■Iv'tuUU CUllVü. OEIERAL MOTES AMD NEWS. I RAISE TI[E WEIGHTS. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. J. NUNAN, LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. WINES A.VD LIQUORS. With the universal sentiment ot eor* i ow for the tragic death of Fred Archer Notice for Publication. R )GUE RIVER uuru mr-.i JMUiti him . a n.ingb d a feeling of rvg»et that hit i The railroad bridge at Albany ia ex* La: d offie at Koedburg, Oregon,) idnehH, delirium and consequent suicide I OFFER FOR 6 VI.E ON REASONABLE term* DucutubHr >i, lt»M. f I i»ected to be completed by tiie 1st ui were directly traceable to the never« 1 out! >>f the beet Stuck or Dairy Eurm? m South VOTICEliHE te.nY ua V» N TuAT 1HEFOL- HIDA V. Iir.CEUHEtt 24. 1KHU * January. era Or „ >u, situaied « • ou we of training to which th« popular count). containing 33) acre* of rich bottom land, I tuntioa to m.ikP tiuul pr -vf in *upoo< ( of m* claim r Gurry county will }>etition the leg:fila- jm’key waa obliged lo gubrnit to keep eapecudb adapter) »•» the growth of t»mo*hy hay aud tuat ea.u pruoi will I k - u.^ue before tne J udge t ■ 1.»» Lit, IMKKK. GENERAL DEAEEH IN and •l.»vi’r. About one-n(1if is cl.-.ntil a. d MB >>. « .e. ko. ti.e Cuui ty < mii of Jacki-ou county, ture to extend Mate aid to a wagon road within ihe weights. cultivation, und must of the balance can be easily (»., Aft»,.. *< J.,.*«»>■.vtiI m i Ir ...I J&B To thotte familiar with the last two or i tinough the county. 4 »• % . hi »rirriilKlit.imf 2,21)11, cleared. Thvry jl a ¿<. < MM ......... .. 1 ‘ M***4Ua | uaiy JVih, h»7. v.a: iV.u W Culru, HumtMiead thr*e ycun qf Archer's life it was well t’lrough the jdace the year i<-und. affording plenty I «• t|»»ycl »»_> nuy Euiry Au. fo< th * 8 4 of N -V *♦. A W of N La«t week Sheriff Sloan, of Eugene, known that, apart from the irreparable of water f-u »tuck and some for irrigating. The i * Meo. J. uiiu N E o| N L bee. 4. i «tolittUe.l iiPnfuPii PortlMiiü auu gm I wm robbed of $75, left in his pocket-book place is all inclosed by a good rail fence. I here ( lowusaip 3«, CMUto, Kantfe 4 Weet, W. Al He low of hia wife and the retrievanle I ohm is a tiouse und barn and JUU young fruit trees on «tiii.r. «1. >« vl«*ft««»ire ul RO’.> iiillrw. li i in the Sheriff’s office. I aume* the following witucoe*« iu prove hia con- of money, hl» great anxiety was le»i the the place. It also lui* the best outside range in I tiuuoa* r<«*idence upon, «nd cuuivai’on ot *aid €livr<*t-.»re «»/Yer* Kie b<’«t I h «IiireitieiiI m the county; also another xeellent place contain i loud, v s: Au.iiUid Mamin, D. Dirdsey <.ad A Katt-aa sheriffar>e4ed a Centerville development of mature manhood would I » i» I v«*rliriac'»n b-awn wan a task to which he devoted I U.13. w. J31IN3TON. Beamier. S : • >1 I »•«•(«• of Hu*. A Bqna»i of Noitliern Pacific surveyor’ all h's energies, bul which nappe»] ali I is encamped ja«t below WVston. What FARMS FOR SALE Executrix’* ¿\otice. Ids vitality, if it was only u few |>ound» , then business is there no one know s. of flesh, like Shylock’» one, they were to .1 HI'LLE* S ili HISTORY. THE IKxDEltSlGNlA) OFFERS FOR SALE A i In the matter of tuecoLuu of K. F. Wood, de- We Carry in Stock JOHN A HANLEY, Prop'r, b« exacted io the last ounce, and with No. i graiu farm, containaug 204 acres of tillable ceased. J. II Mitchell, Jr., of Seattle, »on of land, lying near tho stage road, six mil«* east <»f VUT1CE IS HEKEB i »44VEN THAT THE A rollv.p'»ny little girl ^eriator Mitchell, ha» been arreste-l on a as deadly a result. Jacksonville. Place is we‘l imorored; good JACKSONVILLE • • • OREGON Al Unduraigued Bua Uuuu appointed Uy LBo coUU> Was 1 when I w . m * ». This dreary «aerifice of a valuable life charge of timber depredations in Idaho. well of water for house use and living stream ty court of Juckeou cqunt>. Oregon, anting in Rosy and round, with cbi l'ring hair re-opeiiH the dis usfiionof racing weights. foi st.K-k. Also. 21.', aerea lying within i.alf ,t Prouaie. executrix of the estate of li. F. Wood, I n'-ver could get straight; Oaton 4 Gvrett, General AgeuU W. H. Marshall, who was no severely In r»'Rponse to the protect of jockeys like mile of Piiceiux, all nudar fence; can at small deevubt d. And overy bo ly used to say expense be put in cultivation. On the A4~acre All Penton* indebted to said estate are request- injured by a kick from a horse at Pen­ Archer. Fotdham find Wood, the weights 5Viien I ¡».iHrtod through the street: farm there is let) acres of grain and aay growing eu to settle the same ia uaoduatily, aud those uav- "Just sco the dumpling ! Doesn't she dleton last week, is in a fair way to re­ were raised in England a tew years ago, that 1 will sell with the farm if Jeaired. Can ing ciai.us ugatnst the tMiaie will preavut them Look swoet eno lgh to oat cover. give possession at any time. For particular« wuu the proper v. ucuoia »t uiy rutnUeuCe in Ta- so that it was barely |M»ssible for such I call on or add rest JOHN S. HERRIN, btu Roc a prwiuov J uc E mju county, Oregon, At 12 I w;u the envy of AirriCLE UF Oregon claims $351,GOO from the U. S. men to ride at 118 to 125 pounds. In Ashland. Oregon wiUti.iMX tuuuiiiH from luu lina puoiivanuu of Tne n»her girl* at school; ¡this count»y we are some five pounds tills uoUce. for varioa? war bills, and b liable to re­ A« fre-h and blooming a* a rose, MAhY A. WoUD. ■ lower in our exaction». Th«, agitation of I'hboy» 1 u< -d t • r«ile. FARM FOR SA jg E. ceive payment on some of them before Exviuii.xof tuid Lstute. And • 'ousi i Will at Christinas time Mr. Witheis and other spoitsmen to ‘ long. Dated Deo. 10,188b. In an ad mring tone esiring to engage in other pur —AND- ward ra sing the weights has met with Ex'hum d rhe moment that we met: suits, 1 offer for sale on ruusonable terms uiy I John Fletcher was convicted at Dallas such stubborn resistance from the west­ Why, 51 oil o, how you’ve grown !” pro,..Tty on Willnun- cre.