Ate I ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE MISCELLANEOUS ”) LIOUO?-' RIVER GENERAL N0TE8 ANP NE-YS awiraticiimcsi* ^íDá R7r THE AShcS U.4ITE3 STATU JFFICHL PRESS. What the Mt. Lebanon Shakers Fonnd—Incident In the His­ tory of a (Ju let Community. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! U i tlie , ____ _____ 110«% No««, or from anv cause is speedily con­ trolled and *h‘p(M-d. Hemorrhages. Sores, Ulcers. Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. It U cooling.' leansing and !!«*•! »»R« DISTILLERY ! JOHN A r* »qt-rer'T’H I* • *'•' • A'-ra«’ »»u for this Veligli I II j 4 ;,.)3 (\»h in tie- ll«*ad.£c. ** Pond « El Tact Caia« ah < Hie,” tqHva’b j‘i ci «r.-d •«• m»*et serious issue, shou.d ’ ¡-il- I •Ai-.Ll,*»».d’ • Ex-ract Sy iiMgr. HANLEY, Prop’r, JACKSONVILLE - • • OREOOS Caton à Qvrett. General Agents i Rheumatism, Neuralgia. No other preparati«‘H ha»* cured morn In Santiago tie Chili alone 2H73tleaths cjk - l -« of th«*««li*irearing «•«>«‘»tts than tlie Extract. P.»»:«!*< Extra* 1 I’lns I from t-liolera have taken p'aet-. ter U Invai ».d»le in ther-« -ISexv *, A ni.-inlk-r cf Napoleon'-* • »hi < itiartl l>ag--. 1‘irins in Back oi >i«le. Àc ! •lie«! laxt week at Fort Wayne, aged BM>. A Pure, Unadulterated abtiile oh BOURBON. RYE \ND Corn Whisky ! In qwMiliti«*» t«* Miit. and at price« that cann«»t furi i<» give *nti*factu»n. ( hir h«»U-r*-*rH aliaol.iteiy j.iir«*, ami «up«*rM>r to any olhT* n thi* market. S.tllslnrlloii Diphtheria, Sore I hroat ■( -. the Evt« «et promptly. Dvl y I dang«roue. Dìlnc iniiKi.llleeillinc «»r ¡trhln*. I» I llv-Si U the ¡¿rv iteri known remedy ; rap- jdiv curing wh« n other medicines h t gieat service where the removal uf clothing is inc«»n''•«•»’ •»(. For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples.¡'I« U-ed The Fitnu'i will r« v- r be .• Il­ ei'it it. Po«i«i*s E11 «•••.rt iH ii talent 14 III- best t iiti-ii'.iut that « hh l»e :q Hed. G»inrai»teeU ti’ •-• I k- a . a n whh th«’ gì* 'ih’st ben- tit. Full darvi, in». e. »ini auy « ;ud> bolth*. I Tlie American sugar refinery at San Francisco lias just sent two tniliion pounds of sugar to New Yo; k over the I Canadian Pacific. Beil. Strang, an old pioneer of Oregon mid a res|s-eted resident of Salem, lost his life in Astoria recently by falling from a I roof u|H)ii which he was working at his trade of tinner. ALL SORTS. < '.in.i-lii. with a popiiiation of .">,HOt*,OOi>, bus atiebl of Tin- I’ rccr-iitly app-.iiiti-1 .hi*. W. Hyatt of Conii.-eticlit to I»- tteasiirer of tlie 1’nite.l State.-«, to nueeeed Conrad N. Jordan. Tlie Northern Pacific railroad has an- ; nomxed rates on wool as follows: Com­ pressed hales to New A oik, $1.50 per 100 pounds; compressed $1.20 per UK) |Hiiinds. The Illinois lirand Ltslge oi the An- St. I.ouia has sut»->-i ¡ited I7-»,*V>;> for the tir.uul Army of th- Republic at the an- ■ cient Order of United Workmen, in «es­ sion at < ialesbnrg. lías adopted a reso- nual reunion in that city next fall lotion excluding from niemltership |>er- TheCo-vallis Haily is a new [ sons engaged in tho liquor business. venture on the part of Editor l’arry, and | Rat het fanatical. a really creditable little paper it is. .1. A. Stratton, ex-clerk of the supreme The membership of the Melho-list i court, has returned from San Francisco, church in this country ia now two mill-. where he was superintending the publi­ ions. It increased 1<>»,Oi Ore The Milton Ertjb-says a quart ol sage gon will lie held in Salem July litli, 7th tea given to a horse cured a severe case and Sth, in the representatives' hall al the State house. The asso-iation lias of ls>ts. It is an easy remedy to give. always been largely attended by the The heat ot the sun warping the rails leading educators of the State. Extracts ~ ‘Vi canned the recent fatal acci'leut on the tlie words od’, if. a« I” bh uii in An Austrian scientist explains the re­ Northern Pacific near Bismatek, in which Th»» tin«*t bran« la of the b I.- o »-.. aim !- ir » hi * tiale-mark on cent Nanaimo disaster t>y attributing the surrounding bn»? •* : -pp- N«»iiruthcrto several lives were lost. ennlnu. Alwin » lu.-t-f ou having i «»nil'i explosion to seismic disturbances, the WINES. LIQUORS AND CICARS it net. T« ♦’ i Ml i ¡»it-parauon. Bickleton, in Kli*-kitat county, W T., cen'er of which was Tucson, Arizona. It A nr^ersed <4 >■». .« was entirely d-str.-ye I try tire recently. He predicts that further disturbances Always on hiuid. Sold everywheis, ! rirr-. . Si. fl.¡0. Loss aliorit W; insurance ♦fkt'iit, will occur during tin- coming summer Prepared only by 1(-'BS EXTU’CT €0— > r>v v •- » • m - oà . ca-'iel t-v only one firm. and fall. Work on the Oregon Pacific is pro- W. l’>. Todhunter, a cattle-owner of go- sing finely in the Malheur pass. Sacramento, Cal., who owns ¡“O.tkkt I’abforuta mi«! Oregon Street. Jacksonville FINE STOCK. A’)->ilt IrM men are employed there, anil actesofland in Oregon, and .”