» Th«- business of the Jacksonville Marble Everybody .«boul«i call and > c that mag­ nificent >t < k of gauds being displayed by Works will continue right along under the Newman l’ishcr. (ir< at bargains in every j management of the assignee, A. H. Ma*glv. ' .Anybody desiring a tombstone, monument, linear« being uttered there. • John Stumniel, Montague (’•> ’s grand | stone coping, etc., will find it to their ad- i vantage tu call so«»n, as price# have been traveling agent, has left San Francisc«» and , reduce«! considerably, , . ........... ...... .. First-class merhan- w ill assist in winding up the business of i ics are em ployed there and the best of Satisfaction guaran- I worked turtle«! out John Lehners at Yreka, (’al. Henry Klippel, the real-estate agent, ! teed. rhe White is king. U1ITÎ) sr XTtì 5fflCl\L P.U8S. 8 KI I » A Y NOVEMBER il. 1887 Southern Orryon Trade. There was published in a San Francisco lo< al paper recently a letter from J. M. Chiles, a merchant at Grant’s I’ass, Oregon, which may be <»( interest towhole­ sale merchants of Portland. Says the v» ritcr ’• As t«> <«p<*culation as to which of the two cities. San Francisco or Portland, will derive the greater benefit from the completion of the newline, I believe that there is no question of the practicability of wholesale merchants of San Francisco <*apturing the trade of this section, if they will come down tu business and work for it From my personal experience in buying gcods in the two cities, I have no h» sit a tion m saying that my relations with s>n Fran cisco have been most satisfactory In m.iking a comparison in purchasing go«»«!s of Eastern manufa« ture I cannot s» e anv ditterence between the tw • places, hut in al! goo»l< fure.gn impor’afi.>n an.I Californ­ ia pro !u ti”.1 such as sugar, syrup, vhees»*. honey and early fruits and vegetables, there is a dec »«led a«ivantage in buying them fr«»in San Francisco Then, again, o ; wheat, hides, furs, winter uotatoes an«! a|»| s. chickens and eggs, would naturally fin«i a »etter market there than in Portland. It is «I*«» i<* be supposed that C.dif«»rn;a i furi ish um the best market !.»r all «»ur surplus (-.rille and horses ” I irentt < ewrl ts.>ekrt, li.ll-.wing is a ll«t id c.i.e. wlncti if rcuit court (or Klamath reunt.« ■ ,f Orejmi vs J !■' Munz ; imlim for murder m th«1 second degree er. B \ Gmtfr-y; indictmeuf for suit »uh a dangerous weapon .8 Webb Sr. vs Cha* Putnam rt otion toquash execution. Taylor»« Klamath ruimtr; to sai: E E lleidi irli vs Jas Kiam ith co mtv v* same B Sn « v, ami h \y K. R. Ream 9vha!!*"-k . s.u J I- E »oming.-.tmp vs Pau! an 1 Anna Breitenstein . sam»- John Gleim v*. F W. Clift, suit fur in­ junction B F Van Brimmer v« Marion Smith ; t«» f«»rrclose mortgage M. 8. Ager vs. 8. C Ag vorce. Jas. Mortoti vs. 8. A Sh.oo- K la math <*uuut v vs J K Ingalls, suit W > m l ( s M ,.,rc v« Aligli-! Biehn to f«»re« lose lien. B »Idwin «k Furbe« vs D Ferree; tu foreclose mortga Ankeny and the Knbbrr. I **i Bingham, lhe well-Kuow’n i.r.vxcr trln a s -»rv on C.»pt. Ank«'ny t»> rii • «»tie« th «t when that big in in wi h a I l»r »rti.m t » hi- I hj U v was r| ling .ih.'a I of a pack train that w.i- t i' ■>< -»iipp i»*s into lhe mi»«('s in J i(-k*»«»n • ountv h»* was si<»p pe 1 by a young feil«»w with a pistol and tolti to throw up his arms. The old tn.m turne«i in his saddle and viewing the a u.rieur rmid agent fr >m he.» 1 t«> foot, sa I “Y*Mi’re fi»ol-.sh boy. Y m couldn’t hit me but once, an I then before you w«»ul«i know where you were I w Oil'd i have yon in these big arms of mine t ami s«|'i’*t'/.'- bio »1 '»ut <»f v >ur ears b »fore you ; •ould say Jack Robinson No v. t*ll m ■ the truth, are you hungry *” ’ I am,” i w the feeble reply ve be(*n r»».im ab » it the-e mountains for a w«*- k, and broke, hungry, afoot and sick.” Then generous old miner got d «wn from mule, ami when the pack train came gave the poor b »y an abti*»dan<*e of f«»o« mounted him on a cay use, an I hired |»it to help the tr.i'l* men as a night herder .Sunday Welcome orK SOLID HfV. Below if 8 list of tax payer, in county paying taxes on >2000 and < >i vgi»n Kidi ley l ea. ! Amv, 1! Some fogg this week. Axliland Woolen Milla Dancing-school this evening. 