tifiti Hida’ 3 hilf} t y i> rm ri.. The White is king. Thu beautiful rain. I unno ÍTAT¿S OffIC1U P.USS Oregon Kidney Tea. Attend the State Fair. ► HI PAY . SEPTEM BEH». Vacation is fast closing. .1 €7i«« ptrr o/'.<«-rid«- Ed. Garrett of Manzanita precinct, aged about leu years, had one of bi* arm* bad­ ly fractured bv falling from a tree une day recently. I’he r.tin* caused an interruption of trav- I'll«! Sh.'-t.f “(’«»iirier” pays some of the l t-l on the S I’ R. R in northern California pi-mi»« r staj.'«- «Divers, who drive on the la*l Wednesday, Which made a delay uf Cali'tirnia A Oregon road, and who have 1 several hours. grown «»hl ami gray in service, are still Quite a ¿bower of rain fell Tue«»lay night driving over the Siskiyou Mountains in and Wednesday morning. whi< h laid the Grvgon, being determined to drive the last dust, purified the atmosphere ai d fresh- stage before th«* railroad is completed. « ned vegetation. There is rot a place in the interior where E. E. Carr, of Daggetts Mills. Pa , say« rhe latest and nio«t improved methods in he saved the life of his child w ith croup by photography ar? employe«! to a great­ Pay the printer ami be happy using Gilmore’.« Magnetic Elixir. s.,|d at er extent th in at the Ashland gallery. Lo­ (’«•flee has again raised in price gan alway« k«* ps up with the procession City Drug Store. I nparallcled bargain* at N. Fisher’v Frank Smith has dug bis big w ell much ami ha* gaiinul a widespread reputation for «loing first-class work at reasonable Oi l newspapers very cheap at th«» T imes or flour, ex­ There has l»e<;n an abundance of all kinds to Grant'» Pass. i changing wheat therefor. of fruit this season—more than ever be­ Nature * remedy is what they say of Those 1’lymale’s stage line to Mrdtord is w«*ll fore -and of a tine quality, too I < >rrg«»n Kidney Tea. patronized, as also i* his livery stable, wb * have eaten uur fruit are loud in its The prospects fur a lung tenu of court where excellent teams and vehicles may be prais« .« and acknowledge that it compares are <|uite favorable. i favorably w ith the best California varieties. obtained for all occasions Bargains in every line niay still be found David Pavne has sold his farm in I. leu There is no gainsaying the fact that south­ at Newman Fisher’s ♦ prerim t to Dr. West of Ashland, formerly ern Ortg«»n e.xce's as a fruit country. Circuit court is in sessi« n. Read the new advertisements. I PERSONAL MENTION. LOCAL NOTEN. Tor Artie Those wishing bargain* will do well to Flour is selling al 9») cents a Rack in this call early at the residence of Mrs. J. T. market. Rolhon.in the eastern portion of Jackson­ E. Jacobs, is getting ready to move into Mrs. P. I). Hull and two \ons ar • in Jo­ ville, where a good assortment of house­ his new quarters. sephine county. hold aqd kitchen furniture, carpenter’s Mrs. Jos. Solomon has returned from a tools, etc., also canary birds and flowers, Mi*s Lucy Burnett of Do'iglas « , ;uiy is are offered for “ale. visit to Waodvill«? and Grant’s Pass. paying this section a viait. HALE BROS. . Or., hi* final account a« such ad- handlinr a loaded rifle, ami. not knowing Wilson.the horsethief.has absquatulated, E. Rieeksecker. of the U. S surveying i larity and business, lie ha« recently add- We learn that a match race has been j nunistrator. and by or»*r 4. 1K«7. at the hour <»f 10 o’clock as expected. llis relatives got off cheap « d a numb *»* of new ami first-class vehicles corps, paid our town a visit the forepart «»f made lx tween It. B. Haves' hor*e.” Bing«».' a . m .. is a«*t for hearing. All person* interested wbde the gun wa« pointed t. ward Id* fo<«t. Stationery of all kind* f»»r sale at cost at and would have paid a much larger bond tlie week. an* h»*r«'by r.otifvd toapprar an«i file his or herob- and Stillv Kiddle ’ « “ Nelly Gray. ” The ' ami several line horses, »<■> that when it I’he ball took effect near the great toe. the S F Variety Store. * j«*cti»»n«< to wtiid ari'ount •>:. or b'.