MEDFOKO SQriuS. .U1MIMU ME ITS. MrB. C. M. Stone, the lady who con- Pleading to the Palate and i ducts a drug-store so efficiently, has re- Placer mining for this season is rapidly Elder Peterson will preach at Medford Death to a Cough. Mis« F.v.i Nash Ins gone to California. i moved to her new quarters in Grant'« nearing a close. on »Sunday. i Pass. W. I. Nichol«, the Linkville attorney, The best and cheapest mining blanks fur Mi«s Allie Jennings of Grant’s Pass paid Mrs. Win. Fehely of Kerbyville pre­ sale at the T imes office. Medford a visit last week. IHfifial Paper lor Jiitktou, Jtirpbmr k Lake is visiting Yreka, Cal. cinct is studying photography at Grant's Rev. R McLean will hold services at Pass under £. F. Everitt, anil is making F. Y’ocum and John Ralls arc developing Geo. E. Jones and family and M regulator LUNG RESTORER, SANTA ABIE, a good quartz ledge on Willow creek Beatty paid Jacksonville a vi«it liiis w commendable progress. JIN'E 21. ÜW7. Doten on Sunday next. FRIDAY KINC OF CONSUMPTION. Everyone « duty is not toal!«»w the the R. B. Hatton has sold his residence Cleaning up will s>on be cotumen«-e«i at Our ban«l is practicing r«-/ ilariy^in«! a ill We are sorry to announce that the most of the large placer mines in Josephine Hfomach Hhd the Kidney», three great or»;m». to i no «lotibt make a g >o 1 «u • ..,i>’at Grant’s in Linkville to Thos. Wilson for $600. The oriifiuitl «nd only genuine scientific com­ become clogged or torpid, and in time expel all condition of Sheriff Patterson, who went county. l.asr Tue»«lay Victoria Regina of pound <>f Abietine (ium end YerbeSanta, , Pass on ttie 1th of Inly impuntire of the blood. The Oregon Bloo^ The merchant v of Klamath county are to Portland for treatment, ia such as to for < ou»ibw. C< M h . i .una ami Bron­ Iaii.l wa» fifty year» a queen, and it was Purifier, m purely rentable compound, u» * *• G. B. Caldwell At Sou. who are mining in For sale at a bargain a «•«>.«v «Iwelling- chial Trouble*, etc., etc. nia.le the occasion of a gram! job lee by now receiving hcapsuf new goods. alarm bis numerous friends. Urinedy to cur»' h 11 dtaeaaet* of the kidnv.ii» and Steamlx»at district have finished cleaning , bouse not far from the center of the 1«» wii i liver; aieo ih«»t»»* «’HutM'd by impure t»lo«»a«MDt to ue «‘ Follow di rec change in tune M«*d;«>rd is considerably Tur C. A I. Stage C<>. i» making hav | Wheeler , . .......................... A fredi supply »f the A merit :ui Mining tioiiK nn d 1» elowina np his black, market. We need a few more Lees an> settitn»- oli to nr t ae J Sterling Co.'s mines, but sw •♦•¡»ing back front. poeMble. DAVID CKONKMILUK. gl IO cnsion «4 the 4th quarterly meeting of the are running regularly between the rail- 1 kA- *»1-. has returned home, will soon be commenced there. a Oroville, Butte Co., U. R. A. M. E. Church for tins circuit. Our budget of .Josephine county news, r xul * terniinii, and Tire crowded each 1 M,. ssrs . Conn and Bonebrake passed f?lKHWG IA< KLE-JO1NIED RODH.LINEN ............... — , ----- | Jas. Herd £ Co. are developing a rich __ • -— 1:1— • L—. .............. »1.«» ak.A I - oi.-s-rs. i _ orni aim - . oom-oraue puseeu Owners of the only Abietine (trove and Distil- SANTA ABIE AMD CAT-R-CURE. r Doctors Pryce A Gearv. our progressive raw Mini Oiled-Milk I idhb , retde. hwivri« • * ***,. fhat the i through l.inkviile this week, tn runtt to for some reason, did not reach theTixcs ; ltslgr in Sterlingville precinct. If it is ex­ lery in tliH world. l«»HHN MILLER M.' For Hale by all Dracxiat». ment tor consumption, and is it work ng ' It will tie Lmnd on the first page of to- Major Buttles and J A Moss have taken wonders in some instance. They are alw.vs Newt. Gordon is studying law under > day’s issue. the contract to run a tunnel 2U0 feet in up to the times and are constantly a«l«i;ng Tue fact that the Oregon Pacific rail- , j S. B. Cranston, a prominent lawyer uf Prof. Benson hangs out his shingle as ! length into the St. Peter lodge in (¡rave to the enviable reputation they already road company ha» secured $10,000,000, I Linkville, and is progressing rapidly. creek district. enjoy. has a large force of men at work, and is a lawver, and may be found at Hon. 8. i pushing for Boise city. I. T., eastward, Mrs. IV. A. Wright of Linkville is is] | U. l1. Mitchell Mitchell ’» s office omce in ir Grant’s Pass J Thro Cameron returned last w ek fiom A number «»t the membi rs of the R brk for which point the Chicago A North­ being visited by her rather and mother, i We believe him to be ! a gentleman of ‘ a visit