X **" Ehr fmtnatu fists. EDITORIAL SOTES. Cl RC Cl T CO CRT DOCKET. MEDEOTiD that keep our belief in human na­ ULKXDA LE O J. ITT E R ! VU R. ture from being wrecked among the h- The following is lhe d<»cket for rhe Sep­ Dr. Prvce and II. B. Reed were at Jack- Tho*j. Aytch of Galesville visited Gler.dalu last S kna T ok S lathi received a dispatch centiouxneM and iniquities of the preaent tember term uf th»- circuit court, which Sunday, and was entertained r»y Miss Susie Ra­ s«»nviUe yesterday at Salem on Tuesday stating that Judge age, eaya the Courier. mey. commences on the 5th : MISCELLANEOUS. Charity Sisters of A. U CABRO». L. W. CABSON. The circus will not be al Medford this Charity, attached to 8L Mary’» Infant may b» “fairest and foremoft of tbr train Mrs. J. (’. Smith has been ««-riouHly sick, but Aaylum, Dorcheiter, Main., certify to the that wait on man's tuott dignified and H. K. Hanna vs Levi Grigsby* et al.; ac­ year. Lucky Medford! stricken with paralysis last Friday, while has some of the largest and best pigs in is impairing under the skillful treatment of Dr. the State. He imported the original tion hi law tu recover money. Inestimable value of Ayer’s Sarsapirilla happiest state,” but the dignity and hap­ VV. H. Flanagan of Grant’ll Paas. Rev. G. W Black will preach at WaltonS SEPTEMBER 2. IW7. holding court at Joseph, Wallowa county. Htoclt—the email Yorkshire—direct from r RI DAY A.S Johnson vs Catherine Bos« hey ; to in the treatment of sore eyes and skin piness of man cannot :ong endure with- 1 hall Fuuday morning and evening. J. W. Singletary, the obliging manager of 8 Six miles South of Grant’s Pass. Josephine His condition is considered very preca- Philadelphia, an l they are registered recover money. Bet for trial S« pt. 12th diseases, among the many unfortunate ' out the health that may be obtained iu a bounty, Oregon. Abraham's large st or«« at thia place, has juM re- D M Osborne A Co. vs. F. Hubbard; R T. Lawton, n al-estate dealer, is ag« nt tiivr«-ugl>l>reda. V h < r«*ai F'tAte boom conti n >es in r on. action to re**over money. Se? ft«r trial for lhe celebrated Perkins wind-mili. eeivi d a large >«ttM*k of goods, which h<- is selling children under their care. Mrs. S. D. ! few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. A. W. i cheap f«»r cash. The Sugar Pine Ikv>r A Lnm»>er Co. Sept 5th; .«Mr it of rival tun- contend Bodwell, Wilmington, Mas«., writes con­ | I’arker, lumber deale! 09 Bleury street, California and i# gradually moving n«»rih- B ok * t A.-hlrin«l vs Martha W llarga- Starks of hay are piled at ihe Medford ¡•a* been awarded the contract for fur­ I). A L »v« iiri of Canyonville. onocl.e i r- si «lent*, is who was troubled with sore eyes, as fol­ troubled with Dyspej a for a year, and \V G. C«»oper vs r«»iii«ty court and G. dang -r of ti.e demise of a town ’h it suji- at the State insane asylum, their bid Oregon after a white. Portland. in w at this plac«».acconipaiii«*d by I.is son. Ih.ug- with Salt Rheum W Herkathorii *, appeal lr< in ruiinty «toiirt I lows : “ I gave Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to la- Levens, of Gab*svilh*. p. .rts a new -paper of sti. h excellency as being |S11.50, nearly $140 less than the for damages for road of publi«* casement. S. Rosenthal is displaying a line, large B oth tlie Republicans and Democrat« tl.e D. M ocuath - T im s . It is a model of next lowest bidder. 1. A Ireland has remov«*d into his new house Set fur trial S. pt. 6th. My of Virginia declare fur free speech, free intelligent, industrious, enterprising jour­ Sallie E l>h and Sophie Ish vs. « ounty stock of clothing. He keeps a nice stock on Main stre-t, and as usual is prepared at all The board of vqualizition met at court ; appeal for damages for piibli«* ruatl of goods. In stock, consistingof hours to take pa^ri«» gers to and from any pine«« anu must say that she never took anything I was cured of both diseases by using neg oe«, free whisky and free tobacco. nalism.— ' >rfgr trial they d«*sire t«> go H*» has a splerdid team and six bottles of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla." M. G. Dr Buck and son were in Jacksonville a that helped her so much. 1 think her eyes The 1‘roliibihonwa are still to hear from. i never fat 1« to inak.* 1 goo«i tune. short time reviewing the work of Asses­ Sept l«»th Apple. Pear. Peach I t is rumored that Kusaia has decided sor Lea is. Few eornplaints were made, never looked so well, as now, since they Traine, Duxbury, Mass., writes: “ I have Jacoby Bros. vs. Chas W. Cornelius few «lays ago. The latter will soon go to Hon J. 8 Fitzhugh is expect«-«! lu re by to­ Big Bute pre«*inct to make his future morrow’s train He is coming foi tie» purpose of were affected, and her general health is found Ayer’s Sarsaparilla an efficacious T hs State Board of Immigration »me to take ¡nd *pen l<*nt a*'ii >n in Bulgaria, Mr. L.’s work proving satisfactory, l'h-re action tu rc«*over money. Plum. Prune. Apricot, R. C Miller, appellee, vs C. C home. Improving every day. She has taken but remedy for bilious troubles and Dyspep­ jieibled on the3Rh ul«., for lack of fund«. and lo send a governor there, unless Tur­ is considerable increase of taxable prop­ appellant; receiving tl » bridge which was completed to­ appeal fr in justice's court. Set iI sia. ” Henry Cobb, 41 Russell st., Charles- Nectarine. Cherry. half a bottle." A. J. Simpson, 147 East Dr. Pryce tins returned from his trip to day. C«>w «-reek boasts of having one of the best The laet legislature failed to provide key intervenes quickly and puts an end erty. for trial Sept 8th bridges in southern Oregon Th« work Merrimack st., Lowell, Mass., writes: town. Mass., writes: “I was completely James