J’a; / 7 / m/.7 4/. VoTA'S. il ui:k or nu s.s/o.v. joxijphixi : rorxTY m . mats to ui tkc proofs before juM ice* of the peace b •r CELL-ANE0Ü3. * No U’2. declaring the first Saturday in Jun*« a public lohduy, to be ki.own as labor day. flic II'il • 'flu- weather is an eii>l«ai:n. I«i t ir«H. » from I.««» Angeles give The Grant’* F is.s brew.-iy is ni:i nú.«- «•ct simply mnkm the dsy non-judicial . ews of importance. No G. reducing the minimum price of school tilling excellent beer. th.- information that twelve <-.i«es of State bu.ih. • xc«*pt Agricultural college i r J:i tuoi. JesepblBr ?. Lake «i.i.thpox are re)iorte< »t mining lamlb. to $1 25 pr-r acre. Judge Colvig’s baJati v.a tai-c l ’•» bills were ii. l rotiti cd I s5 in the fee nati* and 270 No 72. iiiin.tr rhangvs in the school law. ami rr- «ole al the T imi « « Iti« <-. l-'rtlBa year by th last h -i- at at 4* I.- i« .-i:; i os,»! to have lieen brought m the house Of this nnraber l!2 were pmsed— , ng public €xnms:>ati<»n of tauchen». I U RI ARY 2.'», vw? ÎPA V No -2. giving cou . !y court*authority t< fix raten Exttit-'ixi n.hiing «»¡tcration> «urtM authority to I • ••ii M xioi. Two deaths have occurre«l. 59 by the set.ate and 53 by th»* fit uh -. All of the Supt. Hathaway • < uh* Ì brii!»’»««*. i t'*.; go«.«, into «.tint on abiy be :♦ *>1:11:»«! in XW.gm r orci new acts will come into efivvt as laws ninety Approval. Williams creek and W i tn : i «ricts. It !« in a light form, ami it ia not proba­ T hk German elections have resulted No It’s, granting a right of way thnr.neb th»* I h fui c long daj«« aftei r.»ij«»urr.rnent of the legislature, or on ble that ii wiil become epidemie. lion. Henry R«xJgers has p rmanvi.tiy Riverview c»«meh-ry »’ hhiim I u to (hi* Port’ar d A th * Hth of May, unless th« r<* is » xpress provis­ Willamette Valb y Kail-ead c< tupi ni ; goe«. mto ' in a signal victory for Bismarck, the gov­ Mctiee A Hall, xvlio are mining in Wil! located at Salem, we are H|. anmn.ling the Dn'Ics charter ; goer« into j A irt>h supply of thr Amci .uin Mining again shows bow strong a hohl be has (\ni»|Kon of Huntington, major-general «•nr«»lled co» ies now in p»»s**»*s«ion «»f th«* govrr- efTts’t t»n approval 1 committees, has leturned. <*f Oregon militia; J. M. biglin of Em- n<»r, «>r «»a tile ii. th«* .«tfici* <»f te»? secretary of No 13, providing for thviuaixitenanre of kind«-r- ! etnie, stamiard autlioritv on the 'Ubjv o 1 system where | The |»eople of Grant's Pass will vote pire city. brigad'er-general, First brig- state, by nn **()n‘gon.iau" rei»ortcr, and is posi­ dir»*ct<>rs in districts of 5B0 irhabitants ar«* au­ on the adoption of their town chai ter ; <»r sale ut tl.e TlME> otfice. Tliis wonderful snecess « f ‘ ' Warner’« : . ai < -. Cuio” is «hie wholly to the real T hk O,-. ./•»/« i««;« recently eutnpletrd the ade; .1. (’. Sliofner oi Portlanl, briga- tively accurate m-d complete. A list of such me­ thorized by rote of the el ctoiH The snow ulii< li I.cm in the mountains in j I one week from next Monday. Also i.otiae bills number«-<1 Trt7. I'.M, ’•<». 11H. merit of the Rcmedv. For i ! ■:>/ tina- it );.-• ■ l-et> EElJAEHEJl Hi THE 27th year of it* existence with every evi-( di'*» Ltvn«?ral, Second brigade; \V. F. morials «'iiil r« solut'.nt.s as are of g»*m nil effect is 23s. ¿Ki, 124 211 gr« it hcap> W ill servu t«> extend the mini ng me. il est ah on < t. 1 I I !1< IH ■ i i: i .Vzi ii i i> ¡s ‘ t ses H. «J M. No. 3. praying for i»aytn«*nt of certain (¡rant’s J’ass «luring the past week, some season a considerable period. • ?.• No. 3. incor|HiHitr:g th»* !«'Wn <»f C««ttag»*Gi-oVi*; »pecsfic Imiitn *• ar claims to tho amount of of whom will locate in this county. iiiln-ss. It is without doubt the lea-lim; ruiul Brig nle; T. (.’. Mack«\v, h**allh of­ (’ousitlcialile work i*» being done at Hay** AND 1 EM Al I. 4OMI I $13315. w»*nt »nto etl«*< t up<»n sppivvaL Thousands of pe- pie on«- 11 ir 11 r :• i ,1. h t-i " Witmer’s S afe Cure ” and n *'-*( tiper ot th«-northwest, an«! would ficer at Gardiner; (’. IL Golden, health »t Magrmlei’s diggings on Rogue river, IL M. No. 3, p’ayiiig for improvement of th«* N<». 15. iIo- Portland railroad Bridge bill; pass- A Williams creek correspondent of the we can produce JOO.OOfi I E' •; /.v 1 A l.'i to that effect. I- mp«|iia river. «*d over the gov'Ti «»r's veto. which are bting managed by E. Ray. 1>e conuidered a r«-pre'<-:itative j-airti.il officer at Coos bay. T imes writes that nearly lour feet of 8. J. M No. !l, prajing for the vacation of the No. id. ivui *.iding the l,rin«*v:lle chart-r. No. 17. ^nrovidiniz for a hr.-dtq officer at Gard­ Northern Pacific railroad grant bi tween Wallula snow has fallen in that s«*ction since Read the foliowin • iin.l nré" fl. lar - in:- '«or b-.ttl.- idistributed. We guar­ <’. O Bigelow of Wiili.iiii'Lir.g is opera’ anywhere. I m «» x ore is protectrsl by a tariff, yet ner nt a ¿alary of ^i’K> a year. to Portland. Feb. 1st. , w:il prove. ing his hydraulic mines on an extensive ani«» these figures to be coin • t, a < <-ur al< ■ IL J . M. No. 4. pray ing that veterans of th«* In ­ No. Is. Hare ’ s Hwamp Inn«] bill; w» iit ii ’ t»» • l- dian war of ‘55 and ’5d b«* |w*r.siuned. Tur: l’rc'ident ha- vetoed the l’vx.is th-* iron-ore workers of Pennsylvania fi ct «»n appritval. >cale tliis season and will make a good The April term of cirn of varneil an averag»* of • « • -* congress to secure a law preventing aliens from county will l>e held as usual; but after showing. »•fleet «»n approval. the year 1 •'So, as shown by the returns of grazing stock on public lands. N«*. 54 and 55, aut!»oi ’ ¿ing tb.o lt* » ’ e «o th ” O. that r«*gular terms will I m * held in March .--.si», lie thought it was uncom- titti- I ’ Another ledge uf «|iiartz has been • ‘ truck .ni­ CAIT. W. 1). ROBIN -N 8. J M. No. 6. praying f«»r the construction uf and August. ILA N system t » th«* Union P.o'itic; ”<»t si^n«‘d ’< »N. 12’h St., Ft. Ijiuir their employers to the State bureau uf rional to relieve individua!« wli-re no by the g«>vf*rn«>r. but beenniv a law i»y limitation. ; a biwit railway at Tic- Dalits. luso., Buffalo, N. Y.t iti ill the .lat k'onxilk Milling A Minin-' < 0 ’> I v. ch tired frt Iing*: No. gj , Wager, abolishing th La*»ran national interest ».i- involved, which is . I | i:n across tho bark. s’*cu.ux) for improvement of the up{»er Cohxmbia otfi.