ï J HHtti: a \ h rmtit:. «hr ilruiotratii ¡Times. Then* is 1 «»t a pl.u’e in the interior where LOCAL ROT EH. rhe Lit« *t am! must improved meth«»ds in Large quantities of the finest gr »es are pli«;t«»graphy arc employed to a gr« at- R* nd the new advertisement'. still being shippe«! from this plact 1» Port­ er extent than at the Ashland gallery. Lo­ land. Pay the printer ami be happy gan always keeps up with the procession I Simon McCallister mid a g’ntlemsn Improvements continue on every hand. We made a mistake in last week's T ime * ami has gained a widesprea»! reputation whose name we havu forgotten en­ Old newspapers very cheap at the T imes in saying tliat F T. Downing was foreman : tor doing first-class work at reasonable gaged in manufacturing brooms of fine * oi thr grand jury. A very Johnson of Ash­ ' price-». office. quality in Manzanita precinct. land was foreman uf said body, ami did J. S. Grigsby ha« returne«! ir«»»n Klamath Mrs. M Little of Roseburg is in town on Dennis Moore, lately of Spokane f.t I*. W. excellent work. < «»unty. u here he has been keeping his a visit. F its : All fits stopped free by Dr. Kime’s ’ ‘■beep during the summer. He brought in T..anda skillful and experienced «ignal Nature’s remedy is what they say of (»real Nerve Restorer. No tils after first . a fine sample <»f timothy, which was sever- serviceman, succeeds F. Newman at Ash­ Oregon Kidney Tea. «lay’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise ami ! al L et in height, ami a larg«* turnip, weigh- land. Some snow has already fallen on the $2 trial bottle free to fit cases. .Semi to Dr. 1 ing a number of pound*. with him. They J. G. Vandyke has purchased the Worley hills near Lakeview. were raised bv Joseph Scott, near Fort tract of land, lying south of Medford, for Kline. 931 Arch St. Klamath. $100i.. It contains 12acre* ami is well im­ Bargains in every line may still be found The State fair is now b* ing held at .Sa­ at Newman Fisher’s 4 \ ■ »rdi-u ’•» the N F " Examiner.'■ A. proved lem am! is well atte*ide: i! * A Y____________ HKPTKMBER 1< 1887 GUrioMA/y Rklkrtl. Several months ago two fellows calling j themselves Palletl 3r«»s. canvasse«! this valley for a Nebraska life insurance com- panv, as usual offering great advantages over reliable institutions. They put on a great deal of style, flirted with the girls and t|»ent much money in high living.and. to cap the climax, soi l several notes given them by some of our must responsible citi­ zens at a big discount. This conduct, of itself, was tvidenee enough that all was not right. But. through liberal misrepre­ sentations. they s ucceeded in doing a large amount of busim* It was. according to this story, a magnificent opportunity to get a big insurance for a small consi ’ora­ tion. Small dues were l«» be paid, not to exceed a certain amount a year, ami n note was to be given for 2’s per cent, of the fare of the policy, payable to the company in fifteen year*. at which time the insured <•• uld take <»ut lin'f of the policy in cash ami get a pan! up policy, etc. A provision of the notes was that th« v should bee me tine in twelve months if the makers failed to ¡»ay their flues. Result—lues flawed in thkkand fast ami nearly every party stop- pe*i paying them, which, of course, was what the cornj any wanted All the notes, aggregating quite a sutu, were recently sent here f«»r collection, each dulv trans ferred, ami now the makers in are some­ what of a pickle. All of them declare th it they will tight any suit on the notes, a'bd their lawyers advise them that a* they were obtained by misrepresentation ami fraud they are not liable on them This, though, is a matter to be settled. The moral is plain. Always look out for the insurance company or individuals who«»f- fers you a gold mine for a ni< k 1 There is usually gall in the kvi 'lie!. * a» - the Al- ba ay Democrat Statio: t ry .»f ril kind- f.«r »ale at cost at the S F Variety Store. * Fresh bread at the S F Variety Store Any quantity furnished For g»<»d shingles, shakes an I cord-wood apply at the T imes office. Sheriff Dean ai.d his deputies have been busy snbp«rnaing witnesses. Pay yotii arrearages it the T imes office and get one of our premiums. We want « orrest»on«leiiee irom every por tion of the First Judicial District. The wea her is beautiful, though rather waim during the middle of the day Tin* best cigars of all kinds—fresh ami fragrant -at th • S F. Variety Store. Bring in the wood, vegetables.erajn. et«’ . you promised us. Winter will so<»n be here. Those indebted t » the T imes office will please c.il, and settle without further «m int ¡id*« opening a va­ Service» are hel«l regularly at the Bap­ riety store in the ca*l room of I*. S. hotel , building soon tist church on Wagner creek. Bin’.sccd of >uperi »r quality- pure ami Eifler H • . Fhming will preach at An wholesome- lor *u!e cheap at the S. F. tiueb Sunday at the usual hour. I \ arn ty Store. * The Baptist Association of this valley Fishing in Rogue river is popular sport, will meet al Medford on the 30th inst. ami quite a number of tine, large ti*h arc Rev. M. A. Williams will fill his regu­ , being caught. lar appointment at Eagle Point on Sunday W .1. Ply male has qualified as justice of next. I th»- peace and is ready to transact all busi- Litteral Sumi ay-school and Bible class I m in his line. meets every Sunday at 11 o’clock a . m at We warrant Gilm<»re’.