-k, Joseplnnn county. Administratrix's Notice. i last week of seduction under the promise ern r acing (‘ont.ngent that no change has This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, It comprises bU acres of land, most of which is strength end wholcsomeness. More economical At t8 [ wn* quite a belle. mid. r fence, well watered and HiiM-ej.tible to cul- of marriage preferred by Miss Mary been possible. The hippodroming, the Iu U m . uuiuei ot the ot Tub. Cukw. de- than the ordinary 9 *nds, and cannot be sold in com­ M y skirt* were leug henod out, I tivation. The dwelling house and outbuilding* ceused. | Byet ley. In qu infities to suit, and at price* that cannot i Mont h IS HcliEuX cool money calculation that light weights petition with tr.o niultitudo of low test, short And nonquota by the score I made . are in good condition, In sides which there is a tail UlVfcN THAT THE to ai ve aal isfact on. weight, alum or phospbato powders. S old only im kt party, ball and route. • ‘ ubinet shop supplied with superior water-powei auuei kigucd no* Ooe.t appointed ay the coun- The road-bed of the O. P. from Albany bring out the biggest fields and draw the liqu n ar« absolutely pl not a few N. Y. I or address G. B. CAI.DWELL. x'rova.e. aumiuietrutor ox iu« enia.e o. l’eb. Sighed: “< >h. dear! Moll, how I do wish Williams P. O.. Or. ; which will be laid after the completion of an improvement in the style and finish ixuaer, uuevaoed. S h I l*inct ion Guarantee!. I were as pin tap u* you !" ' of <»ur i iders. The stable lads who get An persons «uddb-ed to said estate are request­ the bridge. ed iu eetUo lite bhuio .nuueuiuLe.y, ami those uav- • most of the mounts are ignorant, un­ FARM FOR SALE. A’ h * ! if I could only have Uig uuouit* u^ainot Uw re lulu w.li piusunl tuuUl 1 The widow ’ of W. F. Owens of Rose kempt, untrustworthy, with lust enough opped growing there and tbon I to ureal uij ruaMlmice in Pfeasaal LrecX pie- Inirg, has received $2,090from the* A. O i knowledge an I strength to stick on and UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALL ; v t i ' envy of th* girls. | duct, dacuaoii OOlluly, Uiegon, wnlmi six WATERPROOF. (IINGHAMS, PRINTS, ETC I’HE hi« farm, situatml near Bybee * ferry, ton mile* id a red by ail the men. ' (J. VV., her husband having been a mem­ j i-old a horse straight. They surround inuutus uoui tue urst i>ubltcuii<.>u ot Oil* no­ from Jacksonville, containing UR)acre««, 9U acres 0HALE dt McKENZIE, Props , Bu- «‘V *r. ye ir 1 stout r grew— tion. ava C v K isk . ber of that oi der. being under cultivation and the balance being j our race courses with the atmosphere of B aux left in j -ft «r that— Administratrix of sum Estate. first-clatM timber and iianture land. A gc»od CALHOUN]A STREET. JACKSONVD I K, An.I .ow I hear the n whimpering : ftS“S[>eeial liue of Ladies’ All-Wool Scnrlet and Merino Underwear. house, Outed Dec. IU, Ibdu VEGETABLE n j The Bandon (Coos county) Recorder ! the side-show and turn our betting into barn and outbuildings are connected wit!, ‘ Good gr •ciou<, amt she fat ?” Ladies’ and Misses All-Wool Hose. Nice Goods. the place. Title perfect and terms reasonable Htie just been furnished with an ole rant new argues that the counties of Coos and ; gu rework. Administrator's Sale of For further particular* apply to the T im » It is only necessary to look at Mc­ » u ry ought to be separated L om Oregon A LL *nwT8. office or J. S. GKlGSin, Billiard and Pool Table. Laughlin or Fitzpatrick to see what it xveai x* roper.y. and annexed to California. Central Point P. O. Fall aud Winter buyers will find prices greatly reduced and our has cost them to retain their seats in the The finest brand« of Fo ir-fifths of ihe »»a >io8 born in Curry In the i ounty Court of vue biatv oi Oregon for It is estimated that the Salem bridge t-addio. Thin, haggard, worn to a thread, stock in keeping with the demand of our constantly augmenting trade. Stock and Land For Sale. WINES, LIQUORS AND CICARS | t.ie cuu.uy ui JuUauuu, oiit.ug iu piooatu. county aie s »id io be boys. Nose, or from any cause in speedily con­ is faulty,and that a heavy strain is liable I if looks like only a matter of time when Hi t..v n». v r vi tue vo ute ui £ni~3 Je- We are continually adding something new to our already large assort- trolled and stopped, 'PHE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS THE FOL- Cued Always on hand. (’.> rrb»H is the <).