Íheínuocratií îinifo tin-A’riiionatit (times. I’ub ivh'd every Friday morning by ■ADVEETISIWG AID JOB WOfiX. HARLESNICKELL 4dvertise®iej)U will l>* inserted 'n the TlMBi t tlie following rute* : Ten lin©*, ou© J i inert ion.................................. $2 50 ^#rÌA «ufmequent insertion............. 1 (JO Leipd adv**rtie«wn*nts inserted reasonably, air reduction frunj the above rates made to ime advertisers. JOB OFFICE ia more completely far than any other in South­ ern Oregon, and comi^r^ favorably with any in the Stat©. Job Printing of ©very imaginable description don© at Ha.i Francisco rates.and ia l»r«»mptand tirst-class manner. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. NEW TIMES BUILDINC • >.line— Corner Third and (’Street* Kate* of S n t»wcripllou : U ie copy per annum,in advance............... >2 50 i “ “ paid within mix month».. • 75 , ” “ not paid until end of year 3 HJ “ *ix month*........................................ 1 50 . “ three month* . ................................. 75 VOL. XVII OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1887. I I MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL. UK AL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. GLENDA LE GLITTEKINGS. THE MOVEMENT To CALIFORNIA. TH A XKSGIVIXG FECULA MA TIOX. Tlie following deeds were recorded in the Mina Ella Carlisle is at present at this A dispatch printed receutv ,ay, that STATE OF OREGON. office of the County Clerk of Jackson coun­ W asiiinotos . Oct 25 —The following place. She is the guest of Mrs. Roberts. the rut*b of immigration to < alifornia u* U. 8.Senator*. J. H. Mitchell, J. N. IXdph.t'on- ty during tlie month of September: proclamation has been issued by the Firestone to S F .Morine; president; Mts. Margaret Brazil and her interest­ Secretary of Stat©. G»*'»rire W. McBrid©; Stat© property in Ashland Consideration $400. railroad find, its resources taxed to the Tr«a©ur<*r. G'*«>. W. Webb; Stat© Printer. F. ' The goodness and mercy of God, Isaac P Stimson, et al. to Thus If Stim­ ing little daughter, Fannie, made Glen utmost to carry west-bound passenger*,. Everyone Should Go and See the Baker. Sunt. Piibii«1 instruction. E. B. McElroy; Haying b««a a »ufferer for two years and a half son , which have followed the American peop­ (' 1) to 100 acres in section 34. Tp .’>1, dale a visit last Saturday. SuprHiu© Judf<»M, W. I*. L<>rd. Chief J untie© W. One thousand people started in a »ingle from a o.iew cauasd by a bnnar on tlis 1. g and SofR.lWast $5. le during the past vear, claim their grate­ W. Thayer, II. S Strahan. hl.» nx boon our««l by th« Cuncura lUmsdie, J. A. Casteel started yesterday to the day last week iron* Kansas City, ami FIKHT JlTDtCl\L DISTRICT. GRANDEST Ät LARGEST COLLECTION 0 et©r; it had to Is- dispatched in three section, ment. By his omni|»otent power he ha* hot epringe to no arail, and tried several doctor, Jane McCully to Samuel (’ozzens; prop­ freight for miners in that section. Diatnct Attorney. W M ColvU. wiihout ,uc.-e.«,andat la»t our principal dru«. erty in Jacksonville. $150. During the coming month the daily protected us from war and pestilence J KCKNON COUNTY. T. A. Ireland is building a warehouse train, will he “triple-headers,” that is, and from every national calamity. By Kiat,.IdhnP. Finlay (to whom I ehallever fesl State of Oregon to Uriah Hover; 11)0acres Senator. A.C- Staul»*>; H*»j»r»**»»ntativ«**. J. T. for W. E. Dean, which Mr. D.’s rapidly grateful), spoke to mo about t'utioura anil Icon, in section 16, l’p 35, S of R, 3 East Bowditrh. II. A Mi Iler; County Judge. E. l»-*r««.att; drawn by three locomotives. Under tl*is bis gracious favor ttieearth has yielded a rented to «ire then* a trial, with th« result tl.at 1 increasing business renders a necessity. Co’nmi**i«»tiarH. Henj. Haymond. S. A. Carlton; ASJohnsonto Margaret !■'. Higinboth am perfectly cured. Th»r« ie now no sore about steady reinforcement the “boom” at generous to the labor of the husbandman, Clerk. W. 11. P.. rker;Sheriff. B. W. Dean; Treas­ me I think I can rhowthelargesl surface whore am; property in Medlord. $100 Los Angeles and elsewheie is not likely and every path of honest toil has led to Mi«, Louise Lehman, one of Douglas urer. N. Fiaher, k--*"«—»r, J. M Childers; St'hool my suflerin* rnrar.« from of anyone i-, the Htate A M Russell, trustee, to G W Howard ; to die out, but much more likely to ex­ comfort ami contentment. Bv his loving Super mt en i<*nt N. A. Jacobe; Surveyor. Ju© Jef­ county ’ s most charming voung ladie«, is Tl.e t uticura reme.il», are the best blood an«! C D to property in Medford. $50. Q acres at this place, visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. pand. JOSKHUIMK ('«»t’NTY. John U. Finley and Dr. D. C Montgomery ILth it is only a matter of timo when the !>een replenished with fraternal senti­ L. Martin. in section 10. i'p 3S. S of R, 2 West. $¿00. S.