K*<> y 1 1. THI U I It ’.um*". wh«t obtain»*«! tw«» Mi"3 l/iura Wridev. of Manzanita pre- » '« pheasant«’ eggs in the ■•imt. \\<- !i;«* sorry to learn, has iMC’«ini.* M*t»in Wirt R< h >! and wife made Jackson vil»»- poll TLA Xi> quit«- vi-i’.rnt ami lias been returned to th»* WiLainette v.-illoy n t long since. n«»w ha« •>«■♦•.; '!» Kidnev l*u. V« UF.AT—Receipi» light and <*Lipu ««i>t» by to­ a number «if the birds running around Ids call Wednesday. i ¡Kane asylum Repair y«mr *iV5c per Guide, standard authority on land ques-i as mother« to the quaint little stranger« W R. I’ottar of Little Bui ; Ä Read the new advertisements. Mr«. P. P. Prim has lately received, «li- tions, can be obtained by calling at the . bn*: »1 i - qtuited net with a strung market. Wal­ COMPOUND EXTRACT in town Wednesday. rectly from the East, the bc«t and mo>i T im km office soon. la \\ I’a points still name 00c net. San Francis­ Fnparalleled bargains at N. Fisher’s. Jl'SE 10. 1-W7 FRIDAY fashionable styles «if siiap»'« in hats, rib ­ •<> Mr. and Mr>. Th«»> D K»»-« I. Inlow A Ashpole of Engle Point are c« n- , co L.iyerb to «lay uirul.« a call on al! seller»» of A PT Health is quite goo»t in this vicinity bon«, and millinery gem rally If the la­ Klamath couuty. buy» i isb7 an«i many of than* will hare to settle CIRCUIT COURT PRO< EA'D/.VG.X Jacks«»nviiie will celebrate in grand style. sLmtlv receiving new goods, ami kcep"m* dies wish .«nmethitig tir«t-cla«s and real of the best stocks of general merchandise Mrs. Bell, acc«»mpani«-d by 1»» «»■i »»•«'.;•« of about *2 10. Chicago, June wheat < >1«! newsp ipers very ch«*ai» at the T imes in southern Oregon. I "tylisfi, they »hoitld give her an early cull bort, were here Haturday. • The following proree«!in*s liave t.xkrn ofthe. c'*»- I at 92c with all option* -trong. Logan, the A«hlund photographer, em ­ Cantrall Bros, of I niontow Circuit court for Jackson county has ad- i i»la«*e in the eir«*uit court for Jackson FLOUR -Standaids strong on bust» «»f >4 75 The Cr'ierion * H »»n h^s '»«“*n neatly re­ juurned until after the fourth of July, ploy» the latest ami most improved meth­ were hi re during the week. I county since the la-t i-aue of the I imfs 1 h«* re»jfloat ie gmd and shipments are liberal. painted. when the Hamlin case will be retried ami od« known tn the a* t am! leave« nothing .-..and Messrs. Diner nnd Strait of A undone to give satisfaction. He takes any OA 18 — Dull an»l not changed. Bhipmwit« by Chua Nickel! vs Win Justus; c«»ntlrma Croquet Mels at the S. F. Variety Store other business disposed of style of photographs and finishes them made usa visit Wednesday. BtfHmer 1*13 tons. ti<»n. Sheriff a sale contir»n«»d Jacksonville • John B Griffin is now a resident of the t beautifully, which is why his work is so Tims. E. Nichol« was at the c ninl> «eat J»i"hiia Patter’*«»») vs. Ab. Gid lnigs \L> I POTATOES None beim »liippod and «ronsuin- John Watkins of Butte creek was here Dea l Indian country, where he has taken | popular. * Wednesday on r«»ad business tion for a n«*w trial argued and submitted not ere favor California u«-w. up a piece of government lam! am! com­ lung since. No Fourth of July celebration was held Geo. Hum ot Klamath county is visit­ J. H Oatman vs. A. G. Epps; m re­ BUTTER Liberal Buppiy m l market rather menced to raise stra k Yotile «t (¡ilrov s new planihg mill at Ash- in Jacksonville last year, in order to give ing his «»hl luime on Butte creek cover p«»sMe"sion «»f personal property na»«y, the range being !•’ to 2u «’out«. I The Big Butt»- saw-mill is ¡wing r«'paired other pla«'es an opportunity to monopolize I »nd is in order. Judgment for plai tit! J. T Lavton and wife of Applegate made ft'id put in first-class condition for ; the < r«»wd. Thi" town will celebrate tho EGG8 Receipt- Lax.*-ohi up clu«“ and Lt?c A L Reuter V" Ben F M;l!«r *n:r I'h » ■*!»* and wiic iiave gone t«» the the .M*a«oii’« work. A W Presley i* art- ' ruining Imlrp'-ndenc” Day in a fir«t-< la".« Jacks<»nvihe a visit last Saturday . g* Morally quote«! to-day. in e«|iiity to f«»revl«vse ri«»rt7ag»* Jude r n «> t i irout I manner, and no e«l at will he returned I day having the largest quantity carri»’«i for tue mortgngi-d property ord.*rv-l s« Id «•n every ham!. The importance of purifying the blood can­ l b«' Engle, i proiniiu r t u»ct< b.«i>i of i n”.«*>n. l hv mark» t h«-re i« not a «¡ui« k one. Asblan«! andin its vicinity. Many of the »Stute vs Andrew Hamlin; in«li«lme?d Treasurer Fisher will mike «.lie more not t.c oiereitixuatcd, tor without pure blood Alena Wcocrof A-mland i**«vi.*»itingStraw­ young orchards set «mt in the past three for rape. Jurv »iisaj-re«*«! call for county warrants this year. He 1‘lneuix, wa* in .L.cksonvilie f.durdiiy. du nt j Buyers are looking f«>r «•oncassion» for the you cannot enjoy good health. years arc bearing finely. R J. Cameron vs Gin Lin; suit for in­ berry valiev, Cal Mr«. L. A. Bum h l«as pone t«» Oregon ' ¡»art and these are refiiBHi The will th«*:» have re«!eemes Eiuin.i Coleman, an excellent teach | taiued nt times, but it in uncertain. An active the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's money. Judgment tor $.»1 7-'» er. Is teaching school in Ashland pre«'iuct L. C. Coleman of San Fratb iv» will ar­ Sprague river valley. He will «'»on lie ie« «»rd. and Do mistake trade up the country is continued. G Karewski vs T .1 Keat«m an I .1 v«»b rive here iw-xt week. j >in. «1 there by hi" family. PACtlliar Sarsaparilla. Itstrengtbens When you talk ah »at the cheapest no­ J. Tnorndilc»* and Frank Enni« ot S ’ er- Jl.dgllH'Ilt for Klippel; to recover moivv SAX Ut \X< Ibi •». r WUllai auij bunds up the system, J B. Cannon of Roseburg has «»|»cm «l a tion" tn I nuve.ties «if every kind, the most lingvilh* pai«l Jacksonville a yi«it l'nesday J. W. W il-.li, 1 itflv of Ashland, has re ­ 1127 49 ! Bags—1 iugular; Calcutta»*, H|»«it. " ib»on on the Siskiyou mountain, ami w :•« *tvli"h gent«’ furnishing go«»«!«, the finest, •«•• creates an appetite, aud tones the digestion, W. S. King an »4l.i i I, C.*l. in town this w« vk to obtain a li« cii«e from freshest candir.