* Magnetic Elixir to the U. M. Hall, Taltmi. i relieve the Asthma in one minute. Sold at Regular services will be held at the Cath­ City Drug ¡Store. olic church in Jacksonville by Rev i A census is being taken in Oregon of all Father Hermann on Sunday. ’ men m tween IS ami 45 years of age subject Rev Robt Ennis will hold services at the I to military duty. Presbyterian church in this place next Hie Ashland tl mrrigmi I* ar- running Sunday morning ami evening d.iy and night, turning out a vast amount A pr tracted «•.impmeeting, to I. con­ of superior flour. ducted by Rev W. B. Mi»ore the Bapli't W E t'ru.up. formerly of »hi;, p| |< »». an- evangelist. <•«» nmeuced t’ Eagle Point on Saturday aítern.»on, September Id I tu-um • * himself as a candidate for mar- Ail Christian nm»i*U-r* and pe«p!e a. re­ . sh.al < i Roseburg. quested to attend and assist, l'he meet David Payne has purchased 30 acres of lug is a union one in all respects ami wi.l land of G F Pennebaker near Talent, continue until further notice ——<----------- paying $47 50 therefor. The 1‘roplf’i Komi Notes, receipts, due-bills, orders and checks, in books, in quantities to suit, for sale cheap at the T imes office. The Oregon Pacific Railroad t o and the Oregon Development Co. have made a sweeping reduction in pawsenger fares be­ The dr.iwiug for the lots in the Seal Ro« k tween Albany, Corvallis ami San Fran­ property, mar Yaqtiitia Bay. has been cisco. taking effect September 15th First- postponeil until November 15th. class fares have been placed at $1»» 7 » and ' Circuit Court continues in session. Con- steerage at $6 00 They have also placed »n sale !ir*t-c!a-s rotlml-trip tickets at $19 5i) sitlerablv budne’s has been transacted, each The above rates are exceeding low , but much still remains undone lower than any one expected to see for Jacksonville's m< rchints again received many years yet; ami the fact that the a lar-re quantity of new goods this week. reduction is not made because of pressure I’h» ir trade is increasing steadily. of any kind is only another indication of E. Jacobs has removed to Chavner’s the intention of the companies to give the ' building on C alifornia street, where he is people the very < heupezt rates possible, I «lisplaying a nibe st«>ck of new goods. and to fully merit the proud title of the J Pence and John Latshaw, who have “People’s Line.” i been in the Cinnabar country tor some­ I fht»c CflHfe»9. time past, have rr’urned to the valley. A •’«»-eburg «lispatcb of the pith mh H B Reed ami R. C Mi’.lcr have become that the most interesting race that ever :t>>«•«dated in the manufacture ot the Fni- tor. pl i it D » l ’ m «‘-»ii’itv wo r i » th if ! vrr-.il «»»nd na* » n fence in Klamath coun­ dax Iwtween R I* Haves’* " B’ lg » ' of ty. I. . an ] Riddle’s X. • ' i» 1 • < I a*. Path rson whil«* ii«linga horse last distance was yard», and the stakes Wednesday evening, was rather si rioiisly wt ■? 1»•>ri a «.ide I 'i»«*re- w is out'i i»- betting injured by the animal falling back with amounting to -<.’»• «u. I he judges decide«! , him. in ’ Bingo'«.” fav >r. on account of “N *lli«* Quite a number of Oreg«.n pioneers will Gray getting the start, the latter coming out about two feet ahead. The mare’s visit the scenes of their childhood, going backers refuse to Ive up the stakes, claim­ • on the« x< ur*i» n which left Portland yes- ing the start to be made by the ¡up of the : terday (’. I) Cardwell, who is running a hack drum. Tin matter has caused great ex­ citement. ami will doubtless go into the ' between Ashland aid the railroad front, was in town this w« ck His wife returned courts. I with hitr. Urn nd Jftrtf Proceeding*. The grand jurors empaneled for the Sep tember term of the circuit court finished their labor* Saturday afternoon Besides that reported in the last issue of »he Tl.Ml’.*, the following business was transacted State vs. Mun leu. belli t<> answer upon n charge of an assault with a d oigeroii- weapon: not ,i true bill. State v-. Frank M.Smith, held to answer the charge of an attempt to commit rape: not a true bill State v*. McDonald, held to answer the charge of larceny of a horse, not a true bill. State v« Robert Westrop. charged with forgery : a true bill. TIi»* popular bloo«l mirilier. ilootl's Sar­ saparilla. is having i tremendous sale this season Nearly everybody takes it. Try it yourself. <»ive \ our« l.ildrt i. f->r Cough'and Coic etli cientlv assiste»! during the schol­ astic year by Profs Blackford and Neil ami Miss Hattie Newbury. Several non-resi dents of this distr.ct are ah cad y in nt tend­ ance. which number