1 Atkinaon, W H . Applegate, Linileay Pay the printer and be happy Ammerman, H Read the new advertisements. Anderson, E K \bmliam, Sol «A II The holiday* are approaching. J. C Whipp. has purcliscd a piece of Ailkina, B F . ........... has established a branch olfl *e at Me«ifur«i, (’ounty court has been in session this live Bellinger omtaining land from M. with I). W. Crosby as manager. Read his Angle ,«»n’i Brooks, E (' never fails in giving satisfaction Bellinger, M * The sportsmen ore killing a large number An exchange says: The Shasta division fail to give hi in a trial. Brown, (ieo . . "f ‘piail at present. soon to be established, will comprise the We < all attention to the card of Mrs Rob­ Brown, HR ............ 212 miles between Re 1 Bluft and Ashland, inson A Gill, published in another column. Brown, R H Nature's remedy is what they say of with headquarters at Dunsmuir. This association for the practice of medi­ Barnum, J H Oregon Kidney Tea. Ministers, teachers and students will cine wiil undoubtedly meet the approval of Baker, till Indication' were favorable fur more rain find, after long continued ineiitul effort the community, besides enlarging the Beall, R V as we went Io press. great refreshment by gently relaxing the business of these gentieni' n They will Beall Estate «t V Bargains in every line may still he found t........ r . ______ io calls both day and Beall Estat«' promptly attend system w th Freses Hamburg lea. nt Newman Fisher's ♦ night in tow’ll ami in the country, ami are Bennett, 8 I. Read School «Superintendent Jac<)bs' no­ prepare«! to treat diseases ot the lungs by Barnes, J T Henry Kintjeti is now a resident ot Reno. tice to applicants fur teacher’s certificates, the gaseous method, so much talked or. Birdsey, ON . Nev. Success to him lie will hold the next regular examination Gilmore s Neuralgia Cure is a oosi.ive Burrage, (' W Eli nut utlicc c »at i. bandy ami «‘heap, at on the last Wedncs lav in the month cure for Neuralgia in the face, side and Buckley, ,1 O the > F. Variety Store • Butler, ti S stomach. SoldalCit.. Drugstore. A large and r »tuph-te line uf scouid book t'llitwosl, J II F«»r g<» • I shingh-s. shakes an I cord-woud stationery, etc..—first-class good* may J.»Im II Yale*, ot Batavia. N Y sa. .» 3 Coatsworth, W. apply at the T imes «. ftice. •• I cheerfully com mend be found al the City Drug >t«»re, ami will f.silidg«, <» Y ’ our Aromatic Wine ; ( »uiimer« ial travelers have been ».umer- be sold at tlie most rea* )iiable rates. farter, 11 B _____ » 11 dni new lite and vigor send ou* «luring th- pxst week. < rocker, .1 1 > I'hrough this week frame of mine Geo. W. Cooksey of Central Point has ( lary, S I: di I t«»r all my stomach ills Pay your arrearages at the T imrs office purchased a half interest in the Baine * M-.r«* than th»* •!«•« t<»r ami iris pills.” Cameron, Don and get one of our p emiums. farm, about four mi.es northcast of Jack­ S »1«! at < ity Drug St- re Colver «k Hudah Henry Klippci announces some new sonville. $10.090 Was the ¡»rice paid. Fr. m Appleton’s ’Guide’’ We presume t arver, E W tra« ts of land for sale in another column. l he second term ut the Ashland normal that there ale but very few readers of the Colver, Louis Estate Colver, Mrs Maria The election on the amcmlsments in Ore ' school < omuivnvtd last Munday, a large Guide” who are unacquainted with Pond s gon is a feature «»f tin* p is*. number ui .new students beginning w ith Extract, a . r«gards it« extraordinary cura- Cardwell,,! A Cronemiller, 0 the term. The st hool is doing nicely. ('ail an I ••■■ th-»se ne V ;» ill»«, j'l -t tiv»* nr«»;»erli( * We have usd it in our t 'oleman, 1. (' Ceivr.l, a’ M ¡i'*or Bros, .store. ' A nuuiuvr uvi ui claims for Indian dvpreda- v years, and Carron, Heirs power in re Carlton, SA p »T- - tion*. (’uiuuntled in lhe Rogue river war of K»7-’oS, have lately been .tlloAk i bv the » foi all hem < rain. .1 A >. s>»r»' thr«>at. < 'mi-taut, I r prom|»t an i rapid I a ten >r i > q».ii i.r.vut I uiblrcd ¡»aim* ('ooksey, .»n fruiu tii Be careful t.» i longing tu i .1 -i < ardwell, Mr« Klien J .1 side Saloon in t«»wn la*t Sa ur. < 'antrail, John ' he oil« rs a liberal 1« ward f«» :b« • • V < 'ameron, R J i I'J O. R Biakesly has returned from the «•ry. < ameron, Z coast and will locale in this vicinity. 1 i'll '.