«, nuts »ml tropical fruit", On s turner but n«»t higher; Orwgou. f! while it ernMcales disease. The peculiar creek were a- (be county-scat last Monday In Igr.i” •! Nar.|re * re »ie ly what they "ay of th» county commissioners. KlipiM-l; to rer«»vei m »n -y the best cigar» an I hibacoos, etc . you Si 70. combination, proportion, and preparation default t »- $.>«kfM>. an«i attached i r».|n .t» ’ >regoii Ki«*ney I va. Miles ( ’ antrail, who has b<*« n attending PoLttu«*» Ucak. Wickham «V Br«mi*»r. real-estate uge.it« must go to »1»” 8. F Variety Store to get of the vegetable remedies lived give to «»nl.Ted **«»l«l our district s «-I kh »I, returned home last D Ciagkad»* of bittie Bu te precinct ar A*hlau'l. are doing a g , «i.*mis*”d »'tilled here till" week. Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- T,« Ifcolf week. they attemi t.» all in itt« r* im ru-»led b> their < hildu f» ’ ." day will be observed by the Hop* Dull anti lar curative powers. No ■ O ILScIT in«lictiue*>l for ni.ilici it’ly wounüng the Rev. A H Sunderinaii lias A. 1> H»'ildofthe Ma intain House was cure with ability ami «iispatch. Meth'idist Stimiay-sch<»ol in this place on Wh»Mit lrregu'ur, price being gov« rut'd animal of another. Disiiii""C I oilier niedii-inehaskiicb arecordot wonderful An at­ »chool at Brownsboro ami r Martin J.onghhn an expert brick maker ihe 19th tost., at 11 o’cl'K k \ m Jennie E. Buil *y V". Ch.i* D dtov Bai here a short lime since. call buani. No. 1. S- ' '*• 10. WILL WAKKAM THEPKK’ESTO BE KIGHT cures. If you have made up your ndnd to II L. Hili of Frail creek was with us who ha« been at Link»ille f«»r sonirtinie tract ive programme « f exercise has been town lev ; *liv«»rc»‘. Ref«,rr»,«l to .1 II llulf«*r lo Butter E«»-y at £«* f‘»r fr«*’« roll. buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to A. Langell, Jr . who ha* b«-cn lu re «»n a past, ha« removed to Lakwiew, in nntici- arrange«! for the ««ccasion, ami it is in­ take testimony and return into court by on«*e mor«* this week. 1. grt Firmer; frebh ranci» I1**.*.raJ»*. anil guarantee the tjinditi«** <>f the Goods t<> I k the lb-.-t <>n tended U> have the • hurch t:i«t» fully Curry county, rated with flower» ami evergreens. B irley 8t«ady; No. I f«*cd. $1 r7 1 1 '. the Coast for the Money. If uo «-/ iiiip M ^iv»* htdisfa<’tion trip tickets are now sold over the foreclose mechanic's :icn. Decree in I vor H L l"li, a prominent !-t'»«-kr:ii""r of Big Hood s Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggi-tv Stcv«,:i" Bros, ar«: tiding up many barns v» here he will probably locate a homesrrar«-v«ni -•ib-titution Sum« ’iit Fub^titutioii «»♦•■» J \ a *»’ Sier rigvitle ¡eels ‘‘happier ' «lining Fourth of July eelebrmion can | | tages, for there an* few iH'»»ple who will go ¡ bouglas («miity. riane; injun« ti»»n M-dion obtain supplies of all kinds at the 8. b. by water when they c;»n Travel by rail. druggists, ti K«iin: Ig i'll flic po pulurity of the rn *r«- Uettnite overrule«! and n uintitT^iv» n than a lur«i’ since th»* 1st NEW THIS WEE: * C W. Clarke of Womiville, as also Car Variety Stora at most reasonable rat as. attempt to palm ofl gu ,d Family lît »nt y until next We«!nes.tav to rei !\ S. C. ( irlt-r and M. Watkins of Big Ap­ Phf»t«igraphers have been over the route j ter Br«»s of Pleasant cre-'k pre •- a ma«lc other ,___ . an crtipuliiu-lv assert­ ...... . , » reparations, I H. Mnvflel«! vs L B ( x and Wirt plegate were her«' Tuesiiay Plunder’« Oregon Bloo«l Purifier i« the W. H. SOMMERS, M. Mm«»r; suit f«»r injunction. Demurrer of i great conqueror of Biliousness ami Liver I | ' •>! the California and Oregon railroad, tak- ¡ us a ct II l'uesday I ing them tu be ‘ ihe same us or “equal to Messrs. B.eckLTt and Horn of Gall’s ' i oniplaint Wo want to make your .*c<|uainUuce ami do l>UMue«b with Mrs. W (». Bishop of I bn pn < in-t, Pond's Extract, inuitferent to th»* d»«eit PH ÏBI< T A N. 8VRGEON AN I) ACCOUCHE IB defendants sustained. Relief certain in every case, I 1 i ing views at various points in northern creek were in town Saturday. • California and southern Oregon, both tor practice«! upon and disappointment there ­ I 8. A. Morton vs. Janie.** T. Morton ;
  • gue London See our name on ever»* wrapper Georg»* Si'hunipf vs John Mi . r. to I—- i creek precinct ... ® I and label river valley a visit June 14th, ftt Portiatui. which will also I»«* 1 hi ir will iKo h<* ;t gr in 1 rrlebriUi m at , « «»ver m«»nry. <’oniimie«t b»r th»' term. > evening, was favored with a good-*iz.*d cent of your money. No harm to obtain Samples and Notice for Publication ’ the occasion of th«* Pioneers' re-union J. W. Collins of Phoenix has recovered I’.stharine Boren V" l has. Boren . .ii [ Gold Hill on the Fourth of July. I audience. He Is an excel ent speaker ami ' sufficiently from his recent illness to be vorre. Decree granted ■ .idviin« »*d his theories with force and abil ­ ¡.umbert Snub, Doort, Etc. I We want ■ orr *"i> mdrii r from every p »r- 1 mid Office at R«»» m 1» u rg. Or.. / If you have a big farm and owe anything Prices and make comparisons, and it always pays. The Court adiuurned to ,M • d.«\. Julv ¡1. j tiuu of th • First Judicial Hi« ti >rm;tncc on tuinbieqp filled i able to he aiMiUt again. June 1. 1587. ( ■ell j'art of it and pay off your debts and I ity The Sugar Pun D«»#»r A Lumlær Co. of llta? M~s. <‘arolinc Srha« b. v h«» has b»’«‘n vi» Gr;int\ Passar» H"* in full «»peraUoii and VOTK 1 18 HEREBY GIVEN T hai UlF J A. L Iny.irt a i l E Smith >f Vniont«>wn I do bu"ine«s a* much as possible on the with v.ater ami placed* n u .soundin>-hoaru become the more of your trade we are was clever. i Hing her parent* In thi" (•!•»• • , h ;* re- ar«- pr« par»*«! t«» lill .1 or«h cash system. There is money in it. r«|«rs r - f«>r F ea ' c IN«». hi* intention i«» jw»k<* tin».I proof «u »apport <»f preeln« t w re in town Wednesday RrlitlhlU'i Ifrifil. We w re hiirh'v amtlsed it ov v.?i «> little Fl.Xl-IIIX’«« LlMI.lt: al ’*'» IhmT.s, D«»uRa. S4MH. ? !i«* Ju'L-e or < ¡era of II ih C<«m,t) Court of Jark- Pau! S«’ho»-!i «if S:»:i F’ram-i •' ■ ttv .veil : hie«, harmoni'*««. jew sharp«. va«es. picture th*» following colloquy h(*tw»*cn recently on a visit. the Lone Oak sehtMil-lcaise on Sunday girls, playmate«, wii«» had been •!.»i 1 piMiS and I.