¿hr iiemocratk times. EDITORIA I. NOTES. .VAIE .SH.1V/' ¡.AND LULL. JOSEPHINE COVNTY NEWS. ICAILROAD ITI US. Scobie and bis men have not been able to do much work lately, owing to the heavy snow storm and cold weather, but. as soon as the coal weather moderates, they will no doubt be able to rush business. The Chinese workers on the railroad seem to have no inclination to work while tlie snow remains deep ami the •«.catlicr cohl, consequently the progress in jail­ road work lately gees very slow. The company have been troubled to a great extent by the snow storm blockading the road during the past week, so that trains coukl nut get through from below. The snow drifting into the cuts, tilled them up t<> such an extent, that the only way to clear them was by shoveling out. Pile snow measured from 4 to 1’2 feet between the summit and 8oda Springs, which did not block the passage of trains, until the strong wind after the storm drift­ ed lhe snow into several deep cuts al va­ rious points along the road circlin £ a round .Mt. Shasta. The railroad company will be favored this winter with ail the experience neces­ sary to prepare for in lhe way of snow during occasional winters in the moun­ tains of northeru California, in the Mount Shasta neighborhood. The snow in melt­ ing will also elevate the streams on the route, to cause Hooding of track by Sacra­ I mento river, with liability of great dam­ age. At the several cuts now blockaded with snow short fences on each side at the approaches will present snow drift­ ing to till up so fully as at present. The railroad trains will commence run­ ning to Montague as soon as communi­ cation is resumed froni below, the station having been nj^ed there from Edgewood last Tuesday. Passengers will be left at tiazelle until ¡be stage company can get a barn built al Montague, having been de­ layed by the storm in securing the neces­ sary lumber from the mill at the head of Shasta valley. It will be shipped imme­ diately by regular freight train,*so that the construction of same can be commenced immediately. The advance party of locating surveyors have crossed lhe Klamath, and are now setting out the slakes for the graders to follow in their onward progress to Siski­ you mountain. Orders have been received to continue the railroad work towards Ashland as speedily as possible, which indicates that all troubles with the Oregon company, if any. have been settled. As soon as the weather is more favorable for grading, it is rumored, the force will be increased to about .».000 men in order tociowd the work along more rapidly, although we fail to see where so many men can work to good ad­ vantage on the work required north of Yreka. Journal. Si < mu m M insini . has sent in his Following is the bill relating to swamp The Waldo school has closed for the resi ¿nation, to take effect on April 1st. lands that has passed thy legislature and , present. ¡ km ! Ptt irr ‘or Jurk t f. Josrphim Luke L. Ix'onard of Althouxe made Jack- H on . S tephen P. M oss has ta*en a|e will no doubt become a law : S ec . 1. That all certificates of sale is­ ■ xonville a business visit last week. |sjinted |x*tniaster at Ctiewaucan, Lake »’EBIU AKY IS 4v>7 f 1:1 hay sued by "the board of commissioners for The St. Valentine's ball at Waldo was county, which is an excellent appoint­ the sale of school and university lands" l a very pleasant affair and well attended. ment . and for the investment of the funds aris­ % Till: legislature has refused to increase T iik legislature will probably adjourn j ing therefrom,for swamp and overflowed The new string band will give a neck­ the salaries of our supreme judges—evi­ lauds on which the twenty p -r centum tie party al Grant’s 1‘a-a next Tuesday to-day, lx>th houses having agreed that dence of the )ienuriou-iie»s of some of its of the purchase price was not paid prior j evening. lui'inls-rs and the rank deinagogisin with this shall tie tlie last day. The people to January 17, 1879, are hereby declared The center pier of the Rogue river which others are surfeited. \Ve doubt aie not sorry that this should be the void and of no force or effect whatever; bridge has been filled with large rock and and said Imar-l of commissioner.« are i otherwise strengthened. case. whether there is a State in the I nion hereby authorized and din-cteii to cancel T ii > hou-. ha» passed the bill < hang- 1 said certificates of sale. which pays such niggardly salaries as Hie 1’ostal Tel. Co.' has established a ing our ii»si »»meiit laws in conformity j S ki . 2. All swamp or overflowed lands ' office at lhe Commercial hotel at Grant’s < hegon docs. with the recommendations of tlm com­ under the | revisions of the act approvisl Pass,with W. J. Rogers as ojierator. Go'. 1’i NNoii.n lias ap|s>inted Col. <’. mittee -a|qw,inte l at the last session of October, 26, 1870, relating to swamp Alston Every has returned from his lands which have not been reclaimed or A. Cogswell of Lakeview county judge the legislature, with some alterations, paid for in accordance with the provis­ L trip to tlie Eastern States ¡uni will re­ main in this county forever, lie says. of Lake county, lie. Judge Fitts, intment was requested T he State senate lias passed an ap- I clared void, and the said board is hereby- bill offering $1009 reward lor the apnre- by a nice petition signed by a large porlionment bill, which will probably authorized to cancel the same; but the hension of the murderer of Tlios. Bynee, ¡ number of residents of Lake county. also go through the house. It is de­ provisions of this section shall not apply Tlie high waters took out Wm. Bybee’s Mr. C. is very well qualified for the posi­ cidedly in favor of the Republicans, but to actual settlers on lards of 320 acres or dam in Waldo precinct, but this will not less, who may have pai l twenty per I seriously inteifere with operations there. tion and will no doubt fulfill the dut’es probably not as much so as the present centum, which settleismay peifcet title thereof wiih satisfaction to all. I disti ibution of members of the legisla­ without reclamation by athe payment of Owing to the dcv'p enow and stoiiny ture. Th ■ ItemiM-rats got all they could, the remaining eighty per centum Ix-fore weather, there lias been little travel in T he supreme court is reversing a large this section, and business has conse­ however, and so they are not to blame. January 1, 1889. nniuber of the cases brought before it— S ec . 