H K It i: UHITEO STATES OrEISIAL HIM KIHDAY JANUARY 21. 188: OCR CLURH1NU RATFS WITH OTH­ ER PUBLICATIONS, .< X J> th K It F. Are you made iniserabe by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, I ajss of Appetite, Yellow .Skin? Shiloh’s Vitalizer is a posi­ tive cure. For sale at the City Drug Store. Farming is now iu statu quo. Whenever you need a first-class livery Read the new advertisements. turnout for any occasion go to Plymalc, for he will surely pieuse you. Horses Fresh tins at the S. F. Variety Store, boarded on the most reasonable terms. * t’nparalleled bargains at N. Fisher’s. Newman Fisher means business and is Old papers at the T imes office very cheap slaughtering goods on every hand, lie Read our new clubbing inducements. wants to close out as soon as possible ami Hurrah for Jacksonville’s branch rail­ everything must be sold, without regard lo road ! price. • Hettle your arrearages and make the prin­ Justice Hubbell recently bound over a ter happy. female resident of this place on a charge ot There will be no circuit court until the entering the dwellin^house of a relative and removing some articles without «hie 11th of March. authority, A. G. I ulvin is closing out and selling at T. J Clopton of Brownsboro keeps a full very low prices. and first-class line of general merchandise, lhe roads could not be in a worst* plight and will not be undersold anywhere. "The than they now are. proof of the pudding is in the eating, ’ so Tlie weather had moderated somewhat give him a call. * as we went to press. S hiloh ’ s V itai . izkr is what von need for Nature's remedy is what they say of Constipation, I a > ss of A|»pctitr, Dizziness Oregon Kidney Tea. and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 Jus. Saltmarsh and family paid Eagle and 75 cents per bottle. For sale at the Point a visit last week. City Drug Store. < barley Bilger of Portland has been quite Representative Miller of tiiis county has sick, but is now improving. introduced bills for the relief of A. W. A number of items and communications Presley ami to exempt bicycles and tricy­ cles from the (»¡»eraiion of the existing law are unavoidably crowded out. Pay your arrearages at the T imes office relating to them. Oregon Kidney Tea. Bad colds are popular. The tire company should be very care ful to have their engine in lietter condition at the next tire than it was at the last There is no excuse whatever for not hav­ ing it in lirst-class working order on all oc- I i casions. 1 lie trustees spare no expense to have an etlective lire department, ami it is the fault of the latter if the engine does not work as it ought to. rumio* ai . ME.yrio.y i. O. O. F. Inntatlation, 1 N. F. Steadman of Ashland was here I last week. W. H. Il.irr, of Medford precinct ; Us a call Momluy. Frank Presley bus, gone to Modo. Cal. Success to him made ounty. ■KN 1'A*’!. "Ai; COST ! COST !! COST !!! Pilot Rock Encampment No. 16, l.O. O. F.. of Ashland.—The following officers i Soother at hand, ft is the only safe were installed Jan. 10th, by W. W. Kent- medicine yet made that will remove all nor. C P.: Abram Bi«li, H. P. Robt. infantile disorders. It eoptaina no Opium Taylor, S. W.; M. N. Long, J. W.; H. C. or Morphinr, but give® the child rat'iral from pain. Priao 25 cekts. Sold by Myer, Hcribe ; E. J. Farlow. P. S.; J. R. Drug Store. Casey. Treas ; A. D. Helman, I. 8. Hope Relxjkah Degree Lodge No. 14. I. BORX- 0. O. F., of Ashland—Officers installed Jan. 11th by A. D. Helman, D. D. G M. , WATT- In Jack«onvill»>. Jan. 6. l*-*7. tn Mr. and Mrs Jas. Porter, N G.;Mrs J >hn May, Mre. G. H. Watt, a daughter. Sec’y; M. N. Long. P. 8ec’y; Mrs. M. N. Long. Treas.: Mr* Abram Bish. Ward; MOORE -In Linkrille. Jan. I' tli, to Mr. and Mr», ('hai* S Moore, a ««»n. Abram Bish, <’ond. H. T. Inlow. I. G; Near Kertiyvilh*, Dec. ihh, 1HNJ. !•♦ A. D. Helman. R. 8. N. G.; E. J. Farlow. HAVEL1N. Mr. and Mr». John Ravelin, a daughter. I-. 8. N. (». ; Mrs AbGidding«, R. 8. N G KELLOGG. Al Kerbyrille. De»*, lhh. 1^*A. to I M rs. Mary Hutt jii , L. 8. N <«. Mr and Mr». J. F. Kellogg, a «‘»u. Table Rock Encampment No. 10,1. O. O. In Grant’» Paan. Jarr »»th. to Ma. ’ F.- Installed on Jan. 11, lb.*>7, by fcila* J. WILLIAMS. and Mr*. B. A. William«, a «on. Dav I) D. G. P Newman Fisher. C. P.; bilas J. Da/. H. P.; R. H. Mcxjre. R W.; George Rievc, J. W.; J. A. Boyer, Scribe: X ARK IE It Herman v. Helms, Treas. Jacksonville Lodge No 10, I. O.O. F. BRO« KMAN LIGHT. On Jan. 11th. al th« res­ idence of M. Brockman. by John G< mm 1«11. J. Officer« installed Jan. 15, 18A7. bv A. 1». Helman, D. I), g . M Wm Deneft. N <4; I P., .Milma H. Brockman and Mis« Minerva E* Light . all of Josephine county. 