-k on which English j ' to establish ibis lad. For tne bake oi ! they will go off as Archer has done. moul oud offer you standard goods at a legitimate profit. As usual, we 1 lowing land and stock for sale: 9(4) acres <»f a rUKoCANCu. sah .kA ORDc-H OF THE ' Salem ii is to be hoperl tliiw is not true. Murphy ..as given up the struggle en­ rul ■ in Ireland will ba wrecked. land across Rogue river, winch joins E. P. Pick­ I Couu y i/OUti,, lU»uu UlU l.auay Oi L/uOUlUOcr, pay all our market will afford for produce, such as Butter, Eggs, etc. ens’ pl rno; 2 (XD acres on Antelope, 18 miles from : Luu uutljioxguuu, a uiiui tiuLui ui *.uv vet ate Congress has ordered an examination tirely, and piefers life to riding under j Th *re are now 2'1,647,0'10 acres of land I | Jacksonville; 74 acr •* witiiin one mils of Jack- | in o.i »Utapui, utoiMovu. wm oiler lur ealu to 125 pounds. Yet these men and many , It Is cooling, cleansing and Healing« sonviUe. in t i»‘ I n ted States owned bv foreign of the Willamette river at Corvallis in o h rs like them have proved invaluable | luu uiguust OiUtlUI , Ull J. order to effect defensive measures by P afjirrh Tt is niost efficacious for thia Also 2,00l) 1 end of cheep, part of which are mut • a,f California and Oregon Street. Jackson vi*Ie I ^ataraay, Ute ¿¡in day oj January, 18ti6. la dl edH. VfCllCll 1 11 f disoaae, ColC.in the Head,Ac. ton sheep und the rest stock sheep; *20 head oi j which the city w ill not be kft away from to owners and backers who appreciate mules, most of which are broke; a No. 1 juck and **Pond's Extract Catarrh Cure,** ! at L o'u.oca P. M.. at tuu cuuit-iiuutu duor iu ■ uO'»d judgment, good hands and a scien- Lnok OIV for irnro suicidcH at Bay city, , | the river. HENRY PAPE. EuUiDeer. a tine HtHllion. W m . BYBLE. specially prepared lo meet serious caste. Ju< k.to..»iut), i.rtguu. uii Lie rigut, i.Ue aud iu- t tiiic finish. They have changed results nov that th- mining stock fever has J>.«>lruonvi I I a . Or. Should be applied with Poud’a Kxt met ! lr>ruat Oi tue said oi ao Uruper at. tue ante ot L»a ‘ , The estimated expenditure of the gov ­ br >kfii out agin. ovdr and over again, and landed many a Nasal Syringe. THROUGH TICKETS, I2| C ents . . dcCvubu iu uutl tv l..u i.tiruwiut, rear property, to­ ernment lor ihe current year %re $266,- -lake that would have slipped through wn.: FOR GOODS IN OUR LINE FOR SALE. It is «aiti th.it t in new winter bonnets 000,000. The estimated revenue receip’s wau wutvi-uncu about a ini.e loi.g, together ihe ii.eompetent hands of a boy. pHOlCE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGAItb Willi u. nil.. UB CxutlU UU tUu .. I Lie 1UIM Oi X OOt* wi I h * V-shape I. No other preparation has cured inor* ;tpe I The bills, however, | ate $356,000,000. This will give $9),- 4 RANCHE ( ONTAlNlNii 100 ACRES OF V constantly on hand. I’lie reading-table m also -ivvg. L. C. HEINRICHSEN. case* of these distressing complaints than wnl he XX-shapod. xX good land, all under good rail fence, will. -upplied with Eastern periodical» and leading < d papers of the coaat. UuuVc lav luoutu vl 1'uUlo gulcu. ter is invaluable In these diseases, Lum­ 119 First Street. - Portlnnl. Orrgon rancho for either farming or smck-raiaing with No hing is more uncertain in life titan ie> u>e ul &.>ib—vUUu .u i .U a .14. P. Mickle, a Seattle insurance man, i’re i lent Arthur were embittered by the bago. l’alns in Back or bide, &c. Hutticie.it hay and pisturHge for wint- ri .g HXi a fuming deal, un ess it be the -erdict of went to Portland recently and has not discovered falseness of pretended friends, JuH.\ HOLT. head of stock, and e*itnnted in Langell valley THE LEADING JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, AuUliUiallUtOi OI Sold toslute. a San Francisco jury. been heard of since, mu< h to th* ala ni the treachery of politics and the disap­ Klamntli county. Oregon. For further particu­ Dateii Dec. IU, iebu. •Use tlic Extract promptly. Delay is lar* cull on or addreua Wholesale and Retail Dealers in dtcngerous. N », inv son, th y ara not called irrass- of his friends. His valise, cut op n, pointment of his cherished aspirations. ^GRANT'S PASS, ISAAC WiLKON. In reviewing his term of office we doubt PllnC B11,l*LBleet ikers a young man was shot dead. a luce UiuiLgUge. publications in San Fiancisco. Watch Ret airini »cuted. would gladly have received from their Rock precinct, containing 2tX)acres, iuostlj Great excitement prevailed. .ls<> he found here. 1 propose to keup a strict [ tu a» j ¿j. »» moon a..ti i*. t_. VViilouu.iúu ubove* t^*8eleotion Packages sent <»n aonlicatio i. » wit i ti< bofore p tr-ilviring elsowhoro tillable land . la well watered, with a> exu< ll»*i 1 U..U1VU uviL. uu.-lo: T « ■ San Fiancano Pont, Republican, I Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 19.—The mi haii^s -"mo of the goodwill that, has been orchard. These is a c rnfortnbl.t dw •lling-hous ly tirst-class place. Give me a call. .i iiicAA.u^ r niiLbl .Ili Ot uKhUuN: J B. HUTCH showered upon his memory. It is sim­ on it; al*o a gool barn aud «»utbu Llings. Wil say. k “The So! id South is u<»t so solid ( luu uiu uuivuy iuqu.1. a tu up^c.i uuu u.»M«r used The Extract will never be with­ I preme con t this morning endured a de i- ply naus -ating to read the telegrams, ho sold at a ra isua iblo figur*». F ir further par- ih re as parts of the North are.” i L..e Cuuipiaiut ui u.u uuuVv t'Ju.ui.tl iu tiie above BLACKSMITHING, ETC. out it. Pond’s Extract Ointment is MISCELLANEOUS ¡culms enquire nt the T imes utHoe. ! sion sustaining the const'tiilioiialiiy of the •f hypoerit-cal p ai-e and sympathy and eutuicu CUU1L, MOW U m U. ! Willi U1U t.W4k Vl ruid tho best emollient that can bo applied. I l e N w Yo k Socialists who support-1 j Dow liquor tax law in all its i'eattf es, in- iribuies of resi»ect to ex-ibesident Ar- MISCELLANEOUS. C ourt, w itu.u ici. u.Qo iiuui .he uate ui tlie ser­ vice ot tius BUIUUIU..D upon juu il served in dueg- ed H my Geo ge now denounce ldm as clu ling the tax and lien provisions. I thur dead from those who, while living, I nuu ouu ty, Uut>uu; ou. ,i oe.teu ill u*.> bluer MISCELLANEOUS. ity ot fenutle diseases tho Extract can be a traito . Go al thing for George. ! were his vile-t foes and malicious de- uuuty o» ne ¿»Luu vu c/iegbu, ui«u wituiu tweu- The Standard Oil Company has its [ usod.as is well known, with the greatest y Ui.yd Lru.u tuu u.