H K s . II ’■ -4.V/> rut:Ht:. *« * ‘ i «V *.» < MUÍ i <>rrg«»n Kidney Ten. I usino mus FRIDAY officiai raus MAY 27. 1A< Religion* Itcma. Liberal Sunday-school and Bible cla*« meets every Sumlav at 11 o'clock x m at the V M. L Hall. Talent. Read the new advertisements. Hotel de Dean has an occupant. Davi.i L Hopkins is at Portland. Unparalleled bargain« at N. Fisher's. Fre«h bread at the 8. F. Variety Store. Flour continues firm al >,’5 per thousand. Sheep Inspector Stanley has something of importance to ehwpinen of this county See advertisement elsewhere. The Mound district school. I’rof. Fairclo teacher, will give a picnic at the Rogue river camp ground on June Id Judga Day, onr real-estate agent, i« of- tering a large naruber of farms for ssle If you want one give him a call. ! There will be a bountiful crop of apples Fifteen arrests were made bv the siierifT 1 and (M-ara in southern Oregon ;but peacliea, : last week, for gambling and permitting rtt»O.1.ll MtNllOX. HALE BROS. & CO. plum« and cherries will not be so plentiful, gambling in the saloons, in Lake county. Tobe Martin of Glendale is in town. though more so than for the past two Some were gamblers ay profession, others years Mrs S. A Morton is now a resident of (rambled occasionally for what there was Gilroy, Cal. There is nothing like advertieing io th« [ tn it. and a few gambled for amusement, but they all gambled and were n rested. T imes . Geo. W Heckatliorn of llutte W J. Rodgers made us a visit last A few have been disci. ;.gc I by tin ustiee creek, who let the people know he bad lost and others arc yet ft her - their , -. muta­ \\ rilnesday. some animals. sn found their abouts. where­ tion. D. F Gosper of Seattle. W T., tarried here a day lately. The business of the Jack-ota t. larl.ie Works will continue right along ti ,r the J. I’. Mattingly. Trunk Bros.' lively agent Nearly every bod v is having their bumps management of the assignee. A. 11. •¡»giy. is in the valley. » felt. 1 Anybody desiring a tombstone, monument, I . Gordan and wife made our town a Next Bunday b«*ing tbv filth in the month, stone coping. eU.. will lind it to their ad­ Prof. Munis still hukls forth at the M. E. not so many appoinlnieiit* us usual have vantage to call soon, a- prices have been visit Wednesday. y«TrU A LARGELY INCREASED AND RAP church. been made. Mr. Vaughn,who wintered nearly .lOOcat- reduced considerably. First-da— mechan­ D ( . Herrin and wife of Ashland were ics are employed there and the he-t ot tle Oil the IJtupmia divide without feed, in town Tuesday. Old newspapers very cheap at the T imes Rev I*. S. Myer'-, recently from Pennsyl­ idly growing country order trade, we enter the Sati-Ln tion guaran­ lost fully half of them. There is manage worked turned out vania. a Dunkard preacher, is holding ser­ office. J S. Jensen of Applegate .»pent a few teed. inent in stock-raising as well as in any ­ vices at Ashland. days in town this week K .M Cu p<»f Lane county is now in this thing else. Spring of 1887 better equipped than ever before to meet The Ruble fantilv, ot Polk county, is s«-ctic»n. Elder M Peterson will h*»ld a Hireling Rev. F. X. Blanchet returned from Ash­ Rev. \V E. Re<|tia. Baptist church, Au­ deeply engaged in litigation. II. R. lint,I,■ near the Benedict pl:« «• on Sunday, and M.ikv our F<»iirth <»f July celebration a rora. III., says that Gilmore's Aromatic has sued for the recovery of KiUU from Ins land Tuesday morning. the demands of the thousands located on this Coast wta> wiH h«»l«l two discourse» in the morning glorious one. AV me is a household remedy and that no . brother Walter Ruble and his father, Wm. (’ol W. J Martin left for his home in ami afternoon. There w ill I»,- a basket din family should be without it. Sold at City Ruble. Walter has comuienctsl a -nil Douglas county this week. I he Jacksonville branch ruilroad must ner on this occasion. tiud it profitable to dotheii trailing by mail. Drug Store. ’ against —— William and D. Il fol the recon be a success. The Importance of purifying the blood can­ vevance of certain property to him Ir..... Wm. Mensor came up from (¿rant’» Pass Rev. F X Blanchet xxill hold services at You can always lind the nicest and fresh ­ defendants. Waller has «is»» »tied his last xveek, but has since returned. not be overestimated, fur without pure blood ('roquet set* at the S. F. Variety Store, Eagle P«»ii>t on ttie first Sun,lay in June est oranges, lemons, Kgs. etc., at the S. F. father for $10,000 for damages »ustained you cannot enjoy good health. * Rev A. H. Hnnderinan xviU ho!«l services I Jacksonville Mrs. M Hauser of Jacksonville i» recuv- V ariety Store The largest and best stock to bis character by his arrot, in.»ti£aied At thia season nearly every one needs a at the forks of Butte creek at 11 «»'clock of candies ami mils in .southern Oregon is by bis father, for stealing wheat in Polk • ering from her serious illness. There ha* been a \arirty ot weather dur­ good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich « m . an«i at Brownsltoro at do’chn k r \i also kept there. J ing the week. county. Several more cases are about to Kclly Field of Kterlingx iile precinct is n '*iiii.