(ihr ÿeiùdü iiii x> imi V. ime Pablished «vary Friday aioruina by CHARLES NICKELL. tMTOt ANO MWNIITOB. NKW TIMKSBUILDINC Offioe—Corner Third auM*meop'e oi Ore­ that by the constitution “all treaties legislature in iy pisu a law regnlating ü. S.Senator*. J. H. Mitchell, J.N.Dolph, C«»n- gon — Gt«tlrneis for the Secretary of State. George W. McBride; State of the Chinese amongst us was very authority of the/United States shall be l«*m yitat, .„ hi a -j.« «‘s the following arrnop- Treaaurer, Geo. Webb; State Printer. F. <’. sale of school anil univ« rsily lands, hel«l Sfoalp Covered Ears and ' clearly demonstrated by the fact that the supreme l-Pe»au- affecting rights lenerved to the States bv in the act. to-wit: 3‘JO acres. liin scalp, which U M “11 “ 17 “ ■* “ o.OO. This is the first bill having for its object Bpocial pai a taken in making commercial Ckrk.W, H. Parker; Sh-nfl. H. W. Dean; Trea«. the constitution are in reganl to sucli h »Micky soree, aud from which airtick fluid ¡ mju »d out. Held, that such applications ati'l the nrar. N. Fiaher; Aeeeaeor, J. M (’bilden«; School ( traveler« feel at home. the regulation of freight to pass the causing intense itching awi 3 dwtresH. d and I •nviiu: |s«r slave labor, no argument nce«i be i stipulations vo’.«l ami of no binding force Youth’s Suits, breast 33 to 37 inches, 8.00. certificate* base«! thereon are void, be­ AJM* The table« are «upnlied with the best of SuMrinteadent. Wm. Prieet; Surveyor. F. A. hng- I is hair matted and lifmee*. * Underneath these used to stimulate the legislative assem­ House, and it provides that rt shall he . everything the m irket afford*. If the Unite«! State*, ing without authority of law. Mens ’ Heavy Suits, J^IO.OO anti 12.00. Hcabri the skin was raw. like a « piece of bee'»teak, bly of Oregon t i exhaust every coastitu- up‘«n the states. l»«h; Coroner, K. Pryce. unlawful fo. anv is-r-ou, <*om;>any, cor­ by treaty stipulations with China, can KMIKPH1MK COUNTY. out and wn* ........... dotroyeti, (iraoually the hair «.uwi oat ----- — Following is a list of jtetson* to whom Four-button Cutaway Suits,fine goods, 25.00. means by which to rid the force within th«“ territorial limits of a Senator, H. B. Miller; Representative, 8. U. __ left ... poration, etc., engaged in the transpor­ until but a small pateb^was at the lou-k of tional such voi«l certificate« have lieen i*su«*d, Mitchell; Cwonty Judge, V. Colvig; Commi»»ion- I the head. My friends ’ Peabody —*- 1 know 1 how — my Stare from the corrupting and paialvzing State a numberle-s loirde «if pagan pau- together with the amount of th«* land in­ tation of p opertv l.y railraa«! to cliarge, era, 8 Meeeenger. J/M. Payne; Clerk, ( . K night he would scratch intinem-e of their presence. little boy han »off»-rad. These goods were bought in the East and cannot be excelled in qual A third ol C’haasler; Sheriff. T «O. Patteraon; rr»MU«urer, J. (s“i> ami thus l«y such treaty destroy i cluded in such certificate*, an«l also the eople, Mind to the progress­ within the territorial limits of tiie State, H C Ower. reeentative,R. W.flt«.12 ha only corruption of that the «“.instttutimi declares that a H < ’ Owen .............................. | thick and trzuotf. and Uta scalp as sweet and risen 2. V5U W1.» cents |a*r ton |x*r mile for anv di.iaiM-r lakk oouxty . table is connected with the saloon. The leading 22.(65.65 | as any child’* in the world. 1 cannot say enough society, debasing to morals and degrad­ treaty shall lie “the supreme law of the H J Glenn................... ............ Senator, C. M. Cartwright of Wasco; Kepreeen paperaof the day can also be fvaud on tbe read- Xi.iCÄ.75 , over 50 anti le-* than 1 » mil.:* ; 2 « « uts tartw, H. McLmn of Klamath;County J.ulg*. A. Sg H C Owen ..... ‘ to express my gratitude for this wonderful «• ust * ing to labor. Can th«“ Slate «io anything 3. BO.UD flbrijn « for IO) an«l les* than 20) miles : !’, rs aii*unl for any lawyer or H (’ Owen . • larly afflicted to know that my statement i* tine Clerk W. T. Boyd; Sheriff. A. J. Charlton; Trees- ^f^ord for the Celebrated Rogue River Whis MI.1V7.W 2 ÏCW. 4M i for miy distal»'«’ over 2 I> an l less tlinti ble aliens? The States when they form- v«r k XoCalUu Bcbool Buperintandent, A. H. g ( | and without exaggeration. H C Owen lÿt.MICLtfl &37MM) 30)miles; an«l fur all di-taii.