*f«»rn county, and .«ays that better ing the week. Work ha* been commenced on Postmas­ In the (‘ou'.ty (’«»nrt of th«* Ktate of Oregon, for I explode, and in preparing for another the Masonic Order of Orogoti. will pay Warren I at Ashland, are doing a good business, as peache« never grew anywhere, either for Jarknon county ter Muller’s new dwelling-house first was set off by the blow* of the ham­ George Brown of Eagle Point was in Lodge'»f ibis place ;in official visit on Wed- i In the m.Ti?r «»f th? raíate.->f iHabellu Koao. they attend to all matters intrusted to their -ize or flavor. If the peach growing busi­ «•♦* uh «»«1. Pay your arrearages at the T imes office mer in use. throwing the Mongolians quite Jacksonville Wednesday. His heaith is nes«!ny evening. Sept 14th. A full atten­ care with ability and dispatch. * oth i : is hereby given that the dance of member« i« .»••jucsted. and get one of our premiums. ness were attended to in Oregon, the capac­ much improved. a distance and killing them instantly. Aiiinniistrator «»f th« rateteof Isabella R om ». The new road on the hill south of town ity of production would equal all demands You cannot all ’ »rd to make ai\v important I «i.M'«*aM*d, ha* fil«i in th«» c«»unty court of Jackson We want correspondence from every por- Rev. A. M. Johnson, the Baptist minis- ! A considerable quantity of earth tell county. Or,, hi- final account as «ueb »«iinimstra- will be graveled at once under the direc­ upon it. from the top of tunnel 2. on Siskiyou moun­ jion of the First Judicial District. ter, is looking after the Prohibition cause purchase without iir-t consulting the cat- t«»r and by <»rd«T of «.id court Tu-sdny. th«» 4(fi I tion of the street committee, a neces­ day «>f ()ct«ib«*r. 1*«7. at th»* hour <»f 10 o’clock a alogii«- ofWclnst »« k A Lubin, importers Attention is called to the notice of As- in Jackson county The best cigars of all kinds—fresh ami tain, one day recently, bury ing several nu n M.. is ??t for h«»ar¡ng. All p«*n* »n? interrated ar«* sary improvement by the way. and general outfitt« rs. Sacramento, Cal. sessors Childers, in which he announces h«*reby n»»t¡fi«*d to app -ar and fib* hi* or her <»b- in the debris, six of w hom were hurt But fragrant a» the S F. Variety Store. Judge DePeatt and Commissioners Bay- ! j«»et on* to *ai«l recount on or before Miid day. one receive«! serious injuries The grand jury was still in sc«sion a- wc that the boar«! «»f equ:ilizati«»n wiil meet on nmnd and Carlton were in town this week ' The same good« and «t vies as kept by the The indor­ I'ljr tit. -st watermelon« in th«* mai ke! I >r PabhidiHd by order uf H«»n. E. DePeatt. Judge leading merchants of Now York. Philadel­ I Monday. Oet«»b?r 17th. Those interest?«! » tunate than had his ami broken » ii two *al»’ cheap at the > F. Variety Store. went t<> pre-*. having ma le excellent pro- phia and Chicago. Price* always at the of said court. on official business L. A. ROSE. place* and wa- otherwise severely bruised low«-t not h. and the *ame to every one. gr< •*-. A milch larger amount of businc«« should re.- d it <•!«.-. !y, a« it i* important i Administrator of said Estate. A prohibition Ivazue, with twenty SIX R A. Fellows and B. F. Taber, tvo Goo«ls not a^' -r i n^ to order may be re­ The county < -.mmi**i«»ncr«‘ court does nut j Ditt”«i Sept« nib'*r 9th, 1^87. than usual has been brought before it. member«, wa* organized at Talent lately • pr-»j» ••'c t" make any < h mges whatever in j prominent citizens of Woodville precin«»*.. I turned a* < \p*-n-.' of the house, which i« a Doll«, toy«, base ami rubber ball) . mar­ guarant« • tied e.