oe democratic ¡Limes oiratic »Times. Pub.iahed ever? Frida: morni* g by ADVERTISING HA.R1ÆS NICKELL EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR NEW TIMES BUILDINC Odie- —A’ornor rinnt and (' rit reels Kate« of Mabsertptton : U • Copy i»«*r »Aimmn, in a»iv;un*e............... >2 5 > ” pai»l within mx month». -7’» “ not fwiid until en»i of year S «' six monttw. ..................................... 1 .Vi “ three rn*«'iths............................... 75 ! VOL. XVII OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21. IS87 MEDICAL MISCELLANEOUS STATE OF OREGON. U. H. 4-'n-»n«r*. J. H. Mitch*»11. J. N. I><»lph.• ‘«»n- 4t'***» nan. B. Hermann; i«»»vcrrior, S. l’^nnoyer; K»®rKary of Stat»», «»»»org»» W. Mt-Brnl«; State Treikn'irer. Geu. W. Webb; Stat«» Printer. E. C. Bnkrtr. Supt. Piblu* ln*truction. E. B. McElroy; Everyone Should Go him ! Se«» the Supr»tn»* Judge*. W P. Lord. Chud Justice W. I W. Tiiayer, R. S Strahan. ria*r .ivuiri %i. disthict . C«»nipri*ing Jack*on, J<».***phine, Lak«- ami Kia nath • ».i-iti»»- Circuit Judge, L. K W»»b*ter i>i*tnct Attorney. W M Colvig. < >!•' NEW SPRING JACKSOS COTXTY. S«»nikt»»r. A.c. St inlcv; R *i»:-««**)ntativi»s. J. T. Bo v lit»- I. K. \ '! ■ !l«»r; * 'ou’tty -I u-H*. E. I» «Peatt; ■ '•» n in-*,-» ii T -. lit fij. If »V no >i| S \. Carlt >n; C!srk. W. II. Pir‘i»'.S i -riff R. W. I)c»n; Trea*- u - -r. V 1’ ■» ivr; \ • •- I. 't C ,tld»»r*; Scho««l Sa > ! t. V V l.ic'>b*:Surveyor.Ja*.Jef- f-••>•.(’or<>n»*r. R. Pryc*». J«»*Kl‘Hl SV. corx TY. Senator. H. B. Miller; R »pr«‘*entHtive. S. C. Mitrlv»!l; 1 ’ Minty Judge, V.C<»lvig; < >»in'ni*.-»ion- *•?*, S \t »*s»»u r.»<»! S loermtendcnt. W. E. Greene; Surveyor, R. S. Mo«»re, Bemember. these 4 s» Is ar»» new and bought sine»» 1. AKK roüNTY. the war in railroa»! rate»» andar * »nid S»«nat«»r, C. M. Cartwright of Wasco; R»»pr»*een tative. R. M<-L**an of Klamath; County Judg»». A. Fitt« C » n ni**iom»r*. G»».». M. Jon«-*. C. L«»ftu*: foi* < hti-ili ! Clerk W T. Boyd; Sheriff. A. J. Charlton; Treas­ <>li«‘ïip urer \ if • ’ ill»*n: Sep» »I S iperint«*n»l*»nt, A. H. Fisher; \**e**i»r. O. L. Stanley. MEcriN»» or cocars. « tc . Th»» Supreme Court of Oregon :iv»»»te at Salem <’».intry Pro Im •• bought nnd **«»ld; al.*«». Wind. regular term* co-nmencing on th« first Mondays Hidi-s. Fur* itid D»-»rSkt“w Solicit order»» fur in March and October. Lumber TheCircm'Court forth« First Ju.lc-ial Di*tr rt MAX MULLER, set* in Jack*o:i <• uintv *»n first Mondavs n April. S*pte»nb r and December in Kia tn »th county B liMirg. on s«-c »nd Mon»! «> in June and first >!«»ml iy in November lnL.uk« oun*y on th« thi-«l M«»ndaj in May an*l the a«*c«»n»l M»»miay in October In Jn*»»phine county on first Monti »)* in March and Augu-r For lack«on coanty the County, Probat»» and Co»n ni**u»ner*’ court* meet every month, coin -AND meaning w:th th« first Monday; for Jo*»-phin«* county, th« first Monday in January, Kuril, July, anti S»»ptetnfM»r; for l/ik»» countv, «-v-v alternate month, co u nc’irin ; f t* first M » play in Ja-niary. For Khi natli county the first W«*ln«»*day in March fun« September ami November. AT THE SAN FKANt'lriCO SPRING! 1887 SUMMER! GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION ClhOTl ri X( FURNISHING G000S. HATS BOOTS and SHOES. GREAT AFINE STOCK VARIETY STORE ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WILLARD CRAWFORD, ATTOKNEY AND COCNSELOK AT LAW. CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. Medfu <1. Oregon. Thi* is* the place to «et your Will practice m »11 the courts of th« State, Otti»»* in Hamlin*« brick building. up-stalrs. GROCERIES P. P. PRIM. X IToliNHY .« fOl’NSKI.OK AT LAW ( KiARS JEA’ELRY < \SIHFS. M TS PIPES « AHDS. NOTIONS < | « | i ; rv . sTAl’IONEîa. \L il MS roi; V I * » » • lu MU’.ITEs MCKSCMVIllE. OCT, »Vill prarür • in all th»» « ’«• ;irt*» of r>,»• S r *» In - inth«(*i»Qrt HM»r t«» the 1- - ui •-> trance. ’• OePKATT, ATTORSE Í .<_(•< • ( NsFI.oK- XT-LAW, Au1’NSELOR AT LAW. — PONE IN — I THE BEST STYLE H. K. HANNA - I« AT Uri.l-J't- nt th,- I *l,rr'lty ot l.*l,.*lr. G.rni*ny CRONcMlLLER Ä RIROSEt S (’nil. «-.poli.!.