The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, April 08, 1887, Image 4

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    ¿ imi’-j.
T he public-debt reduction for March
!• eleven million*. The country is flour­
liliiciai Paper htrjarkioa. Jwpbisrl Lake ishing under Democratic rule.
T he inter-Btate commerce law is now
APRIL 8, 1887.
in force and it will not be long before its
effects will be felt. As it is of great im-
W alter S itton of the Ellensburg
|M>rtance to the whole country, it is pre­
GaxeUt has sued John Dean for libel in
sented in full in this week’» T imes .
the sum of $5500.
T he President has appointed Hon.
M ichigan voted on the adoption of a Chas. S. Fairchild, asdiMtant secretary of
prohibition amendment to her constitu­ the treasury, to Hucceed bis chief, Hon.
tion last Monday, and the question was D. Manning. Hon. kaac II. Maynard,
decided in the negative by a considera­ second comptroller, has been nominated
ble majority. The same result will take as Mr. F.’s first assistant. Both are
, first-class appointments.
place here next November,
A ssistant S ei retaky T hompson states
Tux recent election in Cleveland for
that he cannot disclose why the treasury
municipal officers was a surprise to the
department has refused to confirm the
Republicans. The entire Democratic
appointment of Wm. H. Watkinds as
ticket, headed by B. 1). Babcock, candi­
date for mayor, was elected by about deputy collector of customs at Col-
! vllle, W. T. As yet the name of the new
3000 majority. The board of aidermen
applicant has not been received.
is Democratic.
T he wheat situation is just now at­
O wing to the heavy snowfall in the I tracting considerable attention in San
mountains anl liberal rains, the mining Francisco, where the latest quotations
interests of the entire Pacific coast, es­ are $1.73 per cental. Many believe that
pecially southern and eastern Oregon a pool exists to advance prices, while
and Idaho, give promise of a longer sea­ others are confident that the market has
son than for years past—while new and been advancing on its actual merits.
important discoveries are being made in
T he treasury department is engaged
both gravel and quartz mines.
in investigating serious charges against
T iik freight tariff on California and a recent appointeo in Washington terri­
Oregon wool under the revised rates to tory. It is understood that the gentle­
the eastern market, will, it is asserted at man under investigation was appointed
Boston, uiake it practically impossible to from Oregon. The matter is being
handle the wool there. There is everj- quietly looked into at the request and
evidence tiiat the railroad managers will suggestion of the President. We wonder
do everything in their power to make J if it is not Q. A. Brooks?
C ommissioner S parks has instructed
the inter-state law as obnoxious as pos­
the special agent at Dowley, in Moncana,
that there must be no interference
Tux trustees of the Corvallis college with settlers for taking from public
i Methodist Church, South), have repu­ lands wood and timber necessary for
diated their contract with the State, their family and settlement uses; but
made two years ago, by which their that 8|>ecial agents are expected to de­
school was to have been made the per­ vote their time and energies to preven­
manent State agricultural college. The tion of timber depredations upon a large
pretext is that the proceeding was irreg­ scale by mill men and corporations.
lar an<I unauthorized. The people of
T he magnificent Del Monte Hotel at
Corvallis are indignant at their action.
Monterey, Cal., owned by the S. P. R.
Gov. P ennoybr has appointed ex-Sen- R. Co., was totally destroyed by fire
ator Slater of Union county anil Hon. last Hatnrday night. Many of theguests
Geo. A. Wagoner of Benton county as had no chance to secure their clothes,
railroad commissioners. It is under­ and were taken to San Francisco by
stood that he will ignore Jackson county, special train with blankets wrapped
which gave him nearly 450 majority, and around them, like the aborigines of early
take the clerk of the commission from days. A large force has been set at work
houglas county, which is generally con­ clearing the debris, so that a new and
finer building can be put up within the
sidered a reliable Republican county.
next three months.
A dispatch says George Slosson of
W ord comes from the White House
Chicago defeated Jacob Schaefer of St. that the President is very much annoy-
Louis at cushion caroms in Chicago, on | ed about the contest that is made for the
tlie 4th inst., for $500 aside. About Portland, Oregon, collectorship. He has
700 spectators were present. Tlie score already suffered somewhat by bad ap­
was: Slosson 500; Schaefer 488. Slos-
pointments of Oregon people. He will
son was far behind in the first part of the
net soon forget bow the country was
game, but for seventeen consecutive in­
stirred up by his nomination of Judge
ring« Schaefer scored practically noth­
Dawne, and has not lost sight of the fact
that another Oregon man not long ago
S mall - pox is prevalent in different appointed to office in Washington terri­
portions of -California, and unless great tory did not turn out. as well as he
care is taken it will be transmitted to thought. He will go slow’ in the collec­
Oregon, as there is a great deal of travel torship matter. The report that he has
between the two States. Nothing could had under consideration all papers in the
be more dangerous to our people and at j case is erroneous. Within the past few
the same time more injurious to busi- ‘ ’ days numerous protests have been receiv-
ness interests than a small-pox epidemic,
«g»in*»t t’;e appointment of II. Abra-
something Jacksonville knows by expe- | i ham, who appeared to be the most likely
I man. It is alleged that he is not a
straightout Democrat, but more of amug-
T he laboring classes, led by irrespon­ i wump or galvanized Republican. It
sible and unscrupulous men, have j would create little surprise if Abraham
plunged their cause into politics, and it were left out in the cold and the place
is suffering much in consequence. The given to a man who had but recently re­
recent elections in Chicago, Cincinnati, moved from New York to Oregon. In
Milwaukee and other large cities, where justice to Mr. A. it must be said that he
they are the strongest, in nearly every always was a reliable and active Demo­
instance resulted unfavorably to them crat, spending his money freely for the
andrsignally rebuked the shallow dema­ ! party.
gogues who are imposing upon their
MKOEOkD iQllH/f.