-« - ov -t :>*) “ ‘ ' “ft;..................................................................... any court (except |«erhaps, som«“ minor e«l the federal government were aiwolat.- fcieral «“ourt; in this country to entertain H C Owen . . Fisher; AweMor, O. L. Stanley. CHARLES M«KAY. fl.716 15 l.M X.23 ' luile^tbe rate shall l«e not to exceed I '4' .’he salitoti will always be found r.peu at the ar. MKKTINti OF OOCBTS, BTC. Ai ere A Me,'onnsunliT Oct* fl. 1685* Peabody. Mass. 4 X2U 42 «AM* ’ rival of all train*. sovcieignties and they delegated to that The Supreme C*Mirt of Oregon ru»M»te at Salem Upon this point H C Wilson 7.2J(».«>4 1.442J» cent* |*“r ton per in«te: provi«tod that i I have seen Mr. McKay’s boy when badly aftect­ government certain enumerated |>owers, for one single moment. regular terma cetBmeneing on the tirat Monday* l.flR2.r under, <2 f«Tt..n; 2tX) power of ex|ielling from their borders any 1 st.iieiiB Dt h*’ has made y.m as regards the curing April and first Monday in November; for Klam« mile* or under »3.50 |«ert«>n;3Oi miles I of his boy by yourt nticura Remedies at e true in arid attributes of sovereignty not so «¡el­ l«erson or class of persons whom it might ath, eecond Monday in June and fir»*t Monday in egated, hut retained by the States, was deem to be dangerous to its peace or From the foregoing list it will he seen or tinder 14 50 |er ton The bill provide« .\ 11.1.’« > A I' 1 »‘very particular. RE) ION September; for Lake second Monday in Febra- > WILLI \M J. M« i ARTBY. that p.wer which nppertains to every likely to produce a physical or moral evil that (143.M6.ffO have lieim i.'ix-ivol .1« that these rates shall . Mass. For J ack* jq coast y the (’ounty. Probate and K ”H IÎES.D I! | sovereignly, of expelling from its l»r- amn.g its « itizens, then any treaty or payments on the lands incluar db> the 1‘OTTER T)11C<* KNDC h EM- pr«'S!“iice it might de-III Ulidesirghle, I pie-ume it aid not is- n<‘< essarv io the same snail lie !<.ad- d info « t ni««n county, the firat Monday in January. April, July autli«i*izing the intro Im'tion of any js*i- I IC M. ( <>.. liost »11. and September; for Lake county, every alternate with a limitation only in regar«l lo those son «.: de«cription of persons agaiimt the me to adduce any argument to substan­ and unloade.l from the < :r* ol si:rl, tail­ month, commencing the tirnt Monday in January, i Send for ••!low lo Cure **kin PiM‘ase».” susceptible «if naturalization, til« States cm*e;«t of tin- State, woulil he an tlsur- tiate th«* ruling of the ¡ward. No:»* what­ road at the ex, etc e of tl ..« m rs .«f * . d For Klamath county the tiret Wednesday in March. | <1 Blackheads, skin Llenntlies ar having deh“.>at<“tr-».-.i « rlri.’i-) «tlation. and ¡11 B h I» j Humors, use Cuticura Soap. , inent the right to pass uniform rules in iifilli“ r lecogniz*<>r enfor. e. 1 !ia«l sup- plain letter of the Ian . It must Is» ole lurther provi«k*s teal s: p|*r* shall I.* NEXT DOOR TO P. O. legat'd thereto. Il therefore follows ¡»«isi-'l that this qi|.*stio«i was not now serve i ari»l etiforcwl. Rut while tl»e allowed to 1 a I «-jrs tofo- ir lull « aiuf '.•. IN ONE MINUTE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HHti*«in, Nt ur.'dgia, BciaUc. Sudden, that-if the federal government should o|ie«i to dispute.” It is tii-refor-“ unde­ boatd shall do it, it is of the opinion The bill only apple« to freight "ff«-t«..l CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. Aceoiumislations unsurpiu*«*‘d for comfort arid safety. Fares and freight intirh has than by any paiKl Nervou.w Pain* und \V»‘,ikii”">eh refuse to extern! to a particular class of that the porch a« us of sncu landfr-.in the for transportation between |«otn*s wh«*l!v other route between all points ill the Willamette Valley and Ban Fianei co. Only rente via relieved in onr miniiti- by the < utictira aliens the right of naturalization it would niable that the