ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE Ai ïhe jÇmocvatk eimvs. //; *?/: .i.vn Turin. I If you want the beat newspapers in the S F. Floe«! is vigorously pursuing hij Through u resolation which Ims passed itiiw . il _w/:.V7 jov. 17//: . v . i / iath . ism • ted in Octon» r of the present year. Cool weather this week. the T imes ' magnificent clubbing »»Her. circular« to the county Superintendent of since. I In* - < »regonian’ of a kite date gives the ■ N\ rvc. L.fv an«l Vigo: re*tor«*d in men U.iiTEO STXTB tffìZAi schools, instructing them to select gucli Railroad ball on the Isth. W. M. Holmes cam • »Iowa frmu Trail f»»ll<«xx ing r«*port: ami women by using Gilmore’s Aroniati»* D.m’t delax* too long. \\ h* at--Foreign market* «juiet, » astern j The right, title and interest of the minor text books on liygiei>0 and physiology as creek last Week, R a l the nexv advertisements. wine. For sale at the City Drug »Store FEIiRVAKY I. l-< The - M. Man «lield of Fa.ent, l,.(. been visiting lower and San Francteco rather firm heirs uf the estate of T. H. B. Shipley, de- they .*e«? lit. I nparallt led bargain» at N Fi ber *. Lee Smith.formerly a typo « hi the T imes , local market is almost inactive, but very , e('u*e»l. will be di*po*»«l <»f at guardian’s <’««iigrcssmah Hprcuunn ha* introdu *«1 , Josephine, muni,. ont f u mlvw ihtk * wtrn or// is now employed in the mailing depart ­ Read our new clubbing inducements little bus iness doing. sale to-nmrrow, Feb. 5th. St e :i. :rib. ■ town a fe-.v tlays ago. “lOn Dp-es One D »liar’’ is true only ( f hirtiM payir« for the T imes in advance at <»ar obta.naide at $4, the figure named this , < >!e farnn»b«M any <»f ti e J. A. llanl ty has returned from his trip Hood's Sai saparilla. and it is strength and economy. uf E. J. Boxven. the pioneer seedsman. Jacksun county. |.W; R J. Smith ( irry I to the Willamw-tte Valley. thi«« paper at tHe prirra givi n b«*l«»A. It will b.* ercarried a large quantity. county. Il»»; F. M. Viin«ierpu«>l. < His «ee«ls are the purest, best am! fresh ­ noticed that there is a reduction of at least 52 ant. lolm K. lle.r of <.r.in' s I’ass spent Sat- Read Sherill Dean's notice to taxpayers Oats—Receipts note«! all for shipment. ; l»*»r rent, on Mibliftherg* ca*toniarj rates in every . Ask county, |515. jurdav and Suirduy in town. Fresh buckwheat Hour at the S. F. Vari­ elsewhere, 'faxes are «lue and will be­ est. and can always be relied upon inMance, and in some much more; The market is quiet, with at) easy tone. your merchant tor ttieni. A ball wilt take place at Brow nsboro on WEEKLIES. ety Store. Butter ( alifornia roll selling down to ' come delinquent before some are aware of Henry Anki-ny >f Marioh county is .» . Toledo WeoMy Blade S3 <»I J If you xvant n large, first cla** paper. *nb- Monday’Feb 14th. on the evening of St. Harp'-r’a Weekly..................................... New go*>ds for our merchants continue it. ... 5 70 ■ journin.; al the #>0 riing mim-s 21c: supplies large. Hcientifir American........... 1 scribe for eiblierthe San Francisco ‘•Exam- Valentine’s Day. Th»* be.ri of rnu*lc and to arrive. Cabbage Higher, at 2',c. The Wagner creek school, undvr the Itetrvit FreePreee. Wesley Iteed, lately of l.ang.dl valley, is 3 00 i iner” or New York “Star.’* Price only *iipprr willlie provided and a general in­ New York Star 3 00 ' tiow a resident Of Wagner creek. < fraugch The range is 7. management ot Prof Soule and Miss An ­ Fresh candie• and nuts at the S. F. Va­ I vitation is extended. A pleasant time is New York Wot 1.1 t »I. $1 .' hi an«! $1 r”*pectiv»’lx Subseri pt ions Lemons-Sicily, $5 50. nie Fischer, i* well attended and flourish­ ♦ San Francinco Examiner. . 3 *» riety Store. S. B. Galey «1 Ashland made our town a**un*d all who attend. Fur further par­ I taken at the T imes office. Portland Orcicotiian . I 00 Egg*—Quiet at joe. I I another professional call this week. Jas. Slowr of th»* City Drug Store i* ill ing ticulars see advertisement. Harper's Bazar I 1 Ex-(’t»ngr»**sman Weaver, I’ostollire de- • SAN FRANCIS««». Pioneer Prtwa............. 3 on with fever. The building U'Cd by k. BuemoW a* a The Ashland Woolen Mill ( ’ «>. «hiring llenry Judge and wife of Ashland made ('hicatfo Sown partment. Wariiingtun, D. ( .. consider* \\ ln’rtt No rain. There is a moderate ... 3 01 paint-shop is ollcred for sale cheap. For Minaouri Hepubhcan................................... ... 3 0) l*M» -old 155IU4 worth c»t rnannf.-mtured I the count, seat a visit las' Monday. II. J. llowen’* seeds are the best. Don’t »k-mund, but «.tlvrings are small and but Globe I tern cm * rat ................................... further particulars enquire at th»’ T imes Rc«l Star (’ougli ('lire a remarkable reme­ ■ 3.0 Philadelphia lim»*» dial agent. It contain* j.o danger«?us nar­ g«»»»ds. During that lime $27.115 was spent I «»> fail to buy them. I A. E. Iiainiuoiid. Ashland's surx’eyor, few important transactions reported by office. * San Francisco Call.. . 3 25 l«»r wool: dyestntl.i, $2J»7o. w«»ud, $.<»*. paid the county-seat a visit yc*terday. Nature’s remedy i* what they say of cotics Imd costs but 25cents. exporter*. No. 1 shipping nominal, $1 57 Fraqk Leaiie’a iilustrited ¡»H|»»*r . 5 70 Chinese new-war did not last as long us tallow, Kiri* -, wages. $10.70.3. This showte a I 1 J. J. Fryer and John Felling of Fiigle 5 70 Oregon Kidney Tea. German <” 1 <¡0; a tale of choice milling reported at J. M. Kennedy of Siskiyou mountain, the XX ill rcmaiu a few days and is stopping customary, probably because the purse of “ “ Sunday Magazine.. i y good margin fora dividend and the stock­ *1 <»2‘,. Futures wry active; buyer sea­ Taxes are coming in very slowly- much P«7-int made us a call during the week. well known hunter, not long ago had one Popular Sl«»:itidy. 5 0) tin: average celestial wa* lighter than holders are well satisfied xvith it. I BiuUtet....................... I more so than usual. . of his eye* put out by the center-pin of his ■ <«co Eubanks has been appointed oper­ son. $1 <>2’4(««1 65. “ Phsiaant Hours usual. ¡ it The Ashlard “Tidings'” say* • A rail­ Barley—Steady ami «piict No. 1 iced Winchester rille blowing out and indicting XIOWTHl.irs. The boys have been coasting during a ator for the new company at Ashland. There ha* feen considerable sickness on load from Ja ksonville to Medford would Weat Shore, Portland. Or.. >4 no portion of the wet k. spot. fl 12l,.