V. hc ¿gcmotraîic ïimts Oregon Kidney Lea. Circuit court is in session. UUTÍ9 STATU OFFICIAL FRESS. Kuad-woik is again in order. Read the new a»iverti*cim*nt*. •• RIDAY Don't forget the branch railroad. tU Rf'hl'EIHMi It ITI.S 19ITII OTII EH Pl'HLIt:A TlftNfi. Parties ¡myir a for the T imes in advance at ««ur r»*tuced caah rates will lx* faniiUied any »»f the ««»liowing named publication* in connection with thm paper at the pnere given below. It will b.* noticed that there uh re»luction of a« least 52 |M*r cent, on publisher«»’ custom»^ rat« - mi every instance, and in soummuch mor«*: . WEEKLIES. r«»l«slo Weekly Blatle Harper's Weekly.. Bcieutitic American.......... Detroit Free Prr*»e New York Htar ........................... New York World ............................. . . >3 .. 5 5 . 3 3 3 8an Francisco Examiner.. . . > Portland Oregonian .. I Harper's Raaar......................................... ... 5 Pioneer PrveM....................................... . . 3 Chicago News ....... ... 3 Mineouri Republican ........................ ... 3 Globe DenuM’nit ................. .. S Philadelphia Times ... 3 Ban Frunciaco ( «11............. ... 3 Fraiik Leslie’« illustrated p»ip«*r . 5 ’• “ German . . 5 Sunday Magezin«' ... I Popular Monthly.... .. 5 Bmiget................................. . 4 Pleasant Hour»« . 4 Cnparalleled bargain* at N. Fisher’s. Read our new «dubbing inducement*. < «ardin *a*s has made its appearance. Millet seed at the S. F. Variety Store. Fresh brea«l at the S. 1*'. Variety Store. O|»I pa|M*r* at the I imes office very cheap Heaps ol new goods arc arriving l»»r our (»I intMchants. 70 UU F B. Ames is mining in the vicinity of UU 00 F niuntuvvn UU New advertisements coiitinu»* to crowd 60 00 our columns. 7'1 11. G. Fitch is now a resilient of Crowell 00 (Ml Lane county. MU t so is set vc»l on Fisher. The goods must go, even at a sne- Con*id< rable immigraliou may I»“ ex them by the marshal or street con. oi.*sîun- ritice. pectv«! her,’ thi* *ea* n. ami mm h more er. Filthy streets and back-ya: - often w hen the Oregon ami California railroad Don't forget our premium offers. Come breed disease. in ami subscribe, l’wo papers for the price systems are joined. S*»uthern (Oregon w ill I then be the garden spot of Oregon. Fanners are busily engage«] ami a great of one. Tell the g,»■> be larger, a- The sitrv« y«»r-g,-:H'i al of Oregon has ad- A*hlaml * legal fraternity, M« **r.*. De­ ■ farmers are stimulated by the pro: pect Pratt. Bow«li», h. Galey ami Currey, paid vprti.*c»l for bid* b»r surveying the folh’W- of g«H»d price* in the fall. the «•ounty->rat a professional visit this ing townships in Warner valley: Town­ Nothing but intrinsic merit cun mrount ships 34. 35, 3d, 37. >, 3!» and 4«», In ranges week. for the enormous sales of Fr< *«•’* Hamburg 24 ami 25 e;i*t. Bids i lo*»- March 22d. For the be«t meal* ami lodging* go to the Tea. the demand for which i* «•«»<.stantly Fir*: All tits stopped free by Dr. Kime’s increasing. The reason is ob vious to all. Slover Hotel. Everything is nice and clean. Don’t fail to go there when in Great Nerve Restorer. N » lit* after first It is a purely vegetable preparat 'on, mild, day 's use. Marvel«»u.* cure*. Treatise and yet efficient in its action—carrying t»»wn. * olì' ali Milson Maule is busily engaged in im­ r-2 trial ln»ltle flee to lit cases. Semi to Dr. impurities from the system, ami imparl­ ing a glow ami vigor which only those proving the Briner place in Eden precinct, Kline, 1>3L Arch St., Philadelphia, I’a. which already pi«?*ents a tnm li better ap­ E. Jacobs »Icsirvs t«> cluse «»ut bu*iness in who have iv*« «! it can appreciate. pearance. Jack*«mviilc at t:.e earlie*t possible mo­ The hii-ine** of the Jacksonville Marble F’«»r the Lenten season, at N’uiixn’s. ment nml consequently has put »lovvn Works will continue right along un ler the canned oyster.*, salmon, llollaui herring, prices to 20 per cent. below«'»st. He means management of the assignee, A. 11. via glv. mackerel, boneless co»itks‘u. tongue* and business ami als»> offers hi* lixture* for Ai»ybu«lv dt*iringa tombstone, monument, sale. stone coping, etc., will timi it totheir ad­ sounds. * K. Campb II ami 1 ho*. Kiikpaira traveling s »h-*nmn fur ('.diforiiia l¡<|:l•a houses, have been in the valley lately. »• »•«inf ,t 'I h<‘ follow itig i* a list ot the grand jurors empuneled for tbi» term of the circuit A. T. Ambrose, who was in this valley court: Wm. Cameron, foreman. George r»*»,»,nt!y in th«* int«*rest of Kam*’.s illustra­ Huffman, II. < Carnell, X S. Drew. Wm. ted West,’ seemed quite a numb« r of llar“iott, W. V. J oijc * ai *i W. 1!. Brown. I‘p to the time the T imi - went to press in­ subscriber* to that exc« ll«*nt journal. L Xt.icy, agent for Mi iler A. Co., oi I iff. I dictments had b<’cn found against G II. noik wlm have just ship|M*d out a tine lot ol Williams, alias Hurd, for h»»r*e-slea!ing; thoroughbred Herrfonl cattl»*, is celling a against A. Hamlin f»»r rape, and against Dennis f»»r the same crime. Not a true number of them in Siskiyou county, ( al. l»il wa* returned in th»* ra*»** of (’ather- Senator Stanley this week ni.-i !«• J.n K-<»n im- B')*chey ami«». I-. Caton. * N y HI ct in Quantity. Quality. V.-iri<*ticH. 8i/? of Tr •» •.. nor H« «n Fran­ successful attempt to poison his goat*. A cisco to Mi*. Scliad of N« w York « ity. hundred head got the poison, but b.rtn- Judge Truitt ami wife have returne»! to naiely w< re «liscuvered in time1 *•» tb it they coiihi be relief e»L A le w year- a/o a Dall;:*, where tl:«-y will re.-mk*. like attempt wus made tv poison IE E S. A. II. .•stevens. lately of Table lt»»ck 11:11* shee p. Anyone who woul«i be guilty I . BAKR^ BEAR, the be*i late* shipping varietv. precinct, will soon move to Washington of *u» !t an ::< i *h‘»uld hr sevz relv punish» .I. Ml III I’EACII, (fre*‘.