-i . teftrostj. Could not McNair of (¡alive creek on the 10th inst., No. H7. authorizing tii«* Multnianah county . river. • « t.t • Was sail««w an ! doubtful whetl.cL-M i> tl.com which i> be­ very sound law ami a most iiu|>ortant ; by a high tariff, ami the workers alsHlt court 8. J. .M No ‘J, praying that suits bn brought by w hile Willis Y«uk of Applegate is happy great tiifouy. I « r two i , li th • time. Th<* dorio. the blast i’urna«*vs of Pennsylvania only pr«»vaL to bn-.id an arm«»ry; went ¡ to ett«'ct «»n hi - . the ing sought tor. geneud gov< rumei.t to cancel th»* land grant over the advent of another boy. limitati« >n. everything, w ithout I» n •' i . an tin* n »* c*f Warn« r No. Ml. mnandit z toe Alban.» chai ter; u**nt mto <»f the WillaiiK-tte Valley A Cascade Mountain earned an average of |7 j»«*r week in 1 . llouatt and «»Uieis are taking !’■<> tons nounce) incuruíilc. ' 1 ; Road company. .»ii ! iT.qgii Is, •• / jCe! !th:- eftert «»n approved. Logan Lost No. 39, (¡rand Army oi of quartz, «ait of the Eldora«lo h «L-e. <»w nt • T he recent legislature established two 1884». If the proteitive tariff insutes 8. J. R. No.authorizing ti e suiierintandt-nt ties oí Warner' Sui.Cm.-n- • No. sii providing for th * .- d«« f Bak»*r «-ity ? , of public instfuctmn toenforcethe law for teach* th«* Republic, was instituted at (¡rant’s i m »! h:»u-»*; w«-nt int«» effect «>n appr»»v.«L curri! tur, an I ' • d. v 1 .. new counties, one under the name of higher pay to laL«»r, as is cl.iitn»*«!, why «• c I No. • ing physiology ami hygiene in the public sc I h »<>1 f . Pass on Feb. ldth, by F. II. Lamb of by Mt Kt-nz.ic A <’o . w hit h will be « ru.-l • i *.*». amandine th” Mnrshtn hi chiuier. and wed." (Feb. ó, 1 »>öj 8 J. R. No. 10. «liris-ting the secretary «>f state Portland, with 18 charter memlsTs. No. 1U2 am* ¡.ding the SilverUm chart« r; w<; t by Riippt I «V Baunde’s mill as ‘oi,n as tir- Malheur, out of the central and south­ ¡«Io the wages «»r irun-work«*rs rule so L to publish the amended school laws in pamphlet i' t«»eib*ct up«»napproval. road* are in condition for hauling. ern portions of Baker country, and the low ? No. 117. itinendlPK th«- A-toria chaib-r; w»-i.t • form A ntiinber of [ mtsobs hav»* bvwn ar- AiP. R. BROWN 1 <2221 Woo iwnr.l A ve., S. J. M No. 1(.. praying for au appropriation to into ( fleet <.n approval. »¿Ulte a nun.her «»I it»»»:«-: huVi ’::« ..dy other to be known a»» Wallowa county, make a road aiound ‘ ape Per|M*tna Benton i’o. rest«*»l in this county for wantonly killing A xo T iikr < ai i for th“ n-deinption of N«> I !L arm tai'iig th«* li-.fisboro t h. ri. r. I’. ir- >:t, , Mi'li , injur- ■! his bm k from EX-GOV. T. G. ALV-.Hlh ;, 1 1. J. R. No. 1 1 ; «h rec ting th»« secretary of Stu ’ c wu>hedoffa- much, if hot inure, dirt tb.m No. L:5, providing that the (>»» ’ »!: county court «leer, and ar«* now bejng tried at (¡rant's out of the northeaH -m |»<>rtion of I'nion 510,«hui,o-ki » cent, bon«) has just •J-a’d I h * held the tir**t Mord.-y in Jauuaiy and the ' io publish thr road laws ia jwtmp let form. Was confin.-1 to l.i « I. »1 i is Bf, Y.) in 1884 ' • ■ Ttr- fill i-i. .!• I hin /.,«?»<«•«/.«, county. The governor will appoint the h-eti ma-lcl.y Sectvtary M inning, This first Monday in • vt ry alrein•-.!«• ¡n«»nth t > r««-(fti-r. II. J. R. No. 11. directing the s**crctary of stat • Pass. District Attorney Colvig is pros»** they ii"iiaily d > in a w hole sea>on -*o it i> with Cieuvral i}rb>< n'y J.; >.'• At of the I er cents. «¿r.iitS Pas-; go. i into ctfret »• • approval b.l the for publication ah : A Cure resittred his l. ilm i/s Farming and stockiaising is at a dis­ this time, as they will be able ’<» run st v« r- lower part oí tho l»o«ly, wüh « L \ ri i» 11 J . R. No. 12. prov¡«ling that all printing au­ • '..«ctors of the town, to T h * deci«h*d by *»P'* ci < t 1 to rciiei-nn-il These will all l»e • betion th.« nrst Muudny in .M rch. to their natural condition, and li thorized by the legislature for any pur»H>s«« what­ count in this section as well as elsewhere, al weeks longer tiian customary. sensation and a g* ». *r »1 giv / ■ nt of l*i.K»it>i.vr C i . kvki . axi » siibseril-e«! thè No. lift*. ain”iidi..g The Ihiiles charier: wnt ever la* dont* by th»* State printer. -.-rites, *■ I uni now eighty year fa ■< 1st, alter which the whole organi tn. Was in .* « .• sous The mill at th«' Swind«-»» ledge is i.o.v 8. J * R. No. 12. appropriating *$5(M>to enable tho tor the present, but miners will have an »un. <>f IlOOOtothe Itemocratic cainpaign called in by Jub ii io »ifeci t»n approval. s nnrttiul iiftire. coiiftdioii, • oïiÀ'i II» h:«’.J Pi d» ne.ie Isimls b'-coiue>lm* until lS'.ll. No. 151. ainenuing the Oakland ch» rt<«r; went ( Ireuon Pioneer society to publish certain rec«»r«ls. excellent oppojijiiily to show th»* value running nicely, having been put in good fumi in thè late }»>aii< al < ontest in New 8. J. IL N«». 15. authorizing tht* governor, in of their mines. i into oft»*«*t on apur<»val. of the lune. Alter a thoron h treat­ 'flu* meantime the surplus money I shape by Jas. Ji« rd. The supply «piarlz 1 No. 152 8c inipo.'sdile to haul any ltom CH-.llbT Wife of th. • i » 1.«pai,ooo year, ami t'ona'es« (Ittor shall ipe.-iveno pay a«* clerk of the ¡»«»¡ice m 8« pt mL-ruexL to health L\ it « meat aule, ription was g.-ne.ou» in thè l'r< - 8. -I. R No. is. praying <’«»:igr«*es to r«*imbur«e profits, etc., on certain «lisputisi mining I the leilge for -«vt ial week-, operations ■ t*iirtimi-«i'»i ill of I’ nmark.C'j Wall M.. • Im,e nothing to l.i-e it. The Re; «■ri t'••rs <>-, th- (I. A t . rai r i.ui land grant for «-x- projs-rty. d’he «-use will come up at tin- No. l.V. ui<*. • 1'iig t ‘ -it tl t* rt;i.* of t ' * rirrmt aleni, an«i la» usi» subetantiul evidenee oi ) i "< rì tbat h«*r little w. i mu*i nei ts-arily 0« -u-pe-:.d«d until the pm « p ;d ftT Ian«!«*. ' «• »urt H'edl L” held in the t;frh jade «•«! «•: »ryd as c. -■* -l:'O\ . CCV -’ li. an- i'l th“ lb îl e. aille I by the I . iter an ut ai '< ■ f IH/th lirritic Stiri 8. J . K No p.i. asking that veterans of th - April tei in of court. ! foli<»w**: Cla'sop. thin! Monday in ¡-••t«rriuy. bis aievotiun to l' -moeracy ami hi» de­ load impr«»v« > Jun * h : •» No ■ t*-ube-; Wa 4«:: gt«»'i. ti.-i- *1 M«r *! »y ( ’ay us«« w r I» * p- i-siunrd. ■ l.ill i 'lilit'gent, has Isi-n able «1 f TlirotO. I ' ti is a o, v.us al'li -t«-1 MAJOR S. B. Ar.lloTT (S| ;-;.-iield, Kdv. E. . J. IL No. 2» 1 tlir«*r mg the M*cretar> of Stat.* A great many piacer^ ti.at iu.ve nt v* r with Bri^l.t’.i l>i.-“ao3 in a'lvance 1 M -J, in ls71 was at.licte 1 wl- i hhm- • h-feu» all efforts f. r reduction of i «lay in .N a '«* ub«»r; Cl »c Lair. s. third M«»: day in to -e d «»I'c’i inrnitH r of the prt*sr:i( legislatutra the M. E. Church, South, for this dis forni; by tiie advji-e of G.-n’I. l'iiri btf!:. Hhf'itimths.n cincl i>A.'rii if A’»- i 1 m !' I test M*»i »lay »:• N «v *inb« r; Cohunbia. copy of Hid’s r«ale, when th«« sain«* shall have tiicl, will preside at the regular quar­ been Wot ked belore wiil In milled this !r isi-.*n. - le«1 that Governor Peiinoy- revciino. ! .i«*sj;n after th.* i-rcoi d Moinb y i M.