Y • A* - • I- he Vnuocratif firniß i . r .nr J.1, iivin JiiM'¡itl:n<' .*• l.liKr 4 I l«A Y MAY ?• ls‘ Th« hay and grain « r»*p- never looked st» w •Il in lb se*»uniy. N vaiU jw-nrtr ALs. D. IL x! »n ot L 1 Q v...n has B<*vti paying D«»ugla* cotuny a \i>it. Ni.xx Y ork S tave is larger than it igt-.t to E-» iccirdinq-1«> Mr. Blaine’s lea. It is t h > big for a K»*|>«ibli«ran to irry Th»* KvpuLli« an p.xity h *«> w»*ak oxi lh;D it i’aiimd cam .1 little State k • Kh h I c bl.it d. St X.FT i • »X is Kiid t > Iw ut woik uii a bill in favi • ir of ihr rv-hiiihling oi th*' Am« • i’-aii slii|> imhistiy. The fact is a »tar'.liiig •> •n«* thai ihr Anioru an llag is .ihil'.'t :l slrti'.^e oll tln* high sras. li".''i tariff i“ the • a«i*'. file -tate prillici ffuislu'd printin^ thè tk--s.oirl.iws un Ih.- Iti'li, tic - «lays beline Ih • >-X|>n..iusi <«i the timi* allowed bv l.«w . nel li«-y bave Inni «i-iivered to ili«- bm-h-r l’«r , mi’ -:i >r». ili«' laws niake a V'ilnin - «’f -Ve' pi_'e«. iiid tl»-* ivpo- gm|H>ieal woik i-exeelleiit tiiroughout. Wn.vr «iarksonxihe need*« ami must bax*e i> mail service twice a «lay from the iaiir«>ad station, ami steps are being t ik-n h> *nr«- it. It i« an out.ago t»» give Mi -h inpi t int pla«*» ' like «lucksoii- vii!»- .iiet Y :»-ka »»nix* one mail a «lav, in «>rd»-r n> >.«ve th»* government a loxx dol- lars <»t »-x:»e!ist- < >:ir r*'p:rM»kntattxt*s in congress >h<»iil«l «’wrt themselves in ihi-* matter ami M*e that jnsti«-»* is don«-. >3 i I h-l.aiii.»tt« r is buying a drove of t«L liaiiivy tk t ". C. f. l>4xis<»ni.t Wiliiunis creva was in »Jacksonville a lexx »lax s unve. hkrki .> h ive m ide thvir np .meinth«* Portland maiket, Ireimr *sh.pped irom California and Rohebnr :. In thi* *e«tu»n thè i.«**t nipped P rrt of thè «*rop, an i ih«* balanre will I latcr tlian usuai. L I i itixr prohil'ition does n<»( prohibit is s»*s vphblv o| pr«K»i n»\irl v everx xx h«-;»- it has tr:«*«i, and ii ¡itt«*mptrd in Or«*- g.»n the experirne«- \X(»uld ptobal»ly be th«* same. I.at<* internal revenue ie|M>rts *how HUB s.dts»ns in !»w.i,oran aver.ig«* «»f almost f<»riy-«»nv to each county. < onsid<-ring the jug trade iroin tier six lM>rileiit:g >tate> tln-iv is little iva**<>i) to think that prohibition prohibits to any extent. A number Hew glMala l«> nur mer. ha it», I comiiitf tin the ioa«l fiom Anhlaii'.l -«».«n thi* «cite »ill tie a i>e : Klamath liver line. I It is ntate«! that Fiitz Muni of -p «.in -iver valTey Hold hie stock, re.;!-« »late, eti-.,lu Reame», MartinJkCo. fur ,!•>, I an«i luu» left fvr parts unknown, :«it.«i John Hall and Joe Morata repuit settling with his bondsmen. S-ve:al having found a q iutz ledge that pioa- ‘ ni'>nt 1«. age he kil!e«l an In.l in m l jM'VtH Well. piohably left t«> eRcap«« punislnii 'iit Most oi the the town-site at Ag r’s pia« -, n e Irost last week C«M.ey’s on Wnlow creek, i- u«> « ; Kerbyvillv. 1 s„rvev«-«l alni th«* site for a de|««,f -e- I auf It-:. 1»-•■■ e«l ! x !i»e »••t’/.riiA ami Lusi-n-ss m»*n <»f !e, <>•., for the p«»-iti«>u off«»!- z agouf at WiHoxv ch * k, ami a? right man in th«* right Id ’ Gt»o. Kelly of (iiant’s Pa-- -pent Sun i r at» ¿.-men's <* i j I».« m |.|i* with day at Ashland, while C. 0 Morgan vi> *iup.i»ix !«» g vo hi t« t ».• r . ! «» ; ! itc«i J.»» ksonx die « n toe »*anm day. II has g*. te b< low to « o:in*r eV. . W. S. Bar'i«*, who has leaded M. W. XV. II <• raih'.id iii.ii.a^fi's oi rcltovnce Wl»e«*lvr’s dairy, h iu inRhiog Grant*» I, luatlP!'. Pa>s with a "Up nor article of tnilk Win. Hamlin is improving hi* prop­ erty in Gra d's Pass, and it xvih soon present an rx< client ap|H»arance. I. S. W. Nu. 55, 1 gnu<»l l'«U>- oi ' («ve ««I tli.it I««l_-<- pc.iplf "I I if -.plaint« I -aras i» ii.iw • j" ».itili.: (lit- mill |M* ledg'‘A .'Hid -l'-iu«: g«wtd work he xv II con? inu»* in charge he know « iperatt ati-Mi »lis at the mine ID I .1 g»i »4 quality of or»* is being in I ti » re scrim t»i l><* plenty ot WcrtH* »f the opinion that th«* g...»«I ledg »rg i* :u»w he m: d un ai < arne- s mill n irG.dd Hill, whmh i.< «ri ng .•» I < ;• .i i it •»( »|.i irtz d.iilv ■ *- ■. ir e! iLiip xvas II! «• re« •* it.\ .m l v«r.ti urici»* of amai curd, W hl' i ' ..iiipìe «‘X idvin e th it • is p.ivin^ • •;i hvth r n«»vx than ever 1 iict c i< a m< mtam • >f it in sigli» ami ii xv- nld pay the owners to put a largo and lirst-« lass mi l on their ledge. a Messr«. N.im k , i« i I«! -n ¡iiitl r.t'-ilv Are biiiijfinr; an irrij lit.tf <1 i h into Ketbvviiie »li i li they a <■ pii~l«iiig along will« energy. A. J. Seilu»’ tiianl's l’ass put the n«*w plstier at «.«»r«-t-i*r*s siw n. 11 "ii Hi ii.iill« <-.<•« . .11 [• Ji tl las' »•• k a J it operate« t.i«-«Ty. W«' aa- un i.a "1.1 /al: -n» t«> Ii I’, tie. rg»*, t .«■ •!■-.■■ t r11«,t.>.'.«• of the Ker­ by viilt* salc««n. lor ia»«. * May liis sh.i'io»' tievei- t{row less n / i>i>i \ <• « /;/ »/ / s. VI. ll'-lln lias «•«•asi-'l «b'irig lai'iiu «« at Grant's I’.i" aral La- removed I i’ stis'k <>t ¿<«’1'!<> olio ot the ti'-w i.i lroad stations in .-iskiyutl county . ' al. i j I ; ' I liis secti«»n ncvei need«*d u quartz mill more than it docs now Pr"paiatious have tn en under xxay sometime for the thorough prospecting of sev«*r.il quartz kslges, and l\hpp«*l.k Ba-umlt* s mill vxas relied xi|M»n to assist in the xx«»rk 1 he «iettrurtion ot th.it mill will retard an I complicate mat­ ters *»riou«*ly. anti it is to be li*»pe«l lliat Mr Klipprl will r»*l»uild th»* null, or that s->mvho(|y e!