States have reserve«! to A. P. HAMMOND. th«-in«e!ves this inherent jiower of sover­ boaril. through its nusapprebension of in the state of <> egon. The |«ena!ty for Auli-I’ain I’lii'h r. All driu-J-’ '■ *2.'» Tl^centa. Potter Drug Company, Boston. have u« control over that class within eignty over aliens not susceptible of law, should be entitled to rei-eive ba. k a violation of ' ' ■ Oct io a till. ■ T State limits, as the right to pass natur­ naturalization, that there is no “author­ the money so jtii.i n|ioti a return and than iltk) r.or more than |50t> tor e.u h Ulertcy-at-Law i Ural Estile Urnl, M umh . alization laws is the only jsiwer ill re­ ity” in the federal government to make mtncellation of such certifiiat.-s. Tuis offense. I here was Lu*, very little op]s>- gard to aliens delegated by tbe States to any treaty stipulation that woubl con­ tlielsur l coiu-eives to lie nothing but sition to fl«e b.l , and t’i.«’ Wa* mainly Ashland. Oregon. 1 « the federal government, all other pow­ flict therewith, and therefore that any jvliat is just and fair. I would therefore from the delegat «m fro n Jacks *n coun­ » CIGARS. Ail buaiaeM plaeed in my hand# will receive ers in regard thereto having lieen re­ such treaty stipulation woulil b* abso­ suggest that provisions -liould i»e made ty. Thone voting against the lull were JEWELRY. prompt attention. Bpecud attention given to CANDIES, NUTS. tained li) the States. This position is lutely void. The State then having full hy you for the return of tbe money so Benjamin, Bowditch, It. A. Miller and ceLleeting. PIPES, CARDS. THE ORECON DEVELOPMENT CO.'S STEAMSHIPS clear and undeniable. Il is also sus­ control of this matter ami the people of paid bv the purchasers to them «0 soon Pomeroy. It -is tlio.ight the l»i'l will NOTIONS. CUTLERY tained by the «leeision of the highest th* State 1» ing almost unanimously op- as possible after such certificates U|«on pass the senate without nirterial opposi­ STATIONERY. ALBUMS P. P. PRIM, SAIL TOBACCO.) CIGARETTES tribunal in the lain! the supreme court priseil to the presence of the Chinese which>u< Il mon»*y was pai»i are returned tion. The bill will certainly, if it piove.* FROM YAQVIX V. EROM S%N EK A NCI SCO: ATTORNEY A COUNNELOK-AT LAW, Yaquina City, Tuesday .................. F.b, It». .... Feb. 15;Yaquina City. Thursday... of the United States. In the case of here, it «levoIves upon the legislative as­ for cancellation. operative, la* a great source of relief t.i Santa Maria. Monday........................ “ *21 BftDtn Maria. Saturday . ... 12. Gent's Furnishing Goods, Yaquina City. Bunday.................... . .... New York vs. Miln, 11 Deters, 105, the sembly to devise the most peaceful ami Besides providing for tiie repayment the |«eople of eastern Oregon. For all Diseases of tbe .. “27 Yaquina City. Tuesday. 22 lAMtORVIUE. 08N . court says: “A State has the same un­ effective means towards procuring their of th»' money paM the State on such void . March 5 Santa Maria. Montiay And everythin« usually found in a tirst-class Santa Mana,Saturday................. Liver, Kitfors, sai bp.een. Yaquina City. Friday..................... March fl. “ 11 Yaquina < ity. Sunday.. deniable ami unlimited jurisdiction over removal from our State. Then“ can be certificates, it would be projier that the T he G kamt ’ s P ass T roi bi . l .—The Variety ^tore. Ako. Will practice in all the Court* of th« State Office Santa Maria,Thursday. .. 12. “ 17,Santa Maria.Saturday Tin« pitri lv i . ; t./' all |>crsoiis and things within ils terri­ no doubt but that it is |*“rf«“ctlv com|e- legislature should make provision for the (¿rant’s Paa* charter c«>ntinoi the swamp lanl fun«i vious arrangement, and ? Kidney* .ml <•«>! ♦•• the III! r tuad.- a l'nite.1 States. * * * All tboae jmw- would entail l-irg«“ expem« •. ami would a’lio i:»!- to f ’sl.4 Hl.KI. an l the interest almost un.u’iin t ’.