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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1887)
(Times U :T.') .Î ,T:5 JHIClH Mi SI »ìlio \ Y Ur.ttK l\i> TIIKKt. Oregon Kidney lea. Public health is improving. Pay the printer and be happy. R lu <1 tlie new advertisement'1. I E Jacobs d«‘3ire< to «lu*c bii'i:*c<s i.i J«»hn (ir.h r-»c.’ived u I d »«f ffne. f it ciittle from H. F. Birr-m ycatvi’day. The Major Jacksonville ut t .c e.iriivit pu'aible mo raises some ot the best cattle un the north- ment and consequently has put «1. avi * prices to 20 per cent, beloxv c«»-t. He means west coa-t. ! The roads were never worse, wbijeh. bu-ine^s and also «»tiers his lixtuivs I »r coupled with the di«agrc«*n’»lo weather. sale. 1//.D/O/f/> SlJtlRS. I h< s trio I Pa rig. •:i'l given by the Ja -ksonville Silver j J. NUNAN, Miss Mamie Brcntanoi- payingtlii- place | Dr. Pryce and IL H Wolters were in I Lu«n< t Barn! uh - nut a.-well attendvi u- ’ Jjrks«-»nville Wednesday. a visit. ex’’vi4«*d. «!■ i.ibth -on account of tbe di*-1 (’ummissioher *!avm«»ml xvj-in J.r \-un- villr la-I i’uesd i.» . agreeable weather, while the buff roads prcwntctl many from uut&ide «4 the toxvn 'coming who otic i xx i-c w«»ubl have be«-n on | baud Still tiu* attendance w i- g*»od. ev erything pa.-- ng off nicely ami all enjoying themselve-. The music was excellent, the k iltzes, etc., rendered by the juvenile cor- net band reflecting much cr«*«lit on the 1 member* • thereof ami their l *a«ler. > »m * prospective « Langes in real-estate in : in - ¡»lace are rumored. California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon, i h i.- i- W. B. R«»bert.- . • -i IL T. Lawton, our real-estate and loan N*»txx ilh-tanding ali in? e<»!.| \x atner xve Hgesit, is doing considerable business in his j thought we had it has m»t l»ti*n frigid a pleasant call y ■. . . ; Chas. Nail ami family have rem I :•> lint. Mrs. A. Z. Scars of this ¡dace is crowded enough to freeze any cou*i»lvr ibl** amount Lead our new clubbing inducements, ■' I I (•lendale, Douglas county. of ice in this vicinity, ami wc will huv« ’ to A number of horses were' sol«i here to ' rown election lakes place next Tuesday. with bu-ines« in the dress making line and «lei’vnd on other ¡»lace** i*»r .»ur *’q»ply next I otic.« P4>u c for t» .* i’lMhs in adranc^atoar B. F. Dowell lias returned 1» I’ui n.t«i«l Mr. Allen.r<*j»r«**enling the S. P. R R <’«».. gives general sutDtaction H«*r ¡»rices are i<-*«d c.tsn rut-* will I»»* furnmhetl an\ <»f the Old papers at the I lur-ollh e xerv cheap from his trip to Washiiigtmi. summer. •ll«»Ait»g named publn atHNis tn c«»nn»wtu»n with last week. very reasonable. I'fruoittil. ’ *.- |»np»*t at t‘t»» pru*»-.- »riv«»» bel«»w. ft will I m * 1- A. Hcbcrlic has returned from I’urt- Fur the act.«»mniu«iaiiun ui taxpayers in Miss Maggie Linn bus returned fr<»:n ;r E. Warinuii of the I'niun livery- stable is i:»>iK*vd tl at th»«ru i> a rtsitiction of a» l«*aat 52 Justices» of the peace, notaries public and .!.<» < . Wiiucr,formerly ot Ashland. ba> |**r e»*nt. on pobli-heri*' ruMomary rata*«* in even land. kept busy attending t<» the wants of his !«»catc«l at Stayton. Mari>»n county. He • real-estate agent» will timl the best, cheap- Ashland ami vicinity, .Sheriff Dean will protracted visit to Ash! md n.-tance. and in much more: wkumk *. A. 8. Coulter of Portland w as here jes . est and most complete stock of blanks at visit that ¡»lace to morrow for the purpos.» Miss Rose Stannus xvill appear in Ja» k- numerous customers. La- lung been a rcsideui »»I J.u k>«>n county, r«»led«» Wcekb Blade. ’ . . of receiving taxes. This will be quite c»»n- -onville next Tuesday ev«-n:n^. 1 ’lie T ime - office. $4 INI D. W. Crosby and the Misses Riddle were where he has m: ny iriemls. ail of whom liurp r’» Weekl.x............................................... .. 5 7u ter, lav. vrnient for lb«»-»« who have no« ¡»;ri«l their I wish him success in his new home. The Stdnntitic Amrric «n......... 5 on l’alleti Bn»*., insurance agents, are now I Mrs. M. A. Freeland oi A'hl;ii*.«i Las in Jacksonville last Friday night ami at- ¡M*ople of Stayion will find him an enter ( A fexv copied oi' the American Sutler’s I Drti’uit Fr«*»’ Pre* •....... ........ . 3 uo I «¡nota as yel. temied the railroad ball. N»’W Y»»rk Stnr at Roseburg. bxei* visiting relatives at Salem pii-ing and tru-fworthv < itizen in every ex«*ry ' Hiuide,-tandiird authority on lan<l »¡ ih *.-- 3 (io V w York W' «»i 1«L............. ............................... The interest «»I* th«’ minor heirs of the 3 (I) 1 • ion-, cm be obtained l»\ calling at the F. L. (’ranflll, the efficient manager of r«*spect one who can ill ways be relied Elocutionary entertainment next Tues IL 17 Ankeny* of Mari«»n county is again Man brancirxM» Examiner.............................. . 3 60 up«»u. ________________ \\ •• ('«rry in Stock estate of Wesley Mitchell, decease«!, in Port I»n«I Oregonian. T imes office toon. Henry »Smith’s business at this place.mad«* . I <0 day evening. paying the sterling mines a visit. Harper’s Haz»ir... certain real-estate locate«! near A-hlaud .. 5 7n Utrrh l ’ rtti»l. ‘ Mti'fti -.¡w ¡or your toxvu a visit a few days since. E. F7. Carrot Daggett's Mills, Pa.,says he Pi«»n«s»r l’rc<— .................................. Ashland also succeeded in having her Mr*. E. C. Kane has returned t » Ashland .. 3 UÜ was »oldat public sale at the «’«mrt-innise Opens with th«- «.‘igliih <»f th iafe Mr. P«»w- < hirng«» N»* wh ................. .. 3 Ou charter amended. John Wolters, lately <»f Ashland, is a saved the life of his child with croup by after paying this ¡»lace a short visit. ell's ’ Leaves from my Life." in whicl* ........ he ... Ut—«»nr* Republican ..................... ’ door last Saturday, am! bi«l in by J 3 IM) f resident ol this place at present, being a tr« atj »>f To»»m i- Carlyle in the same go* using Gilmore's Magnetic Ivlixir. E’or sale Globe Dein« m *mt ................. ...****. . 3 111 More .-tormy weather was promised as W B. Furman am! W. T. Beagle of Ta- i A In utt for $50u. Philadelphia Tim»»» . 3 un sipv wax as in the »»ther ¡»aper- «»f the se member of his s*»n Fhar'es’ househoLI. at ( ity Drug Store. we went to press. Man Francisco ('all............. ...3 A map uf some of the real estate in Ash bl<* Rock precinct were here ycter«lay. ries. \ remarkable *trong poem. From krank Leslie’» iHu*truted gwpt r ...... We hear considerable complaint becaiis»- H« n* « :*»i th **in N' » M«»r<*.’ by >. B Elliott 5 7" A protractc«! im-ciing is being held al W . E. Dean of Glendal»* has been paying Gvo. Yaudes and Chas. Rifner «»f Sterling- land was filed in the office of the eoiintx German .. 5 7«» the game laxv is being violate«! by L»cal ' is in this, number, 11 is above the average , i Talent by the Bapti-ts and a number of M»imlay Magazine ... . Ashland a visit. t clerk this week. This matter ha- been x ill«’ were at the county-seat Tuesday. sportsmen. Some arrests are likely to fol of magazine verse. I llu-tratcd article«* on Pupiilnr Monthly............. 