•= ïhc Stmott at it Simes X *“*"! A .U »ûuj. w.iL. Pub.ish «1 ♦ V r Fr da mori.u g by ADVERTISING ARD JOB WORK HAÄLES NICKELL Advertlaement» will be inserted in tb« TlUlf at the following rate» : Teo line«, one insertion................................... 12 50 “ “ each Hubeequent tnaertion ......... ..fl 00 Legal advertiaemenU inaerted reasonably, A fair reduction from the above rate« made to yearly and time advertiaer». THE TIMES JOB OFFICE is more complete by far than any other in South em Oregon, and compare« favorably with any in the Btate. Job Printing of every imaginable description done at Baa Francisco rates, and in a prompt and first-rlaae manner. EDITOR ANO PROPRIITOR. NEW TIMES BUILDING. Office -Corner Third and (’ Street». Rate* of Hnbwcriptiou: • hie copy, per annum, tn advance............... 12 " pan) within mx pionth" - •• “ not i»oid until end of year 1 “ six month»........................................ 1 fhcgrutBtratit ®mes. M j 75 i mi | 50 | JACKSONVILLE!! OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 20, 1887 three month«. BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OF OREGON. THE LADIES U. S.Seustom. J. H. Mitchell. I. N. IMph,C..n- 'nan. U. Hermann; Governor. S. Pennoyer; Secretary of Slate. ii«or«« W. McBride; Stat« Of Southern Oregon are hereby informed that i i Tr«.wxur«r. Geo. W. Webb; State Printer. F. < . addition to a large and elegant line of Raker; Simt. Public imtraction. E. B. McElroy; Supreme Judaea. W P. Lord. Chief Justice w. W. Thayer. It. S Strahan. MISCELLANEOUS. SPRING! 1887 SUMMER! MEDICAL. ANOTHER RED A CHILD’S SKIN ! TION Ears and Scalp Covered lllE o. d c. grant . i ri> HlsrORV, VALl E ANP EXTENT— T1IE ROAD HAS NOT BEEN IHTLT BEFORE. HE A I. ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. The following deeds were recorded in the office ot tiie county clerk of Jackson county for the month of April: John 1*. Walker to Minus Walker; 40 acres in section 16, T. 3H, S R 2 E. Con­ sideration 1-50. 15. W. I»ean, sheriff, to John Tamper; jirojierty in Jacksonville. Considera­ tion *350. Isaac E. Shaw to Peter Sinfou; land in Sec. 34, T 35, SKI W. Considera­ tion |1. B. W. Dean, sheriff, to Julia D. Ed­ wards, the south half of Thus. Hop­ wood's D. C. No. .V», T 37, S K 2 W. Consideration 1200. Mary A Davison to Herbert E. Law; pr**]K*rty near Medford. Consideration $1. A. D. Helms to Sarah Stouglit; prop­ erty in I’im-nix. Consideration |2-5O. J. \\ . A Inuit to J. 8. Walter; property in Ashland. Consideration $400. A. S. Jacobs, late sheriff, to Khoda 1 »unlap; 320 acres in Secs. 10 and 15, T 35, S R 2 E. Consideration *1,100. - MARVELOUS CHANQtK¿| Wh«l »be Futura xriU Ps te TbSSSWlG Befase ta Baller*, ------ - m BF t I* this country unconsciously andsr In 1S«7 eongre.-s gave a giant of land going a wonderful change, is the chan«» two dintinet conipaniew for the pur­ with JLczeuiutous a»ci os to to take place before we are aware of th* pose of building and joining their re­ and ciOi'eB Cured by fact, and when it has taken place will wt GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION spective roads so as to make a continu­ riUHT JCDlClAl. DtSTklCT. Cuticura. wonder why we did not see it hefore i Comprising Jack—in, J»w«'phii>«. Lak« and ous line from Portland to this city. The Kfainath counties: Circuit Jinlie. L. K Webster; was too late ? \l Y little eon. aged eight jcaiw. ha« been niiiict- Oregon A t alilornia Railroad Company - Llistrict Attorney. W M Colvin. Those that see th* change* early avail AL tx! with hcz'uiia <»f th«* rcalp. and at tiiim« a wan to build from Poflland to tiie south­ s veasos oou-erv. gi at jioriioii «»I the b«aiy, «-ver mice fie wae two Boy ’ s School Suits, 5 to 11 yeti rd, $ 2.00. themselves early, and thereby receive Senator. A.»'