I' / e 21, ft ■/• ffhejmotviiticïimrs. £hcj,jnu»tnrtic®imt5. I Pub.lebrd every Fr day mon i. * by ADVERTISING CHARLES NICKELL, EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR. NEW TIMES BUILDINC. OiHce -Corner Third aud (' Street» Rale« of MutHseriptton : ne copy. p»M «uniiim, in advance....................i 2 50 | p»u«i witiiiu mx mouth».. -75 ’* “ not paid until end ot year 3 <) “ six months... ................... 1 5«- three month®. 75 T .JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 24, 1887 VOL. XVII. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. MEDICAL. I STATE OF OREGON. U. 8.S«MXMtor>». J. If. Mitchell, J. N. Dolph,I’«»n- ureMumn. »4. iiormrt.in; Governor, 8. Pnimoyer. Sncretary «»f State. iu-»ru** W. SL’Brul»*; 8tai” Tr»i»ur»»r, Go«». W. W bb; State Fruiter. F. !< »«.»r; Hint, «’n »I. d I 14ini',t um. E. B. MeElrov Suprema Ju i»(«»«. W I*, u 1 Cruet Justice W. W. Thayer, R. 8 Strahan. riKAT JUOli’lAL DISTRICT. ('•»mpn-uint J >s<*phi:ie, Lak»» and K|a nath c Dinties <’»r«uut Judge, L. il \V«‘b»ter District Attorney, W \1 « Uhi^. J k ’¿»OM <’(>L N rv. Senator, A.< . R«>|>r,^*f»ritat'v«‘rt. J. T. Bo «ditch. K. A M .Iler; County Jud<<*. F. D »P.’-st i; C > nmi3-‘i'»r; li‘t>r.-. »;itat tve, S. C. Mit.’holl. >'ounty Jivta*. V ' »Ivu; <’ «nt er», 8. Üiz »r. J. M. !‘ayn«’. Clerk, C. K (‘han^lor. dh-Tttf. f G. l*att •••»<> i. Tr«Nisnrer, J. W M>.v*-I. ,r. J. P. L‘»vi»’ S-h«»»l S h pormt «nd uit. L. F Hathaway ; Surveyor. W. N. Saun ier®; < «»roner. Dr. Kr»»in«»f. KlMUxm rot.’NTY. J.»int Si*'iat »r. C. 4. C-trf «right «>f V» .»-<■»; !b p »»♦• itati th . R. >1’L'*a'i of Kia nit . >u!it\ hid-f*. G. W. S nith; C<> n nirisionera, J I.. Il «uks. IL A. Km mt(;Clerk. W. < ’. It »I--. Sbariff. \1. I). < -bil­ der»; Treasurer. G. T. Bahian r. A««**-or. 1C. II. Hatton; Sr dm »I 8 to >ri itondent. W. E. Gr-.tn-»; tswiaoyor. H. 8. .M«»ure. L ekk ootnrrr. Senator. <’. M. Cartwright «»f ATssco; K 'prrson tntive, R. M 'L’vn of Kia oath;County J’ulge. A. Fitta Cu n ijisMoiier». («•• ». M. Jone«. C. Loftu«; Clerk W 1'. Boyd, S(i->ritt. A.J.C arlton;Treaa. tirer V 4 • 'ill.» i 8 • io »l 8 ip«»rinte.id«»,it. A. H. Fisher; Aa-sa*-«ur. O. L. Stanley. MirriNi» OF COURT». F.1V. The Haprorne Court of Oregon meet» nt Salem regular terms no*n nencimc on th« first Monday» in March and October. Circuit Court for Jivk-m county '»«4'1« the a«»c«»n«i Monday in January, tirsi Mouda» -n M; v and h?tob-»r; for I •'•pii’V’, '‘■cuil Motid in April and first Mo’ lay in N1. for Klam* ath. MMcoini Monday m June an I tirwt Moi biy in September; f »r Like -on i id ,y t i Febru­ ary »nd third Mon.I iy in \iu?u*«t. For Jack .«on county the County, Probatean«! Co imi‘'sioni’r-‘ • • irTs rn»*« t every month, corn manrinkt with He» tir.-t Mon Kynfor Josephine county, th« first M >n lay in Ja nary, April. July a id September; for Ix-k«» mnntv. ev. ry .C’ernnte month, r » n nenei ii» th« hret M indaY m J > F*»r Klamath «’ounty n.etirst We i . --day in Maicb, June. Hept ember and November. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P. P. PRIM. VrroRNEY A COVNSKLOK-AT LAW. THE LADIES Everyone Should Go and Soe the MILLINERY ! OF NEW SPRING “ Radios’ Furnishing G-ocds, a col’N'El.OR VT LAW MIDFORD OR. Wil' practice in all the t’onrt» of the Stale. .4^ Office on* uglit »ince the war in railroad rates andar« sold .11/ >VES. HANDKERCHIEFS ■»lu» yv I s . Zi‘ph.vi Ami man) <»th> r tin r« too numermis *o mention. 1 have ale.» n curt d t’n y »»vrvicet» of a PoNtoSie» Building. 