She democratic ïime$ She Srmocratic Sime l*ub. »lud zvory FtiJa.' moral g by CHARLES NICKELL lOITOR ANO PROPRIfTOR. NEW TIMES BUILDING. Oihoe--Comer Third and C StrwnU Kmtea of fhejUhuocratUSimes. /—> ADVERTISING ri|>4l«n : »ie copy, p*r annum, in advance ............ $2 5» *• “ *• paid within «ox month« . «75 »• *» •• not pdd ar.til end <»f year S «J •• aix month« 1 5c 75 ihr**» month* JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE IO, 1887 VOL. XVII MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. AND JOB WORK ’ ‘Adverti»»-niMjit» wdJ I;- iniu ttf'd in the Tl> ra • »1 th«fullov iuu «a»«* : renlin»«. «>ne in*» rtiuj................................... ^2 o i *’ '* . W. Webb; State Printer. F- * . Scrofulous. Inherited and ■ lieen o|H-ned, equip|>ed with plant and addition to a large awl elegant line of Everyone Should Go and See the Baker; Sant. Publi»* InHtrurtion. E. B. McElroy: ! brought into a profitable condition slioubl He Did Sot Cai rj it For Lu* k. I'ol l< mountains has attractive ap]»earance. Contagions Humors Supr»Hn* Ju«i<»**. W P. Lord, ('.net Juntice \V. K»-ep nlouiuatmu *1 Key —A Friend Mr. < liailc.» Bacon allures us all to fol- I «•socking buyers for these ptoperlief, is, to .V, Tbaynr. R. 8 Strahan. Cured bjr Cuticura. I Point» Oat a Better Thine and Inves­ low him in hi. sket.-h, "Camp Life | the uninitiated matters for Wonderment rtasT judicial msraicr. <'ompru»ing Jacfoo.i, J«mepb*ne, lask»* and HROUGH the n.efurnn of one of >our tx>ok« I And yet even this is easy of explanation, tigation Prove« Him to I»« Kight- A Among the White Kills,"in Frank I*-- lic's Popular Monthly for June. Mi-a Kia'nath <*’>untira: Circuit Judge. L. R Webster received through Mr. Frank T. Wray. Drug­ j It often happens that the owners of the-, \V ooderful 1>I«< ery. OF NEW SPRING gist. Apollo. Pa.. I beitrne acquninted with DiaUict Attorney. W M Colvig l.ily Higgin tells something about the I a.l.l-1!.. in» «tuck the following claw of : outfitted and prtxlueing mines ow n also j our ’ utienra Reui» dice, anti take thw opportuni­ JW<*»S 0OOTY. good-, nt which 1 haw a fall line: •V<« 1 vr/. World. Marth 6, 18S7 "Jubilee <4 (piet ii Victoria." Mr. O. W. Boy’s School Suits, 5 to 11 years, • 2.00. Senator. A.C. St pniinanen»- undeveloja d claims in the neighborhuoil. J\ cured tn* of one of the worat caera »»f I Hometimes a number of them. In the; Bwwditch, U. A Miller;County Judge. E. 1> *1’» itt; II>1NG down Riggs. Home of the b«*«t phv- ■ confidence that they would tie w filing to arar. N. Ki*her, A«*•’*-• or. J- M ( hil tera; 8«,I i » m »I I frith Knit Mid Mtulin. Melts' Heavy Suita, 810.00 and 12.00. Hicianeiii our county. I take great p!eat»ur»» in attend money in oja-ning urfei testing j 8ap-»rint*n- .-nee: Frank T Wray . Druggist Af»«»ll<* I’ m . t han-lor; Snentf. T (i. Part-’-on. Fra w».irar, J. I and found has not l.ithcrt? been done in any maga­ W. H »wvrd; J P |^» wih Schoo) Sa ‘ and in-teail of yielding any income are I the car full of zine. Mr. Tyrrell carries you graphic* porintendent. E. F Hathaway; Surveyor. W’. V. SCROFULOUS ULCERS. , a constant tax on the owner, w ho, unless S san»L»ra, Cort»n«r. Dr. Krenvr. 1 -o’clock bro­ ill} through the poet’s life, snj the pic­ Jainra E R-rharden»!. Custom Hunec, Neu (h- I they are patented, ia obliged to ex|>end Under i year« ola . rv. lran». on oath say»- “In 1s7100 upon each of them annually broke out »»n uiy body until 1 was «» maife «>f c«»r. way to Wall ..emorv give all the readei can desirv. rewentattve.lL McLean of KhiKt ■: County Judge. motion E l »»rjthing known to th«- medical fac­ I With the iiiia ceda arising from the sale <1. W. Smith; Co n n'*-»i’» i *ra. J L. H nk . R dtOOKCNY, «TÇ. street to be- Colom-f < liaille Long, than whom non • ulty tried in vain. * becuui'* « mere wrack. A E u n«tt;CHrk. -V ' H d «.Sheriff M. D. t'hil Aitiu ra | could not lift hamie to my he»d. of one producing mine it would fw pos ! 