to his (¡alice creek ininea. ami ¡lh degree lodge at thi« place pai«i Ruth i speaks highly uf the results of this sea ­ IL bekahs «»f Ja«*ks«mville a fraternal visit western is building through Wyoming 8. M. Martin and wife of Santa Rosa. considerable legal ability. son’s run. last Monday evening. Amoiijx th«»se ¡»res westward, M tangible proof that San Cal. i There will also be a grand celebration Prickett. Finney & Co. of Steamboat dis­ ent were G H. Haskin«, J r. Kelley, 1>. Lan*« *, directly or inclvc.s well Ayer's Pill*. < . A. Sr humerus, (J reat Bend, Kansas, writes: “ I have used Ayer's day. — gramme will lie a first-class one, and pipe, preparatory to mining on an exten­ pleased with their visit. Pills for < «»stiveness, with the tnost beneficial rt suits." J. Wiudbolm, Newark, N. J., I Lane county, for the benefit of his those who attend will not regret ti. sive scale. Tiu.«»: is still considerable travel on . health. write«: “Ayer's Pills cured me of chronic Constipation." Martin Koch. Hunting- Jury Liat. ‘die road lietween Ashland and Linkville, We are pleased to announce that Jas. Work at theSwinden ledge ami Corne­ Sheriff Chihlers is proving a |>opular t«»n, Ind., writes: “ Last year I suffered much from Biliousnc-< Accommodation«! unaurpHMted for comfort and Aaf<*ty. Faro« and freight via Yaquina end the 1 he following is a list of jurors drawn which neenis to be in better condition anil efficient official, and everybody Leeper of Williams creek, who has been lius 21 Co s null near Gol«i Hill continues Oregon Development ('o. a SteamMhipa much lew« than by any other route between all pointe m the Willamette Valley and ban Franciaco. Extensive strata.« for the J tine term of the circuit court for than for a long time past, as considera­ ! agree» that he is the right man in the quite ill for sometime p>*st, is able tube t«> progress favorably ble work bus been done on it lately. It I right | lace. about again and is steadily growing in of ore have been strut k. which are of a Klamath county , C II Withrow, W. E. is feared that w hen the overland railroad health. He was at Jacksonville this harder formation than those previously Moore. A. ('. Beals, .1 I-’. Adams. S II. Aft« r using one box of Ayer's Pills 1 was quite well." C. F. Ilopkin*, Nevada worked, though they are supposed to be C. II. Withrow and others will soon week. system is completed and a station is (irilRth. J.ijc Ni•,b’dM. S Parker. Jos. lleti- fully as rich. < ity, Mo., writes: “ T have used Ayer’s Pills, and think they are the best in the regularly established at Willow creek, put up a tit st-class saw-mill on the Klam­ drix, R. KMBvIknap, ._ _r., M. Obenchain. A. ----------- — P. N Butcher and Miss Relle Davis, world. They have cured me of hick Headache au«l Neuralgia.’ W. L. Page, Rich- *' t -------- raiue, T I.. A * Lewn», Lewi». .1 Bennett, A M lrin.jiti, l ounty Minra. tbyr« will he a change <*i traffic from one ath river, machinery for which is al^ vly foriuerljrtif Grant's Pass, but now res­ Ijpayo Yaquii.a 1>'p M 7. " a . M. Leave Albany........ j on the way. Arrive Corvelli«, li ;38 A. M. , Arrive <'<» valli«. mond, Va., xvrites: “ I have been a severe sufferer from Headache. Ayer'i S Pilh 248 p m road to the other. A new lot ot pruetss-tor« arrt.e.1 from Ysnihill M. C. Brown. L Kin-imin, idents of Ashland, were married in Jack­ < ‘ hu- Graves, J II Colahan. W. O'Brien, Arrive Albany. .. 11:10 A. M. I Arrive Yaquina ... . i. M “ For afford me speedy relief." A. J. Forster, Dauphin st.. Mobile, Ala., writes: The effort to indict Joe Penning on a sonville a few days since. Their many county ¡m.t week un.l went into camp on John Pearson..!. T. Arant. V. A Dunlap. T he small-|>ox scare in San Francisco charge of stealing some articles from a number of year» I have been troubled with Constipation and Headaches, After L Biehn. J,>im Green. J. W. Mct'ov S. friends here extend their congratula­ Htarveout creek. is giving the health office a large amount JohnGleiinof Merganser did not prove tn ing a number uf so-called Liver Invigorators without benefit, I was at last Maboney. Leven. A Co. havo Mi-pended work Slukel John Wells. John Nichols, E. II. tionsand best wishes. of work in the way of gratuitous vaccina­ successful. ou tlieir «halt above ths CiyeUey claim.on account Cooper, Jas. Malone. Ky Taylor tion. From early morning until the J. B. Twombly, the eccentric individ­ of ti»i much water. B. A. «iodfrey of Bonanza has some ual who formerly sjient sometime in this Fare« Ix4wt‘«n Corvallis and Albany au«i Snn Francisco Rail and Cabin, <14: Kail hi d Kteerace time for closing the office is besieged by t'amou» Womrn. 