«t<>ne)-till head-th»* li-t. territory to permanently r»» ah*. M. s ¡* one of our best citizens ami we dislik« 1.» .Vol irr. KAN’ADAY’S CLING, the vanner’- pride. see him leave »»nr county. W’e wi*h him Parti»* wishing to apply Im internal rev- KELSEY'S JAPAN I’U M, ha- no p<-< r. success in hi* new home, however. enm* licence can timi bl ink applications at TREES! TREES! TREES! HAMMON BROS.' NURSERIES. PHŒNIX, OREGON, and OAKLAND, CAL Our Stock this season Cxnnot ba Excelled on the Coast! SPECIAI/I'I1 KOBE in. SARGENT l’RI NE. never before offered in Oregon Xupt. Priest will not be in liis offic»* :.i the office! of thecounly clerk, fudge Day, It i- thi- which, in a dried Mate, form- the celebrate*! prime, Il’ENTE the court-h»»us« on the '.’“th inst., but will Justice Hubbell an.I th»- >. F. Variety Mv.XTULlEs. (b reneli Conserve*). F«»r further particulars a»ldre*s »»r hold liis regular «juarterly examination of Stoi •<•. WestSburo,_____ Portland, v Or ..................................... ........................ Fresh bread, only .»cents a ioaf, at the < entury, Scribner’s........ ........ I ’ LRKELEV «’OOSEBElillV . the ni<>-t profitable of them all. IN) call un W A Owen. Tcpuly »•ollect»>r. at applicant* for (••.»« in-r* ’ »•»•rlilicat»** at Ash ­ S. F. Variety Store. Demorest’s Magaaine................. IMI < entrai Point. land in.stea«! on that Godey’»» Lady Book CM» vantage to call soon, as prices have been Tlie T imi * c»»*ts regular *ub*cril>er* less I!. L. Hansen, once a resident of Apple ­ Nature’s remedy is what they say «•f Languedoc, King's. Soft Shell and I’ajH-r Shell Almond-. 1 St. Nicholas ........................ III lore, assisted by Harper’s Monthly gate precinct, is now engaged in mining on than live cent.* a week - I be price uf two reduced considerably. First-class me» ban- Oregon Kidney Tea. Vukf mi Viifnl.r, Sweet. 50 American Ag iculturist ......... ics arc employed there and the b» *t oi LARGE STOCK AND VARIETY SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL TREES The i ogs are singing merrily and it the Klamath river, nine mile? from Happy postage stumps. Come in ami subscribe or un Harper's Young P**u|»le . By di-pel ling th«- *y nipt »»m« >o often mis- A number of Satisfaction guaran­ semi us |2 30 ami get it for a year. Semi it work»*»! turned out Peterson’« Magazine un seems so spring-like. Camp, Cai. i.ikvn !»>r consumption, Sint a Abie ha* I Housekeeper.......................... Un hvkah Degree lodge No. 1, I.O. o. ¡'..of ' nr1 ••]•_:lit gin'lia— to many a h»iu*» iio!d. By Exergiecu-. Shrub.-. Ro-;--, »Si •■ Clcmaii- and Flowering Plant.-, Small to your friend*: it i* better than iifty-two teed. In every land ami dime, the merits of Other publications will bo furnished at Gardening and planting i* the chief em­ thi* place, »-onsisling of Gro. i:i<-\»-. W m. lit* ¡M'ompt use f«»r hr« akiug up the c»»l»l fruits, (»rape Vine-, Etc., Et<*. letters. dneeti price when ordered with the T imes . The bright prospects of the Jacksonville St. Jacobs Oil a* the <»nlv conqueror of Old bi .d uhw subscribers paying one year m ad­ ploy m en t ev v ry w h v re. Dem if, A. ( bah*. Mesdamts Helms, Luy. | that to»» often develop* into that fatal «lis- Several of the r the T imes will receive in ad­ > e— I . <-I- whori-. i«irt <- to |>l.r.l <«• will ! it to th-ir u>t«T. -t <•> Sturgis, Miller. K.ause, Chah* and Mi** J. G Birdsey has returnv«l from his dition either the New York Star, the Han Fran> timely grave You mak«* m> mi*tak<* by < .III.. number of improvements here. Wintjvn gon nee«l new 8ch«»ol-h<>u*cs, furniture, etc., I ......,ur »'.«-K an.! I.M-n |,ri<-.... ; m crate .m.liri t,<>n | ami people. cicco Exatniuer. Ht. Paul Ptone -i Pr **. 8t. Louis mines on Birdsey creek. Nchic Luy. went to Medford List M<»nda\ , k» epiiig a hotilr fl ilii* pleasant rcme»ly in VI Ii.- - .. ,1 ei.minuaK al lour A Helms have enclosed the large lot where Republican or Detroit Free Preus, six month* Thus. Gilson's saw-mill i:i Mvrlingvillr ami provision should be mad«* for th«* same evening to a**i-t in th» insi;tuti«»n of a \v»»iir house. Cal i loin la < at-lb< llie i* equal­ HAMMON BROS., i ’ ll»«* itx ’ . Jackson (’«»untj.Or. free, or the Farm and Fireside one year free. The Stufer family have removed from at »»nee. It is a shame that no more in­ (be Arkansas stable formerly stood .«ml ly <;L< tive in »i adieu ting all tra< «•* of na*al precinct is turning out a large amount of similai lodge TIMES PK INTI NG MOUSE, Ashland to Yivka. Cal. (catai rh Both of lh»-*e wumlcrful < alif«»r- will start a garden an»l urchar«i there, i»< - terest ami pride are taken in such matters Jacksonville, Oregon. excellent lumlier Chri*. Vlrich is acting nia remedies an- *ol«l ami warrantc»! by all *id<* having erected a comma Doris il 'sh»*To pper wa* burn in Aras«***. ' neat new fence being aiming the improve ­ Terry By rm* of Applegate wa* at the sisted by his soli, take photographs of ev­ A lady named Mr*. Lyons wa* brutallv (h-nnaiiy. March 25, l*J«i and du*«i at l.»*r horn»- in ' most blind, am! cured by one box of Gil- ery style ami by’ the latest improved meth­ ments. JackMonville Marell H.l*s7. Kb«* «‘am»- !«» .\»*w murdered in Napa valley. Cal., by one Pe countv-*eat W»*dm**d iv. niore’s Neuralgia Cure. For sale at City I. L. Campbell, of the Eugen • ‘<»''i ir»l,” York in IM') Had remove«! t«i New Orleans, and DEVOE BL'N< H Atth»* rt-ulvn» »* of Andn w ods. Their work will eompare favorably Street (’«»me.:i**:»»i.er I3;*t.»i: i* having Drug st r«*. ter Olsen, and a large rewur.l i* offered f»»r An»l<*r>»»n. Kuck»T rreok volley, .March zd, by vvith any »lone in the St.il«-, am! their pri< « > went t.» Portland la*( week to purchase a thence to Cincinnati, Ohio, where she was niar- hi* arrest. A fv!i«»w .om«»*i answering hi* more or !«■** roadwork done. Jus. Melali. J. P., Tinsxlon* D«‘voe un«t Amali* Sch«*d'.ile* . hi I other blank* for the ;i*- are »¡uite ri a'onabh*. p« wei pre*s fur liis <»Hi- c. Tlu> circitlati»m n« d t<» J»»!in Ta*pper in June. 1**4. Sl»v united i da E. Huncb. descripti»>n was in town a hw «l.i»*.«g*». Mi* M.i'.'g'.- ’».