« ry effort wdl be made t<> • J N. ILu kersmitb. Wirt Pool ami Hen­ 1 th«* :»««• ««ment r«»ll a* submitted bv the made u* a call Wednc*«lav. A large quantity of grapes are being A'lmiuijtrator’s Notice. please the first lime ' dialogue free. Ide«, harmonicas, jewsharp«. vase 's. picture P. B »nneville. Wheeler A WiIcon’s wntc- shippi- I to Portland from this place bv ry Richardson were in town Wcdne«day. I boar«! <»f • qualiz.ition. In th? matter of the ratal? of Jan? Holt, x i* delivering a number of lowest price« at theS. F. Variety Store. The «« rials in H akpei : M a < \ zixe are a wak? «vwing-machine agent, left fur east VOTB '■ I - HEREBY <*I VEN THVT THE UN- of the mountain* this week. Berbe. Martin Laist and others. They fell excellent books he recently took orders I I ierror • ftt lu ittt il Traint t it. appruachim..’ their cl.»*e, the »September in- . and Ih«»-<- hav­ us a « all, if you need anything in the blank • April H »p« -,’’ which is now rambling de­ when raising grape* of different qualities lay C. S Sergent, Mrs. Geo Conn. V A. «hip direct fr »m Cal. ntfa ing riMmiN a :i;n*>t th«' « .-tat? will present th« in to The natives in line will have attained a high standard of de lightfully tlirou li the “denouement” of Dunlap and others arriv«-d at Phrenix i ■ Bengal «tatethai h«* had •!<,«troy«»d ami «le- ni«' at my pic - of bu nv-.» in jH«*k**»nvillr. Jnrk- (.¿uite a number left this place yesterday -on com i j*. <>r?g«»’i. with »he (»roper v<»uchers at- veloprnent in southern Oregon, we may ex­ V"!H« d filtv or im»re pc >ple, inclmiing two , tacb«*J. within six month* fr ni the fire! publica- A large delegation from that portion ot the betrothed lovers. Dan and Alice, will from Linkville a few «lays since. for Ashland, to attend the Pioneer’s re-un­ «•ntir«» famine- wh« r« -i«i«*d near hi« native i ti«»u of this n«»t c°. pect our grapes to be sold almost exclu­ the Si«kiyou mountains euphoniously al'.,» en«l in the November number. Misses Kate and Maggie Connell «»f Wal­ ¡jungle ion. He ««-• nr I t<> hear a charmed life. D. LINN. sively in Oregon markets. In the vicinity I termed a* ‘‘Helltown” is in town, being AdininiMrator of said Estate. The busin« «* of the Jacksonville Marble do, Josephine county, ar'’? attending St. ■ an«l could n«»t be «*xt. rininal»-«l with either Bring in the wood, vegetable«.grain, etc., Date«! ?nte:nber 9. Ib87. of Jacksonville may be found thousands of -P«' i.- <»r Im :» t ID* w is finally caught in a witiHtsses in the case against (’. II. Cald­ Work- will continue right along under the Mary's Academy in this r ace. huge tr.u>. 1».mu i with rope« jind thongs acres of land especially adapted to the cul­ you promised us. Winter will soon be well. management <»f th«* a««ign?e, A. II. M.'Pgly. John Lamar of Fultonville. Missouri, a am! f«»r t «l int«» a «frot.g ■ age in w hich he ture of the grape, and this will all. «»Miner here. R M. Siieley talks of opening a marble Any boil v desiring a tombstone, monument, nephew of R S wa« • • •»;iv«• \• I « m Hi» -Im» to Atncri<*a. Dunlap, arrived her».* County c« urt was in session this week. or later, be utilized for that purpose by On? o’ B irit it’sx mt- happen?«! in B«»<- quarry in J »«ephine county. J. H. Russell, stone coping ■ will find it to tbeir ad* Tuesday an 1 will probably locate t*m at th«* I < ni• <•! 1!i«' arrival «»f tii? ship, people who understand the business We Full proceedings will appear in our next the veteran mar le and stone cutter of vantage to call so<»n. a* prices have been oTi' i: is hereby given that tih ami. after in i» irieying. < :o«ed a Dr. DeBar and wife stirted tor Crater con: dently expect that this section w ill be­ i issue. Board«>f I ¡a.diz .ti«»n f»r the« unty of Jack- A«h!and, took «»ut .* number of slabs there ! ridm-cii • on«ider.ibly. First-class mechan­ bargam wi I*. :!.«• « a: i.tin fi.r th«» animal. win. Stat« « f (>i. gon. will convene tie office of lake <»ne day this week, v. i the Rogue riv- , fore many years comma! d much attention It’s ruith-re-l that P« tor E ¡g!«*hart of Wag­ years ago. During ill« wh«»h* voyage the passengers, the Coanty Clerk in Jacksonville on ic.