'n their day’» butineas. Four natty- i ■cttei able, tells of "The Khedive ex|H- ____________ .Ju«* could noi thru tn bed; wmh tn constant pain, arid aiIde to open up two nr three of tfn-s- Conauting of Lode Mid 8»lk oking men occupied tlia croft seats op­ •liti m to Zanzibar and the Juba.’’ "The k>okf theCuticnra U«rn •- <>l them la,i>e values. Hence th.' 'i;Tr«H«- —how l.ackawanna went down ami O. .i We have been selling your Cuticura Remedies ftr- \ | - ’ ,IUi- • i r.l 111> .nn’l-’l'li'l’t. ' II- Again it may happen that a man. hav 1 T. up and down, and the discussion was page«, and in the days when swimming for years, and na»e the firrt complaint yet to r»*- Vi.h.r; . if . • I. L. Ht.nli-y. crive from a ourchaaer One of the worst the use <»f T*>* '4a;ir«ii‘* i'.*iirt of Or,»z<»-i n-—’« «’ Hide* Fur« aud LFeor 8kin« Solicit order» for tise >M)ttle.-i of uticura lk»*olvent. Cuticnra and up a profitable mining property, fa anx I the party pulled out a handkerchief from , imitate, "A Veritable Merman, Sonic .-«pillar i-r iw .-•»-■•n^nein« on the flr.t Mawhi- Lumber Cuticura Hoap The Soap takas the *‘ca«e” her«- ion« to get out of the mountains and 1 liis hip pocket and in the action dropped ¡ Idventun-s of Captain Paul Boynton.’’ io March md ih-tober. And many otta*»r th tra*» too rnimpiw to mentvm. as a nH-'iicinal soap MAX MULLER, take up hia residence where lie can f i something on the floor. All four stopped I »Vhi-n the ls-11 rings for dinner our read Cirrait ’’«art tor Jnckoon county fl I havH m I j « o «»--iirad the ncrricra of a i AV LOK A TAYLOR. Druggist«. the remnant of bis days e.njoy more ot talking until the lost object was finally •rs may not stop to perme- Robert Wil Po«toffic* Building. ..•.■■uid Mo-winy m -Innunry. fire Mou.l«:- n M i> Frankfort, bar.. «•>4 >'ti >'r;f>r Io. •—>-•! M > i t the luxuries of life, to which end he I fished out from under a seat. The finder »Ou's article on “Hunger,” but proceci April an-l fir-f Momlai in Novcnh *r; f-.r Kia*.,- F1K8T-CLASS DRESSMAKER, may he willing to diajioHe of such prop SCROFULOUS, INHERITED, gravely examined it. held it up for th« to «npi.ress the seii-ation. It may Is wth. ooconil Monday in Juno and fir«’ '1 ••i^..y \n»l < ontagioti« Humor» with I x » sm of Hair, and rtv at a sacrifice. There are ca-ca, to«.. I insjotion of the others •tie a «koi, •end. |ier1iat«s, after dinner with mon •»**'»; f »r Like —-ond M i-idiy in 1 ¡'tu- Vid t n | to • x»*- if»» ail ordt*ra in that fruition» »4 the Skin, are positively cured i»j ary and third M in lay in Auzunt. in which impaired health or aeveie hurt- ' “ What the deuce is it?” ni tirsi cl.r • -tyic al r»- >MMiai>le ruina. '-omfort,an 1 yon may puzzle yourself' ■ Cuticura and Cutn nra Strap externally, arid Cuti- For Jack— m county the County. Prob c-» nr.d ini* T T » nil h d *»»•» in»» it th » buiidii'X f«>rni»-rb < m » cu - cura Retail vent Internally . wlsti all "ther uio«li- eceived, incapacitating men for lal o- or j “ A potato.” replied the owner, look­ find ont jn-t 'vital hung« r i*. The aril- Com nicio'mr*’ court. >n*—t *»cr> *m» th. coin : iwl by X- L. J<.l iiM»n ou t'»lifornia«tr««t. — AMP — rinv» fail 8»»ml for i»-»uiplil«a* *11 the nseftlllieHM in the mine-, m.iv ing a little sheepish and reaching « >Ut • les are all well iliurtrated, and the mcnciii« with th. firat Monilny; for Ji'-cphin** MliS. P. P. PRIM. < Utkina Ih’tnetii«*». ar«- m »14 »very«here. Pur»-: p edi-poae them tosell a profitably pro-1 oon'ity. th« tir»t MomUy in January. April. July for it. -t'-iie.-. six in t itmls-r, are very elevyr • ’uticura. th»- Great Skin ( uro. 5iJ rt ; Cutienrn and Hopt-mhcr; for Uwn county. rv -ry tlr.'rnaf« Soap, an >• xquirite Beantitier. -’S (?<»■; CtittCuia •hieing mine at a bargain. “ W1..1 are y.iu carrying it around ill and north rvailiug. The whole niitiil.