-«y isn plcniy ol good grume li I frottbli. Consult I tl-e v -:y I <-:«t f ’ n •-*!■:< aft ’ -r t .e wr »nd M .- «lay in t»et«-li*T. R«»«dut ««»»is »iibmi ’ t'i “ ihr»e anieminu-nts t<> «•»' «-«■ will a| |s«iut R. I. Gils'ii« <»f Th«* Bunkera, New Y««i!i. >- l presi-ril»e I I f n-> President sli.mLl In.* elvci»*«l i:i , We. t 1 •’t• • fl -ct on approval pb sicians in ? an ! r-.im i co. -n 1 vis­ this region which i" 'vt unwurktd. became 'thr Stab- constHuti «a namely, prohibiting the Williams creek on the 2fith ami 27th. Warner’« S ai Cur--, tulli t! ■ J»>h*i from • 1:. - to N<>. • 'i.ib. r, and giving the I••.ri-!<•«- of the p'iy.-i«-:..:- «, : n l ri porta, •■tb‘- Tin- finn of Alili A Messerve, engage«! T«-««k a health trip t<> th.* N--w I':. -! m«| I ary •*! State at tlic last election, as •»•!«' tivn ■»hCHihi i - cih -qm*i»tly 4*-v«»lvv ii¡M»n '.•»lough. A tew '«.-tson- i.U-. II’ h ** one w««u'd , Bergman John ¡. .•A'« >n and <»ti« rs. j tun* anthui ity to regulate thr salari« sof State of- in the butchering business at Grant's 1 aide pliyri iai; ; «? lv that li-v. ill hr ¡ter- .«'l :!<’». but »■ ■■ 1« }<■ .» sit/j < r< A No. I»’.’, amending the McMinnville c fftci : tic« rs were adopt» d. I infuse hew life into the .nimng imiu>ii \ u «•f th«-railroad couimissiouer«. A belt«-« the H* i<»* of Representatives, serious WCtl." eo.tst(int!f/ from !i;“ n:ai ly, hi- a 1 here ar«* a fi w bills which yet await thr gov­ Pa»», has la-en «lissulve«l, Cha». .Me»- ' went into etfect o:ia|»pr«»«al. ! southern Or« g« »11. appointment couhl not Le ni.uie. for kb troub v an«l disaster are almost sure to No. l’»5 t .ie ie-q-i»oftu»n;t*v!«t bill, her« tofore ernor’s signature, ami which require more careful serve retiring. Mr. A. will keep iiis li.l I n-.-ulte-i in /-’• r7;sr-(.-.I . pnbh->li»si in full I Aftei using a <-<>upl«- -lozen Ix-itles of G. combines all the qualities necessa v follow, th«-r.« being no maj«»ritv in the Miners have in many instali« cs been a *:c N-i Ififi. er • iting the railro.» 1 rot in. -ior; wen ' ilrhbrniti«»n <»ii his part. Thr list will pr<»bably market constantly supplir«! with th«-best 1 Warn.-r's » aim Cuie, and t voef Sir . ils* finished to-morrow Among these are th«* of meats. I to wok a portion of the daytime, notv .ih- far an efficient otiic- r, and it will l«e one lluusc. counted by States. The Pein »- ¡Utt» effort vti app’i'val. • N«». !*<'. p--«»vid«ng for an .uhiitieniil circuit militia hill, the instuanr«' bill, and the compul- he wr-'t«-: “ My b;.ek ami ki«l- il'-Z. L. ! OARICIAN Ouechee, Vt., ' standing the cold w --.»thcr. After tin- w«•« k R«*pr«*s«-ntative Mitchell is no loiqjrr which will give general sati.-faetion. er.it« have i» majority >f delegations in < judge in the-ixth judicial Hi'titcl: «v.-tt it to ef­ l sory »-«lu -at on I ill in May, 1 ' 2, I egun ti .» bloat, thence ! l.'-y-.ii- without />'< n. mi I, tluu.k fort on apprwv.it. agent fur th«* .«a!«* <»i J. Bourne’s property ty >uap al an «nd. lite ground l-.-ing a ti--. wiil have m< v-«t- - ; y» t it w ill I counties an4 incHrabh'. JA . i‘. n.illy bhe l»e 1 thunaighly sunk«-.I and th«* mel’itig sm breathes tree again. As will lie seen by No ji. pi«»ri(iing b. punishment byati«e<»f no! I »ointment. cana* li« ::ly bi inti piouounctfii by take twenty States to elect. So, if there i eMC’“niing *•’> > « or by inipri.-oimient in the p«»m- in It rm Big « 11 with lain, will all- i u an . There are p«*opl«‘ who cannot or will a list oí bilis published in another col­ n«»t ex«* s**iii gone ye-.r/or niisn p »»-.*nt- tho 4--" tu¡.-í to 1» the • fa>f fitugc t.f I A gentleman iiom New York, who i?» MRS J. T. RITCHEY '5 l 2 4th Ave «Loiihl l-e no eleeti«>ii l-y tl.e jieoplv, ‘ ! t. ing a ary pie 'Uppiy of Watei lor all pmpos* . wit br»s*«i of sto-rk; go»*« into « fleet on approval not th«« necessity of connecting Jack- t*r having l«ee». Bn-lit’» di case, umn, a large number of laws were en­ Louisville, Ky.) v. .n a conihme.l reputed to I m * wealthy, has been at w iii « ■ i tainly continue for .-« vcrcl mont No 27. ii-diurizu'g the c instruct!« ( (,t cattle th« re is likely to 1 e a bi gger niutl'llt* und, r treatment by Warner’s S af . sonvidv w iih th«v main line of the <». iti i'iilift for flereti near*, juM ' c •» • l*.. - Under public r»«u be n mu^y \eai* >in«e th« «»«:•!• (’ore for s«» lavofab'c. amt w e Wa.s confined to Led ten months «-anti in Is7«>. or in»t. We have not learned what his , t.. it • uiptni • ■ r ng.T.t- i.< tic»« b\ j ubhea- few in nuinbi-rs. They advance realms islation which Was nee-led mo»t was hot y»*ar. Wa alien led by the be^t ¡dnj- may expc« t an unu>uali) large- «»input <»f «»f all suc’a >t«»ck kill« d: «n-Os i: to ¡-ff«*ct on \Vr do not p. *t ‘nd to be in Mr. R»n- i i tion for th«-i‘ thvurv, but none can deny that determination was. effected, sj.nply because it clashed with approval siciuHfi. Iler b it side was para- : gold dll-t til!' ve.'.'oK. N > ll. ’ ..it w”.*•■•«*.« in i'‘.at • *p oiruy n c«*iv«- Senator Miller and Ropiesentalive liizcd. Cotibl neither oat. wleep, nor the personal interests of one das» or an l til’s >♦ < !<•!<, 1»nt we venture tin* expla­ i i'.«> fe»*-; id«*: t’.ca! with .Muitn »in.-tii law. goes into .la» ksonxihe has lost at least some of its \\ illi.Tiii Hu lstiii has ji-i !•.!« k i;rs sai! site was HON. N. I. PLYMITf >N «Vor t« nation that he has» heard from the | m * o - I ♦•fleet «»li api :««val. prestige as a trade center, and that th«* Mitchell have returned from Salem, other. , in Mav, 1X30, w k pr«- -r.it« 1 17. by A J n, anicnding th»* tiiforce law so where they have i»een legislating for «>ur an «-vt« ndetl trip !<• southern Oregon, trouLlc l with feiaiilr cinapbi 'at*; pL*. The gentleman from I4iila«le!piiia, tl No pivx-it tate »»I affairs may gradually at i" •• yr i s willful desertion b<* sufficient ' . (¡retri ', ('n 1. r t e < «• r i i ■' county during the past forty days. They whrie lit has but she was «* it», tiud 1» r k; he ys n .«Hiking after hi- mining 1 cause. it must b “ r«-iiieml»ere ' I were affect «-»I. I’mlcr th-* . .*mne time ego hr sent a man to et lartfc. stoi.-i, an) -• ni . Warner’s S afe Cute she pasx*l a bill to relieve th« people of the exorbi­ ti'¡.i-*t l<»r protet-f'un’s sake. He proba- b. •cw « n r*-;J |perty may »«•• srltli d by »• • oint in gain ih-* bu.-iness which Las »lipj«- 1 away. servants of the people. that pot tion «•! I I k * ‘ late to see w but cutild • i.t < f < quit v r«M*r* it:t«« »-fl * t <»n H» proval. Mi«.»t«-t‘"I have lia«. m> n rit large stone r calculus, am! in Nov., tant freight charges of the different rail L:v I’.’ .'K-r ’atii’.s as well a< ( ol. Morti- —those who »an amido NoJ providing that th» salari«-*« <»t - c I kwi I mi - < >ut.-i I»* pa r i Tiiis county has a number of tine. be «iont in th- way of mining. 