WINES U'D LIQUORS I MISCELLANEOUS The ameunt raised in Portland to help I the needy ones in Nanaimo is alsmt 1 *4,70»». A very generous donation. r ; gue river U.1ITEO STATES OFFICIAL PRESS. I b' RIPA Y JI NE 3. 1>8’ ♦i GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS Jheflnno cratir ®ime& J. M Vaughn, formerly on the Port- , land iii ii , lias t«e«-oim- proprietor of the Harney If.««« at Burns, Grant I county. A FATAL MISTAKE T he Clectland (Ohio) Prest, It is lumun * that the Soutliern I’aci- of February 23d, 1883, pub­ • h. > I It < N t>M« nelrrnlBtlua «I 2.200. ; tie railroad company will soon put into lished an account of a fatal til* l.ritnt rujoyed by any newopniwr effect a time-table between Los Angeles I 1 Hemorrhaqes. r.ibli.hrrl between Portlwwil inni Keil and Portland. surgical operatiou which caused N*- <*, or from anv causa is apeedily con­ Kinlf. l iti, i» ili.twnee ol «Oft mile«. It trolled :u»d 'i’’pTs’«l, O. T. Porter, at one time the editor of I 1 a great commotion among med­ therefore offer, the be.I Indhremewta Albany Hull'tin, is now connected Sores, Ulcers. Wounds, In ».I«. (tur Hat I« principally ' the ical men throughout the whole ron II ne* I to loek.on. Josephine anil with the editorial department of the: Sprains . & i ./ au Bruises. , I Klnmoth roli.itleo. Ru.lnea« men . Portland .Vr«-s. country, Dr. Thayer, the most i i, < • I :ienlm<. houl.l take note of thio. Henry Lyons, husband of Pete Olsen’s Catarrh, j murdered victim at Napa, Cal., is s< our- . eminent surgeon in Cleveland, »• Pood -« Fvi»i*«( < atari li < are,” , ing the country in search of the wretch. pronouncing it scandalous. JOHN A HANLEY. Prop’r, pi.-par»»I t-»ni«‘»‘ .- a . asc«, ALL SORTS. It Lyons was in Astoria last week. ti ■ ;i I l> -i ». . . P« «.*•’* Eo* act AUs,i . ■» » . • *»ge. JACKSONVILLE • • • OREGON aj [H i»rs (hat a Mrs. King had A opium pi|»ft ia displayed in Portland Hon. H. Y. Thompson and family of: Rheumatism. Neuralgia. that h is a record of having killed three ' Portland expect to I «-com«' residents of been suffering for many years Caton 4 Gvrett. General Agent«. N > otb< r |*r»‘* rntl»*’; has »••ir *«1 more I men. Denver, Colorado, moved thereto by con- 1 ra- s oi i * - >•'»!' i 'U.g «-on pl •‘>>f’«than from some disease of the stom­ Charles Atkinson ui Moline. III., re* , siderations affecting their health. tlie Htlrn»i. 4* •»»»!** 1*1 lira* t l*ln< ter ! h.\ .1 »bL n i:»» * di-* «• • -. Lum »•ently dir«l, leaving to the Pacific . Salem, Or., May 2«>th.—Gasolin«' tank A Pure, Unadulterated ach, which had resisted the university at Forest Grove. at Stat«' prison explcxleil last night. AKTK LK OF At the cloae of the recent session of I Tank ami building containing machine treatment of all the physicians Diphtheria, Sore Throat ■ V-« lb- i’A»»arl i : . fa-lax ! the rrand lodge of the I O. O. F. it was was totally «lestroye«!. Loss *500. J.H .'»ro<«-. in attendance. The disease Dllnc Illiti »OG* » llfa-dhi* « • If» ItcMI.-n. i»l 4.1 A decide.I to bold the annual meeting of I Hong Di, the Chinese murderer oi • rlit? J* K - th.- j* ' • krov. U . I.-Iv . ra|eTM' the grand lodge in Portland next year. commenced, with a slight de­ KND I.! lx ’ v» Mrs. Billon, ut St. Johns, Colusa county, fiil«*»l. I>«»n«r- la« • act Ointment la The plans for a new snag-boat to ope­ Cal., was captured near Chico last Sun­ rangement of the digestion, of great M.-r*. art uh« r.* the removal of rate on the Willamette river, prepared 1 day, and taken to Oroville, where lie ckdhiug fa in» « ii» *•»>**>»:• by Major Jones, have been approved by i I confessed. In «pianiti*»*»» to •nit and at prie** that cannot For Broken Breast and the authorities at Washington and the I I A soldier who deserted from the army with a poor appetite, followed fati tn give satisfaction. I by a jieculiar indescribable dis­ ouie nippier < Our lum-f* are afantlulely pure, and superior Sore Nipples • have once boat will Boon be conatiuctcd. | during the Mut it. Poii'l' F. .t> -ivt Oliatnirnt ij recently, and has caused a scattering ! gave himself up at Bidwell recently, ami MntlolactiuH inteni|>etent. Prof. I.. J. Powell, president of the « i ’• b!»urn in th« w«»rd* u»< not removed by food, but, on The fine«t brand» of the glass, and ■ t»r p: . y .• tiu.«e->i> irk on Washington territory university at The national bank of New York, of •urroim«ii:i «n \»i i r i». ■ Non«-other is which ex Secri-taiy Manning is presi- Seattle, is now quite ifl and not expected the contrary, it was increased. . n h.r iu4 i'u»»«r« genuin«*. Ah» - in- - WINES. LIQUORS AND CICARS ! dent, was fonnallv opened one «lav last to live. At one time he was su|«erin- tb* : ptepaiatton. Kit* n< *. T . .• • It If ar«-rr • ' week, and the first day it received de­ tendent of public instruction for Oregon. After a while the hands and Always «»n hand. Sol'l »»rrywfair. I’rlr «.. -dr. posits amounting to over ♦10»T.'»O*. Superior. Wisconsin, Max- 27th.—The feet became cold and sticky— Prtparwi oul) b» S FATKUT 10., Thomas Sullivan, who murdered Mer­ village of Hawthorn«*, 18 miles south of NEW Y Adtv CJ- LONDON. There rill Blanchard at Rainier last iMcemher, I here, lias b«>en entirely «lestroyed by tin1 a cold [H’l’spiration. was convi, t«-d ot manslaughter at St. I which is now sweeping through valuable was a constant tired and lan­ ;..r «'»!> torni» and HtreM. Jwkm.nlli FINE STOCK. Helens recently, and sentencert to the collector of cus­ s«'<-iire«l, and with about two times that the patient was unable to re­ V 'HMantly on hard. The raaiiing-tabU i* al*o toms at Port Townsend, bv the treasury amount, they can have a day benetitting tain any food whatever, aud »applied with Eant.