-te ol n.u ot.v*vt ui lU.H oU.U- bonetit. Full directions accouipauy each G ne al Siteimm t»»ld a rep-rler the hands full. It wmces un-ler a lieav\ 1 i.im-rs. Blaine exerted himself to se­ d >..n ut*ou y«u', u. 11 ». i »tu upon you out ui tue —TO GET YOüR— bottle. cure his downfall, and in defeating him o he d iv. if i- sii.l, th it he never voted •onpetiiion, and is spending weekly O..IIU ui ui » iòu ,4 ui uy pUu.lu.iUou, lueu b, the shor eu d ami emoittered his life; but first i-.j o. lue U'li L l I’ mi u . Ba.u .»uii, ilvaii ; in hi- life, and never exp cted to. f5 90,000 to bit-akit. Asa result, we g* VIA the ..imiu diui.uuy iu d.mu.uy, Xbbf. Ai.u y >u is leig e I honor and respect came too 1 ...u wrcby.uu.iM u tuai i. yuu lull to uppeui «*..d Tho genuine lias Dur -g Ui ye ir • n bnz Oct. 31st M oil fora dollar a case loss than a year ag< . a t to cheer the drooping and departing Oregon Califc ml a R. K u.»öwer ..mu Cu.4.p.au4t. Uo uvruoy icqulled. tiie the words “Pond’s Extract” blown in Pt i‘iir mo u re I 2.4par ents, which A correspondent of the 7’iwie8-.VoRn- *p r.r. l'li * so-calbni ex President Hayes ' 4 1UI..L1I.» W.-4 ..ppl^ IU ll.CtuUll lui UlU r*41vf the glass, and our picture trade-mark on An x C uineuticns. l I umimâa U ua I.» S..1U vuui,>.U4.. i , tv-wi* ; lor utlutnve h i • av • age of about sev. n a day. surrounding buff wrapper. Noneotherl* taincci ass rts the exist :nce of a erimi zave him the mo t serious stab of his Faro from Poitlaud to San Francisco....... $32 0 ■ i^aiuBt uci U m U ma . lo »«At ,ubU.. b U4.U ibiiburt there- fenuine. Always inst il on having Pond ’ s “ “ *’ “ 8artra:aento............ 30 0 I 0.1 ut tue i «.tu OI leu pei veut, per ai. bum troni I. > ■<»•! o ivi*« now run in Jerusalem, nil league in tiie vicinity of I'os-i., II e ¡n e noting Arthur from the collec- —DONE IN — Sxt.aci. Take no other preparation. .,Ot lw 1Ö>», U..L4 lL.W UUU4LUnUll.ij b tolb Mlltl It it never so d in bullc or by measure. an i t sh ill st -ain wnisrie is bea d in Gilliam county, that gives a d an 1 corn­ or- ip of N -w Y«»« k. He removed him, Close connection« mad»*at Ashland with «lag»- i /una ....u uioüuiDuuioiits ui nuit* ou.t, un o for the bold everywhere, Prices, 50c., $1, $1.75. in't to horse-thieves and other ma e- a* he r mark • !, ‘in order th it the office of the California, Oregon and Idaho bta,;« (’«». th *. streets once trod by Kini David. lind.il U g C iv U 1 M I..U b.uu Ui tup.tTu.see. by tue Prepared only by POM) 8 EXTRACT CO., f.ctors. m.iv be hone tly administered.” In the ; 04101111, ..b 014 cXeLUl.t/U ut 1 W,d*.O IUI Ute UppiO- (DAILY EXCEPT BUNDAYS.) Pho e rninzs fo-the Cmadian Pacific NEW YORK AND LONDON. i;_ht of this op»n instill it is not marvel­ I pnuliuU »1 iltfp.ocreuo ilici< u.; «Uno lliutde.eud- The Political Co^-re^'y'idrnce assets K hni Mile IMvialoii uuts ami Uli pL ioU'.o «T.uuiiUg U-.uer LUeiu oUbbc- h»r Nov -mber we « $1,073,000, auain-t ous L.at. Arthur should profoundly hate j i hat the Russian go vernine it has sent a queul tu tue eXucutiOu vL catu mu. tgugv ini»? Le HKTWKKM i'OKILAM» A AHHL4NI $81), io » f.»r the sanie month la>t year. —AND AT— turn. Under the existing relation be- • oulied ui»»« luivciusvd, und tur suuu other iclief teleg a a to Prince Labanoff, 'efusing to Maiu Train. BCE THAT THE I land . . ....8:15 P. M. Medlord ........ 9:21 P. Atlo.ney loi i i.m uff. i out with their feigned sympathy, like Medford. . . .9:22 P. M.‘Portland....... 3:45 P. Al. Portland Welcome'.— A passenger in a Dave Hendrickson, familiarly known very many oiheis who persecuted him in — IS AT — Fi st, st eet car g »ing south recently as “Santa Claus,” w’hde crossing th»* li e and paid him homage in death. But ouindiud • Albany Express Train. LEAVE. | ARRIVE. cap* tired a qu di which had flown in to slash near Lakeview one night last week, in a l th s pomp and display of bereave­ la the Circuit Cuurioi tue Butte of Oregon, for Portland .1:00 P. M.'Lebanon 9:20 P. M e«e tpe a hawk. | lo t his way and .av down to sleep. To<* ment was an empty show of giicfof those tue touUuty ui duCgnun. Lebitnon........ 1:45 A. M.¡Portland 10:05 A. M. io d;. •*v i Li l’abner has become night was cold and his feet and the lowe. who were the trail and wormwood of Ar­ ti -ni, pldiMliun, Vo A. ù. gacuuo, vX-oneliU ot pa t of his legs were frozen. thur in life. On ? old-time friend ami as ­ G'ibe a fi.ti e in I’a isian society, and , Juux^ua county, Ur. sou .Uunueii XEobeig, P. JACKSONVILLE OREGON daily betwet n Portland and Ashland. sociate t jok no part, although their dif- i . »» uose» tu »... o.uiuu uuvii.nau, «..a J unita h.ber- b ■ i reptions attract many of thè nota- John Lawrence, who resides between lU'tu cup^rluuia aulì.g u Usi ti t.» ut Eu/iiund; The O. A ( . R. R. F'-crj- makes uonbection Witl •l‘er nvs arose soon in t ie administration 4r-h;i ui tl«c Fiench capital. Junction and Mon oe, confessed that lie of Arthu . Conkling made no display of ■ »r«guu, u Uer tue una I m . iuu uno eiyin ol i.a- all the regular trains on tiie Ea«t Side Divisioi ■ bvrg, iMicuuid.. a cu., aruias v iizii.sui, Albert from foot ot E street. hired a man to bu n his hou-e in ode: Sydney, N. S. \V., Dee. 17.— sor ow ¡it his death by token o. wurd, ! i vv iizit.Hiki. x>. e. o.u in-.u iu»u A. j. Caci.m‘in, to get $2,000 insurance. He ag e.*d to I curpa. tueio uotitg iiUbu.ebB ..t 1 oi liai.il. Ore^uii, youths ’«ave t»e< n sentenced to de but no doubt al! his animosity lies en- ■ West Side Hvhion. leiund the money and under pr. t -n-e of I unuvr tuo u.m u.uuu ano styiu «>i wnz.i.