r ¿hr ikutothiiicJunr Short n ax of Ereuth. Geo. Holt, the well-known brick-mason, E. B. Hunsaker of Ashland, the well, D<> m»t frigbh-n pupils t«» iimke them sub­ HALE BROS. & CO. Dr. Flint s Heart Remedy should Lx* is at Montague, having j-»st returned known dealer in musical instruments, etc., missive. A lack <»f friendly leeling bet we« n pupils ami teacher often interim»» witn tbe taken at once when slight exertion or a from lower California. He has purchased was in Jacksonville one day during the in Chimney Rock precinct pleasant working of the school. Make op­ hearty m< al produce-* hortness of breath or Oregon Kidney lea. ening exercises pleasing, and make the a pain in the region of the heart. At all (iuite a number of people are in the the new brickyard near that place, where week. U «ITO or A TtS OFFICI\L P3ESS, Kt ad the new advertisements. John Talent of Wagner creek, who has school varie«i in its interests. Keep pupils druggists, or J. J. Mack A Co., 9 and 11 mountains or at the different soda an brother in Michigan has been sent lor 1. L Sager am! other commerci . agents ic Moral* am! Manm r* in PublicSclmol-. ’ j almost unendurable and would <*ometimes We received a pleasan t call from G H old newspapers very cheap at the T imes startc«! for M •!• «•»••unity. Cal , t«» vi-it rel­ f iii order to be at his bedside ere another one from .'an Francisco, were in the valley At h«»me is the proper place to begin. Care- I , almost throw him into convulsions He Ö Tyler, who is in charge of Fountain A j fully disciiminate between true und false i tried Electric Bith r- ami got relief from atives ami fth'iid*. Th« y will i»robabl> re- office. of Jregon’s pioneers has passed away. during the week. «•ourage. Emler false courage pupils do a Hulmes's store on the Siskiyou mountain, ! the first bottle, ami after taking six hotties main|-"m« w Lt-re in that -e< ti«»n. V\ . J. Mill* of Applegate was here a few An Austrian named Emil PfeflF. who was J. Nunan ami A. L. Reuter, accompanied | great many things to avoi«l bring calle«! I was entirely ( tired, ami had gainep- went with their infant son for Hie purpose Nature's remedy is wh.it they say of from female we.»km--, wifi liml Gilmore * were ac?«Mnp!ini«*i to iherailroa«! by him- < Oregon K idney Tea. 11 you w-b to restore lb»» bbioni to your of having a surgical operation performed i«' “Exposition Work in Public School* 11" had the outline* <»f his work on t!ie Aromatic Win«» a po*irive cure. Soid at -♦•It. w ife and daughter; also by Mrs Giv- waste«! cheek, and so improve your health on him. blackboard neatly arranged. Tbe object of ' The next teachers' institute will be held < ’ity Drug Store. tn (a *i.*ter > who went in company witli that plumpness am! strength will sucere«! John Miller, ot the Hunter s Emporium exposition work is to make scliool work j A few’ copies of th«» American Settler’s cma«i;it«»n them a* tar as Willow creek. They »• will at Jacksonville. ¡nd debility, purify your at this place, left for San Francisco this more practical, th<»r«»ugli ami attraciiv« | 1 he great«'! number of .-« uses that can be , Bargains in every line may still be found Guide, stamiard .authority on land qu«'* tilood with Ayer's »Sarsaparilla. This rem­ Visit a daughter ;:’»d sister in Yolo coun y, tions, can be obtann «1 by calling at the edy will I»«-m lit y«>u more sure ly ami.speed­ week t«» lay in a large stock of goods. He brought to hear on an object as hearing.) at Newman Fisher’s f Cal., at I then pur-w their journey h«»mt was accompanied by his «laughter, Miss *« < ing. l« «'lHig. etc..—the better it is nmler- I st«h»«l. Mak«' the *< hool-room attraciiv»' war«!, leaving 1« hind them many warm Hunting an»l ti lling are both popular T ime - offi« e s»»«»n. ily than any other. Katie. Work should l>" don«» by tlu pupils and not I frit nd- w ho lain w«»u!»l hav«» them stay amu-einents nowud iys. A. Higgins, of Wyoming, N Y -ay- h»' B. F’vhn« maun, the ily «lam ing-r.ia-t« r, Supt. Priest has gone to Butt - creek to by the teach,»r. A recitation may be c«»n- longer. had the Pile* for in arly lliyear- am! wa- who is not altog. ther unknown here, man visit several .•»chools in that *ecti«»n. He is -id, rc«l under thre«' heads: 1 Oral w«»rk ; Luke Fh mi of Table Rock precinct was cured by using Gilmore’s Piie Specific. . il '« «I tlu- public r»«« ption am! baml con­ 2 Drill w« rk : 3. Te-t w«»rk ,»r work » all« 1 I 1 h»HfMt Itrn liilolnl. here «me «lay this week. accompanie«l by Pro!. Watt, and both gen «tut by th«' teacher. !!•• Would hav«- ex mi Sold at City Drug Store A disp:it« h fu ni th»* Si.-kiyou mountain, cert, given in the « ity pl.iza at Healdsburg, Forgihid shingles, shake- ami cord wood Tbe work tiemt n will ascend Mount Pitt b« f«»re re­ inati«»u work « very six weeks Po-tme-ter Farh'W of Asblaml is alre.nly Cal., having made « xtvnsive arrangements date«! toe Hth,says a Chine-»* gambling an«! apply at th«' T ime * office. of every pun I shouhl hr prr-erved, bowrv turning rr crude, t«» «»Ir the iiiipr«»vcnirnt «»¡ each perfectly at lioine, ami is ¡»roving an « ill opium «1« n at (hat p ;.