¿i » rijs. .V «- Ur ^moiranc aiiun» Tbe M' on I meeting of the Press Asso­ ciation of Oregon asrumbled in Albany mirrai P»prr for Jarhoi. Josrphinr * Lake today, iho afternoon was consumed with a buain«*M® meeting held in the editorial io «»!! ih of the /kmocrat. The FRI PAY meeting was calle»! toot der by President M L 1'ipv«4, of Coi v.illiH. In the absence of Secretary Clmdea Nickell, F. P. Nut­ L atest advices from Smith liver,Cal., ting of Albany was elected secretary pro say® the Go/mted to ariange for the next annual meeting to In» held in t» >0,000 bushels; corn, A, 141,000 bushels; that city on the second Friday in August, oats, 5,812.000 bushels; rye, 321,000 , 188S. The president appointed as committee bushels; barley, 1,682.000 bushel®. on piogramme;S S. T«am uf Albany, T he Detroit and St. Louin baseball Frank C. Bake , E R. Piper, cf Salem, clubs, who won the penanta of the ami Thomas A Sutherland oi Portland. The ftdluwmg nienii«ers were repre­ League and Association, ate playing a sented by I» tt«-rs .1. L. CuinpLeH, Eugene senes of games for the woiid'a chain« (¡Html; E II. Flagg. St. Heien«« Mi$t; E i onehip. It lo»*k* an if (he iX troitn will I.. E White. Yamhill Efportfr; J W. Ml. Di1 Hl!i> y tj I l b * ‘t I \ ! V /. n s. The it *• ns of Gt aut'ii Pa a evidently mean busirie««, oil the water-ditch ques­ Our popu'atiun continues to inersaae. The best and cheapest mini- g blanks fur tion, as they have already aubsenbed enough funds to make the preliminary A number of town lots have recently sale at the T imes office. aurvey. We hope that they will be li­ been sold here. Considerable prospecting is being »lone beral when the time come* to build the Our citizens are moving for better pr«)- in the vicinity of Gold Hill. ditch itself, a« such an enterprise would A fresh supply of th»« American Minin/ be of great benefit to the tuwu and its teclion against fire. vicinity. Elder M Peterson will hold service« at Code, standard authority jn the subject, M. L. McCall of Ashland is engaged in making preliminary surveys for the proposed water ditch to Grant's Pass. He ia at present running a line from the Savage place, miles above the town which same will strike between the rail­ road track and tbe river. He reports this line impracticable, and says that a ditch from this point would cost more than one from Gold Hill. He will sur vey from Gold Hill next week for a line eighteen miles in length, says the Cou­ rier. I ' ! ’ ÁZ..4.V.4 TH COVNTY ITEMS. Everybody is laying in winter sup­ plies. Capt. Barneh and brother have gone I i Jackson county. I I I T>mr.4. still a lack of good, ®oli»l is in the general wituation, and > mi fide nee >n>uyem remain cau*i< was sling li alow remain en as before, but are only > teadv. Among ' halee were 50,000 |>otins council of the Patrons of Husbandry a art of te>o hitions commen«latory of his a«-lion in ap|»ointing JainvM II, Slater and Geo. A Waggoner railroad rommiaaioners, un«l giving assurance of faith in tbe commis­ sion in ita ditTuiences with the railroads tin* impowl at T he tilic« and vo«t« May term of the Rutland (Vt ) A motion that th»« president, three vic«* ptesiilents ami secretary constitute the executive cominifiee prevailed. On m»’tion, lh»* committee on pto- gr.iinm»* and ar ang m»*nis waa declare»! a commiiu*e on invitation for the next annual meet ng. 1 he offer of the state punter to print the cuni-titntion, together with a list of uttice*aand c«».iimiitees, ah ® a«cepteed. In the evet ing a tegular public meet­ ing was bei»I in the ope»a h«>use. at w hicli a la»ge attendance wa* p esent An a«l*lrete> upGii “O eg«>n*s Pioneer Editors" wa- »leltve ed by JaiDesO’.Meara of Port lain!; als«» a short address by J. R. Fi’l tan • f Portland. The exercises were int r. st ng, being varied by mu^ic by Imai talent. county J osephine ( oenty news . court amounted to over »ti.ikkh inoat of