WINES AVÍ) LIQUORS. t»l ft rllniUM! H i ri s WITH OTH- I H Pl HI II ILIO.ys. âheÿnuocratk^ime Col. J. N. T. Miller, who has just re­ turned from Harney valley, imparts Io Eastern excursion parties are arriving us the information that he has disposed of his entire band of horses, with the ex­ in Portland thick and fast. ception of sixty geldings, which he Secretary of State McBride is confined brought back, and is now ranging them lu liis rojtii at Portland by sickness. in Wood river precinct. The Col. furth­ The canal between Lakes Union and er informs us that through the govern­ Washington, at Seattle, has been com­ ment's agent, Maj. Brokenbough. who was sent here recently as special agent pleted. to investigate the unlawful inclosure of (irevv threatens to resign the presi­ ; public lands, has done effective work in dency of France on account of internal causing to be thrown o|>en again many trouble. thousand acres of land unlawfully inclosed The cutlery manufacturers have ad­ in Harney valley, thereby giving the vanced prices 15 to 20 per. cent since homeseeker an opportunity to select homesteads and pre-emptions without their combination went into effect. being restrained or overawed by an un­ Hank Vaugh harvested 20,0 Ml bushels just and would-be thieving monopoly. of wheat on the Reservation and dispos­ •Mr. Miller says that portions of Harney ed of it at prices ranging from 40 to 44 valley reminds him of“a widow’s farm." i i cents. Let the good work goon, so say we. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS «o Parti«« payirg for th« T imes in advance at our r««iuetHÌ cash rate« will I«» furuiahtxi any of th« following named publication« in coxuieotion with thi« pA|Mtr at the prie»* giv«ni below. It will be noticed that pier« in a redaction of at least 15 p- i cent, on putih-»!:««!»» ’ customary 7 rata« in «ver u* ----------------------- ni’-tance, and m MM much m»»re; ROGUE RIVER UNITED STATES OFFICIAL PRESS FRIDAY ..NOVEMBER li, 1W7 WEEKLIES. T«»le«io Weekly Blade........................... >3 IO Harp t *» Weekly..................................... 5 70 S«’ientific American .... ... 5 On •♦•tr<»it Ere»- Pr»--« 3 U0 \»*w \«»rk Star 3 00 New V»rk W.. LI 3 U0 San Frant'iran» Examiner.................. . . 3 Hu Portland Oregonian.............. .......... 4 00 Harp»-r’f» Bazar ... 5 7.» I'ionmr Pre«« . ................ 3 00 ( I-1 cago N«- wm 3 (Ml ViiiMM»ari ((«publican.......................... . 3 0U Globe Dem«M*rat ........................... 3 (1) Philadelphia lim«*~ 3 San FrntiCiMc«» Call . 3 25 Frank Leslie « illustrated paper . 5 70 ” G»*riuan. 5 70 ’* “ Sun«jay Magazine.................. 4 5u Popular Monthly................. 5 Qti “ Budget ................................... . 4 H) JACKSONVILLE - - • OKEGON ” PieMMint Hour».................... fl 50 M o NTMLIB'4. Wi-MtShor»». Portland. Or. fl 00 Caton & Gvrett, General Agents Century. SrriiMier'» .. .... rt It) D»«mor»'»t’a Magazine... 4 UM Gu«iey’» i^tdy B«»ok 4 UH St. Nicholiu- 5 4M) Harper’» Monthly . . 5 50 A;n«*rieaii \g icuiturct 3 50 Har|M*r*t< \oung People 4 00 P»»t«*rt»»»n'n Maguxine 4 00 H->u-»»*k»»»-p«r 3 00 Other puiiiic.iti«»nw wi I In-fiirni»h»««i ata re- di" ’d pri«-»- a hen ord«re«i with the 1'lMES. -AND- (Md and t,-w -»u*»->erib«-r«* paying one year in ad- Y.uic«- from «Im.- f »r th»- IT mi s will receiv»» m ad- i t,o i «iti.. r tic N.-w \<»rkStar. the San Fran- ” «• I \-«mi: < r. >t. I'.t il Pione.-» Pre»». St. Louis Republican or Detroit Fr»*e Pre»«. »ix months fr«-«', «>r t ' i am an l t- ii»-Mi>|«- one year free. In »lunntitiP» to »u it ar < I at price« that can not i I »IES PRIM ING HOUSE. h«lp t-» give -mtmfartu»n. Ja keonville Oregon. O ir liquor« ar« absolut pur»*, ojh I superior to any in tin« market. SATISFAiJ’ION GL KIUNTFI* D. DI STILLERY ! JOHN A HANLEY. Prop r, A Pure, Unadulterated BOURBON. RYE Corn Whisky! jAÜiSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET Railroa .Saloon < ’»r. i'ali foni LAN id Oreg »n Street)*. Jacknon *“!♦• HENRY PAPE« EunM«nrly on h.n.l, Th*. rwMlititf-table in o Ï m , .uy-pliod with Kantorn periodical, and I nulina ¡«por. of the THE ‘’SUNNY SIDE, | < «»Iliac l'El> WFEhl.Y.] . f18 U0 Flour, per ttu»«i P m » riu Wh»»at, per bu»ht*i .. ............... 50 Barley, ” .............. . . 50 I httf. ** .............. ............ . 15 I« Mill F.... I i • • • ■ ............ It> (U lia>, wheat <»r t im<»th>. per tun . . Egg». |H»r doz»'H ............ 25 Butter, per lb, ............ Potato»«, p«’r lb............................ 01 < H bl Nig«*, ” ............................ ................ 01 014 (>n ion», ‘ * ........................... B-af.M 03 Cornmeal, per !«•’ Ita,. - Lard, per it» in tin» H Ham and Buc«>n J2 to 15 Dri»*d Apples. p«-r lb. - 10 Plum», ” Pear»*, ** ................ 10 ’* Pea«’h»* •* .............. 10 Sorghum M o I hnm »**. p ;>er gallon. 75 ('hick» tin. per na................... ............ 15 to 20c. W in .I. Spring ............ . . 15 to ’JO f f<> l'1 ............ Ö to 8 fl !t> 10 TO AIM LKi IMKRM ••• 1 I VI M ,iM« nrir<*aalall«»ai of 2«2O<*' largrMl en joy eat by nuy iiew»pnp«‘r i..ibliwtar