Helms vs. Talent £ H »pkins. at- < 8irawberry valley/Cal The demand for finished i A prohibition league was formed in fund» for its continuance and it conse­ ' ti, the crista. Acconi ng to a published refierta great cr«*dit on th«- contractors, lioffman Almond. Chestnut. tion tu recover money. Set tor trial sept. hi* services made his stay necessarily A Bates, of Portland. ‘•My weak eyes were made strong by cured of Dyspepsia, by the use of Ayer's ; interview. I’t incr F-rdinand complains tirant'a Pass last week, with the follow­ 7th. quently died. Sarsaparilla. ” Wm. Lee, Joppa, Md., using Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.” C. E. Upton, ing officer»: C F. Walker, president; Mrs. Miser’s nephew. J. MeCor uack, who is a Walnut and George Bchumpf vs. John Miller; action very short. I bitterly tiiat lie is now in a d:tfieult posi­ J. M. Chiles, vice-president; M. I'tley, Nashua, N. IL. writes: “ For a number writes: “ I have tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, student at Yale Culh ge. is spending his vacation tu recover money x t for trial Sept 9th Clltxr excursion rat-’» will f>e given to For sale at a bargain — a cosy «1 welling tion. lieing d-ert -d bv those who ad­ secretary; J. R Hale, treasurer; Mrs. in these wilds of Oregon, an«i Mr. Mi-er t«»ld us I of years 1 have been troubled with and it has done me so much good that I STATE CASES. those who wish to attend St. Louis dur­ vised him to go there. War may yet «'biles, Mrs. Razee, Mrs Starr and Miss State vs Walter Howlett; indictment iiousc not far from the center of th«* town confideHtiallv. of course.''that Mr. Mc< . dims a humor in my eyes, and wm unable shall always regard it as the best of blood of Mciiiord For particulars enquire of R call up the u«»ig ib.».H cows and in ver fails to f«>r soduiny. ing i he meeting of the G A R. at that result. Myra Wheeler, executive committee. GRAPE VIM'S, < CRR STH GOOSMRR- to obtain any relief, until I commenced purifiers.” Eminent physicians prescribe have plniiy of fresh in.lk for ail hands to drink State vs John McMahon; indictment T. Lawtoil, real-estate agentrp * place Round-trip ticket» from tbi» val­ I Ayer’s Sar* We promised not to tell; and of uotirsu we won't. R1E8. BLACKBERRIES. KAHPBUL using The strange jwwer exercised by sou.e for murder in the fir*t degree. Tux great .head of the North for so Frof Rurk of Michigan spoke on lhe ley, g'md until Nov. 30th, will cost about eats over snakes was recently illustrated State vs. Samuel Barr; bound over to By th«» kindness of houh « unknown friend we RIE8, STRAW.tERRIEH. FIGS. many years that th.* rebel debt would las at the residence of Mr. Royal, who lives keep tiie peace. prohibition question at vValton’s hall l.»>t have received by W. F. ! Co.’s Expies«* from |ff&. They can be had «n Sept. llAth. State vs. Mark Dennis; indictment for \V» inrsday evening. He had a large ami: East Portlands large box of California grapes. pan! in case tiie Democratic party came near Grant’* Pas*. Attention was Our tr«*es are growi wtt .-»u! irrigation ou red r«pe To say th«*y w»*r«» apprec-a*ed by ourself and 11. L. M imton , for many year* for­ into |io*er. now bids fair to be turned in­ drawn to the »trange aniiea of a kitten hili iand.a”d all *»f known varieti »that succeed State vs. Amfr«‘\v Hamlin indictment ; «•nc«* ami leic a favorable impression our friciids is a mild was of • xprvssing h recently taken to the iiouae, anil on ex ­ in Southern Oregon. The « ase of the State vs. Ed. Saltmarsh, arid uc retiirn tharrks for the thoughtful kind warding agent at K«** ->nrg, I.a* taen to a tear that tl.e Republican party will amination it was found that she had a for r «pe Thoee contemplating tree planting will do well saparill*. I believe it to be the best of in all ca^es requiring a powerful altcratire State vs. Jam«’»*» .Noah and India Leak; arieste«! on a charge of an assault ami bat ness that prompted the giver t«» rem nuber us m to vimt our orchard and nursery, or write to um app*»inted second deputy collector at g ai t a p ns on to every voter. It is a •'rattler” charmed. The snake, a large indictment for unlawful «•••lumt iti«»n treatment. our s»‘«‘lu(i• <1 home. blood purlßen.” f«*r prico-livt Address t<» ue at Murphy. J 0*6- State vs F Houatt,imiicfment for obtain­ tcry committed on Sirs K. . y Field phin • county. Oregon, or to K R Station, Port’an J by Mr Abiaha'ii. He i* a ster­ dang, r u* thin * for a party to bid for one, was coiled and with its hea»l follow­ Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ajer Sc Co., Lowell, Mate , V. 6. A. Mrs J F. Cli.rke < f (ir nte Puss has purchased ing g* o«is under fal*»e pretenses. i jiaat’H Paes, Or Slerlii gvillc, was tried in Justice Bark- ling Democrat ami w» I qualified for the vote» by ptomises to pay from lhe na­ ed every motion of the kitten in front of tile I.«»tel property ’irn tl,ltrp. despatched the reptile with a club. Dur­ saillt with a dang» rnus weapon. I Mrs. L J. Foster ami Mrs. G. II Has !»e«*n for many year«, vngag-d in hotel ke«-piiig State vs. Frank Smith; hel i for alleged faction in his ap|M>mtn nt*. Flour in Nieii i> Republicans of Ik*** ing the whole occurrence the kitten rare. thoroughly utiders auds h««r busmens, and kins were in Jacksonville Munday, They and has g.eatly impro> ed tins hot.-) and is giving seemed to realize the importance of the State vs C II. CaMwell; held for keep- I are circulating a subscription list for th«* general Moines, low.*, who see the effects < f pro­ satisfacti m. She respect fully mvites situation and never allowed her attention ing a hurdy-gurdy h«»use. NoTwirusTANiuxu large pension pay­ hibition 4, the bii'ine'S interests of that tne traveling public to give her a call. >tate vs. Ed Myer ami Joshua Brown; purpose of purchasing a fine organ for the ments in August amounting to *16.