will bo gn atlv in- cr< a*« «1 ’ » lor«' i he end of 1 >7 Hon. T G Owen has been detailed to ! mu*ter in th«- midiia company at Co«juil’e ¡city, whi- h c mipleted its organization last Saturday evening ■ Col. Ros*, who has «me <«f the best farms i in southern Oregon, raised over 1«»M» : u*h- 1 els of wheat <»n 2d a« res of land, or fuily 50 bushel* to theac"e. Secretary Smith of the : i*kiy<»u rourCy. Cal., agricultural society ha? our thank* i foi a ti« k( t of admission to their grounds I during the ensuing fair. i Plymale’s stage line t«> Medford is well patronized, as also is his livery stable, when* excellent teams ami vehicles may be obtaine«! f«»r «id«»c< a*i »ns Ihni’ff Ihirm rf. Th«- r« • id« i • »• »•! Ge«-igr 1 la< h . a few mil« * *«>uth of Jacksonvide. was burned to thegroun«l,t<’geth« r with all • f it* content*, lust Sunday. The eau*e «»f the lire is no know u.ongi nating « ut'ide of th«» building Mr B was in town at the tint« . but Ja* Thompson, w ho wa* lying «lown in a she«l near by, discovered the flames ?oon after they broke out. though it was then t«>o late t«> .«nv#anything Through the effort* of Mr Tlmmp'tm and Mrs Crump the f re was confined to the Imu*«* and not all«»wed to *prea«l. I he Io** is e*f imated at $7reg««n will h'»l«l a meeting at Pho nix m. Sutur «lay . Sep»«-mb«»r 2lth All persoi.* inter « st« «1 i’i the development of fi uit « u’turc in Noutlicrn Oreg»»:» nr« in\:t 1 t«» attend Fne »pu *liou «»f pruning.pa- kin ■ and -hip ping, :iml the varied-•* be*» :i»l.tpt« «1 to th« soil:»nd climat« of this <’« untrv. a* wed a* the kin«;* ot II i.!t n . 't pr< tit d r To gu v.. will I m * t«i*< u**e«l. By ord«-r of ’»;< pre*i- dent ul the S. I». F . <«. A. J. II. Gxtrii*.«S.’. . -i • - - 'Ii'IiH« Ro h Il..*ham«h. or Jewish new y»-ar, c»>mmen«es next Monday and will continm- over I’m *b I ably rebuil«! hi* st«.re ami carry a larger ' stork of go»»«l* tnaii ever before, A* t famiiy im *«'phine ami Klam alb v« unties wiil be hel.l ii,ur*«l.i\ ;»• i <»f r« a! « 'tH»<- and ¡«‘¿gl b’ l'.ks for sale at Give Fi ¡«’.ay. th I ’»th ai.«i 7th. Lv»7. al tl.v M« tn- i (he I’l'M - "t i »■ at Porti'iT"! price* tali*! « Lu:* h in Giant’* Pa** Ail p<-r*«»n* | u- a c.x ’ H interest« <1 in Mindav-*« ho«*l w«»r* ar«» cor j line dully invilt-I to bi prcM-nt .«ml a**)*t ii. Af-on B. the work. Pl« a*«* s»-«* that delegate* * it ha* >»m ot k-U'i i¡.fee> ate tie« 1« «1 Irom eud» .’»tindjx ty. off. r* i» ?ch«»ol. , . , improved, ! lion. Ttro I'rf ifjht i mirt.9. Ti.« ♦». A • R. R- < «». * tn.gl.1 l»u-.!»•** in »ou them Oregon hw* inert a*« d to *u«ii pr»»p«»rtion* that it bus laen compelled to rim .*♦ mi-weekly trains every other week t«- act «■min« «lute it This *rf real-estat • on •)«’{. The editor «>f the T imes was in Central M r. Colton, mar Ashlar.«!, realize«! two swindling all who put any confidence in 15th. Point Friday and expressed himself as be­ dollars p«-r tree, or over four hundred dol­ him. l'lie people everyu here should give lars per acre,from iris two-year-old orchard 1 Ifwejudg»* by the preparations which ing much surprised at the number of neat, thi* fellow u wide berth, for he is not to be of peach tree*. The fruit industry is the i are being made, another wedding will soon new buildings which have been erected trusted and« r any « ireum.*t.im*«*s ( and the general advancement of our paying one f«.r Oregon. take place in this vicinity. The I’mon Livery Stables at Jackson­ since he was here last. Others think (’. W fayl.»r of the Eagle Point di.'trict John Herberger and Horace Rice «»f this ville. under the management of W. G. wise. is opening ami Improving the r«»a«l lea ling place have each made some improvements . Kvnm-v. are con*tantly gaining in j-»j»u- Y«»ur correspondent am! the public across the De*ert. over which there was >o to their premises, the former building a iarity ami businc*«. Hr has recently ;««!«!- erally are of the opinion that the vulgar am! much mrni'hing first class turnouts hr A full line of blanks for justice * ami trate at the expense of the proprietors of liljcrally patr miz«*«i by farmers from many « ann«»l beexcvilvd in southern Oregon * I constable’s always kept on ham! at tlm • ur fine, lar4<* h«»t;-|, wa* quite successfully portion» of Josephine county. s*)ine com­ ’ IT mm office. tui iiedat th«* expense <»f that individual by Newspaper* rrp«»it that a number of ing from a* far as Jump «»ff Joe precinct, Now is the time to improve the roa«l* th«* Ontral Point <•« rre*n«»nur leading I may be on their guard Assessor Childers has tinishe«! his a*s«**s «*aile«l-for a* they arc ungenth niaiilv. Officers sh«»ul«i The Importance of purifying the blood can­ orators It a«lvi-<* liquor men to k«-*-p ; «pm tl.v giv«* noti« r that m* games <»t chance ; ment am! is getting the roll ready for th«- not be overestimated, for w ithout pure Mood Magruder A C-> have «»ne of the l.irgist Li.*h. Applegate at home if tloywishl«» you cannot enjoy good health. i "f ai y kind will l>e pel mitte«!. and slmul«! I board of equalization. and hr*t w arch ci"-.