*’iat«»r. H. B. Miller; H»pre*dntativ«*, S. U. of Illi, place, and to Dr. Bmi'h. of I., k.» Lee Mitchell; County Judge. V. Colvig; <'ommi»ei<»n- <» W Howard to Margaret E Higinboth- large immigration movement will extend ment ami patriotic endeavor, and hv I.is MlBHlMippi. Claiborne Neil, one of the prominent to Oregon. Taking all things together unerring guidance we have lieen direct­ er© S. M«**w*eng»’r. J. M. Payne; Clerk, C. K am : property in Medford. $50. ALEXANDER BKACH, Gr©©nvilJ©, M1M. Ch. «h»r. Sheriff. T G. Patten»on; Treasurer. J. . Mr. Beach used Lhe Catioura Romedir m nt uur E V Carte" to \V 11 Atkinson; the undi­ pioneer* of Jackson county ha, been at we have a better country anti a better ed in the way of national prosperity. W. Howard \*e •«*■$• »r. J P. I>»wi*. School Su- ; request, with roeulu aa elated above. To the end that we may testify our vided half <»f 5 acres in Tp 39,8 of It, 1 E this filace visiting his daughter, Mrs. climate than Southern California. Here peruUendent. E. F Hathaway; Surveyor. W. N. BOOTS and SHOES. A. B. FINLAY A CO., druggipft $550. Mary Dean. Santvleri»; Coroner. Dr. Kr©in«*r. are no ¿roughs, no failures of cro|>s. If gratitude for these blessings. I, Grover J R Dawson to K N Carter; 5 acres in Tp Cleveland,president of the United States Ki.iMim OOVNTY. SAVED MY MOTHER’S LIFE. James Moore, who lias been foreman our Hkies are less bright at certain per­ 39, S .if R, 1 Eii*t $1000 JointMenator, C. M. Cartwright of Wa*co; Rep TOBACCO. GROCERIES do hereby designate Thursday, the 24th Ever am.*« I win remember, my mother han euf- iods of the year tlie air is more provi ­ ■'eaentativc. it McL©a" of Klamath; County Jndit»». J S Eubanks to Geo G Eabanks; property of the Green Mountain mine for some­ r«r»*(! with a milk Ie«» Nothin« would do h©r lav of November next,as a dav of thaks- G. W. Smith, Co<«iniH*ioner<». .1 L. Hank*. R. time, left Sunday night for a short visit dent. Water, that prime blessing, which CROCKERY, ETC any ffood She had Hie beet modi al talent. but in Ashland. $2000 A Emmtt.Ch.rk. W.« Hal- Sheriff. M. D. <’hil-! giving and praver, to l*e observed by all Roht M<*L©an to G F Billings; property in the long run is a greater benefit than they all did her no good. Bhe»uffer©d with her with his family at Roseburg. der»; I'reoaurer. G. T. B.thlwi r. A**©*>or. K. B. for thirty year* and never knew a well day. til Ashland. $¿>0 Hatton. St'hool Superintendent. W. E. Green©; sunshine, is here abundant in all places the people of the land. On that dav let Bhe would hare to sit up half the night, holding O L Stea-m* to E C Ryan : property in Col. W. J. Martin of Galesville, ac- at all times. Ours is not a holiday, but all secular work he suspended, and let Surv«yt»r, K. S. Moor©. Betaember. these g B Hamilt-m lo Marx E .Mi-Call ; 4n»»*. C. Loftu*; its the energies, either physical or men­ songs of praise give thanks to our lleav- for Cnsli ! 8 B Hamilton to W H Atkinson ; mo acres cora n«v*olv«nt, and aha took it, am! ha« taken in Clerk W T. B«»yd; Sheriff. A. J. Charlton; Treaa. CJlioup enlv Father for all that he has done for R I East |17l Superintendent, A. H. well woman to day. Her Jeg ie entirely healed, O Ä 1 Co to La'ina A A hlstrom ; prop placer mines near hero ate progressing to a working,progressive fieople than the us. while we humbly implore tire for- Fisher; A*-*o*eor. O. L. 8t»inley. and her health wa» nov-r better. She can go out erty in Ashland. $120 MREri NO OF COURTS*. «TO. “contined summer” of S*.uthein Cali­ givciiea* of our sins ami a continuance every day. something »ho ha* not don© in ten Country I’r;» luc»» bought and *«»It Monday* in April, I’ .KtotHu • Building. (’utieura RemedicH far and near. US Patent to Marion D Murphv; 160 through their business agent, liquidated arid however attracted at first by tropi­ affectionate remembrance, and tuned in 8*»pb»:nb«r and December In Klamath county EDWARD LUEDER. 1565 Broadway. N Y all the outstanding indebtedness against cal charms, must in time grow weary of thankfulness to the source of all their nn second M«»u lay in June and fir*t Monday in acre* in section 27. Tp .’16. S of R, 1 West. Nov.»ml>*«r I > I. ik© «»n’i’y on th© thini Monday S B Hamilton to S B Galey; 40 acres in this place last Saturday. The payments them. The "[«erpetiial sunshine” will pleasure, and the giver of all tiiat makes i ’ uueura, the great akin cur«» and ('utieura in May and th* second Monday in OctdeT In made to different parties aggregated sev­ in time liecornean unendurable glare to the day g'ad and joyous. Koap. j>rep; red from it. externally, and (’nt icura si ( tion 23. l’p 39, S of R. 1 East. $.*>50. Josephine county on fir»«t Mondays in Marchand I’S Patent to S B Hamilton; 160 acres in eral hundred dollars. Resolvent. tlie new bio > 1 ptirifl.-r mini nallv. ar© And in the midst of our plenty and August. |*eople bred to variety of seasons. Much u poKitiv»* cure for en-n form of km and blood >«•( tion 23. Tp 39, S of R. 1 Ea*t. , For Jackson county th© County. Probate and happiness let us rememlier tire ’ poor, has been the experience of thousands, diMutbea from pimplea to ecrofula. «•(■«»J Armstrong to (' Ulrich and A Gil \\ e are requested by many people of Comini**ioaer*’courts m»*»t »»very month.com -AND— needy an 1 unfortunate ami by our gifts meneing with th© first Monday; for Josephine *»•>11; land in section lb, i p 39, S of R.2 this valley to invite some of th*» many and it is certain to be re|*eated. Sold everywhere. Pri*'«»: Ctr ' iir i. 5-»c< nta; W»M $2ol 66. of charity and r.