« « wa- raid-«I to entertain the . m W pvoph* who were Supt. Priest ha* our thanks for favors We inadvertently neglecte«! to mention during th,' entire term \\ « ik stioul«! b<* cient ami obliging offh ial. Ii«1 is wadi a* by a «ivpuly -h« riff ami p■»--<■, Many -h 't- present. -linial !•• anl tegular at stated time- rXtcn. * d the I’l M E- «»ffice that Mis.-es Maggie (’asev and Rose Galvin \\’E W1EE WARKANf THE PRICES TO HE RIGHT si-t.'d by Mi-.- Alta Miller. were exchanged, and a lew tough custom­ There i- i ot a pl.u in the interior where accompanied Chas. Hughes, E*«|., of Jose W«»ra should hr properly arranged s«» a* t«» W H I.eclair has removed from Wood­ ers und a prostitute were wounded Th«' Criminal busin«'-* in tin» justice’* court the latest and most improve«l metho«ls in p.'iine county, on his recent trip to Jack­ I»« shown al 'hr e'i Goods to be the Best on advantug«'. i'bc rxhih.t sliould show tin* (‘hinr-e had «slabli-hc l a gambling an«! ville precinct to Glendale tor this pr« < inct has lately been abundant. photugraphy aie employ«»! to a great­ work of every pupil, ami not «»nly that «»f the J E Miller of Montague, (’al , wis in Mr Huff.T having is-m d lour warrant- of er < xtrtit than at th«' Ashland gallery. !a> sonville. opium bi ll m ar tin grading camps, and l«'\v nio*( skillful, ( la** and individual ar the Coast for the Money. I f we cannot give satisfaction Judge Day am! C. (’ Beekman wer«* in r.-| llgcnM'Ut -hoiild I»«' mad»* Work <11 vi«lr«l have caused much trouble and annoyance I Jacksonville a few days since. The importance of purifying tbe blood can­ gan always ke ps up with the pr 'cession arrest inside «»f ten day- into oral and written, viz: < >rtl — Singing dispose«! tbe forepart of the week, hut are not be overestimated, for w ithout pure blood The company deci«!»*d to break it up. am! Pay your arr-arages at the T imes office we will elieefully refund y<»ur money. Wickham A Luckey, real-estate agents and has gained a widespread reputation again able.ty*pursue their wonted avo«.. and recitation. Written C«»mpositi«»n. ex you cannot enjoy good health. I that evening a w« Il «■rganiz« »! raid took and get one of our premiums. amination papers, map-drawing, etc. at Ashland, are doing a good hiisine*», as for doing first-class work at reasonable tlulis At this season nearly every ono needs a pia» «•. aliti tl « t binameli were «Irivrn out Recess A per pat’ tic scissors grinder was in they attend to all matters intrusted to their pric<|A. * good medicine to purify, vitalise, and enrich l’r«»f Rig’er took up Hie sul»j«ct “E. s Prof Straiib* « t. The report Spr.ngs, and w*Urf»oon leturn, accompanied We want to make your aopiaintanee ami ortion, and preparation you. We are in the business to make money ami lx'lieve drclared to be entirely without foundation Judge Webster, having r- Prof. Burnham co .tinu«'d his “(ieogr« c<»n*id( rablu ainuilnt of business in the we can lienefit you at the same time. If we cannot make has changed his intentions of leaving Jack­ Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul -T-p, Itc/alf - in pleasing the public Give him I'orlhni'l HuaiHritfi CoHtg». phy and Map-drawing Work,” am! pre tion of the First Judicial District. eirt uit court, returned to Shovel creek lar curative powers. No ® 1IT -ented every teacher present with a copy sonville. and will soon go to San F'iam i-co •«•ial attention i* «•;« l« «l t«» the ndver Mi** Dor i B .in i of Grant’s Pass lia springs, where Mrs. W. is soj«jurning fur <»f In* system of work. other niedicine lias such a record of wonderf ul it an object for you to trade with us, then we do not wunt a to lay in a line, large stock of good-. ill and Business I’ollrge. bet ii vi-it mg ii ieml- in this vicinity. The Salem - Stat«-man” of a late «l it.» .be bci.tiit oi her health. Pi"! Stanley of the Slate norimi! school cures. If you have made lip your inind to iirs in another column. I’bi.* Pl .mlci < Oregon Blood Purifier i* the -.:y- Pud Sw« et has lately b«'» n rlr< t«‘«i at M«»nim»utli pieon»««! hi- system of buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to cent of your money. No harm to obtain Samples nml A < Dunlap, forn rrl> of Ashland, is \V J. Flymale and Max Muller, who t«'.i« l.ing " Primary Reading,” a- -how n by >« n hi successful operaDun for great conqueror of Biliousness and Liver pr» «‘i«l» nt of the Stati- normal -cho«»l at take any other instead. It is a Peculiar now a re-ident «>f sii asta valles. Cal. have betii attending the g~.in i '•» Ige-»f me th»1 following tabulati d !«»rm : Fhr-t step* ni. nt\ years ami i- lav »rahl\ Complaint l>!iel cer' • i i t\' y «a \siilai;d ifter having n priiieipal »«f th»' Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Prices »lid make compariboim, ami it always pays. The A <>. I . W a* re|»n .-«-litaliv« * « i Banner in Reading; inelu«»d- of teaching. 