5 O! ' converts are re|n»rted. Elders Hummer neglected sunK*tiine. whi« h «’ mu * c <I trouble Nature * remedy i* they say of " > ho »is." Some Memories ol Mr. Clark, a resident of this county in low. ’’ B'T<Uet .................................. . I 35 an»l M*i >re oil! ’ ¡ate. PL’asaut Hours. th»* Tuihuh A Buri<*«t <•r»‘ek < ity in- I IO ‘ Oregon Kidney Tea in th«’ transfer »»f some «»f the pr«’pti ty <h * early days, is paying friends here a visit. monthlies . 1». n Webb, one of utir pnmiiueiH mer Egypt." ami "F-.mous English Literary The awning in front ui I bus. (’havner’s ignated on said map \ -tMh<»r.*, Portland,Or....... ................... ... .M W. (>. I'rquhart of San Francisco ¡»aid J Operation* continue »teudily at the dis chants, was at the county-seat Wednes Women. . :vc \aiicly and interest to this frame buildings on California street fell < etiturj. M» i ihner’s..................................... W. H. Wickham, th»- well known real- numkr. i'h* • l.i-t nirntion *d arta ic is ar- tillery in Jacksonville. u- a short call the forepart of the week. i I >»-in«»r«-st’s Ma*c»aine day, ami mn«le the T im » office a call compatneil i y -i\ |*»rhail>. Thursilay morning, but fortunately tu» one 'The Bible G< »*l»*\’* I July B«M»k . estate agent, has remov«-«! his uffic« to the I Nick Kime is at Happy Cann», ( al., in Jas. R. Reanies of !7drii precinct ma»h- w hile there. St. Nicholas ................. (la - Exet' l.xei'i«' a*- ”R<*- xvas near at the time. j-e’ - < Horoa f»»i .r.< riv rly km»wn known as building on Mr*«. HoUi-k s lot. Ashland, I liann’r's Monthly. .. »ion- ’ ) i «.Iler < c.i-h prizes for the best the employ ot J. K. Reeves. , n :. ’ i«/u-' offer th«* county-seat a visit Iasi Wedi*es«iay. Mr. Doiighcriy. a brother of Mr*. W. H. J«--.-«* Dodge Jacob ami John Mingle were where he i.- always ready («» execute ail Ym. ru ;ui \g> i<-ultun*t..................... answers. Here is i< a line o)»|»ortunitv f»»r Harper’s Y«»ung People ................. Jasper N. Jones was admitted to the in toxvn Weilncsday John Orth and son returned last Satur- . Barr of this ¡»r»*< ;nct. xvho has been ¡»aving sfudvimr til! They report ¡»lenty or«lers in his line the Bible to profit. The serial Prompt an.I < areful at I Petrrwon’s MutfMziua county hospital this week. day morning from their trip to R«»sci»urg. her a \ isit. return«-1 to El»lora»l ». M«> . hi* stories rii «■«•ntinuc'l. and there is an of snow in Widow Springs precinct amt a tention given t»> busine--. H< »Hecke. P«*r . / I abumlaot !•». <• »jf -h»»rt pap«*r>. t>o» m- OtLi’r publication* wi'l I»»* furnisiied ata re- Fresh orange» and lemons at the 8. F. good outlook for miners. Henry Pape, Sr. is able to be about home, recently. -k»‘ii’h«*-. etc. ¡’he iliu-trati ns are nu The on the railr«»a<l xvork by •hu’ed *mce wh» n «»rdered with the T imes . Variety Store. Ja« ksonville. For -ah* at a (>.irga»u a «-»>sy <1 welling merous ami bi auf it ui Oldai .1 n»’W -ui**«*rib«*r* tmxing uner»«ar in ad- 1'he benefit ball given at Granite Hall at the hour, getting !H1 cent- a day ami boar«I again, after a severe siege of rhcumatisin. '•c 'fr«»in d *te f »r th« I imeh will r»*c«*ive in ad- ( apt. Kelley returned from Salem »luring i house not i<n from the center ut the town Pay your arrearages at the T imes office Ashland on the evening of the 22»! inst. themselves. Ab«»ut three of them « an do • lit.o * ith< r the New Y<»rk Star, the 8au Fran. UOV/I TULLIS. «•I • •• 1 x «rmn»*r. Mt. Paul Pioneer Pr. -s. Mt. Louis I ami get one of our premiums. was a very successful ami enjoyable affair. as much xvork as one good xvhite man. the the ¡».ist xveek, where he ha- been for some of Mcdforil. F»ir particulars en»|uirt*.of R. gimjhaxis R***»iibln-an «»r Detroit Free Press, six months T. Lawton. real-estate agent * A neat sum was realized way they worx; but pr«»b.ibly t!i«\v would time. fr«**-. <»r the Farm an«l Fin’side <»n<» year fi«s*. You cannot do better than to take advan I IIMEH PIUNTINii HORSE. the road- leading into Mt*dfor«l arc al sheriff Dean xvill -ell some real-estate at do more if paid bigger xvaevs. S Furry. F. Barneburg an»! Ja-. Helms tage of our new clubbing offer. n •|f?7 l ’ ir‘ “f F-ulnAli.W«»»l K. Jtr!. t », d M» in »» 1 i,«|. rmi.r. I i;»li< s'. nd Mi- » - \|| Jacksonville, Oregon. llar» * o- •»o»»! nose. N»*w (■••• th • court hou.-e door to-morrow afternoon. Frnne waiking, come on Imrsebai L, . *>im* of IMen precinct pert* in Jacksonville on most impiissabh*. xvliich make > btiiin«-.-’* Hanley A Co. shipptal another lot of fat ite loan unusually dull here. Our r«»a«l supervisor For further particulars see advertisements in wagon-, come running, z cq/ue anyway, l’u< sday. I cattle to Portland last week. Jack-on .vont /:. HJ] und W inter hu>. r- wi »I find pn.»r ar.jitly r»*du. * J .ml «in -i.« k in L. • ». • «. oh .««i. shuukl reme»1y this as soon a* possible, as «in the 4th ¡»age of the T imes . !uun»loi «»urr«» »ugincf.tinx trii»b*. WJ*. ......... »»dd !*.--. m. it... *<. ,.i„ only so yon get to o'.ir office. J'hc' Farm S. 1> Galey *4 Ashland, xvho has been at A son was born to Mr. and Mr.*. Samuel it is a crying shame. „ . ' ' ’ 1 I r. f *. \ ; . Ü our in»»h« ! AH person» imlebtrd to the undersigned The stages going both n»»rth and south «»f and Fireside.” a first class -emi-niuntbly Salem on professional business, has return will uf1»»i«l for pr»»dure. Mich m » butter, ♦•us*. He. j NUNAN Arendt at Roseburg on the 5th. are r««|Ueste.l tor-all at the City l>rug Store W. IL Barr recently sent a watc-rfoxvl, it Vr«’ka are now hauled by six-horse teams, journal.given f ree ii you *vttl«* your arrear ed home. All pcr-'iii- ai»* m»tili«*<l m»i Io cn- Fresh buckwheat Hour and oatmeal for and •< ttle on or before March loth. 1SK7. I «embling a seagull, w hich was killed near ami they have the l*«’nviest pulling to get ages or pay «me year in advance. W. A. Brown, tbe well-known stock ter my land, -ituat« d b tween Ja ks«>n\ iile a’ oi.'.t ea«t and need all the money due sale at th«* S. F \ ariety Store. along ».ver th ‘ horribk.* roads. Logan, th«’ Yshl llid |*h«»(< ;■ i aphvr. is buyer. has been in the valley again on th.* place, to Dr. DeBar «if Jacksonville, and Medford, adjoining the old l i<< ¡•Lice. iuc Pn. .1 W. Ifohis-os. W. W. .Je*-»* ha* returne«l u> thi- county who will probably have it stuffed. It is on any pretense XX hatever. < ’«»n-idcrabk* A nice lim* «>i *!c»-v.* buttons and holders xvithout a -iqiciior iiH»n,*.'»*n. <»ir*i«le <•! business. J.t, k-1 i.v !le. Feb. 22. l"7. after an absence ol a few year*. quite a curiosity in this section. damage has ahead;, bren done by 1res- Y- he u-e-th»* l.r«-t in:- of m aux • di lit* rent -txl»*^. f;*shioti;il»le *»»1- I th«* larger ciri«*-. RoLt. Donovan, th-- energetic repre ami 1 have l»«*rn < »-lilpellcd I » l’(- Egg* are p!* '»timl again in this market, n thing sentative of Z iii IL-»»-.. ' tw it. our mi«l-t j < W. S( niii..jd MU « \|M*rt hand al th«* ¡»as -cis. I tr««. cads. Il»" kti»*s, e’c.. itlxvays l:t*pi on pr»»x «'inent- in th-* art .’¡ml ••ax? J.ov/. sort t t-» th«- law in sR ii «•{.*•'(** p' ox id«*'l Lui butter is *f.u ’ c«*r ihan usual. bii*HH** Mill. 4. rg •». the « ’ • ntral II-»u.-«*. undone to ¡»lease hi- numemms • i-n»m* . r x%at< i \x o L» t by Geo. Schmitt, haml at th»* > !' Variety St»»rc. this xveek. • If X- . Ni i » t .uui is b'lil Lu ' up <i goo-i p:»lro!-.:g» j |,e he is enjoying an extrn-ix . Im-im- - ‘ We want corfe*|M>i.