n t: it e and rm re . Crops are growing finely and a bountiful I'n-iff sseiry Misery. T’he “cowboy.” Turn Moran, «but and PERSONAL *1.' NIKI\. “Sir Waller, Jr..” owned by D. P. White j ' yield will be the result if enough rain falls, severely wuundeu by Engineer Martin at of thia precinct, is no doubt one of the j 1‘ruuabiy a« much misery conies from ■ Juhu Ashmeml maile us a pleasant call habitual c »nstipatiuu a» from an) derange-1 as a larger area than ever bus been sown i the railroad front, is now at he Yreka hos­ hambomett and best «tallions in southern ment of the functions of the body, and it is I Oregon Kidney Tea. j in gruin pital, getting along comfortably, though Oregon. His colts are unsurpassed fm • tiilficult tu cure, for the reason that uo one i form, size ami action, and are highly K,n * ry ° f Eag,c 1 ulnt WttS hcre las ‘ UNIT» ITATI! OFFICIAL F«»C Eggs continue quite plentiful likes to take the medicines usually pre- | not fully out of danger yet. i As will be seen by notice on Hit fourth scribed. HAM Bl RG FIGS were prem red e< nest 'V ' •>««e of tbeTiMtte, SheritT Dean will sell | The lust tegihlaturv mad - it mam!»*“.»*/ prize’ by their uwuur^. See the adver-I Read the new advertí «emente. to obviate thfe difficulty, and they will be APRIL«. 1HS' FRIDAY j some real-estate at the court-house door i un the county clerk to publish an exhibit tisemeiiti Is. .vio ; • for further purt culars j ! Mrs C C. Low is vhiting her relatives found pleasant to the taste of women and J. Shad! was in town yesterday. l I at Phoenix I to-morrow. children. 2.'» cents At all druggists. J. • of the financial condition of tl>e county in The abutment on the south side of the Unparalleled bargains at N. Fisher’s. Jos Douden of Rock.Point precinct was J. Mack A Co., proprietors, S F. "Can’t cat a thing. ’ Surwapa- ! April ami October, and Mr. Parker will Klamath river, fur the railroad bridge, is OUR CLUBBING RATES WITH OTH- Millet seed at the S. F. Variety Store. I ■ com pl «‘led and- the one on the north side here Wednesday ; rill» is a wonderful medicine for creating I soon comply with the law. LR PUBLICATIONS. W ill Hl ED. Bead our new clubbing inducements.- Dr. Will Jackson is in Ashland on pro­ an appetite, regulating digestion and giv- I l’be residence of C. W Savage (formerly has been commenced,with pro«i>ecls of be­ Parties paying for the T imes in °dvance at our Our Stock this season Cinaslbi Exo jllel < 1 ing strength. Fresh bread at the 8. F. Variety Store. a resilient of ’a* ksouvilh ) at Red Bluff, ing completed before the bridge builders are fessional business. reduced cash rates will be furnished any of the CRAWLEY-DUFF -At the residence of the of­ Size I.t I re.». H m IO i mid Vigor! following named publications in connection with I ready to pat up (lie false work fur adjust- Alex Martin will arrive here from Oak ­ I Cal., was destroyed by fire, together with ficiating m nmter, April l»t, by Elder M Peter ­ Read Sheriff Dean's notice to taxpayers. i Advertisements from every quarter con­ ''«VH. I'KUNE, Al’j this paper at t »e prices given below. It will be ! ing and placing the iron bridge in position. land, Cal., this week. son. J. w Crawley aud Mis« Elisa Duff. ; its contents, not long since. Mr. S. ’ s ill- notioed that there is a reduction of a» least 5 Old papers at the I imks office very cheap tinue to crowd our columns to such an ex- Cr cent, on publwhera’ customary rates in ever I luck seems to follow him. . H. B. Reed has rece ived a machine for M. C. Dodge and family, of Ashland, are ttance, and in some much more: HUR). Adam Ruhl returned from California I tent that reading matter is much scarcer WEEKL1EH. I than usual. 1 The " Tidings” says that the Ashland 1 the manufacture of the Universal combi- visiting East Portland. this week. Toledo Weekly Blade........................................$3 (KI ' nation fence and set it up at Medford. He NO BION — In Table Bock precinct, March 3d, Woolen Mills arc shipping wool from San Rev. F. X, Blanchet will return from Harper's Weekly.................................. 5 70 to Mr. aud Mrs. J. G. Norton, a son. Portland ladies all use Robertine, the i Jacksonville is livelier than it has been Las received a number of orders for tins Crescent city this week Scientific American...................................... 5 00 Francisco ibis spring, finding that they for sometime »past. A large number of I Detroit Free Press ........................................ great cosmetic. HERRIN-In Ashland. March 30th, to Mr. and ¡first-class fencing, which has given satis- New York Star . i people were in town last Saturday and can buy there ami ship the wool at less F Roper and wife of Ashland have gone Mrs. Ü. (' Herrin. u daughter. ' faction where tried. It would be a paying New York World............................................. Bud Lacy of Naylor’s station was in cost than they can buy it here 1 [ Wednesday. 1 to California on a visit. San Francisco Examiner............................... town yesterday. ! 1 nve«tment lor some one to buy tins nia iW Portland Oregonian........................................ Mis. J. Solomon will start for San Fran­ DIED. Through the efforts ot nur enterprising I chine. M~. Basye, son of W. II Busye of Ap­ Harper's Baaar................................................ ,n A vast number of fruit trees have been cisco one day ntxt week. Pioneer Press.................................................. 