8 J Day. VG; W H Parker. Rec Sec: K Kubli, Treas. J A Boyer, Fin Sec; R H Moore, R 8 N («; A H Maegly, L S NG; on:u. Fred Luy. W; E Barbe, Coml; A Chafe Fite RfiiiMiiiing Sf.H-k M. He came to California during the j ¡"K Iits-kf-ioiiVi 1 Is*. < gold excitement of 1 Mt*, and in 18st came Miss Issie McCully has been paying sa- to Oregon, taking a donation claim on the I lent a visit, accompanied by Georgia Mer­ , ----- vili I m * h »I«I nl----- eAst side of Bear creek, w here lie resided ritt. till death. His wife and family also came It. E. Reese of Paulding, Ohio, who lias HORTON N«ar Bonanza, Klamath county. Der. ill the pioneer days, and the former had a Ruth Rebekah Degree Lwdge No. 4. I. O. 29i li, I MH. Mrs. Rebecca Horten, widow »»f th»* been paying this place a visit, left yester­ late W. li. Horton. donation claim adjacent to his. Mr. B. O. F. Installed Jan. 17. bv A. D. Ilelman, day. I I). D. <4. M Mrs Mary Krause, N G; Mrs 1’RENTK'E In Poa valloy. Klamath county, was highly respected by all who knew him I Dec. Xlat, D«*lla M. Pr«-nticc, aecont». P Britt and K. Kubli, during the p^st It was ordered that Sam i Cook lx; grant­ Jas. Murton of Klamath county ami J. —In Murphj precinct. Jan. «. 1W7, week, both of which were attended by quite ed the privilege tu carryan irrigating ditch P. Brown of Phoenix were in town «luring New Haven, Conn., ha« received the high­ I McFADDEN George Hugh, «on of J. S. aud Kate McFadden; across the public road, near the residence est awards ever gh en to a piano in Cali­ aged 1» months and 14 dart». a number of lhe young folks of this place ol the week. Wm. Pvrnoll, in road district No. 19, up­ fornia. At the state fair in ls«4 it received | ami duly enjoyed. on the said »Samuel Cook filing in this court J. F. Munz, an extensive »t*.»ckrui.»er oi a good and sufficient bund in tiie sum ! Klamath county, made thi* place a call the highest award for tlie best piano, and j The raifie for four first-class sewing-ma­ ANNOUNCEMENTS. of 1*309. at the Mechanic’s Fair of 18*6 it was given I chines has been postponed to give every- It was entered that Fred 1». Wagner be 1 last week. a special medal ordered struck for the up laxly a chance to buy tickets. Quite a awarded the vacant scholarship in the « »re- I OR CITI W.i RhH 1 1, Wm. Rail*of M«»nru«^ Benton» »»uni\ ar- right instrument on account of merit «u- • Th«subscriber in thia manner inform«»* the vo. number of chances have been taken.so don’t gon State University for this county. ri\e«l thi* week,i»eing a witii**» tor (he cir ­ perior to that of all others un exhibition. , ter* of Jacksonville that be will b« a candidate In the matter uf the establishing of n land and will probably locate there. neglect it too long. county roa»i in Flounce Ru« k precinct. The cuit court. I Messrs. Hunsaker X 1a>dge are the agents I forCitj Marshall a! the ensuing town election, Jail UtUrrry Attrut/Hril. and r‘*p# rtfulJj asks tbeir sutti ages. J Dodge and J. D. Pankey of Willow county surveyor appointed at the last term We call especial attention to the adver­ We arc sorry to learn that < apt. Jas. here for the Mathushek and are much i J W. HIM PHON. I he prisoners conlincd in the county Springs precinct were here this week. tisement of 1>. M. Ferry A Cc. of Detroit. ot thi* court to survey said roa«l having Barnes' health i* not so g aul as it La.« been gratified at the instrument they represent failed to perform said survey, Jas. Jeflrey jail Geo. Williams and D. Kincaid—were FOR TOWN HARSHAI. The Ashland Brass Band will give a bail Michigan, the groat seedsmen. Their was appointed surveyor ami W. J Rodg­ here lately. having thus carried‘>0 the honor« in severe ' one day this week discovered by Shentt andsup|*er at Granite ball on Feb. 22d. goods are first-class and need no recom­ ers, C. C. McClendon and W. J. »Stanley The undersigned herrb) announc**» himself as Messrs. Plotinl and Penthern. represent­ competition with other instruments. I a candidate for marshal. subject to th#* decision Dean in a plot to free themselves. Tlie viewers. Ducks have become more plentiful on mendation from us. of the people of Jacksonville a» the town elec­ Ordered that the ca*t line of road dis­ ing a nun-compact fire insurance company, Ashland Tidings. former liau luaiiulactured a saw out ol tion in March. OWEN KEEGAN. Il you want the best newspapers in the trict No. 13 he ehaugetj a> follows: Com­ are in town. tlie creeks and hunters are ill their ','lory. the steel shank ol one ol Ills boots ami had Mil! Here, but not Still. land, you can get the lowest p»»s*iblr sub­ mencing al a point where tlie west line of l>r. tieo. <>. l>eBar is having a neat little • roR w ir > hai . made considerable headway on the hinges \ ict«»r Bellinger of Portland, returns«! Messrs. W. B. and C. W. Pallett, of the scription prircs by taking advantage of Sec. 1G, T. .’J»i S, R.3 W. strike* Rogue river ‘ ilienee along said line north tu the N. W ot tbrf iron dour, having also made a cou­ office built adjoining his residence in this home Monday, alter having j■ • »«I tin*.place Wthttrn Mutual Invistment and Life In­ 1 hereby aunounce myself a c.ndid.te for the T imes ’ magnificent clubbing