\ rii*- M»n cuiii»*. Or»*~'"h. ni I.*« k»*»!]ville. Or., «»e. Sat­ parao.l ko.'Wn piano-tliner, made this p!a« e a pro- Bi;.v K ETK, 1 Wm Eato i h i re oved *ii!h iently from 1 frame", etc . of every «h-scription at th«* a lew -lays on a ■count ot the idn of H* i« sniuiiul visit thi." week. n Bl, any mi l in soutb- urday.,Iui> !«.» ¡""".viz. l*«-nr) . ( i)der. Hom«*- ai pru i s t<> you know what we are doing? If not, and you are inter­ Bev A ll. Blind» rman wi 1 prem h at the . i*» recent a» »•: I”.it to be atiuiii again. ! lowest prices at thvS. F Variety Store. • Elitro N“- 4IH. for the H S « f J . < i»t.d II»T iriditi Pe*sjv of them, nan» *«1 Cllr.i .iiake a specialty <»f •t«*nd Chimney ltu**k schooi-h<»UM* next '■'umiay N. ¥ <»t S E. bee 32 I p .S. K *2 Vv He ¡"ador (':•!**> of Ror»-bui,f who -'ifl«'i ing «•rn Oi ' Jess, bimpwoii, who make* regular trips “ lam so gla<^ti» se»* j ’ ou ti' kinds P« r>ons H Bentz I;as our thanks for a supply of remarked to her Liam« » th< f«»Jl«»wma wit- < to j-rore «■<• ,’inu- ested, tend f iti««»h i-Hint.v, Papa was anxic 8 lo bave a octnr, but 1 S B Galvv, T. K. IhJton. G« ■ • Lamh-rB agents Or., and Roheit Ue."trop««f ( • ntrai Pma« Jack- Catholic church hi Ja< k>« nville on Sun he will sell tw > pi«»' es of realty on July 8th. A runaway accident occurred on the bis- mamma »ait! • w«»ulu«)' c tin box«*1 . and is June. I don't like ocfor.*' atiift. ei lHS7.ai.df» in« «hioctet! and delivered iu Eagle Point in the afternoon of the sam» W C. Harîter of Fairfield, Iowa, has A great crowd mav be expected in Jack ; Carlos Goddanl and Chas. Dori were absolute cure for ohi -orca. burn*, favor of A. L i(”iit»*r. plaintiff who recover -d a / day. at half-past four. lately been visitiAg relatives in th is < • »imly. down from Flounce Rock precinct W«*dnes- 1 «onvilie on the Fourth of July. N«> pain« nni all skin 1 ¡ml*, ch. unid hands. i juftanieut ai d decree oi (orecl«»eur* «>f areitain HfDEOHD V On account ot sickness in the neighbor «lay. I are being spared t«» make the celebration He K now the gm H of .1 M L flaml. inurtgiup.* in tn< alane i. tu ned < uurv, «»n the tic bt ^tioiiM. Will posdivriy cult all kind hood. Rev W P Williams ha* recall« d hi- «me of the best ever held in southern Ore ­ duy »»! Tune 1""7. Ai d acain*t the hereinafter «ie- ; Abietine R A. Miller, has gone to Salem lie«. A«k lor th»* )ri giial Col. Runaways still continue epidemic, a A numoer of improv enta are being to atten«! the annual meeting <»f the appointment at Antioch and will preach at - I i»v ail ’IrugL'ijbts al 25 eta ! Hcribvd real proi»**rX>. la'itingina to hen. F. Mil- ■ haxing taken place during the gon n r and Ma**XMr**t Miller.dviendatili». I um *x»nr ' ma»!»» here. the M E. church in this ¡»lace on Sunday number in «il 3'» ♦*nt-. alumni of the Willamette Uuiver»:ty. Deeds, mortgages and every «iescnption W»rk. maud- d to levy on sud «eli Mid profivrt) to Mt- at tight o'clock r m . . instead Win LI rich and J C. •1er nere in Jack- . xbf\ the judgnn nt of A. L. Reuter for the earn ui M Oben« hain accompanied bv hi« fam­ Monev t<> 'o.in "ii a:»pr*»\e«i r«*.i!-«*"tate se- • of real-estate amt legal blanks for sale at ■ sonv¡lie We«lnes«lay. H finit tl. Give ’ ily. returned • to - Klamath county ...................... i $2.2ds uu. with interestttweon troa> June 1 lsK7. ( this week, »•iiriry. \p| 'v t » W «». l aniirr. Ashland, • the T imes office at Portland price." Fh<' t'el< brntion. at leu per cent, per annum, and f 25 attorney 111« a « all, if you need anything in th»- blank i Rev M A William« I Ill V w ife " neadh I wis! » wh< re the latter will remain until fall Or»*g«m. ! fece and the sum of $14 G3 co»*tb and disbiirM»- ; Active preparatmn« are b*ing mute f >r line. on Sunday next. ».hl •heil in ■ - ilht rn Orei Henry D Kuhli am! wi f rf and upon tint* writ: : Wm I vn«’h th«’ well-known harlx'r has the coming Fourth ot July celebration in The county coin mis« ion»* rs‘ court was in and m obedience tosnid writ I cli«1 « n the "th I. \ Ham- .oi«l u r paid the county- flu ;r trip t«i Portland I» *’ •• • t . av.d are \.llr—* B gone t • » Snk;\<»;t mountain to follow his day of June. le«7. levy on •*ai«l realty, arcordin* 1 session this week and transacted considera­ seat a visit last Saturdn no v p. rmun;*nt!> settle«! at A i jj’egat«* Jacksonville ami nothin.’ will be !»*it un­ vocation. O! J iT^rsoi; in-ti !• ; to law. and will otter f«»r sal”, fu: Mold coin of I ble business,auditing theexpensesof the last h • I *up. rhstet’.de’it, i- : i ' V Oreg--- 4’ruf Pri«'"!. done to make it an unqualified «uccess tl.” t int”d Rum * of AnuTicii. at puliin- aneti.>n. Mr" F. Grob and fsiuilv have gone to circuit court, which amounted to a large ‘ lMctor* Pryce ami t iry v..-r. u Jack­ »c!i'»«»l>. many of which fo th« bigh»>t ludo* r. at tfie < «»urt- |J.>ui-‘ ibeir in The committee on programme had m»t /he Siskiyou mountain, where Mr. G. is visiting district sonville «luring the wee «um. Jackrunville. in »-aid conniy aa«i Stat”, on Iter S«ff* quite completed their labors in time for an employed. are closing for tho summer \ a< ation. Adam Berg and Geo. Schwartz made the An effort is being made to have a bal- ! nounrenient in this i"siie of the T ime * bu» >t>f ' I n. July tt I» '. , Mrs. J. IL Reed, formerly a resident «»t A fi ■ • ordci.can ♦* The mc«"h‘s is prevailing in Table Rock county-seat a visit last week. expected to make their report yesterdax precinct ami many children are afflicted loon ascension here on the 4th of July ■ this place, lias gone east, where she intends purchased chtu¡ by applying at the ! ime » at 2 «» cluck P. M of »«aid day ad the rishi, title Much fencing i« heingdone along the new ! remaining during the summer month«. Johnny Ramsdell, an ex|«nenced high- . evening However, we ran safely «ay that and interest of Ben. F Miller ami Marcare! Mil- offi c "Oull flyer, has promised to act as chief ;t ro- ( road between thia place and Jas. Bigham's the exercises will be of a very inti*re>riin with them. d'-fendRn », in and to all of th»« fol boxing J. H Downing of Manzanita precinct If Muy b< thf Opporlunity of I'our Lift. ler. Samuel Colver and Burt. Oatman came naut. farm. «leecnbed