them lieina liquor fine«. though Vermont has lieen a piohibition state for mure than thirty year«, TI. ih is about the way that prohibition work» everywhere. A nother Cliataworth railroad horror is curred on the Chicago A Atlant ic rad- way, sixty miles east of Chicago, near Kout’u Seventeen passengers station. wore killed and burned up in the wreck, and from twenty to thirty were more or A heavy fiesh-meat train li-sa injured. the evening accommodation telescoped tram ami the New Yo»k express, which h. aves Chicago at 7 P M Sax FkANciscAN« win to lie m gn at haste to have a tlnougli line between .'.in FianciM'o anil I’oitlaml. While the I A-tmiurr ■•ontained an editorial «ayring tiie ioae erroneous, although it IM xiliil to be made on the authority uf a director of the Southern Pacific. l*hy«ical on article Tin. which I’r. Sargent wdl Training, contribute to >. ribu»r't lor November, wdl be very fully illu.trateil from instantaneous photograph« of experts in the various branches of athletic», including the portraits of sprinter«, lacrosse players, and bane ball player« who have won enviable record« at Harvard and ’Yale in recent years C ardinal G ihbqnm left with impression uf < Oregon. a go*xl The following is how he was treated while in this State ask me to explain,** ex­ aimed the cardinal primate vivaci»ms- “I never have received in my lite y oh *h whole sullied hos| jtalry. j »in» »1 t<> stieh affectionate courtesy. The »1» tails of my stay there ate, of rontse, known ••»you n* wspa|>er men; but at least I ctitet htate that 1 was mo* e than ch a m t*l at the Wa»m »» cej tion a» cuid- d me •\ tiic Or« gonian*.>v \e been made a.'ain t th» Il I Kt ♦ 1 re d paHmeiit «>f P«>ifland, a»a-u-mg . ers »»f atubk rs receiving Rush money f out an»l pe mittag th-m to tun I he ames openly. will chaiges l»e According t»> the P»>rthu lv n<» m< re coi i npt C ity government than that which doim- i i ites lh»« metropolis of Oregon. l»e can l»e expiated when What lMil«ety av and h ading members of the Repnl»- iC.’H party openly pay $2 50 for vut» s their •nds. M ember »« oil h*« com tn it tee organ zed * San Francis«»», with Willi.un D Eng teh a® chairman, rxpreM® thrurdv ai • »ntident that eiitli» ient indu» »*t e»Hil»l be « ff' r» d to ibe nation® I Ih-mo* erafit* committee to induce them to «*e* led that city as the p1®» «* f» r tl v nt xt national convention. The committeemen rx|*»ct to be able to elect a wigwam It is stat» <1 that several men »»I ir • I. w •alfli «•! «rid r«*a«l\ !•> stih^crilx« libeially • di rv «nt tl»e project. I Quite a number of our citizens have gone to Rogue river valley for supplies. at the b»*st figures, call on M E. Beatty The well-known Swinden mines in llock- Puint preci mt. together withall the real • Dr. E. J. Bovd has opened a dental at his real-estate »ffice in Medford. office in thu Heidrich building at I.ink- H. H Wolters, who has been engaged in estate owned by John Swinden. were laut villu. business on Siskiyou mountain for several I week »ok! io Portland parties headed b\ I Samuel i'oulter, a capitalist, for the sum There are still several cases of measles month* past, has returned to Medford. ; of $lB.5uD Wr are reliablv informed that at I.inkville, but health is generally T A Harris, our clever butcher, ba« | a joint stock company will be irniue«liatel) good. been quite ill with typhoid fever. We are I I formed to develop this or»>|»erty and t*..nt Ed. Williams, formerly of this county glad to learn that he is rapidly convales­ I the beat machinery will be put up there now resides on Antelope creek, Jackson cing ! so m. The ledge has alwavs been cunsid- county. ¿Slack and w fe were pre J er»*d rich and inexhaust'ble, anli(Vi* Shawls Thousands find it to their advantage to patronize the Mail Order System. They get And niHry uth«*r thirgi» t< >]).