- ! •**•. Leave Yaquina A20 a . m . Arrive At Corvallis at 1(':88 a . m . Arrivent Alhiirj at 11 -< a . M- Leav • ATTORNEY 4C0UNSEL0R-AT-LAW, unfiersold. action of the Liver, ;«n.i i.. i» - re­ Albany at 12:V> p. M. Arrivent Corvallis 1:22 P. M. Arrive nt Yaquina 5:4.5 P m . ers which relate to niere municipal leg- appear unneces-arily harsh to those who due th r -on Frbruaiy 1, 1S87. amounts speech reported fully in «lie detailed re­ fute, the best preparato:y Oregon A California train» connect nt Albany and CorvaUia. Aaklaad. Oregeu. medicine, whatever the sick­ islation, or w hat may [« rhapsmore prop ■lo not appreciate what a <-urse they are to $41 7211 8">, making a total 01 flM.ltiG.M port following, in wh <•'» I m m - o cd Kiddle« The Company reserve* the right to change oailinK (lays. ness may prove to be In all Fares, rail and cabin. $14. Rail and ateerage, $9.88. For information apply to erly lie calle«! internal police, are thus to the State. More pca«“e ibl«*, ami yet Accompanying this message is a «to­ Bourne et al. sevi-rely. These gentlemen common diseases it will, un- Will practice in all Courts of the State. Office in (’. ( . HOGCF, suriendere«! or restrained, and conse­ fully a« effective means, though not so talled stwteuient of such warrants, and declare he misrepresented them shame­ RMrii^ted by any other medi­ Oda Fellow * building, dp »taire. Acting G. F. A Pass. Age it. ( ’ orvailia. Or cine, effect a *peedy cure. —TO GET TOUR— quently iri relation thereto the authori­ »I«e<“«ly, can he devis«/«% ami means for what pur|>oee drawn. The greater fully bb to the amount <»f faxes paid. W. R. ANDREWS, The Regulator is safe to administer in any ty of a State is i.cnp!c“e, ^i^iahtied which are in jierfe.-t accent with a policy bulk of these warrants aie «bswing 10 Bourne says that hi« assessment iv above condition of the system, and tinder no circum- and exchis:ve • » • . it is per cent, interest. At the same time tf.e * $2(1.00:), although the greater part of it is ntance* can it do harm. It will invigorate ATTORNEY A COUNSELORAT-LAW a« com|*'tent and net .“. m -. ii ) Mr a State which th«-gen.-ral government has pur­ State is loaning money at 8 r»-r cent. in th»* nam< <»f (’. J. Mirth, to whom he like a glass of wine, but is n«» intoxicating bever­ sued Io« three-quarters of a century — the age to lead to intemperance; v. J' promote di­ JACK HOM VI 1.1.»:, OR. to provnle pr< cautionary iuka»uies gave a deed of trust i**r L i-ine«s conven- |wj)iey of protecting horuo industry This i« very |sxn finance and should l«e gestion, disaipate head;;rlie, and gener­ against the moral | e»tilenee ol pa'Xs-rs, against alien competition. This p ilicy stopped. I w mid tb«*refore recommen«! (ieticeduring lii« uh*en<*<* from the SUt<- ally tone up the nyatein. 1 he dose is --mall, Will practice in all the Court« of the State. vagabon«!.» and possibly convicts a«lit is I last year. To prove this statement he uut uu pie a *ant, and its v irtucs undoubted. £B*Otflee with Di«triet Attorney, Court House. is to I k “ highly commended when it pro­ that a levy of I mill on tl.c dollar l>* au­ —DONE IN— to proviil«“ against the physical |***ti- tects lalsir. It has mostly lieen applie«i thorized by the legislature, in orler to refers to the ass»*sMn *nt for J»»>ei»hine No loss of time* no inter­ ruption or stoppage of J. R. NEIL, lence which uiav arise from iiny.und t«i the ]>rof«-ction of rich manufacturing pay tli-sc warrants and to return the county for 188*», on file in the offp/e of business while taking the ami infectious aitides imp«.;t«-y the \ dares Miller’s Mafvtncnt to th«» effect Children complaining of ita'. call always take care of it«elf; but it cates. supreme court, has since that till/: never can be applied only so as t«» protect the Colic, Headache* or Sick In your legislation in reganl to this that hiiuself and other* have a scheme JackaoBTiil«, Ogn. Stomach* a te.vp* onful or been controverted by it This/opiniou, industry of our fellow citizens wins have swan:,» land in «Iter, I trust that you w ill to build a piivatc water works at (¿rant’s —AND AT— more will give relief. which sustained the constitujnonality of no capital but the lalsir of their hands, endeavor to protect the actual settler so i Pass as alrsolutely fal-e. Riddle i* Will practice in all theCourtaof tr-e State. Oiice If token occasionally by pa ­ DEALERS IN n bdiUhn« oppoeite C«»art lloaee, corner C and equally emphati«*. He charges .Miller a law of New York throwing checks and tients exposed to MALARIA, it is most con i mend able and praise­ far as possible, who has purchased in Fifth atreeta. THE LOWEST RATES with double-dealing, fal<-■*: <• xl an ,Washington, Ark Walter A. Wood’s Sweep Rake Reapers. adopt such a policy, which will not only law, to actual settlers in small <|iiantities. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. stringent law pas-ed by the State of directly benefit the laboring mm. but A copy of this message has l«een fur­ ffoniatt, Feb. 7. Walter A. Wood’« Enclosed Gear Mowers H. K. HANNA. *EE THAT TOT BET THE WEMTXE. New York as um institutional, for the will indirectly b-nefit the jieople oi the nish«-.1 to th- concurrent branch of the Gaar, Scott & Co.’s Separators, PREPARED BY rca«oii that it was in conflict w ith th«“ Stat«- at large. S vi . vkstcb P cxxovek . ATTORNEY kt COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Gaar, Scott Ck Co.’s Plain and fraction Engines, A RbMtKKAHI.E Sroki . —When tin- \ li«“ense tax law « an b-‘ 1 gis! itur-. J. II. Zethn A Co., Philadelphia, Pa. cent to! over commerce ilelegated by the emicte«! )«) whi.'li every in livi l «al or Coates’ Lock Lever Hay Kake; also a steamer Pacific went down twelve years I States to th« “ federal government. In Jacksonville. Oregon. lornli-' I ... W ixei ».—The F«-l¡«lle cowM, Ris kw.-IIA Hurlburt, th-horse-1 ainets Office up stair* u) Orth’# brick. Write for Catalogue. Addree* either FRANK BROS. IKPL. CO., Portland. Or., or Opinions holding the law to lie umonsti- li.“ens«“ therefor, th«“ pnweeds of w . ¡«-1« l.iuelUti^ th.-matter - vived the catastrophe Chll* reoponde.1 to at all hour*, day or night. About two vears informing the public that they have opened a Office oppo.it* fllover’« Hotel. Jack««nviU*. majority in the Dassenger Cases, in hTs this means this undesirable class of surditv of this statement would have ago Mrs. Hurlburt, who resiiles in Che­ ehop next door to A. G. Colvin « store, where they are now displaying a laige stock of — A8T>— opinion dearly defineil the difference aliens would lie compelle«! from lack of lieen sntli. iently apparent- to intelligent ’ nango county, N ¥., leceivcf a letter L. L. WHITNEY. M. D. between the two cases, affirming there­ to leave the State of their men who know anythirg about nines, purjiorting to lie written by her husband, CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, ETC., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE, in his previous jxisition. He said: employment PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. own accord. By this means in a very hut being mad« to a «•oncotime ot ladies, from Milion, in this State : But it was be­ “When the meichandisc is taken from short time, ami in a ]«eanas passengers. Wiien the happy homes ol frei'men. There is sor Fowler, such as Port an«l Angelica; after the shipwreck he r«»a< li««l an island they leave the ship and mingle with the Central Point, Oregon, no on«1 question before the legislative as­ but these form but a very inconsiderable where ho remained among the Indians j j citizens of the State they liecoine sub­ sembly of equal impirtancc to this ques­ part of the California product. The ab- for a number of v.»ar«, when a vessel JACKSONVILLE, OR , (Imduate of the Medical (Jnivormtjr <>f IxmiRville, ject to its laws.’’. It therefore follows tion. Let this remedy be applied, which surditr of this proposition is clearlv took him ashore. The terrible catastro­ Kentucky* Call» promptly nt tendal to day or that while a State can do nothing to pre­ California Street. Jacksonville the people demand. Ia*t the will of the «lemortstrated by Mr. Ester in stating phe had bereft him »»f his ica-on nn., a. r i.ziav. m . t>„ lars a gallon, and that wine sells from asylum in California. Tli» information William*’ B uildin*. Reeidenue on C Bt. ures would be an interference with com­ 21) to 3d cents a gallon. At this rate or­ seemed to l>* well »■iiough autlicnticated Foiir-tined