1. Al- i ’ lark and Carb«* G..]•■, t . , Word; i Group; lodge No. 23 ««f this place, returned h««me from F: »unre Ro«-k precim t this wcck . I'h«' s( h«»ol now «.-niploys six teach- Pri-parcd by C. 1. Hood & Co., Low ell, Mass. >« iit«'iirc; (I. Phonic; 7. Phonetic. ii-- better postf-d y<>u become the more of your trade we are A. W. I’ic-l' V, Fred. D«»wning ami II rdm ;it'»r well known in - uthern Oregon, er*» nd ha- m <»|'< ration a -horthan»! ami The family of Thos. T McKenzie ha* Peck oi Butte « rek were here Wcdiwsdav ami will d 'Ubtir— j l.n «• hi- -«•ln»o| in tlo‘ fr.-m I’oitian ISmnlay morning* ; woni«l u*« ac -iu't the w<»rd,gr«Hi; Ih' thought th, old bound to secure. Have yon a copy of our Catalogue? Do Dr. Deilar r«-turm«l last Sim la;' lioin .«il l phonic UH'lh >d t'l wilting depirtrm iit in addition to the r« turn- d from th« ir trip to the mountain*. I’hev will commence operating the Bi*; fon im -t rank »«f the «»«In«' itimi il institu­ wa\ "I 1« .«i ning to spell ma«le h»'tter *peil Bly. Kiamath county, where I«« w.i- « a« »• I • r*thati the mure mod«'in metI m »«! s Teach Bu-im*- ( «»liege. The l iMi - takes pleas­ tions <«f that country r. B Kent and E B. Caton have gone Butte -team -aw-mill in a few days. you know what we an* doing? If not, and you are inter- to pay ( 'apt. J a- Barnes a prole—i >nal • i - ar«' prom to lollow the A. B. <’ melU- ure iii re«(>iuinending lhe school to the fa- The bumne-s of the Ja< k« »uvill»' Marble to the Cinnabar country for a short time Jackson county’s educators turned oul visit. Mr* DtBar, who ha* been at th« «»•!. n«»t on«- tc n ln r ;u t»-’i teaching by any vorablc cunsid« ration f J u ks «» n ( '<»,? school can be h arnvd. Doll-, toy-, base and rubber balls, niar- vantage to call soon, as prices have been week. He is the eldest son of our olii ers. '■'Uperinteniiems Pi i« si and 11 ith .lark-anvilb\ July 22. ls*7. ) L. (’. Windom an 1 N ite High of Ash­ VO1K T IS lil Ul-in ‘«IVr N THAT 1 HERE land cut quite a figure in town last Satur­ hl»s, harmonica-, jew.-harp*. vases, picture rr hu ed cwmg « <»ui¡t) warrant*, pro- frames, etc., of every description .nt the ics are employe»! ther«» ami the best of cecding well m the position lie h«»ids. day. uj'«»n its niai'King. t4*Ht«*«i «lj. t<. < h-«.»l>pr »I I-*.. L:l'« rai Sumlay-st ln»ol and Bible class Nuinb.'i- 7.U. »»;w, Th«». Riley, who was «piit« -ick tfic fore­ lowest pric e* at the 8. F Variety Store. * work« d turned out Sati-faction guaran ­ Pi'd. 1». J Hawthorne unday at 11 »» ch»< k \. m . at uistiikt teachers ' ixsriri te . po-ition." < oiiq «»*it. n i- not written work Intendi ou ih«* »»ani«' will «-«»abe from this W G. Kenney h is become intere-te«l in part of the week, is able to be at his p< *4 tee«! date fbe I . M. Hull, Talent. K ally. l ne oral i* lhe real composition, the -tag«? anil mail line between this place again. M WMAN USUI It The annual teacher*’ institute for the l he object of comp•«sition 1* to communi­ Supt Priest, since hi* term <»i office be­ Regular -ervic» - will be h« Id ut the Cath­ Count; 1 r.'iisnrer. and Medford, and the team now engage«! cate with those who are absviit, orderly first judicial district was held at Grant * The youngest children of Jasper Dennis gan one yea” since, ha- traveled 1»’«‘*> niile- olic. church in Jacksonville» on Sunday, at ih«* -» rvic« 1 -top- at th»* Cnion livery stabl«'. plat ing «»f thought In asking for a ,•••>«•- c«»m- of Ashland arc seriously ill with typh «id in vi.-iting -« h«M»l- and attending to busi- Pass last week, commencing on Wvdm*-j the usual hour, by Rev. F. X. Blanchet. position lie give some miuut« m <>ur m« r.-hant< agiin r « rived a larg«' n«'*s (■oniH'cti'd with his office, which is day morning, July 13th, ami closed on the fever. strui.tions; w.uitl require name of wr :» r, Rev. J R Roberts will hold services amount ««f freight thi- w « ek — 97,0iMi pounds foll«»wing Friday. A goodly number of the name of *nbj, ‘ «»\« r «»uc hall more than the distance cov ­ ; t ; write With pen ami ink ; Straw hats of the latest stvle* am! b«»-t Antioch next Sunday, at 11 o’« write on one quality *«>¡<1 at co-t a! th»1 S. F. Variety in all. Jacksonville s rcr««r«i is ahead of ered by ary pr»'Vioiis -u, crintendent; am! t<* ichei<>f Jackson and Josephine counties write not less -id« t p ip»T not on both; tl .m «»iiion. Require Anti.x h <• Kumiay. Ju'y .'»1st. al 11 .» < Io« k I iblv ii -ck precinct to A. S Jacobs f >r men. He dors tbe Iwst work at r«'a.-on- -ati.-ia» tiuii. \VEi»NEsi»AY. JELY 13. .