-i month, coiu'ip'ocinir th- fir-t M ui Ur in i Jbeolrent. the New BG mm I Pmitirr ’ •». Potter Ar regards the great ,-nass of miners, yeir |-x kef fur” fo' you c' ¡,e< f a fam­ is most :i1t:acti\c in matter .ni l pi- - For Klamath county th* tint Wwlne-iny in March I l>n ~ end Chemical C«» Bostor . June. September and November. more ■ -;a-cially the class known a- pr • - AT THEHAN FBANi IS< O ine” Have you got a teak also in your ti.. ■—|Uc etie. t. I ;«•< ter-, they make it a part otato. It is for PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medford. Oregon T-.h'l. oil till litM'M.Lr.—Ihetulluw- husin -a i- to take up an ! lioid mines, rheumatism.” itui-.i .!i~;at It hum San Franciat<> or rather niiuing claims, for ’he pur- “ I or rheumatisin , "Henry Brooke was to-tlay aeuk-ne«*y potato. ” Will practice in all the Court»of th»» «tate 'liti • • i* ~.‘.-ond tu none ««».itti <»f Portimd. Special pa* h taken ni making commercial in th« Court Hotu»e, ür«t door t<> the h ft of en­ large and some small, some rich and Ho got bis ina-cot and the other three ■ lar- f their haul earnings which they tmv»*l»*,-i» fe«*i nt home. trane«*. i l’fi»» tn’ilo* are «tippìied with the beat <»f some poor. XII these deposits vary in gentlemen lauched at the superstition oi i had entrusted to him. if he wa.- ovei Hverything thè m irk*»t affordt. are being offered for sale nt promise, so do ttltv vary in th" prices Üieir friend, who went on lo tell liuw be punish' I at all he wouldn't get over tiv> E- DePEATT. I asked for them, these prices being large­ had suffered for two.war- with twinges , year*. If he had ilespoilcd iunuccn' CIG A BS. ATTORN E y A COU N s F. E( > R AT- LA W. ly dominated l-v circumstance-, often by of rheuniati-m and how nothing seemed young womanhood qf the dearest jewt 1 JEAELBY. (ANIMES. NETS to du hint any good. The one w iio had •if it-eruw ti and left it to tie scorn and tin- mere wliim- of the owner. A'tblnu«! Or<*fOD. 1’11’ES, CABOS. found the totato said that it served him » !• a’li.n.- oi mankiud, he • ’.tuld have gum Th,- men who discover mines are for NOTIONS ITTLF.BY. For all D«»ea*e >f tl*e nvv. deed but adding t - STATIONERY. ALBUMS the most part p a.tical miners oi profea- right to Buffer so. Any man who did right n, eat h IICV. I TVBA' t 0.1, CtGABETrF.s not know enough to take the proper his glory, li Le had in pa-tion or nnd-1 -ional pros)n-, tors. Their capital consi-ta Liver, Eid&eys, Stonach and t*pxee&. S’EUFOHD OR. lite uì a fello* of their labor, enterprise an 1 < .ttneity to medicine ought to have th« rheumatism, fancied in-ifit taken the Th.» purely veg«-1abl»- r •- Gent's Furnishing Goods. ffwi* Th ore will p i.-itiveiy be no ReservntionH. The goods must be I araticn, nc .»• -.«!> c- i» ’ *tt a ■ x endure exposure, hardship and fatigue. i and have ii bad, too. The potato cari .-r I Is'ilii r, teli ui ¡¡itieu ye-.i- would *>c bi­ Fan; iy Me Leim , , . .te i in sold at once, even Going out into unexplored regions, thej orotos’oii that he had tried all kinds of oilt-i' lie puuishment. «bile In- "nuli And everything nsuAlly found in a fin»t-cl».«s the Sioth ;n IM’iS. h .. •< tin 1 mim-ral dvp-.eits which they take up remedies and employed the 1-est physi­ «land -ever;i| good chance, ut noi la-in. Variety Store. Aleo, Kpntly ou tv e Ito a «-I - s d Uut b< lorgi-d ali or,le. iduey» an ’ «•<»!• ♦-«-(• th • MFDFORD OR- and hold, doing thereon n’llv enough cians in New York < i’y bu» without effort. '• pnni-hed at a’l NI YTHK HNI.ST WINES LIQUORS AND action of the Liver, m ! ’■ there­ CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. " But yon haven t tried the right fur twenty dollar-! And to api« me work to ki cp g'ajii their | kish < . — ■»■¥ till, < ni arn kepi «>n ’ ’ an»l. ami a brnt-ol^n billiard Will practice in all th* C»»urt* of the State. fore, the best preparatory even hand. 1 ’listin'lie in i- IX-eei’. • ¡abb» in -oanected with th»» saloon. The leading r<“Otflce one door »«aet of Po«toffice. to tnem. This as a nib' aie all in. v an- tiling.” ei'Htintied Ins friend. " My wife Our 4ood* are the bestand guaranteed «» repre m«*dicine,whatever