1 h« num, ci iny trouMo ain.-e Vani r > A. 1885, re|»orteG, “ Ain tu-t< rd»'i t.- maj be fixed by county e* tuts *-peecoV- road corporations that it should, and - >n ■ Mr. Hewitt the tnannei in which !• No t ure rarefi me." , !itl or zing the governor to bring t<> ’ >re. look at <>ur dih hdna from a much to maintain the im­ ing a rul» mission, however, which may work taining il in a time oi ptoto md im *.» c «*. •* :iscad« and sncc<*e«lcd admirai»ly. ‘ in«*iintuins owners of-!<•« x injur«-d l»y portance «4 «mr town, if it dm's not p'm but righlren ill« hrs ill tjm. km " »> Hgalti- some advau.tage to the long-siiff.-iing II. • int* r st in pr« teciioti is a Pennsyl­ w.r-i fenc«‘M may or.iy. rm-uvr Hctual damagt-s. it on tiiv read to p.osj«vrity. an.» several (’ha>. Jeroy of (¡rant’s Pass was ar- ASK YOUB FlliENfS ArD KIJCSBOBS ABOUT 1 I fie pr«*s< tit law p;«>vid - that th *y ma* r.*t .*ive inassi-s; at least we ho|s- so. In our vania interest. He vnj»»ys his seat in I do".bl»‘»bunr.g«’* newspapers have discu.-se«! the matter icstvd by Siieritl’ Patterson last w«*« k. t-d as being extetaiingiy rich, the «He la mg !5 fits* uikibg. Mr. iitbis /b has gn at < *>n- N»> IPX providing for !i «• a!«-of a s:r. i! -trit.» charged with stealing |7 25 from J. IL next issue we will publish th - law in ti. • hulls«* by the fav«»r of thr Republi­ of'ami 1 l«c adjoimng th;* State .syiuin grounds, for an I view it in the same l'ght. Among llut«*h. Justice (ioodcll held him to fith-n«« that In- j::»> strut i it r c h. ■ lull, so our rea-loi» can judge for tliein- cans of his own Stat«* wli • cutl.d ut liny . cemetery purjMM*re th; latter is di • I’m liand JA »•«•>//•«/, w hich i answer, placing his bail at |2)M, in d«- ore from these lcii'i.%, as well as that Irmn ii , ..ii • N» 112. um«*uding the P« ivL!et.»n chart« r. go«*H moment dvpiiv» him of H. Il«* «.(»Ukt • jnr,, ,.fT,.,*t on approval sa-lva*s. in its last issue truthfully says: i fault of w hich he was sent to jail, the many otlicis in " •nth« rn *ht “on; w ith­ at fr« m anv I No 113. creating the office «»f recorder in Linn. not, probably, <•( dilli; ill 1 Jacksonville is another of these beau­ V coiding to the provisions of the Bill out thmbt can L«* sliT’fpc I t. Ea-t Portland ’ ! Marvm, V asl.ir.gton anti Yamhill counti- «: gwes A »-. Rtiisoi portraits of the territorial other district than 1 bis ('.-.II, Uli! Ill* into «-fl et tl •• tn>t Monday m July. Is-s tiful little towns that tinils itself avoid« »! pa>sed by lhe last legislature the citizens rrdn* tn n w«»rks ¡iml .« s»jL>l.intml prulit No 125. au horiilirg the governor, secte'ary of by the cn w-HijIit of th«* oveiland ra.l- of (¡rant’s Pa>s will hold an election ip* ' ; •- 2 Ami stat.« governors of Oregon, thirtwii could not keep that it tl e R**piib!i«*anH Us«« - V -. derived ihert;rom. I’it gtmnin. sLit«* and stat«* treasurer t«» invest th-- irreducible in al), lia» tieen | aintetl l-y Mr. Coy» did not |b)d Li iln a far more valuable school fund at 7 percuit. porannuiu; g«»es into road lout-* to our sister State, and has next month to dvci«h* whether they will I.X GOV. R. T. .JACOB W* ip c.Kk. i AIT. • already begun to ievl the rivalry of such inror|*orat«* their town and ad»»pt th«* e*T”<*t or api»rov -1. <•/. » it: i /. rm ' /' /•«»«.« 11 us. well, the wdl known artist. Six « i these inen»!»er than one «. No I*"», ant> orizii g John Kruse to main tarn a small towns as Medford and ( entrai «-barter. A lively contest is expected, st., r d t it-ir own party was prostra’» 1 with nw »*'«* t\ dyk»* iicni*« I* thinus sijugb, t ooscoiinty were purchased by or«ler of a former would be. Therefo; li takes his orders Alum trouble arci lo>t f i y p : • i li i. N » l»*l. ail«horizrig E.«sth-uo. Pillsin.ry and Point, whii-Ji are tin* p.incipal shipping as considerable upj»osition to incorpota- Alter a thor ’igli tre itm-mt \utti V. o- eon'.'«--'i - 1 ut K. Inept an I L legislative a-»« inbly, ami the remaining liom h:s ettiployer.s «lirett. Whatever ('harman to <*onstr'tct a sn.«pecsio:i to!) biidf points in ti at portion <»l the Rogue river , lion has lately «leveloj cd itself. Hr.ruts part . f the t.me. I across th” W ¡Barnet T *rivt r at <>r« gi ri < ity. at saf- iicr’s S afk Cure L * r>*p it-. “I Lave »••ven, now complete, were also bo igbt, they n »t strictiy dmiaml, he will sac I fir’ent I ight to allow the pa-sag • of *t> i.ah. uj.-: valley, the m« st p.<-tuirsipn* section in I btrtli'it one-third. : ! ma.-h ba lly ei /«<’»•**/’ eiifOijCfl betta* iterili ■». w■<*st»,rn 1 heyo’i J.»ckxmville is nearly KI.AMA TI! rot STY ITEMS. o in!.» » fl.on ap;>r(»\ i! by authority oi the last legislature. Toe fe-.-te 1. Could liohl mi fittiti; even if tiw*c*sa-y t » secure wbat they do ' N i 17» creating:» fi.-h c.»m.’;iis«-ion ofthre« . tin liv«‘ mil» s «1’ the r .id. and y. t sin* is tin* ! pr«' .id»-«: t»» receive a salary of s *4«i a je. r.m d center of a . i at deal < f slow ly aevumu- pictures are sail! to be excellent works demand. w at r w as < j. « t< I. U.-itig le»» than a Mis. |). J. Ferree is paying Eugene I the other co minissiTiers to »♦ p:n ai a : Cure, l.e You » an no to San Fran* city a visit. of art. ami the State,liaviug taken a part • r it«' of ■*' The bill ;q propria!«* . N|u uo f.,; Liti »1 wealth. T ii . lcg:> atuiv j a'S* ! a law formne j t'i 4 nun it ’if. Iff curiti." ¡EX. II. IE WALLF.?< (114 Ma tho iu .’ ii it* r:a: nr»* of a 7: t-.-li« i «»n th«* < < 'mal.ie cisco and pick cut *(-»>’<•* of capitalists «• are still special ••»'••'.«' J »rent, gt;.ir»l au or other p’*i<«u» Rogue ri .'»T <«' m « s mt«» ♦•Ifeet on approval. Ice has l>eeri thick enough on Klamath an4. having :<«•-! fleJt livavily, t»c N«» H». prov.¿¡ng tbat th.« termsof th»* circuit partne rs in enterprises carried on there, bar ill .. “ * <>u:r«>l of a » hild Let w« «*ti tiiv I court ........ in th** sixth judicial «list (ict h«* Ii» kt as fr>|_ s|M*n«iing tii» ir sh.ue nf the proii:s Like,i<»r «Be first time in several years, to th * use of Warner s S afe (’ :r* ; l’KOF.) 1 J W( «1 F < ietty w« r.. Messrs Rippt »j. - ■ i > an i 1 I y»-a. - sh ill 1 h * rvtpiired • lows; Uniatdla. fourth Monday in Jar ua'y. first permit sk; ting. says: 44 I was much bcucjited by ,M»»n—iu f u ’, there at none on the ¡ii.it '.i Monday in Mny. ami first Munday in S»*ptemb» r; abroad and contributing nothing to the among th«»s<* troni thi> • • s *;.,; > ivli « ’ hiM t » ;i ptib ’ i«* school for i it?’ Frank Miner, who li.tS b«*rn «•i|o;pj..,| : Wallowa, third .Monday ir. March and fourth progress «»r development of tin* country, k» 1—owing to the iva.Mjn that th«* ♦ x- cran (J m '• !.. . ’ .n t-I • ine wi'ii Mond.ny in August; Malheur, fourth Mor«biy in ed tii»« railroad bad at Pulmonary (’.