« are rmpl »ve,l there and the best from tho«e handling grapes ami wine. crew and . « were in mortal fear of th? ner creek «lied recently at the railroad [ work« I turned «mt Satisfaction guaran- ?r road, ami will be gone i short time. J v Robinson, w ho nu ns one of the best ' t«»e.l beast. Monday. October 17. 1887 Rev. F.tth«?r Hermann who will succeed front. cag? i farms on Wagner creek, has «old about half ■V. ConfrrpHcr. Rev I' X Blanchet i' this parish, has comp; For the ptirpoNO of publicly examining the As- S. I. Howard, w l.o formerly reuiled at W« ‘ ar« I I that charges ar? to lift pre- I an acre to S. Sherman f«»r $100 We l«*arn T hi« hotly I.»-Id its regular annual session set not arrived a- yet. but r exp?<»tr«! daily. The soMmont Roil and corrocting all errors in vnlun- ti«»!'. d(‘ti»«,rij>, ......... i«»!i. »jiril'ti«*.* . * of lands, lot«« or other ar Portland, c«»mmem ing ia«t week ami Ashlami. is pro ti« ing law in Umatilla that Mr. S. will erect an evaporator on .« n rred agai’i-t !'.• .'be ■ Drivi r b»*forc the pa--* and property. Bald • 1 Board *' —1 will — continue in so -ton county. l.i< ut. James A S.\ «ft wifl arriv» in \*h- Methodist « otif«T«-nt water wa« turned tural authority for the casting out of sometime on a visit to relatives, returned Wolfe; Canyonville, J. M. Sweeney; Dal­ the petit jury. on han Dr«-iv‘hed with water instantly, There seem« to be no regular price for «ievils P. S. Ali r-T-on«- who havew >IIy or partially last wee k. it .. • : ■ • : - \ ( v • ■r ia*. T. F. Royal; Grant’s Pass, J. ?<. M« m«>rtgng * «»n r?c«»td. and who have n'-«- ri Messrs. Stacy ami Askew of Table Ro« k grain, as high as ♦>» cent* a bushel for w.i- a > animal m«»re -•irpri««*»L IL- defied lect^d to hav<* the e mt” canceled <»r said credit* Colonel Frank Wheaton. 21 -t Infantry, Cain; Jacksonville. J. W. Miller; Klamath uimw . VF ir.«. precinct are in town on business before wheat being paid by some buyers. Very bulb !'ami -to» 1. but <•«»!«! water was too made ar- re pi”-*t«»«l t<» Rtt»*nd t<»thi«» raatt»*r at k in or fir u»aroi«i further coin plications Indian Mission, to be supplied, Lebanon. the grand jury. will spend a few days this month and next I • ?t?|y cowed one«», little is changing hands and money con­ Th” County Court wi*hit distinctly undftratood (’ousiderable prospecting is going on in in the encampment of the Nebraska Na­ ami a- m< < a< a iamb, he took refuge in " alton Skipworth ; Monroe, Robert Booth . that it wul not ju«*k ” *n> charm-s m the aasena. tinues scarce. D. Linn haa been appointe«Fan. r-itti«-« in |»robat<*. There seems to be a scarcity of idle men he* n se< nr.-iy adi'-iste«!. derson. The Pullman sleepers are full nearly I- • ‘ »f Franc! ' artei de- menced preparation« for the winter cam­ ness of Frank Presley. now a resident of Sim •• ■•« ml* throughout the county and those in need pi . ?d in Mr. Barrett's men- r<*M«»«-d. every trip n«»w on the O. X C. railroad be­ Crater lake Park. paign. Clear lake district. Cal. His mother has agen« when ix- i« confine«! al«»ne in a TN PURSUANCE (ff AN ORDER OF I’HE of help find much difficulty in securing it. Specialty str m, r rage, he has torn the arm« 1 County (‘«»ur*.. mad« th? rtth day <»f S«‘pt?tnbt*r, The • ‘ Portland Democrat ’ says: Mr W. tween Ashlami and Portland. A fre«h supply of the American Mining gone to attend him. In Jacksonville everybody is busy, which am! should« - fl' two employes through ltW7 the iindersiirnwl adminintratrix of the o«tate Some of the farmers have not finished G. Steel, the efficient agitator of the mak­ the subject, code, standard authority on is a good sign. W. M Blackford, the new teacher of di? the 'te»*l bar­ 3 I is lair, am! no man can of French C trf^r, deceased, will «»tier for m I p to the higheet bidder, on ing of a national park twelve miles wide threshing as yet. and are seriously discom­ I second department of cur district scho«»l. be f<»um! am / the *«*veral ?xp«*rienc?d A. J. Meeker of Big Butt? precinct was for sale at th«» T imes office. Naturd>ithe Sth dn y ot' Orfuhrr, by thirty long adjacent and including moded by th? rains thi« week and co'ir.i • w’ld h,‘.