pitchfork® . merce,'the control of which was dele­ SOLE AGENTS FOR PRYCE & OE&RY, Gm is M oi xtaix M ixk . — R. A. Jones, dinary wine could not Is« proluce«!. since to merit investigation, and a s < hi of Mr White I .end. 25 lb. keg.. The proprietor taken pleasure in informing the gated to the federal government, ami Linseed Oil, per gal. Cublictha* he han thoroughly renovated th is well- one of the owners of tiie Green .Moun­ it would cost mor»« to fortify it than it IHurlbnrt is now in <’a!if>.inia hsiking PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, while it can do nothing to rid th«* State Turpentine« “ nown stand and is prepared to furnish tain mine. 17 miles from Glendale, on could Is* sol«i for. ft is very often that into the matter. Winchester Kitten, i octagon barret). of aliens, susceptible of naturalization the |ieraiiee reformers like Pro­ Hand Saws............... ..................... Meilfor«!. Oregou. «except “vagalionds, paupers, ami jkis - Fresh Bread and Yeast BnekB iwi*. (complete distance plate > He brought with him, for tiie Pottland fessor Fowler get mixed up in their state­ W iiat i * DiriiTiu.Ri a ?—Tiie II<1II<1- gr<* ‘ H to u plow and then pr«x-eeding to ted that the 105 i«>nnds will turn out a Horse Shoes, ¡»er Bi 173 Fir»» Streat, blooil-jMiiKoning. ami its immediate T. J. CRESS. lice power—that power of sovereignty Asee. least |50))0. From one |ioiind of orc the tear up the land with it. When this har­ cause is the development of a |>eculiar not delegated—as absolute and umpies- Ax Handles rowing story was told to a shrewd old owners recently obtained »11)2.6(5. The PORTLAND. OREGON, fungal organis n knows in re-ience as the Miner’s Picks........... tionable control over all aliens within its Green Mountain ....... ............. mine is ... owned liv R. Yankee, he inquired : “Why don't the micrococu*. which is to he fourni in the Hand-saw Files .. borders not subject to naturalization “as A. . Jolies Cros^eut-saw Files ... , A. S. Whiting, Stilly Riddle fools buy a horse for |lik) ami work it, Bonths of all healthy |>er»«»ns. When a any foreign nation.” And this | ower, in an i W. C. Wilson of East Portland. Tl e instead of using seven or eight thousand Door I jocks.................. JACKSONVILLE, OR. Cow Bells .................. the language of the supreme court, “is ore is free milling. They are down 100 dollars’ worth of niggers to pull a plow”' child's vitality l«eeomes low, an«l is fur­ ther impaired by a severe flore throat, Having permanently located here, I offer my complete, unqualified ami exclusive.” feet mid have four tunnels. There are This inquiry let the wind out of the tale. with inflammation, this organism is servict-b to the people of Southern Oregon. DEALERS IN It may Older them to depart within its OIL CLOTHS, 300 tons of ore on the dump, wiiich it is So with the fortifying wine business. i ! stimulated to activity, ami it may get a borders, or it may tax them forthe priv­ House Painting, Paper Hanging exjiected will average $50. A voeng Winegrowers could not lon^ afford to lolgment in the mucu« membrane, an«l ilege of staying within its territorial lim­ Uaolenms, Ruga Mata, etc. man named Dewey owns an extension of use 75 cents worth of brandy to fortify finally force its way into the blootl,which Frescoing, Kalsomining, Etc., it, or it luav fix a license tax to be pai«i this mine.— Oir j .. h ><>». 20-eent wine. j it poisons. Then the case is said to be THE LARGEST, ! Done in a superior manner and at price* to suit by any person who gives them employ­ the time*. I refer to the job* of painting I have T he Albany HrralA of last week «ays: one of diphtheria, ami the question is ment. It may choose any of the means A K oakrvrg S<- aniial .