F ihe ikuiocratk aimes. Ui!T£3 STATES OffISIU PRESS. Kin day John Miller oilers his entire stock of E. L. Applegate of Ashland will »11 cominence his campaign against pro­ liaidware, the whole or in part, at cost. It smoky. hibition He speaks in Jacksonville on the is his intention to retire from business The While is king. 4th of October Call on him and price his hardware, and Oregon Kidney Tea. Jay Beach is at the fair grounds with you will find it to your advantage to pur­ • Read the new advertisements. the well-known trotter Altamont, ami chase from him. Read our grand clubbing inducements seven other horses. Training will com ­ Unparalleled bargains at N. Fisher’s. published elsewhere, and if you want the mence at once. Watermelons at the S. F. Variety Store, Prof Willits has begun thlt formerly of this place is now ni* delivered a lecture in thi* place on last other was only s iv«‘I through the best of care ami attention at Vruka. Saturday evening Three musicians, who are traveling J. C. Whipp, was at (¡rant's Pass one A few copies of the American Settler’s through the country discoursed some ex­ lay this week. Gui«le, standard authority on land ques­ cellent music at the “Farmer’s Exchange" ( H Reed, the painter, is now a resi tions, can be obtained by calling at the on Tuesday evening, which attracted a T ime * office soon. «lent of Albany. large crowd, The instruments on which The residence belonging to County Clerk they play are flutes,picalos and other wind The water -upply i-getting short in some Parker, on Oreeon street, has been renova­ instruments, and a guitar and banjo places about town ted and repaired and is now oucupi» d by V Watermelons are becoming numerous There i not a place in the int«*rior where Chale and family. and tailing in price. rhe latest ami most improved metho«!* in For sale at a bargain -a c«»sv «hvelling photography ure employed to a great­ Nature's remedy is what they say of h«»use imt far from the center of th<* town er • xtent than at the Ashland gallery. Lo­ Oregon Kidney Tea. of Medford. For particulars enquire of R. gan always keeps up with the procession Bargains in «‘very line may still be found T. Lawton, real-estate agent am! has gained a wi«iesprea«l reputation at Newman Fisher’s 4 Plyniale s stage line to Medford is well for doing tirst-ulass work at reasonable The b«**t and eheap«'st mining blanks for patronized, as also is hi* livers’ stable, price-. * sale at the T imes office. where excellent teams and vehicles may be 1'he lit!le«laughter of Mr. ami Mrs.James F«»r g’»«»«l -hingles, sh ike- and cord-wood obtained for all occasions Wilson ot this pla« e met with a painful ae- apply at the T imes office. Wickham »V Luckey, real-estate agents cideiit on Tn«-*day last by falling and strik­ C. B. Carli-leof the M»*dford”Transcript" at Ashland, are doing a good business, as ing her chin on a step in front of their re­ they attend to all matters intrusted to their sidence, cutting a severe gash. Dr. Robin­ was in Fortland r«*eently. son -ewe«i the wound up ami the little girl W. Manzuy has th»* thanks «»f the T ime * care with ability and dispatch. Prof Vertilli, t tie ventriloquist and siight- is doing well. corps for a tine watermelon. .4 ll'omMM in .VffiM’M Attire. The following item is taken from among the San Frauci- » «li-p.it« *) ■-<»f th«* “Ore* gonian" of a late »late The last issue of the Willows (Cal I “J »uriml” says that a few days since a man walku I up to the : clerk oi to« h«»t> I an I a-ke»l f.»r lodgings I In a conversation the startling announce- ment was made that be wat a woman forced t<» «ion man’s at I re by a brut al bug ­ band. Pur*i-tent in juiries brought «»ut the informal« m that h« r name i* Mary Lane. She was married a year ago in JacksiM) county. Oregon The newly-mar­ ried coup!»* start«*«! to (’alifornia. In Shas­ ta valley they made a -top. and the hus­ band secured work, chopping wood. After working a short time h«1 pr»‘p»»-c«l that bi- wile should assi-t in the work. To en­ force a< «pliescen< »* he t»»«»k all her <*l»»tbes and burned them, lie tli -n furni-hv 1 her with overalls, jumper and heavy boot*, and threatened lor with death if shc«liti nut obey. Accordingly she comnonevd chopping w«»«»«l Thun she went into the bay field as a regular band. At «»ne place her sex was discovered and -he was dis­ charged. Whatever m«»nuv was earm I the husband appropriated and -p-nt in gambling ainl drinking. A w» » k ago they came to Germant«»wu. where the husband •ecared work for Doth, carrying sacks. The work was t«x» heavy, ami the wifedut -r- mined lo th e from her b«»n«l,ige. Once be­ fore »he had tritd to « -cap»1, hut w «-caught by her husband and beaten. This time she wait«*«! till herhu.-i»and wa- engage I af John Hull left for Si*son’s,('al.. this week labor, when she started out «»n lout to Willow* Through the kindness of sev­ w here Iu* will join his family. eral lathes -be was given pr«»p«*r clothing Fay y«»ur arrearages at the T imes office and as.