAUuvo* rnt-.ii ,ne a hicli h s been found Dyspepsia, Constipation, and riles. I>. CBDNEMII.LER. Surrd Hi» Lift. < ■ - ■« inui in rasc'i of 8ca-ri< knc«s, ss , J G. HIKDMEY. pany has decided to make a general re ' * t the t»*rr b!c ••ofnitinr, throbbing In Jacksonville. Oct. 2'). 1»K7. Mr D !. Wilmjsfui. of If »r«e Cave Ky.. - ixavbicelhc patient to secure rv|iocc. duction in telegraphic rates throughout ■ - i\- he was. for many vear«, badly afff cted Opp. Odd Fellow*’ Buildir g. the I'mti-d States, commencing Decern- Il [ with ritflii'ir. al*o Diabet«**; the pains T--** m \ rren who mócala an sp- were a m<'st unendurable «••*! wmtld s»»tiie- le-r l»t. The reduction w ill affect nearly tmirs ,ilnn»«t f l>n>w him into cot.vu!*b»n« ■ . ■•* r>! c-’.«liity. uhc«0 HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE CURES WHEN ALL OTHER MEDICINES M is R’.'jn t to ipvlls hi« firm in Deer cr i< d E'ertric I’.’tii r- ami g»»r rrli» f from id* n devil /rc.n heart county, «»uen mii»*« from Kerbyville It o»n- iniz _ .......................... mil«*« «*a«t <>f M«»ib»rd, «»ne r»«l r,t<«*r FAIL, 04 it arts directly and at once on tho tirwt Initlle. n l after tak ng *»X l»ottle* Was Hix; r Rearar tain« 3Sn ncr»si of Ian.!, well w.»rer«*d, alwait till. three ,v»*ar« <»ld. brane in the right tlie change in the tai til fiom Portland to •ighleen |.oi.n«|-> tr ad*« with S tv-« he | «»*itively be- three or four a<-r»f being set in beating fruit I ear an.i a «wallow fork iu the b-fr ear. He han a ItlHWELL KNOWN IIOUHE. L’NDEIt TIG them to a healthy artion. HUNTS REMEDY is new ■mna.’.'iu *nt. will be <:o:idnct»ev«*« he w on I <.-ivr »ii» «l. ha«| it n> t hern l’hMre 1« a c«»a»f«»rta- i whit« rtnp« on the right cule running from the ' a tiie relief nflor led by |< e» Irir Bitter* freer nr it mint popular plan«, no fan e beinr fo gram and fruit nuatcg a ja.’?. run . and ipcc dy cure, and hundreds have ent maximum tariff is sixty cents for ten ••»l»l at fitly c»-nt« :i bottle by t'ity Drug «t>aro-l to uive u nornl eatiefartion. It contairr »le »1 welluig-ti«»n«e on the p!*«*e; ai»*o a g<»od roreh-g to th« t<»n of the |>a k and left hip white Í* tip»’* bcm cured by it when j hysicianj and friends sarn. »table and other building« This i* one of above th* tiank Tiie owner will call, pa* CSI-nfortnble hleepi, a aparftnents supplied will UaìLl S * Woids, and four cents for ea. h additions ■* «»re. «inirlo and double le d«, milnrit it n deetraltlr th»* bust ranch«« in sout->ern Oreg«» i and will be , charg.-s and take tl e animnl away ■ ! children who«« ta*** r-m- had given then vp to die. Ik» i >»t delay, try at word. The new tariff piovidea for a place for the entertainment of both travelers ano •»old cheap if npphrati»»n is made h « m » d For rx » x , F, A. bTRK KLIN. :th iiu ui.ity, HAMBURG X V 'X\( y \ v \ ftlwarg have Dal «al Nov. 10, 1% m » further particula«« apply to Henry hlippel, families. one? HUNT S REMEDY. . I r * .«•»n’r.tiun, ia­ m aximum rate of fmly c-nt» and th ee a V V kX W \w Acker’* Baby real-e«tate agent Jacksonville, or to I ti d io » r c< • • j •« hieb. JAS. LK’AS. cents for cacti additional word. K iirs So- ther at band. . > t-’ " *• « », . -et’ .o *n It is tl»» cnly aafe Send for 1‘vnphlct to I f. in Cali'ornia to intrrior state» will n.»