«leuce from cv»*iy p »r- iiorilo-rn porti«»!* <»f t»»wn. :* L*\v day» Pay your -uo*« ription t»» tin* TRMF*one ('has. H Bc-iich •»! Adii »i<- • Jo. ¡tLi.i«- ' lfo't i ì » fimi r vip he libvrii'ly rrward- ti»>n of the Fii -t Judi« ial District. 'Tin* great aimmnt of -: - xx .\L’. h i« ;l i . «<>uuty. p;J»i J;u k.-»»ox il'<-a Ict-im-** vi-it i i»t**( «»I nival- and .«»iging* ii*rni-lH«i at 2 » year in tlvar.» «* ;»n«l y«»u will get the New ,i A r\ .« a-. • h:.* I c<*nt- ca« h. >.itisfac(iu!i gu irantcc»!. z rrtutfii» ..* il. Ja»,ks<»n c»»'’.nty gains one representative York Star." Detroit "Free Press ’ or th«* r«’gi««n near Mount .‘•L.-i-ia « c-« tn.iff «■ II.!-« ■ I I If x\ J W«- oiadxvrhmdy m ••■!.* | t«» an «>um*« LI»»« k»-«l the railroH»! for -< , \- . .il -I i\ - i-i under the new apportionment bill. *»ur m» lit- "San Francis«’«» Examiner i kee . l iit* v«»mliti«»n »•: M »rr. • M»-.--.. xvhicb ' ¡ i. c«»nsv»piencv <»l which th« i«* xxa- no < <aii in mr I -I thai .i b.mic ’ I h » x had put in 7 *\ I».*. Sum Centers sol«i bis band of sheep to A senate committee reported adversely on Our large Illustrated Dry Goods Fata- ha-b«’cn critical. L •»»mcxxhal improve«! at • » it to I V municution with the <•' country south of I j an a¡.j»varan« «• t th r»-:«lcm • of Wm the bill to ¡»ay B. F. Dowell ami heir* of A. thi< xx i iting. .M \ logue ( 17.» p.«g«**> f »r Spring and Summer, . W. A. Brown of Montana this week. Yreka. <’al., until the tor« part of thi- w< • k. Aug’« . o:». ->J out i «-rt h » .(-, <»n l‘»< lllii •i. • r- Gibbs attorney fees for defending Lieut. The largest line of stoves in southern Mff, will be rcaily f«»r distribution March A«l. Hamburg«-i i< presenting Diit.n-' ■ in-t. \\ 1- <-«»ir»'-i» ».»dinIx v,aU*<L ; h K As will b<* seen l»y notice elscxvhere, the <»o«tdale years ago at Fort Klamath. * ith.aml mailed Irre to any address, Send • Oregon for sale at A II. Maegly’s. h'ivfer, Haas X Co., of Portlaml. made us i »! i directors of Manzanita *rh«»»»l district will I I iiere are some ca*cs ot sii-knc** it* ;tii- in your name Frank Savage, formerly of Jacksonville, W T. Anderson uf Eden precinct ami a call this week. receive Lids fur the aiu4nu-ti.ii* of a sch* •! 1 vicinity, but ijoih * of a serious nature. Mrs !.’Et» Ihn *i Tn \i» ». I s¡ox, (whose parent* now reside at Red Bind, i *on made us a call «me day this week. John A. Hanley an I Reprcsciitativ«* Mill- j j Dr. Adkins, Mr-. I. .1. Phipps and u fexv house, liilx.W feet in -iz»*. txv«» -t«»ii»*- high, ’•< _____ __________________ | Caateria enrex CoHe CowHiKtinn. ■Cotertaj.iowelUdipredtoebnireEihat >a< rameijto, Cal. I he !»e*t c»»a! oil in the market, l»v the (.’al. j ha* lost his reason and was recently at f’entral Point, during th»* «•oniin.-y.’ar. er were at th«* Holton House in I’ortlaml | •comnrruCf oa <...^ — u> -------------------- 1 reeoniEiead it u topnior aar pr- -acr.jiUua ■ Pour Stomaeb, Diarrhoea, Eructation, | <»ther r« -i<l< nts of this pla» t*. w*h«» have been sent to the insane asylum at ¡Stockton. I Kills Worms, gives Eieep, axxd promotes di- galluii, or by th«* ease, at Maeglv's. a fexv «lavs since. ■ knotra to me. ” H. A. Amen. !I rt'trtt I h riiint. See advertisement for further particulars j«*>n-;dc!ably iudi.-qtn.-u-d, are convalescent. I gestion. <» Vi. thatare fretful, p»-»vi-.h, Rain or shine, you can always timl the Ill So. Oxford St, LroutJja, 5. Y. I Without injurious medicatioc. Five trustees, a recorder, marshal ami Col. Wm. Martin of Galesville is paying R» v. F 11 Post, an E|»i-«-opnl miiii-ter. i Tom Ross and A. Speer recently ¿'.ivc cross, or troubled with Iln- Ri<ldie Hou*»* is acknow ledgr«! by all I fast< «*t team»* md best vehicles at Car<l- treasurer will bi choseti at the town clem i Gen John E R»»ss <»f this valley a visit, wh»» h.i- been paving this valley a px-toral : Colic, Teething Pains, or Thk CtafTAU« CuXTANT, iæ Fulton Street. S. T notice in the T ime * that tin y Ircl tak« ii t«» !»•■ ••!»«• I the leading hot« Is in th«- Mate. Windy well’« livery stable in Jacksonville. Prices liuii here next Tuc>«lay. The «»‘Hee of b<* relieved A < hi» agu drummer in Jacksonville last up a stray animal*, ami in <-a« h in-tau«- ' visit, has returned home. Its r»» -a - ar«* neat ami clcati. «-\(«-IL*nt I Stomach Disorders, can r**a*«»nabh* and •» iti*f.ictn»!i guaranteed. * stre.-t commissioner w ill also hr v<»tc«l for. week wore a ?2»M owreoat. Too high i«»r ( barley \ rglitc and his newly m.irrie»! ■ nir.11 - an -< rx • »1 th« r -. and m* pai!i* -p:n> at once •>y using Acker’s Baby Soother. an «»wner wa- found in-ide of a xx vt-k. Th« altl nugh the ¡»resent l»«»4ir»l of trustees have us! 11 E Baker A < Lax*. al»*»ut 14,0(10 b«-«iutir-<»f advertising in a journal which wif< Lav« gone tu H«*ul»-y. (’al., wlier«- Mr. «-I to make gm t- « »»mfortablcaiid t-mir.-ly It contain» no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by not inclmk»! it in their election n»>ti» • i their xx’archou-es at has a superior circulation i- again *hown. V. i- engage«! in stock-raising, (’. < »!l»*:il>o.»4i«*r o Ap.-H _atc i-as<-.iiugi bu.*hei- of wh« at in at home. t ity Drug .■-tore. < on 4 lcrabl*- i:!:»1« >1 is bring imn io* -d, .1 Kiipp’l in his ;uim-- .»u Fo »rman's Me»•(«»!•• I. ( ntral Point Hint Gobi llill. Di-trict Att«»rney ( olvig is at Grant '* The cum;»uh«»ry -<-h-»ol ‘law |*i-sv l by W K. Price was in Ja< k*om ilk* last Sat th» re being a number of « amii*- « or xvliich will probably be «hippol north v.i nullit. • r<ck p <•’.♦•( uting a number of u<*rs«m* urday, looking f«»r horse*' to replace tic.* the legislature i- ju-t what i* i<< c-L »1 i: I’;.- cm h position. *«»t>n. cl»a’g«*«i M’fh <l<«1 -kinniiig. etc. strictly eiii«»rc- <|. I.v-ti :u J »ck* »ax ilh* A line line of fancy stationery, in h»>\«*-. one- In* had s<ikl t<» A. J Allen. He i* P.itOI’HY-ROHINSON At th.- r.-j.l.r»»’ «»f Ncxx man Fisher means with its excellent j » i * i »1;- m h » - lb« : ■ at? /.' / • /«(»««« /P*H4.*f. S «•ini*»i IhiLii •.«•■j ..i, \V-»^:’»-r < r«—k I »•!». 21-f. is being -old \i • »»sT at the >. F. Variety Win N«ui.Jh ofGr.ii i - I’a- * plid his •»till in » barge <n the old Br«»‘»ark pl.*«-» . !»»»( ». ” \. It Soul.- I P N. 1». Ik.»!.li3 t- Ml .slaughtering good! on « ! a iiuui I mt »»I «-hii«lren . .» I <ii ««• .:?!«•!.«1 xvi;--. \\h*»i- «»itrnriiiiE.' I.ct«- .»a the h mm tit long -iu-.-e.-old (•• K*»¡»ert- A <> \»i! by .1. Rev. A. F. llowletl will |»rejv h at the Store. * Am i Robin»«»;! wants to cb»se «»ut as soon as ¡»«»«siblc ami j i ail«! are growi:ig rank iii hoo.iluuii-iiii a:ii I of her health, a visit la-l Tuesday. i II Pallium school-house at Eagle Point next Sun.lay MOICRtN JM :»I Go to Newman Fisher’s for bargains in DEALERS IN everything mu-t I»«' sold, without regard to ignorance. <layionl. J’c! 1 at 7 o’clock r. m . all lines. He is bound to sell out, and ¡»rice. , J. D Keiine«iy, the clever representative The ball gi • n l»y flu* Mt*»lloi«| F«>rnct » I D *c 21. I-s i. b> I I At the administrator s a’e of real prop- | ol 1'leisi’hner. Mayer A Co. of Port I and. Ban»! wa-a pl- a^ant affair, but not as xvell ,-«•» <»f Ja-* - ci vii: :i-i M d * » Hri i«* J ».oh* <»f The pr«»tractv l meeting at the M. E. soon, too. * Bitiat (’;iy. blab«». Miss Nettie Starkey of Portland was ; erty belonging t»> the « stat«- of Sila* Draper, xxa - in the valley «luring the week. < hurch in this place. n«»w going on. will ix* attemle«! a- it shoul«! have been. 1’he best A handsome line of wedding cards and The hnd«* is th- «L.u^ht *r <»r Mr and Mr«» <’. rubbe«! of her purse on the streets of tlie decease«!, hel-l in J ack«*mvill»* ¡•••»•«■ntly . continued over Sunday. 