-1 to at all hour*, day or iiixl.t I lib--« Oplrr.ll* SI.Hotol. Jack—n Vlllr. .1 M K^OXVILI.E, OREGON DR. W. SI AWFIELD. EC L ECT I C Has localedin Talent. Or., for the practice of hi« pruffeaaion. Mak»** all rhn»ni<* dÍM«»a»*«»a. *ach at Rheumatitrn. AMhtna. Piles. Kidney D inhum *«. Liver Complainte. Ac., a«p**cialty. a.) L. L WHITNEY M. D. PKYSICIAN SUKGEOX, AXI) Haring located nt thi* pince 1 a*k a share of the patronage *>f this section. Calle att«»iill V i I Io. < >1 PHY8KTAN. HCBGEON AND A<’< OL’t BEI K THF I’NDI’Rsh.NI D H\VI FORMED A( O I partner*htp with an authoriz»» I »*apital of u*><>. ft»r th»« pnrp«»*»* <»f »-»rryi'ig <»n h G<»n«rnl Professional call-« prom pt I r attend*»«! today or Banking B h -! d »“* m i;i >•!! of c* ¡•ra i»-li»-*« ii Jack Honvil 1-- < >r»*g->n » >t!i -<- ar th»» • »1«! -t.«»•• 1 <»f lh- k U’gh! man * Banking Hou?»e, S. E r-»rn»*r of I irdand ( ««nsultstio’i» m either English or G»*rma'> • ai iforma *tr«*»*t*. JW“ <‘ffice and remitiere»» on < aliforma *tr<»»»t. Ct. REFKM \N. opposite Union l.ivery Stable. THOS I,. Ill AMI S Jacksonville, Oregon. I WOODBURN NURSERY P H Y S I (' I A N A N D S V R GEO X Jaok'onville Oregon OtH'’” *n;t! went c«»a*t. NO APHIS OS LICE 0,i TS--ES. »■«• H<»ril. «»reg«»»« Apple Tre««s................................... f> to $10 per IOC P.-Hrll '■ I1' Pi Plnm and Prun»» Tr»»»»«« H “ IS “ Other tre«e*a i I - i uh'» -ry fur u*!twl r«*a»onablj Send for atalogu«» to J. H. SET I LI Ml! K Woodburn Or INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 1857 Contaimn* 120 lt,*>n>«. weil furni.hed. Thclxsit ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE in the State. M*nn>» wt»hing t*> purchas« «*oni0 nrst-cla**» i’amago ■atonal, »tc. n. h v NNA. Administrator ESMOND HOTEL, <’.»r. Front an Mlt.L. cur. Third and F. ötreet». POBTLAND OBEGON FRUIT TREES WAGON MATERIAL. »rr.M- Tool» »ti(» priiMt" fffwt» of tii» Ute ( ( arr.ag- H. P. H Hoitn». Thi» (• » rnr.- opportunity Ur »nj H. P. DR EGON. Fh d-rlA»« la ail Krspcrt« THOS. CUINEAN, Pr.(,rl.ur. r^Th. ’•:•(«.- ill Re*t»nruit i* n»«an,»-«*d erery particular SHROPSHIRE DOWT SHEEP, Any kind raised tn a first « lana NuHwry. Th«»** wanting Tr»*«»*» this ‘.all will du well to give me their order», an I will guarantee satisf n- ti<»n. 1 warrant nil my tre*» if properly car»*« Sta*' * »‘H ch up *rair» m < )rth’a brick. C. LE'TPEflT. M. D., ORGANDIES, A/l —AND AT— ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT-LAW’ Jacksonville, Oregon. ZANZÍBAR & PALMER SEERSUCKERS BLACKSMITHING ACTUAL COST PRICES ! Medford, Oregon. &L1 busintM« in my line will receive prompt a: tent ion. Jacksonville, Oregon A. G. COLVIN, JACKSONVILLE, OR Jacksonville Ogn. Will i>ractinal exendses. The topics for dis­ cussion, Our Woik, How plant and keep in good growing condition Sum! iy schools in sparsely settled »listricts, Teacher, What makes yon dis-’omag**»!. Why are you enroiiraged, were discussed By Messrs. Billings, Andrus, Boyd, Mr- Cain, Satchwell and others, with spirit. Pte* G. F. Billing* suggested th- lie- i-essity of a thorough canvas* of the dis- trict, and ou motion of Rev. J. S. Mc­ Cain the following committee was ap­ pointed to report a plan for the accoin plishim-n» of this work : J. S. McCain G. L. Webb and W. S. Gore. After which a hymn was sung and convention adjourned to 7 :3»> p. m JOB WORK. IMPORTING PESTS Klamath county of late i»» attracting Ihe Giant’« Pa** (’ ♦»»•<• ions, 3,(»*«»,- pmwing fruit m<1*is»ry in Southern OfW- NAME. 4!M> acres. Of this forty-eight townships, g*»n, it w«mld b»* well were more atten­ St:< il »N 1. Ihe ri; acn*H, ar<* «un­ tion given t*> th? matter of insect A Scaly, Itching, Skin DiBea > with End­ z.ilion shall h* th” (Ircgnti Pr^ss Asso­ braced in tin- Kl.-imatli Ind an reserva­ t»-*M-, whi»-h I'oiiMtitiitr th»* chief draw- less Suffering Cured by Cuticura ciation, an»l it sh ill be »•ontpospff <»f ” fruit-iaieing in the older rec- itor« an*! publishers of ipgitimatp daily th»*re shall hav«* taken allotment in s»*v- lion« of II»»* In ¡tea I States Remedies At present an I weekly new^p ipers and jhtîo lirais eratv alsnit a million acres of lain! will we art* almost fr»*« from the?*«* t-courges, published in rt« from towns in thio lo­ If 1 hnd known «»f th« «’’utieuni K»»tn«-]:«e L'* OB I ECT. The south rn ami eastern portion < f cality shows that tli<* scale bug, codlin year* ago it would hav> *uved di »* *2‘«'.««> an«! an immeitM* unionnt of Miff“iuip. My dine.-tr.