>e \\’ll lie enterpris’ng enough to till the x’oi'i ii or existing j on i. I. u 1 r ( ALI FORNI A hTKEEr. C. I KING OF CONSUMPTION. 8. Cornutt of Grant's Pass has removed to ('entral Point Mr. C. is engaged in the hotel business. People should give him a call Business js im^jving right along al (Central Point, tin«^ it is astonishing to everyone how our Utile town ia growing Why, it is simply because our locution is unsurpassed by any other town in Rogue river valley, burrouinleti by the most heuutiiul farms, and a large scop»* of country buck of it, how cun xxe help but prosper. Another merchandise store is ueing built, winch will uiuke three in this place. \\ e have already two blacksmith simps, two livery stables, two agricultural stores, two salooi.s, o ,e ding .store, ami one hardware store; and ail we lived in»v. :s the Jacksonville brauch railroad anti it depot, w.,icli would make both Jackson ville and (’entral Point boom. Now is the time to connect Jacksonville and (’entral Point P l < k ' s Bin B oy . J r JiiS’jCQ’ The* original hh «I only genuine t»cientitic com- pound of Abi-tii!«* Gum and Yer!»« Santa, for < oughs, ('< his. i un« and Bron­ chial Trouble*», etc., etc. BETTER THAN GOLD Bt.wxRi.‘»r I mi rxiroNs. Non»- g-numc unl«**s th«- woid« “L'aiikî It-ntoror.” “Santa Abi-, 1 areon th»- ¡«ab* I- of .»"h botti»« Sot a t»»s-r»‘t coni pound. For «ale by ail drugi;ift>. whohfal- ai ti Dr Hinkle, besides a full as*«>rtment «»i I at the tari» •;!ip,1 first-class «irugs and iiirdK-iiies, k* eps V ild ■ pre j ;ct * '»inplrte stock of paints, oils, glass. • I . i • r. turns iti ' ijilVe iillll a cull. m* i - xd ■<•!«• sink a . h > lot agricultural implements last week ft »m f< "t -haft <>ii th«* Pivision min«* hih I to run the Frank Bros. They mean business and :• tui’L«*' 2.VI fei t lung »»n the St. Peter’s will sell at the lowest prices. mini*. !»<»il 1 bring situated in t h«* Grave creek A certain young gent from Jacksonville, district. who Bums aiuuiid here considerably <»t .'smith «V Lynch wiil li.ixe plenty'of water lute, finds this place has quite an attraction. a1 stiinnirr r»f their placer mines in tIn* The bridge does need new timber. Wagner «Turk id are making The •Sentinel” was mistaken when i g » ..I h«* id X IV licilr.itili«* pro «•»•ss. Thepr.»| go h | result a. c -aid that Baker s “Cow Boy” beat tne Ash­ land horse, aud the Ashlami horse heat la x nmble. Rippey > mare. “Cow Buy” iielongs to h • N xv river nenes. iiippex , and the mare is owned by Baker i a • D \ « ' . • » . ■ d . I IV,• »i t II t ’»V»-: H I .Hui Kincaid The mare bring very lamr -.1.* A ) ! Ì y\ III f. wli II has •n account uf foul riding at the Jacksun i T .tl di -I¡c» ■;■-’■«• I XI I' ll mi'li’ig IS x illr races,will not be able to run for some­ I • ! ril'd (here i> quite i demand for time yet And in const quence the Central •r- A small *i.ini!' mi I there crush«*d Point Sporting Club challenges the Asli I • lìtio du. i' the pu>! ! -ur month* i .and i.urse, “Turn t p. a match race \ W « f Fu » "i cirek xx il! be oc- ’ against “Cow Boy,” (the gray horse) to pied in clef >cVera week*, run any disiunee from I'M up to tkX) yards ¡.g Up tor I ,\iim M-vei men engaged «uck, who has been st<»p| in Portland i e pa»t jtear, is with u«< more. He stood it as long aw he coni I Ha T -f^Lirö i-xi »A GREEN’S II. Brooke assists Kobt. XVestrop ’ tu <1 • the grand” at tbe Bunton saham. aml.su» ceeds well. I Î Born—At Kerbyvillc, May 9th, to Mr. and M ir . E. Ghddcn oi the I'liion hotel, a Ul.j*pound boy. Mi>s Minnie Start oi Eiig»-necity, xxhu lias l>e«-n Visiting • hri biuther, O. H. Star, uf Grant's Pus*, has returned home. M Parkcypile and family are now rc.-i- denisuf (’entral Point ■HTiii Mining .;ili|i-i*t, I Pleading to the Fa'ate and Death to a Cough. Fine weather on crops. IL Odei^Nohl ins Guild oi sheep to Win. P.ylne and .»«l can lie travel«*«! at all tiniea <«f the year. 8KNTA ABIE AND UAT-R-CUKE PHEl'AREDONLY BV ABIETINE MEDICAL Company. Oroville, Butte C. Ie«d (HHG-Hiid unph*. siiTt breatl«. r»Mdtirg fr«»«. « a- tarrli. Ea»*\ mid p! a-.ait t«» u-«* Follow di*» <-. tions kik ! a cur«-is w.rrMLt»d Hi«! for or« ulnr '«> MIIET1NI-. Ml bl- Al. « OMI'AW Or.,» li... < nlif.iriiiH. „«1 11. r- ,.f the <,nb Abi.tin.' tirov«- •nd Illstillerj ui th. world. T M m ilotitIm* Treatment, hl »1 1<>. b> Mail. SANTA ABIE AND OAT-E-CURE, Till. UNUEKHIGNED TAKES Pl.EAKVKE IN I j nrfornniig the public that Lo h» taken ctiarfre <»f w»dl known livery Rtabiec usd im fully i r»*par» «l to att-i.d to h II bucin»-*- in 1*1« hue with j»r«»tnpt ii »*« h and dispatch and at the nio*-t .•»•a«oimb'e rale*. TURNOUTS Th** stables arc funiMied with tlie Iwnt of team* anti ►uddlc-horaes. undnew aud com fort able bug- gi»*N, carriage« «nd hack»«. HurMiei Iwardct!. and the best of care b»*»U»wed <»n them. Satisfaction guarantfed hi every instance. Giva me a trial and judge for yuureelvoa. W. (J. KENNEY. Jacksonville. April«1,18X7. For Sal« by all DruggiM*. 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME. GOOD for the cure of Constipation «ml Indigestion« GOOD for the euro of BiliousncM mil Dyspepsia. GOOD for the cure of Bowel Complaints. GOOD for the '. Farr* and freight vih Yaquina and (be Orc*cpn Development ( o.V Smani-hip« much je** than by any other route between all pointe in the Willamette Valley and Han Francisco. Daily Passenger Trains Except Sundays. Lem«* Ynquir a Arrive < orvatlu- Arnvr Albany x. M. Kciis î. m . hfj* t. M. . 12:K> I*. M 1-22 F. W fetô P. M I*Mtv<* Albany Arrive « <> valliti . Arrive Ymjuina .. 