«< »nd STYLES! And am pr»*i»arHn ax the gram is re- wear and select from half a hundred ceived. Apr dicati in» for Loans aud Storage Room are now solicited. A. 11. CARSON i SON. Proprietors. patterns, while at home, in the country, Sacks Loaned to Farmers Wiilim.it Chars? there are but a limited number. The ad­ 100,000 TREES vantages offered through the Mail Order H. E. BAKER, M.dfonl Or. In «took, conmutn»® of System are manifold. <■ B CAÎ-. >«. TREES TREES ■SHADE AMD ORNAMENTAL TREES, ROUGH AND FINISHED LI MBER. TREES PHCEN1X, OREGON, and OAKLAND, CAL. Now is Your lime to Get BARGAINS!! ASHLAND BOOTS and SHOES. Hardware. Tinware, Crockery. JOHN MILLER, THE STAFF OF LIFE ! STEAM FLOURING M i L l S H BARLE i Fishing Tackle. Hardware, Paints. Oik Varnish. Glass. Cutlerv. Etc.. ROLLERS. Jacksonville, Oregon H ASHLAND HOUSE ! tip (II r^\ve Main St., Ashland, Or T ÎîSCRIPïffl 7R ’ZATîSÎ SEEDS ! ! J. H. MARTIN. 65 Front St., Portland, Or. A CARD TWENTY-FIRST YEAR sr MARY’S ACADEMY T. J. CRESS. I jl'T-OF-TOWN (TSTOMEKS .uv »! t M V #»f trud-* a fl» I < tîwiie ce. a • ha|»pv «teamed owth. ami c »nt»*nte«| pnaimtion un»! pro finar Dot» .«‘•ntiment, an«! e«p-#’i tn. •nt that mop»*44 ove tl h pa*t .*! fO iGok tn fhe f’itn e • I «^enCRjen* t'«af uill injure mir Senti i tirnetl K» Hpe«ifv w II I» h h»nn»l in * t Ey »•i.nii # ii»:on. nliîc’« s1 a’I ¡•••ln«*e ii«*at an»! fl n *4 M » t»» at « f , vgb- Rit!' fhe « otUm • ï M’ »» | l»i- a* I .* Iv®lun in the rai*»* for natiomil i b uncrment." Th • i fx”t Fr »' lb‘s in :r «I n «» »«i. •> X« t ix .* «»11 bv I A »Gee. xv w»«rs and otl E I xx o »* i »• $ * • ‘ r I .« h re i I v t I tn county w « h »I an i p»., •» -« | k»_»‘ price in money imr»t htind she« p «I p. xx »I ’.I'd;«!, phur. in .juanirie** t»> suit. i J Ja« k:»« . % «il. . f L*t G I s-7. CK&C: •'c i ! » ihn r^íjlon oi th- r,arm or nata th. í - 1 y ink-lf churt .. rt bis pence? r "J ®h»Mli ♦ Luteri’ Li <•<_ X'l’N » V •< '* //»»/»• l uriti», I V nb»’»v Fiirs .•i »' I*« R ri I N ir « Li*-« cr •• <• i- CtHISItl «il r. ptkbi» V io thè su« c. ?•-fu! culture uf grapes. I * .1 -Utt ♦» fi Appearance. V and H Fri nt Si., . not foil to visit uir : dres 3 , a short W N negotia- • leehtitnenf an-1 It»* •lied, Joaephice HAMMON BROS.* NURSERIES, I "Hr believed tl at tl e - • *• tn»*a ira«h». that th. e « v»-rnTJ)cnl a»*» citie«* *tirli a L. W. CflBftoN South of Grant’»« County, tirvgon. md**® C. H. GILMAN, RED H3USE TRADE UNION, ?!«• kev- rx- vt» Demtu r u v of w hi»*!» crowning old I IOS I KRY ! A Catalogue of Hix Panes with Samples of Gods Mailed Frei* on Application. • Un*! tetrth-k To*' Under 4 years A beautiful line of The Red House Trade Union established a Mailorder Department 13years ago and now numbers its patrons by the Thousands. f s hi«* . John Sydenstrit ker, 9‘. 2; Jennie Ne ctarine. Cherry, a good official. flrst clas* one. The sec nd son of M. P. Phipps had one Linville. 96. Stella M art in , W Kate A nd» r- Almond. Chestnut. Gen. John F. Miller has the contract I A»l Helms of Grant's Pas® started fur of hi» legs broken a few day* since by a son. 96; Herbert Linville, 97: Ella Sydrn- to furnish the Yainax Indians with Ö3,- ( 'alifurnia lu>t week vtrii krr, 97 . < Hiie Martin. ÍM . < an ie An«l< r- kick from a vicious mule Do< tor’s Pryce Walnut and (MM) jHjUnds of beef. son. if*. Juda dtacy, 97; Fanny Sydeu (¡rapes are selling readily at four refits aud Geary are in attendance Mrs M. E. Williams ia no* conduct •tri< k« r. Hs. Almir® Smith. 94; Harry Sx a pound in thia market. A new sidewalk has been built in front ing a boarding house in Heidtich’a Thite tetewmill in n<»w in full <>iM‘'‘ratiun and wil' den*tncker, 92, E len Smith. Uv B»rt!f Prayer meeting** ar»* hebl every Thurs­ building. Linkville. of Phipps’ buiiding,west of Purdii;’s black k'«ep on Lund a fu.I tet«»ck of all kind« and duueD- GRAPE VINEK. CL’IIR STS. GOOSEBER­ Stacy, 9M Whole number of pupi aiooaof day evening at Grant's Paaa. ’ s nithshop. which is occupied by McCallis­ RIES. BL(( KBEKK1E8 RAHPBER. rolled during the month. 