< I ,< k m. it eflers private or class every member of the st lioul to write ii « om- of its class on the a . m . when h«1 w.11 deliver a sermon upon The institute wa- calle«l to order by St ite abh* rate-, hence gives entir»* satisfaction. instruct >:i. <1 .y and evci.dig tb: it tn*» vear, in |x»-iti<«n and ;«<•< .'pi || The case of the Dundee Mortage Tru-t • « x< u-»» Correct Money to loan on appr»»ved real-estate se­ Aruna:. t:< W: : « >rr< ¡»on- e l< • the death of the late N A. Webber. Superintendent McElroy, who opened with composition work «arefudy and have H investment Company vs. A. P. Ankeny. Capt A D. Helma p the venerable D. D I *-h ‘ T!L.rid,Type writir /. J'. ;*.ner:ns and all Cornm n *•_!. • Branches. Students noiince accurately, as no different lodges. He will on Saturday eve­ in Marion county, came up m the C S. Curry county. «>ne<»f the p:«>nv«r- of south­ that he will redeem a number of county two p. r-on- « .tn pronounce exactly alike Notice for Publication. ning install the officers of Ashland loilge circuit court yesterday. The farm com­ topic of music. ern (>rt*gon, was in the \aliej last we« k. 1 caciH-r- were « aded upon to pronoun« e warrants. "Whispering or no whispering ’ wa- di* prises 4<»m acre* of land,ami the two mort ­ at compunicd by his wife, going south the ("‘lowing words Orthography, sacri­ D«‘c«ls. mortgages ami every «lescriptioii Land Office at Ro*. burg. Or.. Ì cussed by many of the leading tea ln-rs fice. Palestine. «-x.**. sui'ccs*. r<- 'ess. ac- A large party is getting ready to go to July IV. 1—7. f last Saturday We are -»»rry to learn that ot rcaI-v*tat«> am! legal blanks for sale at gage* <«n it amount with interest to |i»9,‘MiO. VOTI«:: IS HEREBY («l\IN THAT THE « .i«ly made a «iverev directing th«» ^.1 f«»ll«iwmg-n;«ni<*i -<-tt : - t Las fii«*d u«»ti< ’ ' ‘ of whispering wa* a littisance and should not ««»n-t. a*, pr««••• tragim-utary, butte, him .tention t«» mak' linai proof in Mipport of trust that his return tow««nted health may to-morrow us a call, if y«»u need anything in the blank land t » be sold t-» pay thee«- nmrtgages an I . l«lc,t. F. Variety Store. The stock must be Hou many hard-worked individuals in R Bonneville, agent for the Wheeler .V daj. Aug.27, l-*7. riz: Jam«?* N. Mansfield. Hom« • mitinccd correctly. EVENING SESSION. Z county, and say- that a railroad will soon Closed out. <»f N E I*. 8 it was moved, svcomlel and carried that ' *t«*Md Entry N'o. 3-47 f««r the 8 \V Wilson sewing machine, has returned ail our gi at « itit * ar«» b« i# »anmg thru pov­ The institute was called to order by Supt E of N \\ \ N f >4 of S W >4 ai d N W of 8 be built there, and that it will be headed erty whi< Ii prevents th»ir finding the re ­ ent to the . E Sheriff Dean elsewhere gives notice that from a successful trip to Klamath county, l 4. Ser. 3U. Tp. J'. 8 R2 W “ M. \V. M. He name* this wav Su< h an enterprise would be of hr wid sell two parc els of real-estate on ami w ill soon take another lot of machines lief that « hang«» of place gnd « ircum-tancrs McElroy, who. in a few brief remark*, gave National leacbers Assucia ion. issembled f he following witne*se- to prove hit» continuous I at (.'hicago, ten 1« ;mg our good wi-hvs, etc. residence upon. an«l «'ultiva.ion of. said land.viz. the programtwe of the evening incalculable bvs.vht to the people of south­ August 20th. and above all, rest, so frequently affords. EVES IN«, SESSION. to that section. H. W. Huston. J. W. Digram. I) Peninger and Hon. S, V. Mitchell, being called up«»n. i- ern Oregon. A larg»» majority of mataiind are deprived livere«! the address of welcome. l'lie institute wa* < ailed to order at Mu-ic J. McDonough, all of Wblow Springs. Jack*on If you want genuine bargain* in straw For notions and novelties of a thou*ann. 1 Hall by Supt McEIr »y at i ocl«»ck, ami of this means of recuperating their ex- E«i. F. Hathaway, school superintendent hats, ulsters, etc., call at the 8. F. Variety ami one different kinds call at tbe S. F. ( HAS. W. JOHNSTON. R«'I«.»:« > not -ullicu ully ex|»lained by in»« intention m innko final proof m niu¡»ort of | i esting :i’»d plea-ing addre-s entitled ‘ l ie cla*.- •»tone l»»umiati’»n is being built under , the mail between Moonville and Deskins, were at th»? county--«1.it last SatunLiy a* j Scienc tu* claim, an«! that said ¡»roof will made before | Elements ot Sue«'?--.” Young people ar« the b«filer and engine by J ( . Whipp and has resigned. A s »lo :«v Mi-- Parri-h of Salem carne the Ju«i■ rioer of Salem. witn»•*.*•-s to pr o- -«•<>'.«mu- hi -rt»-nl"n.-e ujxh ; of < hold r«»*pon*ible positions ami ar« «r wd Mu.-ic, «fiali« tir, bv locai taient and cuitiva' jHi "f -aid land, v,z: u. W . W rk. front rank among ¡he bv.-t Mr. Kir» w-k» • lay -use. M tr\ei-ui- iiires. Treati-:-and ing obier ones out, «!«» .*«» by having mad« Tbe right of way has be»'ii cleare»l through of Jack-««:.vill • .Ja«'.vs«r count). Or.. Ar hut Wil- I RIDAY AloRNISG. .11 LY 1 • engag« - the .-rvu«- <>f «»ply hr-t-class • I .¡thorough preparation for the ra««' “l-l |2 (rial bottl»' free t > tit cases. Send t«» Dr. s«»n <»f M'-df«»r-i. Ja«*k- «n county. Hr., Chauncey to Ashland, and the men engaged at that S P Jones has been quite ill, but is bet­ men are holding their plac»»* again-t th« I h«' insellile wa* calied t.» onlcr proi llpt- Nye anti I'riah (ior«ion of D«'skin*. Jack-on c'oun- workmen in every «h partment amt leaves Kline, 931 Arch St. w«»rk discharged. young by the same virtue, notably Bi* Iv at 9 •»'clock .»y Supt. McEIroy. ty. Or. ter at this writing. nothing undone to ensure satisfaction. < H.