0 &C. Trains Connect at Albany and Corvallis. Ean-» lmtwe.ii Corvelli, and St»n Franct -co liuti xml < ati!'. «Il; Rail attii Hi-ermi., f" »*• Earo» ............. Alitany and Bau Francisco, li-iil ai ti - ubin. *11 4^; Bai! ami Kt'-rrmcc, fin MA FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCISTS AND CROCERt. WM.M.HOCUE, C.C.HOAC, * «»«•iieral jiMiiag' r. ActiiigG. i. P. Aoent. Corx al li». Or. FRANK BROS. IMPLEMENT COMPANY, POlVriaAN I ).<>!*. D» \ leii « I n /.timber, Saab, boom, Etr. The* Sugar Pine l)ugr »t Lumber Co. of Grant's Pass are now in full operation and ire pr«q»arvd tu fill all orders lor F enc ing . B oxing . R c .> ti < , F loorin »«, C eiling and xm ! Th«- frost la-t week was - -wre s«*t| t»f >’..l further pr«»spe. t their ledge on Tim­ prices and estimates on application to their 1 >il I <‘!-i the lam)« to win« Ii <>ur commonw.ait.i th«* «a!u "l tin-’sii|«vi ior 1« • r nmmifai - >.• • - .1 ! id r.i.i" et gulch and advertise f'»r bids to run 50 agents. under w!ii«*li thè is entitled, having itself done likewise. W ebb A Z immerman , Medford. ¡eel in»»r<* of tunnel. Fhev have a large !>r dat party s G m » |. ! • ir xvhoie cffvet of (he turcii at Win. .X -u a' i’ ' .« » y at FHOMSAX FUANOÎHCO: Ftt >M VAQUINX: Tliis has been u «cry t.«>u!>lesonie quea (’. \\ . ayers . Asbinnd. «1« • »r itmu- was simph •. eh g.Hit and eh »sh*. I» ih 1 v .»f promising or»* in sight a I are Grant's l’a-'. anil will frat dit -xelu M ost CoMPi.nx L ink o> Ya»piiiiH (’tty. Tu-stiay . Maj 3 Wiliam« th- Valley VV» m 1- eaday May 4 W C. L kever . Cential Point, lion to all • •o|ieerm~l, am) the people will •rcc,M*lx t» «»’clock. p. M . introdm eri bv ■st ii Ii vneoii! aged with the prospect itig •V I • in Vanuina City. “ ........ " 11 Willam-t»«« Valley. Tuetsiay. . sively. Hux-i". Carri««'- a 'I Kprins Wsk-n^ on tl..- Pttcih« Having our good, during tl.s J. H. G riffis , Gohl Hill. Killfull v ex.’. Ut. «| I \ pr. vi"Usly done It is to In* hoped that heartily appvove ci tlio energetic steps «d i:mi march. “ ........ Yaquina « Hy. I u ** h 1 h > .... “ 17 Sfeiliauiatte Valley. 1« lowratPHof freighi from llie l »*l• K'"ug togivsonr «-uid..m.w ¡1.« Ix-io tit. ¡u>d wIl ttiem XX i lamette Valley. I ueaday . . Mis. Davi.l S'.t ;h*, «»i th«* loudest anticipations »»f these en brmai party vnbrtd “ 24 Ynqu'iia < ity. ** ....... .. - 2S M >- I i i Kliiqul. tLc )>«-iiig taken to solve it. “ . ... • M Willamette Valley, . hh I. ii . our liu. lowrtl.sn h ». t b fore. Write for I stslogu«'and Prices. Valuable Hutinrt» i'ajitrn. Yanainu < ity. Tuesday.............. June 1 and t«»»*k l'tcir piaces is r<'i«o«tt‘d verv ■ ick. The ring « vremuin tc prising citizens will be realized Willamette Valley.Tu»*srcg«»n, ill stiik»- through the Butte tilth to see her. »•; .»uit lurty g'iv- Num«’i»»n- ami el by Furtlaud capit.ilists. are fully >n> can tie had tor J4 each. This places the S. B. TO B Y, Den. F. A P. Airent. II S l>aveii)»>rt, who i«-r i: is com.ty h- rty ci»ngrMtuluti«»n foliuwv«! ami thvn tuiniiiL «•r»‘ek valley to the <*ieg»»n line, ami will i | Montgomery 8t. San Fraitcieco. <*al. g i:i»* huh r<-put:Hiui> in wtiich they price ot the list within the reach of every Th • de«- »r iti »ns arc livl» >v all iiiinvrs prove a valuable feeder in tin* way ut rathe« slid l.-nly, evi Inilv do-’ no' in­ supper vf II > .x can get them ut a piopurtionai reduction tnc e important g »Id field*1 binbl an entire n«-w line trunk the Sacra­ The county connnis-iom t»'c<«urt wdl »•!’" QTinYt.i) n."M rm l’l.Ai r or n:i. i n - IhlllgiilgOV Hanging over the table xverr wrvath*. ny leaving their orders with Mr. Jatubs. ment'• \alley to Portland. O ,1. r-iKii'^l. hvil'K in I.-Ill- Hutt«- pr.s-inct. • •* »1 ive.i t i <»f East Portl.iiid came up lie in ses-i"n next M »nd iv. when t .«• Hip l ab»Dg tin* « ent r xv •re ft»ur handsome short tun«* since, oc* b<»rr»*l mare, on«* tw-o-'car- A y grcat siiowv • •u M 'ii'hiy morning and left at once by «««ntiact for building a hr de- aci-toss . va ♦■»s with tmg«’ bomprets A’or .S'nle old mule nnd two colts, m sori el and to;tn. Any­ private tetivcs me for the Mt Pi-g.in F or suDietimv pr«*x iutis tu the date on Applegate ii'-.n tin-4 ustar tool, will lie l,v aiiH.I a iih b.ttik-. ,sf tl »xxers s surre imi one wli » will return tlf-m or h * y "1 them, to the The Excelsior livery stable at Medfor«! is ¡»•dge. •»! which he is an owiier. to which the iutvr*state » omincrce hill xxeht let, and much "ti er biisitn" t an- u t i I 1 ’'i: ' 11. .in*! a ix.iiqu» i of I: 10 a llll'l pML-i's uttered for sale It has stall-room I t own'*«, or e *.- inforiiinti"!) w i< c. will l'*nd irii'g furili fumi the -uinii it their reco -i\, will b.* »mt ddv rew-rded ot iin* crxs I he new di- '»ver\ at (ir en mountaiu is into vtlcct I alii'H ma m»*rch.uits «»rderetl twenty horses, holdr twenty tons of Imy. G. XV. IIH KXTHGIIN Jas. t’ulveit, tiu- cl'-v« r az -nt lor Sal-s­ mad»’ a pretty effect for a cvnlvrpiere, ■i- er than at lit -’ reported. The vt ii oi large «iiiahtiii«*.** <»i g verai feet v. id«* ami full of gobi, hut v .v ' i- slid anion. .-. notvvit i- Rents lor E3'» per month now Hack*, car­ These Were ^hip| «*•! un«h*r the old in-.ghl iii.-d th»* m < " and smiiax. an I « apit.ilists t*Kt»r. ted t > arrive at this place, 1 llediurd, >»e formed ii«»m the fact that an average Oregon. • Uvdiurd, vice |ss«.-ilil •. la :i i'»g in I h r hand a t»»'UqUel «1 tube en route to Green mountain t »-morrow ••i «13 raisi are unloaded there daily. i I Ì;«-gì. "in iva-in lull evt mug »Ire-« wiîh morning. \ cloudburst •>« -n ».