olTvr. t urner of sanl Sec. Id: them e iu .i northerly a bri«*f visit. Ci<> Marshal, and would respectfully ask <<»r a ple of skeleton keys with which lo pick the place. surance (. umpany of Beatric, Nebraska. Idw'r. ’ il support fr *m »hr voters <*f Jacksonville, direction to the summit of the ridge tlivi l Don’t delay too long. lucks ut the oilier doors. He had hid bis A tine line of fancy stationery, in boxes, Hem*) Pape >r whoj^:** L t . • i ..iitined I l i c lately called upon and don», business at the election en March t»h. mg the waters of Rogue river and Sardine i Amusements are quite numerous in Jack W H i ODK. louis in ins straw tick, as alsu sume provis­ is being sold IT « osr at the S. F. Variety creek; thence along the summit ol *.ii«l t<> his r«»om with rhcut:».tti*.m i* a’ lo lie with many of our best citizen.- in tfiocity sonvide this winter, two or three evenings ridge tu intersect the hm* «>f r»»a«i district • ions tii.it had be< n saved tor tils proposed Store. and through the country. And we are a!>unt again. I ut each week being «lcvote<| thereto. Our No. 27. ! JACKSONVILLE RETAIL MARKET. trip into the mountains. One more night’s Eggs have tumbled to b;-., cents » dozen »t the relle m»y aetcralM U m ratted date» fen.toni.tr in Jtnrj. Jost Ordered that Jac«»by Bi»»- of «¡old llJl Gvo W ('«M»k'rv.« i « . ntra! P»»inf and gla ’. to .»l fudgment town is among the liveliest south of Eu ­ or 11.00 la elate, vlll wear, you tbe Am. AfrUuliurui rEoz r Gerniaa , for 1SS7. work and \t iliums' etforts would have suc­ in ttiis market, being quite plentiful at that by »»r. tin/in tin .»!»<••»< • :mcd »mpa«iy. be authorized to turnish the llMd*<>n f.im- tn»* Steph«.n » Uhland v •< here A trMt >teS of nrw Weeierc srrtt.n *111 irecUPy ed.rt ..lurIn, u(7) it. gene city, ami no mistake j ily with provisions, etc., to the amount of ceeded. In oieinng the dour ill question price. with h provide. a pr •» ti during the week AMKBICAN AGBlt'l'LTTRIHT to *Mtera AzrlcultiitT.makiat It, *ltb » at lhe expense of Jack*un « ounty. As the greatest pain-cure. Ht. Jacobs oil the .Sheriff noticed that it acted peculiarly, iu th* event • • ! alh an <_ RCesl»ddliloM mJ tarromarot., tk. roeoentx«4 «uth .rt'y, u furtortf-kve Jas. Herd lias gone to tlie Swindell ledge In tlie matter uf establishing a county S. L. Benin tr an»l M» rriiuaii <»! M.d. f* r <»1 I age. It i t»» ! h I is recommended by public men c.f Amorita i ruad from Centra! Point to Eagle Point. y.*re put. tn Ml SMtiere pertelnlnf lo Acrlealiun. n .rtleutture.rte .He. and further examination revealed the d in order to straighten out the quartz mi li fur■ !l>. .......... .................. -• Wm. M. Turner ’“still confi»oph»* : ri!»,.. .................... (»1 taken at tbe T imes office. • Mam-, • Oak school-house on Sunday next. .................. 1J uvei an4l ab«»ve those contained in the re ­ Immense bargains are Pt**!*-. J. Patterson, uf A“h!and precinct, »i»e«if N. W. Ayer»V<’o.. Philadelphia, issue a monstrance tiled m tins court. .................... XU Rev. A. H. Sundertnan will preach at every line al Merritt’s cash store. Give !’••;« h ». “ .................... lo substantial, practical calendar, especially | The following bills were allowed; Roads »»nr most entenuisinu' farn; c>. n. l-ie thi* 5L.-. WSFS Sorfc*l.mn »U.I.»--. - | ht galkm.. .................... «XI the Chimney R»»ck school-hoilse Sunday, him a call. ©ar Freaident» wer* reared oq term», af retired from public ilf« tu rural ecrue«. < lurk» n», i » - I»*.- . suitable for business h»»uses, etc., with fig­ I .md bridges, >’2-39 10; Road supervisors, town a vi*it List week. S- The American Agn 'u’turiat »• now publishing end are ding tree la ell «ubecr!b*r», p**?«» 2«». indigent persons, |17.itiv.-ly the last chalice to get ures that can be read across a large room. 'attorney fe«.*s, $25 l<»; examination of in-1 I'x-S!i< ri!T J.ici'Ls i* cngage«l in ¡arming. Hi-1»-« it 111 t>. _ .'«I Homee. together with »pedal deecrlptlv« paper» by Jatue» Parton. Donald ¡'here will be no religious services at | giMals at cost at th ■ ■» F. Variety Store. It is well Worth 25 cents, which just covers 1 >anc, $lo , examination uf teacher«, $1: jan­ »»;•.’::ig lately t'ik< n p<»**<>.*«i«>n c»f t’.c S|y D««*r»kin» Mitch» 11 and other entlncni llvbap AiutrlcM eutuur». Thcec Lagmvwc» Gu&fULUUl ..................IMo’jU W« m »1. Spring Railroad Traffic Interrupted. ................. 17 to'JU itor - salary. $LS; repairs on court-lion«.* iaim x« ar < vntr.tl l*»»int. either the i 'athoiic or Presbyterian churches Jacksonville postage amt packing. B»ff’f I and jail. $ I 7*». i»< ••.»»•' . i . k . stationery. $.7u Owintto high water and slides in the Mutton in town on Sunday. Mis*» N-hi Ibi's-v'l " ’i. Li.irg'' *f th«* The T imes job printing ami stationery |U“ti(-c's c»jurIs. $l»r_*; board and wa*hi:ig Official nonce ot the adjournment uf the ........ 