1 C. ('. Beekman ami wife xvill probably ol music had b.-en provi«le»l, while the sup- Jar«»bt* of tin- pl*.«-«- and i* t n»*r.*foi«* a Hi«*mb**r I invitations is always kept on haml at the metropolis one ex ening r«’« rntly, but for the mining claim, pipe. etc.. tog«4her xx iih uf »»no of th*-b -' fauiihe-in th«* ta mt«'iy. The I per -et at tin* Riddle House «-oulil not have Liberal Sund ty schofd ami Bible vla-s I'l'ii - office. leave New York this xx»*ek and may be ex w»»«lding wa- cvl«*brat«sl '•<’ th»- i!»»tn»*of th«* **ni- tunately it c«»ut:rine«l only a -mall *um of the upper water «lit« h. were Li l in for : been • M riled. in-lnwof.Mr Jac»»!»-, w-'e rt* t !;.* bri»l*- l.a* been meets every Sunday at II o’clock \. m . at pected home the fore,»art of next month. I he greatest bargains in all kinds of mer im»m v. visiting for several inuiith- paet The attach« the r M. i. Hall. Talent. Knbli A Bolt of Applegate. The pri«e chandise «in l»e obtained by calling soon R. E Davis-, the clever agent for Snell. . Tin* protract«’.1 meeting wiii.-h ha< been inent wbi.’ii led to tic* union wan f«»rfn *«i two or ’Th«’ legislature incrvas«*d th«» school-tax ¡»aid was |«>»i. I going on at M« Gee A Zimmerman's hall three yenrs fun» The gr<M»m is a prominent and . R gnlar services will be held at the • >n Newman Fisher. 11« it-' Im (,’«»., th«- leading «Irug house in r«‘*i»ecte«i <-» i/»-u <»f eouti.»*rn < >n*g«»i! Th»- entire h*xy one mill, so that hereafter a general I It-iin ««»mm-. nced tailing last Wed’i - , during ill • past few w< tk-. under the au*- «-omrriuiuty of iloi-» wh»*«»- Mrs. Morgan w t - t it Io »lie « hunii in this pine next Sun» lay. the n rthxvest, made us a visit this xveek. Snwk are still »tillering from the cold tax oi live mill* for school ¡>urj»o*es will he | day evening ami by ten »»'« '««■< k m arly all i pices «4 the Rapti-ts. cam-* t»» ail < nd last : lM>rn ate* rear»*«I will join in xvi-hii they«»ung Rev F X. B am bet ofti lating. D. L »ring, who is in the employ of the weather ami lack ut feed and »ume have levied. Thi- change xvill no doubt ¡»rove long life an«i>!»in«*s- fBoiee ( ity 1 the-iiuxx lying in the valley had nie’tc 1 I rii«*s«lay ev<>ning. It was well attende«l ' r«»uple Jh'inorKt l iie -v< <>n«t quarterly meeting of the M succumbed already. «». A: C. R R. Cu. at Portland, ¡»aid «»nr popular. ; Not long alterxvarii th«? rai l turned into j throughout and tin»j«*n c-mverts ar»* r •• E. Church South for Applegate circuit, town a visit «luring the fore,»art of th»* I |M»rtrd N R. Parson is manipulating the reins Th»’ Tidings' says that Joshua Patter- 1 snow ami a tew inches fell by nmrning. ■ will be h* I on William** «-reck to-m«»rr*»w on R. S Dunlap's freight line between this ! xveek -»n bought alM»ut Pi hea«l of cattle (»f Mr. i Such curious weather puz/1».’» even the ami Sunday. SPENGE!! In A-hinn«!. F»*b Mb. I»» Mr. and Oiili'tit/c ou !*fu>r H nimi h . place ami Medford. Dr. R«»hin*on of Jacksonville inteiul- g< - Mansfield of Talent last week at |l<) per I oldest inhabitant Mrs Adin Spencer, a daughter. i From -outhvrn Oregon exc hanges are ob- ing ea-t next month to attend a course ut The soring flight of drummer» seems to hea«l. Th«? low ¡»rice is accounted for by Srttreiig of Ttttl. The legislature hot having pa-iCd a new FINLEY h. Wihc'if. Jan :’.!•*». t-« Mr I tium d the following partivulais <»i the «las. 1 lectures at «»lie uf the prim ipal medica 1 | Grjifft Fudcx. a (hiughter have set in. there being no less than twen the weatiier. T«» u t a slang expression, hay is hay measure to regulate the liquor traffic, ami tar.ily uutiagc committed by John Carter, i college-. nowadays. .'-«» great is the demand for ty in town thia week. Cattle are quite cheap this stormy weath the Ready law being defunct, licenses to b i /; />. F. A. English, Lite county surveyor, has | the stage «River but wet n Lakeview and , this article that it has been retailing nt Robt. Hardman, toll-collector of the er ami several of those who have bay tu retail li.pior outside of the in«•«»r|»urat< d Bly on a dvlrm»«dess »woman. It seems1 McGIN'N hi. Portland. Feb 22« I. of consump a hm «ltdiveu-d, xi, .uni it in «lonbu'ut I Centennial bridge, made Jacksonville a sj are have purchased quite a number, ex- town* will be grantc i under th«’ obi law nv ( been appointed one of the guards at the i that a parly of emigrants on the roa«l to tion. Mrs Margaret M»*Giun. wife of H £ obtained at even that visit a few «lay- since. i pectin; g to realize handsomely upon their the county commis-mm r I } ♦• fee is .<loo Stat«* penitentiarx at Salem, a re-pon-ible j w he! Mc< Jinn and eldest daiiuhter **f P Donation of Lakeview wA«i> overtaken by the stage. Sev- 1 Jacksonville; ¡»«»sition. in the 25th year of lit r age rolonged >|»ell of wintry investment. > ¡»er annum, or $ *o for six month*. |»ri< . G. \\ . St»»wr!l ami M L. \V u « m I of Butte era I of th«* party were on bmt.somv of them RA1MEY hi Tabl«* Th wk precinct. Feb. large number of stuck creek :tml thus. Lumbert of <«*>l»l Hill were wra’ J A. L-ir.-en. <»ne ui our popular mer As>t**«»r (’liihlcr*. xvho was in town la-t ihe religions nee!in.' a h ha* •e<*n T Raimey; aged al><nit♦»$ yearn being women, t arter remarked . that lie is the cause »if thi- great Whit Friday, informed n* «»f more or less I going on at the ALL. chut« i in I. . k*»*n- chant lail«»rs. went t»i Ashland this \v»*ek w as *«»n y th;1 here «»ne day this week. , l he coubi m.»t ;u com mod at*.* SINGLETARY On Gall’*- creek. Eel» -’hi. K In former years, when i’»cr< roita V ShudHary: aacd 2' >«ar* and lotiaye ville during the past wvekJ In - Lccu *,*. ■ 11 .and took a ihiiii ’ it of or<lers for stylish the ladies to a seat in the stage, but coubi Thi- is probably the stormiest February b»-sof *io« K in ’Tabb* Rock ¡»rc« inct. He m the Ohl Stand of I lac mil I. there always was attemle.i ami c<»n-i«l«.*r.ibb’ •atcr«‘*t i- man- clothing. ai.*l w’ouhf accommiMlate one of them, ami I that has been experienced since the mem ha* lost «‘»o hea«l of h«»gs since the beginning I I 4 hay. ami many stork- «¡Hit itc-ted. Rev-. Skipw nth. Rob ’* .iml of the m«»nth. A 1. Lexy ami J T Wy ley. prominent exh n«led an invitation to any one that orable peri'id of l**»2-<j3. » •t | rr| arvd for such unusual ral-i Th«* i«»b <hq»ar«in<*nt <»f the T ime - print Williams officiate. Th* mv«*tin..' will be commercial travelers, have been inter- , woul«l accept a seat with him. saying that babies arrived at the re-idenve of xv rail»« r. Di- »juite Ii i !y that there will viewing their customers in the valley quite it woul'l not cost her a cent into Lakeyirw. Hood s Sarsaparilla. the great hi«»«.»