00 Postmaster Welch of Eiot Portland, who is ore crowds of anxious mothers with babes ‘choice lots in that growing little town, county, lecturing at vanons school­ Matlaine Trvbelli. the gre atest of living Ayer'i Filli.'’ Rw. Francis B. Ilarlowc, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “For year» I WM contrait«»«, who has trav» l< <1 vxtvnrivvly. in their arm«, and Dr. Meares is kept which he will sell at low rates. Ikm’t houses, was arrested at Salem upon sus­ of the owners of tb<- "Wanderer" ledge, WM. M. HOGUE, C. C. HOAC, mibject to < uu>tipation, from which I buffered Increasing ineouvenleurr, in apite of in fact vi>it»’«l every counit ' anti citv «»f ' (filerai M hui .,jer. Acting G. F. P. A*«»n!. busy vaccinating the- youngsters. It , fail to buy one. picion of insanity the other day, but was al work ninuing a tunnel. CorvalTia. Or. the ui*e of medicines of various kintL. Some months :<<<», I began taking Ajtr’« The Green Mountain Mii.ii a Co. ia running tiote in the wo; hi. Las just departed from I would not I m * a bad idea to have a gen­ discharged after an examination. R. S. Moore has purchased his father's the slope of l.’ic Pacific and after express­ Pills. They I iihc entirely corrected the costive habit, and have vastly improv co eral vaccination in southern Oregoif. ¡interest in the Linkville saw mill and i The many friends of Miss Ione «'ran- thrsi shafte on its tunnel and are now in a fin«* ing ureat adniiralion for the beauty and la dy of .piartz. Ten tons of this rock recently my ge neral health.” H< rmann BringhotT, jvwvlry engraver, Newark. N. J., writ«*. grandeur of onr scenery, and acknowledg­ ! will conduct it in connection with liis till, si»ter of Mrs. T. F. «.’roxton of tins 1 .hipped to Man Francisco milled i81 tW i-*r ton. 1 •‘CoMivrncss Induced by my bedeutary habits of life, at one time became chroni«- ing tlie »1« Iigliiful. invig«».» ating influem <»f Gov. PmtXoVKB of this State has the brother <’harle«. county and F. L. t'ranflll of Medtord, climate, ha« ronsigne«l her thoughts to The lloblm* silver ledee 1» showinic up a fine < and exceedingly troublesome. Ayer ’ s Till-» afford« <1 me sretdy n ib f. and their j right coniprebeiisiun of the rebel battle- ' Ilaiuaki'i Co. keep a largo and first- will Is’ paWied to hear that she died at body of quartz, with ^'»«1 a»*ay>. in silver. Mr. paper the i«»k«i\ving neat and complimen­ occasional use lias since kept me all right.” Ed. O. Easterly. Jt'Xkford, Ill., xvritc» J1 J’ tl.ig « .'»nt rov.-i »y. ile leh'gi'apbed lutile' class stock of good» at Bonanza, and by Eugene city last week of consumption. j i J tary not**, which will remain as iivingevi- New York I! ■../«/as follows . "If it was' their culirtesy and fair dealing aie build- She formerly taught schoul at Giant's Hobbi. has been confined to his lari for the lent denceof her opinion that he lias been cured of chronic Constipation by the use of a handsome thing to do fur General Pass, and was an accomplishe 1 and ' two week» with uheuir.-d hand, from which he PoKTLiNP. O r . Aprilfith, 1* m 7. 1 I ing up a large trade. has inifferod terribly . but is now convalescent .and Firat-dn»» Steamship line Irotween Dear Mr Wisdom:--1 Lave trie«! your Giant on April 7, 1S65, upon the surren- I* ! ■ amiable young lady. . will soon be able to pnah work on hi» mine “Robertine,” and it gives me much pleas­ The firm of Walter 4 Dodd, doing bus­ dur of Lee to allow him to retain hi« ! A newly incorporated company, known as the ure to sav th.P it is excellent for the com­ »word, it certainly would bea handsome iness at Bonanza, has been dissolved, ( f.XTR 4/. POI %r POI XT I IIX. I i Green Mountain South Extension Co., ha.« com­ plexion, being one of the best articles uf the thing to allow the flags captured to be | Ed. Walter retiring. See notice pub- kimi I have ever used. Believe me. yours returned. In my judgment it would lished in another place., Sold by all Druggkts. Our farmers are engage«! in gathering a , menced work at its mine on Starvwmt. Robt. sincerely, Z. I rerki . li . C<>niie<'tiiig tit Yaquina with the trains of the bountiful hay crop. McMullen is their superintandent of work and is ■ — 9---------- have . been most magnanimous on the ! As will be scrii »een D» bv *»<» advertisement in , *' ... . i »»ili *K yonr well in placing him at the headbf iu business. is a bargain lor someone. J E. Harvey, who ha> been east of the druggist for a trial package Only one lor