81(. iu < '<»w < re<-k di-tri* ? and «»thcr pla«*< s • we«*n Pork Prayer meeting will be held at the M. E circuit court will be found among the new department is the most complete of any | lor pri -oiier*. ^.V’» •’ »; • *uid\ prmiiny. A>hlanti o t -'•h»»»'l pupii- d tic* < ol- Kau » a ;«« .. .................... .............. . >’-'S !»••>« t.ur- .ill <»rmt* Bas-», th train« of $■* .«•; c-'Unty ollicers, $79.3 57. church in tins place every Thursday advertisements. outside of Portland ami Salem, ami does legv huihling tin* sixth irrade eeitrd table er 'framed) for the well» of f*rlnee or Peaeant’e home. the O. »V C. r iih't >’• proprietor, to m- president, S. J. Day. .Max Muller. Da\i I rnpuato«! during the season. count of liie order of Eastern Star having crw.n usd extend It. clrccinilcn. li, cm.tent. .r. dupUc.'ed t'v, uofiUi for Rev. J. R. Roberts hohls services at .\n- boro, inhirms us that several inches of only a small portion—much smaller than • QcZtaMEdition. wblcU .ixt circulate« «Idel).’* an annual meeting on that lav. Th»* con­ < ’ronemillcr. The combination of the varioua liuvh on the coiuing Sunday. On the fol- ever has been pniil In. snow fell in that section this week. Price, 81.50 a rear i ttlacto Nnmber., 15 cent*. remedial agents used. (’roncmiUer A Birds«*} '» bill of f.i .»»•. for cert will therefore take place on Saturday. lowing Monday evenin at seven o'clock, A. H. Whitney, representing Dr. Ken­ . Send »lx centa for mailing you Specimen The best of meals furnished at the Shiv­ Jan 22d, at Granite Hall. work done, was referred to the ¡¡nance be will be at Gold Hill. The proportion in which the roots, Number, aa-pune Premium aud Hampie M. dall's «elcbratc«l horse medicines, paid er House in Jacksonville for 25 cents each. herbs, barks, etc., are min d. W. H Wickham, th«* well knowa real- commit tee. Proof of linifra. inicn of “ Home» of our Farmer i Satisfaction guaranteed. thi “ >»*vti**n a visit » few «lays ago. < haityr in Conrt Sillimj» Prof^^.ird Jos. S o I oihoii - bill w.is icported upon fa­ Prealdenta," together wttb Dcacriptiou by estate agent, has removed his <»tli< ( to the ! The process by which the active The pre»« nt terms oi the circuit v\»tirt for Byron Pr«**!vy, who has been teaching Nerve, life and vigor restored in men ami I building on Mrs Hom k’« lot. Ashland. vorably by tin finance committve and or­ Jamco Parton. PoUuia»tcr», raise cluba. Ad*lrcM medicinal properties are secured! tin« judicial district are generally

y using Gilmore's Aromatic Wine. I where he is always ready t<> execute ali dered paid, as also that of C. C. Beekman. »chool at Brownsboro, has returned tu cuiiYenicut tor otljcials, attorneys and lit 1- For sale at City Drug Store. The result is a medicine of unusual strength Smith and Taylor presented a bill to the tunn. lining closed a successful term last ' orders in his line. Prompt and » arcful al- and curative power, which effects cures here­ [/ gants alike and it pruposvd to correct this board for |.3!).ut>. for work done on break­ *V..k, • A |s>«tofllce has been established at • tention given to business. tofore uncq-ulled. These peculiarities belong as much a« possible. Represents tivt I Lake creek. Chimney Rock precinct, with water, which was «»rdered pai I. J Dr. .1.11. < hitW u » m ! i.* at Sa rm looking Every «uhscriber to the I imi . s who |»ays exclusively to Hood's Sarsaparilla, and are Th«? committee appointed at la»t mat­ ail« r the interests of the A-hland normal Buwdilch has therefore introduced a hill Jos. T. Delk as postmaster. DAVID W. «11 DD, Pub., T»1 Broadway, M. Y. ¡his arrearages will lx* awarded a ycar- for this purpose, which we h»*pe will pass. ing to take in enndderatmn the amending school and other matter* atle< ting »»»utln rn t Send fifty cents in stamps to the T ime « subscription to lhe “Farm ami Fireside." a UTMOST L1BEKAL INDVCBMENTH TO CANVAK8KM. 1 It provides f<»r the following sittings of Notice, of our municipal charter, so as to issue Oregon. office for a book of notes, drafts or receipts. fi^t-cla*« agricultural publication, ami a I i JSulionl tax becjnies delinquent on Feb. I Hood , Sarsapanlkr is prepared with the bonds on the credit of the town, made a «aid court J<»«ephine. county, first Mon­ P. B. Whitney, ot Ashland, the wide- I copy of Dr. Kendall's celebrated treatise Three book« >1.25—postage prepaid. greatest skill and care, by pharmacist, ot day in January and second Monday in verbal report to the effect that, so far as to awake traveling agent uf the O. A <’ R R 1, lv*7. If n »t pai.I at the office of J; J. S hiloh ' s Cornu and Consumption Cure on the horse, free of charge. July ; in Jackson county, tvst Mondays issue bonds to interest the town in a rail­ Day l»v that time, the «ame will I m ? turned education and long experience. Hence it ia a (. ’ 0 . returned from Portland last Sunday! in April, September and December; in is sold by us mi J guarantee. It cure« Con­ I A new lamp has