MEDICAL WINES AND LIQUORS. € u; Reutin raik (Times. BOGUE RIVER UNITÍO ITATES OFFIQIAL PRESS. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER», 1887 K> ADVBBÏIMKRM. < rill S hw arirralalina ot 3,20» Mae large«« «■■Joye.l by »ay oewspaper published betweeu Portland and Red Miatr.l'al.-a distance ot SOO miles. It therefore offers the beet Itidiiceineu«» to advertisers. Oar list is principally roudued tn Jackson, Josephine and Klamath ronnlles. ftnsluess men shonl.l take note of this. DISTILLERY I ALL SORT8. HANLEY. Propr, OREGON JACKSONVILLE JOHN A INVALUABLE fob BtTR!«8. 8TOBURMS, DIAHRIItEA, CHAF­ INGS, STINGS OF INSECTS, PILES, SORE EYES, SORE FEET. Caton 4 Garrett, General Agent»- A Pure, Unadulterated THE WONDER OF HEALING! For Pile., Illlixl Blrr.llntr or Itch­ ing. It is the greatest known remedy. For iturns, —e.1.1., WoilliA.. Itrol.e. and Sprain., it is une pialk'.l -stopping pain and healing in a m.rv..lions manner. For Inflamed and -o. .- Kyes.—ItatAct upon these di llcate organs L, .imply mart elious. It I. the Lmllea- Friend.—All female complaints yield to its wondrous power. For fleers. Old Sore., or Open Wound. Toofharhe. F.r.aclic. Hites of Inserts, -ore Feet, IU action upon thne Is most remarkable. jiFcoir hi vpf.r» nr i-msn t.t>st VSED IN HOSflTIU! article of BOURBON, RYE •À3D- Corn Whisky! In quantities tn suit ard at prices that cannot help to give mtisfarfion. Our liquor» are ittao'ai* ly pure, and su|,.rri«'r to any m this market. 8.A ITS FACTION ' I \ 1ANTEF D. ’alo or Railroa I E* Ea£ÌT.*cr< HENRY PA C ent «. THROUGH TK KKTS, That Goose lake fish story?the one that 1 tilled itself with wind and killed a crane) I is still traveling. We saw the yarn last week in a Portland paper. There are no less than ten buildings being put up in Lakeview, at present, anil more than twenty carpenters are busy. Owing to the exodus of Conservative members of Parliament’ it is said the Government will have to ahan«ion the allotment and educational bills. Caution.-POND'S EXTRA CT hat brrti imr tat el Thr urnuint A ia Mr it'ord» '* PUN ITS EX TRA • ' f Uou n in thé q I om , and our pu turt trudt mark o i ur ruuryiin Pur aUAtlOMs S*>T FREE ON JUrPUCAVIOM TO POND’S EXTRACT CO., THE ‘’SUNNY SIDE The President ap|»ointed Prof. G. Brown Go«xie, assistant dire tor of the : National Museum, to be Commissioner ! of Fish and Fisheries, rice Pi of. S. F. 7fl Fifth Avenue, New York. CHALE A MiKENZIE, Props , I Tbe tuiewt brand*« of LIQUORS ClCARS AND The Theatrical Drofeaaioa. Merit will wlu an-1 receive publie rocogniUon tut.l praise. F»> t*. * hkb are th«» outcome of Kt-nt-ral ex- perteQce, gruam^ through year* of critical ami practical teat, tacoine m* rootad ami immovable ua the rock of Gibraltar in puUlc «-pinion, an I henct»- forth ner l mu further guarantvg ..»to their genu- iBeaeat. The butaputabie fact that Swift s Specifle i* the t»t tlo rid, Gone of tbeao lmmova!«l* O.t'iaiiar r< ck in u « f which we have •pokru, un * exp<. .«-n« e r«»«>tA oou victioa devper au-l « f U'»>' V i- - 1,1 An. r.. a tuid iu Europe, every trade. - a:ii | r. -ion. in«’lu«!ing the medical p« ’f»--»»i n. have l> -rue volunury teati m-.-ny to tii» reni akao.e vm «» or S. 8 8. and it* iufalhhie eff) y la curing ail «i of the bio«*! these t< rnvntal-i ureou file bv th«- thou san-la, and «-‘Uem tn t io in'pecuon <>f alL Now come, j’-d. •<«> «.1-,'m» u -I •• i mrni'-erw of the th eat rival p ofessl- n. w .> „ t« --: .fy loth«-wonder­ ful curutiv.- qu . » f tho SpecUic in their mdi- vuiual ca-H-s. T I.- t- einioniaH ure herewith sub­ mitted to tl o [ ir w • -ut further comment-let ttaru sp. nk * ..i: • u The lady is a n>en>b»-r of th«» famous Tii.ill i Th»- tre Company, of New Y«»rk, and f->rmer!v • f *-r R. ience Tmatre, B*-Hln.Ger- mi j ' ck < mpany,of C ticago. The gentiem n a w. i known member of the New York Thalia Th »tr<-« uni’any. B-:‘i are w«*ll known iu tbcutrictti circiei in th.v v .uuiry &ud iu Europe. ( bur lotto r.niidow's Testimony. N lw Y ck . May S. ’.*^7. Sw!ftS?eeir.cL., .%r.y r. Atianto. Go. ■ < '» n I ■ 1. 1» < n a-in< v ed with 14niplea. eruplìu « and r - f t. e hitm, fr«>m bad c«»n- «hti«»n <>f ni> t»l f r i . r< tu m a vrur, 1 uv*d a leii«liUk. pr« . .if nai.-a art I la an«!« t her ad ver- t !«■ • erT « t 1 h< n I « ousulted a prom- in« nt p'nMi«-.i-i. i* I f "i I*:-* treatment received no taoefit. Ith.i •n "li !••- . f?-. « r six parkngt'«, by a thorouxh «radi i.atl n • . in/ trouble an«l restoring umoi.t hneiiH («. my i Id i. h..'H !-. . 'r rne happy, an! I ctaerfuliy . ve . % ■' i i. t- -tirr.i.nLil for such use «ad pubhclty • y n l»U t ID bk«- > f It. <’ii«RLn«ry* R awdow , tauvry, n»-ar Caual Street. Al way- on hand. LIVE OAK SALOON. GRANTS PASS J. HUTCH Proprietor. B. Thr finest Wi».» s. Liquor» und Uigur» ar»- a! way kept «ui hand, while thr reading table 1» supphe with ths lat^et nrw»L>np»*r». A Pool Fat»!»- in Hta» ta fouu'*-ver»Horr*s,»> s< . íj> «ir ••cuela Skilt. In ah» « L, ait «U is» i < - •■! ¡ > ta-1 I»I« m >« í rí *. Conquerid by tl. a p*.