(Ht trainer« with arrived yesterday am! will commence hi* We leirn that capital >ts from abroad in town a few days ago. He informs us the -how «Unti ■ »a. nah l«» enter hi.* den at 2 (»’cl«»ck P. M.. at tho < ourt-H«»u*e d«»«»r in ('rater lake in the lower Cascade moun­ The mars* of the Wizard oil paint»*r ha* that Mi«s Sarah Knowles closed a success­ have off « icd John Suimh-n and his sons duties next Wednesday. ami fa e him. ieve he can never JarkftoTiV’ll**. Oregon. a!i«»f the right, title and tains, has just pla* “r their quartz mine in Ihn’k Point hi- doc -ise in and to the following real proj»erty, If an;, of thi window of Woodward. < larkc A < o.’s dhig- in the valley during th«* w«»-k. northern California, accompanied by his ■ precinct. tn-wit tire satisfa 'tion. denc i:i oppv st< re some curiosities of that lake. On« is Til.» N E I ; of S F 1-1. •? 33. Tp M. S R ! W . A new line of crib-boards, poker chip«, family, return«»«! home last week. They and th«’.' by at Work <»:i Go .•Kt»-n--’on of the tunnels of A* 31. S III W.r.».’: «; ing I • the N \V 1-4 ot th« Ja< !■’•■< n\i He Mi ¡mg cud Mining Co. am! wili be r» ‘ idy to report to lb«* b<»a;d of ard’s island The others are two pieces «»t F. Variety >t«»rr, Jacksonville > W 1-4 <»f S c :’.l ! i- >l. S R 4 W, containing 4" * Mr I alconer. representing the History tuns tv -a tii»* »• amlC < pMckman, in the Jacksun creek n«—-; th” S W .-! c;«l !_• ¡ng m Jark«on <’«>•: Uy .«I'Cgon. chance. The bill may not get through for to Klamatli county in a short time and has tim«» <»i going to , t -- • T'»rm- <»f >al” -( a-1. in han«I. NAN< Y CARTE!:. several years, so it is an executive park he w ill sell a certain parcel of laml at the «lay’suse. Marvelous cure«. Trcatiseand I vtle * arastra. Goo< «sibje to county for several month« past, returned ami Mrs. l)«?Roboam never spare any pains the r«uteri <»f Jack-on. Pitting in probate t • please the public. man. Hillis, Coker. Harper. Oden an»! I Fonlyce Roper «t al . vs. A. S. Jac«»!*, In the matt”r «»f th” ”*tate of Sarah Hell? Free­ reaf,h the county seat, on account of the to Uniontown precinct Wednesday. & ligtnus Netru. et al.: motion for jmimn-’it. Allowed and land «'»• ii - t:«-e «o«vw here. t'd'i I. Oo d 'tj i-i ('.hir, 1 •he F M. líaII. I’alent. Ja<-oby Br«»«. v>. < ha- W. ( ’ orneli i*. to the affair* of the M K Church at (.rant’s l-est possible condition. No doubt the citi­ mati • Wine. Sold at « itj’ Drug Store. recover nimey. Plaintiff* grant? i further nt ! «»’ c 1< m k r. m .. at th«* Coint-H«»us? «loor in Sv ral parties from thi*< »unty* have gon»' El ler H. «'. Fleming will not lili his ap­ Pas*. I 714 and 71*» J Str«-»t. n i l 713 and 715 Oak Avenue, Sacramento. ( al. Jack*»nvill«*. Oregon, all «>f the right, title and lime in wiivh io file amende«! e Jo'fphinv to pick ¡«»ps. There are sev­ pointments at Diy creek and Brownsboro Two-Story Building«. >L ««rs. Watson an«l Hansaker. who are Rev Robt. Enni*. who has been calle«! A.b. Jchn-on vs O E Rose; appeal interest of th? .«aid Sarah B”ll? Fr»*«*land.at th? materially, but the court abov» mentioned date of h»*r «i*'Cf*as« ‘ in and to th«- following real eral hnp-yanis in Jackson « ounty. where this o.••nth. Hi- .vill preach at Lone Oak with Rie.-k*eckor’s U.S. surveying party, to take charge of the Presbyterian church from jusiii <•’- court. Di-m:--««! at plain- proporty. to-wit: «ht»u! vs Gw. A. Iliff; confir­ in block N<». I :y la d wn in th«* <»tTi ”.al map of the work, for it will be money well expend­ pi- king until *trtl. 3“ th-srr«-«west 27 5 fe«.-t. aJon® the A. L E• ut«*; and ■ Nellie Gray ” w ill be run at Medford. I Let this matter be attended to nt once. rwurh linnof Main street; tlu-nrewuith f»9«l *g»-p(»«s /\ pr traded campim eting, to be eon- tinned. A S. Hammond has been called back to ti«»n of -h«*nll - - il•*. < in this county, was arrested last week on a in-t»'iid of at Yreka, (’al . on October 9th Stat» v> J«»hn Diiiule rtv; assault with w”«t l'»)f«M*t; then«*” •« •u’h3i «l”gre”a. oa^t -7.5 dneted by Ri-v W. B. Moore, the Baptist Minneapolis, but will return to Oregon in charge <»« !