. Stanley; Repreeentativ«». J. T. year» ol«i it b»»gan hi in« ear«, and exteu'i'd to ern State line of Or-gon, whiiih was to It ii ii II il IJ (« benefit. Boeditch. It. A Miller;County Jndae. E. D“P«atl; 5.00. bi« »call«, which lM«carne cover«! with >-«-.»i»« be completed by < »ctolxr I. fSfMl. The I’omim—*ionera. Kenj. Haymond. S. A. Carlton; The shrewd iron man sees the iron and «orcs, and iroin widen a Micky thud poured distance i* 361 miles, ami for every 20 Youth's Suits, breast 33 to 37 iueb«s, 8.00. Clerk, W. H. Parker; Sh«rifl. II. 'V. Dean; I rra»- out. cauMiig iuten«o itchmg and diatiee», anti interest transferred from Pittsburg and urer, N. Finlisr; AMttwaor, J. M (’hihiora; Schoo) miles of completed road th** company Both Knit and Muslin. Mens’ Heavy Suits, §10.0) and! 12.00. leaving hi» hair mailed and lttele»». Lndcr* Pennsylvania to Birmingham, Alabama, Hup”rint»»n»i»*Mf Win. Pne»t.Surveyor, F. A. Eng­ iH’ufli thru scab» tlm bki»« waw raw. lik»* a beef it a- to receive 256,000 acies of land, or lish ; Coroner. K. Pryce. I’otir-bnttoti Cutaway Suits,lino and in Ins far-sigbtedn*** see* the fur­ •, 25.00. st* ak. (irauuaily the hair rani«* out and waa «»• • 12,000 acres for every mile of track. JOSKBHINK COUNTY. troy»-«!, until but n t-nial) patch wa» leit at th«* nace* in Pennsylvania tom down and HenMtor. H. A. Miller; linpreMntativa, 8. U. lbe terms of the original grant ex­ boegi'i th«» it»md. My triend» in l*wd»»d>' kn«»w descried for thi* new and prolific field. These goodi, were lioUglit in the East aud rnnivit be excelled in qual ­ Mitofifll; »’ounty Jmige. V.rolvig; (*ommi»»i<»n- how my lull»* )>oy hu» bd1f«*nr thirty miles on cither side of eration *1100. Clerk W T. Boyd; Sheriff. A. J. Charlton; Trea«- know that my stutennmt 1« true ami without ex­ W. H. Atkinsun to Ciata E. Payne; tak* place before our eye*, and know urer \ Mei ’alien: School Superintendent, A. H. the track, to get their full numlx*r of aggeration» < haa . M c K ay , Fiaher; A«-*e«**or. O. L. Stanley. projierty in Ashland. Considération that other change* abé taking place Oct. (i lbb’». Peabody, Wai s acre« |ter mile. If within that limit MKKTINU OF OOtTBTH. ITT. equally as prominent, and we wonder a* *5'i0. * .Hl.ltrj I’rodlli •• llOUgbt alni -old; six* Wool. Il JI NN Is-*, iÄopliyi enough unoccupied land in the odd «ec- The Supreme Court of Oregon m»‘eta at Salem Hole-. Enn. and Deer Skiutf Solicit orders for I have M*«*n Mi. McKay's boy when badly af- _W. B. Roberts to Samuel Earheart; we behold them. Ten year* ago the in­ regular terms commencing on th»» fir«t Monday» tions could not Is* found then the com- Lumber ifici»«d with the Eczema, ii» was a pityful «ight • » surance companies only required an in March and October. oth»*r thing« too nnrn»»r<»u« to mention. MAX MULLER, !<> look at 1 know that he ha» tried «»ur br«t [•any had to remain satisfied with what 152 acres in T 37, S R 1 W. Considera­ analysis of the fluids when they were Circuit Court for Jackson connty me»‘t-'th> And many I hare also Merurnd the «»»rvicw of a phvnicians, and dnl all a father could do for a they could get. There was no difficulty tion *6,500. second Moniiay in January, fir«» Monday in May Postottice Building. »utL-inig child, but avail«*«! nothing. 1 know th«j Mary A. Davison to A. M. Wilson; taking insurance for very large amounts. and t»\ your ( uticura reim^livs are tru»* < aiifornia road. ath. second Monday tn June and fir-.t Monday in any amount unless they have a rigid 37, S R 2 W. Consideration *1. in • \ ry parti« uhii. W.J. Aic< Aiil li Y, ! September; for Like «ec»»nd M mday iu Febru­ THE LAPSE ( AI »Ell in « II \.X«.L. And ain pr«*uar» «xeeute all order» in tliHt «3 Foster 8t., Peabody. Mass. A. M. Wilson to Jno. W. Short; quit­ analysis of the fluids passed, and if any ary an»I third Monday in August. The company to whom flu* grant was in hrst-ciurt» »tyle h ( r»tt»onabl* rate*. traces of certain disorders are apparent, ▼ For Jackson county the County, Probate and line t all and h » m » me at the building formerly occu­ S-«l»l » v* i v wh’-re. Price: ( uticnia 5tJ < • nt«: given went to work arid built a |M*rtioii claim deed to 37.90 acres in Sec. 35, T37, the application is rejected. In their re­ C»»mmi«-*ii»ner«' court« meet every month, com pied by A. L. JohiiMiii on California street. < uttciir.i 8«»ap. -■» < <-nt«. ( uticura li«*««»l‘ vi-. ot th** road. Il then bceame bankrupt S R 2 W. Consideration*!. —AND— m»»ncing with the fir«t M»»n»iay; for Jo««*phin” MILS. P. P. PlilM. '1. ' . I’r -par.