* 'ni, purifying, ari«’. In vier« unti rur nu h inc. Carrait «!«, uar- l>uiicl«-«h %«»«*o r./< a. Svr»-fu I »»«•* sure sucllinit -, IJip-Joint l>4*« m * *, A4 hito ktt «• 111 Loti «, or ThicM Neck, arid l.iilarge t <«l »t»«l*. Sn-lun C» nta in starts f-*r a U .»trat -, w h u«J- < red (Matea, <»*) Nktt> P ••«*•*«, or th* un •mowt for a tr--Hf -M* nn > rut -!.»us A ff- « u «« il - «THE 171.000 IH Till: LIFE.” '•’•-oroiurhly * I* an •• »• t v -»ing Dr. >**« ree x. oid« it vlcdl* »il F-*s*an c ry, nn«i goo» l|r»tion, a lair t>kl>»i bnt-yun* «pir- l«M, v ** a I Mtr*>n«tl«. ««»»-Ì •«»•• «*«1 »»e- • v«* vouslilul lou, w .U ta* euxbtatad. CONSUMPTION, which ta Äcrofulon« Dl«ea«c of th » Lunga, b» promptly and <w r ov« r this t* mi I fatai dlcease, when t); t c ring t*. • •»•**• rtwated rctnedy to la«» pubi’-*. Ir. C i' thought seriou-dy of < • r it I. -i **<’oo »•impiloH Cur,”! Ab too Ihn* d fra* ta-ndsKful <*<»irt! «n,< u i.’W, alterntivr. nr bh>- | k ctor.-ii, u>»u niitrfrf-.’ n->t only ms a renivjy 1/ but R r aU liu^n I in ««ticrF«* Tewfitnony. The Swift *, «• •; ' ;»' ••, A" 'xGa; G-nt leni a F r t V * fl; 1 a m * v . ra rase of «•<•». ma. I u->< i i . i ...« anti ▼ nr loia» U r r< ut••• I.n i V' *’ [»«'« •! :«»rl»> linn Is'ft i*h)»i ala. • i I n-i in r« • t A! list 1 drier ruin. «1 * »t.y «i '. .'-«J. ’n * t-vrii or t-igbl '«•iti«-» ir*'«* rn -•■•« biy r- d.'-t 1 i,.., and jq >4 cau uec this certi Ac • .*• in a«.y manier >«««i * i«'. Hr«*«» H «s-»> hl . Sîemhe. of T «a. a Tn.-auje Tirata.- vu LJ< v I an t * n m j 1« m | fre*. Co., . Alluma. Ga. I CHRONIC 1 Liver, Blosd .0 ABIETINE MEDICAL Company. ' • ÎJâs‘ I I 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME CAPITAL PhlZE, 5300,000 0. &C. Traiis C3ii3ìt al Aibiny ani Corvallis. tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies tlie It is positively said that Villard w.ll whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic pains. We guarantee It- be elected a director ol the Northern la- and Neuralgic _ citic road, Septein' e loth, a .d will pr >b- ; For sale at t’ity llrng store ably tar made piesident of the Oregon ' »•— Transcontinental company, of which Im was practically the founder. : The Dalles Publishing Company has ■ lieen organized at The Dalles for the pill - I |K>se of publishing a Democratic local . newspaper. The company will either ' buy the plant of one of The Dalles papers I ■ or establish a new one. |)$500 REWARD SystsmtorCu.eota RECTAL DISEASES 3 N s I I.AS MI r. DAY REAL ESTATE AGENT ct8maie of Titles to Lani STOPPED FREE N»»W t>l*r v*ks ■ «»> mrr .lef's fl. -S f ltt./Pl »•¡.f •a nd’«' 1« A ■ hl» •' «e a** I fa t»i*l b -nl» I.-* - to ; «aprFM - bar»»*« • n ’ w! -a I* «» » a I «wp»*«. a-1 »r- . ■ t . .««Ar h M Ph ui ’■•»».» P. hit J-A.i if». THE CITY BREWERY, J acksonville . or VEIT S.’HU TZ. PROP LEGAL DOCU' ENTS >f II kind* «Irnw’i -ip. »»peri illy pertaining t< th«* uettlement <»f «wtat«*«. I n! , tier of Irrom.tx—I'rompl Rrniittaim Invi*’m*nt H« tu .- i ! ic « a Specialty. 4'«»unt> 8cri|> Bought and Sold. Ja<*kiu>r I hsv* a romp!»*t»» of Map» of a1! Surveyed La"«!» in th i» r<»iinfy, and receive atatrart» inonlhly from Ir»- bnrg«»f all n»»w ••ntruM mn»ie. I am tl u- i»ri j.; r. ,| to make out H«>rneetrftd ami Pr**ri’ption paper*», and can thus «ave t«» partie« ì : - -K D. ! (Naee. Hrvnal fine farm * are in ray hands for »»ale. PROMPT IlF PLV M ADE T«) ALL LETTERS. R. H' HUrZ R‘spH’TïTLLï INFORMS I Charge in arc« »niance with dietim«»». Refer» by perm i—ion. to (’. C. 19— E-»q. itariiu -D-» <»f I «•%•» •* 'n I«» h ”»I s’irr«Hindi• < .r. J.vL« .f th»s r< a’itrv Hue a i* «»u «i » i-*»i*.*er. an«l v. Bn I "her; t» Hon !.. !î. W c«i i-«u*n t i v k-* •<»•>• «* -4 ui* v»»ry b»**» of G;» • nfilo-ial diNtnct. u«I to any buain^e . on«»-m ta«*r. either in tattle« or k«*i» Jackwnv,!!» SILAS J. T AY- M )l Jl y 1 Y AQUI.\ A & SAN FKANCISCO. Connecting at Yaqnina with the trains of the Cregun I’.’p’itie Kailr«>ad (’<». WHAT KILLS AMERICANS n n r .Voir H um I'stith I liNtl I m » pk tr««ql>li-»l all winter uifh »•«»hi and pain in th«»» be-* ;«• <1 .«t no r»*«i«-t from I r»*rn« «iii-- rem’nnw :.«l»-»i l»v drug *i»*tH and |«b\-i, uni«* At tb»* vt tne time I a .<« ;;«|vei- • i»'- Boeattk »ta ( tl and |jUl i ■ - j Syrup I bmi little faith, but thought t j try it a-a last r<-ort; n«j\v I believe eve ni««r«- than they t« II me <»f it** curative xal»vtht«»\\n Ky s imple bottle 5 cent» at » i»\ I>ru : St« »re .In Ah^nlulf f’ttrr, TheOricin»! Abietine O.ntnieiit ¡«ou!» J put up m huge two-<>nuce tin« un.| í» I an ‘ ab*G»hlte - cure f«»r o|.