3G. J. D. Hanks, the old-time stagedriver Win. Chat’am of Krrbyville precinct ia has returned from California and intends ter A Williams, broom makers. L A S im »xs. readier. HIES. HTRAWBEHH1EB, FIGS. mak;ng javkaon county a visit. M. P. Phipps of this pre» inct oders for locating in this county. TRAIL » KEEK SCHOOL 711 aid 7P> J Str«**t. an i 713 and 715 Oak Avenue. Sacramento. Cai sale a few hea»i of choice, young Merino fwo-Story Buihli”g* aie numerous, many of The following is the r« p«»rt oi the Tra Harms iti» tino.t <4..nl»l— I’lan-r and Our !'«•« a’p kfr>wii without irriawtion oo red The Evetgreen Imue-ball club spunk rams They uie well bred animals ami creek scb<»»»l. f«»r the term beginning cate in I hm com tv. Matcner to be found in llu- lloeu H., r Va.lei ill land. «• d nil .»f knfW.’i vaiieti ♦ that raccaed : Aug highly of the.r treatment during thei- in our mill. w. w.ll furui.h ul. giade» of n Southern Oregon. will he sold at a reason« »¡e figure. Sth aud ending Sept 30'Ii, 1><. E.i.111 busily t-n- recent vi.i.t to Linkville. Th.»*«* roiitei.-iplati'iir tr»*e planting will du w»*ll »<» vi-it our orchani «nd mireery. <»r wiiteto u® tei. J.« Hi u.ton i-putting the Allen prop- I Your coir»-spoiid< nl agrees with the gen H um »» . Willie M< Daniel. Marv Hill. . Julia * rpric«-li»rf Addr.-a- to Ute tet Murphy, .lu*«. E iza Hill e.'y in Linxville, phi» •• cmntv. <)i«*gun. <>r to H H KtMtion, which he recently eral opinion that I L i.aiiiilion is Mviiioid's M.D.niel, Poilie McDaniel itant'te Plate*. Or chief lady*» mail- "Stmrty * i® ms liberal Meii>*hn Noland, on behalf of the citixen*4. ley a vi-it, have returned home. prvciii« t, h.i!* i rimiteli to ('iCMeiit cilVj The f«»lloxving is a report AT SEASONABLE BBICES. picsentrd ‘ ardmal Gibbons with a basket i < al. John Veilings of the Liukville brew- «»f choice fruits an I ah»» several fioiai month «»f ’h»* Woodville sc I W»« aro al-.> prepared tu tnak«« contracta fur kij > eiy has sold ne.ulv 250 barrel« of hi, Rev. M A Williams of M<«iford will rage attend »nee nuiniwr of tributes upon his recent visit here . which ment howl jhtvicvh at G ant’s Pgs® next Sun­ «uperior beer during the past year. were duly appreciated. day. II. II. Nichol« of the V. S. Hotel, in FlU’IT BOXES Our Stock thi< satch N<» com u-nt k ncf-e-«aary <>n the t»up* riortty <»f the quality «»f our hr timber. I Langell valley, captured one of Jackson’s third Sunday at Eagle Point; lourth Sun­ F G. Burns of Slate creek precinct Las HARRIS A CO. i fair daughters on ais recent visit theie. day at Gram's Pass. Services at ea» h ol There lb a rood road to th« Mill thi* year. a«»l wm Judge Smith'll premises, is on exhibi­ A. M Henry Smith, (¡rant*® Pas® efficient Cardinal Gibbons and tbe Raymond A >amì F«•• 0« tion at the Linkville hotel. How in that Ruin«* h« i <•’. Mrc»*t com in »wen »net, is also deputy mar lor high Whitcutiib « X ursiun party where aboard Aúna M Hugh Ui «I now. John siemens, I.inkvilla’s popular the train which passed through ‘he Valiev lt.in’l Megvr nday. the c t Zena of this place H itti«- M-;p- barber, is the happiest man in tho coun­ I List \ ’’ia \I«-_”T ty, all on account of the arrival ofa boun­ I look advantage ul the occasion lu exhibit Will H »mn.’iii ■ the igru uitural «.mi horticultural pro- Aine K elcn cing boy baby at iiis house. to the Winuir >tau’»*\ Janies Tobin, who has returned from , du» tl ui the v..lley, und When the Vl.flltOl M Neme Stanlcv larger Portland, ie|>oit» that his brother John, : arrived a bund*otiie display • f pea< he«, < i»«'»rg»< j»ho is now at the m.