ffhe ikuiocratk ïinies tahrjHcmoihitic aimejs. * PubiiahM ever;. Friday murai g by ' ADVEBTISING AáD JOB WOKI. HA x I a .£S NICKELL Advertise mente will be inserted n tha Tima ? >t thfCoIlnwing rates : y*, «»ne in*»'»rfioD............. 12 » ’ *M«ch rnle-**^nenf in*ertn»n............... 1 (jg adiertÌM»rn««tjts inserte«! reasonably. Reduction fr«»rn the a i »ova ratet made to nd time advertieara« EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR. NEW TIMES BUILDING 1 Ittico -«’ornor Third and C Htreolo Hatea oí Mwbacr i pt ion : Oía copy per annum, in advance ............... ♦ 2 50 “ pan! within six months 2 75 _______________________ ’’ “ not paid until end of year 3 (M) six months. ......................................... 1 Ik) three months..................................... 75 THE TIMES JOB OFFICE VOL. XVII OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ■JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER ft 188T. I MISCELLANEOUS. T STATE OF OREGON. U. S.Stfiiat'irs. J. IL Mitchell, J. N. Dv!pb,C«»n- gr »Haman, B. Hermann-, (iwernur, S. Pwnnoyer; Secretary «»f State, (««-orge W. McBride; Stat«* 1'reuMurer. <«<«<». W. Webb; State Printer. F. C. Baker; Supt. Public Instruction. E. B. McElroy: Everyone Should Uu and Seo th** Supremo Jutig««H, W. 1*. I*or Judge, E. Ih-Pentt; C«>’nmi>M«i««iierH. B«-nj. Haym«»nd, S. A. Cnrlt«»n; Clerk. W. H. Parker; Sheriff. B. W. lh»nn. I reas- urer, N. Fisher; A--»»-s*or, J. M (’Hilders; S<-h»M»l Superintendent, N. A. Jacob*; Surveyor. Ja*. Jef­ frey; Coroner. IL Pryce. JOSKPfll \K (’<>UN rv. 8-»nator. H. B. Miller; R■•pr»»**eiitHtive. S. I’. Mitchell; (*<»unty Jutige. V.< olvig; Cominisai«»n- • tm . s. Messenger, J. M. Payne; Clerk. <’. K Chan*i<»r; Sheriff. T G. P.»H.»rrnm; Treasurer. J. W. H »wari|. b*w«or. J. I*. L«‘wis; Sch«»«»l Su­ perintendent. E. F Hathaway; Surveyor. W. N. Haunden»; Coroner, Dr. Kremer. Ki.kMim oorxrY. Joint Sen «tor. < ’. M. Cartwright of Wa-c«»: Rep r«»s.»ntative.II. H 'L«*an of Klamath:t'onnty JuJge. • L W. Hmtth; Co.ninisaioner*. I L. Hank*. H. CROCKERY, ETC A. E n*aitt;Clerk. W. C. Hale; Sheriff. M. D. Chil- der*; froastirer. G. T. Bild»vi i; As*e««<»r. R. B. Hatton; 3«*h'»*»l S ii»*rintendent. W. E. Greene; Surveyor. R. 8. Moore. Uemvmber. these g>*ods ar»» new and bought Hiner LiKK COVNTY. the war in radroad rates nudar * sold S»nat<»r. C. M. Cartwright «»f Wasco; R«»presen tative. il. M Le»n of Klamath; County Judge. A. Fitts Commissioner*, lie.». M. Jones. C. F»«»ftus, Clerk W T. Boyd; Sheriff. A. J. ('hariton; Treas­ urer k \! • ’ dlan: Suh«» »l Superintendent. A H. Fisher; A»-*es«or, O. L. Stanley. MtrriNo or cocRTM. rrc. The Supreme Court of Oregon m«»*taat Salem Country Produce bought and sold. ul.**o. Wool. r«»gular terms co-nmencing on the first Mondays Unies. Fum and L)«»«»r Skina Solicit orders for in March an«! Oct«»ber. Lumber TheCircuit Court forth« First Jmiirial District MAX MULLER, •* t* in JTcksoii c-»u.:ty «»n hr*t M oiu ! m > m iu April. Po«toilirr Building. tb»pte:nb’-r a-n! December !•» Kl-imifh c««iirity on aecnnd M««n>lay in June an«! first 51«»n. lay in Nov*mt*«»r L> Lake manry «»n the thin! M««n«l»u in May am! the record Monday in October In Josephine county on first Momla.s in March an«I Augii*t. For Jackson county the County. I’robat«« and Coin nissi«»n'»r*’ courts in«»et »»very month, c«»tn — AND— msnciug with the first Monday; f«»r J«»»ophin«> Bounty, the first M<»«t«!ay in January. April. Jul* an«! S»>pt.‘ iib«»r; for Lak«» county, every alternate month, commencing the hrat M «nda\ in January. For Klamath county th«« first W'»dn«»s!•’ NEW SPRING SCRATCHED 28 YEARS. 1 A Scaly, Itching, Skin Disease with End­ less Suffering Cured by Outicura Remedial DRY AHD FANCY GOODS I PERSIAN CASHMERES, NUN S VEILINC, LACE CHECKS < ’la >T 1 IING and Yak Siili t int»** FURNISHING GOODS. HATS ZANZIBAR & PALMER SEERSUCKERS ORGANDIES, JND.IGO PHI NTS 1 *!» VARIETY STORE I Thia ii* the place to get jour ATTORNEY ¿COUNSELOR- \T LAW. 4*til»v«i»l. Ori>;'»n GROCERIES (KLARS. JEWELRY ( AN PIES. NETS I’H i s c \ ki > s . NOTIONS, t (’ n.I.IlY srvnoNEi:» albi 'is rt)3V :<><f the State ('»fira up stairs in Orth’s brick. THE BEST STYLE C. LEMPERT. M. D.. — ANI» AT— UMf* There will positively be sold at once, even VI Uradaate of the t alveralty of l.rlpair. (ierrutuy I.E< TIC P II Y > 1C l A N H h * h»<-a:«*«l in Talent. Or., f«»r the practice of hi* prof**-*u»fi '.l.ik»*«» all chronic «iispasi»»», su< h .»* R i •»» u iti*:r. K**thma. Pile-». Kulnev 1) i *«* h *»*«. L'ver ('«»mplainr*. A-*..;«*'pe< mlty. U L WHirWEY. M. D. 1’IIYSICIAN SUROEON, ANI» Ea^lo Point, Oregon. — I* VT — -LACK SON VILLE. OREGON. BEEKMAN & REAMES' Professional rails promptly attende«! today or night CoiiHiiltatUtna in either English or German. irt • . C «II* pr«»mptly Mtt» ni 'piIE t'NDEItsli.Sh D lOVi: F'OltMl l> ’.1'0 I pir’D«* 1 [• Wi'h im authorize! <*;ipit il of noi. for «I*** ;*•■• p«* *«f earrjin*r on a »■•neral Bank r.x B'lMnr— in all of ¡:* bra'<«*h«**> i. Jack -«»r.vil1** « >rej». >n I >ffi* e at I he old «tai * I * «f Be*>k man’s Bank idi ; Itou-*«-, S. F. «• »rn« r of T nd and I aiifoinia *tr«*«*t*. ' « BFFKMAN ¡1108 u. Ill- \MF.S S<’|(1 1 Ì WOODBURN NURSERY K*»«'|>* the largest stock of Frnil. Slnils, firn Hientul and Nal Trees ¡ K. e. «•> miy . m . i > . HtMidenre on (’ St, VINES AHL SHRUBBERY • »II the N «!