> >,n Ire v'J.NKT PAF£. Engineer. California, has assigned to Hayes, Car ilren-a—“-! to ItMMl. riek A Co , of Oakland. Cal. His lia­ THKOViill TICKETS, 12* O n T h . Judge Sawyer, of the I 8- district bilities are said to lie $400,ooO, and his I court of California, has decider! that a assets double. (-HO1. I WINO- 1.IUVOI18 ANI» » IGAKS city council cannot make a < hinese laun- L'ronMMDtly on hand. The remhng-tMble ih also (’apt. l’oxell has gone to Yaipiina Bay •applied with F-«-tern periodical» and hauling • lry a nnisatici* bv an ordinance, but that to open up woiks on the government Will nmk«tbe«e*Hon at the Uni»m lÿvery Stable* ¡»alter* «»f the c«in»t. it must lie proved to Is- so in fact. in Jacksonville. improvements of the harl«,r. As there CHALE 4 McKEHZIE, Props , California St., Jacksonville, Or. Pond’s CAUTION. Railroad Saloon. HOPSF: BOOTH LIVE OAK SALOON. i.H bright buy. ..ghl y.-nr-..1.1,1'j’, hun.l. > I high, ami is a very handsome horse. Ho* colts ‘ nhow that he i* with«»uta superior as a sire in ' southern Oregon. J 3. HÜTÜH, Proprietor. lie was Mred by Scamj»erdown. who ww- aired I by Norfolk, tir-tdam NettieW by Belmont; *♦•<•- I he •««■! Wi.,—. Lhinor» xn.l < isare »r« " ond dam. I>ian I.umox «1... bv fuun.l her«. I propio» to k—p aatnet rxKMs: Single service All'; mhmid , $!•»; in- |»hr.«l^pl««. Oirom-a«^ sur»nce#*JU Any y»erm»ik •‘♦•Uing his man- dur­ ing the MMtson will please reno- hi I m r that the money for s^rviri s rer d»-r« Ja<-ksonville. April ’J». I*b7. GRANT’S PASS OfERLUND R) CALIFORNIA 4 VIA Or gon «Sc California R. R- are «70.000 to tie ex|s-nded there this summer, times will b- vigorous and full of life, notwithstanding the jx-tty whines of |>etty newspajs-rs. The President lias forbidden the im- of intoxicating liquor into Alaska, unless the customs officer at tin- |«>rt of destination is first satisfied that the liquors are needen coui-ty. Or* gon w. JOHNSTON. Ilegi-ter. I $500 REWARD STEAM Cure amp C himney POWDER Absolutely Pure. STERLING SAW-MILL Ï ? M ? a PATRONIZE SARDINE CREEK NURSERY Tms Description o HEDLAND NURSERY, K ECCS FOF HATCHINC 11 T it. s ritAi r Stag«w leave Ashland daily (Sunday excepted) on arrival of mail train from Portland, arriving at Linkvi11»'at rt o’clock >•. M.; also leav«* Link- villefor Ashland every morning except Sunday. Connectât Linkville with tri-weekly stages for Fort Klamath and Lakeview. New coaches and <»ew stock throughout and special care given to make the traveling a* com­ MEDFORD. OR fortable as possible. Best route to East»«rn Ore­ gon for travelers and tourists. For information apply t<» THOB.GRAVENOR. Agent. JUNS, PISTOLS AND OTHER F1REARMF Ashland, Oregon. 1 repair«*! in th»* bi-d style and new ones made Ashland offi’e at Willard «t Eubanks’ hard­ ware store. Agent a* Linkville. G W. Smith, to order. Sewing-niachirteB also repairei! and put in first-class »»nier. Linkville Hotel. Price« to nuit the times and satisfaction guaran- t o « m 1. iST* Give ni" a trial. IL BTRA1T. Medford Dec. is. isWj. PRACTICAL GUNSMITH, ( THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. The Three leading Varieties. SMOKE DEALERS IN THE LITTLE CUPIDS! Kelsey Japan Plum ! SEEDS ! ! If you want to buy the OREGON. MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. »»7 Ac X2» WU m I Arcane, Chlcag*. UL Racine Wind Mill, A Rare Chance! PUMPS WAGON MATERIAL. < arr.aec Tools and privat«» rffcct* of tha lat S. P. Hanna. Thi< ta a ran* opportnnity f**r an oni» wi*hing to purchaa« aome hrat-clas* carriag - material, etc. H K. HANNA, Administrator March fl. 1885 t —ASK FOR— THE BOSS BOOTS And all of AKIN, SELLINO & CO.’S UNRIVALED GOODS! ilei’ Retail Seetai Light. and well ud*n<'«d and perfectly GArd^n. Flowerand Field Seeds. Cl>.v«*r Gras« atlf-regnlating. «*. Alfalfa. Oni«m Beta, etc., etc., in all varietiw and lot® to mit. iArgeet mid iuoet complete atork in the North- west. Merchant«, farmer, and gardi-uen- ar« r«un. «t. AND ed to writ«* for price«. ILLI ST RAT): II < ATALIMH t M.iILLU FRFL. The public are hereby notified that the under ei fined will offer at private ealeall the WE INVITE INSPECTION The Bl'YERS’ GUDE la issued Sept, and March, each year. 312 pages, 8S x 11’2 inches,with over 3,600 illustrations — a whole Picture Gallery. GIVES AV holesale Prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every­ thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These INVALVABLE BOOKS contain information gleaned from the markets of the world. We will mail a copy FREE to any ad­ dress upon receipt of 10 cts. to defray expense of mailing. Let us hear from you. Respectfully, Etc. A1 m >. the celebrateci P rices - Wrandott«* egge one fitting. >1: two fitting*. ^7; thr«*e sitting*. $V; Plymouth Rock egg*, one Hitting. $2 5o; two aitting*. $4; thr«*e Hitting*. £<); Brown Leghorn egg*, one Hitting. 82.50; two Hitting* $4; three Hitting*, j-6. All trace warranted My nix Wyandotte hen* mad«» a record la*t year of 12ri ♦* gn «»ach for aix month*, beginning with January 15th. Abide from their utility they are TRUE TO NAME. the handsomest fowl 1 hav<* ev- r handled. My Plyniout’» Bock* ar«- most favorably known all And gn»wn on natural fruit land without irriga- over th»» North Pacitic eoanf. The heaviest and cion, and fr~- from all insect prats and diseases b«*Ht ma f*d strain on the coa*-t and not exceBetl such as California trees are subject to. any when- My Bro*n Leghorn* are mrant's P umh . June 12. p«. A. H. i'ABBON- Wherever exhibited. Only a f«*w choice trio« of Pl>mouth Rock« for wile at |KU4). ( «o-h man! accompany all orders. Expreeacharges lieht. Wells. Fargo A ('«» > Expre«* give*a hberal discount in ta\«»r of «1! my customers. Send «temp for liand*««m<*ly illustrated cata­ logue. Addre«*.; E. J. BOWEN, J. M GARRISON. Fore*t Grove, Or. DRUGG PHOENIX. Nectarine. Almond, FIRST AND SPECIAL PREMIUMS ENGEL BROS., THE FINE DRAFT HORSE, X etn Oregon, situiiKal on D-wr Creek. Josephine County, containing acres of rich holtom land, especially adapted to the growth of timothy hay and clover. Alx>ut one-half i* c leared and m cultivaGon. and most <»f the balance can be easily cleared. Then* is a t‘ am of water running round, affording plenty througbthe place the j .ne for irrigating. The of water f«u htock and place ¡«all inc!