-t-suni; ion. 1 >v«-t 7i p r IM'n^es of the ••♦»unty will I k * at i««a t • j «*:i >4 of at l'*a.‘t twelve weeks in each Jti-e and thud Monday in November; Grant if a branch railroad w» r»- built from in merchandising at Plevna, will s<»«m Jack.'-onvill«* to some of the younger leave tor Yreka, Cal. « ent. of all ca»-« “Í Ci :i-t:!:ipti «n .-ii" Lew r.mkey > h •- The St. Valentine ball at Ai-a-l.-ruy ih »\\ aday* on • » nut nriivai *>f (’<>!.. JO. F.I’H H. »’lb UiNTc N Ci?i- we«*k» shall I m - »-onsevutive, unless gm «1 j aijl thereafter in meh iear on tl •• first Monday • if many year* past, and liecaubc tl»«*:»* i- A:t-raii««.r u Ì t’.af i : j ■ ;«<.,; ceil of liriu t t *,\ t « Ì.. i woiil I » ontinue to “hold the top hand" Hall tn Linkville pa»ed l off pleasantlv pretty girl baby a’ hi* citmati, <* in I -» ’ - n-poite« (in June ad fir r Mo: 'lay in !)»*c<*:nl»»*» : I ’ nion. .1 •* of (realm -nt will« Warner' an eagi »n« r 1» invest ¡n th«*se M«t-ur'.- chilli >1 all K* ex u<.»4 tr«»m attendance s««cond M »nd«'iy n F“brtiary an 1 oHirth M ■ idsy and still I m * a plac«* oi import;»ncv. it and affai ...... was ....... a successful »fill affair. l;i daughter was very >1 ii::«-li pr. Scaled pr«»p«t*a ■ for building I lies in th«- » enter of the only vine p.u- Nov«'*inL« r G«»es int<>rff«*ct '».■approval •i « C«m*, she write», •• 1 toil ¡icr- of thr leur*, I h ** i . M um < , f |||( tax»*> i'«r Jss»» will l»v th • board »»f «lit»« !«>rs <»1the distiict i.' Mso had i:•1.0'11111 >_ It. Iluti-hiniKiii offers his <>xti*n«ivi* id new M-i ate bills L3 »HI. I ’. '7. I *i. *7s dneing pait of Oregon and wiil hav«* n't u t il." ho l-hoU'-c have L< ’ ' '. *. • u> intens«- }>.ioi in th” hfi"t. -to« k lain li mi Tub- lake, toother with 11.« r. f«»rv I m - paid hi cash, an«! th«* « »»,»>•*- i 1 w! c h st*.« ! par« ids or guardians re 176. JHJ 1; t. 131 many sources of great wealth, long alter all its appUitenaiK-i s, for safe. 1’laiiM and >pv< ilicati<«n> may If! SE I-It.I.H SlGW.r» Ider, ' 'in its I» ing shown to their sati - .¡u» iit ivMuh will U tbat n.ativ !h«v»-ar«l ‘ No. 3. «T'*r.t .'in Wallowa county. pla, i r mining is dis«*ontinvd altogether iiagrudvr lho> .-tore. ' . (>!h«*r rem . Slie lost lifty five |s>u:id«. N-> 12, |»r««vbling That tH h rrr -of tin« circuit Her busim’ss nv-n must have a railroad Geo. Clia“e and Fr<-«1 ('lilt ait* run­ d«»!lar> o| ih«’i,e: i A)ilebt«*dn» - *1 Hie I! »«• ioti that the I »«lily or mental rendi­ i court edies failing, tlmy I togati th-* u •(* «.»11 in the fir - t judicial «li-triei shall lx* held i s S. M. Lane, a pander wh«» h«Ti lorth here : ning a stage between Linkville ami the tion of sth h child has I .ven such as to foli’.-.vs: Jospphim* first Monday ii. March ami to tap the main line, if th»*y liav»* to build '. ENAT0R B. K. BRI’l i ' » ' W.irner’s s •fit *' V, SVFE /’«■••b Ult«l «ountywiiU wi|«r4«uit. awhile hack, 'kipped out of Grant’* I’a>® M«»nda> in \u rust; Jack--»*:, first Mouti y it themselves. We have a belief that railroad front and doing well. i ?: .na). niter «l-.-i n :«i f r year? :• present atu ml »n< a* school <»r appli»*a- fir-? S afi * A'«-r-.•<». mi l ». •thifi Uir-• ::i n!h- i . \pril. fir-*t Monday in Septemb« r and first th»-y will inei* w i i; h It.-Mip'“.-.-. ! wa-« Malario. >'i she had gain“ I fifty J JSstllldH in v. 1 ... Stxi.oa W att «' liquor law, pn-»<-ith- ti-»n to ,-tii'it f«»: th«* :• ri M i»*'pmrd ; or, ' V'-"da / in !>• •• •inbcr; Klamath. s»*c< - fl M00 |>cr annum and that time he has noi In-cn lit aid troni. . ■■ io veil to goo r Ji^' and w:i I ’ -' 1. a f «Hi li<-eii»e ice, wa» suioth- r. 1 in t .at u h ri. ¡4 is t Bight in a private 1 tl. -d M’i.''d-«y in Muy a-;d second Monday in Oc- of the county treasuicr to »2,>0. ¡tifitifis, alni having ublaitn.l i 1 hat w:i- tho >• y- ars ii.-u, and sh«* i -ni! Sitihh,ii Ih-nth. r ¡.iwli.'t er fro-ii lii-!*!y-ii • I'T'e. I thè Iloti...... Il tir- !a«t «lay «il th • «< »»i"li «■h - Jurat horn«* in such branches as • tob'-r. F. asti kx manufacturers have i.ot felt Circuit court will hereafter be hel«l in in as r/ooi/ li-'al'i 1 a » « ver in hr r life. No. 13. prov’dir g f«»r a ire of not | psp than $56 i I« _• in »lieu ■ of Warner’ • n : / , I>K I’LINI S HI: a R! HEMEHYwiBf Il wa» entireiy f«»> rmli.-al ami wmild ar.* us'iaily tau jht in primaiy h « hool», ror uo»re tha ; $••<''’. or iniprisonment «<4 «•xc»'“«i- «lisposml to |«uri has - wasil b-yoml thi ir this county the seeond Monday in June Col. Th mton. him • if, WM c«! of prolong lilt* by preventing (host- *midvii i t uri', ati'i !.• ■ y ‘My tri« 11. in«’«»lie year. :.n«l forfeiture of lie»or for n’il»»w- ch roilic tl '•rrhaa oi <• .Lt«*» n bave eau-ed even mote bitte.'litigation 01 I..1 alo adv a« 4p>ot«t the ordinary | ( in / »niiHu s in n »..dcon. nnnieiliat - wants, ami trad“ the past and tiist Monday in November. dv.-ith* from heart ui - cum - uhb h bring un- i a.-tofiisheg.-i:t s< h»’ I-. L' t violation of this act a fine ' 1 «» rn»*sdav after the first Monday in Novi ih I mt aie not over anxious for sal<-s, ami aie ami wa« absent for aevcral days. era. m V uf the bread-winner. At druggists. | next. than thè o.'d l.iw no»r in forre—would ol 1.•■!!» F?."» t«» >•”’<) is | ruvidt 1 in the first ■ No. 19. inci»r»M»r itii:g the town »«f .My rtb Point, imlispose«! to grant the concessions in .'M». l>vsci-ipti\c ireali.-v with each i»*«t-! Linkville has a local minstrel troii|ie, II. 1 Q. ELKINS (T 'kinsride, N. (’.) ml - ’ o<^i county; went into ‘ fleet oil approval. und from f5<) to lino for a sub- i ’ ' No. 22. incor»»»»nU;ng Albina; went mt»» < fleet I prie«-.» wl-idi blivets «lemand. On the which is pr icth ing regularly and expects tic; ur iiiidrvs* J. J. Mack A Co.. 8. F. ha.e been <-a»dy passe-1 ; I.ut thè ad»0- inslanct e _________ C. 11. Al.I.i N Leavenworth, Ksn.), f.■!•«• 11« >r ten ye irs Horn (• rart I, w hit h I on apf»r«»val. " ’ performance U*f<».e cates of temperane«* ni Oregon alw.iys s-*«|U -nf offense. non Ed« i'-. t'4'- years <«f i< ■<•. allli '.- I other hand, manul’a« Hirer« are persuad­ to give a first-class The \ftr }mr CouiiNfimil Utili I.ttr!». s’t.e ked hdn < rt r»f sijr tHOHthfi. .N«». 26, in«-«»r*-«»rating ti e town of H«*ppi «*r. with cat re .ite cttsi tij briiflit's 1 itt > find »’.tVVHhii in th«*2UUth M<»ntl«ly Grand «•■em incline'l tooierdo tlwaubj ct, ¡imi !h-L> t4*»j>ound in three lnonth.«, an*l ; we it into offert on aptiroval ing thcmsciws tlmt they will, Is-forc long. Srs.iron l>«»t *,i I l.;O Mll.|ll.lt«-'l a IHstrtbutiun «»t lie* L«»uif»HiiH Stat«* Lottery, tlisrtrsc. an-i th*’ «bx-«- - t/ttre !t.:u . 27. inrreasTgtl»<* -alary <«f the Mu!:n«»rr :«h I ooper B ioh ., who have a saw-mill on which UK»k place uli J’uvsiiMy «always l ue.