—Rorebtirg ha« I previously dune for recommendation. Batisfac- it deems best. The right existing with been agitate«! for souu“tiaie past over a William Belmont, private secretary of whether the patient or th* fungal organ­ , tion guaranteed. the State to do with them just as it R-anda! in which the Rev. F. M. Culp Superintendent Evans, of Wells, Fargo ism has the greater vitality. If the for­ C.4F" Give me a trial and judge for yourself. IN THE METKOPilLIS. : Orders left at Merritt’s New Cash Btore will -at the— chooses, the choice of the means must of the M. E. Church, South, and the wife & Co.’s expt ess, was in the city Thurs­ mer, the organism is expelled ami the i receive prompt attention necessarily inhere w ith it. But it is urg- of Dr. E. J Page, a prominent physician day making ariangcmcnts for an iin|>or- patient recovers; if tiie latter, the orga«i- T. J. C RE88. el tho-< wh-im they Call and examine onr good* before porcharing. for «« will not be undersold. leach and ho to render them easier Containing 130 Rooms, well furnished. The best , 4th, 178!), for the reason that "the con­ held in Rowburg in March, Culp has racing via 1 a»pnna. A special stage prey to the morbid organiani. vention of a nunifo'r of the States having also been threatened witli a coat of tar messenger has been placed on the over­ « ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE at the time of their lulopting the «olisti- and feathers and numerous ot her little land route, and money and light matter in the State. fnrui«di*d to order; alao W ashisutox T emuto *« J iim . es .— tutinn expressed a desire that further attentions are offered him. Dr. Page will go that way, while all heavv articles I ___ The iti«i“-rsign«d takes pte.ienre in informing I declaratory and restrictive clauses and wife have gone east with their will go by steamer, being transferred to j There iaiiome disaatiafaetjon among peo­ ■ 9 th* pub!««“ t‘««f he has taken charge of th* B«*«rorUn( ..lank of the Democratic pose he ha« some affection u! th. kidney. bul iliaMnllvU ll(, wellt 01lt It was projioseil bv the federal govern­ acts on an entirely different principle from or neighboring organ*. At times svtgp- . , *i ... • . . ment and ratifieii hy the States. It is the usual prescriptions given by physi­ toim. of indigestion are present, flatiilem y « ntees. he CITY BARBER SHOP, ______ ____ - ' . thinks Jone« wgg was a a A iiioijs thinks he he has has «lone well. well. Jones theiefore a treaty, toall intents ami pur­ cians. as it does not dry up a cough and uneasiness of tiie stomach, etc. leave th* disease still in the system, but on Ash Bedroom Sets from $30 upward. Everything in onr store aven memheroithe (»¡ration, pnaiucing pr.xlut-iiig a very member of the l>emorrat»c Ih-mocratic national con- poses, between tbe high and contracting the contrary remove« tbe cause of the trou­ ture. like perspiration, CALIFORNIA. STREET, disagreeable itching, after getting warm, »ft vention that nominated Cleveland—wa« parties. Inasmuch, theiefore, as the marked ’way down Call and examine before purchasing. ble, heal« th* parts aflvcted ami l.-aves Oregon. jRrkfton Tille, jsiwer of absolute control over aliens them in a purely healthy condition. A Is.t- a common attendant. Blind. Bleeding and , one of its vii*e-pie‘r. Boaanku * Pile Remedy, which it ;« nnderatnnd that it i. THE UNDERSIGNED 18 FULLY PREPARED eases make their appearanc«* willsave Representative Hall and i others, \/AI I can live at horn»*, and make more money at Linkvilie at fl o’clock P. M.; also leave Link- sacred treaty with tbe federal govern­ large tsittles. City D*ng Store. Jack«n»nvill*. I I I W 111 th® world. for u*. (han at anything else in reaident oi Keokuk, Iowa, the former ville for Ashland every morning except Sunday. ment. Will now that government, with Capital not needed; yon are Connectât Linkvilie with tri-weekly stages for a disregard for honor that wouhl shame flCMsA-«-**»«, nr Liquor Habit, home of Miller. FOB GOODS IN OUR UNE started free Both aexee; all age*. Any one can foNtHrnphoa C’wred. Fort Klamath and I*akeview. do the work. Lance earning* *ure from the flr*t An oM physician, retired from practice, hav­ New coaches and new stock throughout, and even a pagan potent ate,prove false to its t ail be cured by administering Dr. Haines’ start Coatlyontfit and term* free. Better not L. C. HEINRICHSEN. special rare given to make the traveling a* com­ plighted treaty faith? Will it now < »olden S|»eeitic. It can be given in a cup ing h«Mi placed in hi* hands by an East India XtwrrGng. But True. delay. Coets you nothing to *end n* your address fortable as possible. Ri’st route to Eastern Ore­ break its treaty obligations with the of coffee or lea without the knowledge of missionary the formula of a simple vegetable ‘and find nut; if yon are wise you will do so at W illis P oixt . Tax * a. Ito 1. 