3. surrender of any such quently been dull. T he legislature has passed a resolu- void certificates of sale, or any certificate in tact a majority of them. The celerity Jas. and Wm. Maloney of Grave creek and ability with which the present court ; tian ordering a s|>ecial election on consti­ of sale or receipt given for payment of creek were in Jacksonville yesterday, lands sold as swamp or overflowed lands, disposes of business is in pleasing con­ tutional amendments to be held on the or if any of such certificates of sale or having taken the remains of their uncle trast with the dilatoriness of its’ prede­ first Tilisday after the first Monday receipts lx- lost or destioyed, or lieyond to the cemetery there for burial. W. L. Blackburn of Grant’s Pass has cessors. We doubt whether two Is-tti-r in November, 1887. The prohibition the control of the purchaser or bis legal issued a neat real estate p.qx-r called the judges of law. than Messrs. Thayer and amendment is to lx* vote 1 upjn, also the representative, then, upon submission of question oi raising the salaries of the the proof of such loss the Ixia-d shall or­ “Southern Oregon,” which is full of in­ Strahan could be found on the coast. der the amount paid thereon, or such formation for the intending settler. Governor and other State officers and portion of such amount as shall remain The pulpit of the M. E. church at Gov. F knsoyek has pardoned Dr. for changing the time of holding State after making the Ust fortnight. to the penitentialy for an alleged crim­ now. gal representative, and the seeietary of inal assault upon a female patient in T hose who wi^ir diamonds are tariff state shall draw bis wairant for the Only a foot of snow fell at Grant’s his office while she was under the in­ taxed 10 |x*r cent., while those who use amount so ordered repaid, whenever suf Pass during the heavy storm two weeks fluence of chloroform. It is now be­ window-glass are taxed 180 |>er cent. ticient funds are in the swamp-land fund I ago, the T imes ’ informant tx-ing mis­ taken in saying that it was more than available for its payment. lieved that he was innocent of the crime Raw silk is duty free, but taw wool is S ec . 4. The said board is hereby au­ that. anil great efforts have tsten made for bis taxed 45 |ier cent. Gold studs are taxed thorized to o cause suits to lx* instituted ii> c Deep snows lie on the high hills, release, lie will leave the State at 25 per cent., but horse-shoe nails 110 l he name of u. ree State to set aside any which ensure a protracted run for our deed issued by said board iqxin fraudu once. |x-r cent. The finest bioadcloth is taxed miners. In Althouxe, Kerbyville and lent representations. If necessity re­ 40|x-r cent., lait the poor are taxed 80 quires, the board is authorized to em­ \\ aldo precincts there has been an unu­ Tur country at last aw akens to the ad­ sually heavy fail of snow. per cent, on common wool cloth. This ploy attorneys to defend the interests of vice ui the lamented Tilden, w ho advised There is much complaint Ixxause the is a sample of the protection offered by the State or to institute suits for any just congress to appropriate lilieral sums of new schedule causes the mail to reach cause. our tariff. S ei . 5. Any legal applicant to pur­ Waldo three hours alter tlie Althouse money for our coast defenses. < >n the T he question is often asked : How are chase swamp or overflowed lands, who carrier lias started for his office, llus 7th of February the I'. S. senate passed had complied with the provisions ol an ought to lie remedied at once. without debute two bills appropriating Democratic prospects looming up at act approved October 26, 1X70, entitled The race between A. H. Platter's By this particular juncture of affairs? twenty-one million dollars for such pur­ an "act providing for the selection an 1 mare and 1’eter Hansen’s horse, which poses. Had those ste|»> been taken long wav of a brief answer to this query we «ale of swamp and overflowed lands be­ took place recently in Sucker creek val­ ago, Canada and other countries would I may remark that twenty States in which longing to the State of Oregon,” includ­ ley, lor $ UK) a side, was won easily by ing the payment of the twenty |>er cent, not be insulting our flag upon the least State elections were held in 1886 show a ot the purchase pi ice, prior to January me luiuiei, making gooti tiuie. 85,188 votes, Democratic plurality of provocation. Judge (. olvig lejected all the bids tor 17, 1879, shall, without reclamation, In 1884 the same States gave a net Ke- upon payment of the balance of the pur­ building a ience aoout the court-house, O n the first page of the T imes will lie publican plurality of 1 46,til'_* votes, chase price tic entitled to and sliaii re­ deeming the lowest bid, $140, too high. found Gov. 1‘enr.oyer s remarks on the Thus u I leniix-raUe gain oí nearfy 2D0,- ceive a deed to the land : provided, that He afterward let a contract to Holmes & such payments be made prior to January steelman to build the tence and paint it Chinese question, which are argumenta­ Olio votes is shown. 1, 1889; and proviiled, further, that no for $44. tive, truthful ami to the point. The Tin legislature has passed a resolu­ deed shall be issued to any one |x-rson Sciiatm Miller wan very wise when lie inemliers of the legislature should have tion submitting the three constitutional for more than <440 acres; provided said had Juxephine tacked uu to t ous and taken heed of his suggestions and passed amendments which have |*issed tho leg- applicant shall first surrender to the Lurry, two reliable Republican coun­ hoard all certificates to him issued or in PORTLAND. measures to make them o)>erative. If islature a second time—tlrese prohibit­ his hands for any of said swamp lands for­ ties, tor neither lie nor any otner Repub­ Wheal Foreign and Eastern reports de­ lican would have bad any cbance ol there is anything His Excellency dues ing the sale and manufacture of liquor, feited by this act; and further provided layed. San Francisco rules weak in the that no actual settler is in possession of election ii tlitx county were put m a sen­ not )>w«aess it is hypocrisy, lie calls absence of any need. Our own market changing the general elections from June said (»40 acres or any portion thereof un­ atorial distnct with old Jackson. everything hy its right name and does does not change. Receipts from both sec­ to November, and allowing the legisla- der the homestead or pre emption laws I he Grant’s Pass charter bill, as not mince bis words. ture to regulate the salaries of State offi­ of the I’nited States or any quit-claim amended, allowing $30,000 indebtedness tion are weak, but 72 tons arriving from the eastern section in three days. cers—to the people at a spveial election, deed or other evidence of purchase from tor water works, and with the factory A n effort is being made to take Happy «in h claimant. Oats Next to nothing bring received, exemption clause stricken out, passed to 14- held oil the first Tuesday after the S ec . 