t'* ¡cC- ;>aper*of the day can aleo bo foatvi on the reati­ Rented. Price« low, ae we do not propose to be was troubled the -ame tray lot year«, a pmiislinient • : >ra- war in the penili, ness may prove t* l e. 1:» all abh to do, ami io all that the ntuaCof ne tabi»*«. ■ , li Would undersold. common divcares it will, un­ J. K, NEIL. them propose to do. their obj •• t in lo­ and in four months was completely cored. tentiary tor ewry dollai lii s ;<*• The proprietor in »’no «oie agent of assisted l»y any ■ ther r.ic-Ji- 1 w ill ta t < ou a dinner for the four of us wr jtigliiily take from-he limi in lini - M-dford forth » i idebrated Rogue Hirer Whin cating these claims being, as before re cine, effect a speedy cure. ATTORNEY .k COUNSKLOK AT LAW. km-»». un ju.-tice' li marked, to sell, not hold and develop at I’eln onieo s that I can tell you a secret ’j" a! Oh' w hat a fai The Regulator is safe to administer in any Tue «loon will alwiyn ho fou-i«i t.panat the ar­ that will make you well bcfoie the sum for every dollar wrongfully WHing irotn condition of the system, and under no circum­ them. They have not. in fact, the means rival of all train* Jaoksnnv ille Ojn. stance* can it do harm. It will invigorate tner hotels ojkui again. Of course, you the poor fartm r, inechanii. and labore! to do this. like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating bever­ bv the |n-n and headwork of our must n - —TO GET YOPH- »Vili practice i.i all the Court« of 11 •' Stau», i ) hce When rich or even tolerably g>awl ore won’t believe 1 shall suc<-eed, So I am age to lead to intempcran e. will promote di­ The average -qiectalile aud powerful citizens through­ in buikiin< oppuaile (s>urt H«>iu»e, cornei ( and gestion, dissipate headache, and gener­ is found at the start, the miner may lie sure to win the 1-et.” out the nation a year iti the |«-niteiitiai Fifth «tr«et*. ally tone up the system. T he dose ¡s small, able to not only thoroughly prosjs.'ct his broke) take - toa wager as naturally asa not unpleasant, and its v irtues undoubted duckling to the water, and of course tlie i wa-demanded, what a Is.itn it would claim, but bring it into a state of active W. r. WILLIAMSON. No Io*» of time, no inter­ give to th« building ot public in«titutions pioduclion. But such ocemrencn ol ore bargain was agiei d to. The young man ruption or «toppagc of and what an eternity ii would take to ATTORNEY »t COI NSELOR AT LAW trusinera while taking the lately liapia-ns. Generally much costly fished about in his wallet and at last from Regulator. some secret hiding-place drew out a card satisfy the sentences’’ deadwork lias to !«■ done before any cun Mwdford. Oregon. Children complaining of -iderable body of pay ore ia reached. It inscribed ” Puntee Medicine Company, Colic, Headache, nr Sick S mm i B i sixt— ri i Hi ii > M ax . ■ All bn«in«m« in iny lino will receit« pr.e'ipt al Htomx'h, a teaspo.nful or the imrie is to be exploited by adit, this Rochester. N. Y.” “You write to the company,” be said, imseing over tlie very »null and «•onteniptible inul, E. I’. K cx « t «, of the Oregon and if taken occasionally Ly pa­ business. If by shaft or incline, thi«, I , H. K. HANNA, tients exposed to MALARIA, i I>r. Pantee’s Kheumalic Kemcdy, and California branch of the Son-hern Facitie too, lieconn-s expensive as depth is will expel the poison and protect if you are not satisfied J shall l-e glad to Railroad. Im« again rcliiM-.I to a citizen ATTORNEY a COUNSELOR AT-LA.W — ANO AT— reached. When pay ore in quantity is . tuetn from attack. I, V furnish the dinner. But there is not the of Salem a limited ticket to San l'ran- developt'd, then a mill or other style of A PRYMCIAN* Ol’iMON. slightest probability of my being the vic­ <-i“eo, though the money »a« tendon <1 in Jacksonville. Oregon. I have been practicing medicine for twenty yean, reduction works must he put in. all ot tim. I am sure to win and you are sure Portland. He still insist- that Salem