oc fkiiwcratk ïimrs. on Kidney lea. New potatoes in the market. Read the new advertisements. We have had some rain this week. Don’t forget the 4th at Jacksonville. I’nparallelcd bargain* at N. Fisher’s. ÜNITÎ3 STAT’S OFFICIAL PRESS JENE 17. : RIDA Y oi k c LI hhimì er P f inni oth ­ TIO.\S. Kir/s I Parties pay ir g for t •• i’et-s i;i .ad van re at our n«duced caah rate* will br furnished any of tie following named publication*' in connection with this paper at tn? price*« giv< u below. Il will be notic««d that there ma reduction of »r leat-t 5 per cent, on publishers’ rostomAry rate* in ever instance, and in some much more: WEEKLIES. III Toledo Weekly Blade I ilari» r’.* Weekly......... .... 8**i»«ntific American Ik’troit Fr«M* Pr«*** New York 8iar N. w York Wo Id Hu Franci o Exn P«»rtbuid Orvtfo iiuii H»iri»»*r K B iz «i PiontMW Pr“M.- . . . .... on ('hi«*aKo N««w»» ............. »*> Missouri Repahlicnn ................................ < 4* Gioie« Dem«x*rnt . .. 3 on Philadelphia Tini“, 3 Ha i Francisco I nil •0 Frank L ««dieS illudirut«si i «**•• ! *’ ” “ “ (»ermr.il I M» KVcwtSh 1 -. P..nLu d.O. Century. Scribner «... .............. ■ I »» 4 I I »«-mor« M '* Magazine Goiley’s l/uiy Bo««k 8r. Nicholas. . ....... .... Harper’* Monthly American -\gi leulturist . ♦ C Harper's Young P“«»pb» Peteraon’s Magazine H'>u»*eke«-p«*r Other publication* vri'l le-fund !.<*! hi de.... ! prie- when ord- r«*l wifh the 1 lM>s. Old ar d n w *ut».*crib?rs i“iyi- ; one year in a«i- v r;ce from date f «r th-« I IM».* will r«*«,',iv»- in a;,©••. Pr- *•*. St. L«»'n* Republican or Detroit Free Pr»***. -ix free, <»r the barin anti I ir«»«»i.le «»n? j«*ar fr«*«*. l’l MLS PRINTING HOI Si . Jack*«»!!vill«*. < Irvgon. ».......................................... /ittbpiiiilfHCP lhi>/ at thickaunrilb'. Preparations are now fully under way for the celebration of the coming 4th of July at Jacksonville, and no d«»ul»t >»neot th« grandest and most enjoyable events ever had in southern Oregon i* in store !• r everyone who may attend, and to wh:«1» the citizens of Jacksonville, « xi«*n«l • ■ «»r- «ii.il invitation t«> al! Th«* x tri - i- . » » inittce* wh«» have tlie atl.iir in hand ar; »raving nothing undon«* to make if a suc­ cess. ami tbeir ril >rts will certainly be re­ warded The festivities of the div w'il coninieiici» by firing a nation »! *alun at sunrise and at D ;.» (>’?'.<»• k \ m a <. aad and beautiful procr**.*»n will !»« i i med at the Town Had. headed by the Jack*«»nvilie bilver Cornet Band, with many other inter­ esting features. After parading the ¡»rin cipal streets, under the direction of Gram! Marshal Cnmrmiilrr ami his aids, the pro­ cession will repair to the court-house *«iuare, where a splendid programme w ill be presented, consisting of music, singing, prayer oy the chaplain, reading <»! the Declaration of Independence by Geo. R Neil, Esq., an oration by Hon Ja*. T Bowditch, < tc.. etc. F>»ll«»wing this th« r«* will be a tree dinner sprea«! on th? grounds, of which ali are invited to partake, when the Jacksonville Silver Cornet Band will furni*h some of it* choicest music In the afternoon there will he many ways for the enjoyment «»t both old and y«>ung. for which the amuse uent committee is mak­ ing great preparations, and whi- h wid oc­ cupy the whole ot that p«».tion «»f th - lay 4 he whole affair w ill « unclude with a _i ;tn«l free ball at lhe U. 8. hail, neither paiui n<> expense living *par- d to make ii the ball • »I th? season, and fr- m which non»» ar»* bat red ir««m tv nd mg w it bout p: ite. Thi Willem! th«- h *livitie* of the glurioll* It!» ot July at Jacksonville, ami th »se wishing to celebrate Indepetidem c Day in gram I style should not fail to attend. New vegetables are becoming numerous “ i new*paper* very cheap at the T ime * jffi«v. «>.»q»u*t *?’s a* the S Jacksonville / F. Variety Store, « Strawberries are selling at live cents a box in i’«»rtlan«l. f.inn’s furniture store has been thor- • »ugli’v ren»»vat««i ved a !aray of «>r« g«»i! Kidne.v Tea. 1 i- t. < mi c!»eapc*l mining blanks for *ale a» the T ime .* office. N i. what 11 ihk-y n*nier.tbie «felinqnent t axes. <■ • W . I-, ett i* managing F J King’s • !<• :.t -B> ••._:!« atiou, near Yrtka ■ . ; i i .i i > a: 1«. .: i the grand Ph of July 11 . it thi* pi.ice It i* fr«*e to every bmly. \ H i m : Ion is acting as ‘ rustler’’ for the A-h ti.d Hous? ami is tilling his pla« ? Well. .1 \V Bak< r«»t Willow Spring* ha* some thing «»f importam e t » say in another col­ umn. ! Schl Superint- ndent Priest is still en- 1 gag« «I in vi-iting the various schools in the • v alley. Money to loan on approved real-estate se- curiiy. Apph toW.G. lanner. Ashland, » (>rvg«m. R« nl :iic i i-gr .mm » of the 4th of July < i-h-:.ratnm at Ja< k* »nvflle in another column liver ho ly *houl«l attvml the grand cel» bi i!i"ii to :>e h< d m Jack* »nville oil the | 1th of July. Bair«i’- MitiKtrek are now in Oregon ■ - ' ' • . a viait I bi t’ore kmg. Cherries arc abundant tins season and can be bought it forty cents a gallon on ’our streets. ;• ! i. so V 11, wy r toy. Deeds, mortgages and every r sale at the T ime * «»Hire nt Portland prices Give 1 <’ol. R. A. Miller of this place is in Port us a call, if you need anything in the blank land. line. Mrs H. I). Kubli of Applegate was in Newman Fisher means business and is town this week. slaughtering goods on every hand. He Rev. W. of Ashland wants to close out as soon a* possible and I — . Skipworth ■ - . was i.i everything must be sold, without regard t«» \ Jacksonville yesterday. price. * , (»(«». B Rid«ile of M?dfor«l paid this place The iuu*h and milk sociable given last ’ a visit one «lay this week. Monday evening in Stanley’s hall by the We are sorry t«> »tat? that Mrs. J Orth Medford Aid Socity passed ort pleasantly i of this place is seriously ill. ami was much of a silíceas in every re Judge Dt Peatt of Ashland ¡»aid tho sped. county-seat a flying visit yesterday. On account of the absence of th? editor J B. a ». Thoma* At.wi.xao ni of V» (»old v’a» « 11 Hill ii. i i* ~ very .«tv 11 ill ■ we of the T imes , and being short-handed in ' «.. the office this week, th? T imes will not ■ learn, and nut expected to survive long. reach many of its readers as promptly as Mr* ( W V room an of M'MlfordisvHit- usual. • ing her «1 ’.'i rater in Walla Walia. W. T. W. J. Plymale'.s stage has come tu -t/.y. Mr* N. A ¡).»w« ¡1 has retnrne«! to Port­ D«‘ mak«** regular trip* t\\ ic«* a dav t«» con­ ned with th? m.»ruing ami evening trrin*. land after an extel (led visit in this county. and he a*k.s a liberal share of public pa­ Mi-** Mary J a »1;* of Asblan I is paving tronage. • relatives ami friends a visit in this place. Not much bu*iu<-ss presented itself in L. (’. Coleman of San Francisco is in this the circuit court for Klamath county the section on a business visit and will remain forepart of the week, but the grand jury a short time. was expect?«! expede«! to furnish something of im- (’apt Caton made to the portam e. inoun- Cinnabir s«*cti«>ii in The eommeiK’emci t exercises at the | tains this w:*ek. Stnt? University were «»fan unusually ' im- Frank and Arthur L angeli have gone to pressive and interesting character I Sev- (*ial parties from Jin k*onvil!c were in at­ I Klamath, which they will probably mike 1 their future bom? tend nice (»co. M Willard and 1-aac D«-iner went Go account of th«' great amount of snow in the m«»unhf camlie.* ami nuts in southern Oregon is the lb»g;i*.* river distillery. also kept there. * Miss Lizzie Fiock of Yreka, Un!., i* visit- Fir* All til* *top|»?d free l»y Dr. Kline’* . ing friends in Jacksonville. >he is the Great Nerve Restorer. No fit* after first i guest «»f Mis.* Lizzie Helm*. • lay's u*v. Marvelous cures. Treatise and W. A Owen, deputy internal revenue |2 tri.il hottie free to tit cases. Send to Dr. <’ollect-»r, ha* eon-.- t«» Klamath and Lake Kline, ’Jdl Arch St. counties on «411 ial business. Dr. J. \V. Robinson, since his return Mrs. J. C (’owl«** <>f Medford, who has from New York, has resumed practice, i»e« n in California for several months past, and can be found al the City Drug Store, will return ere long, we learn. in Jacksonville. Day calls in the country promptly attended to ♦ ’ Judge Webster. District Attorney Colvig ami attorneys Hanna and Prim arc in Seven stage-loads of excursionist* from Klamath county attending court. San Francisco arrived at Ashland on Tues­ day, pissing through the valley on the A II. Boomer, genera! superintendent of evening train for Portland. There were Salisbury. Hailey A (’«».'* stage line, has sixty-eight people in the party. been in the valley on l»u*ines* recently. We were shown a letter written to I. A 8 p. Putnam, after «!• divering a >• i i« * Slover. announcing the arrival of a ten i «»f fin»* lecture* in Ja- kson county, to large o mnd girl at the house of Mr. ami Mrs A au-liences, left for <’oos « »uuty thi* Week F Eddy, now of Pendleton, but formerly i Theo. Cameron returned from Galice oi tins place, on Tuesday last. creek yesterday, when* h-* h i* been fur sev­ eral «lays looking after hi* minini; ii teivsts. Wm. B Worlow and Wm Beck are no v residents of Klamath county and ar? in Chas. Sha kk-f'ird, special land .agent i«»r the employ of the Western Stage Co., at th? government, passe,1 up the valley this tending to its stock at I’levna and Len­ aeek. en route to Klamath am! Lak? « «»un­ nox’s station in Bogus precinct. ties, th? seat of his operations. HOAUl) OF TRI STE Sudden lirath. s IL art R“in«‘(!y will prohu.g At a regular meeting of the B*»ard oí life by preventing those sudden d«a l:s ironi heart disease which bring untold Trustees of the town of Jacksonville, held j grief to families, often plunging them in Tuesday evening. June 7, 1*87, the i .1!« »V. - poverty, because of the untimely decease ing members were present: J Ni'im.i. «»(the bread-winner At druggists >l..»0. Descriptive treatise with each buttle; or ¡»resident,ami \ II M 1 y. Ch « N I adorers J. J. .Mack «V Co.. 8. F. and J. W. Robinsun The saniterv com­ mitt« made a report ún communi nion of Ijtlirpi isinii lh'uyijinln Frank Smith, relating to sprinl. the Can always be relied upon to carr^ in streets of the town of Jacksonville, Said stock th»* purest and best goods, an t su - tain the reputation of being a< tiye. push­ committee recommended having the streets ing and reliable, by recoin mending articles sprinkled ami that the town assume the with well e>tal>li**heuch as are responsibility of paying therefor such popular. Dr. J \V. Robinson having the (hi agency for the celebrated Dr. King’s New ¡»rice as th? Board may agree upon Discovery lor consumption, colds and motion the report was received and or­ coughs, will sell it on a positive’guarautec dered placed on file and the cominitte«' It will surely cure any and evi ry aff'cction of throat, lungs or chest, and in order to discharged. our ch.i n. we ask you to call and g« I A *pecial committee appoint*«! to make prove a r«*p«»ri on giving a <1 < d t«» lot No. 2, block a trial b-it tie free ‘>9 in the town of Jncks«»nvilh* ’«» the heir* <>t James Hubbard. dr<«-.•»**♦•, May loth. I ks /. ra Hubbard up«m payment of |i0‘Miami $5ZÓ.U» the to J F. Lynch, a well-known h<|n<-r dealer E Iltii ami l.ocu-'t 8tw . Phila.; it waa collect*d i same. < hi im>ti«»n the recurder was autltor- <*«>i. by the'Third National Bank of l’hila.; six-tent I.- k iz«*d t«> make a dee«l hi said l«»t t«» the heir* were sold to Californian?, and were coll?rtod I »»I Janie* Hubbard, deceased, upon pay through Well?. Fargo & Co. of «San Francn»co. ment of sai«l amount ami expenses of inak ( Til.; on«« sold to A. Fruny, D«?«*r Lick. Mason (’< .. XV Va . was collected through Mi-tropoliian ing sai«l dee«! J. D. Huffer presented his bill for re­ National Bank, Cincinnati. Ohio No. 75 ?('• dr»*w tin* Becond Prize of .$50,000; it was* al*o sold corder's fees from March 11, to June 7. in tentliH for $1; two were paid through the Na­ IS.S7. amounting to |32 50, which was re tional Commercial Bar k of Mobil«*, Ala.; one t’vrr?«l to finance committee. ; through the Commercial Nati«»ral Bank of Nash- .......................... b- On m »tion Frank Smith was emplove«! i villa, 1 w in.; on.- paid tl r< ugh Bank of Coni- i«> sprinkle the streets of Jacksonville. ;«n«l ! merer. L«> uih ( iih*. Ky ; two to I* rank <'orcoran that he be allowed $18 per week for l< air««, HI.. ( »lough the ( ity Natmnal Bank of Cairo. 111. No. 15 «72 dr-w the Third Prize of -prinkling in a th« rough manner, and $2<»,i<»; it was alr>o sold in t«*ntba; one to Ed win cleaning the same. , L“Bars of New York < ;ty. c«»ll«-ct'd tiirough Ad On motion the recorder was authorized i an;* Expraes Co ; on«* to N. ( rensiiawof Everot, tn draw acontractiorsprinkling the str«»*:* Kan ;on« u» <.1 {lamian, ¡«aid through Corry it act 'i Jan«’»* with tWwishi > of the P« ard National Bank of Coiry, Pa.; one ¡ aid through Bank «»f California at San Francisco, (’al.; one a* « xpressrd in the motion of Mr Ma« glv 1 ¡»»id to Nevada Bank of Kan Francisco, and «ha I relating tn the same, that sai-l Smith be rest elx »where. Noe. 4 ».’»«'.• and ‘>i 9K drew the ie«piired to enter into said contra» t with two Fourth Priz ** of *I0.U»U cech; sold to parties Ilic t'lWii «»f Jacksonville, th it it *huli b? in Cnicag'.», Hi.; San L ran«’iM*o. Oakland and H hjj ( al . K“*»kuk. Iowa; (Camille, Mo.; New state«! in said contract that the B«»ir i re serve the right to annul said «-ontra« t at Orleans, Bo»t<»n. Washington. Pittsburg. Mt. Pl a*ant. Florida; (iurd«»n, Aik ; C'nion Star. their option. M<>.; and ?ls«?where. So the wheels turns on for On motion it was ««rd« re«l by th«* Board rv- r. an«! on July 12ih it w 11 ali be repeated. that $10 00 be donated to the finance com­ Anyon«-can team full ¡»articular* by addressing mittee appointed to/raise fumls for the M A. Dauphin, N««w Orleans Ln. Seek Fortune'« celebration of the 1th of July. 1887, in the embrace“rr it is too late. town of Jacksonville. R S Dunlap town sexton appeared be­ Society .Hrctinga. fore the Board and asked perinissi«»n to M asons .—Warren L'ldue No. 1U of Jacksonville dig a well in the town cemetery. On mo­ meet* “neb Wednowlay evening at or preissling tion the Broad granted permission to .Mr. tli? full m«»on; Ashland L »dge No.23on Thursday Dunlap to «lig saiil well, provided that it IS «*vening during the sann* time. Oregon CliapVr No. 4. It. A. M.. n»e**t> in Jacksonville on the approv?«l by the (-emrt’Ty conimitte. ru«*slay evening previous. Adarel (’hapter No. On motion the Board adjournr«L 3 O.K. 8., of acksonville ra«*et* on every other Woodi-ill? It ••tn i. Placer mining i* about (»ver for th? son for \vant of water. Fruit tree* are making a growth, proving conclusively seciion of Rogue river valley can hold it* own in genuine merit a* a fruit country. The hop yard of ('. W (’lark is a model of beauty and thrift which has four acres In it. Messrs. Hutcliin*«>n and Hill hav«' also hops in a stat? of cultivation, but not quite so forward as ('lark’s. R. A I’T Ilows is delivering woo«l at the railroad He has a large contract which will taxe him a month or more to till Other parties here also have contracts with the company for wood to be delivered during the summer. i I ' I 1 WILL YOU SEND A TRIAL ORDER TO The importance ot purifying the blood can- not be overestimated, fur without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every oeie needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's Prar-111 i a r SarsaPariUa. It strengthens rCLUIlai anii builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -T"« l + ecdf lar curative powers. No ■ O ILSCIT other m< «Heine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy llissl's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other Instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggist*. Prepared by t. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar SACRAMENTO, CAL.? WILL WARRANT THE PRICES TO BE RIGHT and guarantee the qualities of the Goods to I k - the Best on the (.kbwt for the Money. If we cannot give satisfaction we will cheefully refund your money. NEW THIS WEEK. XVe want to make your aequaintauee ami do butjinetss with you. O I« Æ >’1> We are in the business to make money and believe we can benefit vou at the same time. If we cannot make it un object for you to trade witL us, then we do not want a cent of your money. No harm to obtain Samples and Prices and make comparisons, anf each month. Huth Reb«jkah Ihgreo L /’lg“ N«». I of Jacksonville meets every oth**r Monday <*vening. Hop«* Degree Lo«(g«* of Ash- ¡¡mil o.; the second a:. 1 fourth Tu»*tdays of each month. B ed M en . Oregonian-Pocahontas Ir»be N o . i . Imp’d O. R. M., of Jacksonville, every Tuesday evening A. O. C. W. Banner L«»dge No. 23 meet* every oth«T Friday evening; Ashland Lodg«* No. 6rt, on th? Brst and tliird Wednesday evenings <*f each month. The better ¡xisted you become the more of your trade we are bound to secure. Have you a copy of our Catalogue? Do If not, and y<»u ar<- inter­ you know what we arc doing? ested, send for Samples and our Illustrated Catalogue. McKenzie A Chale are repainting and Thus <». Reatnes and Davi«l Linn of this Don't tail to be patriotic once m »re in generally renovating the corner building ¡»lace went to Portland several day* ago to Mailed FREE to auv address. y«»ur life and attend one of the Fourth of Mensor Bros, formerly occupied opposite attend the Masonic grand lodge, which has July celebrations. the U. S Hotel, and will remove their sa­ been in session during the week. The greatest bargains in all kinds of mer- loon to that place in a few days. Mrs. N. Langell, ac'‘'»mpanic«l by her chamli**? can be obtained by calling soon Road Mipervisor Wilson has done some youngest «laughter ami son went to Link- «•n N«*w tnan Fisher. * g<»od work in the Ish lane, having put a vilie on I’nesday las*, where tb«*.v e xpect to i Pin* J.u k-wnvilie Silver Cornet Band will heavy coat of gravel on a portion of the remain for s onetime, visiting relative* and N 00 I turni*h the niu.*ic during the day on the worst part of that thoroughfare. We hope friend*. 00 he will continue the good work. 4m of July at this place. Dr H. N. Warren, son of the well-known Rev. W. Skipworth of Ashland delivered mail contractor, is in southern (»reg-m A fre h supply of the American Mining Jal. There was a light frost here Wednesday i code. *r.m lard authority on the subject. r W 11 "••’niimr* c m uow be found is bis intention to retire from business thi* week, when* Im will sp«m I the sum­ l he school in this place will close m Dr A . . <* t »rmer «»iti«-« next door to Call on him and price hi* hardware ami mer vacatiou. Friday after a four month’* term you will find it to your advantage to pur­ Mr- Prim'* milliner)’ store. tc i«*hcr .M r*. <‘ount* is <»m* "1 thebe H Mi ' ’ J.l’.-'i "f R »*«*buig p it I Ja-k- chase from him. • This i * her third term in i X s«>nville a living vi'.t tin* week, r turning the county . r« <. ipt*. «i'le-bili*. orders an«l di.*trii t. 81,0 has alwav* giv» n unarnin« C».rt k - in • • «K-. in «ju innties to suit, for Read our grand clubbing inducements home Wednesday ev« niug. H« callvi «»n *atisiaction to both parent.* ami pupil*. «ai-' cheap at the T imes office. published elsewhere, and if you want the II* while here The two merchants here complain of a W. R Amlrews. formerly ot Un* place W J. Plymale is painting his new buss, leading journal of southern Oregon and the wh « h will be put on the line between here best hewspaperor periodical in the United but now of Medford will deliver the ora­ dull trade. One of them has a phenomin- 1 n>* citiz« n- x <•! tin** *.ilm«»n trout packed in ice Academy have returned to their respective 1 h whu h were t aught at Astoria. 1‘ C. Gilliam of Salem was here on time. in .southern Oregon homes for the summer vacation ; but. with We»Ine*«lay.returning hmm* on the evening nj),* Linkvide an«l make go«»«l time. c«»n- •'». 6’ 71 H 13 14'1.’» !•■ 1 Why will you suffer from fever and ague many others will no doubt return at the be ­ Our old friend John Woods is talking of tram. He was accompanied by Miss Skin ­ m « tip* regularly with the train*. Cha* w h«*“ («iim<»i «• * Ar -matic Wine will ORDER OF THE DAY: cure ginning of the fall term, which opens on ner «»f that place, wh«» has Iveen attending taking a trip east to interview old scene* Slade. >’v’t AL ( «»r«l and < has liowanlac t you ’ Sold at City Drug Store. Monday. August29th. ami friends, from which he ha* (»ecu ab­ St. Mary ’ s Academy. in thecap « ity of driver* and give the full­ T 1 1 ing of N.,i lonal S-'lutc ;<» Himrit««*. sent nearly forty year*. Such a trip must An*"U Hough, of Blackberry, III«.. says A man, whose name we did not learn, A grand prucet-Mori will form ht the Town est satislacfion. manipulating th«- reins Hon Ja*. T. Bowditch of A*hlan«l will be very ratifying to the old pioneers, who /«nt: \ he owvs hi* lite to Gilmore's Aromotic Hall at M:3 i o'ciiM-K m .. |>arart, as Mr B. 1* a most eloquent years and strength. L (i. Ross, a «'aiiglCer. nnller. and aid*: Jacksonville bilver Cornet where th? best <»t meal* are served Tim m-'iiuim ut to be ¡»laced on the Hoffman while in between two of the cars which are and splendid speaker. Hand; < arnuge* with < hapiait!. Orator. R<«ader EDDY In P. *nd «*ton. Jun« ütli, to Mr. and Mr*. Stanley «<■ Co. arc quite sanguin? that used tor hauling dirt. Death was instanta­ and (ftoe i liu»; Keil. Whit^and Blue, represented rua«l is much of an improvement up«»ti that : »tin the J akson vide cemetery. A. F. Eddy, a daoghter. U j ! «Stone, the veteran stage manager, they have a quartz ledge as good as any in neous. b) a large number ol lntLegirn». Army and Navy, between A*hlu»nl and Linkvill»* h«it |»or- position and is has returned to hi* former represented b> eight l»oy*; Float, with '»odd»** the county for the size of it; they have a Jack*<>nville'.* “Mercury” correspondent tions of it will be almost impassible in W III- Logan, the Ashland photographer, em ­ superintending Salisbury, 11 ai ley A C«>. ’ s ol A^b^rty a id Angel of Peace. Flout, with Sign­ large amount of ore on the «lump, besides ime t<» th? front again in the last issue, tor. unless it i* improved materially. Tiie er* of th»* Declaration of Independence; Hose­ ploys the latest and most improved meth ­ route. He has businevs on the overland about 2uu Racks filled, from which th« y will an ! noticed soiut* oi uur citizens. i is giving a *tiperi<»r mail service * cart. drawn by I m »>> iq uniform^ Jacksonville ods known to the aft and leaves nothing no superiors and few equals. have a working test made at tbeSwiudm and will leave nothing undone to please 1 ire Department in uniform, with engiu»-; Artil- P Bonneville, the energetic agent of the undone to give satisfaction He takes any mill near Gold Hill. The rot k show* con­ lcr;. • arnagri». Horsemen. Etc.. Etc. th? public. J. H Uolohan of Klamath county was in Wh'-elrr «k Wilson Sewing-machine Co., style of photographs and finishes then’» siderable free gold as well as being rich m On arriving at the < ouri-Huuse wquarv the fol­ Jacksonville for several «lays this week ami now *p«.«rts an elegant new wagon. beautifully, which is why his work is so lowing exeicieee will take place: sulphurets. I hildrrn'a lhty. popular. • ; returned Wednesday morning with his and Yak- daughter and two nieces who have been I'.ider M Peterson "t Manzanita pre­ lhe following programm * will Ke ren­ .. ... 1:.. . St Kf. 1. PROCRAMME Elder M. Peterson held services at Gold attending Mary’s Academy is completing a tin? barn. 4OxP2 in dered at th? M« thodi*t thuri h in this place cinct Hill on Minday. It was expected that the 1‘oitd’a F..rtract ' /.«•. Heh i- planted acres in corn. J. T R »lo* m of this place inf« nd* start­ Music by the Silver ( om»*t hand next .Sunday at 11 «»’cluck \. M., by’ the »rcUnanceof baptism would be adminis­ 1* the most potent curative agent kn« wn Prayer by the <'hapl&in. ing for X “ W York Stat,- the torepart of \\ :;h .»th« r iinprovem uts alrr:i«lv made. tered in Rogue river following his sermon, Sunday *< h«»«»l < hil'lrcn ami tea« her*. J NuiiJi: will repaint his r?*i«i?nce which for pain», aches and injuries; let tho->e ( ‘horas by Glee < Tub. but the weather was too unfavorable ami next W’-ek. to pay hi* ■'! ! folk* at horn? a wh«. have never used it inquire concerning Reading of the Déclarât »on of Independence I prayer; 2 opening *ong; 3. greeting, wi!i impr«»ve it app • iraue? verv much visit. He will take hi* * (»••<>. R Neil. its virtues. Pond’s Extra« t i* used a by J.»tin Jeffrey I Little I »Ik* Meeting expect* io be gone ab«»ut two mu'iths. Music by Silver ( ornH Ban«! — Ii.-:. 11 De.tii wi'l sell *«»me real-estate at auspicious day. the iiiedicul prule**ion and the people, and l am Listening.” Jennie H«w«th. Qua!utt«» by m mtiers of the GleeClub. ♦». *« riptur» les-oii. three boys; 7 Faith. the < >- ut Imusc d»»«»r m Jacksonville to­ When yon talk about th? cheapest no- ' We are informed that Mr* Ray. the ?f- it holds « a position held by no other imdi- Oration to be d“lii«*rt<1 by H«»p«-and Chanty, three girl* . *. singing, morrow. >ee advertisement elsewhere. tion* and nove ties of every kind, the most licient tel«*granh oper.it«»r <»1 Ashland, in- cine m this country, or, perhaps, the tends resigning her p«»*ition a* such and of imitations w«-ak and I hv school recitation. Jetini«» i««»«»th ; |o HON. JAS. T. BOWDTICH. E. K Breitman is conducting a store, stylish gents’ furnishing goods, the finest, will pay the E.i*t a vi*it ere long. She will world. Beware Father, Ur Thank l’her.’ four girls- II re-tauiant and saloon on ’he Siskiyou freshest candies, nuts and tropical fruits j»ennaiiently locate in * »uthern California >uur. Mu*ic by Silver (' »met Band. r«-’ itaiioti, Flo**ie Taylor, I-’, duet. ■‘Home mountain and is doing a good business.' the best cigars and tobaccos, etc . you (’horn* by (Hee ( lub Bcymd. M.iu«i Ki»** and ’ arm* K« nt; must go to the 8. F Variety Store to get on her return. Fa tn on a IVotttrn. Music by Silver t omet Baiai. J DeRoboain will soon open a saloon in them. Call and sec for yourself. 1 i reading. True Wisdom. .Mary Day. * After t i««* above «‘lercia«»*, there wid b«* in recidi- R. E. Davis ami wife have been spemling i Madame Trebelli. the greatest of living U (’rown Alw»ve the Cross,” nine girl*. the corner r«»<«m oi the I S Hotel build­ n»‘sa »n the grou ids A heavy shower of rain fell last Saturday several «lays at Shovel • reek spring*, but l contraltos, who has traveled extensively, 1.« address. The l’o( ket Book,” Carrie ing, m»w «><•< upivd by McKenzie A Chale. and continued throng!» the greater portion will soon return to Redding, ( al. Mr. D in fact visited every country and city <»t Kent ; IS singing by the school J. G Gray of Linkvill? died at the Si*- of the night. It was followed by others expects to enter the employ of a San Fran- i n«)te in the world, ha* just departed from kiyoutuum i i’ursd iv of pneumonia. He not so copious. They were of much benefit cisco commercial house as < ummer< ial the slope of the Pacific, an«! after express­ iHiilht-r Trrpllmt l,ropi>atlitnt. , hud g< nc there with a load of vegetables. to growing crops of all kinds. The large agent before long. ing great admiration for the beauty ami A movement is on foot to gravel the amount of hay which was lying on the (’.(’ Beekman and daughter. Miss Car­ grandeur of our scenery, am! actm»w Ip The fruit crop all over the county will be ground suffered somewhat, however. of which everybody is invited t<» partake. <\>uiity road lea«!ing t«» M*-«h«»rd ironi here. rie, went to Eugene on Monday last to at­ ing the delightful, invigorating inffuenceof During th«* afternoon there will I m * amusement? bcttei than at !ir>t expected. In some |<>- tend the commencement e.xcr« i*es of th? i climate, has consigned her thought* t«> | an, * a >ub'" ription li.*t will *<»«»n be circu­ Cidtti»-- of various characters for both i»exee and all wt*. the peach crop will be very large. Some of the pe >pleof Manzanita precinct, State University. Mr. B. will return in a i paper th? following neat and complimen-t ami a number of valualH*! prize* will be ghen lated both towns. 1 lie county coniniiw- who intended the lecture on phrenologv few days, but the l itter expr 'ts to be ab­ tary not?, which will remain as livingevi- ' hwhx , iHMidrn« many article? forth? littl«* folks. yi Medford on the night of the 6th. found sent for several week*. denceof her opinion . | The feKtiviticB of tho day will conclude with a >n or of any kind.« all on Wm Ken icine 1 «•cr bed I»* D‘«-< itiz- n* .1 \< ry h n-rdi prop- my. proprietor ol the Union livery stables. their horses untied apd gone and they hail P okti .\ ni ». O r . Aprihith. 1 m 7. J. H. Berry, formerly a resident of Pho - o*nioi> u.''d there is no reason why a m at to go bom ■ on Foot pain« or «x pen a** are bo­ Mr’. N. Fisher, formerly ol this place, graveling of ««ur roa«li. it will certainly p.irhla is having a trenn'iidous sale this management of the assignee. A H. Ma glv. ina a ared to make this second to no ball ever but now of San Francisco. <’al . arrived on An Abanlute Cure. Xr..rly everybody takes it. Try Anybody desiring« tombstone, monument, be bread cast upon the waters given tn Jacksonville. it yourself. ' stone coping, etc , will find it to their ad- Sunday last and expects to remain for sev­ TheOriginal Abietine Ointment i* only eral weeks visiting lierhu-baml ami moth­ ... soon, prices ■. , c iii- i . | I vantage »nnuiRU to wo call wn ¡»«»« hi , as »i.* uiiti'S have ¡1 a\ e been (JVVT1 < nrd f>/' Thu u K m . wd! amusements of t I kinds in reduced considerably. First-class merhan- er. b?*id?* her many friends 8h? seems put up m large two-ounce tin boxes, and is J itcksonvillc "l"1 ......... r ‘ !or *o,.|! I ic* are employed there and the best of to think that after ail. there is noplace an absolute cure for obi sores, burns, Th? Sisters ut St. Mary’s Ac i b niy v the l>e?t Americun Manufm-turviv. Please wer? in town Tuesday, in attendance at per box —by mail .’iff cents. bet«.re ami at the cl<»>e of th? (••»mm«-nrv- Aromatic Wine a p«»sitive cur?. Sold at ’ costivenesH. swimming in the head, colic, the ( «»lumen« envnt exercise* of St. Mary s sour stomach, restlessness, indigestion, examine <«o<><1> ami Erico l»cf<>re t>tire|ia.«ing. Re.itcctfullv, ment exercises ; to the different gentlemen (Tty Drugstore One bottle taken according to directions -AT----- I constant or periodical sick headaches, Academy. W«* al*«» noticed other patrons J.iniiber, .Saah, lloora, Etc. whoso kindly transported piano*, and to .1. N’t’N AN of this worthv institution from abroad wh«« will give better results than a gallon of J.ibn <« H. i '.T l a v« teran knight of th? I weakness in the back or kidness, pain in The 8ug«ar Tin? Doer A Lumber Co. of the attentive u*her*. Th«*v are al*o under were in attemlance Grant’s I’ hss are now in full operatinn ami Sarsaparilla, or any of the so-called Blood obligation to the Champions of H«»n-*r f<»r wbip.i driving the bu*s betw«*en Monta- the shoulders and different parts of the Dr. H M< Kinnell of Portland, brother- are prepared to till all orders for F em i \<., the u*“ of th* ir carpet, and to >rs gu«» and Yrck.i. ( ’al . ami serves the public body, a feeling of lassitude and despond­ ency by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. in-law of Mr*. Wm Hoffman of this place, B oxim .. R e » ti < . F looring . C eilin «. ami Purifiers with which the market is glutted. »Linn, Nunan, E Jacoba and DeRoboam quite acceptably. It i* not unpleasant, is purely vegetai»!?, fo’r ( hair*, etc. Mr. A. Higgins of Wyoming. N. Y . says and is not injurious to the most delicate accompanied by liis daughter. Xli*s Ruth F inishing L imber ; aho D oors . S ask , At Druggists, price SI.00 per bottle. Hawkin*, arrived here on Friday evening B r . v rets , I» i « lets . M< h ldings and L ath * j’ui ksonville. June id. 1**7. he had the ril«** f»>r m arly W years, and corstitutiun. last and remained a few dav*. visiting rel- at prices to compete with any mill in south­ v\:i- ( urc«l by Gilmor«* * Pile Specific. Sold $600 REWARD at (Try I »rug Store. While Mr Birds?!!, foreman of th? ! atives. They came from ('alifornia, where ern Oregon. They make a «¡»ceialty of tint ft Httra. I they have been for * >m?timc. ami returned P ine F ri it B oxes (»f all kind*. !’• r*ons will be paid for an/ case of Rheumatism RoM'biirg “ Plaindcaler. ” acconq»anicd by Eight .*'tnall gold bars, worth about On? of rhe' ’argc*t « r »w I* which ever as- • his win*, m 'thvr-in-law and a frif requiring anything in their line can get which Dr. Pardee's Remedy, properly ad­ riami, were I to the former pla e on Monday evening. prices ami estimate.* oil application to their were dieplajred in the window of Gov?’* *emble«l in J a« ksonville at any one time out riding near Roseburg oi| >i| Sunday I The many friend* of < ’ apt Jame* Barne* ministered, fails to relieve. jt*u?Iry store yesterday. They cam«* from will p irtbipate in the «elebrati>m hereon last, some boys with cans, yho were of Bly. Klamath county, will be pl?as?«l to agents the F««tirTh of July. W ebb «V Z immekm \ n . Medford, alongside of the road, purposely lightened i • learn that he continues to improve in 4’har.e* t’urnrliu*’-* Gobi Hill in nr. and ar* I Th»' prngrmnic will consist of Singing. K«*nd < ’ . W Av EK*. Ashland the horses, causing them to run ay. Th? | health. He ha«l b“?:i *uir«Ting from par- ing th? 1) *i’lar.tti<»n d ln< ndeu« «* an «»ration In another r«»luum will be found the a«l th? tir*t gold b.ir* di*p’ iv?«l her? for * m« • W (’. L eevek . <’•mirai Point, carriage was capsized Ijlit f«»rlu tely num* 1 tial paralysis since last July and began to by W. 1! Andrews. H<»rae-ra« ing ai.d all kimls of ver ’ isement of ttie celebration to lu* held tin»?. Th-- wght of t .« in i* g >«-’ lor ti«» J. II. G kifeis , (»old Hill cxerciaes. including ol’ th«* parties were/serious injured, ! recover under the treatment of Dr DeBar Indigestion* ey» * and it * u• iw hoj»?«i that !»♦ i«»re long at <« • i II.il ou July 4th. which n«» doubt though th? vehicle vfas sum« OOOD for the cure of Constipation at drinol- . in Jacksonville two months since He re- gold and wilver Bar- uill be no un« onim<»n will prov? a fine affair isked, ami one of tl hories as so badly eov(»rr«i the use of his arm sufficiently to GOOD for the cure of BilionsncM and Dyspepsia. Han Rem in Toirn. •dg’.it nrouml town. When th»* big-«melt­ ! Some lu'lians were in town last week hurt that it had to - killed ie following enable him to drive out home with hi* The agent for J. B. Pace A Co., of Rich­ ing work* .ire running lull blast, ami us­ with a numb« r of ponies which they were day. GOOD for the cure of Bowel Complaints. during the day and night, for which Orme Bro*, • horse an«l buggy three week* ago, and ing up the concentrates from th«- ( our trying to di*p«»s? oi N«i( much success will Impish music. GOOD f"r til-- cur? of Kidney IliMtMA lie now writes that lie has continued the mond. Virginia, has been in town distribu­ d’Alene regi «n. we shall *»•»• truck l«»ads oi wit* met with her? by them. D ear J oe : I re ive rapi ilv that lie ting samples and painting the country red silver bar* hauled arouml the *tr?« t* here GOOD for the < lire of l^tn-ui«line'«* and Weary Back, days since and. i Old m know yon too ()r?gonian J. A. <»ri« vB 'V«1 A 'v heeler am! Wol­ well, should cer lily c » lude that yon soon hopes t«» be fully restored to health with show cards of their new brand of best GOOD for the cur*» of l.ivcr Complaints. eh<*wing tobacco. Escort. The general ver ­ ter* ,V Young are conducting saloons on bad gone daft, lain that your dict of the chewer of the weed is. Escort i* Rillifioita Item*. lhe Si*kiy«m mountain ami furnishing the food distresses and Carbuncle«. GOOD for ti»c cure of i'rotu l i ti mu Im c Four tongue is simply lino, ami we look for a large sale of est of . . » j 1 (• f”» *!.mt ut* coated; you ba a h«*a< he and a dispo- Regubir services will be held nt the thel»rand. 'The r«*putati(»i) they have for David Uronvmilier ami I. D Brown, a GOOD for tlaC cu. c of »’« g I Breath ran’ Sour Stomach, 1 >ition to *hive a* if 1 r« cnlt steeples au 1 irritability. GOOD for tllC IB hn< - of A*h!and have also established ■ vou are misera «• genera . Now. just get day, at the u-u.il hour*, by Rev. F. X. will imt put lheir name to a poor arti( l«* nabar min?* in the Siskiy«»u mountains .‘ranch store* on the Si*kiy«»u maintain a package of e*e’* H »burg l'ea, and Blanchet GOOD for the cric o' all Complaiuts- W«* * »y, < new Es. ort. use it a* direr I. and n word for it. in a yesterday. where th«*v have b“«m for th«* ami are s» Hing many goods. Liberal Sumlav *cho«!| an 1 Bible < !a*s wt ••«* - time u . will ..... . t I like a new man meets paM two week* They r?-lo«*it«*d th? everv Sumlav at II o’clock a . m . at I' »r*al« ’ ut a bargain — a co*v dwelling- ami th t:.k m^f >r this a< ice. Yours, All those who know theinsulvi-s in- cUim* tha w?r» ««pent ; *evrrnl ye «r* ago FOR SALE BY ALL PRUCCISTS AND CROCERS. the U M. L Hall, lal-nt. n »t i.ir from the center oi the town T om . and will «!•» c«ir*'«!«• r.»t»'• «.» k <«n them . debte Aleo bron,««| __ ~ ^°n X-' It ’l , < Ilip. WM left .vrri? < /». Ou account of my wife's health I wiali to «¿onfincl in the Josephine ouniy mil in A*l. i id. ar** . !l m itt«*r* intrusted to their • art w.th ahdity and dispatch. * brand» are short crop in left ear and !oa*r crop in Wilson Sewing-machine Co. up. ami fill mine Heir gulch next winter. will please He-t of references given. Address B. A. placed 1« r an a—atilt with a ¡.-n- ’ i* | riaht. ADo cattle branded with 81’on loft nip I All over­ Childers, principal of JctTerson institute. VEIT sort UTZ. PROP. ■ and marked crop in right ear and hole an«i split P i ! - Or * >*i Blood Purifier i* the weapon ot» Wm. Hv b . brok«* jml ••:» *-Cur- A. rl. Sargent will have bis contracts make an immediate settlement.................... i- *»r ••! Biliousness and Liver completed shortly, when he will resume du? accounts and notes will be placed in Jetlerson. Marion county. Oregon. da\ h»*t. In an attempt to get a« r«.** the r«.i' in left «*r. an attorney *hand* for col ei tion if not pai■•1«! at one d«»har a bottle Try it. i within a reasonable time. The undersign­ Found. NOTICE. PricKett A Co. ar? putting up several I country that he i* now manufacturing, and will ed. agent for said company, may be found In stock, conftioting of !>?gmning for Dave. On the valley road leading to Jackson­ constantly Weapon hand the very beat of lager Several prr*«»n* lr«»m tin* place went to hundred feet ot hydraulic pipe and will ! al the I S. Hotel in Jacksonville every 1 al«*nt an«l Ashland ««n Sunday last to hear mine on a large scale next season. i Saturday. Any letter addressed to Jack- ville. a pair of spectacles. in case, and al­ j beer, either in bottle« or kegz. T HEREBY WARN ALL PEH8ONH NOT IO (¡rnnt'a Fitaa trill Celrbrntr. Apple, Pear. Peach. 1 credit mj wife. 8 A. B*ker. in my name, a* I Samuel P. Putnur.i. a note«l liberal lecturer, i B. 8. Baker of this place has invented a • «onville will also reach him. Business is most n<*w. The owner can recoverthem by calling at the T imer office und paying ishing ta (’ kle — jointed rodh . linen will not be rwp«>n»iblH for axi> debt* rontract?d iirant's 1*$’“» •* making preparation* f«»r ami *peak very well of him as such. ' meant. p. Bas nf . ville h«vui’raae and oiled-ailk linen, reel», swivel* by her. ! new device for saving gold which he claims Al way* kept on hand. for this notice ♦ J. W. BAKER Plum. Prune. Apricot an extensive celebration of the Fourth of l»wl«-r«». artificial tty hooka, enell »'•»eV* ere,-per? Willow Springs. Jane 14. VW7. E!“:.:n\ n. w and styd*h millinery go«>ds I will excel any yet mad? He means to I eU.. <>f all ««i ’OHNMILLERTk I unrrmaary Miarry. July, and is l«H>king forward to an uhumi - of every description at Mr*. Prim's »tore have it patented and introduce it into the ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF For Sale. rt'.iv l ’« mm I lini? rbev have rnenc« d the in Ja. k'.mvilir Nectarine, Almond, Etc. Probably as much misery come from If you need anything in tine-gold digging* on the coast this fall. Twentydive cords of seasoned oak wook. COOKED < OBN BEEF. BONELESS HE II M. lior.l Uorn« t Band to furnish th? 11111*1« her line don't tai. Io give her a call. C. f . svr . , habitual constipation as from any de­ \(X)0 clapboards and lo.mfi shingles, ail of A1*o. the celebrated rangement of the functions of thel»<»dy. BING. CANNED CHICKEN. BAKING and Hon. John A Gray as orator. The The I . 8 Hall 1* being thoroughly reno­ and it is difficult to cure, for the reason i good quality For further particulars en­ i festivities are to dos? with a grand ball. POWDER. LUNCH TONGUE. Not n f alifornia Rear. vated uu«l kalsomine«! and will be in a that no one likes to take the medicines us­ quire at the T imes office. CHIPPED BEEF. PEP- * VOl’K'h 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE splendid < ondition for the grand free ball Anybody can catch a cold this kind of ually prescril»ed. Hamburg Figs were pre­ To tltr Ltttlr tiirlo. al undersigned, liavuix “ohi in»» interests in the PER SAUCEAND to be given on the evening of Juiy 4th. For Sate. weather. The trouble is to let go, like the pared to obvinte this difficulty, and they firm of E Emery A Co., dmlera in general Allot lhe little girls of Ja« ksonvill? of PIG’S Fr.ET. AU tram warranted I will b? found pleasant to the taste of wom­ mercluuidtw» a» E sk !«> Point. Oregon, to John Parties wishing to put up *tand? for the A fine piano, in first-class order, can be man who caught the bear. We advise our th? age ot twelve y<*ar* and under ar? rt • Afthpole. the new firm oflnlowA Awhpole will coming Fourth <»1 July celebration can I readers to purchase of their druggist a bot­ an and < hildren 25 cent*. At all drug­ I pun based cheap by applying at the T ime * a.*Mimeall hwhilitof ♦ he old firm.ana all those in« *tr«l to inert at the town hall to-morr*»w obtain supplies of all kinds at the 8. b. gists. J J Mack A <’<>., proprietors. 8. F | office soon. iadebted to the «aid firm of h mcry A Co. will (Saturdnv) afternoon at 2 «• chm k I.;*? Variety Store at in »'t reasonable rates. tle of Santa Abie, th? California King of piene«- pay the *am« to lnlow A Ashpole, who will pose Mustang Liniment only good all the little girla b«* pr?«ei»t wh'» w.*n to .And grown <»n natural frail land without irriga* CANDIES. NUTS. OYSTERS. SARDINES. (’«.n*un»ption. Asthma, Bronchitis. Coughs "itr%Vv«C>a receipt for all accounts paid them Thanking fretful, pwvish, Doll*. t«»y*. ba*»«- and rubber ball*, mar­ and ( r<«uD Cur«**, and keep it handy. ’I js XJvXVJ o th? Children. They arc cs- torn, and fra«* fn«m ail insect peels and diM««ae, t ik? part in the coming 4th of July the public for the liberal patronage whil*in busi­ NODA «»r d GRAH AM CRAC KERS. CÜB- crosH, or troubled with for horses? It is for inflamma ­ much km California t reo ara subject to. ine*. Ii irm • he i-. j«*w*b »rp». vase*, picture plra.*(«ut to the ta*te and death to th? a bo v? “VXVV pecially Hable to sudden ness. 1 solicit a continuance of the name for the i RANTH. BREAKFAST i HOCO- Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or E. EMERY. frame*». «l . of «-wry de*rnpti«»n at th? ; complaint*. I new finn. Stratrbrrry Fcoliral, tion of ali flesh. _1 So!«! So!«i at II a a bottle buttle or three f.»r for Stomach Di.'s rders, can be relieved Colds, Coughs, Croup. Whooping Cough, i Those who contemplate tree piantine will do LATE. RAISINS. CACHOUS, Eagle Point, May 7, 1R87. iow?»t pri« •■* it th«* > F. Variety .store. » California Cat R-Cure gives iinni?- etc. We guarantee Acker ’ s English $2 Yd. well to get my price list before purchasing else­ 1 he !miie* of the M. E cburcli will give APPLES CHEESE. at once by using Acker’s Baby Soother. where. - ’ ’ *. The catarrhal virus is so<»n th • ’ d ’ lt«' Remedy a positive cure. It saves J. I»-■•:i'*r has sold hi* Interest in PUT NAIL8. WROUGHT NAILS, CLEAT a-trawl«**rrv festival next I ii«‘*’«lay ev«ning FLOUR. ETC., It contains uo Opium or Morphine, Post Office- Murphy. Joeephine County, Or. v jt !. — lin«* «nd penetrating de . Mr. Sira .n ! hoars of anxious watching. Sold by V NaiJa. Lath Nails. Fn ishing Nails. Fencing in the basement of the Odd Fellows build- Ashland b . I Railroad Htatmn -(»rent’s Pass. hence is safe. Priw 25 cents. Sold by Ike S ge’li.l ¡ <« t u t *i Hix »nonth’s treat­ Nails. Horse Shoe Nails roo and Steel Horan nut • in « a • ” H »! invitât «on i* ?xf»nd?d tu vote his atteiB ••« » mining. City Drug Ntorc. !. J.nca.1^ A H « ARSON. boas" JOHN MILLiR. City Drug Store. meut fl ; *t «i: bv lUiU- il.i’J. phiz will be missed by the traveling publi?. everybody. JACKSONVILLE, SACRAMENTO, CAL NOS. 829, 831, 833, 835 K STREET And 1026 Ninth Street Jacksonville, Oregon PERSIAN CASHMERES, NUN’S VEILINC, LAGE CHECKS Quitina;»* ZANZIBAR & PALMER SEERSUCKERS MERRIMAC SATEENS. ORGANDIES, COCHECO LAWNS AMOSKEAC, STAPLE CHEVIOTS AND CINCHAMS I N TH G<) I ‘RL N TS AND SIMPSON S SILVER GREYS princ HUmorp Croy oka, CiutUa« Pheum attSJÜV . _ •V q C°RJbp(titon ^WGuLute; GRAND FREE BALL MENS’ AND YOUTHS’ CLOTHING IMii l Miss this Grand Ccleliratim ! I NEW WINDOW CURTAINS, WILL PAPERS and BORDERS Large Stock of Boots and Shoes COLD HILL ! I A FREE DANCE ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., j HANLEY & LOVE NEW BAKERY I REDLAND NURSERY, THE CITY BREWERY. OIL CHAS. WOLTERS. Proprietor A. H. CARSON Prop’r 12« M 30.000 TREES F NOTICE Kelsey Japan Did you Sup- CIGARS. C1GAREHLS AND TOBACCO. LEMONS. ORANGES and FIGS j r _____ / Plum! I 1