« c >nj- Si c. 2. The object of the* A** > - a’i m flu* county is mostly agri«-ultural land, inoth and other plague« t«» the font grow­ iuciic »*«! on my ho.td in a apot not larger than a is th” hnsitjos an»! social iinprovern***»t producing without iriigation larg* yiel< î.nd all thus«' connecte*! with *»f winter wli«*ai, fruit and vi*g»*tables. gtowr-re should carefully watch for the K »t under my nail». The ncalea would droo off , «»f me ail th« time, and my suffering wa« endieHN. | it. i The western and northern po tion* aie firei apt»?M«Mn«-e ¿of these insert«»and de­ mici > Sui ( ami without relief. One thoUMMid dollar» uouki 1 mi . i ns»;*. ' s*»in«»what moiinfainou«—much of it c«»v- stroy Iho lava w hen«*v»*r an op|»ortnnity not tempt me to have this disetu'-e over again. ere»l with goo»i t ine. uht**ave had tt.n money | ' fi’st day. If Imsiiie«* should nuke it , with an island a mile or more in length, to overrun the whole »ountry. look*'o like the picture in youF book of Pborfa- eiH (picture number two, “How to cur»» Skin necessary, special or «’ailed meetings in ! neatlv as wi»le, up»»n which i* a Htere is no need for thi» ront ee We I>ibeHb« s”i. hut n«»w I am as clear a« any p. r-'»n F.VEXING SESSION. may !»•* app<»;nt«*«l l»y th? president, a» mountain w ith an extinct volcani«* |»eak. 'have in southern Oregon ever was. Through f«>rce<»f habit I tub m.\ ban»! ntriaerie^ The ev< fling s<»-> on was b-»giin with a t»u* request of ten tn?ml»<*rs, at sivh I During flu* winter the basin iijhju the ov« r my »outb, is Waterbury , Vt . Jan. 20. 1**7. Tile nurseries sell <*heaply, give as promptu sp *rrh by R«'v II. P. Satcli- ing th»* current expens»?* of th«* Ass«»cia- that magnificent bo»iy of water, the I’p- jood varitiea, an! letter satisfaction PsoriaHi--, Eczt-ni-T, T»tter. Rim-worm. Lichen. wi ll, oi Ashland ; tol’owed t»v an excel­ ti«Ui ami its meetings. Special ass? s- jht Klatriaih.so’ne f nty mil«** in length, than those outside tl.;* State, anil the ad Pruritus, Scali Head, Milk <’ru-t. Dindruff. lent ad Ires* bv Rev. Thos. B »yd of Port ment* or ap|>ortionments may be made, and from three to ten mile* in w i itli, vantage is deci »-iti v» h The convention was convened at 9:15 tion shall be $2, ex« epting to charter lake some ten miles, ami near Mount »•oinpulsory that every tree importe»l in­ cur«*! by f’uficura th»» gr.-tf Ski j < ui •, a id A m R»-v. S H indsakercon«lurtingde- mmnher*. who shall he udmitt«*»! fie? of Pitt, is Lake of the Woods, som« «*igh* < uticur.i Soap, an **x»pi!>it«- Skin 1» u(iti»-r • x- to th * state sliould be thoroughly diain* t'-i Dally, and Cui ura li •»<'.%.■ f, (I «• i -w Hh>od volmnal PXefcisrs. «•harg»*. Those present at the first meet­ miles in length and four to five wide. ti-ct-d before l»eing admitted. Failing Puriti.-i u teri all» , - a hen p|.y-:c.at » a <1 all < *h»-r I til? al.s.-m-.» of th«» regular secretary, ing of th«» Association shall constitute its These lakes, all ex<*ept ('rater, abound n’lm-du»»* fail. *c.'h a law , tli«»»» who are bound to im w <» »«♦• was <*lt*i-»t» | to fill the varan char »’r members. in fish, ami their surr«mn ling- are aliv«* p'- t rLeir tree* should have' sufficient *’v fi»r th» pies»-nt se**ion. Teacher*' with a vaiietv of gum- Then* is I h *. ivci »• Uiioti-m and common sense to their OFFICERS. M- >• mgs. u.is g»*n»*raliv di« u-st‘d. but >: « . •> 1 he officers <»f th? A**«>c’'ati»»n am! t»var, chipmunk and »’ »uga»’, el in infected districts of patt'culariv hy R. I.. Arnims of N. Y.. s.'iali <• insist «»f a pr.-sid»*t.t, thr»*«» v i«‘»»- i sage h *n and quad : while on tiu* lake < .» ¡tomia and th«* E intern states to a who is an exp'-rh-nerd Sumiay school pr- > a >*«‘'e»arv. a i «-astirer and •’are swa? ms of dm k. p *l: an ami wild t f rough *!5>iiil-*< tmg of «*ve*y tree <•; worker, ard give inmv goo 1 sugges­ s<* g«*ant-at-ariii*. All shiilb* el?«-t.* I 1 jeesp. Thi* " miitv can alone furni !i a vim* thus imp »:ted. tions an I iilu-tralinns <>f bhirkboa d it th * r gu'ar annua! meeting* a iii »- paradise an 1 profifabl' otnploym««! to Th- tiiiie to t’eat insect plague? i* ¡n Tiu* Review, and ¡lov to tea*’h joritv v-i’eof all t‘>»‘ m«*t!il»«*r* p t-seni ; a thousand fi-h-rtnan ami hunter*. I)|liri«ES. Bl-u*kh»‘.ads, Chap|><mil devotional exercises. Mr. Andrus ing* of th • A soriation, appoint all com­ twelve mil»** in length an I <• mnert* the an l ke p his orchards'« lean, we would I? hi ding to tic* u-utl par­ latter lake being inostlv jn Califurn a, never I«* -mbjerted to draw backs whirb other fruit countries have exp»*ti?n«*?d. br»*Mth ami rots away the -. Bovd, after which th»* liamentary rules, subject, Imwcver, to <‘xt<*n ling-ome seven miles only in gon Th«* Link leaves the L’pfx*r Klam docs not through it* vein* »-nd art»-r. *. suck up • > nmitter *m plan for canvassing the th»* voic»* <»f ih? Asso<‘iati >n. ’.