»! lit ífuiocratit Simes. Jas II.limit«/!! raise ! 200 bu*d»«*.!« uf 11; x A c.;:iiph tt an«l nr.*>!-cln>s stock urgent'« oían vxcelfant quality <»n th ( havner lui nishin r gtH'd*«, s.n h as white, percale farm near Gold Hill fast season. and neglige shirt'*, underwear, etc..—the The different warehoused in the county • err latest—has just been received at the are full of wheat ami nearly everybody is S F. Variety Store. 1 I I r t k . so v 1/. u /. \ 11 o.\. Fr'tlt Trffh at iKh'ttrnfitr, HALE BROS. & CO. »f I Orl -fA » ir. *.j c«r c i «:• '• fruit tr.* Rain is wanted Mrs. W. J. Plymaie lias returned fr«»m • • y I -scripiiou. t 1 a.iqu intity. at the 1 stable of Jacksonville Here may .dway? Pleasant weather. . be found new and comfortable vt’ »cles of 1 Yreka ‘luwest «va »••<««•• nt** At M E. B.*itty’s Dilli) STATU OFFICIAL MUS. The White is king all kinds and the fastest an«l safest teams. ’ J. 1. Layton of Applegate was in town real-estate office in M»*«lt<»r-|. Satisfaction i guaranteed. • Oregon Kidney Tea. holding for a raise in the price. Thermal property belonging to the estate lhe proprietor, W. G. Kenney. sp<» res no; yesterday. FKII> a V OI TOBER 28. 1IW palm* to give his customers their m ' ’■« Dancing-school to-night Dr. Freeland, of the M. E church, says of Helle Freeland, deceased, situated in wortli an«! succeeds well in giving 1Uc- ■ Judge Tolman of Ashland was in Port­ I/arbyo I'rophylactic riai i. land a st week. • that two bottles of Gilmore’s Aromatic Ashlkn«! ami its vicinity, will be sold at »ion. Give him a call. Use it in every sickness. Will keep the t /. .M K j II. T J-Ul.\ Ti. lit. Rta«l tbe new advertisements. public sale on th«* premises to-morrow, Sat ­ atmosphere puie ami wholesome; rem«»v- Wine, cured him Sold at City DrugSt«*re. The business of the Jacksonville .'! «rb!e • (’apt. Ankeny returned (rum Portland Fay the printer and be happy ing all bad odor» from anv m » ut <-**. Will urday. the 29th inst. The dancing school mei-ta weekly here during the week. Works will continue right along uml« ; the L. Baile elsewhere gives notice that ht J destroy ail Disease Germs, infection from Bad cold« are quite popular again I and ia well atiended and duly enjoyed. The handsomest ami most stylish line of management of the assignee, A H. M.* gly. j J N. Woodv of Eden precinct made us a all F«vers. and ud Contagious Diseases, has lost several horses, for the return of 1 The wil«l goose is heard in the land. I The eminent physician. J. Marion Binis. scarfs, neckties, collars and cuffs, hand­ Anybody desiring a tombstone, monument, ' call fast Saturday. Magruder A Co.'s warehouse ia full of which he «»iters a liberal reward. I am ««»nvinced kerchiefs m southern Oregon—jus“ receiv­ stone coping, etc., will find it to their ad-1 J. G. Ilirdsey and family have rum >yed ( M. D . New Yoik, says: Nuvc-ltivs at (lie 8 F Variety Store. w heat. 11 is ably managed by Con. Leever. j that l*r«»f. Darby’s Pruphylautic F.ui 1 fa a A Swede was sent to the county jail from I ed — is bviii4 choice apples trees, which will W. A. tSmick, Geo. Weaver to M ims Alice N. $2 trial bottle free to fit cases. Semi to Dr. i seryiuan, has one of the finest gardens in 1 week. be planted on the home farm. Mrs. E B Sears has removed her dress­ Kline. 931 Arch St Fred. Otten of < bise'ville made his friends : Dement. I the tate He is cultivating a large num ­ HAHROW-KLL1OTT- In Lakeview. Oct Sth. Farmers are very busy getting ready fur making parlorN to the c'< ot goods in Chavncr’s building is always a good demand for bis fruit and w a v from Ashland to Gobi Hill. A vast amount uf fruit is n«»w being ; by Kev. Adams. L. P. ('handier of K'ainath week. and Portland murkets worthy of mention He sells verv l«»w and guarantees satisfac­ berries, for they are luscious and not to be I C. (’. Beekman and family ar« now pay­ 1 county to Mr». Elisabeth li. WiMgn of V mih - ou gathered. ! ver. W. T. Ordering by mail ha> many advantages. cf|>e«,ia!lr when von are excelled. A walk through his possessions ! Kev J W. Miller and C. II Hoxie will ('aliforni.-i visit Fur genuine baigait b in exery line go to Evurythipg is «lull there as well as here. tion. (live him a call. • WiLSON—OBENt HAIN -In Littlo Butt* pre- i? a rare treat that everyone who has ever i ' ing southern California a visit. ei*6t,Oct 19'h. by K* v A ' H'»wl«*tt, Elinor commence a two days meeting at thia place J. Nunan's James Sullivan of Salem, Oregon, say** able to fin«) » firm in a position to give von goods as cheap as any Dr. ’A’ H. Sommers has been appointed enjuye 1 it can testify tu. R. J. (’ameron of Uniontown has re- Uila .n <»f Klam «th coimiy aad Mi-a lzirena on Saturday, Oct 29th. at 2 o'clock r m Obenchain, Go t«» the 8. F Varir ty Store f-r the nob­ he was cure«! of the .