>i ; <.» <4 4j jj.’ w i I per box—by umil J0 cents. H A lililí A>1> ^ured Without vuttin» Operatisi!; S r Lh 1 11 1 ) First-class Steamship line between l»l \Qnr 30.000 Cures in Six Tsarr I1 L M I For Farms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardens and Lawns PILL9 N erve R estorer i r: n ivàxevco'si LITTLE InsgM F»r«oni Nestor«“! Dr.KLINE S GREAT J y CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE ! works which have become text h«Hjksup- - ................. a dinn«*r . thi afteinoun, to coi imemore.te the taking of Hatteras, twenty live years on the subject. M. Pasteur's inoculation tlu»ory has re­ ago. In a sjH'eeli fieri. Butler advocated ceive,! a staggering blow from Viscount a service pension for eve1 v man who had Donerade’s death from hydrophobia, for liei-n in the «ar. and said that as soon as he went to Pai is immediately after the all I’nion soldiers bad been rated for the f«»x bit him. was under 1‘a^tenr’s treat­ surplus in the treasury should be used to ment f« r a month and i(»turned as cured. |M*nsion Confederate soldiers, as they r FW \oaSHTXti TTVF'il Thl*n, after five months, the malady «ere not res|amsibl«' for their war. but TtaEn«Ata!> i»4M»ì.l.IoN l.l 4 1 RANDDYH- LI V Adi »< irl were sufferers by it. f’L.I’SlA PILE 1« fi»»-)»••»! 1 ■ tta tnftrket. F«»r hr»»k»* out and he »lie,! in four »lays. CO e -ah-by »«Il
  • i*»|»«- iimj « rv. iNTI-BlLfOm and CtTHlDlIC. N«» Il K kxksy t S an F hvxi I noo .(’ ai .. risco h.*s receive«! one contract for buihi An'^ belonging wh«»llv t-» th«* I nit»*d States, 8 u Ì4Ì by Uri!#givi». X- j cvui4 u vuU. mg a I . S. cruiser. Th-ir bid wa> $1. i ’< is difficult to nn I. r-tand what the L»»n- 42N.IMW, which is $13,000 greit<*r thanl,l’,n »nyans by suggesting that one I the bid of an eastern firm. But as (he H**r Majesty s in n-o-war he s“nf « ruiM'i i** t>» sail in Pacific waters, it wa*1 t **r»- to pr»»’ect British sealers John calculated that it would vo*»t the govern- nuay rest assnr» »! that when Br«»th OL_____ ____________________ , mellt a.H Ui »IS,000 U> bring the vetwel t.. »T Jonathan sava h- will not pennit Bri- f-a-i- .feet ;rhwUcbtluj t«»tis in he tlo-coast if it was built in the eust. ' : tn ' hunt -■■■ seals ■■ ■■■ \mp. '■ ■■■ ican water!» •■■■’........... - »>4 cannot cur?. . ' will not, n fortiori, all »w English (Till- ; !; v >. : a -alAcnaw fn-ri. The fuHowing highly improbable rd ' sera to fort e him to. ;JF tb» • riTenaiivf* or ottier- w 4T. f-tu-tml l»hw<»f smell, tush», mot concerning the intention of the Ore­ nr I m nrtnir. we ak eye* dull l»ua gon I’acitic gains spate in last week’« er pce?» I •»• *1. • «.»il h.n »• (’rt'arrn. TloO *h-t'gnuiiin ; “It j- ni*i <»re»i in r.iilr»»a f < Miar rita •• I’pl<1 lia Meaifty** its tt-rniinns in Portland, ihe st««r\ " CaUrrhBl I Jr ad a* hr. fj ctata, t ■>.«« it Il secured i iitt'i a I loan « >.i i I > of ’i <■ $ in/r n » > i ‘ goea that 10.tkM>.K !• i...;¡,i .......... ........ i..„ r....... i.... to build AcrosN the (’iu»<*:i Wff life are sorrowfully •• • KZ a vaa « j let JV b I h ' h I. I,.tw ih -‘ . h ’.| k . iiit»*«! ng.-nt and «Mrrr« fa r»n«»«mcre uu ail goods for physic i-tn *«»i 1' 1--.>••!. nf-*r Or»-g«»ti. and luu« 11. gene w ill have another raiboad. R cent alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker’s l*er«oiial or fnmily u «•. Telle how 10 ■ w«» in«»nt 1- 11 1 !•• • . 1 a »*»r «»( ,-ur ,»f ca» m , in <’orr»*N|Hin»leiice on the part of Eugene Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia, onlrr, and give« »tail ro-t «»f fiery- «••»in«* «»f winch. »»•<»|>**rati«in* with th«* knife (»eopl«- with the Southern Pa»’ific «»Hi«*»;« I m IndiiTPstion and Constipation; sold on a haveo-ily d »rm Lai n. thin« you u-e, rat. drivh. wear, or l»’-f th p -rrn i •- t<» Mr. J « h . 4V. \V<- ith«»r- <»li« it.** the reply that the extension of the positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by har* fun with. Threw INA 41.1 4111.IC ,’«»r«i.-Ini^gist. w»*ll-\'«.wn in Sa? n. Mr. Frank nanow guage from (’»»burg to Eugene, < itv I >nitf Store HOOKS contain inf«»rn*ation gleaned *« ir«h «»r. rnaehi!ii»r at « ar-akut»**. *tid other». and eventually to Soislaw, ia senoiwlv from lhr tnarhrle of the world. Air Will .»*.•••? putmntsat will maii a copy i I< • I*', to any a I- < <»hternplat»*d by them. T!.i* w ill an ' drraa tspon receipt of lOcta. to defray J. FRALEY’S HOTEL, ASHLAND, imp«» tant fact« r in the development of riprovc of mailing. Let ut hear iron» Lane « «»unty, a* it will open up what in Every N«-r«» 1 I \-m-h» in Each W«»sth. you. Ke«|*r«-t fully, » «•on>i«h*red to I h * a very valuable t»-rri- > r«*»» f«»r pamphlet on R-*«-»al D im '*» l *» cm . MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. tory. DR. J. B !’ILKIN«ir»ll. • 41 JU ¿¿'J 45 ubn-b Avenue. ( ioragi». III Portland. <>reg«»n. Sho-d.ntie, Idaho, Sept. 3.—Senator • H» arst, with Governor St»»ph»*nsun ami Pabli'* Noti« e, Delegate Dnfn»i*«. recently hebi a confer- j »•nee r»*garding the pr«»p»>ard enlargement ’.ll I« E IS HEREBY GIVI N I’H 4 I’ HF \ MI S _ !.;*»»• i »I h «I u I ir-..i- nu rtar «»f ftair > of the lmundaiies of Idaho w ith reference - ? 9 il > ~ i” r,,.- ».i .[ ,'i ta- i.' *• -<»x :ii'c«»u» »« in th»» hftinl* <»r to statehooii, which Idaho expect** kooii J if- Huit«*r f-»r «-«»lb<-tu»n. hii «I hnw <»r«l*-r»-«l to demand with other teiritorie**. Sen thftt t-u I a »«» .-••II-• ti«»n !»•• i«rol • AAtta un«|.* nm» m »«!•• inv»«gaiHUt* t' at im«k<* ¡1 u»»« - at»»» st» w.irtta move to annex Nevada to ■»»*«' that h»- «-<»11« «•!» th»* IU-»II»*V that in .