real property. to-w;t character. There will be a gram! dinm r an«! G. A. Htillenheak of Table Rock pre­ •lownirom Ph«e lix We incs lay. returning | Tl«« .x *» of tne E l4 ‘ff ■»ection ¡7. and t he E ami ball, in which all may participat« Newman Fi«her means business and is J. W S»mp«on ha»- become a resident of cinct paúl our town a call last Saturday. An unu-iv 1 »*v»*nt in Ik«* tinanciMl events of of the S F < «if without price. Horse ami <»ot racing ami the same day. Am t <•« -vi 11 •• ■ • ir. h •><• . i all doubt, at New ‘ 4 uf th 8 E U ant! ihe 8 W slaughtering gooffs on every hand. He this place, having remove«! from Ashland a- etion in towiiNhip :*'< south, of rang»- •• w«»et. Sheriff’ Dean made a trip to the Siskiyou Orl»*an- L*»i . «»n lu 'day. .Ince 14, 18b7. when the other amu-emrnt* will also take piner her» H tying ha" commenced in most part" of want« to close out a« soon as pos.sibh* ami precinct. contamina 2«»> arre»; und the E v <»f the 8 h hi of Grand Exiiaoniinary Semi Annuil Drawing the mountains last week, where Ii»? installed on that «lay. an«i there wi I probably hr a southern Oregon. The hay crop will be everything must he sold, without regard to A. L. Johnson and wife have gone to San D W Crosby a« his «leputy f«»r that sec­ 205th M-’iith!,. «if ih- L•••usiaira Stat«« Lottery 1 necli'»U 5. and the t- *g of the N E U of M*rtjon 8, display of fir works Suffice it to *av. In- generally grasl. price. * Francis«*»», where Mr J. will engage in the will tak” place. nn«i«T th” sol« AU|ierxision of in mwnship St» Miutli. «»f range " w«*t containing tion. depemience ay will be handsomely ob- Genl - G I B”auregard <»f I j M.. an«IJut>al A. ' IGO aeree, lieing in all :«»»ii a« roe t«»geth«?r with the .J I>o«ige of Kane creek school istrict insurance business. Th»* rubber-stamp fiend is again among and appurianenre«» seive<1. and those wh«> attemi the celebra Henry Ankeny, who has been at tlie Early of r V«.. V i., hihi >« 1 'I * I .• ” hi 1 win will oe be ecairerea M-attered • tenement* ................... » ........ • thereunto oel«»ng. ... . _ Wl^o ap|».':-tainuiK. B«-ware of him, a> his wares never ha« finished his .assessment and will soon Fresh tropical fruits can always be ob­ iu>ïdvr «»« of tu ie -. *. th.*coM ■ «•! of win-u which I<»r for «Q Wl r ' , ” > " H I ‘ . .i lM vi ;,tt;n 1*- houivr'- ”' Ki tinn will have every occasion to feel glad U" . I <»iven « i ” , r un »» ti under >. <■ <>r h ‘* .O. be ready lo receive the tax recently levie«! | ! tain» d at the bakery; also th ' finest can­ Sterling mine for several week« past, re- atn«c2". mid for fractionnl halve« $10. for turne«i to the Willamette valley «luring the that tney have «lone so. • for the purpose of building a new school­ dies and the best nuts. IL W DEAN Hberfl. twentieths*!. FL* First Capital 1’rise will be Sexton Dunlap will dig a well in theJaek- house. week By N. A. JACOBS. Ih put). 13 hi . '» j . Fr.” b”«’<»u«t The thini $50.t)“0, snnvil’p cemetery and endeavor to secure Protnfffiona. F. Hnbbard is selling heap? of agricul­ W. E. Hurt!, J. M. Shelly ami H. N’eu- j d'.w.i t«» lo-s«'f >l i riz- . \c.y inforirati«.»n can he ' Cayotes are becoming quite numerous! a supp’y «if water. ' had < m ajffibratioti to M A l>auphin. New Or ­ tural implements and machinery. He stadter. representing wholesale Imuses of Sheriff's Sale. The following promotion-» have been 1 and t oublesome ami are doing much dam­ l’hw mny !• • the opportunity of yUL1 IS . life i The phrenological lectures delivered here few «lays. sioner« should place a bounty on their •*u«*d «»nt of th«* Circuit ( «»urt of the S»ato of I the year ending June 3d. Lv»7: «•ounty this week. by Prof Morris were well attended and ¡ E. E. Miner. formerly of Ashland who scalps. Society Me tfin/jK. »»regoh- for JMCkeon county, «»nth»* ltd day of From grammar to higher department, Fourth of Julv gorxlsof every description utuiT- Jim«, 1*»S7. and to medirectci! and delivered, in now represents a leading sewing-machine M Warren L'nig* N<>. Ii> of .Tarkson'Ule W. J. Plymah s stage has come to stay, gav»» general satisfaction i Mamie Linn, Maggie Shipley. Mami«- Day at the S F Variety St«ire. Jacksonville. A large audience greeted S. P Putnam, agency at ban Francisco, called one day I meets each W< dnredaj di j ” s 4 h ; eveiiing at or i-rec-dina . »»*••«"« W H «ikin-on plaintiff, whorecm-red I lie nirtk-'N regular trips twice a day to con­ Bettie Muller, (»us Pape. Jennie Park* r Prices reas »nville. Ashland 1. .1«. No. « on It.nn-ilay ajniUraent ot ■> loreclreiire of a ,1 cenun t hist week the full moon; A -J .... ... ----- ------ -- .... the well known Litwral lecturer, who a|>- . ... .rt ran • in r, and t ’ k he o dwree ntureo re, o Wth ;n«l third Tu ” sda)s. obtained by callit g soon 111«•«« streets, and he commenced w«»rk last Taylor, Monroe McKenzie. It.y All».i_r'»t. <’lri!idi*e ran Oureitizens ar.> «I»*«idellv in faxorofa i W I’ Miller and family, who have been I. (»• <>. F. - Jark'ontilh’ Lodge N»» l‘‘ im*e»s of f7S6 un, with J h < h 1 interest ther»»n from date of >n Newman Fisher. WrdncMlay. This is «■» rtainly a commen­ niaca ia nized road he wv» n here and the i in California for sometime past. pa««e«l ever) 8.turda.\ avenins Uhland L<»dgr No. 23 at ju«igFM*nt. and jSc Oil attorney fere, and the -um Frank Obenchain. Willie lluinui. Willi« Rjcenta corte and diftburHemoiitt». «»nd ale«.» dable act. Rennies. Ray Jackson < larence ll» am«- For .sometime past every berth in the cmintv-seat, and will lend a helping hand i through the va'»hy thi* week rn r«»ute to the »-anirtime, l’abb* R»»ek Encampment N<». 10 : ' «J me“t" at Jai'k* »nville on every other Tuesday ev­ the c«M*ta of and upon thia writ; aud in obedience | East Portland. Ida Webster. Rosa Brentano. Haiti»* Kent -1. • -wr . b «vit g San Francisco for Port- Y«m can always find th«- nicest a1i»I fresh { to nani the . “thday June. 1*8“. A great many teams have lately t>een ening of ’ach mon'li. Ruth Rebekah Degree;:--------- writ . - I dut. .,■ on *..* ----- r’ of ------ : — Ida Beni. Fred Langell land has been filied e«t «»ranges, lemons, tigs, etc., at the S F. union .ing wool at the «b-pot, a large' quan­ | S. P. Putnam «»f <’iiicag»». secretary of the bodge*«» L.f.lH.’