\«thma by Gilmore’s att-*mfing phy-irian at the county hospital, The Indian office lias adjudicated lhe turne«! from a trip to Portland. h<>u»e in America, together with a large and varied assortment, and Everyboy is invited to attend Aroiiialiu Wine Solti at City Drug Store. vice Dr DeBar resigned KADER SEVi RAN< E In Little B Ute pro. biest noveltits. He ir an ex- following claims : R. \V. Gurney. Douglas Ja«. Drum and T J Kenney paid Big « met, O.’t. £»ih, John Katie 1 and Miss S. M. Central Point has had its tlrst lire. The I Mrs. M. Armstrong ami family have p rf physician and surgeon ar.«! will no cutuity, Oregon, depiedations by Rogue Rutte precint t a visit this week. which rests upon a foundation as strong a> the “Rock*, of Gibraltar.’’ Severance. Our merchants are «till receiving guo«fe Volunteer tire department, better known ns I by th? carload. returned from Grant’s Pass, where »hey «ionbt give satisfaction. TERPIN --WADE-4)1» Oct 25th. by Ehler M. river and Cow creek Indiuns; loss sustained Z. Cameron ami wife of Uniontown Peterson. Cnaa. Tui pin and Aliee. Alta Wade •Justice ami everyone treated alike; al] goods marked in plain fig­ the bucket brigade, did their work nobly have been resi«ling fur severa1 months past. W. II. Day. Coos were in Jacksonville on Saturday. SrvrT.il K »math Indians have been in and .allowed, |344 21. Ed. Morgan of Fiiu'mx was at the coun­ BEATTY -ilELL-At the residence of John I and saved much other property from de­ Middle aged men who lack vigor t »\vn during the week and did considerable county, depredation by Rogue river In bliort, <>ct. 23d, by Eider M. Peteraun, J. W. ures and no deviation; in fact condncting a business so that the moat ty-seat Munch,y Frank (i.dl««way ai d .Mr. Bennett ot Cali­ struction. Baatty and MibS Huld.t Bell. ami vitality can be cured by Gilmore's trading. They sohl a number of ponies to . dians; loss sustained and allowed. |9M 37 Nature’s remedy is what they say of John Byron. Douglas county, depredation fornia mail? us a visit yesterday. < LO^E —TALENT At the Hlover II«»tel in Jack inexperienced are treate<] with the same court csv and eonsideration as Aromatic Wine. Sold Mt City Drug Store. the youngsters ah ait town, amt the festive sonville, Oct. 24th. by Kev. J. A. Slovcr. Fred, Tho Htfl Sugar Jntlautry. by Umpqua and Cow creek Indians, claim Oregon Kidney l'ea. Our «»Id friend, John Murphy of Ashland enok ( lose and Mi«»« J«»«*ie Talent allowed >428 An immense amount of fruit trees will be cavus«* is abundant again arc the beat judges. Sir ( laus Spre. kies, the California sugar Elegant uffice coats, handy and cheap, at precinct, was her« on Wednesday. plained lids season, and the different nur­ king, has recently returned from a trip to There is mmh g«>o«l truit land in the John B. Griffin, the hunter who lives in the 8. F. Variety Store • KOKX. Judge DePeatt came down from Ash series will be taxed to their fullest extent. vicinity of Jacksonville which has never 1 the Dead Indian country in the Cascades Germany, where he «•artfully studied the land this week, on legal business. Bargains in every line may still be found manufacture of sugar from beets Su well W S Fitzgerald is tearing down bis l»een tested, boonc-r or later it will “bios- I ■ ea*t of Ashland, brought in a wagonloa-l D e DAP -In Linkvillr, Ost. 20th, to Mr. ami Mr*. at Newman Fisher’s t (’. K. D?Lap. twin bjjs; roeiM*ctive weight fl pleaded was he with his experience that present quarters at (¡«»Id Hill, am! will ie- som like the rose,” when our town will re- j 1 of fine, fat venison fast Saturday, ami sold : Judge Wai ton «t Eugene city has been pound* Mother and boy*» arocheerful, but the attending court in Lake county. Matliews Bros, of Little Rutte precinct place them with a neat, new hotel build­ same its old-time i»A|M/rtance. he immediately ur«iered an immense qua»i- i it readily at eight cents per pound. It is e:re ie a paralytic. Further evidence that tity of seed, which wiU Boon arrive at San were in town Tuesday Thos. Collins uf »Sprague river valley is i Ktainaihcounty excel*. ing. J. B. Montgomery of Table Rock pre­ seldom that an elk is seen now in this part SNELLING-In Lakeview, Oct. 18th, to Mr.and Francisco, for planting in those sections F. Donegan has several humired liead of .1 C. Hannah of R ogue 1 iver calle«! on us cinct was in town a few days ago. Jack or (’regon, but Mr Griffin killed a big buck spending a f«*w days in this section Mr*. V L 8n»*lliDg. a daughter. of this coast adapted to lhe successful cul­ mutton slice}» for safe. Oscar Burton left fur the East on Mon- Wednesday. He informs us that .Mr owns one of the finest colts in southern elk recently on little Elk creek which ture of sugar beets 'that it will be a prof­ For the latest styles ami low prices call Dawson, father of Dawaon Br«»s. is very . were six pointers, and have a majestic ' itable indu>lry wherever the proper soil at Mensor Bros.’ store a tion ami sire«l by “Altamont ” • sick. spread. An eight-pointed bu« k ot the ' G* o A. Jackson and Pe. ry Foster of PALMER—At th«? Lorn** of her dm rents in A«h- exists cannot be gainsaid. Confident that For g«»o«i shingles, shakos and cord wood D<» you suffer with catarrh? You can fand. Ort luth. Mary E . daughter of b ('. I) »igt* Br h h tve c » nme 1 ced a well in common blacktailed deer, kille«! lhe nt lie; : Table Rock pr?