-»I in It i» eMliuiatetl that dming tire pa>t thirty VOID I. is Hi ll! BY ‘.IV! \ I II Xi I Hi I t Sale & ‘ ■ wl.it« . r ip»* n- ' 1.tie .»nd huthmhole b Hlqltet A u. I •'•--.CD's!. |li,u!/*"l'ihbi t. roM* ID til»* I h»* “ il»iobj>” t'.‘»!g * m i «^line’s creek is «lays mor»- than 109,350 t«»iw of freight |>iec:n« t a tew days ilg’», ’• A fine piano, i«i tirst-class order, can be hrm "f E I m-ry .V < •». d**al«*r»» in uen-ral IF t»l : 41 -«»s»»*». Th«* bride-.tiiMid, Mis­ l.iuda \ iclding some very fine quart/ i r I'he work tin- str-ams -nd letuy 41 i I ’ have ÎM-eii received. ; pun n.i-ed cheap bv applying at the i I M W* ; m« rchai doM* a* F •.•!»• I*"int. «lo gon, to John ll'tutz. wa' d c.--»*»l Hi mi»'*ti’h’g: «lit t«»st<*. on llii> ¡» dge i- progressing rapidly. Flic leading to J.,« k’o : vili»- wi Ashpol'*. til-new tirm of In low A; A-lip»»;- will which xvas »»tdy exc«eil»*d by th« e gruieful Union ledge, own»’.! i,y J L Clough, is ahn I ottkce »on. assume 'ill !n«b»!iti.*s of Hi»» ol«i tirni. hi d «11 th«*»* .illite a depth. .X"t lll’b » ■ I . manner in which sue perforine«! lier part. producing some excellent gold-bearing «2« iti . a nnuiber el resitlents oi south- i!>d«>l»t»xi to th»* -Mid firm of l.:ii'*r\ A < «» will I HE MARKET* •;«• Hit'Y Hi­ í¡s| which will u.-euinil |i.r tlie attention they -lanJanl-br.-d. :s-ie. som«*, compìU»* ’he 1 Valley ir quoted at about 1 5s*.., while XVaha . rmtalc*. M \ tilth ! feet. > I -4^<4*«| on ll «M . 1ÙJ -Î are receiving everywhere. There is also liis «lain ..l-o I’- in.- 1« Walia is given the wide range of #1 i'irr 1 m . I I, Actual tiUMnea.s wirtikl probably beat $1 37lt «»r »- J H. • •! . >!!.' f I’..- : i more itnocenpieii lan.I tluit is of go.»! qual­ I Van Dyke u*ns liitn. f'irettit ( ititi t I‘t-itrirdi i f a shade Itetter Advices t<»-day are generally of • krt, >.| » • r knives I . s J. ('. Whippof 111- la k-iuvi1 ity there ti an anywhere else in Oregon. r«.r («»POS I*r « «•« ht gs have taken good tenor, but the new week opens with qu »«t «I. ’SCI ! I- -)«•< iallv i. tJas the case in Klsmath hie Works is now in r. .' ■ murkets. 'F t« ;4,p». • •!!.•», «•.■ar s.•«'•»!! a.id nut er.r kc’i. i »In»* in III» coti’ t f'»r Ja< k<> n I Flour - Standards quoted on !>asie of flit. in«l Lake countjes, wlucli are tilling up lens, an«l tine" it. i-I'll iiivti'iti; Mr a:. 1 Ml . vV. I. Bilger; «‘»»uk'iig >to\« ■»•unty sincv the laM sstie of thcTlMK»«: I Market firm. Free steamer shipments line should not lai!'o give Ti.’ii t I he m may ses •4 t..-t with a ileeirable population. an.i < I; irl«*-» ah»! k»* iu-li­ î iuruiture. Ji»h «»ats Very quiet, tew coming forward v»»ry Stale v< A ' li« \v liamlin; indirtnient s.i ■•!' ’ ‘«I t !*• upon ami f-11 t*<» c ■!ia rgvd. P«»tnt*»es- On the down grade anil «1 alers are v- I ktiix’es ni d forks. lu Ro it and Griieva-ve much «if th»- »rood-«, cluet'- ’ s or r al property of tf f..n s»itG,M7, ix improvirg his oppor­ Keynol'l*, Dan's'er A <' >. who have MaxMuilerx' las ll.milin; t<» r»*»i»ver indifferent Quote l‘ac*il V' snail that can t»e / M*' »•»re; »re handmade huminiH'te lac«* I d e bedspread an I ,»il- M Kt id dclinqupnt (íix¡»»tj-rM aa may be n»*c«—fity (<» ••Xpwted. tunity !<• pay "ff old s^f.iies. Oncn upon tin- contra« t I"» fur ni.'i.»-y JuiL'iu. nt t «r plaintilT l«»r fi * Ratisfy all d»-miu ..v - Saturday. Supplies have iner<*Ae**d nitnt t'or piaintiil in thè -uni «»t *f ¿»3.11 .and muht b - maIe «listi »lisli with I t L Mi-- 1.i’i la M Egg» Quotfsl down to I' m ' t«»-ilM.\. Stia ks latxe will I h » roll»-ft«si McroHiug to law. Ml! ■»*.’«• nnd a’t.udie l properfv '»rd' t«*d sohl. in most directions «nd aeilera anxious. the T imes assisted considerably in «ie- sawing th«’ tiin'sT. r su .» ,r b Heintz, ; silv > additional «<■*!► will he naved hy an tarlj re- A G Epp-\- .1 H.Oattnan hismissed Wool Fair movement with M»nieaccumulation I feating him on is>tli urcaMion«. This to make itiUeli hea l- a; I Mr- Kruiup: *ilx at plaintinsc • t- i.ere. The extreme for any grade is state i t»» la- ! R|H>IIM'. Il W. DEAS. a » ! Mrs. « Klip|.«l may be the •iiiimu’f of his frequent and I’M’, while for fail to good l.M’kf I .<• in paid nt in- Very la « >t'- SI.et ffat'l T«. < ,«»ll«.f I >i s tt>ri,- jttr \iib . .lacks.«!.« lib-. Maj I'l. I — <■ at the ’• rv ■ «- In-' I rx -*p» • dates east are now higher than from San Fiancii*- this journal at piesent; yet. if we as­ •rmg t.» p*i . 1,,1-e stork ■ ows eobyat l«*af«t her, and a reduction ia looked for. ■ dis 'S HolJ Lv Ai'-li'-i ll«’p Gr • sailed him with his own w-apuiis, there r I’l'-ntj of buyers all over t!ie country, »mt they Il I.« i.'t « \\».u¡'i n ’|t,or • i I o:i < ( nnningham, are not bidding upto anj extent. same pin«- - at« I al - XN HI \N< !-t o the “Oregon style.” which hes«> ids-rallv « >n _ »a. also vv ell a 11 • d Wheat Spot mark»«t inactive, but holders are i in«Inlgr* in. ______________ i • firm and offerings at»* confined to small parc»4s. ci itc'l Lv all who «'. I //♦♦• I JJf •■tilt; E'-rhiHiMtioH. ¡i Quotations on shipping grad»*s are noinma! at to l««*ar t!