6. In all sales or conveyances of 1 uexuay evening by a large vote. Mr. und lhe market is tirm locally. None of­ Camp from Ih-l Norte county. Cal., and first Monday in next Novemls-r. This lands made under the provisions of this Kiddle rejieats ms charge that this was fering for shipment. annex it to Siskiyou county. This is a useless expense and should have act, or which shall ben-after lx- made of brought aoout by misrepresentation and Potatoes— Present deliveries are almost scheme no doubt originated in the fer­ swamp land«, an easement of thirty feet fraud, He deciares that it will lie de- lieen averted. wholly by wagon, and are larger with bet­ tile brain of some enterprising Kepubli- on each si>le of all section lines shall ta­ teaied by a vote ol the |>eople of the ter weather. Very little room for business. I t wus a notable iiK'ident the tariff n-served fora public highway. < an politician of the last-named county, town. .Market tirm. S ec . 7. All swamp or overflowed lands debate that Senator .Mcl ’ lierson, who as the district in question gives his party Eggs—Light arrivals nre closely sold up. reverting to the State under the provis­ < iiANi.h t/r iwh iw>rasi:i>. has hitherto been one of those anomalous a neat majority with great regularity. the market being in better tune at 2. ki ions of this act shall be sold as provided creatines termed * ‘ l*emocratic protec ­ A \\ ashingtun dispatch says that Sen­ There is no necessity fvr the proporci I in the act approved October 18, 1X78, re­ Poultry Chickens about steady, lur- change, and we suppose that the Cali­ tionists," argued strongly lor a reduetion lating to swamp lands; proviiled, that ator ileaist and Representative Henley keys lately sold up to 13c a pound. of taiiff taxes all round, anecial)y actual settlers shall have the cxi lusive oi California have been urging lhe ¡»ost- Apples- Good to choice wanted al 7.‘»c to fornia legislature will not favor it. on the raw- materials of manufactures, iigh'. to purchase the lands occupied not ottice department to discontinue the II 25 a box. Stocks almost nothing. exceeding 320 acres to any one |ierson Onions - Firm ami in ready sale. T he Democrats won in the senatorial His showing in rewpect to the silk indus- for six months from the approval of this mail loute between Ashland and Link- SAN FK\N< IS« o. tight in Indiana, the labor Democrat tries of 1'aterson. N. J., was most ef- a< t. vnle, and to establish one between Liuk- Wheat The market is weak and dull; S ec . 8. Any actual settler who shall yilie and the junction oi the California having cast his vote tor Hon. David feetive. Having free raw material. Pat­ have purchased prior to February 1, exporters are buying sparingly and only Turpie, the Democratic caucus candi­ erson, he said, is prosperous and is sell­ 1887, from the original bolder of any A Oregon raiiroa«l with th? Klamath those having wauts to till are in the mar­ ing silk at Lyons, France, the heart of date, which broke the deadlock in the certificate, which is by this act declared river, service to take effect a-s soon as the ket at present ; No. 1 shippingfl 43o< I 47’o. forfeited, any of tlie lands mentioned in read reaches said river. legislature and gave that gentleman the the silk manufacture of the world. When this Barley—The market is weak at JK>ce inevitable, Senator Harrison, their Dcildy’s decision in the cases of B. J. land not exceeding 649 acres, to lx- se­ imj hvai«i ¡torn, it is said to be the de­ Oregon, 31 Pk^l 4."». Potatoes—Receipts are lilieral, but the candidate, having already evinced a r others; Peerless M uiiz . These were actions to recover I land claimant. When such amount is so eastern Oregon, that this mange be and Garnet Chile. $1 ">0<«r I Oh Ii is quite likely that the war depart- | ‘ ascertained the board shall charge said made; that the road «town the Klamath posscs-imi of a -ection of ¡..ml in Klam­ Bags—Very firm atG^O’jr. 1 amount to said original swamp-land inent will revoke its order for the re­ ath conriy. “l’iaintiffs claim under the ' claimant and shall deduct the same from nver into < ahlorma is so level that mail Apples Firm an«l demand good at moval of the troops from Fort Klamath, Oregon Central Military toad grant, from any moneys paid by such original swamp will Is* received mon* quickly and regu­ fl ,250'2abox. and it also seems probable that a com­ M ill stuffs—Steady; middlings.lJtv'JJ nr Eugene to the eastern boundary of the ' land claimant for any lands bv this act larly than by way ol across lhe Cascade pany of cavalry will soon be sent there. | declared void. State, JSO4. Defendant claims under i S ec . 9. Inasmneh an there is urgent mountains irom Ashland, and that here- bran, lifer 15. It would have lieen a great injustice to the swamp-land act >>f 1860. The secre­ I necessity for the passage of this act, to alter this will be the roa«i by which vr> wvitr. enforce the original ordej of the depart­ tary of the interior in 1871, on recom­ i settle the rights of applicant« to pur- nearly all the L*e.ght will I m » sbipjied into ment : which was made at the instance The following proceedings took place at 1 chase the swamp and overflowed lands southeastern Oregon. If such are the mendation of the commissioner of the of officers who would much rather be on lielonging to this State, and to protect lhe February term of this court: factsit is quite likely that the depart ­ general land office, certified the land to I the State title thereto, this act shall take Present—Hon. K. Del’eatt. county judge; dress parade at society gatherings near the road company under the wagon-road I effect and lx.