-rn ¡»eriodicala and leading Will makMhtfteMon at th»» l’ni«»n Lirery Stahlea department, for further orders. pap* n* of the the city and the occasion. there was constant pain in the in Jacktonville. Los Angeles county, California, is The Granite Mountain output for the abdonn-n. .\11 prescribed rem­ : ,__ ____ Thirtv-two month of April is stateil at *300,00«) LIVE OAK SALOON. Dwcrlpllon and Pedler.«: | new hotels are :__ now l«ing erected and as This is at the rate of nearly three and a edies failing to give relief, a 1 Booth iaa bright bay. eiuht year*old.IM* hands many more contemplated. All expect con.-ultution was held, when it ORANTS PASS. I high, and is a very handsome horae. Hi» colts ¡ to make fortunes off the tourists, health­ quarter million dollars a year. There is now no silver iniw in the world showing was decided that the patient •how that he i» without a superior as a sire in seekers and land speculators. sout hern Oregon. J. B. HUTCH, Proprietor. as large a product as the Montana 1«) He waa aired hy Hcamperdnwn. who waa sired Lad a cancer in the stomach, The work of replacing with new steel nanza. t»y Norfolk, tir-t dam Nettie W by Belmont; «ec- Thehn.*t Wis««. Liquor« and Cimiw ar* »Iww»» j ond dam. Lady Davis, by Red Bill. The Htud rails the old iron track of the O. A k.-pl on hand, whiln th« r.«dui>.’ tabla ia aappha.1 ‘ Book gives Lady Dnvfaa» the dam of Dashnway. The Gen. I’. S. Grant |>ost No. 13, and in order t<> sax the patient s railroad has been commenced near Al­ «nth the lau*t nawapapara. APool Table ma> G. A. R., of Wilmington, Delaware, lite an oper.idoli was justitl- ■ Beauregard, by Jen kins' famous Dan Luinox bany. For the fast through trains which J«, !»• found her.-, I prop.*« to k10; season. >15; in- have sent to President Cleveland a set able. Accord.;: x, on th«- 2’_'*i selling hi« mare »lur­ wiil run between Portland and “Frisco’’ J. B. HU It H ing the seaa«»n will please remember that the upon the completion of the line a steel of resolutions a,«proving his course in vetoing the dependent |«ension bill, in of February, Io!-:», th«* opera­ i money for services rendered is then -land grabbers, is Jacksonville. April ’J». 1SH7. Tnck<'rit: :n, Dr. i’. u . r, Dr. I business men waited upon th? president said to have left San Francisco on the I OVERUND TO CALIFORNIA 20th ult. for Portland. His apfiearance last Monday and invited himself ami Amis, Dr. G. A. R. encampment in September. : nd Dr. I I l: i i w < ■ I lol the Police land-grabbing gang must lie protected. And Conneotian*. I ¡it* oltvratioil coir-lst- Il<‘accepted the invitation. The cabi­ . >oa rd. Some men denounce tolan'co aH ex|icn- net memliers are also invited. yovxo !.u\!ti_' open tlie cavity eth of June. 1887, Victoria I of the n'’ ar. lb- still dom of Great Britain ...... — ..... ......... of theValif»»rnia. Or»*g«»n ami Idaho Stage« <». ILLMAKETHE SEKHON AH F o LLOHH Sticks to his tobacco htis’iness, however, ’ Empress of India, will have reigned for t ds ha i I m - • a done an exantin- Oialy 3» MU«« of Mtngeug At the farm of < »»I. Ito-» on I barxlay. April W At that time she will Hng-tiuo on Friday, out of which hr' is re|scr annum. It can-! have held the nominal headship of a twenty-eil hour*. j ninth ilay thereafter. The reel <>f each week he not be sail! that his large fortune, in-1 gr- at nation for fifty consecutive years, i Ut to 1 :::• 1 ; >rror and dismay will l»iat my farm in S*» iu ’ n valley. no interruption of her reign, Dr.s< RiPTtoN )N1> P kppirf . k -Young Brigham heiited from his father, ha« ended in < there was no Ilf til«' d«> North. in 4 .vear» old. it»1* hand.-* high and \v»-igl.s 1,290 South. ______ From May 1. |Mh7 smoke. Th«' lockout in th»* building trades Arrive 10:10 \. M. . pound*. He i— <>f a b»’autif"l »L<» We have been able to sup­ ruption of the bricklayers’ union of that b> Hk a French Ca­ unchanged. PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS nadian. that they had made discox • t'- o t ply the demand for tlie common varie ­ city, which is charged with bringing on daily b*»twe«m Portland and Ashland. T erms ; Hinale ••»•rvlce >5*»’; for the Neaeon, ties; Imt the liner grades were scarce, the difficulty without sufficient justifica­ a terrible 1 mistake; hut they fit); laRurancp. *12. That). & C. R. H. Farry mall*«» c.»nn*»cri<»u with PastunigH furnit*h»sl at nviiMniablerates. I will and ortlers for «Moralities could not al­ tion. all th»* r»Mrxlar train«» »»n th» E*»t Side Division sewed 1 ti«* t. •• parts together and not be rerpoueible for accidents fr»»tn f»»ot of F street. ways be tilled at once. In this regard C. < . McCJJiNDON. Lord Colin Campbell, who recently i the market ia still unchanged, although dressed the wound that they Weat Side Divisiou. 1 our broker in Paris has orders to buy brought suit against his wife for divorce, BMTWKKMT POKrtAIDKORVlLLIM. bad made, but the poor woman has been declared bankrupt on the |>eti- ottered at the usual prices.’’ The Trotting Stallion, everything M %1L YBAINB HAttY ( SIC «FT »VNt’AY. > tion of the duke of Marflsirough. who sank fr--. i exhaustion and died A wiki man has put in his ap|M>uranee was a co defendant in the divorce suit. 7 M) à . M Leave Portland Arrive 6:15 r >!. near Albany, and Seattle has a like at- I and who lodged a petition in the bank 12 35 p. \i Arrive Corvelli» Leav»- 1.30 F. M. in a fO DULY (KXexrT »CSDAT I must ! • for the husband of this who rushes through the forests w ith >lis- costs. i jo !