- city and real ze that something must ta* to wander from the snake, paying no at held W's acknowledge a very ploasant call from for assault with h dangerous wea »on Presbyterian church and are succeeding tention to a strange dog which arrive»! DEPARTMENTS 8|>encer Miser, <»f East Portland, and his daugh­ the receipts for that moi.th done to rid them uf the iibn. xious law upon the scene. The snake had seven State vs. C. II. Caldwell; lie!«! lor mur­ admirably. der. ter. Miss Lizzie, who. with otl.er nu ud ere of the I — f of the total ex;»endituiesduring the same ing themselves to support and work for a dean. a horse tender! us an invitMiion to call at their camp ne*»r b«* formally dedicate«! next Sunday, Sept. kla w i /7/ cor.v/r items . HI—College of law. Jud».e w M. Kfmw»y. the cre«*k. and on last evering, in. r«*sponsu to th«» State vs. John McDonald; held for lar­ period. Receipts have aveiag.-d over a repeal of the present law and the adop­ 4th Rev. J. V. Milligan of Ashland will sa u^, wo spent a very pleasant hour in th«* s«»- dean. ceny by bailee. I ilai vest is well under way and will lie IV-Wumrn’ft college. Mrs c. (’ Hawley million dollars a day. preach the sermon. This is one of the cietv oi th.sreti i«-«iand inb Uig.-nt family. sl its in izqcity . tion of a fug .-lii ense law in its stead. A , A bountiful one. d»*an. Aug«ist30tb. J vniuh V -Con»M*rvatory of music Z. M . Fnrviu. urt <»f Ja- «;son , w,.t of review. gon and a credit to this place. Ihathu/ l*atrlck < utikiry. VI L’niverhify aca i. my. candidates for the legislature nominated i ■ at Jacksonville. A S. J«iimsoii vs. Orland » Rose; writ of Ali» Mari, ( nag 11*- State that tn iv give majorities fur ttie VII Art d«'paitin«*xjt The s »ciable given a few evenings yinc«» Aller ¡1 lingerin/ illiie->-, < vteii.limj over wh • ate pledg' d to do all in their power, I lieuiy Kes.-ler lias returned from bis rev iew. »tractor. prohibitiuu aiueti.ltneut. lhese are Ma- Geo E Neuber vs. A S. Johnson et al. ; at Howard’s hall fur the benefit of the u p. rio.l of live niontlis. Patti k I ..aklej for Infants and Children it elected, to secure such a law The ■ ' nip to aan Francisco. partition and injunction. non, Linn, Yamhill ami Wa^.ungton. names signed to the pa|s*r include near- I Baptist church fund was a decided suc­ pa-sed ptucefull. away Vclenlay. De­ Terence Byrne vs Henry La Lhanau; Peter Hendcrsuu ba* leturucdto Liuk 360 Students ! The majority against tl.e amendment cess. The receipts were and the ex- ceased begun declining in health during injunction. “CMtoria is so well adapted to children that I Cartería ____________________ cures CoHe. _______ ConÇlpatHn, Iv all the Republican business men of ville iruui ban F rwnciscu. I recommend it as superior to any pniscriDUon I Rour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, B. W Houston ct ai , vs Wm. Bvbee . penditMres $15 75, leaving a balance of •March.and «.¡on att.-r was . impelled to dis- will reach in the aggregate Imtween I the c ty of any importance. Thia causes 400 Graduate s! KUi. Worm«, gire. «Jeep, promotes di­ Several lot* in the new town ul Dutcu injunction. tom» to me * H A A«-B.i JI D. continue active work. Ailing under the $♦¡5 50. a snug sum, by the way eight an 1 ten tliuusanil. gestion. Sterling Mining Co. vs. A. L. Sturgis; in­ 30 Teachers ! Ul So. Oxlord St, Brooklyn, N. Y. | ' a bad split in the Republican ranks and nave been auld recently. Without injurious medication. junction The following are Rev. M. A . Williams' advice of his phy sician he . ¡sited Wagner's Jus. Swingle ui Langell valley was in Acnxu L a NI i CoMMlSSIoSER S tuck ** will <1 unless resuit in the election of the N Langell vs. Arthur Lange!!, suit in appointments Every first, second ami medical springs, in the southern portion T h » C hxtxcb C omtaxt , 16J Fulton Street, N. Y. Day imard for young men. equity. LAGLH has issued 111—tl uctioh» to carry Deiiiocmic legislative ticket in that Jac*sunville a lew days ago. tilth Sunday in each month at Medford. of tlieState,where he remained some w eeks, < has Nickell vs. Alice J. Smith, ct al : Al 50 PF.R WEEK Kai ph Huberts has removed his gro­ suit to foreclos»' a mortgage into effect the order restoring to settle­ i county —Dallas Co. Ia; lA-tnocrat, third Sunday at E igle Point : fourth Sun Keieiving no permanent bemlit. the de­ cery atuie lu Heidrich’* buikhug in Lnra I Rachael i.r’vi» vs. o. F. Lewis . suit for day at Grant s l*;i««. Services al each of ceased returned to this city, arriving here ment and entry certain railroad indem­ At the Oregon Press convention re­ vule. divorce. I.ndi«#»' board in Woman'« colleg», Lal) S2 50 the above places will be held at 11 o’clock over a month ago. Since then his decline T nity lands, as follows: South Pacific cently held a’ Y.opnna Bay, the repre­ [i Jennie E. Bailey vs. Chas I>. Bailey w th unfurnnsh'-d room: fS 50 with nicely tur- Ì n V Large quantities of land iiave recently 1 V ii has been steady and rapid .Mr. (.’oaklev I A M. nidhed n»<>m. First t«rm L«< h . r September 5th. Railway of California, about 4,tkl0.0i>) sentative of the Portland H'or/.f struck been buugui in the county by paitie* Sam e < ataloguet» and informate»!) t free. Addret««» h 1« resided eontinnoiisly in Portland for Mary E. Williams VS. Eli (’ Williams ÜU I j I acie», Halles Military Wagon Road of straight Loin the shoulder alien he said Huiu ubiuul. TH4H4. VAS MOV. Hr. Rident. ceserai . foist pointer *. Same Upwards of a quarter of a c nturv for Salem. Oregon Oregon, 1.200.000 acres. We have nut learned as yet who got Car«»line Dresicr