<»-n*l by •< hm ! rail fence. There young - ------------ fruit tree« ma houne and banian«- ■ ) ------ -- on - th* place. It aleoliaet e beet outeide range in the county; ako another xcellent ¡»lace contain, ing 130 acres. For full particulars call upon or add new O. J. VANNOY Kerbyville. Oregon Liver, Blood, and Lungs, Loan and Real-Estate Agrnt * No'ioa far !Juhlio « tion. CONSUMPTION, R.T. LAWTON » K. FARMS FOR SALK Tho Mount Lebanon (New York) Shakers are a quiet com­ munity, s<•i-b,ib'«l from th«* tret Louisiana State Lottery Company from a common Il>ofrh, or Eruption, Incorporated by the Legislature in I*ft. for Ed­ io the voitt .St-r .11 Ju. Halt-rbeum, an7U. by an ov« rwhelming |M»pubir vot*». ctHt-jUt o-d by il ' Il*« Liraml Miiiilf Number »»«aw laitf* invuforatinfrtredaiiv . G.-eut CuliiiK VI- Notice for Publication. cero niphiiy lc-ul under ita benign itiflucucc. willtak«* place monthly, and the Stmi-Anniial FARMS FOR SALE ever. for their strict honor and Drawing* regularly ever *ix month* (June and Especially b-s it tin ni-.'-rd it« >x>t<-i><-y tn Land Office at Roseburg, Oregmi. ) curing Tetter, Itone Itaxli, «toll«, Car- THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOB HALE A AfOl'lfK W HEREBYA/HVENhTHAT THE Decemboi). probity in business. I bunt lea, Sore lij’-'". Scrotuloua Sores No. 1 grain farm, containi; g 214 acr<‘* of tillable Joint Hi «can-, We. do hereby certify that we supervise mid .-, m ,-IIitiKH, land, lying near the *tago r gul, mix nul«** eaat of 11 followimr-nano-d settler ba. til«l noti«.-:» 1 « a.«,« or the ramo mile of Ph<£*nx. all under fence: can at *mali «m count». Oregon, at Jacksonville. Oregon on foratomi - er. ■ .uii i-'i.a/.fT, étions. expense la* put tn cultivation. Ou the J4-aere Saturday June lkth. li*>7. viz: Thoma. Nick ease. A few lia' •' been found— manage and control the Drawings them­ amount ••THE HLOWB ÍS TB(K LIFE.» farm there i* Kt’acr»* of gram and hay growing erson, home»t.-Hil m try No. Uo|. for th« loi» « selves, and that the same are conducted with —-orouffhly t ienine it l y ’..-íina i»r. Fierce»» that 1 will *«‘11 with the farm if le*ir»fl. Can ami 3. 8 « >. < f N W ■«. ami W ■, of 8 W !» £,-* th«; rest are as yet unknown. honesty, fairness, and tn good faith toward >ls*»MMion at any tune. For imrticulam K. 1 sa. 8 11 I W. W. M. He ccatlou, a fair skin, buoyant apir, all parties, and we authorize the Company mg witn«*««* to ¡»rove tn* coutii.uous roidwicH JOHN H. HERRIN. Many were discovered by acci­ to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our al«. Vital MreuKth, and aoinidueas ul call on or addre*« Aslilanf). Oregon ceustllutluii, will pc- esuUislied. i 1 dent. Others came to light as i cignatures attached, in its advertisements. FARM FOR SA jl E. I the result of patient experiment ES1H1NG TO ENGAGE IN OTHEH PUH which is Scrofulous Disease of the lall lias, ifl promptly ond wrtuinly arrested D »U1U. I Notice W.lbams for Publication and research. _ . 1 . v ’-i F... /•..,« zvt.-ora /le if ind‘f^ndbythi»‘G6<1-(riven remedy. If taken l'.r,,‘^r'> erw-k Joaephme county, before the laitetrnn-sot the dlseiutcan'nm hed. it Pomona«. W acre, of laud, m-t of which i. Nervous 1 lyspepsia is a coni- Land Office at ICoH>-buru Or f VOIK1 IH HEREBY GÏVÈN HAT JiE Fnun Its wonderful power over this U rril-lT trnderfeno- well water« a...».d<-» which there a ^.1 follow I iig-named *eitl«.r La« hIM notice of Z ons of modern tboUKht seriously of c ilfiuK it bis ‘‘Con- cabinet shop rupphol with superior water-powet hi* intention to make final ¡>r«»of m support of out of the i- . sumption Cure,” bo »tundon.ll that name For further partioular». enouice ..n the prenu«-. bi* claim, ami tnat said proof will I m - made before 1, too liaut- d for a medicine which, from its ormidr«« G. lb t ALDWF.LL. life. It is a ioii.t affection of th« Judge or Clerk «»f tlie ( otuityt’ou«t of Jo«e- ** uuama 1. V-, or. nhicu county, at Grant'* Pa**, Or., on Tuesday* mid»-rrtign«*d Bank* anil Banker»- wib v.oial. i lol cun'-in..i h-i of tciee, - i MronKthen- the digestive o: /aus anti of the pay W'* all th«* Friz«*« ijr. b;ood-< i«niring, unti-bilíoiM, ius alterative, or liood-eteenslng.anti-biliou^ Jun- It. 1»H7. rit: Thoma. B. H-u«tprl3. for ll-i* H. E. *. her. 21. r,> tern * which may be presented at our counter*. These two nervous si: i t only as a remedy for cuusumptmn oi the '39.8 K 5W*-'.U M. He muu«» tti« loiluwu.