[CotJitiUtd from jirit pagt.]
year, including an annual balance-aheet.
Businwa ia improving here.
Such reporta shall alao contain auch in­
J. W Short made the Tuiss office a call
formation in relation to rate« or regula- sale at the T imes office.
tions cum < rning farea or freights, or
A few of tbe miners of Josephine county yesterday.
agreements, arrangements, or contracta have commenced cleaning up.
Miss Carrie Baker ia teaching the Anti­
with oth< i MMM carriers, as tiro
Huskins, Long <ft Co. of Star gulch have och school.
Com mission may require; and the aald
A large amount of grain was ahipped
CommlMitm may, within ita diacretion, finished cleaning up and made good wages
froiu this place during tbe week from Ba­
for th^purpoae of enabling it the better while at work.
to carry ont tiie^rarpoaea of thia act, pre-
The Sterling Co are running two pipes I ker’s warehouse.
acril»e (if in the opinion of the Comtuia- day and night and disposing of a (urge I The horse-buyers for tbe railroad com­
aion it ia practicable to prescribe such area of ground.
pany were here last Tuesday and bought
uniformity and methods of keeping ac­
A fresh supply of the American Mining several bead of horses
count«) a |»eriod of time within which all
common « arriéra subject to the provis­ code, standard authority on tbe subject,
TheStuttz dramatic company peiiormed
ion» of thia act »hail have, as near a t for sale at the T imes office.
in Medford lust Saturday evening and were
may t»e, a uniform system of accounts,
Many of the mines arc cleaning up, the greeted by a lair audience.
and the manner in which such accounts
continued warm weather having made the
Messrs. Byers and Guerin, the well-
shall be kept.
known brick masons, intend going tu east­
S ec . 21. That the Commission shall, water light in many places.
on or before the first day of December in
Simmons, Decker A Co. and Wimer A ern Oregon to follow tbeir business.
each year, make a report to the Secre- Sons of Waldo district still have plenty of Tice Bros, have purchased J. C. Cowles’
retary of the Interior, which shall be by water and are making the most of it.
neat residence in this i^e. paying ISOOfor
him transmitted to Congress, and copies
of which shall t»e distributed as are the Thos. H. Berryman of Applegate, who it They secured a bargain
other reports issued from the Interior bus one of the best drifting claims in
J.C. Cowies, F Galloway, 8. Rosenthal,
Department. This report shall contain southern Oregon, continues to do good Mr. Redden and other residents of this
such information and data collected by work there.
place were in Jacksonville during the week.
the Commission as may lie considered of Smith A Lynch of Wagner creek will no
Geo E Anderson has returned from
value in the determination of questions
connected with the regulation of com­ i doubt make a good season’s run. They re­ Josephine county, where he has been en­
merce, together with such recommenda­ cently picked up a nice piece of gold worth gaged in trapping and prospecting for some­
tions as to additional legislation relating $128.
thereto as the Commission may deem
J. Klippci of Poorman’s creek has washed
C. W. Stanfield, who has been in charge
off a large piece of ground this season, and
S ec . 22. That nothing in this act shall will not finish cleaning up before the mid­ of the Central House for Sometime past,
has suspended business anti is now in
apply to the carriage, storage, or hand­
ling of property free or at reduced rates dle of J une
for the United States, State, or muni­ I). W Marsh and J. Baker, two expe­ Postmaster Miller has been spending sev­
cipal governments, or for charitable pur­ rienced California miners, are prospecting
poses, or to or from fairs and ex| ositions in the Apple rate country They speak fa­ eral days at the residence of G. Naylor, in
Jacksonville precinct, and also paid the I
for exhibition thereat, or the issuance of vorably of this section.
mileage, excursion, or commutation pas­ E Ro ten has discovered a new ledge in county-seat a visit XVed iesuay.
senger tickets ; nothing in this act shall
be construed to prohibit any common Willow Springs precinct, which shows con­ 1 For sale at a bargain--a cosy dwelling­
carrier from giving reduced rates to min­ siderable free gold. There is said to be house not far from the center of the town
of Medford. For particulars enquire of It.
isters of religion: nothing in this act plenty of this ore in sight.
shall lie construed to prevent railroads
Klippel A Baumle's mill on Shively gulch T. Lawton, real-estate agent
from giving free carriage to their own is not making a steady run as yet, owing to
A number of Gold HIM bloods made this
officers and employees, or to prevent the rhe scarcity of quartz on the dump. This place a visit last Saturday* evening, making
principal officers of any railroad com­
pany or companies from exchanging deficiency will probably be supplied soon. the journey on a hand-car. They niel with
passes or tickets with other railroad
Miller A Huggins of Farmer’s Flat are quite an adventure on the road.
companies for their officers and employ­ engaged in cleaning up and will be done
Mr. Jenkins has returned from t.alifor-
ees; and nothing in this act contained about the middle of tlie month. They have nla and will probably take charge of the
shall in any way abridge or alter the picked up several pieces, one weighing Postal Telegraph company’s office, which
remedies now existing at common law $10.
will be opened here at once.
or by statute, but the provisions of this
Mr. Glass, representative of prominent
The Medford district school commenced
act are in addition to such remedies. California capitalists, inspected some of
Provided, That no pending litigation the large placer mines of southern Oregon another term last Monday, with Prof. W.
shall in any way be affected by this act. recent’y, and it is thought that the Wimer II Gore as principal and Misses M Merri­
S ec . 23. That the sum of one hundred mine in Josephine county will be favorably man and Sophia Wilson as assistants.
thousand dollars is hereby appropriated reported on and perhaps purchased.