<l purifier ing establishment is kept busy. It is gen I protracted lor ecvvrai days 1 »nger. be a « oli-blei able I«»: of stock this season, Julius Trumbull of Aithouse precinct, Jo- and regulating medicine, is characterized by recently. erally acknowb*dge«l that the best printing One ol the w<»men.named Hauge, willingly Messrs. Hanley ami Love last >un»lay arc I eilig offered for sale at espe* lal’y if the snow «loes not melt soon i sephine county, last week. Hire© peculiarities, namely : south of Salem is done here. We defy drove three hundred head of cattle from We are sorry to b arn that Harry Barman. accepted the invitation, as the travel was ami th»* storms continue. We already hear Owing to the great scarcity of hay and competition. representative ot Thanhaus»’r A Fruhman very rough, and took the ¡»rotteie«! scat be The combination <•( the various of many head dying, and in our opinion ' bad roads th»* I nion livery stable was toni* I Applegate to Geo. Stephenson - farm near remedial agents used. They purchase«l a large of Portland, is ly ing dangerously ill at side the driver. After going some distance Several inches of snow fell over the val i this place. the heaviest lo<- i- yet to be expected porarily closed this wreck. hr began to take impr«»j»cr liberties with ley «hiring the week : in fact more or less of «¡uantity of hay of different parties ami Roseburg. The proportion in which the roots, 1 Some spow still lies on the ground. herbs, barks, etc., are mixed. Kml.othl Verting. "the beautiful" fell every night. But little have none too much even now. as they are J T. Valentine, commercial traveler for I her, ami she was severely bruised in the , it will m»t remain long unless re- Noti'.e i- hereby given that the committee «.»fit remains, however, though the hills feeding many hundred hea«l ol stock. the leading millinery house of Mooney. struggle to prevent the brute from accom . The process by which the active ’ int’«»rce»l by a new supply. he-n4«»t«»rr iii p<»iiit«-»i tu have th«' gr»mn«l ar«* full ol it. medicinal ¡»roj»vrties are secured. Several thousand bushels of grain still re 'Goldsmith A’Co., of P«»rtland, was here a plishing hi* ¡nirposo. The following day The salary of <»u. county treasurer wa- the emigrants arrived and swore out a war -urv«y< <1 f»»r a railroad from Jacksonville S-a?" Ihere will positively I k - no Reservations. Tin1 good» must b« Th«* party given by the ladies of Eagle main in the hands of our ia: mers. w hich ■ lew days since. The result is an*c«li« ine of unusual strength per annum by the last leg rant for the arrest of (‘al ter, who bail start t»» c;mm*«4 xvith th» <> «k (’. R. R . am! to raiscl to Point List Tuesday evening xvas well at W’ould probably be sol<l at pr» -< ut figures 1*. Dom’gan ol this pla» e h it for Portland i sold at once, even and curative power, which effects cures liero- ed back. I he warrant was placed in «the estimate the cu.-t of -on-tiucting said rail islature an increase of $I»JU. tended and prove«l one of the most enjoy if it could be hauled t»» maik. t. It seems ; th«.* («»repart <»i the week, in response to a tof.*re nncq’ialksL The-«* ,»♦'« uliai itics belong road. will rep«»rt their procerdings at a Neuralgia and kindred diseases promptly able events which has taken ¡»lace there to be a good idea to store the surplus close ! telegram aiinouncing the critical comiiti«»n bands ui the sheritl’. who followed Carter, exclusively tu Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and are and overtaking hitn in Drew’s valley, ar -pe« ial met l':>g to »>»nv«-!:e at th«’ town hall yiel*l to the immediate action of st. Jacobs in a long time. to or along the railroad every fall, if sales ' of his daughter. restc«l him ami took him back t»> Lakeview in Ja<•k.-uiiviF:«’ on Mumlay evening next. • >il. th:* great pain-« »>n»|Uer»»r. R«’v. W. F Rcq’ia. Bapti-t « Lurch. Au are not effected at once, as it « an then he Geo. P Holman, representing the well A correspondent at Lakeview, writing February 2>. H'*«. at 7 «> clock, at which John Dvar ann«»u:i -<‘s himself as a can r«»ru. Ill . -ay* that («¡Im »re's Aromatic disposed of at any lime. knoxvn house of Whittier. Fuller A (’«>.. in Hood'» Sarsaparilla «»prepared with the under «late ol the Kith inst.. says that the time it 1« ««»atvmplat* 4 t-• organize a j »int didat»* f»»r t«»wn mar-h;»'. Phis muk<*s live In the university not»S of the I'.ugeiiv terviewed his numerous < u-l<»mer- in thi* Win«* is a h«uiseh«»bl remedy and that n«» greatest skill and care, by pharmacist» ot I I preliminary examination of Carter, wh-» »(.»« k « mp.t .y. i!a! t »«»pen l»H»ks L r the « andidates for this positi»»n. i family should bo without it For sale at j city "Guar«i" xvc tin»i the :«»lloxxin-.r. xvh:« h section this week. education and long experience. Hence it is a | coiumiltetl th»* assault upon Mrs. Hauge, |«i*i’l»ose «•! r • •■ivi:ig -ub-criptions to the medicine worthy ot entire confidence. II you Two grt»at enemies Hood's Sarsaparilla < 'ity I)rng Stor«*. is anotlier ca*e ,»f "going away from h»mic Mr, ami Mrs. N. A Jacobs have rente«! was held M»»n«iay of last week. It occu- capital sto< k <4 tiu* Ja» k-ouville branch of ami impure bl »»»«I suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis The latter is utterly de togettha new*:" ’ The news of J. M. J. Hockvnj»»»’ dwelling on the west side pic«i an »-utii«1 «lay. the ’prisoner b« iug aaly F. A. English has resigned bis ¡»osition theO. &(’. R IL L» t cv< rybody attend feated by the peculiar me«licine. ease ot the Mood. dysp>: sia, biliousness, sick Wagner's approaching wed ling reached of Fifth sheet ami are already comforta as county surveyor, and a petition to the • 1«■fended. Justj • B »ncl,rak»* liehl Carter headache, . r kidney and liver complaints, that cun ami 1«' id ha» v a rou-iug, gt*»»«i us hist week. It is for this rea-on that so Send fifty cents in stamp» to the T imes county commissioners asking th«* appoint bly domiciled there catarrh or rheumatism, do not tail to try to answer uei’oi«* th«* graml jury in the meeting, ami <lt n.'-n-trnti.* that the p«?ople many of the Eutaxians wear such gloomy (»Itico for a book of notes, draftsor receipts. ment of Jas. Jeffrey.the former incumbent, A. J. Allen, representative ot the >. P. K. sum of .$4«Mi. The trial will take place at ol Jack-onville are alive to their int»*rcst*. * faces. Wc always thought that Mur-h Three b«M»k> $12.» ¡»«»stage prepaid. will be presented. IL ( <».. accompanied by Geo. Stephenson, the next term of the state cin uit < »»urt Su.xs J D xv. Fhairman. o ■ wa* tickle." *■ I recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all Baird’s minstrels, who last year made were in Jacksonville last week ami bought J. N vnw . feevretary. If you want the best newsj.apers in the my friends as the last blood purifier on ¡¿ill It]0(1'1 Itf-utlt. such a tine display here with music, are | land, yon can get the lowest possible sub- I The business of the Ja» k-»»nville Marble 2’» head of horses while here. f/nr*'« hoinjit I Works will continm- right along un h r the Scobie has a foice of men at xvork build earth.' W m . G aff , dniggi-t, Hamilton. O. cxjh < te«l again in June next. My R«*hiainÌDg G<rnl> from the Fire, will lx- Sold ’ s. ription prices by taking advantage of .1 M. Walsh ha- returned to Ashland 11 Hood's Sarsaparilla lias cured me of scrof (Ò • .'t« |4irr»-op of Ashl.iml bmuht »»ver ' management of the assigne*. A IL Ma gly. ing <*uly«*rls in vicinity ui the Sall Work-, F;i,-penters, miu *rs and builders, exam , the T imes ’ magnificent clubbing offer. from California, much improved in health, ulous humor, ami done me worlds of good - x’x head of h*«r<< - in th»* valiev h»*t week ; Anybody desiring a tombstone, monument, when th«* weather i- fax »rablc, and a!