-a iy lrenovelence let ns county, the fir-*t Mo'i'lay in January. April. .July When the advantages *>f Oregon Ire- perrons who are lecturing on various Heap, *2«’» cent» ; Resolvent $i. I’eji-ir»*.I by t»»•• and September; for Lake county, ©very alternato increase the number of thoM who with ' THUNKS \X1> VALISES. Stat© of (»reg.m to John Wo-.ds . 40 acres Potter I »rug and ' heimcal ( o . H »aton month, commencing th© fir*t Monday in January. sut.j.cts in adjacent towns to visit this conic widely known th,-**-will l*e a rush grateful heart* •hall join ¡n our thanks­ i-iT’Ser.d for “ How to <'uro Sk l»;j*«*.iMe*s.” 61 in section 16, Tp 36, So! R. 1 West $W For Klamath county the first Wednesday in March. of |ieople h*-*e, and there will lie an ef­ place, and we will as«ute them that they Geo \V Apger to directors nf school dis pages, 50 illuetrati uiH. and 1GU »•- lmoi.ihl* Jun©. September and November. ATTHESAN FRAN* IS* I) fort to make a “booin'’ similar to that giving trict No 12; property in Little Butte pre-i will mc.-t an appreciative audience. In witness whereof I have set my now in its height in California. In our I ) I l'LF.8, black-heads chai ped a id oily . pie ate not the sort to quit legitimate 2 *tli dav of Oi tober, in the year of our I ’ S Patent to H A merman; Ao acres in next door north of the store of \V. E. LorrI 1H.S7, and of tire Independence of The distressing sneeze, sneezo.sneeze, th© acid, businesn ami go to gambling in lands. A rroiLNEY AND COUNSELOR AL' LAW. Mfulf *>f select*'*! stock by tlie best American Manufacturers. I’lea Dean. It is hoped that all out people Business here is on a sober ami more tlie United *tat»s the 112th. watery discharges from the eyes and nose, tie- si ct ion 12, Tp 38, of R. 1 E. A G Rockfeliow t«»G F Billings ; Q C D to will assist in this organization, as it is a CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. examine (remis and Prices before piirelia.'iiio. Iiespectfullv, painful inflammation extending to the throut. Medford, Oregon. Bv the president. solid basis, ami will, we trust, ever be. tti*» swelling of the mucous lining,causing chok­ propel ty m*ar Ashland $190 laudable one. GROVER CLEVELAND This is the place to get your ing sensations, cough, ringing hoim »» in the h> ad We expect to see values develop greatly W ill i.nMtice in all the court* of the Utate. j n nan Jacob Wai’i.er and J M McCall to G F and splitting headache«,—how familiar th-**© Bilimgs, <4 <’ I) to property near Ashland. Tuos. F. B avahk , Secretary of State. ORiw* in Hs-iilm'» brick building, upstair«. Mr. and Mrs I,. J. Barr left bv last during the coming three or four years symptoms arc to thousands who siffer periodic­ $16o Saturday's freight train for Roseburg, upon the heels of increased population, ally from head colds or influenza, and who live P. P. PRIM. Is Ti<>: St i kfmi . Co* Ki—Shaking J P Walker to W II Atkin*«m, et al ; 149- w hence they go to the Sugar Pine Mills but not upon a speculative craze.— *b. .’na. 'ed sim-e the adoption nf the four­ all are truly sorry of the necessity oi I’ll'Ks < \ i ; ks . J 1 ’ Walker to W II Atkinson, et al . structed by choking, putrid, mucous acecuniu- Oli-. 'Vtil practice in all th* ’ '•» urt* «*f th© St. teenth amendment unconstitutional, the NOTIONS rt'Tt.F.ltY their.departure, anti wish for their con­ land near Ashland. $4612 4 ». lati«>ns tlie hearing affected smrll and tar-t'' gone, 3 Of •••! in th© Court House, hr*t door to th»» SlvnoSEHl M.IH'MS Some of the jtirots live 10'1 milet ir.nii New York S in point, out what it con­ thr« at_ ulr-Tnted and l acking cough gradually .1 11 Chitwood, et al. to K »bt McLean; Q tinued prosperity in their new home. trance. roiJM ■■ <>3. t it. A up : r fastening itself npon the debilitated sy*tcm the county seat. ceive, will be the scope of tlie decision. C 1» to property in Ashland. $'» Nov. 4. J i . mi s . Then it is that tic marvellous curative ¡tower of J À Franci*- L Johns.»n to Wm R Johnson; Q It aav, “Such decision will simply set . ’.»«PEATT. Sanford's K .dica! Cure maniffsts itseif in mstan- The town was crowded w it 1> fieople Gent's Furnishing; Goods. fourth that if the state takes or destroy, • l grateful r in f. ( nre begin© from < l»to the undivided half of 16o a res in I ai . i . tomtit:. — There was a ¿light from all parts of the county, «luring the th«* fir-t npplicaiI-»! It is raj'id. rad »■ »1, g<»r:r.a- se^'ti -n 3»\ I y ' S of R 1 E'l't. $7> attorney «.