DEALERS IN THE LOWEST RATES. Walter A. Wood's Rindera, aud have never been able to put up a vegetable which involves an expenditure fai be Wit! praetie. In »II tb. art« of th" St»l. compound that would, like Simmons Liver Regu­ to get cured. For four years niv wife Walter A. Wood’s Chain Rake Reapers, **-ti,M lip stain* in Orth’» brick. vond the common miner’s mean«. There was almost a constant sufferer. Except people de.iruas of going to San Francis­ lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to Walter A Wood's Sweep Rake Heaficrs, action, »nd at the same time aid (instead of weak- is left him, therefore, no alternative but in the brightest weather she was always co must proceed to Portland in person, — H AT— t!»e dicestive and assimilative powers of the Walter A. Wood’s Enclosed Gear .Mowers G. LE 4P£ ir M. D.. to sell his claim for the ino-t he can go’ complaining. \Ve tried everything, but buy their tick ts there, and then come *y tern. I. M H imtqn , M D .Washington, Ark. Ganr, Scott A Co.’s Separators, for it. Hence the many projiertie- of somehow the disease seemed to bang on. ■ ■ack through Salem on theii way to their Gradual« «f the I’alverdty of Leip*k, (¿«rmany at t TH AT YOl b'LT TIIF. «ENCLML <»aar, Scott A Co.’s Plain and fraction Engine-, tin« kind seeking purchasers, some of Then an old doctor, retired from practice, destination. People residing in Salem FFKi’AHkl) BY Coates’ Lock la-ver Hay Rake; also a (’»II« rw»p»Hwle*l ♦«» it all houra. -we«wing values that who sj'cud- his time leading, told me ■nu«t go throngli ftie formality of tiaxel- Ottico n^poHit»» rtlov»»r’« H<»r»»l. Jacksonville. ng a hundred miles etti a. and «pending H ZeiUn & Co . Philadelphia, Pa. ought to recommend them to investor.- that he had beard»! a discovery of anew a day’s time, to satisfy the whim, of little JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. The qualification that make a huccchs - I way of treating rheumati-in. tn old DR W. S A'■FIELD. ftil p >-jH'etor do not always make a ! I English army |4iysi< iau, I’r. Pardee, had Rogers. Tho simner tliis enterprising Writ* f..r ( Ata’.¿ uh . Addr»«e either KKiNk HRIFS. Ml»!.. CO.. Portland. Or., or o.ul gets rid of this little wliipper -nap- good hu-inesR man or evn a good prae ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. dis-overed a new remedy that treated t u<)\F MILI.F R a BIRDSEY, Akonto. Juckeonvil! tieal mine A ti st-clas« pros|»-ctnr re­ rheumatism in a |erl«iti\ new way—a- o r. uho imagine- that he is a bigger Ha« located in Talent. Orfar the practice of quire« to tie constitutionally sanguine a disease of the blood. The tiling -tni. k man than die roa I, the mon* profound hi« proferaion Mak>*•» all chronic rtiraa^ra. -uch «nd .inline will be the thank, of a pa­ Keep« the largest «tock of and liotieful. If trusting and venture me as at leas’ jiossible. and w ith some a, Kidun» i-n. k-t‘i-n-%. Pile-. Kidney D-ra.-*»**». The Wehavejurtt rec»»ived a full «tuck in the above some and even disposed to I»“ a little vis­ little trouble 1 got I’r. Farde» ’s adJrc-s tient and long-snffeiing public L’ver«. Ac.. »"pecialty. tine« of tfooiln. which we can »»ell cheaper than ■ lea of such a thing, the tailend of noth­ ionary. this does not detract from his fit and sent for mine of the medicine The they are «old any w.»ere in «out.tern »»regon. a« we L. L WHÍIN -Y M. D. news for such cal ling, however, intieli these result yon ace in this wager. Why. ai’ar ing, rrpr.-««-nt:ng the intei. -ts of such a nave but very f» w »»xpenH»»«. All kind« of pro­ • ompanv a« the Southern Pacific, is pre- duce taken in exctvuige and pculiarities might disqualify him tor ---- fend----- the very first bv’tle my wife was a differ- PHYSK’IAN AND SURGEON, •Hieterous, and it is to !«• h»|ied that this ■ a ref ill calcil lat i. in. c.sil judgment.system | snt woman That was only last year. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ■ tllietion will now be shott-lived. We Ea'l« Point. Oregon rnd attention wliieti are essential tosuc- ; and ever since 1 have gone about prais • ess A coiiseioii'iui'sH of hi« deficiencies I ing L>r Pardee's Rheumatic Remedy just would like to k - c II,.- insignificant little Having l»»cat«d at thi« plac” I u»k a «h ire o xllow.^1 for. ,in-. <’«11 an'i —■• for«. JACOBI BBOS. xcusefm a man given a soft jot—somc- n this rew|»e,'t has, no doubt, much to as if 1 were a jiaid agen’. erratrouM**(>f thi« aaution. (’all« att»»n»i«i o. on the NorthwHRt coast. Wondei iimglike Imokkeeping.ot running a pile- any tim*. 'Io in determining the prospector to sei. whether I conldn't •olleit from th» Liver; f>nt lie is a dead failu>e in the at her Ilian work hi« mines. In adopt Pardee company for «lie good I do " Bn’ OE ) O DeBlR, M. D.. e«l onmhle position lie now occupies.— ng ibis plan he does butcontorm toihai here is mv station." as tho conducts -ulsliviston of labor v.hict. in every called out Hanover square, and the four xir/rai Stat.MMfin. P H Y SIC! A N A X I» S V KG E O N About twenty • • ered a littlw iranch of bitwines« has ireen found eeo friends filed out together. •orc on rj ch«- n- pronounced Jack.ouvi l. Oregon PRICES lomical. Tin- farmer finds it to bi- Of course I don't know yet who won Ax Aii'tvi..—To teachers’ iusti«Ub' It cancer, th.v r >f j>hv«fr1«M, idvantage to well his wheat to the miller the wager, bnt I mean tofiodout asaoou • workeis and friends of education in Jose- . ............ «tr^t, woutliw. » t Oth.*>* mJ ro-’J-incw (’»lifornm j s AppleTre«»«................................ $5 toflii per UK). but without re«»rl»l r > .- n: y ¡-, rto»in««n( benefit. as posiJble. and will toll you all about it Í ’ .11« promptly attend-»«! of converting it into flour linn of tb’ >' > l«t- 10.1*- CC- . - . Peach ’’ ................. 10 “ 1« ’ ‘ i phiue county The district institute for to,jay ar.ii niait Plum un«i Prune Tree« . H “ 16 *’ ’* Among ibun u-.t'-*- v., .. .«.•. orspecialist«. -elf. -Tim grape grower disposes of his and the dinner. But tins illustrates as j the fir.t judicial district has been ap- Other trevs and «hrubb«*ry furniihiKi rH«»«»nab!y. LVG ER SO L L R 0 CK1) R1LLS. IXD CO. MPR ESSOR S, isiinted to convene at Grant's I'as«, July vintage to the wine maker, the cattle well as anything 1 have seen iu a long Th« medicine do-.» «pp! • -i *’.••• like ttre to tb« Send for • aralovne to T. R. YOUNG. M D-. raiser sells his hides to the tanner, and time the fondnass for betting which ,»•«- 113, 11 aihi ’’>, 1887. Theae ins’itutc« J. H.8BTTLEMIER. Woodbnrn.Or. •ore. causing : »• i I saw a wtMtemenl .-/.V/) Il 'IR E ROPE—SPECIAL Tl ES. -oof numerous otherindnwtiies in which esaes the average Wall-street man In ; ate doing a vast amount of good for the PH YS I (IAS ASI) SURGEON, in the paper« «.-tin s *• bat S S. S. had done for O F. TOPPING. Z D. HYDE the producer of the raw material makes no other place in all this green earth cans«' of public education throughout the l procured some at others «Imllar • ’ SO1.E AGENTS FOR Cantra! Point, Oregon. THIS MOSI FWORirE RESORT HAS BEEN a gam hv transferiing it to other hands would two men dare to make such State, ai 1 hav< lieen a Miceees in every onco. Before I ti.-cl vied the -c<*<'U(! bottle th« 1 th»»r»»iiuhly i • Hii*1 furiti»»ti»’ claim locator uid the pios|s-ctor, night. I I ■Jivrtlv after this and was telling him for two or d ree ' < t s )•«.!« hacking cough which, tiring unable to work them-eh ea. WINES. LIQUORS. education. The— institute« arc con­ i k . r. <*F.