been erected on the cor road from the t»>wn to th«* main line, it morning. over to the ,<>ht*ri>1 for collection, whereby medicine worthy ol entire confidence. IX you suffer from scrofula, salt rheum, or any dis­ . ner of Fourth and Valley streets, in the coul'l not be «lone. additional costs will lie added. Klamath county, the second Monday in sumption. Sold at City Drug Store. ease ot the blood, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick Perry Foster and W. I'. Beagle, of Table June and tlie first Monday in November; The Ashland W. C. T. V. and I. <>. G. T. northern portion of town, which will prove The committee on public improvements J. H. lilU EK. headache, or kidney and liver complaint,, R» h k precinct, made the T ime * utlicv a call in Lake county, the third Monday in May Imlge will jointly hold an open meeting at • piite a convenivtwe. Lamps are needed iu was empowvrvl to let a Clerk of J.i< ks<»nviile School District. catarrh or rheumatism, do not fall to try last Monday. W. 1». Furman was in town other places, and the Trustees should not and th« se»nd M >nday in Octol>er. The the Presbyterian church on Jan. 2,5th. further planting of trees .no > a » ro lo i V. 1« so slow in providing them. the same da\ • bill is favored by Judge Webster. water. Middle-aged men who lack vigor and vi­ ■ The many friend« of <^uincy A. Grubb«* T he ordluaiiev ('apt A D. Helman, ol Adil;»nd. was »n -1 rcco-.ijiiend Hood’s Sarsaparilla to all i«» the dcstrm tality can be cured by Gilmore's Aromatic <*. •»/ /I. my frknds as the beat blood purifier on wilt be gla. F The only iH-rsons who are averse to the Hall in this place last Saturday evening, “ Hood’, Sarsaparilla haa cured nif of »< rof- been failing, but now he is much better, said ordinance be num!x*rc»l !*», ami being lotlges at this place. utnHS hmnor. aud dene mo worlds of good under the auspices of the C. of H., which further postponement of the circuit court and on to a fair road to recovery. He is put on its Enal passage, all the members Frank Ennis and Theo Cameron return­ otherwise.’’ C. A Ar.Nul.n, Arnold, Me. was witnessed by a good audience and gave are the two prisoners in the county jail. a* Wilbur, Douglas county. present voted ave ed from Galice creek last Saturday. They A book containing many additional state­ general satisfaction. The address of Win. Rheumatism is primarily caused by acid­ I Much graia has been s»>l-partner»hi|». NEW THIS WEEK by <". F. Smith and Tommy McKenzie. Magnetic Elixir. Sold at City Drugstore. the larger citie«. As he uses the latest im­ We will s«»on commence semling out under the firm mi mt* of Lewis A Young. ger uf the amateur troupe which promises provements in the art and leaves nothing T. H. Stimson. H. H. Wright and others, The affair may >>e classed a gentrne suc­ t«> furnish much social enjoyment at that statements <.i account to persons indebted who have been canning a lot of tine veni­ undone to please his numerous < ustonvrs, Ih has been with Mr. Lewis for of I»el Norte county, Cal., ban bet n in this EtUta-prite at l.inl.rill- Jacksonville, was totally destroyed hy lire paint-shop is offered for sale cheap. For now occupied by Hatfield A Herrin, to 1>. about a year past, »ill remain ;«ud von I rib- section looking after mule«. He ma«ie the cem«d will tak«» notice that, owing to the sick** H Jiidge*« saihlle uuil *- ' ,. , last Sunday night together with most of ..ame«« estábil*h further particulars enquire at the T imes R. Mills ami H. B. Carter, lately of Iowa, ut«' his shi.r«* to tiic comfort of the many T ime * «»tlicc a call last week, accompanied ment is recctvi**- , ... its content.«. It originated in the clothes n««-of the Judge, the Circuit Court i» adjourned who will soon display a large stock of dry­ customer* of tfieestablishmcnt. Mr. Younlg by Thus Law »on of Trail creek. office. * iug " S00*1* eotistaiitly and ba- closet from a candle ill the Lands of one of to the second Momlaj in March the 14th. goods and boots from Chicago there ' ..ciiossil»le. Therefore, 1 have nn incredible .Kort spar« of time tlie cision declaring tlie Keady law unconsti­ Reuetci thr Youth. ..A bul we are made a still (¡HEATER REDUCTION IN PRICES. building was entirely enveloped, so that it tutional will appear tn the next issue of the lege building to tlie .State, free from all in­ years. It is the intention of lx»wis A pleased to autin- W. H- PARKER. cumbrances. if the legislature will guaran­ Young t«» make their establishment the |ii« - ...ce some improvement tn Mrs. Phrebe Ches ley. Peterson, Clay Pq., was possible to save only a very few arti­ T imes .’ M. MENMOR. County Clerk. .omlitioii. It is doubtful, however, Iowa, tells the follow» g remarkable story, " John Matzen, the clever manager of tlie tee a good normal school there. We think handsomest of any kind, not aion* cle«. Fortunately there was no wind, ami New York Store, •Jacksonville the truth of which is i ouched for by the Jarkfonville. Jan. ?