«met were here yesterday. southern Oregon offers superior inuuce- «lay by Mr. Griffin dressed ISO1/*»' pounds — hud Mury A Palmer. aged 24 years and I days. apply at the T inka «»tfice. ht uure«l if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla, another porti«)ii of the cemetery ami are about as large as they are ever reported. Hon. J H. Stewart of Eden precinct ■■—■■■■ 1 . ............... .. ......... ■ mentN in this line. C. Coleman, wh«» is the great bl«»od purifier. Sold by all drug­ tu iking good progress. Their first attempt ('ronemiller A Son have a few thousand made the county-seat a visit on Tu esday largely interested 111 land here, visile«! Mr. A gentleman well known and largely en I gists was un-tircessful. as they struck a strata NEW THIS WEEK Sprecklra and fr«»m him learned that a excellent bricks fur «ah*. Dr. Whitney and B B. Hubbard of Eag'e gaged in the drug trade remarked : “Por.«l s which was b«>th Very hai«l and deep Several resiih’tits of Chimney Rock pre- W. J Mills and R. Benedict were in great future* was in store for thi- section if Point made our towm a call on Wetlnesday. j Extract is a priceless remedy for piles I I «•inct elsewhere give notice that they will The Inn iron Hi AUis-m's quarry on have bu< !i fifteen years a martyr tu them Estray Notice. sugar beets can be successfully ami exten­ Jacksonville Wed ties» lav. B?n Haymond and J K Satterfield of I pruv«* up ot» their lioniesteiui claims i.uxi l.p k-o i ;g'*k is i«i de»nan«l in different I suffered everything but death. I tried! ! sively raise«! hi it; in fa« t. h«- wuuhl in .dl Don t fail to turn <»ut on N »veinher ai«i he. as he opene«! a cl«»et con 1. A Askew ami wife of Table Rock pre le.it quality i« it ing eitabhsluue its here tin ier such circum­ w «s dappled b«y. w.t a star in h?r for u*ud and A. McDonald, who n«»w resides at Pho* California and ii« imw h»< are«! at Aslifand |.»ad of it to Giant *» Puss lant we« k brand«-«! with mi anchor on her right rhouhfer. rind were in town Wednesday, a««.omj a- stances. In a letter tu Henrv Klip, el Mr nix,made us a call tins week. ; taining hundreds of «mpty buttles ami! Jmlg«* Craw ford paid Jacks«»nvill? a visit Th«* «»it »r ¡aid h ».»ar in h?r furch?- «I -nd ha«i *»?.«i- will r.cfivc PROMPT \NT> ( AREFPI. attention at uied by a sun who has lately arrive«l from P'ax -pi rate.*», w h< -e ntimhiT !• I« gioii. ■ BuXes. “ I !«»<-k and appihd all that < up , ( oleinm says he w.«s Cold by Mr Spree kies dl? mark?- on her right bid«*. A lit»« ral reward I A number uf warehouses will soon be M issouri. . l'««rd«-f trash without b«*n«*tit. Nothing' lues-day, accoiupanve 1 by I. L Hamil­ will t>* (>ui<| for ttieir r?«-:.very or ary inforinA- a id whi« ’ b ifi« iudcs A I. : ber and J . A 1. that he would like t«> see a sample <>f lhe I tion that may le.ui thereto. Addr**»* or call *>u built at Talent and vicinity. h»-l|»e«l me until I found Fon i’s Extract, ton. different kimls of soil in southern Oregon— tl.f» ur d rBfa tu r.. • * >ilas Obeiiciiain arrive«! from Kfamath everything is favorable, he will furnish f«»und at ?fens«*r Bros.’ store Wagner creek district is one of the mud p.*rieuc<*«l tile-makers, w h«> have located in Av«»i«l these worthless imitations ' ct. 25 1 Kb7 • i I j c uintv Wednesday ami w ill icmain h few yoiDE IS HEKEEY GIVES 74IA1 THE seed and instructions to all desiring t » en B Clark of Evans creek brought in a protluctive in s«.)Ulhern Oregon and a high­ E kn pre< inct. are engaged in manufactur­ i 11 fi»ll«>w»j;g-:ihiD»*i *». ttl«*r ba«- fifed notice of /.Of .4 Î. XOTES. gage in the industry. We have nut suffi . lo ««t ot coal one day this week i days. er I rice is often paid there for lat «1 than ing t'lvs. which will be u*ed by our pr<»mi- F ie intention to mnk«* tim.l r>r«wf in bupp««rt of cienl spare to print Mr. C’s fetter now.) Litt claim, and that Mid proof will tie made before 1 m iit orchard sta in underdraining their E Enynrt has removed to Oak Bar. Cal i E C Phelps, the M e«1for«7 job printer. tlo*Jud»te<>r Messrs. Hamilton of Ashland precinct an y w here else. Cferk«>f the (’unnty Court of Jack- ' Soil. I but will do s«» in the next issue ot the yon coiuity. Or»*eon. nt .fa«'k*jonvilfe. Or . on | were in t«»wn «me «fav roccntly. > Geo. Mathews has located in Jacksonville i made tbe T imes office a brief call last Kat E. K Amlerson is baihling a fruit stor ­ T im km . No doubt this would be a grand > Thursday, Ifer. Mh. !Ss7. viz: ('barb's Davis. , Perry (’rump, son of Mrs. J Crump, of {ur ay. We want < orrrspomlence from every por­ age house nt his place near Talent. The homebt«'H«i a try No 422«, f«»r the N W !