-ured of protection. She then im­ mediately started to Oregon, when* her am! get one «»f our premiums. brother reside*. < itiz.cn- j»urcha-«»i a Babbitt-metaL in «¡uantitius to suit, for ticket and supplied her with the necessary sale eheap at the T ime * office money am! clothing for the trip Circuit e<»urt f«»r J«»sephine county is Retifjionn \.tr*.. again in s«**«i«»n at Grant’s Pa**. Rtv. W. P Widii-m* will pre ich at Me«l- We want corre*j»omlcnce from every p«»r- f >r«l m xt >umla\ both ne u nin/ «ml » vun- ti«»n <»f the Fir-t Jmlieial Di-trict. M’ irning m»tep:ii»ur, with envelope- t > il Sun«iay-.*«*h»'ol an I Bible du-s i match, for *ale at the T ime - otlice ■very Sun» Sunday lay at 11 o’clock a . m at Mr* J. Rolison intends going ea*t before he V M Hall. Talui nt. I long w heie she will join her busband Regular -nrvic» s will lw held at the <’uth- , Grape* have nrule their appearrn«1»' in oiic church in .Im k-'-nvitle on Stiml iy. at this market. They are ot a tine quality the usual hour, bj y Rev. F. X. Blanchet. Now is the time to bring in that wood The following are Rev. M. A Williams' you promised us. Don’t wait until winter appointments. Every first, -ceomi ami sets in. tilth Sunday in each month u 'The Postal Telegragh Co. ha- established third Sunday at Eagle Point; fourth I Sun day al (¡rant s Pass. Services it at each of an office at the Toll-house on Siskiyou the above pla« us will be buhl at 11 o’clot ck mountain. stationery of every description al cost at the S. F. Variety Store. The -tuck must be Aahlanil State School. closetl out. t This institution of learning will begin its A new lim* of « lioice Key West an«l do­ first term on lne-day, Augu-t 3»»th, and bills fair to be one ut the leading schools of me-tic cigars just received mt tht* S. F * the State. Prof. J . S. Sweet, the president, Variety Store. Geo. Ridinger. formerly of this valley, is sparing no pain* ur leaving notl ing un­ done to make it -neo, an«! h»‘ wi I .i--i*t- is now in the employ <4 O. 1*. R. R Co at Yaq’.ina ei'> ed in the v.ork with th»- followii : «•elient teauher-• Julia M G«»o’ti«- D. Wizard Mrs G <_• for son’.etime past, ha- return« «! to the ng* aii’i Mi-- Emma Tolman. We X Willann'Ue v.ol.-y peel to h«-.;r ut this >uh«»ol meeting with Ge ». R. Neil of this place killed a very great succe-*, win« n it will no doubt be en­ large deer near Robt Neil's place in the titled to. Further information can be l>ea«l Indian section. learned by consulting «>ur advertising co­ The greatest burgain-in all kinds of mer- lumns. ehamlise **an be obtained by calling soon >rlt ttlnr-tli ip* . 1 »r«» ftb-t! on Newman Fisher. * Sch'»ui Sup nutemiviit Jacobs last week A party containing almost twenty people awarded two of ihu scholar8hips for the went from Ashland to the Dead Indian Stat«- Normal School at M >nmoiitb, <>nt to -o«»a springs hist week. Author Souiu of l'i. < ni.x and the other io The I>ua«l Indian soda springs are being Mi-s Mattie Morris ui Manzanita precinct. There is.-till one ¡or this school winch vr-i'« «I by a large number of people reci v* has not been award’ d ami any :«e desiring ating in the mountains. Eastern sugar-cured bams, canned corn the same should apply at «me.- Ihe Ash­ land State Normal School ¡3entitled to four be *f and chipped beef, best quality, at J. ' • scholarship» from this county, of which Nunan’s, Jacksonville two have bt’-n awarded t • Mis1-* * Ida Nay­ Ja«.k-on Hockersmith of A-hlaml reports lor aml Satla Amlur-on, the remaining ones the biggest blackberry of the season. It not h iving been applied for a» yet measured 4\x3?T inches. Jnr[f Liat. The fuUowing i* a h-t of jurors »irawn fur the September term of ihe «ircuit court for Ja« kson c«mntv A >. J«’hn-■•!), 1 luldt n J. Ayers, F. T. 1 1 D-».vnin,', John A-hpolc. R»>se, G. W. D.ili-y. Nat. Langell, O E. Rote, J. W. Johns«»n, <• •»utler. G. \V Apg»T, John G. Norton, M I. Alfor»l,Ja*. Kent, Chu». Amie -un, J. G. (’ornish, \V. H. Huggins, Th«»*. L *.w on, John E. Harvey, i reil, Ja«, llelius. M. H. Coleman. Avery Johnson, L I Jacobs, Jas. Me Dougal, (.’. B. Lind-cv, J. W. Ingram, E Lewis, J. M. Pollanl, E B. Barrun, Wm Mayfield. Henry Gregg I »»/ t iff Sbttf f'tutl. L <’. Coleman received a sample oi tone coal from Hon. A. C. Stanky, whi< h wa- found while «liggiog a well bac* of Nit hoi - Bros’ drug »lore in Sam's »’alley. The vein struck is fourteen feet from the surface of the ground ami is four ft•• t wide. The < «»al has been tested by blacksmith* ami by per­ sons who claim t«> know what good coal i-. ami it is said to be fir-t « la-s. A - that se< tion of the county has a number of coal veins running through it. it is certain to prove of great value at no distant day. A fre-h supply <»f the American Mining u< •»»«le, standard authority on the •ubject, tor -ale at the T imes office. Robt. Wad«* of Chimney Rock precinct was here M"U«lay. .