«H 15. a serious wound in the face. I « < . Muthi* Hint Geu. W . Lance of l'«M»ts ( entnry, Suribner’a. ... rt to Wagner creek «luring the present season, be a great accommodation to the people of o.its- Buyer* still *hu\v little disp'tvtiun Demorest' h Maxazaie................... I iw Commissioner of Deeds for all the State*, creek made dur town a xi*it la>t week. J. E. Smith of Central l’l.int made u* a but fortunately only one fatal case has re- this part of lhe valley xvho have business GtNiey » Lady Hook I no to pay present prices afcd talk a fewer Mr. G. E. Reardon. Baltimore. Md. write* St. Nicholas With a full line of Saiuplea of 5 il» call during the week MG* Allie Khppvl who ha* been-¡uite *ulte»l. at the county-scat.” Such would gener­ range. ¿>regon about $1 1«» 1 si. Harp«*rte Monthly 5 50 thut he sutiered for a long time with rheu­ ill, i* c«»n*idrrabl<’ improved iu health. I Fresh orange* and lemons at the S. F. American icujtunst . . I’otatoi 1 n< bai g. d U| k tre liiiet 3 50 J«»hn Miller ki’vps a first-« la** stock of matism. w hich yielded to no treatment un­ ally be the case, and the enterprise would Har(»erte Younu Peopte I 00 Variety store, Jacksonville be xx ell patronized by parties outside of «»ur Hon. Theo. < ameron ha* gom* to (I.dice al; fair demand for ch«»i' evening on astrono­ Oidai.d new *ul»scrite*r* paying one year in a«i- Woul Quiet but lirm. Fay your arrearage* at the l iuisotlice A. B. Root and wife, representing sex- my, illustrating hi* sul-j«-« t with a magic out blank* to clerks of the different *» iiooi this Week, on his wax to William* creek. vauce from »tote f »r the I’Bits wilt r. r. ;v« j»i ad- Hol».*—Dull. district*, which arc to be lille»t by them and get one of our premiums. er -1 families in Pennsylvania, have b«*cn dition either tl.e New York Star. th. San Fran- (’apt. Sidtmarsh <«f St»-i iingx ilie ha * rc- lantern and movable diagram*. He de­ ri-cu b xaiiiiner. St. Paul Pion® •« Pr« *•*. M. l«t»:u* Stucks in city xxar« h<»u*<*- Wheat. 11 ind returneti to him by the first of turned from a vi*it tc» relativo in Linu >» nat >r* Mitchell and Dolph have our tn tin* valley lutely ami are well phased livers a very interesting lecture. Re publican or Detroit Fr. «• Prear», -.x month* March, rhese blank*, when tilled, will county. ! 5on tuns; barley, 10,600 ton.-; free, or the Farm and Fireeide one year fr.***. w ith it. thank* for public documents. tun*. Read the assignee’s notice puhli-lu-d give all need»?d information in regard to HUES PRINTING hot *SF. John W. Kelley formerly of Roseburg, Miss Annie Ifexvi ¡I rlland is a*-isy* JackM>nviih*. Oregon, j You cannot do better than to take advan­ among the new a«lv«-rti einent*. W. IL the district, such as the nunilx r of pupil*, H liymiii rti-niM. was recently bound over in the sum of taut clerk of the Senate judiciary com tage of our new clubbing oiler. Andrews is agent tor I. R. Dawson, the vote*, school apparatus, etc Ehler M. Peterson holds service al ihe m it tee $75«), .it Sprague. W. T.. fur »k tamation of assignee, to whom all moneys due A. G. •• Th*' Httiiililiil IjHOir.” \V. Eicher and H. .1 Spangle of Rogue Mound *« hool-h«»use n»?xt Sunday. l he trial of Brady HuHman, lately of character. Gen. J.M. Mf ’ all is at Salem looking af­ Colvin <»n account mu-t be paid. \ snow-storm commenced early xt*tvr- river were in town last Friday. I: v. '.V. P. Williums will prcucU at Cen­ thi* »«»uiity, who was taken to Fniatilla ter the Ashland ineasures which are before Snow to the depth of manx inclie- lei! day morning, ami a* we went to pre*.* We are in receipt of The Angel of the county by Shvriil Ik ntly m few months \V Grillith* of Ashlaml precinct was in tra! Point <>t. Snn.lay at tlie iibinil Imnr that body. tlii* week and remained several «lays, It Covenant " a poem in three buoxs by Mi*. there was nearly a foot of snow on the ,la< ksonville one dux la«l week. ago. where, an indictment again.*t him for I’raver tneeting will l„. |n|,| a( the M. II was more than xve have >ecn here for a Dr. Hamilton of Roseburg, which is xvell Rex. J. IL Roberts ha* gone to Doitgla* level, there having been no ve>* »tiun dur Ba l colds and fevers *eem to be more I long time. horse-stealing had been found, took place clmreli In this place every Thursday, in < the entire day. It has been *♦ v< n year* lì. V *poken of by those who have read it last week. We have not learned the re- county to visit his family and will begone evening at 7 „ clock. common than usual this season. Ainve so much snow Las fallen at < nv time, two week-. Jame* Sullivan of Salem. Or., says he J. R. N. Bell has our thanks fur it. *ult, hut the ”E<»*t Oregonian’’ thought The St. Valentim- ’ s ball at Brownsboro l.iliera! Sunday-school and Bible class but no inconvenience has he«n occasioned wa* cure«! of the Asthma by Gilmore’s J. H. DcV enxe of San Fram i-co ami S. The mail carrier ha* kittle b«-en unable t he 1 bailees tor his conviction were favor- xvill no dvtibt In* a grand success si. at as yet. 'this storm is inonry to the miner* Magnetic Elixir. For sale at the City to make regular c«mnection xvith th»* po*t- able. G. York of Salem made our town a visit meets every Sunday at 11 o'clock the P M. I. Hall. Talent. Alex. Menst.r of Grant * Pa** made his Drug Store. and will injure no one but *t » krai*er* this Week. offices on the other sidi' of Iilkcr« . .->* W< ’egret who are not prepared for such v,rather, un­ 1 old home a visit a few day* since. Rev. Father Blanchet will | 1 h»’ fii’i text of the «!«•< *i»»u of Judge tha! stream could not be « »•■ s«-d. It. i* 11. Evans < f Claiborne Neil of Ashlami precinct, who I less a warm rain should fulb-w mu cause turn from east of the mountains in time to We xvant ••'>rrcsp<»ndence fr»»m every por- Strahan. »In laving the Ready law uncon­ high time that a bridge wa* built there. ha* been «piite ill, is » ’ onralcsciug, xve are of the land otli'-e at that place. He xva* a freshet. Sm w balling was u js»pular sport I (ion of the First Judicial District. hold service- at the « a'bolic church on stitutional. will be f« uml «»n tin* first page Dr D. s. Stryker, form» il v «»• this pi u , • • nparatively a young man and p.»