|,t\ M 11 the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's Prof. Armstrong of the Portland Bu-i- l>e instituted between the various inein- building himself a corunmdious ham. N«’W g(»o<|» «-«»n»t intlv received at Mer. Pprnliar Sar’ar*rilla. It strengthens Rev. M. A Williams, until further no ritt's ness College subscribed for 1*250 of stock of ln-rs of the family. an«l Xuiian'* rcvuilal ¡md bmids up the system, Ed. Meyer and a young man in bis em ­ tice, will till the following appioiitnient.» the Jacksonville branch railroad. sho--’ng •‘Caveat Emptor,’ the phrase it is Latin, ploy were at the county-seat Monday. Secund Sunday, at Mvdf«»r«l. third .‘» he -lax , I Mc< hire i- about t«i leave U*dd creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, that he has not lorgotten his nathc (AWB* It means “letthe buyer beware,” Eagle Point; fourth S uih I mv , tirant'.* Hiiian«l vicinity while it eradicates disease. The peculiar "Long may he wave." Win. V. Jones and wife of Foots creek A maxim in law which comes rather pat, Pa«». visited their friends in town a few days combination, proportion, and preparation J '"’«•in and 1. Siver* of Evan« creek In the truth that I wish to declare F its : All lits stopped free bv Dr. Kline’s .1. A. Slover ami J. 'V Barrie have pur- since. of the vegetable remedies used give to were heie Sunday. ’er an invention that's good f«»i ¡«re­ ( based the right to dispose of I ngrr's short Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after first Whene riirrnoh^nj vention Hood's Sarsaparilla peciil- “P-. |feo|f day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and K Kubli and J. A. Boyer, delegates to I iar Nature » remedy i« what they say of cut to book-keeping in certain territory. curative powers. No • O IlScIT Of pain has a (»opular fame, Prof. Morris, the well-known phrckiub»- Oreg«>n Kidney Tea. 12 trial bottle free to tit cases. Send to Dr the I. O. (>. F. grand lodge, have returned Colored dress lawns 5c per yard. The You'll find, in all nations, arise imitations. Kline. It'll Arch St. othermedieinehassuch a record cf wonderful home gist. who meet» with success wherever In* Palmed of! “juntas good, ’ or “the same Sh< riff Dean annoum es two sales in our latest styles in summer dress goods. Sam cures. If you have made up your mind to goes, cumiuent td a series of lei turv» at the advertising columns. W. J. Cunningham, who was so badly If l’ond’a Extract buying you find seller Mrs (’has. Prim, who was quite ill fot pies free. Ked House, Sacramento. Cal. buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to hurt in the Sttittz runaway accident, is sometime, is able to be about again, we art trying M E. church in this place last Monday Messrs. Richards, Tuncate. Gray and F M Lucavisli and R. W Jameson of take any other instead. It is a Peculiar able to be about again, and continues to i gia«i to say. With counterfeit! you to ensnare, evening. Hi« audiences are large, there Ashland are at Portland. Brockley of Big Butte precinct were at the improve, but has not fully ‘ecovered the The genuine chooae, Die spurious refuse, Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Miss Mamie Junes of Roseburg arrived county-seat on Saturday on land business. use of his left arm. nut Ix-ing even stamiing-ro«»m. 1 he pr<»- Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Reniemi^r, let buyer beware. Br<>wn*bor<»'» Sunday-school meets every ' here on Wednesday and will probably re- !v*««»r is a tin* nt talker am! handle» his Sabbath Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. at 1 o’clock r. m . l'eter Britt lias two orange tree« in his Dr. .1. W. Robinson, since Itis return >t prugi jesA what a wonder* . main sometime. In this subject well. He has mad«* quite a num­ garden at this place which are full of fruit. skul and genuity is ex I Alex. Martin, hr., came in from Link- ber «>f examination«, filling «»ut many Fre»h bread daily at the S. F Variety The oranges are well developed, but small. from New York, has resumed practice ful amount IOO Doses One Dollar and can be rotin>l at the city Drug Store, ¡»ended in t •unstructi improvement | ville last week, leaving for < >aklan«l .< al . 1»hren«>logical ( harts t«> the satistuvtion of Store, i inly 5 cent« a l«»at. in Jacksonville. Day calls in the country and preserva and intricate Sunday morning it« patrons Prof. Morri« i.s the only grad­ The stages continue to make two trips Fay your arrearages at the T imes office daily between this place and Medford, and promptly attended to • R ORN. n the nianu cture of the machinery m uate of Fowh'r A Wells' Institute that ever so necessar to our com ; Judge Hanna made a hurrietl h*ga! visit lectured in this county lie has had many and get one of our premiums. are hauling unite a number of passengers. Judge Webster decided to have the Ham­ various arlici more im rtant is it i to Portland last week, returning home M ARKHBLRY -N«*ar G«dd Hill. May 2hh. to Mr fort. How years’ expertence in different countries D. A Jone» hasgoue to Salem, to take a N. A. Handy, Bisstnger s irrepressible lin case tried at once, and the sherifl was tout we wfltch and Mr». Geo Markbiiury, a bon. th rfftd ea this most Monday morning. and among all classes of peo|»le; and on case on the daily 'Statesman.” agent, last Monday bought several thou­ ordered to summon thirty-six men, from wonderful machii ¿U*. the hi PANKEY In Willow Hermit, ptwinct. Ala> 3<1 body, his diplomas you can read th«* num«» in whom the jury was selected tn a few hours Mrs. J. E. Seyfcrth of Jus«*i»hiie county J 1'. Ditsworth of Little Butte precinct! sand hides and deer skins from T. J. Ken­ to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pankey, a aon. Adjusting all its wirts with st care, their own handwriting, ot the