* Cameron, Theo I a Deed*, mortgages an I every ie*cription Chavner, Thos Fresh lem >ns, figs, candies and nuts | uf real-estate and legal blanks for sale at t luggage, J estate always on hand at the S. F. Variety. Point ay. S .! flagrant .it the S F. Variety Store. i .io ! daughter of As­ DeRolmam, Henrietta B W Geo. ('bastili, lately of Phœnix, is now a an 1 ft lends in De Bar, Ge«» < > it a un­ VI Drum, James re-; h ut of Davis creek. Mudoc, Co., (’al. the Chi- ai.d Donegan, P rctuii.cd .1. ( Daley, A J I, where f'Hin i ot» th»* fir Dugan, D II Hi quest Dean, Anna » at w hat low l»l illlr Dalev.John ¡¡¡ng lh«*ir new Engie Bros I l l’i -tt, lames crest in the M¡** I I’.mery, EI» t >an Franc . * •I ! < »In­ I arliart,- Samimi n K ai t-1 re- Fountain «k Holmes All kinds of country produco taken Farnham, S A exchange for goods at Mensor Kr Fox. Heaton Rev. II B Ewell, of Pavilion N Y ,sa Mis- Berth >ul«»mon of >an Francisco, a store Foldy««' ■. S A of Gilmore's Ar«.malic Wine. 1 belie mee of J«>*. Solomon ot this place, is vi*it- 1'urrv, Samuel I it to bv a most desirable remedy to mg re •latives in this place. Fisher, A «t Bro placed in every family ” Sold at ( i ( • >! W.J. Hartin, ut <».de^ville, Dou. las FMier. N Drug Store. count y. is visiting his daughter. Mrs. W. Fur'lu'e. Anna F its : Ail fits stoppd free l»y Dr. Kim»* Fisher, Mary J. Fly niaic, at tin* pla«’O. (inihli, John 1, Great Nerve Restorers No fits after fir Jas. . lLins»*ii. formerly of this section but 'iinianl. <> au and strengthened, my digestion Im. proved, and my head relieved of the bad feel Ing. I consider It the best medicine I liavo ever used, and should not know how to do without it." Mani" L. I' eblf ., Salem, Mass. 9 % Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Made OLly by C. I. HOOD A CO., Lowell, Mass i 1 A 100 Doses One Dollar. The elei (¡«'ll pa ing lie ¡T.ihihili" j-»ri’y Ill •l; • I NEW THIS WEEK. B. M t.n i M 1) J W. B ousson . M. D W I. in DRS. ROBINSON A. CILL, I HY-l* IAN’S I» I AM» M’i:ur correspondent will endeavor next week to give the vn lue and number of buildings that Lave l»«-ri: constructed in the past year. < • •ntraf P«»int, with its future prospect bid* fair t.» become < .me ot the leading cities of southern (>r»-gon. Four years ago new Central Point was a blank in Jackson county. After our opponent town had started at the present place called Medford, people ridiculed the idea of Central Point ever i«m »uutii)g to anything. But look upon "tir thriving Village to day! After all • pposuion ami piejudire she ri growing right along ; she i* r.mk»-«i w ith tiie other leading town.*; *he w ili so»n score the last point, whi' li will ever bring pr«>*peril.' yet it is our indefatigable citizens that have a« < ompliriieri this result. W hat town ever struggled under any more disadvantages fur it? freedom than Central Point’’ It is rue we have a larger scope of c« untrv sur- ounding us tha ntemporarie* Hl' o ( will, h w again t 'WU < i f« w \c.ir h II i ‘1 PI I (Il I i i I í A I h«u L* ROPER, CALEY * HELM, Notice for Publication L and O ffici at R tsflcro . On N « 3 1--. ) OTE : IM HERFin GIVEN that ihf folios mu-r.H n«»d Hcttlrr ban filed notice of ho« intrnti« n to make fi’i.d proof in supj-ort his ••’i.aitr». and clint - od jf uni 1 be in ad«« be­ fore the Jtidge _ „__ or Cl«*rk . . .<»f the County ( ounty ('«»ort (’«»ori <»f ... Jackson (’« <».. O-.. at Jacks«»! vill»’. Or . on Tue»« day. Dec. 2 2n. 1SS7. viz John (iolduby. humetUead entry. N". . Ib I. for t h«« S E 1-1, wert ton 1-. Tp 314. 8 of If 3 West. " \V M. H“ nain«**» th«* followinw wifno! ••a m prove bis «•<>ntinu«»uK roaidflace up- on. and cu!ti\ c i«»n Of. t««aid land, »iz : Hobt. J (’inneron. 1‘. ( am^ron Andrew (’«ntr^lL John < 'ant rell All «•( L i:i«»ii( «’wn. «b«' k-««ii r<»un«y. N Oregon ( HAS W. JOHNSTON. Roister Notice of Public Examina tion. O ffice «» f / T he (’ ounty Kcunoi. S ci ’ f . rintendent , ’- J acks » mviluk . O b . N » v . ji 1887 » VOTK E IS HEREBY Gl VEN TH AT FOR THE .1 ;.iir¡" <>f rnakine rii examinHtion of all p< r- w'.o ;ri -y offer themv.»« as candidat»** for •-o. of the schools of this cidi! ty, the ( ou nt j •I Stip«‘rui’o!HÌ»'r't thereof will hold n pubi i ' »art llw.isr A» th«ir---- of HEAL ESTATE OFFICE IS ASIILANII. OR.. NEXT POOR TO BASK. •X|ii ACRES iu lots t<» suit purcliu.