^ J If. OULI SKY. , wittie«« —- to prove In. eoutiuuou» reaideuce upon lunpia but ter all Pr«**.Louisiana National Bank THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE were formal ly treated as sepa­ r. I. INAI X. his farm, trit tinted near Bybee * ferry, ten mile« i and cn'tivation of aai-1 Und, viz. It. H 8-w/lu, of William« creek. Jf—ettaiue count». Or ; J—hn Pre* Stat«* National Bank from Jacksonville, containing 1 arrea, W) acre* rate ailment*, and it was left CHRONIC DISUSES . -being under cultivation and the balance !>eing Beckner of AppleKal-. JockM.n <-otu>i» Or.:Ja« A. HALKWIN. or T1IB Jordan and Walter Jordan of Grant’« I’aa«. Jo«e. Pres. N. O. National Bank. for the clear-si o-lited Shakers tind-clase timber and ¡maturo land. A good ¡■tone Co.. Or. < ’ HA«. W. JOKXSOX. Keeiater. < AKL HOHN, house, bam and outbuilding«are connect«! with Pre*. Union National Bank. to prove that the basis of tbis ; the place. Title ¡»erf«*ct and terms r»«asonable For further particulars apply to the T ime * ExectLtrix'b Notice. terrible and ei o n fatal compli­ office or J. 8. GRIGSBY, GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING If you feel dull, cirowpy, debilitated, have ham Central Point P. O Ill the matter of the estate of Morri* Mensor. cation lies < t/.erty in the disord- i In the Academy of Music, New Orleans, sallow color of akin, or y« Ilowish-browu spots flSOSSSSU on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi- VOTK E18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE L’N- edandii •-tv.-1 functions of r.( ms , I »ad taste in mouth, internal heat or cbillff. z.» d»-l>l«li«d C h * been appointed by the county Tuesday. June 14,1887. MISCELLANEOUS. alternating with bot flashes, low spirits and court of Jackson county. Ony»u. «ittin« u, Pro. -tion m d nutrition. They gloomy tiorebodlnga, irregular api»etite, and i ate. ex—-utrix of rhe eb ate of .horn. Men.or. coated tongiie, you art* suffering from Indi* CAPITAL PRIZE, $300,000. deceuHed. ..soned th'i c—“If we can in- gcsGou, l>y «i»e|»*ia9 and Torpid Liver* All iH-r-on« indebted to said evtate are request. EMELOSH 100.000 Ticl cta i t Twenty Dollar* •' filiouMiCM*.” In irany casts only -«ent them 'E DIC AL h rem tly for all sue»; «“ ih «* Dr. Pierce’s »ltd tie-proper voucher* attached at the bum. k, and st iiulate the excre- Tenths at $2. Twentieth atti i.oldeu ?Iedicai Discovery Las no nesa place ot Metinor Bros, ui Jacksonville Jack. N ervous Li«T or FB1ZXS mmi t-vunty. Orepon. viUun nix month« from ths . <• organs to drive out of the C hronic For Wenk Lmgs, Spitting of Blood, II 1* ... i i-tiizr. GF brat pu .licatiou ot tin* notice. -«■— shortnc*-« of Breath, Bronthili«« in- - t 1ÌGZF Gi MAIILDA MEN8OR, i o !y tiie p< ¿ onous ivaste niat- PRIVATE •»evere -'oii"ha, CoiiMiiniption, and 1 1’lllZE Oi 50,(MU i«........... Executrix ol «aid Estate. k»n nre.......... terrible «*n«»cts uf Self abuse and excels in ¡nature W. F Whittier. Wm.P. Fuller. Wm- P. Fuller, World’s Dispensary Msdlcal Association, year*, such a* !>»** ot Memory. Lassitude. Noc Jr.. F. »v »< x 1 b aiidl. A. t lummer, plaintiff», P1UZES. pepsia ami Nervous Exhaust- lio l*iiz>— APPKOXIMATION of Ki«1 approximating to ve. George YV. W uiiam*. detemiaut. fi prii-tora, 6tS Main St, B vitalo , N. Y. turnal Emissitm*. aversion to Society, Dimness 5U.UII s.Uo.liil 1-ri.e are of Vi*ion. Noises m the head, the vital fluid To Gejpge W. Wiiliauu. the above-named de ¡i. And they were right. liai I'rixu. of «&<> approximating to pa**ing unobserved in the urine, and many oth­ tenoant: * 11«'.' *■! Frite Mie er diseases that lead to insanity and death. I N 1HE NAYIEOF THE STATE OF OREGON. ..¡towing the infallible pow< r lui I'rizro W Ol N<. Ml N of PAS’ approximating to 1 you ar- Hereby r«*quirod to appear in the above 3U( r O fViVCG 9 LITTLE Buffering from any of the above svmptoms. enutltMi ..'hi.lie Prize are .................... exiutwoi court coun and umi au*wer auewvr the ine complaint c 1« »1,(1 »I If I IIDI.I -G>EB Mi’Ni Auu you ar« notified tnat uch judgment will 1 IK .000 Lev reso --.i to test fuily ANTI.HII.IOVS and CATHABTIC. who *r»* troubled with too frequent evacuation be for the sums ot reventy.iuur «uiu eigiity- I Sold by Druggt-ís. a-uu a vial. of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight nui-dredtns dollars (f74.«u;, witn interest at eight $1.1 '.‘»5,01 » I > 1*4 iz.« > ailKHWl 1I1K’t«» nve n<> gro-imi «■—-»•’ >•“» or “*■ burning *eii*ation. an.i ki.i.m,. per cent, pel ailliUUl 11O1U Oepiember 1, lb0t). np- sniHrting any Bwiinient in the urine, etc Many die of Puulmned by older of lion. E. DePtmit, County be dt-tinet and Signatur»* ¡»la n. More rapid re­ this difficulty. ignorant of the cause, which is the Judge of Jackson county, Oregon, dateu ApnJ reds of cases turn mail dolivery will be a*-ure«l by y«»ur encloF- tu*c«»n T1VE. $3 a lafttle, or four times the quantity, *1». ! I cvuitiy. State oi Or«5g«.ia, tested the 2ffih day of •-Iv follov. I. were se» san-lh of chm t.-rmicate in consumption. K. a ?!I’L e B ottle F ree Ap.H, le>b7. I will »ell at public auction, to the Dr. Sag« i« ATAFUiti R emedy eurce the woeft Sent t«> any one applying by l«*tter. stating ■' nigueai hidae , lor rasii il hand at liiecuurt- Nervous i t and 1 a - ca«‘-acf Catarrh« “Cold it« the symptom*. s« ‘ X and age Strict secresy in r»*gard b«m*« doo« in Jackeonviile, Jackson county, •j*<1 Catarrh**! tftaarch»-. r • cents. to an bu*in«*sstransactions. !v Ant i- iiaustio-) ; • dune alvr«*Baid. ou U»e Ttieceh-brst«! K idney R emedy . NEPHRET1- 'Sth flay of May, 18S7, a . eaf“r <>r ly. who are in charge <«f the drawing*. i.