■ ’%• Mr.lior«!, Oregon OlfW in Williams’ Brick Building Vp-etairs. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, C ». bl .* u l ES: re et y . OK.. POltTLANIh Containing 12*) Ruom*. w«»il fiirin»h«*«l. Tl«»b«*i»t ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE No Chiaese employed and no deviation in obargee. M**als 25 rents»; bulging 25 «*ents to 5<>cents. E. LEWISTON Proprietor FRIGES J. C. CARSON, Th»- publie ar«» hereby notiti *>d that the mid* « -ign«*d will offer at pr*vat»» sale all the WAGON MATERIAL ( arr.ag»* T*»ol * '•* •! prive * etfoeti* of tlie I p, 8. I’. Ila’cia. I’’»!« is a rare «»pportunily for an. <».1» wishing to |»urcha*“ *«»mt» tin*t-»da -* «'art 1 .».»■ material, etc. H K. H VNNA. Admin -»rator Marrh M. 1**5 ESMOND HOTEL, (tor. Front an«! Monison St*. IIKII.IK POIHLO I». Mrw fire-preef Brlrk. ü.-st- ls** In all Respect- THOS. CUINEAM, 1887 D.*Hh»r in WINDOW ANO PLATE GLASS l-r*»p»i.lor. .grTu'* n ■ iJ II - ' ir-uit H un-nrj> »-«*1 in ,*»*#r> porticnUr ùüiiûPSHiRE DOWN SHEEP,. V full line in k **f an«! Prie«* List on applic it”»ii < ’oiu.try «»r«iers a Hi»»*-ialty. FAi |«»RY \T WEIDLERS Ml:.I. H tl*<>rRTL\NI> OREGON Estimât*»«* FRUIT TREES By the Thousand ! "PHK LNDER81GNED IS NOW TAKING OR 1 «1er» t hroiigh Ja«*kn<>n ami Josephine counties for FRUIT TREES 4 SHRUBBERY Ary kind infos! in a tir*»t < bua Nursery. T’ho-«* wsntina Trw»» this Oil! will •!•» w»*ilt-» «ivr m«» tnrir order*» as 1 will «nar.- SOEE AÍ1ENTS i FOR Wm. Jessop & Sons’ English Cast Steel ! Portland. Oregon 1887. 1880 T 10 PER CENT. REDUCTION ! CORRESPONDES! E SOLICITED. No. 68 North Front Stroot Sash, Doors, Blinds A Rare Chance! A3 ï I .1 txt; i : i : soll HOt'K 1) l! IL LS. I.VI) ( !(). 1/ Manufacturer «»f Fres 3uses to and from the Hotel. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., MACHINERY! A Apple Tre»»s ......... $5 t«»$in per 100. Peach i*» ’ 1» Plum am! Prune Tr»»«** h “ Id “ Other trees a-:«! shrubbery furmshod r«» is<>nahly. S«T!«I f«»r ataloguefo J. H.SETTLEMIHl. ... ..... Iburn.Or in th«» Stat«*. » i-m WOOD. IRON AN!? MININS MACHINERY ’ <■« it. NOVHISOSLiCEOn.iSK 1851 1 PARKE & LACY, Central Point, Oregon. PHYSICIANS ANI» SI RtiEtlNS, I ai Il<» oí THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE G ruinât o of the Médical (’Diversity ..f !.*»msvd!e. Kuntiv'ky. «tolls promptly a»«*>n«l»*d to day or night. P.IYCS & GEARY. ^V SaKTKIFICE! SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR W. H. SOMMERS. M. D., Jacksonville. Oregou. The goods must be BUY THE BEST ÂftD BE HAPPY! CRONEMÎLLE1 S FHROSE? S •l iving !<>«'ated at this place I ask a share of I «« patronage «»f this section. Cails attend«*«! to at any time i PHYSI» IAN Sl’RGEON AND At COl’CHEVR Keservati«)ns. LIVER DISEASE TRÏ IO WEST RATES DR. W. ST ANFIELD. I’l NO RHEUMATIZ ABOUT ME. BLACKSMITHING ACTUAL COST PRICES ! Jacksonville. Oregon. Call* respun de« I to at all h»»um. »lay or night I MH»’e opp<»-ite Slover’s lL»tel. Jacksonville. j n,i,|‘L In the «*our«* of a long interview ' on the su!»jeut he mvs : ”1 think <«endtr»M»v«*n«u’ m M|«ee<*li iu the encampment, in which lie saif the Republic was greater than the pi«»bident and greater than «‘ungresa, was tank liereav. No iumi ) in I iim senses «liotild jrive utterance to that aMa«*rti<»ii. The idea than any ^•vietjun the country, whether «outpoMe*! Catarrhal Dangers. fit the Ohl »Stand <»f —TO All bovine»# in my line will receive prompt nt tention. «tfely by i«Jiticxl motive«. Ex-Gov. ' •'■ toneman of California is to some extent the s|H>kesman of tlie malcontents, and i i -—»•» - -• ......... *•' '**»• "**• r*««d J*.v H«« wa.v r<|.-r among tlio who H-gard their defeat as wtuated * J|J \nii everything u.*»ua»i> f«»un«l in a first-cla^s Variety Store. Alt-u. Jacksonville From Mr. Miller, of Jacksonville, the Ort-youian I i & h received a tot of grape*, which for Hixe, boauty and flavor « annot b«* excelled by any grown in California or elsewhere. The of aston­ t I lie clusters ClIlKterH are <>! Mr. name.] g Ju- ishing size. !.......... Miller write« w that ..„. tl.es* purue «125, .los. Stephen» . . a .. grapes are specimens of the yield of his I hilee ; C. B. Roos uatne<^ W hite ( - "b™.;, lotrl, father’s vineyard near Jacksonville. The land R. Morton named 7’g. «•lily t*ie won hr box contains three varieties,Sweetwater, ^wo raiL W hite Cloud White Tokay, and another which is a ¡three lengths in 1:5!. graj»e growers, but tiefieved to! Trotting, mile heats, 2 m o, puzzle to grape growers, ï»ut believed t/* I Jro«ting. mile heats, 2 in 3, pur^e purse produced by climatic 11200, for horaea that never i»eat three ¡«3 a new variety i band transplanting transplanting. ............. The Grz- minutes. Following are names of on- eonditionsand 'jiiniitn has to say that for flavor ami tries and tbeirowners : Lady Beach,Jas. weight of dusters it has never seen in Sutherland; Altena, !.. Swan ; Sir Wal­ Portland any grapes comparable with ter,Jr., J. C. Evans; Gray Pan, T Ray­ Only Lady Beach and Altena these ; ami tl.e size of the grapes is just mond. Lady Beach won easily in two , that medium which marks beauty ami staited. [ p Gent's Furnishing Goods. Will practice in all the Courts of ths State Of. ti«’e in < ’ourt House, second door on right from entrance SOLDIERS. I Pleas.' CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. E- DePEATT. l>IM lead to heavy V.M. Large Stock of Boots and Shoes VITORNEY .