* *» unsei . or at - i . uv . And everything n-na’iy found in a first-class the property of any of its citizen, legiti­ F N Monet - Wm I I. '/cart , property frost yestetdav morning tlie ft ret of the1 late session of the circuit court. nent. economical, s f»*. Variety Store. Also. mately acquired or in (>osaession, it Sanford's :Ladiral < ure c m**i-t*« of in© Imttl© in I dent evg» season in this city. It, effect, were lihlmvl Orejfou. While there were a great many cases inu«t pay damages. No one rail deny of th© Radical Cure, u; « b- x Catan hal Solvent Wesley Mitchelito || IHtiiwax property p.'nvptible in tlie large number of fallen CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. and an improved inhaler; pr.ee, $1 in Ash! tnd $117 leaves which strewed tlie sidewalk, on the dock-1, only a few weie tri'-d that the great plant, for distilling and Will practice in all Courts <»f th© State. Office in P ottxr D klu A M kdicai . Co., B oston Our goods ar© t he best and guaranteed as repre- ('has Nickell to Jacoby Br ' ; pr..petty in this section cannot boast the georgous by a jury, theremainde* b-ing, most­ brewing purposes that were established <>ld Fellow's building, up stairs. s©*t©d. Prices low. a* w»» do n«>t propose to be ly, equity cases. in Gold Hi.I. $<¡7'» in Iowa and Kansas liefere prohibitive undersold. ut the Old Statuì of J. R. NEIL. G W Wilshire to »I Helm' ami H Atner- autumn foliage which paints Eastern legislation were enacted was lawfully toiests with scarlet and orange, but j The familiar face of our mutual fiiend mnn . property near I alent. $3oo0 acquire I property. Tne action of the ATTORNEY * COUNSELOR AT LAW. W Beeson to J Helm1* amt H Amerman; there i, still enough of variety of color | Wtn. Cardwell was reeentlv seen on the * rohihitionists made the pro[*erty illegal, of Femalf s in the foliage of the different sjecie, of i C I» t«» property neur Talent. 1 «lol. street. "Bill ” has settled down to busi ­ Q Instantly ralieved by th© Cuticara W B Colton to E H spear , property in trees planted along the streets and in ness aixl has the native energy to pile but it was legal Itefore such enact­ Jacksonville Oqn. Ant i-Pain Plaster, ‘ *-• ment. Of all persons the prohibition­ ; tirGar.'it; 1-* n ! i; . I ¿o Ashland. lo.¥i <*) doh the garden« of the city to attract atten­ up money in this country, and is already — TO GET YOUR — pain-klJling pla*t»*r. ©«!»••( ’ally an right fr<»:n greatly in this respect,according to loeai- | lie is in the employ of the well-known an * tw M ti©e*<*. Warranted vastly eut>erior to Ashland. .325 dols the honest members of tiiat party will entrance all otliur pl’iHtere, and the most perfect Antidot© ity am! for various reasons. The maple, ' Heart Co. John W Well-» to Giles Weds, Jr . th© iin- >>e glad to obtain from the supreme to Pain, Inflammation and \\ ©akn©*«« yet com- thu most common shade tree here, is in W. F. WILLIAMSON. poiii.d"d At all druggists, 25 cents; five foi $1; divid' d halt of property near A'bland The committee sent out to find the court a decision which will determine 5oo dels. some places almost as fresh and green ' or, postage fr doh. tliin and the bronze-coloied seed pods FOR ----*St> AT — Nturiltn Well*« k > m ( . S of R.2 E ist .'Hi do la froe’s to strip them completely. Ches­ Miller, S. V. Rehart, Frank 1‘. Lane only so long a» the enforcement ot them ■totnacli; lo** of appetite ; somet mes nausea EC I. ECT 1 C I* I! Y SIC I A N. If ths and wat'-rbra h, or indigestion flatulency and <» *k T Co to B S O*born; property in nut trees still retain most of their strong and R. M. Russell, suffering an.I j>er- { did not tax the public treasur* acid er aria u . b wei-> alternately costive and lecision of the supreme court be that A-hlano. l»«»doh Has lucatedin Talent. Or for th«» practice of I lax; >iea acres in section 2* Tp from a ell \v t-» brown. The rowan or . o tie I by them; against tier*. R .Berts rtroyed bv law without com pens., tion, of uugl.t ti have been done, debility; 1 w spirits; L« ver Complaint*. 5c<’.. a*p*—laltj. mountain ash is stili g.ten and with its | an i Wm. Grefor for dealing faro ; ..■nniM. a very important question will .37 > I R. 2 W a thick, yellow appearance of the skin and eyes . a dry cough ; fever . restlessness . the unr.e is scanty numerous clusters of bright red h.-rries again ! Wm. Nevells for playing at faro. arise for Ibe determination of prohibi­ U S Patent to .lohn W an 1 Mary Joli L. L WHITNEY M. D. a«! high colored, and, if allowed to stand, deposits son ; 32<1 acre* in sections 1. 6. »31 and : presents a beautiful apperanre. (’heriv Miller, Rehart and L ine were tried by tionists, and according a« they settle it a sediment. I p .7 and 38. S of R. 1 and 2 We.*t and apple trees show but slight vvi jury and found guilty. In Rns-ell's ease PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hattie and <■ W Logan to E V I 'artcr ; dence of the approach of wintei and the jury disagreed. Geo. Robert’* plea 1- so w ill their sincerity and conviction« 1» teste*!. DEALERS IN property in Ashland. 1400 dois T Ea ;1<* Point. Oregon I ed guilty. Green and Nevels skipped .Margaret 11 ursh to I» ('hapman . 7 C I> weeping willowsare as green as ever. Of creeping vines the wisteria is slow and forfeited their bonds. Sherfen was (PURELY VEGETABLE) H»»in< loeatwl st thi« place I ask a share of to property in Ashland. .’>*• dols A R- vi E state H. s . m S t ** kv .—Capt. Vh« par roc axe of this vetion. * all« attend»«! to Is generally used in the South to arouse th« 1» < hapman to J B 'Taylor; land near in changing from green to yellow, and found guilty of manslaughter and sen- E. W. Stum er, w ho returned a few day, at any I'm* Torpid Liver to a healthy action. where the wild honev-suckle has been fenced to four year's imprisonment in ago from ( alifornia. brings Ibe latest Ashland. 