-tropolis for treat­ • grapes, apple®, prune® and pear-*, veg«- GIIOCEEIES, DRUGS, W♦» ar* sorrv to Ivarn tliat the condi-' ment, is ailing With an incurable cancer. I la files, » «irn and ¿ram of ni.tixy d.tT. reni I ie Lizzie: •ioi. of Sher fT FaieiteOii i» not um favor- FACULTY A. A Fink of Ronebuig. a well known . kindfl. greeted their g.iz a® lliey alcppcd John St nit. a- i able h * it was. capitalist, lias puich.ised tbe Munx (dt the ptetiurm, «nd wi ¡ci» wafl ®u •-«»•- M»-il.i > : hi,. J.S. SVVEf-T Pwotent Mai!.» matics, P-ychwiogy and Seh«»‘«l Economy < ’»n*i»!erab e improvement is gu ng on. ranch and other property fiom Kearnes, I qllrntly presented to them The p-irty wu> L ¿zie Sii iliH'i ’.V v«. ju-.« r • .‘iv.-d a 'ul I ®t»»< a in tb»* al • ve JI LIA M GOOHYEAR Quite h DUtiibei uf mchsr«is ate about Martin Co. it is one of the best place» ' met at Grant's I’ an « by a reception »•olii- IT ti»*!«i Wh iiii.ci < u fii.-h u »• can ®i*ii ct><-ap»»r tian Jain«*«* Whip!- «• Engliteh Grammar. Rh»*t«>ric and Latin. tierig plant'-d. in the county. a iniltee appoint «1 the eveniti, beforc. <,<>n- M-ir.ib Whipple •»•y ar«« n »Id Mtiya «'t** tn'•ottti.crTi < iregur . a« we C F Nl 8H« . I but very fteW ♦•X|»H!IK^. All kindteuf pro- Penmanaihip and I xecutive Work. t has J Howard «»f Brigg-** cre»*k is Kitchin Bros, have sold their honie- I sitting uf !l<»n. J. D Whitm-tn and • ! luce taken in exrti <• g>* und LARGE STOCK ANJ VARIETY SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES MRS I orriE 1». WILLARD pnii'g el »live** and frionds i'l Jackson -tead claim in Lost river valley to Mr. I Carlisle, ami the greater portion of the M b -» u Voice ( ’ ulture cum Iv a vr it. HICHEST MARKET PRICE Endicott, lately of California, and re­ j town. th**aded by th»* c«»rnet band, were at MRS G C. EDDINGS. ilrttrl biiifin moved to Rogue river valley. !low<*d for Hain««. Call ui.d see for y««r»»t»R*w. ■ the depot when the Iran arrived ;1 Hatrumental Mumc. The al- ( i S Read the hospital report*, re id the in )r JA( ÔHÏ hROS emma T olman r i«* r» Most of the iieef cattle in the county i luted half hour was very pleasantly spent, tuary reports, rca-l the medical pub i. a Drawing and Painting. ti -ns read th»1 lai lx n«*»«i a per.*, an« I le tri has been sold at piices ranging from $21 and the Cardinal a»i«i exciiraiunifll® depart ir H-f or»» par ‘ i-a m » >ls>*wh»»»•*. ¡Mrti«*s nC .*re. h ox dii Come an«l seo our st • *( First Term Begins Tuesday, Aug. 30, '87 i amu^ment and li* mt 'I de I ec: I .»:i it is t» ia . a « people, h •« Addresw all »««»tuinn'io'HtionH to Iso n put nto circulation, although the i and <»ur f»e >p!e Nu d nil»t this atl ur w ill many ami how sudd» n a»e the »tenths i have ta*en cap- HAMVION BROS. Ph.eux. Jackson County. Or. All corroapor.denc«» ch*»erfully anewer#»d. Ad- price paid is low. i prove beneficial to a « ui I utu Oregon tn • ius»s lT.cn read Dr F ; it * I tvatis«* ui dreas the Preantent. A coirespondent of theTlMi.s under a 1 more ways than one. Timse managing it Heart Dis«*.i«.« . and learn xxh.it it is. wha eau-4«*® H. XX h it diflrase it gives r ,-c t la' * date Wi ites fi-jin Bonanza: tin lhe are deserving of much credit what ita symptoms are. ami how it mav I» 2stli in-t we expect a nice time here, atta« k»'d h y« u fi d that xou i«.iv - ln .it Ihnt't rhere will lie a game of base-ball hi - •iisea-e ask v<»nr drugg st t««r a .flic tween the Fule lake ami Bonanza clubs, I.«*t th »1 « "Id of yours run « hi . Y"U Ihltik THE ROGUE RIVER |»r. Flint's Heart R. medv I*i e ti at < But it max run i< t > may he h;..I «m application to .1 J M el a ran it «l**nth tt’»••l.‘. I «l.in»»er«»ti*t all m»i«l»*rn unprovHinvntfl. an* now Piram invited to attend and have a good time. I Io* fir«* «1 fiinf appa* atut mutt he kept (’>m Mlwayte h« relie»! upon to carry in stock • »ut a hrat-chktete artici** «.f Hour, winch im put up i ■< t»arr*«I back*. hu »I **ki«ry mck ih warrant»*d i fietitliv and clear <«t all «>bttru« ti< nt ut f the purcNt aud b.'«!*. and sustain the t r X ¡ K 4 i. r<»iM pin V r t ns. • «»ntMP. 49 poutitir* «»f t!