« COÜNSELOK-AT LAW. iVill prnctic«» in nll th»» Court*»of tl.e Htret«* ‘Mir« in th« C<>urt H'» uä »‘. 6r-*t door t<» thn bftof*»n trän ch . I.V67.T NEW WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPERS and BORDERS NEXT DOOR TO P. O. JACISONVIU.E, OB«., THE YREKA RA< ES. AND SIMPSON'S SILVER GREYS A FINE STOCK P. P. PRIM. LAWNS AMOSKEAC, STAPLE CHEVIOTS AND CINCHAMS GREAT REDUCTIONS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. COCHECO Æ>T1> C’U.S. 5 3 KHÆ’VX loi- C’ill-ill I If 1 had kn««wn of the Cuticura Itomedirs^s years ag«« it w««uld have saved me I'JOU.tMiand an inuneiiHQ Hmouut of suffering. My diseahe com­ menced on my head in a spot not larger than a cent. It spread rapidly gjl over in\ body and got under my nails The scaler would «Iron «»ff <»i me all the time, and my auffering was oodles*, and without relief. One thouMnd dollars w.»ul«i not tempt mo to have thia diaea« «* over again. I am a poor man. but feel rich to be reli«*ved «»f what some dot'tors said was leprony, eom«* ring­ worm. psoriHBiB, etc. I took -- and----- to Bar- saphrilla ovei one year and a half, but no cure. I went to tw«» or three doctor« and no cure I eannot praise the Cuticura Bemediee too much. Ihey have made my skin clear and free from aealea as a bal»y s. A11 J Sped of them was three fo»x«*s «>f ( nticura. and tbrfefcxt lea of Cuticura Reaidvent. and two eekeedT nttivura tioap. If you ha«i be«*n her«» nun said you Woul«! have <*ui«*d ine for $2tNL(J0you would have had the money. J lookca like the pictar«« in your book <»f Psoria­ sis (picture number two, “H«»w to cure Skin Diseases’’), but n«»w I am a* clear as any ¡»♦•rson ever was. Through force of habit 1 rub m\ hand over my arms and legs toscratrh m < «• in a while, but to no purpore. I am all well. 1 s«ra’«l;» ! I leading industry in this part of the State. I I was somewhat surprised on reading [ an article over tlie signature of S. A. Clarke, ill Tilt. < iai i . usiax of Sept. 27th, (hatacteriziiig the facts stated in tny article as exaggerated, unreasonable, impossible, irrational, absurd, etc. In answer to this uncivil criticism. I desire that you print with this Mr. If. A. Adams' statements as t" the fads a« set forth by me. : M vkti . i . C heek , O.*., Sept 30. 7-* II htxii it Aluts itM'lf in |n«li- Ciillmi—Tin* 1’iuiie Business,” by Mr. ti«*al movements, «>r in th** ob*tni«-tiuii glowing will not be confined to’that sec­ tap. liiue >*• an 1 E’1; Manning of Canyonville, especially his Trotting, 3 in 5,2 :«<) elase, purse, f2Urt. or passage ««I 1« gi*lati<»n, it is guilty •»( tion, but will extend throughout On*gon. statements of the age, yield anil results Winy of tl«e Fine grapes are grown near Portlaml, Started, Sorrel Frank, entered by J. I*. i usurpation. The 0, added Republic, a* MU« h. interior«*« with the Itch, an«! every specie« of Itchinir. Burnine, S. A. Clarke, or any other gentle-I !•'’! II«» i*21 mo m bearing, ami their auccoes show's that to purse, started, Tomlinson’s Yellow businefw of the people, it ia time for tlie 8«*ali'. Pimply Humor« of the 8km and S«*a'p man that will visit my orchard. and Blood, with L »«« of Hair, are positively the capabilities of that part of Oregon Hawk, Mcltonough’s Dick, J. Johnson’s |M ««ple to call a halt.'* cur**«l by t’uticura. the «rent Hkin »'lire, and II. A. Ao «Ms. hlsRI I’TIOX ka \«» hi i ». Billy, 11. Flanagan's Topsy, Witherill's for gra|ie-growing are boundless. ('ntiriira Soap, an *>x«|iii*-it«* Skin l!«*;*ut iti» r «*x- I have this to say to Mr. C ’s unkind. | “I think, taking all thing* intoomsid- teinall). and <’nti« ura R cm -I v *’: t. f!■•• new Blo««l 1 Won by Yellow Hawk in 53, But the milder climate of the southern Scarfaee. not l > say ung<*ntli*manlv, aiticle. that I Purifier interr.ally, when p I. j ?«!«, ih : - »«: «lull other | deration. that th«* defeat of Gen. Slocum part of Oregon rendeis that section of Dick only a neck behind. r*nn» di«»H fail. know of a rancher even in this county for con»man«|cr-in « liief ought to lie suf- Friday’s races : w ho several years ago planted squiriel I the state especially fit for cultivation of It is Running 1 mile ami repeat, purse fiei«*nt to disrupt tlie «¡ran«! Arinv. the giape in highest perGction. The I Sold •»verywi.