-dby th.- P«jnull Diit’o \ nim ilE'i- I. J. Phipps to Eunice Ogan . property ports they almw that the death of sixty county, the first Monday in January, \pril, July and -old all of its rights and privileges to t«M. ( <»., b»»«ion and September; for Lakeeoonty. »»very alt»Tnate ! ■>' every Ilk) people in this country, is near Medford. Consideration, *50. the Northern 1 ’ aiifii- rail oa*l That due either directly ot indirectly to such month, commencing the nr«t Monday in January. .««ml for ,,li»»w lot uk - «kin D»*<* ms ««.' «’. B. Kingsbury to J. S. Walter; prom For Klamath county theftr«t Wednesday ¡u March. company Guilt as far a- A bland, which disorder* The Brompton Hospital for I r? 1 'd-i s Bl.. Kb. .»d-. Mkin B1»*!I . I ertv in Ashland. Consideration *<»00. .June. September and November. I I iwl mid Lalo H iliii <»!«. u - «■ Culicura Soap. is HI miles south of roitJand and 2'1 AT THE SAN EHAM 1SI O H*nry Gregg to Kaspar Kubli and Consumptives, Ixmdou. England, reports miles fiom the < alilornia State line. I’.v that sixty of every 100 victim* ot con­ John Bolt ; 160 acres in Sees. 2-.I, 32 and tl <- ti..... this was completed tIn* road sumption also liave serious disorder* of PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Medford, Oregon. T.'Is. SR4 W. Consideration*.5M.85. had obtained patents liorii tin* govern­ the kidneys. t J. T. Reno to D. R. Mills; pro|*erty in -nr-» lU»«-uiiiuti«m. Neuralgia .Sciatic. 8u*l- ment lor I 3o2.r«lil acres of lai.*!. This Among scientist* for Uie treatment of Ashland. Consideration *3,000. P. P. PRIM. lliis dread malady the question i* being W-akfit-N«.* r» Iffv'il id on«- minti?'- was prior to l-s i. and 'line that time next noon to r. o. •I.T. Reno to D. R. Mills; quitclaim discussed. j . th’ < " icura lmti-1'ain I'ia-t-;. the remaining I«irti*ui <>t the road from Bl ATTORNEY A COUNSELOK-AT LAW, • leed to property in Ashland. Consider­ kt driiggiKth . - «ntl'. i ’ »»t!« ' 1I. I.4 Ashland to the State line has never at tlir < >14-cla«e> //«• /*• fjulator m v »• J ih I m fo cure. 1 in t acre- in Sc.- 13, T754, S It 2 W. Consi 1- traceable to diseased kidney*. For Lh-rr!.;'’y ret ir.rntnfl it t> all »h • iifP.r fr-.-iu vine jiincti*'li t*> Ri* I lirg vx i- th** old; Variety 8<««rc. Also, eration *.5.5. J.1« MaWNVIl.LK. <»H year* the proprietor« of Wainer * naf« I .?•• us Altax.k> i r any J>iM.a»c caused lq a da- pait completed iu tinie. II.- i;.-t.uice i' ‘\l YTHE FINEST WINES MQl OHS \ND .uranged *tate < f the Liver J ' ’ < ow les to t'lias. Tiee ; pru|s*rty in cure haxe l*een insisting that there is no CHOICE FRUITS IN SEASON. about lil miles ami tin i-onipany ob­ • ig ar» kept on ••and. and a first-cla** hilliurd K assas (.u v, Mi HR BERNARD Will practice in all th« Court, of th« State Consideration *l*iil*l. sound health when the kidneys are dis tained its patent' I* l,7‘lJ,ou.i a--ns of Me li* i I i ;<“l»ifi-« with DiW riet Vt>rn*-y. Court Hou»«. i table is connected with the saloon. The lending | Our goo«l- ar««th** be-t and guaranteed as repre- John Byers to Jas. Gaines; |*ro|*erty eased, and they entbusiaaticallv press ¡»apereof the day »•■in als«» be found on the read, I «ent»-«i. Prices low. a* wo do not propose to ht» Do You Want Good Digestion ? land. Ol th** n m lining *l:-tan**e aliov« mg tablep. I under«old. in Medford. Consideration *2,100. J. R. NEIL I s'iffi’r. i mD Rsi !y uith f'ttll Sltnnnch - their specific for this terrible disorder