- in force from and alter its ment will make the change, unless the 11. Haymond and S. A. Carlton, comniis the larger posts than doing their duty tql ' approval bv the governor. people of Oregon exert themselves in the sinners. grant. Afterward it was erroneously in­ their country and thus have left a large ; cluded in a certificate of swamp lands to matter and show why it should not I m » It was ordered that B. W. Dean, sheriff, 1 seo|>e of country to the mercy of the In- KI.A V I TH COVNTY ITE MS. made. It seems as if southeastern Ore­ be authorized to sell and ilispose of the ef­ the State, by the secretary of the interior, d.ms. which error was soon after corrected and gon should I m » in direct coiumunication fects of Moses Wilson, now in his hands, Skatingand bunting are the ¡sipular and pay the proceeds thereof to the county with the balance of the State. Gov. I’ ennoyek , in very able mess-1 the governor notified of the fact. In amusements nowadays. treasurer. ages to the legislature, vetoed both the 1877 Munz purchased the land from the The different streams have lieen frozen / /.V t.XClA a sr.l MEMKXT. Wm. Deneff was ap|H>intef Portland bridge and water bills last State under the swamp-land act of 1870, I over, ami are still in icy fetters in many road district No. 21. vice C. D. Reed, ap­ The following is a financial statement of the week. The former was passed over his amt ¡raid 2D |s-r cent, thereon, and in ; places. pointed through mistake. i veto by a large majority, but his action 1883 Im paid the balance and obtained a | Gen. John F. Miiler and \V. I. Nielr- receipt» and expenditures of the town of Jack­ W. R. Jones, heretofore appointed su|>er- sonville during tho y«ar ending Feb. 1,1887: was approved in the other. His Ex­ deci from the State land commissioners. lols, who have been at Salem, have re­ visor ol road district No. 3, was exc used BECEirrs: I Liquor License........................... £ I. Jiill cellency gave very good reasons for The court held that the land not having turned home. from serving and Arthur Wilson appointed Fines.................... ........................ IÖ IN) withholding his signature in both in­ been selected under the swamp-land act The war department elsewhere adver­ < 'emetery Lots........................ 15 (Ml in his place. Billiard License.......................... nV UH Ix-wis Hliideler was excused from serving stances, and we think that time will de­ by the State within the term prescrilred tises for fresh beef and mutton for the Show ................... ... III use of the troops at Fort Klamath. Sec Laundry * “ ’ .......................... 51 01) as supervisor of district No. I and J. 8. cide that he was right. The board of by the second section thereof, the grant Captain Woodruff’s notice. » Peddler ’» ......................... is ll) l-acy was appointed in his place. S. engineers unanimously decided that had elapsed and become of no effect. ll (I) I»<»g ” ........................... The suits of the I’nited State« ami the Hawker “ ........................... It was ordered that the supervisors of i 50 the draw of the proponed bridge is not The court also held that the secretary of 00 the county who are delinquent at this date Cal. A Or. Land Co. vs. J. F. Munz, lor ¡Skating-Rink LirenBe................ 1 50 wide enough, and its fixation we think the interior had the exclusive right un­ the possession of certain land, has been Coal Oil Cans.............................. be rupiired to tile their reports at the next also improper. der the law to determine whether the decided in favor of the plaintiff'. Total..................................... . fl 838 (V term of this court,and that the clerk notify EXPENDITURES: land was "wet and unfitted for cultiva­ W. E. Greene, county school siqierin- Night Watchman........................ $ IMX) a) «aid delinquent supervisors of such order. T im D avenport , like a great many tion" or not, and that having decided tendent, has returned from his trip to Lamplighting. Janitor, etc . 18 And. further, that all supervisors who shall (U other cranks of lusj ilk, umlertuok to that it inured to the State under the i Oakland. Cal., where his brother-in-law, Compiling Ordinances............... Recorder’«* F«*es...................... 55 be delinquent in their reports at the next W. E. Bowdoin, has been dangerously Coal Oil III regular term will not Ire allowed any fees conduct tlie investigation of the xwanq« wagon-road grant. lie then determined Insumnce on Town Hall. . Jo l.ui'l question to suit himself, regardless that it did not inure to the State under ill. Sexton's Salary.......................... IU by this court Treasurei ’ b Salary ...................... as The new swatup-law passeil by the Report of Jas. Buckley, supervisor of of the opinions of the committee of the swamp land act and therefore was Election Exi»ensee...................... district No. 3), approved which he is clerk, and has got into not swamp land, and that the conclusion legislature will lie found in another col­ Stationery.................................... umn of to-day's T imes . It is to lie and sawing same............. Ret>ort of Aaron Wylatid, su|»ervisor of trouble. Delias not only been iliscov- of the secretary of the interior could not ho|ied that it will lie found just and Wood, Printing................................... district No. 7. approved. Special Police ...................... ered to lie an officious intermeddler, but Is- questioned in this action bv evidence proper in every resjiect. Fire arden............................. The following bills were audited : Roads a falsifier and sneak as well. When he tending to show that the land is in fact 8toe!t no', «uttering Stock arc are not suffering much milch as yet, Balance due general average on tire-eirjine 74 and bridges, 156; care of indigent person s, Feeding Prisoners ........................... attempts to injure the fair name and rep­ swamp. On this and other grounds the I .is stockraisers have generally been lievn Flagstones........................................ a $244.45; county officers, $452 56; Road su­ I utation of Representative McLean of court held that plaintiffs were entitled provident enough to put up a large Lamp wicks and cleaners................. ite) visors, $70; books and stationery.$10.25; j 5 Drawing up Ordinance No. 95. ...... Klamath county be only makes his own i to possession of the land." The Califor­ amount of hay. However, should this Bteel Blabs........................... . ......... 11 circuit court costs, $236.15; justices courts. weather be protracted, some loss will Hanging Lamp, otc......................... 7 case more ridiculous. Mr. M. has nia *nd Oregon Land t o., which lavs i necessarily ensue. $4.1X5; janitor, $60; repairs on court-house i Repairing Breakwater.................... 31» “ Road on Jackscn Creek. and jail, $34.25; county printing, $8.50; proved himself an able and faithful rep- claim to a large body of fine land in The Linkviile Sl-i> says Fred Clift aril Killing anst Glass, etc .................... ............. Green Monutaln Mining Company. cor|s>ratiou which could very well be «ridge Work and Material............. Yesterday a meeting uf the stockholders dispensed with. Its lands were all se­ couches, to lie used on the new line be­ 8undnected to have lieen made Total $1,512 3» was held in this city and the following di tor Hare's bill in relation to swamp steals for which Oregon is noted. one day this week. • Receipts...... .. .* i . m 5 h œ rec tors elected C. If. Prescott, Jonathan land. Many are of the opinion that it is Not a great deal of snow has fallen dur­ i Expet ditures. I.’