> X. Portland Arriae 9 <<> A. X , beveled bait ami torn clothes. Isn’t it poor "< • “ n to know that lus ««'a x. Arnr« M. Xhnn-'illa Lra-r 5H A. X Blaine will start June sth on hi* trip about time for tbe spring snake stories wife national convention next rompany . up-town r.dico. cur. Pino and Second W of hi» owner, t*» iin.l.T-icn»«! on Coffin that you haven’t discovered a sea s«-r- “ . ‘ ” never to i.av been performed. »treat*. Ticket» for principal pointa tn Califor- ereek. fhrw' mileeon-« -f lay ksonville where he pent, to stand off the “Nick of the year. It’s no use, Mr. Blaine. Grant uia can only ba prucureal at company’, office. ; tried it and it was a miserable failure. If tbi s •..Oman Lad taken the ’ l^i^o^M. Wools • ’ tales of th«, interior pre« ’ DiaaiirnoN IND PEnt'»uric-Sir w. rar, Jr . i.v«*"’ I ummiuim p««**r ••• • —• • - • - . ....... . » ur. F ««».I »•«■. e*r»it»»««l. Hr 1»« ears old. is »ai black, n rx 1 ... 1 c v Tzv».^ ■ A ’»1 izt* of tflory Will not light Up this 1» i > ,enr»old..»«l blech, tin-form, tin - form, gfsKl «osl disposi- di-r»»«. E 1‘. ROGERS. proper remedy for Dy»pe P;da If Ihtnn‘1 Manning iili'l C. N. Jordan (.ontilient on your return. G. F. de Pa>cM». Ag’t. tmn and a »ph ndid traveler; ia 17H hands high K. KOEHI.F.K. and w«*ieh-15(X> p»»nni«r J’T H7 houh' ^|"rn?'nnf> | Xew York the gn*at silver market of the 1 ! Tim Columbia River Paper Company Chief.heby Mamhriro Paymaster, he by Mam- , . i 7» t « 1 „ .u ;n this was what the disease ready noy „ Will will brino. h- bylrrnnrfidM"* «ngor. H»» dam wan , wo: hl. ill-dead Ot London, th«*y ^ ^'o ’O • h ive let a contract for the com«trnction a mill .it La Camas, \V T., to take th»» a Long Island Black Hawk mure, »he being »ired , down to lii-torv .is the greatest «»I all ' wad, she w ould have been liv. by the noted trotter Andrew Jacks»»n. »ir«» of j American - tinan» i» i>. And the grief of place of the one <’estr«»vp»'. BROWNSBORO, 0GN I Clvda*uiAle prcssly for J)\-] e-', whi'rv tie Trotting St’llion, I medal »wn account and lately received a complete ami ■ The Young efiicacy in curing this class of will Es« presented to the owner of, wn« examined, and bis «lisease declared •ntirely every yacht sailing the whole course.: i to be sm:ill|«ox, of a mild ty|«o. cases is too voluminous to lie ' I The race is o]s-n to lit vessels ts-loiiging to ¡ anv >e.-<.gniz. ’d I va< in tl>*> th«- Vl.II-l.l world'i ** r' l-rt'-.l that Hong Di the young •» ... lit clnl. III I published here; but those who SEW AND FIRST-CLASS STUCK \VILi. MAKE THE SE \HON OF IW7 AS KOI, wiihom testrietion a« to rigor build hmaman who kdl.-d Mr«. IhlOu some reail the published evidence in llr. M loWNi G»'ili«t»» the D»»l!t*Ran nun-li ---- ... — I«. ----- • *g • - — “ ■ 1 - 1 — — - • nature, and the article hua au ters on th«- fro«* bridge n«'ar Chi«'««, try ­ 1 he*«, ('havner * place »»n H okup river, where he Tho-e wh<> favor him wdh fha»r trailr* will will be for one »lay . returning t»» th»» tirM-named ' article staling that Riley was the Albany ing to make ¡M‘«,ple Is'licve lie j«nnp«*>l in extensive sale. . ud h « good* of »«Kceih nt qualify and geriHrKi »tand by wi«> ondent of th«' Siftm'i-. At the ti««- river. UíT IO AlIVt-KTINKKS. DISTILLERY ! BOURBON. RYE THOROUGHBRED BOOTH ! BR I Gil AM ! PALACE Fine New Goods. New Prices ! JAMES T, Cheapest iriefv. »'«H|;»try pfiMlnre taken m exchange- t . i i LorroN. Br«*wn»fa»r«». Match I, IM*. TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. I evepf ninth day . . D pm 'RIPT ion \M> P ei »!< i UI> Janie*» 1 i«* h (dutiful dark dapple-!«) with Nark fate», mane an«) tnil. Hy-Mr*» »»Id the Wh of June, nfa»ut H haiufa l.*rfh ni*«l *puh-i-D • p«»und«. H»* wm » Bire«i by Mike, 1» if »Ian» n tin»* Hhaart mare; AIik««>* nir»‘WFi>. old Vermont. an«l unt of a thoroughbred Whip n*.ir- . T frmm : -Sinaie Seivii»*. StMifon. *1»»: ln- Hurance. £!’• Any person eollnuc hi» mare dnr- mu th»* th»» reason. »eaM»n will please pleas» rem«*mn* remember r that the ing i money for Nervi» m»»ney s»*rvi«»*H ’»*»» rendered jh i* then due. B'*t of cara rare taken t»> t»» prevent nrrnfants accident», but n«» It.-t respon*»ibiliiy a*»*.inir«l for any jf'oit' | i pri'liiitinary examination . Boon«' testifie«! • - - . 1 by a typographical error Jninert , Hj|ev made to Peter Riley, | | t j , Jidn’t know the corrv^und- j ent s real name. lion. I>. I’ Thompson and wile left on May 25th lor an extended tour in En­ rols*. They will ine«-t Miss Bessie, who wiil aci-oinpany them in time to assiiin.* her duties as principal of the North school. Mr. Thompson's health lias Iwen very much impaired of late, ami it is iiois-d that a year’s rest from activ«* bu­ siness «¡11 fully restore him. U (HER HILF AMILLIIIMIhTRIBITED CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. Louisiana State Lottery Company CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotch, or Frnptlon, Incorporated by th»* Leginlatur«* in Inn*« for FSd- to the worst herein!.!. S ilt-rli« um, ucHti«»nal and Chantabfa i>ur|>utM*H, and 11« frai:- •‘I'cver-Horc*,” or dousii .skin, i chine UHidt* a part of the |»ret««*iit Btale (’onntitu- in short, uJl dfav:>**‘S uuti-c<) by bad blood tir« i (ion. in U7U. by an ok *! wlu’hning popular \ote. conqinn-d by ihi-i pcW'iluL j illying-, ft(*d 11 m (■rHiKl Maitf!