Mix»:«. Till, citizens of Grant’s Pas» are mak­ i mountain« returned home not long since. ! a «lose. Regular size boxes 25 cents. nt FROMH\N FKA.SCfHt'O: PR >M Y *qüÄ«A: Jas Morton of Bonanza has been ap­ Cow Creek, June 17, 18*7. ing i{reat preparations for tlieir celebra­ City Drug Stor«’. vVillainett a Valley. Saturday. M«ty 21 Willamette Valley Monday. May 16 The health of this section is „ go«»d and ev- ’ B tion, which will no doubt be one of the pointed assign»»? of the estate of Roberts T tii - h L- ij . " • 1 Eastern Oregon Er»* ••>» Tu*^iay, 24 I'nHreeasory .Wiaerp. rt «totxlwvti, insolvent debtors, anti else-Tfrvthinz appears to be in a flourishingcon- Willamette Valley Sat ui daj, June 4 W illam«*iie Wall»*y. .•vituiday. “ 2* The I ’ rrtiict I'uu nl »noun grainiest in southern Oregon. A most 1 ilitioll. Probably a» much misery come from Eaatem Oregon.......... . . ** li ! astern Or«'L’«»n Sunday. Jun»» 5 interesting programme will be presented, where gives notice to that effect. W D Sult. trii„'s,'-t, Bippui. In«L. t«- ’; habitual constipation as from any <’<• ill «mette Valley . . Thursday. * ’ IH Willanb ’ tte Valley . 'rhamday. W I Th. hammer and saw- may be heard on which include» an oration bv Hon. John fies . I can recy, who resides near Fort every hand Central Point i« improving, rangement of th - function« <>t the body the very best remedy. Every bottle so: i Willamette Valley . ....... Tuetrtlay ‘ 28 Wiilame't* Valley ruewiR}. “ 21 A. Gray of Goos bay, an eloquent orator, Klamath, was in Rogue river vul ey dur ' ami no mistake. I and It is dtffi flit to cure, for tlie Tea-,, Eastern Oregon .. WediirRdM} July EaMerii Oregon .... w edMiaay« " 2 I that no one likes to take the luedlcuie» ha« given r« i.e! in • v< ry c.i-e One man niil-dc by the Medlord bias-« band, lead­ ing the post week, btituing some agri- Mr Chrisman and wife of Line county tiisUMtlv prescritsai. H amhik .. F ig » were took six t‘««tth". anti whs c ired of rnuuma- Tlie Company reaervw the right to change sailing days ing oi the I1-'« lar.itioli of Indejiendence ■ cultural maehiiieiy home with him. rism of ten \tar- ’ -ta'idmg. ’ ' Abraham ’ l ave be.-n par ing this sect! i-lient choir, etc. etc »>e many I . ’ The b. -t -•■ ling medicine 1 Lave » v* r i 'I ■ ■ ■ » Hai I . . - ' »1. , men anti children 25 cents At all drug amusement» during the day, ending ending! last week <»n legal business. He has hamlled in i.iy 2«l years’ experiem« i> Win A Owen, deputy internal revenue ¡gists. J. J. Mack A Co., proprietors, S r i Electri" Bit! r- ” ____ rhou-.ind« of otl.- is w ith a grand ball in the evening. Sena- ' appealed from the judgment of the cir- | ' «»Hector, who is m .king an «•tticial tour <»f Lake and K a math counties, is expected o i n < 1.1: inn >■<< iiirt.'i uirii orn i have a-i-ied their testimony, so that the of th.-i <-uit ewirt iu his ease against I.. I.and. tor Miller will act as president | verdict is uni iiimoJis that khetri«' Bitter« 1 liijtiie this wc k. div, ami Hobt R. Morris as chief mar­ lit rrm.ic.i rioyx. io < ure all I Parties payii g for th« T imes m advance at <>nr Stores . late gran I j irv on a charge of stealing -< nt for a large stock of good«, whi« h will 1 rMuced chh I i rate« will be famished any uf tLr ♦ following nani'tt publication» m connect!«»!’ wr L “CMtorla 9 bo well adapted to children that Caatoria enrrs OUe. Conaripati^*», «■'» from Jas Lewis of l.inkviile. He had arrive in the tours * of ,i few week«. I I’ht lu>b iiit \ulnim-ki'«¡nr hat ii Urn f't 1 this paper at tie price« »riven b«do * - It will I»» Í recomnimilitassupenortoany j - -cnpüúQ Sour Stomach. T’larrhtna, EructAtLon, Noywnusr aspisg the change of ad­ ’ a jury trial and was acquitted. noticed t! at there ma reduction of a f buist S Kills Worms, gives sleep, aud promotes di- A -.•il«M»:i-k» , - ‘ ii««r ii'iin««! r»Tr««:ic»* Lynr.'i. at th»« Sims A Kearney’s hotel i« looming up I»er cent, on turhlmhers’ c*t«»mary rat«’« in er» r tnowu to me * H. a . A ether . N D., ministration» uao-t of the It publican S. E. cfti of IDh K"d St.«., »«»m** w<««kf» k <<> gestion. .1. II. Colahan, accompanied by hm i grundiy. ami it will not be long b» i«»re it is 1 inrttanoe. and m a«»ni« much mor»*: Ill Bo. Oxford St. i BrooUyu, N. A ’ . Without iujunous medicahoo. *•«- a»ki«l to h lit kftia tn»« M hj «irawing employes at the Klamath and Yainax • ompivted It will be one ol the largest^! I WEEKLIES. nf tin* Louis di a St.»(»* I ».(t.-'j and uas ki.«»« k d «laugl.te s an 1 ni.who have lieen at- I Iii'ban agencies have lieen retained, tending .