* in southern Or g«»n At this season nearly every one needs a • lefeat the amendment. 1 :b«-*e attendant« persist every man of them There is much division among the p«*«»j»lv and it is l*eing rapidly tilled with wheat. go«Ml medicine to purify, vitalize, and eurieii 1. D. D«»ilarhi«lc ami (’• la Gii«-v« of ; should be promptly arreste«!. of Ashland district on school matters, ami It :* fitted up wit’i i slriri; cleaner, bar!« v the blood, and we ask yon to try Hood * I h<* business <»f ’.lie I a«-k«,»nville Marble it may lead t«> legal complication Siskiyou mountain came down last Fri«lay roller. h>g .*<*al«-.- ami «.th- r appurti-nanc«*s DornIHr Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rULUIlCU an,| Guilds up the system, with tin* b«»«lies of the tw«» Chinamen who Work* will rontinuv right along umler the W. Clarke of Wootlvill«* has a fine m*»\-**try f»»ra!ii*t < 11** p*t;ih’i*hm»*nt .»f management of the assignee, A 11. M:**gly. creates an appetite, am! tones the digestion, were recer.tly killed l»y a blast of p«c\«p. r B«’-i«!t*' lunrishin,* storage at a hopyar«!. which yielded well this season, this kind while it eradicates disease. The peculiar Anyl»o«lv desirin; lira tombstone, monument, being skillfully w«»rked. g'»ing offunexpe« tedlv. reasonable rat»*. Ma ruler A <’•». act a* combination, proportion, and preparation commission mer«Jiaut« an«! al*«» keep a Inlow A A sb pole of Eagle Point ke< p a stone coping, etc. , will find it to their ad- Fruit land about Jacksonville, which of the vegetable remedies used give to go«xl supply of bags ami twine on hand. well-a**«»rte«l stork of general mcrchamli*«* vantag«* t«j call soon, a« prices have been is unequaled, will soon be in demand i Hood s Sarsaparilla pecul -r IfcAlf C«»n. Le«*vcr is manager of th«* warehouse iar curative powers. No ■ IlSCIT >n«l •!<» a go«)«l business As they keep re«iuccd coii.si«lerably. First-(lass mechan- II »n.J 11. Stewart of Eden precinct has nd I he best and succe»*«!* in giving sati-faction. leav- fio l*«-sl <4 »"»«»ds ami sell low, they ne\< r ic* are employe«! there other medicine has such a record of wonderful .iii-:a< tbin guarair i raised wat« rmelous this season weighing ' work««! turned out ing Dothing undone for the benefit of its cures. If you have made up your mind to fail in giving .-atisfaction. I t«*«*«l |5t> tt»s. patrons buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not I m * induced to 5» wman Fisher’s mercantile «--tabli.-h- I En rrl Bro*, of Ph«enix. th«* <*nterpri*ing Ge<> I! I. .?• in t b. t*»rnn take any other instead. It is a Peculiar firn nit Juitj firpitrl. II»» nt is filled from top to I ott»»ni with a merchants, timl th -ir bu*iness increasing Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. .* tyaiii « »l ib i-!*• «i al N t’me Mock «»f im->ds—all «»l the latest stx Ic- I 1» ■ following is the report ot the graiel I ! j tosm li an extent that th- \ hav'* been < ->m- Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggist« *»m:irg«' is a first « »he < irn*tru :i*•:». I’h« y never tkxil- Hi gixi'-g satisf; IOO Doses One Dollar « \V<* th«* gr ind jurv <*nipMU»-!r*d f«»r-aid • I’ll'»'« of our sub-ci iber* va In» set tie t heir a I s-» ad» Ic I *• alt-w «ter bath* • a'ways keep a li«*t-<-la*« and <-xtvn*ive court aim term. «1.» most r* «p» < tfullv ; me nt. whi« h arc quite b< bills promptly will be *ent th«* ■ Farm ami • *t«»ck «»I goo«!s. submit flu*, our final r*■.•■•if \\ «■ have ' coming . will soon have a fine, large«»rchar l hospital seem* to I»»* under excellent man­ b«»dy and mind, cause«! by habitual in«ak*> final pn- f u-/»apport <»f his claim, atei t ».at *aid pr«n»t will le* idmo «* b«-f<»re ami had no ««»mplaints tooffer We found th»* J tidg<* or < l»*rk of trie Count y < ourt of Jack- will invariably regulate the bowels. the spoilt th «t cairie* off the water, ami C. K. K him of 1 a lent ha.* gone t<> Port th«- h«m*e and everything about it rr■ «o. nt Jark»».. the Ashland real estate ami in «»r«lcr. with e!«\«-n inmates. We urday. Oct. 2'th, 1 h A7 V7 .Fani«-* M<-Donagli. uere killed somethin* before, when an old Ian«! on business ami Elmer Oatman i* for th** \V 12ofS E l4. found th* « .mi.ty jail in a cleanly cundi- l»om»*Nt<-a«l entry X«». dealers, report the sale of Henry Ammer­ sign hanging on Orth’s building was torn clerking in his store until ho return* f X J . 4. S«. 1 p S of R, iion. But w<- f'oind the floor in an unsafe Her. 22. and W man’s place, in Ed«-n pre« in«’t, to parties down lWe»t W.M lb* nam»* tin* f«»ll»»wi.ig wit- Meetings of an interesting nature are conditi o», and we I'-und the under fluor n«*s«»*h tu pmv» |¡i* «-(»ntiir.v.u« re.-id ’ -L«* ■ upon from California It contains nearly 22uu Caution. If you a>k your «Iruggist for being held regularly at th«* C M. L ball rotten with «Iry rot. ami w«■ would reeoni- and cultivât»'»!! of. »»aid l.ijjd, viz I!. B.um-n. uh * ami f 17.5n w..