1 «lol Geo Brown to Wm Priest property m trained with »he red l»erries of th«» latter j the |s»nitentiary. Messrs. Ewing, Knox It acts with extraordinary efficacy on the W. H. SOMMERS, M. D., story of the Lo, Angeles real estate Jacksonville. 1 dol. present a tine contrast. The Virginia : and Kelton represented the defense, boom, which he vouches for as true. An 15* ! * » SG Palmer to Noah TIVER, PlIYSIi'IAN SUltOFuN \N1> A* * (»UCHIT It while District Attorney Colvig ap|*earvd eastern tourist, who was visiting the city Walter A. Wood's Binders. West creeper is show ing all shades of scat let acres in section 11. T I KIDNEYS, and the hop vines u* *d in so many ' for the State. Walter A. Wood's Chain Rake Reaper«. Jacksonville. Oregon. of the angels about a year ago. had to I 45<» doh. ----- AND BOWELS. Walter A. Wood's Sweep Rake Reaper^. F T Downing to J H Downing; 10 ,‘iS places as screens for po. rhes ami win­ cut liis trip short on account of an impor­ fl< Professional calla promptly attended to «lay or AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Walter A. Wood’s Enclosed '¡ear Mowers acres in section 2. Tp »37. 8 of R. 2 Wed dows aie loaded with rijs» hops and are All'iTM.XT *>K IXDIAX LvXI*«.—Til«' tant business summons from home; so mg' f Dyspepsia« Malaria, removed. Rose are blooming and chry- new Indian »everalty act is inisun.lcr- : he invested in a corner lot, $700, winch dols Guar. Scott ,k Co.’s Separators Consult at jon* in either English or German. Biliousness, Constipation, Henry t orn II to Hannah J Ib inrotb. i *l bv s*»ni*» |H»r-«nis as rnakinir all In- he had intended to spend for hotel bills, . Jaundice, Kick Headache, | ni ae-es in >• vtion 6. Tp 37. S of R. I Wot ■ their many colored flowers in great pro- ' dians citizens of tl*<- United States and railroad fare, et*-. He did it just for a opposite Union l.ivery Stable. Naunea, ___ <’olie. _ Coates’ Lock Lever Ila THI' UNDERSIGNED HAVE KH.MI D A * <» I 4.3» doh Nlrntal Depression, llowel Complaint*, I pariner»ln|> with an authorized rapita! <>r ! amendable to the laws of the tespevtive • “flyer.” not caring whether he ever Stat»» oft »regon to J am es S'-obie : ¿00 acre* 1 fusion. Etc., Etc., Etc. iVMwn for the p irla........ e»rr>ii«»na General T. R. YOUNG. M D., -tates and territories when» they reside. made a cent or not. It was that much ¡a section 36, I p :«». S of R. 1 Ei*t. ¿.V» Hankins lhl»ii <•«» tn all of It- branches ,r Jack Endorsed by the use of q Millions of Bottles, a* In flic case of the Oregon an. 1 Wash ­ doh. From time to time he PHYSICIAN ANI» SURGEON, ..eniPe Ores »« (liti at lhe old.tandof B»-ek The allotment act, passed last Eehrnary, saved anyhow ington Mortgage Savings Bank of On»- > < *».. Portland. Or., nr Eugene L Atkinson to James ^cobie. „inn's Bankin« House. S. E corner of I’ ird and Write for (’ata'1 »gne. Addreae either FIliNK RIJOS. I'll’l. I simply provides a way in which all In-, heard of the famous boom, but did not THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE gon vs. John Catlin, county ju lge, et ' ¡and near A'hland «»5oH dol* (KON1MILI. fr A BIRhsM. Agents. Jacksonville Or. < alifornia-tr«-.s. , ,(| KKMAN C« n! rul Point, Oregon, I dians may become citizens. The status have enough interest in the matter to in­ For Children, for Adults, and for the Aged. 11 T Smith to John R«»\ « <•; Ko acres m al , res|>onui*ville section 2: lower court was affirmed; opinion by SAFE TO TAKE IN ANY CONDHION OF THE SY8TEM1 three weeks ago he came to l.o, Angeles Kuntacky. Call*» promptly uttendwd to day or Tbos A Harris to Lydia II Harris ; prop Lord, chief justice. This action is a ' i as interpreter! by the Indian bureau at I .Washington. *livi*l* H the Indians upon , t > finish his visit liegun twelve months *»lght. ertv in A'hland. óOni dois writ of review brought by appellant to ie- ' J. H.ZEILIN & CO., <» T Co to B s Webb, pr '¡»ertv in M» 4 view the action of the board of equaliza- I ■ whom citizenship is to lie or may be liefore. The real estate man from whom B. r GFARY. M. I».. R. PRT ’R. M. D.. sole rROFRiEroFS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ford .Vi dols. conferri’d into three classes, viz.; fl) I lie bought the lot wanted to buy it back Residence on (' St William*' HaiMing. Alice V Maxon to Agnes M »«earv; 11 .33 tion Multnomah county in refusing toi Anv Indian born within the territoiial for a customer ami asked w het her it was l'RICF. SL.OO. allow certain claims for reduction of as-I Keep, the larsa-t »toc k of acres in section 15. Tp 3s, Sof R. 2 West IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN PHTCE & GEARY. j limits of the United States, who ha* ta- for sale. The tourist replied in the af­ sessinent on account of indebtedness l.Vtn dols. |»a\id Payne to <» Harbaugh; property The appeal is from the judgment of tlie I ken up Ins residence separate and apart , firmative. but said he wanted to take BHYsICIANs AND SURGEONS, i ' from an Indian trihe. ami adopted the a look at it first. As they rode out in m Medfoni. L’»0 dols. circuit court affirming the decision of the | habits *»f eivdir.ed life, is by the act the cable car, the tourist made up his vicdfurd. Oregon Abigail Taylor to M W’ Wheeler, et al boaid. This