«* N umber oriittlHKM inv¡¿unitIn it irt dr iiD1. <«rcat iiztliiSK I •*' I will take place monthly, and the Semi-Annual j cert* rapidly h* -1 under its benign inthivnc”. Draw mgs regularly ever nix months < June and Especially has it inani Tested its potency* hi Deceuifa*» i. curing Tetter, Ro«e Kamh, Boil*, enr- buiK'IcM, Sore Tj'cs. Neror«i lou* Sor» K j We dt> hereby certify that ur.super vine mid SweiiingM, flip-.Iolili the arra.ityementn for altthe Monthly and Milite kwelllua**, Uoitiv, or Thl< k Neck, and ljiilnrged Gland*, fami ten j Quarterly Drawinyn of Thr Louinia/nu Centi in stani?* fr r v. 1.*-^ ir* at. »•. v. uh col- State Lottery Company, and m person cred plates, «ui t xl’J l.-fat .as» n, os- lb«* •Hine manage and contrtd the Drawings f!om- amount for a treat i-'* on ‘ roDdoim? 1!« * ' on**. ••Tin: HLoon is Tin: riti:.’» selves, and that the same are conducted with •thoroughly « I* am** it by .RiiKr Dr. Pirrcefa honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward -.tildf ii tledli al I)h(O»< ry, nini good all parties, and u e authorize the t'nnipany i i igcifion, a fair »»kin, buoy ant splr- touse this certificate, with facsimiles of out 1 itm, vital Ktreiitxtli, aii.l ►oiindiiebs ol couslilutluu, will fie U'UibiiaLcd. which Is Scrotulon« D:««'as<» of the I. «Illgs, Is prompUy ami »’rtululy arrested an> iiii ;>(I oii Ou re,” 1«. • ulsindon««! Hint name a.. tm> Inmt.-d lor a m.dicine which, from its wonder!ut <■< mbin..flmiot tonic,or «11« nglbeu- Ing, nit«-nitlv«-, or blissl-cl«-uii-inir,unti-bilioua, pectoral,and nutrtt«vo pr.>j» rtas, is unorpiated, j it only as a nmvJy tor cousumptiou ut the lungs, but for fill We the underaigned-BHiikH and Banker»* will pay all Prize»drawn in the iroiiibiana Kfatv Lot­ teries which may be pree«*nt»*d at our counters. J. II. Ohl.lhHl , Pres. Louisiana National Bank P. I A5AI X. Pre» State National Bank. A. HAI IIW IX. Pr»*a. N. O. National Bank. 4 ARI. kOIl N. Pres. Union National Bank. GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. 100.000 Tickets nt Twenty Dollars each. Halves nt CIO. Quart«*rs at $5. Ten ths at |2. Twesl ieth a at SI. Liar of I’Rizr*:. ÿ;« a u <11 1 PRIZE OF ih llÄl.lfal 1 PRIZE OF lOn.tW is. fa 1.1 (X1 1 PRIZE OE 5Ü.UW is 25.0UÍ» 1 PRIZE OE 2.7.MU h . ? ’j »■ 2 PRIZES OF pi.iMiaie 25.«« • 5 PRIZES OF 5.(M> nr»* .. •25PRIZF8OF liiDao- ... fai.iam KDPRIZEHUF fan nr. liO.tlO ■JnuPBIZISOF Miara 5m» FRIZES OF 2U»»nra APPROXIMATION PRIZES ltm Priz«*H <>f <.’•(■» approximating ♦»• $3iU,(All» Prize ar»• « ltsi Pri/»*H of a|>!>r«'xiinating to AJiM.iil) Ptiz«* an* 1(<| PriztM <»f S’JM) appraxiniating to J>50,(XM Prize ar»*. ’Ji,»KA> TERMINXL PRI/J S. l,i««i Pnz**> »»f 5li»' «i»’»’i Prize are hr’.iiiil FARM FOR Address Registered Letters to í h Brinkerhoff System for Cure of all RECTAL DISEASES. FARM FOR SALE. W. li. *NDKEWB, Att'y for Plaintiffs. MISCELLANEOUS. I I Cured Without Cutting Operations Settle-up Notice. ,'XtSe navfn rnnvinwn.v.irit TAH.F. davw . Drug store. cu.l will vf liigrr A a l1l«t«r" frrtf ll. |r«' nxir*finj< l***tw»r kubh g ’ «i J»»l.j» !l»Jt hiiH I w * pii »I ìnmoìv ' n I by Hcrount*» du«* fh»’ at once by um ; i £ Ac.ltet a U»Ly S»>tLrr. tittfit;»! « »ri.yiif. All iin(r»M It contain! iw Opiutu or 'Mnrpl>jue, ' In IH luti I U‘ I |«l a» <>t« H ilt A h «I* u 'MH», wl». r -nli 1 ufaiui*' iqpli.’iM 1 Ili* ftriu Will I m * imii «), hence iB safe. P t .' o ® 25 eeno. B"1<1 Lr k KUBLf ‘ JOHN HOLT- City Drug Store. B .S Mt^day, Ju to. 18, 1837, O X w « STEAS J. DAY o 1 ; I | «o LEGAL DOCUMENTS <_>f all kinds drawn ’.ip, esp*)ciall.v pertaining t< the swttfauwnt of estates. Collrrtor of Vfoiinh—Prompt Rnnilliiiirex Investment Securities a Sp»*oialty. County Scrip Bought ami Sold. FRTTIT TRKKS SARDINE GREEK NURSERY PROMPT REPLY MIDE 1’0 ALL LETTEBS. Charges in ace »rdance with the times. Ib’fers. by tier mission, to C. C. B«s kman. Esq. Bunker, to Hon. L. R. Webster. Judge of thjs nfdicinl district, and t<» any business house in • ark-onvilfa. SILAS J- DAY- B. F. MILLES. Prep. ‘ Oregon Kidney Tea! o CMLrlv C'JLY ÚV Nature’s own Remedy— I I PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, j THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. SMOKE THt LITTLE CUPIDS ! ---- ASK TOR— personal or family uw. T»llaJ»ow to order, and exact cost or every­ thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or hare fun with. These IN VALUABLE BOOKS contain tuforniation glean««! from the markets of the world. AX e will maU a copy KRHK to any ad­ dress upon receipt of 10 rts. to defray tip»n»c of mailin«. Ixtushear from yuy, Jle spec t fully, « GE0.ÄMAEBETHÄE0. FOR ^•»ITTSeURGW °A 1 SALfBK^F ALEKS EyiJfrT CtaCHE. • THE I’.OSS BOOTS And all of AKIN, SELLING & CO.’S I UNRIVALED GOODS! ;*t 2 o’clock 1 M . ul said day. ah the right, title and mt rest of the sani d« icudunt. A b. Johnson, hi and i » j *»11 of the fuHuwiug dv»cxibud leai prup- erty. tu-wit: (. umiueuciug at a laiel from which the N W <» *24 1» .*rabw-‘j «lug. W 320 feet; tJit-ucv b t>"* 8 deg. E 3?»« feet, to the west line of Love A Hitget lot; tb»’UCeS2W> feet; thence N d g W i‘»s lett; thence b iiiVj deg. W 13 f«a t;tii»*n<’AJ b 22 . d»*g. U 15'J’- feet to >hc piece of iiegiuning. Oring m JacKa«»nvdJe, Jacxsou « ouuiy. vi'g'Ui Alsu, commencing at u poiuum ¡he N line oi < :i!ifurnia mrevt, two wc‘:ec cuat* r- i) from ih brick btore-m»u-e of L. and 8. Sachs. ■ .mi running thence eastWHidly with th«* N side uf -aid t uliforuih street sixteen fret and running bam Niine width 75 feet, t»eing part uf iut 4 m bi»K k 2. froutt ig sixt *< n feel uii ( Hiit'-rma street ami running buck »•» f'*»-t. being in Ja« k.>*ouville, JucgNon cuuoiy. Oregon. 