<»hbing the till of a Fort J«>ne* f»-*t t > line J'wtw”” ; l«»t« 1 an«l 2, in block 4; Wholesale LL« tr.i! Our Public Nrhool. in all Varieties of I he peculiar purifying and building-up sal«>on-keeper ami bulged in the Yreka cvaiige’iSt. commenced at Eagle Point a few weeks. He will «piite probably lo­ a «lang« ri>u- w. apon. Flea ot not guilty tbe.i«*” j ortl 5M rn»T; th'-nce >-ou’h loi Four excclient teacher«, with Prof G. H ¡iver am! biliary apparatus, ami drive * 1 out ing i> a union <»ne in all respects and will issued l«»r .«nt -T ««I deh»nd int. fe»*t to the n«»rtheH«t corner «»f «aid I«»t; thence I mining expert, and M. S Booth, who i* p<»rtioii of the fine, large stock of goods he < arolim* Dn»xh*r v* Joseph Drexler; w”f»t 200 f«H-t along th»* n«»rth lineof*air R i E.; : . _ g7 chain- tofttaicft for i a public school in the r t ite. ouDide of freight yesterday. Such shipments to it. exj»ects t-> baptiz • three person*. If the (iaylord Bell and wife, who have been d< fault t-»r $ld2 ail I attach? 1 pr.»p«»i ty or­ corner; then”«» n«»rth 2 > mi am« to i-take for comer; der«* I -old. marked 'wav down Call ami examine before purel.ai-ing. of Portland, which excels tin« one in any Jacksonville are rot the exception, either* weather i* tavorab!«*. outdoor services will thence w ” -t ‘ J .77 chim« to Make for corner; A ho« pffal for the employes of the rail- ( residents of Jacksonville for tlie past few W. G. <’«■>•))»« r vs G. . Heckathorn aonih 2 ) chain- to place of beginning, and particular. People from other portions of EiglD < r ?« n carloads of lime are being read company, who become sick or are he b»-:d w h»Tc the celebration took place on ■ years, leave for San Francisco soon, where and th« county (’«»mmis-ioners' court; ap- thence containing 4" acr»»?*. the county have di-Movcred this at d • ••■n shipped to D-rt land « ;»< h week from I'ur- hurt bv accident, ha« been established July I. IS.*»;; if it is not pleasant it will be Mr. B. will enter the empl 'V of an agency p« al fr«»m all«»w ima* I «r damages. Venlict Tarma of »*nl.»-C 4-h in hand. sequently there are alway« a considerable lor flBa in ! iv-»r I plaintiff B. R. ERFELVND. near the sulphur springs in the eastern held in the hall. All are invited toattend. . of a large sewing machine «onipany. number of non-residents who avail them­ rag»- A l*oinrr«»y’< quarry near Ro< k Point Alary II Hanley vs. .1 McConnell; ron- Administrator of th.- «»«tat” of Sarah B.’lle Free- selves of our superior school facilitie« Arthur Saltmarsh and-wif?. who have tirnuitiou «»f ®he»’it! s *;dv. < onii!m«'d. l*n« plember term of th? Sheriff’s Sale The State fairconiim ncv« <»n Monday nn I A camp-meeting, under th? au-pi»-cs of ! hngvill«» Wednesday They are better sal fAK». publish?«! elsewhere, ami if you want the circuit ei»ui t F. I'. D i vuing. foreman, O. ■ i«fi«»d with Jaeks«>n county than ever. will no «l'»ul»t be on«* of th«* mo*»! .-m « • ««fill th«* M E. I*1- «'»»mmencc >Y \ 111 IT : 05 \N I \L< .• <•« n this .'ea«titig j-»iii n;»l of *« utliern Oregon am! the E R »«»-. G W . \p_'*-: .1 D Cornish. John > traed out of i ; •1 ever held on the co«.*t. Redm e«! rate« . f on Wi ia: ' n (» rid.ix t and i He ll ill Rfumnr Raaiitruu »r z •!». for J iek«*n t ;i'e prri.vl R,.Ve • and J II Hill be-t ne».v«p ipcr «’r i»« rio ami J. M. Pol transportation have been se< lire«! tr«»m th? . délivre.i. ir. fav E Jacobs has conchnied to remain b »'T^ .vi.'l . ill spirit M.n«»’. one Stab’s for the i»i i« e of one. call or semi ! Iar.1. I |. ■ ■ i 11 .’ i me * went to railroa«! companies, ami all who «• tn nainrd hu<‘k«ter’.n; Jacksonville and will in a few lav* the T imes oflie”. pre-« the f • h ..