-- Ci <• ty «»f Ashland su- offered for ealv at fair pria«« ar. d wV» ’ on term-«. ] i H H | A< RES m five, ter; and twenty a« ?«- trad idj>»u i..g an«i near Ashland. The b*»st qualit A VW >f fruit I mi ;«!-, «ttid m»»ht «i«*tial»;< -.tua' - are now «4f>-r« d f<»r *ah- at tins offire Emit and farming ¡ « ik I h in tnidbof fr«»m 4 to ucr«*-, T ot A-hlund. ai»d Minna th« tin« of th milriwvi. <-*n I»«* put<-U«M»»*«i ««» liii» «•tti«*«' A *pl information desired r.incemin« the needs. resourc»-s an prosi enty of Ashland and .Southern Oregon, and will take pleasure ui »Lowing the pr«»perty we t fl<* for sal«-. ROPER. GALEY r. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but al­ layed the extreme soreness in his breast. His children were similarly aflecied and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr. King’s New Discovery is now the standard remedy in the Coleman household and on board the rchooner. Free trial bottles of this standard Remedy at City Drug Store. < hir t G iD"ii. I- HA Son impr-»vol we are please I to -tato. I < iold Hill Mining Co Miss Tresia Si huitz. «¡«an lighter of < I I * Mi-s Emma P.«j e, who has been visiting married in Los Herrin, J S Schultz of this ¡dace, was i Angeles on Nov. 1st. to fho .A A. Geskins, her*ist«-r, Mr«. A. <>. E» kelson, at Corvalis Houck. Johanna (.’ Knighton, son of W. G. Knighton uf High, Govan a gentleman highly spoken of. We extend for sometime past has returned home. Furt Klamath, was in Jacksonville for Hargadinc, estate our congratulations Hamlin. James supplies last week As our new go«»ds have been received, Helms, James A in w string l»an«l has !•-e:i organized ami having purchased them i of the be>t Hanley ,t Love in this place, which onmi.M - to (urm-h ex­ Hanley, J A houses in ' an Fram ;.-co. we m»w i ofTer the < i : i . a cellent mu-ic ere l*»ng. Hanley. Mary II tx.*M quality >ii go and at the lowe-t »• I th.* s HotlTnan. Mrs 1' p, (iet-t * fu ri. pn« »•«. Mentor Br a Hanley. M * 1W • r.M- li .rild'O ID- r<»hibiti«»n amendment was snowetore . i!s • I • U toys, elm: ch J. \V. Merritt tor sometime pa.^t, ha* gone Julien. N D 8. B Hamilton lias tiiken possession of base and rubb *r balls, m iri» «•■«. iiat inoni tuGutiv.d, W T , being called thither by Jacoby Bros the Sturgis farm on Applegate anti is in »V- I ea.s, j»*w*har|»s. va*e<. picture frames. «• (-., the'«erious illness ot his mother ami Bib’e • a«- « ing his ctttcts there from Ashland. Kingsbury, (' B of every description, all nt the lowest meets every o’clm k a u a» Mi*-s Maggie Lum who has been paying Kul'li A Bolt ’ It's only a question of time, and a short prices. * the r. M I. San Francisco, southern ( aliforni i and Kleinliamcr, (' tint«-, t • »,as t»» when your rlu*uinatisni will A single bottle of Ayers Sarsaparilla wil! Khini. (' K ions other places an extended visit, is The folko ing are Rev yield to H ihm I .- i Sarsaparilla Try it Karew ski, G establish the merits of this medicine as a expected tu return home in a few days. ments: <»i every Sun Kahler, C W The November term of th»’ county court blood purifier. Many thousands of people I cepting the third, he wil! hold services nt KineaideA Rip|iey Mr Thomas, who was was held this week, when considerable bus­ are ye.nrly cured of chronic disease.« by the Kime. Mrs Mary the Presbyterian ebur- h in PL amx; on the faithful use of this remedy. Every invalid iness on the >iskiy<>u. w iness of importance was transacted. Kubli, K third Sunday morning an«l every Nundav this week, where he will shouhl give it a trial. n AV P Linville of ¡able Rock precinct Kahler, Wm evening tie will preach at the Pre*byt«*rian •n Kincaide, W B Read our grand clubbing inducement* w ho has bought an in has gone east of the Rocky mountains on a church in Jack’onvi’h* there. I.vttleton, I’ published elsewhere. and if you want the vi-*ir. accompanied by hr daughter. Judge Webster. District Attorney (’olvig. Layton, J T < trrult ( ourf l‘r din yi. As lar as heard from, Ashland is the leading journal of southern Oregon ami the P. P Prim ami H. K. ILiiina are at Ltnlc- I.inn, David The («»llowing business I beet, trans- «»nly precinct in the county which gave the best newspaper or periodical in th«* United Love, John A minor States for the price of one, call or send to ville attending court. Chas