««rr Price-. Cutie -.r . tlc-tin-at ' I’KUNKS AN1> VALISI S. Skill « 'nrf, ’»I r|M ; Cuticura H«»ap. ¡ hi t* x jui*ite glass, tie'll left it to the sunshine ami area that may be devoted to it is large ♦ 1511. Starte • I. Minnie .................... IL, Jubilee an*! evident, to mt mind, that <««*n. >lm*um Beautitier. 25 cU; Cuticura K< s«’»¡\. :it. th«’ \. w showers ami tender mercies of th« goph­ enough to make it an immense industrv. White ( loud. The latter won in two w as«lufeate«t because lie w a* a ltomo« iat. BI tmm I Purifier. $1 Ou. Pott« r Drug í » i .«I Chemical ers and iligger squitrcls, ami his experi­ \t here tig-, almonds, j*eaches, melons Ii-uts, Minni“ R L hc«’«>n«l b<»th time*. No tnan with eye* an«! ear* who move«! < 'o . Bot.ton ment now piomi-es alemt the same re­ atojut the hotels he. e dui ing th«* we«*k itT1 for "How to i Tire Skin |)i*caM»-. ' 61 an 1 corn grow in such profusion ami per­ Time 1:19 and 1 :! sults that < ha- a<*coiiiplislie>l among pages. 5(> ii last mt ions an«! Itm t««M íuíuii . m Í k Trotting, 2 in 3, heats, purse p’ir«*» «<»ul«l fail to observe that pjlitics wa* be­ i», mite heat*, fection we may naturally lm>k Hr nu- th»*M>n«*l and f* rn root« on hi.- p*w*r red ♦ 125. Tlios. Raymond named hl s Al­ hind everything. I am a member of the per.'tr grape«. I)I 1’I.E.S. Blscktieal« I b.i|*e*'-l «> *1

hill n uth of Salem. I’o<>'- spinning trees I joined il umierstan«! turas. J.C. Evans named til s Sir Wal­ |Gran«l A'fiiv. I I JI skin cured h> ( uticura M"ti* atwl Sos;*. Wine making 1« n •<•■•««.ir\ to that break down with one bushel of ter. Jr , and Larue named bl m Venus. ing that it woiiLI have nothing at all to m.iiket for graties. The vines fruit, although eight years old. This too do with |*«liti«*s. I was «piite atm* that prolific that notleng else can be done Sir Walter won in two straight heat.« the «»flierrs of th«* association would he T«» be fr«*els for M<1* a «hoseii liccaiise «»f their military scr- for consumption merely as grapes no ly and undiHturbed ; to rise relr«*t»h« «1. t»**H«l clear, ’tie folly to be w i-e.” market i.» large enough to take any con­ siile. J.t 'rit. Tolman named Ten Cents, vi«*es . but when I see an utlicer of (¡en. brain active an«l free from pain or ach«* ; t«« kn«»w lhe orcliaids that I mention' d have that no poisonous, putrid nutUer d«*tilcs the siderable product. Wine-making is nec­ ami I*. L. Goodrich named g in Nell; Shictitn’e rec«n«l ami r«*putatiun defeated l»r«»nth and rots away the deliwite ma<*hin«-r> «»f not only been planted but they have Nelly 1 ¡i ay Ijccaii««* h»- to a Ih*nioi*rat. an«1 an un­ smell, taste and hearing; to foal tha' theHyrtem been cultivated, ami the icsult is that essary t<> extensive ami profitable grain* Gray, both Oregon lior-i s. known man chosen in Ii * stead, I think growing; ami they who press the pro­ won by two lengths. doe» not through it« v«*ins t*nd art«*ri* *. mn-k up th** jM>ison that im sure to undermin«*aii«i destr«»). many of the trees bore this year six bush­ amendment thereby declare that they Saturday's special r.u-<*. w.»r«* A* fol- it als»ut tim«* i«»: the !h nmcrafo *>f tlie is md«*e«l a blessing b*yond all «»t»*• r human en­ el-. some eight bushels, anil at leastone or«ler to put on tlieii thinking caps. I’ll« joyments. To purchase immunity from »uch a ten bushels oi prunes, and did not break do not wish Oregon to develop tin* great lows: Running. *t mib* dash. |HJ !*«*«* «.%O. (•ran«l Army «»f the Republic rouhl n<»t fate should be the object of ail afflicted, but gr.i|ie-growing industry. those who have tri«*d many reni'**iu»« ai d pbyr*;- down either. Tlie fh.'/.i.ii-in has taken the liberty Started Yellow Hawk, Di< k and E. S. honoi kw utn ; l»«it (»vn. Huriint cians debpair of relief or cur»*. In the presence of 1‘iof I' F. Caii.p- Won by Dick. Yellow wutiLl ha\r honore«! th<* <«. \ R. a* its Hanforti s Radical Cure m«« ts « \«*rv pha«*«* of beli I measmed soine of the largest of to place a clustet of grafn*» from Mr. Howard'e Bessie roiumander-in chi«.»l.” Time’ll',. Catarrh, from a simple head <*ol«i to th« m«»st Miller's Jackson county vineyard in the Ilawksecond Mr. Adams' trees, that aioiiiel the hoiiy («en»*ial >l«»c(im is ajmost as hitter. lo«tth*<»n>e and d**»tru«-tiv« stag«**, it is local Running, '..* mile dash for ."-year-olds, Mechanic's Fair, ami would call atten­ an.l coii*titutional Instant in r*di«*\ >r.g, pernia- two feet form the g.ouml measured eigh ­ I I A. Magill named Ruby. W. I»u! m«>rc gu.«rde«l in his language. tion of visitors to its marvellous aptiear- purse, |75. !.«•!.t . 1 «-uri’ g. »»L*. econoiiiie <] a* .I i.-v. r fail teen ami - >:iie twenty incli««, ami one ing. ance. We do not us.* tetms too large Carrico name«t.«M»S S|,rt»ll<» <>»' I'oRIIlM, — Sa*if«»r«i'.* Ra«lx*al Cu •• « »ee .*-1 «.f *> •* bottle me.i~'ire*l t w**nt v **m* inches. The tiees when we say that the clu-ter is extraor- little Dave. Ruby won, with the other of (ii* Radical *'ur**. «»11« b *x < f • t <1 r al S«»|- h ive ln** n kept w *U p me* I ill t*>pp 'l Tin* l«»'t »¡al<>::-. and <*f the gi.i[H*s cori«*«|Hinuut of tevn feet anil a -• i«.i*l ot br.iiiehes of l*<.it!ai>i|. < < ark . "i flM '.ikm, tlixt i» ai< Potter Drug A Ch»*mical < * .. Boston. vi»*l*l. Let it In* said n<» mriiia in E. Flitner named Nortim ami Jos-ph awing.