00 plegate. who has been traveling on the Pa­ citizen, J. Nunan, the wholesale merchants SMITH-At the family residence in Jacksonville, 1*. B AliliL PEAK, tliu beat lute ;shipping varietv. Farmers and citizens generally are warn- Chicago News..................................................... On planted this season Mrs. C. C Beekman is visiting relatives April Oth. of membraneous croup. Evu Maud, cific coast fo r the past few years, returned of San Francisco subscribed the sum of Missouri Republican..................................... 00 1 ed to look out for a man calling himself ML Ili PEACII, (freestone) still hea the list. xoungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fruiik Allen Simons is in $2100 to the Jacksonville branch road, charge of the North Globe Democrat................... .......................... ftt the April term of the circuit court for Jose- precinct, was ifi town one day last week. their signatures, which is transferred ton “ “ Sunday Magazine.................. N. A. Young and J J. Fryer of Eagle He has sold his homestead improvements “ ” Popular Monthly............’.... ‘ h dried stutc, forms the (‘tjlcbrutod p ’ phine county. Alfred Slocum, the veteran traveling It is this which, in negotiable note for ten times value re­ Point made us a call this week. “ ’* Budget ................................................. . to J. Cornish of Medlord precinct, who agent, is in the valley “ “ Pleasant Hours.................... (French Conserves). The county commissioners* court was in ceived Fred Furry and wife ot Eden precinct will engage in stock-raising. MONTHLIES. There will be some building done in Ash­ ■ session this week, but transacted no great ’VestShore, Portland, Or................................ ...fl on BERKELEY GOOSEBERRY, the mo.-t protitnl.1V On Wednesday morning of last week Mrs. i I made our town a visit last Saturday. The largest and best stock ol’ mortgages, Century. Scribner'c.......................................... ... « no land the coming season. amount of business besides uuditinga large John May of Ashland met with an acci­ I Miss Jennie* Moore of this place is ti ach- Demorest’s Magazine................................... ... 4 no deeds and legal blanks of every imagina ­ Languedoc, King’s, Soft Shell mu! Paper Shell Godey’s Lady Book..................................... ... 4 00 Prof. Grenager is teaching a singing­ number of bills. dent which threatened serious results fur a [ ing school in the Sam’s valley district. ble description, south of Salem, is kept St. Nicholas...................................................... . . 5 00 school in Sam’s valley. lime. At breakfast she was eating beef­ C. C. Parker Informs us that Panter A Harper’s Monthly............................................ ... 5 50 Major Glenn returned to Oakland, Cal., constantly on hand at the T imes office am! LARCE STOCK AND VARIETY SHADE AND ORNAMI American Agriculturist.............................. steak, and a sharp bone fastened itself in this week, after u short visit in our midst. 3 50 A. Ustick has opened a hardware store in ( Wright are putting up an excellent saw­ will be sold at Portland prices. Harper's Young People............................... 4 on her throat, causing much pain and almost ready to mill on Butte ere ek and will be Springfield, Lane county. Peterson « Magazine................................... .. 4 on Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, CleniHtis and Flowerln-d Merry Kubii and Orlando Rose of Ap­ George Stephenson and A. J. Allen, rep­ choking her before relief was obtained by Housekeeper.................................. . 3 00 the aid of a physician. John Hull of Table Rock precinct was in run before long. Fruits, Grape Vines, Etc., Etc. plegate made our town a visit last Wednes­ Other publications will be furnished al at a re- resenting the S. P R. R. Co , wire in Jack­ Jesse F. Simpson’s youngest daughter duced price when ordered with the T imer . Jacksonville Wednesday. The sale of lots at Montague has been day. sonville Wednesday and bought -everal Old and new subscribers paying one year in ad­ tar- Bstorv pux luwing «Im,whore, piutitw iutendin« lu ulna tree will li.ie An ex­ I T. J. Clopion, the clever Brownsboro vance from date f.»r the T ime « will receive in ad­ J. W. Crowley of Antelope creek made last Friday broke a small bona in one of head of horses, though not nearly all postponed to •’‘atunlay, April 23d come end »ee our .lock nn.t leern our price». Catelo-uee MU:led itret:« uponta her legs in jumping oft the porch in front dition either the New York Star, the Han Fran­ Jacksonville a visit last week AiMreae all oommunmetion. to I cursion train will leave San Francisco for merchant, was in .Jacksonville on Satur­ of which were ottered for sale. cisco Examiner. St. Paul Pioneer Press. St. Louis of their residence. HAMMON BROS., I’x, Moetiysueun Friday. Apiil 22>*. and return day. Republican or Detroit Free Preea. six months Pay your arrearages at the T imes office Plenty of superior grain hay and the best MomTay mornin’r. comprising sleeping and free, or the Farm and Fireside one year fr»«e. A few copies of the American Settler’s i Andrew Cantrull of Applegate, one of , and get one of our premiums. of feed for horses may still be found at the dining cars The fare lor the round trip, TIMES PRINTING tciw uxjKj • -u-, ■'»nrille, ••• HOUSE. ■' on, Oregon. I Mr. Holt of