„a. to t^ ..«h. mar were made at the close of the quar- women bv u*ing Gilmore's Aromatic Wine of camlies and nuts in southern Oregon is vaih'V. vilie W« dnrsdav, aceompanh <1 bv W II. l.n the »«.-ODd Lan * «» «• ».>t bidder. at th” t ourt-Houwe door in Jackson- al-o kept there ; terenling March Hth Breese of Talent. s«»l«| at < ity Drugstore. # I 1 h ’ h ' ü » Mr.a. Orra.mion-F.KOrhontM.Trib. So. 1. • ’»>»*■ ,:i e»H««uat> and btele. uu The « as»* «.f Miller vs Ragsdale, tried in G. H W < it . Principal. Paul 8ch(rn, a scientific tuner, will make August Brentano, having recovered from Imp'd O.K. M., of Jacksonville. every Tuesday An excellent communication from Doug Saturday, ./»7v ScA, /¿A., lustice Barkdnil’s court last week, resulted ' is « ounty arrived yesterday, but too late regular trip«|to Ash'and and Jacksonville, in a verdict for the plaintiff in the sum his injuries started, for his home in Evans- A Noted l^eftarer iw fA* Land. day. all the r*ght a /» I- W »t two tW«l o'clock I* P M. >f »f »»aid bHidd-cy. tho naht arriving here about Oct. «5th. He will tune asked for. ville, Indiana, this week. He will be gone A. (>. L W.~ Ur>»....v Ban”er ljul.-a lxdg* K'n No. moot» meets t.VAri every at tor publication this week. and mt»*cwt of Efftabcth McHatton, I had- S. P Putnam of Chicago, a noted liberal other Friday evening; Ashland Ix»dga No. 66. on title several months. Hvron Presley has finished teaching a piano« in first-class style at the rate of $10 deu* McHatton an«i th» 1 c*tat» of F McHatton. A ’ ou can always get a nice, clean »have tho first and third Wednesday evenings of each lecturer, arrived at Ashland last Saturday -uccesstu! term of school in Sait creek dis- tor two tunings. d»«*ea» John H. btitnmel. who represents the month. and shampoo ami have v«»ur hair neatly ed real property, to-wit; F its : All fits stopped free by Dr Kline's trimmed by calling on B * W. Powell, our well-known house of W. W. Mont ague A and has been tlelivenng a series of lectures rri«-t and is now in town. | Beginning st the southwest curnsr of the lot Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after first called on our mcr- Co., of San Francisco touHorial artist M. Obenchain has purchased a fine st al in different parts of the county being at owned by Hiram fcariow m the bity of Ashland, married . ■ chants this week i -n of J. W. Hays and took him to day's use. Marvelous cures. Trcatiseand in Jackson county anti State offünwon: thence A*hlan<1 n the 5th. 6th ami 7th, at < «n M. E Beatty, the real-estate agent, has $2 trial b«ittle free to fit cases. Send to Dr. i Mrs. O. G F«x»t of Table Ro -k precinct. west parallel with < Lurch street 2V fret; thence tr.d Point on the Sth ami at Medford on Klainath conntv this week. a large number of farms, a« also other MCLAREN-TETHEROW-At the r«* d«mc” of north 1<»4S fe»*<; thonce east 2 »9 fe»»t; th»»nce Kline, 931 Arch St. : who lias been paving Calif«»rnia a visit, re ­ k’h This evening, to-morrow evening ami I property, fur "ale. and intending purchas There will t»e a ire«’ «Vnner and ball at W. L. W«>bi»ter. in thia city, June Xh. by Rev. li4‘C feet to the place of beginning, and contain­ I I I he residence of M. Obenchain. in this turned last week, accompanie«i by Mrs Sumi y morning h«’ will heture at the I l ers should give him a call. A Blovar, Geo. McLaren and Mies Sarah E. ing «mo-half of an a«*re. with all ai d "irguU the »« k"onvillr on the 4th of July. Every- I J. place, as also the fence enclosing it. have Hall ami son. M I. Ha'! at I «lent, » losing at A-hlami ’ rk I v i" invita'I to participate. Tetherow appurtwnancer thereunto belonging ui ia anywise I For sale at a bargain— a cosy dwelling- lately been repainted ami present a neat on Sunday afternoon From there he gor- Mrs. H. T. McClalleii ot Roseburg (nee ANDERSON GILBERT In Creecvnt City. Cal, appertaining. Note", receipts, due-bills, orders ami appearance. We hope to tee others follow , house not far from the center of the town Initie l>a.r»Holei Given under niy hand .h«s «*h «lay of June. I6*?. tu « o«»s county ami then to the \\ illamcti» June 1st. at the Kui»«*nor .ludga ’ a Chamber«, by Mis« ( ’ elia Orth) i»rrompnnh*d by R«\v Mc- ■ of Medford. For particulars enquire of R. B. W. DF.AN.8ner fi. t the H »n Jaa F. Murphy. Walter Anderson and Valley. Mr. Putnam is «me of ibe nms ••he« k*. in book*, in quantities to suit, for this example soon Clallen, are paying relatives and friends in I ! T. Lawton. real-estate agent By N. A. JA’ ORB, Deputy I M Hattie Gilbert, both of Del Sort«- county, forcible, argumentative ami pleasant - peak sale cheap at the T imes office. Dr. J W. Robinson, since his return Jacksonville a visit I - Cal O. Gilbert ami family will return from ers un the American forum, ami those who The weather has t>een quite cool during from N’ew York, has resume«! practice, A J Florey, the jiopular magistrate, of Sheriff's Sale. have heanj his lectures speak in the high the past week, with -ain threatening. ami can be found at th«* City Drug Store, Crescent city. Cal., about Sept l"t Thev Eagle Point, made u« a pleasant ca’l Wed HYNHEN JOHNSON- At Grant’* Paw. J^ne let. b> John (»«Midell. J P.. ( baa. Har.ufD and , in Jacksonville Dav calls in the country report the lumber trade of Del Norte nesday. He rep«»rts health g«M»d and boun­ i’r«>ps haw «wen benefited by it. est terms of them M iss Hetty Johnson, ad of Althouee precinct. YVIltTfE '»K «N EXECUTION DULY 18- county extensive ami times lively * The programme tor the T mirth of July promptly attended to •nM Out of the County (>»urt of the State of * tiful crops prosp»*ctive. NORRK DRAKE U Uia reaid«’t»c»' «»f the Kemurknhle Recovery. i Oregon, tor Jackson county, ami to me dir«*cted TRUNKS AND VALISES celebration it thi" pi i< «• will be varied ami i 1 W A. Williams of St. Louis Mo , was in I After tlii, month Kcv M A. Willi inis bride's rarc.il la iu Ashland. June 1st. by Rev. Messrs. Hunsakerand Dodge of Ashland I here at the Good Sumarainn l uipilal an excellent «>ne in every respect. Jacksonville this week (or the purpose of i will hoi.I xervine, reeularly at the new wil! close their music «tore an«l cativa«« J Y. Milhgan. John H. Norris and Mies Sarah finddelBcred, m fnv«»ro furnished with neat and com- ¡ orders for pianos and organs I 1 am commanded to at*’l hereinafter «iuBrnb- ; «tomv. Th* I'Riient it Mr-. Geo. Hailey. ■ elativ***» of O G Foot of Table Kock pre­ tured by the firm he represents. • fortable «eat« linn 5 «si premia«*«, levied uu. ¿naer god by authority of cinct. are visiting this section C. (’. Beekmau ami family. Miss Ida o( Jenny creek. J ack ton county a wmna I W R An«lr«»ws has returned to „... I a writ of attaohiMunt on tlie 2d «iaj of April. 