\s. W. JOHNSON, It -¿..tor Col. Stone, superintendent of the C . O. iuarcK. Von Moltke, King William.GI.i l Prof. W II Gur»* ut .Medfor«! pre-mt d A tine line of poker chips, assorted colors 1» T Baxter and wife of San Francisco -tone, an«l a number of our I’ S. Senator* an exercise in vocai music a- he wouid A 1. Stage (’«>., an«! proprietor of the Yreka. and Inst quality, for sale very low at the True, eloquence is more hi the man than comim t it in .-« ¡ioni, followed with a - i:g I.Kt of tfurorst. Shcrilf's Sale. Montague ami Scott valley stage I in«», is made us a visit this week. in the words or thoughts he exi»re-se* \ * Prof Watt « ■ cilinm-d thè dl-cu-siolì of 1 hr following is a list of jurors drawn S F. Variety Store. Dr. Kahler of Plurnix was in Jackson­ man of true character i * elevatvil to p > m giving the best of satisfaction to lus nu* y viri l e of an execution duly is . Moral- and .Manu« r-'' at some lengtli. for the August t«-rm of the ■ ir< nit c«»urt for 1 he greatest bargains in ail kinds of mer­ merous cust«»mers. Mvd <»ut <«f th«»< ’ir»-uit Court of th«* Kt at«* of < >r- ville one »lav this week tions of trust ami profit rather by the re with mtere.-t and protit tu th<»se present •*gon. for Jackson Co , on the l*th da) uf July. 1 Jo*«-phme • «•iintv Wm Cr«»w. H D Hark­ chandise can be obtained by calling sout> sped for his honor than his eloquenc»» or R«»piM:ition and < .' ara« ter are not thè J. W. Johnson of Gold Hill district in­ Miss Aggie Woods of Yreka,t'al., is mak­ 1**7. and to inc «iirocted and deliver«*!, m anility If you would be sucre*stul. k<-< p sanie, th«iugh «-onsidcred nuaymou* ness. r P I «» . J D Alltn J. c Hyatt M on Newman Fisher * favor of Mary H Hanley, plaintiff who recov- forms u.- that the new s< hool-house i- ing friends at Ashland a visit. your character above nq^oach. lhe ad- Mi.-sM P Vcrrinian rea«! a paper «m i-re«! a judgment ami tl«*cre<* <»f for«*olo*ur»» of a M Davi«l- «n. \\ P El-brer. A A Wimer, I ! paying relatives Cha* Agee >r, L S '“mith, D S Cook. HW the ltth day of July. 1*87. and agamHt the here­ an«! the speaker highly applauded at it* (• «r occupancy. J. H Griffis, the contract ­ considcred. week, ami for a time money will be plenti­ ami friend* in this place a visit inafter !<•( onn«*!l. d«'f«*mtant. I am command«*! ful at th»* front again. Tbe evening ses. ion eloso35V.25. with int'*: -f th«'rcon at tea ¡»« t cent, pwr THI IUSDAY, JI I.Y 14 gene «'ity. two young ladies will known Floyd, John Wells, John Hunt. David a neat residence for his mother. Mrs. \ . ■ • 11 ■ . ■:».. f J uli. 1887, and the 1. Pewtherer, of Salem, an insurance -ion «»f ti»«' sul'j . t . t mu-a ’ , commence«! I lhe institute waacall—i to order prompt­ here, were the annali-ts of two of the so­ D;-titigiiish between note sum of $35'.«2 »itt »racy Ln-s, and th«' further sum John. I G Burn*. W \ Ma —ie. C A Bige­ M iller of Brownsboro. agent, is in town, accompanied by bis wife. ly at !♦ o'cl.X'k v. M. by the State .superni in thè imuning ol $20 11 c«»sts, and al-«» th«» cost*» of ami upon cieties of rhe Stat«1 Cniv r-ity. ami acquit and tonc. Fla-tern sugar cured hams, camp'd corn low T J M.i' kin, IL-nry Brockman, Jos tins wrU; aad in obcd»«*nc«» ••» sai«i writ. I dr»*alt>. L Léonard of Jo.-cphim» c«»unty was in Prof. Frank ...... S<»well. .1 S I >«-rii-p. !»♦•« f an i chipped I • ♦ I. b- t quality, at J “ Miscellaneou* Literary Work in Public according t<» law. m:«l will <»ffcr for sal«», for cash Boyd A Wheeler, who keep one of the Ja« k-< nvil'«‘ la-t W»-dnc-«b«y on legal busi­ schools lookup the subject of "Phonics Nunan’s. Jacksonville * and treated it a* i' done • in tri flie the publie public *« ho« • 1- '' I he pap. r was read di-timllv in Land, a’ public au' tnui, to the highest bidder, \ o I or, s th«» court hou*«' d«w»r in Jacksonville, in eaid h<-t aaloon- at th«» railr««a1. of s«id day,.all the right, i than printed, and denouncing the A. H, • oiiiimnde'l wishing good-, «d'l’hing. etc missioners at their last term. week. M -- Della I’em >e: akrr di-< u--<‘d the sub tit and i.'it'T«‘*t of th«* -aid John Met ontlfll. method. A hand of gypsies has been in the valley Icy a l»u-imvisit this w«»»- The services h» hl at G«»lhn A-lipol»', th«- popular Eagle Point Grade- " fhc lad\ -poke < xt •mp«.ran«,<>us- scritn*«! r«»al prop«»rty. to-wit: during the week and plring their vocation nitrous «»rders everywhere, day by R« v. D T. Stanley f Moiinnnitti. inert hunt, was at th»» county-seat not long academy followed w ith the subject of Ke- l’iie south halt of the Moiitticatt «¡narter. an I she wotihl have much »arirty and i views and Examinations" lie would hare ly in d fl--rent parts «if it. th«* 0outhe«-.*t «¡uait«T of th«' ►«»uthwi'-t «piarter Made of M'b*<*te«l >t«»< k l«\ the in -t American Manufacturer.