«t»lf u fh.* <»ttt- *-«>f K«-Rm»» A 44Tat»*, m JaflkwwwiH«*. conference it was suggested that the Oregon. j Idaho line l»e extende«) northward F M.KEAMFH. ■ through Montana, so as to take in the ' ! counties of Beaverheft»l and Missoula. « M H ht The < fceiilental hotel at Seattle i- to be New York, Sept. 3.—Scenes in the enlarged and rebuilt at a cost of *75,000. , riiert will be a reserve fund on which to stock maiket this morning have never >• : I i 1 i 1 l«i' I >Jl* ««rii draw iu ease the hotr'l do«'- not pay <»x- been equaled in the hi-toi vof the street. I Every one of’lie broker- seemed to have Fast Living Reckless F at- peuses. Let Portland take hee l. ru )M TA i ^ uin a : JKKOM SAN FK.4N'« ISCO: fi 1 lamette Vil ley ... . . Saturday. July 3 » Will irn-tt»’ V iliej .. Auf. 5 . ..Friday. buying orders an I little or no slock was ing Hard Drinking Two hundred and thirty murders oc- ant»*rtiOrecu i ... Tiiur-day. Vllg. < E i-. ern Or g«»n .. . Wetine-dsy. " 1J I offered for sale. The fluctuations wer*» úllainett»- Valley................ I*i<- >lay. 16 • W• Ilamette Valley ... . Tuesday. eur'ed in Jul) in the I nited States, .Itul sll wide ami on an upward scale. Poor Sleeping So­ a»trrn Or»»g»»;i............. Sunday, II E m -' t : i Oregon . Sunday. 2i 240 suicides; 179 lives were lost by nquina City . ................. Situr-lay *• 20 \ anilina < 'if y .. . . Saturday, “ cial Jealousy — _ in hard Boston seems to !»• playing road accidents and 163 by drowning; hllamett«* Valley i'hur-day. ’’ 25 W»flametto \alley. . I'hurfrtiay, Sep. i .1 ■ ■ ( tregi . I Political Am­ E int rn Oregon . ... i Wedneaday, “ more than twice the numtier recoided m I lurk. The nine p ay^ good ball as a rule, but sotnefiow they I«» m»t make as nianv any other month. bition-Vio­ The Company rnxervea the ri -I.* t » <• ,anv- ailing day I runs as the other b*ll«»ws. It must be lent Pas­ It requiied a force of one hundred so', I the fault of pitchers. The Huhbitet* S. B TOBY, Gon. F. A P. .Agent. 4 M e,tg«»inor;. St. San Franciero. olis. He will in the 1 nited State- is decreasing p- reach that city on the morning of Octo­ Bartlett pears from California hav** (every year. Sudden deaths from ber the first, and will remain four hours, been bringing |1 a dozen in N *.v York i H Native pears there are scarce and poor. jiiervous collapse among our Itusi proceeiling thence to St. Louis. I Egg plutns and green gages from Cali ness, profe.-ional an«l public men i B. S Worsley, ex-president of the •I fornia have b»«en bringing 35 cents a d«» are so fretpient as scarcely to ex Stat«1 Firemen's assix iation, is using his zen. It may be suggest«**! that the rea ! iiitl’K-iice to have the next annual tour­ son why Oregon makes no profit out of cite remark, riie majority of sui­ y nament held in Portland. According to VI fruit is primarily l»e«’aus*» she hadn’t the cides. comtnitted without apparent the A’rtrj ho will moot but little opposi­ fruit to sell. Yet sin» might have it, in reason, or under so-called “depres tion as to the next meeting place. enormous quantities. sion of spirits,” are really prompt­ r’i There is good reason to believe that I Governor Penncver has start**«! on his l-M Jacob Sharp is not nearly so sick a man :Ä*7’ I Eastern tiip. He will s)>end a few «lays ed by nervous prostration, which as he has la'en represented, and that his r I in Philadelphia at th«» Centennial is a fruitful source of insanity and alleged agonies are magnified to serve a (’«‘lebration of the adopt on of th«» Consti- crime with all their grief ant week Collector of (’ uh - j with Grover is harf Fence sent un applica Meeker. The I’tes ar<* all on the res<»r- an,-,i.i. ,j Lj ql(, rounty curt o< Jackson coutuj. OieKon.sittmo in I robot»-, adiuimaratoro« tin- «»tato of Wm I atton, (I«T.*J;ri< (1. All t»rsonsinul»iir:<( on of tt •- . u ?( cp . ii , « . *’ LY IT» I ÍW .diniu tratvr. Dated Angui»« J»», jx»*; í'' 1 No. II KirorMi-y mmm t r**»ct«co, I m N«*rv«»u- D«-)» iiu. >. niuial W»*ftkn*«r>*. ExhAunt e«lVitaht> S| < rinatorrheft LOST .MANHOOD, hnj»«»»»*i>«-v. Pur t'\-i-. Pr«»*f>it«»rrhcra. aim I h II the •’•rribu- • -ft -i ti-- f s.-lf HhiK»* mini os«-«-»« in mHture or THS > «air»». Much h * I ••«- <»f Metn«»ry. LasMitnde. Noc turn««: F fniiHHi'- H*rer>»i<»D to Horiety. Diriine»** •f Vi*i«»n, V ■-••*« *n the head, the vital fluid i-BMins unob*»-i¥«Mi m th«» urinv.Bndmanyotb* >-r di**«Mu»-> th»«t !••;««! r«« inwih an«i JcHtfi. Y Oi .Mi *1 . N Tf you feel d»:U, Jn IMtdterf, bare Nuft-jring fr«»-n anj <»f the above symptom«, aallovr color of s .ii., • r r y» ilr.w .«h-brown arofs ■«houl'l r«»n “ iiif al «>■»<•♦• Th«- dram can ta c«n fari or body, fri • ».-ui h-H iHciie or aizzi •*f«»t»|M*«i. virftiif;. 'i** an«i life ta made again r* «, tuet t.! <- • • • ru; . teru. I heat or r hillA a pb-asnrv ir .u*a«i re*t«»rv«|. «•» a bur.d«i«*r, often arcompariiHd hy a Nliaht * .¡•il4ou«new«.a' — ■— < « -• i only :n . n uiy rt of C h -*- a; rnpfnms ; .