«12 33 Bourne, Jr.. W. C. Wilson, E. T. Wilson WOKTIIY OE EVI I.ATIO.X. harsh and too »weeping in some particu­ ing the past fortnight, but much of that f 345 67 and II. A. Moss They elected the follow, i which fell before still lies on the ground. lars. A great deal of prejudice has been Debt of lH»t je&r .............. 150 UD Our native city. Yreka, Cal., has a At last account there was nearly a foot ing officers: President, W. C. Wilson; fostered on account of the wholesale large mtmls-r of citizens whose enter­ at Linkviile, about sixteen inches at Mouey in Treasury.... . 1W 57 secretary. H. A. Moss; treasurer. Jona­ ojicrations of Hen. Owen and some than Bourne, Jr. The capital stock is prise and pllblii-spiritedness those of Bly, and about the same in other |xrr- others; but, because these men did Mgrtlr Crtr.k Muttrrit»O9. |.’>i)o,otiu. diyided into 100.00U shares of |5 other towns not far off should take note tions of the county. wrong, it does not follow that all those , A few head of stock have died in this each. The stock books will be open in a of. That place, like our own. has been few days, when those who have applied Proprietary Mrdiriiwu, | section holding swamp land nre in the same for stock may receive thesanje. T tie coin- left to one side by the railroad ; but they A \isit to Dr. Green’s Laboratory. . at category. Those who acted in gqod Alxmt lV.tMO prune trees will be planted pany will reserve 10,000 «hares as treasury propone to lose no time in building a ( Woodbury. N. J., has considerably cha ang- I sttiek. They will at once put up a ten- in the valley this year. faith should be protected in their rights. | branch line. J. M. Walbridge and Fred. «•d our views, and especially our prejudices i stamp mill ami expect to have it In opera- A lady over 70 years of age, who lives ' lion within two months. They have now No doubt great abuses have arisen in Autenrieth, the committee selected to j in regard to what are generally known as near here, killed a cayote with an ax a few­ from to 400 tons of ore on the «lump, the premises, and frand and perjury interview Yreka’s citizens in reference • Standard Patent Medicines.” Of course days since. running from |4»» to per ton. ¡Ore­ should be punished wherever found. gonian. Feb. lBtli. to the branch railroad, started out re­ we are getting to that age in life when we The snow, which was 15 inches deep in ' are forced to conclude “ Life ” itself . is _ a There are cranks on every question, cently ant a cote tn. shows a poor appreciation so many years. The perfect system upon tency, and often leaves the system poison­ of journalistic courtesy when he repro­ all they possibly could from 12300 tip, which the business is conducted, and the ' 21 calves: and when the writerxaw her she ed and prostrated, .hist here Hooii’s Sar­ J ackson . pharmaceutical arrangements for the man­ ‘ was in tine order. and then took the names of those sub ­ saparilla does a vast amount of good, ex­ duces the slanderous and villainous at­ ufacture of the two recipe» with which we pelling impurities from the blood, giving Hrprlinntn, Jtr.nl Thin. tacks of sheets without reputation (like scribing »urns of less than $2500. The were made ac ¡tainted, are siittiriently con­ it richness and vitality, while it renovates to the ________ vexations . _ subject ________ _ of busi- and strengthens the system. .the Yreka I 'uiotO upon publishers whom Journal says the subscription so far, with vincing to us that the August Flower, for I To those Dyspepsia and Liver Conplaints, and Bos- nesa life, dyspepsia and a feeling of debil- the remainder to come ¡c, insures the they are prejudiced against. If we chee’s Germa > Syrup, for Throat and Lung I ity. irritability and despomlency, we say XOXEf TO 1.0.1.V. should publish what has been said certainty of success, the amount desired Troubles, were for the complaints they are take Simmons Liver Regulator. The reg­ recommended, most excellent remedies, ulator is free from any injurious mineral being alwut 175,000 to $80,000, with in ­ One fmndrcd thousand dollars 10 Ica.i on against Bro. Langell by his enemies be and oul/ regret that in much of our prac­ substance; not disagreeable ; can be taken would no doubt consider it reprehensi­ tention of building a J0-mile road to tice. medical ethics prevent us from pre­ at any time without interfering with busi­ real estate security, JO I foiu oue to five ble in a high degree, especially if the Julien’s, for connection with the main scribing them without making the form­ ness or pleasure. It is gentle, safe, and a years time. For further particulars en­ ulas public When we we.e shown the : good digestor. It is uneqiialed ill the cure quire of R. T. Lawton. real-estate, loan greatest portion of it was made of whole line. No doubt many who sign are will­ greal quantity of voluntary letters baring I of . pile«, constipation, tonsup bad breath, sick and collection agent, Medford, Jackson county, Oregon. cloth. The public has no interest in the ing to do still better, if necessary to been tbrwarded Dr Green, from all parts headache and bilious complaints of the country, a.’td irmu all classes of peo­ per.sonal grievances of rival publishers, build the road, as they are determined ple. lawvers, minister, and doctors, giving ‘VXixw'V wit11 “T Throxt or a description of their ailruents.lretiuionials ................................ ŸtüAOW any more than it is interested in the to have a branch road. Had the citi­ ......... XJ U W V Lung Diicuc. If you have zens of Jacksonville been half as liberal a Cough or Cold, or the children are business quarrels of any two merchants, and has a holy horror for the personali­ and enterprising as those of Yreka, we nient nient accept accept such such valuable valuable formula«, formulas and Blood Preparation known. It WlH P0?1' | threatened with Croup or Whooping Congh, would now ls> enjoying the benefits of license them for general use bv giving tively cure all Blood Diseases, punfieè the use Acker’s English Remedy Mid prevent ties too many editors indulge in. It the main lit-.«, of the O.-& R ll..and a proiection to the invento same as patents whole system, and thoroughly builds up the further trouble. It is $ positive cure,' wants the news, not a mass of disgusting town of 3000 iul>abitan*s would be flour­ generally,--Copied from N. Y. Druggists' constitution. Remember, we guarantee it. and we guarantee it. Price 10 and 00» Circular of (Jet., 1886. I For sale at City Drug Store, Sold at City Drug Store. abuse and slush. ishing here. .¡•Jr*- “nift S’ 1 si: l» .«. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. The best ainl i heapcst milling bl inks for sale at the T imes olHec. There is no laming news of anv iuqxirt ance, as the cohl weather prevents any ile- 1 eloniuciits. A fri«h siipuiy of tin' American Mining code, standard auth >ritv on the «abject, or «ale at the T ime « otHce’. Gin Lin of Fuioiitown prei inct lias two pipes ¡it work, which are kept bu«y , not withstanding the fto«tv weather GiggA McD 'liuGI of Fore«t creek lime one of the l»< «l placer i-lainis in «outlieni Oregon and will drip a large sized pi........ I ric!i ground thi «e:i«on. The weather continues unfavorable for mining, and little work i« living done When Jack bro«t loosens his i< y fetter« there will no doubt lx* plenty of w ater for all purposes. CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. • do hereby certify that we nupervihe Pie arrangements for all the Monthly and Quarterly Drawings of The Louisiana »State Lattery Company^ and in person manage and control the Drawings them­ selves, and that the same are conducted wdh honesty, fiefrness, and nt good faith toirard all parties, ami we authorize the Company to use this certi ficate, with fac-sfmiles of our signatures attached, in its advertisement».1 llenrv Kubli made the T imes olliee a c:ib Wednesday, who informed us that min JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. ing prospects are better this season Ihun D’OKttF/'TKD WEEKL T.J for many past, and that g<.od r< port« m.^F Flour, |wr thousand lbs ...... ......... 418 (in lie exi«“cted from Applegate. Wli'-at. p -i bushel ................ . . .. ............. 60 Ilarley, ** ..................... ............. 5(1 Burrage A Pomeroy are «till pro«p t tim. Oats. - ........................ ............. 5Ò their iron mines near Royk Point and are MiJ) F«wd. |»«»r ton................ ............. 17. no Hay. wheat or timothy, per ton.. ........... 10 Jll now crosscutting a vein five feet wide, Eggs, ¡a r dozen........................... which liromises well, l iiere is every indi­ Butter, per Ih............................... Potatoes, .................. ........... <»1 cation that a rich and permanent deposit Cabbage. p i “ lb. ........................... ........... <’1% Onions, '* ........................... w ill be unearthed. Beans, “ .......................... ... ‘4 A Woodville correspondent writ ■ as f< I- Cornmeal. i»»*r !»r lint................... 2 no per In in tins...................... ■ "7‘i lows under a late date . Mr. Wilcox, who Izard, Ham ami Bacon........................... (fftolO is mining about live miles above here, com­ Di i to 3 on he lias goo.l paying ground The com­ Turkeys, “ . . Ÿ9 to 12 no .................................. (M) to 2 50 pany which bought out and is operating Hides I >•■••!- kins ......... 15 to 20 the old Wine.« claim, at the head of Grave Wool. Spring.............................. ........ 17 to 20 ............................................. Htol2 creek, have suspended business on account Beef Mutton . «to« of the enormous fall of snow. There is Pork Mo luR . 12H about sjx feet there now Messrs. Gift Sausage ami Stanley have been making good pav on fipesr s claim, near the m >uth of Evans Mb’CELANEOUS. creek. • At a meetin : of the atockbolilers ■ i tin Redding Reduction Work«,held at their of lice last Thursday i veniiig, tlm followm,. otlicers wen electe l lor the present year: President. S I'. Filtmau vice-president Dr. J. II Miller treasurer. R M saeltzer : secretary. W. R. Conant. At a meeting ol the directors held the same ev.-tiiug. Geo II. Chick was app anted «uperiiitcmleiit and general manager for the year 1«X7 This company lia« »capital stock of one mil lion dollars, divided in one hundred thou sand sh ire»,par value leu dollars pet share, allot which is paid up The object of tli - eompany is to buy - ilphuret ore. and t build plants up.,m all mines working under the Ciii<-k patent rG i*- : ir tlie «talc of California. California Exchange. —- ----- <--------- < ouimissieaera. We the undersigned Bank« and Banker« will pay all Prize« drawn in the Louisiana State Lot- tene« which may be presented at our counter*. J ÌI. OULtABY, Pres. Louihiana National Baak. P. LAXAt X, Pre* State National Bank. A. KAl.hHLW, Prca. N. O. National Bank. NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! (H EK H A LE À HILLHIX llksTKIBl TED U LIBERTY of ENLIGHTENING THE WORLD WE TAKE THE Louisiana State Lottery Comp ny In regard to the unequalcd merits of the FLYING DUTCHMAN Jr. which with ion latent improvements is conceded by im­ partial and practical farmers everywhere to be the best plow that over turned soil. Easy on the team, because it is the lightest draft plow made. Easy on the driver, because the plow being in front, its work is always in direct view. Easy to operate, because simple in construction. Easy for the ix ys to handle on account of the per feet manner in whk h it Turns a Square Corner. For circulars, descriptrye, illustrative, demonstrative logical, philosophical, irrefutable, convincing, sensa­ A NPLIMUI) «»PPOKIIAITY TO tional, astonishing, amusing, comical, but all trie Ul\ A FOHIIX». .HIRD GRAND when they derríbe the pioneer three-wheel DRAWING, (XASb • . IN THE A< ADEMY OF plow, the Flying Dutchman, address, MLBIt . NEW OKELANS. TUESDAY. March MOLINE PLOW COMPANY, Moline, Illinois 15. 1M7- 2OSd Monthly Drawing. INDIGESTION FALL! 1886 WINTER! Everyone Should Go and See the GRANDEST & LARGEST COLLECTION OK NEW FALL DRY AND FANCY COODS! CLOTHING, Furnishiig Goods Hats A recent r irk of or ccrstipat’'>n 1 •>c.< I v cured if t ’■ > right r»1 ■ v’.y ph« •!, but ever, medh-iae ex<< ; t Hamburg I i ta t>j disgusting t ■ fusts or tinell t.‘, taper - n prefers to let ths dfeeatu' fa’.«» i ’j c »urse if th© ubv-*- cannot to oL- t-lac L 25 cents. ____ __ Probate f imrt. The («»lowing busine** w.i< transacted at the February term «>1 this court ll< n. E Del’eatt |»resi«ling: In the matter of th«- « stale of F. Heber, deceased. Tue>|. Sale of ll'-trt reni >ly exerts A specific and direct •*bentin«»i” «»Hi . to N. L uigcll .for 11.225. a •• on th« -e organs. Descriptive très- i: who ompiu . s each bettle, or mailed free. ItMll conlirnie«! - pay and prove iustructiv© uud intcreut- 1. * ÎliAK ____ Par Salt- ■gigs ; ■ r .uldress Sixty-live bushels of «»ats I u .’M io clap­ J. J. MACK Ä. COn boards, Jn.ni*« shingles and "Ju «ords «1 ! I! Front <5t.. 3an Francisco. ’.’û *. wood -all of the best quality are otKrrii for .sale. For further particulars enquire at the T im i > otHc<. Society tleetinijfi. BOOTS AND SHOES. TOBACCO, GROCERIES. CROCKERY, ETC. ReiiP’inlMT. tliene g<»«»d« are iik and bought «inc< tlie war in railroa«! rate« and are So|«i Capital Prize, $150,000. .Netire -1 ickrts are Tea Hollars oaii. Halve*, a. HRk*. $2. Trail"». $1. LIHT OF PBIZFS 1 < APITAL PRIZE OF f 15«>.