-t. -Maiv's Academy at J tek-on- ! finest buildings of the kiud in southern Or­ r<>le«lo W»*ekb Blade . . Tm CKÍTA73 C olfany , 182 Fulton Street, N. Y. alwM’k by tho inform »tioti r u ticket i , . j; ; Harp t ’ h Weekly......................... through no fauit of the worthy agent, egon >f whicn ht* hP'd «» ie u-nth. hitd drawn th«1 < h ( i - ville, returmsi home last week, where, 1 Scientific Anicricsn .......... > h 1 Prize of Hi« draft for the ¡ram y Kev. Jo». Emery, however. There will Central Point will n-»t celebrate the ««»in* ; »etroit FreePreee. . .... was placed in th»» nar.df of th»» I ird National soon be an end to tins state of affairs, , they will sp .ml their vacation. ing Fourth of July, but will I»« heaid fr«»m N«w York Star .................... Bai k of Pltila.. and wa« pronmdy pani. 1 hi». .« . i ext time. Mo«t of our citizens will go to New York Wo lr«gon¡an months in Philadelphia I’hihub lphia Telcgi.ain short time One of the very few faults ath river, which will give them more ence Day. ■ Harper's Baxar................. May 23d Prof. Hail s school at Central Point rlos- ■ INoneer Preen............. 01 President Cleveland's administration p.wer and euable th ‘m to »aw a large i c«i last week with appropriate exercise«, af- ■ Chicago News is tlie prolonged retention of Republican quantity of superior lumber daily. ....... ■ ter a successful term. It In-Id a picnic on • Missouri Republican............. officials. Whenever our |>olitical opi«>- Demo«'rat......................... Rogue river on Friday, which proved an : Glotte Ph»Iteleiphia Times ............... The Bonanza Hotel, under the man- 1 enjoyable event. in nt resume control of the government t Han Francieco ('al) ................. weexpeet to witness the sum .nary de­ agement oi B. A Godfrey, is constantly paper Geo. \V Cooksey an«l Mr Morgan, the • Frank Leslie'* illustrated gaining in p«>pulaiity, the lie»t ot of ip» up »als -als capitation of Ik'inocratie uffico-holder«. “ ,r German will leave for northern <* ill tor “ Sunday Mainline and lodgingsf»«ing furnished RcSFMr. R. WMr. «•arpenter. La soon, to recuperate tin ir health, and | ” Popular M«»i»tl»ly G.’s adveiti»eincnt and give htm^call. will i»r«>bab!v visit the famed '•hovel creek I *" *’ B'idxret................................ Tur interstate commission lias ren­ “ Pleaaant Honra. \Vr hope their trip will bene­ I •• Geo. T. Baldwin, our |>opn1ar hard­ i springs dered the long-expected decision upon MONTHLIES. fit them greatly. the fourth section, which prohibits great­ ware merchant, returned Monday from ‘ Wr«tShor*. Portland.Or.......... ' Century, 8usekeeper similar circumstance» and conditions Banks, who has been appointed night­ that would docrclit to any town in south­ MEIEli A.VOII.V IO 1111. Ottav publicati«»r.e will b»» fi»rni«b»’d which preclude special rates oi rebate watch at Linkville. l‘.>»ey Baker suc­ ern Oregon dured price when ordered with the T imes . Cl ’ TU'.S all I>l»vaH«'M of the Kidnrt », drawbacks, The commission will there­ ceeds Sell, on the Willow creek anti Oldar.d n«w sutKcribers paying one year in ad­ Klamath Court ProcfeJiny». vance from date f >r the T ime « will receive in a«l- fore not undertake to decide whkt con­ Liver, Bladder, auf Siskiyou County v-\ Is aac and infantile disorders. It contains no flpi’on H i m is A uraiia M. formerly oi Dougla.-* T imkx last week, am! consequently no Mar) Wilson, to Liredose mortgage. De- or Morplw l ut gives the child r.a»t two years a resilient news of im|>ortance from this section ap- «u« from p .. Price 25 cents. Sold by oi Portland, received a telegram from fteared 111 that i««ue. The delayed mat­ c rre granted. S. L. Tharp vs. A A. Tharp ; suit for di­ Washington oil the 21»t informing him ter will 1»? found on the first page of to­ < ity Drug Store. vorce Decree granted. that the Piesident had, in-mediately day’s T imes . Tillie Rumniell vs. Win. lUinmell; di­ upon his return from the Adirondack (.TRES WHEN ALL OTHER MEDICINES vorce. Granted I Sheriff Childers went to Salem this I SPECIMEN PRICES---- \ G<»><1 Suit lor Fiirtired Dress mountains, appointed hyn a» collector Kate Cole vs. Wesley Cole; divorce. Dis­ FAIL, os it a< ts directly an.l at once on tin I week with Thus. Moore, the Indian boy C'ircularp and rinall -amples <>f h eii<,e sent un appli< » missed at that port. This ia very gratifying to Mikado Curtain Seritu. double fold, SJe per Lawns, ill- anti 5c |>< r vd.; Kidney*. Liver and lW>wela, restoring who was sentenced to be confine I in Stacv Hcmrnway vs Margaret Heinen- A’ben Baby naa sirk. we cave bar Caetoria. ti<>n. Charges prepaid. Addre>- Mr. Abraham, whois not only a life long Decree grant» I. them to a healthy ibctior HI NT'S REMEDY in yd.; All Calf D. s. Boot. s!’, pep pair; Caiua-s Base-Ball Shoes, £1; and energetic Democrat, but a very es-1 the penitentiary for for larceny way; uivorce When ahe wsv* a Child, aba cried for Caatoria. 