<»ur If you don't b«*.i««t <•!!» ntiv«* matter Otherxtitv there t* reputation of being it« ttv»*, pushing ami tinte, ju«t rompar»« a ur flout will, hi irimhlr. bv r.■• < iiiiii uding arti« !« s will» tr«»uhte ahead «»thcr brand «»rtvo'd for »ai« in thi® market, mi . Is;.,i«- t oiista' t 1« enlarging his residence, All the «ii®«.it»-M (d tlx»** pari®. h«ad. wel brstab'iflf I merit un i such as ar» • •«•♦«the ditt«*reiice in weight. i xx hn h wii. ®uun present a much it«ipr<.v>* dritgliffill!v and entirely cured by Flour and Mill-Feed F »’'»I of With misi appearance. ls ati«| e«»ughs. xvdl sell it on the u®#‘of B «■ hcf'«« (fi rman Syrup. Ityou Riimptfim, ,il!v H*.«» week, uh Constantly on hand and exchang< d for wheat We are glad to hear that the health of don't know lint already, thotitand.® and a politi ve gur.tht» i e it xx ¡II nun 1\ « ure an.x a lot »4 fne oli ion**. **Caatoria is so well adapted to children that C«*t«n4, rur-s fnlir. Constfpatinn, cr I'h#*\ and cverv • afir» ti"U of lhr«.ut. lungs A t i uksrx ot thia ; lac#» is coiisidt ra* rhoiuandt <»t p<*oph* can tell you I recommend it as superior to any pr scnpüoQ Rour Stomach, I>iarrha*a, Eructation, have been cured by it. ami ' know how it • best. and I 'n ««rder io j r«»ve »air » Him. xxe Killfl Worms, gms sleep, aud promote» di* «lin w *nt to Ja« ks »nvill»» b y impr >\ ed known to me ’ n. A. Aarnra. KI D., it fhrm*dv«'t " Bottle only 75 cents. a«k v<»u to » » aii and get a trial bottle tier. r* stion. » Having added a set of Bcrley Koller* to my mill I to m »« u ’«‘ an assistant, ah Several «•( uur refli«ienlt w -e at th«« < »uti- A«*k any druggist. I hHV©Het apart «w»»ry Saturday to Roll Barley f... I Ill 8a. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious medication. < with h* i kwo'k. custop»«ra. The work will be tione on ©hurt * Prarh, <»'rapr u,td Apple Horr» ly-8». t during th»! week, a nuini»ef attend­ Tn® Cnrrara C oui ant , 1S2 Fulton Street. N. T notic»«, so that parties can return with their griM Strayed, The Sugar Pine Door A I.umber < ing the tun .ral, whi« h t«x k p!.u c tn# re. I the tetein«« day. lam prepared to roll barl»*y at al ‘ From Bybee’s sheep camp in Klamath Gr.mt’s Pa*»« hav«* a largo :i««ortmi times and in trie !»•«*( manner. Thu» procewt» I U ir hue. i.ug»* scho«>l h<»U'»' iw eppr»«uch- far n>i«M»d of the crustier. conntx. several «lay* since, a female nnile. kiln f Applegate ha«* raia»*«! enterpruiug lutle town. It was needed, a» 76on left stifle 1 havH cnnch]«te«| t<> oontit u«* (I «* t> :n«« «»n a larvar A reward wdl be paid I — — • —- — too »m,a!| s«»!iieof lh»* fin»**! corn in the State thi® Prof. Hall find® hi® new «plait Mfatethan »*x«*r 1 wu*» in San Francmro recently. for h»*r recovery or any information that Acker's #! I *n *h* larg **t ar«1 b«*-t ».»«H'kte S-une oí th»« »*ais are over a foot It is’ sifpp >se<| that »he venr \'CAY%O\X why Mr. Morgan, the xxeli kn< wn ine< hanic. may lead thereto Blood Elixir * » » « kin«te <»f Fir«*artn»*. Ammunition, (uttery. lung. I fiard war«« and Sporting ( hi . k I- • v**r brought to * ho bus been a resident of Central Point went toward the Klamath reserv itmn in warratiicd, is because it is the best W m . B ybf . k . this market. Uoo.is sold Ht Uie lowest possible I Blood Prejiu-ation known. It will posi- posi­ J. E S»*vfvtth, a p-uinin'Mit citizen of for Muiuetinie past, hat gone to Montana prices. per Frank Bybee. tively cure nil Blond I'i «a«««, purifies the I will fftlsnehtee |h,,s,. Goode to tie just «list th Miidhei n p»otiori of the county, i® on busi ess. Hi® health in not go«».. xvholrsale and retail A large «ml first-cla®*» line of » Ik»Vice, lately of Oikland, D un?- icima. paints, oth. etc. can uiway* be driiggiat*4 his well known house , under the h«*rn scllijig Dr King’s N w I>is«'«»v»*rx. I »*« «••»lint)’, an l < »»l. ( urr «y. iin iptornev found at D. HinK.e s «iriig stur«* He also Eo t trie B tter« ami Bui kicn'«« Arnica O«*w mm i-.