\r:g :¡iients had been * should attend. More lil»« ral premium* J H 1 ceive—direct from San Francisco—-a line i the t»ed i.»iir inoliti)«. than ever bef»»r? ar«* «»ffer«*«l iu «*v«*rv <’.»• Hon. E I»« Feat*, county judge, thi* tun I i: io «■ ut One against John C. and well-assortctl stock of general mer ­ pertinent, while th«* «¡>»*ed < ute-t w week tran-a« t< «l more bu«ine«s in the pro­ Wil-.n. « ha: ing him with the crim? of chandise. which he will sell very cheap. first class. It cost* very Ii.tie more to g . One against John He will occupy ( havner’s b: ick building, bate court than ha* come bef«>re s aid court lart t*ny of a mare to Salem than to th? Yreka fair, whd»* th« 1 h»llgh«*l ty, charging him w ith the crime one door east of the Masonic block, which i mlucrments ,»ffere«i are v. rv mm b greater. for a iong time. He makes one of the be«t TT IS IMr0SSIEI.E TO SAT TOO MVCn IX TIUISE OF THIS GOOD OLD STANDARD By all mean» attend the State fair. One will be neatly fitted up for him. Giv« him family medicine. It cannot br tan lughiy recommended, ae tt fa truly a MAHVPL of THE «>fli< i lls southern < )rcg«>u has ever had.exer­ of a ;i’ilt with a «langerotis weapon a cad and see f«»r you»seif again«! < AGE, and no bouaeboK" ebonld bn without it. It prevent, a, well aa cum sa.n Itlanaaev.Qoi,, H. t aldwell, < barging him with cising mm h abjity and goo«! judgment. Our \» tr Juutlff. Majti ” « Rheumatism. Gravel, and all Kidney Dteeaam, A.T“cted Elver, Heedarbe. XauaM. Hile <»!’ mur.h r in the fir«t d« gr»*e. COMPOUND EXTRACT <»U’ < >f th« Th«- • Suml.i;. Welcoin»*” i« inf«)rm»*•• "l : • ll>* railroad front. t> : : I a . . \ . i (Tf«n I . i ••.porti ‘»ut hftvinz f Foul Breath, and every diaraae brousbt on or ac^rarat-d by a dlanrdered atomaeb. It la a Sp». » h I m » v of wh’?'« abov.»amount*. a,» th<- detic . ( th» n*new. Scrofula. Hi nzhtaml < ulture. regarded ;•« •» m irk 1 . - < '¡arg? ;. . * iin«t < i! E.i'tern g* i.t eman f »r fl.onO. ami ilmt office of justice of the peace, «ent in hi. t w» en tí at public au<*«*«»n. loth*» hi«l«<»>-t bidder, at the .if rvtim in-'nt. This distingui-l dde • i- ping a liurdy-giir«lv hon-e. I’ourt H««u-«• *t I'rait Laud. F -r *tV Plv male w ■« then np|->inted to fill the Va welln Judge DeBeatt ami A. I K\ 1 have • v in the production ot that delightful toi­ at tw<» «»'«-lock r M. «»f said day. all th? right, e.i: cy, a though he «a. in m -■ i » m an We hear mm ii .-a’«l about !r:iit land in let article. \\ i«dom s Robertine. by the . at title and interrat of.I. H. Mayfield, «iefendant, in I forme«! a paitncr«hip for the purpose ot plleant for the i.uition 11- is iua and to all «»f the following de«crfl»ed property, ( ireful u«e of which everyone ma\ ‘ posse«« -outhern Oregon nowaday*. Probably the A. L.ir«on carry mg on a rvu!- -S! '«• budines« nt A «h • to-wit: FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCI8TS AND CROCER8 fieri for the place and will no d.ail t this —the chii f attribute of beauty—a love­ Th” undtvi'!«*d one-half <>f th” K. ‘i of N. E. land. They hnv«* ?x<< lient qiialiii ations largest bell of land in Oregon especially ly complexion. Wisdom’s Robertine is make a good officer and W. of S E. l 4 «»f sei ’ tion 15. and th«» S. W T.i.v r ami w »•. who have been ti.»*ref«»r ami all bii-in« ' •« ei.tru«trd in »heir adapted io the growing of fruit and grapes l pronounced by ladies of recherche society i4«.fth”N. W ijaijdN I U <»f th-S. W. of Phtartr Rrttninn. and the stage the most charming and only section 14. nil i t«»wnship38 Routh, of rang” 3 P« i \ :ng tbei «o in .i. then«*” w«**t ance, but not quite so large a* it would ■ Some pr. perty belonging t» the estate offers, to sufferers from chronic diseases, ! are grown to perfect ion on a small scale Cwres. i 5.13 chain»» t<» ’-«>-t in c«»unty roa«i; rhenc«» north 5 not be overestimated, for tt ithout {turn blood have been, owing to the threatening weath­ of S^rab Belle Freeland, deceased, will be a mor? certain hope of cure than that j there now. and give evidence that their W. I> Hovt A Co., Wholesale and Retail d”gr»>ra fwest 1 ’_3< l.a«r- al«.n*< kik I rond to j»«»?r; you cannot enjoy good health. er The programme wa< an excellent one. «old t » the highest bi.I f-r on Saturday, Oc- whi< h is comprehended in the i.