* tin- pr;«•r«-goi. I CHAS. W. JOHXslO.X. llHg!M»*r the fall fishing at the mouth of Rogm- a* Pond's Extract.” do not believe him. ing system on the laboring classe* there the past year«»r two. t«« draw the :ittc*ntiun to th»* prop. r nuthoriti«** th-* :>«■« : cssity of I here Is nothing th« *amr as i\»nd’s Ex­ la*t w«*»*k. riv«-r. at Ellensburg With an average run ‘ better v**!.tilati«m iu th*“ cells * Persons Notice for Publication. t«»g« ther with the Klamath riv» r fi-h. th« tract, [t ca it.« t be successfully imilau-tl I I »ur i* «|'J')t«*d it $1* i th » ’.* a lug bu*im -* ami .ii«v mt!* The air I* v, rv oppr» **iv«*. ami we different Lull*, bat may *et *till • •h»*ap.*r. «-.mntci !«-■»- faith in w«n tide c »»»*i'h*r it *.,-ry injurmu-« to th«* In-alth <»f V >Tli I IS Bl K!Jó <.l\I \‘ th \i’ THE l’he dweliing-h<»u*«- oppo^re the l i-ti ' liny »iruggi* ■ I rv ing v«.u. Ir S. L-nigf»»r«l .«ii i R. ' .ini «•' I'.viti* rr«*ek th -• - HHim-d tio ’em. 3tj | v "i m- : t •ilow'i^-p..' ii-- : - tC.-i n«»iire of «1 in bull wrap w«-r«* here \V«- Im - l.t\ oflic«- has been treated b» a new fence, th»* is s»il'i only in Lottie* I i h - < ...L-- I a ! m nd that ii I».* \.-a!>J.i vd iu th»* Li« iiit«*ntion t" inhk«- ti ;•! pr»»nf 1 • *upp/»rt «»f .<1 * Extra t” toil »w ing m iiiiier: !’h «1 i p.;>.- i. »III l 1" I hn claim, ; inadf» |»c front part of which is of the Universal per*, with the word* large bear not long *im-r never sol«i in •i in«-!»«*' in «liainet-r I»« in«rrt*> I in the for«- I in* l'-rk oft1 ■ « ’-•unty « <»urt «if .1 ck-on comitinatn.n pattern W G Kenney ami blown in tl i » ili»*. Or., «.»i S. un!«>. bulk. F. Roper has purchase I l«»!i i M Marks’ runt«-r «u th»- «reihug »»1 «-.o h » ■«■ e!l. running «•«»unty, «>r . at J »< Oct l**ì. \ r. I t*n - K**-it. I fi - ìi i<| feFifrj family Wednesday took up their residtme farm, a short distance north <>t Ashland, up through llo* njoi. an i bent ,»v«-r at the So 37A . f«_*r _ i : « S E j. Sr . .5, J p 2«’>. s «»f I» 1 /• I i: % 1 1 U I x I V. there. top. «»r .a cap p!;u,e»i over the t-»p T hat i\.*«t. W. M He nani •« th«* follovi nz w»t ,-!♦•■•*♦*•» paying $30an acre for it It is well im­ the*»- pipes b.* pot le-s than «»ne eighth to prove Iu* <-<»'it inti«»ii* reu-lenc • up >n. and cui- John Miller will in a few days receive a prove« I. tivati«»n <»f, said lie «I. ... ... ......... . ............ .. inch in thi« km*** and that they !•* made io Mari in F. H.ir-t. Kat« Plymale i* pay mg Yreka, Ca! . Mi * large assortment of the I»« st guns in tin* Several sidewalks in town m*e«l repair« s« 1 ur«» l»y a flange on tire lower <*ml of the Georg«* Bush. IsriMP F Williams. l*aar B. Will- a Vl*lt lame all «»f Eagle point. Ja«-k*->n ( <•.. Oregon I market anywhere. Tiny will be of gtand- ami should be looked after at «»nee by th«-ir pip«, n >lt«*d to tin- «filing; .«’id that a Lieut. Lovell ami wlie of Fort Klam '« • i.uup-r. or va’v«*, L. place«! in the lower a I manufacture ami he will sell them at 'nners. or the street c«uuiiiissioner will en«‘ "f <-a. h pip»*, t«» <•.•--«• or <»pci.. a* de­ iave g«»ne East. r* 4''»nable rates. Don’t fail to give him a Sheriff's Sale. mu * them at their expense Mark Arm­ sired fr»»m below We hav. ai«o made a Mr* 1 W Berry Cali. strong. wh • ha* t-vi«l»*iic. 1 much skill m earefui «*xamim»ti.»n -t re kept in a splendid «-«mdition. and b*. ieve Oregon, for Ja«-ks»*n « '»uuty and to mediiected Max P Jacoby of Gold Hili was in Jac k was in town Wednesday. He is engage«! Krefcs A Fischer, expert painter«, are do­ th -y ar«* k* pt in a tlmroughly busim ss iike and deiix»-reL-K»* p ami agan.st Wilha .« Kuth»*rlan«l. *:hattm k of Cott«»nwoo«i pre« inct. their line. ther bUMlie**, v.e W"iil«l re*p*- tt illx a*k now«iua«»n said jndgiu»*nt. with mtr r«-t it th** <>f B:ow n-buro, which is quite c«»nimemi Cal. was in town yesterday It is sai«li*i harg-.-«•a*i«»n <»f hi* approa. lung virit at precinct were in Jaek*onvill»* ln*t Fri«lay. public auction, to thr» highest Indder. at the | t ices. • A*li!aml <»’i Saturday, "•pt 17th, it being court-house door tn Jack*«»nriH<*. in sai tt. tl.t,,l., JSX ', ward i"f«»rme«l them lb it th» y b i.I «•huiige«l rre.ii.-.1 -m b a st;r in th«’ Iair«»p« an < a i- I ¡ml most of them are from <’alif«»rni.» -• « I Ii ■ X’---\ y . k at .'■' ••!"<*k r. m . of said «!;«}. all the right, title The asserti»» that th»* l»o«»m in the g»».«!rti their inimls Altlmugh M A F * bid ' «* tids 1 !i«- p st 1« w I 1« * wrote him Hp extrii*'\ r I v at the and interest «»f tl.«* -aid William Sutherland. >ti»tv is tun i: / men with m«»d* r ite im*q s very low. a *ti.l <■!«•• ip« r bid \\ «* p •>l».ib!\ in ami i<> all <»f th»* following des«*rtl»ed time «•! hi* arrival in n .thrm . n I t«» fol- fomlant. real pr«»|-*tty. to w.t: to come to Oregon tontains no.re truth foiiml I»«-, ii i* an «'X«a rpt iroin tl«< i.’l :« .»■ : I h<* south lialf "f 1 ■ orihea-t - 1* «■ «vered a it h a 1«<:»g. east half of tl.>- o; . a*t -pi irt -i «»f s»««-tjon than ¡»«»«-try Th,-re Ims b«*en *«»nn frost during tin* waving ma*-*- «»f silken hair, uhn h i i <•"!