*!O • if. wdl h.« «•«»rteinrt.* i on th« tteMt and ru«»M popular piai»«, no pan*. b«>inir font A«*hla»i»l, hive !a!»dy locat«*d at I Live never han«lted has a nice a«surlmei>t ol jewelry, watrhe-. S.elvt« tw«» vi’ar» Tl.»« H igh A t in laglit-Running. N>-w York «>(»are.l to give g« i Hial n «!i>f..«Bion. It contai' « tirantS Pa**». renie«li»s tint -ell n* w»ll or g’ve such Mtechin«« . .................... $40 œ comfort abb* »1« « ping aj«art m.-nte «.n ppi i««d with « and When ahe ' < -■»■• a Child, aha cried for < Mtnria. wh<» have l ee»» employe4! in l>«-l Norte permr g >•» I? at ' ®ells at very reasonable dteinc* in Uns city tannile»« BOWEN Several < ®fles ot urn- Warranted pertert by roiintv. Cal., »luring the Rammer, have rate® n«»tiin c«i hiiihii nipr m have l»e«*n #*nfirely When »»ho .»oaa;n<* X! ns. ahe clung to l.'aatvria, ♦ rrii<* rrni»i<* riir» «| by us - of a f»*xv b«»l:!es of l»r King ’s return»*»! In me. Whau ah© bad Children, aha gave tham Caatoria New |)i*c »very. tak« n in connection w i'h .Wr»»$ori«4f Serrtcea. Will always heanppliod with the beat th« I Electri- l?itt«*r* \V»* gua*antee them id- tentiou is given to the filling of Kerbvvili* l«»dge N«». 55, 1.0 O F, will way?. v'ifil at City Drug Store. fastidimi» tatet*. ln»l«l a memorial l«»«lge on tin* 22«l »it Octo ,***■“ Dehv retint any place iu Jackaon county r««aAonMb)e temi sat itefuct ion gmtran- >rders. free t... <| I mt . with a «h » f»rntion »*f the graves < f «!<•- J. J. Sl’U-M 1‘. Prop. parte«! memb»-rs at its cemetery. All I you ever try •Uld Iota to teuit. wiM’*1""’ “n 1 m,H* '■""’l'1"’1’ •twk in th« North- To ilio Mintr.4 and Mine-' hull .xt!l, -uiinmre «t 2 r m . Fr'»m here Acker's English lo niedyt It Is tbo best plication through our O w aers uf southern the brethren ai d f« «. nds x» id pr««»*t« i t«» the prejiarntion known for all Lune Troubles, M.-ri-hantw, farmers su.i gardi-ricrs srd r- uu.-st. sold on a positive guarauUc nt 10c., 00c. M to write for prie. «. cemetery, then« « l»a« A tc the ha'i In the Oregon. CONDI ( T Eb BY ' 'ity Drug st ll.I.t STIMT»:i> « tT tl.uia t MAII.FI) Hill. cv» mng at 7 30 (her»* xxiil h< a re union, p l S(i IN THIS SETlON NOW. MAKING A! a. with mu-p-n’id a i«i»t«>iy «•! th«* fir*t of »«ur 0 rH£ SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES, Rebeccas. Io cl«»®e with a •»uppvi given by in r»«TM«» ally m**««ti,ig m ijh - h an«tr of thia ®ch) will com- tlie l®«lies of the Ord«'r. ►•»>!« r loxlgejj anf th«* Title, ( <»rr*rt l.octtioa I.ioes. amount ..7 of *«tirM**n»n»«»f t««n w» ek* each. to \ i**it ami j»»in xi ith uh . aM«ay«*«l ««lue , Bor.nl an»l tuition, per term....................... $40 (Ki I or «»re in flight. n« rviaiilh r« will be served as well ns those sit- («ratei r W. F». rbk -. Re ary ;,H -WOllklMi I’ROfl. M uhic .......... 15 n vi’le wrk I m * al '«»w«*«i t<» tep «ak for iteeif. ' DAY JH’HdOL 1 *rm«nen'!» l-s-aost bare. I ofler m> M> C'»ri«»spoi,d( ':t pi Southern Oreg» b.,uth,.t„ oI(.c„n. wt (•«»nsidprahle . L’on ,M . *’ ! Primary Department................ 15(0 «mica, to th, e it«'. • ««tyof M«*df«»rf good*, uf wincii I hare a full line : only gcal nteeo < l i e for (’M»arrh. ('«»Id nt tiie .i«w! Hay Fever, lows T he ( old. ('tetterrb i! D^afri»«»*, and 8<»re Ey»««. Re- Oroville, Butte Co.,Cal. U. S. A V MILLINERY ! CURE Ab cheap u» to be bo ixbt any place; al«e Owner® »if the unl> Abietine Grove and Diatil- ery in the world. HF-SEND FOR PARTICULARS. Ccvcex. ^\c c\x X\ I CAT -R ABIETINE MEDICAL Company, pROMPT ANDCAREITLAT- N. J The oriKinul und only genuine scientific ccm pound <>f Abietine Gum an«l Yerb-t Santa, for ( ouiihit. <’< Ids. i un»t and Bron­ chial Troubles, etc., etc. *■•* Ï5* for Infants and Children. I •urishes so rampantly there on elect <*n vhon they aie need? I to further V! Pomerov&Co. are shipping 100 tons of <»re from their iron mines