«*, of 8 Tbere is no mini’ll news of any imp«>rt- thing, and we will have more to say upon , Strrlingville precinct, «lied last Tuesday. E ‘ «.and E S of S W •< section 4.ami N E *4 of J R Campbell <»f the Eugene city building will be 40x40 feet, with sawdust­ tion of th? First Judicial District. N U -t.sec’ion P. Tp 37, S of It. 2 EaM. W M the subject in future issues. <»f h *art «iiseasc, aged 1Gyears He was a ance. Guar«i ' ha'* return« «1 tr«»m a trip to I. Ake He names the followiax witnesero to prove hi# walls. tilled duub'e Street Commissioner Eaton is still furth­ Win Mcske is in the valley looking for a pr«>inising y«»uug mtn a id his relatives contiriuoa*- residenc»* upon and cultivation of county. Fir««. The Fossil bind it corresponding with I have th«* s\ mpatuv <»t all m their bereare- location er improving the streets ami roads. said 'and v z : Robert Smith. Ludwig Ton. The Big Butte steam »aw-miil, ope al«d i :u«*nt. Mrs. M. Obenchain ha- relumed from Joseph Randles. (»*0. M. Mason. All of I^ake Pr«-f J.S Henry, fottnerly of this valley, Hcgs are lining soi l at t cents M potimi. Town lots are in deman»l at Gold rru»*k I’ O.. Jii'-kson county Oreg««i:. by Presley X Feel:, Downing wunty and is purchas­ week. He will speak on the prohibition ra-. jewdiarp’. va«e-. pi« ttire frames, etc . Egg> are quoted at 27’( pm?, j ort of ancauill.OtlUunfive-sixtbsuf the property, I'ti? experience • f years furnishes the Geo. L Nut y ot F«^rt Klamath fe io l! o Mrs M. Little has returned from Rose­ •< im : in;» f i Sanlif ? « i «« k hi« ( lain). »*rd ti nt »-aid p;oo! will he uia«i*- Before « Everybmly should <*all ami see that may- in* -f c«*«nvi •.«mg evi.lciH'c that tlmusands valley for supplie**. which dues not nearly c«»fer the loss The burg anti resumed her resilience here. th« J<«1 »-ur* l«*rk ifti.« ««<'.»i't> cor rt of J»«ckson i town la>twf*k nifi«*eht *«t«»< k ut go«>«ls Being display«'«! by ( ’ .» . -i( J !« k-o. si.fa. Or., «'i; 1 .urs I «y |> «• sth, destruction of tiii» mill will bft « serious in­ Thos. D. Ko*s ami w ie have relume«! The new tw«>-cent stamp, which Js green Newman Fisher. Gr» at bargains in eveiy of lives are annually saved by the use <«f H A < 'rtdtr, fu.'merlv of i.T . !:■><•* 1»iz:«»«*o .*»!• Ma-o t. h<«:t.«—t»-.«1 ui.tr« N«». \ v«*r’s (’berry Pe« torial D speed il v cures from K.amath countv convenience to that section.as it was a good in c-vb-r. i< uec Hiiiii’ quite ami i iant. 4- ‘ ‘ 4. f« r tl,«' 8 W m of N F. i ye Ib-mus fa. and V» fa ««f N W 1-1. ct-on 15 Tp >7. 8 of one ano supplied many people with lumber. I Dodge Bros have struck water in the Rang® 2 E.-«*t, \Yillam«tte ?»I-r ¡«lian He* > Charley Long of Applegate male th? store at Ashfaml The turntable for the new terminus, and iunes Rowe A Pankey's blacksinithshop at nann*’« the follow n«r witn< b to provu I. j- con-! cemetery at n dept ti of 53 feet County-st at a visit one «lay this week.* R* a«l our grand clubbing inducements inuouB «e-i«lc*>re upm:. at«! cultivation of, ►aid« >i*«kiy«iu. is located just at the north ci «1 We ar.' -urrv t«» learn of the i Inrss of i Central Point w.i» totally destroyed by tire, K».m- I The Ashland city election tikes place John r«*vpper of Jacksonvil e. ami Imp«* fat d. viz : W. P. l arlow (iidf-on Hutch« New goods are constantly being receivcl I i f rhe lunnel The station, however, is publish«*«! elsewhere, am! if you want the together with its contents,last Friday night. u«*l Handle*-, Win. Raridl»»*. All of Lak«* creek. < P. < >. Jack MN1 « '«unty. • *r tton. leading journal «if southern Oregon and the one week from next Monday i it will Ie of short dura ion. The loss is estimate«! at $1230. there being by Newman Fi«.ier and at the P. O. Store out at the stage-ruad crossing ( HAS W. JOHNSTON. Register. For the m«vst stylish millinery g«> to Mrs an insurance of >euO on the property. Nu Manager Kcshler of the O. A’ C. R. R Wickham A Luckey, real-estate agents Best lie’s .-paper or i»eri«>dical in the United Superintendent Jacobs is engage«! in visi­ - I State« f«»r the price of «me. call or send to Prim's. Prices lower than ev«*r. one knows how the fire started. Notice for Publication has been in the valley recently on busi­ at Ashland, are doing a good business, as lhe 1'lMFs office. ting a number of tiro schools, and reports P. N Ficke s barn and other farm bull«!' ness. they attend to all matters intrusted to their Gov. I’tnnoyer has appointed J H < »ri f- most of them progressing well. famd Otti? a At R«*cbarg Or., i The dancing school here continues to fis of Gold ID 11 as a notary public. Oct. 25, 1<«7. ing> near this place had a narrow escape • Geo. H. Bayley has sol«! his place on care with ability and dispatch. John Lamar, nephew of R S Dunlap, I oni F IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HE gr. w larger and several of the young from fire last week. Nick had sturte«t a Dry creek to Thos Fish of Califutnia f«»r Newman Fisher this week receive«! a full who shot himself .accidentally >*-m?ti!nr Thousands of b«>\es of ex *ellent apple? foliuwing-uamud »»e«tJ* r ha»» filtni noti«» of folks are rapidly improving Prof. La : tn» intuution t«» make’ nal proof in Mipport of Li» • ■ tubfde tire and left to attend to some other $12V0 line of ladies, nnd gent's fine «hoes. are being picked f«ir shipment. More of since is able to be about again. cJaiin. and th.nt bAÌ«l piuof will he mrufa hef«»r* France i* an «*x client teacher and the business, and it coiumucicated with the R M >hely ami family of Wil’iams this fruit will Be bl>:ppe«i this season than luU'ic fnrni*hed bv Prof. Ganiard and his A B. Barlow has c »mmenccd the c«»u- • .1 >•> Rnpp Aii«i family uf Wagner creen t he J udg** or ( l*”k of th«'('««unty ( on« ( of Jack. bob < u . Or . at Jacksonville. Or«' on. -»? WM fence and almost with th j buildings « reek made our toxin u visit u le* days during any three previ«»m* ones. strurtion of a large hotel nt G«d«l Hill I <»r« h«**trn is fi:st «-lass. spent la-t Situr lax and Sunday m tuw n. nut»«b«y, I)•*•*. 