1887. • Med Tt has been rep«>rted in some parts of the I. B. William «of Antelope creek sn|<] his Prim hi »«I Frank N’eil leave for Eugene age Hnd tb>' niotlier of eleven children I in said action, to aatisfy the judgment of th ; wool, amounting to several thousand county that the game law was amended at ' ford with hi" family ami resumed the pra< - I «ity this week, to attend tlie commence­ ; 81'AFFOKI) - In Linkville May Oth, to Mr and I abuye-muued plaintiff« for the sum of 179*28 Fen davt a an ovarian tumor wei^l.in ticeoflaw. His office is* one door east of Mr*. Wm. Staff*»rd, a daughter the last session of the legislature, in refer­ ; and interest ther»*«»n at eight per cent. j»er annum ' : ment exercises at the Slate I nivvrsity. lortv-four pounds wat rwmoved from lu r ponmi". to J. N man this week. ABNEIT—In Linkrilb*. May Nth. to Me w»d fr«»mthetith «it> of Jun»*, pwljind t o further aum j ence to the killing of «leer. This is a nus- 1 the poRtofth-e, where he formerly held forth. the operation beiiu; performed by I»r VY F. C. Kane has purchased the Harga- ■ take The old law continues lo be In force He will a« t as city attorney. Walter Sutton left for r«>rtlan«l this week, Mrs. J P Arnett, a daughter __ O: _________ ___ <»f _____ __ tbu , \f, 1 : of V7 unrt». ______________ and also the (*<>>!« and upon H Saylor, assisted ny l>r- Wells. Wilsoi •ine «reek ranch near A«hlan I paying $4. PJvaw writ; and in obedience tu r»aid >aid wrr 1 will «\ffar o5ar for Al «tie ‘ .if st h‘eted, to Mr. and writ;j»n*i and Strong l'h*inciaiou is already healed nil for it. It contains 157 acres J H Whipple of Woodville pr«*cinct lost which a prominent business man of our lodge. His daughter. wb«> has been at­ mm I u , fur gold com of th Un;t»si Stat*»« of Amer examine Goodf ami Price- before purchasing. Mrs. J. 8. Morgan.» nun Kesiiectfully, and the patient no strong that it would la a fine colt recently, which irup^ed itself on tending our district school, returned with ! BECK—In Sterhngvil!»’ precinct, June l»t. to ica, at public auction, to the highi*! lud«ier. at We ar-* glad to learn that Hon. II II a picket fence. A team of Thot. H Hav- town and a young la«ly residing not mativ th” « ourt-HnuHe door m Jacksonville, in said safe to remove her from th, hospital i J. NUN AX Mr.an«i Mrt».G’O lh«k.M»*on. liifrv is rea’iing a rich harvest in his real- inond of the same s»-ction was also severely miles distant will be t ie contracting par biiu. county and Hi Ate, on such a step were necessary.— Portland Judge Webster. District Attomev C«»lvig •NEMHAMElt On Ex ana creek. June 3d, to Mr t es. Me congratulate in advance •-late "peculation'» in Washington. I Oregonian. injured by running against a barbed-wire St fa tiny, Jufy Mh t ISS.', Mrs Daniel Neathauer. a son. and Messrs. Prim and Hanna left for Link- A few new potatoes have put in appear­ fence The mu«h and milk sociable annouiwed ville this week, where the regular term of at tro o ’ lock r. m . <»f aaid day,all the right, title ing; but it will be a few weeks before 4 BWk. Mici intereat of th«* said G«*org»» W. Williams, de­ The .county commissioners court grant­ to take place at Stanley's Hall last Monday the circuit court for Klamath county will j dii h. fendant. »n and fo all of tno following described Atx»ut a nmnth ag«»one W. K Bryson, of here will be any quantity of them. ed several li«pior licenses this week, all be­ I was postponed until next Momiay evening, convene next Momiay. real pn»pert>.to-wit: on account of Prof. Morris' lectures. A Dollarhide A <’>. rec-ived a new «awmill * ing 1 * a issued l.y.7MV.l to w.. persons • oyrrra yrv- ’M « ■ to «ell whis* desiring fortland. came here an«l made an agree i J. <'. Whipp. the energ.ti. proprietor ot I RMi ru |nyrA,-lV. Muy aith. Mr». Hnath. The E 14, of the following deaciditd premia««'. • st week over the O A (’. R R . to re­ ; ky on the Siskiyou mountain. There ar»* good time is pr »muv«i all who attend. the Marble Works, has re ♦ 1.« Jackaonville f Mnrhln Work« rp ­ - | wife of Jac th Siuith,ag**d dM)ioadi thence weat quois «ounty MLums. :i phy *>« ian <»f twen- Jackson county ami c»»niinen«r«i work along the *•<*»! ► ide of »aid Mtao»*-r»iui to the weat it may inav soon b< be nest newspaper or periodical in the United ulating them ami rxtomling wishes tor a ! tv year*’ exnerience, has hjeated here for parts of the « unclar> of said donation claim; thence north to the practice of his profession. He will the nortnweet comer of saif Hacti«»n IM, tlw 8 E *l»e 8 * H <»f the it. It prrventw m wrll aw ror*-* T. IHU • AU those indebted lo the Wheeler and persons not to trust him Eugen» "he will her. liter resi.ie with her family. 8E *4 w d the 8 i M1 AMHB, APnKTM» MI Kit Wit Schutz has had his saloon on Ore­ is hi« intention tn retire from business City Guard Wilson Sewing machine Co. will please office will at the V K liotyh ti«m is. m township as vmih. <»f rauge one w«*t. Callon him ‘ and price hi« hardware, ami .-on street neatly remodeled ar.d will re- HKADACHK, KAI m EA, U1LK. W!.\!E àNIHVEHTlOS, «'ON.^TIFA contaiuingit) a« r«.«t>. all in Jackson county. Ore­ »'.J- .Mli. W WlW you will find it to your advantage <«» pur­ make an immediate settlenu nt. All over­ gon. -uin«' the «ah’ of beer, etc . at that place. TION« DIARKIla:% ami DkNETO » ila, ed in chase from him. * Rap Ki ReaOny af the Uee-rt Guon under my hand tin* "th «lay of Jun«. The preu iar purifving and huihling up laF.MMNKMM, FAMMI TI* l>F. 1 Ol't óKF.ATH, nn«t rvrry dM-a*»;* browrh» I < < >( not paid We an* sorry to announce the death of E Jacobs means btisiu«'«» when he «ays i an attorney s hands f.u Whenever you feci art Uneasiness in the if . m | -•'.'