The residents of Medford and vicinity
for the use and purposes of this act for Simmons, Ennis & Co , who are opening
the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, a large placer claim in Waldo mining dis­ are incensed at the discontinuance of
Smith’s post office on Sticky, and severely
Anno Domini eighteen hundred and
eighty-eight, and the intervening time trict, Josephine county, are making excel­ criticise the mail contractor who has so
lent headway, and by next season will no
anterior thereto.
doubt have their huge cut finished and persistently failed to supply that section
S ec . 24. That the provisions of sec­ everything
ready for piping on an exten­ with the required mail service. That office
tions eleven and eighteen of this act, re­ sive scale.
would have been a great convenience to a
lating to the appointment and organiza­ Cornelius <t Co.’s mill in Rock Point large number of families, and should be re­
tion of the Commission herein provided
for, shall take effect immediately, and precinct will commence crushing quartz established at once.
the remaining provisions of this act shall from the Swindon ledge in a few days. It
has been improved aud put in good order
take effect sixty days after its passage.
and will no doubt do much better work
Approved, February 4th, 1887.
than formerly. A large force is engaged Miss Aline Bl evens visited Miss Susie Raimey
in taking quartz from the ledge, which on Tuesday.
looks better than ever
Weather balmy and benutiful and farmers busy
The Waldo skating-rink is open twice
a week.
Assessor Lewis is engaged in assess­
ing the county.
William Mentor of Jacksonville paid
Grant’s Pass a visit last week.
J. T. Brvan of Williams creek was in
Jacksonville last Wednesday.
Prof. Whitlow has closed his singing­
school at Wilderville and Grant’s Pass.
Miss Lucy Perry of Grant’s Pass pre­
cinct has been paying Jackson county a
II. C. Kinney, superintendent of ihe
S. P. D. A L. Co., has been at Portland
The rail read horse-buyers were here
yesterday and bought several head of
Holton A Albert’s troupe gave a per­
formance at Waldo, Sucker creek and
Kerby ville lately.
Mrs. O. F. Topping of Williams creek
has been quite ill, but is now improving,
we are glad to learn.
Miss Isabel Jess, an excellent teacher,
will soon take charge of a school in
Jump-off-Joe precinct.
Kerbyville lodge will give a grand ball
on the 26th inst., tlie anniversary of Odd
Fellowship. All are invited.
Dr. Will. Jackson, dentist, and other
residents of Jacksonville will be in
Grant’s Pass next week on business.
II. Gasquet’s proposed wagon-road
from Crescent city to Waldo, ria his
T he Postal Telegraph company opon-
Moore’s saw-mill near Linkville is place, is being pushed forward.
ed its office in Portland for general busi­ ' running again.
The county commissioners’ and pro­
ness last week.
It has convenient
E. O. Heidrich of Linkville is quite ill, bate courts were in session this week
quarters on the east side of First street, we are sorry to learn.
and transacted considerable business.
between Pine and Ash, a few doors be­
Geo. Devoe is planting a lot of fruit
Supt. Hathaway gran tel certificates
low the Western Union office. Besides trees on his ranch near Linkville.
to a number of teachers last week.
(he office there it maintains offices in this
Charley Moore of Linkville otters his There were nearly a dozen applicants.
State at Albany, Ashland, Jacksonville, fine “Altamont” stallion for sale.
Miss Louisa Wade is teaching the
Wilderville district school, and J. I).
Bly, Canyonville, Cottage Grove, Eu­
Miss Mary Grubb, who has been quite Hayes the lower Williams creek school.
gene city, Fo; t Klamath, Grant’s Pass, ! ill, is recovering, we are glad to learn.
N. Farrell, representing L. 8. Smith’s
Lakeview, Linkville, Oakland, Oregon
I School Clerk Stearns finds $65,000 popular stables at Grant’s Pass, was in
citv. Last Portland, Roseburg and 8a- I woi th of property in J’levna district.
Jacksonville a few days ago in ttieir in­
1 m.
i Road Supervisor Humphrey of Link- terest.
A W ashington special ways Postmas­ j ville district is already doing good work. 1 There will be a Japan-tea party under
ter-General Vilas directed that a list be
M. Miner of Yreka, Cal., father of the auspices of the Episcopalian aid so­
made of all presidential postmasters ap­ Postmaster Miner, is in Plevna precinct ciety at Grant’s Pass on the evening of
the 13th.
pointed under the last administration, on businsss.
< ircuit court convenes at Grant’s Pass
Jos. Kessler of Yreka, Cal., bought a
together with facts connected with un­
large number of hides, furs, etc., while next Monday. The docket, which will
changed postmasters. Many besides in
found elsewhere, is more extensive
this county.
than usual.
the department force of clerks will be
Burt is Oatman of Plevna precinct al­
Senator Miller has returned from his
put to work compiling information to
ready has early vegetables of all kinds eastern trip in the best of health. He
be sent to the president in a few days in growing in his hotbed.
visited a number of great saw-mills and
regard to the post-office department. It
Sam Taylor of Poe valley recently factoi ies while absent.
is believed the object in securing this caught 40,000 pounds of suckers in Lost
R. H. Bingamen of Williams creek
matter is to make changes during the river. Who can beat it?
left for the radroad front this week. He
O. H. Johnson of Linkville has lately was in Jacksonville this week to make
done some fine sign-writing. He excels his application for a pension.
J. B randt , superintendent of the O. in all kinds of painting.
Rev. J. McIntyre has resigned charge
& C. R. R., received a telegram that a
L. Stacy will soon be in this county of tbe M. E. church at Grant’s Pass, and
special stage made the trip recently from with a lot of thoroughbred cattle from is temporarily succeeded by Rev. J. P.
Coleman. Ill health is the cause.