•: n has Tvtnrnc»l ir«»m:in ! *e**nH’!i< of tow»**, *clio»»l «Itatrict.*. etc.. w itn tb«* («Urman Luthe» <*an ehurvii m h»*r early VANBVREN POTTEIi In firn ( b rkv ..th< Uwiii^.- i'» uti a:.ti* n ub* ! ««eii«-*: in lhe »»f lb it j aii.f il li t* become *o large that under the inffuvuce ,»f i«qi i. lemiuu for » Mended v i*it to A*hl;;i 1 , can be obtain«. ;l nt r< a'»mab;e rate* ;.l he wom»inh«M*d. an»! continued a nu mber «if that j at Jack-unviile, March 17th, byti. A. Hublw 11. the ol i li.tml pre** require* Im milch titim finances <»t the town g oeriime t. the Medford tne *ame dtiy. >h« riff Dean in- i J. P . P. W. VanBun-f. aiui^M* -* Alice Pot- chureli until her d»- «th. h-odmg *a« ml the t» n»*ls Pay your arrearages at the T imi * offi« c : fl Ml * office. to make it prolitable. 'The new*;*ap«T ■ ter. tended to arrest him, but, becoming *ati*-! boanl«»! trustees will citln r p i*s an <>r»li- of the fait:» ©'»«» embiac«.*»! in the fatiierh.nd ami get one of ,»ur premium*. The hoard of trustees will no «loubt in­ nance lequiring l»u*im•** mm to pay a li- ami job prv**vs will run by power obtain­ I tit«! it wa* a case of mistaken identity . h<- | March 1*. 1*55, sb«* enm«* I’» J.*u*k*un county. F;» *h buckwhv.il tl »ur ami oatmealfor augurate a number of iinprovannents »lur­ I KOLA. c< i;*e »»r lev y a li.ghl lax. This will he th* ed from a motor, run by water. We ; re wh»*r.j Mr 1,» ppvr l.;ui preced'd L» r and local'd did not follow »»ut hi* iir*t impulse. IL- sale at the S. I Variety SU»re. • • ing th'- present v ear nml vv ill lend a helping glad t«» hear «>t his success. «•n h farm in Wilb»w Sju ings pn vine: IK re fur ■ « ¡»led at in early «lay. was probably tie* *ame lmiividual who the [ V» i M i- lì At March _ dHcaae bronchi A few copies of the American Settler’s the loss of sti'ek will not be m; rly *ogteat ranch for something to eat two days after Hill made us a « all yesterday. i Gatuville, genuine Key West g >«»«!* it the purity »»i h»*r ChrisiiHM life and tm-broad pmia*!* on or acxravattd by a dinorderr«l rtumarb. It in a HiM-ribr acuta-' the murder of Mrs. Lyons. He was a Is«» The weather has been »pute warm fur Guide, standard authority on land «¡ues- s. F. Variety Store . ulso a large number of i a* at one time anticipate«!. Owing to the th»»y»y oi ner Gernian c Yreka by Bain McNeal ami others, the greater ¡»ortiuii oi the week. ' lines of the best chewing ami smoking to- scari ity of ft »•«! amt the prolonge I *tormy gr«*.i(«*st pivanui»* in «loilflg good to ottieis. i'u-- COLDS, ASTHMA, the PILES, JALADK E. etc. T imf .* office soon. wratlier la*t tm»nth the loss will be some- ©«**»<-u ut tn»» n<»Uiv.*t MitriUim-H »»1 tru»* w«»mun JOxE-S At J«»-<’i»!iinv cr**«-k. l b. I.th. l r«d- and they assert that he bore a scar under ' bacco, cigarettes, pipe*, etc. The finest A little rain fell yestenlay ami inure wa 1 nood «the wu© u devuKsi woe. ami lliuugli bei own i «•ricK Jut:« *; ug»*»l .0 yur« and 4 ni»»ntli*. It rurii«. tb. Blood. Cl.»n«M the Stomach «nd Bowel«, «ud rioc. th. whole «yttria • what heavier tha- U*ual, hut we d»j not !»c- lite wus n»»t «•r«»win-»t by tue sacreu «»th»--«» <»f ina- Eggs have become plentiful, the hens ' stuck in southern Oregon. bis left eye an«I had a bald spot on the threat«.*m*d as w e went to press. NIi'AV \t Lu»'kj '.>i-*e:t M .r«-!i tiL, infni t m » d Healthy u>d Delightful Ton- . There neeer wa. a McUciue lor the Xaraety equal to it. u.l . iieve it will exceed 15 per cent. on the t”rnliy. several orphan cml.iren tuunU nappy ».T M .;»!.«! Mt- J. \..Ni‘i. back of his iiead,as described in the rewa»«l having resumed business alter a long , imine© with li»T, and tbeir uinturv live* tx-ar (m* \V. 11. Wu kiiaui th • vv«l! ktl»»wn real- bring rompoMd cl herb. only. U . an 1« gtveu Mfrly to lufaats. It i. • triumph la tuedMn.- We want correspondence from notices which have been scattered broad- i 1 strike They are worth »»nly 12’. cents a j estate agent, ha* remove«! hi* offi. ( t«» the I whole amount of ©tock in southern Oregon. * miprers ot her wise and loving inuttierhood. In ' BAK1UE At Giant'* P hs ©. March 7th, G« «». K. barmli«, yet eMctdou. Inva' isHe la the badly, on the road, al the mine, at eea, aad tion ol the First Judicial District. Is«». M.. and Mt*, iuepper. having hc i Darne; «igeò about 6!« ! S(«»uk-rai*vrs may congratulate themselve* Marcn. ' cast throughout the State. It is hardly dozen at present. everywhere. I building on Mr* Hrmck’* lot, Ashland, ' «piirvi mi . Hiiiple com|»et«>ncv by their hunoiubta *"■ J. M. Black ami Gea. A. Jacksun were For Hale by all DrusKiwte and tireerrs. |»ossit»le thut it was Olsen, us he would E. E. Carr of Daggett* Mill*, Pa., says he where he i* always ready to execute all that it i* so light under the circum*ta!ice*. iiiuusiry. ti»»-> *»»!«! tueir farm ml'-ieuta anti came i i»> J..« K.'unville t<» make their |K*iiUMn<*ni home. in Jacksonville during the week. scarcely have time to reach there in two It i* pr«»po*ed tu mi** that p-«.-li*»i; «4 th«1 Mr*. • 1 — a saved th»* live of bis chihl with croup hv orders in his line. Prompt ami » areful at­ began lulling * oud miot ' — ¡.¡H-r , I'* * iinaifn • • 1 nil* I , . — • ' • ^">4 • —• fl > fl *■ ^5 •" • The largest line of the l,ur’’ 1,1 htarl mk » ud < i thu»«reMt white t».i<»ne of ag«», being engaged in prospecting in Jack J«»hn Mfffer keeps a iirst-das* stock ul' If th r»‘ ar«’ any ik »pjv in thi* world w ho . # # eternity. A11 thr«»ugu the h»ug week* ut her loot now a resident of San Diego, ( ah, ami a son creek district. g«>o«is and sells cheaper than ever. wr.*t. wlivre the grade is nut s«> steep and i p.UInui llln«***, «•«•rrnan and Arn.ncan lriend» have tallen from grace ami need praying fur yoTK'E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE member of the firm of McNamara «V White, the soil m»t *»» stickv. The county com- 1 with th»- borrowing reta'iv«** («»num i¡»ate xi Regular Quarterly Examination of Applicant© ¡I i I hjiuui ltrutn. , . . i j.