1 he N *«uf b W and 8 W *4 oi N W «»f sec. Jft. in township 3ft M>uth. of »ai g" 1 w»*bt, containing l-Wucrt’R. and lot No. 1 in toe. 16, ln towmhip Jo euutli, of range 3 wvbt, euUtaiRing 2.17 acrat The NW *4 of t> E 4 uml N 1. ‘4 of 8 W *4 and S W of S E k* and b E «*f b 4 <>f s-vc. 2. in tuwnsLipJ» south, uf range 1 wcat. cuntai&iug llkincre-». uil being ixj Jack. on county. Ureguj. Given under my tutud Vu*» IGtU day of May. Ufc7. B W. I1L.YN.Sheriff. By N A JAiOHS. Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. .faikaon I Lav»* a c*»mplnti* »<•! of of all Surveyed • golds id this county, ard ret’i'iv«* abstract« montlil: frotn ILosobnrg of ill n«*w entries made. I ain t!i»is prepared t<> mak<* o»it Homestead and Pre-emption papers, an»i cun thus sa»»’ to ¡wirfiet- tbe cx’»«’nsp of a trip to Rieteburg fatixl Office. S»'ver:il tine farms are in ’ny hands for sale. - nt the— S37 4L 93V Wataab *»<*»• L'blMfffi W* ? a » n 53 Abstracts made of Titles to Lands. PATRONIZE HOME IND STRY MONTGOMERY WARD & GO. ' I « REAL ESTATE AGENT ! Fverjr StH'oml Sunday in Each Month. Address for ¡wiinphlet on Rectal DiM'Hses, DR. J. IL PILKINGTOX. Port land. Dragon. O I r NOTARY PUBLIC, J. FPALEY’S HOTEL, ASHLAND, Cenerai Merchandise HI ■ i 8 j pi VIRTUE OF AN EXEt UTION DULY 18- 1J sue>- ' of for«'cl«H'Ura of a <*«*rtuin mortgug«* m the afa**« n i*u»*d court on the 7» rt!t«*»l r»»ai praperfy, ix ionging i«» Ty ra Stanley an«! Fannie K. Stan­ ley. «i- f»’iid«nis. I am commanded to levy on an i m *1! raid property to satisfy the judgment of E. Lyttb*t«»ti for the sum of >7«.»'. lift, with legal mt« r»—t troin tii»* 7th day of Max. Iab7. and for the furtfmr bum of >H»i.tJ7 e»»sm Um! dmburs«*- inenfa, and aiw» the «•»'i«t»»uf ami upon till»« writ; un»! in »»tw-ilience to said wnt 1 did. <»ii the 25th »lay of May. kb», levy on *«ai. to-wit. it-ginning at a p»»».l » mi feet « ar-t of theexlrcme call and m ? for yonrs»'lv»*H fa for»- you pm «•L»*.-«* northwest corner of th«* farm <4 Lindsay Applt*- ♦*fa«*wh«*re. gaie. thence »*a-t AM» f,*«*t to |H*Kt for corner <»n Fanta made for >'• anil upward»*. line lM*lw.*»*n the farmw of L Appiegat»* and H. J. A LARSEN Milium; thenceaouth 1« I t feet to a po».t for cor- N»*it door 1o A. G. < ’ok infa m*r; ti»<*nce west *JUH f»*et to a post for corner; | thence north li'l • fe:*t t«» place «»f beginning. c««n- ■ 1 ning ono-nalf n> r«*. m«»re ur E mm . Also, bogm- : ing at a post «»n the »*art boundary »if claim No. 4*». 7*1 link»« north of tie* post for Mouthwest « or- n»*rof donation Jami chum No li m township ft« *»'Uih. ot rang«* «>n<* «•«•»(: tfiev»»* 1 orth 15tH ’KOM TWO \ tlilfa »»I W.ANDO'« ITS. | «’hams to a po~t »'li!tie e;»«*t faiundary of claim tl.r»*»* yard <*f 1’1 '1 MOI IH l!( ’( KS. cn«l »w<» No I ' from whp h a mum 3’ 11.<•■».**» tn dtanYater yanfaof BROWN LI «»HORNS. '»«■ him wi * m 14 link-, h baim I- inci»«»- in w• Mt ii’tkri (ifatar.t; ., « <•«. w-t 1.15 cmun- to a p»»»>t from which a ’».»Int I - 1’.«■'.••■* m dmn’«’t»*r tsyar-south t»3 (iegrat*» ■ w-7t ! '• tiT'k-. b.»!m 2d in»*li«*t* A* diameter fa*An* P kii ’E*': W\andott»• »'ggH on»» fitting. *^i. tu-> • »uti. i . d.-gi'*«'-* we-t 32 links distant; thorn*»» sittings. S7: three sitting*«, >_•; Plyn’"ut|i IL- k >ai. '.lt « ?<• fMM*t from which egg», one sitting. s2 54: tto>-<* « L .1 k im m - in a no-t from wim ti a r« »i fir 1'2 niche*» m dmim*tr»r .lanu iry l'«th. Aside from their utility tl,»*y are fa’ais n. rti» 75 link> ufatai.t a**»» ft inch«*» in <1iam- . th»» hnmi.-»«»!n«,Mt f«»wl I have cv r handled. My • t' r boars north w dogns-M w***t 7ft link" »irstant: I’l'nu'ifl Bock- -.r«' ni<>-t favorably km>wn all tm no»*sout h ^5 u, greet, w. st •* UXcImutw t«»a white faiV'-rthe N *r»l. Part*)'’ <’»»»*4. Tin* h»*iiviet«t an»l I mat t>ie post 2 xix2 mcheH; thence s»»utti »'»3‘f f all , niy cuat«»m<*rM 8»'ml -tainp f«»r h.“misoinely il'.u-fr:.t»ft cata­ loga«*. A«ldr»*ss; J. M GARRI8ON. F'< rc-t Gr«'v»\ (Ir. SEEDS ! I E. J. BOWEN, If you want to bu y windmill, buy th»* 65 Front St., PORTLAND, OR. Racine Wind Mill, ’ Gard» r. Flower and Field Bewfa. Clover Grraa. « s. Alfalfa. Onion H» ts. etc.. Hr., in all variHiM and lots to mit. Ixrgeftt and most complete -ba-k »n the North* West. M»*rchantK. farmers and gardeners r«re r<*.|u» H- rwj t«» write for price**. II.I.I MltAlKlt I »T «■<•(;< » K,|| I |i IRH. Lif’l.t. Ht rong and well fallane«*»! an«! perfectly j K»lf-regulating. I I PUMPS THE CITY BREWERY, ■„ ke*H. Sheriff 's Sale. J fl > ? DR. PILKINGTON. Surgeon,Oculist undAurist and proprietor »f the Sanitarium for Lye. Ear and Nervous Diseaacs, Portland, Ur., has been appointed agent ami physician for this system for Oregon, and hat* in iwii months mutloa niun'air of cur»« of eas’«, in some <*f winch, severe operations with the knife haveonly ne harm. Il»»fers by permission to Mr. .Jas. W. Weather­ ford, druggist, well-known m Safam: Mr. Frank Gardner, machinist at c«ira.hi>ps, and others. Will meet patients ut at 2 «»’clock 1*. M <»f t*ai«i «lay. all the right, title a: i<1 interest of th»- said Tabitha D. May field and J 11 Mayfield« o* f Duaota, in auli«» «i»’-<*ntMMi real * ro|»erty to-wit The io? anown und designated on the official map ot tn»* town of, county of Jacgr-on. mate of Oregon, as lot number on»* (1 • in bl«»ck numts’i eigntfaM- VYifne.-is my ha d and «»ftkial signature thia 25th day ot May. Ibs7. B W. DEAN. Sheriff. By N. A. JA< oBS. Deputy. X V1LTLE OF TWo < EKI’AlN XX IUT8 OF ♦•x«’> uti«»n. ! me bt;» ••••t Oiegon. t r Jack sou v«»unty, i «»nd t>> me »hi»*c;<* ri A. b. Joiiii-<»u. lot tn recuvery of lii«*t*uai i oi till ?« u »«.» in?»-»• - « «• » ••»!: at teu per cent, pci aunum lr»'!ii ?: u»y >>. Alii). l*v*». and ti.e . lui’hvr rum «»t >4,( ’ »’'»»- ir and «tiBiurBemeut«; » .