Humbug, Applegate precinct, Guide standard authority on land ques­ Excelsior livery stable; also tirst-clas« turn­ including sleeper, will be $13 and many onr principul stock-raisers, called on us 1 tions, can be obtained by calling at the this week. outs for every occasion. Ply male never will no doubt take advantage of it. 1 • Raid us a visit one day recently. T ime « office soon. Walter Jackson was here last week inter­ The blasting now going on at Bailey hili Runaways. fails toplease, so give him a call. We Wu. rrespondence from every por­ The wife, mother and maid who sutler One of Thompson & Stephenson’s four- The Rogue Rivet Distillery made during is continuous, both day and night, and a viewing II. Roaenfeld A Cu.’a numerous tion of the First J uuk * district. The importance of purifying the blood can­ from female weakness will find Gilmore ’ s customers. horse teams which were conveying the deep cut will be made there instead of run- not be overestimated, for without pure blood Messrs. Bishop and Edsall ol * ore- Aromatic Wine a positive cure. For sale the month ot March 22(10gallons of whisky. ning a tunnel. That the S 1‘. R R. Co. Stuttz troupe to Yreka last Wednesday W. J. W’allis, formerly of Yreka, Cal., is you cannot enjoy good health. J. A. Hanley, proprietor, expects to lun iii ti.’ ’»nig Store. morning b'Came fractious and indulged in cinct were in town on Wednesday At this season nearly every one needs a until the 11th of next month, when he will understands its business is again thorough­ chief operator for the Postal Telegraph Co. ly . ‘ lucid it. •«! here #fh(» explosions can oe J. N. Traylur and W E. Powell have re ­ what at first pr miised to be a serious run­ good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich A number of liupio: have been have in bond about 22.000 gallons. distinctly heard at Ashland and resembles at Portland. the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's away. While on the summit of the Siski­ moved from Butte creek to Talent. made in the Jacksonville cemeivij tb’s Mrs O. Coolidge and daughter of Ash­ The parties buying horses for the lail- th? cannonading of opposing armies Damliar Sarsaparilla. It strengthens you mountains one of the wheel-horses Seed potatoes, onions, beans, garden season, and it presents a handsomer ap­ land have returned Hum their trip to the | road coiiipu • h »ught over 70 head in the ' The business of »hr Jacksonville Marble ■ “vUllai and builds up the system, commenced kicking and jumping, which seeds, etc., at the 8. F Variety Store * pearance than ever. eastern States ¡valley. This is more < •’ ’ that there Works will continue right a! *ng under the creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, caused the others to act badly also, and The Postal Telegraph Co. will not build will be no interruption in the operatic.'« - t? ' management of the assignee, A. H. Mu gl.v. Salmon have begun to immigrate to the while it eradicates disease. The peculiar Mrs A . J. Mundy ol lorthiEil, neeMiss they started down the mountain at a rapid headwaters of the mountain streams. a branch line to this place at present, and join California to Oregon by railroad. combination, proportion, and preparation Anyf>uu?- ’ •••••inga tombstone, monument, Ella Taylor, is visiting her relatives in rate. They were fortunately stopped be­ of the vegetable remedies used give to the Western Union Co. ’ s monopoly of our Read the testimonials given to Robertine, Judge Day, our real-estate agent and | «time coping, etc., tn; ‘:,‘d it totheir ad­ Eden precinct. fore going very far.but not until the party, B jack bills and advertisements printed. The j I an elegant monument to mark tin- last being purely vegetable, and absolutely free the legil percentage addtd. 1'ieaee take notice, W. II. Parker, county clerk, has feturn- us I will be compelled to enforce the law govern* to themselves or the wagon, i Butte precinct this week for the railroad T imes lias a large assortment of electro­ resting-place of Mi . J. Toepper. which from opiates, poisons and 11 ir-- «tics. Price, i ed Hom a trip to the \\ illanietle valicy, l ingjhe collection of taxes. types suitable for such work. will also be enclosed by a handsome stone t wenty-tive cents. front. 11. DEAN. B. W. W.DEAN, Rcllyloua Items. and is as busily at work as ever Sheriff and Tax-collector of Jackson Co., Or. Trout may now be caught with impunity coping One of the largest uml best d’-aft horses A quantity of fresh, clean millet seed Elder M. Peterson will preach at Gold Jacksonville, April 7, 1887. Claude Hili of Yankee creek, a native of A number of the leading officials of the we have ever seen is ‘ Young Clyde,” own­ Those caught out of sea­ can be found at the 8. F. Variety Store and a fish hook Hill next Bunday, at the usual hour. son, as many have been, had as delicious Southern Pacific R. R Co. are at present ed by Jas F. Davis of Willow Springs pre­ England, was this week admitted to citi­ Rev. A. C. Howlett preaches at the Ea­ Jacksonville. in Oregon, looking, no doubt, to the ar­ cinct The horse was on exhibition in zenship in Judge DePeatt’s court. Notice of Final Settlement. A number of parties have left this sec­ a taste as the legitimate ones. gle Point school-house on Sunday evening, Mrs. J. F. Fink of Portland is expected In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for WATERPROOF, GINGHAMS. PRIN'l Mr. A. Higgins of Wyoming. N. Y.. says rangement of the affairs of the O. A C. R. town during the week and is highly at 7:30 P. m tion for the railroad front, which is not far Jackson county. be had the piles for nearly 40 years, and R., when it shall pass fully into their thengbt of by all who saw him. He is to arrive here next week, and will spend Key. F. X. Blanchet will hold high mass oft' at present. In the matter of the estate of M. Colwell, de­ well bred and proportioned. 