Montague to Ashland in six hours and Illinois, which he will offer for sale.
fifteen minutes. The road is in fine or­
Tbe special rate of $1 j>er hundred I Sheriff Patterson has succeeded admi­
der. There is no reason why the trip pounds, lately given to shippers in thia rably in the collection of taxes, notwith­
could not be made every day in eight or section by tbe 0. <& C. R. R. Co., has standing the dull times. His delinquent
list is not nearly so large as expected.
nine hours. The present schedule time been discontinued.
J. W. Howard’s premises at Grant’s
Lem Briner and John W. Cabler of
between Ashland and Montague is
Rogue river valley will soon be in this Pass have lately been improved by the
twenty hours. Both the California and I , section
for tbe purpose of selling their addition of one of the celebrated Racine
t ie Oregon roads are anxious to secure ' unequaled pumps.
winomills, for which A. J. Sedge is
through travel, and something must be i Tbe road down the Klamath river, agent.
done to shorten the time.
The T imes was mistaken in saying that
from Linkville to the railroad front, will
be greatly improved during tbe coming Mrs. Mav’ty of Williams creek had been
I). M. M emamy and J. D. Pou jade, who season, $1500 having been subscribed taken to the insane asylum. She has
were subpanaed from the Harney valley for that purpose. Ashland will not be gone to the Willamette valley to visit
country to testify liefore the U. S. grand our shipping point much longer.
Those indebted to the late firm of J.
jury in the swamp-land investigation
The last congress appropriated $5000
now being made at Portland, were or­ for the support, civilization and instruc­ W. Howard A Co. should lose no time
settling by cash or note, as their busi­
of tlie Kiamaths, Moducs and
dered by Judge Heady to give bail in tion
other Indians of tbe Klamath agency, in ness must lie settled at once. A word to
their own recognizances in the sum of Oregon, including pay of employees, ex­ the wise is sufficient.
|1000 each for their appearance when cepting the agent, who receives $1100
wanted. This is rather unpleasant for per annum besides.
from Roseburg and resumed her position
Low & Demien have opened a restau­ as teacher of the Grant’s Pass school.
them, as they are a long wav from home
and mvch desire to get back there and rant in Linkville and are furnishing the Iler sister Alice, who has been acting in
best of meals and lodgings, employing her stead, has gone home.
stay there, having seen enongh of Port­ no Chinese. Their beds are kept neat
Race Simpkins has fitted up his hotel
land to satisfy them for sometime.
j and clean, while their table is set with building
in Grant’s Pass in first-class
I the l>est the market affords. Give them style, and is now prepared to furnish
* 1 ti e public with the best of accommoda­
I n the United States court at Portland I a call, for you will not regret it.
on tjie 4th, in the matter of the jietition
Sheriff Childers and a guard last week tions in his line. Give him a call.
of R. Koehler, receiver of the O. A C. .took to Salem from Linkville a crazy
J. B. Adams, who resides not far from
R. It., it was ruled that the transporta­ ' man named Benjamin Howard. He was Grant’s Pass, offers his farm for sale at
■ very violent, and had to be chained i a bargain. It is situated in a healthful
tion companies could handle freight on i to tbe ear all the way down Irom Rose-1
their lines to the State line at whatso­ burg. He used the most abusive lan- I neighborhood, contains much tillable
land and is already considerably im­
ever figure they pleased; that the inter­ ' guage against the officers. The unfortu­ proved, having a nice orchard on it.
state law did not reach the ocean steam-
The 8. P. D. A L. Co. is making ar-
two weeks ago. He imagines that
ors. This decision means that the Cnli- about
he owns the whole world, or at leant a rangements for a more extensive busi-
fornia and Oregon roads ran combine by large part of it. and that parties are try­ j neaa than ever. We are glad to see thia
reducing rates,and not giving official no­ ing to poison Iiim, to obtain his great j cor;»oration in a flourishing condition, aa
I it well merit« it. There is no enterprise
tice of it to the other companies own­ |M>ssessions. __<-—
that is of more benefit to southern Ore­
ing roads in the StaU*, are not involved.
Rrniekff for Piles.
gon than the factory and saw-mill at
A gentleman well known and largely en- Grant's Pass.
Y rkk a , Cal., proposes to build her j gaged in the drug trade remarked ; "Pond’s
Extract is a priceless remedy for piles. I
It seems as if Kenatur Miller will kmmi
branch railroad, which will be of great I had
been fifteen years a martyr to them. I become a resident of Poitland. From
benefit to her citizens and enable them «uttered everything but death". I tried all tl»e Ortgvnian of the 5th we learn that a
most celebrated dortOTO; and look
to maintain its importance, if it does not the
here!” saulhe, a« he opened a closet con­ contract was let through the office of D.
positively increase it. Although Jack­ taining hundreds of einptv Hottlej and D. McNeer, architect, for building a
sonville ha* almost as many wealthy peo­ holes. ”1 took iiui applies I all that cup Queen Anne modern dwelling for Hon.
of trash without benefit Nothiug H. B. Miller at Twentieth and J streets.
ple as Yreka, several of them lack the i board
helped me until I found Pond’s Extract, The coat is to be $4500.
enterprise and liberality that is reason­ and that cured me. I have n<»w been well
The residence of L. I«eonard of Alt-
for years, but ! keep that closetful of all the
ably expected of them. They have ac­ old
bottles to show how much a man may bouae, together with his store and other '
quired a handsome comjjetence here, suffer and take.' Caution. Pond’s Ex­ buildings, were totally destroyed by fire
has been imitated The genuine has a few day<4 since. Most of the contents
but propose keeping it, no matter if the tract
the words Pond’s Extract’’ blown in the
expenditure of a small fraction of it will ; glass, and our picture trade-mark on sur­ were also consumed. The loss is esti­
mated at $10,000, U|K>n which there was
bring them large returns and at the rounding buff wrapi>er. None other is gen­ ; only * «mull inouranee, amounting to
uine. Always insist on having Pond’s Ex­
same time lienefit the town which has tract. Take no other preparation. It is I about
The fire originated from a
never sold in bulk or by measure.