«e of Ayer’s i -uccvssful culture is a matter beyond all Druggist« of Rome. Ga . say: Wc have then?” e»M 5 19 chnin* t<> th” plac»- of brafinning, t< -her *th. At thia season nearly every on« »cods a been selling Dr King ’ s New Discovery. Sar« iparilla For purifying and invigora ­ containing f«4-i|4i aerra. lying a’«1 being in Jack* being well carrie«! nut The .tinner wa« doubt. Those in search of choice fruit Electric Bitter* and Bucklen’s Arnica Salve good medicine to purify, vitalfre, and enrich son countj. <>r. gon Jas. Armpriesr. Jr-se Dodge ami others ting the blood, this preparation is un­ a leading feature and luarfilv rnj -v. 1 land *h mid call and see for themselves. Witnras my h <1 and «.flieial signatnr” thi* for two years Have never handled remedies the blood, and we ask yon to try Hood a The event wa* a «uc« e«* in every particu­ have g' :.e To Wald»». Josephine county, equal ed 7th day of September l-*7. that sell as well, or give such universal sat­ lar. an! i* highly *,*.»keu of |by all wh Porilliar Rarsa paril'a. Itstrengthens B.W. DEAN Sheriff. »ith wagonloads of flour fr«»m G Karew- isfaction. There have been some wonder­ Tn VITtom if May Concern. Quit? a number of our Butte friends ■ CCU11 al an(j bund, up the system, were present ___ ski’s mill. All those knowing themselves indebted ful cures effected bv these medicines in this were in town this week, a* witnesses in the creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, . iiv Several cuses of pronounced Con­ Prohibition Lrrtfrra. The nartv given l ist Fridav evening for Heekathorn-Looper case. Among them to the S F Variety Store are requested to sumption have been entirely cured by use while it eradicates disease. The peculiar R. V J R Roberta will lecture on the combination, proportion, and preparation the heia tit of th<- i> irdanelles school-ho'.ise we notie’ed Thos. E Niuhojs. J. J. Fryer, call and settle, as the past year’s business of a few bottles of Dr Kings New Dis­ cluse.i without unnecessary delay. prohibition question at Moon s hall in i must be covery. taken in connection with Electric of the vegetable remedies used give to was well at ten » ! r . I ¡ rove a very pleas­ P Simon, L. Givan, W, Q. Coop r. 1. A. PO fi HA.Ni) . —imÍFtfiA! Bitters We guarantee them always. Sold Sam’s valley on Sun lav. Sept. 11th. nt 11 Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- Ifeyalf Newman. G. \V porn. T Mauzey, gA.OOO ant affair. Kmcard. $.7,000 by all druggists. lar curative powers. No • ILSCII o’clock t M and at Gold Hill »n Thur«d iv. In «• op —nti-m *:nce 1MZ. pitrfr ’,<■ ir- m and others. For a better or more pleasant remedy for Five of the «oven applicants for teachers’ J N. Young. J I! the 15th. at 8 » clock p m All are invited ? aid cf the Noniiw-.t, rn< . 1 y other medicine has such a record of wonderful the cure of consumption, bronchial trou­ I Many fond mbtl r./nourning the loss Take Solir^. certificates who were examined by Su pt. buaineM men And leading edicatoi*. to be present. cures. If you have made up your mind to ble*. cough, croup and whooping cough I ioning the goodness The underaigned hereby give notice that Jacob* last week were «ucccesful. Tw’o of love«! one*, an THE MOST rtRFKTLV EQUIT“» K( H00I. buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to than Santa Abie, the California king of PeacH. Hr.tpr <«»'« «/e is suffi- m . 5eudentt |nrmv and ail m-u Shool Hr, kiln-dried fruit holes, which th<-y .-in fur­ liaml* at good prices. Fruit tan«l is most­ Í virtue* am! iu idi* Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, JI mi r-»per of Frese’s r-< are are suld ami warranted by City Drug , cient.” nt a I aje. ind I SM — adsut' - w - — - _ ______ _______ at a y oree KEaxis 1»*