«nd ■ ay-everything is flourishing in that *euti«»?i. Notes, receipt-, due-bills, order* an«l eh»*< k'. in book*, in «piantities t«> suit, for *al» cheap at the T ime - office. Thu < Iiintse employ» «1 on the W«»oecti«»n had their premises raided a few «lays *inur and lust $30 in cash A new line of crib-boards, poker chip*, cards, etc., can always l»e found at the S. » F. Varietv Store, Jacksonville U D. Cardwell, who runs a private ex­ pt» s- from Ashland to the railroad in ilie Si-kiyotis, was in town Sunday. of-han«l performer,who i* well-known here, is again in Oregon ami will likely give ex- bibitions in this section ere long. A great many of the young «piail are large enough to shoot and hunting i< be- coming popular. It is said there are a great many of these birds in the valley. E D Savage.who was employed in Crone uiii’v! A- Birdsev’s blacksmithsbop in this place several years ago. is now running a bu*im *s of bis own at Sissiun’s. <*!ii The largest, best and cheapest lino of chewing an«! smoking toba« « «»* in s«‘Uthern >reg«»n 2.» different kind- -always kept al the S F Variety Stor«*, Jacksonville * Dolls, toys, base anti rubber ball*, in ir- bles, harmonicas, jewsharp*. va-es, picture frames, etc , of every description at the lowest prices at theS. F. Variety St*»re. • Dr. Freelaml of the M. E. church, say* that two bottles of Gilmore's Aromatic Wine cured hi* wife of Nervous Debility ami sleeplessness Sold at City Drugstore. Rev. A. M. Johnson, who has been hold­ ing divine services »n this place tor a week past.closeil his meetings Wednesday night and will likely go to the Willamette valley. Dee«!*, mortgages and every description • »f real-v-tate an i le al blanks for sale at the T ime - «»dice at Portland price* Give u* a call, if you nee«i anything m the blank line Ja*. . errv ot the F S. mu-eii’ii at (\*n- tr.J Park New York, w.i- in Ja» k*o;ivili« not long sine«?. He i* in -careh of curio-i tie- for that note«! place, an 1 *< - ur< d sev­ eral A company has been formed .it Portland to erect a cydorana building f«»r the pur pose of exhibiting such pictures as the ’ Battle of Gettysburg" ami the ••Sieg«? of Paris” Tape-measures, rultr-. indelible pencils, key-ring*, ami a thousand and one notions and novelties for sale at the S. F. Variety Store. You can get whatev» r you want there. * There i» a culvert on the couuty r »11 be­ tween this place and Medford which is in a uangerous condition for wagons to pa*s over. an«l should be repaired before any ac cident occurs The sale of the property belonging to the minor heirs of Mary E. Marks, deceased, ha* been changed from Sept, loth to Sept. 2lth, a notice of which can be seen in an­ other column. Dr. J. W Robinson and family are now living in E. D 1 -oudrav’s former residence on (’alifornia >lrect. Mr. I-'. anti family have runiove*I to Plmmix. where they will hereafter reside F it * : All T. * -topped free by Di. Khn - Gr« :i? Nerve Restorer. No tits after ilrst «lay’s use. M,irv»-b»u* « lire*. Treatise and Send to Dr. $2 trial bottle free to tit « ise Kline. 931 Arch St. J. A. Larson, our live ami energetic lai- lor, has just received an invoice of elegant ami stylish cl ‘ths. and is butter prepared than ever to furnish clothing of all kiml* at most reasonable prices. r !■: KU O XA I. II KA 1 IOX. Isaac Mensor has returned from Grants ! Pass. J. B. White, who for many years was a resident <»t this county, but now of Nevada county. Cal . paid Ills old home at Rock Point a visit of several days He also slopped here one day. returning home on ? unday last. He was welcomed by hi» many friends. Young, ol«l, and middle-aged, ail exper- periume the wonderfully beneficial etleets of Ay« r s Far-aparilla. Y«»ung children, suffering from -ore ey< s. *or«* ears. scal«l head, or with any scrofulous taint, become bua.thy ami -tn.ng l»y the u*e of this niedi- c ne. Six I»««(ties, $7». \\ e weie >hown an enlarged crayon por­ trait of the accoimlating employee at the «•xpr< s-oilice in ibis pla«1«1, J A. B» yer, whi h is a line pie «1 «4 work. It will <»rua- , ment the walls <»f the Od«l Fellow'- temple at Portland, being plat cd with other like- m --« » of the p.i-t grand masters of that or- I «ler for this Statu. Miss Estella Levy is acting as copyist at thè clerk's office. Ex-Sheriff Jacob* and son. John, wr. S. F Chapin, formerly a resilient of p.irty were destr«»y» 'l by the storms of la-t winter, and the wreckage has been found this place, went through the valley last by pal th s who were out there recently. week, being on his way to Portland. E. C. Phelps of the Newport (Beaton The largest am! b« -t boat was sunk, ami is presumably lyin r al! right where -he wa« ! county > 'Mail" has been paying this val­ ley a vi-it ami is delighted with it. left. (’ I). Buck, lately troni Stanton, Illiimi.*, A go'» « e>t'»iii» :-. or im riiaj dresses to .’.ft« r int« rvi»-w ing his numerous custo- cu-t- 'n< r v. iv-:
  • lie “*teamb‘»ated." The big­ N F. Steadman, the genial «ieputy slier- ger th«* liunihu.’ the greater the attraction. i iff. n »w stationed at th«* railroad front, w.t- 1 Io* bu-i:*.«•-- of the J.t« k- Hiville Marble ¡here «mliiday la-t, returning t«i hi* p«».*t W oks wiil « ,‘nrinu»» right along tin ier the of duty the billowing «1 «y. nutna"»*:!«'*:‘.t «»f tlie a-*ignu«* A H. M;eg!y. \n \ bi»'iv d«*.-iriii 11<»uiI»*tone, monument, Among the commercial travelers i who .<-[-iiig vh .will tind it bUheir a«i- were here during die past week, was J A. vantag«* to call soon, as prices Waddle the ch-ver representative of W J reduced considerably. Eir-t-ila* Van Scliuyver A Co of Portland. ics are employed there and t Mrs. J. Nunun and children, who have worked turne«! out Sati-fauti< been paying Ireland a vi.-it for several teed. month*, past is expecte«! to return home in Rott, ( ameron of Cniontown a few «lay?, having landed in New York I been »ustieating in the nioun near last week. Cinnabar for several days past here E. Machwirth, the pleasant and agreea­ Tue-day and intorms u- that Jii Wat ble traveling man of the firm of Schroder son, -on <»i Hoi. E. B. Watson, of Portland, A Albrecht, candy manufacturers of San met with an accident a few «lays since by Francisco, tarried in town one day this being thrown from a horse an«! then run week, doing a good bu.-iness over F »rtunately liis injuries did not A party consisting of (’. ('. Beckman ami i prove seriou*. though he was considerably brni-ed about the face. Otherwise a splen­ wife ami «laughter, T. G. Reanies and fam did time was had The balance of the par­ ( ily and Dr. DeBar and wife.spent Wednes­ day «»n Rogue river picnieing. A numb» r ty « xucct to return to-niorrow. of fine trout were also caught by the party. Wh« n tl>< < xuitemenl in the California E\ Governor M<»«»dy am! Ex-Secretary of grain market -hall have subside«!, there will l»c some prosp« ct of a rise in price of State Earhart were at Medford on Friday Mr. Moo«!y accompanied his expert. Thu crop of India is short this «»f last week year and the Amercian crop is not very daughter to Coles, on her way to school at large. Wheat has been «¡noted in the San Oakland. Cal , and Mr. Earhart was on his F’ranci.-co market at far above its actual return from ('alifornia. value. 1 he farmers who *till bold their i J. (*. \V hipp and family and Mi-ses Car­ grain, have no reason to feel depressed by rie Croncmiller an«! Cora Brown returned the collapse of the ii tlatioii !lati«ui movement. from a two weeks’ stay at the Dead In­ They have not r.aliy lost anything, save dian soda springs on Friday last. They a chance to sell their grain for more than report having had a fine time, besides find­ it was worth Journal. ing plenty of game ami fish. L. Bunch, who has been acting as en­ State l-'atr E.rhibit. gineer al the Rogue River Steam Flouring A I Miller of Portland, representing Mills at this place for sometime past, left the State Fair A-* >« iation, who was here for Oregon city on Wednesday, where he not long sime for the purpose of encour­ will occupy a position formerly held by aging our < it izen* to make an exhibit of the him. He was aet onipanie I by his family. w*omh*rlill n-.-ourns <>l Jackson c«mnty, is Hon. L. R. Webster went to th«? Shovel meeting with g«»«»f our long time, ha* gone to Linn county to ac­ products at the State fair and subsequently cept a responsible position with the O. P at the Mechanic’s fair in Portland Let R. R. Co. He is a first-class railroad man «»nr citizen* interest themselves in this am! will no doubt do w ell in his new posi­ matter and set that we are properly repre­ tion. Steve Booth met with a painful accident Jackson county's blackberry crop i* ini- men*»* an«l of a superior »piality They a few days since while driving cattle, his horse having fallen on his foot, crushed it readi'y sell at 25cents a gallon. quite badly, He is able to be about, how­ Nerve, life ami vigor re*tore«l in men ever. with the ai«l of a crutch. and women by using »«ilmorc's Aromatic L. Shidcler was i.i town this week, show­ Wine . Sold at ( ity Drug Store. ing samples of prune- which were grown Tw«» great enemie- Hood’s Sarsaparilla on his place about four mile* east of ami impure t»loo«l. I he latter is utterly town. They were the finest fruit of Hie defeated by th«- peculiar medicine. kiml we have yet seen. Ulate 1‘re** i taoeiatioa Middle-aged men who ¡ack vigor and Quite a number from this place will w 1t- Pursuant !