«ki BL.TW8;EN POUl I.AMB A < OIO a I.LI’'. h >e f r coniin’tting an out age on a tombed wntii his once cherished friend. 1 j UlOe. de CO., il. tongivuieCli, il. ii. All Iler, doing going to Eugene city fo.* it skipped the Mail Train. y r-<».| Ke vant gi.l. Three were Fho-e who esteem truth and Hin*-«-rity j I business umici ti.c urui i.aute uno style ut 11. country. LEAVE. I ARRIVE. | li. .univi a , C o ., m»u dohuu.tu iioucK, exvcn> p ie . rd. can eno a c b tween the honesty of Mr. i Portland........ 7:30 A. M.'Corvalli«. . . 12:25 P. M. ,■ inxui tiiu estate oi Jasper lluucK, ueceustd, At thoir New Shop near the public hitching rack Statements have recently been printed Co ik ing and the bland, political schem ­ Corvallis 1:30 P. M.|Portland ........ 6:15 P. M. I ■luieuuuuu,. L advill », which was regarded as on in ^•ITT ------------ At Co, vallis connect with trains of Oregon Pa­ DU RG T» .uauticil iceberg, bimon Bacninan, Julius the decline for many years, is now the in effect that John Roach, the ship build­ ers Blaine ami Hayes. “Tiuly truth and r.Ucriuan, li J. o Ut uiuu uuu a . J. CHchmuu, of cific for Yaquina Bay. ceremony are two things, as Antonius JACKSONVILLE. mounii ui sani piuiutitis, hied A B ilk of the F irst W ater .—A swin­ the house and ext-emely annoyed at re­ McMinnville...5:45 A. M.|Portland........ 9:00 A. M against > 'U. Wituiii ten d.«ys Irom tue lime oi Ut* The estimate is that 35,000 per-ons ports of his illness. dle , who is apparently a man of some Nails, per keg................. « 4 00 stnv.ee ut tuis su.n.nuii.3 u.i you, h servuti within Local tickets for sale and baggage checked a fro » the E.i-t wi'l visit the Pacific coast HORSESHOEING ab lity, has bean preying upon the pco- which with its latest improvements is conceded by im- company’s up town office, cor. Pine and S cond sud co’i'iiy; ti«, ti bui veti ut» you within any other “ “ lb................... Of Til F 05 New York, Dec. 19—Baseball men in ¡ partial and practical farmers everywhere to be the streets. Tickets for principal points in Califor­ uoUi.iy iu 1..19 B lu le. lueu wilniu twenty uays this season. Cali o niff is destined to pl» in vinous parts of the country, by ' best plow that ever turned soil. tins c tv were th own into a st ite of v.o- troni i.ie i.m.toi t.,e s< ivice; oi, il boi veil un you nia can only be procured at company ’ s office, 65 1 q ’ t Fruit Cans per doz be o n • a ir *at winter resort for people WAGON A CARRIAGE WORK. Äc. Easy on the team, because it is the lightest draft « or. F ami Front Mis.. I*«». tla«*«l. ’»r, representing himself as a scientist con­ Qu ouu oi lue otaiu ul l>rnouu, or by publication, Ci il ll ll lent excitement to-day, when it was an ­ j 85 f.om eo’d climates. plow made. men by munioL tu.y ul tue l« i ui ut lius court rol- nected with the geological survey, and Freight will not be received for shipment aftei nounced that the St. Louis Browns, In a prompt and scientific manner, and on Easy on the driver, because the plow being in five o’clock P. XL on either the Kist or West Sid- luwnig such se. vive, v.z: tue ìutn day ul January, 25 to 75 Cor. Third and California Sts.. T he Se- retary of War, in bis N swer said compiutili ut> nuove lequ.l'eu, tue piair.- 45 Very Reasonable Terms. Easy to operate, because simple in construction. 1 gallon Coal Oil........... i port, cal s a’t •ntiun to the utterly de-■ | .v.. ev.. by the New York Giants w lenged fo play Easy for the boys to handle on account of the per. uus wiii a^p.j io ine cuurilur tnvrviiet demand­ rears. lie takes names, one after an ­ Manager n a it f m-rle-s con I it ion of trie sea-coasts and j a series of games for a stake of $10,000, 2 00 (ect manner in which it Turns • Square Corner. ed tueruiu. other, of the chiefs of several scientific 5 a I rk * bout: rs. He urges appiopriations befit four out of seven, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For circulars, descriptive, illustrative, demonstrative, inis su.unions is put.fished in the D emocratic !. 1 00 1 Boiled “ . branches, and borrows books and speci- logical, philosophical, irrefutable, convincing, sensa­ 1IMES by .11 Older umd by lion. D. iv Weuster, al once for that purpo-e. c< Ct Cl tional, astonishing, amusing, comical, but all true Having taken charge of this hotel, the under Circuit Juugu, iu i iiamuv.B, vciober Ci iotxi. The Oregon Pacific’s new steamer, the mensfrom libraries a nd college museums, 5 .. 4 50 when they describe the pioneer three-wheel signed take pleasure in announcii ? to the publii e fact th.it Barnum's show took in "N. S. Bentley,” a< lived in Albany last and money from professors and librari­ 1 ii GEO. RIEVES. Turpentine .. 1 00 plow, the Flying Dutchman, address, that a complete change has been made. $14,000 ht Chare-t n the other day week on its first trip, loaded with wheat, ans. He has examined alleged coal, it 1C The table is supplied with everything the mar THE SPECIALIST, MOLINE PL n W COMPANY, Moline, Illinois 00 .. 4 v ■ uld - e» m to indicate that the earth­ having a cargo of about 2iX) tons on iron and copper mines, and received ket all or ds. aiierilf’s Aule. >o. Il lienriioy Kt., anu Frnneiuee« < al. 2 25 quake funds have gone into general cir- board, J. 8. Smith master and G. W. money for making favorable reports, White Lead........ The Rooms end Beds < niatimi in that community. Treats all Chronic. Special and Private Disease? l ViBiUe. UK rwu CUtl’AlN WHlTd Or Church purser. It is the finest boat by which he promised should appear in an­ Paint Brushes... 