judgment is affiiimed ; first. ------- Kild------- 320 12 acres in Tp 37. S of R, I W’est. 10 I “lierebv declared to lie a c'tizen of th*. mind toa»k $3." h )0 for the property—five because the claim of plaintiff for a re ­ Office* in William*’ Brick Bmhlinit Up-ataim. doh. United States.” All Indians who avail time, as much as be )*aid—feeling as­ duction of assessment was not sworn to I W CoX to W T and J A Houston ; (J) VINES AND SHRUBBERY tliemsi-lves of this provision will liecome sured that the price would be beat down. Over 30.000 Cures in Six Years. acres iti section 7, I’ p 34, S of R, 1 West. or esiieeially detailed in aceordam e w ith citizens, but they will not become citi­ Alter an inspei tion of the improvements the statute ; second, the county and not 475 dols <»n the Northwest coast. (’ S Patent to E Taber; II'.» 12 acres in the board should be defendant. In the zens until they comply with the eon li- in the neighbotbooil the real estate man PILER. RECTAL ULCER. FISSURES. I’KU tions of the act. (2 Any Indian« to inquired. “ Well, what will you take for RITUS AM. FISTULAS IN ANO. s«« lions 23 am! 24. Tp 3> S < f R. 1 West course of the opinion, Judge Lord says POLYPUS RECTI. E tc . whom allotments have already lieeti the lot " ' By a slip of the tongue he II Amerman J J Holt. 11!» 12 acres in Cor. 3d and E Streets, "The original list shows that the plain­ sections ¿3 and .31. Tp >K. > of R 1 West made undet any ¡aw or treaty are now , answered promptly “3.‘>,OOH,’'and to bis tiff had a fraction over $14'1,000 taxable Cured Without Cutting Operations 15,M» d »Is. citizens As to this class of Indians the intense astonishment ttie real estate POKTLYNI». OH., I S Patent to J B Bunyard: 4*» acre* in projierty, according to its own sworn law ia self o|*erative. They become citi­ man instantly replied, "I'll take it ” PRICES: statement, and that it had only been as ­ '« ution 31. IT» .38, S of R, 1 East l’.nta nirg t'jn Boom«, well fnrnisli«**!. Tl*«b««« zens bv virtue of a pre-existing condition. F S l atent to J B Bnnyard ; 54.11 acres sessed for about half that amount, $S0, T he G heat T ki - hhiopi :.—The thirty- ;; All other Indian«—anil this class in section 3, Tp 39. S of R, 1 East. DR. PILKINGTON. ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE Appl.Tr«* ............................... f’ L?**2 "t'1'!?' 000. or fifty per cent, on the amount ad­ constitntes the main body of the Indians six inch telescope, largest in the world, John Taylor to J B Bunyard . land in mitted to be subject totaxation. tin what t'lum and Prunn Tr*>»< ..... —will not become citizens until ttie al­ which was designed and built by W far- in ih* Stat«. Burgeon,Oculist and Aunst. and proprietor<»f the sections 3. 4. 33 and 24. Tps 38 and 39. F of Other frees and shrubbery furmahod reasonably. principle or by authority of what law Sanitarium for Eye, Ear and Nervous Diseases, R, 1 East 40 dols. lotments provided for by the several'.}' ner A Swanxejr, is finished and will at S-nd for jMI('jl‘J;|!''rJ-'|\EvfI|.'R. Wn»*dharll.Or ( this mode of taxation is authorised or Portland, Or. has been app«*int»Hl Hg«nt and 71'59 Basas to ani fr:m the Hotel. Anna Fordyce to act should have l*een made. The allot­ once be shipped to its destination at physician for this system for Oregon, and hat» in undivided one-third permitted we are unable to discover or ment of lands in severalty is now pro­ Mount Hamilton. California, where it two months mad© a number of cures of cases, in to understand. In this respect the as­ .No Chia««« employed and no deviation in some of which, sever© operations with the knife S of R. 1 East 625 ceeding upon a number of reservations, will l.e placed in the l.iclr observatory. 188? CORRESPONDENCE St > LI CITED. B F Myer to Hattie M Logan, property sessment certainly affords the plaintiff haveonly done harm. •' m -IT s 25 cent«, lodums 25 »mti'o5*’rente. and the Indian office will allot all of the Tlie base of cast iron is 10x17 feet at the Refers by permission to Mr. Jas. W. Weather­ in Ashland. I»»”” doh. little reason for complaint.” K. t.K’.VISTtlN Proprietor lands as rapidly as possible. liottoin, and 4xK feel at the top, and ford, druggist, well-known tn Salem; M t . Frank W T Si nge to D« bt H Hendcishot. bond Gardner, machinist at car-shops, and others. weighs eighteen tons On this column for deed to property in Ashland. 1500 Manufacturer of Htxnv G iorgi : in a rcient speech Will meet patients at rest« a head weighing four tons, on doh. urged the necessity of free land for , <■1 it ri K or Goi.n. — There was a sight Helm ; 40 acr •« in W H Atkinson to A C which tlie nteel pilar axis, ten feet long J. FRALEY’S HOTEL, ASHLAND, section 2 I'-'. Tp 3!». Hof It. I l'.a-t »m <1**1, prsyr f 'lks, and said no p >er man could I in Buckskin gulch Tuesday that would and twelve inches in diameter, supports Every Secon«! Sunday in Each Month. A resident of Dako-i have made the oldest placer miner’s The public ,r. h-r.b, notified thatt th« undew L < Y< ocum to A C Helm; 10" acres ii* get any land free the declination axis. al«o of steel, ten Address for pamphlet on Recta! Diseases, Dealer in section 2 22. T|. fto. S of B 1 I'. i«t 10**0 ,loi« ta was present, and he r**«e up and told j heart leap with joy, says the Murray feet long, ten inches in diameter, and •Ignadwill uff»r ,t private «al» all th« DR. J. B PILKINGTON. (. *van High t- A C He’n*. property in Mr. «ieorg*» that there were thousands Suri. The surfa e gravel had l»een weighing 230:) («lun ls. The steel tulie, PoiHand. Oregon. Ash'ind 21‘HGh s. of acres of land in that tciritory fiee to I washed off. and the large cut in the jag­ WAGON MATERIAL. z, A C Helm to George Engle . th© undivid­ any jstrsoii who might settle and ini— ■ ged bedrock for over 100 feet was a mass fifty-six feet six indies long, is four feet \ A in diameter at tl.o center, ta|>ering to ed half of Ka> acres in section 22. l’p 39. S v arr.au« T.. .I« and privat.» **.'’ A full lino in i*t.«-k ,,f prove them. Mr. (ieorge stammered a' of glittering gold. In places where it of R I Ea*!. 2hf».l 1* thirty-six inches at each end, and weigha m I» Hanna Th»© i* a ™r‘' opl»',rfun.ty far any .’..“"«tu irch— «um- br..-1-..rc..rr*^- John F azer to John C Slagle; property little, ami thought wa« a good way off had lo*lged in the crevices it could le> over four tons The driving clock and HESERKL BUI1.KING VAIERIAL. off. His society evidently want free land picked up by the s(io<>nful. About a pint DEALERS IN in Mf df- rd. .Tn» doh. material, c'c. HANNA. Administrator balcony for the assistant astronomer ia George would select of nuggets, from $20 to $.’>0 in weight, t.luunb-« mil Prie- l.i«t "n »pplieiK >11 II <’ Mulvany to John Slagle and J W ill Broadway. i reached by a spiral staircase at the south Nature’»« own Rem©dy March f*. »•*» Country orden* ** »i««’*alty. Fraser ; property in Medford. 32*» doh. the most stylish house on Fifth avenue, were picked up in the forenoon by FAt l«»RV AT WEIDI.EKS MILI.. I < Patent to’W R Potter ; 14»» 4*» acres in and would ¡ike to have the public fur­ Charles Dudley, and about twenty side of the column. The center of mo­ Will speedily relieve and p©rma sei t .' ns 6,7 and 3l. Tp'.'i'» and 31. S of R.l E nish him with provisions and servant*. pounds of gold had already been taken tion is thirty-seven feet above the base, Salesroom-*, cor. Third xn,l E Hire- I and w hen the telescope is pointed to the nontiy «'tire all the varioUH dirficul- i J II Vavfield to Jam©« Helms ; 236 68 I I'(»RTL\M> OREGON. to the bank, which had been scooped xenith the object glass, which is thirty- ti»*p arising from a disordered con acres in sections 21 and 25, Tps 35 and 36, Cure lor Pilcn ('or. Front and Morrison St*.. PAINTS and OILS. d it ion of th© out of the potholes No very large six inches in diameter, is sixty-five feet Hof R.l West. 1200 »ioh. Piles are frequently preceded bv a sense pieces had been found, the largest w ould Martha J Hockersmith to M E Weiss; «»Ill <¿<>*. LIVER AND KIDNEYS ! propertv in Ashland 50 dols. of weight in the back, loins an 1 lower pirt probably not go over three ounces. The from the base. The total weight of the POKfl. ‘tele-cope is thirty-five tons. W IT Atkinson to D Cameron ; 4»» acrer in of abdomen, causing the patient to sup­ clean-up, which will probably take two It ia perfectly harmloH* and can New nr.-,r^r Krick. Flr.l-rl*«« I» »II •«•'1'"» bo given to the in® st delicate woman section 22. Tp39.S of R. 1 East 900 doh. pose In* has sonic affection of the kidney? or tlnee days yet to make it complete, Ifrtiitkeunra^ nr th* l.iquor llabtt PoiitlTf. By the Thousand ! or child. For rale by all druggist*. (» Ganiard to J B Dungan . 399.58 acre« or neighboring organs. At time? symp­ w ill l><* by far the larges' ever made in THOS. GUINEA*. I*ro,rl»!«r. Iy t'ttrrd by Adinini»t*Ttug I>r in section« 1. 6 and 36. Tp.3.5 and 36. Sof toms of indigesti<»n are present, flatulency llauifs' ( io I i I ch .Speri/lf. SMELL, HEITNHl A WOOD 4111», THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OH uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A m»»i? the camp. It is estimated to reach fifty f^-rh» Ismond Restaurant is un»nrpv»««l in 1 der»thruu«h Jiwknon *n«i J«M>plune couutieo R. 2 and 3W ’ est. 19.000 doh. •T ik 'I. moii villo. < ti’cyon It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea Wholesale Agents. tore, like perspiration, producing a tct ; pound, or in the neighborhood of $9000. w ithout th»’ knowledge of tl»e person taking Sarah A Fordyce t<. Frank H Carter, Q every particule fur PORTLAND. OREGON. CDtoan undivided one-third of land in disagreeable itching, after getting warn, it; i* absolutely harnile*9 and will effect a is a common attemlant Blind. Bice link Tp 3!». S of R. 1 E»i-t 100 doh. Whut Ain I Io lh ? ¡»ertnanent ati«i speedy cure, whether the FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, Slate <»f Oregon to James Scobie: 200 and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli­ The symptoms of Biliousness are unhap­ Patient is a moderate drinker or an alco­ acres in section 36. Tp .39. S of R. 1 Ea«t. cation of I»r. Bosank" s Pile Remedy, Thousands ol drunkards a i lphknonh indubikd ro :n i bi tn Any kind raised in a first • lasa Nursery. which act dire t.ly on the parts affected, pily but two well known. They differ in holic wreck. 