7, lk*7, viz : W . P. F’arluw I» »in»- « wbiJehe aa.vff*>ne. The cimc-ly arrival of since. Bt**H«i uiitrj N«». 4373. for the N oi N « fa an«! A young man from Klamath county. There are several good orcharJs in Tabic Stimson A Wright, the well-known nim- paying r»*lative.- ami friends a vi-it several men uvertvd the impending des­ S E fa of N E fa. B«*rti«»n 13 Tp 87. 8 of R. 2 I a*t. truction • >! property. Preparations are being made f«vr the Ro k precinct, the nrnpriclors ««f which >ain Gardiner, n half bree«l Indian, arrive«! rods, were at the county seat last Saturday W. I. «ir Hill of Oakland, Cal . passed i nr contmuou?» residence u | m « d . a «1 cul­ Ar«r /.of rhe I'nited >>*kiv«.ii mountain^, though nut a great and shapes from Hannah's The improvement ot th*» r<>» 1 Butwevii of N’emt i i’er Br «s.. interviewed his nu- The T imes job« tfi- <• i-»'•%•♦ n un w ith work, ( HAS. W. JOHNSTON, lluci-ter. j«ist B«-en re«« iv<«l al th** S. F. Vaiietv Order of H««nor at the Red Men’s hall in I deal necessitating the increase of «mr f«»r<<*. Jacksonville and M‘ «lf »rd *hou:«i l-e c«»ru- im roii'» customers during th? past w« ?k. Father Hvinrit h wi.l remove from R<»«e- St«»rc Patronize home industry ?7otiosfor Publication tins city, with twenty charter member’«. which is Hlr« !»«ly larger than that employ- mem e I at once. 1' R. Rea me» is here on a busings» vim The Debinger gap 9.eh<»ol, which has ««1 in any « tlo r « flice in tin* State, outbid« I The :«*il«»w mg utfievrs were elected: Wor­ i l urg to Euktr uty. His tut(.esf thi* pfac?, go to San Jose, Cal . where hi- lam: y re- < «i pm i I thy Pa«t Pre*kirnt, 11. K. il.mn... Worthy lived Id 11 \IAPL ii > otice is huieby giv ^ n that the here at rt asonabl«'rates. 1 eide. A grand ina-quernd? tali will h«*giv?H4n 'man f«»r the past t« rm, closes t«> day. Mr. (II Illi (I l'ivi h Piesidvnt. J. < . Whipp; Worthy Viet- füllt w«rg-nmr.ed s- itler ha» filed notice of arc pay ng her a vfait. F willsuun pay Caiif«»rnia a visit. h b iu f ent ion 1«» nihk« fii'Hl proof hi «-upport of the near futute by Profs Ganiard ami La Prrsulent, Wm Mruwr; Kecrefary ami The county board «>f . IlW. for the N W 1-4 of S U 1-4, tan. ilv Oi.rco and Altagn. b"lh by “ Altamont. ” . ar.«l S W 1-4 of N W 11« f section 31. E 4 <»f 8 L raided and a « onsidcrnh.'v increase in the committed by Rogue river Indians. man. George Hayes; Outside Watchman, Monday. Sheriff I lean and J K Neil. E kj , have 1-4. M*cti<«:. '■ T|>-47. s «.f K, 2 East, W» M He total taxable property ma«le. At tl * r won the trotting races at the recent Van­ C. W. A’altarsoii; trustees, H. K. Hanna, names the following witu***«*ro t«» prove hi« u«>n- A large and complete line of school books, The special election takes place on returned from a limiting expedition in , tinuouH rei-idence un« n. and roltivati« n of. *aid Considerable wine of an excellent couver ( W. T ) fair. J. W. Robinson, J. M. bmith; District stationery etc.. — first-class go«>ds — mav Ian«!, viz Gideon Hutchens, W. P Farlow,Hobt the Sth uf November—one week from next H (’. Fleming sol«! a large quantity uf Flounce R«k pTcinct. They raptured ■ Hm it b. Ludwig Ton. All of Lake cr«*ek P. O.. Physician, J \V Robinson. After install- be found at the City Drug Store, ami will quality is m»w being made Should the Tuesday. ; several deer while there. 1 Jsekbun Co., Oregon. prol-ihiti'm amrmiment be ratified, there sweet potato?«, raised by himself, in Klam- nient Past Supreme Representative Ruth- be sold at the most reasonable rates. • ( 'HAH W. JOHNSTON, Register. If you want first clast ■«-wing-machines w*ould be an end to this industry and we ' ath county la*t week. Mrs. Lathrop, the note«! teni|»erance enstem favored the lodge with an extended Our old friend J. O. < . Wimer, who is w«iul >uit pur«*h'*-» re v. tip' city >»f Ashlsrd are eff^r»*f the order, ami made many IVW of fruit laudi». And most an I Purtlam! amt will j tavor <»ur citiz ns w ith a lecture. E. Graupner of 8ferlingvil!e ami W. T. has opt tie«! a fir'd class huidware st«»re valuable and practical su^gritiuiis regard­ Oct. 25, lb-7. F ruit and farnm c Uno» in tracts * f from 4 to Jo »«crea. 1 «nr Ashland, and along the lise of th e •.»robably . «> still higher We wish him unbuunde«! pr«»sperity. of the tunnels on the Siskiyou mountains " O1P F lb IIERrin GIVES THAT TdE railroad, can b** purr