best phre­ without much difficulty. ney. each to the other, ^at all i irforni has been paying her father. J. W. Collins KINNEY—In (™t'« l’a».. May 13th, tu Mr. and nologists and (»hysicians All thu»c who kiiie«l a huge panther last week. of Ph«vnix, a visit. Mr.. H Kinney, a dHtixht-r ,. Vhere is Men s cotton cassitnere sack suits, worst ­ their allotted duty. ; bet- wish to havea practical knowledge of them­ Everybody should attend the Fourth of Eugene Armstrong has gone to Portland selves ami their children, so that they may July meeting to-morrow evening. W. P. Ely. lately foreman of the “Oregon JENNINliH-in Grant'. Pw». May 16th. to Mr. to attend the business college of which his ed patterns, dark stripe or check, stylish in ter calculated to do uliis thoroug ’ and .n»l*»y. n««ar ( entrai Point. May 12th, next, when lie goe* to Mclfoid tor a tvw one (d ttie handsomest in southern Oregon. | by Rev. W. P William*, Geo, T. Gray and Olive We want « urre»i»ondence from every por­ bors. «lays, then to Grant's Pa.*». G <’. Culy and W. E. b'inney of Steam­ »/ I V / A <• V /. H *. He i- constantly a tiling new stock .in I ve- | Higinbotham tion ot the First Judii ial District. boat district made the county-seat a visit hides to the I’liion Stable. Owing to the bad roads between the rail ­ Are the elements, which combined, have given Our Circuit t onrl 1‘rocrcit»ng.%. The best and cheapest mining blanks tor the forepart of the week M« '»r« Furman and Freil of Trail creek road terminii stages do not always arrive Fred Brown will leave for Montana ter- 1 The following proceeding* have taken paid Jacksonville a visit this xveek. on time. The trains wait for them, how­ NEW THIS WEEK. Mrs. M Loughborough returned from ritory .soon with 5000 sheep which lie has sale at the T imes office. Country Order Department such an onward impetus. ever plaie in the circuit court lor Jack.**»n purchased in the valley. Win. Bybee, Jr . There is a full supply «»f water at the Applegate a few days since ami is the 1 he right «»f way nu n are clearing the county since the last issue of the 1 ¡ mi -. Judge Dcadv was sixty-three years old Chas Edmonson. Grigsby brother« and Sterling mine yet and two pipes »re kept guest of Miss Sarah Berry. track north of the Siskiyou tunnel. If it pays others, will it not pay you ? Send for sam­ Sheepmen. Take Notice. last week His name has been constantly others will accompany him. G. Karewski v*. Win. ami F. A. Piatt; busy day ami night. Judge DvPeatt and wife »pent Sunday in J \V. Merritt has lately received a nice before the people of Oregon for over thirty to recover money. Judgment for $3125 Jacksonville, an«l xxrre th« guests of Mr i I.L OWNEKS UE SHEEP WILL TAKE NO. Our clever butcher. John Orth, celebrat­ line of stationery and is selling it cheap. The miners of («all's creek are »till en­ years and costs. ples and one of our Illustrated Spring Catalogues, mailed Jx. tic»- that all l*and» of bheep inf««« ted with ec&b ed the anniversary of bis birthday not long joying a good water su¡»|»ly and will make and Mr» W. H. Parker or other dieeases mu»t h<* in*p«*cted ai d a permit (. has. Nickell vs. Simon Mc< alli.-tcr and i Grand *ale of stock, etc . at the Beall since. In the evening the Jacksonville You can get the greatest bargains in gen ­ a tine report this season Rev. J R. Robert.» has returned from grant«*! by me before they are removed from their Al. Hanley, confirmation. Sheriff’s »ale f irm near Central Point to-morrow. eral merchandise by calling on Newman silver Cornet Band serenaded him. play­ to any address upon application. rang«*. Any violations of the law in re­ confirmed. A fresh supply of the American Mining Douglas county and will hold services in present gard to handling infected bauds of »h««ep will l»e Pay master Reed paid off the railroad Fisher. The go<»dt» must go, even at a sac­ ing tome of its choicest tuuaic. different ¡»art» of the county. Cfias. Nickell vs. Mary E. Willson and P code, standard authority on the subject, rigorously examined into. ai.«i offenders held rifice. • employ«-s in the valley not long since. Wilson. Same as above. A couple living in the southern portion for sale at the T imes office. Mi-» Jennie M«»ore. who is teaching strictly account able. State vs Andrew Hamlin . indictment A large number of sheep are being driven of town were arrested by Marshal Curtis W. M. STAN'LI'Y, Stork lu*|»ector. J H Oatman ami Kiley Nyswanner of J. W. Walsh reports that he cleaned up s< h«»ol in Sam's valley district, paid Jack­ Brownsboro, Jack««»n ’ <».. Or for rape. <*n trial out of the county, having been purchased one evening this week, charged with disor­ Pii'im x were.in tow n a few days ago. sonville a visit last Saturday. $70 worth of gold from a run of eight and Dated Maj 25. 18»7 Jas. Gaine» V» A. Wolga moll I«» IV- by parties living in other states and terri derly (onluct. Recorder Hutter lined one-half tons of rock at the Hope ledge Virgil < onn of Paisley has been appoint­ lories. W. I*. Counts and C. I). Bailey, two of cover money, Judgmeiit by «.