-»» at ine A H. Maeglv A C<>. sstock of fools and Don’t delay too long. otherwise." C. A. ABNol t>, Arnold, Me. ami xvill resume mining operations »»n for ?lr. Ala-!;. !« ; ■■-<•!.ting tl.c > I’. IL R i stone coping, etc., will fin-lit t«» their a«l> other ¡»«»iiits betwevn «her«* am! KLimath A book containing n ny additional st.-Uc- ¡»rices before purchasing elsew here. * Wagner creek at an earlv date, we learn. Fayotes are becoming very troublesome F«» xxtp.-i haxe ulr-rvly ••»•«•n taken t«» j vantage to call soon, as prices have been river. meuts ot cures will ba seat to all who desire. Wm. Bybee -hinpc 1 a line lot of sheep ami are »lestroyiug m my sheep, hogs F difornui. wh» > i!»ry will be n**»*d in the : reduced considerably. Fi' -i-Ha - mechan tie»»'» Blalock <»f Pleasant crcc! k precim t riici’r remains but a lev, hundred y:tr*l- ext«-n-i»»n "I th»- «»■.»•riami railroad H the ami A» he id «»f f it r.*|G‘et»> P»>rtl:in»l a -h<u i ami poultry. <hir county commissioners ics are eni|»loyed there and th»* l»« -t <»f was in town thi< week. He reports a of grading to complete th«* r«»u«l L<*«1 to i tiin»* sine»* iml will -.hip mor«* soon. should ¡»law a b >u ity on their scalps ag lin . 1 suspension [of mining on account Sold bv all druggists, it; six t1 r Made <in goi* line. N* .n ly 17 <»*» in m»»ncy w as xv »rk (:irm»<i mil. Sati-fm ti»m guarantee«!. general Sale beginning Klamath rixer. and xvhen the 1hr< «• 1» idg»’- for th»\v arc a »gre if uui- mcc. only byG I- HOOlt i Ct»., Lowell, Mass. For sal» .i first-« lass Detr»>it. safe, al thus (ii-ti’il-'.ltt I among our people, which , of snow, which i> (oar fc 4 deep at his dig- acr»»-.- Willow «-reek ar«* c<»mph*ted. th»* Hairy M«-( !a»le:i ha«Lout* o: hi- lingers Will be s.ibl at a bargain. A; If you want a large. first-< la-s paper, -uh- will come in verx; handy iu-t now. wh« n most new gings. IOO Po3os One Dollar rails cun belaid very «piicklv to enable, •severely injure«! whiw tl»«* m»ituboun»! -cribe for either the San Francisco ■ Exam nmiiey is -»» -- arc«* ami taxe»* inii-t lie pai»l. plv to the T imes <»th<*e lor particulars. ♦ Messrs, lh’iwin and Met’arty, represent trains to run as Liras th»- Klamath. By I train was stopping at M■•¿for I on th * night Ju I rin .* ir»»; » h «• ¡»m■ I a-< - th«’ w**ik in Flit* annua! school meetings will be held iner" or New York "Star.” Price only of the 16th. He wu- in the act of jumping ing the well-known San Francisco houses the first ol April the track w ill n.» doubt >!*kA. ir» i I »’• ; i I ' h - .-A with »ut one w»*k ir»»m next Monday, when direc $1 50 an I II respectively. Subscriptions from the baggage car. when the ring on of I’. Berwiu A Fo. ami Levi Strauss A <’<>., b? finished to that -trean*. / pr<»\ ided the taken at the T imes office. iute-: up. i *• « rapidly a* p«»*sib!e. tors ami school clerks will be elected. * his fourth linger becam«* fa-tene«l on an re.-pvctivcly. were in Jacksonville Wednes* weather is S«»t too stormy. PUBLIC W OTICE Not - li *:• . - i !•■•■» I *» -u I Iculy. it The Chinamen an- now at xv«»rk grading Jas. Elliott of Wagner creek spraine«l his The legislature has ordered H*e payment ; iron hook, ami his entire weight falling on I «lay. Is evM» it that u -• ir farmer* w«»ul-i raise I I it. he received painful th »ugh fortunatelv VE A LED PKO POS A LS FOR 1HE BULBING knee severely by stepping into a hole un of the sum of|5V> to A W. Presley of this Mrs. Sue Ross Keenan delivered an in | around the ¡mint at Klamath river, and the 11 of a s«-h<)H|.||0lls<>, Hovis feet in bi/.P and two not serious injuries. as many L«*.i,l of g«»o«l lu»r-vs. cattle, .-beep awares. but is able to be about again. county, he having l»«»ughl n«l ¡»ai«l for a terestin'lecture on th»* labor question at ' gap near Julien’s place on Oreg«»»i siuugli »tori« s hiirh. at < »-ntral Point will be r«*<*eiv»*d by and continuing until the goods are all sold. or other st«»ck. as they « »x vi xhmi v « an The harmful ami fata! re-lilt.-attemling the board of «lins-tor** <»f Manzanita •»«■I mm .I «¡i». Ashland a few nights since ami was favor I is almost closed, most of the workJ»cing tri< t No. |f>. J.i*,kson «'«»mity. Oregon Ladies, is life ami health worth prestrv piece of school land that (he Slate had al- the u-e of cough mixtures containing mor Plan* anti ea< h year, in-t«*a»l of d»-x.»tit’g their whole j around hillsides, where the grading is eas »¡»'«•ihcaiioi*- may her-. » •• at ihr t-toreof Magru r«*a»ly sold to some one else. ably receive« I. A neat sum was collect©«! If you think so. use Gilmore’s Aro- time to laifing grain, they w»»ul»l be in a ing ¡»iria. opium ami other poisons, are daily ily performed xvith the assistance of an der Hnr*. Th»* wart »*--ful bidder will lx* r»-qiur< J For sale at Fity Drug Store. Plenty «»f superior grain hay and the best becoming more frequent. It is for this afterward. to give a good and antH- miil bond for the faithftf! Tnn«'h more pr»*- pernii- c->n»lition. i her»- matic Wine. abundance of giant jMiwdcr.— 'Journal. p«*rformane»* of his contrart of feed for hor ses ld.iy still be f«mnd at the Prof. M. J. I nger, the efficient teacher We are in receipt of the compliments of is hanlly a time but what stock can be sol«l reason that Red Star Cough Cure has re W r LEE VER. ('Jerk Store will I m * <»¡Mill on all day* in the weck uud ¡leibons Thr IAtllr Dort»r. at a fair figure f»»r cash, ami ut a reason Mr. ami Mr*. N. A. tl»^shape of a Excelsior livery stable ; also first-class turn ceive«! the unqualified endorsement of phy of book-keeping, left for Ashland yester can call hik I select goods at Auction Prices. No Humbug! (vtxxls able profit, while it has been demonstrated supply of «*x«’clb*nt wedding cake. Thanks. out- for every occasion. Plymale never sicians and boards of health everywhere, day. where he will impiedlately open a I A neat, unique an»l most cuinprrlic?>tiv<* fails to ¡»lease, so give him a call. * asaimrcly vegetable coinpouml. ‘entirely school. He has no superi«»rs and f«’w etpials lift!«* pamphlet is the "Free A«lvicc ' -«-nt that there is little or no prolit in ¡»aving We regret t»* learn of the «loath of Miss ISPfNSÂRŸ' will be sold! freeiromall narcotics. Prive, twenty-live «»ii the i oast. Last Tuestlay wa- the l.V»th anuixrr-ary exrlu-ive attention t«> raising grain in R«»se Singletary of («all's creek, an amia out by the < hark— A. V«»ge!er Co . Balti- ' cents. Y outhful S nat »r Stanley .»mi Representative- n-«»rr. M<l.. to those using >t Jacobs (>il or R »tie ri\er ' ill y ble voting la«ly, which o«‘curre«l a f«*w <lay- «»f th • birth »»f the immortal Washington. FOLLIES A San Fram-iseo <ii-p.itch «»f the 21st Bo x'litch a«nl Miller, Jack-on c»»ui;t\ ’.- R».*»i Star Cough (’ur«*. ami < an •»«■ had by The ex i ’ iit wa ; comparatively unm»ti. e*l in 3 £<». I EXCESSES says; Owing ton heavy fallol -tioxx . i !