- a miar- I CU .M, f«»r all kinds of Kidney and B>add«*rC«»m •an -, plaints, «»onorrhusa. Gleet. Lvucorrhaea, etc For all the right, talk-and interest of A. Wvlgamott ant« «• of absolute fairn«'** ami integrity, that the THE STAFF OF LIFE! ■ss extent . r peo >le of chanc«** are all equal, and that no oi.« cun p<»*to- I *a>e by ail druggut»; $1 (ma b«jttle, or 6 bottle* al «1 .UHgwJ. «»Igain-Ht. mu an ¡H-r«H>n» ciuinung •*' under them *ince the 2»Mn «1 *y ot August, ¡has. m bly ilivir." wl it number* w 11 draw a Prtz»-. r from i‘— > k conn The English DAN DELION. LIVER AND DYS­ amt lo the toUowing drtciiLvd laud* and premis­ REMFMnER' hat the pay ni-nt of all Prize* PEPSIA PILL is thebest in the market Fur es. to-wn : i-M tlUVikl 1» Bl FOI 41 \ VlldMI. IH\ksof ; 1 : >otlisexe.< : 1 i no New by all druggists; price, 50 cent.- a bottle. J he pgui it half of th«* *outhw«*e( quarter »rd (>i !e«n*. and the ;.i k-'l* ure *igm <1 by the • 1 Address t-Hgliah *!e«li«Hl IMapeiiaMry, the southw« -i quarter of tue souihei»»i quarter of FLOURING MiLLS sab* V» •>1 all !ir< of an Iii*ti»u:ion. who*«* charter«*«! co.mtry ii; th -re Pr«»*ident I K earny st .. S an F rancumo , C. al t-ecitun i»t*ui)-4igh., and the uuilixMwt quarter right* are recognized in thelughcM Courts; there­ aying recently been refitted with ol tne noitnweet quarter oi section thirty-three f-.-d fore. beware of any imitation* or an«»nymou* so many i all m<»d«*rn improvement*, are u».w turning in towubiop Uiirt>-eigut south, ot range one we»t, schemes. H out a tiret-ela** article of Hour, which ih put up in of th« Willamette wet ldiah, containing l«ju acres' to overt!-• V* Iwarrel sackt*, an«i every » hck i* warrant»* 1 mon* or less, lying and being in Jackson county contain 4d p»»nnh Dated at Jacksonville, O'<<<»o. this 37th day of April, lb*7. BARLEY ROLLERS Over 30.000 Cures in Six Yearn seous erne: B. W. DEAN. Sheriff. I By N. A. JACOBS. Deputy. Ilavinfi added h set of Barley Roller* to mv mi of sour an-' PILES. RECTAL 11/ l it I lSrri HEa. l BÜ I have mt upbrt every Saturday to Boil Barley f Bl FL’S \M. I-1MTULAK IS ANO. custoacii*rr. Th? w«.rk will be chffio on bi»« the throat: . POLYPUS RECTI. E tc . notice, so tliat parties can retnrn wnh tiiuir Sheriff ’s Sale. the same day. I am prrpare me directed and deUverod. in fulness ata I ACH CH MNEY / ß t«ivur ot L. ( . Uuh'uutxj. plaintiff, who rtcoxered DR PILKINGTON, gust with a judgment and d«M*r«e ot luieciueure ot a cer- 5-iOWN IN PlCTLHE tain mortgage in th* above-named ( oart on the tt Burgeon,Oculist andAunst and proprietor ■ >f the weak from th >• Xlidajoi Jlarcn. lb»;, and aguin*t the bcreinaf- Sanitarium for Eye. Ear and Nervoun Du*ea*e*. ter d«M»cnt»ed roal property, 1**longing to (»age Portland, Or., ha- b«*en app*.>ntt*d agent and or slimy m -.t. M. I i»*rc«‘. defendant. 1 am commanded to iev> phy*ician f«»r this *y*tem for Oreg«»n, and ha* in on an«i *ell *aid pro|»eity to *ati*t> the judgment SI LAS J. 13 A A? two mom It-- made a nurn'ier of cures of rani**, in in the mouth, e of L. ( . Coieman tor tue aum of ¿2244 M». with *otne of which, never« operation* with the knife interetft thereon from the 2bthday of March. 1 bk 7, haveonly dun« harm« NOTARY PUBLIC. iu d- at tlie rate of ten ¡»er cent, per annum, and the Refer» by perminsion to Mr Ja*. W. Waather- *un. ot »224.4“ attorney tee*, and the turther sum ford. druggi*t. well-known in Salem; Mr. Frank *“o oi Vbcuataaud d«•!)»»raetnenfa, and ala»» the Gardner, machinist at car-»hopa. and others. REAL ESTATE AGENT! coat* «»1 and upon thia writ: ana in obedience to •oated tor Will meet patient* at raid 1 d.d. on the Zith daj uf April, I ts'i- levy on raid roxlty. «crordin« to law. end hands an- HOTEL, ASHLAND, will offer tor rale, lor gold coin ot the I nit-d \bstraots made of Titles to Lands. i i Slate« of America, at public anction. to the nigh, Iry or J. r... ” ■**•♦!« teiM-fc Month. -«t bidiler at tne t. ourt-Hou«e door in Jack—-u. Every Second m «.. ’'••^«e«, bEGAL DOCUMENTS ■ 'IV ville. in raid count» and State, ou ix the inr Addr«*» for pamphlet on RecUu a ,. MfïhpJFACTttREO ONLY ’ -•“** drawn ««g, ♦♦epeuially p«»rtainiug t< Sutuid.iii, Mo;i i'Sth, J8X; t ng for ci-! jtu< is attention; DR. J. B PILKINGTON, ’“'‘’»»enl Ml bcUetCt. al two o'clock 1- M.of raid day. all the right, Of ali m . Portland. Oregon. MAn:3haker Ext ;ct (Seigel's County Scrip Bought and Sold. -«•»-♦*« duhauuu claim ot David I sun, and KoMWe.“** •*“e’'t»na syruj») n .■! !oves by its j»os- FRUIT TRKES I have a complete »et of Maps of all I -a i and Abigail Bail. r«*aerving . i^and* in this county, and receive ______ _ 10 PER CENT REDUCTION! vherofrom hj acres ««fl th«* north end of suu do­ ine, pov- ainless an ! x-mh !e 1 action upon raat corner ot «»aid donation claim, adj«»nung ihc l^re-emption papers, and can thus save to partie? nind formerly owned bj J«»im Latoureite ai«l the exp»*n*e of a trip to Roseburg L rik I Office. he functions of digestion and now owned by 1 redenca Barnebuig «a> as t?»m. 8«*v»»ral fin»» farms are in my hands for sale. elude m said three acre« the graves therein, an J I A LARSEN, j. ssimilation. 