— I.H. Maxfield furnishes th»* poison that j * bure to uridermin»*ami dentro} , d stiict reported th«* following: He shall also make an annual tep-ut ¡athal»out a mile north we.-t of the town ih u-ow?r in tn«* stat«*, »*x • plmg th.* «• t*tem «‘»niier of Siskiyou «•ounty, a* ciam* tt»-8p nr of relief or cur»-. The cave wa* 5c. per member for Th * seciefary shall keep a » on»n t re«*- Casea»!»-* of th-* Columbia, pe hap*. : »!iow* Sanford’« Radicai tur»- in»-et.-« «v>*ry ph a*»* of of »‘atairh, from a mmole head cold to th« most each pupil on its lolls, for the period of ord <_>f all the proc?<‘«lings of the A^s'M’ia- The Klamath river leave» the L*»w r Air .Mayfield alwnit 14 year* ago, while loathsome an»! ;riic J a d n r fail «•»:r- -I fr >:n t!u* » hnrch membership to ing. 11»* shall also keep a r-*coid of all th«* ning southwest, crosses into California eigbt«*en months ag«j lie returned from •Sanford • R » ! d - h I • *;<■» r •• . I»'»ttle «•qn.»l. in ;-g4i«*^at»‘. $2’K), and that pas n“W’papm* published in the State lar at Town. 41 >., R. 5. E . ami is < r>»<-»*»l southern Orrgun ami settle«! at th? cave, of ile-Ha lie ti < ur<*. h..x <.f (’ - . al Sol­ w here he pro|M)M*s to er?» t, in the near vent. a- d o.D- 1 it or v ; I n-. do . al. u : ipp1' I in t r- «>: t'hnr« . *■* an I sup-riiiteii'lent* of ing th? intervening year ami in «k * a r«*- bv tin* »>. A C. R. R., «»ii an iron l»i idge, futur«*, a fine slate-stone hotel, provi«!?«i on»-pai kag»*. w»th ti"i' .» I sold t»> all druggist* f a ^l.«*0. such i-le-ige*, within tiu* tim«* specified. Tne ti«‘»«ur -i slrdl keep the fuhds of i The« ounty -*.ut loumiing it. ha* n«*«’!col in this or on votK’lier* for autual supplies or many flourishing villages of tlie *ta*e, wid«* and fort) long, the sc<«»ml i* >ome- IN OWE HIM TE. Ha* now a population of sain? 4‘*i live, what smaller, and the third a little mda I- Th»» Cuticura Ar.t, I'ain I’la- cr «li*t»ic!, to can v out the provisions here­ ne»*essarv excuses. r«*li»»v«»H Bheumiitic. Sciatic. Su piohably never less than one are being offered for sale at aii'l only pain-killiiG,’t'l i't» r. N w. oriRÙial, inNtantniH»«‘<«u*. i'ifaliiblc. lowe.l to pay to said agent a salary of is in outer ami that the members are Judge Bowdoin. who at«* terr»jrs to trans­ hundrv«l ton* of naltual ic<* in sight. A marvellous Anti., Boston. Miu»a. tion b - instructed to notify th»* member* Si « . (’>. The business of the session *aw’-inill capabl«* of »’Utting 22,O;ni feet a fi“l«l ha* «•<»ii*lrm-t«‘l a wagon road through (lie lava 1 m »«I s . a «listanee of of the boar«l elected, of tlieii election ; shall I m * confine«! to the member* of the day ;a number ofst'»re* withgmxi *t-•« and to ur^«* upon them th«» importane«» Association ami shall be regarded a* I 1 drug stores, agri« »iltur.il implei «ent ns. 1 ho igooils must bo I>ur:ng tlie great Modor war, of iinutv.iial«* and vncrgetic. action. roiitetentiai, «*x< • pting it i* «»th«rwi*(» or- ' i «-r*. cte . etc sold nt once, oven R ev . J S. M c (‘ ain , j Dally ?x<* ’ '»•in I iv mail and i » ir- th»* al»1«-*t ami te-st «‘X^ ho I* rstimat«*d «icrcd. ami shall inrlu-1»* evc>vthing| I th • e«»M at from $2-’»0.O«h» Io $.'sM»,0i»». Mr. (». L W ebb , > <’om. touching on and appertaining to Ihe hti- t ho: sc «*• »ach !*iv<*>fo. a’ul .* r:v-*s from \V. S. G obi , ' C. R. IL. » Mavti ld attril»ut«-s his timlin; of the sinv*s ol <*diting an I piibli*hing a neu-- >ger, a-ta'ion un the <» Thi* plan, alter som«* discn*si«»n. was pi|»er or legitimate journal. distance <»i fifty seven mil?*. Tri w. ek pd-s tlll«»’lgh the b"d* t«» tlie instim » «if iii* l»»«t <‘attl«- w hi«4i !»<• !«»und flier? i»»m- a'b»| t" l. ami on m'tion th»* following Iv st iges ami mail also run to Fort Klam­ •B Al IFIC ArtON*. natm 1 persons were «-1»-. te 1 members of S ec . 7 No on? « an !*• a«lmitt«*d to ath ami to Lakeview. Next month, t«*«‘n v«*a»* ago. Th«*-? >’♦• eaves are a th«* managing <•■ ».limitte<* Rev. J. Hand m«*mber*hip, exc»-pting lie or she be a when th.■ iaih ';»l i- comp’eted b**!w«*c:i ir« ak of natute >?!d«»m found, and wc sake , !’.. 