«» bl * rrulotjif. Mr*. I. Jacobs of this ¡»lace ha-just the northwest, au»»ther cvidenc»* <»f the the line of th«* < '« ntral Pn< iii«-. tor overhimi <l«4»*gati«»n in the legislature, have rcturn- patients semling to them a «tatvmcnt of S peeoiuy f Mr. H. K M> Ginn f I’orilau 1. im1 Mi" le.-micm-c oi Am»-ri» an patriotism. e»l home. They have been absent for the their c.i««* xvith a two-«.ent stamp. N»-;«rly lini'i»*'! a large m’rkti«* quilt, containing f train that slmii'ai have arnxa il in th«’ city i C ured . I Mau l,iin g in. 'I.111 at lier.ri .itlim i I ,'t pa t seven weeks. I ail -m b publi» ations are in almanac form. Don’t forg«»t Miss R » m _* Slannu-’ ek»cn- I 11fi p:«-< «•*. xvhlch i* a beauty, ami n » mi*- No. 11 KrarMry r»t.« xan t’raMctaew, « r |. at 11 to-«lay is 12 hour- Lit»*. *-up«’iintcml- 1 ciUMbersome in -bape amt over-bmthone«I fiu-'ilav. aire'l -'I years Site wa. a native tionary enlert linmcnt next Tues«lay even i (’has. W. Taylor ol Eagle Point, who Nervous Debility Seminal Weakness. Exhaust. take. i with matter entirely foreign to the treat- <siVitality. ent Fillmore -ays the railr»»a«l c«»mpany nf this |'!a e at.'i >!an .•lr« r 1 t 1* llonetfan 8perm«t«»rrhen LOST MANHOOD. TOK MARSHAL. oilers, ('»mie ing. It will n<» d»»ul>( be an interesting xvill »Io everythin^ pos-ibb- t.» Apr«*v. nt a wa in Jacksonville one day last week in I men! ot »iisea-e. But the one noted is g»»t- ; Impotency. Paralysis. Prostatorrhcra. and all the D«»n't forget »»nr premium »In w.i- at i.tT I h ’-I- i »»• «!>■ n «11«' oreathe. At the n*.|UP*t of a nnmber of citizens of Jack »me. for thi- Lilly's «-librts are highly spok t recurrem e of a blockade like <>| ¡n-t forms us that Geo. Brown’s condition is j ten up in ¡M»cket edition size, convenient terrible effects of Self abuse nnd rxc«**» in mature Two papers for the price .j , in ami <ul»s«*ril»e. sonville, the undersigned ann»»ui»«’«* himself a- a ' for th«* work-basket or bureau-drawer ami years, such as l»ss of Memory. Ijossitude. N’oc her last. S< -.en<t years -tn. ;■-lie remove. en of wherever she has a,»peare»l. xveek. Thirteen «lays’ mail from Oregon, i improved, though he is .-till weak from ac- canthdate for town marshal at the coming eh < B«Mtd<p.*Arl«-r- l>-p*. «»f the Columbia. J brimful of useful counsel to the sick and 1 turnal Emiseions. aversion to S«»ciHy. Dimr.«w> t'on. gtiM ran teeing HatJ-f,»',tion in ca»** I uir» se Io tire met' . ...' «»r.o'n. ami in I" ' of «»m*. Tell the "o’1 1 new * favour neigh- from February .' m I to the liith *;.< Iii-ive. has | cidentally takin; an overdose of bella- ’ is Office «»f < Lief < «»iniriirwtry. . atMicte«!. It is of itself, a little traveling • of Vision. Noises in the head, the vital fluid lect «si to till the ofli-e The griin m *rk«*t is duller than it has arrive«! by -,»e« ial train over th«’ California Vancouver Kk».. W. T., Feb. U. »HS7. » n .¡.si in .rria 1 t-> Henry i. Me horw. passina un«»bs»’rv»*l in the urine, and many oth ’ doctor ami is worth a thousaml stamps to JOHN DY AU. donna. el ALED PKOPOliALs IN TKlPUi'ATE. er diseases that lend t<» inasnity «»nd j«.fttb Mr. «irillit bus sohi Hie right to dispose been, probably because the <»utk*ok for A Oregon line. Ginn, a pr- ■ 'i1-1 .’•'•ei1 - taw. -r. a. .1 a I a »• *.««• .u » *r i » •« , j every home It is intended as a l*»’l«»er to »» '»ubjert 1«» the n »» uk I ccMMiit ions, will be received 1OI N<i MIN good crops everywhere is excellent. Sixty We are g! :..i 1 t< hear that r. J. loptun ot n>iug these remedies, to relieve suf- at fiiia uih« ea»nl at the « the« » <>f the Actin« F<»m- The Tacoma W. T., "News says of Miss present U.-tri t atlorv.y <1 tie- Multn.i •>f the Snow washing-machine in Jackson Suffering from any of the above symptom«, / OÄ CfF» MAÜSHAL. mn-aaries <>f SulmiMteoca at the followinc«na«Tie<l Brownsboro financial difficul- .„ i has .,. settled . z . h I a . i bis l :.. u : ... ’ , fvrin, al ,| to make a cure in each case -hould «-»»ti-ult us nt once Th«* drain can t»e cents ¡»er bu-hel net is still being paid at Stannus. xvho will lecture in this place next ni.<l> .li-tii. t. Tl.c union w i- a happy one arjl Jo*-er»hine »''»untie- to 1». H. Whet- Tb< und *r-i;nitH| h»*r«by Hnnounc»** tu th»* pub- |H»«*ta, tf«»r tba fresh l»eef amd mutton needed ai st«mped. vitality r»*Horr«J. an«l life I m * ma«le again I certain. the warehouses and mills, however. lic tliat he is a can<ii<late for re-electioti ft* niar those pcw*ta unlyi until 12 o'clock, noon, « hi Tuesday evening: "Miss Stannus not on ties and is doing business for himself again. but unfortunately prove.! of short duration, , stone. n pleasure instead ol a burden »hui of tlo* t;»wn <»f JarksonviH«* at th«* »•Je<,ti»»n Thurwla*. March 17. 1 n ?*7. at which time and There are many F ish ; Ail fit-s -topjied free by Dr. Kime’s ly shows the dramatic tire within , but is He pur«4iase«l a line stock of goods while for hanlly a year l. i.l pa'-ed before that « hi March 1. D-i. r>*-p«s faiiy »*oh«*itin« their placf* they will la* «»|»cned in thepreecnce of b»«i- Tin1 building usd by I.. Bnun’ow as n llrttff t'p. MC.AGED Ml * ¡ at Portland ami is prepare«] to give his Mifiragee D. L. FUKTIiJ. Great Nerve Restorer. No tits after first <l«*n*. for furniahinK anil delivery uf fn>h l»eef gifted with a rich, reasonant voice which ti» enemy of iiiankiiel. consumption, l>iiint-sln>[> i« offered for sale cheap, »’or V«»u arc feeling depressed, vour np»»ciit«* wh«» are troubled with t«M> freqn«-t.t < va<-nation and matton during the year commencing July 1. customers lx*tter bargains than ever. Give uf th« ’ L adder, often arconjpjinied by a slight laid bold of the vouttjf wife with rutliie-* further particulars enquire at the T ime » «lay’suse. Marvelous cure*. Treatise am! ha- been so carefully cultivated that the I . is poor, yon are Imlhered with h«’uuaehe. smart mg or burning senshf <»n. and ri weakening < IMHhllE LAHt MAKsHAL. Boiee Bk«.. I. T.. Fort Cauby, W. T.. Fort 12 trial bottle free to tit cases. Send to Dr. light tones of comedy, the heavy a«« ents him a call. ' you are i’i»lg«*ty. nervous, and generally out ; of th«* sy*t»-m in a mann«*r ti‘«*y car not account for. hait-l and claimed her for hi« own. Mrs. •»nice. 1 hereby anwoun«*«* myself a® a candidate for * • of sorts, and want to brace iq». Brace up. Ropy S»*diinent in the urine, etc Many die of 1 City Marshal, and would n*i»ect fully ask for a ( «eur d’Alene. I.T.. Fort Klamath, Ogn.. Fort Kline. fGl An* I * St . Philadelphia. Pa. uf trage«ly <»r the quivering notes of pathu- M.tiinn w.t« •> < rinl. an iat-.e .im Bpokane. W T.. F«»rt Town-end. W. T.. Van- A (intuì Xuruc l this difficulty . ignoniut of the cau*e. which is the A cow at Maj. Harron's pla»'e south <>f . but not with stimulant-, spring medicines. 