- r * i ntr wauta, and all that i »ving heurteand will ng for T»*uch«*r*’ < ertibcat»** will be held at the Dis­ 1 bdlip K ippel, hr»»fhvr of 11. Klippci it is the nevvspaiKT subscriber who docs a**ayer*. real-estate ami mining broker*, in ' "b •; ici - li.iv <-d* »eat«*«! $ «>» fol improving Ii.tnvta c»»uid dVvise wa- doue tu alievuite hei trict Sch«M»l House m Ashland, Ja< keon county. nut pay the printer. He i* inter..*t»- i in some mining enter- t . Elder M. Pvtersoti will hold servi» «■* at E*»|., has returned from di*' >uri i i- in i.'i.i« ncigliburhou«l ami the I •»uttering. Bne clung t<» lite, *»*»-rntt>g rather to Oregon, on The meeting hel«l at <3*- M. E. < hurch in grieve [<»r lhe hushaii»! an«l ii ; < * v. e ’ l. the M E. churi h in this place on Sunday i 1 he bt't t«»al “il in tne market, by the tru*!.-. * »»t our toAii will give a lik*‘ -urn. wnose ii«>iui* and heart -,v<»ui«l !»«• in;«!? d»*^«nule Ja<*k*'»nville is still In ing protracted, but »•ext. gallon, or b\ th - case, ut Maegiy .*. W. E. lh-.i.i ol <»!*-t. !:ilr h i- |.a*cdthv G...-*i r»»ads arc a ble-^iiig la .mv « *-unify. » «»> h«-r death. Out «»f the gio«»in hih ! borrow will probi'bly end this w«■♦•'!<. The interest oid Russiun b.iin ui.-i i Liib’iiing a »im ■ ii .-»ntiinv like a pu l the d**rouu’- li.-uiti.i-loi:»*, Liberal Mtmiay-school and Bible class 1 he report that Rev. J. S. Mi Cain was at « o d«u..u.»i ■ C«»uinu*n» ing at 1»> «»’« hwk \. M. P« rM»a* desiring ■ «■»»iu< * luv weic«»ine plauait. Vv ____ L-... „ continues unabated. I f.utatu' servant,’ m.»l h»u ini ui«*ry liv»b. ev»-r t«» h |'1»1 v t«»r <‘.*rtihcat«H- ©liould act «»»•» • »nlii gij. j lot of cattle to supply the mines with dur­ meets every Sunday al 11 o’clock .%. m . at < «rant’s Pass last week was a mistake. //. Kho.\ 11. All applicants will li'Teafter *»• r--quircv«xl The funds remaining in the town treas­ ing the coining summer. Mr. Dean i* an the V M. L llall. Talent. u«*r butt. Bn«* leaver m he. nu* »na A lam* has returned from lowed since that time. tri«*ud»a cheitaUed iegac> ut fnendbhip whot»u i J* fc- KwtEl. Rev. F. X. Blanchet officiating. • Treasurer Fisher elsewhere give* notice Phoenix. incense reaches out beyond the iinnta ut time. California ami is now on Fool’s creek. I he graml jury has been making excel­ , that lie has funds enough on huml to re- Bhe was hun**»t on baturuay at tern» »on. the I Rev. M. A. Williams will liohi services W.G. llciidrk*k*un oi llapp) Camp, Cal., lunem. taking place from the 31. E church.t.la» r j <»ra*s is growing nicely ami stuck will lent pr<»gre*s ami will probably adjourn (leetu all warrants protested up to Jan I. is in this section. at the Presbyterian church in Ja« kson- Martin i'eivix»n »»thciatinx by ti«*r special rv»iuv*t. Mjun be doing well without any other feed. thi* week. They endeavor to *avc the tax- I 1SX2, amounting to several thou*aml d■•!- Dealer* in A larg - c»»ncuu!i*v ut tnemis I rum th«* country I villeon the 27lh in*t., both morning ami H»»n. X Furry of Eden prccim t made us ; and town f»»li<»wed tier remains to their lust p st- <». \V. Moure, who 1* engaged in mining paycis al. the expense possible. \ lars. lie will make another call fur the .. ing»pla»'«* in the Jacks«»uviiii* cemetery Nhe evening. call Wednesday. a icavs iiwl ) relutires in(¿«*rruany. ban Francisco on Forest creek, was in town Wednesday. A. M. Npi<-kelineier. formerly a rv*ident ; rdemption ot scrip l>ef«»r<* !»»ng. i We (’any in Stock A. P. ialeiit and family have become idi»l Jacksouviil«« to inuurn her death with the be. Rev. B. P. Wilson, presiding elder of the of thi* county, has been elected a member ivaved husband anil adopt«»«! «laughter. In com­ Logan, the Ashlaml photographer, is rc’i'!ent* »»f Ashland. <«. W. Hayes is enclosing his residence Eugene City district, will p.eath in the mon with t htnr many tn«*nds w»> tender th«-*i. »»ut of the board of trustees of the new town i without a superior in' begun, outside of s> m» atny May hottest breezes chaut in | Methodist church, Jacksonville, Tuesday ■ (built ki*t year)and lot with a neat fence. M. Abraham, rcpremitiiig L. «V E. Wert- | sincere of Sellvv'M»»!. Multnomah c»»unty. I solemn • -a»t«*u<*«* tho h*s( *a«i rcqiuetn oi the drc**;n- I I j the larger cities. As lie use* the latest itn- I evening. March 22; at Mediurd, March 23d, le*© si«?« per. und summer tlowcr* distill their I John Mann and Chris. Beale of Butte heimer, was here yesterday. Pay .vour * uik < ription to tin* T imes one ! provements in the art and leaves nothing ' sweetert irugranceover h»*r last lesting-plucc. 2 " S< ' »»i.»l St.. Bet. Bahiion aud Tavler and at Central Point, Thursday evening, precinct were here the forepart of the Morris Baum ol San Francisco has been year in alvance and you will get the New . undone toplease his numeroii* customer*, the 21th. It i* to be hoped that larg«? con­ week. PORTLAND, OR. in the valley fur th«* past ten days. Wtu. M. Turner was ta»rn in Belfast. lr**l:«'ad. I * York “Star,” Detroit “Free Press” or he is enjoying an extensive busincs*. gregation* will hear the Ehler, at thi* visit. Elisha Dewitt has been appointe«I post­ G. E. Billings uf Ashland and J. W. «. ok J“*> 1 ,"h Jny'*-"n- FffF “ 'si;«l Office at Roseburg. Or«*.‘^»ii, / ; father * family to Delaware county, Penn., where . thut the ia^t legislature amended or re­ business wilh the rapidity of a veteran von. I. io )ti-.t«h.Hi'Lflï»fc*' i'à’Â'i litt fur it, is now tn this ewxiou «mt will give between there and Brownsboro. Messrs. Maule and Murray made the h1.* r- uiHu nd »*”!rl I*»«. Attracted w«*«t Gy the 1 pealed the game law. Such, however. is lawyer. g»»ld _ excitement, ____ h«* enug-Hted to California ________ in __ f«’il«»w-iiig-nain««1 1*»*11l«T f»a* tiled notir»*»»f A number of improvements have airead)* | anX information that may >»■• d.-Mred. i iMi s uftit e a » all »me «lay till* we» k. CUI toil I« I’» make hnnl , |.r<-.I 'fl v— au tl..t >.Mr and vug.