1 ■■ J - FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, HANNA, A FINE STOCK BARGAINS!! VARIETY STORE Uraily of Lripftir. Germany I’aile ro*p,»n'b*»l to at all htttce opposite Slaver’- ll »t(d. Jacksonville. DR W. S A*.FIELD. Et I.F.CT 1 C P 11 Y SKI A N. II m locaicd in Talent. Or for th« practice of hi- ppife—ion (Ink. -all rnronii-di— h — .neh a- It i«u nsiis'ii. \sfiuua. Pile«. Kidney Di-ea.es, lever ('oinplaints. Ac., a-p’-eialty i U L WHITNEY M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ea'le Point. Oregon- bl Í1 I 1 I j E I And Contagiou» Humor», with L»»»« of Hair, and Erur ti-m® «»f th« Kkin, ar« f>o®itiv«ly cured by i Cuti< ma and Cuticura Swap externally, and Cu’i- rura R«’»olvent internnlly. wh« i all other me «’iiticura, the Kkin « ure. 5u «’t.« Cuticura Soap, an t xquifite Beautifier. —5 ctp; ( utiri a Kivtiivcrt the New B!« k ck in the above sented. Prices low, as we do not propose to be undersold. tin. '-nt t(>.((l', which wh can »ell cheaper than iiri* ~ id nuyw e-r»* in nvutnern < »regi>n,as we h;*ve »»«it \. ry few expenses. Ail kindaof pro­ duce taken in exchange and THE PLACE I Æ SaLCKIFICE! BUY THE BEST AND BE HAPPY! I BLACKSMITHING --DONK IN— AU3VST CABLS3N. Prr>., ■THE BEST STYLE i i I FARM AND MILL MACHINERY! —AND AT— THE LOWEST RATES. I 'Pills '.1OS1 FWOHH'F IIESOKT HAS BEEN 1 thor<>utfhlj «»•:.!! d ind furni-io-d iu tin» moat modern style, including a tine billia.d ta^le. The bar i- ilways -»applied with he choicest brands of I I —14 AT — WINES. LIQUORS. BEER, and CIGARS. CRONEMILLER & BIRDSEY S and ti.e lead ug papers can always be found on th»* tahl»‘s. Speei tl pains tak»*n t*» a<*cuinin<»date patronr ui or I «r. mop trial and judge for yon reel f. T fhcb ................................... $5 (<»|1U p«»r IU0. night Order- !« ft ai M- rritt n \ *w Caeh Store will Appb* Peach *’ ................................... 10 “ 1H <'»mKult-*fur-iM ¡n either Enfjlinh or G rman. receive pn nipt attention Plum and Pruno Trees ....... fl “ Irt “ < »Hi. eat the L - S. Hofei T. J. ( HESS. Other tree«an ! shr.ubheiy furuiHhod reasonably. 8*>nil for afakurueto J. H.8KTTLEMIER. Wcxwlbnm.Or. GEO- O. DeBAR, M. D.. overed a little About tweic . r« pronounced Bore on my cl It cancer. I i«’ r nf phyMclanx, but without i • r ii.' iitut l>enrfit. Among tlu* i. . >r I' d • specialist*, The merit« Ine 11 hr ftt ’!• ! like firr to the sore, causing ! . n«r j n. J naw a statement • • ? m s. *. had done for In the papeib t- others similar.j i.'i ii F. TOPPING. Z D. HYDE. Ashland Boarding-House and TOPPING & HYDE Have Rented the Feed Stable! CHAPMAN SAW MILL Tlie iu>f th«« M »dical I’niv.TMity of !x»ni»ville. Kentucky. <’ h !1 b promptly att»‘n«lrd to day or •wght. a. ruica. m . p.. William-' H i 11.nt. E I’. GKAHY, M. I)., K< ttidence on (' 8t. ing-hon—and Feed Stalile in th« «astern portion of Ashland, on (tie old stage-road, where he is Which they have thoroughly renovated and fitted up with the latest and most improved machin­ now prepared to furni-h ery, including a ulaner and edger and, are conso* quently prejmrt'd to promptly furnish i PORTLAND. OREOON. CARPETS NORTHERN GROWN C'"''’’«’ JXVw.k IN Tilt Ml morel !H. POHTLAXI». OK., in the S»ate. - Portland. Oregon No. 66 North Front Street 1887. A.H.MAECLY&CO., VERY LOWEST RATES. E. W. ALLEN, I 0EAUER8 IN J. C. CARSON Wholesale and retail Roelu ti.N li*t i.irhNifo !.»• tr< nt*«! < iv « t t1» m<*. with a warrant att id. -d in-; r udi-ig m«‘ f“ levy n;««>n and m 41 m » in' .f th«- '..(Mt-., chattel». <»r r^al property of -;;i I «b‘!;r j i« • t t.ixpay«*r^ maj be nei-ctviary to -.«ti-f, aid! e at d.-. ii-.tie«- it. b* n by give»’t- ill .««•«•.•! cd il. it au «• t ly piy.nci.t i» re«ia»»**ted and mu-*» !«•• m i«l(‘. All tax-* unpaid by July 1 lSe7. w ill ■ .11.« t.»tlncc»r.liUK’ to law. Mileage nn1) Country order« a apecialty. FACTORY Al WEI0LE1VS MILL Salesrooms, cor. Third and E Street®. PORTLAND OREGON. PRICES’! \T THF. F. S. CHADBOURNE & CO •1 Wholesale &. Retail Dealer* in all Variatifs of By the Thousand ! /l'H;-. INDER81GNED 18 NOW TAKING OR 1 derb through Jackson and Josephine couutiea for , FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, Any kind rai»«d in a firet-« L um Nursery. CITY BARBER SHOP. THE t NDEtHIGNFD lit IlFHYGIVESW\KN- 4 G(XW 8T(tl'K llANi 11 OF I.-.’ H' M IOS I ing ti hi t ■■■ ••d on th»* Hhf irin. All person» mter»»sti»d will «untaiuinaalxnil t 'm-r—of plow I hiu I. wit . b.inu please take n««tice. Oregon i «.pnn»:“ that furni»h plenty of water L»i (h'lneetic HRS. 8. E. ISH. anti *t«»ck purpos»«® (¿«»»I ujit-nle r«ri*n* r«»r JnrkiM»nvi!l**. D ■«•. Ifl. lflflfi. I THF UNDERSIGNED IB FOLLY PREPARED •fork. Gov-inment tit!" Half «-.»ah re-tuir.-i. to do all work in hl« tine in the best mannarini! bidanreon time with »pprev«»d “«runty. A bar­ at reasonable prices. gain for i*um«lMMly Emjuire of GEORGE WHOMPF NOTICE. Real Estate Agent. Jack»«>nv>llv. Grm.on. 4 LL PERSUNS INDEBTED TO THE UNDER C’ r nails . WMMJMtrr nailh . clhat \-lrfii !»» <»r »MM»k account .are **'»”<> • '■ ’ ’ - oh Fu iehinf N ri I». F»nring Ilfnni/ F°R ALL #J0a W.ekar d . It htim *». • •• « - ■- »nd 8te**i I!"»*' •’ ialAa lA/IInK rjaui. V h uah'« o»itfiT hi d p«rtu u!“r» ocaliands • ’ 4M Mil »»• K. nunn *, ... p.o. vickery . a »» m ®. HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM! — ani »— HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE Furniture, Beddiig. Upholstery FRUIT TREES Jacksonville. Oregon Aug. 1 1883. WARNING. NEW A full lino n stock <»f Art i.-it i< I 'm-iiit uro il ¿gpovisi lty Asli ............. Sets from •»" upward. Everything in otir store marked ’wav down Call mid examine before purchasing. Cali torcia Street, Jacksonville COR FIRST & YAMHILI STS. Portland. Or. to ani fr:m ths Hotsl For Sale I Swift’s Specific I* entirely vegetable, and •eenia to cure cwnccr- I-,’, forcing out the impu­ rities from the ’• ¡ x>'<«! fr< r. PAINTS and OILS. Dealer in 4 I I PF!H(»\S 1NDEHTED TO THE ESTATE Those wanting Tree® this tall will do w«dl(o A of s. I*. Hi> i. l>s'e ts-« i. are requested to sc»t|.-fI., -. ;le F.>rf‘I’vith. if thev wish to save give me their order®, a® I will guarantee »atisfac- osts as t. »»» .- i- • ss of t! ■ • -state muet be wound tion. No ( hiñese empli.y.d and d«(ia(i.>n in •ip without further delay. 1 warrant all my tree® if properly car«! for. oharges. Term® of payment wu»v. Prudnce taken at mar­ II. K. HANNA. Meals 21. <•«! l-'etr ' • ■•■rt-t"/.......... Administrator of the estate of 8. P Hanna ket price. 1‘KM.i lb®, of Peach Seed want»»«!. E LI (VISTON Proprietor HCPH sm I. A. 8. JOHNSON. ?T6S D1XSÔ3 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICI TED. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, 1880 1857 ( ontaniin*: 13» Room«, well furni»h*ML TLebeM ONE DOLLAR PER HAY. HOUSE FOR Wm. Jessop & Sons’ English Cast Steel ! ed. Satisfaction guaranteed Give us a trial. TOPPING A HYDE. OIL CLOTHS. Linoleums.Ru'st Mats.etc Notice to Delinanent Tax Payers. THE LARGEST, .l.'J SOI.E AQENTS Such ae Rustic. Flooring, Ceiling, Matcher] and Surface Lumber of all dimension* anti of first- class« ¡uality. at th© Lp-®tair». 173 lirwt Street. 'BTS”' ¿I -. 0 i, . LVJ) II 'IRE ROPE—SPECIAL 7 ILS. A fair share of the public patronage 1» »«»licit, T. J. COLBERT, -sTt"? t WÚM.Í. w U. M Hal The Best Accommodations For nioii and t«*ast. at price« to suit th« times. Give me a-all for proof of wha* I-ay. TIIO8. MAYHEW 'Pdford, Oregon Oltic. • »n With im-’ Brick Biniti 1114 SAW ON WILLIAMS CREEK, PRYCE & GEARY. PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEONS ?.f- >i neliiiierv WOODBURN NURSERY NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST FOR GOODS IN OUR LINE f. L. C. HEINRIÇHSEN. 113 First Stroat. - - - Portland. Oregon’ THE LEADING JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, Wh!>. Uoiu.uu:ucate w. t * t*efore purchasingel»ewu«*re V‘H»| '• •’.! Marshall A Son of the Grant’s Pass restaurant and bakery have sold tlieii business to Messrs. Hoincn ¡lie and Axtell. Miss Bertha Moore and Geo. Smith, Strangers are becoming more numer­ who have been attending the State Uni- I ous than ever, showing that immigra­ veisity, have returned Lome. tion has again eommeiu-ed finning into Gianville Childers may Ire found at tin- county. A. M. Stout's new stable in Linkville, Your corresji «mon'ient is trict Attorney t’olvig, did prompt and pleased to state, and will observe Inde­ efficient work It adjourned »in« die pendence Day in grand style. last Friday. Dr. W. II. Flanagan of Grant’s Pass, A“-essor Hatton is still engaged in as­ who is extensively engaged in stock- sessing the county and is doing excellent raising, last week received u tine, woik. lie will return a million dollars thoroughbred bull, direct from Indiana. assessment. Prof. Morris commenced a series of J. W. Hamaker, of Linkville and Jas. phrenological lectures at Grant's Pass M. Davidson of Montague have been en- last Saturday evening. He was greeted I gaged in surveying along the Klamath by large audiences while at the county­ river recently. seat. PREPARED PHYSliTAN. SURGEON \Nl> Al COU( HU H PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. It will Cure an Dleeaeei cmtod by Derangement of the Llvtr, Kidneys and Stomach. There have lieen some heavy frosts in this section, but it is a mistake that they have injured the grain crop. LIVERS? —TO «ET YOUR— BREWERY SALOON warrant«'! not to contain a »»ogle par- I t.cie of Mercury or any mjunou» »ub- Mance, but i® purely vegetable. — , If your Liver it out of order then your whole lystem is deranced The bioo-1 is »mpure. the breath offensive you have headache, feel languid, dispiritej and nervous To prevent a more acriOUt con. dition, uk« at once Simmcra T TTTT1TI REGULATOR. If you lead a g I 1/ K M sedentary life, cr suffer with JUX v UXll Kidney AffecUona. avoid »i niulant« and take 5unra.ns Liver Regulator. Sure to relieve If you haw eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals or sleepless at night, take a dose and you wjii feel relieved and sleep pleasantly. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness, seek relief at once io Simmons Liver Regulator It does not reouirr continual dosing, and costa but a trine It will cure you. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad taste m your mouth, «n £ TFT! Simmons l iver Regulator Tt cor- » User r«-ts the llilious Stomach, sweetens X X a XX-U the Breath, and clea’tses the Furred longue Children often need ■ me safe (.jnhar- a.c anc® JolM. n> avert «pf»ruaUH If MarfU«*; s. Simmons Liver Regulator w:l! rcliev»- ( oVc, Head­ ache. M n. h In > «»i. n I>\sent«ry, and the Complaint« inci> C! Atanvt-ar u feel y ur sys’em r ckanMng.ti i i-.;,rep! tingviti purging. • t st.rnuLiling will eating, take Gent's Furnishing Goods. DBUGS, o Regulate THE “) EAVORITE HOME REMEDY o CIGARS JEWELRY. CANDIES, NUTS PIPES. CARDS. NOTIONS CUTLERY. STATIONERY. ALBUMS TOBAi ( 03. CIGARETTES Hardware, Tinware, Crockery. V Tf1 LUG 1 CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. Jlaviubf permanent!j’ located here, 1 offer my Having lr»t case* of Scrofula lever ®aw w«u cured by the uh « of five bottle® of* uticura Reaolvent. Cuticura and Cuticura Boap The Soap take® the "caKe” here a® a medicinal ®«>ai> TAYLOR A TAYLOR. DraggiaU. Frankfort, han. ALL THE REMAINING GOODS NEXT DOO It TO P. O. Jacksonville. Orejón. C. LE ^iPEiir. M. D,. Sworn to before L. 8. Com J. D. (’ raufoui ». | |kJi PL! 8 Blackhead^. Skm Blomieh«*». ff** | IVl and Bab» Humoi®.u»e Cuticura Strap. i r 1 Ì 1 AT THE SAN FltANt 1S< O ATTORNEY A COl’N'SEIzOR AT-LAW. Wil! genetics in all tb« .in« *»f 11«' State < -Hee up stair, in < irth’s brick. T Ì —AND- Now is Your time to Get COUNTY < OMMISS/ONEny COVET. T SCROFULOUS, INHERITED, ATTORNEY * COI NSELOYt AT LAW A!! bwine»® m my line will receive prompte! tention. ■ MAX MULLER, ' 'ul :t ii pr-t«» execute idl «»r«ivr® in tliat ! iic fi ri-- t !.v s style »u r'-u-o’iHblo rate». i h JI ' c ?-■•«• un tt iho building formerly occu- ; •»'(! by A. 1,. .lol.t.»«>n oil I'aiifornin street. MILS. P. P. PRIM JOSEPHINE COUNTY NEWS. Deunis Crawley is in California buy­ F. M. Nickerson is again a resident of The following proceedings took pine« ing stock. Grant’s Bass. at the June term of tbin court; The late rain« have assured the crops Present—E. Di-Teatt, county judge, .1. F. Kelley of the 8. 1*. D. A L. Co. in this county. and B. Haymond and S. A. Carlton, coat­ paid Jacksonville a visit last week. Scrofulous. Inherited and i mine ioners. Col.C. A. Cogswell was in Linkville Mrs. Styles of Sin Francisco is visit­ Contagious Humors It wa« onlered that a warrant be drawtt last week attending court. ing her son, who resides at Grant’s in favor of E. E. Minor for »8 00, being Cur« d by Cuticura. Pass. tV. D. Woolcock is at work in bis new the amount overpaid on his taxes by HROUGH th® n.eamm of one of jour bock® An agricultural machinery depot ha* erroi <4 tlie asneenor. received through Mr. Frank T. Wray. Drug- blacksmithshop at Linkville. gist. Apollo Pa. I became »«'«luaintod with In tits matter of a new road on Apple­ J. E. Graves, timber inspector, ix pay­ l>een established at Grant’s Pass by Mr. our Cuticura Bemodiw. fuid take (Li® opportui i- gate. It wm ordered bv the court that Hoover. ty to testify to you thdt th«»ir nae ha® tHuniano* t- ing southeastern Oregon a visit. Jan. Jeffery }>e appointed surveyor and ly cured mo of «»ne of the w«»r»t ca«es of Railroad Commissioners Slater and blood iroitjoning, in connection with erympela», Haying will commence in a few weeks Orlando Rose, J. II. Knut sen and Oso. Wagoner spent one day in Grant’s Pass Hoffman viewers of said road, and to thx*t 1 Lave ever H«en. ®nd thi®after havirg (>e«n and u'boimtiful crop is promised. pronou>'C«d uicnrabjM by some of the b at ph v- recently. meet at the store of Henry Kubli on Mctanem our county. 1 take areut phvmure in A. P. McC'aiton, formerly of Linkville, forwanliug to/outni» tiHtimonial. ttflao*iefted The rains of the past fortnight were Monday, the 20tli day of June, 1887, and a® it i® by you. in order that other® euff «»ring from will probably locate at Yreka, Cal. quite beneficial to the ci ops. which prom­ report on the same at the next term of Hiinilar niHhulic» may be encouraged t«« give your Sergent Bros, are conducting a flour­ ise very well. this court. t Cuticuru RfinedicriH trial. P. 8 WHITLINGFR. 1> mm hburg.Pa. ishing mercantile business at Dairy. It was ordered dial the sum of |10U 01H The Grant’s Pass market is being fur­ Reference: Frank T Wray. Druggnd Apollo. 1’a. Will. Martin returned to Linkville nished with |>otatoes from the Willam­ be. and the name is, hereby appropriated out of the county treasury to aid inisli- SCROFULOUS ULCERS. last week from a trip to Sprague river. ette valley. For shame I mg the new road around ’ Flounce Rock Jarno® E RiChardeon, <’u»tom Hotiae, New Or- leaiiri. on oath aaye: “In 1870 Scrofulous Ulcer® A large amount of freight is being A. H. Carson, our enterprising nur- on Rogue river. * <-. broke out on my tjody nntil I waa a <»f cor- hauled fiotiijYsalau0 to Fort in U m , ■wsdotc rort' near r.kgta'Tornt.Jt •»! ordered by die ritar ________________ _ ___ Airs. Browning or flltwriw, „ ....... At tin e® 1 could not lift my I ihih I h to my herd. court that Jaa. Jeffrey be appointed ited sur i ­ rnnld not turn tn tx'd; w»e in «’«»nstar-t pain, a* d Mrs. C. Van Brimmer, is paying Tule Mrs. John Goodell, w ife of Grant’s veyor and David Peninger, Fred. Bar- looked up«»n life an » enree. No relief or cure in lake a visit. Pass’ genial recorder, lias returned lieburg and Clark Taylor viewer, tbereof, t«*i. years In 1SH0 1 heard of the ('nt icuni Rem - di«» u»”d them, and wh * p«Tfectlv cii'ed ” John Pearson is keeping hotel at Do- home much impioved in health. and to meet al the residence of J.S Griirr- ONE OF THE WORST CASES. Country Produce bought and Hold; also. Wool, Hid«®, Furs and Doer Skin® Solicit order» for Lumber W. F. WILLIAMSON. k Red Men’s Buildinar, Jacksonville, Oregon HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Medford, Orogon. ■ 1 I I I Cheap for CJ iim I i ! CORSETS, NO CREDIT! SPOT GASH I I Couatttlng ot LLfo iatFHilk Wil! pructic« in nil th«» I'-ourfs «>f 11 • Stnt»«. O he«’ in building «>p|MMtite Court H(»u*^. comet C hu m |.. of which I !.»,« a full lino ■ KLA.VA TH COUNTY ITEMS. W0BK ANOTHER REDUCTION VITIATED BLObD SPRINCI1887 SUMMER! ’. if Soatlo-ni Oregon nr« hereby inform*! that in mldiliou to a large und elegant line ot NO. 24. AM. JOB Advertiaem««.!» will be inserted in th. Tl«> » • I th. following rutw: 1ml in««, on. inovrtiou............ ................ Ji to ‘ «»ch utoequeut insertiuti............. 1 «J tV" Legal odsertwemnit» inMTtwi raawmabb . A fair redaction from the above ratee made to rearlyand tun. adveruaora. THE TIMES JOB OmCS i* more complete b> far than any ocher ia Boot t- •rn Orwon. and compara, favorably with a»r la the Blate. Job Pnnting of .»ary imagiaanl. diwriptiondooeat Hau rraoeiaoo rataa. aadia a prumptand dnit-claaamanner. Dick Hammond and Ed la-adtt of­ Extensive preparations are already ficiate as clerks at 11««- Linkville hutel, under wav to make the district tea* hers’ and .ue leitli clever and accoiniuodating institute, which will l>e held in Grant's young fellows. next month, an unqualified success. Every teacher should lend his assistance We are s<-rry to heat that the son of Milton Stout of Olene had his hand se­ in the matter. verely injured by the accidental discharge W. A. Hunter, who was sent hi jail in of a gun recently. default of bail last week, made his <-s- Rev. Jos. Emery and Dr. Smith of ca|s‘ from that institution one night re­ Klamath Agency and Daniel Crone­ cently. We always maintained that our miller of Fort Klamath were at the coun­ jail was a flimsy one and should Is- pro­ vided with iron cells. ty seat last week. L. Leonard,referring to the statement, Frank Brown, a well-known liokaro, has entered the employ of Reanies, Mar­ recently published, that his insiiraiiee tin A Co., as foreman of their ranc^e >n policy had been attached by Portland creditors, said that it was made out of Sprague river valley. whole cloth and devoid ot any truth D. (1. McIntosh, Linkville's mere’ nt a hatever. tailor, has let the contract for the build­ The m ill service of this county should ing of a neat shop and residence near lx- adjustc'l so that the stage Iretween Sergent Bros.’ warehouse. Jacksonville and Wilderville would con­ Cha. ley Low's restaurant at Linkville! nect with the stage running between lias been well patronized and those who I , Grant's Pass and Waldo. L. Leonard have stopped there pronounce the meals I informs us that the mail for Althouse served tint-class in every res|>ect. leaves Waldo before the arrival at the I. N. Shook has withdrawn from the latter place of the stage from Grant’s firm of Shook Bros., who are extensive­ Pass. The attention of the postoffice ly i ngagi' I in stoekraising in Alkali val­ department should lie called to this mat­ ter. ley. and has removed to Ashland. by on the 27th day of June, 1887.and that the clerk do not notify tlie officer, herein apfioinled until tlie proper bond ia filed and approved by »aid clerk. Ja«. Jeffery wax ordered to survey and ascertain the exact line of the road lead­ ing up tl.a left-hand fork of JackHon . reek and to report to this court at its July M*sion the result. It waa ordered by the court that the janitor change the furniture of the coun­ ty f>chl aiiterintendent'a room to the «mall room heretofore occupied by the «! eriff, which is hereafter to lie used hv m T iou I m]«'rint< ndent and county ear- v«yoi. And it was further ordered that the room now occupied by the ecliool ►u|«-rintend< nt !«>, and tho name is,her, • by rented to la«. H. Neil, Es<|.,at u year­ ly rental of ♦•KJ •» “ agent for poor......... 8 «»«J Miscellaneous expenses................. 21 50 Teachers’ examinations... 3 00 ( ounty hospital contractor irOO M Koads and bridges.................... 158 25 Books, stationery and |«jstage 7 4-5 Ret>airs on jail. .. .... 33 75 Poor, outside of hospital. 107 Janitor’s salary............ .......... 60 00 Commissioners' fees 22 40 Grand jurors........ 46 40 Petit juror». 57& 70 Bailiffs.............................................. 210 75 Talesmen.......................... ............ 755 7U Boarding jurors.................... 2S5 2’> M<* no Miscellaneous exj*enxes for •* grand jury....... .. 25 Total. . |4!*44 31 .VO.V.VO IIH MESSENCEHS. The Fourth of July ball at the Link­ ville hotel will be one of the grandest I’i"f. Haw.»of Hillsboro spent Sun­ events >f the kind ever held in soilth- There are several cases oi m-aslcs at day »nd Monday in town. ea-tern < »regon. Don’t fail to attend. PlKi-nix. Tl.e iles|»-riaii, Vesnernut and Ctopi- Jacksonville has a small crop ot ho>d- an Hocieties gave a literary entertain­ J. W. Well«. W. W. Finley, W. A. Walk«! and I’.. Cashier of Sprague river lutns at present. ment on the 1 itli <>f June. valley have each put up tine barns of Fred l urry of Eden precinct has had a The graduating . lass planted a cla««- immense pro|er in tlie gr.ve, to which all and best stocked harness and saddle David R. Jones has been appointed were invited. shops Amth of Portland, which is effi­ stock inspector for Lake county. The Norma) athletic a«8o< iation is ciently managed by A. P. Ball and doing Twenty-four fine pictures in gilt frames i prospering finely. Through their own a good business. are being given away at J. W. Merritt s «ffoiiwthey have just finished a »ub»tan- John W. McKay of Willow Sprirgs ■ tial gymnasium building. They will give Besides Messrs. Cogswell, Cranston. Nichols and Hamaker. representing the precinct has been in Klamath county on a concert on the 14th inst. local bar. Messrs. Hanna. Prim and a business trip. \ prohibition league was organized (’o)vig, ot the Jacksonville bar. have The price of wool is raising and a few here Saturday. Short addresses were been attending court. choice clips have lieen sold as high as delivered by J. J. Brown of Bridgeport, Geo. T. Baldwin, our popular county­ 23 cents a |>vund. l’rof. AV. E. Yates of lnde|ol| bin Wimer of Murjdiy precinct and Harry Harris, Centerville; from of Jas. Morton, who will take charge ot was in Jockaonville recently, who in­ Lane, B. F. Mulkey, Pleasant Hill, T. affairs at once. formed us that his father’s saw-mill in Sellers, Goshen; from Linn, J. A. Bu­ J. II. Colaban's saw-mill in Alkali Murphy precinct is doing go>sl work. chanan, Albany; from Yamhill, Leroy valley is now runn-rg on full time and Chas. II. Williams, formerly a resi­ Lewis; from Josephine, Viola Ruble. «loing excellent work, with Geo. Calkins lient of this place, has leased a tract of R eader . as engineer and A. 1». Naylor as sawyer. land in the Little Shasta (Cal.) district, Polk county, June 13, 1887. A large amount of good lumber will be and is also engaged in the wale of machin­ cut there this season. ery, etc. trouble .thrad. We are pleased to learn that the blast­ A spark from a passing train ignited hen the appetite fails, and «leep grow*« ing accident which befell Fred. Spencer the dry grass near the barn of H. I-. and Lyman McCord near Parker's sta­ White of Rock Point precinct, and it was restleoR and unrefri-.lnng, there i« trouble tion is not nearly so bad as represented, with difficulty that the bam and Rome I ahead. 1'lie dige-tive organs when healthy crave the nervous system, when and that there is every pro«|>ect of their oilier buildings were saved. vigorous and traixpiil. gives its poaMaaor no early convalescence. John Wade ami brother. Riley Myers uneasiness at night. A tonic, to be eth-ct- There will lie a change at the Klam­ and wife, all residents of Table Rock ive. should not tie a mere appetizer, rior arc the nerve« to I h - strengthened and ath Agencv alter July 1st, 1RR7, when precim t, were suli|sfnaed in the Munz •..sillied by the unaided action of a seda­ the Republican employes who have been case and went to Klamath county to give tive or a narcotic What is required is a retained by the government since Rev. their e( idetive last week. rnislicine which invigorates the stoluach. and prote- assimilation <>l toptilation o( the coun­ tciu. by which means the nervous system. planted by Itemocrats. ..-((eii a« other parts of the physical or- I The Red House at Linkville is doing try is becoming diminished rapidly by gaui-tu are struiglbened. 1 hesc are the death and emigration; and mnee the a large business, as none but the best number who can come into the country et!e< t> of Hostetter'. Stomach Bitters, a goods are kept there. W. E. Green, under the restriction act is extremely imdicme whose reputation is founded Mi-s Martha Smith and Will. Smith at­ limited. the reduction is very marked. lirrnly in publi« conlidenee. ami which ccniniend for it-tonic, anti-bil­ tend to tin- wants of the numerous cus­ An effect of it is seen in the Chinese la- physicians ious and other properties. It is used with tomers in th- most agreeable manner. Imr niaiket at nearly all places on the 1 lie best results m fever and ague, rheuiua ti-m. kidney and uterine weakness, and The bail-bond of J. I'. Manz, amount­ Pacific < oast. Mages of Chinese have other rnaladie- ing to $<;,0(H), having been declared for­ risen from twenty to forty per cent, dur­ feited, the county treasury, which has ing the past year, in and around Port­ Cure FnrPiIrt b-en in a depleted condition for some­ land, atul undoubtedly will go up still Pile« a.-e frequently preceded l.y a sense time past, will be much rejuvenated in more. Chinese labor will now become of weight in the back loins and lower part consequence. It will require only a few- scarcer from year to year, and five years of alHlomen, causing the patient to »up- more such windfalls to put the county lienee it will t»e an inappreciable factor. pose b« lia- «oil.« affection of tl.e kidneva out of debt. or neiglilM>ring organ». At time* synip- toiii. of indigestion are present, flatulency It is claimed that there is more than What u truly beautiful world we live in ’ i unearinein of the stomach, etc. A tuoi»- double the amount of land sown in Nature gives n« grandeur of niouiitain«*. ture like |><*rspirntion producing a very grain in this county this season than glens and oceans, and thousands ot means disagreeable itching, after getting warm, ever before. As bountiful crops are <>f enjoyment. W< rati dewire no better i« a coiwiuon att.-iidai.t. Blind. Bleeding promised the supply may exceed the de­ when in perfect health, blit bow often do and Itching Piles yield al on.'« to the appli- mand, in which event the high prices the majority of |>cople feci like giving it up eation ot Dr. liosanko's Pile Kenie-t v. paid for grain and flour previously w ill disheartened, «Ii scon raged ami worn out which act directly on the parts after ted with