1 literal support fr »m the ▼«»torn <»f Javksouvill#*, vourer Hk». W . T„ Fort Wall» Walk. W. T. fuliuw each other without perceptible ef Slmuhi not iicsitate to wait U(M»n those ¡11 «»r bith r-, which have (or their I a-is very f*oc«Hld stage of seminal weaknes* position loved by ..Il wle. knew h'T. A'liland gave birth t»> a doubic-headd calf at the electu»n <» d March 4th- The drama of’* William Wallace." which The government r»*M-rv«** the right to reject ( t ’ RE** (irxlSKXTLED IN All SUCH < As EH W. H. COOK. any or aM bioa. An all . donate hu-1 ami ami (all. r. broth »■no night l ust week. When fouixl the calf was so sue :c-*fu!lv ¡»resented at Gianite fort. In "Eugene Aram’s Dream, ' one of with such discas«* as «inall-|M>x, cholera or |< hca|», ba»l whisky, and which stimulate < oitatal tai ion Free. Tlion»ngh examina the recitations render« d, her portrayal of scarlet fever There is little to be feared i you for an h«»ur ami then lenv<? you in tion and n«ivico. including chemical analysis and Kidder»* will un«lrr>tan<l that contracts made er- and sister-. . re left disconsolate, while Hall in Ashland »>n the iith iti-t.. was re the guiltv murderer was realist;c ami for under thi» wlvertinement. an<i proiMmala mad«- in by persons waiting on the sick if thej* will wor-«i cumliticai than bef»»re. What you micntocopie examination of the urine. u lari’s1 circle ol Irie :ds ii . urn the lo«s of a was »lead. An I (in CITI MARSHAL. created at the salne ¡»la< e lust Saturday reopoDM thereto, »hall not be construed to in use Darbys Prophylactic Flui«l freely. In ! want is an alterative that will purify y«»u» ’ cible without being shammed. Her ges honest opinion given in ««very case genial companion po-'esed of mans noble ' Thcsubarriber in this mkuner inform»*»’ the vo H'»n. »'■ Ik McElroy. State schix.l super- The foil«»wing Medicin«*« supplie«I nt the prices ters of Jacksonville that he will I m * a candidate volve the Lit it «si Htatrw in any «»bligation fcr tures, like her acting, spring from feelings sick-rooms it should be ex|»osed on a ¡»late . b!oo«l, start healthy action of Liver ami trait« oi < u irae’er 1't.e •■•ter .’Ire« of all ! evening am! drew a larg«*-*iz?«l audience. payment in « xce»« of ti»e appropriation granted name«! -. I intendent, has <>ur thanks for a copy of Within rather from me« hanical study, ami or saucer, ami the patient-¡Ringed off with Ki«lnvy*. rc-tore your vitality, ami give forX ity Mar-ha! at th»* <m>*uin< town election. by (’urgreM« forth« purpose. are cMemled to rli. --ri-t «.ri ken r d.itive«. SIR ASTLY (OOPER VITAL RESTORA I an»l rer|W*ctfaUy a**k- their «mttr/ure». the Fluid dilute«!. For safety, cleanliness ' renewed health and strength. Such a med- ■his report for Is*; It is a voluminous I <Leat«*r inducements than ever are oi- arc therefore nayjrul. Blank pru|MHialn and printed circular«, atatirg TIVE. >3 a ls»ttle. or four times the quantity -*1(i. J W.HIMPSON. J. T. IJ.iinvy died at liis reoidem-c on and comfort in the sick-room the Fluid is icinc you xvill liml in Electric Bitters, ami the kind of beef and mutlim rr«|uir«*d. and giving S ample B ottle F ees < fere«l al Merritt’s c;*-h store in Jacks*«in- document. I full instruction»» aa to the manner of bidding. in«1i.-|»ensab!e. only 50 cents a hottie at drug -tores. I inirrmfari/ Minrry. J>ry . reek last W.- lne«di.y after a long Sent to any on«* applying by letter, stating ; ville. where the best of goals are always (XHiditiuDM to be obaerved by bidder«, ar.d term» FOK TO JI'.V MARSHA L. The latest »ivies »•. calling cards of every symptom*, sex and ag»* Strict secreay in r»-gani Probably as much mi-ery coiiks tr»«m and painful illne««. and will l.e buried in contract and payuM*nt, will be fun»»»h«sl <>u to m H business transacti**n* i kej»t. D«»n't fail to « all .TU»l see that line • habitual r«»n-ti)»ation aM trnmaiiy «ierang«’- Th«’ nnd®r*ian*l hereby announce» himself a* •»f ription gilt ed/rd. clirunio and plain application to thw «»flice. or to the A.C. b. at the the Antioch cem. tcy to-morrow -‘Ton:, " ’Xx.pXxN. te?iwj'VAMVV ^vvy. complaint of The celebrated KtPNEY REMEDY. NEPHRKTI- *a candidate for marshal, subject t«» th«* d«*ci»iou eeveral poet». j ment of the functions of thelMxly. an.I it i- • .issortinrnl which he ha- lately received. FUM. for >*ll k»nd* »f Kv!n* v and B ’ adder ( ’ .»»n. n. atiy printed nt tin- T; mh office at east complaint of the people of Jackson viti«* at the l«»wn f !♦*<•- a« .;•••»• .« i •i.i.iarlv c tl’e I. t»a« me of th> ' «litiicult to cure. f«»r th»* r«*a-un that n»> «»lie Enveh»pea contain in u ¡*r«»i>oeak should be «'«»n<»rrhiF«. (fleet. Ijcncorrhma, etc For tion in Marcii. i OWEN KEEGAN. It is tbe only safe thousands suffering from Asthma, Con- plaints. marked. **Pr«>f»oral« for Freah Beef, (or Mutton.) Frank ItulTer is engaged in r*tiin »ting i likes to take the ni<*dicin* s n-ually pre- Soother at Land. sale by ail dniggist-; Al u'a ls»tt!e, «>r •» b«»:tles p. •m of i: ■ !■ river 'ar.Pl. generous ern rates. at ,'* an«! a<ldrr»Msl to the under« medicine yet made that will remove all sumption. Coughs, etc. Did you ever try for V» •>' t'onlind to Hie bd for four months, and the «-«»st of c«tmctrii»’ting the pro|M>sp»l : s<”-it»ed. HAMBl’RG Fl<».'- w«-re prepare«! I . tu.t n” 1 ' Vi> <ror«t en. iov 'nnt ►ixned or to the * Acting C ommM»aa«y ol bub»*«U disorders. It contains no Opv/i/i (Acker's English Remedy? It is the best , I he English DANDELION. LIVER AND DYS , to obviate this difficulty, am! they will be int tile --------- an honorable -nan. ;n.I f.i'tli*1’ iriend almost l»li»’d aid enred h.V '»ne ta»X of Gil branch railr»»a«l from this ¡»lace and will FlHHtNG TA* KLL - JOINTED RODS. LINEN <•«<*" at the several p«mt» ishingta » kle - jointed hods . linen For | («Mimi pleasant t»> the taste of women and or Morph * Init ’ gives tfie child natural \ preparation known for all Long Troubles, | PEPSIA FILL is the !w*st in the market ►eit-graps and oiled-mIk MM-graMi «»tled-eilk line*, line«, reel*, reel«, »vivrei «wirrel j <’. A. WOODBVFF by all druggists; price. 50 cent- a bottle m >- ¡o ’e' « He lea' . - •. 'vne ami « 1___ _ 23 cents. Sold by I sold on a positive guarantee at 10c., 30c. sale more's Neii’algia <‘ure. For »ale at City have the estimates ready for considera- I children. 23 cents. At all druggi-t-. J. ca9t from Jhtin. Price leader«.artificial tty |«<wik»». «n»|l h«»*»k»», rreoy-or« Fa*»taiii A <’. H.. U.K. A.. Address Enxlhh Medical Diupeaaaary, children to mourn the Io«» ot a Iovine hus i J. Mack «.V Co proprictuiA. F. i >uld at City ” rug Store. tiuii at the meeting next Munday evening. ulc. of allaiaea »« JOBN MlLLFK H (. h*cf < .K D. <\ v For tale at City Drug Store. Nu. u K eaam bi . S a * F baxciko , ( al i Prug store. band ansi father, and also many tnei>^>. Kailroad meeting iuxt Monday. Of K f 1.1 t.lUXi; RATKA WITH orli li: ri tioxa . • nparalleled bargains at X. Fisher's. prevents mud* travel ami came duller times than ever. GENERAR DEARER IN DRY AND FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, Doerrs ftiKi shoe GROCERIES, TOBACCO, ETC., ETC SILK VELVETS AND VELVETEENS IN COLORS FNGLIAH I )I AGON ALS. < ALL WOOL FRENCH CASHMERES, TRICOT < I.OTH LX COLORS AMERICAN CASHMERE, DOUBLE EOLD, SILK ANO WOOL ALAPACAS, , prints , etc W aterproof , I for Infant» and Children, 1880 I 1887 A.H.MAECLY&CO., HARDWARE. STOVES .nd ilhWiRf. PAINTS and OILS. ALL THE REMAININC COOOS Three Peculiarities 1st 2d 3d A. G. COLVIN, JACKSONVILLE, OR., ACTUAL COST PRICES ! .vi Unknown to Others Hood’s Sarsaparilla AClt Il^K’lC ! AUCTION PRICES II AT AUCTION PRICES, Hood’s Sarsaparilla NEW THiS WELK I ENGLISH I M. MENSOR. New York Store, Jacksonville ANNOUNCEMENTS. j F Proposals for Fresh Beef and Muttón.