*«’i. »ne yet prede that will T« I»»•»'■ « all i HUNTS REMEDY also he materially reduced No clra g» lllll-r.li *«’ It contain« >.u Opium Will always lw*«npr»HM w.th th,, hast the maiket nil »r<1« ,rrvrvl * «tr’p tl -it will piense the ohm -I fl ‘H-R.SIGNED ¡»i)stlie highest cit*h rnte will I»e made in the prewi t ta, iff t,, N w or U I 5 I :•» C dr ofUT'd fn*t> ’ « '.L PEINONS INDEBTED TO THE UNDER I for a*l kiud* of hides, skins and furs at his Y" k, winch is telatively lower than to • <’l »K -G I«. , . J« »HN ORTH I teed J.J.STBAIT.Trop, 0. KARKWSKI. I JackecaviUe, Orvgvo. M ot « I» Lài7, ilffltia I Paper for Jstksoa. Joseph ine & Lake Cold, frosty nights and clear day» are now the rule BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS, THE LADIES SMALL PROFITS Pleasing to th«» Palate anil Death to a Cough. J. 0. Knapp ul Kerbyville was at Jacksonville this week. GREENS BETTER THAN GOLD TREES MISCELLANEOUS TREES HAMMON BROS.’ NURSERIES, LUCKEY & CO PHŒN1X, OREGON, and OAKLAND, CAL. Our Stock this season C.inuot ba IS MILLI JERY ! 1 have added to rny «to< the following cla»»* good«, of which . have a full line- T ABIETINE ME DI JAL Company, TREES Of Southern Oregon are hereby inform»**! t hat i addition to a large and elegant line of II J on the Coast! Ashland, Oregon, ■1*1X1 AI/TI NEW STOCK OF COODS ! Ladies' Furnishing Goods Both Knit and Minlin. 1C. JACOBS INFANTS’ WARDROBE: COiiFLEL Davit g fail» <1 to n. 1 have albo secured the aervicee of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, And am prepared to execute all orde»s iu that hue in Hot cla«« «tyle al r»*u«»»nable rate«. ( all mu Scrip Bought an cl 8<>ld 100,000 TREES 1 have a complete s«*t of Maps of all Surv<*y«-«l Land« in ti»re county, aijd re«—ive abut ra-ta .. . ;in»nini> from Kotw-buig of r 11 new entnea made I urn thub pr<*|«ar**d to make out Houieatead ar.d Pre-emption paper«, and can thus *av«* to parti«'« th«* exp**iifto ot u trip to Kot»rburg lu«nd Office Several hue farm» are in my hand« for «ale Instock, consisting <»f YOUR CATARRH Apple. Pear, Peach. Plum, Prune. Apricot, Nectarine, Cherry, Almond. Chestnut, Ask Your Druggist For It! Walnut and PROMPT REPLY MADE TO ALL LETTERS. ("harre* in accordance with the time* Refer«, by permiwiion, to B**ekman. Esq. Banker; to Hon. L. It. Webeter. Judge of this uCdjcial diHtnct, and to any bu»in«e« l.on»e in I McMeotiville SILAS J. FAY- Carbolic Smoke Ball CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL CO. MOORE’S SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES I RIES. BLACKHEKKIES. RASPBER­ RIES. STRAWBERRIES, FIGS. IS THE “BOSS ! ” Our trees are grown without irrigation on red hill land, a”d all of known varieti-s that t-ucce«d in Southern Oregon. Th««t*e contempLiting tree ¡»'anting wil! do well to vi*>it our orchard and nurMTj. «»r write to us f'-r pri<*«*-h«t Addr«'»*s to u« at Murphy. .I «»«.*- ohm'* countv. Oregon, or to K ti Station Giant's l’as-, Or A. II. ( AllS'iN A SON now upon the market It re a t>nr<* c«ir* f«»r all «emp hun»«»re an 11 cheaper thai liiey are ««»Id any wn«*re in southern < tregon, as wt call Mf <| see for urselvr« In fore you purclihM ¡have but very few expen*«»«. All kindsuf pro- el-ewl ere. Pant« made for (MJ and upwur Je «luce taken in exchange ami J* A LARSEN. Next do<»r to MentM.