««! in mining, conuumml un.1 Hi© 111' lutention in supportvi'hi. ■ not the case. A inll tu repeal the act pro­ Garden an 1 Hower .see l* of every «te- bee.i j chum, an»i that Mtid prool will be made Indore <■ i commenced < iunniriK « >1 in Jacksonville,and J .o ksuiivilh* and there .*<»on be e«.»mmenvcd eoi,¡ mi to , d in li the Work will soon (.11.1 H ‘ kei.3 ami J. t . Hannah ot I »bk* ncw©iMpt»r work until 1*65. when he came to Ba ­ tecting Mongolian pheasant* pu*sed the scription sold very cheap at tiie 6 • the Juoge or < lera ot lhe < ouutj Court uf Jack- .« V. »»w. u-.u-.u.i. w.Vfl * , HJI1 C««U1H ) . U1 rgVII . Hl U » me. <>u j F. Vu- is every prospec t that muefe will be »lone vicinity ot Bailey hill, most likely by >ul- ll« ck prccim t w* i»* in tow n this wv« k. ' lent, Urego.a. 11« wa.* ejected anmataiit clerk ot won c«»uniy. Oregon, at Jacksonville, Oregon, on •»« nate and another bill allowing dttr to be riely Store. II. iegitolatu V tiuAt > ear. and th«* year foil.»wing i Batunmj . April ZM, l*ri. vu: George W . Hice. to improve the looks <»f the town. livah’s partv, with F»»gar«y next« ommen»' , J. ( . »>\« I bees « litt le«! the employ of th«- hunted with hutiuds ami otherwise amend­ , i . . . nomreteud entry N»». 3M4. tor the r* F. *<, be»-, 2, A quantity of fresh. « lean millet -veil '•* . ....... *•’ »h-r- '«• 'm- . V. r , ih „ nl Wi», w M |lw The T imi * job department i- the lurgot ing at the river. A deep cut will be run P« *(.tl fcl. Cu. uti hi* return to Portland. ing the game law passed the bouse, but j since r«.**i»i« < tie wh * married to irixr V.irm-MM« to pn*\»* tu» contii.uou« r«i*;. F Variety Sture. and l>u-t in the S(.p< , out*i«le of Portl and through Bailey hili, but lhci»‘ 7* plenty to neither ut them pussvd bulk houses, and so iijH h. mid ciutived.<»n <»*. *a»iino i ' ;iru of Roseburg was in J;«» k* >11- Mr*. 1 ;n«li.»u Ovrri»« ' k.tli» ’ union proxnigau • x- « I Jacksonville. i i o'.mi. thus, t mt,« rìsoli. J. M. «iaony, !.. B. and Salem, ami *uperior work of all do on this si’li*. i nd tiding trestle yvo : k . neither became a law. Il is sain the gre.it viHe twice «hiring the past w* «• k<»n I u*i- *-• pumiulQ imppy one. 1 ¡ u « h * cfiiiur«*n were bora I Atalnvy m H ol 1 itgit- I'omi, Ja» k*.»ii c»»uniy. Steps will he taken immediately l«» beau- , anxiety evinced in some quarters to «le­ | 8. R. Tay lor is acting as bailiff to the kinds is done I i » tc at «•astern rate* 1 to them, two <»t tiicui. a **»n and »taughter mii - ! tlivsor- ness. (T ías . U . K<*m»»h r. ' vivmg. st ruy the pheasants uruse from an idea that graml jury ami J. C. McCully as bailiff to rhe postoffice department has discon­ tiiy the Jacksonville cemetery ami bring ! WXTEIU’JÎOUK. »ÜNilHAMS. PRINTS. ETC Mi*.* Hattie lulmati ha* ivturncd to ( imnueti with witn tne »irongeM Lmon cniun sentiments. sentiment*. ( , the strongest their skius would sell well to milliners fur the petit jury. tinued the postoflice on Stickey, known as waler to it from Walker creek Some* of 1 i Ashland from an extended vi*i( to Port-' in» Imbued was t,»r hihiij year* ucib «-in il« pubiic*n p»m- K>L)tlXi*y A l’CHSUl’Cr S X II?St Two thousand pounds of superior pota- Smith *, established last year, but which those have relatives buried there are tak­ I ornamenting ladies’ hats. A full grown tic.*, Mild While lie iuspir«.U luspireti la in Ins m* mo»»t ui«»©t z zuh I uu © > I ' ! uc.*. while be «« h 1<» us X^OtlCG* ¿V** bpts'ial line of L'idi»** All \\o »1 S* arlH and M«-rin** Vn«lHrw»»». Ludiet* tm«l Ni»w' AJJ ' opponent* tn«* w<*i*o*uu in<*n«i*lup, it j \V»M»i H« i > p . N'«*w d*. ing the initiative ami the hoard of trustees : pheasant would make a tine, large orna­ i toes have just been received at the S. F . has never been supplied with mail. ; war *to»*k in keeping «iUithedH- Mi's Surah Berry of this place ami Mr*. may be expected to lend a helping hand. ment, and if perched on the crown ut one ■ Variety JSlore. gent pen un«i with»*nng © hu - hmd ; lor. ha» hi ; ' OHP Koi 1HI. lHEASVIlEll OF J \f m»* tolluwing county whi rant*, pro. over less fortunate people, who could only to »lay’s T imes . day, and was bid in by 1 ho*. Riley, who ' • Mrs, J. Ii. F*ki Imorc ha* returned tu ami n«»f »» ¡MTiANiul enemy. Hi* wa* wu* once ei«*Clv«l emcunl j I t«*tot«*i u*t.t«*i up to (<» JiuiUHry J huuhq 1. 1**. 1**2: « I therefore be levied for that pur|w)*v. 3V.«. .»;. .»7. 31 3C K, 4.«, j;.*. 27s. is'. is'.', ’, 417. 4P 41H, afford a «.lick or a bobtailed roust» r. laig»-ly Mcjnot Mcinot raiic rai jc I * Nuino'-r* Nuini’vr» :»64. 364. 3*.«2. , 3W. has already taken po**» ssion. The price Vancouver, W. T . from a protracted visit *« n»»ol bii|H*nnt«*n«l»*nt iu mt© largely W. 1*. Hillis, R. A. Fellows and T. 11. B. county, r ' him ! in«l»-p«n».enf. n<* w<»r* out- I 1 M'*. ¡1*.«. 421. 42*'. »*'. 443, 420. 447. 447, 4.7. Thursday night of last week wa* prob­ 424. 42.*». 4 *»i. 413. 442. 463. 4»»J. 42U. 4.V2. 6i*U. paid will aggregate nearly $ltai, which in- , [ in Ashland ; r-jH'K' U in t'ocuu uii«l ¡»»uticai iifi*. coniiti tutiing H--,. .»?•» 4 .1, 4 .0, 23». I i. I«»e». i. » 3. 121. I.*», 4*2. ■ Taylor are at the county-seat this week, ably the windiest of the season. The O<1«1 IhiJiUii.rdut Afritfertf, it-qi.H tixin tit«»M* wiin «n«»iii let Ujttereu iu«»©i • MM). 4*1. »-1. «4», 4*.». !«»* . 'us. 5'.2.*». U.M». «>./•.» 41. *.«'. 612, ti‘.»l, 6*2. A lodge of the ReOekah degree of the I. owner. paying her *istcr. Mrs. l urner uf thi* er«»u* ” 71 ••i«»u- ih* iit-m uitttiy |HH»:u»»iffi »»f | none tru.-t. i3i, •»•»». m '1. « 13. M>2. U* i. O. <». F. was iBstiluttd at Medford hist ; Considerable reading matter oi local ini- mast at the time, was torn in shred*. having wi wiv»-«l l.iuc«»iii «.* h .* lt^ueroi t-«i* r,ii at**«-.*.«»» as*«***»" , lnt»-r»-*( «»n tl»»‘ -anin w;!l »•«.