vs. many y ears he was an a'.t id........ the old that county court (.roceedmgs should be m T 1 Building continues unabated, and this Same. ‘ osniopo.Ha'i hotel, an ; was subsequent^v I) the contracts iur iurniahing Fort Kiauiatn published m two papers of the county in Mary Gardner vs c H. Gardner. Same place will take a long stride forward thi» connected with the 11 dton house, lie J ane L, the last Oregon mare, is prov­ with .supplies. ft a which the court is held, and that the J i* Sweet vs. Lottie M. Sweet. Same year. ! was for a time a member of the police force ing hei mettle and »peed in t'ahfurnia Jef*»e D. Walker and family uf Lost ul I ortland He was possessed of a genial, sale of unredeemed pledges in pawn She won a race at Santa Rusa in the 2 :23 H Amv is making preparation’* to build generous and frank nature, and leaves he nvei valley ate visiting relatives iu THE Y.4 RK E TH. shops should l>e similarly advertised be­ Jackson county. re­ a larger and better granary than the »»no bln I man* siin<-re tiiend.«. who deeply ., cla>a, mile he.it», for five for all, gret to learn ot his death Many years ago fore sold. He might have gone farther r«»KTI-A ND. lately burned down. W. W. hiiney lias rented his ranche Saturday, beating Stambuul, a Sultan lit- lost his wile an I cm .1. .* n»d • miv a tiisier Wheat-For«’iirn inarKt*ts. an«l more »* n - and said that all new State laws ought to in ¿sprague nver valley, and wiu return A very large amount of wheat has been ¡low •»urviv«- Mi a Wm H. Ruggers - cult, Valentine, Da:ay S., Thapam an 1 P« ( i.t! v Live rpool spot, feel the San Fran­ lie printed in two p ipers of each county toJavUsuu county. who tenderly a ol assiduously cared ................ lor cisco break. To cffe« t *ales in any position Stored m Magruder t C o .' h warehouse and him Kate Ewing, in 2.21*4, 2.19’»j, and iuring bis lu~t illness and sinootlu-d a decline would have to be accept« «1. t*ai» it still continues to roll in —of different politics when possible. Bo- Alie Tule laso club defeated tiie hi« patliw ay to the grave.- .Oregonian, Aug. 2.21\. Stamlv’til won mcond money, Franc sco gives evidence «>f soon working We are glad to note also that there is a uanza ciuu in a recent game ul bail, Xue down Ilobt. \Vestrop and Mr Green, the pain­ 29th town export level. ai>«l only on this taking the two fi’it heats. FK ic^ii i:i« íiik I score stood 34 lu lb. strong feeling among the brethren of the ba*»i> can the wheat loosesie I by tho break ter. were in Jacksonville last Tuesday. The r!i:pm»*nts im*!u:iii Francisco house. banish !hi- marmin^ «vuipbm and < ure the wih throw open to settlement million* oi discu-» the als>ve and other question», vsrii known dentist, is in Liukvule on O.«t‘—S«»nH‘ *oming »»n through account, ry and E. B (’a’-m were in Ju'ksonvide di«* t-c by us ;g !»• 1 i ' - Hear! R m. d> ('bissi» Æ<1 vaneo b«it they «io not repoent lat»* business i during the weeK turv* of land which Kepubhcan a luiiin«- and the Sunday H ri.-.rrir p e licts that prulessiuaai business. A' .«11 liug/i-H. (»1 .1. J .,a k A . ‘J ami Values irregular and cannot h»* clo»ely II i i ml st . . . A piece of property in Central Point will tiution* have allowed railroad corpora­ much g od to all will result. qu >tc«i. Ed. Davis, lurmerly oi tins county, is Fruit—Car east !e, in for Montana. be >ohi by >ln ;.it Dean at th«* court-hoil*««' I on application to n: »•»n as tie« grain ip re- tion* to l>e pos.seased ui without good rea­ T he bottom has entirely fallen out of now traveling lur E ned«ander, the uiei • Shipments hat way ar«* ia«*r»*Msin^. 1’ears door in Jacksonville to inoirow. Hee ad­ lh>n't I rp. rimf.ut. ceived. son. The |w‘pie are each day growing ’ the gra n ma-k**t in san Franci-co, and chant tailor uf ban Fiancisvu. Applicati -.n« for I. ans c l Storatf*- Room are Y oil < an • : atL»r«l t«> waste tin e in «•xi»«*r- ure wanted vertisement on tl.e fourth pau»1 of the iiiiviitliig now t>o]jcnta «»/ ’ Dvll'im be upon yon with s -mt? « Innin imitation «»f Dr e*t by th* Democracy, and *bould h s* firm on ehn ken*. i luw.-r MM>n. To -ay that the army of i\ g’s New Discover) for « .. ■ | Aie spent ev tv year by the pe*«ph* <-f BAN FRANC. !.•*« «>. Some stock sales are taking place, heartily nuslained. wheat broke.« w ho ci «wiled against each I this State for worthless medicine« i »r tn«- • ‘Ugh« un.d 1 ol«ls, but be sun* v<«u get the Bran — W«ak at $17«^ ¡ s there being some buyeis iu the county al­ M id lings llsi.fjo. i cure of throat and lung d »eases, when w«1 ge nuine. !’.•« nise he « an make mor«* prof­ Ar Yreka, la*l Saturday, the vote on other in the call lioar.l there were all at ready. Fail puces are being otieied BAKER. M dford Or. in it he iiriv t .. you lie has s.Jiivthin^ just Bags—Firm but not so active; «j’.iotatiuns 1 know that if they would only invot sea is stating the case mildly. There '-auta A!»'