haecd r t tl ia < ffi ing the gem ral conduct of its busineas. Anderson of Eden precinct were here a few J Ju'icn. son of the well-known Siskiyou foliowing-nann d «»eft ¡er has filed notice of A splendid Stock Ranch of 30io arris in J.irkron « ounfy. ar«Joc** of acre» it Klamath «rauf’- Several extra cars, laden with tourist«. Kre’S A Fischer have finished painting ami will soon be ready for the track Op- for »»ale at a baream att»«i-.»ffi *e. • The uudouk lor the new order is must days ago. 1. ib intention tu inak«' final iT«»of in Mip|»ort of i «•« uniy capitalist i> making ibis section a erations are progressing at a lively rate [ passe«! through the valley last \Vc«in«'sd.iy hie claim, and that »Mid pr««»»f will I m * made be­ • r-wiho'iabfe «•i>inn«i-*»'»»ii will B> charged in all < a-*»s for HuDne or Balline reabeatate in Prof«. La Fram e and Ganiard are con­ Thus. McAndrew*!* residence in M««lf« r«l and m> time i* t gratifying and lmpeful ■ visit. lie was in town Wednes«iay, in fore the J upinn<* a: «1 Klamath c fuv- 1 * * being lo-t to join Oregon 1 The train was late in consequem'e ducting a flourishing dancing-school at precinct. They «lid g‘ od work am! Mr M. ami California by steel bands. ' Jackson ( <•.. Or., nt JarkeonvilJe, Oregon, on n>ah»d; co« veyAncing «Ion«-; loans of n.nn* y ►«'cured for thr borrower or found for the lender Vo. 456, f<»r the b W 1-4 of S E VV r shall always fa* prep »r* «l to give a^y information d«*sired cinrernmc the n«da. rraouroaa and Tie Empire Feed L'u. «»f Portland, a who have been in the valley looking for a F. Iioper uf Ashland is making prepara- n r O» ' «‘fit r iif \ ■< H 1M uri a, arri «s. >iif kurn Ik. ., and . .. z« « n ill ,11 take * a L M pknrare •. 1. . _a. * th* ■ t property are4 ffer erction C N ’> of N E 1-4 and b E 1-4 <»f N E ' K2I 'd S° uth* rn Oregon, in ¿bowing Don’t fail to < ull and *ee th? new display county lastweik.S. Marks A Co. di«l not ! far from Mcdfor«!, to a gentleman fruin 1-4 my limai institution having for its « in« f 1 4 section 9 Tp *7, S of R, 2 Eaet. W. M He tiona to plant twenty acres in choice ! location, will probably locate at Aslifaml. •>f gents’ hats just received at Mensor appear « ti the returns of th»* Assessor, but name* the following to prove hi* enntinaouw ; California. M E Beatty negotiate«! the object the swmdhm* of fanners, has been fruit tree*, principally apples. That section Henry Klippci. real-estate agent, has residMice un«»n. and eultivaimn • f. eaid land, Bros.’ store. Z in\ »stigiition slxiws that this company I sal»*, which involve«! the sum of 3F2oOO. viz : W P. Farlow, Gid«*oti Hutchens. (>eo M selling wheal to the unsophisticated in the will in a fe-v years be one vast «»rchard. i pry* this jenr $.79,Of)O. which 1« a g«»od. I si!«l 12C> acres of land lying in Wi 1-w Mae m. TI iwk F- Davis. Al! of Lake cr««ek P I’». B Hubbard, lately of Kansas, has Willamette valley for Ì1Ó a bushel, agree­ Hon S. Furry «»f E ion precinct is being r< lifid -o.ni — R< m I mg Rev i< w . I Springs pr«*cinct to Kitchin Bros, f ir $700 Desirable town l«»ts in the growing rail o , Jsc-k^on county, 1 >r» gon. I visited by his nephew, Mr. Tryorof Iowa ing t«> take .1 large «piuntity «>1 the same at purrlroswl C P. Pi«rk*r’a town property in midtown of M'Hithgu»* may h*- oi.t.ii ¡» «I ( HAb. W JOHN8TOX, ffaaiHer. r.ie .1 i.-h kson » tile tbmiii.g mills are taxed | A tine, large assortment of gent’s i- i to Applegate last We»,nc9«iay *m a hunting e .uh ■ 1: i-« m«**it cD**Ahere fin / .nv p"i;i?s in south«*:n Oie- low at the S F. Variety Store. Ja« ksonvi!l«». • expcdiimn. ttinutriy Hogan, the principal rascal, was quite dull hi d a very luw price is paid L ind («fii *«• m l»«».‘Phnr?, Or., « Dne»D. mortgages an 1 ev«ny de»« riptin J-*' ' Oc.25. ( \\ A lo ght i« still chief miller. Some li y is vet being Baled io ilie val­ I I arrested rveautiy ami the game ha*» been every w her? I Jas Helms ; n«l hi-s «n Albe rt were THAT THE I i< • -o rit for the s«i ««»ri »r tl »ur ley of rea!-«,state ami luza! Blanks for sale at whi. I. There will Bea go »«! demand for it. Nr* cc»ud*. new g<«»»ds, ufnllili? I.it?«t loti«** !> g-i'M'ii« «1 «»*tGvr has fii. «I notice uf cue« urd tor the present An account «n ’ «• there. tn J.ts Herd a« ts us engineer. i fr mi fah'.r «> i M«»nday. The latter has tBe T imes «4fi< c at Porllaml prices Give i.in u t-.’ itiou i■» uv«k • ti".xl ;«r«> *f in ►apport of is .ouch has been sbippe«! away this sea- the affair wdi be 1« uml • n Ho* tirM page 01 «tyh'8. are m w l»en g rc ct ive d ut Mens-*: t« t irnr 1?. and N «>f \ W 1 4 t»r«'tn«n 13. Tp D. II Haskv'l, the energetic A MAKVEL OF THE AGE, and no hon«rhold should be without ly a tew da\ s since. 1 he was nearly three 87. S >-f K. 2 E'i-t. W. M. He n;. u ** k th«* f«»ll«>w- Kev. Father Huriuaim w ill bold regular trit t. a vi>«t M«mv of them are (• 1 <>wii g the ('alin.rni.i h K g'.ixt of varieties >« n «‘orchards paid ■1 ■ I right "t way agent for the > W !;iue* B u | < >.’ • 1 |< <’«•: ?i’ 1 UM T»'« l‘!»'l Cu i Ur.