>»< jll. a numb, r .1 thn editor vitality « an be cured by (»ilinore's Aromat­ nc»s the race at Central Point which will i irateni’y ot tinuroii in. t at Yaquin.i ic Win»- Su'd at City Drug St »re be run to-niorrow by • Nellie Gray" an« I City on Friday,tin- l-’tii, toorzan z ■ a Stan Fred. Furry of Eden precinct, finding Rippy’s horse, “Cap." The distance i< press association. They elet ted M I Pipes his room limited since the arrival of his .YMI yards. of the Ih-nlon Leader, president, and boy. is building a neat new residence Sherman Brown passed tiirough the val­ Chas. Nickell, of the Jacksonville l’t 't'- Janie* Sullivan of Salem, Oregon,says he ley last week, <»n his return from San Fran­ CKATlc ftMKS, secretary, and several vic was « urvl of th«- a-thma by Gilmor«*'s Mag- cisco. Hi* father will soon follow, and presidents. They will hold an adjourned netic Elixir. Sold at City Drug Store. may visit Jacksonville before returning to meeting in Albany on the second Friday of Marion I?»ni gcame in from Linkville this Portland. October, ami the next regular annual week and got two wagon-h»a«ls of bacon for John O'Brien, one of the leading farmer* meeting will be held in Salem on the s.. on I Ruatnes, Martin »t Co., of that place. of Applegate, w is in town tins week with a Friday in August. I"' -Statesmen our tinshops are selling hundreds of wagon-load of tine prunes -grown on his • Pioneer Keaaiou. fruit cans this seasons, which proves that place. He found rea«ly sale for this splen­ did fruit. At a meeting of the exe ecutive committee the fruit crop is generally a success. of the Southern < 'regun Pioneer Society. We take the following from a letter written A fresh supply of line watermelons has held at Ashland. President, W. C. Myer been r»*( cive«l at the S F Variety stoic, by a Mibscriber to the T imes , living in Wy »nd vice-presidents. < »pt Th'»*. Smith and which were grown on the Stewart farm. kotL Minn.: It is very hot here. 90 to I P, Dunn, appointed the tolb»»ving person* 102 de grees nearly every «lay ami the coun­ I R M. >huly. who has been in the marble a* a committee of arrangement* f.»r the try dried up completely.” c«»m!i*g reiiui'»n; J ' I'»Iman Jau<»b biuim-* at Mc«ltor«l for sometime past, ha* Don't till the system with quinine, to Thompson. A D. Hulinan. W. W Kentnoi remove«! to Williams, Jo«cphine county. prevent or cure fever or ague. Ayer’s Ague and B F. Myer, ihe c »mniitt« • met •« H. 1». Kubli of Applegate has been mak­ Cure is the specific for this disease, and that plate last Kl«»mUv, to arrange tor th«1 ing substantial improvements on his resi­ leaves no poi-ons to pr«nluce dizziness, reunion which will take place iu A-hlami dence and gum rally renovating the same. deafness, headache, or other disorders. Sept, i*, lss7 We are informed by postal card from Dr Summers ha- neatly iitte«! up th»1 Prof. E. T. Kugler that he i* now at Port- building formerly used as the Home restau­ l entiral at .W» fi/’oril. The laili*-- oi «he Ikipti-’ < hurch it M< ■!- lam! and expects to return before very rant ».n California street fur hi* re- idem e and office Persons wishing his services long. ford will give u totival at Zuuiiiennaii Mcliee'» hall on the . veiling <>« «he -*4th The « ntertainnient given by the Medford can always tind him there, both day and An admission of Jo cents will be charged, Ladies’ Aid Society at Howard’» hail in night. which will entitle those who attend to a dish Medfor«l last Friday night was much of a Several of the citizens about town are ot |. «»tc.. be-i 1 * a new stock of hard* Pers«>ns had better take this as a warning Dr Willis E. Everette, the mining ex­ towards pitr. basing an organ tor the no. war«» before it is t<»«> late pert, who is in Southern Oregon making church. I inh r new thi- week will be foun«i a no- The «lire« t »rs of Dardanell’s school dis­ an examination of certain mining property i'lilllbil Utlililb tu «• ;■» uj’plicants f«»r tuauh«*r * certih« ties, trict will give a dance in the new scbool- for some New York « apitali-ts. write* to a John I. M K««'. tin-youtix m:r' brough« and all persons intereste»! -houhl read the bous«! on Friday evening. Sept. 2d. for the fiiuml in thi* city, from ilear Gulch, under “While in the moun­ here iroiii i Jac.-uii <• •limy, cliargvil with »anie. benefit of the m I ioo I. Preparations are «late of Augu*tll po-lal liw- i y ojH'iiiiu :» I' «- viol.it ;n the 1 For th«» Iw-m tit of th«1 many readers ol being made for a f r.-t-cia-s time and all w ho tain* near the California State line, about thirty mil»-from Mount Sha-ta. I discover­ ter ad li • .. - <1 to \ M M if’i-.v, I>a«l an < x th«1 I IMI * we republish th»* new school law*. can atteml slmul I not fail to be on hand. ed the biggest thing in this country. Th«* au'iuatiM.i befor.* * »•.in»»i*-•• »1» *r 1 anl I. whi« h sh«»n«i be tak» u notice of by all con­ Rev. J. B Hurtsough of Redding* Cal., ledge is over forty two feet wide and 3,oo0 an.I v. a- •■•uuJ over to a« ait tin' a< cerned. held services in the M. E. church in this feet in length, assays $72 per ton free gold, tiun oi tin- ii«-xt gianit jury, " nig tin- Henry Bleecherof this precinct, who has place on Sunday last. The reverend gentie­ an 1 is only five miles from a wagon road CM* ' dead •>|'.-li aiul *hut" ag.iuot him. man is a brother of Mrs. Colwell the »promising quartz le«!ge, ledge. »hipped 100tbs. and twenty-live miles from a railroad I Mi Ki-e ph idvil guilty and wa’ fined of ore to Portland las’ week, to have it mother of C. H. Colwell—ami had not seen think I have struck it rich “ Oregonian. He went to jail.