Nickell of the I.usv, John S a< tcd in this court up the time the Prohibition amendment a majority. T ime ? and Dr. Will. Jackson of the ‘ Senti­ lhe T imfs office. T imf . s ’ report w.t*« mailed Lance, G W nel’ ’ are also there. Emerson's famous minstrel company, 8tate of Oregon vs. J. h Munz indict- Messrs. Parke A Lacy have removed t » I I I. Hamilton ami Mi?s Enola Gibson, Myer, B F wliuli played at A'lilatvl last week. di«l ment for murder. Contin»i< (I. Nos. Xi .»nd .V> Fr««iri str« «-t, in the lar -r both of M' ¡ford, who have many friends Murphy, John State vs B A G -dfrrv. in lictment for nut seem to give getivr.il satis a 'ti«»n building of Mr Bickel, Portland I I h \ throt i^lp'Ut thi- section, were married on Mnk,Ison. Mike an assault with inf« n! to kill S»*r fur Fn- Gen. Hi ts G R.-ames went t<» Portl.»n«l are thoroughly r«’liab!e and «»ne ot tt.» 1» . I '»umia.v last. We wi.-h them a long and Mills, D R .Sr E V dav N llth, for tl .al Million, Bennett Ladd Cronemi ler vs C <'unningliam V» For the best turnouts for all occasions land, was in the valley on .Sunday last, Mathis, Wm M rcr«»ver monrv On trial driven their band of 2’*J0 tine sheep home E K. 1!« . iiiii - y V’. l»«-n Shreve amt H r from the summer range in Klamath coun­ call at the Excelsior livery stable in Jack­ enjoying the sport <»f quail shooting. He Maeglv. A II S« Lull« * k : to recover money. Dismis « l sonville Plymale'» prices are quite rea­ wm * accompanied by a juung gentleman McCully. Mrs J M ty* fioin the .same place. Mingus, C sonable ami he never fails m giving *atis Tnkp Entire, Prof. La l-'ram «• w iil give a grand Ma.v Merritt, J W You will also do well to patron Faury anti ’■t'lfli P. Bonneville, agent for the standard quemde in this place,<>n Tliank«givingeve, faction ! Muller. Max ize his stag«- line running beiwoen this An ilh.’ftratc'i ( atalogur, containing lull Miller, John sewing-machine - Wheeler .U Wilson -will which will be a fine affair in every particu­ place anen at the C. S Hotel Magruder Bros A (' For Sate. Judge DePeatt and Commissioners Hay­ where he has been on an inspecting t*mr. every Saturday All accounts must be D W Cornish, having locate I on a McClendon, CC mond and Carlton were at the county-beat R A Miller informs us that he ha« al­ •( itled up Neil, R P until vesterdav, attending to official busi- ready shipped 36.»■*>"! rounds of grapes from homestss 1 near Central Point, ¡^compelled Neil. I. A I*. Il'.'iKVIl.LE to abandon bis milk business. He there­ nesa. the Miller vineyard north of town, b« rid»*« fore oth-rs sevrn heal of fine milch cows Nichols, G W Naylor, G F reo 1 oncert The noobicst stock of gent's hats in many which l-.av<* been 'urni-'ln-d the local for sale cheap_______________ Nunan, Jerry The Hemphill A: Vine concert ami con­ Southern Oregon can b«; fouml at the S F. trade. Tiicr»* arc st II plenty on the vine*, A lintihn Opportunity Seldom lirantrd. Niikell, Chas** vention company «>f Chicago will give a Variety Store, Ja ks-mvilie. »'all and see which will !»•• «hipped. md a (’on.«id»-rable Oil I ’ u -dav m I whjr Tuesday), October llth, • quantify of w.m will al*-» be manufacture'I at tlic city "t N'-w () i I« muh , La., th»« 2o*«.(fh I Nichols, T E free com-» rt in this < itv at the E S .fall them One of tin* best maiia/ed establishments Gran«l M«»nthy Drawing «»f Hie Loui-iana State Ne.itharner, Jacob t<>morr«»w (Saturday) evening. The pr » To «lay th«’ seven auarr! sts who threw in southern ’»regon i* the Union livery Lottery « «»inpany took d I hcm . f he next is the • •'Brien. John Grand Extraorduinry S»*mi-Annual Distribution, , gramme w.ll «■ mri*t <»f s«». •■. «luet*. »fr»r the dynamite b«»l»ib «luring the Haymarket and the I Obenchain, John estate lh-re may ai'.vays when tie* ti *t prize will t>e t».*tte«. :mth»-ii)<4, chorus**, etc . etc. Tlie riot in n May I. H8t>, are to be stable <»i J.i-k'-u.vilh- .