1. < ìo’«‘. Ih . J . S. Wa’tei. G. I citizen of tin* Unite«! State* ami of the A*hland ami Tunm*l *.welv»* mil«** , th«» l»es;s*ak lor Mr. Mayfiel«! th»* pattunag«* I. Wd.h an«! Mr* Judg" Brower. Later State «>f < »regon. An ! they in«i*t be or time l»etw’oen Portland an 1 Linkville of many tourist* from thi* pla« o next Rummer. the President of convention wa-» mad«* a hav«* been »•onn<‘«*t.*«! with some b-giti- will be icdueed to thirty bouts. Are You Bilious? m mb i of the managing c»»miii'ttee. As we reinarked, speaking of soil,most mate newspaper or periodical. Si i rLtKv E victki » in I owa as in lut- Tht Jieyulator never fitila to cure. I n «t 'Hu- committee on nomination* rep»»rt- of th«* laml in til? eastern ami southern 1. and .—A uses . fhrerfully reenmmend it to al! who fr m Washington «pecinl wys «•ti tlie fo ’ l-'W ...g Prvsid'mt . G. F Bil ­ Bilioti» Attacks or any Di-ease caused by a dis- Si.< *. A member may be fined a r- a- parts <»f the county, i* pr«»|»erly agricul­ ‘ The General Land < Mfice i - receipt arr njjed state of the Liver. ling", Vice Presidents, for Jackson sonabte sum.« xp 11< «1 or sn*pendrd.bv a tural, though n»»w •»»•• ip • d la”g-*!y l»y of into:ination that a British -> udicate, K ansas Cnv. Mo W R BERNARD < «ir-t v. Pt-«!. Watt, of Ja- k* » »ville ; for tw ■ third* vote «•!* the member* »»:<•*« nt. | 1 *t»»« kmen nli- h is said to hav<- purchased a large T 41 Do You Want Good Digestion ? J M-plim«* county. II. Kinney, of for nnbecom ng or ung-ntlc’n my «* »n- ! | I . thi* coan:y ar «• 32» —-4-ti o|- 2'M.- tr.it t of laud in Iowa from the M< Gregor 1 ¡suffered intentelu uithl'ull Stomach.Head- 'er ’ »»»? Lite! to lie < ii am ’ > l ’ a-s ; fot Klamath' »unty.R»'«t. ' ST.I acr» s ; dm? «In ing th * * .ri* «»i tli* \ -* » i of state ( I A Western Railway Company, ta merci­ i I nche, etc. A neighbor, who had taken Sim mens ill»* g nvrti McL> an <»i Linkx lie; Secretary. W s tion w hich is c.ilcu1 de i to cr»‘ute an un- j i h.t : 1 fl LÖ ¡er ai­ <».I h »-: lessly evictim: s-ttl-r«. the title of the fiver Regulator, told me it uax a xure cure for Gore. Ashland ; Tr- asur«-r, t ’ bat les Nut- ment lar. ts. stlhj -, t t * lin»»i<*-t**a I, p nec“*-ary di-turi».«!!"' or biing th? bodv trouble. The first dose I took relieved me very Ian I being in disi.itle in the State couit- much, and in one week's time I uas as strong and I » ’ j.l!: l *Cttl-:ll» ‘ llt ; l»-y. Ashland. into contempt or disrepute, or f«»r ex- i erupt ton :i in l timi. \ -• 11ler u 1 it.-s that wo.ii.-n ovet nixtj hi ’ as I ever was. It in the beat medicine DEA; ERS I . lands subject to I h? comm th*«* al*o sele« h*d Me’.for i posing any busim which of its n du e . also larg<* tra» t> of p.n y.-ars of age. s . k in k-.i. have been taken I ever took for Dyspeptia. «ingress of lS?s. ns the place lor Ih«* n -xt annual meeting I purchase uniter act of »liouh! lx* secret or ordered to l>e such. K f HM-tNi», V a . H. U.CKESSHA TV. by six men and ca.ried out into the driv­ • »I th»* » «invent.on (hi motion the re­ at $1 25 per acre, aff >r lin, atiiple room ing -form QI OKI M. Ih-licute women have had Do You Suffer from Constipation ? port was accept? 1 and the nominees for thousand - oi settlvfs to obtain homes S ec . 9. Ten mein!>ers of the Associa­ their hand-- Let! wiih corde until the Te-t m^ny of H iram W’ arnfr , Chief-Justice of thereby de»-lare«i elected. Ga “ 1 have used Simmons Liver Regulator for ami lands. tion shall constitute a quorum for the ti.-sh was briline l, ami tln-n they were Constipation of my B >weU. caused by a temporary Tne people here are agitating the .Iragge.l slnieking from their home«. Reports from Sab >ath sch»H»ls show a tiansaction of business. Derangement cf the Liver, for th«- last three or question of building a railroad down the regala Attendance of 110». \ m :. ni » mi . n rs. Walter A. Wood’s Binders, Children have l. Th** constitution and by-laws valley of the Klamath, some fifty-seven the night of a hau l of evictors. Strong Walter A. Wood’s ('bain Rak«* Iteapers, Have You Malaria ? miles, a feasible route, t*> Ager, a sta ­ Ath r d«voti -n. Mr. R L A minis gax «• of ti e Association may be altered am! iian have la-en run down by ruffian* Walter A. W’o»>.I's Sw«»»‘p K.il<**«lt *ap t *. I have had experience with Simmons Liver Regu­ an illustration »»: I'lacktex ir «k C., near where it crosses >>11 horseback ami then handcuffed and lator since 1863, and regard it as the yreatrat Walter A. W’»»o«Ps Enclosed Gear Mowers that rivei on an iron bii Ige, a safe, solid <1 agged from their little poHseneions. 