■•-s|-:irilla make it the ou or acwraxMied l»y h di-*«»»«» . ozrfr^h. >t t« o m .«“**»1I • ntraln-* i he qndersign- region v f the ueart, a slight pain in th- B. W. DFAN. Sheriff Mrs I>r. Colvig of Rock Pou t, which <»<* very best mv.li« in«» to take at this season. 1 ho will dispose ot his entire stock of mer­ | wnhin u reasonald- siirn Ry N. A JACOBS. Deputy. . H. «¿. ri*. blade. or when you find yourself abort of pione< rs <»f s«»iither<* Or«’g«»n, a lady <•' Kitjoving it" "Umm«T vacation The aver ole are invited to cull, aM they can have , Saturday. Any letter addressed to Jack­ Sammons Tt l’iinDe* tb* BIo»»d, < » . • ru .-b su. • Tînw*. re, g v»* u * v Je »-y#» -u* a many fine traits of «'haract»*r and highh ige «chu.il boy is consequently overjoyed. g axis at their own prices. sonville will also reach him Business is breath when exercising, or your heart hn- l»eriod.M of beating fast, vou have heart dis­ resp«*< tv«l by all wh«» knew her She leave' In the Cir»*nit <'«»urt «.if the Hutt» «'f Or«w»> for ik>»ltby and DeRglittu» l e i ' ’ e *» f»»r tb»* X'.»-»' • \ * « al I-. À; ; meant. P. BosxEvtii,g fi rat-class W. J. Flymale is having & James Sullivan <»t Salem. Oregon says ease, and shouhi take Ur. Flint *• H« art y hU"band’ and several grown son" an- daoO'iu c«»«intj. b< lug compoted ot b» ’!»" i J i!. '» - ’ ' ■ . i ■ j -.I m . I î «. îi E . irirtnpb ta n> «u». .• v h»* was cure I of th»* A “th ms by (»¡hnore's wagon built for the pa.«.«eng**r traffic ___ ... be- Remedy At «^ruggisiM, $1 5u Deacrit»- 8ylv«*M»*r l’**pu«*'w Governor •»( 0r< g«»r.. <»»*«»rge laughltT* vh«» l.ave ;he tl.< ‘ .mpaihv Lanu*»*«». y«t rfliea iuii-. Jtn t. •'. I i.. • r.j a . » read, «t tLc urne at «ra, a*»î /. O. O. F Election tween Jacksonville ami Medford, and it tive with »’aeh botth-; or .iddre W. M«'Br»d»*, kwr**1«r) of Hist«*. G. \V W» hb >ohi at ( jty Drug Store ali in their bereavement. Th»* funeral l«>»k Magnetic HrJr Tr«*a*tus»r of tt ♦* State «»f Or^goi >. I^s*rd *>f -»•rjw *>«•!*• will be complete«! in a few «lays. H»* is At the la.t st it.Hl inerting of .Irv-lvn ti,il!e J MackAi o .S E place In-1 M miav rih I v- »* a?!ct l»«t f- The W ill. w .'«pr’ng*’ school, which has leaving nothing «indone to secure a liberal Fur Sale U_> ail Pru&trls.ta uud (»rtrert. < <»mnj»M»lon«r« f«>r theiwh’of 8rln»ol and I iii- lexigr No. 10. • < ' .4 * many of the friend* <»f tl.»* de« ea‘ »«•en etHci«*ii*lv mm:» « •! h»r the past three "hare «»i public patronage. Iiekl Saturday v«»r»»ity laMitiaof th«* 8u»t« of Oregi n and for the Eamoua H’omf’u. inv«*»-tinent of »lie fund* arimina Hi r-*fr »m. ev. n nM .1 ,,i*.' pn, the following i officer* month« bv J i' II ill. adj »urned la«t week. Plaintiff*, vf . Hannah F. Davi*. Jo»>«-ph IE Da- Ma«l anie Trebelli, the greatest m living Were' • hrt«d ....... Stell Zigler, while pitying la«» V.h bp- i'.r the en*uii>g tern» Ihta ticen in Toern. The M i*"id. grand lo«lg« * meet in l’ort- Win. contraltos, who ha.s trav» h i extensively, vjn . Mar)- M. Dm»*. !!• nry A I mnnor. Jo* ph :»iid «m Ju’:” I’»'!« I . o Reaup'S and I). day. fell am! fractured tv.th ¡«ones in his lirnelf. N G. ; S|I hr J. Day. V. G T. B. rheag*nt for J IL Pm r A (’•» . llieb Solomon, Jacob Wall and Miv Etnidme Tin­ left a-ip, )Uot ubuve the wrist A d'irtor Kent, ¡tec Sec K Rubli. Treas. Instai- in fact visited every country an I « ity of ier. l)**f«*!!dHnt*. mom!. Virginia. Las b» en in lown aistribii I ion will rcprv««'i>t Jacksonville fraternity. ! was called and reduced th»* fracture, and . latino will take place on the first note in the world, ha* just «¡«parted ir«»m Tn Hannah I Dari« J«aun>b IL Davis Mary M. j meeting the slope of th»* Pacific, ami ufter express­ Jas o.r! in I of '"Gkiym county, the he is getting along a« well as could be ex- ! in July. ting »ample '?• and painting the c«»tintry re«l Dav»*-, Henry A Fren:.er. Jo»««*pli Holomon. | I Ku milet Boati» of (rrant's Paa»-. Josephine | well-known trainer, will Imndl.* a fast trot- ing great a OK above named Defendant«: Fair« l»il«l thi" «ca- grandeur uf our-» ’ euery, aud acknowledg ­ >a»M ’ o F.M'.rt. The tn neral ver Several parties from Portland are avail­ rh«*wing hd' .l.luniahing fiurr..., In the nam«* of the » ’ ate of Oregon .yon ar»* here- ing |iig delightful, invq;Graking indueneenf ing themselves of the low rates «»fft”-»-d by diet <»i the «-hewcr .f the w < t d i-. Es« ort is «0’1. y require«! »<• apt »ear and answer the complaint ( li is the duty f every .. person , ..... wh.Q !i«s climate, h,H*i «• tv.ijpied her thoughts to I rr:ght now < him - bv w »y of theOreg«»n the railroad « ompany to those «!<•**:« ng to f the ab«»ve Plaut-ff« in the above-entitled' '«»urt ; situi •.»’ fine. ii“l w l«‘«>k for a targe sal«* o- I liM-t B..-1 loe s German '.rimali Svru; i > i» t i> paper th* follow ing neat and complimen­ Pucifi “ mm h « l >cker tl.au i-y Portland now on hie with the Clerk of «aid Court. » it bin «fiend part of Saturday and Sunday in h h the tirami The reputati im th» V have f» ■ wiiiderfiil •!”’•■» *.. r i; uo7. fi io their tary not**, which will remain us living evi ­ ten d ya from the 'late of the *erv»ce »f thia Him In cop«'qiii ’ uc« m/m' ’ t" tha* way are • sudi« i» »it; th» ” , mg :> th»* streams along the line. Some their >cr»41 I ag 1 •'i-t • ■ ___ „ < 'GÙs.iìHptTon. .. ................... . „., rlr dence of heropinion : u»Tr*ng Severe .non- upon you. if wived in Jackaon count). Or­ uill md rut lh»ir name t.» a p«’.»r art;» !« I arge get oil it Goul Hill every werK. egon; but if M»rvcd in any other c«»nnty in th«» I " r'* -..u ’ ’ . Croup. Asthma, a Pneumonia, and P ortland . <> r . Apriltith. 1M87. ’ ’ — r - in umtittiu, mid We «.IV. chew E"«-. rt The ch z •’>" »fl«' < re« k. wh«» intended 1’1« IffMll A number of cot ;« in v wn ure <*.».,• rule«! ¿in fati all throat and lung diseaseM. No State <>f Oregon, then within twenty da)« from Dear Mr. Wisdom:—I have tried your i r.«> < 11! > e • »of July« with l»ea*y belis.* wh|ph greatfy annoy j person can u?