11. R. V FENCE CO., Medford. Or committed in a dwelling l ouse. He was D. Cronemiller vs < ’ . Cunningham . to tunable gentleman a» well, lie is a a f»af«5, SUH', and »peedy cur« . and bundled» L av «. Ladies’ Kid Button Shoe», $1.4,5; Missi s, same. SI.20; Ladies' Cart recover money. Jury l.ot ett, . Ji'.'MVi in gold coin from the Ismd-nten of Dr. Cox and Frank T. Do Ige. all of •I. F. Munz, Q.'asiirer Baldw n will call I a’.ii r«»iint\ . to recover money Continued ! Send fur Pamphlet to prices. A. B. ElMt A'Co vs. Roberts a V G»»« m 1- whom had good laM-king at the east, as in quite a number of county warrant». wyn; to recover money. Judgment for Over 20,000 people purchasing goods through t_Lu- Mail Order HUNT ’ S REMEDY CO., well as tine endorsements iiere, although Klamath county is in an excellent con­ plaintiff JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET by default. Providence, II. I. neither of our United Status senat irs dition, Iteing less than a year and a half lb] lartment of the Lad t «t liltonvs. Thatcher «t \V »r recover money Judgment for LrraMV. 'dmrtleff that he would recommend no Barley, “ Oat». Democratic aspirant, while Mr. Mitchell valley and other plates in this county ♦!'*» t 7 * and costs. Brown v« J. H. Miller, to recover Mill »e«L per tun | will join in »celebration at th» first place, I .Ionian ' GILMAN, PROPRIETOR, favored Mr Abraham. Î Hay. wheat «»r lim«»thy. per ton Jii'lginent .. ‘ for «leit n«l mt. extensive preparations for which are l>e- money. J Oik Avenue. Sacramento, <’al. State vs. B A. Godfrey ; indictment for I F’gg«. per doznn per lb. Titi proposition to return the battle ■ng ma 1«. B ...ide« inteiesting literary assault with a dangerous weapon. <’on- I lfattar. |*«»1atone. per lb. tliure will be racing, a barhe- < tinned. flags now stored tn the war department 1 exercises, 1 * < *abliag<». “ ......... Our Stock this season C muât ba Esodila! oa the Coast! cue, etc., t > • oneludo with a display of State vs Andrew Ja< k-on . indictment On tone. “ ......................... at Washington has rained much of fire-works and a gran'l ball in «he even­ f »r larceny in a dwelling-house. Verdict Henna. Nwthsrin Oiisntity. Qaidity. V.neue- Htr„ ,,f Tre.--. Il..,hh »„1 riv 11 i - hiai tate vs. Thos Moore; indictment for I Ham an«l Bacon 13 to I.’» lie, who»«, ni-, «...«-A honorable «o.. , principles ...... ............ — are - — often - ■■ ■ A voting man nam.«! Christnan elop‘1 Iti env in a «lw'. iling-bou-e. Defen :ant . Dne«l Apple«. p»«r ib.. (ri subverted by the urns.rupulou» politi- \ with a dauglit-r of B A. Godfrey, a aid pl«’4 two ! “ Plumb. 10 uiuii« ubo ve» y opportunely arc fleeted 1 of lender age. into California not long I >«’ imprisonment m the penitentiary. ” P»»ar*. 10 \ 4 M (-.U jictumrB' Aii^nt for the ’ • Pwu ’ ho*» “ ... 10 staU' v« J .1 T F. M utiz z. . indict ment ...... ‘ 1 î *r its officers. Perhaps it wa-* uiiiu*o»«»ary ' sin. e and tiled a declaration of ina riage , S-H i’i inn M«»I' ì * mu ». p,»r gallon. 75 mn'der in the first «iegree Rail bond oí tu rah up this matter; Litt it w 4« ju-t a« with a justice of the peace there. I ; on I ’ bulk« n*. p T '1»»z»*n <2 ««I to 3 I*» ERA.NCAISE SILKS, «1» i. ii', amounting to ■♦'■o’*». declared un necessary for Gen. Lucius Fairchild ' returning to Bonanza I»' was warned by («»: If ite.L _________________ T »»«<••. - «li to 12 ••• I I è I Hi to 2 50 an.l his minions to wave the shirt [ Mr. <». not to inter his piemise.«, » BLACK SILKS. J Kueck ami Amirew Ryan were admit- ' D»«er«koi* ...................... ........ 15 t«» 20 an.l endeavor to poison the country und Chrisman claims that a gun was te-1 t«» • ifii«'ii«hip. Wo« I. S;»ri'.4 .................................. ............ V.» to 31 « I»» 12 against Piesident Cleveland. Fanchil.1 drawn on him, wbcreuiain he laid the Stale vs. G W Smith. Leavitt .t Parrish, ............................................................... SUMMER SILKS. ............ fitoH More, Win. Nail and A. B. Road­ ’ M .(• » . is a peAMpect’v* cauJidate for the Pre»i-G-a»e before Judge Smith at l.inkviile, G I’. BARR\ l’kA R, the lii-st late s!ii«> itlg Vul ivt .. j I .»rk.............................................. . .H to |il 4, nev himaclf, and is jealotis of Mr. who held Mr. G. to answer The late man; indictment tor selling liquor without i .d.-| ih « i •»’........................... ........... ................ 124 SUPER CLOTHS. Ml 1R 1‘EACII, (freest.Hie) still heads the li- I. li< « use. Dismissed. ( teveland's groat and growing popular- grand jit y f.mnd an iudiettnent against ALBATROSS CLOTHS. KANADAY 'S CLING, the caitiicr'» pride ity ; hence be lose« no opportunity to | Mr. • iodtiey. .In finpirntirf X otmuh I ty. i maiign that gentleman. Hi- prop*itn>n KELSEY’S .JAPAN l’LF.M. ha» n., ró.,.,- ' What pure air i« to an unhealthy 'locality, ELAMINE CLOTHS. I to insult tlie President at St. Lout», be- what spring house-cleaning is to the neat J1ISHPHIM-: ri/i’xrr ROBE de SARGENT PRFNE, never In-f-re offen-.i in Oregon, I housekeeper, so is Hood's Sarsaparilla to .•.iu*T of Ids veto uf tho pauper-pension . CRINKLED SEER­ The body needs bill, is one of tlie preliminaries to hi« ; Crop« ate lo "king well and promise an everybody at this season It m a dried state, form» the celebrated prune. »* D ENTE. I .» I.» tin» 1 which, , -------------- ■•»»»••IK. 1 I., be thoroughly renovated.the blood puri­ nMnOPRR contemptible scheme. Mr. ( leveland excellent yield. ( r Mich < oHMTVVS ». Un. Fuvr’a ¡T rait Rm?»* » c .» SUCKERS. fied and vitalized, the germ« of disease de­ «î Joioln’ii I <»<1 NVJ»«x■Ol, ri medies known L»r h»-.a«L »tands unscathed nevertheless. width in oft6*:dcpen«1fnt upon diacaso of t' o BLRKELEX GOOSEBERRY, tiro m.>»t jirotitulilc ..f tlrom all. School taxv» will I»' delinquent in stroyed. Scrofula, Malt Rheum, a»4 all ache, n ne.-koiis ciacMe, &ome BATTISTES. which l.nsn reputation second to none. Also nennt for ti e other blood disorders are cured by Hood's 1 ait, Bon»eti iie-» Grant’s l‘a»» district on the 30th m»t. t moa Upon d< r i .¿< ment of the circulation. Sarsaparilla, the most popular and vuceess- A miobt time since our esteemed cw Langu.-tlof, King's, Soft Slroll an.l Paper Shell Alnrond». LAWNS. ....... . ......... ,,-------------- . /.'<.«<' . in a . R- A. Booth of Drain, lotmerlv editor fill spring medicine. temjHirary, the Roseburg ■ flnnvilkinns T’ H» a » t R ofut at one« wuiiywioiqno. ( . v ., r , nvuI t ocvaae> parugriipii of al» ut five lines, t.ok occa- of the Z.' J... was at Grant's Pa«« last Lumber, hath. Hoort, f'tr TOIL DU NORD. of ■ .H-kfoHl IH m.nnfnclnr, r» of |;. p-i-. Ila, Hako. »ner A Lumber Co. of rarrcnce, either in ch.Ida u or adulo. wl irli 11 ,-I h . in via < n cuti in« power «rent-r th»n «ni stantly lowering their senseless abu»e oti.-r M-w.-r. withle—druft.niei u.e. -Ij ir. .<-t.m. witli Si, Idei. i«e Vu.rd l'ino s. wtii.-l. prevents . Evergreens. Shrubs. R »ses Clematis an-1 Flowering Plants, Small LACES. Jas.T. Bryan oi William«, ex-county Grant'* Pass are now in full operation anti thè gra-si f-, (,ru alipping f«»rwnrd when 1 I ih M>ctiiin st rik»**« ìt. b««HÌdeM l aving thè only guard that ehfirp. flpiinunt kn- F lf . t ’ í » H eart R emedy , when upon this paper, ami snggeste«l that ! treasurer, is lying quite low with con- . are prepare»! to till all order” for F encing . r nntR, Gra|>(‘ Vines. Etc., Etc. Circn in cr.sea of delirium, calm« tho puh it**«*l f by u^«‘ their time couhl !»■ much more profita­ LACE FLOUNCINGS. i B oxin », R cstk *. F lookivu , ('¡ rLiN«; and i snmplion. excited brain, an ’ 1 y r ■« ttrinp roa» L r the sufferer, bly ami creditably «pent in emleavor- 1 F ini . v Atl'lr«.. all cnumiun.-atioi,. tu ««loxum m 4,1„| aiM„, .,,,,1^^101, standard of the T imks . This pleasant I of Williams cio-k were in -lacksonviile at prices to compete with any mill in south­ celebrate«! star; lard R »aper-. Mow r« :vid S'««d Wheel Hay Rakes of different lengths. ■ ern Oregon. They make a specialty of but very truthful reminder took wonder­ j this week. HAMMON BROS , P'-I J.,-kann Conntt. Or. v ’ h other remedia P int . F ruit B oxes of all kinds. Persons will curé caaes of ful effect, eapecially upon out local cro. Bell'« able and courteous Mes«r>». Heyforth an«l Sebastian F. HUBBARD, Medford. Jacks«»n County, Or W (’. L kever . Centi al Point, from the best Eastern reply: "The Jacksonville Srntinrl is ! Sib-kvr eretk valley have gone east J. II. Gluma. Gold Hill. mad- The reasons for letting its angry the mountains. markets. Or *ers filled passions rise are because the llerttic LUMBER FOR A€L! John F. Kelly, representing the H. P. Hat flt^n in Totrn. promptly. Send for sam­ made some complimentary remark» D kai ebh I n F or hdi« and children whoa* fist« .v.n- D. cic