*. repr« *ents has gnim I an • Pol k county, were attentively li.>t«*nvd Please since. examination* as often as twice a quarter w oi.ld tuk«' special < are w itb th»* dull ones of section six. ami th«» northca-t . t!m lion for k»»rping tbe best a B u's ar«* getting h'gher right along, ami by a large (ungregation. Mr. S. is one ! be u-e oi ih * < rayon and blackboar«] Re-pectfullv. John W. Abbott ate’ Geo. II Lynch of ami reviews ev Ty day. He thought tlier* holds attention, and the teacher can do the nortnw -t quarter of s«»ction - v *n. in tow»»- up examine (ì«»«»»l* and Pric< * before purchasing. of goo«h in ih« ir line. **♦•!! thirty ti*e south, of rajige «»n«'west, in Jacks<»n ( alcutta* arc <| i »ted at S cents apiece in the ablest mini-ters in the State. was "such a thing-' as over-examination Wagner « r« « k were in Jacksonville and that a written examination did not al best work when on her feet She would county Oregon, ami corfa^ning I■»•» acres. I. NUNAN. lowe-t rates, ami we are g the San Francisco market Plymalc ha- put on a new and tirst-class Wednesday. Given under my hand mitt l‘.»th day of July, drill ami review mm h. w ays t< st the knowledge of the pupils lss7. tr.nl»' growing -> rapnlly. Several of the teachers took a part in tbe stage between Jacksonville am! M I A l«»t of tine bacon was brought to town Recess. R. W. DEAN. Sheriff A. E. Haminoml of A*hlaml is now en­ have un agent who c an id S I«- relied from Mr- Baker * larm in Willow Springs and makes close connection with all trains. The institute was called to order by supt di- "a--i"ii By N. A. J acob *, Deputy. Prof. R'gior gave an • x.'rciao in phonic*. gaged in on»' of the N. P. R. Ii. surveying upon am! wh«> -par«- - no pa to give sat. precinct one «lay thi* week •McElroy. H«» spar« - no pains to please his customers r« a«*h all th«* markings <-f tin* vowels wln'n th«» partie*. Prof J. Burnham of the Portland school* pupil isfaction. Sheriff's Sale » m 11.-- K''cond R»'ad«'r. Drill on situpl»* took up the subject ot Geography ami rounds He «loos not b'di.-v.* tn eotic«*it work. Frank Volk, who has been employed as and gives the fullest satisfaction. Mr*. <’ha*. Nickell ami children y vitii i f <> f \ n i \.. t Dm ¡s. .Map-drawing" as taught in the public Have card- with th«' sound illn -trat«-«! In th«» C. <’ Gall, II. A Cry«’.« r and Mr. Sim br«»wer for Veit S< hutz for th«' past tw«> Icriflrntfi. rib'J. «»:(! «»f t!.'-< ir aiit <'<«urt <«f th«- S'a»«' of been spending th«' past wci k at schools of Portland, l he child make- il- 1 bird ibader t»'.vh all th* «iiacrifical mark-. mons«d Tabb- ltock precinct and J. Carter. <>i- «««a, f-.«r J «i-k-on «-oun:» <»n th«- 2!-t «!,«> <»f 'Two accident- have •»«■« urr« «1 • »¡i Wagner years, ha* g«»ne to Portland. way to s'Imol. lie soon learns locality and Ti ach tub'* inn-in-law of ing fur a grand « one«-rt at the close of their been vi.-iting Ashland and tlie Si>kiyon ot innumerable straight line-. In drafting «ii»(»«»m. •l»J»t’'r. u»‘* i - l . 1 ;nTic» rhouhi Hu«ij i chanic* lr-n in tl.«* boo! ¡ear the «tic;ioiinry mon*. Thor«* is n»> • xeuwe for the 13th day of July. 1 —an.l a_rnu-1 th«* her ;; af- mountains. t I c . b I pts b» i"t • ng !•• A Aifut«l. I. «•! a -mall lame Not«*, receipts, due-bills, orders ami An « x » tcis «» m spelling f«»ll.»w«sl, in which m<«-t P«»gu«». d<'f--;nimt. 1 am «*1.» n and rrceivvd other t he« k-, in book*, in «piantitie* to suit, for who are now propriet«»rs ol Al. Sears’ old and s«'li -anl pr«»p«»rty. -ut«j«« t to a nioitcM!»» form of thetarlli's surfa- e is globular an- of th«* I «ar hers fo«»k part WILL CURE Diarrhura nn<1 Dysentery Railroad certificate* wer«» d»tribut«»«i and m»- h»»n of l’li «out* < 'Ii »vnor o’i i - hk I pr»>iiu*«Mi for the stand in Ashland, are duing a lively busi­ R R. ('«». at Portland, is paying Jackson­ not get an exact meridian or parallel or painful it ini ;• A -"ii <>t W. 1.. Ncii. aged *ale « heap at the T ime * office. ►uni of and inter»-: thero«m at»t« n p«*r cent, cellan»‘ouR business t ransa«*!«*!. Th«» reading of ville a visit. WILL CURE Pimple* ou th.1 far . aud Freckle., ness. B«»tn are gooil m«*i hani«'s ami suc ­ about nine >«.;!*. was upset with such globular surface line when drawn ar rep r»»solutions. etc., occupuxi th«» r«»st of the after­ per annum from th«» 17’li d.tx of January. 1«x5. to B F. Peart ha* taki-n a lan«l claim on saii*f.v th»* <’osts ami 22. with int« r«>t at John Miller offers his entire st«»« k of of Hie globe’. Meridians at tbe equator aie dent of Flounce Rock precinct. emht per c«»nt. p* r annum from th«' 13th «lay <«f it on Wv«ln -day. the same distance apart a- the parallels.but “( oinrHd«?«», ’presented by local tab-nt. j Jul). 1**7. au-t al-«» th«» co-t- <»f and upon this WILL CURE Headache ami .Xervou* Depres.iou. It hardware, the whole or in part, at cost, The institute thnmghout wa- well aiten«l«sl Schot»! Report. Supt Priest will soon make the ?