«< the otuei upon u jmigmeut re»’uvereu in sanl , »»in »»n u.•• i t «lay «H .»prii. in lavur ot isivo. ) Neut» -i anu a*«tin>i A b. JuhnM»n 1« r the i.-v»»’ •■? j <»t ti»e -um «»1 Mri •$«. w itu interval there­ in al ten p«*r c« ni. p» r hnuum tram tne 1st day of April.!*"» ami the sum «»I >14 L» attorney fees, j ai .» tudurth r h»im ol j -» <' ».-t* ami dieburse- mvnla.HJ.d also tie cor t* oi ami Uj»ou lhe»e arils« , 4 am AX»m»uandc«l t«* aeh tm* property heretofore j i -vied ufsm by me and in id virtue ut atcacti- .iici.ts in tn«* above aciion-.'c Kiilisiy lb«.* ainounte | pci iUtil: und m «»imL-cm c to dun writs. 1 w ill < tt.-r f*-r Male. t«»r gt»i«l «*o»u of the Lull'd oi A merica, at public auction, to the high- ' »‘»«t (• ddci, ui (h» » **uri ituuite «tout lu Jacksuu- 1 » i I k . .n caud county and Suite, on BARLEY ROLLERS. Having added a set of Barley Rollers to my mill. 1 hav»* set apart every Batunkiy to Roll Barley f«,. customers. The work will be doné on short notice, so that nurties can return with their gnsi the same day. I am prepared to roll barley at m W r. ìriiH pn»c»*ss it- rimes ana in far ahead of the crusher G. KAHEW.SKI FILE«, Kl'< I AL b’L< l it. ElffHUIU-:«, 1’UU K1TC8 AM, F18TULA8 IN ANO. POLYPUS KE< TI. E tc . A Rare Chance! I*. .-r . ul.f, o, < STEAM FLOURING MILLS H K rhi.r h>< cow HMtiuta.-hirinir. 4 ci.sntr.. e ....flout, I, 'em, I uuh I II.. nu, I,.—! i I I Flour and Mill-Ferd Over 30.000 Cures in Six Yearn. YOUNG CLYDE, money Telilo »led I’ri« » 2o «’«*nt.- pb. for .**.•».e ny all druggist». s-' t urda •/. Jo io .‘5, ItSS?, ; THE STAFF OF UFE! 6 Miles sonlli tf Jacksonville, \V;i PoiM 1. Ti XAH« IM ■ 1 I " • , After suffering fur more that» three years • with di «<.*««•• <»f the throat and hini?**. 1 jfot . f: itthdue whe.: juare in known to A. th. On.l-n.lfn.dI .. el-ta, »WM*. I *•>. ¿’'h, **' X vntTUEuF AS E\E< I’TlttS Dl'LY 1«- eu* »1 out «»! ti.»-’ ircuit Court of (he State of i Oregon, for J.e a -on county, »»n (he'^ith «lay «»f Mu: . ia-7. .»mi to n " dire« t"«i and delivered, in ; lavoi ot R'-?>»-«’ca J.’v’-pe—. piMiiitiU. who recuV- ■ • reti u ju<‘gment uml f i«>r»’<'lustife of a 'certain m«»rtgug** »n the afa*v <*.fmiu:*«i < ourt <»n ' the li'th day «it .ila'. 1--i uml against the herein« uftui «!• -» iil>» «l re.d property, fado’tging to lain« ini D. May held and J - H. .'»lax ti«’lu. d»*t**n«taL«**. I 1 am commanded io levy «*n Mi.d »»41 said property Lo^tisf) th«' judgment of Ih’beccu Jacquo for UifHUin of wit., interest from the 14th «lay «»( .M* ? I"**'- at tn<* rateoi t« np*-r cent, per annum, und tor silt ’*• attorney ♦«••*'. and the sum of -c 17 cosiriu”«! umbnrM.*ments, ami also the fur- I im-r «-uni «d >1' 9» .’»4 due ,1. A. >eara. fr«»m a; id xletemiaLts. with mteroHt from th»* 13th day of lugu-t, i—i. ut ten per cent. |»«*r unuum. uuc! the -uui js III •>’» attorney tee**, anu also the cuets »»f aud up«»n trim writ. un«1 in o»a»dieuce fosaid writ. 1 1 did, <»n th»* -5lti day of May. 1M>7. levy on »-aid realty , according to law, ami will «»tier for sal»* lor goid coin of the Lnil«-»J States of America, at pUiiiH’ :»u<*iion. to the !ngti«’bt bidder, at tlie ( ourt House «i»a»r in Jacksonvilie. in said county and State, on Constantly oo hand und exchanged for wh«»at ’AKlH1* POWDER Naava D i »« asr . hit, t tte- I wa LL ihlh if t dire t©«i. A - - u • 1 - -v»«< >"'i triAl t rm'.e f?e« to ’i_- «iyr»*krha»<»A.Mib«« »he« farttve! ”* e O and •«pre»’. *»Mre . rf alRkted io I> • -IS»- *1« ArrW *?» .FhiKilelphla.P*. Diuggist«. V# Sheriff's Sale. IZIMIGLDS1KI $500 REWARD XI.W OKI.EANM NATIONi AL BOH N«* m OrleaaiM. E h , antee of absolute faini's** and int»*grity. that th»* chancee are all equal, and that id » one «’ hi ; possi­ bly divin»* wfait nunit»erH will draw a i’r.z»’. REMEMBERS'1 the payment of all Prizes fal.l UH > I Lu» IO HH K MIIOXIL ItOhs.J New Orb ans, and tne ti< k»*tM are sign* gi *1 by th» President of an Institution, who-«* ebar rea right*- ar»* i »‘cogniz«*»! m t he highest C«»urts; t ! »*r»*- fore. beware of any imitations or anonymous »ehern«»*. I l lhet’ouaty (’ourt of Jackson county, State of Oregon. W. I Whittier. Wm-P. Fuller. Wni. P. Fuller. Jr.. F. W’- mm I r iui »!( A. Plummer, plaintiffs, Vri.(je«»rge W. Williams, defenduiit. I«» Ge«>rge W. Williams, the abuve-namfd do fendant: IN 1 HF. NA.MEOF HIE STATE OF OREGON. 1 you ur* her« by re<|Uired to appeal in ttieafaive entitled court ami answer the complaint of the plaintiffs on or before the trst dajr of the June — term, l«b7. of said court. t«Kwit: Juno ft. 1W7. or THE UNDER8IGNED OFFEKH FOK SALE ' ju UI N4. M » N Suffering from any <»f th«’ afa»ve symptom*, j -hould consult uh at one»* The drain cun be s /«a C« W , retopp«-!. vitality reHt«»ml. an«! life be mad»* again ’fctLtrf i h pb‘.%f*ure inbt<*ad of a burden There are many ffinhl.^At.ll) MIN ANTI-nir.IO: s and CATHARTIC. who are troubled with too fro<]uent evacUMtion 1 >»f tie* bla3 ufa»itle. or fimi ’.ìmUB’tli«» quantity * 1 saiefa <»f €;«*■'•■ terminate in consumption. S ample B otti f E hi » Dr. Sag» fa ( ataukh R emedy cun-s the worst 8«nt to any on«* app'ying by letter. Mating cases Of Catarrh, ••Cold In the Head,” bj mptome.-ex and age Strict »-«*«’raay in regur»! ai»«’ Catarrhal He**.ti■.nta. to nil bu-in«»«s transact fana Ihe celebrate»! K idnf . ï R emf . dv NEPHRET1- t'UM.forali knids of Kniney and Bladd«*rC»>m plaint-, «’onorrhxea. G fact. Lcurorrhœa, etc E* >r -ale by all druggists; >1 no a b«»ttle, or »» bottle- for $5 If' Th- ! i gli-l. DANDELION. LIVI I! AN!) DIS- THE ROGUE RIVER PLl'SIA PILL is fl>eb"st in th«* mark» ? For a •!»