I defectiva floe, *• leerá.
done well by them.
with late grain sowing, gardening beiug the or-
der of the day al present.
Following is a list of cases docketed for
the April term of the Josephine county cir­
cuitcourt, which commences next Mon­
day :
Jesse Clements, in the employ of George
Haynes of C’arll, Oregon, came in to-day with a
freight team which be will load al this place.
State of Oregon vs M. L. Woody; indict­
ment for an assault with a dangerous
State vs Geo. W. Lewis; indictment for
an assault with a dangerous weapon. Set
for trial 'ihursday, April 14th, at 2 o’clock.
State vs Chas. Jeroy ; held to answer for
State vs J. C. Gillam: held in justice's
court for killing deer.
Sugar Pine Door Lumber Co. vs J. C
Taylor: to recovei money. Set for trial
Monday, April 11th, at 3 o’clock.
J S. Gage vs F. M. Nickerson and C. A
Hervey; to recover personal property
Set for trial Wednesday, April 13th, at’2
H B Miller Co. vs G. W. Liddle and
J. B Hutch ;to recover property and rents.
Set for trial Tuesday, April 12th, at 2
Thos T. Bybee, deceased, by W J.
Wimer, administrator of estate of said de­
ceased. vs Wm. Bybee; to recover money.
Set for trial Saturday, April 17th, at 2
Win Bybee vs Jane Byl»«« and John R.
Spencer; suit in equity for a division of
real properly.
Henrj’ Kelly vs James W. Baine; to re­
cover money.
W H Flanagan, administrator, vs Lu -
cinda Justus, Rhoda A. Crenshaw and
Emma Justus; to recover money.
J. W Howard & Co. vs Jno. S. Chatham ;
to recover money
Fleckenstein Mayer vs James Hughes:
to recover money
Pleating to the Palate
Death to a Cough.
The original «nd only genuine scientific com­
pound of Abietine <' ’uu and Yerba Santa,
for t oughs. Crl . i.ung and Bron­
chial Trot ee. etc., etc.
All Other Preparations
of a Like Nature.
Always kept on hand
Also a Complete Line of
B aking powder ,
A Merdic! in Favor of Wisdom’s
Robertine—Found Superior
to Anything if its Kind
Ever Discovered!
r •
who W&6
1 dllCed the IllOSt charilliug effect of
anything 1 han ever used, leaving
Wr>' n' . u . > u- v ■ ■
6ie skiu soft and smooth. Kober-
of «n Xai'Xk ‘i. » «’Idionu»,'»«'1 tina w.iU »lw*y® form an important
There is a quiet dignity about the host and hostess, Pai’t Of my toilet.
K.D0WlDg it, 1
Mr.and Mrs. Cy. Smith, which is very pleasing CODsidei’ it an indispensable aCC68-
There was a very pleasant jwrty at the Depot
Hotel on Monday evening, and Mr. and Mrs. j
used every effort to promote the comfort!
UU11UI unw.rvriy riiuniu promote me COiniOl't I
“ ,• 1 have
used nearly
every prep-
. I
arion for improving the complex­
to be had, and 1 call say fl'ank-
tiad an excellent time.
j jy Bobertine suits me better than
Mr. w. c. Wiieonui tbeowra ^111
moo —I..:*
main * led®..
1 anything
I have ever tried.”
iu nt nrouont of llnetlc«!
•___ 1..
of their guests. Dancing was the onler of the | M
evenin« end idl expreee themeelvee »« bavin« ¡OU
Fence Your Farms
Fence Your Orchards,
Fence Your Lawns,
place, which is a pleusant acquisition to Glen-
All ioin in <ort«ioHnit them e jenemus
For Bak by all Druggist«.
yesterday ever ing’s train and will locate at this! my flllTpris© Bild batiofdCtioh it ptO-
is at present at Portland, and will visit friends
and relatives for sometimo, when he will return
to Starveout, accompanied by a number of visi-
tors, who wiU spend a part ofHhe summer at the
famous Green mountain ledge
Y0111’ Robertine, 1 tried it,
to their patrons.
Nla .Moulhv’ Trenlment. Hl; by Mail,
bl 10.
Oroville, Butte Co., U. 8. A.
Owners of the only Abietine Grove and Distil­
lery in the world.
tain led«., ha. a Jar«« fore, of men at work nr«.
paring the ground for the erection of the quartz ! ? *•
mill, work upon which will begin at once.
tatlOll of R
Rev. Mr. Smith and wife of !<.wa arrived by
Witli a, Ijfiwn Fence!
Stronger than a Barb Fence.
Neater than a Board Fence
Cheaper than a Rail Fence,
And more Durable than Any.
“I have been prejudiced against
all cosmetics in liquid form, teliev-
ing, like many others, that they al­
___ _________________
contained ____
harmful in- _
gredieutB, but at the Urgent Solici-
Mr. Toone, superintendent of the Green moun-
he only guaranteed cure for
( Htnrrh. Cold in the Head liay Fever, ltose
Cold Catarrhal Deafness, and Bore Eyes. Ke.
B ewahe or I mitations . None genuine unless
’he word* "Lung Restorer.” "Santa Abie, ’ nreun storee the sense of taste and smell; removes bad
the Labels uf each bottle. Not a aeccet com­ taste and unp'euoant breath, resulting from C*.
pound. For sale by all druggists, wholesale and tarrh. Easy and pleasant to use Follow direc­
tions and a cure is wmranted. Bend for circular
California, owners of the only Abietine Grove
and Distillery in the world.