«l appor- writ. I did <»•• fl, • Miss Anna Jeffrey of thi* place com­ converge toward either pole Convergence the interest Iwing kept up until the close. Ku pt. writ, «nd hi <»l»edi«'’.r«' to WILL CURB Stio.ultt. The tolh»wing i-a Ii t of the pupils of tionmt nt «»f -ehool funds for this year. 11 is hi* int«*ntion to retire from business is verv slight in the lower latitudes, but Mei .¡roj spoke in cwinphmeDtary termH of the 21st «lay of July. l-*7. l-\y »«n -aid ««»alty. ir<‘ nt ( ¡¡II «>n him and price his hardware, and pleted a sin « • -ful term of school at Ster- very rapid in the higher. In map-drawing good lttcndaiic«-fioin Jackson county, there I m * 154 to I iw, an«i will off r f«»r . . for r «- i m WILL CUKE Summer Complaiut«. Foots’creek -ch-••!. w hose average stand­ will I e more liberal than usual. tne convergence of the im ridian .Jo degree- inx Ml teachers poveiH ir on said county J »s«« hnml. at p:i»«h<* au'‘tio: . to f{»e lim • : bidder, you will find it to your advantage to pur­ lingville last wcck. ing is !*5 per « « nt. and <-v« r. i’««r the mouth at the coui t-liou-.' d »«»r i i Ja«*ksooVi!h*. in * ;i i WILL CURE ilheuuialism ami Gout. phme county had a full nttendanc«'. The next A tra n of wagon* from California, con­ Prof. W. Hutchins, a well-known piand- each side of the equator is so small that institute will be (add at Jacksonville. c«»unty w, <1 Kt Ut*, oa of June Emma .Mary < • < k, (baili - taining «juite a number of immigrants, chase from him. they may be regarded as straight lines WILL CURE Paius in the Kones au.l Joints, Read our grand clubbing inducement* tnner of San F’ranci-co, was here a few Maps drawn by the pupils of the Portland i J«,', Duffield, Ida Kwacker, Jo-tph Morris, passed th rough town this week. i nt two «»’clock r WILL CURE all Skin Diseases. //orse Thi-f Irrc^tfil. publishe«! elsewhere, and it you want the «lays since on business. -ehools were exhibited, which displayed of - nd day . all the riuht, Ella Orni«', ('ora Orme. Mintie Miller. Heading is n«»w well under way an«! l»'a«ling jt»urn:ih»f southern Oregon ami the * skill. '-hci ill'D» a:i. w;» » h.:< bi «-n tr:»< king «me title an 1 mt«T«-.-t of M. E. I’o^ti*». >L’f<*:i al pr»p- Supt. I*. V S. Reid of I.inn < >unty -q.cn- J < . A; « \ ««r i.< v lie -l«»:e John Wttl- threshing will soon commence. Rep»>rts b( 't ti»v,-paper «»r periodical in the Unite«! Man >w.c k« r of thi- place, arriv« »1 h» re M edm sdav <-d lhe discussion of " What Ruh - and It..: -t ii - marc in A i ■ v Spring- precinct, rc- «•rtp. !« wit: FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS ANO CROCER8. I .ot 7 i : !•'•■ •’. I I :u th«' towi of G«»l«l Hill, ill of a bountiful harve-t are general States for th»* price uf one, call «»r send to I !• \ W \ de Teacher. illation* should a Teacher lay down at tie- t • iv < «-n «apitir«-d netr McMinnville (»«ven under my ham! thi- 21t»t da) of July. Why will yon stiffer from ague and ma­ tlu» T imes office W < <>. l’urrcll, the afl’abl«' representative the rules Iniil down hy the State It..ar.I of Ios7. .4 Notilhi ru ttrrgoH .1 ppointtn'nt. laria Win-Il Gilmore’s Aromati«' Wrie will R«-v Mr Bruwnson. the efficient pre-i of J. ; A Folger A < «», paid the valley hi- lain cation met every requirement, and that 11« w i- io«lg< 1 in (be Y.imliill county jail 1 B. W. DEAN, Sheriff. uiiiiloui -Ii« ! itT h id time to lake him in I W B« rry <»f ’hi- gia. e ha- been up cun- you '.’ »Sold at City Drug Store. B y N. A J acobs , Deputy. I dent <>f the .McMinnville « o'leg«», lectured r«»intrd -«cohd ward»-n oi th«- penitentiary bv law lie did not believe in-ayinc-to tlie arrive here this morning Six milee South of Grant’» Pass. Josepbin Wilson* Frank King is now running hi- -tag»' at tin Presbyterian church in this plat e last Miss RnthJor.es. who ba- Keen paying -ehool at its opeuit.g. pupils do w hat is < b in. e- lot the penitentiary are good. County, Oregon. Summons by Gov. P« nnoy«T Thi- is i rr-p««n-ib|e twi. •• i w.-«'k from Yreka, Cal . to Shovel l’ue.-«hiy evening. lie is an able andelo- tight " A teacher lias no right to punish this place a visit, return» «! to her horn«- in P«»-iti«»ii. w!«i< h Mr 1» will no doubt lill crv< k for a« commo lotion of visitor*. In the Circuit ( ’ «rart of the State of Oregon, for «juent -peaker, ami hi* lecture i* liigh'y unless the pupil is ii formed why lie is so Ro.-»»burg \ »'sterwn repre­ l’rof. Rigler thought there were too many Ami free from taint of perspiration by peririo e a4* a pe a» •• »«flic« r. Mr. B. h-lt for I < «»¡i«'««' of Iibend art* M. Smith and Amanda Bilger, «tefondants; suit Not a parti« le «»f calomel. or any other t a- -'iik»'.- or .-iHogh * will find bargain* He would make no rules, ad ding Darby’.- Prophylactic Fluid to the inequity to for«*clo*«‘a mortgage II Colb'ir«’ of medicine. Dr. F. I’. Frauer. sentative of H. Ro*enfeid A Co. of Port­ rules already Sal« in Sumiay m■••.ring, am! Lis family «leieteriou* substance. ent« rs into tin* colu­ emtig water used io bathing. It removes all of­ To Alice J. Bn.ith, John M. Smittiand Amanda in th'.