>. Is***' la- when he will lie able to hold another term residents of the town “I am 73 years old. tlie presence of the lire department pre­ V. S. Bakery, is furnishing this market this proposition both fair and commend­ coma, but un Puget 8n”*' ’ able, and hope that it will be accepted. of court. Mrs. W. i> also quite indisposed lUtureah«-' ’ ,. JU . have been troubled with kidney complaint »Splendid new vented any extension of the conflagration. with excellent bread, cake, etc. Give him Dissolution Notice. and lameness for many years, could not There an still a few residents of The h.s« falls heavily un 5|re N , which«!* a trial. ...c oven ordeie»! from Chicago at present. dress myself without help. Now I am free place and vicinity who *! ’ /»-• ’ oth e ih hereby given that the Henry Klippel returne*! Wednesday ^>|iniated at 17 4), ui>on which there was ami New York, ami w ill handsomely adorn An important meeting uf Jacksonville from airpain and soreness, and am able co partnerdni) «xialing laHween J. B. Riddle uo insurance. Iaxlge No. lo, I. O. O. F., will lie belli to liberally ¡ jq om - .^u»(i subscribe I ami utilize the 'hop. The gentlemanly (roll) a brief visit to San Francis* •, where to do all my own housework. I owe my and H. H. lV<*lt«*rs has 1 H im day I mm * d di#w<»)v«d tey thanks to Electric Bitters for having re­ consent. H. II. Wnlfcrw retiring and J. H morrow evening A full attendance is ra- railroad enterprise. In , proprietors, w ho have many friends in this lie lias been on business. He informs us newed my youth, and removed completely I mutual Iloary Fall of Rain. Riddln continuing th»* buMn#s*. All account« that the «'• A O. railroad is u|*en for traffic city, will be prepared to furnish the high ­ ..*e cases they will be hen elite« I more by all disease and pain.’’ Try a bottle, only du»* t^c late firm of Hi«iayabl« It commenced raining at a lively rate quested. tn H. H. Wolters. J. B. Riddl«* aM^umin-* all in rail connection than most of those who est style uf work in their line, and amid . almost as far as the rails haw been laid. 50 cents a1 drug stores. It h»«*-- dchtcdncb*. Persons knowing themsels«*« to last Monday night, and continued aiiuuai surroundings of beauty ami comfort, give ; but that most of tlie employes have been >>« indebted to the late firm are requested to have already mi U m i il»g Fully iwo inebe« • J. B. RIDDLE. Ai> iigr«s*riblr* ('hrintm»« surprise l»ef»*ll Chari«*« County. Oregon. They are worthy of sticce*>. Tacoma I im lenient weather ami bail roads th in O. Ekholrn, a yonng Bwcdn Art Amateur. N»». •.VII- as much so lai enjoyment as is being in­ Ik H. WOLTEIW. ty-four a— Ex-Mayor Latrobe. Baltimore. Md.. >ays ' M.slford, Or.. Ik« . X 1*4. anything else. Mr. K. had heard of the 153 Townsend Ht. in t'hir-ago. who lias bwn noti­ — rain fell in twen- dulged in here this winter. We are glad the best cough medicine is Red Star Cough Paper. fied that his one-fifth of tick«'t in The Ix»ui«iann : rumored intention of the < 1' folks .*> Stst»' ..w»*rs. The streams raised to their to see it. Lottery drew the First Capital Prize of Cure. Dr. Samuel K. Cox, D. D., Wash- ! Southern Oregon Minri. I quit work after Laird’s was reached, but B75.1MIO in th»*November drawing, ami the «15,100 highest point during this season and there 1 tie infant cliild of Mr. and Mrs. Julilt ington. D. (’.. after a careful analysis, pro­ Cha*. W. Cornelius, w riting to a friend in was placed in his hand«, for $1 sent to M. A. I said it could not be traced to any autheti- Dauphin. New was a great abundan« e ot water every where. Peltuu of Sam's valley died one duy this Orleans, I jh .; and Mr. Ekholrn nounced it purely/vegetable, and most ex this city, says : “ I airi now one-third ow ner ! tic source as yet The prevalent scarcity will complete his Art studies. He ¡« full of (’or. Front and Morriaon Sie.. I here was a. -•> a heavy tail of snow in the week. The bereaved parent« have our celleut fur throat troubles. I’rb e. twenty in the Gold nil! <| lartz mill, ami also have praiM* of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, mountain.«, but very little in the valley. sympathy. I of tails also militates against tlie continu- and of his luck coming jn*1 Iwfore Christ ma* five cents a I m »ttie. pori lini ». < ontra< ts on three ledges, two of which are I—(Chicago, (111.) Staats Zeitung Dvr. 22. ¡Since then there has been considerable in Stuck. coi:M»(i:.tf of i unco of work. Justices of the peace, notaries public anil There is not a journalist in the countn consider«*«! as good as any in Oregon. Tim | ram, with prospects of much more failing rgal-estate agents will tind the best, cheap­ >rw fl re-proof Briuld be made a bonanza A petition ie in circulation, asking the pnrilies of the Blood. In every form of Scrof- tlie city. the Tt.Mr.s: N»ctnrine, Almond. Etc. u! >iis. Syphilitic or Mercurial diseases; it is board