1 medicine of the timra for diaraaea pecu~ th • im thoil* of fetching, aft. r which of by a two-thi*«!* majority of tin* mein- Gaar. Scott \ (’•».'* Separators, liar to malarial regions. So goal a medi­ <•• unit!«» «"I resolution* r*porte» 1 the !• -is present, after one «lav’s notice <»f structure. might goon to multiply instances where < iaar S«-ott ('o.’s Plain and Fraction Engines, cine descries universal commendation. follow ing i « ■ I m*. w hirh w ••:•»• a«l opt the *ume shall hav«* been given. the sheriff with a writ of ejectment in REV .V B WHARTON, (’•Mites’ lawk Lover Hay Kake; also a Cor. Sec'y Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. ?d : T he lit cki .>* 1' ki mm > K. —The »rret-t one hand and as a British contract in l'oi M» at I. am ’. — Aft»*r ton year> jof B. F. Mu- r’y, a ItuiuiiM-r. at A-hlau 1 the other, gave these |><>or jieople their W hek ; as . It lias pleascil (»«»»I in his Safer and Better than Calomel I XI ti<»1iin<»rv k*ml prov.-len»’«! to permit so manvol —• ir<<. ( .iptaiti * zzhttg I1U’> of I r id A Tilton, choice la-lw.-en theta* two evils which I have bern subject to severe spells of Congestion u* to tne«*t a* delegates to thi*.th«* fuurth <»f th«» steamer Brother Jonathan, lo>t j lid not *trike hi* friend* in San Francis­ they would lake. Affidavits cf cruelty Write for < HtH''»4Ut». \«hlrPM* « ither HU Mi I.KO«. IMî’l. < (>., Port !;in»L Or., or of the I tver, an-1 have I ren in the habit of taking The wreck lies co in the nature of a surprise. .Mosley practiced are being collected, aaya thia fr< m i; to j grains of calomel, which generally laid annual convention »»f Sunday school twenty t wo year-* ago < ROM Mi 1.1.IK A IJIlihsFV. Agent*. Jack”onvill«* Or. m- up for *hrce or four days. Lately 1 have been wnrkersof S«iutLvrn < Logon .ami whereas tw»» miles Routh of n >rthw»»st of a seal ha* for some-time be< n living ott a high writer, lol us- at Washington next win­ taku ^5 mmons Li ver Regulator,which gave me re­ 11? lia^ in His wisdom ami divine ec»»n- rock, eighteen miles northwest of ('rea- er scale than hi* *ala- y < otild affo-d, and ter, ami these will 1-- read in both lief rrithoat any interruption to buainraa. M iddlri - ort , Ohio. J HUGG. omv bei’n pleaseil to so art upon th»* c»‘nt city. She struck on a rock not down the result, therefore, «a* partially 1-ue- iroiM-s of Congrer-. They are expected minds of the delegates of this convention on the chart. The Brother Jonathan I s -en. E. < iuittard. the dealer in spice*, to > .cate a M-ii-ation w nen the people of J P Zeil in A Co., Philadelphia. Pa as to biing about the best plan* and saiied from San I'rancis< o on Friday, says .Mosley had walked in hi*st-ue lor the East are brought fully to realise ®1.OO. methods of carrying on th»* Sabbath* July 27th, for Oregon ami British Co­ the past eight month*, an I that until re­ ' what native American pioneers are suf- lumbia She carried 120 cabin passen- cently lie did not susp-‘et that 111* elei k fering at the hand* of invader*. s» bool wot k ; therefore be it IMPORTERS \ND DEALERS IN Res«»lved, 1. That w? not only our­ gi ts, aeventv-two in the steerage and toe wa* a devote- tow ine.w, unen and cards selves but that we encourage all other* otlicerR and » rew, whit h nuinttered fifty, He clothed himself tiir-eh and lived in Osrofour exchanges publishes this to acknowledge God as the source of all i hi Sunday, .Inly 30th, when several good style at a faslrionaltie Sutter street very seneible paiauraph : “No paper wisdom and* power. Feeling that it has miles from (’rescent City,a violent storm boarditrg bolls -. Alsnit two w.-, k*ago ho .-an I.«- published witlu ut home patron- —Nature’ll own Beni fl y been through bi* all pr«*vailing andover- arose, ami after vainly striving to make wa* ptoinotedto the position of traveling age, and every man i* interested in ruling power, let us renew our consecra­ headway against it Captain IteWolf at­ salesman, anil left for Portland with an Keeping up a paper. If a railroad or Will speedily relieve an<1 nermti tion to him. ami go forth with renewe»! tempted to put back, hoping to secure ordinary g'xxl supply of cash. In three factor is wanted, the newspapers are ex­ nnntly cure all the variouw dirticul- energy an«! zeal. shelter in the harbor. The vessel, how- davs he called for more, under a plaus­ pected to work for it. If a public