*.ur. M. i>. U. PHVCK. M. D.. ih-y desire to sell to the capitalist and about it, when ho said; “ Do you know ductive of the li -t icsults, and leave a and «pit blood c i • r'ly I bad a severe R»-Hjd»»nce on U St. William«' Building- that discovery you heard mention« d is a BEER and CIGARS. i lie ski Heil miner. la«ting influence foi good throughout the ing nix bottle« of pain in my l»r< n held. To make the coming institute a th«» table«. Which they hav* thoroughly renoYntad and fitted PHYSIC IANS \Nh Sl’RGEoNS, ••■I nun. My cancer than J had lw- i for Sp» ci d pain« taken to Bccommodat® patron« upwitiithc lat»*Mt and uioet improved machin­ make hanging the penalty for murder, aliout it, but I have looked into the mat­ success it will be necessary to Lave th.' and vi(*it«»rH. < ’ idi nnd h - e me. Il ’ tie * i <»t about the ba« healed < ■ r • .: ’ ■» ♦ » ery. including a plm er and nd ger and, are cr»n«e- ter some and am «•onvineed that l ’ i Weilford, Oregon. couseipieiitly there is n<> hanging in attendance and creo|>eration of all who A. H. ( ARL8ON. quently prepared to promptly furnish ick upon sometliing that are inti rested in the cause of uducation. «tio of a h«if i . n». • »• • j idly di«appear- Michigan. In California there is a law Pwrdee has ntwe Ortica« in William»* Brick Bailding Up-Mair«. medical _we ticen seaieliing af ’ ei •ne v ith cancer to Ing I wwul ' ‘ry making death the ttricc of the unlawful ! Iiv thi« appointment the citizens of taking of human life, bill there is not for vean«. ¡K»r since the da.- when ! Giant '« 1’ass and losephinc county at T. J. CRESS. give 8 8. N h ' ir iri 1. Soefirtfo tamr it ' in Athens and Antony much hanging there notwithstanding l large will receive a special favor and R Mr.». N A* V ’ M (ONATenrr, | 8n»-h a» Rustic, Flooring. Ceiling, Matched anti made love fo Cloopatra , man has been J lasting benefit; therefore let us put forth ! burfa«»«» Lumber of all dimension« nut! of tirst- A m L» <».- v «., T i pt canoe Co., Ind. Down through cnrwd with this disease, [ »•¡a»»(j’inlity at the Sens, mui: f<>r tl.v T imi :- j every effort to make this mooting a sue- fob. 1«, 1»*. •71 I «ral «»fre-t. the age», century after century has . cess. The teachers and school oiheorr JACKSONVILLE, OR. slipped away arid -till this scourge has ' are especially invited and earnestly re VERY LOWEST RATES. \uw Han Faith. DEALER8 IN I maintained its bold on the children of Svrtft'« Spc« tfle 1« enttr. iy vegetable, and PORTLAND. OREGON. B-ivr c I »‘m nn»»nt!y h»cut*d h*»r»», i offer A fair share of th* public patronage is solicit I badbtcn troubled all uinter *ith cold men. l iniment-, lotions, blisters and , .¡nested to be prOBent and take a pait ii. teem« to cure r«n*•• -r* )»y fore nx out the Uapu- wrvicPH to tli»» p»»nu-ndert by druggist.* all kinds of local applications have Lad tion. E. F. H athaw ay , House Paititing, Paper Hanging their dav ar.d passi-i away. It has re ­ un-i physician’*. At the ^ame t:ni I wa- 8ktn DiseaM*- n '• <1 fr»-«. Sup*, of Schools for Josephine Co lb>" 18. 7 mained for tlie genius of the nineteenth advertising Dr Bosanko «* Cough and Lung Freicuing, Kalcomining, Etc., Syrup. I bad little faith, but thought t<> century to discover the tine canso of the OIL CLOTHS I>»’7i4»in a up» ru>r manner >uirt at price« to «mt try it as a last resort; now 1 believe even disease. As the blood is the life, so any Hi x : 1‘ ,1 P uokk , who»' ’!.<• <»f paintiiig I have m »re than they tell me of it»- curaliv«* qual interioption to the lienlthful course ot Hiinouiii'- ’l la-t w«-’k. wan Iwirn at New Manufacturer of ;>r»”. i. a-ly 4for rarommvrHlation. Hatiafac- DRAWER 3. ATLANTA, r-l»»r- l-ft a’ M-rntt’« N«w < Store will the cause of the trouble aud cecine to wlirn 1» yearn old «»» editor of tltc I ...................... P*«t.entl..n T. J. ( HESS. I have marked »ut a remedv. It is what x.,.uA.-:-„ li'Arjj ui Atlanta, Ga. In 1841 C’»cnsc men hoped lor when tlie l“yruwids were 11’oort- 1« came an atta> lie of lli<> I’. S. of weight in ti.f hiv>k, hulls and lower part building and it is what men are hoping legal ion at llelgium. but from IMS Io IN THK MFTKOI'OLIS. of ab** affection of I lie kidney« problem the discovery will take its plate re-pondent of the Ronton .lilriy, travel­ A full line n stock of Gr neighboring organs. At times symp- m history by tlie -ide of the discovery of ing in Egypt. Palestine and other far !