in Rock Point A bank and uir ulating library are t roni- , precinct. Il will be tested by the Portland i>ed our progressive town Work lina been comment ed on Adkins A i Reduction Works. The new pincer minet on Sucker ervek, Webb’® new brick building. Josephine county, are being thoroughly I>r. J M McCoy of East Portland lias prospected, and they promise to come up been paying this place a visit. to the expectations of the numerous pros­ Chas. J. Howard of Josephine county pectors. ba® been visiting relatives here From B F Miller of Gohl Hill we learn Mr« Jas Howard of this precinct, who that a rich strike lits been made in ti.e quartz ledge in which J B Hutch of bus been very sick, is recovering Mrs \Vc«t.»c*»tt »»I E Igertmi. Wis..is vis­ Grant s Pass is interested. A shaft nearly 50 i»*t*t deep lias been sunk nnom»* '.’»Iuire Barkdull is looking after »me '•I the ore ha** been tested ami assax s very promising mines he is interested in well. J C. Cowles and wife will leave for Keunded by a * Uli A. O. Owen lias removed to Crescent < ity Cal. with his family. Miners are continuing preparations for winter and most of them will be ready for an extended run when the rains set in. L1FÜRN1A '*'-*** JRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, long diafane, runner«, wrestler«, foot ball are L. G. R iha has liven in the county looking after the interest»* of the C. A O. Land Co. Thv tax cobertor is making his rounds. Th.- tine« an, liupi'iiet (iaztttf , J. F. Hal- ii. as they have already won six games Io an, .ifturitiit; II <». Guild, Silverton Gov. I’ennoyer ha» appointed W. C. ami their opionents only two. Appeal; ( harlvM N.ckell, Jacksonville Hale as a notary public. T here Medion! on Sunday. u have but a hmitM tim*. For fur- ( ther particular* apply at th»« Academy. Notice ul' Sale ul' Minin? Stocks. ii'H’E IS HEREBY GIVEN I f! \ 1N A<1 ■ » -«! «nee with t i«» fly.L-iws of the «la^keon. i x- xlil mg a d M.mrg <’um;»any ««f Jackaon I county »»rrgon. the eapitil stock <»f fl«ni com- 1 pi x '»wstanding <•'. it- h«»«»k« in thrt ram»» <»f \. H Su:.d*rma will be sold in front «»f the of- * »• -»f th»* *».*cret ¡r- of »mid company in Jack«*«»n- v I‘e. < >r«*^«» >. «> i S.« rfSi.i'.. < ». u.o.-r kl*. lHs7.at2 «>clock I* M . f •’•i’i- i m fiatt i. f«»r the purpose 1 f p >\ t«g tne d««li i i- e.it «»r »1 n»«i I a«*se-«am . ts 1 d.iH on 1 fie eapital st«»ck «d »aid A. H. Sunder- i tn »n and x »• «is — of *-»id * «Ie. ..ri r «if th«» B 11 I <«f Dire-’rors PORTLA N I), OK I . \ « 1 [ill The next fteasion of thia F .TT.r.: ¡»ASTHMA SUfiEB 3 CERMAN ASTHMA CURt 6 pi » -it I’. r» ’v ▼♦•«« t'i»» in-rit vind -rtV-’- •’,*-•;» M> W«iri.M. for KK- : . «•I ti m ?■ '«•tkr »• ,Tn- - • >••••» , • • i i> ■. f <1 s c’-r»* «»> th« [ - > - i . ■ r- A .in*d" tri’l cor - r* L . hr, ..V Koc And j»'»«* for yourself. Olliers left at Merutt', \»w (-„j. Store wi»l receive prompt attention * t __________ l tv» ffP For OF ASHLAND. OR., school will begin Late of California, p-irticuiar* tuidreut B. L. ARNOLD. Pr»s4ident. t> I XiUlllSl iNEn OFFERS FOR HM.E M ’ 1« *3. I of «'tel l «*op. early all of which ‘!»-»r particular« ap. nr»* im r hi - •*!• F« . fur ------- . ______ __ ply tu ¡H* at my pitee of biiimo«« m J ac U kio . ville. P. AM P. DON DON LG EQUI Ar»r><.» pr...,.r...i x, furni.h Uu. ' ,'r l’r?' ‘'o ’ ‘ H‘“* »’.c uc, Ao.. *t a’i> p'uut un th • . oant. '• p I m «! b_. th,. “ ’.'•«• «"»"><> T of -«tecian., W». ar. at»i.’ t > f.i, lh any nu uh >r öf p^ï’’ iny in-tniTuw.tte or a •«alter fa «’ * Tiiafited to «»they «“«'* "» t»i-Sm ;■ T I T. J. C RE8B. CANIARD’S ORCHESTRA. Shttep for Sale. . »' r««vi(»utel\ done Lu recou.ni«-u "t prices to suit ev 1^1 J'.t- of ts.mtm.1 h.r. CORVALLIS N No. 195 First Street, House Painting, Paper Hanging Frescoing, Kalsomining, Etc., I I. ■ " . !-i |A. dree® r«ra ’ - "• ----- prompte r* •‘»•«bte. Ad. PKOF4. an ; aki ». ¿•olacd, U».