<« t-An» ri* i ; « d. At : r.• • inartinK«»r bu-nii-g *r, í ptarccta •» l^r. ’¡erecta «■widcu iUed&LAl liisc^very au lb»p> ta«ii:n i r m tta urine, etc. Many di»» of till* «t «»f the catl>*e. which in the * . ’ «al. F .rW. nic Pinoci, ■A«a*«»n»i stage of Hftninnl weakne-s ¿ » l «I» - » .1 \ ■ . . ► »I« IS ( lrch G i ui » ’ *. fkt > i Aii hu h C asks «hortne <>r Urlili., Bronckltl. ¡(J L ! 4 «»o^o111»■ loo Free •*v. i'li<»r«»ugli ex tn ma- L V’rO 'ou-b*, C'unftumpiion, bim ’ lion aad adri«*«*. in« ;»* î;:. w ii'ling cheniit-ril analysi*« and k drvd afT« < ■ h «i.*», it L a Boveteign i -«- hm *«I v . ■Ma»pir •■xa:niaat>«»ii i»f the urine. >5 An •nd ten «<*,*•* In ■t.’.tna f«»r Dr. P.<-rev’s tauk uq U u U ò iixiptiuiu by l>ruIslw. I h«»n»-*t * [»«mon given n erery »•«'<«• l’ite foli-.wing Med; - PER ViTVL RFST<)R\ rivi. >.i I h »'G -. «»t four ’lin.H« the quantity $lu. N imiu k Borri.k F hfk World's SispMW, “«¡dical Association, Sent to any one ap|*iyiny by i««tter. atating «•>n»pt«»m^. sex ¡nd a«r*-' Htrivt •»•HT«*Hy in r«*gard Prorrirtora,eKJKu . u B ctjaw , N f. l»» an bunii.e*** trai>-Micti»»na. Theeeienral. T ' Jp-i LUNG RESTORER. SANTA ABIE, exhibit before the Mayor. There are not Chan Han Fau, a tuii-Diooaeu full-blooded mongo- inongo- 1 less man nan rau, 1_____________ r............... .. city w here I than fifty places ............ in the KING OF CONSUMPTION. * lian, was made a duly ordained preacher i facilities are afforded to those who are ! «• by the Methodist Conference Friday. i desirous of “hitting the ]>i|ie.” The ma- I The original and only genuine acieotitic com­ pound of .Abietine Gum and Yerba Santa, The sounding sea has commenced to ! J?«1* oi ‘heae are run under the cover of ; for ( ought». Ccida. i.ung and Bron­ .. . ., I Chinese ItinoHC» laiimlripu laundries, nn»,.ifne*»R. and Sore Eye«. Re the Labels of each bottle Not a secret com stores the H'-nse of taut“ and smell; removal* bn ! Segliers, lias been found and arrested for nificently furnishe«! and an introduction pound. For Hale by all drugsiata, wholesale and tafttoand unpleafutut breath, resulting from Ca­ the crime he committed. He was found from some one known to tin» keeper, as j tarrh. E asy and pleasant to use F«»llow direr, ví retail. at Ounalaska on the Behring Sea. tione and h cure ie w irnmled. H»-n«l for circular well as a fee of *15, is necessary to secure i to ABIETINE MEDD Al. COMPANY. Oroville; I admission. The laundrv business in the | TRY HANTA’ABIE AND CAT-II—CUKE Caiifoniia. owner« of the only Abn tine (ir<»ve The heaviest shipment of sugar ever PREPARED ONLY BY front part of the dens is merely a cover to | and Distillery in th«- world. sent front San Francisco went over the the nefarious work which is in progress Union Pacific line last Saturday. The Nia Monili«* Trenlment, Ml. by .Vieil. ^'^6- ijt in the rear, and many of the opium dive shipment aggregated over ninety car­ HI IO. keejiers have found the business so prof­ Oroville. Butte i'o., (J. S. A loads. itable that both night and «lav gangs of Ownern of the only Abietine Qrove nd Dietil- SANTA ABIE AND OAT-R-CDRE. Jefferson Davis lias accepted an invita­ washie-washies are employed on the stool ery in the world. “/xs. -JM*’ tion to attend the state fair in Macon,Ua . pigeon style, in order that the div«' may fWSENDFOR PARTICULARS For Salt by all DrucgiwtH. on Octobei-26. On that ilav there will never beclosed. Mayor Roche is credi­ BU be a reunion of all surviving ex-Confed- ted with the statement that the work of the moral purification of the city will be erate soldiers. I I pushed in every direction. The Pope has received home contribu­ Í tions amounting to »dO.OOO and foreign H ints to I. adiks . —Cleanliness de­ contributions amounting to »90,000,to be mands that ladies occasionally wash i A devoted to paying the expenses of the their hair For them to thoroughly dry I Catholic jubilee. it at once is compulsory ; if they do not, Lehman Blum, of Pendleton, having an 1 the water is allowed to dry in the resigned as a member of the State board hair, the w'eretion of the oil glands be­ of agriculture, Governor Pennoyer yes­ comes decomposed, and asour, extreme­ To assist terday appointed in his stead J. B. ly offensive oder is emitted. ■ H’r ilo hereby certify that wesupervise in drying long hair after it has been car- Keeny of the same place. Aoco’nmodat íogh tin-iirpa^taai for coaifort ni I safety. ... Fares and freight via Yxquiiia and the \the arrangements for Monthly ana fully rubt'e l in towels, finely powdered Gr»'g»»n Dev !'»pHi»Tit S’ • tm-hij'- nueh h' i byanj1 other rinite between ali pointa tu ; Quarterly Drawings uf The Louisiauu The Detroit* are the first team in starch can be taken up on a brush and th<* Willani^tv Vail*.' and San Fianciaco. | State Lottery Cmnpmiy, and m person country for the sea on of 1S87, that then removed by contii ued brushing. . manage and control the Drawings them­ played a game free from passed calls, selves, and that the same are conducted wild pitches, baseson balls and bases on T he 35th Oregon Confeience of the M. I honesty, fairness, and in goml faith towaid being hit by a pitched ball. E. Church luet in Port lami last week. rill partie», ihr thaniianij thanpany all parties, amt ui in aalhurue authorize the Rumois are out that Jay Gould was The announcement that this was the L a ivo Yuquii a Grave Albany 1:15 I* M to use this certifleate, with /ac-sitniles of our “ ('orva)liH thirty-fifth annual session establishes the “ t ’ orvallia I M r M the real purchaser of th- Baltimore A ugnature» attached, in its ailrertiscments. Arrive Albany.... Arrive Yaupiina . . 