meet­ tiee arising from a dieord» red con 2. And belt further resolved that we ever, struck on a rock and she sank al- ible pretext ; but suspecting that allwa* ing is wanted for any purpose, the paper di tion of the Of her human not rii-lit be was put off' with only »25 is called on for a free notice. If the teixb-r to Bros. Boyd and Andrus our most immediately. SAW N1 1 I j I j . LIVER AND KIDNEYS ! heartfelt thanks for their many kimi freight of ne.iily 250 souls only nineteen A few day* later tit • firm received a let­ ¡charitable- wocietieti have a supper or we»«» H ived in a small boat, which came ter from Portland informing tnem that sociable of any kind, the newspaper is It im perfectly harmb'as and can *ugg« *tmii* ami the light ami encoin- bo givoii tuthc mo'.t iidirate woman agent« nt they hav«» given us, and our ashore in charge of the third officer, the festive dtuinm. r had lost money Ire- always exjrected to give ail the neces­ or child. For nale by all druggists. pr.tvvi i* that th»-y may ever b<* useful James Patterson, numlwring eleven longing to them at potcer. A telegram sary notice ami then puff it after it is men, five women ami three children. wa* at once sent to Mosley informing over. The newspapers mnat puff the SMELL. ilElTMIT A MiMHHKD, wo: kers in th«* .Master’s Kingdom. Wholesale Agents. 4. Be it futther resolve»! that we ten­ Of tht» bodies that were drowned only him of hi* discharge, ami demanding schools and do everything else to ad­ SOEE AMENTS I'OR der to the O. «fc C. R. R. our thanks for about forty ever came ashore. Since that he return hi* samples. Nothing vance ___ _ the interests of the business men PORTLAND. OBEGON. lllXll there 111 XIV have? 1 I»ecn Fl X li j persistent • c > r- l X III X efforts IIVI in (V to wa* heard from hint until a telegram of the place, and then give them a hand- I their genetosity in giving us reduced t then locate the wreck on account ol the treas ­ iate.* to travel. came from Portland bankets, asking if 1 eoine notice when they goto heaven 4. Be it futther resolved that we ten­ ure which she was known to have on Guittard had issued a letter of credit to And yet some of them do nothing to boatd ; but hitheitoall efforts had Ix-en der to th«» g«»o«l |M»ople of Grant’s Pass Moaley for »125, which they had cashed. keep up a paper. ” _____ our heartfelt thank* for their great kind­ unsuccessful. A reply in the negative wa* returned, CORRESPONDEN! E SOLICITED. Made by l.iimlxr, Saab, Dnori, t'.tr lie** ami unbound»*»! generosity manifest­ ami Mosley's arrest followed. Since the Wrrfrhtil, Indeed. The Sugar Pin? D«»«*r A Ltini!»ei Co. »»f ed to us while in their midst. account of Mosb-y's shortcoming* ba* Arc tl»t>*-e whom a confirmed tendency to Portland. Oregon No. ßö North Front Strent G. L. W eijb , bili'iii-ne**, «tibj«»rt to tin- vaiinm* and been published, cet tain false entries in Grant's Pass ar«» n«»w in full oprntfmn ami Com. i hatiiicliil !»' iupti-ms mdirativv of livt-r | hi* a;- v< js. M rs . C oi . emin , M rs . S atterfii i . d . complaint. XaiiM a. sick lieada* !»«• *‘|(yi- amount of his defalcation is m>t yet B«» xin ‘* B v - th . F miorixo . <1.11.1X0 «»>‘1 FlNlr*IIIN<- I.IMH1H al»«» Doo|»s. R«*v. Robt. M« Lean lieing present, re­ .slipati»»n. furretl t<»ngne. an unpleasant known. B ri < kkt *. Pn kets . Mot f.piNos and L aths potted th«* condition of th»» wot k in Klam­ breath, a »lull nr sharp pain in the in igh- JACKSONVILLE OGN ath county in a short a«!dress. After l»orlv»o <»f ail kind*. P« raon« aving received mv goods direct h w apt ro| r ut«* r« niark* by tin? Pres- of th - m< st <-orntii<»t.. of maladies. Tlwre kimp'H salt- of the post ttadernlii|tH but it requiring anything in their line can get from tli« East 1 am abb* to innk»*t!ie abov»« sident, G. F. Billings. All were pleased is ic»-ver. a i emgn spedtic for the dis- reeui* that we Yankees are just a trifle prices and estimat« * on application t > their re<•* a wi*e thing for himself. First, he A turret KituiM. I ile.