«« tn M 75*^1 H2H; nulling 1 Many dt®vas< s. K. especially th«»- tho-e of th«* lii»il'.' k\ H i t XM I'l xib Ukcs«vr** l>«»lMt*?ctn. . arc th»* products of daily ire th«* bb ¡•»n*»»' »iit«*f th»* interviexv with 1dm mill i no • pi full «>| • ration .'f:i«l will stocks are amele and th« market i- easy at Thi»* i.ik»* \ i if it t ft i i. « no x ■» r< ■ ■ a ♦ d !n«-Dt i ♦ • xl.ail-dion xhau-ti'in Bti-im-' Btisine* iv- ’• • h apt « ar** I in th«* < invinnati A’ p - in Grant's I t - ! y'J*» J 37 for Burbanks, and $1 7o*i|2 2!» for «¿ar- kt*ep ini hand « fu'l *t«»ck of nil ki nisand dimen­ «. iri'HLs nitpii i nxo ve an amount of itici:- net ( Bib's K. sion* <»f steps toward in III» it »< lie n«»w says to the .X'**w York 1.1 ear :md t« ar cxer prejudicial t«» phy Oats—I here is only a moderate demand and It:r-t pul,he ♦ xid in; !'.»»»: <»f »’pjdu e H f»>r liftu t: “In addition to the in'le|»cmh*nt Co to Is'l-OIII. irilc • 1« health, an*! t ,»* proG-sxioiiw it ardti- prices are at«w«dy at <1 ‘».’.n»! 7n for Or» .»»»n an«! that *m U*.n’b«*r»’ <*er! if’n ;«!' t- UL'Ier the lnw piu*-»*«l bj tl;«’ vote, which >up|»oft»«l him ln*f'»ic, the ishing pla,*e. .So for Nebia-kas peraued, «» ; t- no les- d»'sfrti«'tiv»- to Washington, and <1 Btig-» Demand alow; market st**adj a« th» de­ h.»t 1» u'-lutur«- ai II l»e I«» hl»»! th« otli« c i.f th»» hr tin and nerve ti.'^if. 1 r is ope of the Vr**Ki«lt*nt l»y l»isv«»mse has w«»n tor him- him-«* and i*,..* '.:■■«• cline; quote Calcutta»» at '«'>. *45^0 •X ’ t moved iron« tl<«*r«-. «■■'i:ity -»■’.»»'•I Muperinlmdert in Jacksonville n «.«t im; liftant nttnbut* * if a general ronfden«*«* thioughoiit th«* of Host'lt«*r’s Having pl-'v-d tlf niu-nt r)y lh«-r»*»tfter. The Sbmiacb Bitters, that it compensate lor 22c^X5c. Matcher to be found in tl- Ibign»-lbv«-r Valley n»nntry independent oi partv. Mr. fears uni' un i«' 1 in our mil!, we’will furnish alt grades of lbis undut* !<»- of tissi He. ami that it bli ­ Tin- pr.>|*-iti'«n t. build a tat •• track fad-.«» ¡.u nib-» and r»’ ?.d it i ».* l - will be -‘rirtly I’leveland. if in renominat**«!, will h* Cntarrh, Hay or Hoi, Fmr, parts new cm rur.v t«» the brain and nerves. j Jiimhers. Ent I> ob. TVIxt ilia own platloiin, and will l»e supported near Grant'- I’a-- I bi iapi lity with which it renews xveak- i Tin- ckuiiKing, MHitl.ing ami healing ’.»rm*‘ I ii- that it I XX riiH )om tuHii»’, ag” and j>< Ntotfic»» Hddr«*H-'. hy a very large vote, without regaul to I Van I'vke re. t'ntiy On i'r !‘i r < h a D epot C«» m -| ct cd luental and physical vitality is re- properties of llarttvs f'rophalactic Fliiiif , « i.. t •U ! ¡’’t'» and t l.t* d;»!»*. ' would az un Is- l«r in Ina jmrty, a*« Io- wa» in IHH4 ” HIV V XN< '»I VEIt B.XKKXCkS., \V laifkabl . and sh • a s that it< invigorating are experience.) ill the treatment ami « ure H"W ma • 1 mv »» v«»n tMiij»1 t? > mt v I n- « vi'-w at .in . arlv «! i' r i < T. April 3 h I i . 1W7. | lit I ym attend t!*f Kentucky pus««-.! a a rmnd.-r of protni-mg • miner- and t. d in tn«* conn!y in which yon r»*Gd< ? If i"t. s) le> in<-n a'iti/ vital stmirina, a'ldcoun- IT.ii.l soothe« am) heals th«- intl.imc.l mem- w' . not? to th»* usual »•oD'|iti'»ns will be eceiveu t< rat ting th»*'*lh ( is oi mental « xh.austion, -««" I wool I stt prise 'trong platform The section end«'r-ing j trotter-, who 1 Wl, H b»s»ks I ihw y»»«i n-ttd <»n tf." Mp»j'*<’t »zf this pfitential nu dicin»* « tire* and prexetits brai.es am) removes the offensive odor at this '»thee ami .it the offices of th«* Act that characterizes the disease blioul«) the t»* chinu? the ailmmistiation is as folio««-: “We their outlets it- I«-' pi"p ! «-a-ninz ing (Omniissarivs of Subsistence at the h v« m.i ag“»*. rheumatistiK chronicdys- intlammation have r< aclie.1 the tnr««nt use D<» y«»u ti.kr a -ch’»* ? journal? declare our contùlence in the integrity toil'iv,mg named posts, until 12 o’cl<» sill»' ri;.indent mi u e a < aki.c-> an I * thi r • mplaints. I’hy- III.-lion anil to disinfe« t. < >rmit* We are nlm» prepared to make contract* for any rrvsident Cleveland, andeonirratuìate 1 a short •!' ’un • we-’ time ami plac•* they xvill be opened in the th'* -to-»* of i*acl. t**rin? h r | t ' ' : His ,tl'i» i tHiiitiriid it im a medical sliin- number of NunilM*r ? ur an- w*-rs :•> enrre-pond will u'rt. vv .;: ’. vi- Wr%\x\ C AL Are fretful, pervUh, tl>*' qu»*t¡«» jo *, mxi y v«- de* ntt«*nt i"D '•> <*ap; la!-, 1 efori* Jun* l'i. I>s7 of the following wion of a lH-iooi ratic adiinni-tiat:« n. n.i- hrick Imi'iling . reet*-d "Il -ixt.i - mid i1 me’ iim I i'*u Writ»- only m »»w* r- «»» qu,-*- cross, or troubled witl| amount* <»f tl >111. viz Boise Barracks. 1. t ions. tional,<*cononiieal and eh an : nn«l we par- the near filllir '. file .-x■-I -nt L Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or F . .V» barrel- I -rt Co tir d’Alene. I F . K »»•«»niintinie-itiop *»r r»*f<*r»>D«.* t,. bunk «»r Y’ ; ar It » hug di j r»*fcs»*d, ymir appetite ticnlailv upplaml th«- I’resiilent for th«- ipralitications an«! tiie fair d'-a inn ’ e’fh<*r tu or pitn timi" r. Stomach Dt-virder«, can be relieved 1 nirtnoraf'da f»i-r,Li’l»si dcrinu tl"’ «’. xhuh "ati»»;i. I -;» bui rels . I'fH t Klaimith. Oregon. 30 bar­ pu«*r. \f.ii are IwdhrrHl with h»*a»!;t«*lre, tidehly an«l courage with which In* ha* I i-lv ar • vv inn ng tu-- tn ■ at once by using Acker’s Baby Soother I« ’ All <»rr*» am! bill- hlI« «I with pT«» uptn-b» ami rels; Fort Si* kune, \V T . 37<> barrels; N»ith««r in Q i.intitr •/ riliiy. « iri.«t>.- S r ■ .,f I r. ... nor l|..ahh nml Visor of san«r .nd -ml.r.e-. XX . ,i . refutiy. M»i-ll <•'•» r«-«-tiy i.ndariti* fuH f i n i : ih * fidjettx m rvoiH. and gvirerallj a .i - .- o ( m !’ • Kan *d» * ii *c l i ii!» 1 H'. protected the Ir.-a-nry from p I a„*i* hy It contains no Opium or Morphine * J 1 dibjMitfh rX'V.'.'r t \'.i i:«>iunn*nt i- to.,•»»•.barj «».i the sup**- \ ;i*i'Oliver B irrm kv W. T. 2'M barrels. »111’. I-« 1 ■!.