*e :t without immediate re- ••Roiiertine," and it gives me much pleas­ the date of th«» «er» ice of thia eumtnont« ujx»n you; or if «-erred nj»on ) <»u out* de of tho State of < Ire- Have ffivei ' ■ •' ■ w< are in» our p«»pulatir»n at night. Complaint has I hef Ihr Hamlin / UHC. Lu »lock, consisting of rhree dows will relieve any cave ure to «ay that it is excellent for the com­ gon or by publication, then by th” fir*t day «»f the (oriufii. been lodged with the board of trustees, and I and we enps.id« r it the duty of all Drug’ plexion, being one of the be«t articles of the \lter being out si . t v hmir*«. an«l there term of tht- C«»urt foll owing the service of euc’u A. All »r I m I w!L* •»! Ia'onr. acemnpa- unless the nnisan e is abated, legal steps I gwt-io recommemi dying Aummona. t«»-wit: the first Mon«ia) in September, .............. H * tu the po*»r. *1 . «1* Illg kind I have ever used. Believe me. yours being no probabilità of an agreement. n e«l by »heir «laughter.Mrs C. W. Wolters will be taken in the premises. i**;. consumptive, at least to try one bottle as sincerely, Z. I kkdkli i . r ................................ Judge Webster discharge«! the jury to of Medf >' Laud. app«*ar and anfcwe-maid complaint, an hereby re. EOMItrf. which I»a vs Andrew Hsmlin a» H«»« !«M'k hi* t On the valley r*»ad leading to Ja< k-«n- W J Marlow <-• i’.utfc creek ha« been at the penitentiary at Salem, is now em­ Such a medicin«* a" the German Svrups-nn- th»» r'lief demanded in tl.e complaint, to-wit; ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Friday night. Tiña * a ,» s tb« th rd time 1!» P TAI ent visiting relativos ployed in the Bay City Iron Works at San i.yt be to«» widely known. Ask your«Irug* ville, a pair of «pecta« les, in case, ami ;il- For a d»-cr»*' »»Ka.Ltt Han- a! I Ilavi«* and J«»«<*p Francisco. He states thst he meets many gist about it. Sample bottles to trv. sold most new. The owner can re« <>ver them (Wh« D CORN HEEL . BONELESS HER­ case has <« n’.e «ip, .»¡«d ti»<* three tria - and al"O some who lately H . l)uvi- for ttie sum of $800. with iriter»*»*t there TL on nt eight per cent. p»*r annum fi«»m the l*t d y at 10 cents. Regular size, “ ’ »cents. Sold have cost the county n«ai v >nu»rf» by calling at the T imes t»9i< ami paying culcbrataa ex -convict» a« he walks the streets. RING ’ ANM.I» ‘ HI' MA BAKING Caiittd^, I «>f July, 1S?<5. and for the further «urn of $Au. at- I v a I «iruggi-t* ami dealers, in the I nited for this notice fourth trial will com men« «• on Mmid.iy • POWDER. LUV H TONG VP Our c ti&rp» s!.'’t|i\» be more cautious A heavy blast on th«* Siskiyou mountain } torn«*) fe< s. an«i for the coatf and Mates and * ‘ Canada. July llth anda «p»ii.sl venin* nf juror jus: now ulwiut fir«- a-j i every tiring i.< ro | of thib amt and the uaual decree against all the < HIPPED BEEF. PEP­ :aiiw ¡lays «»;;•> landed a large quant.(j ci turninoned to t«» try the rane. For Salt. will !>♦* summoned eaae. | defendant* for the Male of the mortgaged premi*«* i y ami a blaze would 1 ■emit in a conila- * rock into Q. H Blount's brafieh «tore, al- ! PER SAUCE AND •y th»* sheriff of the count) a* on execution at Sami //is r.4fe. Twenty-five cords of seasoned oak wook. | gru ion. m »st annihilating it and Leslie M«»rrick, PIG 8 F ET. All tree. «BTTkhte.1 | law. That J«weph H- Davis, Hannah F. Davi*. One battle taken according to directiona Cloduff E^errift* t. Mr D. I Wilenxson. of Horse ('avr. Ky . 8.000 clapboards nml IO.UOO shingles. all c»f j • the clever clerk. E. J. Curtis' building, The« U I ary M. Davit» and all the other dpfeijd’int* For further par’/, uiars en­ »ill give better results than a gallon of lannirg under them »'ibb«*qn *nt ♦.» the ♦•y**cu- says he w .................. nearby, wa« aiso damaged thereby. r. ,n.an> years, badly af- g«H»Jv»« * Lung Disease. If you have (•ranch other equitable relief a* Plaintiff* may Rt Druggists, price St .00 per bottle. ■uch a« California trow are anbject to in thi-» place hfls ‘ .*«*n » int»eliish»tti» wt. , ."it- -J ing tji«-!*. wI!1 th»n ha\c't»-nt« rr» «1 on them BA NT« BKEAK/Wr CHOO- I h * • »tilled to. ..«..will fi,. I it tothetr ad.llH.ttl- XlvT.'nre H a Cough or Cold, or the children are dipl«»iuiu‘ •» «1 g“l«l n’fdah Only ti»»»*** i eat. new fen e, ■rchich i* anoic worthy im- . '„,>.-,.(0^.1^.^.., a. : ee. U',e uecn ' ¡„ , Th.«-Who contemplate tren plan tin« will do Published bv nn order uf Hon. T. R. W«*b*tor. LATE. IUISINH. CACHOUS. ’.JX '' i threatened with Croup or Whoopi ng Cough, S 600 REWARD Judge of the above entitle«! court, mad* June; (- fmlihiig »• n.|»Hine|itaFy tick*»?« will N ml i ruvenient. w *11 to get my price Hat before purch«.Binc elae- APILES < HErSK. uae Acker*« English Remedy and prevent w ere. i, l “ 87. in th.- D b M'XH atic T imes h r «ix cut»- The stage t ompuny ha* put «.n another ; r» ’ du. •■ nr.- riupM'fd there and the of p .: been !-.r Hu* r.-’i. f aff ,r«b .! bv Fiet r • further trouble. It is a poeitivo cure» »ill (re parti 1er en/ case of Rheumatrex «ocutive w* ke. bring mi ia!I < iiiidien with them A full re regular stage. whi«'*h icakcs foiir stages , u worked turned out. ¡Mtisfaciion gv.arau-. Bitieia Sold at o0 tenta a ¿ide by City I Given under my hand thi* lSthdvyof Mav. 1887 ibolrtxul Station—tyrant's Paaa. and w© guarantee it. Trice 10 and 50c »hiel» ¡h. Pnrrjee'e Remedy profHrtp p»»rt «•( »he pr»Kee«lniga will appear in next running «her the nmuntain. with extra« PP. PRIM, . 1, UK ASCAWW. i » » «. J Drug Store J Sold »t City Drug Store. when needeu 1 tifafstcnef, R¡fh to relien. werk’i» T im * « I Att«.»rnoy f*H Plairdiff*. ffhc ikuioctatk £iinr$ fl tm HAlb i > i’ i :i i bros . & co YOU SEND A TRIAL ORDER TO SACRAMENTO, CAL.? Í B SACRAMENTO, CAL NOS. 829, 831, 833, 836 K STREET And 1026 Ninth Street Jacksonville, Oregon B PERSIAN CASHMERES, NUN’S VEILINC, LACE CHECKS ZANZIBAR & PALMER SEERSUCKERS MERRIMAC SATEENS ORGANDIES, COCHECO LAWN8 Æ^I> C 11 A MBHAYM INDIGO PRINTS AND SIMPSON’S SILVER GREYS B MENS’ AND YOUTHS’ CLOTHING NEW WIN03W CU3TMNS, WILL PAPERS and BORDERS Large Stock of Boots and Shoes 1 NEW BAKERY I REDLAND heum, CrofuUu Ciaticc^» NURSERY, CHAS. WOLTERS, Proprietor. A* H' CAJtS0N prop’r 30.000 TREES t? Conit«?*«io* ^ACGuuttej «Kelsey Japan Plum! MS. CIGARETTES AMI TllBAI'l'O. LEMONS, ORANGES and FIGS a