Ra iding 115 miles have Ire. n huiil, or to The proprietor is also sole agent of achf,tD. .1 kt :< .st lie flic me Cannot the proprietors of this great 1 errr huth jt. r Dyapt pein. | **rti ui of the road iu Oregon, so that | pro|«*rtx neat Medfonl. Consideration ! *52. remedy, who liave been warning u> ot — TO «Li YOUK— Ri hmond .V a . //. (7. C/?E.VSH.IIT. Will practice in all thu Court« of 11 - State. *> tic« the whole line is now un ler their con­ Constantine Magruder tuJ. I'. Smith; the danger, tell us how to avoid* diaeas« |n buililing opposite Court Hou—*, conisi C and trol. For the pa't eight niontlrs the Do You Suffer frum Constipation ? Fifth »tr««t». that at first is so nuini)>urt*nt, and is sc company has Keen working hard to make property in Central Point. Considera­ i«.-t''-i ¡¡y f Hi m XV ahsfk , Chief-Ju-tice f tion *l>0. fatal in its termination' Are we to hope * •' “1 hav • ! > :n,n- Liver Regulator for W. F. WILLI\MSON. the d**'in-1 conn, i ti ii! a* Ashland and (. i ’ ti ‘ \ B ■ ’ , caused by •* temporary 1. W. Ellis toC. II. Cox; bond for deed against hope, and wait without our re­ Imp** to have it completed hv th** end of Derangement • the Liver, t r the last three or ATTORNEY A COVNSELOR-AT-LAW. for 12il acres in Sec 28, T 3-5, S R 4 W. ward ? k .r y_...s, ... .t\- trith dreidrd benefit.** next summer. Tin* total di'tanee is »156 Consideiation *l,.Vk>. The most significant of all changes, miles, and tin* total amount ot land Medford, Oregon. OOXE IX — Have You Malaria ? A. s. Jacobs, late sheriff, to Haymond however, that we of tu-xlay can note is granted to assist in its construction is • • > ’ o - > IL <;■ . this radical change <«- v- I ately 1 have been /■KÍ7/ * JAA7AG’. erty near Ashland. Consideration *2,07-5. I —1< AT—- cause it was not constructed within the I itlaV'r,which gave me rc- H. I! Miller toC. W. Skecl; property C. LEMPERT. M. D.. rttpfhm tf> hfiMinree. time allowed by the original grant. \ Th** following timely t«tigge«tioHs by a I in Medford. Consideration *210. J HV(i(L bill to that effect was introduced by him tiia»luat? of the l'elvenltÿ of Lripsir. Germany Benj. Hardman to Mrs. S. Whitney;] I ‘‘Citixeii” are commended to lbe car** at the last session of congress and is still < ¡7? . Philadelphia. Pa 2.12 acres near ModforJ. Considera­ * ful |H‘iusal of our numerous reader« . • all« reep«»nde«l to at all hour», »lay or night. | «-tiding. Why a cannery for preserving fruits tion *270. Otti«-* opposite Hlover’w Hotel, Jacksonville. I X* I II I XIX I V V I I I V I M'KSOXVII.I.E. OREGON. l-'llll i.iuf <>I l'«t l'lil 1). L. Curtis t<> Sing Tue; pnqs-rty in 1 grown in Douglas count}* has not been Tin- defense of the railroad pc .pie is starteil li**re in Roseburg can only I hj •laek'onx ¡lie. Consideration *50. DR. W SiANFIELD. GR03EHIES, DRUGS, that although t!*.-y have I«** o tardy in Write for t ata!vgue. A'idrca« • Hlu-r FltiMi KKOS. IMI’L. CO., Fortland, Or., or C C. Beekman to Jas. Hamlin; quit­ accounted for by a want of enterprise on Im Id.ng the iua*l. 'till they have tr*ed ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN. claim deed to the umliviiled one-halt of the |>art of our citizens. We can grow < HOM Hil l Hl A BIRIisEY, Agent», Jackeunvilb i to ki*.*p good ta;th*vv:th tie govi rrnm-lit, all ti*e fruits in abundance that an* usu­ 320.4 • acres in Secs 6 ami 7. T 38, S R I H m » ’orated in Talent. Or . for the practice of which has not suffered by tiie d* lay ally canned for domestic use, such a* W. Consideration *250. h*fl_profe«’*i,*n Mak»* all chronic di»*vu*e*. such K»*i»« the larged Mock of caused in building the r*>ad through. In an Rheun.a» imol . Asthma. File*. Kidney Diseant*. < liven Conner to S. J. Day; pro|»eity |ieaclies, ]<>rti*>n <>i th*- road o'er the Now this fait, taken into consideration have but very few expenses. All kinds of pro­ i .'