—Oregonian his sister for almost forty years, until Fri­ tested. day last. .Vo£ .1 California lb nr. .I chi Hrokcn. J.»* H. McVey ba* sol«I hi» place on The little son of Hon. B. Hermann met Glls*ie Paj e of this place met with a ser­ Williams c reek. J«»*«*pbinecounty, to E. K A nolxaly <\tn catch a cold this kind of ious accident on Saturday last while in the Ri« hardson. a new-comer. The price paid with quite a severe accident on Wednesday weath’T. We advise our readers to pur­ <»f the ('¡tv Drug Store a bottle of of la-t week at Roseburg. The child was chase act of gathering pvacln s, which resulted in was $1 *H» Santa Abi<-th«*California King of Consump­ playing with a stick in bis mouth, and fall­ tion. A-thma, Bronchitis. Coughs anil th» breaking of his r.glit arm m ar the A son of Frank Smith bad a narrow es­ ing forward upon the stick it was torced Croup Curt-, and keep it bandy “Tis wrist. He w as standing on a ladder which n'.ea-ing to the taste and death to the above fell with him. throwing his weight on his cape from being drowne 1 one day last back in the throat, inflicting quite a severe complaints. Sold at $1 Ou a bottle or 3 for arm w’th the above results Dr. Robinson week, in failing into the well of the town wound. $2 5»». California Cnt-R-Cure gives imme­ , sprinkler. reduced the fracture and tins is getting A match three-ball game of billiard*, for diate rebel. The * atarrhal Virus is soon I A«l Hemins of <¡rant’s Pass has secured $10 a si'le was arranged to take place at the displaced by its healing ami penetrating along nicely. I a contract from the <>. P IL R. (’«». ami ••Farmers’ Exchange"on Wednesday night nature Give it a trial. Six months treat­ ment $1 • sent by mail $1.10. Take Notice. went to Linn county last week to com­ b tween W G. Kinney ami Geo. S. llw- The undersigned hereby give notic e that mence work. Prarh. firnitr nmi Apple Eojrc*. ard. two of our best players, but for some all persons knowing themselves indebted Tli<-Sugar Pint- Dour .V Lumber Co. of For all the ills that flesh is heir to. no reason the money was drawn down, The to them are notified to come f«»rward ami have a large assortment of parties then played the game, however, to «•rant'. nettle their account* on or before the 1st matter w hat the age. there is no hous?h«»ld satisfy each other, and in playing twenty kiln dried fiuit boxes, which they can fur­ Of October. “A w r.lt» the wi-.* i* *utfi- r«*m«*«ly equal to Frese'.- Hamburg lea. Be­ side*. the children like it. there is nothing points it stood nineteen to twenty in favor nish on short notice and at most reason­ cieut.** K e \ me .* A W hite » able prices. ; of the funner. ' nauseating about it. JacJutouviHc A u £. 16, t ry i ut /. i-oiy r rotx r/./z.s ino V Till. It.til.Ito.Ill TKOXT. th'ton J/i 'll ! pretiettt<-(l \ disgnste«! individual from Ohio, who came to Oregon with the expectation of finding a “and of flowing milk and honey,’ ami when- work was num »---ary. in a re­ cent i-'iiu«’i th< ’ Farm and l iia-.-ide" of Sprii’^iiebL < »hi«», t * »k oc a.-ion to iberallv mi-l vprr-'-nt tiii- S:.«t<*. 1. \\ Th- II.«* of thi- pre« im t ,a- w ill be .-•« u by the annexed, answered him eil'u« tual > In the 1- arm and Firu-idu,' «»t June 1 th. is a communication from J. A W.. of Ohio. h« a«1« «l O.’egun. Florida ami <»h«o." in which the writer states that the winters in Oregon are v< rv damp, with dense togs; mo-- grows tin the house-roof*, fem1»*» and fruit trees, and pcoph* ar«1 -ui»u*ct to rheumati*m. He then give* a glowing on tlie Gast. and lluv c direct from the Manufaetiirers. thereby enabliiw ns to name I'riees Most Advantageous to You. In 188(1 wo btartexl in an unpretentious way ut 812 K St. We ur mind to buy Ilood’s Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. flood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar NEW THIS WEEK. NOS. 829, 831, 833, 835 K STREET And 1026 Ninth Street J ackson ville, Oregon PERSIAN CASHMERES, NUN’S VEILINC, LACE CHECKS anti "Villi >»iiit ln«¿->¡ Notice for Publication. Lan«l Office at R<«subiirg. Or.. I August, 15. 1**7. < NOIKE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI TJIE f»»‘l«»w!in:-n iii!'ir < h-rk of the County Court <»f Jaek*<>n ( •■.. Oregon, at .1 . ksonvilh . Orizon, »»n Tu»»s. S’[*». J7. ls-7. v;/ A!«»nz” V»ah. h<»:n« *t»*a i ■ i.t. \ ! I.fortli- S W S«*«*. 7. I - 'I. A ... • . lowing wiin»*s-’* ¡>ri -.-* 1.,- contiraiou- r<—i‘ den«*«* upon, an«i cultivation of -aid la»><1. vu Jacob <«ahri’d. Nathan « «. Sonin«’ :-. V dr. w L. Moon. A. « St uil« y. All of Sam's \aile\. Jack- sou Co., Or«»>;on. CH \S. VV. JOHNSTON R- gi-ter. ZANZIBAR & PALMER SEERSUCKERS MEÜlil.MAC SATEENS. ORGANDIES, COCHECO LAWNS A A STAPLE CHEVIOTS AND CINCHAMS SOCIAL PARTY I N I.) I GO P1UNTS AND SIMPSON S SILVER GREYS Idilli» 1 *s» rnsols MENS’ AND YOUTHS’ CLOTHING FRIDAY EVEKING, SEP. 2d lb td Without llail. CJI » aid well, who killed Cha«. Keen ill: IMRK'TORS OF HARD KNELL'S Dis­ trict seh<»«»l will Kivr a social party an«i has' at Bunch fowp' on 9th inst... was e.xani- k«»t Mipp«»r at th«* iww «•ciH»«»l-hi»us<‘on the eve­ ined before Justice Eubank* of Ashlaml on ning of Friday. S”pt. 2d. for th»* bfin'tit of the Thui.