«»nfvdsio*! them J > and costs, which they paid. recently ed a notary public by Guv. Pennoyer. for $.14> the <) «((’. K. K. Co a section foremen, We are glad to learn that the hardware Notic« for Publication. X. D Julien of Siskiyou county. Cal., A. G. Epp x» J. 11 Oatman suit in Jacob Klip|»el of Poornian's creek ha» were in Jacksonville Wednt »day. J I ranki of Lakeview has returned from «tore of Willard A Eubanks at Ashland lias i who now owns J. W. Simpson s farm on equity. Argued ami .submitted. finished piping and commenced cleaning Land Ofli ’out lb»*«*burg. Or. ( <|Uite a visit to his old home in Europe. Ed McAfee and Omega Port, (wo promi- j Antelope cr« rk, will st >ck it with Durham Li.;rhr.;.. been re-opened. The members of that May '^5. ink?. ( firm are whole-souled, industrious men and up last week. He bad a good run ami ex nent young residents of Salem, are in VOID I. IS HEREIN GIVEN IhjtntHfnl, THAT THE The rock fur the foundation of Postmas­ cattle. deserving of the fullest measure of success. pects fair results southern Oregon on a fishing and hunting ^.1 followtng-nani«i settler ha» fal<»i notice of ter Muller's new residence is being liaiiie«! Kubli, junior ihvim I mt of the The elite of Ashland li-tened to Arch ­ D Henry hi* intention to mak“ final pro«»f in support of Much placer mining is still going on in trip. Twenty-two citizens of Ashland and vi- hie claim, and that said proof will he mad«« be­ firm of Kubli A *on. r Clerk of the County Court of ¡»legate, and Mi*«* Maud E. ( iiimn n, « *.dr-t >(>u wai t positive bargains give him a call. present. Hamlin case, but only four of them ar? supplied xx ith xvater than any other in son and N H. ( layton were among those Jackfton county, at Jackw»nTill*. Or., on Satur­ serving as jurors. The balance of the ju- southern Oregon reselent» of Ashland ( ailed down by Sheriff day. July 2d. 1**7, viz Win. M. Richards. Home- daughter of W1:.. < am«*r«»n t»f I moiiloxvn. 1 he b« a rd «»1 Iruslets will hold its regu A proposition La« been made that Jack | ror* ar«* r«*»ior of Woodville paid oad idea. aftermion. It wa» a «. utet affair, «>nlx the «»f. »aid land, viz. I) Y (iray. Geo W. \\ . I»«*i ry, have he«*n kept busy subp;« lin­ ru'iuiic gruiindslui«-ing. Purtlaii'i pai ty xvho visited this valley re- tivation . elat tx v» and li lends hi town a visit last Beal. F. M. Tungate. Tliadd»'U* Brockway, all of relative* ot the contracting parties ing witnesses, summonsing talesmen and Nearly all the fruit in Jacksonville and Big Butte. Jack-on «’oui.ty. Ur«*g«»n. H. D. Harkness «»Í (»rave creek i» pros­ cently. present. The bride received u number ot week. vicinity , including grape«, escaped the late »crying circuit court ¡»apers of every de­ ( HAS. W. JOHNSTON. R-gi»«»*r. handsome presents. At the close of the Mrs G. H Aiken and daughter «tarto! Sime Jan. 1, 1XS7 Rev. F. X. Blanchet frosts There w ill conseqU* atly t>r plenty of scription. These ar? liv« ly times for the pecting what promise* to be one of the most extensive and richest quartz ledges in the for Oakland, ('al.. last Sunday The doc­ ceremonies an elegant collation was par has traveled 2tvr>ve-named ( ourt on E. J. Harris, of Portland. Fleckenstein the lUth mortgage precinct, who is developing much skill as Nearly all the fruit which the frost kiil- j them. Monday day of May. Is87, and against the herein­ Rtt mi tratf. A Mayer's well-known commercial agent, after ?. Burton, ami A streams of water. *r----- — -* (lie • foot * - i Walter Burch informs us that the bin­ took a number of or«lers in the valley «lur­ tha D. Mayfield and J. if. Mayfield, defendant». I alone c mfined to the bed fur four months and hills and on high Trees foot tunnel which was started on the ing the week am commanded to levy’ on and ««*11 said property Brentaao were returning fr«»in Ja< k»«»nville Oregon and a very large yield of grain is ground were in most i almost blind, and cured by one box of ; « a»?s untouched. 1‘eter s mine on (¿rave creek sometime promised. to satisfy the judgment of Rebecca Jacpe creek made us Che sum of $1<*A». with interest from the 14th day «iilmore’s Neuralgia Cure. Solti at City i to the story. since has been completed. Bupt Smith Measles i» (»rexailing in «nine (»ortions of Drug Store frightrnt-tl as the wheel* « f the buggy a call one (lay recently. He intends start ­ of May, 1885.at the rate of ten p*-r cent, per annum, 1 anticipates excellent results in that dis­ struck the railroa«! track near Medf«»rd the county . < hitside of that disease lieulth ing tor Klamath county in search of a and tor $1H 5o attorney fee*, and the sum of Read our grand clubbing inducements trict. Haying will be commenced next week 17 costs a ” d disbursement», and also the fur ­ new location, soon and made a *ud«!en (»hinge. The lurch is good. published elsewhere, and if you want the ther sum of £109153 due J. A. Bears, from said I and will soon be in progress throughout Jack Layton is building a large reservoir threw Crosby, who was driving, owr th»? is under way upon the approach southern Oregon. A bountiful crop of hay ! leading journal of southern Oregon and the at his mines on Applegate, one «»t the cul­ Mr* M. Men*«»r ac« «»nipanicd by her def»*i:«iants. with internet from the 13th «lay of dashboard and he «truck on h'» head re­ at Work best newspaper or periodic al in the Fniie.1 August. 1 c > m 6. at ten per cent, per annum, and (he either via! of the 12«) foot tunnel near daughter. Mr* Jus. Solomon started for And Manuractuiers’ Agent forth«* is promised. ceiving an ugly ga»li ami al«o beingstunne«! Barron's States for the price of one. . call or send to verts which br«)ke this week, causing a fexx San Francisco on Sunday morning. They sum $114 85 attorney fee», and also the costs «»f days’ delay. He still has a good supply of for awhile by tin* the blow. Burton and and u|a»n this writ; and in obedtonca toaaid writ. Quite a number of the residents ot Wil­ the T ime .»office. water and will be able to pipe for a few xxill begone several wee«». 