25»» doh LOTS FOR SALE. A ;,fH I’ llw-M. 'I-" r«ine«t.«l to absorbing the 1 amors, allayingtb© intense different individuals to sorue extent. A have been made temperate men who have I' S Patent to James and E iz.n Bunyard . ¿Tr.th.«"« t'-th-»"''- >' ,h-v ’’A '”1 rh■• ‘n"“7 ,h" n,u"‘ ’ choice lots in the flourishing town of Price .50 cents. Add res«. The Dr. Boeanko bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. oui East. tion. .. , . , I np without further delay. HANNA, old at the Too frequently, alas, be has an excellent they quit drinking of their own frte will, I warrant all my tree* if properly cared for. B F My©r to Lydia Gri*wood ; property Medicine Co . Piqua. Ohio. i 11 never fails. The system once impreg- L. C. HEINRICHSEN. appetite for liquids but none for solids of a City Drug St«»re. Terms of payment ©a.*y. Produce taken at mar­ MminietHJor »f R»* of * Hann* in A-hland. 75 «lois morning His tongue will hardily bear ! nated with the Specific it becomes an utter ket price lrt» ■> lbe. <»f Reach S.w*d wanted. Sarah A Fordyce — — tn Ella (' Landers Q 4 « ■ ’•________ _______ _________________ s. JO’!N'r'.L a i Ci 2 - Po/ui 2.«!, ûi.jsn inspection at any time; if it is not white impii-ibilitv for the liquor appetite Coexist. .V»r II hi Fni D C I) to an undivided two-third interest or which li© offer* for »alo at r©a*onHbl* prie©©. Jacksonville. Oregon Aug. I 1HX3. For full particulars, address Golden Speci­ ter with t old and furred, it is rough, at all events. I ha ian«. At th« same tin. I was advei - a aympon or the two may alternate There C\\<\ and reliable Medicine« are thebe«t I.,«. Irt «**>«.■.■•• Bonanza, Jun© 17, 1887 CALIFORNIA HTRKET. tndenend unnn Acker’s « Blood El- tisi’nR Dr. Hosanko's Conali and Lnmr ar»- often Hemorrhoids or even loss of VW of R. 1 En«t 63»» doh — to depend upon. J M Mark to E ld ( Landers; Q C D tn Syrup Iliad little faith, bit thought to blood. Jher»- nuiv be giddiness and often ixh has been prescribed for yean for fill im- Settle-up Notice. Oregon. 1 ickNom I lie. an undivided one third interest to land in try it as a last resort; now I believe even headache and acidity or flatulence and ten- • pt i ri ties of the Blood. I d every f ormof Scrof- Silver Mid Silver l’Ht*»l Wxr*». Sp«-'vie« and O;»'ie«l *»•><». Ie. aa-.nts forth*. Boek ford Tn 9. Sof R. 1 East. 20») doh. more than they tell me of it« curative qual- dernesa in the pit of the stomach. To cor­ A« th, U'-dcraiirnct ii elnaing up hi« black- Fvphllitkor Mercurialdiaessce, ills Kailro.'id W*t-h««. Miss Kitti© .Mark to Ella C Lander« ; Q C itir- THi: UNDERSIGNED is FULl.y PREPABED 'From the ' News. Ehz.atiethtnwn rect all th-.» if n<> < ff«*c« a cure try Green'* r FOR ALL fSû \ WEEK AND EX aiuitb b i •». in J.vk ’ unvill '. th»»» indebte t to Al.l, liOODH IN THU I.IN»' M VNI'F VTUIU K r*> IN'» KUl'AIf.E invaluable. For Rheumatism, I im no equal. to «i«» all w»rk in his line in the beat manner and D t » an undivided one ninth interest to ¡August Flower; it costs but a tritie and Kv Samp e bottle 5 cent» at City Drug, nin*©. a d. worth rsnd (Stf- him wile ufe a far >r bv «?t*li„L *t> .< au„u as 'V.Vh il'-Uuir-.ii■- eirefuily . x ..-u'i‘.l. i land in Tp 39. S oi R. 1 E *st • t reasonable prices. thousands attest its efficacy. 212 50 dols Store ¿U. F. U VI' KERY. Ml 1 For Sale at City Drug ftore. DAVID CK'JNEMIU ER. , •(«’•lieleciioti P** '<«g«« vont *»□ lußuoalion. C *ni a ni.e «: » iritn uv » Mote pucchaMU* elsewhere possible GEOHGE tìUUUMI’F «ult. Maia, SKIN SCALP BLOOD. Jacksonville, Oregon OF NEW SPRING DRY AND FANCY COODS! PERSIAN CASHMERES, NUN’S VEILINC, LACE CHECKS (’LOTI I I XCI FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, ZANZIBAR & PALMER SEERSUCKERS MERRIMAC SATEENS, ORGANDIES, COCHECO LAWNS AM) CIIAMBKAY.’ AMOSKtAO, STAPLE CHEVIOTS ANU CINCHAMS. I N DI GO 1 ’ 111 NTS AND SIMPSON'S SILVER GREYS. GREAT REDUCTIONS A FINE STOCK VARIETY STORE ! NEW WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPERS and BORDERS Large Stock of Boots and Shoes . . T GROCERIES ALL THE REMAINING PAINS and WEAKNESSES THE PLACE A. G. COLVIN, JACKSONVILLE, OK., BLACKSMITHING ACTUAL COST PRICES ! THE BEST STYLE UnfailingSpecific Vrl’ Æ SA C K I 1«'K?1C ! UYER D. CRONEMILLER & SON S, BUY THE BEST ANO BE HAPPY! BEEKMAN & REAMES' m )A. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR I FARM AND MILL MACHINERY! Successors toC.C. Beekman’s Bank. I < >1* PARKE * LACY, WOODBURN NURSERY Fruit, smile, nmmcntal and Nut Trees INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, MACHINERY! Ennkethoff System for Cute of all RECTAL DISEASES. NO APHIS OR LICE (Ki TREES. 1 HE INGERSOLL ROCK DSiLLo ANO COMPRESSORS and WIRE ROPE-SPECIALTIES SO I al-: .AXŒNTS b’OR Westinghouse Automatic and Junior EnJgnes J. C. CARSON, A Rare Chance! Sash. Doors, Blinds 1887. 1880 WINDOW UND PUTE GLASS h . ya ^4/ A.H. MAEGLY & GO., HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE. ESMOND HOTEL, FRUIT TREES WAGONS, PLOWS, IMPLEMENTS, Settle Up Notice. NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST T Bonanza, Klamath County, Or.. " SHROPSHIRE DOfN SHEEP, The Best Sheep for Wool and Mutton. U/H Dl¿ WUnn^~. I Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks !