¡riiejemotratkîimw. wheat option * take TEMPII.. KT J/. I KT'* fílG G I. LXD.4 I E GLITT! RING *. VI. MISCELLANEOUS. MONARCH OF the BAILIES! On Tuesday of this week St Mary's John Wilson of the Merriam planer miuefl ; .Vaiieiiiy dosed a most successful school paMAoti through this place Monday < hi«'ag«>, June 14—Demoralization y» mt The commencement exercises, em­ Farmer« aro all busy haying and crops of all I and financial «ii-a-»!cr overtook the great •curial t aper for Jarkiou. JotrphiD«' • Lukr wheat clique to-day. lhe much vaunted bracing the graduating honors of three kimis promise wel», and garden* are ex • client. Thiw bawmill if* n«»w in full oneration and will I he large barn which Douglas Livens is Lav- ‘’(.’oinbine’' i** smashed, the wheat pit young ladies— Misses Josephine R. Orth, keep «» h hau« I a full et«»ck of all kind*and dimeU. wa.s in a panic i«»r an hour. June op­ Emiua M. Bolt and Helena A^ Caron, were ing built at the Gab-svillu farm, is nearing com­ FRIDAY JINE 17. W Sion« of tion dropped from '»J’i to 7P*. the most I varied ami interesting, ami were witnessed pletion. M»n>;»ti»»n;il collap-e M eli in tliis market , |»y thè [»areni» of thè pupils and u large JesMie Tiller <»^ the Gr>- Mtumtam l«xlg«.* vitu days ago the Er< i. Err»»', siin e its historv. 1 he 1. .tXJH.tMH) liushels | llum,M.r of invite»! guest». ited Glendale Monday. Work at the inig • is pr<»- IFc do 'u rt by ce/ t i c, tiai t u • saper i • nndiicted bv John Schmidt ami Curt von <>f grain I'olb-i'tc'l Ix'ic ami bt*l»l by a the (irriuiijeiiiciitu fut < « / Mtmthly otta l he exeruMcs took place in the dormitory gr«*s*ing finely. Having plNc-d th»- tineet double Planer und Otterstedt, was attached for debt by Hr. mi «tenon* combination, of which no- -/« Ltnusufna MisaCora Sinit i. f »r n riy of J icknonvilie. has Quarterly Urawinyfi «,: '»la" t.'»r t«» I m * found in f I m - J foglie Riv» r Valley bo»lv knew anything to a certainty, will which had been transformed into a coiu- Mver. 'tate Lattery Company. a ih person m ”ii’’ mill, we will furnish ah g;<- dee of mudious uiidiloriutu. A< ro '»elves^ and that the same are conducted wAh Mr. and Mrs. J A. (’arhle furri-h Glendale honesty, fairness, and m yood faith toward ¡•intmcnt ou luvMtluy: Hyman Abia* o|»eiiing of the l*»ar. nti «'*» which m»ij I»»» pr<-nn of tho Principal Features ar« th«« of the year. poataxe paid - A. HAI.BH IN. *' N«-w York Ilerald ’ CabiegrHina, which Will be the Principal Feature of the Taper. I’., r K>.'k\rirn i M frmiman oi New cruwil became utterly demoralized, . kind friends, brings joy to us” smiled a Sck'DAX E xam INXH, 1 year, postage paid The south extension of t!ie Gr<*e*n Mountain Pre«. N. O. National Bai.lf enables uh to have Spo< ¡¡.1 Wires that en­ York i* represented a* saying that the panicky new* kept coming in i~ iroin ' all " , _____ yjlent ______ buteloqm’nt welcome to the assetu- < ARI. KOH *>. circle tho GI o I k *. ThepMtr«»!«» of th«» Fx- ledge, owned by a joint stock company repre ­ Our Commercial and Financial. Mar ­ P a Y a RI.E in advaxce . linu snakinn session > , , gUV,t* Di-ino. rat. are sure to carry New York other point*, ami tin» morning Pr»M. Union National Bank. AMiszucan always n*ly on th«» Pullet and ket Reports. Mining Interests, In any locality where there is an axeut, t’iR sented by Messrs t’larno A McMullen, is pros- I M«»«t Complete Bu«lp*t <»f thn Lat»-t News, Railway and Shipping News at the next election. He Raya that theie closed witli almost a panic. Daily, including the Sunday Edition, will 1»« d. Promptly at I :.J0 o’clock v. m . the pecting well, and is presumed to la* a continua­ • AJ I FORM A S ITJ.i l . (lathered aud Compiled by their most Effi­ Cannot bo Excelled. Wo Pueitively Cover livered at li cento per week. The first intimation of trouble in the i* a totter tight going on over Sherman » cient Corps of Newsgatfivrers. 'Jacksonville silver Cornet Baml played tion of the original ledge. tho Field. ami Blaine, and that the l»emu«'rat* will I wheat »lea! ap|**are»l day before venter- THE WEEKLY EX a MIXTR. Tho E xamixxb will, at times, contain «HEK illLI I tllLI.IIIX HI a T1;II!I 11 1) J. W. Bingletiuy, of Abraham A Co., has re­ the exer­ day. when the July peg a! S5'.»c Waa !'‘h <’Pl',,t,1K j overture, ami Special Telegraphic Dispatch«*, that n<> Pnblieation day, Thursday. Tenns^ in ar! melv carry the Hate in conse<|nence. O ur F raternal D epartment , vane«)—One year, fl ; Six months. !'• cents other Paper w ill have,owing to the I’«‘rf«»< t an entrance march, finely ceived anew lot of dry kcmh I m and groc«*ri< s. broken through. That let July down so cises "’— “ began •*—’—* by 1 Notes and Doings, aro Reliable, Accurate, I »os tax e prepaid. All PoetmaNtere are authorized Kystom and Difiereucoin Time. which Im is selling at b- I rock prices Mr S. to roceive bubavniitiona. Specimen cepiee fiec. Gossipy, and Interesting. Tin follow me jKjstotTice changfH have . fartbat the marginal price for J une, ; rendered by th«* Misses Reuter, Chavner, manages the leading dry-goods house in this sec­ LITERALLY. THE “EXAMISEB" LEADS i r 25 yf’.'irh by the Lvgis Rem ¡Hances can be made by express, check, lately been made by the President: which wa* kept at ’.*2.l«c, wax inevitable. B y I tee, Bolt, McAndrews and Nunan; then tion and is selling large quantities of goods, 0 IB SOCIAL and FASHION DEPART XKMTN, Car Lui X»«rpUitg Cattsporutei Trio». •ilure t’«a I-.ducat lonftl nnd Uhiirituble purpoiM--*- jKisial order or postal note. tw«»q>art chorus, entitled OI K M’0RII>G NOTES, and DRAMATIC Sjiab Emery han U-en appointed (><•*'- .Iose|4r Wiltshire, of Cincinnati, wa* here followed a With a freo field to cl.t^so from, tho with a <*.-Atal <«f fl.t»«','«»» to which a res«»rv« JVMIUH. rpiIE I NDI IreSI'iNED TAKEH ¡1 i ASIDE IN Address all letters t i f SaUinlay, Sunday am) yesterday. Re- ' IfC.MisKH mid»' oxriuHi.x arrxngf-m-'urb CRITICISMS, AKE THM BRIGHTEST. fund of ffwin.iiti has sine«» I mh * i » nHtie-v of Klamath apmvy. A new Glendale, June lith “A Welcome We »Sing, by the schodl. 1 iiifiTMiiiig tLs public that ! ♦* l.an t;»k«-L THE EXAMINER with tl»w i.-n-at Eaat.-rn Dailies witu f . ach Uy an «»vcrwhclminff popular v«»t«- its franchise We shall not only have the Most and Earli­ cliarg«* «»f th«*M* well known l:v«*ry stables and ¡H>»totji< f hae been eHtaoli.hed at Meda, l>eale 1 interveiw* have been lrebl bu- giving evidence of capable direction and 754 Market Street, oor. Grant Ave.. IS THE DSI'AIITMBST IS WHICH IT I'XCEI.S. est News, bat wo shall Strive for a High »v.-ih ina«l.-a part «»f th»- pr«--u*nt Stat t-Const it nti«»n ; tween these two Cincinattiana and the if fully pr»*pansl to attend to a'l buhinees in Lis Hoit ’ t Gt-t Caught Tillamook cunnty. with Wallace Yale* Uru L asiicus N ews is, therviur»», fus L est . •standard of Literary Excellence. id«»pt««d Doc. 2d. D. 1H79. careful training m voice culture, while lhe ban Francisco, Cal. line with promptness and dispatch and at the Tliis spring with your blond full of impur­ postmaster. Margaret McDonald ia ap- . Chicago broker*. At one interview at Fhe «»nly Lottery over voted on and endorsed by most reasonable rat«*e. introductory solos by little Mamie ami An­ ities, your digestion impaired, your appe­ the ¡»»opleof auy State, it never scale-« or post- l>uinted |«>stuit«tre»> at Arcata, Maaon Richelieu, last night Kershaw left ap­ IM»1|HS. tite poor, kidneys and liver torpid, ami nie Donegan were especially well redered. parently so troubled in spirit that thoee TURNOUTS. r < jnnty, W. T. Itw (Jrand Sinul«* Number Draw lugs who saw his lace felt that a panic was The salutatory by Miss Emma Bolt was whole system prostrated by disease but will take place monthly, an«i lhe Semi-Annual The stables are furnished wifi» the best of team« inevitable. It is said that Leonard the finely modeled effort of a sweet, mod- get yourself into good condition, and ready Drawing-regularly ever six months i.Jun« and and eatidlo-liorse*. and new and comfortable bug- \ i.«»i.i> washing-machine lias for the changing ami w irincr weather, by Deceinbei). Bloom, a scalper, who learne»l of the gi«*s, carriages and hacks. I est woman, and each heart felt more warm­ taking l'ooil’s s.ir-niipurilla If .stands un- patented bv Henry (a. Blodget of Harria- A M'l.lAhlB «»UPOKI I Ml Y IO Hordes I m »arded, and the b«*t *»f care l»♦■atI( hm 1. giving an WIN 4 I OKI I NE. Eli II (,KA\h hurg. It fiaa two concentric cylinder* ou them. »old wheat on the strength of it ami ! ly welcome as the well-chosen words of appetite, and for a general spring medi­ mtAWivi.i i . ass ».. i\ rm- v \ i > emy <> f T •¥ Hatisfaction guaranteed in every ineUmcM. (jive revolving in a tank of water, one within MUSK NEW OKKl.WS l l'I HbAY. J H.Y ma»l<* »•>■*,»KM) on the decline this morn­ j greeting fell softly as the dew «m ’he ros« s; cine. m«* u trial and judge f«»r yourselves. I.UNG RESTORER, SANTA ABIE, another, the inner cylinder |>vrforat«>d. 12. LH87 2 r> h Monthly Drawiug. perfect in purity ami diction it vibrated as W are Ten II u II ni -«* only. that thin w heat conier was manipulated , at eventide; Mich elevating srntim nH are ' I »•• «»rigitial und «>nly genuine «»cmntiiir com­ Hahi-s. 5. charged with «¡un ksilvcr, a hopper feed­ by the mahjdoroii* tlarjier, who repudi­ j the inspiration of genius, guided by » druggists of Rom_*. Ga, say; \Vr have been Fifths« $2. Tenth«, $1. pound of Abieüm» Guin and Yerba Santa, ing the sand and quartz pulp into the selling Dr. King * New Discovery, Electric for ( «»tight*. (’« Ids. i.ung xml Bron­ ated hi* losse* made in lssi. The trans­ the loving heart of u true and noble wo­ LIST OF PHIZFS inner cylinder, when the machine ope­ Bitters ami Buckien’-' Arnica Salve for two chial Trouble*, etc., etc. action*. however, liecame so enormous man . 1 ( SPIT AL PRIZE OF ft’»o. '>:u years. Have never bandied remedies th.it rates to take out the particles of free I (ilt\ND PRIZE OF •’»O.'MO 511.1DI T.td Hay Fever. Rose I * >, u -j-i-iiri.w-u.* tion. There have been some wonderful AUMO j 2 LARGE PRIZES OF lll.Olil. B ew \ heof 1 mitytio . sk None genuine unless ( old Catarrhal 1 ><»afn«'ss. are! Sore Eyes. R«*- the Standaril oil crowd, by W. M. Hagg­ on the Stairs.” was finely rendered by the cures effected by these medicines in this 2Di«<) J I LARGE PRIZES OF r».i a > n 'u»g ler, and even hail tlie ba» king of Rocka- school and evidence«! the close attention city i • J'.U« ¡ Severn,! cases of piotiounced con th»* Labels of •>a<,h bottle Not a H»»erot com­ tasteaud unpleasant br«*ath. resulting from Ca­ 50 5UU 25.« «4» • malar w»nt out circular letters to lea«l- feller, liegan to lie Itelieved. The claim I given each scholar in cnltur«? and deport- sumption have been entirely cured by use pound. Fur sale bj all druggists, wholesal«* and tarrh. Easy and pleasant t«» us<- Follow dire«- :i< I 140 an oi a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discov­ Everyone s duty is not to allow the liver the ing news|>aperA of Alabama, Arkansas, that it was really Harper of the Fidelity I ment. r«*tail. tions and a cure is warrant»*«! Send for circular ’All 2OJ ... w.i« u Meunarh amltbe kidm-ye, three great organs, to to ABIETIM: MF l»b \L « 0MPAN) ’ • ery, taken in connection with Electric Bit­ "Uli) ■ Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee an«l bank, Cim innati, is now suppiseil to l»e IVO ... 60.IKO iH-rom«* < J<»is’g«-d or torpid, and in tim«* exp«»l al) » The JuvcnileCoIiopiy indicated the quick ters California, owners of the only Abietine Grov» FRY SYN1A ABIE AND CAT R -CURE We guarantee them always. Sold a 1 1,010 50 ... 50,(11 K) Texas, putting the following query : “In true. impurities <»f the blood The Oregon Blood and Distillery in tlm world. J perceptions of the little ones ami did honor < ity Drug Store PBKPABEDONLY BY APPROXIMATION PKI/.I S I'urltler. a pur« ly v« ApproxiruHtmn Prize» <»f v3Kt veto of the river and harbor bill, do you Hrunkt anr^a, or Ligtior Habit, liver. aUo those chumm I by impure blood, as Bil- 1«MI «1 1». STATE TEACHER*' ASSOCIATION. who are loved and rvsj»ected by their ■J«>.... favor his re-nomination bv the I demo­ i«»us: « -sn. ( - »bbtipMtiun. Sn k Headache. I>>sp« ju 1U0 < >r«»vlll«‘. Butte (’«»., U.S. A. 100.... Can be cure«l by administering Dr lla’nt C ‘ pupils in. Scrofula. Eruptions of th«» Kk:n. Rh«'Uma- cratic jartv in 1S68?” Thirty-five ra­ Owners <»f ih«* oul.v Abietine Grove anil Distil­ (« U len Speciti • It an be *iven in a cup SANTA ABIE AND CAT-E-CDRF, tism. etc. Try it and you will find it alaaya vic­ phes were received. Of these twenty- I>E I* A KT.MF. XT nF Pl Bl IP 1 XsTRfTTION’i lery in the world. The essay.”Mercy.Nobility s true Badge” of tea or Collet» without the knowledge of 2.179 Prizes, uuiounting to ......... ................ <» torious m it«» I mt tie with dia«*ase. {■ w Application for rat«» t«» clubs S alem , June H, 1887. i lx* mad® ;4*»SEND FOR PAR I K UL.ARS. -even were in the atfinuative, six in the For Sale by all Druggist««. ww*re $| p» r lx»ctjo; 6 bottlee for $5. by Helena A. Caron,was carefully written the person taking it, vilecting a >pe« «ly and only t«» the «»the»» of the company Hhould 1 ............. ............. . hi New ()rh*ans. The State Teachers’ Association will permanent cure, whether the person is a’ nega’ive and two non-committal. j ami gathered many events from media val F<»r furtimr information write <’l»»arly. giving moderate th inker or an alcoholic wreck convene in this city, We resplendent light, when Mercy's kind Specific in th< ir cuilee without their km»wl M. \. DAUPHIN. New Orleans, I ji . edge, and to day believe they quit drink torney of l’ortlalld, was found dead in aid in promoting an«i developing the ed­ ! and loving hand had set its seal upon mg of tlieir own free will. N<> harmful < f <»r M A. DAUPHIN, Washington, I). ( . a Is'.I in the Ta< ina jatlon Sunday, am! ucational work of our State. An excel­ them; the writer orphaned at the age fects result from its admini*oratiun. Cure- the vrr»lict of tie- » . hiht ' s jury wax that lent programme is lx*ing prepared by of 13 years, paid a tou«*hing ami beautiful guaranteed Send t«»r circular and full he l ame to bis »leatli fioni ovei»iiiiik. the executive committee and will be tribute to the teachers who had hles.-ed her particular*. Address in c«»ntidencc (••¿•leu \l.¥% ORLI. Mil IO * %|. BINK II»' is sai»l t<> have Isen a very blight S|»ecifie Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, (>hn> published at an early «lay. Prominent New Orienti*. Ln ami intelligent man, having held po.-i life with their iii'.tructiun and counsels at teachers and lecturers from our colleges, tions <>; trust, was a I leik in the Oregon I St. Mary ’ s, which had been her home since rAr-p Bl°od Elixir is the only 1?F\I TXIItKI? Hatt! nr.w.»: « .»f ... .. universities an«l leading public h 4*I hk >! s legislature last winter ami one time held *^^'*>*^/* ** Blood Remedy guaran­ I i I j JII j AI I ) Ut » : al- B» ,i iir»-gar«l ai.vermuent |s»-iti »:> in Alaska. f|.. ercises of the iu»sociation. Every effort oi an analytical thinker, Ixautilied by tne teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup­ i”.te«-«»f (l for comfort ann. REMc.MdER -’i- i>-.(«»fa:ll,ii.' th«* Willamette \;dl«»yand San l raucibco. well-to >lo. and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. ,-hl ililMlili RHbl I! Mi |ov H i: tXKs.f cessful. Arrangements have been made The grateful remembrance of the New Orbans, and the t!<-k’-t- an- sig: .-«I by the bv which all membeis attending the as­ f any imitation r.vmoas « tlii« ait«*rn al! from the hearts of those present the ear­ When ahe w;v> »(lull, nhe cried f«»r < asteria. pipe, l he mills embraced a sash and |w*rsons attending during the «lays of the nest wish that tlie young girl's life When she bci’amo Miss she clung t.> ('asteria. • l«s»r iacturv and complete plant for thin­ association. E. B. M< E lroy , might ever be « rowned with th • loving ning out finished lumber. The Himes When bha kid Chi’.drcu. she gave them Castoria Supt. of Public Instruction. kindness am! temler mercy that Lad spn-.pt rapidly from the place of origin *,o«**f’ k* ‘w’*°n Uorvallii and AH-ar y nnd San Franoc«» Rail and Cabin. *14; liad ar d Bteeraje. blessed her girlhood. to the surrounding strin-tuies, Im hiding KI II 1 'Till I K I > *».<( TIO X>. ’ Hercules,' instrumental duet with three five homes erc( t«*4 for the families oi employes near the sight oi the mill. The WM. M. HOCUE, pianos, was exceedingly well executed am! C. C. HOAC, <••••><■ i rei M».i» The following »lee I- have het n recor»le»l Acting u. 1 . P. Agent. Uxs is estimated at insurance, was a rare musical treat. Corvallú». Or. <».» rm ». The mill was owned by John in tlieotli e of the comity clerk of Jackson The song by the juveniles w.ts wpll sung, ’ arson, a pioneer hop-grower o! Puyal­ county during the month oi ’-lay : ami we wouhl begla«! to nomtion • ach dear A * .I^ioi- •»» to M »retire 1 Ro.vland lup, an l C M. Johnson. pr,.perry ni .M»«li»-r<1 < •m- i«-r.ifioii. i,s«M>. littFr girl by name, for th« ir p»-rfect «»ruler M.irtlirt .1 R<>ivlan«l f » Anna Barr ; |»r«)|>- and dignified genteel deportm mt during r;di« iilous and spasnH>’ic apnllca- ♦ rty in Mc«h<»r«l «'«»n*..b r.r «»n |4n»>. the entire entertainment; all are certainly J«»hn ti *Vi0 out at Washington. This is • » x • r . Co. to B J. of them were met for the first time ami we piobably t»e« au>e U»c season is dull ami Lawn*. .'*<• ami .'•»• )'»■!■ v»l.: Mika»l»» ('nrtain Scrim. »l»>ulile f<»l«l, q»- per A«l.»in** .ind > I. B«-nn«-tt trusters nf Med­ will therefore have to he reluctantly con­ *4 in the i »after haw noth (V«!.; Ail « alf I> S. I’. »»t. p» r pair; (’anva** Base Ball Shoes, $1; ford Bapti>! cLtirch; property in M«*; Mi**es. *ame. >»1.20; Ladies’ ( art led ior doing bttmiess on John W Short t«> IrU'tei’ »»f MedfonI part.ciliated was well presented an«l in S’in l.kv. I»d acquittvd mi ap|s*al. The l »d_*e N«» I O.O. I wheel Hat-. 2««v; Dotihh- F»»hl Nun'* Veiling, “e per yd.; White pr«»|»erty in Med- s«»me parts gave evidence of latent elocu­ tionary talent that time will fully develop. d -trict •mmi-i-iuia*is have been called f«»r«l. <'«»nsiderati«»n •<•». B. K.. .’•<• p r v»L; the B» *t Denim Ovi-rall in the market, «'».>«• per Connecting at Y aquina with the train- of the XF.VER KNOUT TO FAIL. »lohn Van IL»rnt<»J .'■* Walter property Miss Josie Orth, in solo and solus, as the upon to deci»le whether nulk and ice I 'pair; « tc.. < t»-., etc. s :; iio , ooo worth of *ea*onable merchandise at like HUNT’S REMEDY haa sat I from lin­ Oregon Baciti.- Railroad Co. Landlorn-iderati«»n $.’♦<» J. S. Howard to P»-t«-r Britt. 11.» acr s in La«ly, deserve special mention, while little gering disease and death hundreds vho have 4a\, and in Imtli ca-cs they have pro­ prices. Little Butte precinct. Uunsiileratlon Bertie Goilter as the dumb girl was the been given up by physicians to div. nounced in the affirmative, one law ♦ 1 m H7 •* ’ O\» t if«».<»<••• p» »>ple purchasing good* through tlie Mail Order l»erfecti«»n of the performance. I resurrected i- a Mary! uni statute of 1723. HUNT’S REMEDY rur«-a all IHscase« Nettie I. l!«»ward to Martha <’. Howard; The ’ b'ummcr Flower Polka ' instrumen- FU )M TAQUIN 1: Department »»f th» \p.»fher was en 1« ted as recently as l>U. I pr»q»«*rtv in M«-«Lord < ‘«»n^hlerat «»n 1200 1 tai quarette on three instrument«, rti'iM ms FKANC ISCO: of the Kidneys, Bladder, 1 rinary Or­ by Willamette Valley. Saturday. May 21 Willamette Vail« a .. M«»nday, May H I. J. PhippM t«» Martha B Howard; prop- Misses Caron. Reuter,Orth. Ju«|g<»_ Nunari. The milk an I i« «• di^’ussion is sufficient gan», I>r«»p«y, Gravel, Diabetes and Eastern Oregon T u « w <Í m >. • i Eastern Oregon Tuesday. ” » « rty in M» «il«»r»l < '<»n-id»*ration $2» ” >. Willamette Valley to, tamp the character of Ibis intiption Incontinence and Retention <»f I riuc. Horton. Burkley and the Mi*-« > <’oliohan Saturday, Jun«* i Wiliam* ’ te Walley Saturday, “ Eastern Oregon 1 James F. Weils to Wm F Songer: and McAndrews wa- a marvel of musical it Eastern Orwn on comm»>n sens«*. .Sunday, June 5 HUNT ’ S REMEDY eno.uroges sleep, Willamette Valley property in A>hl imi. Consideration . . Thursday. “ lrt Willamette Valley Tiiurvday, “ genius, highly complimentary to the young 9 Ea«ten Oregon Frntay. creates an appetite, braces up tlu- systcui, and u 1 a-t»*rn <>r»‘gen I Mira (rane t«» Nancy A rulers« >n ; prop­ ladies and their instructors. ............. Friday. 17 I OILMAN, PROPRIETOR, C. H. Willamette Valley.... ....Tuesday Willamette \ ,]1< y renewed health is the result. . Tuttslay, “ 21 nnrsei yman erty in Asldaml. Unn-»¡deration »isno. The three young la«ly graduat«*s were Eastern Oregon....... W«*dnfxlayJuly 6 Eastern Oregon , Nancy Amb i-on to il A Gryder; prop­ then presented to the audience, and tlieir Wednesday,“ 711 hthi 71»» J Str»- t. fill 713 and 715 Oak Avenue. Sacramento, ( al. ami i .»»ow.-roi A*hl>iii,l, thinaathere HI NT’S REMEDY cure« pain in the Tw«»-St«»ry Buildings. erty in A sfilami ( onsidt-j.it i<»n f7‘*>. diplomas were read by Bev. F. X. Blanchet, I rhe Company rr*.*rem> th« right to change nailing f Nt Joseph, and afterward <»f the p- teb, pi'im anti prune trer-a in section 1 ! F .’»s, | \v. Female Diseases, Disturbed Sleep. presente«! by parents and guardian The S. B. TOBY, Gen F. A P. Agent. .11 thia vallee. Uh-r l.av ing ptnne>l hia Lose of Appetite and Bright’s Disea«»'*. John P Walker to M Mickleson ; 320 Rev Father placed upon their heads a • I M«mtg<»in«-ry Kt. Kan Frai « is«-«>. <’ h J. |a-ach treea thia war till hia iiei|>hla>ra a« res in T is, s R 1< ( onsidrr ition |160n. wreath of pure white flowers ami pre­ HUNT’S REMEDY quickly induces the J H. « itw< n-«idcration ommicratiou $250 $2.50. that they thus attain«-«! in the intellectual, ing about Motihl probably l.e able to etc. Kura U lanner m \V <• Tanner, land literary, social ami scientific world j keep the tettile bivaroma flown to within I in Ashland precinct. <’nndderation floo*» By the use of HUNT’S REMEDY the The valedictory. At the Threshol«!. de­ pro|a-r limita; but thia week he haa hail Kura U. Tanner to W G Tanner; land livered by Miss Josephim* Orth, was a bril­ Stom«bch and Bowels will speedily regain their to pii-k atnl kma k tin- young fruit *»lF to in A.sfilami precinct < '•»moderation ll.'iOO. liant effort, bringing out in beautiful simde strength, and the blood will l>e perfectly purified. Manufacturer- of the Joseph I ’ray to A ’ Johnson : 1G) acres the tender parting of the boy from iiis keep the treea iroin breaking, until the I HUNT’S REMEDY is purely vegetable, in sections lo and 11, r>. R W C»n- mother, when he plumed his pinions for ground la-neatl> ia liti tally > t»vi r» »1 with and meets a want never before furnished to the flight on the board plains of active life; the young p-aciiea, and he la atill airaid sideration $1U"” U S patent to Samuel Randies; 160 how he turned again to take a List longin g public, and the utmost reliance may It placed that he liar left tea» many peaehea on the acre*» in section .'S3, T 37 >. R 2 E look nt tlie dear home-nest that bad so long I in It. trees. Young tree* in A-hland noti-are- U.S patent to John W Richards; 100 sheltered bun, ami brushed aside the tear ! I Neither in Qivinrity, i,»iili’ \ \ in»»' •- /• of Tr.'«*s. n«»r Health and Vigor of same, an«i embraces HUNT’S REMEDY is prepared ex­ fully watched hav>- already la-gun break­ at res in section 32. F 3J» S. R 3 W. all tie. ba Ln,’v r - ofAPI’Ll PE\ll. I’Ll '1. PEA« II i’RU NE. APRICOL, NECTARINE. tliat had rushed unbidden to his eye as his I pressly for the above diseases, and ( BERRIES. M.MotfDS, IU Thus. Reynolds to R. .1 Cameron; land farewell gaze rested ou the kimi face of ing down umier the weight of th»- grow­ "I I has never been known to fall. 1 in section 10 and 11. F 30 S. R W. Con­ his patient loving mother; so wouhl the ing fruit. sideration 11. One trial will convince yon. For young gra«luates pause at the threshold, G Naylor t«» David H Miller. p’operty to recall the blessed memories of tlieir sale by all Druggists \ n-ii.i liti» tg»> Mi s. I’b irle-» Wil.»»m -dta m Medford. U«m¿deration ♦»’•“ Alma Mater, the kindness of pastor, and .in»! tu r <|.tu»^l»t. r hili.i. wìuxi» hu. b.tml Send for Pamphlet to (). A C 1 ransrontmental «'<». to E. L. teachers and schoolmates, and in all the p: i- i ; < undtn tur un th» •». C . ami re» ideo Liiler property in Medford. Considera­ HUNT'S REMEOY CO., untried future that was beckoning them in La ’ t'»'!'l»n l went Up to «'n well tion f«?*’’. out int > active life, they w«»ul I hear with I I’rovid« •»«•<•, R. I W 11 am» Eiuene I Aikm »n to Mary ihem the happy thought that they w.mld una h it >». .t Y < -t» i lu -Mi. Wilson r’-t W Pr.eiit, land in AshhThd. Considera » relate Ito the e i» Iside r» port.-r th» fol be remembered iii the devotions of the •4 Ì If yon vant to buy «l»-ar ones left at St. Maiy s. Pathetic ami lu.'.»i.g . »r. um-taîK —> t their unir»» a es- tion |2tXM t windmill, buy the E V. Cart« r t«» Mary W Pracht ; Lind in exquisitely beautiful in language ami *♦ n- E. J. BOWEN, 1*. BARRY BEAR, tin- best late shipping variety. cape trou» sviioUt» iniurc, it uut death; Ashland. Considerati u <750 tnuent. it enchained the audience in close 7 . « Ou last Paturday ait» rn.jon Mr. Jubn T MI IR l’EA('11, (fi»'est»»ne).-till hetnls the list. Í! D. A. Presley to A. W Presley; property attention. i HÇ i Ipil < lilfrvy ut C ltswc U, Or., ;u « ••¡npdl.k 'I in Ja peer. danced and p»_*rf«»ct!y i I her daughter îuiia, ut Last 1 uitlaii'I. in erly m .1 i« k*.«mvii!«-, ('«»nsideratmn |1. participated iu by the s<-h«»ul wa* a fitting II c Dollarhide. Jesse Ihill irh’dc ami ' finale to the interesting exercises. -lf-regulating. ptr SARtlENT l’Rl N E, never before offered in Oregon, i AC R R <’«> ; I Marv Etta Dollarhnle t«> <> In the school rooms which wt-r«- thrown tile rcM'heice ut Mis. Wi¡.Min’s father, It is this which, in adrieil state. i»»rins the celebrate»! |rrnne, D’ENTE. ■ right of way (or tailro.ol. Considérât ion i together for the oeca-ion. was displayed the boises t.etk iriglit. and ran .»way. Mr. •S4M». Gard« n. Flowerand Field St eds. Clov»»rGrass- the fancy work and art exhibit of the pu­ OR, Alfalfa. (>rii«»n Sets, etc., etc., in all varieties ( Ereneli (!«>tiserve*h G i ¡tre v amt wife wer. thrown violently H. Atkinson:1 pils, consisting of portrait. I iml-cap«* ami A. P. Hammond to \\ ANI» li and l«»ts to suit. to the _r.»un.l, th»' lath • u-taiiung ii'ju- property in Ashland I Consideration |l. BERKELEY (•«H ISI'.BERKY . the most prolitable of them all. i flower painting*. drawing. etching, largest ami most complete stock in the North­ Ilaiiiiuoiid • to W. II. AtkiiKon;' »-mbroiih ry,tapestry and needlework. Ea« h riva from w Lieh »Im In 4 this morning, \ u west. Merchant»», fanners ami gardeners ar«» request- having l»n ken a I , . arm ami thigh, property in Ashland. Consi4»»rafi«>n I , piece bore the name of theaitist. and th«- I.anixmaloc, King’s. Soft Shell and Paper Shell Almonds. e«l to writ»» f«>r prices. Frank Gaihnv iy to J. C<»wlt**«: prop- I ! display was artistic ami elegant .transform­ Mr. tiiliiv.' stun k « a bin in i'l. anti is erty in Slwdiord. •..\»n*itl» , i . ilion 5 1«*«. ILI.I XTIUI FD ( 11 WHIL E M tll.ED FIlEE. oiiisid.-nsi seriou-.lv hurt. Uber» the ing the school-rooms into a miniature art 8« »nd for price-list and catalogue to LARCE STOCK AND VARIETY SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Frank Gal!«»way to J C. Cowles; prop ! : gallery for the nonce Foo much praise lior/es to»fuglit Ml-. Wi'-oti grappe» I i erty m M»’df«»rd. (’onsbieration |1. A. J. SEDGE, Grant ’» Pa»«, Or. (\ iew of Fence in ]Ki*iti<»ii.) « annot be accorde«! the good »Sisters for the ix i little daughter .in.I piWIie.l her out i < W Bruha« K t » D II Miller; property ( I perfection attained in every department of Evergreens Shrub*. R,»-.»-», Cl uiu’i* ami El»>vverin¿ Blaut*. Small .»f the buggy, Imrself jumping out itunie- i»i Meoiord. < oh*i«lerali«»n $1. i tlieir admirable school sy-teiu, that is verv Fruits, (il'iipe Vine.-. Ele., Et»'. C. \V Br««ba< k to D II Miller prop : plainly imiicated by the industry, dignity diately alter. Julia, the »langliti r, cs- In th»* County ('«»urt of the Stat«* of Oregon «or < t»n*i«i« ration |5< l Jackson County. will fln»l it '»»1 h*ir intxre*« t<» In t Im matter of the estate of Ci« nient Sarrailb-t, Ciuv'*. Nickell to John \V. Short; prop- | ¡ the audience in thanking them for the Wilson «.t-' considerably bruised ami •omennd *«•«* nar »< > i .■;» »ar prx 'sTslxrex* mei!»»d cmtis apon apnlicution dec«*a.s»*nsid»Tati«>n ->¿»«» A'lilr»*«- all Coinniunx'.'t <»»»»• «<» ;enj«»yment of a moot «lelightful entrrtain- -haken up. but i telegram received yes­ •rty V«»il« I H HEREBY GIVEN ¡HAT TUI .1 O. C. Wimer t«» Sarah E. Jaqurtt; j H A IVt VI O N BROS., I* »'»•-lix. Jn<-k*.»n «'»»univ. Or. I ment at the commencement «* .ercisc-« at t 11 Administrator of the «•stat«» of Clement Sai terday bv her himlutmi from the attend­ pr«»perty in A»h!and <’■ 4i**i«!eration |»si. 1 St Mary’s Aca lemv. milet.> Sanimd Denny; property | Jjp'k-on c«»unty. Or., his final account as such ad- Hblereri »latig.'i.. i-!v lmrt.au I that a »lay in A-h'.ri-l nnni'-trator, hth I by order of Haul court Tuen [8 .NOW Ü.NDEK FULL HEADWAY ANI» IS 1 prepared to furnish the niark» t with every ut >t —n . a . M.. ih net tor hearing. All persons int»*r»»st«'«l scriptinn of lumber of a Huperi«>r quality at »he Arun«lalv donation claim No. 11. T. 3S. S. b» r- l>y n<»t itud toapp«*ar and file his or h«»i ob­ K. I \\ ( onwiti. r.iiii'ii AIJ'ji» ject i«»n»* t«» said <»n or b«»f«»n* enul «lay. tion guaranteed. Martha W. Hargadim* to Janie* Kilgore j Publish.i| by order of Hon. E. Del’«*att. Jinl,» All orders addres«»*«! to usât Jack»*onvill** will C h » m klh wa~ inhTvi,-wi*<| l»v an an«l Govan High, for J F. Hargadine; of suid cuurt. J. SOLOMON. ei vo prompt attention. PARKSASON Agent forti man relative t*> th»» future <>f I deed <»f trust to land near and ir« Ashland. Administrator of said Estate Dat«*d June 10, ls87. t>r«-zon A Cilifornia r»a»1 Th»» ( on-idcr iTion ( ireular* ami small -amples of K-itt-e «ent on applk-H- C T. Blake to J. N Teal: property in Southern I’aviti»-, In- -ai I. would not fake ti««n. Ciiarg« - prepaid. Address the artnal mana-•cm» nt oi th»» ju-operty A-hland. «’ousiti« rution l>4o. J N. leal to J. IL Daw-on. prop«Tty in until ttiroiiz'f rail < »»ni.i » ti»»n was made. Ashland R. Ii. \. I'EXCE CO., Medfor«!, Or. < oii*i lerali"ii .*!«•■» 1 ,»nstrimtion w»»rk on l»oth slot.-s o< tlie <’«>r. Front ami Morrison St».. J W Alnuit io L \ \ M I* agon prop­ H . B . REED, Age it for t !;< Ho ,rr Fenr«». HE COUNTY COURT. AT ITH MA\ SI S- Machine now at Medford. Hiskiyotis is verv heavy, and it is impos- erty m A-lilan-i. (' »nsitb ration sion, having ord«*r»*«l the delintpi« nt tax-list oKi g <>*\ J. W. AlnutttoJ W Sfjepard: property’ sible to fix a »late »lu ll the lines will Is» for 1-ssS t«» be turned over to me, with a warrant attached instructing nm to levy up«»n and se!) so i unitesi, but h»» tboii^ht the tbioii^b line in Ashland Con**i«lvrati«>n #163 much <»f th«*go«sis. chattels. <»r real pr«»j»erty of >«• •« tli »’.;n <»«’f Bri«-k. 1 irU-cIns* in nil K«-*|»« c1x Etnma JiiMtuü to B. W Poweli; land near would l»e eoiuplete»! Ia»nt the middle of said d»»!in r«»anv will, of course, l*e tn San h rat»» i-eo, pr«»perty in Ph«»enix C«»m*ideration $250 i fr-The Eemond lhsUaurnnt it» uübUrpn>-*MÍ in t must b«* made. All tax»*s unpaid by July 1. la*«, ml gen»»ral frec^ht atei jxissenger olfiees John F K« Uy ami Fitzhugh Newman to wdl I m » collected according to law. Mileage and ti*e city. will be »Mablished in r»etlami. ai. I ner ­ ( Emma M Adams, pr-aperty in A*hland , additional costs will be saved by an early re­ It will b« ‘ • ( ’ otiRi«ierati«*n j-FM. sponse. bai* an assistant manager. D eixjc * I* Three I« no r oc-l. which r*n rival n.tnlnjrv IL W. DEAN. John E Ro*** to Henry Mentor; prop­ he tioliejr of the company toencourag, fol r : he « un» ut hu . : tal * on.-tipation, t indigestion ________ and Sheriff ard Tax Coll»»ct>»r of Jn<’ks«>n (Or. ertv in Wo«»dville U’nnMi'ivration $2*' I » . re. ou»pt and effl 7 ti .» T • •. -i Jjj »S» a.-- |»r ¡ Tuiiipt »inmigration into western «»regon, ami Jacksonville. May 16. 1K*7. which ha® a reputation second to none. Als«» agent for the Nancy Ann Priddy ami hi:«bami t«» J N enui ax their task U u piutiKsTeh 25 .U. .tie he Southern I’ai itie wi'l >le\»»tc as much CERMAN ASTHMA CURE Gutchv'*. land in See. 24 F 37 S. R . 2 W I In^tnntly r»»lipv«fl the m«*t violent attack, and •nergy in inducing p< »>| l»‘ to settle in • 'onsideration Í'».'»•• Walter A. YVoods' Mowers, Reapers ami Steel Wheel Twine Binders; infl'ir»** <->»rnf>»stable nleep ÄO WAITIM0 far RK- his state ar it ha»! Usc i in drawing sel­ Sarah B ami Albert G Rockfvilow to J. M LT**. Being unedt» inhalation, its action i*im- fliomas and Royal Self Dump Rakes* H.Hlges’ Double mediau» direct and certain, and « cure ia the of liockford. 111., nmunfncturcrs of tini IL-V'*- atei Mower, with aprir» attachment».b, I lers to I alifoinia Several excorMons M. M«< all; prope rty ip AMUami Uum»id- i l.r. PEUS will be given from Sun FrimeiM-o alni eration fl. vince* t he nioflf ^ki rrtical Pri«?e Sic nii'l $1 W •A »»fs. P. Hsn'ia. ile.-e»s -I. are r»..iu*—tisi to other M-aver. with |c.a .iraft. nd t'.e.-d.v :: ■< Liti we h Si-k b-Edge liM-d d Plat»»*, which prev-nta Draper Hea.lers; Gaar, Scott A Co.’s Thresh­ of anv druggist <»r ny mail Sample I'» «••■ for When the n»*irt. Kidneys and Clnoln* setti*, the «-im*. forthwith, if thev W1S» to save J. R Cooper t«> (ha- Nickell: 161.53 m ints south, to « »regoli iluring the snm- the »no— from al »pi.in» f,»rw.*rd wh»-n o... -.-■■» e... .tnk. ■» it. ¡Mwide. having th. ot»ly »matti that ahar^ num.) Dr H. k < HIFFM \ \\. M ’ w. W.nn. lion mo i* a hoa.Jjy oullUou all other j coets, a. the busi news of the estate mus lx» womtd Consid­ enaitMdf by u-o ner, with the objei f of showing inopie a acres in S«i- 1. T. 37 S. R , 3 W ailments are mt.« ••»i.le lasnes ” »hirtl ■ npwithoal further delay. ers ami Horse-Powers; Rock Island, eration fl«"«’. rea.liljr yield to treatment Dr. Flint « -ouutry in which to make their homes, H. K. HANNA. Miller G. Royal to Maty A. Freeland; Heart remedy exert, aaj- Ifl and direct Administrator of the »state of S. P Hanna l'be Southern l’aritic holds to the idea propertv in Ashlni:«l Walking, Gang and Sulky Plows. ( •»n-ideration $1100. action sn tbi • <.|| xna Uacriptire trea­ j encased. that the way to build n;> a raibuad ia to J W Wa!-b am!«. M Willard t«> Au­ tise a.x-ompanieaoach hottie, vr malle.1 free, it »ill cel« brnt' d standard R«-apera, Mower* a;-d S «»«-I Wh«- 1 liny Raket» of n g »mlocs not rnj«>v a boom goods in our line Jowr than ever Is-fore. Write for Catalogue am/pri? benefit m <«1 sell them t.«vi«l. The owner can recover the animili by I"W ’ gfwsl • of Dubtiqu.». I • \ «).vT th -v»< ’.«I ■>, t as the b*4t ov«»r made. ed on the I«*h farm. All persons interested will lami in Brown>bor<» < u^i:» t RED HOUSE, TREES? TREES! TREES! •» HAMMON BROS.' NURSERIES, Our Stock this snason C i. DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Notice to Delinanent Tax Payers. > Id /V I l»i ’HABLE. >*rriT<»« VM) CII12Æ1* ESMOND HOTEL T FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT COMPANY POBTI.AND,OR. ASTHMA QVBEB <><*l<*l»m 1 <‘<1 TN«*wton Wagon KNOWLTON MF C CO Settle Up Notice. DR. FLIMT’S HEART REMEDY ............................... . L_... Est ray Notice. I T WARNING EMERSON, TALCOTT <&, CO.’S NORWEGIAN PLOW CO.’S Inarin an