* nf »I1«’» !•* r nr *idl< .*»<•«. 1 leave it to your intelligent leaders «*4'*li, ill a«l*llti*»ii fir*w- Race won by «laili <*X|wi j induction of gr ip «, whether in yield Stephens named JuMli'C. if there is anything wondertul in trees of Norton. Smith Rive- living Hu* tr i*-k t", no« inchi'ling otiick. io*« lea*« »hl, *»r oi quality. IN 0N» WINITE. this size bearing eight oi even tell bn- H-. i «» i inoiitiiy, <*'|iii\.ili-ut minnalh «•• and t fiuit. The growth is indeed «.'>71,.thri a grand total *>f **•>.<««•, i*x< lu- relieve* Rheumatic, S« iati«-. S ik L Rt'U'E RI YER HAITOT .I» mh / |- something almost u.ai velons, but real »ire uf ¡dock in tia>l<'. all *Ì!»butM*«-1. 7.—I’. >. bis- TK»N Strains an«l Wi-atcnes*«-*. Th«» tirst and actual, S. A.C. to the contrary not- our ini'bt an i <-ir<'iilat«*<* trict Judg«* Hoffman * ai «1 in aniiHrivirw an«! only pain-kilhn« pl«i«t»*r. N«*w. w ithstanding larni«'r», nw*<*liain<'i>. inei<*hantn an*l I»- original, inMantan«»«-*«u*. infallible, In church circles, the ♦ vent of last in regard to (statement* rerently ma l’j«i> Intiani:na- a mati«»n and \V«*akn«»Ks Cttnrly unlik«- and vast (or lssii. I have now fuller data from tn«»nth was the meeting of th«» Baptist by Ju*ti«-,» Field ftuk-ci nin,: th»» tiling make theit ’.(¿ing *lir.** tly ’•.« thi- Iwiei- ly *iip«TH>r t«> all «»ther planters At all drug* I.im that increase his actual net income A sh n iati« »n an i «»p mi ng for sor\ ice of the di^entin^ opinion. !»> him iu the Stan­ tic-' -wi lling"in |>u|>iil>tti>>n and audit­ Ifista. 2'» cent*; ti v«» for f I.UU; or. p ■ Uaijo fr«*«*. <»( ford < ;i*í‘: “I am l<«th t«»b“li«\- that fiom that somce to«10i>0, instead of »''!•«, newly erecte«! an«l complete«! First Bap ing in th.- ra*-'- (<*i inhabitant« ami pr*»«- Potter Drug and ClHMmcal (*«».. Boston. Mass. tist church of MedforL The strangers Jiibtive Field bar* liven rurrevtk te|»oit- |«*rty. as stated. In pr>«lti.*iiig tl"*»e•talialica.»ka I In «Jfeet l*e acrUM»«* m<* vl an avl o! aiii-'iiiit of '-tintt' attribute*! to the <*ou- Some of his prunes sold for i greater were not only surprise! an«l gratitie«! tu c«l. judicial impHrt¡!ieii»f». It ua* truc I «• «utnplion li«lil.' THE GREAT price tlian I name.l *Ac ), ami tie dis­ find Htich a liandaome and c««mniodious h *: chur< h edifice here. Lot were «'mpiiati«- «■»ntliecircuit I huk -I i during the argument- exp* n«» of it. We ar*-informed There will lie a large number of new inferenteoi the <*oii'itrj by the laltoi 01 ! not th«»i<* when the opini«»n« were hand­ that th«» cost of the church building, in ­ the |«*"p|<* .-ngageil in tlie'ìraiNe, ate on hauls planted during the coming sea­ son. The general sentiment |»*rva*ling dependent of seats, pulpit, and sin h fur­ ed jn ; but it a a- k nown to .1 udge >au yer nut forgotten tre 11ione place« whete before that I cutlid not «•onuir. Ilea*k- nishings, wa* about $270 1. Probably our people is tl.a the fruit business is prohibition urei alio any more pro»|>erou«. « ‘ <1 me to do «o.but I could not conaigtent- $2 n 5 o or will wav fur a complete destined to revolutionize the farming any freer from crime, than is our State” ly My intentions wore |»eifr<'tly well industry of this section of the country, church, one of the l»Pbt, if not the best in Not a whit, »iinph ler,i>«c where liquor known to my brother« at that time I Southern Oregon. for ii i« now fully demonstrated that the I io «rantc*i it will lie ha*l and no human an* not aware either that I have I»een The following name«! ministers wer»» tiees can lie brought into profitable hear­ law can prevent it. QVMDTniUlQ • Bitter *rV.'*: t.i-f'* *• rr uth . Revs. guilty of anv impropriety in diMenting ing m tl is locality in four year«, instead in attendance at the Association Will the aeiitiibeiitaliet- ut the State 0 I ivir I uRriO I tong J was a*ked to go on the l*en< li,aH I have J. A. Shaver, of Jacksonville, A. Br«>wn, of H 'pining fr *m six year» to eight years, pay to the city treasury of 1’oitlami the c< vrrti! with a brnwn f.r,;^ ill th • ■ «»ften «lone before. In regard to the of Williams ’ ( ’ reek, W. M. Wells, of or joints—often mistaken f>r Rhc.m • -m , **«»ur as Ims been heretofore taught ami Is'- Ì4S,0i«1 annuali? which Prohibition will stomach; loss *»f appf tit«*; • m t;tr«.-s nautea lieved our w mid be te.ichers of fruit («a»«finer, J. Wi«*hscr, Canyonville. G. opinion itseii, it representa entirely tny take front it ? Wil! they reo* and jot. and waterbr-ish. ' r in'.«gestiun. fl t'.'.rncy and i«Ieas on the suhje« ’ t. I « annot con>eiit .1. Burchett of M* Minnville an«l <»eo W. cidtnic. WmiAM M assimi . acid erutflati -r .. I mwc ’ s alternat« !y * -tive and for th« It'd place» of bii«in<«- clo»e do s.imcth ng uh *h fr«»m «hffeit nt pm lions uf South«* n (Ire- invesligat«» matter»- which iiivoKc the to the I,¡Fai |«*rsone whose mean' of ex- «■light to have been done; debility; 1 >u sprit*, Ai ii \i R i > i i i*.