“»t rh” public t H» h»» ha-> f a|ioleon, lte,ides contributing sev­ OHC DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE •»f Aahlafl. on fit* old «t i^e-roml. where t** i» itching and effecting permanent cure now prapar^d to fnrni«h Price . j O cents. Address. The Dr Dosanko Company, tn their action upon the eral novels to magazines. In 1854 he in th. Stat«. Medicine Co.. Piqua. Ohio. >o!d at the system, are said to give to the patient a took up his residence at Washington, Th»' Bost Anco’ninndations By the Thousand ! City Drug Store. feeling of freshness and vigor, to sent w here lie lias since lived, acting as news- the rich blood pulsing through the vein.- ! paper correspondent, clerk of senate 1 For man and F*»Mv»t. at pnctMi to «tut th* tiui»«. HE UNDERSIGNED 18 NOW TAKING OH F*»ur-t inert p’.tchfork« . Ve *:«rli»*i. i <<»re hardy mure productive give feelings tba’ some people are often pos­ him an exceedingly conspicuous figure Lu t’on. White I ead, 25 lb. kett o Egg«. p«*r flown IS fVHE t OCNTY COURT. AT ITS MAY «EH- than any other». I warrant all my tree« if properly cared for. » Hutter, per lb.............. ¿0 sessed of. impossible. I don’t knowwhv Washington. LinfAed Oil. P* r ßsl J «ion, baviiuc ordered »‘ie delinquent tax-iiaj Term« of payment eaey.’ Produce taken At mar- (0 Potatoes, per lb. .......... (»2 Turpentine. “ “ .. . the medicine docs all this, but I have for I*«6 to be trrned over t»» m«». with * warrant k«t price, imi) lb*. <»f Pooch Seed wanted. t'Abbage. ** .......... (M) WinchoetAr Rifle*». fo«’tac<»n barrel • half a doien wildlv enthusiastic friend» attach»«! mMructi’»« me to levy upon and «ell (M) A. 8. JOHNSON FOB GOODS IN OUB LINK Onion«. “ ...................... or fAqttar Uablt^ (land K hwh .................. U>u» h»»f thr^Hmi-. cliattel*. or real |»rop*»rty of Jai-kaon ville. Oregon Aug. 1 1RSJ. on who say it has helped them in that i’aii be cured by admini«tennp Dr. Ha«net> BnrkHnw«. icnmpl''te distance plate) Brans, •* •aul .lehnqnent Uipayer* aw may »* n.»cewmry I«» Wi»»»l»*«U‘unti retail •♦•»■tlRinan. 171 Front 8».. I so ( ’ ornmral, n»»r !(K lb»-. 3 (inn Powder, per lb .............................. way, and that suffice» for me. Al! Remedy. Dried Applra. |»er lb.......... hi »«, ’* “ CALIFORNIA. BTRFET will be collected acuordUK tolaw. Mi!»•«<•» an«I I« the only r of Ja»*k-»Hi < Or. JVÌ Ch--k»'n«, perdogfui............. ! FHF ÜNDE11RIGNED IS FHLLY PREPARED Ax Handl«« dackeoi..’ilk». May bi. 1 ut> A’rtksy«. V¡ü**r’« Pi”k«» ...... ................... Soother at Land. It is tho only aaf« specific in tlieir c» flee without their knowl­ t<> do all Work m hi« linein the beet männer and W edge and to-day believe they quit drink Hif'leiiw Fil»»j . Hid»« .......................................... I at reneonable price«. medicine yet made that will remove all D'-»e.kli ii Cro«*cn*^eaw File« .. . ing of their own fr«*c will. No harmful ef­ GMHUiE HCHUMPF infantile disorder« It coptainn no Opium V» Wool SprihM . ... ............. Door Lœks ............................. Silver and Silver Plated Ware, 8p».»**t»•<•!»•« hth ! Opticid Guotbi >»g«»ntr forth» Rockford fect« result from it- adnainiatration. Cares 25 •V» -f ................. Cow Bell«.................. .................. .......... or • b»it five« the child ratural Railr»»«Mi Wat?he«. _ nn. i T k - ra»ranieed Send for circular and ft 11 • l.L. PEHBON8 INDEBTED TO’l’HE UNDFB pC’T NAILS. tVHOVHHT NAILB. CÍ.KAT M t.J......................... ALL GOODS IN THE LINE MANUFACTURED TO ORDER AND REPAIRED fano fr> ia r, Pi ice 23 cents, p • * *- — J particular«. Addre«« inc« ntidrnce tiolden •uiiuuJolptiSt .Cblcwg ' ’ eep mis uuper on Hie 1 iice cent«. rMd by 1-H4D *4 by note or bonk account, are requested t>Na.i». L a th Natl.. Fit i.hins Nail., Fenrinit I .»-k............................................ Watch Koi airing (»arefuily raecuted. . •? W tr«n UF-fi« Na»la r<»t> an«i 8te«J Horae Spcriflr Co is» Ran h*witd*lay. City Dri" S