■-tale lim- and into the grant of lam! I»e- Helms : property in Jacksonville. Con­ with the fact that great quantities of ---- and---- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, duce taken in exchange anti sideration *300. F. Galloway to Hattie F. Andrews; |canned hulls are consumed by our eitr- HIGHEST MARKET PRICE Eagle Point, Oregon. VINSS AND SHRUBBERY pro|*ertx in Medford. Consideration ' z.eus, it becomes a matter of surprise that allowed for same, « 'all and »»«e f»»r j<»r*elveM. our citiacns, usually sharp to jierceive Having located at thia place I ask a »hare of *300. JAUUBY BROS. the patronage of this »ection. Calls attended to D. High aud Robert Taviortoll. s. op|*ortiitiitics. will allow such a one to any time. Evans: proja-rty in Ashland. Consider­ esca|ie them for so long a time. There is no doubt that a fniit cannery in Rose- ation *125. GEO- O. DeBAR, M. D . I I . M 9 ..1.1.1 1... n I . . .1 — — * —- 7 **** A I \. II. Simpson to Samuel < ozzeus; ■ bnrg would la* a good and paying invest- P H Y S I C I A N A N D N I' R G F. O N , About twenty yonr- apr. 1 -'JuroverYvl a little prufierty in Jacksonville. Consid<*ra- ment to the one who should engage in it, Fwsides being a lasting good to the sort* on my ch<- k, and • p c.'etors pronounced tion *I< hi . PRICES ; Jacksonví le. Oregon K cancer. I have tr|.- ; a n-tmb.-rof physicians, Jas. T. Glenn to G. Karewski; property country at large. The opjiortun’ty is now befote sour** —*t rwidiace California street. **ntl*w*- t but without receiving anj p rmanent »»cncflt. near Jacksonville. Consideration *73.70. Onice«.. ~ •• ........ -J--* enterprising man with a little capital, of th»» court-house. » ***** promu«•> irkm »— Among the nunibt r w eri- ->r e t»r two specialists. of the « ‘ »»inpatiy and to.day and night H eath « of the A i - okti er .— The fol­ i and what is far more necessary, a little The medicine th -> applied wmi like fire to the dkii ls cd LVG Ell SOLL koi n altvi that time nn- lowing brief history of the a|«j«tle« tuny energy and business qualifications. •■•re ■ auslng Int. nsc : .»in I s.-i« a statement •m came int»» their It connection uith a cannery, a fruit « K. XUUNG. st D-. be new to those whose leading has not In the papers t. i! iik m I it s s. S. had done for dryer could Is* pnyfitaaly operated, with­ EV J) 117/7 /< KOEE--SEH 'LIL 77 ES. rHYÜlClA» ANO SU Ki; EON, been ex angelical; I ■ Z D. HY1>E. others slniilarly fi’l t< ui«ill«. modern *tyle. including a fine billiard tab)»'. Fhe St. Murk was dragp'd through the improved, when there is such a univer­ healing up. My pn-r.il health ha< ’ Iwen bad ¿ar iw alwajH«applied with »lie choicest brand« of Have I tented th-- K«n. i oky. CwllB promptly »ttcod«*l to d«y or streets <>i Alexandria, until he expired. sal demand for our dried anil preserved f.»r two <»r thr» < »•■ r-» ! I.a>J a hacking cough •-.«•-* St. Luke was hanged it|»oii an »»live fruits. California cannot excel us ui WINES. LIQUORS. an ! spit bio«»»! cont. . Ily I had a sever* fruit growing, except, perhaps, iu ap- I Plo*'K M t. h.. I’ 'IF. Hit. M. tree in Greece. COKKESEONDEXl E SOLICITED. Wdliam»’ haildïng. Residence on < 8t pain In my i r. v-t. Aft» r taking six !>,in-sof BEER and CIGARS. SI. John was put in a cauldron of fxril- prieots, nectarines and some varieties of ON WILLIAMS CREEK, S. S. S. my cough b rt n-.e and 1 grew stouter ing oil in Rome, l>uteaea|ied death. He | grapes; and yet that State has her PitfCE A OEARY. anil the leadiiig ¡»ttpera canalway» le* f»nui»l on • Portland. Oregon and is flood- No. tt« North Front Streit than I had ■ n f<-r “rvcrnl 'rar*. cancer Which they have thoroiighly r»movnled and fitted aftcixx.ii.I- died a natural death ai Ephe­ cauncries ami fruit dryers, t ■--------- ---------- the table«. ami most improved machin­ I tng our markets with her good» by the PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Hpecial pain« taken!»» a» c»»iuni'»date palrou» up with th»» has healed ov« 