1RK>. gon for travelers and tourist*. For information the person taking it. effecting a•peody ami remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of tn FivH SGMHt. - . - Portland, Oregon. I apply to o' ce. H. H allbtt A C o .. Portland. Maine. States ami deny them the exercise of perm inent cure, whether the patient is a Consumption. Bronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma and THO8. GRAVENOB, Agent. After suffering (ormore than three year» "RECURE the SHADOW” Ashland, Oregon. rights it sacredly vle«lge«l itself that they nmderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck.' all Throat and Lung Affection*, also a positive with disease of tiie throat and lungs, I got THE LEADING JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, anil radical cure f<»r Nervou* Debility and all so low last spring I was entirely unal le to I Ashland office at Willard & Enbank*’ hard- shouhl exercise? It cannot, it dare not 1 lioiisands of drunkards have been made Nervon* Complaint*, after bavin« tested its won­ ■ m Ik* «abetunes tede*, »nd >”u t’*'*1F‘Lr i ware stove. Agent at Linkvilie, G. W. Smith, teniperat«* men who ha-’e taken the Golden derful rnrative power* in thonsand* of cases, do anything, ami my cough was so bail Wholraale and Entail Dealer# in do it. Linkvilie Hotel. Bend for ’QuotatioRi» for raw bure and Skina to But it is urged that a treaty exists be­ S|e cillc in their coffee without their known has felt it hie duty to make it known to his suf­ I scarcely slept any’ at eight. .Mv drug­ fellow*. Actuated by this motive and a gist, Mr H, F. Goodnight, «ent me a trial tween the United States an«l China edge, .»ml to-day lieli-'Ve they quit drinking­ fering W. GOULDSPEE. No harmful effects desire tn relieve human suffering. I will send bott’e of Dr. Bosanko’« Cough and Lung NOTICE. which guarantees to the Chinese within ot their own free will 8 “ Oe!l hook*. cr»vp»r* Selection Fackag^ *eat oa application. Communicate with us before purchasing alsewaers wJ of,ll.i~*..t JOWN Mn.I.rHH OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 6'0 U. BUSINESS CARDS. THE RIDDLE HOUSE I A CHILES SKIN ANOTHER REDUCTION AT J. B. RIDDLE, Prop’r MERRITT’S • M ______ ar. T FAMOUS OEM SALOON I Golden C Sugar in Barrels at 6 Cents per pound! GTw-fl«-^.««-'.»^ J. B, RIDDLE PROPRIETOR. NO CREDIT I SPOT CASH I Red Men’s Buildinsr, Jacksonville, Oregon AFINE STOCK VARIETY STORE I o R Fast Time. Sure Conn9ition. Now Equipments. 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME. MCpil I Ik 1 J I? GROCERIES T ake -^^— SIMM0JS LIVER REGULATOR Daily Passenger Trains Except Sundays THE PLACE BLACKSMITHINC BUY THE BEST AND BE HAPPY! THE BEST STYLE FARM AND MILL MACHINERY! CRONEMILLER Ä BIROSE* S LARSEN & HACOLUND, MERCHANT TAILORS, T CITY BAKERY Idilli Initie ot NIw,<*liiner.v NEW PARKE A LACY, PRICES HUNTERS’ EMPORIUM! WOOD. IRON AND MINING MACHINERY SAW JOHN MATZEN, Prop Farm MII T . INGERSOLL ROCK DRILLS AND CO. it PR ENSORS, tLVD n 'TR E ROPE-—SP ECIA L Tl ES. Wm. Jessop & Sons’ English Cast Steel ! T. J. COLBERT. HOUSE PAINTER, HUNSAKER & DODGE, CARPETS! OK EGON Other Joods in Stock at same Low Rates. OHEAPEST AND BEST STOCK PIANOS, ORGANS, PATRONIZE HOME IHDSTRÏ And all kinds of Musical Merchandise. FRUIT TRUES SARDINE CREEK NURSERY TO THE HUNGRY & WEARY! Ashland Boarding-House and Feed Stable! B. F. MILLZR. Prop. Frnit Trees oí Fjcry Description F. S. CHADBOURNE & CO Free Buses to and from the Hotel. 3HAD2 & ORNAMENTAL TREES Furniturp, Beddiig, Upholstery o A^rtistie Furniture Ji hipovialty. ASHLAND, LINEVILLE ani FT. KLAMATH LINES. COR. FIRST & YAMHILL STS. Portland. Or NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST HUNTERS AND FUR COLLECTORS. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks! P I