-tiay of last week ami held to a!i-wcr .*ch«K»l. Music will t». furm-hed by Orni«* Bros string baud. Tick«*ts, SI 5«> to the charge of murder without bail He wa* subsequently brought to this place by Notice of Public Examina Sheriff Dean and Deputy Sheriff <’ro*bv tion. ami lotige«! in the county jail, where he Ma«h* of will await the action of the grand jury for O ffice of f T he ( OUNTY S« HOOl. Svl EKlN Tl NDFNT, r examine the S’ ptember term of the circuit court. .1 ACKSO.NVIl.Lt. Dll.. Aug. 1L1K-7 ' THINKS AND VARISES T NEW WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPERS an BORDERS Iba ■St f all per- N hops win» may offer t h»*m-« lv«»- a- candidates for teachers of th»* sch«»«»ls <»( this « «»unty. the County School Superintend» !!f ther«-«»f will hold a public examination at tn* <»tti('e m the ('.»urt House at Jacksonville, on II»<7/e .'Joy/, .1 /»/'i* /, 7 aa ,', C’ mmencing nt 12 o'clock Nt. First grad«* « •irt'h«iat - i—u«*i umb r tl law *ann<»trbc ren^w I VII t«*«cher* holding certificates that will ««»<>•» expire should not neglect attending th«» examination. Dat«*d this lltli day <»f A.igust. 1—7. N. V J ACOBS. County School Suj»erint<*Dd»*nt of Jack*on County. Or»*gon. ASHLAND ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY. OR. FACULTY ,L S. SWEPT, Pr«**;«|«*nt riii’ff I- a write* Math»*’Dati«’-. an«l S<4 mm »1 T,< «»noni). Have the following to «ay of Wi-d im’s JIUA M. GOODYEAR Robertine. the gre.it beautitier ami pre- Engli>h Granunar. Rh»>t’»rie and lAtin. serv» r of th«* complexion . <’ F NISSE. Penmanship and Executive \V«»rk. P"Ki i \ nd . Or.. .11 ne I. 1 n >7. MRS LOTTIE D. WILLARD T«» Mr W. M W -lmi Dear Sir I V«»iee Culture. have t riu«l your Robert me It is excellent, MIW G ('.EDDINGS. ami 1 shall be pleased to recommend it to Instrumental Music. all my lady friends. EMMA TOLMAN. Believe me, yours truly. R hea . Drawing and Painting. P ortland , Dec.. 1*85. To Mr. W. M. Wisdom The “Rober- First Term Begins Tuesday, Aug. 30. ’87 tine" you so kindly sent me is excellent It is the finest preparation I have ever used All c<»rr»*«*|M»ndi»n<1»- cheerfully an*wer«*L Af the N rp ••*'!. endorsed by Probably as much misery comes from Your* sincerely. Z. T rebelm . business n»-n and I«-., ling educators habitual constipation as from any derange­ THE MOST PEKT H TIA I 01 IPPI I» S( l!(H)L ment of the functions of the body, and it is of its class on th« ( oast, it < private or class I.ninlnr, Sauli, llnttra. Etc. difficult to cure, for the reason that no one lnslrti’tion, rre-p'»nden> e. Bk-keeping. likes to take the medicines usually prescrib­ ed. Hamburg Figs were prepared to ob­ Grant's Pa-s arc yow in full operation and ’ llankinn,Shorthand Type writ i -, I'.,is.ness .«t.d Legal viate this difficulty, an«! they will be found are prepared to fill all or«ier> for F en < in «*, . I Forms aád ail Q> mon School Branches. Stmtart* "J •»•! ■ ■ '• admitted at any time. pleasant to tlie taste of women ami ' cliild- B oxing . R i sth . F loorin ’«;. C eii . in «; ami ! Catalogue free. m>tr<> ... . A’« sc,. Proprietors. run. 25 cents. At all «Iruggists. J. J. F inishing L i mbeu ; al»o D oors , S\.- h , B ra < kf . ts . P i « kits , M«»t i . din «.* ami L vths Mack A Co., proprietors, S. F. at prices to compete with any mill in south­ Farm for S ¿.le. ern Oregon. They make a specialty of Ear nit a re for Sale. Lix k Fi;' ; t Boxes of ail kinda 1 ’• isous he unueiihigneii ohi : hew huk . As I am going away. I offer for sale my re«juiring anything in their line can get nt a low tiitnre, am*- <4 g«»«»d land, ait- entire lot of household and kitchen furni­ price* and estimate* on application to their uatmi 2T mil«1' «‘i-t of LinkviP •. on th** Fort Klamath rond. I if(.»»»n a t «1- » under fence agents. ture. Those securing any part or all of and iu filtiv.u ton, whil«* m«»*! <» the b*lan«'O is Wt kb A ZiMMFJiM \ n . Medford, Hiiacepttbleto tillav ■ Thr»*»« i* a u • » ! w»4l of wa­ them will get sonic of the best bargains C. W A vers . A-hlan«1. ter an«l a lo^ii -»a- <»n t1 «• prop-.•_ . F«»r further ever offered in Jacksonville. W » ' l.rrvi i:. < 'entrai Point particalars call on or a Idn -s. J. H. GhiffU, Gold Hill. L.N.G'JH ü JN. L dkrdle.Or. 1. W. BthUi. i Judge L. R Webster. Distrii t Attorney Wm. M Colvig am! Attorneys H. K. Hanna ami ('. W. Kahler went to (¡rant’s Pass Tuus«Iay evening to attend the a l joni md term of th«-circ uit e«»urt for Jose­ phine county, which conv«?ned on the 17th in*t. A* there was but little business, they hav«* already returned. Newman Fisher, accompanied by bis wife and son, Charley, ami Miss Maggie Linn started for San Francisco on Sunday last. Mr. F will lay in a line stock of goods tor his store in this place while there and will return in a*few weeks. Mrs. Fish­ er and son will remain