•«u«»* from thi© date. I j Uuvmg v» »l u.jd'-i l.mc«»tn The people of Camp Harm y are having place a visit i portance will be found on the last page of • ’ (,| (4je uortnerii c«»uniit«H <»l » Hitfortnu; whs I»»» . mas man Fi.sHEK Rain or shine you can always timi the 1 Monday evening, by A. D. Helman, D. I>. trouble in r«*gard to their town*ite. which | < oiintj ’1 reasur»*r II. A. Randall ami I d. Harman of Stcl -*»*•*' cal jv.im ind ’ . it ag iu al me AiHh.eur rvrer- G. M.. with twenty-one charter members. > to-day’s T ime *. fa*tv*t team* ami I»« *t. vvhirle* at l’ar«l- ; : is claimed by different parties. John Ens- I ' vaiar»! L. f*. *i«»r<*K»M-!|MTii:id tfai»u«*i alJaek- lingvilk- starteil lor Portland yc*t« r«iay ami I »•»nviii»*, a |*l>riui>ri h«* r**-igi!<*ii al lie* ih-gmnitiK o I . I1 hisl.isi mu*’** He was f,»r ^eventi jrare at*. chosen ami installed a* officers of the lodge : I styles al*o common gl»»vt* go to thcS reasonable ami *ati*f.u tion guaranteed. * ( biM'iattsl wilii tue late r iaiik Krau©»* in tie* pno- Stenger, but the »-a*c i* nut *ctta:»l vet. ami C. C. Bvi kman. oi Jacksonville, i still ' licuuon ot tue ' Oregon is»*n4niel. an»l m in»» < «i- My Remaining Goods from the Fire will lie Sold Mr*. <» H. Haskins, N’. <•_ Mrs. Isaac F. Variety btore. A resident of Pleasant creofc precinct has I will come up in the circuit » ou*t »luring at Dundee. New York, ami will leave for ilormi curver he wa© p«N»mve ami muri»*««, cun Woolf. V. (i Mr*. B. «S Webb. .’••ec. : Mrs. «ieniinuk wrong ana lauding right u© only on«* 1 he greatest bargai:.* in all kimls of mer­ Lveti charged with killing deer for their the April term. Have Rented the »»Motore»! ot Ins clear and llUUilUi peru«*|*t loie* 1 home «m March 22»L c. H. Frank, T’reus. ; Mrs. <•. W. lluwurd, chandise can be obtained by calling soon »•onia do. i'o*K.*»f*i*»l oi active venerai ani una ' bides, ami several witnesses were examin­ H. J. spangle informs us that the rail­ Warden; Mr*. A. Childers, Conductor; on Newman Fisher. J. W. Manning started last > _ -pii »« . .U.llIIIUlf, 'l.nvv«» lor l.inkvillc ... 11UÌI I II . volli imi*-«» witn V» I I H IU<- Kuuer<»UM 1111- Mpiniuaht.v. cornimi»*»! tu«* im- ' * ed by the graml jury in relation thereto. ing around the new Rogue riwr bridge is, Mumhv. after nearly a week s vint among I'“1*’ae.-.-.nj, i,.- rewrme.al me | G. W. Howard Chaplain; G. 11. Haskins, The religious meeting which has been t if • attributes <»t Divinity and gav<* «*aruet*t iiee«t to ■ I Hor*e and jack bill* printed in the best too low to be safe aguin*t all accidents that ON WILLIAMS CREEK, R. S. N. G. U.S. Webb, L. B. N G. ; 1. friends in this valley *acird things. June. lie joined the t're*r»j- going on here for several weeks past tra»ie might occur in case somebody .* team or .style and at San Francisco prices at the terian ( huren, tnu* settiug the Lhviue wh I <»n h Woulf, R. S. V G.; J. F. Kelly, L. 8. V. I Al. S. Coulter, representing one ol lhe lit»« that ever i»’nd»*»i t»> the highest spiutunl and Whn h they have th«»r»»ughly renovated and title»! a number of convert*. stock became fractious. Another board Sale beginning 1'1 me * office. We hive the best assort up with the late-t and iu»»*t impr«»ve»i machin­ G. After the organization there were three whole*ale butchers of Portland, is in this i udellectual i»*v«-l. lenten services are still-K-mg, held regu- ment of cuts for that work .south oi Salem. should be nailed the whole length ol’ both A t»*w ji’ar* since liis bal»> daughter, little ery. including a placer an»t edger and. are conee- initiations. The closing exercises con­ section buying fat stock. ‘jliit». pussed awaj. and bii.ee that tin««* tut* queinly prei«uri*ti to promptly turutati sisted of a tine collation prepared by the hirly at the < atholic church in this place by Hammon Bros., the well-known nur­ *ides of the structure briei lif«1«»! tuecneribned iiUh* one iian s«*ein».*d M A Brentaim has returned from hi* the e«»iinuc-ting mot betw«*en t*artn and h*«aven Rev. F. X. Blanchet. ladies of the order. serymen, are selling a large number of H. Wcyt d«*v<>t«*d lriend. I tailing spirituous liquor.* in les» quantities A lair ©hare »»f the public putrunage is solicit. place ami vi< inity pr»»gre**. Judge Webster had another attack »,f i r»*unng mem r»» h.moruinu inanuo»»»i. moding during tin- past fortnight. everything mii't Im -old. without regard to anti directing Uii»*cting them through tin* tla* ¡ | htu mti 1<» byway* I ,d. fcatisfaciion guaranteed Give u* a Inal. ° ... [ 1 and »» uh byways and continuing until the g<*odis are all bold. than u quart Irom Mk) tu f Jm> per annum, iOPPINti A ill DF.. i mat *- b **«*t u»e . pain*«y We have received the lirst number of the sickness last week, but has sufficiently re- , ----- - . »»i y«»ain, ©»• that they -I Cass Barlow, the clever representative price and that fur retailing malt liquors from I have never realized that 200 tu llUUper annum. An ordinance was ftaJ“ My Store will be open on all «lays in the week and persons H. Chu k, formerly of thi* < utility, which lb v M. A. Williams wa* at Gramt * Fa** ' years a iuemb?r of Ja<‘K*onvtlle L«t week, being called thither to officiate ol his long lilaess Io ne»n with the tlevo.vu wife >7.» a year respectively ; but this vv a* sup­ So warm lias the weather been of late ford, but the damage was repaired during ! will be sold! and children me bard<*n of nt* ricmik ^ n ; but with mining interest* of northern California and at the funeral of lhe late Geo. E. Barrie. \ VlhTLE OF AN LXEi L 1 ION DLL! IS- I ported by only two members ut the board, that a few of the farmers ami miners are ' the past week by Street Commissioner ihe never-laiii’iK devotion of cru»* womanhood, southern Oregon. It claims a circulation MU.-d «»ill of tli«* Circuit < uurf «»t the Blate *»f tue fait him wile watched and numetl him, know ­ Eaton . the tnajunty de iding to place it al $2uu already crying for mure rain. 1>. IC. Mill* of Ashland ha* returned Oregon, f »r Ja»‘kM»n county, on th«* IMh n ot Mandi. 