5:45 p M Ohio express company, and that he will age of Methodism in this State. Filly- one pastorates were represented by twice get hold of the railroad and telegraph tiiat number of delegates, ministerial and lines of the same company. lay Mil members, and tut these in I turn repre- | : ««■»» Mil rv < r* | ullll Of 111 111 11 1« I • Milwaukee, Sept. 2.— lo-ila) Jav Eve a membership of six thousand. . I I.. .1. ..«• lo *»«) seconds, the halt mile in ' • wx. AN.VV IS Blood Remedy gusran- WM. M. HOCUE, C. C. HOAC, 1 :0!l3.,. three-quarter* in 1 49, and the i iiencral Manar» r. Acting (». F. P. Agent. teed. It Is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup­ < uaiiiniaaioner* ('orraili». Or. I mile in 2:l7la. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder ncr-'r varies. A marvel of purity trcr.gth ST-d wj.olcMMneneM. More emnomk’ai Jinn the ordinary 1 ..«!<,an-l cannot tasoid in com oecition with the- multitude of low to«t, short J rs. SotDOVT.VIS «.? XS. Al - Aj i.-ULLYli pQWMA Co.. 100 tL Y. STRONd (ail'LAP Administra tor’s Notice In th«* matter uf the WMo.»fJ G. rttr|*am, dn. on» E ls IIH.II.y GIVEN THA'I THE un.iersig *d t.H- I... ; ; I p. r.tKil.y t)...<<,Ub. o-couit Of J a. W c«.unty. Min,.* in I roiiat». adiniuiHtrator of th»-«*H..i« ot J »■ Dur­ ham. d»T«*heed. A .i ['»•! *»oi > in«i»*bt<- t>->d « ’ht«'it ratiir. Dated Auru-t 2»J. ta7. N Este utrix's Notice. in ttamatt.-rof tta «» <»f Juhu y<»JB EIS «il4J N IHATTHE UN- À.A d.-n»iün« «i ha* ta- apj ..nn ut fy. Or«*g.»n. b ttn *• p Flo­ at«». «*xi-«*utrix of fi « «stato of John Straube <1« <*. All t«eiboiirt it d« l.t ■ «1 to »aid ■ at«* are r« «jiieet- d to r- tt.' iti«- b.»in inu«. « an > U. om hav- ■ fig claim-ag.: t;.«- . tat- will p cm nt ft . m .«1 in«* at il lo a ' Sprinta prw*n<*f. J-:< ktM>n - «»untv, Or-gon. a Hit ihe proper vouch* r- at- farh«d. Wit in ri,x inot.fl - frmu th* tir«(pu h- cation of thi»* 1 ot.« « . -HID 1 IN 4 Si RAI BE. Ex.-eiit. ix. ba 1 Dk<7 ..once ior fublie «tion Land ( Jffi«*«* nt R«>*. burn. Or.. / Augu»4 3i>. |**7. ( VOTH F IS Hi I EliY ».IVI N 1HAT THE i.1 foli«»w; «i • tt • r i Jil.-d n.iti«-<- of l.l* iiit.-ntioii tn m ik»' .Hihl |>riM«f in aui-port of Iu* rlftiin. and that Kai«* proof will ta made ta- fore tta Judg«* or ( l»*rk <»f th« » <»unt> * «.urt of Jfickrou rout ty. fit Jackson y HE*. Or., on lue» «ihy Oct. 4tl>, D*«. iiz 44. 1 <«••rm m. Louie* M. a(, for th ■ N • «»fK’’^, h »-«*- ’i««! 7. ar<144 > . ot > A u. <-t> Tp 37. S of R. 1 ha-t. 44 M H>- i an ■ - the f«»ll«wtng wit* U sses to prill' I ps . ;u.*i' n*H)«h t c<* O[i<»n, and . ...................... - mi mn t. v/. 44. F B»*nn «»n of Dry < i • kJackJ We the undersigned Bank« am! Bankern v. i. J. A (rm « I'm.-iu. M pAy all Prize-«irawi in the l>»uiHÌana Sfate 1 , !- -on < ou; ty **r» «.: . and Dtvi.i Faync. of E i»*n [ ftr 1DCÎ. Jack-*.:¡ « «■ n fx. * »r. go- t er let- which m ay be prenenfed at. our con nt ere .1. II. 4M. I.I SItl , ( has . 44. J ohnston Register. Pre*. Izuiieiaua National Bank I’. I. AN il X. Pre- State National Bank A. BAI.I» 44 IN. Lftitd Uttiv«- at RoM-buig. Gr.. 4 Pre-. N. O. National Bank Aagiibta. [hS7. J 4 A KI. KUH N. VOTICI IS HEREBY (ilYi.N IHA'J THE Pree. Union National Bank. a.* f<«ll«»wn.K-ri.Mii»«i -.liar tat-fibd I.«.tic«- <,f hi* iii «-lation t«« niak»- pro««f ii support of liiw ciann, ami r&i. mj ■•««!• ta - f«n«* the 1« rk «>f the ( oui.ty < « <»t J- ckbog OVER HILI 1 HlLLIl'MllxTRIBlTEll roui-ty. Or .at Jac kn<»t ville. Or., <»n Saturday, S» l> H . ¡bb7 Viz < ari J Su» r • i lh« « n ptiun D S. N«. 4MI, f«.rilie i , «JN j ‘«.fee. 2. v 11». 37. S. R . 1 w«ht. \\ M |]e nmn»*b th«» t-.- f«»liov ii-g w i’r.• to pr<»ve Ita «-«»iitniuoQ* Incorporated in 1W.H for 25 year« by ’he Legm r»-hl«J‘ IH »- iq.oD. aid ruhivhl a-r «.f M«)d h«j <1. viz: iature Tor Educational ami Charitable purp«»*«-* John A. 44ili:t n-. >f , a . 4Vjitanih Jr., with a capital of >1 .«>■»,»■ a> to which a ie-<-rv. hr- t.Lar^-n aiai Jol t; Smith, all of M.dfotd, fund of $550,014.) has mace taei> added. Jacktou c«>ur t\. Oregon By an overwhelming popular vote ita franch h - ( H 44. J< IP STGN. Iht-fft« r. •’an made a [»art of the pr«-»ent StaCeCountitutn»n adopted Dec. 2d. A. D. 1879. Notice for Publication. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by th-- people«»! any State. It never scale»- or po-t- Lai.u h .< -t lb»—•t»nrg. Or.. I [>«»r:»*h. AngUbt, 15, 1^*7. ( It» Grnutl Niaifle Number »raNinit* 011' 1 is HEJ.l’in v t i bai ihe will take plac«* monthly, ami the Semi-Annual f«» b«win*.