1! hut n ItttJc spot the sus in Asia. ery. including a plai er and ♦ j dger and, are conse ­ and visitor«. Call aud »» e m»‘. St. .lames the Groat was I «'headed at use of a little energy, skill and enter­ siz» ■ f ' ’ y >ne with cancer to bewailing our condition waiting and O®**«, in William»' Urick Huil.ling Lp-*tair*. St. James the Less was thrown from a give s. K. s a f-ir trial hoping against hope that something by pinnacle or wing of the temple,and then T. J. CRESS. M rs . NAN» V J. M. CONAVi’.IlEY, i and by will occur to lift us out of this ¡•eaten to death with a fuller’s club. Stich a*- llii-'ti» . i liMiritig. ('riling. Matched and slough of despondency. A’»be ,.r< ve, TIpixH-aiivi Co., Ind. Surface Lumber of fill (liiiirn»ioDH and of hr**t- st. Phillip was hanged up against a clabeqinlity. at the j \\ bile we Oregonians are fishing aud Feb. 16, 188»». pillar at Hierapolis, a city of Phrygia. | hunting and riding cavuse ponies over ITS Flrw» Mtree«. St. J .artholomew was slain by the VERY LOWEST RATES. JACKSONVILLE, OR. hills ami hollows and through thickets Swift's Specific I« entirely vegetal»!«, and command of a barbarous king. i after a wild steer or two, or looking in share of the public patronage ie »»»licit, PORTLAND. OREGON. sc»‘in# to cure r.»n«-» r‘» l*\ ?<»•.-• r: t »heiiupu Having permanently located here. I offer my rd. A fair St. Andrew was bound to a cross,from Sati»*facfion guaranteed Give un a trial. i some third-class saloon talking jiolitics services to the people of Routhern Oregon. w hence he preaclwd until be expired. rilles fruUi !‘ie I ! "»-t. >'r»-atise »»n Blood and TOPPING A HYDE. 1 atxi sometimes doing worse, our more St. Thomas was run through the body Skin Disease« mail« »t fr< •* House Painting. Paper Hanging 18.51 . uuterprising neqritbors are at work mak­ 18m5 i I w ith a lam e at CarotnauAcI in the East ing all |M.ssible headway in cultivating Frescoing. Ka!somining. Etc., I ndies. tiie soil, growing fruits, gram«, grasses St. Jude Ua, »hot to death with arrows. OIL CLOTHS. Done in s ■ ute -i >r mruiner and at r-ri. ■•« to euit and vegetables, ami then sell them to us St. «ituoii Zealot was crucified in Maoiifactnror of the times. 1 refer to the >»f rai'Hin.'i I have IIHAWEK 3. VTI.AXTA. <»A. and Olliers, whose op|*ort unit ice Ums previously done for recommendation. Ijaturac- ; Persia Linoleums. u Mats. etc. tion far have not enabled them to produce guaranteed. ..... si. Mathias was first stoned an I then Give me e trial and judge for v«>ur-<-if. these tiesirable things so essential to H hvihh lhe A,enoyb>r th« L.r,;.-r limi,......... C .Mt the» mu .lonbcllvr part byiheireus- the largest heheaded. Orders ¡••ft at Merritt’s New Cash Store will creature comforts. * ""'¡’iiui'1* au.1 bruaii» «ztìuuiK'*'l t«’r «“rl" pni'luc« vanii. >’r «<>ld on I be inMallninnt plat. receive prompt attention St. Barnabas was stoned to death by Dealer in If our soil and climate were not favor- I . J. ( HESS. the Jews at Salania. I able to the production of fruits then and uHunnui inn n> itp m tor ORGANS TAKEN AS PART PAY FOR PIANOS. St. Paul was beheaded at Rome by i there would he a reasonable excut** for IN THK METROPOLE_________ i the tyrant Nero. i our donothing proclivities. But “better Call anil examina <«ir in»«l« liefor« piirrl.aem«. for we will not bv unit«re<>M. St. ‘'stet s.i.terexl martyrdom in Rome. late than never” is an old ami tried adage, ami if our citizens will only take A i > vektis »> H imself . —The following i hold of the matter now. roll tip their notice ai>|atara in a Coivalli« paper, ami | sleeves and go to work and put this tstiinatcH and Price Li«-t on applicatalo A >' I»- ia signed by A. Stinit: "1 hereby notify < ’oui.try orders a »pecialty. •j Cor. 3d and E Streot». practicable enterprise iuto execution all |«rKona within this State that they FA( T’HIY AT WI:II»LI:KS Mil.I. ami reap a golden reward tlierefiom, it HARDWARE ANO CUTLERY S1 ORE shall n<>l sell the undersigned lir, or Salesr»M’ins. c»»r. Ttiinl and E Streets. or i.'njuy Life. will be well. Douglas county j*ost*enses Wholesale & Retail Dadi"’ in all Varieties of PORTLAND OREGON W hat a truly beautiful wurhl wc live iu ! I will proeecute them to the full extent of all the natural advantages for successful Tl.s !t-*»«r-ikTi'sl t**k**« vl**-.