• > ir • ■. .' kl’I'I.E .1’1 \ U PLI I PI'K, II pgr\E «PHliVlT KS-cfTiiníg d "I • n t*, .ii.d xxii’it to I'rarv up. Brace \ i appli; ant who i • h '’nr ^*-r t«» th« r<»U”ty * he quality of our fir timber. CHERKIEs. V.MOMIS. Em Oc l u‘. »t< TARINE, linnr* iu aar« o i j « _ Ins exe.co-e of the let»« power." In ic- •A»rt Wail.i Walla, VI F bo barrels. hence is ««fe. Pr.'cô 25 cents. "Si'ld by ■>i it»*nd nt must pre'«" ! sc.ti-f ictoty writ: -a ■ , but hot uit.i '•timuiaiit', sjoing medi It \KlCIS A CO. S:.mplf's "i the ti"i:r Hi"t iess tlun ten lation to the tariff, the platform say. X. II. I her«* Is a good rom! to the Hill this >«-urt t •» tiuiony <»f U‘""l nu»'"i chaiucter »«•• . I ’’A»- I r '!• -, oi inil' T-, uhi- h have for their bans City Drug More. pounds) pr<»1 '• »s»’>| to be turnished. must .. >T'- p'-rsons <»f rcspcmblt standing "We reiisM'tl th«* constitutional an«l \-i; 1 lie.fp, Ind whisky, and which stimu- . I’ll«* c«»urty tM»aid of examiner* shtdl hohl • be submitted with the pr«»«al». 'Flic tiour I s-mocra'ic do ttine that taxes shonhl I te viti ior .1:. Io ur. ami tlren leave y«»u in r< *.nlHr public quarterly examination <»f Hpfdi ■ to be tested by hakim* before acceptance. ■ i<.;•«■ Whal you be levied exclusively f« r public pnrtse .-nf.’M for t»*»»cli'’r*’ cert'ficsf«•". l»e4iiiiL!jij?.'it n«»on I ■ « condition than i Proposal«* for quantities less than the • î1 t h an alter iti ve thaï w ill purity y mir 1 ?!;»■ la-t Woilnesday of February, XI A iiku M ses, and limite«! Io the re»nically:n!iniiii»tered.” <*X»*CUti«»ll. «Inly inHUfxl out <»f tire ('irciut ernment ri'serves the right to r«*jeet any !! All qin -1 »n* for lb*1 quarterly jnibhc»x- i .’« • . re-t«»r«’ vom- vitality, ami give re- Anca Baby *M Rick, we pave her Caatoria. !<'i»urtof th»* StatPfif Ort ’ ^oi!. f »r Jackson county, «»r all bids, an*! !•» i.imihi-!». or with the a. ■ i: «•¡'•n* W'il b’ f'»! V- r |p»i fo « : rh coil w»«lli' Ii' ,1 nd -tren-jI'• Surii a me«li- i him ! to m»* tlirect» '! hid ! <|»»hv»*r»*»i. on»* upon h consen» ot th When she w a Child, she cried for Caaloria, iji'Tiiifendent who »-hall t< »»«* ***i*h;-.1v,* f f(.,( bidder to Ah -m awanl is Fu* race for tl.e Louisville cup. Iwo • \ «H \\ ii • :.n»| in l.iectrir Bitters, and I ju'7, in favor of » ' itli»»nn»* B «'(•h« y and m.ifl' . to im re.is<* the «piantilies called f»»r. and a quarter miles, was the event of the un nc< »1, anti«»r - *d.nll not !■•• <» jh * i »,j as the exigenci 'S of the -et vice may require. i-x»-. pi in the presence «»* the bo »rd of i*x »min Wbou she bad Children, she gave them Castona, j agninat A. S. J o I iiisoii . for tli • rccov ry of the -nni lt>tli at Louisville, anil prove«l a pret'y Blank prop-»»al* an l printe»l circulars I of $111 1'.«. vit’.i inh*r»*M th«*r<*«»n at t**n ¡ mt cent. •'.it >li«*tiiu» of rMgjt.!..ng eae!« | ub!i • qimr- »tmtt Mttiirf i i/thrrtnrn tri /*»(>«- race. Lu< kv I',, »inner of the cup for : per a unti tn fi«itn tli«* 7tb day <»f May. 1*^7, Mini thp stating the kind of |1 »ur required, and giv­ t» i 1> f-xaniinaiion. KI I V 177/ < <>r.V/ ) ////’ , turt!i«*r stun of $4»» (0 «’«»M m and «jiHhuraenrentt»; ing full iii'lrti ti««ni« as t«» the manner of IJ I w<> msmberH shell eonstitut«* a quorum the last two tears, was again a eoni|.-ti- ¡'I t* ikoldiDK of ono-tenth of tickfd 73.1^7 iuTbe hii 'i d«< to form a coinbinat ion and purehaM- |>a« e am! IielurM ,. ’ th '-li'oiman E.ivrlopes (.»ntaining’proposals should d t -n on-* d-dlar. < r • n»*-tenth ticketw ne «»f mentN and m U o ’h» «’o-t* of anti upon th.«se wnta, v... ■ ba» I'», All »q»piicnnls -Indi begin on a given -»'ilu when Lucky B. failol to take it up, al­ “ Prop«»sals for Flour at— ," 1 Bin com Handed t«» N,«J tire prop .rly ireretofor«* be marked jc« tthor-.iiH tun»’ a d no r»*.’»-« »hall he f!if«e ticket d'*-w si." U00. Hix or M-v-n of the i. ini -. lowing Regent towin hy three-fotntha of XJarMon syr dirntei* ar fin ern t«n or iHburera in I-vie«! upon by me nnd li.-id by * trfye of Httach- and H-m. { Portland Me. Eqirtrf, i Htwiy SH-citi' d. at d in ob»d*. nre to -aid writ*, th-* i-osts 1«. I».’ ‘jq j.iie.l I'h’i»« — -!.t nee« as far » h p act icahh*. Fnllcred- o; ■ laiuu'.l a foul, but it was not allo«« d. ne » Link v Ih •1'11 ...II, .Vooch Md. I wll "ti.*r for saie, fo gobi coin of the 1 nit» »l ,• '»ill ! h * «ivn »»nly when an-w is ar»*rort»- t C A »VufilllU FF. Between the «hire >|Uaiter ami eighth SIH es of A inerirà, at i ubiir au< 'ion. to (be hud., fa i » li v* r turn- in i.u . d ♦ n form. \ . x Ihinl <' »plain ami C S., C. S. A. Bladder, Urinary and Liver Diseases, Drop.). ♦•■»f b'd«l »t-, at tb«* «airi Hou re door in Jackaon- |a?les, Regent took the inside, tunning 17. No app«iMi,shall b • {»»rmittol (t» hitve .*« i\\ A and reliable Medicine.i are the l»est riv r v >1 y. LARCF STOCK AND VARIETY SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES r i li'ine Ir«*:?: . ville, n aid county an«| Sotie, ou VW to-. ” «iiinn^ th- I <>urs of Gravel, and Diabetes, are cured by in front <:i Lucky B . but not in anyway ,1 ,ir..r. 11 . k ami th»* • xaminaiioe. j Sufurdafff Junf /X, .1. Il«» 1 ii -has been prescribed for years for allim- inti-rierii.g w it 1« liis stride. \t tie- finish I-*. \ll ta — mu t . - Mpphcio . »t'vir repers »•dp. F» >s of the Blood. In every form of Sc rof. Murphy waa whipping Lu< ky B. hat«!, riinvl»«* «»n Spi ’ al .’»»•»doek H of v .«i d *> ah tire right tid. ’.\ it tt » ir !.uii»l»**r Mful i !.»• t;Hin»* "»* th* -tii»4»*i.. 1 and let r»**t «if l;ie sa;.I d'*fe.!