“uni» «•( princely magnitude will be sentterod Olwell, Mrs P W be found ii» w ami romfiu t.il»le V'*hice « «»I h»*re and there and everywhere on Tuesday. De- Ortl«, John con»;» in Wi.l mnk • .m ci! »rt to org.miz«- n har.ge»! all kind* ami the la*t«-''t ami safest teams. cctnber 13tn, I>w7 a splendid opportunity to wm O A C R R Co milsi) al «•i»iK'*iit; »*i d’lring th** eviring. holiday prcto*nt. But at the'¿Mb drawing the McG ’ mley and Mr Taylor Bob amt Eva I i he proprietor. W. G. Kenney, spares no a reeult ww> th»** Number 13,046 drew the first o «>i T Company when full i xpl i’» iti.»n-« Will be given They are now giving entertainments in eastern I pains togive his customers their money’s prize of $150,000; it wai Hold in tenths at $1 each. Powell, 1* com»* highly ree«»n»»netnied They will worth and succeeds well in giving satisfac One went to Mrs. ( has. A. Scott, of Springfield. I Oregon, ami may be expected in this place Brown Co.. Minn., t»aid through Merchant* Bank Phillips Samuel , tion. Give him a call. • n!so give a sa« re«l service uf s«»iig at the of Sleepy Eye. Minn . one went to L. Fuget, a Parnell, Win before lung. Presbyterian chur.-h on Sunday evening. An interesting programme, consisting of brok«*r, at 1*1 (’«»minon St.. New Orleans, iJi.. l’ayne, C T An excursion train will be run from San . ringing, music, etc , was r»*ndered by the one was paid to H Kinler, runner. Union Na* Prim, P P tional Bank, N«*w Orleans, La ; fora depositor lira nd Jury. Franc sco to Portlan«! about the lOtli of • .Sisters of Pocahontas at their lodg»* last there; one to Chai*. A Johnson. 375 W. Ohio St., Parker, W H The foil«»wing is a list of tlie gr.«n«i jnr«»rs December. It will be th** first through hieago; one to L. Ginsburg. 57 Salem St.. Boe l’lnpl»«, M P ¡evening, which was highly appreciated by ( ton. Ma--.; one wan collected through Fourth empaneled for the November term of the train uvvr t In* ruu'l b the members who were present Professor National Bank of N«*w York City. No 12.U67 Phipps, Mrs A R circuit court; R Hutchinson, fiireman. Willis L Culv» r«»f Pavilion, N Y . mys , Suttner A Smith’s new strmg t»au I furnish­ drew the second prize of $ »0.«O>; it was also sold Phipps, I J Ja*. T.*n lor. E CaMbh r. R Casey, A Wi it- that Gilmore'.« M 'gm ti Elixir cured him ed ««»me excellent inuric which added m fractional tent uh at $1 each. One was paid to Plymale, F M I ho-. Neal, New Iberia, La. one to Herbert H. i-.ry. .A McClellan, 8. N Hazen. l*p to <»f a l«mg standing throat and lung trouble i greatly m making the evening quite pleas- Cole. Portland, M m . one to 1. P. Gunter. Augus­ Parker, E M 1 ant ta. Ga., one to John 1». Weeks, Fayettssille. Ky.. Pruett. J M estate Wednesday no indictment was had been Sold at ( ity Drug Store. to John W. Richards, H«»pkinaville, Ky.; one Pankey, J A Billy (’aril is deserving of more praise one i'll rg? Gainst Jo® Hendricks, to Henry Ecker. New York <’?ty. nrd th«» ram»*« P. B • ■. ”•*, ■’ • Jar a ’*** t r, than be « an possibly get. He has tinishrd of the rent are withheld i»y rv«|U »t No. 5«.4dO 1 Peninger, David of an NMsanlt with a dangerous we»»»on Wheeler & Wilson .«ewing machin tulli- upon thesla*h road amt (tone work that will drew the third prize of f2u.unn. also sold in tenths I Ris kfellow G W was ignored. fl, each. Two were held by V.Tujague, 213 Roberts A < »'Neil panv. is among u« again, having la! I y re- last for ages, and is a credit to the county. at Decatur St.. New Orieen»«.; tw«» by David is.eal, Robinson, Joseph D«»naldHvi le. l«a.; one by W. O. VanDyke, care ' turned from Klamath c»unty. And he has made the money go farther of Marshall, Field A (’o., Chicago; one by Frank Robinson, I! Qaart^rly IfrrH UfJ. than a po<>r family could in panic times. Kubetz. Is.*) Dearborn St., Chicago; one by John i Rapp, Joseph Maurice Rennur has been o A quarterly meeting will be held at the F Sullivan. 5: Fl»»et St.. Boe ton, Maae ; one bj We like tu see a rustier succeed, and be­ F. A Buttenck. V5 Milk St., Boston, Mass, and Ryan, PJ M. E church in this ¡•lace, commencing valley. <’al . securing pastura ►c 5.Vi.*, ihw.1» Heitt«TP'l hither and yon. Any Reames, Mrs W stow’ praise w here it justly merited. Hur­ tom er row (Saturday) at 2 o’clock r. m .’KM» to 40» firad uf ( .»nie Iruin rah for Bdly ( aril. We d«'ti't believe any information can b«» had ou application U» M A. Kearnes A White Rev. S r Wihon, presidine elder for this Or., for shipment I» >w th s w Daupqui. OrltaiiH, La , or money sent in a other man could have done a*« well with regisu red New letter to the address of New Orleans Robinson, Susan dintrii't and Rev. J. W .Miller of this belong t«» the band in Oreg » that amount u! money, — Lakeview Exam ­ National n«uk. Now Orleans. La, Du nut Jet Reuter. A L i Choice f’l'ttpri far S/ilr. drapes for sale at J. N. T. Miller s vine­ yard. tor two ami three cents per pound. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. * < i > 1 it « ; foi \ t iti V*. <)wing to the I'lMEs is behind «ubscribers this The Flection. The spe« ial elec ction in Oregon wa* hH nd against the ditterent amend men t s ;»•> tar as heard from, whic h are as follows Fur prohibition 461, against, 1121; for raising salaries of »State officers, 1 J Keaton, formerly of this precinct, 22»); against. 91 for ( hanging the time «.f will manage Bybee, Nauck Jc Brown’s hy- holding election. V»l; against. 607. No drauli«* mine near Krrbyville. d«»Ubt the p.ohibition amendment wi 1 »... defeated in the county by.it lea*t ina joi »ty. place will o . i Reo.se, Lewis Jack Roll : Rader, Mr« Clara I R ohs , J E ■»er ; Ray, \\ in 9,012 Ragbdale, J F • 11,000 I Songer, W E 7.440 ■ Smith, Thomas ! 10,550 I Stevenson, GW 1'1,632 : Satterfield, J W - 13,627 ¡Shattuck, S 2.400 I Scobie, James - 2,465 I Shaw, Isaac E 4,876 Stewart, J H 3.235 Shidler, Iæwis 2.000 I SolisR, I) B 5,000 (Solomon. Lewis 2,034 Shutz, ^’eit 22,896 Solomon, Joseph 2,028 Sage, .loseph - 35,000 Smith, Henry 3.370 Stewart, Elizabeth 10,616 Sears, Granville 24,095 Sterleng Mining Co 4,4'17 Stanley, AC 2,0 0 Sisemoro, Mrs S 13,0X> Schmeidline, G F 15,000 Swingle, Joseph 2,186 Tolman, J (• 7,658 Thompson etc Stevenson 4,V>0 Tozer, JR 2,945 I Tou nsend, I >r L 5.624 1 Thornton, Mrs Jamen 3,626 I Thompson Jacob - 7.625 Taylor, I> II estate 3,(8>5 j Taylor, S C 3,498 Towne, Frank 3,62.5 ' ToepjMkr, John 5,090 1 Thomas, I W 2,221 . IT rich, Wm 7,' '>92 j Van l»yke, J 2,899 I Vrooman. Miller 3,000 Walton.G S 16,012 Walker, Enoch 2.000 Williams, Chas 2,069 I White, John 8.054 ' Wilson, Wm 5,614 : Watson, John 22.S60 Wo.,«h, John 6,49 » : 16.04S 21.2 aw ait the ndering loc<»in«»tiv«*. uvli for their fare as •sy depot to c»»mf«>rt .niitig the news in sh» iM I,, as well u>l nul Dat is 111 day < if Ño« VV N. Lc key . Notary Pi; J.T R odoeks ! ! • N«v Ä. 1>«7 ' i St ¡It Kt I. Ill .l/S, I ' I he S' liof»l -uperintemient, after h.iv mg ¡ carefully con*ddere«l the petition of Mr • F. M Plyntale and others .... for ...w the forma- ( ...................... tion of a new district out of a portion of 1 (be territory of Ontral Point district has I denied the petition * Prof. J. B. I’ailey. the pioneer teacher of i ! the county, is conducting a verj* « success near Mr ' Beno- . „ i ml school on Applegate, of our teachers are among ■’ I diet’s Several his pupils, He never fails to give satisfac- ■ tion. and his service are always in de- mand i i No district needs a aew School -house more tl an the lively town <»f Phoenix, which intends, having one erected. A fif teen mill tax has already been voted by the Any person wishing to sell jpropertj will fi I tax payers and it w II be only a matter of it to their interest to call and seo us. time when work will be commenced i Mr. J. T Hoover, an experienced teacher. asM^tod by Mi"« Mary Coleman, is doing . good w(ir, Scrofula. Jaundice and Dyspepsia. It Purifies the Blood, Clean*« *> the atoinai h and BuWels, and give« the who]«* »ysirma Healthy aud Delightful Tuna There never was a Medicin«' for the Nursery cqub I to it FOR 8ALE BY ALL DRUOCISTS AND CROCERS. —RP 6.151 w 4,26:; 9.544 11.950 3.301 2.058 12,785 3,650 3.250 3,025 4.9. ',5 7.270 5,476 2,542 4,383 13.0 XT I »8 4.065 2.164» 2,387 6,88.5 The new school-house at Central Point 2,730 8.755 will l>e ready for occupancy about the first They cost no more than an inferior make and are a perfect fit For 2.867 of the year Messrs. Temple A Carson,the 7,300 contractors are pushing the work along as he undersigned , sheriff of jack - 2.500 I rapidly as possible and ar»* doing the work son «'ounty,(>rcg<»n. or his Deputy, will meet sale by all the principal dealers on the Pacific Coast. the Tax-i»ayers of Raid county for the purpose of 7,173 ! in a good.substantial manner. This school­ 8.764) house would be an ornament to any town, 3.150 and reflec ts much or«ler on th«* people of i 4.270 the district. Prof. .I N. Hal! holds forth 2.545 in the old school-house usual, and is the foll«»wing days, in their respectivo pro­ 4,240 waiting patiently for the completion of the On cine!