— Recently the *'t. vv«- ’ i !U«e oi ♦>' (,O« !;).( I F) p«**»ph» I have gon a thick, yrltow . ppearance of the *•»..'• •*• 1 eyrs, ietenee ha« l«*en taken from them” Paul l‘"»u»fi /’•*•»• puhh*he«l tlie n‘*iiil** On i 11 -lay at 1J \ m . th«* \<*«?< iati«m ■ in«* 1e-'p«'« t tor the priv.it«» rights «»f <'iti- a dry tough . fever . re*t!rs«nrs\ the ur * r scanty \n*l l.i-tl». h"w will the landlords of the of the new high-licens«» law in Minn« s««t i, «»rganize«! by ele«*!ing Rev. < «••<>. W. zcri’. hut in a public ni.itn-t I th’iik the aai high colored, and, if allowed to stand, dep sits city Mtrvite the |<*< ,*t th.* shekels wl.i. li a sediment which went into effect on the 1st of Juiy B!a« k.Moderator,am! I>r. J. S. Walter as Pacific railway c .ninn-’i n *h«»iil«l have last. It seems that of K»50 saloons which clerk. G. F. Pvnnebaker was elc< tv«l means to enf«»r«<» its «pi«>tif thc«*onteinplat**d slat’ ut** would entail ■ “A)«*, tbete’« the tl*>uri>lie«l un«l«'r the old lic«*nse I iw , 5'»«) Tieasiirer of t’n«* As-uriation. After the rights e«n unable t«»continue in business ap|H»intmcnt of the different working course, hut no one w ill «'¡aim that anv (PURELY VEGETABLE) undur the new law. In Minn«»apvlis th«» ¡»erson on the stand « an «lecline t«» ans ­ comiuilteew, the Associatfon hstene.l to Is generally used in the South to arouse the H"w Tni Entr*>n I’tint. \n <«lit>>r saloons have decreased in number from the annual s«»rmon by Rev. J. A. Slover. wer witluuit «-anee.” T< rpid Liver to a healthy adtion. die'! and slowly wi-n.fed his way «loan .354 to 227 ; in Duluth from 113 to (»4; in Fri'iay evening Rev W M. Welk It uctswith extraordinary efficacy on the to where he supp ••(' ! .i warm reix'ptiun Stillwater from 4? to 32, and in Winona I.ii 1.ssr v- 1‘ roiiikiiios '. -Cambridge. preache«! to a good-sized audience. A awaited him. The devil met him and from 93 to ,33. St. Paul is not as yet af­ Walter A. Wood’s Binde: s. scries of business meetings, with reports Mai's . lias since the first of May lieen a “»Or many years thou hast borne fected by the new law. It is thought Statistic* just pub- said Walter A. Wood’s (’bain Rake R«*apers, R«*ap«*rs, from the committees an«l inisrvlIan«»oUN prohibition city, tin-hlaine f*ir enur'that the printer made that high li«-ense will reduce her 700 sa- Walter A. Wood’s Sweep Rake R«*ap«»rs, w«nk. <>< curre«l on Saturday, the society lislied regarding thé uuinlter nf arre«t* in the papets. J'l.e pa|«*r baa gone, l«.M»ns at l«*a?-t «»in* third, probably «>n»- raiding $227 for district missions. On lor drunkenness in that place fur four Walter A. Woml’^ Encl«>se*l (¡ear Mowers *1 HF«.CTUAl SPtC I c FOR half. l»*r the liiviiw s\s- ala«’ foi »J. but the »3 baa often failed i Sunday at I! v v. the contributi«m for month*' in ls*i, un Dvapepnia, Malaria, Gaar Scott Jt t ’ o .’ m Separators, In its e«lit«»rial comment*» on the ru- home iuis**i««ns i*>«»t«*l up $175.( m . (ien- tein, ami for the * <\irresi»oti«ling mouths t<> come in. The printers have Itedevil- Hi ViotiMieNF, Constinatinn. f *»ne*third in nish a h.xeis for an interesting campar- amount«»«! t«> ab«»ut $30. Mental Depr«’N»«ion, Itowel Complaint«, taken the paper without paying for it, the number of saloons has followed an Etc., El<*., Etc. On Sunday the church editi«*v was ison : 51 2t < *11 Í It «» 1* V. ami cursed thee for not getting up a bet increase <«i one-thir«! in the amount of taxed to its utmost capacity to seat and rX«»l!IMTlo>- 1 icrs*r. En k r-.EI. PH I A, TA. ami Iteside«, if w<* let him come in here Still, there is op|H>sition; and, as of sufficient volume. The musical fea­ mopth« under prohibiti«ui rule than were I’RICE. 91.00. lie would have I h *.* ii .*ont inually dunning might lx* expected, it comes from the two ture of the service was especially goo.L made f«>r the .same length of tim»* when his ileliri'pietil -uh" tit«*rs> and tlin- «ippobit«* extremes—the lowest element IMPORTERS \ N1» !>E \LERS IN Rev. G.J. Burch« tt preached the ser­ the licence system was in v««gu«*. The ereatc *lf-c**i*l in my kingd"ii>.” in the ii«|uor traffic and the crotchety mon. In the afternoon tl*c Sunday significant«» of these figures «lcpr!i«i-* prohibitionists. It is singular to obsci ve School vhil'lren hel«| a meeting, which greatly U| khi tin* |s»int oi view fr««m A noihi k IL«r K a « i Tin» two flreif. imw, at cv«*rv turn in human life, ex- was largely attended an I an interesting winch they ar«* regai«ic*L iMubtlrs«* a Little .La* an«l liait« liei«», n|»o trjlte«! tiernes meet each other. occasion. Sun«lay evening tin* church Prohibitionist would claim that they at«* on»* of tin* nio>t «-ti iting <*on«**ts evet Naturo’» own Remedy— was again tilled to ovc:flowing Rev. of no >pe«*ial moment, and too re*tii«-tcd u itn« *-M «l during Stai* lair *«ek. on II«« mk A«, kin .