•• weU “ SHIS DIMEANEM. «OCT. uel . Thu Wii.amett* I fever-ity is doii n u m< timd ami plai t ng s«*td in the «ir.v iln r «>wn« r.'s«'V« rai h umlrcd «¡.»¡L.rs each. years old. Serme» at the Calludic church in tl»:-» n|><«3. h 'd etthivati :« « f. s-ud i ; d v x \V. I’. (’ • , was 1 1 A-dil.ind i«'d wi'l spt »» seamem . AFFECTED UVEK. i I « i-«w J'-upilibi «lit . G«-.. ’ »!. u.-.i; 1-;. J . II. P-»m?r«»y* <»l R *ek Puii t h is fi«iinh«-«l gr»a'«*f '.vi»' k ?«I iicm H« mJly than e'er Lu gunit'd. place next .'Mimfa;. . ,UAr8KA' B,LE« Wni), IXDI«E«TIOS. cownp.v tine m tin vailex hi t«;ii—« AJÍ f l.'ò. • c: '« k F. <>.. Jdckron ('<»., shii'pii'^' KO t • «■* of iron or* to the I ’ «•rdr-i <1 TIO3I. DIAHBHtEA and DYMEXTERV, FEVER« and AGCE, BLEKP. O.-ug n. t .. • St ,).-M ¡«1 : ;,r* I « t - ilt Mil tell | ,f. .- be­ Lifa i « . u tta? i.uul . H fc f.«rr it« il- Ii'—««•! y. a h»i. ms lutare t1 M. h ’ .*\« • '» r '• m. < j S.imucl H.iyf real estate* h.iuii p.i;«l I«» th«* backer*« of the cray inure, We 1« a 11> li*u I M L Hal , la ut M.-^oiiri, ■> pa« ing this -c« ti*»?i a Vi>i< COU»a ABTHMA. tke WJLE^ALSDICRetXC®rCBS‘ Miss Mamie Bre: tam»’’« obitmiry m»lice .i-e .inc !<• x‘ month up-.u their giving bom!« I«» the h jldera I'.g if to C. r\«i.i:.g a rciiuou wm b« lie if» .1 l«r«i’ 1.er <•( H«»n B< n Hayden Of atiou of gi and a communication fr«nu Lakeview ar- thvrcnf Don’t forget r«r call at Mensor Br«-s , ¡'«¿.-»i «rii.: ;.c Presi»;, u 1 imi P>»tk c«»U!ify and ut il hi qiiaintr«! with If. h‘gc'«. n Purli»* Ito Blood. CI mbim th« etooMh «od Bowtb. «tri gWw U>» riv«-«l to«» l.tte for this issue «»f th? 1 inks , but I •- t\- 1 own of g I «-«'p t »'ui'jecl : Wba-. sl.ire ami examine their mw sloe ; ami Juim ¡•«•v.t’n. father «»f Mrs John M K«<* .> Dtinfapof Jacksonville, w b«.>e horbt- he tod IXllfititfn! To«». There oe»er wv » for «0» Xurwry c^utl to K. nd If ib U-. • *‘«s !«» a!t»*mpt the cure »f any will b? published in our m*x’ learn ’be 'ov | rice«. | bi.'.idd gua.d. « 1 1 uf < st ii« € fa. «lit «1 ral ly l.-i.-t Wedm •*•! «> i3’ to a 'l:-"r«h led cumlition ul the oi P •rtlami. an 1 Meters. K ine. Brew-* Far Sale by aU Dnussicte aud Graeara- Di 1 «. «4 l. ... «. H III- V .11 1« ill! li l«»J..«k- (io dl w v«. M.tuz y. McDonnell nrnl Scfiemert of San Fran­ ki.uw him. SoHthrrn Ortyon fitttpoo. h'«M»«l. and in 1 Ullibr il«bscairs have been i Sii-kiyoii County. Cal. >uu\ 1 iv « 1. »he LVlh lust , ami cisco, commercial travelers. were here dur ­ From Peter Britt oi Jacksonville the I Bru-h l>«mi near Ashfaml is telling as Tiic “Catholic Sentinel” gave, as a sup- cur« <1 by taking a few bottles <»f Aver t will r«mMin onv week. We arc authorized high as $100 per acre. Rather high pric e ing lhe week. “Oregonian" is in receipt of a box of I plement to its last i«su«. a handsom.) lith- sarsaparilla. tu nnimunie that they can be consulted fur unimproved land Henry Mensor. postmaster of Woodville, grapes equally as tine as those sent recent | F»»r the best turnouts for nil occasions «»graphic likeness <>f the Must Rev. William prufessiuiiaiy on the following dates: spent Saturday and Sunday intown. II? ly by Mr Miller. Tiro grapes ot southern The Oregon r?g<»n are perfect in beauty and flavor,and be prized. pany now seha through tickets to Los 5lh. Persuns a til ic led with cb:onic dis­ of goods than ever, which incln«!?’« a g*»«*d th? vines a»~e even mure prolific than in Rev. Rubt. Ennis of Jacksonville has lo­ sortable an«! be never fails in giving satis­ eases should nmtmbcr the above dates Angeles and San Jose. ' an\ purl of < a'ifornia. With the grapes faction You will also do well to patron- i assortment of clothing. cale«! a homestead « laim in the Jackson N ’ erv?-lif? and vigor restore«! in men ami ami c« ii'iult the D«>ct<-r. iz* his stag«* In.«» running between this A. II. Maegly is manufacturing three M r Bi iit s* nd« the following letter . ck < k «1 “ . ti itt. w» st uf tow n, wh»*re there is place an’-'»\ we» k. fa'ir.g «.all«*«! hither l*y citations fr«»m tery the («»llowing «hi\. We tender «»ur his go«.u ain’t quit«* a sight to see with your Io wool gruWrra U.K! others interested* ■*M«asta.“ ( «.w cr«-» k i« chi'isti*ne«l ‘Azalia ed, a* I have seen in Europe or America, Cn «t l«» ih«*s Fish f«»r $12UU Mr. F. has face as yellow as saffron, excepting under matter are now under the impression that j yet I must convert the largest part of this 1 would cay that 1 utA ready to buy Jack river.’ A romantic name. bought quite a number of farms in the your eyes, and there it is blue as sloes. Dr. I^empert is not dead, but has folded i crop into w ine or lose that part of it en­ son county wuui and pay th? highest mar­ J. (’ McCully and Owen Keegan have re­ valley lately. lent like the Arab and quietly stolen tirely. You’ll be laid up. sure, if you don’t take ¡life ket price in money tbcrtlor. 1 hav- «»n turned from a trip to Cinnabar i . 