«i’i«:i. A > I. |,f;, i.« \v«'li int i-» act PHI , I M*« <»f ex.'»mifi:it*on ard ♦•ntri**«*«» th»* r«»»*» i \ Sx philitic or Mercurial diseases, it is wlule Montana Regent was not lout bed L’v«*»yth.r»ir in and to II of tae foEowing d'*-vrila«tl n I all kill Is ar pPOHl- nt for i .»u«ual-.o. For Rheumatism, lias no equal. Baldwin is said to lie verv angry at the and Ivm.-.Giul , erty to-wil ; ’ * 'hi- p’irj»*/*' ■I’ h JI b<* in.iH»* "ii tiles«* nuinb’-r** «»n UT* Bof«*^e pnrrh««pu:'•is-wbor-, i ute- iute ding to | lant tr»*<* uiR tind it lo th-ir itfteit*st THE BEST KIDNEY r« suit, and ha' « li.illeng« .1 Mcwrissey to i*f»«l. I »'«HIIIU.'I,«- IIK nt a po»t fr,,in wl,ir|, ,i.M \ V 1« r - i ••;ilt ii \ I >y. fie i- 'iur'i.f il.i» an ht-Dt'• shall n«»t l»«* won.e *ui<< fc»s, uur spM.k vid I - ir i < i* prie -. .1 zu«*s rrail«««: »r i.tis upon hj plica.ion I corner »f lil.s k -j, |„ ai.S ;. . ,|. . a •»ft r»«i m»«m l|«'* » g'-«»j u;»'ri th»-* cb»s»* of the run Regent against l.tn ky B. or Volant«- .Luige Smith u- 'un* .; g sto’ e AND LIVER MEDICINE. ■ feet: t|.» nee S Ó7 f d» »*. F 2"7 f.et. m the w»*M line Addr«w >dl cofnniuni-HU«»n<* t<» ♦ x «mt • at ion. l"»i -I »tri with t._ ¡i tjb»T a* d HAMWON BROS., l'I'U'iu. «)«u k»«.n i ounty, ai for the cup, distance two and one-foU'th wareliuinu» in thè re »r «n t; i "f Lov<- ”? b \V I;.’ ” -■* 7I; u‘,n”■ v LfJ • f‘-’- .’»•■ Ili u •» n.-.m»*. !>«• ■ liter» d i t tn«* hr imuHi'K '’f ?.’• ' »•4:‘U - I Ì N *>' ? 2 «! d K K XX XX H- feet; tl ' !ce - r,.p , (|,.u W 1;j N *» miles, for any amount between »5*W0 at Linkx ilio. i!n.ti»»r. on blank cards. wl.ic!i sl.n ! be k> r! id i Ev<*ry«»ne ’ H duty iB not to allow the liver, the feet: tItene«* S 22 t d»*rf. XX l*i< f(M.t t<» he pise», ’* Kt j*d me h r my í'au^r. aud be¡i»(lcnt (hit *•*•.•« d t\»»l«»|- »Il I’.Pflc •»* of ri.e eX •Oii;«.'ttl,'t. am! »’»O.ooti. There has ’( ♦•i ti ali kiml» < i w .iil*»-t or beim-, un« in-m« in Jacks »«.vili»., J,t< k-»•) KfoTiiHch nnd tin* kidneys, thn*«« great oruaiiH, to i . X » »*:n » *r of th» n »a d ahal! e«»inrnu'ii- ye may read.'’ ‘•"‘»nri ’ ”• jr-n Also, c..inm.-n« L-.«Ht H p tint on t»ec«»inc clogged <»r torpid.and in time <*xpel al) during th«’ p.<-t month, but n»»iun 4 l»a* c*i»e t»» niiyo’i»» tiie atHitding of any applicant on impuntiet» <»f the blood. The Orrmn Blood I the N II-.I* ol < riHorniH street two inc'Ibp r a ;, -tu lj durii *4 Ih» »*x « .,i"Mti«»n cures Bright's Disease, Retention or Nun-Beten In. «-ouhtr.v a!w4v< liana tlul HiitTeivd in conseq'r tp p. ly fro ti ite* bru kM >rc ou-»’ of L. a s. Sa.-hs* I’nrltlrr. a pun ly vegetabh* comixmnd. is Th«* Every Hop'icant rer«‘:viDg his <»r h**r certif lb'niedy t<» cur*« all dioenaieH of the kidneys and i i and ritmine thence .-ri-iwaoily will the N ^¡-p. ,,f t ’ . «Hj ».J Brine, Pains» In the Back, Loins, or Side. <-,ir lor II011. .1. •«. CarliHle.of Kentucky, Jaw. Bryan, Jr., has ar.ivud at h.s trnte must auL- Mit'» to the following' I ss’tl Cabfornin -free! ..ivferi f et and running liver; alHothoa«« caused by itnirar«* bl<»<»d, as Bil. Two of t’»0 b'»^t St-illionh tha can be found <>b-bredto. :tz» ►»> einn'iy roar <>• »«tlirni that p ¿or to this ami tl.e following words from a s|««v«-li i farm in Lang»*ll vai « v with a Inni ol iqiiH i**»e. ('mat i pat ion, Bick Headactie. l)ysp»*p- ’ buck sa •!. ’ w.dth 7f. f.*»4. it. i ,« part of j ol | In exarnt; 4ti«»n I lutd no kl '** I dg«'of th*‘qu»*sf ¡.u - recently made by him at a reception I cattle from >i-kiyou V'tinty, Cal. block -, fronti g sui •« n (.et , n « \ r,UJ fctr,M.t sia. Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin. llht*umH. pr.»(M»*»d and have neither gjv«*n nor received » aud rannm« I,*a< k 7’. fe. . .’wing ir Jack-ouvilie t«-u . ♦*tr. Cry H an«! you will find it always vic. will be digeateil by all true l>emoerat-« ?i’ v .;!•! «luring rite progn-s of theaame. Mold » very. The I’. >. Hotel, -itila . ! tli east I Jackson county. Gr«u"»i. Th»« N .of 4 v, i’ ♦orn.ua in m» battle with di»»».»*» JI. Th; »*« grades of verttfira cs ma> I m * i**ne«l ”1 want to say "to all lietuuerals that ■ erti part ol Link« ¡lie. i*» ¡«eing lh'» oD.Jiix J and H XV ’< of N XV of r. :ki hi townsiup :v; k»-»r»« *| t*««r bz»«t|»: rtbj'lm. for $!!. b« c hl ty t*oHrt(s <»f ex »tun era To «»bfatn a I cures Intemperance, Nervous Disease*, General we wcnl>l !»■ unworthy of our name if ! renovated by the n» w prop 1 P- . 1! 11 c. mhc iT -of the first grad«* the Lprdi'Tint ti.u-t And who e’er his won ’ us fr south, of rang-4 vsi. co ,1.111 i « 12” a. res and «i«»th «.-an, ponder lot No. I in see. 1’1. in township 3*1 sooth of ran ■ ” wh u • r hy déviée, fruit we allowed any number of reveown lol Nicholu. ’•liswet ..tieart in* ■ ij pr» »•»■nt. of all qu»**tu»t.- and devise to cure ^n ill, Debility, Female Weakness, and Excesses. 3 Wr»st. «»ntainit *r 2.17 arras, l'io» N W >4 »f s E oi pili, an equal bc:.< .^* r i 1 , an«l wc ha-»tc, the a.-k*d :m. ar..*I -brill i «»f foil below »*»»«*nty i»er dishearten us The growth of the Dem- ! *4 «uiri N E ' a of *s XV q anti S W of S E 11 •» <1 tn my one brancii. E r sire»»: <1 gradecer- inventor of a Catharic of d. 1 •••’.s ta.te t«»dohinri I io T m M E *4 of > \\ q of m ' 2, in townships? south, ,4 iM-ratie paity in the last twenty-ive years ; Kev. J“ . Em* ry, :u«*.it «»f the kiani- rent CCRMAN ASTHMA CURK (ifh* .t»*s the applicant mu»? answer eighty per honor. Who reiurnilK rs no{ t l < w the di-tressed In«*ntl, raUm. th. nnM »toUol Much .nd h:i* gone Io his for range 4 west. <*•». training lflc ier*«. all b-ing in ha« been womlertul. There has never , ath Indian .jeri'» rei.t of a.l the qu»‘-tioDs aaked, nnd shill r.