* ilc* arc are frequently preceded pr»*«'»‘rr*ervrd _____ : and delirata ___ interests in his locality a family who compiei* of weight in th«» back, loins and lower part have probably a number of fiiends and of abi-«'i*-on relative* who are coming to the State, pose he has some affection of the kidneve I sell this decoration to a petson unworthy ! thought and culture-, regarded »« a mark I of refinement This distinguishable fea 1 and will de*ire to settle near by. Sec­ or neighboring organs. Al time« \vmp* to receive it ought to lie bayonetted to ond, the purchaser will build and begin tonm <»f indigestion ar»* present, flatulency death by the widowsof the men who fell i ture <»f Ifcautv nature has denied ninety- nine uonu n out of every one hundred. b«t to plant hi* purchase in vine* and fruit. uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A mois­ at Gravelatte and Saarbrtn ken. MEDFORD. OR »«rience ami art have supplied this deficien Third, the fact of your selling one piece ture. lik»- 1 erspiration. producing a vetj < y in the |»r«»ertine. by the ly Cured by Adtni nisteriny hr repaired in tne b«»*t style and n»»w ones made in the market, and that someone want* and Itching P.ies yield at one«* to the appli­ i careful ueenf which everyone may possess Haiura* (iotdrn hpreifle. FOB GOODS IN OL’B UNE to order 8*»wing-machines also repaired and it, at a higher price than grain-growing this—-the chief attribute of beauty—a lore- cation of Dr. Bosanko’s Pile Berne ty, put in first-class order. It cun l»c given in a cup of coffee or tea ! iy complexion. Wisdom's Robertine is would warrant. Orin short the selling which a< t directly on the parts affected, Prices tosuit the times and satisfaction guaran­ L. C. HEINRICHSEN. prnn«»u’.ced by ladir» of recherche society without the knowledge of the per-on taking of one piece of your land open* the way absorbing the Tumors, allayingthe intense teed. ................ harmless ami . will effect a and the Mage ihe most charming and only Give me a trial. cure it; is absolutely for the disjstsai of the remainder, at an itching ami effecting permanent 149 FiMt Strent, - - . Purvlaa’. Oi esnu jtermanvnt ami «¡»eedy cure, whether the j innocent l>eautifier an»1 preserver of the II. SI BAIT. advance, and moreover, it kee|is jteople Price r»o cents. Address, The Dr. Bo»anko Medford Dec 18. 18M. drinlcrr or alco* i complexion known. Sold by leading ----- drug- ■----- patient is a moderate drinker nr ... an al<-o who are looking for homes in this val­ Medicine<’o.. Piqua, Ohio. >ohl at the ¡iol»c wreck. Thousands of drunkards inj druggist* at titty cent* per bottle. THE LEA9NS JEWELLS OF THE NORTHWEST, City Drug .*tore. ley, who would otherwise go further have b«*en tua»!e temperate men who have Whulevalefti»«i ItotAi I Dea»«r* in Don’t I** afraid, then, to sell your land u Xer rVy «Il .in, Hlood Elixir Is the only taken Golden Specific in their coffee uith- __ ____ __ of ______ a piece at a time, and at a fair price. Moll. _ P _ 1). . __ Ilnjnie. Sal« nr. ____ Ills., say* axv \>»V>\ Y* Blood Remedy guaran­ nut their knowledge, and to-day believ»- 4 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO Hi ESTATE they quit »kinking of tluirown free will. I he use* • Dr Ho-anko's Ho-anko’* Coogh Cough and Lung * A of S. P. Hanna. dnc<»a.*“ 1. ar« r«qiu**t«d to teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers. Erup­ It never fail«. The *y*trm «»nee impreg. i Syrup in hi« family with the inuat aatitfac- /lr. ¡Htferorrd Lirrr Pill. »««tie tii« sama forthwith, if thev wish to «avo tion* or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the nated with the speritir it lH»< oin»-r an utter Tory result.*», it» all <•«►< « of Cough«. Cold Stiver an«! Silver Plat»»«! W ir«*. Sp«* •’«-I •» ii ! •).-»• t • d «><» > S. ag«iit« f«»r the Kockford cost«, ns the bu-incs« of the -Ftate must be wound Remove constipation, prevent malaria. whole system, r*. ^old at City Drug ¿tort. ‘ pies at City Drug Storo. Selection Paolugaa aoat ua application. Cu.a arnica.-» with ua b jterv purchnR»ng oltewhere. d»eeMed. fils; Gent’s Furnishing Goods. CHOICE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. < ONSTITl'TIoN OK TIIK OREGON 1 VOTES FROM KLAMATH COVXTY. I ! ---------- PRESS ASSOCIA TION. Large Stock of Beets and Shoes NEXT LM'OK TO I’. «>. NO. 41 AND Vlvartif*rnent« will be inserted n the TlMia • th»* following rat«*»» : i »*n I in»*«, one inwertion..................................... f2 SO each «ufuHfujuetit insertion............... 1 00 14^*" Local adverti«M-m^ntB im*ert«»d reasonably, A fair r»*lnction from the above rate» made to ve irJj and time advertiaer». THE TIMES JOB OFFICE f* more complete by far than anjrnthe’* in BoiiO- ern Oregon, and nunjiareR favorably with any in the State. Job Pnntine of every imeginnble dMecriptt