'J . !: 2') >-• si| elements ¡or die u*v of a public grawyaid. lb« quantity PROMPT REPLY MADE TO ALL LETTEBS. of land covered by said mortgage* being 2»7 acres F. MILLER, Prop. >t the food that build up and JW“ Charges in accordance with the times. more or it**. MERCHANT TAILCR R«‘fers. by permission, to C. C. Bwknian. Esq. W it nee* my hand and official signature this 27th, trengthen the system are sent Banker; to Hon. L. R. Webster, Judge of this day ol April, lbt«». nfdicial district, and to any busine«« house in JACKSONVILLE. OGN B. W. DEAN.Bhenff. pou their mission, while all Jacksonville. SILAS J• DAY- By N A JAl OBb, Deputy. Fruit ol Every aaste matters (the ashes of lu’e’s ■HR aving received my gooi » b direct furnished to order; also lire) which unremoved, poison from the East 1 am ablet«» make the ab«»ve H reduction. I keep a full line of the latest Oregon Kidney Tea ! style» and kill, are expelled from the SHADE &ORNAMENTAL TREES of Ixwly through the bowels, kid­ Nature’s own Remedy— CLOTHS, TRIMMINCS, ETC., Six mile® South of Grant’s Paes. Joaeptune neys and skin. The weak and County, Oregon. which I am prejmred to manufacture into CHOICE PEACHES A SPECIALTY Will speedily relieve and perma­ clothing of the mo*t popular m«Mh*e prostrated nerves are quieted, nently cure all the various ditticul- Address: B. F. MILLER.Gold Hill.Or. ¿4^** All work guaranteed to fit. Give me a A. H. CARSON Prop’r ties arising from a disordered con call toned and fed by the purified and see for youreelvr»* bofor«* ya 1 of water at her home in Roxbury. Like county E■ 'iiiuin i-, we count-d Mass., latelv, a Mr-. was smi- thirty sheepmen anti not less than fif­ i*rr from P«rtl»»4 1» -«•" » r..rhr<>, Uaitrd. AHO: T.iimlteil. Slhl. denly butted info the «<-11 by a goat teen cattlemen on our streets. They rep­ w hieh wa« a p- t of hers. As s<«m as she resented not le.-s than 7,'tJfH» cattle and <■’<>«« <•>.iine.-rioiii* nm>h-*r t-hlan.i with»tait»— wa-fished out she mdered In-instant ltjl.OOO sheep, and all seeme I pie ised of the California. Oregon and blah» Staci-lie li.LMAK» DII SEASON A*» «-4.1.OWM: with the pros|H-ctof a prosfierous season. W»nly 3V VIIlea Ml -tla«H>K At th«- fami .»f< »»l Kos* «»n rhnrwUy. Aon» • laughter. 2lst- af lite farai of ('. (’. Bags-<1 «>n Friday, Time la-tween M-lf-nl anil San Fra-cisCh Russia lias informed the leading Ber­ Stf th«w pl»« »-s «»n «*v»»ry twenty »ix hour«. ninth • i-|> if lin officials tliai all the French rinnor- will b»»at my f «r»n in Sarti ’ » vali- y- < XI.IF«'KN I V EXI HE** TRAIN* 1» III ' <-n the ran»:- , qt le i-t they of the allianve Is-tween Russia an I DEJa iilPTioN iSDl’m-BW.- Yo’iru Briubani they ....... ( ier- N«»rth. ut I ywu»<» «I. l’i'j hamis high ut.d w»-iut»- l.’2>» have notified them that they tv u-im; France are absolutely unfounded, Fi»»u> Maj 1. 1* m 7. >t»t.' i.. Arrive11(1:10 a m . poiinds. II.- ih of a lea'itifnl «lappl«-br..wn to use saltpeter with their salt, ami that man.' considers the Faris tumult over P«»rG«n*i 4 Al! 1* M L»- mv « color. Yonng Brigham wa sirrd by Y<>ung S uiti p- Ix'HVt» 5:45 f. M. no |silitieal effect, amount* to the same, for it kilts a sheep “Lohen'grih” of Milioni m a M. Iz'avo ai d <>l«i Sanife-oti l»y Lenv» 5M» P M. m »- i he bv Ohi A*hian«i »H») A Jt Arrive and only a sign of the weakness OÍ til«' (ìray Eagle. Dam bj Brigham \--ung. Sr,. a in no time. French borse imi*»rte James Aiken lecr-nlly -liscov. red on ot >i'.« Lyman Is-ings. > M.lwv I'-rttan-l Arrn«HlVr M. the Chailwii-k claim a le-lu«- "f white I- - I-. m \rriv- CorrnHi« I«.»» 1 :M) r. «. Surveyors are riiil work near Me­ sat.-lst. ne, which to all ap|» «ranee eon hama, in Marion county. »1.11,4,,eg out i tains il « -•.....-sny ingre<(ie:its in its the proposed route of the Oregon Pacific 1r. a. L«-»• l'i„tlanai co i.,ak<- fiist - la-s l-tiilil- through Minto's pass. Several contracl . Hit.i 1* m . \mv. MeMini’viU». l^av«V:«A A. M. 1 -ng rock ft stan-is th.; fin- J““t, *ays for tlie furnishing of ties have been l-t, At All«,» ami < 'mvalli*eonn.-rt with train«of , bay .Ye#;«, ami ziis.e|*r«mm PiM-itic for laquina H hi . . i t f”® ‘ ’ • —nUaheil. ¡engaged in cutting ties upon the place of Loral tit-kt-f» f-r«al« ami lui -•««<• ch«-kr '> up t..wu other, cor. I'ine and Hrcond I >> of liia owner, th»» underrigne«! on Griffin «tr-rt». Tv-'«-»-» for principal iH-int. in t'aufor- rre»*k. three mile* «mst of Jacksonville, where he James Shelton, residing .. - New ! ham». niac.-uionb hr pr-K-ur.-d at cornpan, » otticr. will b»- «-very .lay in th»« w**- k. »*x“^»fiiig Bunday. the Santiain, recently shipped iv . « or. » an*i. I I York citv lliiti pounds of hams. They A large . '*•* BUtg mining bn- tato» v is I m *L i 4 retitt‘ «l ter* Hi* tir-t «lain. Hallie Miller, by Mambrin«», An exchange say-; ‘'Tlie longest tun­ and the work of testing the atone will son of imp«»rte«i M«:-* iigrr; Ar.dr« w Jsck*n by vr Young Bnaftaw. a> tl he by inqM»rt»xl Bn-diaw nel in the world is at Schetnnitz. Hun­ coinmencc in a few days more. Sir Walter. Jr.'