• r tw»-- t.\. anil ............ . -» quarter «.f • >■ . «th. p ist week,but not enough to «Io much «lam (•: .«ii R< a«i «»ur gran I clubbing iun f wenq.nin**, al I Frank Car'l and Thus. Baker «»f Lakwu-w pirting m th* «•♦•¡iter and waving «»it to gate a leading journal <»f southern Oregon and the in town-l. p tlnrtx-b.u- -ontli. «»f rang! :uo . .i-t. • it!r r .*;d«- Ilk»* that of a fancy !-. rm r It Willamett.-* in»'r»ni hi* «’iiei-k* in long, wavy l«»«-k‘. in Ja«*K* >n county. < i»*g«»u« paid our town a visit one «lay dur- A I Daley «if Eagle Point is building a School (iiven und»*r in? hanii this l.*»:h day of S**j»!» gr«»w*fr.»m the n«»*tril*. and hang* !r m State* for th»* pri« e of one, « all or send to IT»«! rye* of this uo< b»*r. 1*>-7. ing the week. - huge barn. He is continually making im­ :»«»ih «*ar* the T imes office. B. \V. DE KN. Sti.Titt f.<> I l;ov ai*o : *emblrvriy <-l«»sely thn»e C. \K Kahler, E q an ! W. E Kahler provements. Ft B. Reed i- selling a larg«* amount of o( a t?rn«T T in y are slightly bluish in ■ hi* combination fence, which is becoming left Hr Salem M-»n lay evening, to Attend Sheriff’s Sale. Dr \V. I.. C«>!vigof Rack Point precinct , <•.»!«>:•, almost p» rf«-«-tiv ’«»und. and the ¡ w liite- ar« vi*iide entirely around the pu­ j made our town a visit Last week m -re popular every «lay. on ae«-ount of it* the Slate fair. YVIllTlL 'F \X EXE« TTIGX ULTA 18- pi!*. Hi* aumtli 1* furnishcl with ••irir {‘tie’loitof th<* cir uit <• »urt <»f th«* State nf durability, style am! cheapnes-« Tho*e Mi* «•* Waitie ami Maggi*- M.inning of |)r \Vhitm?y <»f E.igL* Point is expecting the tw-i aiiir.e 1« « Ih ah > \ • an«l two inci«ors < >r<-g«»n. for Jackson <*«ainty. <»n the lit h «fay >»f ,n<*«hr«*rt»v|aui<1«*|iv• r«-f ( ha •. Xickt li. plaintiff wh«i r»-«-«i\«»r»*l R»-« «1 a call ami ascertain particulars. in t hi* se«*li<»n ’ eastern States in a sh irt trim*, for the pur­ ni in teeth a ju(idy i* «-«Here«! in«»rtKa¿«- .n th« alHivo-nani-sl « .»urt «•*• tl.«* Dau Large, th«* well-known bridge build­ w 1 : h a gr w t It "! l !ii»t. I - ’, • Lair; but th»* t-ur. R-.yal Bi •own «»m* of the puniishers of pose of locating. I«'tn !»*ir.!»ar. and a r«i*!«* the TI iq purse put up in the Binp«> Nelly thick, h -avy l-r!;s «r.- I t:n ! < dy «»n ¡lit n»*r» iT afh i er, wh«» superintended m«»*t of the bridge th»* Yn-ka ’’ I liion." i* pay inz his ol«l home i d •* i r»*.-«l hi L»nU’ii c 1«» All«'»* J. SiniC, aii«l J .M.S.-,:: 1.. . .v.laiit «• 1 1 (¡ray match-race at R«»*«*burg I* «till in th«» ' fa« •• ami culvert w«»ik on the railroad betxv« en in thi place a visit T" .Io •« < a• i »naby siimi !*- like a «log imi comma* •!•• ! m b-v. < i. ..nd *i*Ii - lid i«n»u-rtt ■ hand* of the stakeholder*, pending.! settle Ashland ami R".*»-bn»g. i' now a r*‘*i«i«-nt ll«**p-.(k* Ku*-i.in 1'r'-m h ami (termali to sat l*f\ til«* jud^lli •• I »>r < ! - Xl'-K»lif«»rth«- Rev .1 11 Skidm >re. former!/ of Ash- j w.t’ t -r.-* nn-n-un fr«»in th«* ment ot the affair. Most of the mitside ex- «• ■•«tingly ««-‘I «ml a lew wor«is of Eng­ -urn «»f >!*'♦ of Beaton county, wh«-r«* I e h«»lds a r**- land, is now rc.*i«l«-nt minister of the M 10th «lay <»f S<-|»t»'.nb«-r !*<. at tn»- ra’»-of ««iK-.it lish a’Ki took great pride in showing that per c«*nt. p«*r annum. »•:««! th»* s.»m of * 1* 5» att»»r- ■ bet« have been drawn f cost* and K. B Hull ami Th »«. Whrlply of R«»gu«‘ tlir back of hi* picture in larg-, tl »wing due . «-hararters. ' riv«*r ar,* in town. i* m»t pl* ntiiul at that. T he railroad com­ Oregon, h \ bcv«»:m* Ir, • "me icsi«l«*nts n *i«lents <>f J.u k- “The «log-fa I»«»\ wa* captured m the Amanda Bii :»*r fr« »n »-aid defendm^ Alic«* J. pany has already use«! up the surplus. s«mviilr .m l will pr«»bably l«»«*at<*. We regret t«> lear i that the c«»n«liti >n of hnc*t* «»t Ko'troma. in the center «¡f Rus­ Smith und J. M. Sm.il«. n< decreed in thia amt; an«1 in nb««dieneo to «».i l writ I dui «»n the r»th Hay is certain to be very s<--irre am! «Icar sia. about tiff«-» a \ «• »r* ag". with hi* fatlu-r. da>«»f S»*pt»*mh»*i. 1**7. levy on aaid realty, ac- ■ I Mr- J 1* • «.-h in the valley before winter, as mu«'h is I Real-estate agents should send t«» the arrive«! a few «lay* since ami ha* taken *ame peculiar face w hich the boy no- a po*- in han«!, at public a*i--tinn. to th»- ln*jh»**t b:«ld«-r. being bought at k w prices ami being ship I II«* tath«*r Was exhibit«*«! a.I ««\er at the cuurt d«a»r in .!•«« k*«»nv dl**. o* said county I charge «/f th»* Presbyter an church at this 1’ imes office for their blank«.where the larg­ . se**«** pe«i «>ut. when he and •'t»«t«*. on est. best ai\«i cheapest stock is always k«*pi Eur«»pc until thr«-«* year; ng< place. «lie«! .” S'lhiril'f»/, <}•'?•>! ■ r / />.*«?, The Ashland Normal school commenced on hand. .lo.L» is «-xhibited in the main tent <»f *» a J o’clock r M of said «lay all the lic’.t, title Mr* KV. H Parker am! her two daugh­ with 50 students ami there is every pr«*»ba Bargains in every line of tobac «> an ! 