*«, at ttieir usual places of voting, and will re- 4,156 new building, at which time he will he sup­ main in each pn-ci ict troni 9 o’clock M. until Wholesale Ac Re tai) Dßfilor® in all Varieties of plied with an ass,stunt teacher which is 4 «»’«•lo.'k I’, m of •f «'HCh w. 1 A«tdand .Dec. 15 and 16 ' they paid without Rock Point Ash Bedroom Sots from $30 <»0 upward. Everything in our 6to Foots Creek 2' 2.224 ; a murmur, Thos. Chavner alone paying At least one-half must be paid in (’ash. 9.830 marked ’wny down Call and examine before purchasing. Tax-payers will please pay their taxee at the 8.830 I 1’2»*) They have erected on a piece of land above stated times. The law in regard to their deeded to the distri« t by John Swinden, collection will be strictly enforced 4,781 1 3,;;03 one «>( the best arranged and coziest sc hool- B. W. DEAN, 3,4.55 houses in Jackson county, and also have Sheriff and Tax Collector of J «ack eon County. 2,230 their grounds nicely fence«! as they should 9,297 be The tax payers of this district are 2.764) alive to their own interests, and other dis­ I 125,780 tricts should follow the example of Dis­ i POHUAN0 . —laPfCM 12,500 trict No, 16, as nothing speaks more for i THE HEREINAFTER NUMBERED < EH! IF- 3.544 any community than a good school-house. 1 i««U*s repit^entinc cai»its! stock «»f the Gold AU&UST CABLSON, Prop., A good school is n -w bring taught in the 1 i .nrre.tf.il operatic« « nee patronized trvo» 5.525 new building bv Miss Ella Griffith Messrs. Hill Miitoig ( omj ar.t. Nt.uiding in the i. ci,»»« .6 sertion. of the Nrr:hwe»t. r fted by ; following respectively, are (lelinjuout in the 2,1.50 ; Thos. Chavner, Jacob bu..uetl men and leading ade.aloik. Johnson and mm« sot opposite the said Khar»»»», and will 2.565 David Mardon comprise the board of direct­ T1IF. «10’1 rFRFEITl.V EQI ITriTl SCHOOL I n » sold to the high «»st bidder for cash, at public 3,415 ors and Mr. Jesse Dodge is the efficient of it« cl io#»n psid to modern style, including a bn« billiard tabls. The 8.012 bar is always supplied with t be choicest brands of Calalogue Tc e. mstrn.ig »nd We«co, Pro aeietort. the secretary of this c««ni|>nny before «aid «fate 3,752 ranges, fruit lands and city property is at Name. «•-«.*.«. No ( ’ert. No S»iaree. Amt Deiqunt. 3,445 the office of l 10 H L. Webb 4M IO 24 X5 3.622 Reneir« Her Youth. A. H. Miller M 24 33 10 3.623 By order of t he company, Mrs Phcebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co., » id th* lending |»t>»r« can alwaya ba fouid oa 2,242- ! Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, HENRY ______ KLIPPEL. the tables. Secretary of th* Gold Hill Mining ('« U. 4,260 I the truth of which is vouched for by the 8|>ecial pains taken to accommodate patroat and visitors, ('all and sse me. 2,'.'98 I residents ot the town : ‘ I atu 73 years old. A H. CARLBON 9.981 have been troubled with kidney complaint JACKSONVILLE «, « 27 and lameness fui in my years; could nut I 11,719 dress myself without help. Now I am free i he subscriber takes i measure in XJU v N V LungDiMMe. Uy«*fey* informing th*» public that h* loesteri in THOSE INDEBTED TO THE UNDERSIGNED 4,220 from all pain and soreness, and am able to all my own housework. I owe my Jack*onrille. in Dr Aiken's build < on Califor. , L arshereby are hereby notified tbet that they mu t settle on or a Coofh or Cold, 3,0-50 do thanks to Electric Bitters for having re nia street, and is prspxrod tn n o-rir watches, , before Jan 1 1°8H, a* I wish to close up my busi- 2,550 newed my vuutli, and removed completelv clocks and jewelry in the boat styl.' dat reaaon- b* thnt rim'* Al! a-'CTnts no* serried then _ 19,510 all disease and pain." Try a bottle, only able rat«**. . . , will be planed in an attorney • hands t«»r colle©. ni$e> Acker’s ASK FOR THE lkal-Estate mi I’miimissimi. A Cho'ce Collection of City and Country Property for sale. notici TAX PAYERS I! T 1887, F. S. CHADBOURNE & GO., Furniture, Betiding, Upnolstery lty COR FIRST & YAMHILL STS. Portland. Or.« Notice of Delinquent Stock Sale. BREWERY SALOON CUR. A A 7th STREITS. MEDFORD. OR. WINES. LIQUORS. BEER and CIGAR8, Settle-Up Notice T 2.&W 1 at City Drug btore Hr"8atisUcûon riarsateli. G so* »tni ‘ KDdJtHrsfor