«-, the new (‘alif'»riiia discover} as gu<>«|. «a ju-l the same. Don t lie de- u* clisnzed the pi opened issuance ot bunds fur the I apt. U. C. Applegate of Swan lake is | for consumption an i kindre«! com|daint-. . • ived. but insist up«»n g* tting Dr. King s W ool— S»r.icr lor the ema« gement ot <)»t3—Weak with few buvers in the ! they w.»uid in this pleasant rvine«ly find rv- New Discovery. which is ga llante«*»! Io wildness. Every man la*ing afraid to ins residence. He is always progressive. taguv, on the Caliioiuia Ji Oregon tail- marKct. For Oregon fl 27S CI 40 r» pre­ | lief. It ii recommend**«! by minister’«. give relief in .til I hroai Lmig and Ci»« st J phyiirian* and public speakers of the <¡0 alici 'Hüll’« Trial ftottlcs ir« e at < ity Driiu J. N. Summeo, who is farming on an sent extremes road, re*ulU>«i in 241 tor un«l 4 against the make a *|a*culative move, prevented Barley - Weal; .it itl.o p *.»" r »r Nu 1 feed ; d- ii State Sol i and guaranteed by I’ity this. The e are so many brokers and in ­ ex tens; ve scale near Linkviiie, has one me ¡Mine. The greato*t enlhtwiasm p»»- —The market i*. «<» un^«-ttlt* tm» L^rgr N i 1 «»ti I»’- -ix m »nth**' treatment fo” |1 Bv mail • iv th« real market Dr. Walker oi Walla Walla has sue- cable qu- •la­ were tirc l at night in honor ui the event cised to p.event failures. It ¡»generally | ceedcti Dr. Merrill as pu< surgeon nt I ' l ing for »*Xp ’ I. n-i io. i 1<> t’ons. | he tr.ide is dciaoi I the We congratulate the people ui our native c«nc* ded that othe failures than that of Fort Kiauialh. i'iie ¡alte» will go lu real conditi«»n of affairs will >! z I he and kn< • w 1 1 Y. Thin sawmill is now in full o;»e> ratiun and will town U| mjii th«nr untcrpiibe and «'A** Wm. I>re»bar I, and John R.wenfeld, Aroy, tor some days k#»ep on hand h full stuck of all kindr and dimen­ , leaders of the wheat p<*jl, will follow, as A few persons were gianted teachers’ judgment. sion»« of Rnrfc na a Sfttnm-r Re/tort. Parties pay irx for the T imes in advance m our ' the affaos of the leading operators are in cei titivates by tiie school superintendent reduced cash .at «•<< will bo furnished any of tie A' Ea-tcru m ui who has ju«t re­ : following Ihv re-nit of piohibitiot» in Rlusie Gl­ a g.ea’ly complic te i shape ami are drag- this week, lhe examination took plat e named publi<*ati«»n* in connection wnh w vduesday. this paper at t e pri«*«»H given b«*lou. It will be turned from a vi-it to Y iquiuaand vicinity and is (uurul in ¡lie teportof the auditor- g ng other com er ns into th** maelstrom. I n««tired that thete is a reduction of at least 15 t» ils the • ’ On-goni m that to- ha* been ail Next week tiie board of county coin- jw»r cent, »»’i p«>bhsher«’ cuatoinary rate* in «ver general, ileckning that the treasury is Just how the broken operators stand Havn « placed th« tin«"*t double Planer and inibsiuiier* will me«*t ami inuke tiie tax along th«» const tin*« summer from San instance, und in some much more Mateijer to b« found in the Rogue ILwr Valley will commence WEEK UK». »2‘>|>,«' short on account uf the prohibi­ with their ci ed tors is riot kie wn. ami ex- levy. it will not beany higliertius year I Diego up. and he has seen no pl-ace which m our mill, we will furnish ah g ad« ► of ! Toledo Weekly Bbuie » tion ot liquor lieeli-e fee-, and that owing i»*rts who are at work inrrn the accounts than last, ¡I as high. «■mnbine’v so mauv natural « harms an<*fore they The county is rapidly filling up. All vantages as a slimmer r- >«»r? as '••»a! Rock ■ »etroit Free Press Two-Ktory Buildings. 3 i 3 that is necessary tu make tins a great < resort below Y ipiini A tri t hi*« he«n New Y«»rk Star b.» pa. l to 1.1 • -tat.* police, it apf»*ars can prepare a -t itement. la -l «»ff in |i»t* then* by James W. Br »•***- 3 New \urk W«».bl country is a laihuad, winch will no doubt field, ami tin* place is bound to become on»* San I* ranci«*c«» I xaminer that in tl.e pas» year the St i*e has paid I h<* premiums m every d<*partim*::t have be.«;, 3 I m ? built in tiie nut far-off future. uicreabAJ. ./ >>/:/*///v: ’ /f v/ F v/:i»5. 4 of t he m«»st | «»pular and beautiful on the Purt'and < >regt»:iiaii $«Ju7 to ape. iai officers ‘ for working up Th«» speed deportin«n’ h is nover before in this 5 Harper’* Baxar coast Joom prices li iVf m»t reached the A. D. Naylor ami Geo Calkins start -I l’io:ie**r Pres« 3 (Ml Mate been • sulondidly represented as it im thiR evnieucu* ag .. I Inptur -eller«," l-M'.» t > > n it Mil'cr w.ts .it >.(b*m t'lis week up ( otaban’» saw-nnli on August 15th, nl:»< t as yet. ami al! who wish a location • lii *ag«» News year. st l«»vely reMery imaginable are al! * Philadelphia Tim 3 un I'he «¡•ant’s l‘x»s bin 1 will s*»>n number of 3 c«)inbin«*d at H»*al Rock resort beach San Franc «ecu < m H t i * several kimla oi beer,' and various a I'U'.lie ent.*, tainment. SPECIAL PREMIUMS. The Linkviiie blacksmiths, with tin* is »me of the finest ami the near The Fr mk L»**iie's i¡lustrat«*<1 paper 70 v i« inity «»f I *. .. .. •• (ie other sum, forsiinilnr purpose«. s 70 German . Th«» followng am the premium« offercti for Wm II irt ii ui of Jei'«til • P ti* io went «*x«*eptiun ot A. D. Cariick, have foi m»*d Yi"|uina, soon to I m * the terminus of a FRUIT B< >XES Huiiday Magazine .. 4 b- st exhinits made by th»* thiiou « counties • a pattnvr.-mip. The new firm is known tra!isr mtin«*ntal railr*»a:i, ren«h»rs it easy b» lack.-onvBteti i- u»-ek Popular Monthly ... . 5 Sheaf and-‘boiled grains: 1st premium. $ IOC. 2d Til»: lai>d-grul>(*‘«a aii.l hi *ci U|.iilui'* <>f ' < vs«*. Many lots have b«*«*n sold, and of either fir or pine timber. a** Wuodcu» k, K»rhinson A Mi» kels»)n. $35.31 $15. Budget................................. . 4 Ho* .Mmphj *.iw an«l tiour.ii^r m.ÜH as so>,n as the beauties and advantages of Pleanant Hour»» I 50 <>r.!M«».— native and enltivat « k I) : 1st premium. iii*>n<>| oliata who have ia eii lveehin^ t e All order« and bill» filled with p*x>niptne»»* and Wiseman Bros., of San Diogo, Cal., fl place are understood th«» entire trar*t MONTHLIES. 1.1 l ar n»>w running ti (till time. dispatch No c«»mment i- neceeaary on the »upe governili.*«»« ao h>n¿ ar.* •I'lite likely to Venables (farm and garden): l«t premium. Our Stock thi^ season □ ;m ba Exa -.Ua » on the Coast! nority erf the quality of our fir timber. ar.* in thecuuntv w th a view of estab­ wi:i be ’nken up. Parties desiring eli ■ W«*HtShor«‘. Portland. Or................................. «4 W) D W Hi (irmt’ri P.i.m i |s 10- lishing a teleplmn«* line between Link aible seaside pr»»p»*rty will do well to visit j ('entury. Heubner «*.......................................... . . A UU $5o. 2d >25 HAKR1H A CO. roui.