—Governor Pennoy«-r A Brown preached. At the close of th«* in their acots* to have any efT«*«*t on gen- Saturday ha«i anotltei «■ontot at Walla Will speedily relieve and perma­ came up from i’ortlan«l last evening, an«l FCituonRev. <». W. Bla«’k a«hninisteru«l eial argument. V\« rllivlrs*, straw* Walla. Folfou in:* i* a >l»«»rt a« « ount of nently cure all the various difficul­ th«* regular monthly meetings of the «lif- th«* rite of baptism to Mrs. M ohs . Mr. are important in shewing the •|ire« ti«ui i he ra«*p, ft«»m th»' < h • »¡- ,»»ai>: “In the ties arising from a disordered con ferent state boar«ls, po-tponed froi a last ainl Mrs. I»atn«ui unit«*«! by letter. of the u in«l, and tae poll« «» stati-tj«*- ««I firM lira! th«*} ¿«»I ««ff on lh<» ►«<•• dition <>f the night, will I hy h»-ld to day. Of his recent Tlie o«*ca*t«»n has b »on one of gre.it < ambri'lge an* w * h thv at lea**! «»fa pa-s­ oim ! wore (•» a “«.»•»•I *tait. Little Joe le«i LIVER AND KIDNEYS ! I eastern trip Gov. I’ennoyer says that hia ii't«*r«*st !<» th«* Baptist people of Southern ing n «tic*.— .V 1 . H-' ii-'t. Ironi tin* win* t<» th«* tnni at the head of trio to Fliiladelphia was very pleasant, Oregon, and heartily enjoye«! by all It im |."rfoctly harntl^t*» anti <’«n th«» hontvMretch, nln n Ran«'lit»rucloeed h<* g i roll to til*.' iu*»“t ii*»l leaf *• w..mnn itnleed. and as a icpreMUitative of this other ( 'hrirtian people of M«*«!ford, «ays Siili Monr I twrtK*.—The annual up ait*I it was no» k and neck t«» the wire, or child. For - h I o by »11 dru.gi»tl». state h«* was treated with mat ked courte­ the Tratiy^ripf. rx-iminaboii <«l law stu lenta, to the when Rain hero «aiu«r in a n«*< k ahead; sy. Among most of the people he met S5KLI.. HF.IT«illl 1 WOOBAIIP, number of twenty-one, took place on time 2^1- In the hcc « jih 1 heat Little theie was a great deal of interest in Ore­ WbolMAl* Agent». D\w \G|N«. (jnc 1 M*T \M| KI Ex II»I K< F. October 4th before the Supreme Court Joe was al tea« 1 all the wav ronn«l, an-«toHi-e. PostnisiMrr Roby ua* Court. All of the -tudi iit* w-i** ad'nit- It < ait t<* givrit in a < it«» «»f • ••|!«-« u; »• .t could be made patentH would issue to «•hock «i to find a lo| of eniptv b<«t,!l»«* te«l alni aie as 1«»11«-a s I r. iiaii u ith«»ut iti«* kn «« l*-«1^-« ••( ti»» ’* -« hi tukihg this state. Oregon is also entitled to It is «-laimed that there an* 5’M b*»ttl«'j», ( «.«i* B.»v ;IL L an ! J i f Mrr; . \II*.HH ; :t t* ;«l»*«Hut< ¡V I«.«’ ii . . - - .«t.u u i’i < ff« « I a patents for indemnity lands, an«l these and ’’ Pap” Str«»n«l ou ns upto fixe dozen *, \V I Le«»*-, Joseph . L V Eakin, l it- I h ■ i in.it « hi ;.n«i *jM« .i\ « tir»- h lt»*t!»vr (hr will so .m be foithcoming. IL» also «'ailed but hint.* that th«*y are relic?* of th«» pre- ion : Miss F. M . H «w ani. I Iltllel«»|-o, J. patif-nt !» a nta:i*(« «»1 >inthkar»l* at the war depailmenf with reference to I viotis lepnblic m occupints of th«» office. W. < ’on»l*»••. The I »all«v : W E < H w «. ii!.t«b •• ii.p. rat«- m» u u ho have Oregon’s war claim. He f-m-reeded in What i> to I»** !i * with the bottle« i*» a ren«llete that con- The K\ *t»-tu «»tic«» imprrg Ilendrieks, Forwil ; .1. «'. Flanders, Ken­ It !t<-v«*r fail*. no « hip wants a lot of empty bottles, ex r«’ducti<»n. I kewp a full line of the latent ■ t “:« - at its n« xt st--si«m will pay it. The . ept p. i haps, the old junk in.in.-f/rr«;«»»»- neth Wilhams, W. T. Mutr.W E Show­ nat«-¡»c«-iíie it l»<»coiitr> an utter DEALERS IN styles of g«>v« rnor was greatly in«l*»bte«l to II* 11 ers, A. I‘. Sawyer and .1. F. Milner, impowibilit.v for the liquor ap|»etite toexist. m a. For full particular*, addr«-** Golden Speci­ tiill’ry fo\ valuable assistanc«» rendere«! CLOTHS. TRIMMINGS. ETC ., 1‘ortlanil, Victor > Miller. Salem ; S. A. fic < o 1*5 Race St < iu«-iitru»ti. Ohio in connection with these matters.— Jones. Stavton. T he conduct of President Cleveland which I am prepar«*«! to manufacture into Stat» sDum. clothing of tli“ most popular rno«|«*s < wrr t*ih a in vetoing pension bills was sevetelj i CsT* Ail w«>rk guaranteo«! to tit eu?r PuvsKKNsat Cleveland are puizled condemned by the Grand Army of the call an«l see for yourselves before you purchase \ re f it«»-«* w Imiii ¡« coiilitmet! t«*i«dcn< > i«» • J n» i_*ht in tin- i«:i. k b»ni* and l««x»« i part elsewhere. over a curious accident that happened Republic in annual session.”— I‘'irf/'tnA bilioU'lt«,"fc , Mibj«»«*t to III«- variou* .«ml ««I ;il»«l<»l:t» n. «'aU>itl/ (In- p;i(ielit t«i -Up- Pants made for (V and upwards. about six weeks ago to Mary Hai mon, N- irr. The Grand Attnv may condemn cliaiig«*fui *\ iii|*t<*iii- iti*h< .«ti\• < h 1iwr J. A LAK8EN. | m >»« lu- h t- -«»in»- .-tlfei ti«»n «4 th«: kldlieyr President 1« year obi 'laughter of a farmer living him ; but the )>eople don’t. Next door to Mensor Bros’ N:iU-*-n. -!• k hra«la«*lir. c«»n- «»i tn iL-hlj-'t iti_r «»nre.ii- «‘«»iiiplailH At time* *ymp- near the city. While visiting at the Cleveland is-much more |>opular with »t ip.« ti« Hl. itirrv«! t«*r»gu«' ati unpl«»M-:tiit t«»m- «H jmli^«**i «ni are pr»-*c-iit. dataient y electlic light works a wire from lift bus­ the masses than lie was when be was bn-ath ft ’lull ««r tbarp pain in (lie IH Igtl- . un«,4\iii»-s* «»i th« *(«»ma«-li. etc. A nn»i* The Grand Army, to a itreat «•f !!