*- glad to say. Sunday yesterday and good sleigh-riding was prom­ E. i albot ami J A Hoyt of Bear creek of the *11.ur*. but ri’cently of I'urtlainl hn* I«-a id at » *.*<•m* uii-r • r of Banner Lodge • . A. O. F. «.»t »he t . A < L stage line, has been in the 1 so long here that there .ire prul at ly num se ul fever ami ague, dumb 1 Some foreign companies are loaning ingot »»«' sm : copies of th«’ ann’lnlv«! sc hool formerly oc«*upied by the Prohibition V»’.. at the time of hi» death, hi* family v. Hey lately. in existence, and it w’ould not iw a paying ■dive . hill« were promptly j money on real-estate in this section. laws for the u*e of county superinteiuients Star. liis succe.** is not pl.en nn na! \x • 1 - reive a- provided by tie- law* Il«»n. Ge«». H. Pei;.llet*¡¡1 introduced by Representative Bowdih h during tin* week. Win. Briscoe ha* returned from Salt 111 are in charge. arr. -ted immediatt ly. a tew day* since. They found a favorable Justic es of the peaee. notaries public’ and l he board of trustees have called a town xxa* |»a*.*«’-l upon unfavorably, at hi* own and is in rabie Roc k ; reduct at present. Ike Men*or. who ba* l»cen in San Iran- v»ar> with the liver route -one that can be constructed at m» real-estate agents wil! fiml the best, cheap ­ election, to be held «»tl Man h 1*1 i«»i- live reque*t. he having received a remonstrance cisco for several w.-< k> pan returned home i- ’1111(1 r. le f by u i jg Geo. Beck of Ap| legate, who cut his very great expense, lhe distance between llobrtt .! W. i k*. llatai est and most complete stoc k of blanks at tru*tees, one recorder, treasurer, and inar- -ign»‘d by many name* against it. Dill't-i- sint <• our !a*t issue. the two place* is five mile*, le** mni n » i. feot St.' verdy m t long since, is about again. ent parti«-* have si uu gone to Salem to the T imes office. .*ha). Both clerks ami judg« * xv« rc ippmnt- vo x i ) m i.n i X. Al. I films has rented the \Vil*hir<‘place and the grade is not heavy, after the first Jas Steven* returned from WiMerville lo >k after tin- mattiT. E K. An«ler*«»n ol Wagner creek has be ­ »•d. Lilt xve did not learn th« ir names. oi» \\ agu< r < reek, a ¡«1 ha* «piite a number mile, while there w ill be no cut or : II of last week and reports Nt *. De in quite ill. ‘ >nc bun ;red th>»u-:i*id «1 »llari io loan on A legislative party paid \ a-iPina bay a of ;•'■»■• ' .»/• ly in gi. ii* gun *h»pping hi* xvint» r apples to San The Salvation Army from A*hland nn over three feet oil the whole line,ami but few C«»n*id< rably more *n«»w ha* fallen at real ■♦•stat«* security, m from1 one t«i five culverts. We think that there will be lit:!«* A-hland than here.and much of it remains. Franci-c«» to chaler- who b«night them »lcr the leadership ot Captain* Wickhatn 1 vi*it la-t week, in a special car provide«! by Mes.*rs. Hammon ..mi "--hater •»! the ’ years time. I or iurther particulars en- last sunimer. and Stevens and their wive*, has reached | the <). 1‘. IL IL. and had a royal lime. Wagner creek nurseries were her«.- «»tie day dith« alty in oht iining the rk'ld <».-way •: a • ptir» ut R. T. Laxvton. real-estate. Ioan1] Exeryl»-dy ly is i* g« i» ing i:.g to tti< tin* railroa i hall lfepr( ‘ *« ’ ntatixes Buw ’ ditch and Miller w< r< •mail <■-»*! mri A i« x\ copic-soi the American >«-(tier's W’agner creek, where it i* -aid they have’ this week deliv» ring trLe-. I amJ collection agent. M»*dfor«L Jackson' in the l”t!i. be« ause it v.:¡! bea grami af- member* of the party, a* also Judge De south si le of the couuty road, .m l in ;.i »-» Guid«-. -ta’uiar«! authority on Ian«! «pn*«- caused < on.*i«l• :able religion* cx< in nu-nt H. L D.irneilie ami wife of Williams 1 county. < Ircgon. fair. 1’ re | r< renting the thin I hou*e, ibex ■ pLn <•* it w ill only i necessary t»r *ct th lion*. • in ho ohtuine»! by culling ut the - - * For the freshe*l ami b< *t bramls of K* \ x«Ii-t.-iim I sometime l y *li«i> - on tin creek were in town Sunday, on their re- The front of the New York T¡ me * office soon. I l.iHl.i-illf:. fences back in order t»» make a g* i-I an West and domestic * , . »!■_-- « : I have still on baud from the fire tii! n ir.»m »'entral Point. raili- 1 .<1 bu ■r.»eln i " llem three «lay* lat ‘ T Ì iy under the weight of Store II Judge ’ - saddle and Imnt** e*tahli*h- sufTivicnt roadhe«!. Vegetables are getting .*« aive hi *ome of every kind ami nu»kn : ’* arti< Je- l -«-m•■ , J v l»r li T inlow of Ashland, who wa* u«»m the Wot*« b»r th ” XV- ar. snow. mont is rere: iy¡ ig go<»ds con*t;int!y ami he- the* towns in the valley, but arc 'till plenti­ g»« to lhe S. F \ ariery Si«, e. A cumpl«-»< t'innnriul t. mbtint. Y. rapidly as the element* lhe man who wa* or«-ught to u . u tnun *vii-«:i*ty hurt bv a ruuaxxax’ horse a short in.. < \:<*ml. 1 A tine line of fancy stationery, in boxes, ful here hence th” price therefor has rais­ line of the leading toh.uc a!.* » k»-j»t there. w.-i permit. We are sorry to learn that A. G. Colvin time a- t . i* e.jn\ ales‘ent. < <•!.:.1 *i- .xph'i. Gohl Hill 'cveial Weeks ago in a « •■in| ara is being *<4d xt cost at the S. F. Variety i ed hut little So fur. Hyacinths, crocus«* and other early of Jack.M»nville has been compelled to make tivt ly demented condition, and who wa* 1 ' . i • Store. AfT/.c/Oi) !»ror»f»..te There are *ix student.- in the •‘state Uni­ tl«»xver3 are blooming in soiithern x »regon, an alignment. Th»’first attachment put of Ashland ia dangerously il atSan Diego, Siiiiu* \*hla» «l « vang« list* have Keen versity from Jackson cuiinty. The gradu- showing the grainleur of «»ur »-iim.it«*,an«l snl»-.«|Uvn!y placedin thecountx hospital, ’ I xva* .*• 1 *i«-k an-.l j»»w--| irited 1 woiii«l on hi* stock of goods he settled: but hi* e*« aprtl from the latter institution am! Cal., xve ure *«»’-r\ to learn. have given way tiling to yet well; and if . Portland rrvdih’r* having combined their i: idin■: -• •» v»« .* in the I . M L. Hall at itingcLi.** at that institution ot learning tantalizing th«’ inhabitant* . i the ice­ anym.u n.