1 did, on the 25th d»iv of May. IKH7. levy on saw! Brentana juni(»e your advantage to pur­ out d«»ing any damage t«» th«- vehi« le Saturday, Ju at z'5t 1SS7, 1 chase ( base fr«»m fr«mi him him. . ' * i diately «•(♦nimence ¡»r«)«pecting them. The ’Squire Sturges» of Lniontown precinct, w«»utnlv«i are i<.e>»\vring rapidly ami xx ill (v«> to him by A. T. Kyle. Jr He is said to be fast ' «»re prcviouslx’ taken from them look* an«i xvh > was ¡n town M'»n«iay. inform« us that at 2 o’clock P. M of »aid «lay. all the right title »«M>n be alM»;it again. Another meeting will I»«* heh! at the ¡«iumi»e» well I ti«* nest ai.'l most »lx ii»h job printing when in condition. and interest of the said Tabitha 1). Mnyhchi an«i the greater portion of the fruit in that sec­ hall to-nv»rrow ev»*ning. to perfect • ...nr at th« lowest living rates at the J H Mayfield, defendants, in and to all of the A few copies of the American Settler's i tuwn tion ha» been killed by frost. r tail t fi fk /A«'» ,’- \A1 ItiHt ft. 1 h<* ru*h to tne mine» of C«rur «1 Aim«* arrangement* for the »«¡»propii.« ’ » 11X11.» otli« e. celebra- following d«*cnbed real proj>er1y‘ t«»-wit: Guide. standar«i authoritv on land ques­ j non ot Independence Day at thi* Th«« lot known and «ItMuguated on the <taim*«l by « ailing at the The general committee will then s ubmit a son. 1 he lowest estimate mn«i«* by con- 1 Akin. S« liii’g <»«.t and map of th“ town «»f Ashland, county of Jack»«»n, creek, wI m »are too lazy to work and too M- do< ■•■•unty. ' al. xx here hr is intere«te«i T ime » offic«» soon. 1 list of sub-committees. *< ix atixe men is that full} ; íó . uii ») peopiu ! shoe manufacturers, was in th»* valley this blab* of Oregon, as lot nuinlxH on«’ (1 » in block nnmkr eight < m . honorable to «teal, have, like avenging an- in a toll-road. will seek their fortune» in th«* mine» and | A J. Barlow, the well-known s»»(‘ti«»n Witness uiy hu' "l and official signature this The lv»n«is of E. J Farlow, \xhlaud « m general business in that country this 1 week and t«»ok numerous orders. gels, gon«- i«»rth to slay i but not like P«-t« r The Vo ter nmxvrr is ahead of all other«. foreman of the O. X* C. K. K. at e.»t i the ferc ious «h-er They are fol­ ( all on A ll M.iegly and see one of these prop«»ses putting up a large hotel at that i tilled out. and therefore ..... ..................... ■ B W. DEAN, Sheriff. were returned for Payne of Eden precinct, whose con«lition Bi N. A. J A( OBS, Deputy. which has a reputation second to non«*. Also agent for the pr,(ini»ing station. lowing them up mrrtion This has caused s «me delay m 1 i The discovery of a rich quartz ledge on I has been quite critical for the past week, thigh a* they retreat hack along the snow Prof. Francis L. Patton of Princefun will the transfer of that ¡»«»«toffice. which’will. Jewett mountain, not fur from Grant * i are improving, we are glad to learn I line giving no hee«i to age, sex or present j No «»nr appeared at the public examina­ contribute • I Pass, is announced. Jas. Turnbull of Alt I < to the Forum for Jun“ an ar­ soon take place, however. «-vi•dition.but with the besom of destruction tion held by >ui»t. Priest and his assistants ticle under the significant title, “Is Ando Archbishop Gross returned to Portland i house district, Josephine ( ounty. wh«> ha» ! i-l W ami Winchesters sweep them down from E. Jacobs mean» business when he says ! been running a tunnel to strike an obi chan Tuesday, after a pleasant sojourn in south­ of l{ to G«>ld Hill, but John Bolt has removed from the Apple­ «'handise at auction prices, in «»r«ler to get pay-dirt. ma le him many friends w hile here. thw gniw* from »lipping forward when the election strike? it. benide* having the only guard that »harp to «ali“ty on the slaughter; and if these will mmiii do so gate postoffire, where he has resided so I rid of it as quickly a* ¡»«»sstble. Th«« peo­ MEDFOllD. OH, A. I sti« k. who now represent.* the pio ­ en» itself by ut»<*. fellow« do not «legist in their law h »»ness Alex \\ aft*, who is mining on J«>.»cphin« ■ long, to R. Benedict’s place on the other ple are invited to call, a» they can have ('<» of ■ I’ Hammond of Sam's valley and J. W. side of the bridge. 1 g«M)ds at their own prices. • creek and at Horsehead, Josephine county . neer house of Knapp. Burrell A Co their name* « ill be mentioned next time '■ xva* m Jacksonville this week, from whom | Portland, dealers in af Bi 11 X v e . • Wil« v of lah n pre, in« t made us a call We arc under obligations to our young . xve learned that he will «1«» fairly well at the ments, paid the valley a R G. Dun. founder of the celebrated during the week. ¡friend, Robt. Nixon, Jr . of Yreka, ( al., ¡ ing the week. mercantile agency bearing his name, celebrated standar»! Ilea|>ere. Mowers and Ht eel Wheel Hit) Kaken of different length». former ¡»lace, but cannot tell what the re­ Hitll amt limn. Tli«’ regular monthly inerting of Jack- parsed through the valley recently, en • who is a member of the commercial class I sult will be at th«* other, as he is »till (»i|»:ng Chas. W’ Conielius, superintendent of i X heavy thunder-shower occurred hen­ s«»nviil«- lire company wilt he held on Mon­ i route to Portland. . of Napa College, for an invitation to he there. He showed us some tine specimen» I i present at the annual commencement ex- = of gold