30 II Barrett’* «h >w No extra charge is and mt»-re»»l "f the in bl«» k twe-ity-ninc J9 a* dr- frieinl* there a visit. I •»crib* «land marked <> : th»* <>lh ;al map of the 1’rof. Sweet ami his tide corps of assistants good fit am! the best «»f material. t i lit i it f or RTriinf i: i in x»is town <»f Ja^kMotiviffe. in Ja<-ka«m «-ounty. Ore­ E. S. Smith of Jo*t*phine county, the pro|X)se making it superior institution of gon A great many people are making arrange mining expert, was in town this week. He IT»** t'»»’l«>w ing pr,»«’«*r be from Justice’s court Jury trial and ver- Governar'* Proclamation. of Ayer’s ¡Sarsaparilla. No olhei remedy win» is now <-ngage<1 in the mercantile bus­ the leading and tuost pr«»flt.ibl*.* indii'try • het in favor «if plaintiff in the sum of $.VL c.il« compare with this as a cure for all dis­ iness at Hardman. M<»rr«»w county, in con­ of southern Oregon in th«» near future fiTiTE of O regon . E xecutive D et « ri - / Ge«> >chumpf v* John Miiier; to recover MENT. HiLEM. S»*|»t. 1. ISS7 f immey. Jurv trial ami verdict in favor of eases originating in impure or impuve - nection with his brother Andrew, is paying I R«*al estate in the vicinity of A ’ hlaml G By th** aut I out j vototi in ni? by the 1 «'gir. 1 a ! iti « rm. his old home a visit isbed blood. changing ha’.ds rap’«l!y at big prices. Chas Nickell vs Alice J Smith, et Ml. i assembly <»f the fit at«* of <>r«*g«»n . I. Hj I v**wi. <»r i ami the daily exports will probably average State vs Andrew Hamlin , imle tnicnt th** k**epiua Mrs C. B"*« In v, who Las been pay ng strm lure. We are glad to hear «»f Chris, f«»r *;*!e. of any »¡»lrituou«. vin«»ii*». for rape. Motion l«»r «-hange «•( venue malt, distilusl. t< : in<*nt*-»l. «»r any mtoxirating i $75. her old home in Elmira, N Y . a visit, re­ prosperity. liqii«»r- wl atr-ver in this State. • x •»•pt, for m-*!i- Fred. Engel of Plornix, who is a skillful arguc«l and taken unde** ailviscimmt. Sylvester I’ennoyer. et al., v* Hannah F ciuaL scioltili'’, or iii'*«*hai>i<*Ml purpo**-* This in ail probability will not be a dol- turned horn«* last Tuesday, alter an ab­ veterinary surgeon, is treating a number i S ec J. I' . • I *4 *1 t‘iv<» i - *nib!y *'i « I pr a I«* Davis, ct «al; «uit to f<»recl«*.*e mortgage. She was highly lar-ycar fur wheat. No more San Francis­ sence of si-v<*ral months b> I hw in what m nn»*r - i -!i liqiuire. <>r unv of of s’ck horses and is meeting with much Judgment for $7i ami «L ktpc granted tit «in *!« «Il I»-* hi « mf ««•’ r- »! «»r *<»!f* it •> , t«>r*. fortune for the farmer, nt least this is the northwest, made us a call on We«lnes«lay. tun»* to finish hi* education. "t;«»«- vs « II Cahiwei!; indictment f«»r r.itih«-«1 t««r l-j flu* murd« r m the fir*t decre**. Fl»-a of l»«»t ( SE< . I The |w. istintive HA*»*mh!j t-hal! Witimut way it L»ok' at thi' writing. ID* repr* -cuts a g«»« *l w«»rk and merits the H«»n. G M Stroud i* making the «liflvr- guiltv an«l t a I»« wh with eutfi-ntjt pen­ alti«"» t **«*c«sary to enf«»rre thi* amendment. All the gra«!ing between the summit ami liberal patronage lie is meeting with. • J ent Masonic lodges a vi*it. b^ing grami |!Hh.‘ *F.«v»N1» \MF.Nl>MENT TO SALARIES <«f sTirr I Stat«* vs Robt Wvstrop ; indictment for OFFICER* 1 Frank Manning, wh«> has been a reai- A-hl.im! will undotibte Uy be complete <1 lecturer of ’ he order for Oreg««!». He makes ..................... .» """i........ i ......... .. ............................................. . ............. peciurer oi « ne oruvr Artid.« NHL f«*rgery. Pl«*a <»f not guilty enter«’«!. before the rain- «« amie to interfere with the : d« nt of Wyoming territory for sometí mt? I an excellent officer. fiFx ll«»N I. ITje governor, secretary of fit ate. i G H A E Baker vs Eva < ’ W tlsh ; cuiifir- i trcKMirer <»f Stat,*, jiuigea <»f tho supreme c«»ort. | work Any:hu g that may be caught un­ past Ins returned t«» this county with Iris I F. II. Page, the well-kn »wn e.»intuis*i »n I mafi'Hi "li«*ri|t’s «.ile ('onfinuc«!. and all _________ State otfirera this State _____ shall receive ______ ___ «»f ___________ finished w ui b<-in the nature of ttmmliog iaiirily. to permanently locate ('has Ni. '»**11 vs M E I'ogu«*, et al; c«»n hi . annii.-il aalerv <>f mf h h sum a* th»* legislative | He has , n«<*embly h I im H hereafter by law for each of nurh ’ or ro< k w-orx. which can be uarriv«! on a«l- taken up a ram he m 1 rail creek precinct. 1 wee|< • a|so Walter F Burrell, a member «»f lir.nali >n. Sale <*ontirme«l State vs I’ B Myer aml J Brown ; iu«!ict- • •fticers provide; provided, that when th»* leui*- vantage«»Usly in *pih- «r f» r the same ami will resume the practice of medicine. are prepare«! to fill all orders for F encing , that M ike bulli van. «»ne of the f«»rt men in Article _____ 11 H-m. G. M fitroud, of Portland, grand They will improve and make a first-class B oxi 5« j . R ustic , F looring , C eilino ami th.- l.igSiAiym, tunri.'l. I,„.1 eut « -vede : ...! .