««l in-ur. i me the ”«>«••! in ilth wnndercal to Josephine county. He was J. I i bound regions east of the R ■ »<\ iiixiii - claims against him and ordered another nrodiic< <1 by using cimmon* Liver l.i.c R< gu- i t this x ear xvili be ten. < '.amimal in JudgeColvig s court at Grant'.* Sjin lator. ami cl.arg»d me a thousand •lu'hirs. i h'-r«-ha* Le« n mm 1. rain ami *no\v dur­ I attachment issued, he a-*!gm <1 in favor « I Bac»»n I* higher this season than it xva* tains. Pas* and adju iged insane, ami then taken ery e I would willina.'y haw pai i it -in fact. 1 », ;•■ I. K Dawson, secretary < 1 the Biisim** ing th;- pa*t week. :nt* riningled xvith cohl a year ago. probably because I The interc*ts of John and («u >. R. Ju*- to Salem bx’ SheritT Pat,lers«»n. grain and fl'».«Joo w ail 1 he w. uh le*s to me than I ( .J F-uj.ank*. ri piesentiug Kline A < ’< • Hen's Pr»»tectivv A--< • u«t. f»u the b- i »■- wtaiht r. *<» n.any hogs tu* in th«* real property «»f th«-Ju*tu* es­ what it 1« **done lor me. - Gcu. F. Barrett, < c«»rn v. a* *• arce, and not i J. B. IL’l ”-:! » .»f S.m ! r.im i*« !hv well- a S.m Fran«-! • > hat I. »use, p.-i hi* .l.cl. Macon. < «a. ttt of Lis rreilitor- Mr. < -1x1:1 gavel • tate wa* r«-«*« ally s«»;>l at Shi-iitF* sale, by Very little I aiu’X- ami le** oats arc n -xx were butc her»! a* n*ual. kcoxvii • .Icr of thoroughbred running sonvilte i’rieiul* a vi*i! Moiuhij liberal a credit ami money being v. ry on the market and pri< e* consequently Stti fl //»■.« /,»/»« .»nother xve-Ming will tak»"' place in town virtue of an ex»*cuti«»n i*.*ue»l in ia'.«»r * ¡1 •*- >*!« - to buy a • arloa l of Ih»gue scarce when he wanted it. cuhections we.v rule high. J N Got- I” : u, William* «-reek, the W. II. Bar xx •«* the Mr. b. i. Wb< ,,f Horse , ave. Ky.. n- xt xvevk a young lady uf thi* place an»! the Slat«-*»f (»!*••!. river xaii x «»it*, but i; unable to procur * Therefore I have to«) slow to stem the tide which had *t< i.a,jix afùicósi Which I m > <>ut as soon ns |x>ssihle. I xx.-!! u.H.wa manufavT :rc: « ; l imber ’ya* -.ns h.- Go t«i New m in Fi*her’$ fur L.-rgains in a pr-cuhient y«»ung man oi Ruseburg being purchaser. them. Ami y ■ many complain be. at:so I "iti. Ilitlii.;. hi,!,,... i|lt, ,,a!|,. made a stili GKEATEK REDUCTION IN PRICES. in against I.ini. Hi* asset.* » m »». «1 ibs all lint •. He is L«’und i » sell oat, ami the • • n?r:u-tin - parti«-?. I’he int.TCsi tin-laic R i«i-en >a!tmai>l; money i* *0 -» ar<’e in southern Oregon. in J;>. k-oi.vii' ■ a few d;;x - -in ; w < t <. ,;,, m 1,,tl„| .„me. iiahilitie* c»!i*i«lerably, and’xx ‘ hope to *,-< 1». I- M: .Viislia» • reek xva* in town Imr - a,im„t tlit -'v hiu, soon. lo«). * , mivul'io!» Pallett l).o< . insurant« ;ig»mts, have h»’ld ia the st«-.”Jing mine.* xx.-«* last Satur­ Our farmer* >iioulix botile* w hich he hu* a s'.ii’crio • a -<»* ;meui. M L hull at Taicnt uli Munday night.Feb­ ing done an extensive business here. They bidding it in fur $1L*I. «»r at tiie rate of they ■.. i*L tu Xlumhl I h Rr/x ah tl. H it and I! »uud». ...¡tri-,', tuie.l, alpi lm,l gaitie.1 m I fio.teii’j f. r the wtmie ¡»»««pc.iy oi Salt- he ¡<;„(nvl, D« l>. 1» Ri«. \\ h«< has been in ’he W-l- «11. . «•lgllUnn;d s<.iio«»l will il ;,<:t i mar»h £ < h relumed to l»-l..-ves !.. ,....,..1 | ridiculous town ordinance which requires Cha*. II « lev w »‘ t’ne winneroi the fine pr »bahlx Ire« .- xe recognition at the l.aml* lain»-tte vaitey on a While making tho preliminary survey . I- <1| l'or (he n-fi, i all.n.1, .1 l,v Electri. Uit- Ashland mm h i: >••«- \ cd in iiculih. The ‘ Tidings” *ay> ’.hat 2 _ ecu's per <»f the present i«,’gislatnre. Senator Wage r local organization* to pay a liceiue of $*• piano recently raftie«! uft it Ashland by for th«’ branch railr»»ad Frank llutTer as- l- :-. *'hl ai >-tore*. » •-i ta’iicd that M«*dford wa* about 17»» feet pound, live weight wa* pai«l for the tat ha- introdui a «ill dividimr the Si .m inf ' »rattle driven over tlu- n*«»nntaii»s by Ruins three normal-school he:»*. It is a shame tini* »-ur le t e uo y $011, th»* v.h ’l«- ;rie L..ichvr .»nd pm ker of pi,-, I nitf'rf»»Ill'll Migrrff. Fi.i lk Lang.'I ii’i* g'lut »■’> thtml and . ’ « wer than Ja» k*«»nvi!lf. (’«»Ir to A*hlai«l for Ciu.- Ho-lcx last even when ih *y play tor the beni lit For !.:mi w.i- i;; ..n> - Lu . v.c< K buxi­ U neict vail Probably a- much mi-yty coin*** from W. P. E'y -i.’ « ■■«•'i• him a* reman of the .M«---r*. Muiicr k*«»» and Bii'lsex week They xx< r« -ra»le slu»: ? ’ < and charitable .or r«’i»gious «»rgar ix iti«u<- hubjtual « ’»nstipatiun a.> fr«gu my »lerang«*- 1 .! ’’•_••;, .¡;ti ne * ‘ S- nt . propose j«’ xi.I-.I ' . ...I ■ all II ' ih*ir^t- ( <»unty. Ur«g(»n. plantcsl -hade tire* tin-re. t, j- | i\\ a a'i'i *i*t« r < •; AL*. lik« - t«» take th«* mediemps usually pr.- i - up««*’ ordinances, «tv. \»;e overhauled I.*! . . in A*h J’.nd I ;ca’*.r•). n. of I,i ” , ho F. lai « i- «1». riuiii«- i to < ’ l<»>«* out hi* F. R o | ht «»I' A-h'nmi. i* payin ; th*- latter »piiiig. we a'e linal-h* lo itx:.|* ine. w. to 1.. difl .>■ *. ai they • : death, s»’inc w»-« k* ago. ha- f fully 1c co»ervd and Sonip Covered m Javk.wnn- a visit. I i P » ’«• t , tei if <•» XXiClU'll ..’.»I E»*. s 1 1 In* >iuik«.*peare litcrarx -ociety oi lai entir« *t«»;ri< »1 ?n ■>■ 11n<•;-• ■ at twenty per ainl drive' J. R.-.pu’s yv.» • n e» u>wu ■ij Us- 1 r: duiilit whetlur ilo-ri »• I«. fh»n t >w I > .. :!’c not H»ng .-»nee. . hr.!:« n 25 .tills. At c i; ..4.:: *•'. J. with Eczamatous Scabs Ulte »!»** , , Judge \\ c*'*i< r ha - *u tar !'»’c«»Vvrvd l;«»ni p 1 «-nt meets every Sunday morning, at 11 « ent. te-low »•■•>t. Here i' a « har.ee for bar­ ’ ual. furiii.-bing tiig topic i existence which persist.* m enforcing ♦-.led m getting ner hu*baml < <>n. Uv IV WltU UM- J. Ma k A Co . pnipric..» I gains. Fixtures fur >ale and Sores Cured by hi.* ilhi»--s ns to Lc able to traa-act more 01 > o’clock X. a license law. Let i. be repeals I i cehent vruetai n Mur:»hy, rclea < I fr un the State peniten- ’ le-* bu*ines at hi* • Ru Hr 1* *tiil xveak. / 7 r / t it I 1ST. Cu i ura. A*hian»i lo«lg • ot I. it. (». I. uui promt M«»vlc ate m»t «‘«ng-.» well since the la-t Ti u v. Hince h:i arrival in < iUf«»rnia he Thu« . •tilibhll b'fllll. however. Tib-following ir m lint of letter* r «in lining in i hi» ‘ -or. R4«‘d <’i*:’i«t >«»«•*. * ix '• ««ttiui- t. ^uine* birtmiuy wa* wt«»rm » «Mum« n «•«’. i.n the loss is incunsid- • th« historical drama o< ‘William Wftllaco • has been appointed to a re*po»i*ible posi- ir» »hu K. <»f Eli Adamb o! Little Butte pt »lot died od v« .