-tlax . h:Q -irvngth u ri•! (¡^nr. After >-<.m-eqUetitiy- «to tl eir e.iu-e more I ini. Intion «uo’cting tli. i-e« «etarv <4 thè ii.- ’ ■•<»: " < i.ty aswi ssor from .*275i to and al iov. *• g long, l«e abb- to purchase supplies at Klamath Illi. r»v tie- a h i ■■ ■ th • doctor*« th »rough umh »! Warner’s S ate 7 / ’7'<4 river, intern! to increase tin- Ju ,luar> ini. January liti». Issi, und' 1 th«* sol«* t»upervi.-ion of j S9.> for in«»rioy» »•xpei d«s| for • xtia clerk hire; lower cost than at the piesent time. than g«»xl. v, ii “ . bepan th« ’ ii-?«' «-f •» :irr.'-r*8 S. vfe t»*ri»n t«> inform ilie >.-nate «l.at riilea go»*s mt" eft« ct <»n approval. -X T. Fun1, l;e rep«oit.-'. ‘ I writ a* it. t • Beanri-g.tiii of La., he <1 Jubal A. Both sides, theiefore, are waiting, ami output of lumber ami will widen th«-;r u;.in|> lai.«la to More snow Ims fallen during the past MHiie of it went. No. '.‘l.'.Uf dnw 1n>t rapual No X*.. prov.ding that tii»» KJan ;•!h < ounty active. < >r«lers that are I m -,ng place«! are relajiso. ••verv Stat in the Union han i»»un«l «linll b«* held ’he first Mi'udfiy in Ja'.uary. unusually s mall. I Iregon w«s»l is in fair week, but much of it lias melted, so th.it : prize* of sir»->.or •, bold in tenths at >1 wtc.'t t><-nt to Ila- .«-M-i.il .'tal'—. tl.<-li'X ii|.|>i“V.-.l alni court Jl. A. Diiqphui. N' W Orhans j^a. one went 10 March. July. Soptf-m.’.» r ai:«l Noveinis r .»f ea.-fi li« «--ssa:y, atri on. Stat»* ¡ m no rxc‘| tion the average -b-ptli is not any greater, it < '«»rnelius Bvcannofi. a w-ll-ki own citizt’ri <«t St. «h umml ; < ulifornia wool is quiet. ■ y. ’ ar. Also that tl.e judges 1 all receive a salary |.a’«,nt«,'l, «bai au-'iiii.i.- aio -til! « l.iiiui-.l I I joiuh . M<>.; one to Ben Ki.tin, a popn»;*r eb>:.-Hng as great, than it was a week ago. ' of ji'iiii ai.d ’’¡c tr. asurer >”5>. I»» the rule. The »aM h ^HÎatun* w»»iiM merchant of .ite-sn*. Kiam Bros, of Ho:>to- l>«-«-n No. 52, fixing th«* pay of th»* Morrow county ini mu !K i : t .\. Intheiaee at the Linkville skating- Lave errate«! tl»a* po^itiun, v.vrv it not 1« x»u-; one to j-. J. Gilmore, pant throiixin tn-t £#“Every Tesfbnonir.1 we publish is ffcutihie. V-!-e* to the ’if and county tr«*a:*un r at xtf; w«*»it appi -.e.1 a* iialemnity l’or -wamp lati«!-« ' jnifi.rc National Bank of Los Aip-geler., Citi ;one tonti“ rink for »10 n side, between Pi«-k Smith into eft on ap|»r<»val. f«u tik* intrifi'H lice id th»* 1‘ortliiiiil :it u*- «testators, enrloxiai Mniap for reply, and learn for jet : «elves. i*'»;n i.\ xl >. No. 59. authorizing sch«»ol dimetols t«»l”,'is«* or ami Aleck Martin, tii«- former won, the ' positor iri the Carni I Bunk of New thie«vn~. Lit.; For Mun«’ rea>uii it had a t an«li(Litu <4 Ho|«l l>y th“ l iiiti-.l Mal. -, ami alno what build sch«»ol-hour»*s, or buy la- d for school pur- \Vh» it The American visihl" *■ a I.liter falling ami not lieing able to pick on«' 10 J. ( ¡«in, Norfoia, Va.. ptrrn i Cali Torn iun Bank, limited, of San Eiancisco « id.; iiimself up in time. t at an«, school m»*eti ;g. JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. .. .■ >■ tv. The i ni . oh , all. <| for, pr«- No. »•! 60. one paid to Wells, Pare-» A Co «* Bank, San r»-quinngs< bo«»lclerk- to keep a roll of J«»lm • Hinpbell Aorth any ««ili«-, ini«.miai. oh In-aiin. or. xnariip t»pn-oi;s «>f school age in th«* «listr.el, and to d»*- weaker mari < mi l San Franti -c« Mmtìu'gon, Midi ; on«* to Alva Elder. I ’ l iui-eton the county clerk up to March 7th, ISX7, ment it hmmipum I t<> «livtate. < iov Pen­ iv. r !’-«• s.’.m-- io their succ«-ssor- K hs .; the other tenths went ciHewhere. No. 3>J II i lor.r, per n:oii«*«nd il»- lan.ls. In ex|.laii“ti«-n I'olyl. rtat.-il »hat No. 66. «•?♦ al I”'.* Malfieurconn«y. firm. Here no 1 ran>.*n tmns are >|n for ke -ping tin* indigent |mor of the tlrew t»C in y r, with rbm.irh*:i'tic in s7. n in ¡ring county clerks on th«« 1st d-iy i the market l>r»t«g without change <• «unty lor one year ftoin the «late of the in tent hs at *1 itM-ti. <>!i»‘W«*nl t »S t«. have the li t« i « r -1« •" ili» thongbt i Hiii ot B.' î 1.»5. «•f April and t* •• first «lay of October of each y»*ar ani t. Shipment.« I»y >teaii»rr walcbin Ul ftt the Miss. A' iei.H. K. )!. I’vpot. Mil: F«*' d. JMT 1«.: pioin;:«*>, and lin* bill vs!;itdi>hing to • C Nit ' d !-*r d.-z. • :”.... § I’lour !»«•(•«.¡pi«, fri r and include a» »•'i priaf irg >5*<5 f«»r relief i f A. W. l.hls coimtilietioli of the |«ro|»«»e -4 th«* hotiHv. “r< * -- 1 • . on mitt“«- |> p««1.In hti.'i- tnav. Prt N»» s', '.ii, Point. Ark . paid through Laukot t onuneic. <>: y; w«-nt into effect on approval. v.dJi-v country. Shij mi nts by «tramer in- Klamath river, to connect with the C. Memphis, leun.; one to a «1*-poutor in the l’eo- Potai««***, pi r Ih.. ci ■ ha «e «-fon- it suHieieiit data on which; No. *.'•». pr»»' i ling that the < i ;I>iMin county court ■■!■,. “ .......... r-.i'va. “r- * I eld t! - * ... ...I.. in : la vvr-|,i ► hall I . m first Monday » very «ri'-IIIHtl' a't»*inat«« « inde vai'ry standard. The market is firm I’. K. IL, and a liberal sum for this pu - pie> Bank of New Orleans. La.; th»* remaining ('abliag»’, SoTWITX'T 1M-IS1. the O.'i ¡i. i- a I 91’. ** ............ successful nan»**«« are withheld. No sm . iu : v. 111)2 Watiip rn«».i’h. 1« b J’iii. g t t* fiiat Monday in January' '• w :th fair K-qm-'L M H«*4U1-, “ ... »he tinnì capi.nl prize ot SJutO, was sold jo a timt-cluiM journal, il »»till haa u/ m m >/«oil lami mailer««, l'olph said he believed^ «q. au! »-.z ug a g- n.'ra] levy •>[ 5 mills tax ■Jio Sealed proposals will lie receive«! by apart> in bun Jose, « «»sta R ich ,» . A. Ntjs.7W.77-4 C«»rnin«*a*. per fi' II» . Oats Rccrij ts include the lot out by for ahiiMiig and l.-littling prominent ■ it- tbat gr - it t'iiinl- h.iv, l»e«‘n |M*I n*!rat«*«l f”r M L-«rd. por In ir. tins I \V. C. Hale, elerk ot this county, until and W.MH«)dieu the fourth two capital prizes of p»xrp**<*» *»*r.t int«» . fleet »ni approval. .. n7 t«> 10 . J N". 9»’>. n*«| t;ring school.clerk* !•• . ake a d>. steamer. Local supplies are rather freer, March lltli, for the construction of a kltUUhl tM«*h. ami were sold in t»mtne at St cacti, Haui ;.nd Bacon izeit* wlioilo net agree with it. < >it man­ limi, r ilio -n iini«-lainl m-tn 11 (Mi Dritti Apples. p.*r lb.... in leverai : tri<-t »•‘•'Cb-iiicnt mil within thirty days from Imt aJl ottered has been taken up. Three bridge across Lost river. It will lie a to parties in N« w York city. Washington. I) ( ! Pfttin**. “ ! San Francisco. Variamento anil Santa Posa, Cai.. ' «hit«- of i-ix levy . ifold ix eai-ion-* it hsu »pok*>n dieparag* >'at.■- ami uh ¡.> oii“l.t to he takeh l«y c.n •* m »M to dealers at L w (ftlf>c. while com- 1- “ substantial Htrnrtiire and is greatly ; Baltimore. Mtl.. (irenota kun . Maijvilie, Mo., . “ Pear«. N«> ’.