o( trustees to reduce the rale of liq­ up the whole sky, was seen in this section yet many people are not inclined to accord by putting in more stumps. What makes lutite matter of the estate of Barn.li Ovr6,000,000 PEOPLE USE uor license in this place from to lltei. last Monday evening, Not a treat many them their just dues. the ledge so valuable is the large body of Ffhcr. an insolvent debtor. I tti.tl report invaluable. For Rheumatism, has noequal. A’ im ». the re¡ebrHt»d of XVwman Fisher, a-'igtiee. approved :unl Sold .it I ity Drug Store. * It is being signed by a large number of our noticed it. The petition for the pardon of Win. ore and the cheapness of working it. But order made for bi- discharge L’ttc genuine has the filename , citizens—in fact a majority of them. The Sl.rEPI.E'S Nl<>llfS malie mi-erable A few copies of tbe America!» Settler’s Briscoe, sent to the penitentiary from this for richness of or • the Dardanelles <»r Knott II C Dollarhid- vs. " A « I* 1* ' ■' : saloon -keeper» have paid nearly all of the Guide, standard authority on land ques­ c(>untv in ISSI, has finally been favorably lc»lg«* stamls second to none in souther»» action for .lamages, uppeale.l to supreme l>v tl.nt teriihlevou"li. Sliiloh'sl'uri i* thè All Ireet warranted Marnate tile.I not jmlgmcnt eiu. 'lv ior volt. Por -ale t>y Dr. Koóiti- e<|»-iises of the town government for sev­ tions, can be obtained by calling at the iictvfl upon by the hoard «»f pardons, and Or«*gon. I wa.*h»*d $3 tin from out* pan of ,.,.u*t C a.u't defendant entered for »l.-isi tm and .iti. City Drùg Sture. eral years past, and many seem to think T imes office soon. th«*«)e *oiiipusrs..oa. Notwithdaiidin? tin* ia< I that tlnTe i* ore until th«* roads ar« *«*t11«•< 1. John >w in- iI 311'1 C» ,.>< -md atmelud realty •irdenil Subì bv Dr. Rol.iosoii. City Drug Sture. real property belonging to the estate of the Crampi lotion yirrr.nary. 1 .ack aa California treesnre subiact to. Don ’ t lie deceived. You are iut your | dm i »vi ii? tw-.-third* <»f I in* ledg*- ami -la:iliHu will u if the initials Jiunihl'* *er\ i!»i the other tlur«l. «»H- im»m v .hnt’imcnt l«»r L»l m and » uM.*. lieve* Crollo. Iiooptii'.; Co'lgli ami lìrou- Well to get -Jl> price list I—for. |>u-eh«.ing el.e- is well iii^h assured, slepfl should !><■ taken E .l.o'ol»« is determined to close out his C:difoinia raiSrua«!«. o\rrlan<.^y travel i> in­ chitis. Subì bv Dr. Robinson. City Drug wbere. I ,ni. - Helm* ami Henry Ammerman vs al once to incui’iHirate a j’’int .«to« k c««m- eittiie stuck ot merchandise at twenty per creasing .«¡cadi y. man) pn-fcrring a «lay'* g««nian Sture. 1 P«*'t<>tbeo Murphy. J uml ul’tain a ir.«m hi«e fr» in the Irji i cut. below i ost. Here i, a chance for bar­ I -taking t«» the horrors «•( a «ea voyage ¡'frlimte Ft rnoni, gagr. Decree granlv’l «’>‘1 jmigtnent given ■ When th«* tw«» roads arc « <'nm < tc which iicc’l immediate attention and Jerry Nuiiaii is selling Iris tine, large as­ Are not on the Tin Tag. J. A. Hanley shipped a lol of fine, fat Liver Regulator h not a »lnusli» . purging recover money. Continued. it will be lata! to deUy «uuh pr«« vediugs sortment of goods at bedrock rales tn order cattle to O’Shea Bros., wholesale butchers medicine, doe* not weaken or deplete lhe lori action I k * Ukcii hi the premises ton b- .1 OipMiM ’ s Fortunate Diarorery. to make room for an immense spring stock. of Portland, last week, which will be fol­ -yetem as other purgaives do, but acts with. f gently. It will invigorate like a glass of (’apt. Coleman, sclir. Weymouth, plying Call and see for yourselves. lowed by several carloads more Other wine, hut is no intoxicating beverage lo between Atlantic city and N. Y., had been Court Again Adjourned. JACKSONVILLE, OR , A very pleasant party, complimentary to parties in this vicinity are also fattening lead to intemperance; will promote diges­ trouble«! with a cough so that lie was un­ Owing to the continue«! illness of Judge Miss Maggie Linn of this place, was given tion, dissipate headache, and generally tone able to sleep. an sup 1 Mibacriber. All UMielitednu»* n»»t wettled within Our Senator and Representatives in the Lvat. Freeh Bread and Yeast against parties who had l>r«*n convicted po-e he has some alt'ectlon of the kidneys i a reueonable time will lie placed in an attorney'« legislature are actively engaged in their or neigbl»<»ring organ*. At times *ymp- |»anda fur {«»reed collection, aa 1 mi bt have the under its provisions. At «I of such is the toms <»t' indigestion are piesent, I’atulcm*} A white iiamiie.l Untie, three blaile.1 ami I m«»nr>. dall, ly rewarded by leaving them tiial two bottles of Gilluore'a Aromatic stea«Hly We are sorry tn .-ay that a few re­ ! itching Piles yield at once t») the appiè a- I whole system, and thoroughly builds up the WARNING. at tlie s. 1. V ariety Store. Wine cured his wife of Nervous Debility fuse to contribute their -bare toward the tion <>t Dr. E’usanko s Pile Remedy, which constitution. Remember, wo jyuaranteo It. lotion. Mustang Liniment » P»LtL**uuM CoxalTTL.