01 a handsome sometime with relatives and friends. hands ... special line of Ladies’ All-We >1 Scarlet and Merino Underwear. Lud coaled. sorrel color, and his motion is graceful for How soon will railroad work begin this was cured by using Gilmore’s Pile Specific. at the Catholic church in this place on Wool Howe. New Good«. Mr. Huesner, manager of the Postal so large a horse. Excellent testimonials, 1» B Beekman ol Jacksonville, who has WTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE F«dl and Winter buyer« will find price« greatly reduced and our stock in k side of the Siskiyous? is the interesting For sale at City Drug Store Easter Sunday 11 Executors of the estate of M. Colwell, de ­ The county commissioners’ court has ex- | I Telegraph company for this division, was given by reliable citizens, will ba found in been attending Harvard college, has ceas­ ceased. have filed in the oonnty court of Jackson niand of our coimtantly* augmenting trade. We are continually addingnometbin.' Rev W. P. Williams will preach at the question here. the advertisement elsewhere county, Or., then* final account us such execu­ large MMonment and offer you atet.dard goods at a legitimate profit. As usual, wc ed his studies there and entered Ya'e. tended the lime for paying taxes until the I | in Jacksonville during the past week, for tors, and by order of said court Tuesday, the 3d will afford for produce, such a« butter, eggs, etc. Dr. R. Butler, Master of Arts, Cambridge Methodist church in this place next Sun - A street fakir, with bogus jewelry and VV It. Andrews returned from Salem day of Muy, 1887, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M ., 1st of May, when all remaining unpaid | the purpose of making arrangements for University, England, says: “St. Jacobs Oil day, morning and evening. establishing an office here. Il will be not brass watches without works, stole in up­ yeste day, where he has been attending to is set for hearing. All persons intervsitd are will be returned delinquent. hereby notified to appear and file his or her ob­ on the people of Jacksonville 011 Thursday several cases before the supreme court. j done at once. Liberal Sunday-school and Bible class acts like magic.” jections to said account on or before said day. Next Sunday is Easter, the last day of j Mrs. C. Iunker of Yreka, Cal., who has Published by order of Hon. E. DePeatt, fudge meets every Sunday a* 11 o’clock a . m . at of last week, and found a bountiful crop Jerry Nunan returned yesterday from 1 The pump to the engine in G. Karewski ’ s J. A. WILSON, been quite unwell for sometime, is mow Lent. Owing to the absence of Rev. F X. 1 flouring mill at this place has been sent to of “suckers” ready to swa'low his tawdry San Francisco, where he laid in a large of said court. the U M. L. Hall, Talent. O HARBAUGH. Blanchet there will be no services at the slowly improving. bait. It was wonderful to see persons who and first-class stock of goods for this mar­ Ex «eutors of said Estate. I San Francisco for repairs, but operations Rev. F. Bonn, pastor of the German M. Catholic church until that day Dated April 8, 1887. were supposed to possess a reasonable Summer hats and gent’s furnishing goods will be resumed next week. Mr. G. has a amount of common sense donate their ket F Church PvtlssJ, held services in We pay no attention whatever to anony­ (.'has. Kohn, of the firm of C Kohn & this place last Sunday in the German lan­ of the latest and most elegant styles at the large quantity of superior flour on hand, money to this unparalleled fraud. After mous communications. All correspond­ 8. F. Variety Store. * he had relieved them of about $100 h« Co., leading liquor dealers of Portland, was Noticaof Final Settlement. guage. ence must have the real pame of the writer however. quickly dfove away to avert the wrath of in the valley this week ami took a number D. W. Cryder of Sam’s valley, accom­ appended for our information. The citizens of this valley would notyon- his Tfctims when they returned to their of orders. In the County Court of the Shite of Oregon for Our Cemetery. Jackson County. panied by his son and family, were in town ly welcome but liberally patronize a Sun­ senses. Mrs Jacoby, a sister of Postmaster Mul­ In the matter of the estate of John Stought, Two ladies of this place have been solic­ There has been considerable wind dur­ one day this week . day train from here to Portland. Just why deceaeed. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. ler of thi? place and mother of Jacoby iting subscriptions to a fund with which to ing the ween and every appearance of rain, OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE WILL, CURE ‘Diarrhoea and Dysentery. The sowing of small grain is almost at but very little has fallen as yet, though it it has not been put on is a mystery not ex­ Bros, of Gold Hill, will arrive here in a bring water into the Jacksonville cemetery Administratrix of the estate of John St ought, Building continues unabated. WILL CURE “ plained by the well-known religious ten ­ and end. and preparations for corn-plant ­ few days. deceased, has filed in the county court of Jack- Pimples on the face, aud Freckles. from Walker creek, and succeeded admi­ would prove generally beneficial. county. Or., her final account as such admin­ dencies of the managers. J. A. Larsen has opened a branch tailor­ son (' Magruder, our leading merchant, was WILL CURE Old Sores and Ulcers. rably. One hundred and fifty dollars have ing are being made. istratrix, and by order of said court Tuesday, the The county commissioners this week shop at Ashland, which he is managing, 3d day of May, 1887, at the hour of 10 o ’ clock. The party given bv the young ladies of in Jacksonville Wednesday. J B. Faith has sold his stallion toll. W. WILL CURE Wind in the Stomach. already been subscribed, and it is believed granted liquor licences to J. B. Riddle and A. M., is set for hearing. All persons interested that this sum will be Considerably aug­ Hoagland, who has taken him to his ranche E. J. Curtis, who will immediately open Eagle Point in compliment to Miss Sallie ' A social party will take place at Alpine while Mr. Hagglund is in charge of the are hereby notified to appear and file his or her ob­ WILL CURE Headache and Nervous Depression. Jacksonville shop. jections to said account on or before said day. Ixnvis (who leaves there soon) last Satur­ hail this mented by further subscriptions, while the in Klamath county. WILL CURE Scrofula. saloons on the Siskiyou mountains. Published by order of Hon. 1',. DePeatt, Judge Ourjol.y friend, John Woods of Wood ­ day evening was well attended and a good invited. uf said c >urt. SABAH bTOUGHT. board of trustees may also be relied upon The greatest bargains in all kinds of mer­ ville, will soon make a visit to his old home WILL CURE Summer Complaints. The City Drug Store will be in competent time was had by- all in attendance. About Administratrix of sai 1 Estate. to donate a neat sum. Should the pro­ chandise can be obtained by calling soon Frank Hutter has been surveying our in Indiana, which he has not seen for over Dated April 6, 1887. hands during Dr. Robinson’s absence, and 30 couples were present. WILL CURE Rheumatism and Gout. posed enterprise prove successful, and on Newman Fisher. * townsite for Magruder A Co. and did his thirty-two years. a full stock of drugs, medicines, stationery, WILL CURE Pains in the Bones and Joints, there is every indication that it will, there Mrs. P. Rea of Ashland, who owns con ­ work in excellent style. E J. Curtis and H. C. Dollarliide of the Sam Jackson, of Shasta valley, Cal., pur­ etc., will constantly be kept on hand. * is no reason why our town should not have chased two fine Hereford bulls at $500 each siderable property in and near San Diego. WILL CURE all Skin Diseases. Siskiyou mountain were in town Wednes­ The foundation of Sims A Kearney's new The railroad horse-buyers left about Cal., has recently sold fifty acres some dis­ the handsomest cemetery in the State. It of L. Stacy last week. day and report that section again assum­ $8,000 behind them, which sum will come tance from the city for $250 an acre. A few hotel building has been finished and opera­ ing its wonted activity. already has natural advantages which are tions commenced on the frame work The depot at Montague is nearly finished, very handy these hard times. It is evi­ FOR SALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND CROOKS unsurpassed anywhere years ago this land was considered hardly Ed. llanley of Harney valley, who has and everything will be fixed qp finely for the dent that it pays to raise good horses. M. M Marks and wife, who have been worth paying taxes upon. excursionists before the 23d. Steamboat. Items. conducting a restaurant at Jacksonville, been in Portland in the capacity of a wit­ idney liver regulator The Oregon Blood Purifier is Nature’s Russell it Davidson are etill running. Between ten and fifteen thousand bush­ have removed to this place and opened ness in Judge Deadv’s court, is now paying Charley Tice, who has been in Eastern own remedy, and should be used to the ex­ relatives and friends here a visit. with plenty of water. Everyone’« duty is not to allow the liver, the u Oregon for the past few years, is paying clusion of all other medicines in all dis­ els of grain—mostly wheat—was shipped business in Carey’s hotel building. G W. Merrill, the energetic purchasing stomach aud the kidneys, three great organs, to from the warehouses at Central Point, Mennis Ca’dwell has lots of water and relatives and friends a visit. The directors of this school district have I agent who represents a number of large become cloggtd or torpid, and in time expel all eases of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Medford and Gold Hill to Portland during impurities of the blood. The Oregon Blood expects a good cleanup. The property in Brownsboro sold at guar­ Jack Frost has not done any damage as the week. This is the last shipment which rejected all bids submitted for building our firms in Portland, made us a call Wednes­ purifier, a purely vegetable compound, is The J new school-house and will probably have day. He has lately returned from San Remedy to cure all diseases of the kidneys and Prickett, Shearer & Finney are engaged dian’s sale last Saturday by Mrs. V. Miller, yet, but our fruit-raisers are on the anx­ will be made this season. liver; also those caused by impure blood, as Bil­ Francisco. new plansand specifications drafted was bid in by T. J. Clopton, at$80. in piping and expect a good run. ious seat and fear that he will again blast iousness, uuuBupation, Constipation, oicK Sick neaaache, Headache. Dvspep- , , lousnesB, | W. H. Wickham, the well known real- Judge Mason and C C. Loftus of Lake ma. Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin. Rheuma- Willis Hays, the lively agricultural-ma­ VV. M. Stanley of Butte creek has been their prospects for a good crop of fruit. Baker a report David It Jones of Luke county paid his ' Pasturage furnished mare.» at reasonable rates. recover money. Judgment by default tor Variety Store for tickets of admission. Two Newman Fisher means business and is that he is down at Tehachipi in southern $111 37. and attached property ordered sold. relatives in this precinct a visit a few days ! Due care will be taken to prevent accidents, Why will you suffer from ague and ma­ excellent plays, “A Celebrated Case” and — will not bo responsible for anv laria when Gilmoie's Aromatic Wine will slaughtering goods on every hand. He ; California. Other reports say he was late- Rose 8. Robinson vs A. Wolgamott: to ago. lie was on his way home from Port- ! D. II. WHITE. “Under Two Flags,” were presented, each wants to close out as soon as possible and j , ly seen in Mendocino county, Probably foreclose mortgage. Judgment for $100.33 land, where he wes summoned to appear [ - cure you ? For sale at City Drug Store. being well performed. The cornet band of and decree granted. everything must be sold, without regard to I i he travels in Prof. Melville’s balloon by as a witness in some swamp-land cases. jy« There is little if any change in the San Mary 8. Culp vs John M. Culp; divorce th eight pieces was a drawing card, its music price. * 1 ' night, says the Yreka “Journal.” Capt. Hcrbe’t F Beecher, son of the late | I | I Decree granted being equal to some of the leading bands Francisco and Portland markets, and for Court adjourned until April 25th, A. D. Several teachers applied for certificates | Henry Ward. Beecher, passed through the j The county hospital is being conducted on the coast. The company was, in fact, i lack of space we omit our usual reports. last Saturday, and 8upt. Priest granted j in the best manner by J. M. Lolland, who 1887, at niue o’clock. valley last week, on his return to Washing- I one of the very best that has ever visited I Spring t'ghts opened out beautifully here CALIFORNIA HTBEEr. them to the following persons: Mi«8 Alta , : lias the contract for keeping the indigent from Brooklyn. N. Y., whitli- Suprcme Court. 1 ton territory - — ----------- -- — j .......... - this section, and merited the liberal pa­ j during the week. Two skirmishes are re- '»y the fatal ».eknea, of hi» Wade, T. E. Cailev, W. Is. Gore ami A.M. 1 paupers for two years DEALERS IN The inmates arc i The following e-ise. appealed from t|,ia I j ported, but no one was hurt a great deal. tronage extended to it. Ford well satisfied with their treatment, only judicial distrfet have been acted upon dur­ We are jlad tu learn that Miss Allie , That enterprising fakir sold several Granted Certificates. ing the pieaent week : The iron bridge for Klamath river cross­ one of whom has died in seven months. Kiippel, who has been quite sick for the 1 watch-chains in this city last week at $1 The following is a list of persons who re­ State oFvrtffon.ex rel. T B. Kent, app., ing is expected to arrive next week from Logan, the Ashland photographer, em- ' apiece, but none can be seen anywhere now. past two years, is much improved,and that THE UNDESIGNED TAKE PLEASUUK IN ' i j vs. Wm. M Oolvig. resp. ; appeal troni Jack ceived certificates at the teachers’ exami­ the east, via the Southern Pacific route,and | I ploys the latest and most improved meth­ there is every prospect ot her complete rt-I ,h* p’,‘,bilc w“ I nation, held at Ashland on March 25tli and | D. W. Cornish is furnishing the people of as soon as it arrives will be placed in po­ ods known to the art and leaves nothing son county. Motion to dismiss appeal storatinn to health Dr DeBar it th*. cl,aW °f theee well iunxwn livery stable« «nd passed. teudina uhvairian « the . are fudy prepared to attend to «11 businMB in our 26tb, by Supt. Priest, assisted by Profs. Jacksonville with the purest and best of sition. line with promptness mid dispatch and at the I State of Ore on. resp., vs. Veit Schutz, lending pnvsician. ,_______ undone to give satisfaction. He takes any most reasonable ratee. app., appeal from Jackson county. Ar­ Watt and Sweet: J. Oscar Holt, J. O. Al­ milk,and his patronage is steadily growing. Downing A Pech are repairing the Big style of photographs and finishes them gued ami submitted* Shortness of Breath. len, Misses Dotia Russell, Julia Goodyear, Mrs. J. Roten of Willow Springs, who Butte saw-mill and will make a number of beautifully, which is why bis work is so TURNOUTS. J. C. Tulnian, el al., reaps, an I uppr. DR. FLIN fSHEART REMEDY should Ada Miller, Alice Sutton, Florence Reed, 1 has been quite ill, is improving under the improvements there, when they will be I popular. * vs. Cluiborn Neil, et al.; app al from Jack- be taken at once when slight exertion or a . The . .............. ... . are w „»uiu.o atables furnished with the boat of (TOUIR teams Minnie Preadmore, Henrietta Moore, Kate j treatment