1 heir are thousands of acres of fan«! in They re- They cost no more than an inferior make and are a perfect fit For The Talent school, which opened last some of Fres(*’s Hamburg Ten You’ll find away. 1 imb «>lidgc bruaght to the Ashland vilfe «luring the past week. will soon commence the manufacture of remain as nature has fashionetl it, should Having failli tu close out,1 as ordered a new and , w inter terms. For .Salo. “Tidings” otfh'e the other day a bunch of th«* prohibition amendment prevail; but frost ««took «>f Royal G. Brown ha* sold his half interest choice hams. Real-estate transaction continue numer­ D W Furnish, having locate»! on a paup us, or ’ *Amercan bananas. ’ as he whn h. with the possibility of ready ship­ N it a pound of butter could be had tn ment recently opened tip to us, will be bomestvad near Central Point, 1« compelled in the Yreka “Union” to N’ort Hawkins, a ous and cur efficient county clerk it* kept calls them. Hr has trees which are ifaur- young luan reared in Yreka ♦own yesterday tor love or money Some speediy made to contribute the largest ami busy recording deed«. Another good sign i-hiug and bear well to abandon his tuilk business He there The fruit seems in- Engel Bros, have finished their new is the fact that not many mortgages are «. I|nr«l to grow more in bunches on his trees of our farmers should turn their attention most luscious fi nils of the vine that man Wholesale de Retai; Dealor" in all Varieties of furs offers feven heud of Uuu milch cows CUD irti :>< ol may wish to see and enjoy—should the store uuildiug at Phoenix and are tilling being executed than hd<»«'S in the section* of the Mississip­ to the dairy industry, for it will pay a- well amendment providentially miscarry. fwi ~*e chmp. pi valley,where the trera pre indipenon*. it with a nice stock of good«. ss raising Trait. My iilile vineyard, the result of many Dry Good*, Boot« and Shoes, Hats II. B. Reed Is filling several orders »'or H’orfA K MOsrDty. The Siskiyou tunnel i« kept well lighted his celebrated Combination fence fr«»m A»b- C. W Logan, the popular Ashland plio- A ICt yard foot race for fOIJO.&rt) a side, year»» of labor and care, possesses both a represe* (alive and a real value, and quite and Caps, Dress Gwv , Crock That the pl:*» e to purchase farm«. «to- k constantly, ami watihmen or “track-walk­ laml rhose wishing to see samples of it tograpber, who has b« »n in California re­ took place in Seattle, Oct. 23rd. between J. satisfactorily indicateg that the must con­ ranges. ’rim Ian h and city property is at ers'' keep it well inspected cry and Gluswav, « hrist in that place should cal! on E. B. Walrad cently, “took in" several new w rinkles in C. Ryan ot Seattle.and Frank Lewis.of Ore­ siderable individual industry uf the state the utfi e uf <«. F Billings, Asniand. ( >rr- The for any limited area is to be the grape and Notes, receipts, due-bilfa, orders am! and W 11. Leeds. the art while in San Francisco and Oak­ gon.’ Lew.» won by about live feet mas Goods, Tov , pu. fruitgrowing imlu-t-v cf southern Oregon offlicial time was not given checks, in books, in quantities to suit, for Mrs. Geo. Rieve has sold th* well-known land. and is c«mseq irntly better prepared — i emmgh men on the >llh day of N«»vem- Auh Bedroom Sets from $30 <)0 upward, EverrtWng in àur stori- I Kev. Ears Haskell, formerly of thia county, sal? cheap at th? T imka office. r/ioier (Imp'i for Unir. ( bcr next think with the “Oregô»»ian" that Sturgis farm on Applegate to 8 B Haniil- than ever to furnish his patrons with pho- marked ’way down Call and examine before p«irrt«KÍng. is pastor of the Plymouth C ingretationx 1 1 prohibition is nut the proper means bv Grapes fur »ale al J N. T Mdfer s vine The masquerade ball at Ashland «,n the ; ton » uf Ashland j recinct. fur $4-^(>J The («»graphs of ev ry style and size, lie does the be*! < f work after the ¡atest styles.and church of Portland. We hope he is more whi« h to obtain tenit»eranre in the habite ».Il «t ri.»Tc»r » B ïù uk . CMifor- yard, lu» tw»* auc! three centi» per ¡ m » i ;n i evening of Thanksgiving Day will .'Ale was nmde through Henry Khippel’s never laii« in giving -.ausfaction " Bv v a ■ so “ ­ 1^ Don’t succrs-tu! saving souls than Im w as -avmg ■ -if the pe< p.e. Beifwctfnlly yours. bk tr»t, Jnti-OL’uJo L>--I’.d »jcx- ¿1! kiuds of prudute lakcu io txcbaiige. * ldai event of special mtereat. real «stat© a^tney. fail to gr. e hi id a trial. * ' fera B sjtt . tvtiuc rùruvwv L lAfom gold Lu the mines at Gold Hill. One uf the best managed establishment« • I in southern Oregon is the Union livery i I • HALE WE CLAiM OURS TO BE SUCH A HOUSE I We employ Four ExpcrieoM Buyers, who are ew on tbo alert pur ¡chasing Desirable Goods from the Principi Markets nf th Wnrld! ONCE A CUSTOMER, ALWAYS ONE II S 829, 831, 833, 835 K and 1026 Ninth Streets. Sacramento. Cal -- , . . i 9 I N ! Id N ROPER & CALEY, REAL ESTÁTE IlfflfE IN ASHI.AM». OR.. NEXT DuftR TO RANK. N MONTAGUE, FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS! ASK FOR THE I K. JACOBS GENERAL MERCHANDISE F. S. CHADBOURNE & GO., Furniture. Beidiig. Upnolstery. F’nriii turo ri Npeoialty, Candies, Nuts and Ì abaccos. CQR. FIRST 4Y6MHKL STS 0t¿