10 to 3 50 with wonderful Buoceaa. Jacksonville. Or.. eXeCUvluu ddiy issued OUl Ul tne Circuit Have been thoroughly renovated and put in 08 The i!e<-i--’on of the Missouri Court or odds that runs on the upper Willamette. nual publications of the survey. More Horse Shoes, per lb t>uurl, Oi tne ."^cuie ox uregou, ior -?acai>ou Cuun- Is a never failing cur« Its capacity is 4 11 42-100 tons. than o .ce he had promised positions on ty. and io mu diruciutl ami delivered, one in lav- At the old Htand of S. P. Hanna, in ( ’ ronemilior's Appeals that contracts madu over the 30 “ Nails “ for Nervous Debility Keeps the large»! stock of I or >«x otaiv ui urmuu .ot tun recuveiy of the the sni vel' to persons who have paid building, keep* on hand a full line of Exhausted Vitality bom FIRST-CLASS ORDER. I sum oi tne ltton, whose fame as a geologist and uie fttutb u> UteguU lor tue lecu»eiy of lite tf.tcts of Self Abuse. heir patronage will always receive the utmost oi And ia prepared to do all work in his lino on oi «»Mio .5 on a juuguieiii »or cu&ts. wilh Ui- ... no 00 «hort attention, and everything will be done to rnakt sum Youthful follies and ex The Union iron wo’ksof Sail Francisco winner. The game was won by Schtefler. writer is Well known. Maj Powell says 3-itich Bain Wagon. notice and in a workmanlike manner. i. test luvieou ai tue ate oi uigiit per ceut. per u fue cesses of maturor years. ne U. 8. Hotel the most popular public house in aauuui ... 115 00 Vehicles of every description made to order. baeCeu4uer, ioa4, und the survey has heard from this swindler 3}-inclt “ mt hem Oiegon. suWjHS loss of Memorj. VINKS AND SHRUBBERY game was nut particularly brilliant, 4S as often as once a month for four years, .uuu.lug to tue saiu detvud- IWER1Y-FIF.ST YEAR. pany. opinion which Cafitain Dutton thorough­ *nd. many other diseases that lead to insanity an uilis; aud iu uueui<.->.cu to the b^id Wilis 1 u.d, on 5 “ Cultivators . .. 10 00 death. ly endorses. And now it is asseited in political cir lue 13iii day ui ^eceiuoe.. iahn, levy on the nere- It is announce 1 4bat the Sobranjo has Dr. Mintie. who is a regular graduated Piiysi »T. MARY’S ACADEM k . iuHii»igh- an American. Weir »pose Mr. Blaine, Napoleon Davis of Washington county CONDUCTED BY Largest stock of hardware, stoves, (under hia special advice and treatment) will not PRICES : vsl b.duei, ai ct.e < <-UTi nuusu uuur. in Jsck -OU- lie is out of a job. He is tonfi of e row. as clerk of the state board of school land thin« the toiler must revere but not implements, etc., in southern Ore­ cure or for anything impure or injurious found i. —Nature’s own Remody— I Apple Trees................................ $5 to $10 per 100. it. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases success THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. Ville, in buid CcMiniy uUU Otaie, on We want a wa in Eu.ope, and he is the commissioners was premature in its «peak <»f. gon. A. H. M AEGLY A CO., ful ’ y without Mercury. Consultation free. Tho.-. Political platform — A lot of planks Daturilay, January 16th, 1887, character, ami is deviated off, and that I 1 Peach “ ................................ 10 ’’ 1« ' ’ ’ man to kick up a fuss. ough examination aud advice including analys.- Plnm and Prune Trees........... 8 “ lrt “ by having his salary increased he has covered’with molasse» to catch Hies. Jacksonville, Or. The Bcholnatio year of this school will coin at 2 o ciock P M. ui aaid uay, ail me right, t’tls Will apoedily relieve and pernia ' Other >f urine, >5. Price of Vital Restorative tl.Si) a bo*, trees and shrubbery furnished reasonably. The winrc* <»f the Mississippi has been been prevailed upon to remain as piim i- ■uni i teresl t.ie »u.d Juuu J uolus and liuorge Wealth—A very denirable thing, but nently cure all the various difficul­ tie, or fovr times the quantity f<»• #5; sent to an* mence atout the «-nd of August, aud ia dividud iu il. JU« us in oi Bend for . atalogue to uuu to tue lOnoWing dtMCiloud real session« of ten week« each. ties arising from a disordered con d'K. ovi r il >g.iin. (’apt. Will.ir I Glazier pal of the educational institution over only to lie enjoyed by those who know J. H. BETTLEMIER. Woodbnrn. Or. address on receipt of price, or C.O. D.. secur four propelly, LU-Wit: Ai.vbuuin nai. ot too buuth- Board and tuition, per term ............. dition of the from ohaervation and in private name if desired, enough to live off ti|e labor of others. anmiunc’s that he has discovered a which he presides. «.aol qtluiLui, u.td tue iiuCiiouai easi uuil ul ui® Music.................................................... by A . Ml M. »»., souuitab« quaiier ui tne bomiu W cbi quaiierui sec- h t eno nnki own body of water south of Scab—A spaniel who lacks the brains II Kearny Street, San t'mnrinco. « nl. Drawing and Painting....................... LIVKR AND KIDNEYS ! tiou LWci.lj-uVu, aud the uurtu lion oi tue uvrth- San Francisco, Dec. 17—The jury in to organize and is willing to work for lake h,.s a, which h says is the true SHiuple Hottie Frees sent *>n application Bod ana Bedding............................... e..bt quai tv« a..u i..e .rac.iuuai east na.t ui tue the case of Calvin Pratt, the forger,which nothing providing monopoly smiles on It ia perfectly harmlaaa and can by letter. stat>np symptoms, sex and age. Com DAY SCHOOL. Hour« e of the great str am. uoitueast quutier oi t ie u >rlitwuat quarter of be given to the rawst delicate woman municat ions strictly confidential. had been out since yesterday afternoon, s 5 GL secuou tii..iy-oiX. ai. in iuwusuim