* «o grifi uii'ier the prewent »>I iuìiiìh - i Ihunorcst’a Magazin»*......................... I 00 Fruit (gr»- t.. Is* premium.$i*>u. 2 I $ '.5.3d $15 Neither in Q rm!ity. y.ialirv. V nru»ti«-s. Size of Tr/»«-!.’¡«>r Hoalth hih I Vigor of mhiuh . anili’inbrncer« 5.11. There i« a coed road to th« «¡11 thi» jear. covering ir » ii hi-* -| m * I u! fever. vilh* ami the railroad,down tiie Klamath ill«' place, ulid after seeing it will not tai’, I Go«l»»jr’i* Lady Be »ok.......................................... 4 00 PreparatmnM ar«» being mad * m sev««ral of th»» all t I • 4 i v i -f A i’i’u**’. lb’, kiì. Pisi >1 PKA if PR CNF., \PiHi<»l. NE(1AKI.\L. tratioii. A Washington »peci.»! IM) -tbal to pur« ha*>»'. __________ " 8i * N icholiui .i 00 «•ou1 ties to c«>mp*'t«* for the abov pr«*miu us. and CHERRIES. ALMONDS I fr. Etc. N (' r»ip'»«1!, W ho *?■ .'k So'i's’ chief liver. a refM*rt oi the 1' . ¡tic iailro.uU ia 'oein>{ , Harper’s Monthly . I 50 »he display of th.-s«* hubst .nti.il farm and garden eleik at \V.d.»re*l hy M ijo Redington with a Harper's Young People .................. The following special premiums are also of I Ou l’linxr w Kill! IV r-.y. M R.iz •••<»! Giant’’* Pas-* h;ra a cotton I goo»I, if m»t th«* best, crops uf any section Pel<»n*on'B Magazine I on f««r»*d : view to the pr«» furniNhe<| ata re- taining ld> specimens: 1st premium. $50. 2d $25. fits land yiel«le«i very well in most in* ■ iut i*«! ¡tri'*«» when ordered with the TlMKs. F«»r the 1 «rg»*st an i b »st «lisplay of native Or«»* are | rr si riptions having been used with 11 iluilbiitt subl quite a ntunher oi stances. paniea an.l the leeovery oi »7">,ii'i Ohlai.d n«-w Hubscriberi» paying oney«»ar in ad- gon woods: 1st premium gold in • iai .•ri'il ,nr.I>y ..!4 alvi w> ll-iead phvsi- hi* i»:<»«> hi in l.u k«on county recently. va:i<*e from date f «r the I'l.MKri will re« »>ivo in ad- 1 he .\ -w York Jersey ( aftle < lub ha- giv i out oi which they aie sani to have swin­ It is re¡M)rt»*d that K^aines, Martin ÔC . runs l ii-.ni-amis >4 mva.irls have been l«««l t«> i!««.• pr«,inium off'*r«‘d Mr. Sb r»*r ami iam.lv <»f Grant ’ s Pa-s < o. iiave sold out their large farm m tpiexp etedlv cured be tliei r u-e. and thin <*i-co Examiner. St. Paul Pioneer Pr»*ae. St. Louie by ticBoariiof Agnciiltnr»* fto the b.--ie adm.ni'tration wiil push the and tie .Real coileges i . i the l'inn-t stai, s, free, «»r the Tarin and Fireei«!»« on»» year free. cows or heif««rs. his wi . li ^- known iiooe . under the I’. UAlili'l I ’ E A Ii, t lit* best late shipping variety. Newt. Yocum is now at Asidami, and »dock, etc., to patties lr« ui below for a so limi li so that physicians gr.i luating at TIMES PRINTING HOUSE, hhw niHnag».iOMnt. will he cor¡du?t.*4 nn the proaecution. REDUCED RATES. Ja«'ksonville Oregon. Ute»t ai-d iu-»«t c«»nift»rthl»l«* hloeping Mpartmeutf* supplied With JrMK F ield ot the V. S. Supreme rn itisin. KANADAY’S CL1XG. the eatiner’s pride. ( and nnvigttion hivs to tie• air will b * re urn«'d singh» ard doubl»* I h «R. nuking it h dewrabie county r« viewe«l the assessment roll Fub- N »wt Fe»r *ll. th«* t»-»pul.ir repres«*nta- free if they have b »en o:i exhibition an«i h ive not Court, in deciding that x*naL»r Stani >r I profit ilrle practir-i* A- a mannfactur. r of KELSEY S JAPAN PLI M. has no peer. place for th.» entertain meat of both traveler* and inittedby Assessor Hatton this week ami eh iig«M» ownership. Liberal reductions have al- meilieines. [n G G Grwri <4 famil.es nee ENTE. Send to th»» uiider.'ignod for a premium list The c«»uat> « runin:-siuner:-* will meet st. k and irti '. nd ar. liable to. almost dai y •Then Baby wm Rick, we pave Ler Color La. J. T. GREGG. established l»y the la>t congre»* for the Messrs. Sweek and Shackleford, repre- by I he u«e rd patent me licine« put on t bv ^French Conserves). next week t«> l»,»y the tax for this year Secretary O 8 B. A. Will Riway». be supplied with the bo»t the mr.rket When ahe w.-v- a Child, she cried for ( ‘ net «»ria. pm poYi* of hanging th*.* Hrr».»gant an 1 and tu trail :i» t o’h r !ni|M»rt:inf business. Minting the ótate anti Federal govern­ inev.i'ru riced persons for agirran.iiz.-rn.-nr Salem. Or., August 23, 18'7. aff rnia. mg red in a Ht) !e that will pleaae (tie m >SEBEIili) , tin* most profit able of them till. i ments faetidmu« tacte. When »no becam* Miss, »he clang to Caetoria, onlv . and th*- « ‘ tiiploytiient ot inexprriem e I respectively, iiave been in th»» un<« rnpul“»K railroad kings t > justice, : »Rat » m . r«»aot.nbl« and RatiRfuction ruaian- Bun:*!. Bro» of ’h • People's Market at county sometime on <»ffi»*ial bu.-iness ami and im oaipet i.t d-.r-tor« **v winch ¡i iuo-t When »ho Lad Cbi.areu, »he gave them Caatona. teed ag i.n e\ ii « es ii* »w th«»»• uguly sui'>»*• vient Languedoe, King's, Soft Shell and Paper Shell Almonds. ever, vi. ,.g. ,m I to-.-.ii i» cursed; and men Grant's !’.••*• ar* fnrnishi!.# that p!a«’e wil. go t«> Lake county in a short while. J. J. STRAIT. Prop.* i c'.iinii-ig t.. h>- do. tor« who hail better I h * tic is to that ring *»i pubii»- plumlerei*. w th cl «»i» e lu» ats and ‘Io u fl xiririhing W. E. Gr« <»|.e, scli»>ol Miiperintend»*nt, rind* rtnkt r«. < xp< riturnting witlt lheir : LARCE STOCK ANO VARIETY SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES There a re -eversi respe« table iMiiiucrats biminew. has been appointed io a fe«icral {»option ttet.rs and robbing them of their monev TWtNTY-FIRST YEAR. in Oregon who hav«- la en blindly follow­ -<•>, Clematis ami Flowering Plants, Small it our gov* .-unir proto. 1« it« people bv ing ih.