«»t mother, her child's er.tn all. ■ :ri« s *•> M K«th'.-r, fhvt .''■mftwt.hl. 10 w«mici Ï!? ! Jackson county, Orego i. eho insist not the horrid do-e _______ ____ _ »n business, e E l lak .ll, ¿¿lu rullCii: f. ’ I h low Mjty per c»*i»t in any «me brat ch. For JJ;'' K"ln« "“S' b, Inh^.ti.rn It. U1lnn m ba- '«■e.-n a time since 187'» when tlie major- nier home in I’.ciit. n ereiivy Given under my hand t us t»’nh d iy of M ty I third gr;»de crrtitirBt.**» ->pp'ic«iY t> must »newer brance e'en now «ice» n.i isvaau.t.« u. and fond father, »'* *««rt «nd rrrtaln. .nd . cm. i. th. I ■*’ ' curo iiw'U^r,<••»*. Hvjftfoche. Jaundice Sour irv of the |ieuple were not in favor of I but will retuin I S'jon. rj»nll in all enrahl. run, a fetal «^ST s»*v«*tuv per r**nt. of aJI «|U»»*rioii asktal. and shall t«» i*c witness of his chibl's torti..-«', would rather pay TL. — li« a.nar««, I U'litit t/k till. ’ j| || III. . H W. DE kN Sheriff. I tlie Democratic party. 1 want I«» im-' h . II. Blwher, who ha« I ksh . ap- ;,ot nd. ! , low forty per cent, in any one branch. high price, if money coulJ pun ha««»* Cathartic r.’re. Tin.-., th. m.*t ,k. n»u .1 Prie.- S t - .nd *| mt sterna« h, I»y. °* ''»¿■i otaü Rampi* Frrr fur- Ih N A JM'OHS. Ii.ptij We na'e it now J And great Dr P kah ' s name, ap ­ pri is upon you Un* lu'ct-shilv of ¡»binding joint,., «Clllr, M «1 h. m . «..m| |Mnntcd { 4 a -w.imp-l.in«i « ««mmis-om r. X f • i f oned« !’.»r js cha g's! for ail certificat»** pears upon the acr«4’ of Esenhip. «n fame, for aft t r> « • ivfl at public • xaminHtioiiM, which is p«ud t«> four prin«-ipi«*R in any eni«*rg«*ncy,au«l I will soon I«« m th«- Ii«* I h«*ie. tli' n«.«ny long study v hat woul l suit, has hit npoa d, /i,icu I,, t ie «‘ouiity nch the c«»unt> institute fund and pills; for whether it i»c indigestion, liver com­ au««u ACTS AT ONCE <»n the Kidneys. Liver, in^-'r «r ;i..t-.-f,:.- tre « Il I.. ft I,. r ,.. yoTItr. IS HEIlHti' (ilVEN TH4TTIII less« it has principle» upon which it will , «-ounty, I'Ui will In' sii|>pl«.-d at Willow I- if not belter t<» n:p «»»iisuinption. tire assertion will wager big, that it can be cured by a «1 «u, t|... le), fnrtt . nil arsons It t.-r.- tr- l wtll .« partneohip (>ttrti.Hr-hi|.h.-n-t.,f.,r<* .«.»tina between ImtwUn VmL * d «1 Bowel«, rcstorinf them to • healthy h»*r»*t<»f.»re existing Ka»¿ stake its existence before the people. . ¡ pica-. t«kcn.«i..c, tparkubha ...... n lE.lt Kubh a «i dJohn Bolt lus ha« been , th«.,).«, diReolvMi h« * « reek an m >*>» i a» arian, «-nu'iit. ar«- eom- g rea r»-1 .-e»»««:;;. <*f liiimanitx, in tire bini. action, and Cl'REB when all other medictnen This country is full of vairaries upon th" ! Ih. hi t - li y lo -i.iv tt> pi*-;!r(*-s «>n the brink MI ’.b s.. E. IHH. I ... , .. , dl.b E 1KH. , mutual «-.„»..„t au ..t.« «»«I accounts «la. the pleteii at Ager's. Ja..-.,,:«:,! Ite«.I». t.—., l'.rm mm' pani at , pce nf ApltlcKB e W|,..r,.an «•i ibi* ’ ir«- A f*‘W «C m .* o : ‘’n‘ifortiia s fail. Hundreds have been saved «»bo have been |«>wer of government. We mu»t stand . — --- — , lain.» a«hii’i.t the brut will b. imiti. The A.'nr •»«■>• that hiiict* th»* »-oiiiplc- ni -r h-eflll |.|.)du»-l '»‘i. Salda Àbi^ tbe ev.rvwhere for the protection of both ; fiven up to die by friends and physicians. K K U BEI M JMk.u..v.lk W«in.X Jd ..AMBETTAuai bv K ‘¿ni! th aud lower Ring « î c'»ii'Uiiipî i«»i». will ft* i i»* y v ami a mica 25 C1XT-Í A B u X. at DKUGG1ST*. capital and labor. We must atand : tioll of till- I'ig Na-al C a­ Send for pamphlet to ohn holt an impiov- <1 Ian I ta- lb"' ■ • i-t.« .*f um nt xx il cur« everywhere for the rights of men to »lo! Klainitth ihl«-ii<*e, W ('. MVER. Ashland.Oregon. low* them Ii,«' ihm i-uperonflle C n L.NVJre' NÎ.“?’&"h,nîAN.*Í u ÍÍÍ ím Providence, It. I. W««rk «>n ih--r««a I d"W a ill" Kia*..at" a arrant« d by drug -t »n > «it $1, or three for not du tins it might as well cease to ex- i tui«l urvuuthorU«-’/ F a»*a-rogrea>u>>g faturaoly and it will #; 5Û. laudw cuutrwctt -itu AUVEnlldbnwt ¿'iiUJUiX, Max 1, 1^7. SOLI* Hl ALL DBIGCI8T», i Kiirm mid Alili Al n<«liiiaei*y Fir>t-vla.-* Steamship line between Walter A. \X\ U' Mower.-», Reapers ami St» el Wheel Twiue Binders; Thomas anil Royal Self Dump Rakes; Hoilges’ Double I Draper Headers; Gaar, Scott A Co.'s Thresh­ ers ami Horse-Powers; Rock Island, I Walking, Gang and Sulky Plows. YAQUINA & SAN FRANCISCO, Connecting at Ya<|iiina with the trains of the Oregon 1’acitie Railroad Co. Sai ing NEW THIS WEEK, Estray Notice I «Vet Maititfai turerr n. i-£r- Circnlurs and small »amples «>f l'elice sent on applica Charges prepaid. Adilress R. R. V. FENCE CO.. Medford. Or Proposals for Flour, Matched Flooring. Ceiling. and SmTaccd Lumber S HAMMON BROS.’ NURSERIES, AT REASONABLE PRICIS. PHŒNIX, OREGON, and OAKLAND, CAL. I RT I T BoXl ’.S 4 k Our Stock ttv.3 ACII, (freestone).«till liemlsthe lirt. KANADAX 'S Cl.lXf». the «-anncr’i* ¡»rule KELSEY’S JAPAN PLUM. Im« n<> ].,< r. ROBE > SARGENT PRl NE. nex.r Leforv ottered in Oregon It is this which, in a dried state, form* thr < v|< hratcd prime, DENOTE. i E rendi Conserves). BERKELEY GOOSEBERRY. tin- must profitable ul them all KIDNEY I angueiloe., King's. S.ift Shell ami I'.-ijier Shell Almonds. Always Victorious HUNTS REMEDY Evergreen.-. Shrub«, It«»«'», Cli'ninti« :inIPönTKl) I‘EIK'1 IEBON - <>n the I’aeiti«-<