tuirvy-sevun, Primsiy Department......................... , or child. For salo by al) druggists. By the Thousand ! D r . M intik ' r K idney K kmedy , N'xrHRETtcuv Junior “ Y««ung man,” said the stern patent came into con t at a late hour ibis after­ hi»n. “ ......................... . ß Ut euutn oi Senior and Graduating Department................. »vilucBs uiy ituuU a..d oiiiuial signature this Wholesale Agents, ‘ i e v u sur « you ran s»ipp >rt a fam­ Pratt uttered forged notes in this city and bor and monopoly, in which a man with Pupils are received at anytime, and special at­ A dor* tlirough Jackson and Josephine countie» all druggists. #1 per bottle or six bottles for |5. D r . M intik a D. andklion P ills are the beet tention ia paid to jxirticular «tudies in behalf ul 15th uay o« Deceiuoct, «b&J. ily?” “I—I wasn’t m-inaking any cai­ Oakland about a year ago ami fled to less thm tiiirty days provisions in his Over 30,000 Cures in Six learn. for m . W. DEA N. * eriff, PORTLAND, OREGON. and cheapest D yspephia and B ilious core ii •hildren who have but limited time. For furtbei i house t t .* to starve another out who has Dy N. A Obb, Dt-puiy. rn atiun on ti«af,” stamms rd the young Japan with the money. A detective the market. For sale by all druggists. piles : rectal ulcer , fissures , pru ­ particulars apply at the Academy. ma i; “I only want the g rl, you know.” naiied after him, a.id the Japanese gov­ provisions ahead for over a hundred FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, ritus 1NI. FISTULAS IN ANO. ye hr . l'OLA PUS KEUT1, E tc . ernment surrendered Pratt to thu detec­ Arbitration—A mode of settling dis­ Chicago, D-»c. 18.—Gov. Han«er of Any kind raised in a firat-Ha«* Nursery. 188T. tive. J K LE BARON&CO. putes that monopoly lias no use for un­ I Cured Without Cutting Operation! Montana is here cn route to Washington Those wanting Tree« thin tall will do Wffllto less it represents both sides of the ques ­ ELGIN ILLINOIS in the int•»•e«! of the people of his terri- j General Passenger Agent Fee of the give me their orders, as 1 will guarantee satisfac­ t«»-> , w o d -ire to enter the sisterhood Northern Pacific road, who is here at- tion. tion. . SELL ALL 1 warrant h !I my trees if properly eared for. Protection—A little tub thrown out by of -tates. Montana, lie say*», ha«» a pop- i tending a series of meetings, said to-duy Ferms of payment easy. Produce taken at mar- DR PICKINGTON. ILnU-ifiATiD. ub.tior of 1.33,0k) and i* ah ut 2500 Dem- I that after January 1 the maximum rate monopoly to the labor whale to amuse I ket price. 1800 lba. of Peach Heed wanted. Hitwit -d on tho North Fork of Butte creek 32 viatic. The Governor claim* that Mon­ | tor passengers on the Nortbe n Pacific ldm while the blubber is being cut from 8urg>*on, Oculist and Aunst. and proprietor of th« A. 8. JOHNSON. miles from Jacksonville, in a eoo! cr.nyon near Sanitarium lor Eye. Ear and Nervous Diseases. H arper ' s W eekly maintains ite position a* Jacksonville. Oregon Aug. 1.1883. tana has all thd nece-s.iry qualifications ; would lie five cents j>er mile, and current hi-< back. Mt. McLiiighlia, are a delightful retort Portland, Or., hus be*n appointed agent aud tne leauiitg liiuDtiu ed ltewspupei in Aineiica; or sialeLood. physician for this system for Oregon, and has in i rates three cents. Heretofore rates in .•ud it«, uuid upon puultc esteem ai.d contidenoe was never sliuuger tnuu ut lue piewviit nine, fie- A P air of D ianas —Two of the wit- i two m >nth« maue a number of curaa of case«, in some districts have been a° high as fuß S : some of which, «evere operations with tlic knife siueb the pictures, i.Aut'EUS WEEKLY Hl Why« .Tn.lgp I,. B I«on po’tt oneA lh« trial I I -even and one half and eight cents. inesfies brought in from the Klamdii ! haveo ily done harm. Pll voutaihb lUstutimeulB uX u.it, The public are hereby notified that the under Htot’iry of Eng , 5 voih ,, Macaulay. .* •hort time n.uni.rot Henry -larel at J«hn Dav, ' tor the red i’tion.—.S7. Pant Dispatch. iiult-d, with si.oit siuries, poems sketche«, and |tify against some Indians for selling ford. druggist, well-known in Nalem; Mr. Frank signed will offer at private sale all the History of PaieHtine. Kitto............. Gardner, machinist at Cair-ehcps. and others, pupeis uu ■ mpOi tubi curieul iupi s by the must u .til th« tiext Twu'.ir tc-inoi tlu> ci'cuit History of Ute World, iKirdner...... i whisky to other Indians were female pupuiai wriurs. llie cure that has beet. succesS- Will meet patients at Life of Lincoln Ciu-Ly .................... court, a h>. de nv d pn jndics so strong F. C. Baker, state printer-elect, hav- In liana, who had been wildly and hilar­ WAGON MATERIAL. lUhy exuiciseU in tne pust to iiiaae H asper ' a Famous b«»yw wlio b cauiegrtHt m«n attain*! Fo-'er tint an Enpa tial trial ' ing perfected arraugemenis with \V. H. iously delirious from tho use of the J. FRALEY’S HOTEL, ASHLAND, • » EkkLY a sale as WMJl as a Welcome Vtb.tur to Abbott'« American Hia'.onr*, 8 vol«. As well as many every house..oiu win u«»t oe iviuxcd >u tne fu- Carr.aae Tools and private effects of the late c . hi I.1 not !>• h id. Jarrell wa. county I Byars, the p.esent incumbent of the of­ whisky sold. One of them is called Irving's- Work«. 10 ...... Ew, Sun,la, In Kuril Woatk. cuie. S. P. Hanna. Thia is a rar* opportunity far any Die « oils' WurKA. 