—IU Kubli. A. L Reuter. J. N’ udhl . D. Linn. J. Orth.aud H. K. Hanoi. and sleeplessness Sold at City Drug Store. enterprise, though we believe* they will not act» directly uja>n the parta aflcct^J, air For 5ale at City Drug Store TUE VNDtliHIC.NLP IIEBEHY GIYEHWAUK- NOTICE.- FD a - m MxhAGEM.—WiU. Jackson, A. H. .Vafl«c. .M.rbing the Turne r . allaying the intense A in« timt nu Ut« imm » inerii lvr.«f>. r bt-alfo*. Maegly, < Ivas»- Nickell, J. G. Birdat*}. W. J. Ply- Kain or shine, you can always tind the refuse to accept, the benefit tuat it will be to »rhiu, and crteclmg a permanent cure. WHY WILL Y0V4OVGHwhenf LL I KKH0S» INDEBTED TOl HE LINbtK od on U m teh farm. AU pw»ou» inl«irv»uxl w.’.l male aud D. W. (. r«*by. The W.C. TV. will meet at tbe resi­ I uni cd bv note or book account, are reqawtad l>loaM take voUce. (.uMmTTtt of AuBtUdEMEFTb.—Johj) Dybr. fastest teams ami best vehicles at < ard- them It i» tn I m - hoped that they will yet Pri'-c cents. Addrcsa. The Di Bosanku Cure V ill give iminc'iiatc i did ? Prit«- In dence of .Mrs. W. J. l’lyiuuie on Saturday, maUI amt.auI. wrlhoatttelny. ¡Geo li. Neil and Geo. D. Liun. .. Mitf. S.E. ibn. wed s livery stable in Jacksonville, l’rices sb »w th<* lils ralu/ that is reasonably ex­ Metiicine Co., Piqua, Ohio. ¿»«Id al the ¡cents, 50 cents and 11. Fur sale at City JackMuiviUe, Dvc. It. laot. S.KAUkWHKI. Imkuu. uclu«iin< bapper, U W, Januaiy L2d. at 7 u'cluek r. M. City Ù mg store. Jacksonville. ‘ Drug otore. rcasuiiiblc aud kaiutucuvu guaranteed. - pected of them. Fa.v.xtt tíluVLB, óec. r Partiea paying for the T imzs in advance at our reduemi uaati ratea will be furnished any of the rullowing named pubheauou» m connection with thia paper at tne price« giveu below, it will be noticed mat tiiere ia a reduction of at leaat 52 per cent, on publisher»’ cuatomary rate« in every metance, and in aotue much more: WfcJCKLIIth. Toledo Weekly Blade........................ W Uli Harper’» keenly. .................................. .... 5 •u Scientific American..................... .... » ID Uetroit Free Pre»«. .3 UU New York Star .................................. .. S io New York World...................................... ... 3 IV San k ranciaco Examiner .... 3 Ut) Portland Oregon tan................................ .... 4 LU Harper « Bazar........................ .... 5 ÏU Pioneer Pre»»................ ” ,....« (U Chicago New»...................... .... 4 UU M imouti th*publican ... S UU Globe Democrat..............................’ * ’ * \ .... i IU Philadelphia limea. .... 3 UU Sau Franc taco ( ail.................... .... 3 25 k l^»b® • illuatrated peper .............. I 7U German 5 70 ** Sunday Magazine 4 dll 1’»«pillar Monthly 5 UU Budget........................................ 4 .45 Pleaaant Hour» 4 IM ... . HuWTHLilCM. W»*tShore, Portland, Or................ ...♦I uu Ceutury, Scribner a............. ... ö m» Demoreet'» Magazine .......................... ... 4 «V (iodey’b Lady Uoog. ... 4 UU St. N ic I mj I mm ................................. \ .1^ .* * ... i IV Harper » Monthly............ ... 5 jo American Ag.iculturiMt .’’ ’’* ’’ . » so Harper » Young People 4 UU and get one uf our premiums. Peterson » Mugaziue.................... 4 uw Housekeeper............................... .W ' ... » Uli Fancy handkerchiefs of all kind« and Other publication» wid be furniahed a at a re- prices at the 8. F. Variety Store. • duced price when ord «rod with the 11ME.S. Ohl and new »uoecriber» paying one year in ad­ We want correspondence from every por ­ vance from dale fur th.» H mcm wdl receive in ad­ dition either the New York Otar, tbe ban t* ran. tion of the First Judicial District. Cuwo tzaminer. St. Paul Pioneer Preea. bt. Luui» hepuoucan er Detroit Free Prvea. »1Z month* Briefs and pamphlets of every descrip­ free, or the fcarni and Fireeide oue year free. tion a specialty at the T imes office, 11MES PttlNriNG HOUSE. JackftouviUe, J. Oregon. H llyzer of Ashlaud is now in Port­ S. F. VARIETY STORE, THE NEXT FEW DAYS ! EVERYTHING WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT RESERVE I S. F. VARIETY STORE. ONE VOTE 1000 ORIGINAL IHUSTUTIONA^?.^^.^» RURAL MCHITECTIIRE SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS FREE!!! HOMES OF OUR FIRMER PRESIDEMTS — FOR THE Three Peculiarities ENDORSED BY THE U. S. GOVERNMENT.-^, 1st: 2d 3d American Agriculturist Unknown to Others Hood’s Sarsaparilla ! Hood’s Sarsaparilla DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, DRESS GOODS, WALL PAPER. CARPETS, HOUSE-LINING, GROCERIES & TOBACCOS, N J. B. PACE CONSUMERS BEWARE! ESMOND HOTEL, REDLAND NURSERY, A. H. CARSON Prop’r. 30,000 TREES J.B. PACETOBACCO. FERRY’S SEEDS Kelsey Japan .T 1$ 1» A. Plum ! 1'3 . I J. B CITY BAKERY J. B.PACE JOHN MATZEN, Prop T C All Sorts of JACKSONVILLE RAILROAD, A