><• afi* « t»*«l «»igan. impuritx *»f tur«, like i el *j«ir.tti«»n pr«w|u«ing a vei » tle ' ante in contact w ith one of the ma­ elected the hl«»«»« I ai:«l I I** «>t ,ipp4»lit»-. sigtialf/* it «li-a^r«-*-.»l»l« u« t«ii«. .«¡ter eettiiii» warn chine», attd she received a shock which client, is iitiderthv thumbs of denta- «»nt «»I tin* m«»»t «li'tr» **in4 it i- » fw: i- .« « «»i^iioHi .«i •« i ««L ji . i . lilin«L Bhedil)^ patalyzcd her for several days. When /ogucs.who would liketuliatcb a-. heme «»!’ th«- ni't-t c«»'itni«»i t'litiioi liiulj*li»-»*. | here and l(< hui^ I’ !« - \ i«-i«l at •*m »• to the apph- «»I nialudiew. to get the Keptibliean party back into she recoveted, her hair turned gray, her I-. imi\« \< r. a i I etiign eiii^ii -p«M -p«M'Uic -;fic |«»r |<»r tin. til«, «h* «■atioii «»i I»» f’«o.-aiiko’* Pile Remedy, T flesh .lisappearei! and Iter skin Itecame powei again. • t'« and all ;• 11 it it* iiiipl<- i*.int niaiiitr*lat i * hi - whi«-b o t «lire. tl\ « hi tl«« part* aflected. dried ami wrinkled. Her tem|n*r t>e- It i* tin* «•••iK iirrriit te^tiinonv of th«* pub­ absorbing (I h r»inu«r- allax ingthe intenre lic ami the* nn*«li« al prn. that l!«»s- it« Ling and eft«-, tirg p< rmnnent birr f h» tn n I hnuf eatne irt liable. To all ap|*earatices she cure VNS. PISTOLS AND OTHER FIREARM? is now a woman of at least fil years of | 1 hat i* t«» say, yuui lun-7*» Al* » all tett« r > > <»ina<*h l»:it«*r* i* a nie«iii-inc Pri< «•’*»'-ent* A«l«li»-- I Im |»r. Bodftnko repair«*«! in the be*t style and n-w ones made whi« ‘ h .«« ’ hirve» r»**«ilt* *p«*» «lih - felt, t!»«»r Medicine» <».. Piqua. ‘ »I m «». t»H at (ho Very w >n«l»*r- FuR (HX)OS IN <»l R LINE Ituctor« think that her life may , your breathing ni t* lii*ierv to order. S«»wnis-machines also repair»»«! an«! ago. uugh an«! Is hU'ii. I h pie* rectify ng liv­ not be shortened, but that she w ill never fill machinery it I*. Not on!y th • lamer er disorder», it im igfHMtes ths feeble. < «m- Citv r>ru-* Mure. put in firnt-class order. . air t»a***»agex. but the thou«nds *»f little Prices tosuit tbetimes an«! -atisfa -tion fiuaren- be young again. quers kidney» ami t»l dder complaint* and tubes leading from thetu Cwr«j/or ffeodorhe t eed. When these are cl »ggc 1 and ch*.’.;«•«I with hastens tb«» < onvai«--« cnee uf those recover- For proof that TJr Gunn 6 itupru . ed Liv­ r*^* Give me a trial. P*J. 01 Startling But Trite It. STRAIT. matter which ought not t«» be-t!u-r« . v*>ur inc from enfeebling diseases. Moreover, er Pii!* cures fk k Headache Mk vour Milford Dec 18. 1**. Willis I'oINT, Tex.» Drrrrnbir J. !-v5. lung* connot half anything, ami t 1 ■ * *'.g'i "•.»» -oh.i*l I of thr«»at. nos«', head and ton ob>trm tion-, fe wariar.tri! fe beareic, 1t j- tho bwt , Iv «lilt .uiv at tight. Mv Ifrii.-gi.t all are had. All ought to l*e c«»t nd «•!. BluoJ l r< ] i-nt!**a Li>ow n a> of S. 1*. Hi»nna deooa»“ I. sr« r«qne*t*«d t«« It v ill i todepeniupon. Acker*IQand ssttl«* the sam«» forthwith, if fhev wish to sav«* Mr H 1- ,*ht.sent me a trio* bottle There i» ju*t one sure way t get rid «»t it | ]i . . «» p-jrifi« tuo h t has b^n ^rescriUKl for /tars f dr fill Silver an I Silver Plate i »V ire. Sp‘‘t t-'lej ri I >pti • il ’•« "'High an I T.»:».* S.*rni> That i.- to ' k|> P.«»«** ti« « * t» HH-in Svri’p, tivel’c irc 1!1 R'llir<*f«.«l W::t”lii‘H. i-L-u » l.',: 1 . ¡.5!. üitjn np vrith«>tit fvrti.er delay. I f. at ml r**’ n f tttid if t* i tt-i ■ .* ■ i . M hot - I A*'ll' ii .11* I U-'^i-T will -«-ll \ «11 al .■*•« «'lltw T -WtheBlo<4 Incvtry iLinaofSd^ \ ll goods in nr: l »’ m :: » i V y e i r > *•■ > •».; » : AND REPAIRE H K. HANNA. . n A u.„ € ILZlXUtOO it. . i L ’.»r*! < Vt n thing • If* ? I* tai'«* ..j ! «Hll.'i'ul. lU. th - I entir. l* «••,>••*«. i J Ws*r,:.y. ‘ .« U(4i’a i, ^riddlitilor Watrli K »t Hirns ra efuHy • •utc*l. A j . U o u u'i.«;wkv .Vila il » t jiuftì oUvw^rv- «Uccaiod. yvu, «a»»»/ opuC Ck.rtao4 MERRIMA*’ SATEENS. TOBACCO. GROCERIES trines in douglas county . C anvonvilik , Or., Oct 1. ♦ B30TS and SHOES. MEDICAL. I? 1 J ackson ville, Oregon GRANDEST ¿¿LARGEST COLLECTION CUl€»lip is m«»ret- c 1 h « s manner. A.H. MAEGLY & GO., J A. LARSEN. MERCHANT TAILOR, JACKSONVILLE. OGN. H HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE TAINTS and CILS. WACONS, PLOWS, IMPLEMENTS, I n«-k?*<>ii vilh». < >i*«'j»oii NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST Ili Firat it. mtrait . PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, MEDFORD. OR G L. C. KEINRICHSEN »-«-»». THE LEAONÎ JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, CALIFORNIA ■ n«*k*«»n * 11 le. 8TUFFI «»regoli. , 1.1. 1'EK.SO.NS INDEBTED TO 1 HEU.NDi 1* f ill ÜNDHBH1GNEI» IS K I.IA PBEPAKbl' A ,iu. «b*. *1** >r '.*<■ k v-n’i’I'r-*** :i” ’*•' to Io all w »rk in his lino iu ths h*».t r*-. .r*v*r-i*’ I st rwisonaMe prims. ................................... GEOBOE Si HU MEE Settle Up Notice. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks! "VVc veasow iuvaluaLk. For UUuoutUsx,lUfi