1**7. and to m»* dir»*<’ttsi ami d«Un <*r»*»l. and $1UU. I fit saloon-keepers are not *ut- The chronic kicker against cold weather Notes, receipts, due-hills, orders and I in favor of v iiHrlen Nickell, plaintiff, who rccov. The Portland News ’ ’ has been spread ­ in a large litock of goods for his new store. coui.l do, lint it th»* tmai *u in mon* caxue, and the ereti h jiuigmeiH an*u, an»! akaiiiMt theheie* ¡ the late town election was in lavur of a still paireil while in the Willamette \alley, ba* church, ilev. J. V .Uiiiiguii oificiatni«. lhe re­ inatt«*r dt*M*TitM**»-ll Mini |»i«»;nTiy :itta< k o! neuralgia in the foot ami i* cum- uu«ler tne Muepiei'aoi mat order, t*. 4». ( nupiuin rv Geo Rieve.the well-knowm wheelwright, occupies six columns in said paper. I he home. J May «tu.niucltng me M*rvtct*. Ami r>«» emieU t«> -;u i**y Im* judgm nl ot l ».arte* Suckeii tor th«* l»cliv»l to navigate with a crutch. Iwprwf the T oicii . a file mat found its greabsrt pieatmre in titling Miini <»l -**»>s*) t»u. wtiu iiiteroM in« i«-oii lio.w Ine may be found at his place of business as of ‘News’’ is stea,lily gaining pupulaiity Now is the time lor the citizens of Jac^ Judge Day leaves for Corvallis Sunday go« al to «»the is*, am I *o hivesibtf it*3f. May in» lliudayol M hh 'U. IS«7, ut In»* nil* of ten je-r Justice Dunnington of Uniontown pre­ ci*ni per ninmni an»t Hie Htitn :»i p» ' nUorne> !»•«•©. yore, ready to execute all kinds of work attend mi important meeting of spirit of t,.e depart»*! brother ie*i in p?a<*e.whin* hix I th»* ftiriher Rum ot s.H J> costa Mn»l diwDiifM«*. sunviile to plant trees ami gardens, clean cinct bad bis first case one day last week me AH-M«*ving nyc mat never siumoer* or steep» Three members of my family, says Mr. evening.to in hi* line in the best style and at the low­ of trustees of the agricultural k tfjib tn el«*»** wa ecu over tn»* home and nemt* meat -. aii'i ata«» tin* »•<»©(•» i»i and u|a»n this writ; yards, ¡»amt buildings and fences and make ami acquitted himself creditably. the board James A. Sample, Cash Room, office of est rates. j inn»i<* desolate by ni*th necessary improvements. Nothing adds ! iinutlsol the or«»lheriuHKl «»t Odd Fellow» mu le*- day ot Mar h. ta*i. i»’vj on tmnl r»*aity. a.•voiding Clean ami improve y«»ur premises. It the Treasurer, V S.. who were suffering college. A post-inurteni examination was made <*i hi* hie. Mb m»*> a»<* ¡MiuituUy remind»*»! by t»> law. an»i will »»tier t»»r nah-, iorgot»i coin of the to the prosperity of a town and invites th? will ensure gootl health ami be a paying in­ W. Lair Hill, the well known lawyer, . &on from aggravating cough*, have been much me vacant chair in lie* looge room that a w«»rm> Lhii»«1 stat**?* »4 A’U‘*ricH, ut pubur Hint ion, to of the bo»lv »»f the late W. M. Turner pur- ’ heneiiteti by taking Re«t Star Cough Cure. location oi desirable population more than vestment in more ways than one th«* hi Ji»‘»-t hidd»*r. at the < »»iirf-Huu©«« door, in passed through the valley tbi* we •«, on bi* i»i,«»luer u st*. *uant to hi* re«|iie*t before he died, which W »• temier to th** bvrettvnl family and friends Ja keutiviiie. in bui «I county and mate, on clean, neal-louking business Inni-es and Carpenters, mi n-r* ami builder*, exam­ revealc»! the prrsc*m »■ of a tumor in his None »»f the ill effect.* *•• m»ticcab'c in uth- wav to hh home in Oakland. Cal., hum our sincere *ympatl>y. Nutti -lpr»7 /*>, /XX?, at the Old Stand of residences, tidy streets ami good roads | er cough rvmcdi» * have follow« «! the ii *«* Portland. ine A. II. Maegiy «t. C<>. * stuck »4 tools ami stomach. ut - »»\-l<»» k I’ m . of sai«l day. >i5i th»* right, tide leading thereto. It dues not involve the ! of this. and ii t*T«**t «»f the saiti Mary E W i H mouhik I I’, prices before purchasing elsewhere. * II. B. Ree«l, agent oi the San Luis 1 cnee i Rev. W F Requa. Baptist church. An- outlay of a large sum of money, and 1 lie ladies ol Jacksonville are tmlilied t WtHM»»n. defendant«, in and t»> all of the fol­ An attempt was made this week to in­ rura. III*., says that Gilmore's Arumutic | A family name»! Bright rc*i«ling in thi* Co., is now hi town in the interest »if that lowing d«*M«Tib»xt r«*ai property, to-wit: such expenditures certainly pay w«ll in that Wnl Alipci, "1 i’orliand. oi the well- I lz»t six. in M*cti«»n tw«*nfy-tiv?. and lot five, in « «»rporatiuii, \\hi» li own* the best fence in dict a saloon-keeper at Gohl II ill f<»r .selling Wine is a h«»useliol«l remedy ami that no ! place, who have nut been properly carc«l I *octi»n twenty-Hix, all in t«>wne»hip tbirty-«*even more ways than one We h»»pr that our known Villadc Paris firm, is now at the I . | fur by the h».a»l. were found to be disunite existence. liqU*>l without lit* n*v, but it failv'E south, range two weet. Willamette meridian, con- family'lioul'i l»e without it For ‘•ale at . property holder* will ic»t di*sipat« tiic up- S. sample-room*, next »lour tuoflice, with a taining are being offered for bale at acr»*»*. riluated in Juckson count). I i of the ne«-c**arics of life a 1« \v day* *im » Philip Mullen of Eden precinct, who has A *eri» * of evening service* have been ( ity Drug St»»:« . alni Oregon . purtuniiy, but go to work with a will full line of samples of novelties in spring and immediately receive»! rtli» L ihc Sis­ been sick, was able to come to town this WitnetM* niy haiKland «»Uirial-ignature this 16th- he’d at the I’resbv terian church in I’hoe goods for ladies, including silks, velvets, »lay <»f March, l*f»7 make the town look as it ought to. Jacksonville i* spending more money ters of the Holy Names first discovered week. His health is much better than it nix by Rev J. V. Milligan of Ashland. B W. DEAN,Sheriff. dress goods, jersey*, trimming*, etc. La­ proportionately f«/r public-school purposes their condition and »«lministered to their has been. By N A J At OHB. Deputy. fh**n*i*:l .-tyota. dies are invited to cull ami inspect the stuck The cir< uit »-jurt brings urM‘. Flcckerslein A Mayer, the well-known made it the «K’casion to plant a *hade tree cominandetl tu ►«•it the her»*inait«*r de»*€ntM*d For sale a tirst-clas* Detroit safe, al­ best w;shes to our new e«>teiupvrarj hop­ Portland li*|uor house, paid our town a premiH».