(¡i Ecz«mu «»f ’.!«• *r:dp. and at hi»M* a tbe eveuiug <>i .'I. V-'-||ay wh|i membered at Talent, when an >L - M'-lb Wiiricy ba- i-’.amcd from th»* Jacks-mville ¡•o-h fti.*»’ ivicalh*«! for Feb. 2, «I. ..1 pnruui» uf th«’ iM>ly. «-ver »in?-he wa.* two erable *«• lar. ti«m in th» ’ cu*tom-hou*e at San Fran- i*c >. suihlenly a fe’.v dux - ago. lie had starh«l 1S87. I* 1 .«»ns cullin« for tl *r teuer* will ple-s- ■> v i- ol«L h tietfun in hi» ears. nn«i » x?»T. « li:'gaii >n is going on, and I U itroi-^ ¿.aSf (,f characters. • ’.th«»ugh .lie xva* c«>nvi* ted of f«>rger say “iulvriti-ed.” for the well after a Bucket «»f water an 1. m- -c.’f. which b*»<*Min. cuvcr-d wit’.: *c.m- and Saturday evening Prof. W J. a fexv yen»** *iiiee. Verily. lime works I Laura. wh«».*e lit alth i* in a precariou* Bajifv. Mr- Dolphin«* r-Het*. and L««m which a bticky thud i*»uo*l «mt Jone*. Andr» w A Hungarian artict. who understands being absent longer than h«- *liould have th« re a ! ’■« i heavy (locket when circuit cauMMK uit’M.»«. itching an«l di*tr«-»». and 1« Hying lixered an able lecture an«l there were ««th- r wonders. Boiihaiib-. Jeroni ” Kvlukcytf. I>-1 ih j » <»miiii«m. the manufacture of metal and \voo«i orna- been, one of hi* family xvent to b»«»k after court convenes. L»>hair mntte-d nn.i hfel«’*». Underomtb U h *’ Boren. Wiu H Kn«»tl. ! ’harle* interesting exercise*. Judge D< l’eatt li 1* hern m h !.- the - km w.«* raw. lik** k piece uf fe-'fRleak Brown. Joshua ( KnrP ’ r. \ Tin* Yreka ‘ I ni«»n x ax * tiiat Col. John -t »,< m |- v .', brackets, etc , ha* him. and found his bo«lx lying in li \ rd Ja* Drum Im* frt-h < unm sets and al- niei:t* *ii« Gradual!) Ih«* hair cam«’ out and wa* deytropM. Burn*. Arthur Lev. W 1) We are pained to h» ar «>i th« ‘ 1 ath «»f th« L Burns will underiake ha/ irdon* trip | niemb r <»f the third boil*» ui.tilbuta »mallp .teh wa» h it at the !«A« k <»f 'l he cause of hi* death i* nnki;«>\Mi. P« n*.’d ;• -hop in thi* place Baker, B ayun ,n ¡5 Mac!i ” c. Mi — l^orlu ; ••• ! .> ..«!«i dower A I m », tin er]» brated agcl mother of P. B Whitney «»l Aridand. 1 ihe lirst 01 iu \t w«-« k across the Salmon trip to Y ujuimi Buy xxith the legislative < olinon. I M me h. t.i My friend» m lW»«»dy know h«»w wy 'dorati. Joseph presumably was Lear? «lisea*e Mr V *i ? -.'» ». Kll.tl A box of first-« I.ns envelope*, xvith your httte b<»> La- »uftti.ri. At imrht h- would < o»«;» r. Mrs Jane «■\<*ur~ i«>iii*ts. He li.» •> .*»mt- returned 'IcBride. I> rvi ’ year* «»i a g ;e and well re ¡»ret- ‘ < 'orn«‘y. Ja« o ?’» h «* u,-i ifie :*i»ia!l wa. t:i«i l‘f re’ ' ,,lH •‘’•«»’«•I iiim :; but *t wa* I »ou rla-s. < ha< I» * ^L K- m , (¡«‘oriic excellent trait* of rhar n >» ■ and r<‘*p»-< t» <1 : Arctic outtit, rouristing <»i a iur *11:1 and “;,‘U l.te.Jia-.rnuh, It-t. n.n.totb-1..»- I I. Angle .- i< i«b :-t oi I ’ ciin-ylx ania eral relative* ami a number <»f frinì«'-. I>ur atm. < bar M. K . .lolm -uni «4 < ■ i . nd jtq All iron» warrant**! • m Ncxvman Fisher. * by all xvho knexx her. ,-u.l »n.l to t ’ .H *•• - pl.>.«c.»n» m 1 ».«•'- Hi.. . ' I‘« m »L < arri«* snoxx’ >lvx—. l he ( »1. will al.* »» io** the and hn.thri o Win Anr’- «d Medio» I paid Ihmlap. XI is* l; I ..ut Ml.•«•.—. \I h - u 1 tlurtin..- fnend wh- ' l>.;vr . K 1; ' I l*re«l»*y. Byroi. I‘iir»! »,f •»ii«ie ho am»»unt ot *n«iv. box *, lies »»n \\ . H. Wi'-kliun. t >• well known r«*al- 1 ri-kix.»u* from Happy Camp t » < re-< < nt Ja< k-»nx :1b* .1 x i*it «luring the xxeck. , He ■ _ riiiw. I , I fb .-. bj Ihe Cnticura Beme I \ heavy »Top ’»* *•. -I'., -i? i->t!i < , , l!t» >. >n- mtu them. 1 b-gtn to u— t hem '••I'-a • »• -I tn« U'.«- t « < r.te <•{J«.r.t vs «n» ri»«‘ »1» unt«un*. »--pc« i.diy t? higher o:i«?*. ) estate agent. h i - rem »x • I h;* •nth* in this inis Ellis. f .i!m , • » ¡h” city on *m>’.v *hW«’ \vi*h \«»u a ploa*- ha* been *pemling sexi-rai month* Sdadm ( barici» , ... lMli'of J* >‘*O h.-*- ■* —montl.i» An.i «r«»wu «.j natural frntt I hik I witli«»ut iinc«- Fox. N oh it Subin L it ^..d «cmuie 1* gr«’x.ii.g in J.t .-’!!«• n th” porti » locality. ’ ■ tet! itv: <•: ' iii.- beautiful” ar«* r«*porh'd •mil ling on Mr- II .< k * :\*h!:ind. Hit j'»uiney ami 1 .1 f«- icturn. < -«I. I .i-tn'.e "* t - preennt, and it »* high time th.it t.i. » I*. W Oiweil of i’ii i nix ha* got»e to l»*on. Ib.Vid »ci th« *rikiy««u-< and (’asra I« *. Tucker, John wherein* is re»t> <«..• -a»»» ail' ^a«v'i".iv * »I hx i.ill*, on Monday • •«•»>. Culiilis, better known here a* Pop- of I,te -un-rmr*. tl.sl.mr ha. n tune-l. and >. stich rs ( alifo’niH tree- are Mii»j«-ct to Gilbert. < Lnrlvt- Vane»*. John I ‘ were looking ait-T their « Lil ' cu of-. *\ t ’ .n'k..: iVr.-te .>,! h.s-al,.» «■ tan.l. lea. San Dieg". » '.tl . I«.r the bi ’ iirtit «»f b * or«lers in his lim I'r.-mp! and • areful at- •n ••’««-x frui.i m xt M«m«Mv. Thru cuim>. i ¡»ere i* n<» matrimonial boom nowa lav-, eve t.e e ! : nd ’vh > xva* s nt to the p» n- • ò-C4«»r. \ndrew Vulvamore. A T T ihw «« w L.» «•« »trp.j : p.. ¡ri • planting will d«> cl.ihfi . ' th- wrld. I . Mima ano.igh well to net u) i-'i«- may have can-e t-» regret ft tn the Cut ire W.»*|iin«;t.,»|,8 birtlnhy Watt. l*aac 4 « m f'», purchasing else- * ' itenuary x ¡1/ :««■ fu»- killing •»■ «• II imiin ;» health, which Im* been precarious for Gr*V‘»ry. « I c mh ! ih« ugh the v.vathrr is propitious tor it. tc«Gi«.»> given 1» hn-im •*. tl ,» x ;,r. — no grstimde for thi»• w!75d< rfnl car. wli«»r»». <»:«*«•:'. Ah« ” •V.-> X •• « (Hiver We know of n » pl 1« v lb» *U«’ ««I tlii* out sometime p.i*t. IL xvrit- * thut Tie i-mu» h i„ >■ . I , >11.-10.. p..n..sli.-, I.n.l . .11 ►>.»! Exi ’ n the »-ounty clerk wo- ,, M c .»o f c» r to ( I.ivkamas county, several A p» lit u ’ .n asking a redu« ti«»n -t.cement ,-tm. which promise.« turn a larger ¡¡uml-er .1 orion. Mis” < ’ XViltfiif. S Ikolr«»:.d Sta’ j«»u i»r;i»it’»» l*H»»M. ( ruer of thing* ti«»r licen*»' I’rnin $.'