-*irs in inf.c.nin« Lonta.n.n« th.* public t liar I.. - tsk* n i-l.-ir-,-*» of thw ll..*r*n-l F.-.*iStable in in» * e ...... * ■ i**n glens ami ocean-, ami thousands ui means country press it appears that Stinit is demand for all the fruit products, both of Ashlar.I. on ih** ol*i -IsKisrox.l «or.* ha i» o! enjoyment We can desire no better well known to saloon-kee|»erH, and there of the preserved and unpreserved kinds. now prep.ir.sl to furnish jn the State. I wbcTi in perfed liea!th ; but how often do is no danger of bis la-ing given any liqor By the Thousand ! the majority ’ o! pt-upie feel like giving it up or trusted for any. He is too well know n. We have the complaint of hard times all I-’it vu i t it i*<‘ ït ^»|><*< • i Ji 1 ty Th« Best Accommodations around us, while the earth is teeming »lisheartened. utscouraged ami worn out with untold wealth on every hand, and with »iiseasc, when there i- no occa ion for □’HE I NDEKSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OR muu mid IwMvf. nt pric** t«> ^uit thfr time». r HTf for Pilro, No C'biMW employed and un doiatioo in F«»r thi« loeling, u> every -ullerer can easily ob­ to induce tier to pour into our laps her Give me a call f<»r pi «.of of what 1 -«nj. 1 dors through Jackson and Josephine counties Pile« are frequently prece»lc»l by a tain -atiwfa«-tor» pr«'»of that Green's Augu-t THO8. MAYHEW for liounty she needs only a little tickling of fi lower will make them free from disease of weight iu the back, loins and lower part her soil by tiie vigorous hand of toil. cot.; of the al»donirn. causing the Patient to «up as when born. Dyspepsia ami Liver ( <«in- ! FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, California Street. Jacksonville Ogn. plaint are the direct » aiiscs of s»’vcnty-tive ¡wise he ha* some affection of the kidneys This connty has thousands of acres of ner y»?nt. of sm h maladies a- Bilmu-m**«, or neighboring organs. At times, symp­ land suitable mostly for fruit-growing. Any kind raised in a first-« laaa Nursery. JoflN MILL' It. Proprietor. Indigestion. Sick D*..»«lat he. (’o*ti\one.*”*. tom« of indigestion are present, ffatulency Why not cultivate for that which it is Nerv«»us Prostration. l»iz/ine*- of the uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A mois­ best adapted ami thus utilize it. The Those wanting Trees thm ‘.all will do well to <*or. Front and Moriwon St... > Head. Palpitaii»»n of th«1 Heart, amt oilier ture. like peraikiration, producing u very same may be said of Jacksonville. giro me their order*, as 1 will guarantee satisfac­ F«-ur-i in»‘ti«*s-ing -i mptonis. I lir»-» «l««M-s of Au­ «h*ugreeal»lr itching, after getting wurui, m Are earliei. more bard, and more productive Wi.it»- I »o»! I»’- rOKTLOD. I warrant all my tr*ee if properly cared for. Lin«<•♦•rhk. la all K-«!«-« I- ket pro -. l'k«) 1> m ». of Peach Seed wanted. Witi' h r Riti»-. "» -t.» r«»’i barrai tion of Dr. Bosanku’s Pile Remedy, which i »rMBKraw«., «r £i,ator HaMI. A. 8. JOHNSON FOR GOOD» IN OUR LINE Hand Saws.................... ........... i Jacksonville. Oregon Ang. 1 18*3. acts »lire» tly upon the parts affected, ab­ THOS. CUIHEAN. »»->•«»•*• 7>c. G h * iu * s l.lct r Ellin B« .-’. Si’X«. •• Whukwmle nn»l retail «eethmun. 1"1 Front 8».. î 81 .»(. per lb CITY BARBER SHOP, cure dy>pepMia. and give i.-.n lilt to the Price 5) cents. Address. The Dr. Bosanko uf coffee or tea without the knowledge of th» city. Waj. •system (July one lor a dose. I re« -ani- Medicine Co., Piqua, Ohio. 8ol«l at the the peruou taking it. effecting a -peedy and PORTLAND, OREGON. 