*«, 1»*vital <»n und«*r ami by authority <»f a any ordinary winter. of some variety on the spacious grounds wilt of attachment, on tin* 15th »lay of July, IssA. ■ All arrived home safe, in due course of ing that he will have a tatter appri. ¡ation most new. Will be sold at a bargain. Ap­ visit a few »lays ago. If you want the best newspapers in the j time, however, surrounding the svhoul-huii.*e. No doubt in *MKi«i action, !•» Matisfy the judgment of ( harie* < of journalistic c«Hirte»y than his predeces­ ply to the T ime * oflice for particulars. ♦ Capt. Jas. Barnes has returned from a many of these saplings will take root and Nickell, plaintiff , for the num of iZiC.25. wilh in- land, you can get the lowest possible sub­ (er»*et at the rate *»f ten p**r cent per annain from There is nothing new to report in the The grand jury is almost an Applegate sor. and not allow jealousy and envy and the sum of scription prices by taking advantage of 1 Portland market. Wheat is quoted at visit to Applegate. He had a slight stroke hccoiiiv trees of large size, beautifying the the JJlh day of October, aitoru» y f» ♦•*, and the further ©urn of FZ5.HI <-*<*jnentM. and h I mo the costa of and u | m » d I that bo»!y being resident* of that section, i and luisrcprc-fiitatiun. atively g»M>d hcul th ing the warm »lay* oi each year. It wa* tIn© writ; and in obedien»*»* to ©aid writ 1 will of­ Don't delay too long. , a bushel* onions at l?.t cc ts a p«»uml: eggs an altcrnoon w< li ami pleasantly -p».nt in fer fur sale, for cash in liand. al public auction, A very handsome line of gents neck­ N. .*?. Goodlow of Langeil valley. Klamath to U m » iiitfii»**t bidder, at tiic ( onrt-HoiiM»> d«M»r NOT ft. E. l'l>e largest and beet •to. k of mortgagee, j at 13 cents a dozen ami chickens at .35 cents a novel maimer. wear. sue h as tie*, collars, etc., has just ■ in Juckwooville. in «aid county and Btata. deede and legal blanks of every imagina­ .each. There is no change in the q*a»»ta- county, was in town this week. He has All persons imkbted to the undersigned on been reev ve«l at the > F Variety Store. Iwcn at his farm in Little Butte precinct Stifl llvritty Alfttd. I lions oi the . < an Fran isco markcl,givenun ble de»<'riiaiuii, south of Salem, is kept are re«|Uested tucail at the City Drug Store X'itut u ft/t A/ t H /rq ISSf, for a lew week- past. ii. n. Reed, the Jive fence man, i* here, Y cderday was the anniversary of St. constantly on hand at the Ttxrs office and the last page of the T imi .*. and settle on or before March 10tl>, I at 2 »»’clock F. M. of mm »1 day, all the rigid, title just arrived from Yr»*ka, Cal. He 1 having and mUTCMl ot lie-Maid John Byer*, defendant, Allen Simons has finished teaching urn going east and need all the money due Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Ihe will be -old at Portland prices. j The finest draft horses ami the best trot­ u: and <«» ail of the following di •scribed real prop­ *< ho»»l in Manzanita precinct ami may g<> , inform* u that the >tagc < u. is making erty, to wit. historic green could be seen on every band. me D r . J W. lb»m%*«»>. Alex. Comlray killed three cougars at the ting • reeds in the State arc raise«! in Jack­ llio undivided one-balf of I**1» numbered five, to Linn county tu s|»end a few month», He • connecti<»n with the C. A V. K. R. at Mon- Jacksonville. Fab. 22, 1*0*7. Ladies, is life and health worth preserv­ mouth of Beaver creek, Klamath river, last sun county, l he demand for good horses uud seven, in biota numbered twenty, a© always gives satisfaction. j tague, and that the track is laid six miles ►ix laid down upon the record«»d plat of theiown ing? If y»»u think *c. use Gilmore’s Aro­ week. the largest measuring nine feet j steadily increase.*, ami since it requires no A’vr Sale, ( beyond thut place. The graders are thick of Mediurd, county ot Jackeon. btate of Or«»- matic Wine. For sale at City Drug Store, from tip to tip. i his makes ten that have mure attention or expense la raise a thor- We received a pleasant call from W. Ten thousand clapboards ana twenty as bees on the bank-» of the Klamath river. gun. WitneMf* my hand and official signature thia «jughored cult than a scrub, farmers and Erb, D. W. Knutzen, A. Hosier and I>. been killed in that vicinity .since last fall, A merchant trying to du business with- Inear Henley. Mr. 11. also reports bottom- rithituyof March- lh«7. lhou»uiid »biliMhsa vi juud <|Uallt> van be ' horsemen should prefer t* brce«l their Fitzgerald, who are serving their country I less in ml on the other side of the Siski- B W. DEAN. Sheriff. ! had cheap lor caah by applying at the «»ut advertising is like a farmer trying to and raids upon hogs and cattle arc becom­ Un the c.ipa* ity »/f juror*, this week. I you and three feet oi *tiuw on Ihu By N. A* «JACUBB, Deputy. I ma ret lu the very be-/, hotsci. farm without the implements of husbandry. ing less frequent. T ine * office soon. NEW ÌRIS WEEK J. NUNAN, Notice to Teachers. California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon tiENElî.VE DEALER IN March 23th and 26jh. 1887. DRY AND FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, 1<< »<»'!'!* and MILLER BROS., Garden Tools, Fertilizers. Etc., GROCERIES, TOBACCO, ETC., ETC SILK VELVETS AND VELVETEENS IN COLORS KXCiJ.ISI I L>l AGON AI.S. Notice for Publication. ALL WOOL FRENCH CASHMERES TRICOT CLOTH IN COLORS, AMERICAN CASHMERE, DOUBLE FOLD, SILK AND WOOL ALAPACAS, I TOPPING & HYDE CHAPMAN SAW MILL AT AUCTION PRICES ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, y HI. 1887 I VERY LOWEST RATES. 1 Sheriff's Sale. M. MEN8OR. B ALL THE REMAINING GOODS i A. G. COLVIN, JACKSONVILLE, OB. ACTUAL COST PRICES ! Sheriff*s Sale. B Æ1 SACRIFICE ! 1880 A.H.MAEGLY&CO 3HIROWIRE, STOVES and TINWARE PAINTS sad OILS. WAGONS, PLOWS, IMPLEMENTS J ack*onvillo, Oregon