* daiu i* c«mn»'ct»-d with the gary. It is ten n.iles and a quarter long, Ulydtwlaie draft horse. The clipper ships ('banner and S«*m- ten feet high and live feet and a quarter T f .BM*—Single enp. $5; for the *ea*on. s|0: in- wide, and cost only ♦Ti.OOO.OtlO. although inule, according to a n a jil-t val­ saileil on Septernlier 27th and 2*»th, and IV ILL M AKE THE SEASON OF I«-»; AH FOI^- uation. Tlie courts cannot in such eases if then* bo a tie it will I m » decide«l on Of g«»»!.-, wii’vh h»- ha- |»urrliae«-«l for CAbH. »nd ’» I owh : Going to th»*. Donegan ranch to Mr. take tqion themselves the functions of a Commodore Smith of can con*<-«iuently pel) Hannnn: d - April 17th. where he will h»* two revising or equalizing tsiard The judg­ O«tob«*r 1st. «lay», returning down the north «ide of Rogue N« w York has ie«-e’ved letters from th«* river to Gold Hill the following Wednesday, ment of the comt helow is affirmed. s»*«H‘t;ny of New York Royal Clyde where he will la* on« «lay; from there he will go he Salem Sbit.Aiuau thinks tin- only Yacht Club, accepting on lyehalf of the to Foote creek, remaining two «lay*; th«nce to trouble in licensing the Salvation Army Thi-tle, all the conditions named by The*. Chavnor ’ * place on Rogue river, where he Th«»ae wlu» favor him with their trade will hne in finding a name for “the American committees, but asking that ntand by way of the »outh «ide «.»f Rogue river hybrid outfit." Aeemiling to the testi­ variety exact «late of rare In» fixed. Commo­ every ninth «lay. Country ormlue«- taken in ••x« hang»-. D km UIPTION FkDIf'KFfr. Jamea T 1« a mony of that Portland girl who was left dore Smith replied, fixing thoal»ove. T.J ( LOFTON. beautiful darkdappl«4-ba.v with black l»*g*. mane by them on the »-tri-et* Brevnaburu. March I. WsB". Edward Es|»ey has again met with and tail. *y»*ar* oln*ibility assumed for any that inayoomr. or “because capital takes a bigger share erise of the |«>stal ser­ | i-epted by the axyluni board. Or. fe. L. HIGH-BRED HORSE, * s oo Primary Department ......................... vice amounts, in round numbers, to ... * 00 Jiurior .......................... It vine of Prineville was elected to fill .... MOI» \V1LL ST\ND THE PRESI N 1 SEASON AT txto.ont» annually. This vast sum is di­ the vacancy caused by the resignation Preparatory •• .......................... 10 (Ml v» the fn|lowing times at-.d place«: Mondays vided among th- eortsirations which Senior and Graduating Department. land Tuesday* at Medf-»r»!; wedii«»-'*ami««>n particulars apply at the Academy. is a fM-antiful «tappk-gray, 7 year* old. 1*5 hand* ' jwiatasi- the expenses are aeveral million is a son of Senator Robert A. Irvine of high, anti W'-shs l,5i <0 pound-. H»* wa* si rial by i dollars in exees« ot the receipts. The Linn county, and was a medical student th»* Norman < ‘«»nstant.who was hr» d in Normandy, ; estimated receipts for the present fiscal and favorite of Dr. J. I,. Hill, promi­ sired bv th«* famous Prid«» «»f Normandy, whose It seems incredi­ nently mentioned in connection with the blood dates hack to Byerly Turk, and imported m ! year are 148.000,0110 1*71». The«lamof Constant was the celebrate«! ble that this amount should Is- expended suisTintendency. Dr. Jrmephi's resie- in f Jack S*mj»H<»u. [over the Port Blakely mills in the nnm- T erm *: Single service. <|ii; «»-aeon. >15; in­ : her of feet of lumber in a ten hours run. J oshs on M ining .—Senator John 1'. surance Any person selling his mar»- during Will farri irit LOANS in a n«»unt* a* low a?» *301, •he -••ae«»n will pl»- »s»» n-ineud* r that tin- money Saturday last the Port Blakely mill cut ' Jones of Nevada recently expressed him­ for s«*rvices render«-»! i- then «iue. j 9X1,000 feet. To-day the Tacoma mill self as follow;« on the snhji-et of niinin>-, an«i as high a» securities will I m * furnished. B« st of rare tak«*n to «»r« vent accidents, but no j | cut from green logs 410,834 feet of mer­ ■ a aubject on which he is certainly eom- n sponsibility assumed f«»r any that may <*-cur. Tune, from tw«» to five year«, with interest at cantile lumber. making the largest cut j petent to apeak. Said he: “There is a XV. D. FLNER1Y. ■ but one ever made by any single mill good deal more attention now lieing paid a per cent s.a-un-1 by unincuntls-red risil.-star* jin America, the Chipjs-wa mills having I to it than there has been of late years, Il T. LAWTON. cut '»37.000 in soft pine on a run of i I think there is a better feeling and tliat 1 there is going to be still mork work. We twelve hours. The I’nion Pacific, taking the lease of have now an immense lot of improved ¡tlieO. R. AN., will become the great machinery, and we can work ores to a Public Notice. central through line tothe northwest.and profit that could not lie handled at all a as such may do the greater part of the few years ago. I think that mining is otice is hereby given that reimes B t «> h . have ¡»I hcm I h larg»* number of their] business; but to make sure of this just as legitimate and promises a« large I notes» and all their bo<»k acconnt* in the hane ni.