from Josephine creek, one of whit h the quartz mill now in operation in the! last Monday afternoon and lasted nearly day evening next. ESH Gold Hill district, paid Jacksonville a vis­ The Ashland public schools clo*ed last ' ercises, which t«»nk pla< <• yesterday. an hour but it was not general throughout | weighed an ounce. We learn that Jas. Priddy has s -Id his . week g(» 1- Variety Store His daughter, who has been attending our merchandise arrives here than at any other niainder ot the gang will follow soon. T ties, M>me being a* large as small inurbh s. and ibex work with much »ticcv«s. Week school lor the past year, will return home . town in the vulley. I he greatest bargains in all Kimis ««f mvr- ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Fortunately the storm did not last long, Txigan. the A»hland photographer, em­ before la»t near $lfioo was cleaned up. the w ith him. 1 « h.tndi» “ < an he obtained 1») ( allii g soon and no particular damage w.is d«»m* The i E E. Cair. of Daggets N?ill-. Pa., »ays he ploys the latest and mo»t iii>pn»v«'«l meth nsult <»f less than ten days' run. The COOKED COKN BEEF. BONELESS HER­ • I »axed the life of his chil«l with < r«>ii(» hv j od> J. M. Black of Flounce Rock precinct “ol«lr»t inhabit an l * an not i ♦■num'«er w hen «»n N<'xviuan Fisher. known to the art an commi»sioner. He There is an unusually large supply of lien. J. H. Turner of Pendleton, who has ti»e«l by Ehler Moore. Work has l»een suspeinled for the season Spring» ¡»re« inct die«! at the lamily resi­ made a g«»od officer. butter in the K««gue river valley market, dence last Tuesday morning and was buried at Wm. Bybee’s claim in Waldo ¡»rrcinet. {■•-en seriously afllieted with rbeumatism Gt«»rgr A. Dx»oii. formerly of Browns- | There will be a fair crop of peachc« in : in the Jacksonville cemetery next (lay Josephine county. A good run was ma«le for sometime past, passed through the I the article being actually a drug. One x iffe. ha« ju«t »old his interest in a Wood southern (iregon. notwithstanding the His death was cause«! by l>ehig ki< ked in there, all things considered. Simnmn«. valley last week, en route to California for ( ANDIES. NETS. OYSTEKti. SAIIDINEH. fru«t In Ashland am! its vicinity the stockrai-er brought JV rolls to Jacksonville river num.- fur $ •‘•»i. the benefit of his health. Ennis A Cameron have run a cut nearly a th«* abdomen by a h«>r»e lie leaves a SODA and GRAH AM CRACKERS. CUR- damage done was light. last week, ami had some «hffi»dlty in dis­ mile long «luring the past seas«»n and will large family. Prof. J S. Sweet, the energetic principal The greater portion of Phu nix is in RANTH. BREAKFAST ( HOCO- posing of it at 25 cents a ruff. A few Judge Tolman has land ca»t of Phmnix ¡ soon reach their "pay-ground. ” When of the Ashland public school, was m Jack town, attending circuit court as w itnesses The roa»! «lestr«»yc»11 ¡ < i lll»f-i lent coal are found. He will probably «lo ' you county. Cal., has been replaced by a in any of the Oregon placer mines, and an Priest in the first quarterly examination ter < «»ul«! be parked m gno«t shape for ship­ FLOL K. ETC.. Tw-i nr»t « la - «lictionarit» in condensed new and better one. which passes at a safe immense amount of lumber an«! ffume of applicants fur teacher's certificates ment to other markets There is no coun­ form, « an be (.o ain«.-«l < h«- ip by calling at some prospecting there. This work was blockswill be used to get it ready tor the I i which took place under the new law try in th«* world that offers better induce­ the T im office »««on Messrs. Tyler and B<»wers of Kock Point distance from th«* track extensive mining operations which are ments for the manufacture of butter and precinct were bote last Saturday. Both . performe«! at the exp«*n»e of the rail­ expected to I mj begun next year. There is Frank liufter. an excellent engineer, has I ( oi. Maqr} fuiiu»he«l lid» market with are veterans «»f the Mexican war and came , road company. cheese than southern Oregon. reported at the headquarters of Chief En­ of every ¡»robability «»f this (»raving one »trawb«‘ri i«-» and g«x»»vberries jesterdav. to arrange their pension ¡»apers. — 9 gineer Eckclsuti of the O. I’. K K., ami The Southern Pacific company proposes th«- l»e»t gravel mines on the coast. the first of the season. k'ourth uf Jnly Meeting. «•ntered the employ of that company. His I The (-heape««! boot and shoe • house on the j changing time again, as soon as Cole’s sta­ X meeting f«»r The first volumes of the new law* have the whole route. of Rheumatism and Catarrh. man and Cha» Pr :n secretary. The f«»i the truth of which is vouched for by the mercial paper, made us a call Monday, ac ­ ¡«»wing general («»mmittrr wa* appointed ott creek. ma«le bis friends in Jacksonville | been »ent to public officer* through the Baldwinsville. N. Y. A great «leal of teaming i.s now beiiiff residents of the town : "I am 73 years old : companied by Walter Burch of Josephine with poxver to appoint sub-eotumitte«“- H a visit last Wednesday. stat«« bv Secretary McRrnlo. Most of the done between this valley and the railroad have been,troubled with kidney comnlaint county. They started for the noted iime- Panltr Mniicuir I Klippel D. Croncmdler. K Kubli I. Jackson IL»« k»-r»niith of Ashland inform« law« have gone into effect. and lameness for many y.ars. could not •done caves on Williams creek next morn- Iront. Although the S. P R. R. Co. does G kkti . emen :—Altout one year ago