‘9, prmid.i g ¡nqu i^oiuncn» not to « xcn d •* P. ’ uh-s, “ inglv of decreed I Hnirxrati.' eoldier^ 10 .Memphis.T'-nn , Savannah, Ga., Whitt ville. N. ■ •• • i in„--.—-«, ii i.««t too late to aceomplirh thirty day-, oi tine n«»t to exceed SJO. for unlaw­ mi’.’ioii men .secure«! up to 52c from con needed. 00 ______ »•»*••?». p«T gallon. ('.. Bentonville, Ark , Alh-ntown. Pa.. Fairfax, 1 _____ Sorghum fully vvc.-.iing a badg* or button of the («. A. R ami .-talesmen—notably Mfl'lellan, Til­ th«- p ii | h >»<-, t-> enaet sin-h b-“i«l.itioii aa JiHtic«'s 00 to sell of th»* »»care hav«* Juried ction; go» h n to sutners. 'I he market is As w ill be seen bv the list of hills which ' Va-, etc., unti so the wlieei revolved on. It wdl Chirk»w. j *r dozen . “ .............. • to 12 HI ur«»und again on Marcii 15. and any on«* can ob TtirkejH. den and I lendrielcs—«imply lieeuu»«- they wi.l pr<-»i rve a* nini li as poasible of thè ♦ ff»*ct on approval. tree of commission. pissed the last legislature ami have go $1 I t to 2 50 ... tain *ny inf«»riuatiun about it on applicatiu^r to lid.- No. 113. in»*«»»»»onitin- the town of Heilwood. i aitali |> lami of thè country t > thè aetual Potatoes Shipments appear light .15 to 20 I hr since liecome laws, publisheit in another I al. A. Dauphin, New • irleans. La. Were Pemovrute. In State politi.-», we ny nut cateti Deorskins No. I2i. fixing the salary of th»» sup'-rinfi nd« . t Hettk.S. 17 to 20 Wool, Spring . i market.* ar«* without new interest. of th»* p«*nitentiary at <1’0!) per year. column, the time for hobling both the ! at this chance for a fortune? timi ir nii-repreHi-nting Gov. Pt-nnoy. r, B. I It »U No. 12M, incorporating th.- town of Drain; went circuit ami county courts Have Iweu Eggs Firm at 2'»c am! there h a tail . 6toft Muttoi int«» effect on approval. W!i^,e-r-- n fvl rr t-w'rc«» In th« r<>gk*i of f.v even charging that hi. veto of the Port­ .1 r//.LVG/; .VA’CA.sS.lA) stolli P.»rk 1 - * 1 ■ • - ------------- -- tH j No. 11" provide g that the t'Tnw of tj r cir<*tiit prospect <>f an advanc«*,should receipts keep change«!. » . M'-r, arm <>r under 5k. o V pv »’ »» Blood Elixir is the only land bri-lge bill «a» actuated l-y .»elti-h . 12‘i ! ■ nu ' r I *. 8.-C.1 >a ' c>r v h< ;i y court sliall lw* h»*bi in th»-sovmth judn i.-d di-t rl< t f . I jour»*!f short oi Linkville now ls«asts of a fl, sw*und Monday in Fchruary, Wi- li.ive he et-jh-r - urged the n«-<- -•»• » ’ nn-tiv , while Senator Wager of I n a- :f I m iii./ * • : • o 1 rfc di cace, u’iiì ¡.hr,!»’ I fourth Moiidfp. in .May au»l nwor-d Monday in - - i . . " fn ( hicken* — (¿uitc a lot out by steamer, literaly aociety, which was recently or­ teed. It is a positive cure for Ulcers, Erup­ < mhcr: M< ir« w second Monday in March t To Dr. FL. - 9 ii ■«•^ i . Aov. • *! 5K iXxodj Uv- tilla l- aeeilru-d of Helling out to Sim -ti • ing l< w Supplies free. V'iti» CUCÌ! bu«« . , C I i -J ia I Xrtio» and first Monday in BeptembMr: Gilliam, first I'n’siil -nt, Fied. A. Cogswell; vic.’-pres- I wholo system, and banish«« all Bheumatiq Co. in order Io »e.-ure the iiefe.it - f the ptc'vni olfieial roil of the Oregon insane ’a! Monday in \pril a *t fourth Momlay in 8« |»tcn,- Butter «'.ilif*>rnia roil in large receipt. dent. Mi«« Maggie Sergent; serretarv, and Neuralgic pains. We guarantee it. l-’l! dividing hi» own county Sin I, e, it­ a'thim and de inanagcmenf. In vindi- j her; Crook, frs? M«»i day in May and third Mor- I ut firm at 22t"25c. HAMBURG FIGS. i > October: g«»M into »‘fleet th«* I t of JuJ> Levi !• Ward. Sold it I lli th ug »toie ti .»in» aie repreheiiH'l.ie inaliighd. gr-■ ‘ cation of the c<»rr‘.‘ctn< >H of t»ur position ! day next. . Th-#*' ;< r » i • ’- •■’.-:!•■•< i.- I naattarg r- Cabbage Firm at2’_.c. but a>e i-.>n»ÌHtent with the o- , . Hon. Robt. McLean, our Rei>re»enta- N • 119. <1- lining th ” boundary lire L ’ -fwecn j for the cu p ot d »•«. ..■»Upun<»n, in :.gesc comes ivpvHs, well sub>tantiaf**d, of Yand tll and T ¡11,-iin M»k «‘»»unties; went into i f- SAN I R KXriM o. i bud b '1 . . . tive, Ims returned home from Salem, •tyle <>f jonrnaii»ui. j effi icr.t a«i Cnetr f-t '.<• is pl ' auk 25 ceuu. ;tl»eft and gro<*4y immoral pracnm» fret. or. ipjiroval. Wheat «^pot market inat tive. There is where he has been busily engageil in th«1 N Ini. ane nilini *he daily law. but not alter- At &U UruggMi:» ; or iu. ;o- j only a small shipping demand; offerings service of his district. He gained a goo«l T u : l'resiiient did iiiiiiself i-reiiit wla-n in and alw»ut that in>Citation, which are ing ite u.tin piir-pf»#* s or »»revisions. •Vhrn Eaby wm .«i. k, wc gave her Capteria. J. J. MACK Sc CO . No. 169. im.<, p .r.-fing th»* town of 8pringt;rl«l, are small; quotations nominal at $1 I7<6.defining the l-»un«l/u ics of Linn county. McCaffrev t-> be collector of customs io- ! mand radical treatment at the hand-* of Wfieu she became M im . she clung t.<. CaMor'A, ^‘'•jJ-’'L Jim«*i;ding the Eugene charter; went Barley The market i> easier • No. I feed The prolonged col«l snap, with its - en H|'| ri«v.vl \la»ka. wliich act alno puf an end to Ih«- til- p,. »-lit State i'--.»ld 111 lx.’.e,jt IS ml«. abundance of snow, is anything but When the had Childreu. she gave tl»cm CasJoria, sp»»t. $1 ; an < xtreme. No a ;*.. am»«i «Ur g th«» Fast Portland chatter j fiwlit fri y *eerel that ik-atty, a promiueqt \. Jul. • la»h**hirg Ih» otfie. of county clerk of i olii« ial . xistcnce of Ihe ubiipiiiotis .la«- an CALIFORNIA. BTUEET, Potatoe:- -Steady demand g«»< i’.m- kindly received by the stockraiser. There i'rer frntn Oyiitlr -, Kmrtle» mid l‘oisnn. Mulrnon'ith county; co* s U1 ; n . the tirat is plenty of feed on Immi nt present, but per Johr.son, a lio had berti ap|»>inte«l employe under the ol«l I.-, was «lis- Monday in July. 1«*^ banks 75(1*2 25; Peerless $1 chh 1 70; JarkMon V I lie. Oregon it may become scarce shouhl there not No. 21-, providing that th»* rotiiis of th»- circuit < ¡arm-t Chile $1 é0(" I BO «lepnty <-olle«-tor bv Mei atfìry. Ila«! cli.irg. «1 1»--au»<- <*f his ontiiigeous cuu- court I m * a change in the weather liefore long. in the bec<»n«l jtuiii ial district L«> h< l.i as Gats ’ piiet; M-ar**el.v anything doing; J HJ: TNI/EBSKÌNU» IS Fl l.l.y PR: PAIIEI) Mr. < le velami also l>een inforim-«l of thè • 1m t; an«l then- are otlu-rs who should .follow- Boiiglns. HHCond Moi day in Oiitofi. r buyeTi* hold oil ; Oregon $1 pKc 1 471 Little stock Ims «lid so far. Sarifty Mrvfinyn. to *. fourth Monday in M y >e ta price*. Efforts aie lieing made at Washington meets eacii W»ihw».o nt alway» nini» righi, hut i.