1IV First Street. - - - Portland. Oiegon. Op»- iAI.lFOK.NIA STUEET |»hn> at City Drug Store lieruianent cure, whether the patient is a Cartridge* per box 1 » To Whom it Muy Concern. [« th* only »inaler in Or»-g«»n who kw|* tb*m. City l>rug blurt. Jacksonville. moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Bolts, iw'r d«»z THE LEADING JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, Orrguii. he cndfrsigned who has been ap - li orse öhoa«. per II» 1 lioxi-ami. of drunkard, have keen made Merchant»* and tiardener» »upplied ou lierai Ct^’X %Ue\A. S'pi“ 1 poiated8t«»ck Inspector for Ja k;»m county term-* Axe«. Whule*al«n.id H-Uil 0»a)«r-in X r.\r o -» Blood Elixir is the only temiM-rale men who have taken the Golden hereby giv»v* notice to all person« desiring hi»» Ax Hau l'»-4 Semi f»»r descriptive entiilogue. specific in tbeir coffee wuliout their knot­ N^N- YUV\ T» Blood K^niedy guaran ­ thousands suffering from Astlrma, Con­ I 1 aerric«» that his p»»er office address is Browns Miner’» Pick« ... edge, and to- Croescn^saw File«. - tionsor Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the re-lilt- from its administration. Cures Acker ’ s English Remedy? It i3 tiro best *W VO VICE. Door L«M‘kí» ................. aurigi out M M 8TANLKI Hilver ,n. S;.- I,-I - i iU ■ > ■’ i «1 Menu forth« H-w-kh >rd preparation known for all Lung Troubles, whole ----- system, and baalshea all Rheumatic guaranteed. Send for circular and full pai- Cow Bella ........ Jackson C-ounty. April. IH. l-ió». Watrl;«». . 1 I. PEIWOX» INDEBTED TO lHh UNDHt sold ou a positive guarantee at 10c.. 50c. ! aecouut.arere t u«.ted II.-I Rir» ’ t cnmfnH,- ■ Sri.< trie Co.. !<• l.’acc st. Ciuciuati, Ohio. Kat the Newspaper A»iver 'old at * ily Drug store. 1 Skild at City Drug Store ■onail and «affi*» withnnt delay. EF*delect•■•n i ’ wkM- •■,.•»! •••> inulf i!t->u. ■ •tiintimc.it« witfm- ........... ... tiw»,ng«lsBWi,iT • Hallig Aic»-n«-y uf M'**r«- H.KAHEWHbl. Everyone Sii >ul»t ’’<• *nJ ** t,ie kite ’ s xVrr MILLINERY ! ’ » ... ladies’ Furnishing Goods, FURNISHING GOODS. HITS, Children’s Short Clothes, Goldsn C Sugar in Barre's ai 6 Cents per pound! j- - - - - - - - - Si z HOSIERY ! SPOT CASH I idiojip for Cush ! CORSETS, CREAT REDUCTIONS THE RIDDLE HOUSE ! J. B. RIDDLE, Prop’r. A FINE STOCK VARIETY STORE ! GROCERIES N0WÛITÎ-H& r Red Men’s Buildinsr, Jacksonville, Oregon. ’ I 1 I III 1 7 1 i jw ’I j U JU ALL THE REMAINING COOOS IN ONE MINUTE, A. G. COLVIN, JACKSONVILLE, OR., ACTUAL COST PRICES! FAMOUS GEM SALOON ! PURELY VEGETABLE. J. 3 rtIJD_E PdOPdlETOR A i O THE PLACE Now is Your time to Get I .k SACK I 1’1 < â : ! BUY THE BEST AND BE HAPPY BLACKSMITHINC BARGAINS!! THE BES£ STYLE Hardware, Tinware, Crockery, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc FARM AND MILL MACHINERY! CRONEMULER ÄBIROSEYS WOODBURN NURSERY Fruit. Shade ilmauiental and Nut Trees NO APHIS ORLICE ON TREES. BREWERY SALOON PARKE & LACY, CRUCIBLE. MACH INERY! WOOD. IRO?I AND MIMING MACHINERY K A W 'A' AUGUST CABLS01T. Pro?., M I I .1 . . . i . vd . 1/ kkessojis , TOPPING & HYDE Wm. Jessop & Sons’ English Cast Steel ! CHAPMAN SAW MILL ALL KINDS OF LUMBEFt HUNSAKER & DODGE < >1« T. J. COLBERT, HOUSE PAINTER. >> PIANOS, ORGANS, CARPETS J. C. CARSON, R K8 And all kinds of Musical Merchandise. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Sash, Doors. Blinds , CHEAPEST AND BEST STOCK NEW TO THE HUNGRYi WEARY! INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Ashland Boarding-House and Feed Stahle! P()HT1»AMI>. ., PRICIS HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM FRUIT TREES Furnitur?, BeJdiig, Uoholstery. Free Buses to and from the Hotel. •W.-« ESMOND HOTEL, NORTHERN GROWN : i > m COR FIRST & YAMHILL STS. Portland. Or NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST E. W. ALLEN, T diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks! )N, uur aaUi*?rkv