L. Co., spent the past week in Theagont for .1. B. Pace Co., of Rich- i \r/*5 T'f,t offended with imvun. .11 \MBCRG concerning the T imes . The Stntinrl ' Jackson county. ples. mond. Virginia, has been in town di market with everj d»>- er, watchmaker and violinist, will re­ the brand. The reputation they have for Draper Headers; Gaar, Scott £ Co.’s Thresh- , script ion of luin'H-r of a Miponor quality at the their Scroll Tag Twist is sufficient; they* their row, but only intendeil to let the $ and II Front St., Sa«» Francisco, Cat lowest rater. Bille «aw'd to order arid satisfac­ will not put their name to a poor article. aforesaid growlers understand that the main in (irant’s Pass tion guaranteed. era and Horae-Powers; Rock Island, • press of the State conaider their attack» G. E. Burgess of Williams creek is \S • -ay. i hew BKWft. ! A • order* tuitlr«-«’ wt to nt JarksonviBe will eiv«pr«»mnf attwnfior. sa PAItKHA SON to l>e prompted bv j.-alousy. full of mal­ | now at Grant's Pass, in the employ of Walking, Gang and Sulky Plows. ice. and unworthy of the profession. the S. P. 1». A L. Co. There is no use in taking a «link-fit over CERMAN ASTHMA CURE NOTICE M ost C omplktf . L ixr of i’KTTLE AND HORSES BRANDED HL ON Nearly everybody in this county is li warranted, is because it is the best _____ •AGES ________- î iuatrat«» in Ckrth •> d Gilt Bindirc.Mr. the matter. »imply follow our good a«l- ftrt. rtiy tti« n»<»f n»4«nt attack and x_ left hip. Ai»<> cable brand<«d____ on lef. ♦ going to (Trant's Pass to celebrate. They Blood Preparation known. It will posi­ Uiunty .r • imp,. Sanie, paper cm er. L>r ih.i Rook Con­ ttr« t «-» l*-ft ride or hip. 1 In* ear-marica of the abtiv«* low mt.-« of r.uht fn.m fl..« U-t we ar.. «.«•„, m Mv. our mutomen. th. tively cure all Blood Diseases, purifies the 1 Bl ''il 11 “f'cry » np-lt«’ • d.rv. t »nd r«Tfni«. "fid n rnr*» w thel growling an.l devote your attention to will not I»e disappointed, either. TT aad !< tI’TlN>«S atc promote! by >ta advitc—a ! iq r»’n a’’ r««r il-le • iw»— A sing!»* tnal ron-I 1 «•»-•••lit my w !♦*. H. Bik*r. in .n rani", a* I brand;« a»e abort crop in i*«ft u«r and long crop in ipMxita in our line lovrsr than »»v«»r l«efore. VV rite for < iital-igu». ar.d Price»« Marry, who n< ». whv; .Medical Ai.l.' when mccaaarr, J. L. Miller has returned to Williams whole system, and thoroughly builds up the may making a paper that can compete with •» «v.-t -l<« »rthtal I n -e« rWk- ■ud$10O| will not bu c^-nonHin*. ' for an) ro. <1 rigid. Al«o cattl«» branded witn HP on left hip t rmtffhthorno to j hu . 60 Hoad erf al |»F X PUTÌ RFS. true ot au.- dr’i rt >»r by mail Satuplr Frrt» fori creek from Bandon, ( otm county, where constitution. Remember, we guarantee it. Y oung nr oíd, marri'd orainglc. «ick or we1', »bou id and marked crop in right ear and hole and »pllt Uber. J. W. BAKER the T ines bv bvl’tg a” "A<4«. -FRANK BROTHERS IMPLEMENT/ CO.. a- ■- r M.M’HlrrMAWM. -»aal, «»aa.1 , iu left ear. Willow Springs, June 14. lá¿7. tv bds bevuiuJ »wvrdl ytart> past. For sale at City Drug Store. per.” Portland, Oregon. ght gemotraticïimr«. K/..I.V.I Tir COl’XTY ITEMS. Always Victorious. GREENS feí K idney OLIVER T ABIZTINE MEDICAL C:mpany. Constipation 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME. And Headache Daily Passenger Trains Except Sundays 0. &C. Trains Comesi at Albany and Corvallis. Cured by Using' I p ) TT ) 1 Ayer’s Pills YAQUINA & SAN FRANCISCO. Kniliiif»- linios» for Infants and Children CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE I Thousands find it to tlieir interests to patronize the Old and Reliable ONE PRICE House at SacramPTi'to, I THE RED HOUSE TRADE UNION, Established in 1874, the Leading Coun try Order House on this Coast. Kidney Æiver Medicine NINE COMPLETE STORES UiDER ONE ROOF ! O IO ICI« ÆI. •KX. VX?, M.” HUNT’S REMEDY I < tUTI’Tl'TERK ! ! Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Millinery, Boots and Shoes, Furnishing’ Goods, Hats, Carpets, Trunks and Bags, Tobaccos. Etc. Etc. For Farms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardens and Lawns. A l'iiUloüiie ul' lift l’a?t‘s ^¡EA-'P. »UKAKI.Ik MTltOXO A>I> CllICÆ!’ TREES! TREES! RED HOUSE, TREES! H1MM0N BROS.' NURSERIES, PHŒNIX, OREGON, and OAKLAND, CAL. ÍH HBAKI» i DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS HEART DISEASE. .v/:ir\ KNOWLTON MF'C CO EMERSON, TALCOTT & CO.’S A Double NORWECIAN PLOW CO.’S I FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT COMPANY I’ORTI.AXn, OR. HAMBURG FIGS. STERLING SAW-MILL OLDS & KING, ASTHMA CÜRED L nn