« soiiietinu » I’libli--H-nliment demamisit; ami there No. 222. pro-.iiLng for p»*r diem and mi hag«* of benefit from medicine than at anv other tlmt the citizens of Linkville ami tl; «. «' ■ Tuewlny evening previous. Adarel (’h»p!» r N»». <>. F.. S. of ncksonville i»ie»*t* on»-or’ <»th«» memb»*rs of th»* legislature* slio-.ihl I h > no further « ’ «-lays ill the mat ­ .Meas-n. Hence thr in-.porta me of taking who live along the Klamath have 11«. -l ap|»>int- JI»»inula/ evening; \lph«n Chapter No. I of Ash­ hU 273. arii**nding the Arlingt«»n charter. Hoo«i * > tr-apariila now. when it will do land »4. the tirt-t a»id third Tm-Hday*-. ter. in the name of public «ieiem-y let No. ji>. amending the Ashlar;«! charter; went for a lorg time. When this is «lone an«l im-nis. Irthur K. l’elam-y, wlm w.i« :» you the most gooc It is really wonderful I. O. O. E. J-irkson.iile Lodge No. 10 nvi f inti» effect on approval. not until then may we extiect to gel our every K»well N » 21H. aurhonziric the «yirwov «.I sct.ool diieu for purifying ami enriching the b|oo< gree no. 254. cn*a!i’-g »he office of county rommi*- . Hood > >’ :r-.Q»a,iil.! - ’-id; is r • eiili.ir t«» .»•rat of Wisconsinan«l ha» srveral limes That such a «-hang- wouhl l»e injurious Ijodge No. I of .Jacksonville meet a every other is th« shallowest «h-magogy, lor !>r. sioner tn < «.lumbia county; g«»«*s iniocfbct after ' itself Thimr Who A re I Monday evening. Hom» D(*gr<»» I>>dgeof Aah- l i-n a canilidate Iwfcvre thè convention J.ei'plii »m-e<-e«l<-'l l«»«*«»n* l land, on th«-x‘ron«l anti fourth Tuesdays of i-i.-rt ’ . - k r .‘ Li..* alui'ted with Cotr r«*pre»entative to cong-es». In l«»4 very long ago, without incurring any in­ No’gi7. giving Fotil.ind aplbonty to c.»r(lemn CLr»vsi> l^e Children. They are es- A^thiiu. TU «a; frn;d>|i * m . or. in fart, any I month. R ed Mr.v. Oregonian-Poca’,ont.--s Tribe * o.1. an >»• w;.» appointed l«y thè Prc«i«l-nt C S. jury to the patients at the asylum and I flip ‘rfaii right*» "f Buli Kun riv« r pecially liable to sudden «tisf’.'i«e i’H-jdvnhtl /o this sea on of the Imn’dO R. M., of J ack sonviHe. ••» -r; ¡ uom ! * j iB, pro- -ii'g flsi-.'.ool ksiifdi tricts I“***- year, will find ¡niin**iiiat•» more year Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, r- » »i'p- p’lj •• i*n l.f j».-.id«»n »in.Goyslajlcrfcil by by the oi Fond s Extract, if I o . m • a - ; i . cu 1 i « im «. hours of anxious watching. Sold by Is remartifib'r Burnire in L. *’*!c. »tr.Jy m,,nth. _ ____ ■ : . , ........ I... . ,.,»l IU« ' c. or H. Victory Council No. 4 (t Jnrkson- Well. to.. t -«u t»-for«* 111«* is-ople. •man it«» »'• «<•»«•*» Him—•«»»,'* ■ M • 111 I i.ti i No Ui, allowing hnj.t-TH of m * h I»» s of wild ani- City I'ri««'Sl.-rn, nlb* 'Hl Frttla> 0t(*nintfc» i ,.?IT.UPJZ£, SI50.ÜÜÛ. • H r r/o h. f <*by fe, *. Jy thul v t nupCt'X iff f . O Ì t rH»JI hliiltiS alttf'f M flit iti y UHU (¿'■f il ri y ì h Uys nJ ']‘kc J^itiit.siitiKA state i. .1’4.' National Bank. I . L IZ.!» U fl X. P; . N. O. Nalioriul Bank. jSNPRtCcD NTED ATTRACTION! u 0IEÍ H 1 •ill.LltiAi-ldtili.l 1 ED t 2,808,693 5 171/1'4 < IIIÜJIIH h !<«»<“£ W. Louisiana Stale Lotiety Comp ny I iiuup.jii.ti-d in 1 *>■ L*r 25 y ¡t -fij ¡.»- Legits . . i ..¡v 1 ■; ¡ 1;;- -i < ...n ii . : • | f| •• - - i.i !«;.»•»> in winch a reserve -itili i»i.icc I mi ; addod. fund B« un ovtrw..« ’Tiihg pupuJur vote its fruì.cìnse wa**1 miid'-hpÄ!' •». '•• «..'«s ,,t 3;ulr<'oHstítution fili D im . 2*1. \. b. 1* ?.*. i n« oii.y L I .» • r vot« d oa unii '•:HÍ«í any bUi'.-. it m » ■: bodes or jxwt- puncs. 846,964 Portland, Me., tii.II'. 82. T.lSi Of Pit « APii/.L PKJ/J. (d- Gii.iNL I LI/.!. Oi I GRANI» i Ri/!’- 1 G.tiJ i R1/J-.8 of 4 l.AI.iiL 1'Ri/J.b UF 1 RlZEb OF 648,017 Minnesota, ? 1 ,. O Ô ,UJU UUU r o. 1 I Urs.tktì aid I* nagle N« V. Orleans« r... i oí. u¡ m ri«* !* ki I; :. givi»« s , •*. Express f’« o- s »'or k Exchaio ri ordina, •} by l.X¡M«t .t our t xj4*nM ) >r r ir 51 < ’ll M. A_______ . ’A l Piil.X. New Orh-^niy. La. or M \ bALi’àiJN. V, ■biiigton, D. (’, EK ■• ». « v i• » u um r« * • «i •:«K«f.’ii j. ii.:c tbe i «• . ■ . •> I't Ail i. J -.-Hibing !»• «nu»-; : t'«< Prize«« 1 - - - » ■ t<- «•'!.■ I H!i|.l;-h|- .ft'« .* i..dlcr>, anti xr: Vi WN FRIZI S «•on i’; zi- vf i A| I! 1,767,143 “WARN EAT. Ò Cleveland, ei. 458,894. 441,753 3,870,773 B?!. N. W. Slates, iitHMiug« Capital hize, $150,000. H•..«.*:• < • », .-«liffts no. Hrflli-s.5. I New York State, N nuibij Ih.e.vijigs ifguli.iiy <. V« v» i bix uiui.lbs Jni.c and 1). ut»«*l A M’i.iAMí» o;*lUK • k >.i f X |O V> • » % I <>U I N . Itil.i GR iNlfl DRAWING t. : . !K «'LL \( Al 1 Misi .G.,« ‘ I . s.-- 1 L'1-SùAÌ Marci* 44IJC5. jiiwaukee, BaLofNew Eng., uri»»Hl Si it^. it** • a . li I .k-‘ pi■; ••• :.¡i.ai «y. m.d the . « a F ? r j STOCK i.N- 1S1 O St. loiiis CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. 87 717,860 This i* the place to cH your GROCERIES »»MW. JEVELRÏ. Fai’.. 633.158. M S. W. Southern Sl ues, ?at s CMOiOE FRUITS IN SEASON - 746J8S DS ! ! GWEN 65 i i-J Si., PORTLAHF. OR. 1,242,546 3,534,011 1,457,824.1 Bai. Pacific Coast, .-I in a tir ■ ■ i.ic V., 732,316. •;«;p »*te t 2 ï £ î •rnw- ».'id gardeners are r« •« i st- 6,000,000 FERRY'S SEEDS D. M. f-ERRY & CO. are admitted tots« tho LARSUT StiMMM in thr mtrld. O.N FIRR’iCOS illa*fratc .'I !•'“ I / it <• Addresa I, M. FERRY k CO. Detroit, Mich. DR. FUNTS HEART REMEO’ JISCRlPTiïE Ì - .ADDRESS < TREATISE ‘ ¡ ;ii: t-. ii u i.otoi de pro|M*rt> -itu.-.teil i of .l.ickMonriliv.lisvintf left iu • m the Landb of the un- th«- disposal of the dvrsigiusl. ' B I'-'itf-*- -H j , .--ior. of u;.y <>f th»* pr« p»»rtj owned m Lun ■ ■ luggage at th«« t un»-<»f his «hath are notified .0 <■ Ji k: once bu J make arrangr- nil ill • fui p ly u* it <.f reni-, etc., if tjicy desiH* to longt r r« tarn ¡ •--♦••»-i«,», ,.f t|,e . . ,, J..<-sMonvilh*. <>• t. 1 j - . H. IL HANNA. ESMOND HOTEL, <’ •’. in. .t i. I'.ht l 1.•. -, c»m <•<> > V « Err.,.,.,.; Hrlri. ,, ,n THUS. GUINEAN, it - ;.i: t«.. • • 11.«;.. th«- city. -.1 i;-- ..i.r.u i .. u¿1.nr.i;, PUBLIC NOTICE. L» W'l. *1 U M \Y < «»Nb ! \| *• ' ‘ »LVIN HAVING, ON THE 2d -’X lay ur l-.biGMiy. I- hs-*ign ctMiHts m m,,. J th*-r« ioro nutily pan.»-!*, not to paj TT.iy nt.j j»en«on ex« < pt mysolf or n»i hati.oi ized iigrnt 1. R. DAWSON. . . , H- B ANDREWS. L im Atty. Jack«».; ville. E u 2, 1**, Aolice to Ti*x-i?nycrs. > von ¡ ni;n: y .n K j 1»; Al:r: At:l-: Nt,w J)|;K due ..... ‘ I11-'“*' - «o « b’-t lM*r*«,rnii »r E 1 r. mr.a Jat*Vx<*. •nv.»ii -, 11 b. j. Io* axi T STOPPED ¡twrtts. FREE Insane Person* Restored Dr.KWiE S GREAT , . N erve RtaTORER A* rt/ZBXATN Sr SVBVX D i SFAXK s Only ittrr rurt f .r \. rft /’ffrfttrtir hit, J fii: f'y, ir.'.R 1 fe 1 a« directed. A > I'ttt ofne 1! e 1 ' r t ■ j -- - j. 4n,| f 9 „,.,1 lioule trf t«v tp^ieri 1 ■ ' 2cxprew.H»a*£r«ontx>« wlten -e-vet. »». O an«l c«nre,s . «4 aniJ.teitoJ .«.IX, ni Awh St,.Hhlk»delnhk.Pa. Pr-Mu-a. enidKi. ur uh I at inQ riZi’.Dt, fai . i