--iU4UM d -< tthr La> ti ’ m i i ..iic-of Drawing* regularly ever tux moi tl.- Jun< a hi » Decetntar .1 ciaim. find tl at »-aid p?.«»f will l»<- ma«l«- l.c A M’l.lYl'II) ni’POIt 1 I > | | 4 (<> t- f I Ju«.ge «•» < 1« r It « f tl.«- < Wl\ A F4»K I I .> » MN h GK4NI kM»n < <>.. Or.g« !. .t J.., k-ui DRAWING, CL.A8S 1. IN THI ACADEMY Ot i u—«i t.«. b. j t .7. 1 •,<. v 7 I MISB.M.W ( RLi 4.NS. TUESDAY. SEP I.«—t«-a«J ». \V m . || t : m« • - •! it h f I 4'otice-Ticket* ar<- T«-n Ihillar« <»nh. Hal»«-«, .7. .4 t V Fifth». $2. T« nths. jgu. Liar OF PBIZFS 44' JOHNblU. 1 •giM«*r. 1 ( APITAL PRIZE OF Í15o.(«:v • $1 1 GRAND---------- ■“ i’HIZE OF 5»J.t* u.. Summons 1 GRAND PRIZE OF - ■ ■ 2 LARGE PRIZES OF l 1 tie County » out I of the State :.' Approximation Prize- of f:kii tith-d now <»n --- III- with the « lerk ... <»f ------- Court, ----------------- ---------------------- i «>_ 100 1 -Mill < ourt. t» n day», from tii<> tiate of (ha 21)0.. i -•-tvi- eof tin-summon»» upui. y<»u. if » ri. d in 100 Juckwon county. Oregon; hut if M*rv«*d in any 2.179 Prizes, amounting tn ..................$535.014 <»th»-r r«»unty in the >ta'<- of (Ircgon. thru within twenty d ,y- from the date of the* -••rvict* of tt«is Application for ratea to cinta »hould ______ _____ _ t»e mad« upon you: or if -<-rv d <•!.,lr>7. And Money Ordere, or New York Exchange in ordì ■« you .-<;»• I,. I.-by Iiotih.-dt at if you fail t«> ai nwer ry lettor. Currency by Expreee (at our »*xpene< -1 a • »mplaint. a- h r by r qn. • i.tho plaintiff addreeeed will apply to <:.«•( ourt for h judgm»-; t against M. A. D.AUPHIN. New Orleane, La you for the* »uni of £126 .<*. wtR mtei • *t at the or M. A. DAUPHIN. Washington. D. C. n»tc of ten iw-r <*»*iit. p.-r mihju 11 from June 2V, tasd. and $»1 attorr ey fw-. together will« the c« -t- »! <1 d.Mi uir<-in»-iitN of 11.,- a* tu»n. Publi-‘...<| ih tl,.. D im .- h \ i ,. liau forsil WKW OKI.EA5S NATION ALBANI* miiimm u' iv<* w»*ek-. by an <>rd< r of H. -n. E. New» OrlrMii«. |,i ,n, D- P»*att. Judge <»f th»* Maid ( ounty ( ourt, made AujpiM rt. is-;. (liven nude.- my Land t th day of Aug- P V 17 \f P V P That the presence of < .-n- Il I j 31 I j wtL I 11 <*ralr* tin- sard and I ar UHt. I'M»« ly, u h<> are m c* urge of the drawingw. 1« a gua E. I I’KIM. Attorney for I'iair.t ft ant>>«* of at»« >!ute fairnet«». and rntegrity. that ti • chance» are all »-qual. and that n«» one ran p -»•:- b'y divine w at number» w 11 draw a Priz . REMEM AER that t h»*nay m-nt or all l‘riz< *• Guardian’s Sale oí Real i-(»l v a t \ i t t 1» IH Hll K'tl |O4 VI. BORx. f Estate. N»-w Or lean-, an! the ti<-k -t- are nigmai b\ th«- President of an In-titutum, who*-e chart *r. i In the County Court • f th»* State of <>r'4» n. for rights are recogniz—l in the highest < ’ourt*.; there­ k*<»ij County fore. beware of any imitation* or anonyinou- I it t h<’m ttD’i of Ja« t ••* K1>J R * »F SALE. DULY ir*bUt«d «»ut of th. above* ont it ¡«*<1 Court« th« undersig ;.*» r«»nt unrig H) aerea, himí tti«» SE ’< «»f s 3.*». <*untftining lta ar«« »*, all in Tp :W s, of i; *¿ E uii- e#i“t half of thr S4V’4. an«i ti «* S4V < •r th. S44 •< <*f H 12; Xml liti* N44‘ <»f th»» S4V \_ •»' S I 4. iu I p. £ of IIS « . «'ontMining Ita arr-.« i he n«»n , half of i.r premi*«*», known a* th«* A«.. ... o „ >**» ’». ami St- rat» 5 r..r«ly<*e claim. '« Hl «i p ftn•» link*«; ttance N 4'.» ctiaim ft’ d 73 link*; íhown in picture 'w ÌÙ »’hair.«* an«i «¡.I link« to th»* pin«*»* «»f taginning, c<»nta;i ing K1W Hen** and 78 luiiof an acr«*. J M MARK Guardian. Notice for Publication. U NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Louisiana State Lottery Campa 1 Capital Prize, $150,000 Address Registered Letters to T ? B r,r at both ends ami till th«' lunatic asylums and the graveyards. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. The disea-e from which we suf fer and die is, in plain English, FARMS FOR SALE. N ervots D yspepsia , as it is seated STAFF LIFE! | in the Nerves ami in the organs of T OFFER FOR SAf.EON ID AHONABLI • -rm»* li»H<* <»f t'u» b»-*t Stock «»r Dairy Farms in South­ Digestion, Assimilation and Nutri ern ()r»*gon. sitii-iled on D« er Creek. J«»**«-phuie I OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA County, «-«»ntaming 32»' arr«»» «»f rich bottom lan«t. tion. Ilealthv digestion being im ••spvi-iully adapt» tl to th«* growth «»f tnn«»thy hay STEAM FLOURING MILLS VIA clover. Ataut «»ne-half is cl'*at«*«l and in pede«l or destroyed, the whole mn¿rna.leat A-hland wifi, .U««. note the difference in weight. t h.» r«»unt.v; aDo another x <-ih nt place contain alifornu. Orea-on and Idaho sta. ,, GEO J acr«-- its warnings—headache its the • ng For 12> full Flour and Mill-Feed <01.1 ÍU Mil la <>, M „iiv,,. p trtieula’H r ill up«»n or midresj» <>. J. VANNOY morning; a persistent «lull heavi­ I> Medford and San Ira^nwo. FOR 5ALÉ^KQ£AL£R5 Eyx" Constantly on hand and nxchang»*d for wheat Kerbyville. < »rvgon tw.n,t> .ix Loun.. ness or aching the base of the BARLEV ROLLERS. CAMPAR MA r\f F.Sg TI.4INS DAILY. brain; wakefulness; loss of appetite ll ivirg added a set of Barley Holler»« f<> mr mil! South. 