* . Reade rut. Frc«l < ronemille;. well known here, made pupils know what right an.l wrong is. gen­ tion. Piles, Scald l»eet. (’«»ms. etc. Mr Bro< klcy of Rogue river ha- gone to egon; bii’ if h » tvs ! in any other »'ounty in the Eugene Ri« k*»'cker’s party oi I' S topo­ erally. ¡Schools must be an absolute des VII-Art erv«'«i upon j«»n outsi«h'<»f th«* State of Ore- ath last week, but will . tart out again soon. Kent. R S : J A. B«»y. r. P. S ; K. K llbli. ver-ity thought that children did not know -addle, spurs, bridle, lariat and a g<»n or by puttlication, then by th»» first day of the C. D. < ardwell, who is now running an The other party which started »»ut troni Mr. <’allahan. lately from Arizona, but right from wrong at all times Rules would hors«***, Etc. 360 Students ! Treas. ; F Luy. W , G. Arm»!«!. Con.. R. term of tm-( ourt following th»» service of «urh Nectarine. Almond. pan ui < hap najo-. Apply to expre-.* lin«1 between Ashland and the Sis­ Ashland thi- summer is still in (he moun­ whose parents reside in Douglas county, teach them to discriminate. He quoted summons, to-wit: the first Monday in Septenilier A. Chair. I. G. H Moore. R. S. \ G F. E. B ybee . AI m ». the celebrated lhs». 400 Graduates! from the Good old Book the rules "Thou kiyou muiintian, was in Jacksonville F t i- tains of Josephine ( <»unty. is in the valley on a tour of inspection. Jacksonville. June 2S. 1887. And you are hereby n«»tifind that if you fail to shall not." etc. lo ruttori /nr 5»»/»*. day app»'ar an«l « t :- w « t -aid «'«»mplamt. a«- hereby re ­ 30 Teachers ! M. <« <”riiim» ns of this place accompa- Prof. Burnham would ap|.< al to the pu­ 11. <’ Dollarbidv has rente«! the u-e of quired. the plaintiff will apply t«> thecourt tor 1/1 K ill I. It A* 1 arn going away. I otT» r for ale my John G Norton his toll-road t<> the railroad company for nie«] s 1 c«»x on his r« turn to Butte creek pils* sense of right and wrong, rather than the r»*li«-f deina. ..'»u*»r annum from May Congressman Hermann passed through regulations ol the Portland schools, -bowed Hl 50 PER WEEK best larga ins K« v W. 1’. VVilhanu*. !’. C. liidi of Mendocino 25. 1SS5. and f«»r th«* further *u:n of $5» i .0 ii attor­ then: will get stat«» .-ay ¡»»«thing of the bcnttii he derives from tin val!» v last week, en route to visit his that the Portland gentlemen were working TRUE TO NAME J f c«*unty. < m 1.. nr.; $1 Ml with nicely fur. J. P. L»*uib Neel and M in » 1 .m in a bun mon.**. The institute wascuile«! to or«ler by Supt. law; als<» for such «»tier e«juitablv relief aa plain ­ niHhKi r<»>m. First tnnn September Mb. «nch ah ( ahfornia tr«s*are ^abject to. U»- i * »ii.-i.icr:: •♦♦ .imoiint • : fish for win­ , ------------------- - ■ ■ .il ii n or to - of « ’.t ry kin.I, the t. t lhe 1 i.ME- «»ffice la-t Tuesday received a t'meh. t ro/o notl Ipph lto.r>M. tiff may le* entitled to. < ataloguc* an«! information « m H free. Address M«Elr«»v. -t\ji-h gen!-’ Iiu liixhmg g«»«»«!s, th»- li '.«'- >lsaut «all from Prof D. T Stanley, pres- Publish«! by an order of Hon. L. R. Webster, Those who contemplate tree planting will do 1IIGS. VAX Mtn. rrnddest, .Mi-* flattie NN wburv «iiu'U**«*(i th«* sub- noi:x. Tl.« sugar Pine D«»« r »< I uini«er « o. of ter u-e. Judge of th«» above .-»ititl.Hi c«»urt made July IH. well to get my price ii«t before purchasing else- Salem. Oregon. i.ut- and tr<»pi« al iruit Cir< ml « oi’.rt for this e «diity adjourned freshest cat t ot th»» Monmouth normal school. Mini j«'« t Means and Expedient* totin«! helpful GrrtnCx i n-» have a large a-*«»rtmer.t of 1*87, in the D em » craih 'T imes for- ix c<«ns.*«'u- whore. in a well written pa- BERRYMAN ON Applegate July 4th. to Mr. tiV»« week* the best cigars and t«.ha«’cos, etc . you Watt, president of our .-ch(M»l. Mr. III daily school life. I’oM Office -Murpfi'. Josephine ( ounty, Or. L'1>IHNGTA< KLE-JOINTEU KOfM.LINEN knn dri»«i fl nit l « x«s. which they can fur • in»' «be last >itur. lay and will noth«- in a Mr- Ti ou. |*nrrymiui. a »on prr. T-«efirre «h«»uld l>e cheerful Do not» Given under m” vsnd thi- 1st!» «»jk*. anni I hooka, rroepara I them. Call and set for \ uUisclf. fur half a day by a moment uf passion. I auuMi- t A. 11: rvey. a sou. Attorney for Plaintiff. Jun<* 12. 18tó. dition. Me., of all m »** at J'»HN MILLE*th' September. ♦ able price*. I I he Whit»- i- king. Met allistcr is furnishing (hi market withex a llent sod i w.iffr from his spring I WILL YOU SEND A TRIAL ORDER TO SACRAMENTO, CAL.? IOO Doses Ono Dollar SACRAMENTO, CAL NOS. 829, 831, 833, 83ö K STREET, And 1026 Ninth Street Jacksonville, Oregon. ZANZIBAR & PALMER SEERSUCKERS MERRIMAC SATEENS, ORCANDIES, COCHECO LAWNS A.-ÍI» CIIAMBltAY AMOSKEÂC, STAPLE CHEVIOTS AND GINGHAMS. B IN DI GO Pin NTS AND SIMPSON'S SILVER GREYS.* MENS’ AND YOUTHS’ CLOTHING. TRUNKS ANJ» VALISES NEW WINDOW CURTAINS, WALL PAPERS and BORDERS Large Stock of Boots and Shoes B REDLAND NURSERY, A. H. CARSON Prop’r 30.000 TREES Kelsey Japan Plum ’