Ä"' .! .. '« shall I»«* field on 3' i H* m «1 h > n«*xt after llie tire» i i Sov»*m- FT nishin «. L imber ; als«^ D oors , S ash . ■ mercantile establishment out of it ami lecturer of th«* Masonic lo«lge of Oregon, B racket *. I P ickets M y ocedis «»» and L ath * num d Job .i Petersen so ilanger«»usly that l»«*r. biennial»y. l»K«r/x<»n t«> n«* atlix«*«l. ' .is 1-t me wherever he goes. re♦•» cur knigtit it wus in : agents. on the s«»n:ii-boinul train while mountain at the time Deputi«** >tt adman GEI». W. M»*BRII»1*' W ebb »ate. ('. W Aven«. Atlilanil. They are Pryce went up y< sterd.iy to ln»l«l an inquest. when lie fei! aei"** thr track and was ol- «•ate in Chi:om*y Rock precinct W L kkvi B.' ential Point, Fur*h«*r p ,» » im i.« r* will be given next weck« j. II. Gmrrt«. Gold Hill. i mo.*! cut in lw«j Death was in.*tdi»t nnc art-oiupairivd by Mr. ami .Mrs. Bowers. al.*«> ftum >au Diego. ous. ,/7z7Æ///’ ; rt Ì CATALOGUE It rmupi'isiM the Latest Styles hik I ! the renr<ur present large • stalilisbrnsnt, and building two more ntories over the 80x11X1 feet. The carpenter» busy hammers unt heard front morn till night, sending forth a tune of enterprise which rings from one end of Sacriuneuto to the other in encouraging tone« of commendation. When completed we will have the largest and most magniticciit store in Sacramento. We are ready for a large Order Trade! We are going to have it! We will give Prompt and Careful At­ tentions Your Orders! We will not be Undersold! Send for Our New Illustrated Cata logue! 1 1 1 I JU « • SACRAMENTO, CAL., NOS. 829, 831, 833, 838 K STREET, And 1026 Ninth Street. 1 1 ▼ jr\ L'PIT lb A Li 11 ir i ri I PhLl 4 Thousands find it to their advantage to patronize the Mail Order System. They get B Id« <¿5 ttn«! I^A/riClf HTYEEHÎ The Cost of Transportation is overcome, and more, by the Differences in Prices. You can have the styles that city friends wear and select from half a hundred patterns, while at home, in the oon try, there are but a limited number. The ad­ vantages offered through the Mail Order System are manifold. The Red House TiadeUnion established a Mailorder Department 13years ago and!-now numbers its patrons by the Thousands. A I ala Inkin' n| his Pain's willi Sampli's iiI Gmtls Mailed Fr«* on Application. B « . o! Luth» Butte previm t, wlm th«* b«**t farms in that vicini­ I- r *..!•■ at a bargain. It is well flic e Miring planting season will witness 1-u a« ;< * being umlvr cultiva- i a large . im-reasu in the orchard mie.ig’* ub.»ut A'lila el.-ay* llie I iding* ” Be >ple It wa* t.ite«l iu >.iii LiHi,, «<•». la.*t week w Ii-» havv b< e i-u wa ti: r t" see whal ki* d of fruit c»»ulf the Southern Pariti that t’hv ( alifun.m x Ui«*g«*n radrouti w itlioiit in ig. al’.on h iv»* <*onu!u«ied th..t the woul«l pr«»b.ibiy not be running trains tw« Iw-oum e pt .tcbis pru«iu<« d on .*uth through to Portlamlb.fi/re December 1. I la.nl this sa.iv <>n an* unin:pv:n liable teati- W«»rk is«»t.ly tail ¡y um’u w..y in the 12”U j im»ny uli thr p-'.inlin - wl»|e of the question. foot tunnel north of Golt-’.s in Hskiyuu am! there will be no longer any hesitancy i couuty cr.yrn.t /. Mrs. Dr. Hinkle, who has been quite ill. i is able to be about again • CD that auore AcrhlfHt. w irr«//;/». The eldest son of Eniil DeRob«>am, who | • I'rtnii l!r f ,/'>hn 5i« thing—otirns, bruiser, Dr. W. H Sommer*. v aiu.ible !«>r its prompt McBRIDE—In Aehland, S»pt. 5th. to Mr. aod Mr». J. 11. McBn«ie, a t I m lighter. they fur- pain from all kind* ot inluriv*. • kiln-dried mui -. iuv «« fruit *««*««, boxes, which — .« can ----- — ' 1 p »w«.-rlul Antiseptic &mi Du* nigh on atmrt uotico and at must reasJD I i laíwuu». >b!« ¡>rfc«i. 1 C. H. GI l MAN, RED HOUSE TRADE UNION, rw..-St..r,r Iln,l.l.nK!.,‘ Ui ""k 4'"n'* S'^«»<*M'’. « <« ’’ F. S. GHADBOl'RNE & CO •J Wholesale S l Dollar« in all Varieties of Firnitur?, BeJdng. Upholstery A i-t i»t i< l-'iiruit oi-<* 71 EveM'tliing in our Oore piiri-Jini-ing. COR FIRST 4 YBMHILL STS Portland. Or r ’s 5 «.’ ? ; WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CUKE CURE CURE CURE CURE D.ar/««<»->i s u’ F-» r-.Ucs». Pirniilc* i t. ■ r: Ob’ s-t|f » 1 ; Win<2 :-i th f-*., Iien■> Nervou* Ihmri oinn Scrufuia. Summer Complaint*. Rheiimatifem nn l Lout. Pains in tli« lionet au.l Joint*. Oil Skin Di«ca~e». FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCC*9T9 AND CROCERS. ASK FOR THE •09[CC\ In «ucve*»ful operatigli • pan« « 1 L- m jil Motion» <-f tUc Norib«« --t, en«;» i < - b"/ bus.uess raeu and D «d.nj cducátxn Till S0ST ITDILtrtl SUITED M3<»< L r>f i»* da«» eo the r«va:*, tt pr!-.*»♦• er ■ D m m-.tn,»»j r, ar : ».*• 3« tlsre ighoic. ' • Antnint tir. WrUm, G Corr, ?pc*-.dei»re I> « *’•1 An«h»rt«p. » Shorthand Ty Typ«."*»iting. B-Jklne ■.« Iz^-I Boi king,Shorthand e*. b^lr» tl F «(«U* -nJ e*» G* m«- SchuQÌ Adi.a™ 4M ’ fm. 4™- - mrL?-g al it i .t ;.,f , fr. nmfi. lhey cost no arnie thau au inferior make aud are a perfect fit I rata by all tba p-irrcipal daafrfrs oh the Patifte CVatt. for