■ bv ail druggists: price. ’<) ci-nts a ta»tll«* Address Fug’isti 9fle«n«*al IH vp«*iisary. N<> U K earny Si S an F ranîtsco . (’ ai . ! WING RE< ENTLY BEEN REFITTED will, all modern iruprovem»'nfa, are now turning out a tirat-^laH-* article of dour, winch is put up in < barrel Micks, and every mck is warranted to r<*Dtain Wpounds of flour If you don’t believ«- tbis. ju.-t compare a-a* k of our Hour with an) other brand offered for kb I»* in this market, an.1 note the difference in weight. aa Sumiuous. 1 offer for aale on reaaonable terms my property on Williams »-rack. Jowphiu»* county. It compris»*b Mi) acre« of land, most "f which is Qnder fence, well watered and euaceptible t<» cul­ tivation. I'bi* dwelling house and outbuildings are in good condition, fanidee which th«*re ih h cabinet Hhopsupplied with superior water-power For further ¡jarticiilarH, enquire <»n th»* premise* loraddreK« G. B. CALDWELL. Williams P. O., Or. World’s Dispensary Medical isscciation, 3.1:1ft Prize-amountingto. i For Club Biite-oi any furth»*F information ap. I>l) to the nndersigimd. Y«mr handwriting must h»* distinct and Signatur« pin n. More rapid re­ turn mail d»*liv»*ry will be by your »•ru’loe- ingan envelop»* bearing y»»ur fall H«ldrt*HH. Send POSTAL NOl'E. liiprebM M<»ne> Ordera. or New Y ork Exchange in oniinut • letter. Cur­ rency b) Expr»*-*» fat <»ur expensej n«idr»*-M*d to M. V DAI THIN. X. w Orban»». La. or M. A. DAUPHIN. Washington, D. < . REMEMBER guar ‘ :,;’ I), who are in charge of th- <1 rawing.-, fa D SA1 j E. esiring to engage in other pur 1 PRICE $1.00, SHAD2 & ORNAMENTAL TREES j STERLING SAW-MILL In the matter of tie* estate »»f Morris Menaur, d»-»’»*HMst. THE UNOEltHlHNED OFFEHS FOK SALE A No. 1 grain farm, contninir gacres of tillable VOTICE IS Hl RI Hi GUI N THA I I HE LN- land, lying near the Htage r.»a»l, «¡X mil*** ea-t «»f d»'r>ign»*d has !»»•»■«« Hp| »»mt« d 1q th»* county Jacksonville. I’la«*«* ia wed improve«!; g»»of grain and hay growing ing Haim-against th«* that I will sell with th-* farm if !♦—irad. (’an with th»’ proper voucher* attached at tlie biui- giv»* bion at any tune. F«»r twrtiriilarb n«*sh place o( MeiiRor BroH.inJH<*k**otjviHeJack- callonoraibirabN JOHN H. HERRIN. Hon coumy, Or»’g<»u. witliin six nionthb from the Ashland. Oregon. tirat pu •H<’ali«uj of ibis I.otic*. MATILDA MENSOR. Executrix of aaid Estate. Dated Mat 13. 1**87 If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, bar« «•allow color of skin, or y< llnwinh-brown spots on face or fa»dy, frequent headache or dizzi* liras, faid taste in mouth, internal beat or chills, alternating with hot flashes, low spirits and gloomy fairebodfngs, irregular appetite, and coat»*«! tongue, you arc suffering from Indi» geMlon, DyApcpKia, and 'Borpld E.ivcr, «r •*Bi 1!«»»!«liCMH.” In n any cans only pari of tlicso s/niploiGS are cxjh rien.N-d. Ad a r» medy lor all such <*af*< «>, Dr. JPierec’s Goldcu Plcdlcal lilac o* cry l ei no ail. 1 .r Weak Ln Hplttln* of Blood, Miortuc*.«* of Breatli, Bron« hilt«« Severe «'our h«» <011*11111 piton, unu kindred affect»o ».s. it fa a povi n iyn remedy. N nd t< n lOi’i in stanuia for l>r. Pierce’s bookcuteubuuipticu« bold by DruggiaU«. .n the Academy of Muric, New Orleans. Tuesday, June 14,1887. Executrix's hotice. FARMS FOR SALE. or TUE T THE FINE DRIFT HORSE. Kind Office at Roaebnrg, Oregon. ( April 27th 18*7. ) VOTIi E IS HEREBY tilvEN THAT THE foilowing-nioa« d b» n county. Oregon, at Jackeonvilie, Oregon, qu Saturday. June I-th, 1887, viz: Thomab Nick- » n-oii, li»>m»«H*ea u . mm ! rail fence, there ia a house and barn an'« -W young fruit trees on * the place. It also haa o best out-ide rang»* in 'tiiecountj; alsoanoth» ■ xcellont place contain, ing EJOiicrai* For full particulars call upon »»r addr»*«»* O J. VANNO1 Kerbyville. (iregor; signatures attached, in its advertisements. . A «-onvict of the Nebraska |Htiitrn- CHOICE PEACHES A SPECIALTY 1 I tiarv, who has just <<>niplct«'* odd) relfave anil p«*rrna- i ! has institufed a novel suit for «lamagoa mmtiy c ire al I tin* various difficul­ i Ail.ln««.: It. F. Mil,I.Hl. «¡old Hill. Or 1 ' ties arising from a «-ll Ihake, DAY srHfHH«. HIGH -BiiXD 110 RSZ, and FT. KLAMATH LINES. $ 5 00 li’ii I.KTtst'Titi: rurst m hkahos at i three amendments to the California con­ Tarter. Ilan M.Water and “l’in-ll **rimary Department. ............................ TÒnr ** .............. .................... ........ «00 stitution has not yet been declared. The l 'hil ls. I epurat«»ry ** .................................. ... « 0” 1«. STRAIT. »» tli»' f»»llowing tiin»’- Hi'») 3I» hi »1.»)> Htagf** leavo AMhlan»!»tail) tSu?»»b»y ♦•x«--*p!»*d) . 10 00 kjk I TuuMfaj- Hi M"df Mi. \S»«in»-il)Q» an«j unofficial and incomplete returns re- nmr and Giaduating D«,i>ar*inetit.... San Fi.m.-is.-o, May 2S —i’a«|.|y Ryan, on arrival <»f mail tram from PorllHii»!. arriving j PupiUaH' n«c«*iv d at nny time, and special at- riiur*»rm near » entn»l jcerv.’dfrom the several counties show. ! ex-i-hampi-'H pugilist of the wot Id. state.I at I !ikvili»*at ft o'clock I*. M.;afa»> faa\«' ........ ,........... ........ in . behalf «>t ntiuu ia paid to particular Mudi«** I'riii'»)-Hi.«! S.' uriiH»-at Plifvnix. i however, that amendments No. 1 and 2, to an a.«sociat*-d piess reporter this even­ villefor Aslilatid ♦•\»T) morning «‘xcopf Sunday. uldr«*n who have hut bruira»! time. F»»r furtli*r rtos \.N1> l'F.!>I<»KIF: .Inrk .xKiTU>son < onnectat Lmkvill»» with tri-wevkly stag *s for relating to the selection of a chief justice »rtKiüsn. *|.pb at ths Acailwo. ing that, having seen a di«p.