of Dr. Hinkle of Central Point. ready to furnish an excellent quality of j son county. Argued and s’jbmitted heavy meal produces shurtBess of breaih I and Ka«ld!e-hoix¥. and new and comfortable bug- Claims for damages amounting to about State of Oregon, ex rel ’!. B. Kent, app., or a pain in the region of tl.e heart Vandyke, Stella Holt. Alice Farlow, Lora ■ Miss Minnie K DeWitt,well known here, lumber. At all ■ carriagesand hacks. $1800 have been asked by parties owning vs. Wm. M. Colvig, resp Argued and sub­ druggists, or address J. J. Mack A Co., tt! Horse« boarded, and the best of care beHtowed Colton, Abbie Rhodes, Bert ba Colton, Kate i . on them. is 10 to oe be nrsv first assisvain. assistant in me the Yreka pust- ’ , , , ,18 irvKapusv- 'limes may lie hard, but in Jacksonville Landon the line of the proposed road be­ mitted. and 11 trout St., 8. F. Chitwood. NeVfehrv-n. Whldie John.on I # <)n >|ie ja wd) ( Ualjfied SmiHfnvtion guaranteed in every instance. Give money is not so scarce but what her citi tween Medford and Jas. Bigham’s place, us a trial and judge for yourselves. S».sh, Doors. Etc. Summo: Miss Julia Goodyear obtained the bestl^jj' ’ W G. KENNEY. and the county commissioners ’ court has zens can spend $SOO patronizing a dramatic I The Sugar Pin; Doer A Lumber Co. of standing, and now has the best county cer . . , (’. D. CARD* ELL. In the Cirruit Court for Jackson d Grant's Pass now in lull operation and Made by appointed Theo. Cameron, H. J. Terrill .. . , i Don't forget our premium offers, tome troupe for two nights and donate $100 to a Jacksonville, April 6,1887. Oregon. tiheate in force in this county. . . , are prepared co (i’l all orders for F encixo and John Devlin to assess the same. Catherine Boren vs. Charlee Bon j m and subscribe. Two papers for the puce street fakir besides. B oxino , F. l stk , F looring , C mli X g and for a divorce I Cent of Thanhs of one. Tell the good news to your neigli- Send five cents in stamps t«j F. T. Mer­ To Char.’e« Boren, the «iMive-imm C. C. McClendon exhibit««! his tine stal­ F imshi 5 • L imber ; aho D oors , H ash . TN THE NAME DE THE STATE| E uitor T imes :—I take this hieans of I bors. rill. 145 Fifth St . Portland. Or., for a copy lion on our streets one day last week, who B rackets , P ickets . M ouldinos and L aths 1 you are hereby required toapp<' Leartily thanking the people who assisted : You can get the greatest bargains in gen- of the lG-pagr paper.'' The Oregon Cyclist,” was the recipient of much favorable com­ at prices to compete with any mill in south­ entitled court and nnswer the • ern Oregon. They make a specialty of with the clerk of ««id court, one uiy wife and 1 In our recent sickness. We ' ' eral _ merchandise by calling on Newman and illustrated catalogues of leading Amer­ ment. ‘ Young Sampson. " as he is called, Pt5E F rfit Boxes of all kinds. Persons day, the 2d day of May, 18-7. 01 hope they will live long and be prosiwrous. I pj9|lcr> The goods must go, even at a sac- ican-made bicycles. be taken against you for wnnt of a combines the strains of the "Gray Eagle,” requiring anything in their line can get JACKSONVILLE. OOJT. you prices and estimates on application to their are notified that unless you at We will not omit giving Dr. Sechrist of, rjfice. If you want the best newspapers in the “Sir Henry’’ and "Morgan” blood, and is agent*. plaint the plaintiff will apply to t> Phoenix credit as a physician, and hope he relief demanded therein, namely: W ebb A Z immbrmax . Medford. Anson Hough of Blackberry, Ills., says land, you can get the lowest possible sub­ one of the finest antmals in the State. I dissolving marriage vows ex may have grand success in the profession I C. W A yer «, Ashland. aving received my goods direct ; you and the the he owes his life to Gilmore’s Magnetic scription prices by taking advantage of plaintiff. M. Liddle of Pbtenix took a dose of ILL MAKE THE8EABONOF 1887 AH FOL. from the East I am able to make the above i he lias chosen They will all be remem­ Publishpfl bv an order <»f Hon. the T imes ' magnificent clubbing offer. Try it. For sale at City Drug lows: Commencing at my stable in Willow reduction. I keep a full line of the latest I Elixir strychnine a few «lays ago,but it took no ef­ Renetcs Her Tenth. Judge of the above entitled cour bered by us in the future «tflee of | Springs precinct April let. where he will remain Don’t delay too long. 21,1887. J fect. He actnosrledge* that he took it Store. I two day*; thence to Phil. Stevens ’ place one mile Mr*. ri«wb£ Ch*t:?rr, Petersen, Clay Co., M r . and M rs . W m . Riser e . Attorney east <»f jarksnDville, whore he will be for two A nice shower of rain fell Wednesday, with suicidal intent, expressing a desire to j Iowa, tells the following remarkable story, Base and rubbei balls, marbles of all CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, STC., 1 days: thence to Medford, at E. Warman's liv. tiie truth of which is vouched for by the in Town. kinds, harmonicas, dolls, toys. etc., con­ which was quite beneficial to crops and be out of the world. Mr. Liddle was for a 1 residents of the town : “I am 73 years old, ery stable, where he will remain two day«; thence toC. H. Pickens’ place in Table Rock precinct, which 1 am prepared to manafactnre into More was promised yes­ long time one of our best citizens, and has I have !