I 11 - Henry P«pe Jr I he met ting u* that he will have 2*M)0 bushels of fine The firm of Hatfield A’ Herrin, dealers in not allow much money to slip through . dress myself without help. Now I am free mg. chilled my blood and was under the l«oe- then adjourned until next Saturday even­ bluekberries this »eauon. boot* and shoes at A«hlan«l, has been their clutches. consblerable of tnat which from all pain aild soreness, ami am able to It. M. Crantill of Oakland, Or.. »pellt tor'a care for about six months when I ing. when the report of th«’ general coniniit Herrin continuing the does is getting into circulation north of the do all my own housework. I owe my Tuesday night in Jacksonville. lie M(»«r» (’hartraw ami Ihirby of Butte dissolved, D. ( He wus was tee as to the appointment of the sulwom- ' thanks to Electric Bitters for having re­ accompanied by his sister, Miss lone ( ran- had a counsel of eight phynciani and Siskiyou mountains « ret k brought a I o . k I of superior clapboard* business. We wish him success. mittee» will be heard. was given up to die. Soon after, a lady newed my youth, and removed completely to this mark« t Tuesday. Wickharu A Bremer, real-estate agents Mor? witnesses have been subpmnaed : all disease and pain." Try a bottle ; only fill, who is on Iter return home from south­ friend came to sea me and told me about ern California, where she has been some­ 1 at Ashland, are doing a good bu«in«**s. as for Sale. in th? Hamlin case this time than before. ( lark A Nash, haxing se« ured a large 50 cents at drug stores. time for the benefit of her health, which is your grrat liruir.ly. She said she had Being determined to sell my furniture ban«! of sheep in this valley, started them j they attemt to all matters intrusted to their As forty-seven appeared last time, it will been cured by it after having the rheu- improved. care with ability and dispatch. • lie readily seen that the ex(»ense to the mid article» In the kitchen and restaurant t«> Reno. Nw , this week. .4 Natural Product of California. A party consisting of prominent pcojtle matism »< (>/(«<>. and that her rheu­ county on this score atone will be «piitc on California street, Jacksonville, Oregon, A grand sale of horses, «attic, mules, Men’s »«-crsiK kt-r coat* and vest«, and wagons, etc., bel »nging to the T F. Beall large. Thecaseis being stubbornly con­ It i* only found in Butte count v. ( ;ili- from Portland visited Ashland recently, matism was first brought on by a cold. also my liott«e on Wagner creek, located l 'iue fiirtiin, ami in no other ¡»art <»! th«* w«»rl | mv any money to my J.-bn ( r«»nin of »mithern Oregon, has The fire company indulged in its first gent’s uiKlcrelotliinif. neglige, perc.il«* and | A. Bu«h of Salem. Ll iyd Brooke of Port- husband. M. M..Marks purchase«! pr,»i»rrty in Ea«t Portion«! and drill in a long time !a»t Satiinlay ev»*r.ing white overshirt*, collar*, cuffs, neckties and pleasant «n«l < ffeetix e cure for consump­ : latel. and several ladies wlio-e names were Through the |»-rsuasion of my friend l I.K ( M OtK ’ . tion. asthma, bromhiii >, ami coughs. will make it lii« future home. May 27, IM*. procured a liottle. I found wine relief. The boy* handled their “ngine well. an«l it i i »o« k» of ex »Ty imaginable «lesrriptmn, lin­ Santa Abie, the King ot ( ot.sumption. not ascertained. Seeing this I procured more and was en­ en ami silk hati«lki*r« hiei*. etc., maybe Thirty two n«-r«on* w « t «'c«mlirnied dur­ threw a tin«1 «tream s«nne distance. All «Irug stores guarantee and sell it fur $1 \nticr. i Henry Klipjtel. who ha« I ...... .it Portland found at th?S. F. Variety Store, Ja< ks«»n- ing the recent episcopal tour «»t Archbishop a bottle, or three for $2 50. By the use of I in the interests ol the Jacksonville branch tirely cured Ly its use: and what was my There i* every (»robability that the i ville Price* very luxv • The eleventh annual niertina«»i the Pi«» Gross in southern Oregon. TRUNKS AND VALISES California (’at-R-('ure. all symptoms of j railroad, returned home this week, He surprise and pleasure at tinding that I ■ Ja< ksonvillr branch railroa«! will be built liter S«»« lely ,»f »»»ntliern Oregon w ill l»e Th ■ n«*xv r<»a«l under Flounce Rock xxill catarrh ar«* di»|’cll«*«l. and the «li»eu»e«l i found many of the wholesale merchants as »as not only cured of mv rheumatism, held at the T »wn Hall in Ja, k»«»t'X Hie on A fi«-»h lme of n«»ti«»n» ami noxelti«*» has A fexx croaker* ar«’ throwing col«) xvater on in le»s than two xveek*. It is nasal passage is speedily "estored to a heal­ penurious and uiiii-cuterprising as the nut the catarrh, which had Isten troubling Tl»ur»«lax. June 2. D’*’, at I •• ch»« k r M.. iu»t been receive«! at the > F. Variety • the scheme, but they cann«»t defeat it. ; i becompleted a tir*t cla»s on«' and w ill avert a v»*ry steep thy condition. 11 a ¡»aekage. By mail. “Oregonian” picture» them, but neverthe­ me for years, and had become very offen­ Ca I ami see them. f«»r the pin p«’»e of electing «dHrers ol the Store Dolls, toys, base and rubber ball*, mar­ ¡»itch «»n the old r<>a«l. a» well as *h«»rtening i $1 ¡o. Circulars tree less succeeded in obtaining subscriptions sive. had entirely left me. «oriety lor «he ensiling year, ami for the J. W. (’rawlex <»t Anlelop* creek h t* our ble«. harmoiii<‘a’. jexvsharp«. vase«, picture tin* distance a tew miles The people of i Wishing your remedy every success, to the amount of nearly $1,500. 