Rend the fullowinij opinions from
ihe leading society ladies of Port­
land, San Francisco and Chicago:
Work upou the different tunnels is progressing
steadily, and the quartz which is being taken out
increases in richness, a largo number of men
are now employed in this vicinity,
Five cl oiible strands of No. 12 Galvanized Bessemer Steel J. B.PACE TOBACCO.
Wire, with forty four-foot pickets to the rod. and every picket reach­
ing across all five of the double strands of wire, and so tightly that it The genuine has the FULL name ,
would take a yoke of oxen to pull a picket out. Each wire has the
support of the other nine and each picket is supported by all the wires.
i* A- cj i :,
Barbed Wire is barbarous. Board Fences need constant attention
after having been up but a short time, the boards warp, split and
shrink, water gets in between the boards and posts and soon destroys
the fence. Rails are getting expensive and scarce, and the ground
Don’t be deceived. You are iin-
they tak/ up is becoming of more value than to raise weeds to seed the posed upon if the initials
J. B.
$1.00 A ROD, OR $300.00 A MILE,
Are not on the Tin Tag.
For a Fence that will turn a Bull or Pig!
“Having used your Robertine,
and liking it so well, I have intro­
duced it to my friends. All pro­
nounce it perfect.”
Sixty to eighty rods can be hauled at a load and two men can put
BOO rods a day after the posts are set. To move the fence pull out
staples and roll up the fence like a bolt of carpet in a store.
Mary J. Knapp vs Finley Knapp; suit
for divorce.
G. A Wilpret vs Lucy Wilpret ; same
Josephine Mansfield vs J. F Mansfield :
Abram Cole vs John Taylor; suit tor in­
John F. Kelly vs Jonathan Bourne et al;
suit for deed to property.
clubbed together. All have sam­ of the above prices. A rabbit-tight fence is also boy-tight. Yard
Kubli & Holt vs Angelina and Wallace
pled mine, and say it is just lovely.” fences of dressed pickets—pointed if desired—for town and country
Newman ; to foreclose mortgage.
w ___________
Lawrence Leonard vs C. H Beach et al.;
lawns. Machines also for sale for other districts. Address
for cancellation of lien and injunction.
I thousands suffering from Asthma, Con-
“Unlike anything I have ever
II. B. REED, Jacksonville, Or.
J. Wimer et al vs Thos F. Floyd et al.: sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try
to foreclose mortgage
Acker’s English Remedy? It is the best used, it gives the complexion such
Fort Wayne, Ind., Gazette, Feb. 18th.
A. Captain'a Fortunate DtAcorei'y.
Captain Coleman, schr. Weymouth, ply­
ing between Atlantic City and N Y., had
been troubled with a cough so that he was
unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr.
King’s New Discovery for Consumption.
It not only gave him instant relief, but al­
layed the extreme soreness in his breast.
His children were similarly affected and a
single dose had the same happy effect. Dr.
King’s New Discovery is now the standard
remedy in the Coleman household and on
board the schooner. Free trial hotties of
this standard remedy at i’ll drug stores.
kVhen Baby was sick, we gave her Caatoria,
When »he wm a Child, she cried for Caatoria,
When she became Miss. she clung to CMtoria,
When the had Children, she gave them Caatoria,
Cl,... r the Children. They gre eg.
pecislly liable to sadden
Colds. Conghs, Croup, Whooping Cough,
We guarantee Acker’s English
Remedy s positive cun.
It saves
hoars of anxious watching.
Sold by
City Drug Store.
kitn D kalkss .
Sores, Ulcers. Wounds,
Sprains & Bruises.
It ia coolin'’, cleansing and lieu 1. ng.
D iR mo«t efficatvou-for thia
^rf**1**1 1
disease. Coif in the Her. l.&o.
“ Poiul'g Kxi rati ( utunli < ere,”
apecmllv prepared to meet serious cases,
applied with Powd'a Extract
N hxu I Syringe.
No other preparation ha« cured mor*
cases of these distressing complaints than
the Extract. Pond*« Extra« 1 Plae
trr is Invaluable in these diseases, Lmn
bago. Pains in Back or bide, Ac
Diphtheria, Sore Throat
■t’se the Exii'act promptly.
Delay f
GER manr Ê m ÉDY
r nr r a in
ft OS 11 A FU
I wl
I UI ■ I
TT-____ _________
Curas Rheumatism, Meuraljt*
Wrs<taeM. Teolbsrbe,
1« the greatest known remedy; rap­
idly curing when other medicines have
failed. Pon-l's Extract Ointment to
of peat service where the removal oC
clothing is hicunveirteai.
For Broken Breast and
Sore Nipples.
l>«ed TV K.tAA wln
out IL Pwn«l'< Erf rnct Ointment to
U*e beet emollirut ‘hat can be applied.
Female Complaints.
«llscare« the Bwt rart can be
Wed.M is well known, with the greatest
benefit. Full dinclione accompany each
Pond’s Extract
the words “Pond's • xf ra« 1“ blown hl
tbe glass, and c.qr p4«-t.nro in»-le-mark on
surrounding I hii T wntpjx-r. Nom other to
tnninr. Aiway« inskt on having fwatorli
Ki arv, T:»kr no other t><enaratkm.
zt a R*rrr ro d iw
nr btf use rt t e.
SoM everywbrrr. I rier . ^«r.. tl. Si. 7«.
Prepared o.l, by POXrA EXTR..CT 00^
Jacksonville. March 81st. 1887. (
N otick
is hereby giver that there
are funds in the county treasury for the re­
demption of the folio* ing eounty warrant«. pn>.
testM up to July 4. 18R1:
Number« 722. 711. 741. 743. 7« 32. 7M. 7«l
742. 7W. Rte. 7*4 m hWL Ml. 862 779. 727. 874.