-r Bro«’ HIGHEST MARKET PRICE I allowed for «ime. ('all and «ee for ynrselv«*«. JACOBY BROS THE 3EST OF EVERYTHING ENGEL BROS«. JOHN MILLER, DEALERS IN Manufacturer ami Dealer in General Merchandise ROSS & WRISLEY DRUGGISTS. ‘HOENIX, OREGON. Forty Years in Oregon. VE INVITE INSPECTION RIIIG1I AM) FINISHED LIMBER. Town of Medford, Jackson County. Oregon, and Surfaced Lumber AT R3AS0ÏTABL3 P2IC.-S. I'HITIT B<»xi:s TOWN LOTtS MONTAGUE, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS! THE STAFF OF LIFE ! STEAM FLOURING MILLS H Kidney Æiver Medicine Chilli z\.rting G»»»d- »ver brought t»» this nmrk' t Goods «old af the ioweat p<»««ibb price«. 1 will guarantee the«*« Goods to bo juM what 1 /represent th» m to I»«. Being thankful to m\ «»Id customer* for tli»*ir t»a«t ¡latronag«* «<» lil»rr<.l ly b» «i »w»«l, I would r»*|*ctfully ««»b«*it a ron- (iniunce of th»* «.uno. JOiiN Ml; LER. HEART REMEDY. BARLEY ROLLERS. HUNT’S REMEDY Sacks Loaned to Farmers Without Charge ASHLAND HOUSE ! Farm for Sale Main St., Ashland. Or T Estrny Notice. T B A GODFREY, Prop , 65 Front St., Portland, Or. FHL SUBS’-RIBER TAKES PLEASURE IN 1 informing t ,i«* ¡»ublictn.it h«» ha« tiior«»UA hiy rénovai» df u-w di-c, .w.i ftuf-I and m vd a i um- ar«!»*i-. Fl «wf r a • ut«».*»at»le west. No p i : ire «parsi t-« g.ve «at .«faction. Hutes Merchant«, fanners and gnnlener* are r »|uc«i Quite rea«*»»nabi- . »al t»> writ» for prie II A. GoDFHEY. ILLUSTRATI I) » 41 O.lK.l I Mill m mi l. 1«. ^rii«jvirr, T. J cc. NOTICE HIDES AND FURS CRESS. HOUSE PAINTER, M EDFORD. OR JACKSONVILLE, OR Having permanently located h<”*e. I offer mj services to the people of Southern Oiegon. House Painting, Paper Hanging Frescoing, Kaisomining, Etc., Done in a «u¡»error manner and at prices to suit the times. 1 refer to the jobs of ¡«unting 1 have previously done for recommendation. Saiiafac- 11on gua rr.nt eed. C3BF" (live me a trial and jndge for y<»ur««*lf. Order« left at Merritt’« Now (’ash Store wil’ leceive prompt attention T. J. ( RE8H. CANIARD’S ORCHESTRA T Th«* Tat>le HANLEY& LOVE. (-AITI.E ANI» lIOBSEb BBANDED IH. ON V !eh hip. Al«»» catil* brai»d.*d —ou left -nie or h.p; al««» •' ittk» brand»«! With a tiguie X <»Q • ufi «al«* or hip. ih»» e.u-«narMN of (he *l>»v* brand» aie «non rr«»p in kit «Mr and luugtropin «lul.t. Areo catll«* bf mi «»L <1 wit;( Spot- |»-(i Uip. and inark.*d cr««p in righi h . h ai d iiok and »piit tu 1. ft ear. SEEDS ! ! BONANZA HOTEL! Flour and Mill-Feed Dissoluti in Notice. WINTER DE-C0TE. “ OF ASHLAND, OR., Late of California, Arenow prepared to fuminh the lH*«t of music for public or pr.vate Pa1 ties. Balls, Picnic*. Ac., at any point <»u the coaat. AH th*« new popular music ia played by this Otchrtgra. Having employed a brge number of mnaicians. we *.ro able to furnish any number of band* Any instrument« or a caller furnished toother Itands. All older« by mail or telegraph itofi M- ly atteudixl to. Term* alwayt* reason d»le. Aa- draa» PROF. GAN*ARD. /UbkLd. Or. fJVNb. I-ISKH.S AND OTHER EIREAE.MP « a r»‘¡>air«* PEIt SHARK ON .1 tl.e c. rual Mtaik <>( the Gold Hui Minin» i ..xniwny, kxied Oct. XI. l-»7, i. row a., c.3 ta-yi.bli m If .-nr, K'ipprt. Brer. tary. m J hc E mw . ji . w. Ow n. ,nlM0B)hUe,Qct.U.liH7.