-uie. a* t)»•• under- \ITH.L MAKE THEBEASONOF 1 ns 7 AB EOU be compelled to strenuous exertion. given the same attention. If investors iute ___ mmit ’ inv**etinent* that make . it nee*»«. ! »* low»: C«>mmencing at my *lab|e in Willow Western Oregon, south of Portland, can­ will do this they will meet with just as _ •igned _____ ___ . I. , ___ —A hc_c«»llvct* ^ . » _____ I • the I- .. _____ m — • that 4 i« . tve an«i a -countare payable lyable at ■ tw«» «lav-*; thence to Phil. Steven*' place one mile not I>e included in its territory ; but it i the ottiee of Reaiuen A White, in Jacksonville, | en*t of Jacksonville, where h»* will tie for two may cover anil hold eastern Oregon ami of a big strike, gets inflated about it and (lay*; thence to Me«iford. at E Wurman's liv much of eastern Washington ami of! forthwith p'anks his money into a far­ Oregon. ! ery *table. wher«» he will .remain two day»; thence E. K. REAMES away property that he has never seen, This powder never varies. A marrd of purity I to C H. Pickens’place in Table R«»ck precinct, northern Idaho. It now holds southern Itateal April 1*. USÎ. strength »nd whotesomenesx. More economics where he will I*» for two days, returning to each Idaho. A roar! to Puget Sound w ill be- ■ lets somebody else handle it and sjiend -han the ordinary k«nds,and cannot beeotd in com his money, and he lopes it, and then lie stand every ninth day . - come ___ one _ of ..... v» the .. needs of this system petition wita the multitude of low test, short bKM-BliTlox vxt> I'KiuoKKr. Y odiir < !»>...>,! I is extension pf kicks and talks about miring frauds. weight, alum or phosphate powders. 8 oij > osly is IVflSTOPPED FREE t"? ometti. cans . R . al E a & ixq 1' v W lkm Co.. luC Vi'all-sV __ cele ___ ­ the O. R. A N.,intothe Cn-ur d'Alene. Why. a business man, no matter what 1» noumls H« wa* aired by S. _____ G. Reed's H- Y. brated ( lydewiBle stallion, the » -■«•t . _ 1 J draft __ ‘______ hpr»M-. mines ami the creation of terminal faeil- kind of a one he is, would hardly put ever broQArht to Oregon. His «lam was a thor­ | ities at Portland. money into a cigar stand unless he could , UMBER FOR AI L! oughbred (’«»pperbott«»m mare, imported from , manage it, or at least have a very close i Kentucky. ami ore of the b»-*i «-v»-r in the State. ————— a -«_ u ... i b-eeriioa ------ —------------- 1:«:— .Voir Ila» I A- tohrs uuaiitl — | I wjj. rof..r j,,n j(> i grip on it. No wonder they lose money Ik V. Brail. John Field, J. W. Smith, _ ___________ ... | i. Timm- | |,aj n trouble«! a ............................. on mines.” a«. A .1 ttaley. Ja« W.atley. J. N- Traylor, ' and pain in the chest and g“t no relief from H-tte t Potter. A. W. t’l-iii-r «. Marion YVood i remedies recommended by drugirists and Hocktt'n'n .trairft .Suter. Andy Potter.T F. Nicliol« Tho«. t’havner. J. E « Uilpc ennth cf lanl’cnnfillc ìS Imine Hereon J H estored Smith. F. M. Plymale and a number of other«. It plnsieians At the same time I was ad flie best Salv«» in the w»»rld for ('nt*. 1 i AB Dr . KLINE S GREAT i« not nra-sear» ro nt«ke a bi* blow, aa the horse vertising Pr. Bnsanko’s Cough and Lung Brui-es. Sir»»*, Ulepf*. Silt R-ieum. E.- v - t for hfaMeit. ■ ■ NERVERE8TORER Syrup I had little faith, hut thought to Sores, letter. ( hap|»erns. an«! all Skin Erni>ti<»n*. and posi­ ' 1 proj>Hri*d to furni*h tlie market with every de­ »rt Nrrr-t Afftftwnt t'Ut. FfiiZrfrv. fte. of; insurance. $10. due when mare is known to . , . ♦ u *• . As th« ILLI ond«r»ignrd BLR ii «Aken is &s closing dlmcte-i. Kt up filiffttr his black-| be with • foal, - • or when • • - | more than tn**y fell me of it* curative ipiaL tive cures for Piles, or n«» p iv i.ctiire ♦. It scription <»f lumber of a Nuj>erior quality at the disposed of. r T--vri»e and *2 trial bettie free t-v Mtuith bu*ine»M«in Jack»«'nville. th«»*e indebtto | The 1-raf of yare taken to prevent accidents, ; itie*.— From th«* New*. Elizabethtown, i« guaranteed to give p«*rfect satisfaction or lowest rater. Bill* sawed to order and satisfac- mttent*. » - - -vmg eit•< KLINE. DATfn i and ’HnNrMTLLVR I q « Arch St..FhUsdelpbi.i.Fa. JAB. K DAV18, • 1 titore. 8tor 1 receive prompt attenuon PARKS d BON For jale by all druggists. 5(*to. Ute ¿MITATIN^ FKALD^ An 1 Connection«. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS I OFFER FOR SALE ON REASONABLE t rin* 1 one of the be-t Stock or Dairy I hi iij - n. South, CO ADA ».HTIMKKM. Th. 11 fi I N :»aa MrlrrHlallon <•«*., (ile luterai eujoyrat by nía» iie-sprp-r ■..ibllstietl b».»rr:i Portland nuil Ural Hi.ltr. Cal.—a distata«« <>• W» n.llcs. Il liiecetore olfera the be.t Intliieeiiienis Io n.lvrrliner«. Our list la principali» routined to Jnrksan, Josephine and Htanaalh comities. Rnal.r«. m«n I atinnld take Hole oí thia. FOR SALE. TANKS of every description. Send tor price-list and catalogue to A. J. SEDGE,Grunt's Pass. Or. MILLER BROS., PUBLIC NOTICE. Field. Vegetable and Flower Seeds, To Wu«»M IT M4Y COMCUUl: R A. G. COLVIN HAVING. ON THE 2d «lay of F-brnay . 1*»<7, naMigned all hi* ac­ counts to m«\ I theff-L»re notify partie* not i to u ¡»ay any denoind <«»rin»Tly due. or to bf*come dne from them to Mr. «»Ivin, to any person except myself or my aufh«»rized agent 1. R. DlWNON. . l . n v"? 'T KAN’DREWB. hi. Atty. JaeksotinUe. Feb 2. 1 ah 7. M * ■1«. Dealer* in lNrr.KIAI.MHJ FOO II. Garden Tools, Fertilizers. Etc., »» Bm-.u.d St., Bet. Bulmon and Taylor PORTLAND, OR. £W“'vnd fur our new Culah.giu^U