>een troubled with kidney coinnlaint Prof. C. \V. Perkins and wife, authors of stantly kept on hand at the 8 F. Variety everything else where he will be for two daya, returning to each clothing of the moet popular mode« KF* All work guarnnteed to fit Give me a terday, but as the T imer went to press the the sympathy of all in his misfortune. the California method of teaching music, Store. and lameness for manv years; could not ■*tand every ninth day. dress myself without help. N<»w I am free D ehcbiption « nd P kdiobee .- Young C lyde is call and see for you reel th « before you purchue arrived in Jacksonville Thursday morn­ For the lenten season, at Nunan’s. storm was still brewing. I visited St. Helena for change of cli- from all pain and soreness, and ain able|to , a large, well-pt«portioned horse and weighs about el Rf; where. Pant« made for W 00 «nd upward«. ing. Prof Perkins comes highly recom­ canned oysters, salmon. Holland herring, 1.801» pounds He was sired by 8. G. Heed’s cele­ We learn that the appointment of clerk mate.bat found it too hot. Then I went to do all my own housework. I owe my J. A LARSEN. brated < lydeedale stall ki . the »«est draft horse mended by prominent people of Ban Fran­ mackerel, boneless codfish, tongues and of the railroad commission was tendered to Hayward s and it was too dull. At Berke- thanks t» Electric Bitters for having re­ Next door to A. G. ('livin’». «▼er brought to Oregon. His dam was a thor­ I cisco and educators throughout the Mtite sounds. oughbred <'opporbottom mare, imported from Judge Hi.nna. who declined to accept it, ey the students annoyed me with their newed my j’outh. and removed completely ail disease and pain.” Try a bottle, only Kentucky, and one of the be«i ever in the State. of California They will give a free enter­ It was too foggy in San 30e at drug stores John May will engage in th« manufac­ Pev. J. R. N Ifell was then offered it, and hoodlutnisiu As tnhis breeding qualities I will refer you to Town Property For Sale !1 ?» ta. tainment soon. Reau small bills for par­ ture of "oda. sarsaparilla, etc., at Ashland, teas ombably accepted. R. V. Beall. John Field, J. W. Smith. I. W Tbom- Francisco and too bleak at Santa Cruz. ea. A J batoy Jas Wooley J. N. Tryloe. OWE HEIRS OF JAMIN .'LUGO AG It DE- ticulars. Turn out and give these popular having purchased J. L. Pennington s ap­ An Abselttfe Cure. Wherever I went I was um^mfortable. un ­ Robe 1 Potter, A. W. Cfomer.». Manon Wood. J ceaneri, offer forwJ* their property eitualed Robertine. the great coanietic, is pure The Original Abietine Ointment is only teachers a hearty reception. Andy Potter. T E. Nichols Thus. ( havner, J. E. within the'•orporationof Jacksonville, navite left | paratus. and elegant and not in the least injurious easy and unsettle«!. A friend suggested Smith. F. M. PI yin ale and a number of others. It the diapoeal or the wm? in the hand« of the un- > that this state of unrest might possibly be' put np in large two-onnee tin boxes, and is is not necemery to make a big blow, as the horse deraigned JMMCoe. F its ; AB fit« stopped free by Dr. Kline s to the skin. It has received the highest o«*cA8ioned by biliousness or a «iiaordered ' an absolute enre for old sores, burns, shows for himself. All parti«« in poemiMiot. of any of the property | During the next thirty days Dr. Aiken Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after first testimonials from «ucji well-known per­ stomach, and advised a trial of Frese’s wounds, chapped hands, an t all skin T bbms - Season. $7X1). peyabla at the end the»e- owned by JameeCiagarageatthetimeof his cb-ath , Hamburg Tea. giving me a package as a eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of: in'-nranre. $10. due when mare is known to are notified o call at once aud make arrange-1 will dispose of his entire household I fumi­ day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and sons as Jeannie Winston, the popular op­ present. be with f«eJ, or when disposed of. Since then! use it occasionally, of piles Ask for the Original Abietine mentn for payment of rente, etc., if they deeire to I DIR HI NO TA( : ALE-dOl NTKD J. J. MACK *• OO-, tore at private sale. ThA«« ne bar- $2 trial bottle free to fit cases. Send to Dr. era singer. It« sale is as marvelous as its and was never better in my life. I advise Ointment. Sold by all druggists at 25 cte. a«marañaand mlM-rilk lines, , ”» «r <» pwwrn« aKidMt.. longer retain poweession of th* «am*. hm nn n-p.m-lhil.tr mmunnf 4~ild ur ..rar qualities are unequal««!. karter». artificial fir hooks, «nell I all to try it. gains will do well to call aud H. K. HANNA. per box —by mail 1») cents. Kline. Ml Arch St. etc. of all nummi . at JOHN JM. t. DAVI8. Jacksonvi 11«. Oct. 1 188$. ihe Urmocratir Firnes. This is good Friday. HAMMON BROS.’ NURSERIES PHCENIX, OREGON, and OAKLA speciai / hus mins, mines ¡mu A|mis on flyrowian i J. NUN AN? California Street, Jacksonville, GROCERIES, TOBACCO, ETC SILK VELVETS AND VELVETEENS IN NEW THIS WEEK * ALL WOOL FRENCH CASHR1 o ° * ’ , ’ • ¿j:' T TRICOT CLOTH IN COLOM AMERICAN CASHMERE, DOUBLE SILK ANO WOOL ALAPACAS, N Always Victorious K & T J d. s 7T (1 J1V, ALL THE REMAINING COI The Fine Trotting Stallion, A. G. COLVIN, J ACKS ON VILE SIR WALTER, Jr., i ACTUAL COST PRIC Æ1 ST MACHIFICH ! ri ¡1880 A.H. MAEGLY& I HARDWARE, STOVES and 1 PAINTS and OILS. WAGONS, PLOWS, IMPLI JnckMonville, Oregon FATAL. THE FINE DRAFT HORSE, 10 PER CENT. REDUCTION I J. A. LARSEN, MERCHANT TAILOR, YOUNG CLYDE, W H