1097, 11 «0. 82 1(42. 1043. WM 982. MW. 9M». 919. ltrJz.
90S 1812. 981 »44. 909, ft». «8. 100. 1123. KIM. 1112,
3,80.90. 11W, 1199, 1118. IK 1119 1127. 1121.
iiO. ’Ns. r»w une. no. i*fl, is7n, ims . i »*.
1174. ior\ 1OI. 1315, 1286. 109. 1310. 1124.
Internet on themme will ceeee from this date.
Covnty Treaearer.
Wisdom’s Robertine is sold by
all leading druggists throughout
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Cali­
fornia and British Columbia.
Whnrever exhibitv<L Only« few choioe trio« of
Plymouth Kooke for «de «t <10.00. C«eli muet
«ccompany all orders.
Ex|>r.™c:i.r«ee light. Well., eargo * Oo.’e
bxpreee gives a liberal discount in taror of all
my customers.
Bend stamp for handsomely illustrated cata­
logue. Address:
J. M. GARRISON, Forest Grove, Or.
This important branch of
our business is rapidly increas­
ing each year.
Have Rented the
are constantly employed in
sending out samples, filling or­
ders and answering corre­
We desire to add many new
names to our list of patrons
throughout Oregon and the
adjacent territories. To this
end we send out S amples or/
Which they have thoroughly renoviled and fitted
up with the latest, and most improved machin­
ery, including a plai er and edg er and, are conse*
quently prepared to promptly furnish
Buch as Rustic, Flooring, Ceiling, Matched and
burface Lumber of all dimensions and of Hret-
claBs quality, at the
well to get my price list bofore purchasing else­
Poat Office—Murphy, Josephine County, Or.
Railroad Station—Grant’s Pass.
June 12. 1885.
A fair .hare uf tbe public p»troca«e ie eolioit.
ed. Hatiafaetion «narantend
Give ue a Inal.
County Treasurer's First
Sheriff's Sale.
virtue of an execution duly
O ffice of the 1 beasuheh of J ackson C o ., ?
«-rvw». - r, Jackminrille, March 1 m , 1887.
I ÀI ara fund« in rhA ( ounty Treaaary for tha re-
I dempiion of th© following county warrant«, pro-
t,»*Ht«d up to January 1. is32:
' Number« 361. 892. 399. 57, 309, 278, 389. 417, 418.
419. 424 . 425 MO. 443. 442. 402. 42U. 447, 452, H80
I 1407. 499. 451 450. 257. 48. 408. MOu. .%$, 121. 486, St
: 500. 4SI. 484, 547, 485. 408. 5/ m . 590. 418», 610. 611 613
h‘25. 656. 659 725. t#9. 541,890, 612, 694. 691’ 6ffi’
I 787. 557.559. 718.662.683.
Interest on the name will cea«e from thia date
County Treasurer
Gents’ Furnishing Goods
is second to none in Portland
18fi First St., Portland Or.
Sat' day, April JJ, 1887,
at 2 o’clock p. M. of said day, all the right title
and interest of the said John Byers, defendant,
in and to all of the following described real
property, to-wit:
Ths undivided one-half interest of lot« num-
beret! five and six in block numbered twenty, as
jai'l down upon the recorded plat of the town of
Medford, county of Jackson, Bute of Oregon.
Witness my hand and official signature this
22d day of March, 1887.
B. W. DEAN. Sheriff.
By N. A. J acoba , Deputy
Tire POLICE GAZETTE will be n ailed •*-
curely wraojH-d. to any addreae in the United
States for three months on receipt of
i To W hom it may O okckkh :«r>d ¿.«count all.nrad to wtruMe, M«nt.
r a . G. COLVIN HAVING, ON THE 2d u.4 club«. Hatnplc ct.pi.. mtuled tree.
day of F»*bruay, 1887, aligned all his ac­
Addies. «11 I.rdm
count'« to me, I therefore notify parties not to
pay any demand formerly doe. or to become due
Franklin Hounre. N. Y.
from them to Mr. z’olrin. to any person except
myself or my authorized agent.
Ry W R ANDREW», his Atty.
Jacksonville. Feb 2,1887
Eat rar Notice.
Dissolution Notice.
aken up by tiie undersigned , liv .
An operatic star known so well Nectarine. Almond. Etc.
to Portland has spoken so highly
Also, the celebrated
of it that it is but proper to quote
the lady's testimonial among oth­ Kelsey Japan Plum !
ers: “it is the finest preparation
All trees warranted
i 1 have ever used, and is a decided
; acquisition to a lady’s toilet” If
anyone doubts tbe genuineness of
And grown on natural fruit land without irriga­
! the above they can see the original tion, and free from all inaect pest« and diseases,
by calling at our Pharmacy, Port- such as California trees nre subject to.
I land, Oregon.
Those who contemplate tree planting will do
Pilot! ®Mn<! «Bleed ing or I telling. It
A. H. CARSON Prop’r
issued out of the circa t court of the State of
Oregon, for Jaekson county, on the 21et day
March. 1887, and to me directed «nd delive-ed,
in favor of Jo«f-pliine Crocker, plaintiff, who re-
covered a judgment and decree of foreclosure of
a certain mortgage in the altove-named court on
the 14th (lay of March. 1HR7 and against lhe
hereinafter described real property, belong-
ing to John Byers, defendant. I am com-
mended to levy on and sell said property to satis-
isfy the judgment of Josephinp ('rocker for the
sum of $9(0, with interest there >n nt the rate of
ten ner cent, per annum from the 29th day of De­
cember. 1886, and the sum of 650 at orney’s fees,
and the further sum of *25 98 oo^ts an-l disburse-
ments, and also the costs of and upon this writ:
and in obedience to said writ I did on the 22a
day of March. 1887. levy on said realty, according
to law. and will offer for sale, for gold coin of
the United States of America, at public auction,
to the highest bidder, at the court-house door in
Jacksonville, in said county and State, on
i & m roc , u ’
P rices : Wyandotte eggs one sitting, $4: two
sittings, $7; three sittings, $9; Plymouth Rook
eggs, one sitting.