permanently, while the latter expects to be absent sometime visiting friends at the bay city an«l in south­ ern California T * 1 HALE BROS. & CO. Tlire.’liing in full blast about here A man named Thompson, employed There « ill be a party litre to-night. the grading force, was badly injured August 10th, by a premature explosion Crops are generally turning nut well. a blast. He was badly bruised, but bis A new Baptist t-hureh will be built here juries are not of a serious nature soon Thu roadbed has been closed within Considerable grain is being hauled to the about eight miles of connection, but as the warehouses at this place. work is now through tunnels principally, Mrs J. Downing of this pt. inct left last there is no chance to shorten staging or dis­ week for the East on a vi it. pense with it, until connection is effected. Mechanics arc still at work on the large Morris’ camp is now located within about a mile of Barron's, lie w ill nut move again ■ hotel, and it will not be long when it is it is said. The line below him wifi be oc­ • finished. cupied by other divisions of the grading M. Pur« ¡pile of M\rtk t ruck, Douglas forces. Below Barron’s the work is com. I county, is putting up a tine, large residence paratively light To finish the heavy ■ and expect» to remain with us. work in cuts and fills will require three j The lower-tory of Carey’s building has I months yet, it is estimated. j been finished ami presents a handsome aj>- | Chas. Funk, a bridge carpenter at the pearan« •?. W. B. B»*rry «lid the work. J J. E Smith, who intended going into the railroa«! extension, broke a leg several «lays since by falling from a tree. He and oth­ furniture bu-ine-s in thi* place.has tii.-posed ers were playing with a foot-ball which of his property and gone to A-hlaml where lodged in a tree, which the unfortunate he will reside man was attempting to get, when a limb W B. Berry ot this place cut his foot on which he was holding broke, causing «piite severely sometime ago, with a fram­ him to fall quite a distance. ing chisel» almost severing one of hi* to«'«. A correspondent to the T imes under date He w ill s«>on be able to att«*n«I to his work, of August 11th, semis the following: This however. morning at 2:45 o'clock day-light was i The race which w ill take t lace near here made through tunnel N«> 14, on Burt Stro- to morrow between Nellie Gray’’ and bridge’s division here at the railroa«! front. “Cap" i* causing a great d< al of comment i The tunnel is 409 feet 1 >ng, and to-nior- and no doubt a c«m-i»lciable amount of row’s work will iini>h it, being six week* money will change hum!* on th«- result. ■- since thebeginning. Considering the na­ Rapid Heatimj oj the Heart. ture of the rock gone throng!), railroa«! Whenever you f« » l an uneasiness in the men say it is quick work This is the first region <-f the heart, a -light pain in the tunnel finished for this company in Oregon. shoulder, arm. or under the -houl«b*r-blade, Considerable excitement prevailed at the or when y«>u timl y«»ur*olf -hurt of breath when exercising, or your heart ha* y»eri«>«ls railroad front over the dis/ppearance of of hi-ating ia*t. you hav«1 heart disease, ami Miss Frazell, who is S3 years old. of Buck should take Dr Flint's Heart Remedy. At Rock tunnel, who had b«en mi-*ing for «lruggi-t* $!•'»*» De*uri|’tive t«*ati*e with several day*, but was found on Monday wa<-h b'-ttle: or addre** J. J. Mack «k Co.. S F last. The old lady h«nI«J a week to not bother them, hardly expect­ ed to be rai«le«i ami they were taken with surprise when the sheriff and his deputies came in on them. No arrests were made, but everything possible i break up these dens. WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL WILL Large Stock of Bcbts and Shoes bclcrtc«! >t«»«-k i»\ th«1 I k *t American Manufacturer?-. Please cf«»rc puruliabin^. lJeeiiectfullv, J. NÌ NAN CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE CURE Diarrhoea and Dy-ciitery Piiupk-a on the fav . and Freckle». Old Sores end l le er». Wind iu the Stomach. Headache au l Nervous Depression. Scrofula. Summer Complaints. Rheumatism w 1 Gout. Vaitis iu the Bone, and Joints, all Skin Disease*. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS AND CROCERS. REDLAND NURSERY, Hitadle I tìix miles 8« »ul h <»f Grant's Pass. Joseph in Cvnuty, Oregon. A. H. CARSON Prop’r 30.000 TREES In Htock. consisting of Apple. Pear. Peach Plum. Prune. Apricot Nectarine, Almond. Etc. Al*-«», It«»* celebrated Kelsey Japan Plum ’ All tr»M‘h warrante«] TRUE TO NAME. * IVPlMll 1 ' V I «’II ’ f' I I • • DEPARTMENTS 1—< <»!!<«r of hl**rnl art*. Ii («»Hog«* of ni'siicm**. Dr L I'. Frarer. Itoij iMiurd for joung men. Hl 50 PER WEEK t L«di«s»' Issird in Woman s <-*“phine Count; . Or. An the underMpn. d i» c 1< mmd < apLieblack- Railroad Htation- f >rant’b Pat* . riint!« buMn*M-*«in Jackn nville, th«*« indebted to A. H CARSON him u »Il confer a fuv«»r l»v «-»«ttluut up m > noun be Jtuie 12. lbôû. DAVÍD « 1,0X151 I potHble.