(«). .. 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 5«i,nm... M.tMJO 1 GRAND PRIZE OF au,ooo... . 3I.(MV 2 LARGE PRIZES OF KMW... 3 MW 4 LAKtiE PRIZES OF 5.UUÜ... 3 MW •Ji PRIZE» OF 1.ÜU0... . 20,000 •.ii M0... 25.ÜU0 ltw MCI... . WMUU 3M) 3ri.. 4/i.iOO 6OU .. 10Ü.. 1,1.(100 100 2>< 3MW 100 !<«.... 10.000 2,179 Prizes, amounting to... ♦535.1W Application(for rat«* to clubo should be made only to the office of th« company in New Orleans. For further information write clearly, riving full tui.lr-».. roNTjM. 8'OTtJt, kxprra. Money Order«, or New York Exchange in ordina­ ry letter. Currency by Express (at our ex;»ensr) addre«st*d M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans. La. or M. A. DAUPHIN. Waahington, D. (’, Address Registered Letters to ft».W OKLMXg 1UTIO.VA4. BA.WM Sew Urlrawft. Lw, RF \l PRFli T>'*’ ,he pre—nc< of Geo. eralr Beauregard and Ear. iy, who are m marge of the drawings, i$> a guar- ante« of absolute fturnet« and integrity, that the chance» are all equal, and that no one can poesi- < "¡liitrj Pi-»4n >-bought and »'old; also. W’ool. bly divine what number« will draw a Price. Ail Hide*. Fur* h : i D ‘«r Skins Solicit orders fot parties therefore advertising to guarantee Prizes in this Lottery, or holding out any other impossi­ Lumber ble inducements, are swindlers, and only aim to MAX MULLER, deceive and defraud the unwary. Poatoffice Building. nvill<» on the 1' upm lay «»veiling previous. Adarej <'hapter No. 3. O. E. S. of iK’ksonville met is <>n « \ery other Thursday* evening; Alpha ('hapter No. I of Ash­ land <>n the first an«l thin! Tuesday s. I. O. O. F. Jacksonville Ltaiite No 10 meets every Saturday evening; Ashland Lodge N«>. 23 at theaametime. Taf»le Ruck Encampment No. 10 meet* at Jacksonville on ever) other fnetalay ev­ ening of each month. Huth Kobekah D«*gree Lodg<* No. 4 of Jacksonville meets everx other Monday evening. Hop'» Degre» lx»«ige of Ash­ land. <>n the Hecond and fourthTu<»sdayK of each r»i«»nth. R ed M ex . -Orogoniaxi-Pocahonfaa Tribe No. 1. Imp'd O R. M.. of Jacksonville, every Tuesday evening. A. G. U W. Bann«*r Lo«lge No. 23 me««ts every other Friday evening; A «bland l^alge No 66. on the first and third Wiainoday evenings of each month. (’. of H. Victory Council N >. 4 «f Ja<’ka<»n- ville on Friday evenings. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 year» by tlie Legifl lature for Educational and Charitable purpose«— with a capital of $l,(JhU,(Mil>—to which a reserve fund of $55»i,(MH ha« «nice beep added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise wa« made a part of the present Blate ( onstituUoe adopted Dec. 2d. A. D. 1874*. Tho only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. It never «calee or post­ pone*. Ila hruud Mngle Number llraslap will take place monthly, and the Semi-Annual Drawings regularly ever six months (Juns and December). Of Southern Oregon ar«» hereby informed that i*i addition to a large and e' -gant line of BARGAINS!! MILLINERY ! at CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Blotcby nr Fruption, to the worst Scrofula. Silt-rhcum, ‘•I'cx er-«ores,” Sraly or Hough Skin, in short, all «• • d by Laid blood arw conquered by D « powerful, purifying, and inviyorafinirHie«bdne. tireat li­ re r> rnpidly h«-td under Rs Ixmig-n influence. Especially bn*» it mnuiftfled its potency in curing Teti. r, floac h?<»i I m , Car- bun« h-H, »¡.'irs Scrofulous sores iind Swell imps JotEXl IM mchm », It hito Swelliix:.«, Goitr» , or Thick Keck, and >:■«Vnrgvd Glands. Fend ten f- nte in stamps lor a with cel- cred platoi, on Skin lb-^a^es. or th<’ sanie amount foratn iP’-o nn S rofnlou«? Aff«^tions. •»Till: Í3L OQ!> IS T1JL riFE.” ’^'oroujrhlv ch anse it by u?ing !Jr, Pierce’s ««Ideii .ilvdi< til Xffseox ery, and good iKCNtion, a fair ».kin. buoy ant spir­ it«*, vital Mrenctli'at»'l noundiie»:* of I’uuslilutiuii, will be cbtabhbhud. •Vbrn Baby wm sick «o gave her {'attoria. When she a • 'hild .«he » ned for < 'astoria. i Tvbich is Scrofulous Dlftcacc of the When she be« amo Miss she cluni; to Cantoria, RzUiiffa, is promptly and ex rtainly arrested Wfieu she bad Children sue gave them Castana, and curcrl by this God-given remedy, if taken before the last stag«-suf th«» disease are retiched. From its wonder I ui power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now cel- ?brated remedy to tho public. D r P iekce thought aeriously of <-31Iing it his “Con- su ui pt I on Cure,” but nlmudoned that name as too limited f »r a medicine which, from its «’ombination of tonic, or st ivngthen­ CYYX.W l^e good tilings of this wonderful lug, alterative, or blood-cleausiug, anti-bilioua, life nre sorrowfully let ; pectoral, ami nutritive properties, is unequaled, alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker’s r»t only as a rrHwdy lor consumption of the Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia, luugb, but fur all CONSUMPTION, Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents, by City Drug «tore. Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Both Knit and Muslin. DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES. Hardware, Tinware, Crockery Tobacco, Cigars, Etc We have just received a full stork in the abov« tines of goods, which we can «ell cheai»er that ihvj are spld unywuere m southern Oregon, as w« tiav«‘ but very few expense«. AU kinds of pro­ duce taken in exchange and HIGHEST MARKET PRICE illowed fer «am»'. ( all and see for yorselves. JACOBY BROS. KOBÏN8ON MILKMAN At the r.-.l-m-e the briile’s fsther in Eden precinct E«’b. 14th. i by M.V. B. Houle, J.I'...J.R. Robinson «nd MiH«Marcia Coleman. Mcf’LALLEN OuTH—At the residence of the bride’s parents in thitt city. Feb 16th. by Rev. F. X. Blanchet, H. T. Mct’lallen and Mis« Celia Orth of this place. |Compliment« receiv«»d. The young couple have ou' sincere wishes for a happy ami prosper­ ous future, j JACOBS-HTRANG In Medford. F b. 16th by Rev. M. A William«, N. A. Jacobs ami Miss Emma Strang. ! SToWELt. GEARY In Little Butte pre­ cinct. Feb. 14th. by A .J. Florey. J I’ . Ftigene 8. Stowell and Mi«« Sarah Geary. VEGHTE-BEACH In Ashland. Feb 15th, by K qv . J. V. Milligan, Cha«. H. Veght«« nn«l Miss Ida Beach FALRCLO--M ÜRRAY In Manzanita precinct. Feb. 13th. by Rev. C. H. Hoxie. Prof. H. G. Fairclo and Miss Annie Murray. WIMER-STRINGER -At the r. sidenre <>( 8. B. Hathaway, on Feb 2n«i»tuig uf Lulrui.l tftlk. arovES, HANDKERCHIEFS CORSETS, ^epliyr £31ia,wl&, And many other things too numerous to mention. I have also secured the services uf a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, ind am prepared to execute all orders in that one in ttret-ciaiM style at reasonable rate». 