«t< h that ; ir a faiutttful «■ ipph n- N»*w coaches and ’*c«v **t*»ck throughout and! I th" N«fnuan < '••»»- ’an’.wlu' w .«* br«tl in Nonnanih . j defeated. special care given to make the trav»ditig as corn- i \men.Intent No. providing shit» to Ktlrain, he protest« against Sul­ M Eni’OKI). OK. hirtil l>\ tii»' fnin«»UN Pri»!»- «»f N»»nnMmly. wh«**<* fortableas posHibi»*. Best rout»* to Eash'rn Ora-I a method tor the framing of chatters for livan's i igld to ., oth**r horae Ashland office at Willard A Eubanks’ hard- : \ new variety oi pressed brick. Urtde p!:l< «< Kilrain mav namo, ptoviding th<> 1 in hi-t«»r> The «fam » f Jack Ham|^»n WH» wax front fr«»m I war«* store. Agent af Linkville. G W. Smith, • to ord»*r. S''\v'!i'.’-.’iiaclii.’!»*s nfao repairial and put in tirst-i,fa''ri ord'T. I h mm« »»f th»- B«n np>t t»» I in«*. l»y th** fain» us F n«. of a»hes and cinders, is now inanufac- tight < :m <-ome off’ without int« rfeienc«*, j Linkvilfa Hotel. Prie»»F to -nit Ci»» t l it-*« and .sf.iri »on guaran­ ' Ifab draft -r»••'. $i,: >■»•» <»i . >i5: iu - brick of unusual soliditv, handsome in any wax he wi-tiies. md tor any amount ■D.h powlnr never vorfofl. A marvel of purity, Me • baking. All manner of ex|s>riinents have publishing <-oi«ip;«n- ¡;s an earnest of ins wt ight.alnmor ;>ho-phafo|,/)Wil’ ri. SOUJONLVIS ' r»‘-t-«ti -du itx .» -nim d f«»r an> that may ti .¡'feu '■|»eci!ic. It in be I’ivcn in a cup Iwiiled for hours without cracking or of t;-a or coib'c without the knowlepee«ly and It will mJ l>e an easy matter hereafter permanent cure, whether the per.H«»n is a i to get married in Washington, the Mecca moth-rate drinker or an nleoholi» wreck Public Notice. DRUGG IS I S, of brides and grootns. The alliance, ThoiHauih of drunkanh have been mad« temperate men who have taken t In-< »<>ldcn [H NOW UNDER FULL HEADWAY ANI) IH VOI h-E IH HEKEH» GOES THAT BEAMFH [which control« nearly all the principal Specific in their e<»fh‘e withotit their kimwl V Rrna. hnv« placed a lar»ce number <»f their! 1 ¡tTHpai’iMf to furniwh the market with every de- : ministers in the 1'istrict of t'olntnbia, edge and to-ilav believe they quit «Irink »<-f • «e»*- an«l all tb«*ir b*M»k arcount»» in thè han«U uf - - OREGON. i|ition >»f lund"'r <»f k aupenor quality at the PHOENIX, J IL Hnffur f«»r vuiiti tiou. and bava <>r»b*red ll’II.L M \Ki: THEHEASONOF AH FOL- has adopted a resolution «Itidt declares : ing of tln ir own free will. No b.'H infill ef­ low** t mtt‘r. Hillw Nitwed t<> ordnvilfa. thence io Medford, at E W«lowin’»» liv ing. if such wife or husband has been i Mpei'itir Co . !<» Pace St , ( in< innati. ’ Hu » WAGON MATERIAL. *»ry »mbit* whrr«* will ramfin two (I iijh ; th«*nc»' , put away for anv cause nrising under ***“"■ E. H. HEA.MI» to(' H. Pickplac«» in i’ab!i* Kork pr«*cinrl. Thr BI X KILV Ol IDE Ihieli'li-ii'i imlra .S/flre, 1 arr.agr T« m »I s and private rfl.*ct< of tb* fat ItatfMi Apri) 1*. Iftrf- where he will b^h rtwi* «lay»-, retarntuc to meh I mnrtiage; but this recommendation shall Hrpt. and March, JACKSONVILLE. OK. I ---- -------- j Is. P. !l O»na. Till' inh ram opiM.rinnity !*»r i n The b«*t nnho.^l the W«»rid ini t ills atund every ninth not l>e held to apply toan innm-ent party fwh yrau-. 4.- 312 t.fjc wishing to purchase some hrst-<‘lass earring U>M4'Kl ITK»N iNI> 1'H'hlliEF.. «'UTtf < 1> it«* in to a divorce for a «a use of adultery nor Brilfae-, S«»r< *«. I leers. Hah RI h uih . level BJ.xIl*. inchra,wltl»«»’«r mnt«*r ..*1. ofc. . . . lArg»*. w»’ll-p»ojM.rti'»n» »l loT'« nr.») weigh» aljout • ■ MASTOPPED FREE a l.Hi'V S*«re-, I» tt«*r. ( h.ipp» <1 I Li ii'fa, <'liilliliu n-t VEIT SCHUTZ. PROP. 3,600 tl lustrations — a II K. H \NN \. A» *tr»*n. the i.etq draft home united in marriage.’’ tive imi . l'or 1‘ih-s, »:r no m )• n*«piir«*d. If Iftt Ht iibiz. ilium ri vij.y tstoitxis S H ^BDr.KUNE S GREAT .ever brought t<» Oregon His dam was a thor-I G1VKS Wholesale Prices isgtiamiitwd to give p«*rf» < < iti-L.« f « *p or . ’ A.I* ’ 1 .Ltrli ..»nvill.* nuil Mirrt.n.>.li |<>Utfhbr*d < ’ opp- rboTton: mar«' imported from dii ect to con.«*«*»*» r.t on all goods for ■ ■ N erve R estorer ¡HurtH »ip. Huf Truf>, R.T.LAWTON LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! Corn Whisky ! Rn.ilmad Saloon FOR SALE. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. ! AND TANKS of every description« 8«*n«l for priccslfa» and catalogue to 1 A. T. HEDGE,Grant's Pass. Or. Notice for Publication. I^tml ( itti* i*B»»s»‘burg Or.. ( , „ , April 2U. |s*r7. * < \fM»rt of bu» «•! urn. and that said iwviof will hr nuule before ! «hr Judg»* or < T**rk <>f the < ..unty < .*a«t ,»f T«» W hom Ji MAY f'OSClft.x: r>him* » »>nnty. at Grant - I fas-., < >r . »»n Tu^tday il a . g . colvin having , on the 2d I Jun«’ !4. IM m J. vìz . Th«*ma« B. lioiiNton, Hunte-' »lay of F’bruars’. 1HS7, aligned all t»fa ac- -tead entry No. farti, for the N E. U He«*. 34 Tn connfa to me. I theR’fore notify parties n«»t to ■ M. S. I! 5 Wi st. W M. He th»* inliowing* J»ay any demand f.»rm**rly due. or to fa*<»<»mp «hie wtUie****** t«» prove his c<>ntinu»»us residence uiMin coin tlmin (•* Mi ‘ in. to MJ p f -«> *-x< "pt ».mi ru’tjvation of »»ai.l Ian«!, vz II. H. SparBn myself or rny authorized agent of U iliiain« »T»*ek. Josephine county. Or.; John I R DAWSON. Beckner <*f Applegate. Jackson county, Or.; Ja*. By W. R. 4NDREW8. Lift Atty. Jordan and Walter Jordan of (»rantfa fÑu*». J om «. PUBLIC NOTICE. M /•ckeoril“'« r*b- •• I*»7' I phiue Co.. Or. C« ax . W Jknssox. Haci.ur.