50; two sittings, 64; three
sittings, 86; Bjrown Leghorn eggs, one sitting,
62.50; two sittings 64; three sittings. 66.
My six Wyandotte hens made a recojd last year
of 126 e gs each for six months, beginning with
January 15th. Aside from their utility they are
the handsomest fowl I have ev<-r handled. My
Plymouth Bocks are most favorably known all
over the North Pacific coast. The heaviest Mid
best marked strain on the coast and not excelled
anywhere. My Brown Leghorns are models of
oeauty and excellent layers. I guarantee a good
hatch and perfect satisfaction. My fowls heve
B y
The Three Leading Varieties.
Six miles South of Grant’« Paea, Josephine
County, Oregon.
“In commending your excellent
Robertine I cannot refrain from
30,000 TREES
mentioning the artistic and sug-
■ gestive design of the label, portray-
In «lock, consisting nf
I ing innocence, purity and art. all of
which it gives me pleasure to say Apple, Pear. Peach.
' it justly merits.”
Plum. Prune. Apricot
Probably no preparation of its
kind ever introduced here or else­
where has in so short a time en­
joyed such an extraordinary sale.
Though it has been on the market
but a few months, its sale has
reached many thousand bottles,
and the demand is steadily in­
No«e, or from any cause is 8|*eedily con­
trolled and stopiMxi,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia.
_ “It does all you claim for it. Its
virtues will advertise it wherever
We could go on quoting from
the friends of Robertine until we
had filled column after column of
the T imes , but the above is suf­
ficient to show the universal satis­
faction the article is giving.
Free from Opiaten,
a delicate tint, and does not leave
the skin dry and rough.”
preparation known for all Lung Troubles,
There me imitutioue of the cel­
ebrated and old reliable
The motto of California means, I have
“I have bid farewell to powders
it Only in that
land oiive?rtg'ii"d
of sunshine, ' ' 8Íuce U61,n8Robertine. Its powers
the orange, Teními
grape bloom and ripen, and attain their I are Wonderful.
highest perfection <11
in II,
III- winter,
v» III IC1 , MIV
are 11IC
The agent for the machines for manufacturing this fence, is here and
herbs and gum found that are used in that
lady iu San Francisco writes: has set up a machine at Medford, Or.
pleasant remedy for all throat and lung
troubles. Santa Abie, the ruler of coughs, “Please send me one dozen Kober-
asthma and consumption. $1 a bottle; three
for $2 60 Try CALI FORNIA CA T-R-CURE. tine, but don’t imagine it is all for If you don’t like the fence when you see it your order will be canceled.
tlie only guaranteed cure fcr catarrh, »I: myself, but for friends who Lave
Rabbit-tight or chicken fences made to order at it slight advance
by mail $1 10.
L ost .—“I don’t know where, 1 can’t tell •old on a positive guarantee at 10c., 50c.
when. I don’t see how -something of great For sale at City Drugstore.
value io me. and for the return of which I
shall be truly thankful—a good appetite.”
Cool, Careful Mr. Netterfield.
F ound —“Health and strength pure
bh appetite like that of a wolf, regu­ Mr, Harman Netterfield, the young gentleman
Well« Co., Ind-, who drew the 615.-
lar digestion, all by taking that popular 000 at the Feb.
drawing of The Louisiana
and peculiar medicine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla. State Lottery, has Sth
the cash. He yester­
I want everybody to try it this season ” day deposited it receiver!
in the First National Bank,
It is sold by all druggists One hundred where it will remain. He is a cool, careful busi­
doses one dollar
ness man. and will safely invest it in due time.—
r cure ,
( AT
ingin Little Butte precinct, three miles west
of Eagle Point, Jackson county. Or., on the 10th OTW
firm of Laraon A Hagghind.doing basin ore at
day of March. 1887, one blue loan enw about ten
JacknonriMe, as merchant tailors, has this day I
years old, ends of horns cut. no enr-marks or
diaeolved by matnal consent, Mr Hiucglund
brar.d. «nd appratoed at 625 by A. J. Florey, jus­ bean
retiring. J. A. Larsen will continue busfaemat I
tice o< the peace for Little Buttle precinct. Jwk-
the old stand, and respectfully solicits a continu- HK Y.,S,T°*S TO ^»TLAMD
son county. Oregon
ance of the liberal patronage bestowed or. the late
Dnted March 26. 1887.
Bhould not forget to call al Tewae’ii Maa Franria.
te Gallery, where may b« «een photograph« of all
P. hagglund .
ehe leading men and women of Oregon and Wash­
Jacksonville, March 14.1887.
ington Territory. Hkillfnl ope mtn re al wan in
attendance, and »he most minute attention paid
r* dre,i‘ Mnon 1
o. w. corner Firnt and Morrison streets, npetair«.
SÜK! r,llïï—- p“‘ ,h- d,,"r
«•» «rnow.
•//W batw
near**t gallery to the tins principal
fee Het
he underbid ne d hereby give » warn . notel«. < .rayon enlargemeuts a specialty.
ing that no treepMBing will h«-reaftar beallow.
ed on the lah farm. All perwona .»termed will
»«AIU». I LSAl
pieve take notice.
Jkuw.rt.~noo. ria,!. ^0^^
JeehsoevtU.. D«.