1 i 2 the building formerly occu- pied by A. L. Johnson on California street. MRS. P. P. PRIM. or this Liver, Blood, and Lungs. INFANTS’ WARDROBE, COMPLETE (H03EHIES, D3U3S, CHRONIC DISEASES v.i rtitn:n. 1 have added to iny stock the following class of goods, of which 1 have a full line: Given by 'larhoiiviHe Silver Cornet Band. Tf yen feel dull, drowfir. debilitated, hare '•■allow color of skin, < r yellowisli-biown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizzi­ For the Benefit of the ■ ness, Uid taste in mouth. inte»nal heat or cbillfl, alternating with hot flashes, low spirits and gioomy borelxxlings, irregular appetite, and coated toagup. you are stiff« ring from Indi« gei«li<*n. DyapcpaiMy and Torpid IAvcr, At U. S. Hall, on or “RIU ousim ’«*.” Jn many cases only part of these symp:«»m8 are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases. I>r. Pierce’« FEBRUARY 18th, 1887 Golden Flcdical Discovery lias no equal. For Weak Lnrr«, Spitting of Blood, Sliortne«*« oi lireatli, Bron<-hitie« K fx ’FPTH» n ( OMM1TIE.—K. Kubli. A. L Reuter Severe t'ouplui, f'ciifoumplioii, und J. Nunan, 1). Linn. .1. Orth, and H. K. Hanna. kindred affections, it is a sovereign remedy. F loor M anagers . Will. Jackson. A. ll Send ten cotta In teamns for t)r. Pieroew Ha»»gly. < ha-. Nickell, J. G. Bird*»ey, W. j. Ply book on Consumption. Sold by Druggist». mah* and D. W. Crosby. C ommittee of Aim wgkments . John Dya» je«» K. Neil and Gt»o. D. Linn. Tickets, including supper, $2 50. SEEDS ! ! E. J. BOWEN JACKSONVILLE RAILROAD. 65 Frrat St., PORTLAND, OR. Ganien flower and Field Seeds. Clover Grasa *. Alfalfa. Onion Hets, etc., etc., in all varieties ind lots to suit. Larg«*et and most complete stock in the North­ west. Merchant», farmers and gardeners are requeBt. •d to write for price». IL4.I STI4ATEB CATAIXMH K M4ILEI4 FBEF.. PRICE $1.00. World’s Dispensary Medical Association* Proprletorg, 663 Main 8L, B lttalo , N. Y. » tcs T s little horn . SIS? F Hi KINCAID—On Hogue river. Feb. 6th. to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kincaid, a eon. 'x, HAIiKNESH In L»4and iTecim i. 12th. to ANTI-B!LTOrS and C4THABT4C. Mr, ami Mrs. H. D. Harkne««. a «imighter Sold by l>rnggir;tr. 25 o uts a xial> MATNEY On Applegate, Feb. 1«1, to Mr. and Mr«. Jeff Matney, a son. --------■■ of every deecnption. ^•"*<1 for price-itMt and catalogue to TRIPLET1' At Alta. Jan. 18th. to Mr. ami Mrs. C. W. Triplett, a «laughter. cuntoiuer« A. J, HEDGE.Grant’» Pam. Or. \ < a whhout or- M c C allister N«ar (¡rant - p.^. F« b. ?«i, to is offered by the proprieb ra \ YJÌ dTUWIt. Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCallister, a son. of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Kemcvly \ ¡RvahtabOUi for a case of catarrh which they POOL- In Grant’s Pa-**. Jan. 22d, to Mr.and Mr« cannot cure. mn uairiÿ far- Robt. P« m »1. a «on The little one only lived a Fiti'l or 11 you have a discharge from couple of days. rio«—mxin. .»„.Al the soee, offensive or otber- Cor. Front mh ! Moninon St... —od u. Addram w’se, jinrtial loss of smell, taste, /*//'/> or binring, weak eyes, dullpain i. m . rntTAct. OMI.GU8. PONTI. AM», Detroit, Mich. or pravure n head, rou nave Catarrh. Toon- ADAMS-At his home near Waldo. J<4«»‘phine sands of carv ■ o rmloate in consumption. «•w Hrr-proaf Rrirk. Fir>t-rl»> I. .11 44r»prrt. I>r. Sap- s catakkh R f . wbdy cures the worst county, Jun 81st, Richard Adams; aged 54 Di.solntion Notice. - caae8of Catarrh, ‘‘Cold In Abe Head,” years. A native of Ireland, THOS. CUINEAN, Pr.$ri*4M. wd CatarrD«l rieaaatbe. fjeeata VOTlCE IS HEKEHY GIVEN THAT THE z.1 rompapy iiarttiv ^hiu heretofore exiating hei •4F1 'The Esmond Restaurant m » unsurpassed in twcHa W.G Kenney nn«l Edwin Wortnan in thin he city. day ’be«olv»Ml hy mutual consent, W. G. Kennev retiring and Edwin W’orman continuing the buri nee«. All debt« due the late firm are payable to Eiiwin W'onnan. wiio also assume« ail accounts THE NORTHWESTERN against the late firm of Kennev A Worman. Per­ son« knowing themsrjve« indebted to die iHte firm will pleas«» call and «ettleat once, as the mixmkapolib . mi « b . money is needed in the busin«*,«. ’’'»no. <>rv*n. V uk «, W.G. KENNEY. h »'|'I InMramenu. M —AT— EDWIN WORMAN ftPKt lAI. SOI.* Dated at M»tiford. (iregon. Dec. 3oth. Inxi. Witness, Win. Ulrich. Xeia pills . $500 REWARD ESMOND HOTEL, 1887. 1732. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. GRAND BALL!! Howard’s Hall, Medford On Wa«hiiigtou\ Birthday, Free from Opiaten, Emetic» aiul Poison. SAFE. SURE. PROMPT. A t I>itt’<4ot«n4 ani » I ika : i : n $. TDESDJY EVENING. FEB 22,1881, 25^- Vnd«r thPimapici* of the THF. OUKI.M A. MM.LLI-R (O.. IUI TIXORF. HP. MEDFORD BRASS BAND. Ti«-kft «. $2.5 i. including supper at the Riddle ' Hou«*» No ininN will be spared to make a grand sucre«« of the event f Everybody is invited to attend Town Property For Sale ! he heirs of jame « cluggage . de - c4..*yw-I, offer for «nie their pn>perty situated T within I--— them>ri»on*tion uf Jackson v11 le.having left i Cures Rheumatism. Kftra!g«a ■■ ■ »t ile. Il'*ad4?t»e. Triotkiebe »rr'ri*. r '»'««rW. ForPaiß __ , v.-.. 4U$ CM4AL$B .»■ „H E. FIETT CEXT«. _ l»Hl GC.ISnS A.t> OZiliZZ. 10.. tUUUOM.ft». I the di«po*Rl of the same in the hand« of the un- demigned All n i'-tie« in poa«espion of any of the property owned hy Inni“- < lui: ; igeat the timoof hin «b-ath are notified ’<» call at <»nce mud make a»rang«’- mente for |riytn«nt of rents, etc., if they desire to longer retain possession of the same. Oct. i ism . H. K. HAN SU. Ume 4 KEI> HEII Hit. TWO YEAH8 <11.11. MARK, with a swallow crop on the right ear and h square crop with underslope in left ear The owner i« requested t » call and prove property, ¡►ay charge« and take the animal awa>. A. ( . SPEER Woodville, F«b. 9. 1 km 7 FOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is cider than most men, and used more and more every year. »-¿to ri» for r»n term b^it» t CMAJkMM ■. 1 Taken Up. PUBLIC NOTICE. W hom IT MAT CoXCTUN. \i“l.A' i, vj2LVIM.Ä>V1!W' ON THK «a day of Fi-bruaiy. 1« k 7, n-rrignnrl all hiaac- •untritqme, I thei^fore notify partiee not to torawifdue.or totuwom. du« «om tliem to Mr. (4>lvm. Co any pereun excent nyaelf or my authorined agent 1 R. DAWHON. /«•k^rille. Feb ? 1^ANDREW,‘’ h‘» *«»’ o Notice to Tax-PayerR. AO» FORTHE YEAR 18M AKC NO* DUE and pajable and ta»t teoomiu< delünjuent p A f I v ninmMiif a.— U ■ A. roamt.: —— —— ui afl .«rl> of Ib« nm. .■ iii. Naila. Fii iahiag Naila. Feomaa Naita. Horaa gbn. Nail, run and Htoel Mun. •» 400 NlCuwir