*>»m to $1«Kt p. r annum !years a go, xva* release I through the infiu- itnpr«»ved. a d.1IhoUtexagm-n.t.on.|5AHi>,s r • tat«-, th»’ i"\ui b«’ing out «»f debt ami hav­ a ch i’i’! i* Mxx ?»lri 1 j : k . I’. M A. H. CAIMON. of worthless young men ami women upon Newt. B'-t j*. t«»rmerlx *»l thi* place is • -1 eof 1 A. B kley. th«.* celebrate 1 p »¡.: .!:,* k «mville J tine 12. ls> . ing $2»m »n the trvj*n -’- !*:iy y.Hir *un*< ription tn the TiMite<»ne an-1 *igr.e«l t.y kM \ » (h f ti 1 ** *. 1 ‘eaho«i.x. M a** the world. Some«l iv xve m .v hav- •» ■ a I! luft True 19 ill Hn wa* hi-i Tuesday pr» -» nted to th»> boar.I • -f ■ al l»o* of San I ram i*co. :i lifter having i lying dangerously ill at hi* pr.-*ent n -i- year in a Ivan« «• and you will get the New I have»«-«*»» Mr. M< Ka/'r »>•»> w .* n hadiy »«ffer*- I . tA. n-«»w. lornivriy of this place, is Tim unprrevtar," Detroit “Free Pres-“ ,,r man Syrup within :i lew r year* has astofi- 1 w j* Ite- j kno-r t’mt h°ha*«ln*«i <»ur tewi »»•«>- that that f»*ll de trover eon*unipfion has hy name be taken in the matter. ploy of I ’ hri*., ami is livi »gin the Lay city I' is ixithoiit (loubt the » . ian- .... I did all a f..’h. r .1.1.1 do for « “San Fran«-i*ci» hxa»».i»’. • ,».»,, i*h< d the wm ld territory, ami doing well. sair.-t and nest remedy ex-cry di-cov* r< d , „•. '..¡u. I.n' avail'd nothing. Ik."» tint .1« Every subscriber to th»’ li'ii- wiu» p iy* xxith a y ting woman xvh mi he marri I chiiiii- n«.» us that the weather In Tatrn. Th«* a vaie-e L’»-;iting *nrxeying party of A. I st it k La* *« .e»cd bi* connect a for th»’ *pt’<. <\ and ii«’(’Hi.ii« ureot Goughs - ,,i..n.ei;. hel .. iniul-joua-r. .aid- tl.. ...in.- his arrearage* w ll hr aw »rdc«l a year * >h<»ril\ aficr he was release I blank l.evere, agent for Arthur Kohn the <’ P. R. IL m >ve<| •« p of hi« hot bv Tour« tit iciira lUi.tednae’ tree m ■ « r. » . bt jbe nlamath ha* in i-n <|uit»‘ *torn:y on upper Rogue ami :* i.«»w « 'old*; and th • severe.*: Lung trunk l he bu-ilu-s* of the Jm k*on\ iib* Marble xx ith D. M. < »shorn«• A < '• •i< t < on an entirely lip’«1!' 'it prim ip'e fr«»m eurs partuular. ^ ( iam 4 M ( un HV river tor the past two week*.»luring which subscription to th»' ‘l-’ann am! I ire*ide.” a the leading clothier anti hatter of Port!ar-¿ ri.« r .»» H«-nley ri-i week He traveling for Krupp. Burr»-'! A <1 first-class agricultural publication. an«l a Work* will « «»ntinue right along under th»* the u*n il |.r«-*cripti »n given by phy*i film* a great de.nl <>f snow ha.* ialien. 33 F«»*ter St.. I»« ate »»ly. M «-* in t.»wn with a full hne«»( elegant >.im- line viaii*. as il «1» lhe breakwater mar .Lnlge Day’* re.*i- not n < r- rk ha* been repaire«! «**!*: t ufeura li«*»..b^j. *»n the hotter, tree of charge. A r.yb«»dx'»lesiringa tombstone, m »num» nt. 1 ami h is the reputation of being a tirst- the contrary remove : the < ausr uf the troti- ( „.«ura Smv- He thoroughly understand* hi* l»u*im•*.* lerminrd than »-ver tn build the branch For tn«- of the *!. <». Pr« ;>ar *1 by the POTTF.» Dbl «* «M” an«l is in a - afe «••”.n»tiun -lone coping, etc., will find i’ to 1h”ir ad-'' 1 ,x traveling agent. Li»’, herds the parls ;dl ’• t J ami leaves 1« m . Co.. Lost »n. Hu* preliminarx’ *urv<'v ot th-*J i ’k-«,n- and guarantees *.Pi*f i< ti m B-’-i !••* tak­ I road, b«*« ans»* it is a feasibh* project unit lhem in a pure y ............. In ;»!i by »«'U'liti«‘n. A hot- It is r«’p*»rte«| tha* there is two feet of x«*n«l for ••Haw •«» < ar- *Kin IH mmm *».” ville branch r ii.ro 1.1 *h > v* »ha? it i* - »n- vantag»* to call *o«m. a* prices have he»m ing orders for stybdi clothing, !>•’ will fur­ | vill •»«' «< great he»*”’:.t :« the town. de k» pt in I he h< >u*e f< >r n - • when the di.*- CI'AI ’LS BL *kte*ad». Skin I b mi»!««- :n*i«l«‘ruL!v. Fir*:-. 1;»** mechan- nish bats, raps, trunk*, v i!i*r*. vt< .. of *now at Grant’s Pa** and it xvas still snow- »•uses make their app« . al am ’ e \x i.l . * a v<- Joc- \'. . II Bui t.»» <»t J.i' k-ojiville i* paying tor * bill* and a hmj •g spell <«f serious »lines*. • turnout lor any occasion go to Plvmale, A triai 'A ¡1 -•onvii.'-i • • von of t b«--«- fa« t*. 11 Uril*). tn the remaining f un mile* there woi*. ¡-inn *1 out. S.ni-iaction guaranteed. thi* place a vi*il. J 11. WJ.i.»»i. »«..* rented Thos. Mr Kohn * udx ert ;*c»m nt in »no»| ■ r I for he will surely please you. Hordes is positively sold by all drmruisl ami g«*n- Kheunati-in. Nournl«!«. Scialò_ . Ku«A«i« n. is comparatively little gra»le. mi * mil ling at G »Id Hill ami wil column I Morris Mcn.*or. of Jacksonville, has com- ■ E. I . Laxvton und D. \V < r««.*lc. \v< re ut era! dealer» in i he ! m I. Prict 75 cents, ‘ boardcl on the most reasombfe terms. * Sharpatid Nervo«* I'atn* and W • ski.»*^**** a * a I non in it in a few «lavs. large b< ttj. *. iu*-m*e«| suit in the superi or court of San the county-.*« at during the- v.«‘«’k. ndw>v<*l in him * minute by (he < ntirnra John Bolt, administrator «»i th» ’ <**t:»t«* of ifftm I't i»ou can always find the Inti-rain Plawtcr. All dru»:mi . 2L < ha*. \V Broback i* mev a re*i«!vnt <»i l.ff \o.9htn Xn»'< r nt h tlnnfnj’n I'ortnnt-. • Francisco against right insurance compa- Kh M nos < « mmitti .-K. Kohli. A L lteumr. II irdxxar«’ tilixv ir«*. et«- . oi th«* l»e*t «|iial- « ••!.( . Potter Dnig < o:iip:.n>. Bo !<>n J. Nurian. I*. Linn. L O »L. m d H. K. iUrm«. . »’as(«-,t teams and best vehicle* at i’.-ird- Silas Draf>er, dec« ,-iM-d. will to-morrow -ell ihr following is a synopsis of the finan­ i nic-, t«> recover ?l«;.nnuf»»r the I ««ses he Hop«’l:in«l. Mt nlo' ill »• "I’ltv. (’al :t\ < li* :per tb.ii) <-ver A. I’. Maeglv’.*. Tl.«’ /»*•’.»« »: (*r« r> of basin»*»«« thr:»u»di<»ut the Mm»*. .-'»r thh , •-. in-'-of Ih-t' bidi'.n j n*s<-!ii» n•«• «•’. N«'il • »! G« !» J. r . 'I h»•’•*. ji - cmis to be no ubsta» !•• in the way vertisement on tin *ec«»!i»l pag» u-r«i tu p;y anytliimriluci charge fraud, n.oi t I.. < ■ Tu«--d ,y . I • I . ». . « y» r * ?2.<««• will yc*r. Il "<>•. eAprmlilr.r» * dmcg'ir a bid ' • i’:« rea*e the school-tax levy and TwkrG. »:, -1 nhru » o» |wr. Jo « n -i *« li' ’ «»l in ph«m<»'.- ipby id A ld.»i -1 au 1 claim that, wlieiea* the. stock was ip- jatprese t to prevent the building of the te *.c i .1 i ir » • t «•» !