1 M I 1--7 \ ... and disgust with food; loss of men­ illE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALEA 1 tiav»» H«»t apart »»very Saturday to Roll Barley f«.. HOME INO'ST.’Y 4rci* mi No. 1 grain farm, contain! !"l acre* of lilial».»' ruat«»xnei>. The w«»rk will ta done <»n »hort tal energy and interest in ordinary land. h: '> A M. L» ‘ «ve Ij ing n»MT the Htag * r »ad.-ix nule* east of notice, ho that part i»**. inn return with their gn*l 8:-t i « M Arriv* Haine day. I am pr*pare«l to roll barley at all duties an«I business; restlessness Jh' k*o;iviiie. Place is well improv'd; good the w 11 of water for hous'' u.^e .-aid living ntream tim»»aand in trie he*d manner. Thia pr«»ceHa *.a FRUIT TRKKS and anxiety without any assignable for-toek. Alno. 215 acres lying within half a far ahead of the cruaher. G. KAKEW8KI mile of Phoenix, all under fence; can at Minali at the— reason; eructations; bad breath; ex|H»tiM» daily between Pori Und and Ashland. put in cultivation. On the 2»4-acre farm there in lit» acre-« of trrain and hay growing •I??!''0; 4 V ,L U- F,‘rr’ m»k"* connection with foul mucous on the teeth; occasion that 1 will sell with the farm if ie>ir<‘d. (’an ÎÎ!.m7.ÂrS,h- al giddiness; palpitation of the give |w»t*M‘HFÌon at any time. For p’lFtieular® call on or address JOHN S. HERRIN. heart; sallowness of the skin; coat­ Ashland. ( Oregon. ..., .Vy,;*t »ivi.ton. KI.« « I.» > ron i i , , •»*» <»K» »I.!.!« To the Miners and Mine B. F. MILLER. Prop. ed tongue ami gradual failure of FARM FOR SA jl E I i . - , Owners of Southern strength and ambition. 7;*t A M I amvm to i ngage in other pur I'uriLu.i Al M. Oregon. The rentedv is a total abandon­ esiring Mint*. 1 «»ff.-r for m .- i D <»n r»»aH«»n ibl«* t»*rmH my 12:25 I*. m \rtiv»* * ... VhlllH I , 1 P M property on 44rilliHin*» cr»-«-k, JoM«*phine r«»unt.v. ment of the habits ami customs j It compri-M*»* I rxi-Kr.s^Tiois t,.:,, Y") acr»*« <»f land, moet of winch ih which cause the disease in eaeli I in«ler fen«*»*, well watered and «t:**ceptibl«-to cul- eing in mis section now , m aking a furnished to <»rd«*r; alno • »ivation. Th* dwelling h«»u«e ami <»ufbuilding* B "r»‘|»ort" of rertain mining property for ea-t- individual ease, and the use of ; are in g<»od condition. l»--Hid«*H which th»*re mu I ern re/n tìe.,C', ■•<'“•’ -> »m.«ra.a.uf S haker E xtract of R oots (Sei­ ' Forfurth'*r [.articular*, emiuir** on Hi»* pri-iniw**». am! make arrang-m-tt* with them to render an SU.-.LE ¿ 0BÎ7AMENTAL TREE G. B. < AL1>44FI,|.. Hluktrntf-il--|<« port" ami thorough invr*tivation gel's Syrup) to cure th«' mischief ' »ra’idre«*« F- I’. ItOfiFItb. 44’il 1 iamr P. (1 Or. of the Title. ( orrrrf l.ocafinn Line«», amount of R. K oehler . «t. F. A I' ahk . Aj-'t (iravrl or Ore in wight. i»<-r»«nnally aw«»a»«-«I «alut* Manaor already done. This great remedy, CHOICE PEACHES A SPECIALTY of»«- «iGeolngiral ( hart of the *W eradicate Ner­ frotnJack ’«»nvillr. contatning PUUvrr«. Wí» acr»»»* E My B»-ntty«»f M' «ib»rd, t<» whom any coinmunica- and1 r ru!tivati<»’¡ and tho balance bomu tion for me mny be addn-H-ed vous Dyspepsia. To do this it heiir» tirst-claHR timt»»*r and parture land. A go««! I 1)R. WILLIS E FVFBETTE. AUSUST CARLSOlî. Prep., barn and oQtbuildinm* ar» cor.rn ctid wit|> Practical Mining Fi|»»*r! A ( ontuiltingGeologist. a«-ts directly and gently but pow- hollar, ¡he place. Tifie pi>rf**ct and t»*rin« re*i-*<»nnblp I F»»r furthrr particular* apply »«• the P imfk fully upon the disonlered stomach, • ‘tficr or I'W. At MEETS, MEDRO. OR. J. H. it< d t hit» \v •!l-k *i<»wa hotel amt ruad a num *? | as a safe ami whoh'some am>«lvm' I»» t of tm[irovein«»nt« wlm-h <-ann<»t but prove m -t'.,|','l’.1.''“‘l'ns ’’“F-r. cannlwsj. be funn.l un /HOENIX, [Mtpu'ar ¡without the slightest narcotic ef- The tab!** it» furn:*»h«»| with t he tast the mark* t •t-i%¡J7:;.;" ■ ■■*•’-•*»» ftffor is. a - .4 the b *d * ar-« <-let«i and • 11 for*abb* 1 I feet, : ih «1 then leave.« the nerve- i to No [»vn«* *:»ir •< t<* give MliNfa«*ti«»n. Rat»«« ■ÓMÌTER DE-COTE. ' A-H-< ARLSON. I regain their natural tone ami quite reasonable. ÍE INVITE IN d’F.(•¡»UN­ II A GODFItEY. ¡strength through its womlerful in- WARNING. [tlnenei'upon the function of nn- / VA1TLE AND HORS.' > BRANDED HL ON ■ T hkum )E » iiehi - in nivrsw 4 i > k tri tion. •’’> 1"H i L b*ft hi[». Ata<> «'.i».l«‘ ta*!t, him ! ueoding w • at i- du, «lyspeptii's have l,«\.n restore«! bv brand* ri. i \ i>. OK1UOM. H ID* ftli tho«» J*|e. I>ee. W. i«,. UK*‘-•»-B. ISH. rixM- Alt*«» catti ■ bran J-«I with SI’«»:i left ntp mftagrwit fav«»rto ea|l an(j without fun tar it from the depths <>f miserv to a A'id mark«*»! cr«»p in n» c*n«H* trouble or ««xp.-niu* UI 1* ft war fresh enjoyment <«f life and lab,«r tognybotly but la co.-nix»Ilwd t«» a*k a *poo .. !■ -Ik !:n-s r—1« .■F~ 1 " ' • n "i l ÍU taurant is ua.arpassMl is i iea