* fortunes ul Judge Fichi, ar. I .t i*» lic » xan ii i»ti'»n at Kcrhyvillo on last jaml left for that plac«* last we»*k. W,» I III making las* to recu.at.. the prar-tiee of Fruits. Grape Vines, Etc., Etc. ST. MARY’S ACADEItxY, tn v reasonable lue.xp» ct thru» tu d»***« it Weilnes lav. A ii'imber of appl cants j congratulate him on ids good fortune. ni.du .m- l»y ' ■ tier *-x... tu need and more blip ul 1« th.s la-t «h~plat oi hi* subaer- w«-rv in alt»*n«lam*e. thoroughly , dm .tied physir-t.ms. ami there ­ iiT* Befor * purchasing elsewhere, partimi inten.Iing to plant tr*o will fit d it t » th«*ir interest to CONDUCTED in A burse race took plahcinrs, • HAMMON 3 ROS., pheem*. Jnckson County, Or. G ln . t’m ok , upon leaving !•»» the «•.net thr ♦ v»*niiq; will no d ubt be a . tac«»r walked off with the purs« $G)) timlcr ex-imina'iun ami dec ion of expe- Th>*8cholM1i<* y.-ar .4 thia acii.a.l will com- *cenv of th» Vt** hub^n outbreak, »»aid: p!< asan| affair. after an intrr»Mting <*o»>t»w»t. Q lite a ru tu't'd i-liemist.« amt pliv-ic j.ins appoint- «nonce alM>ut the end of August, and i* divided in rd f -r that pttrp-.se try the government. BKÍ 151 our «*.»hinon»» of ten w«»ek>< <»ach. ••We are KM»ng Indian hunting un our FACULTY I num I »er we«e in at tend Ho|epi< king ha« C'»mrn»»ne«,«l in this before they are licensed for •/enera I use. Board and tuition, per term.. . €41» OU own account. 1 have b.-vn in^tnu te»! l»y county. A lar^e number of persons are Music ............................ . J. S. 8WEI' f Prssid-Iit AHirit Walker, who was at Linkvillc a ‘ lie would most freely |»la*-e th»- recipe of 15 Ou Maiiufarfuror and l'o dor in Mat hematic»', F«ych«»logy and S«*h<»«>l E<< •oiomj. Drawing and Painting . A no the Pre•»nirnt to xeturn (Hd t’ulorow t«» »•n^a^»,»l in ¿a'li«* inx Die crop, which is few days since, Hava the Star, reports j Boschee'e convince bun noiie other. Give huu an onler. \ eh : r knoitn to vail . f i 7Di) ami 100(4 hea»i of beef cattle as fine I piUare receded a; any time, and -j.»f, »1 at »¡•»•rpd Ht- TMIiSSAW-Mil/. H \S IATEÍ.Y BEEN TUO - MRS G (’.EDDINGS. as anv butchers may wisii for. ent¡.»n it* pa d to particular »fudiee tn hehalf I that the be»t place !*»r him i* home. I 1 oughly r»e:ov;t.«i and many improvennnt« HI NT’S ItiZMEDY has •»rod frvm lin­ of .ln.MHimcmtJil Mu«*i«*. !' P. Rich.ir l'mi nt* Williams < ert'ek children who Lave but limited tone. t,oi further made themu», Mithat it i now prepared to turn gering drexse anti «loath huu<1 rotis who have I. I.VD RESTORED To SETTLE- »ball have a p r-»n.tl coiiMiltat * ii Witn was in Ja« kso i county last w«»»»k EMMA TOLMAN nurlicularA apply at tbe Academy. He out a urge quantity of Drawing and i’aintuig. been ^-iren up by physici&ns to dio. ME ST. bun, ami shall pi«»bably grant houi« con* will commeii« »* tiie practice of 111* HI NT S REM EDY cure« oil Diseases LOTS FOR ALE. res*: n» ahi« h sic ¡Id haw I m ‘ cii alluw»* i prob .«-¡on, that of civil engineer. First Tenn Begins Tuesday, Aug. 30. '87 So rei.irv Lamar has lii. i-tel that all of the Ehlncys, Bladder, Trinary Or- io: g a/o. Ish«iii proceed direct to M»*- k- i'** F lyt T a II xabt R kvttt Hono [’Hl SIHSI IflfiEH HAS A M MUI H (H All corr»**pt»nd«*n<*.« ch»»orfull> an-n* r«r nil kind». Wv will soon har« on band n large which ia often di'pendtni upon duieaae of the Incontinence an«! RetcntKn of Trine. ' and held lor indemnity pu p.-M*« tmder ache, f«» him in the numiuains. iiimlvs «ill Williams cr»*« k. w ho hav»» Been in Kl.i uHRortm«! t «»I heari, sometimes upon n»j: icas «I ímam , and some HINT’S REMEDY encourages sleep. I conduct me ou the falter p irtioli > f the mati. countv I«» »«omeume pa>t, retun j i;r u.t to the (' thio!nia A Oregon t.i.lu.iy Innes upon deraaj..-merit of the circulation. honie this week. They were gla«l to ci\ ci« -» un apatite, bnu ee up the system, and I Ktsril'. H.O.HUNG. < EII.IMI. AND KIN- way. My visit will > m * a brief one.” company be restored to the public - RnnVlllcinil< Furr H kart R rmiut at onoe renewed health is tho renulL lSHl.Vi U MIDII. vUBTWIwIUlId« causea convulsiona toccoae, and by (vhit h h»- nffora for Artie at rnaaonabli* privr*. I back. ' main, and re«tore.| to r-ettl.-ineiit under Tur: U.*.¡/< i i« and other Republican Hl NT’S REMF.DT cures pain in the Here ia a .avoral»:«« oplM«rttonify t«» invewt in <»xc«»l- Tiie new Applegate bri'b-'*’. near th»* | general land laws, except «it, l> I.nvls as a proper use of the intjdicine w ill prevent theu re» currence, either in children or adulta. Hfit town pro^fty and ' grow up with the coun­ Orders for rou^L lumber tilled on fhort D'Kice Side, Back or Loins, General Debility» journals m>t noted for the.r fairness are <’iistar fori, liis been fi iish»’«! an I is iiiiav >*e covered by apj. ovel se'e. tion l ! ! ’i“ b» A »--t I ■ i ’ i 1-, Female Diseases, Disturbed Sleep, iF.sLEY. OOVMNti.k I’FX H. I’rop«.. rwidt , whf»o it A. GODFREY. taking much pains to copy tini unj ist ,,p.... to travel. It h a tine st» u» tine and Aa to lands covered by unapproved s <- Bonanz.«. June 17, 1#W. given in ca-ra nf delirium, calma the Loss <»f App«'tite and Bright’s Diseas fleet* » ¡edit' ii lac contractors, Hoff- Big Bu't«. » >r I tions, application to m ike tiling« ai d excited brain, an I by F.-curinfi» rent for tho rofferer, and uin*erupulut«s atta, k« ma te on l‘ievi­ HI NTS REMEDY quickly induces tho ' man »A Batea ent.ies tlu*ieon may be receive I an 1 no- promotes the re»ioriti. n <4 health. dent t. Loveland «ml his administration Liter tc healthy action, removing tho causes ---- ASK FOR — M(. All wo: tli, editor of tlb*_ < 'onrirr, 1 ted, an*l held subject t>> the elaini oi the by the N. w Yoik !«'■ * / is i;ln«»ss of one of I must be iistm. tlv informed, .