1 he me­ lran»a«’t><»n «»I any other l»u»iit,’«« that may thank» for i ciiiof v. :ii» »n he put up last frames, etc of every de««*ripti<»n at the that »«« tion are deserving of much credit | tr«q»«»lis probably d«H»s not care whet her and thanking you very much for my dou­ < nnecctoa ry ¡tUrrg. 1« gitinia’eix be br«»ughf before the nieding season, which is excellent lowest prices at the8. F. Variety Store. • for their perseverance ip tfii* iqattgr. trade of San Francisco absorbs the large Stt. x» J !>xv, >e« y. ble cure, 1 remain, Probably as much misery comes from Fish have not eommenev«l to bile freely Wm. Deneff is the only juror of the or­ The 'Oregonian1* says. “I^ogne river' habitual constipation a« from any derange­ Jacksonville or not. Trill v vours, as yet. an«! the disciples of Izaak Walton iginal panel who has been retained, being valley is a natural grape-growing district, i ment of the function-, of the body, and it is I Made "f selected stock by the hot Aniei'ieuii Manufacturers. Please Important .^ferting MRS ’A ( k BBON'iSJN. left for seed in case more jury trial» are AdminiHtrfitor ’ » fiutr. and the people there believe that cultiva- • difficult to cure, for the reason that no one A meeting of the s(ib*rril»ers to the « api have not Income numerous. i examine Goods and Prices before purchasing. Rcs|«*etfullv, necessary in the circuit court at this term. The uudereigned. as admirn»tniU»r of the estate tion ot the vine is sai«i ol real-estate ami legal blank* for sale at I Jackson county, it i< said, will not tliroxv obviate this difficulty. an«l they will be e- a’e. to-wit . Bix head of mules ( year» old and Inflammatory Rheutnati-m fur over a ing. at h o’clo« k It will be held at the him a «nug «urn in gold d«Dt I many votes for prohibition. ” (¿nite cor ­ found pleasant to tin* taste of women ami the T ime » ottie«* at Portlam! prices Give town hall and a lull attendance !» reques­ I «hildren. 25 cents At all druggists. J. upward.»; four head «»* mul«*, 3 years old an«i up- week; was very badly afflicted, auflering Ftilv styles in men s am! boy » straw U* a call, if you need anything in the blank rect. ' want»: t»V“ head «>f mule*. 2 years <>1<1 an«i up­ from severe pains in my chest, it was ted. u* business of import im v will be trans­ '*> I line. hat», ranging in price fr- m Ax' to wards, ten head of yearling mule»: t wnty-three Attention is called to the advertisement J. Ma« k A Co., proprietor«, S. F. acted I K» «l H »u»e Sacramento. Cal heajj <»f horses, various ag»'s; sixty hea«l of cattle, going to my heart. On Thursday the .—,---- <------------ of the San Francisco " Examiner.” by far Nexxiuan Fisher means business ami i* ttie new»ie»t .largest and most enterprising I various ages; two fn*ight wagons; one th«»rongh- 15th I commenced using Dr. Pardee's Con rtn. Note«. r«*ceipt*. «luc-bilL». order.» ami • slaughtering g'x*!» on every haml. He brace wag«»n, one single bnggy;nme sets of wagon harne*«; one »*t of single buggy ham«*«*; two Kheumwtic Keme at 9 o'clock, I*. M., The June term of the count) (»»minis- ch«‘< k». in l»o «k». in quantities to suit, for wants to close out a* « khi a* po»sible ami of all daiiie* on this roast, xvhih* the ; .w#-- Pau! Schien, of ¿an Francisco, i, the weil-4 gang plow« If the alrove pr«»|»erty is not »ol«i at and on Saturday th» 17th, «as able to weekly edition al*«> has no rival Those everything niu»t be sold, without regard t«» desiring a first-class San Francisco new- Known piano-tuner, will pay Jacksonville I pnv ,fe sale th«« same will l«e «»fferwl at public walk all over the house, and have since sitiner«' ami probate «««liti» will 1»? held sale cheap at the T ime » office. • n» n thank» for favor* extend*«! the T ime «. He As a family medicine the Oregon Blood means. I month Order» may be h it at the po>t of­ IÄq. Term» of »«ah-. All »um» of and un- in recommending it to all who are afflic­ i« making an excellent officer. Purifier has no e«mal It lias prove«! it.»eli L ost — I «lon't know where. I cant't tell fice, J ac k s< »n vi lie I der. down « hi th«* «iaj <»f »«alp. All eum* over ted with the terrible disease. .wr«*r# for \ftli-. «U Caeli down, or purchii»«er'» note on eix |. I ( oletnan ha* taken oqt Irtter» of a certain ami efficacious reme«ly for h II ; when, I don’t see h«»xx something of great EDW. 1!. WII.K15S inonth*' tun«* with approved »ecurity and liearing Anv om- desiring Io purclui«« -lock cows a«!minStration «-n ll»v , jtate ot Morris hav«‘ uno «»f her lower For no Health and streQgtb. pur? Fort Klamath. Oregon. (H-rior quality of to«r. which is proving I limb» badly bruised w hile alighting from a j blood, an appetite like that «if a woli, regu put lip in large two-ounce tin boxe«, ami i> ...e. wagon in front of A Chal«*’s residence in ! lar «iigestion. al! by taking that popular an«! wounds, chapped hands, ami all skin f'or fiitle. <)n the valley road peculiar nirdi« ine Huoarill.» eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds Pardee Medicine t'o., Rochester, Ji. Y. town not long since, her «Ire** catching on The name of l ’ r«»t Merritt was (»laced at Ville, a pair ading to Jackson- Twenty-five cord* «»f season» «! oak m «•■ 1 want ?vervb«MÍy t«» try it this sea*«»n. ’ it . I> CIIAMBRAYM INDIGO PRINTS AND SIMPSON’S SILVER GRETS / I'nrtiNoliM MENS’ AND YOUTHS’ CLOTHING. NEW WINDOW CURTAINS. WALL PAPERS and BORDERS Large Stock of Boots and Shoes J. 1880 A.H.MAEGLY&GO., H1RDW1RE, STOVES ait TINWARE. WAGONS, PLOWS, IMPLEMEHTS, I »I vii Hi*,