¡. <».«!• ■ - a' si“« a«-h i * regulate normal *<*l ’ ot» ‘ s J. A. Hanlix. proprietor <•! th«- Rogue ,4111c lime. II..»12 Ai suipin* < »1» ui. fr« m • al ti. ' .«-«Hi ¡/-lidi- •: • . in .In-, .-uni it* value at the time of soon. Jack*onxilk* branch railroad. Everything River Distiiferv. ha- ¿idoprt-d a m .-it. new *uri I arn that Jn«». Hall.Jr. of Rev. T. L. >al - ih«* eva.i’ « lisi who • » i «»»te r «. «*a-’ «»:» ' >s i’uvorahle for the coiiMirnniation of the he tire did n »’ rv?«*el ami thut i»n . * « Ih.-t •’till it f* vious exhibit was u ade.aiu.ntuii g to ^’.’o, i’ ugi - county, hut hi* leg broken recent­ I ( label for tin hottie* used in retailing th«* | there xx « - »’ also auspicious circumstanc e* made - meh an inipir* imi h«‘i «-. i* engaged t!«» ' CR? h” !. d . if T-. -Mt.«««» U» It. A. I) I! • nterpri*e. u N« ' ' 1 ' !. • ■ • • • • • ■ • , 1. i • , •» .1 a ! litpior niannfactured there, a lith«» r iphe»i leave* the *iim of |l!G.i;7 *till in the tn .: - ly bv a horse falling on him • -.'.'»n«*e!e«l xvi.h the «»i i,r.n «■:’ the tire. Th«’ in similar w«»rk al E i * R u’d in 1. hi* Lome •f a I mi» «* V. . o ' • - »W , « : -!»•(•. J iic i;it« *t styles in gent * shirts, neck- copy of Table Ro« k " ‘ a ; ’ * •urrouiuling* ury. This is an exveUe»>t showing. L«»gan. the Ashland photographer, re- ' “ »r -* -V V e a fs? a* a b irg .. » i ■••-y «Iwelìiiìg- • w!.«» «’ matter matt«’»* wiil tin t '< «e luliy v<*»i’! «»’•• re-. < t«ls. collar*, and furnishing goo«l* forming the prii.cipal p pjy I e.-ntlv to«*k an excellent picture of W. I. u*«’ ^«»t*far i’nc.n th” it ; .»I the town X •d. _• : crallx. > an always be found at i lie S. F»*« .«/•o-'»* Voffrc. * Logan, th«* \*hlam! ph.nog.apl»! is <«f !L M ••:-;»»•! of Jer-Fv « lt d • of . hrimid. F«»r p.*r;i< uiar empli? I . Va ■ \ 9t«»re Javksonvilh I’rt ••••* , Without a *iii-vil«.! »1: (»«■• . > > • i:’'. I >;f AU person- ¡ir» i.o’itivtl n d to »U ' ••-M l'.»'«>Lte \S dii .:»,* !»<>-. »-- i L«* h--¡t im- . \ \V:ii B « a* rrh* . -rd (. W . S(anfit ’1, ti i j • ' ! il. ! * ii di, « j : Lr«»wn*te»r«>. <•:. M' nH.-ij, t«»r , tei \ h*. «1. .»«i-jaeni la*l Tue* prov.-ni-.’ins in «he ar? -:‘»d !«-.;v» - nmhhu-- n ”iT n« »•»••nt in tin» penitentiary, and • »n■ . i* in ch:.-, .f - ««f ’ he I ’ent i »1 i I «»il*»*. Hint most comp »*!»• *tu< k »n the Nortli- ! Fc*braary 14. I***7. and no laick vili t»<- >-j ar«sl to I Mr*. H. G««iy, a *»»n. ! inak«* it » I»«* «*v« ni of i he m & m » ti oil any j r< t« n«v whatever • < r.*i«h ra «In b 1». . Ger p- i tioi «»■•- i».n I in u».«b*:jv to ph ,t- In« on’ii-. ;»»•« « »:-;t«.»m»- *. W» st . J >n -.*lh. t•» it-.mi '!;;•••■ . stftltrd l*‘i hi* b»>lm* ill i- h.i:!«Ui; r up i ........ i pair », .a The I! 1 LL.' I I !-..» • k R«s*en»i«iii I oinniUie- X!.«*'r T J ClotHot.. M» rehaut*, farm» r- aixi ^ardem*» «'tro r«-pi* *t- A la: • .-h” * «•:• *i • *'1... *.;»m ■ «« »I:.-. <«. A. HiibL.li a*4»n. , ■ • Th< - • **’l! h« * i «.» ì «I will ' be is en;«»y h. > .»:»< xten*»’ bii*in»---. » . W E. Iterrj ar«J W H. Jauuett ••••, cou .ty. Mr. Bri*»«»r wa- sen- I I».**: f>\ ,nd loduiuy* inrni-h«-«l at J-» o«i to write for ¡»rie» *. lh)i 1 i B In Si . ’ n Francise«». Jar. ’ _ ’ : «i. to Mr Fljsir Mai «*.’• r- M*s»*r». Fmv; i«l Gare, Mi)«» «ap- »»*t* 1 1 'teon Jil»L,e l‘.»y /time- «'..im • .» «I IP •* ' « » '”“i * • ,l Il l I «.TBA11 II < tTAKM.I I « III.»:» I II»» . •»« t «1 tn the pel'iirh*. :tiy *c. 1**1 .■■■ right » ••lit* each. Satisfaction uuarantcM*! * \o »-.-«-»it ?o. ih i .* in *11« b*.** : v» I I dlatcix Music vili I h - turni-!.»«1 h\ S. u » jc « i > and |>-«*lc.** li«>nse of p;.»k< a Li y, .n-t. •»* hi Ul j ye.ir*. :<>r vunplicity rii :» stage robbery BALDM IN - In Lii-.kvilh Jan. 2»Uh. t > Mr. and t P " Ni' *• 11. Munir I no an!«-d o.) h «* oiran b»- Mrs Mr* (LT. Baldwin, a *<»n. I Timfhf Unse, Ncxxiim;. I' -L. 1 mean ¡ nu i i- mining m::* L- *.«*ry »>« all kind*, xva- in the wb ■ h took p.;»«■•• »it southern Oregon. He .1. : Wiiri-i.H XV E . B« rr> . *; l ight.......... mi «-\ei*y band, il« ,1 * lyrtfrf \ tino *ii|>|»» r wiB 1 * furn^i »*! b> Mrs. Ji in«*» vide th; \\! s FOR THE i FAR Ir*’» \K* MW T»L I caie-c duri’ig tii« w»” h and 1«. -x a nu:i •»< r ;* th«* i.»t!i« r oi a large family, ami at the I Amt an external apf lienti»-n d P«uid 5 I • « Inda l mj | p r *.’,«■ All rimi UHvablr and fuel inx ommg l-ini.i.i» nt. Mdb*- T cket”. S / Dilli X Ite v.- . < i • •' -*»«tu ■'* p«»*b’,»lc ¿«mi «»t order*, that firm i* th«'; -ngiiiy reiia- : i i«' of his sentence hud eight children, Extra» I will *lop ami cure < •• uj I i *. » o!d*. Tbv 3‘*ti<-mui»»vnl !««in-' • ng st-4:k r ted. «vMMim r InllaiHiuation <»r H -morrhMge* ofaH kiml*. An«nrlj |«H>m«nt .«f »L«- W“ >* r«-«ju«*» si fe Hr» • . ♦ t.' ♦•v»*ry thí ’ ig !iju*t he *-»lti without regar»! t<» rime then three ,uf them have died. It i* '.veil t. » k»< p i 1. ¡ í I» »H t hi- »» in «ì '-i,’I « I 1 »I m ! tl • S»”- Hll«t lib and ‘hould he liberally pairunize«!. • »miei ft: ; V ' n IPH’N I ■ Il m H »- * G «.*’ i .. W * : n ’ i- o'Cfttcipu »luv i* br- ' j. i Ki.«mi»!. < . ; I I Scluoi Utx«** •»»:» I ” ill ’ ’ ” *« ‘ J ’ »««lint) I price. remedy at hard f«»r •!; • inrr/em u <»et Jan. ?tei »; f.iju < J i ■, of Mr. a? «I Mr» Win !*■*■»■ ?•»«■ j’ » L ■ ah»- i a”. I II« \ puli’* '.X ill be put in flic Postal Telegraph (’«» will pul in a ■ Through the inllm’nce of the Ja«V-««n mg f,.i.Hnr«*i in U - time •’•’«j tired L> I Van H«»:i.; * :n<»r thsa«:«! 13 diiys. It Tit«» job «lepa: : ment «•! th • T ixif * print­ tine between J.u k.*onvill».- and the main < ounty del«’gati«»n Bris« ur * -entence wa* . the genuin« á»»«ilf«l l»«-U*e »’» • U*«’« » THE (. NJ” !i*IGN! I». HA\IN«. Bl I N « oM. brtwren thi* place and l’hóeicv. S< ENA* Ki-Xu! i.(i — At I:«»*.»-'. K! « i «. i I nv«*r Í» • -I* » j1 I «.X-«'«•!!• «•’«•. *’f 4.1 - kr*-i ' • » Ir 1 |.«’ll«:<1. t a«HU.'h b'»«-< of > .rcuifit*! «n «•« -.. to »inmute«! ¡rom eight I«» thre« \«-ir* by < v« irit.g < f tlxis xx« « k ; ami s«» ing establishment is kept huìy. It i* gen- J •!«. Z?t il. Î s-7. '« i . ( . -.1 - S»*hf ..« k< ¡-.hfifej: :■»•« »1 line before long, when we will Lave the If/’nn ‘.fitii' tn' l.ifjnfK' liabit. J..rk-.evíi¡«*. fr«b. I. Jsri. <« .Vern «r l’- timo «•:• I» t- appointed J A tnuiR/w hin buRin • * at Br.wii't.