¡lid memo will cure vases ot Nei.ra^a v.1 h other remedí« •I » I Kir.... .,« I1r<*»rnn. .Ani.nicct. ,n. Cutl.-n etc. have failed to reach, as It exer sea a double infla* H. I<,r..«..i s1..,rm - I,,,i. ,.,,.r brought tii • tn hear of the randum thceoi entered < ii his pq>ers •neo. slnet is irliab.e ikmi.s-ratic authmily. In one case over the circulation, and In the By the use of HI NT’S REMEDY th* K“t ‘‘‘,l'* M'i'1 »1 Hi« l<.w,-t I..»..d>le lesev’ice. other over tho nerves. And all of 1 whenever such application to tile or en­ Th > fact» are that the 11 rM is coli-idei- St»m^ h and Bowels will speedily regain their ter i*. po ’ -i nt.-d, alleging upon sutficieiit 1 will VIC. ■»»•... Good» to fl., just what At druggists. 11.50. Inscriptive treatise with is bo n in S«>uth ed by al! those who aie *>e«t pistr I ami length, &n«i the blood will be perfectly purified. ¿F. f>'R»( T»»l:s (IF DMtDWF.I.l/S DIS. each botilo ; or address ....... . Umi.kful t„ is i.o.v a resident I I l rima iac.e showing tiiat th* land is t’ict ecbo(»l will my..« racial ji.'oty ?«nd ba*- .1-1.1 II. r. f..r f ...ir t.-.-i twtr.o ht^r,,] teli tile tiuth a* not.o* g but a j uruali«- Hl NT’S REMEDY is purely vegetable, of »ili» «(•‘•(»f»] wii] b«»7in ■■1'1 lie- !eW • cho »l-h«»U->* <».. tb*1 «Vf- , ri-r.wl. |, ,!i n ..-(full. „ n„,,_ It wi* a -ol«li:*r in ir.'in any c.iUHe not aul.j *(*t to the com­ and meet ;« want never before furnished to the n • -.f Tr’.ÍHy. S'«| bad- UNRIVALED GOODS! ... Lc. !. Ti M In it. Fre«* bclîolHr’-it.p'-. For t> rtirularH ndh«»« F! on M IN . IKKN. ■ ml whose principles a:o always in the u!i i » th - human Hl NT’S IXEMEDY Is prepared ex- F or ladiee and children who«» hist» .'xi* B. I ARSOi D, B . H*iyuioh«| A J.Ba.i«»w, J \\ . ! ; :«-*.n. of illlJoliV biota] \C?*rp not be offended with impunitj. HAMBURG pressly for the above diseases, and market. No doubt if th- l’rc-i let t biw. d l’r»w*id- ,.t. r »he ! :vî •AV. tV • V.*a * til»* Wi'loW '«< K' IN VILLE. OR form a remedy for c -n t ;. Uion, in- ; D • t . I.-Ul’.ll I*.I). ha • never been krjnn tu fail. at l'uütr -r'a -brim* t w rd ¡.imi l.iin to «»f th«' ia e I*. ! Mien . has «iipi'orL’d old digestion, piles and fiver coir m uhicb ri i.d of th«* famiiy , Noti 33 to F irtmr» Notics Foe ’ S 2:1t . CERMAN ASTHMA CURS i» us plci'in: to take as it is effsetiv* tn fine ti iai will convince you. For tl,,. skies, l.ut 5*t leV.'lall’i has < o I Mi. Martin, a ? »: mer iki* II .«id-« .-».i r- r Zn»r«Dtb r»*he*v*M. the n»<»»-t viotout att«*4 and tee. is ctz. sale by all Drnggists I with W it’Cîi !«» «le­ L!, i l< ; X h 'n ; » !. I , , i.» I II '.Kts 'i, THE i iAI RAL PtHM use lor aiuti u .m o. j u-mil-; nor can I who ho ! ii:i '».’ V.n.ru y . h vti d-’privvd o: ut'irw comfort able sleep fcU *AIT|M. kr left.- > At all Druggbds ; c r addre»» [M I »* r.Mtng n«edbyinhulstion !te»n tofru- 1 A «. •• t ?-)•■• • .* fl -tf;« • • l - ‘■•I ! bu **»ll !.«;«!»» w} » t-e .' »<■; 1 ■ • I ’. > * t i l . i i "'« hh , • ie pri a*«- • i em\ hin mght. 1 r»-.»*. r: ’ g to fr»‘«l and >f : H u NITZ ■“ 1/ : . • 111 1,1 ( l\| ;,qv.s they injifi«' bini in tie * Ti.e «*’ Scud for I’am pl i let to u»«».«. »;/* direct An.l ct-i ftilii. «nd * cure in the I if .■ i ‘» "I im K J f-»*' . .¡' ■^ • ,1» - . , I *jt z ...s * . ■•' 1 *•'« • Je |n UCC .11 id !•••;;! > .1 .fir him it h r own cxpet»ae, rather ' . ■- :.-■•« - .r:., . .. r«Ai'ilt tn s'l rurwMe cajw « A ninal«« trial mn- <¡<>ninn only sL‘ ” ’> •*» m lair it i- wh­ J. J. MACK & CO , and u p n «K • i n .n • I: i< 4 »Ii'* »i »ns. .-.ù-M. Will farm*h «*:«•»» u» t i »~‘ ' the v»iinty I . I'"' , 'V 7’ ', ■ - i* ii'*w i ■ .Ufa.- .Univ, 4 *,¡1 t . ,n b r » -tore. ’ M I IfilS. Is««ignee. jw»n«..Wtl1 kft *...•:. I .1 .4 tl, ■ V,.ry t,HS; .4 1^1 it att ruipta t > f l ha ■ ■•• J' ul am druggiet << ».v mail K .rrP> |*rre fur I S and II Front tt, $a * Francicoo, Cai, Providence, Tl. 1 m e D ’ laazL ka u tiu o-»aaty, Or .Jan* H, 1M». etetop »r. H.M Hlft-ftM < %♦ 1. g.we.j in ItemiHrntic rank by li e A. Y. l»v '-r. ¡ar >r-liou-se. Ii i.s such act ons as these beer *»ith«r ¡a butt qj k * •ííitial hiper lor Jaekwi. Joitphiie k Lake lion, of the Sixth judicial district, was Dr. Jas. Spence of Sucker creek valley CfTIL CASES REDLAND NURSERY, A. II. CARSON A SON. Proprietors, Little Girl, 100 000 TREES For a Number of Years, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, Ayer’s Sar saparilla CASTORIA ““““ I ri"‘ --- w in I 9 I Thousands find it to their advantage to patronize the Mail Order System. They get The Cost of Transportation is overcome, and more, by the Differences in Prices. You can have the styles that city friends wear and select from half a hundred patterns, while at home, in the country, there are but a limited number. The ad­ i Sacks L'iirid to Farmers Without Charge vantages offered through the Mail Order ■ System are manifold. I The Red House Trade Union established a Mail Order Department 13 years ago and now numbers its patrons by the Thousands. HIE 27ih ANNEAL STATE FAIR A Catalogue of Itb Ite with Samples of lids Mailed Free on Application. C. H. GILMAN, RED HOUSE TRADE UNION Sepi. 12. b'7. and nmtiniie One Week TREES! TREES! TREES! HUMMON BROS.’ NURSERIES, PHŒN1X, OREGON, and OAKLAND, CAL ASHLAND HOUSE I Main St., Ashland. Or T rrii<> rrai»io ASHLAND HUNT'S ¡BBiHIY JOHN MILLER, STEAM SAW-MILL GIAS. Kidney .■’Liver Medicine i’ISlìlLS AMI AWMIiHN HEART DISEASE. Superior Lumber Fishing Tackk Hardware. Paints, Oils. Bonanza Klamath County, Or., Varnish. Glass, liitkrv. Etc.. SOCIAL PARTY Ilftliriuni Jacksonville I'L,Tr’g egon CORVALLIS Ih BOSS BOOTS FBIOiY FVENIN3, SEP. 2d AKIN, SELLING & CO.’S T HAMBURG FIGS. THE CITY BREWERY, VF.! r st fill’ rz. mop A ASTHMA CURED