«.?«>t« I.ILD hw - V» ‘.i mot 11.« n».»! il>l< n ■ * ti:l tí I ,t il ;>t '!•• * nìlx a*’km»\x i‘*d2**’’. that th«* !»*•*! prin* ing : I m *t of telegraph servic«- from two « om- <¡«>v«-rm»i M-»o.l\ . ami hi* term having e\- ( i ' < ur««l b\ .; I u iiti-i. ring I » -on *• crK»:r> « f th. M n |. »J:t H«»t«*<-tii. A mm «» Hain« * ’ i‘ha*t :iu of I’h'H’.n X ir I J II < layton of ! r«-d '. «‘slrftl.r. . hr xva* relea*« «I fr -m <-»m- <*i*i!l«»ti of Porti?.: «i. thi* 1*1.» g;v«* noti«*- to t(><»*«■ n I'<•••>■ '« •” ’I"' * 1 ' ' ’ civil» in i ■ up PUBLIC NOT'C JE **»uth o. S»fem i* dnii«’ li«*re. W« «!»t*r bj n«»te «»r Ituok nc<-<«ubt. jt will aH-.nl a r-T-' «-••»«’•>. ur ¡I Z.'l ' .'•»III tM'ltli««!,. m « «tijiil V. wh«’r»‘his f;.mi!x' i* i « in«liur>-nt «fi «Bec «H Ira '.vitbuilt the km»xx ledge «Í ■ that immediate p«rfn.*i ? murt I m * wtd«* t<» the ily p«< s|M-r«m lime* are i»i *tor« mr mir T«’ W r .»M ! I M XY ( ■«»•¡«•EWN • • . !» .. r. t ! a k _ b • H» 'I ■ • *«»•• «nd «I n ’ o »i »s • *t»ibnstic d -uliscríbw. i* .!• :»•<<|j «■«.:. n«*l s»H(te!c’s place, ju*t ■ It, .»f i -b riy. li<. a* :^n«*i .’«¡1 L irhc - i.ainl* for lot. «1 « .■:! <•»..,. . ;<* I su st Lav«* tha m «L inker or an ;i‘- "!.«>! «■ wreck. i p.*«rt‘«* n«»t m ’ th-’ ‘ ♦»¿i««n 1« >uiid*.ry line. » •!-:;! •!* •«: «hiinkard* !i.:\ I» en m.uL T ic - h S rib*- i . »i. » i»-i iiPT i,!f'»rni'’r« »!••■ »0- pa» h : i «l-Udíi I h«’in t P. du».«»r to !»«•«•*an • «la»* ju< i ’»'♦*. Win«-cu« .’«^ hi- fevifi* .«i Nerv »n* D«-bi itv .'I* diord ».» a*’ « r?ai»i th«* troin •iul.'—y a I , w i> 1 b** r«»n« inn« «i xt » h«» «»Id ta» «I t« !U¡-< : dr lie ’i ’.\h » }:.«* .• I lk«’»« th«’ G »‘«¡t-ll » o' - k 0:1% i!i«« «h J ht» will !» • h C3 • ij porro:; » x« . :»• with he a bu*».;.«-", p. • t«»ii’H’«* St<»rv if y«»u xvi>ii t » ami s *-i oi -?t;v-*. S «I«! a’, the City 1‘rii” full. *ortan*iit of rimmì «*. ¡ or February term oi 1 he county « »»n- I'.,I! at ibi- ¡¡'„.>.>1 m .»> I h -M.- "• lU. pr. r -'4J.- - S. <• -ji! in tlf-.r <*««ii «■ •• iih«ml their km wn for < :»v Msrsunl at die ««hr’ling tow.l «»ÌO :i'»*l, mx*«-!f ' > :n> mh »' • •*•7.«*! aie*: ’ pi.» c t«» ih<«t.an«l v»L it ubsia» I' - are to , . , T. J. • IXMTUN. \'i-l first- a** go.»«l> ¿md desire t«» as I r 'j ufuli . t'k- th- ir mu H i .«j*«-- I. it D im son ■c ri'-T«*, JackM>n( «wu.ty (Hi.2T,. pe-«: bv em m.jnicrvd in tin « mi*tt ¡1 Ii«»:i < f a !ir -siui.er.*’ a’ d proLult « »»uri- vil! be held ' rd.-*- mt l ‘«,-«t ; y '»• ¡’ \ e th' -. pH di‘.¡ .king brnwh r«»'?-«'1 11 J XV. SIMPS B> XV R ANDREWS. I,, h Atty. lucir ««XVi» live xx ni N.» Iianiiful clLect-s ! r';iL’t* "Í '• ** pri •** next wc< k . ________________ Ili» J h . km . Gite. F-h 2 l**7 T. I < I -Rte»)» F‘r.)tx »si>.*r♦ » l o.-p . a full railroad it i* now i»r- p*-»*d io do likcxvise .„„.I., .me.OU ■V'””' C ;;. '¡ ’•«•*11!;- from il* administrai ¡«»¡i ('tire.* /•«»/.• ron \ 7|H>»i’l.m " l'r in another »iirertiun- o < • uirai Point glia» i nt (I’d. Srnd f««r< i 1« ular.ind full par­ » Enin rrh I ii»-* n •! i » en Jumi I«» writing *<-.«»>• •'.in -t«-r xx iîl h'»ld '• t x »• « .- in A*h*an«l ;« nl • an I wii n«»I l»c iri'L-t' we l»*arnl x 1- ;* «'« tv prevalent ami excvul’ng'x *!i*a- • i‘»dniliiu. Jac k-oircdl«’'««metinu Lis month of the p - »pte of il‘i»’k •\V' N KEEGAN. .-lot* »! : » srrfeus consumption. Being a FOKfltMt. give hi. ’• ‘rill. <»Kt (4H. yompHDy will >o«t»i huv«* their lim* in .•or-!intti«»nal «!isea*e, it r»'»juir«*s a • <»n*ti- *. fií»v vent* in * :• p* to the T imi H 1>. Kublt id M •>!. -<*. »•.’ 1*. >• - ' ‘Tl* vvr\\\ would enjoy your dinner N erve R estorer < j 7 BR A n< & S’WXVB DlSW*SKS Only lurt «frart^oi receipt*. < i .vn//* : r/: r a>i-l>r«.ritrtrl. ! i>.t- ... ia «II f * fill. f‘r. IMF ALT 18L*« if t ’--3 d.r«rt«4. £•/* «.Hi Fra - "n lit« !». acting through th«* «»|< hm 1, reach”* pepbia, uno AcLcr’s Dy pcp'.a Tablets. ,..mepteie-e-.:er. l Wm Pen oh • ’*'• ll..- •e books ri 2-1 -o-‘Stale prepaid. l^ff y»v‘r »«-* 1- *'vs an I f a trixl l*nule fre< t'» 1 • •very »»art of !ti< ‘ system. vfl«-cting a ra«li « ... . ..... ...... .. . — ity '»I d'*d. a ’ l I w • lid -»».p **t'iilh for h THOS. CUINEAN, I’n ¡»rietet« They aro a pneirivo cure h r Dyspepsia, In­ Mo*: of the grain n» th«’ » isco vvciything \x«» »hl I m - rca«iy f«»r busi­ nPitpstieno • *^e*:’re»ferh*r^w»Anh*»x w'.^n , few nights Imft.r- ' «•rr.~l *• ''>« •; | M..J.1Î ‘ -, c>! men wL«» lack vigor and vi­ price xx ih «»l»’a u • al and permanent cure of « atarrh in ev«»n -r.il - ip’» >:•» f< »-H t-r- «- »ters of J tckta»iivili«-, -• I*. (» an» rwp-e -, ad-in- ,s ■ I I digestion, Flatulency end Constipation. li;» J afllktod to I » I"*:k.0^1 Ar< ». St-?rhi>uJ«lph«i.Fa. at ih«* «*b*vt.on uh M ,r L 4th. IP ' ‘««- J ; u «» p «1 1«. r!... r,i-' •* uiiM.ri J ta „...I. s.arr.al’have l.«cn m . h; *;'•* *' , tality can I m ctir’*«i hy Gi'.nmre s Aromatic vail«-/ h«”l i-e»n sold before líbese rutes ness on Feb. l.-t. bu! this was a lit:!« pre­ its m«.*t severe form*. .Made only l».v C. I. a«. »«. ia «. ut 1 We ^¡uArantco them. £□ and ¿0 cents» -Luu city. * iJiieve.i that the < ulprit» are old oil. ml- J W. R ( K. lluwd A. t o . Lowed. Mas-.. mature. xx tre ubiuii.ablc. Wmc. Fur sale al City Drug Sb»rc. ÿfs in that cumiuuuit). IÎ NOW l'N TOWN FRANK LEVERE, KEP3ESÌNTATIV£ CF 9 HATTER AND CLOTHIER, 33 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON > AT THE U. S. HOTEL, '«A Dress and Business Suits, Overcoats, Panta­ loons, Underwear, Hosiery, Overshirts, Etc Etc., for Men and Boys Hats and Caps, Trunks and Valises of all kinds always in stock. V rÄZ 0UR re,CESM£S® WW AS »0 DEFY ALL COMPETITION. CALL AND SEE HIM! 9 DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS. DRESS GOODS, WALL PAPER. CftfiPETS. HOUSK-IINING, GROCERIES i TOBACCOS, M. MENSOR. NEW THIS WEEK. REDLAND NURSERY, A CHILD’S SKIN. A. H. CARSON Prop’r 30,000 TREES M Apple. Pear. Peach. Plniu. Prune. Apricot. N r ctarine. Almond. Etc. Kelsey Japan Plum ! TRUE TO NAME. JACKSONVILLE RAILROAD, IN ONE MINUTE. FEBRUARY 18th. 1887. G BAKU BALL 65 Frist Si., POBTLAMI, CP. Biunvxs BORO T Notice to Tax-Payers T Important J’otice. ANN JUtWC SMENTÌ. M ■ TASTOPPED FREE i