15 vol« .................. c e k of Grat t county a long time, and fice, whereby he p ints all iep-»rts not ** White Cindy.” She is about six feet Address for pamphlet on Rectal Diwaaes. Th»* indersigned takes pleasure in informing one wishing to -»urchas* some nrst-class carriage CHRONIC DISEASES' Thrilling Adventnrt« with Indians univ. rsal y i«rpect«d. the public that he has taken charge of the Board- already in hand, commenced wo- k in his j tall and as bla< k and forbidding-looking oi nt er ini, etc. DH. J. B PILKINOTON, Pop. Ain. Diction, try air I Cjclupetiia HARPER’S PnRIODIiJALS. ing-hon*» sod Feed Stable in the eastern porti in H. K. HANNA, Administrator The Springs are easy of access, and partiwi who Portland. Oregon. Pinkerton'* Deirctive &tur>e*.per v. new office last week "time” being ca!l»*d l us a thundercloud. Her style of beauty Frr J e«a r ; of Ashland, on the old stage-road, where he i* come without tent* for camping out can be ac March 8. It is not surprising that more petitions Monday morning the following well- | is enhanced by a black and red nubia - A«<1 III Book* at Large l>iM*oant<*.— now prepared to furnish commodated with cabins at trifling expense. HAKPER'B WEEKLY.......................................... 4 00 fo river in.p ovenunt go to Washington known compositors answering to the K. .McGALId8TER.Prou. IHUU rut o 4>iA«i.kZu,.L, ...................................... $4 UU a »bess of black velvet, trimmed c tv fr< n. O-«gon than from any other oil-call; Wilbur F. Cornell (Foreman), | and LUMBER FOR ALL! 11 AHFi li o B a ZA i ............................................... • (JO with gilt b’itons, resembling the costume The Bost Accommodation* pt t of the (Otintiy. (Inr rivets need J. W. Coltrin, E. H. Pick r, Geo. F. ilAUihitO lub.Mj P1L'»1LE........................... 2 KJ ¡worn by the “Dianas” at rn I he great collection ofthenaat tlinllinr per- e.-ta of t«e country drained l.y it require. DEALER* IN Henry Ach, C. B. Bellinger, Seneca i Pie ty bitie Polly, with her golden hair, M»nsl nd vent urea on both sides during theflreot have recently pnt in a i ana commodious Ferry Uivil War. lnt‘»n«My int«rfMtir.*r ac rountsof Smith, C. E. 8. Wood, T. N Strung and boat at th* t»M place on Bogne river, and arc pr« 8 NOW UNDER FU1X HEADWAY AND lh The volumes of the W eekly begin with the fir*t H ?r b ‘rtuty is to other girls a warning; A d .natch from Cottonwood, Shasta Condens'i Into One Volume. r>rte. hand to-hand atru«irlvs. itu uwt»t Hill* sawed to order and sansiar tne i.umu. r curie- i at u*au o. rw. jpt oi order. the air, C'.tiniy wiOi wo tl.lca. 110 bills. Three merrna and tragicevf»nts. perl>>u<* journeys, bold ¡ion guaiantee«!. p ayinx that X. N. Sleeve* tie deb r ed • And I’d like to mairy her to-morrow liuitnd Vo.ufnvw ut hABnum n>.EKLY, for w 1« passed at Cottonwood, »ix in Red dashes. brilPant surcesseM and rnagnanimons ar All order* ncldrussed tu a« at Jacksonville wii . M.ret yet.r» u.c», it. neat cAu.n b.i.ui, g, W/H be from practice. The Charges are Mi I to morning Bl’.fl, tine« in An te son and several in lions <»n each rite |mc. 70 c»»apter". Pno- rwrwiT** pnvmnf att*nri«*n THt hURTHWESTERN PAKK8A4MIN ¿cut by muii. pu»« pud. - t ay i-Spies*. lree ut il- The thrilling adventures of all th* hero explor­ PTRELY 'LLTSTHATED Io tAe life No other book p»-t.s. (prvVMivu (i,e treigMiM«.«* u n i-xcten one Red ling. Th bliss; pa to have been he for bor owing b«»oks from the State ers and frontier fizhrers wit'» Indian«, «ntlaw« at all like if. (>«♦<•'. is everythin*. Address.’ Library and a number of lawy r- in I’o t- ..ullar pei vutu e), lor *« Mb per v.dume. nnd wild benat*. over r the T im ¿a. PLANE P PURIJSIDNG H«»U8K. Case*, foi «Mm Volume, suitable K/T bind- Mi***Ar*Lia. Mum. CITY BAKBF.R SHOP >ng, t Au.h the earliest times to th* present. Lives e.r.d ex­ Rank of ('aiiud* Thev oro .naked in land and removing the ma ks of identity >a Pin* 8t.. 8T. LOUIH, Mo. w.il Ou SUMI by mat J. postpaid, on receipt of Plano. O^aa. Tot«. all OrrliMtral and ploits of D»-Hoto. LnBalle. Blandish. Bonne. Ken­ I written or printed on them and put'ing - Tim« for p^iymenta allowed Can vase« ra short of • I 00 each. th« G..V ■ tvne t .■■«in erì- il detector as CAUFCJINIA «THEFT, ton, Brndy. Crockett. Bowie. Houston. Canmo. famix. C*reh«ml«i be m. d by Post Gffiee Custer. California Joe. Wild B ll. Buffalo Bill a ob i and a'« wort 'le a. tiou.y idi-r or Err*it. luavuni c <. um C*-« ul J om . ___ «a d to be a r nmb- r of other counts for I An o d pi vaieian. retire*) frona pr»ctice hav- Generals Miles and Crook, rr**t Irtlisn rh *f orrfiiu. Nowr pape. * ..r< «.«A tu wp, tiua u«d b ar.d>d 8 on 3. day's time given tn tg«nts without capital P Iti ]»» tbr eh«*», atu) jr«»t n<» relief ali Thnrrt od Lung A ff et tona, ale v a poeiliv* left shoulder. Amon» finding aatd pony will be at rwMonable price*. 8< AMMFLL A Cl).. Bi. Lmiis Mo.. i roiitt dir« r«M'<*ni»n"»td«a I l»v Dreiriyi*!« GVOROr RCRfTWW. RwrAIrM*« 4rN|ra Nrttr*. and ri lical car » i* »r ’f wv »-n □•»ilitv ai ) all suitably rewarded. !•• \-i,- ;,i>< ,At tli**a ime Cmo I wa» A. J. HUFFMAN. The beat M«lv* in the w»wld for Cnt*. Ne> vouh Co'uplaint*. after barin« rested w*. Aetuated by thh moriv*anda 1 will ha at hns*. in Jack*.,n vili* even Sal m J«m, »ci*», to find Ml 1 start oH» w on ■ K <>' S. P. Hvi i». ar. f-qaantad V i aa a l.ist rr«orf. n»»w 1 be|i<-v« »wen Corn* «nd all ifkin Eruption*. and p«»si I dneire *MU tu luu*« Vi uut tralMis »llU Vi*u 1 Off r.r^noHE knowing thkmsklyff in . t» rUiev« h.imn s iffwin«. I will «end "8' day. ai d will Settle-up Notloe. a*t«*olhna b E< m »rdinirv induremenL . wtk th- aam- forthwi.h, A ih.» wi.h to «. debtor! to th« under* srn«d will find it to tn*ir UUU, we SUU.U sn|. “V MVt ifeluiu W.lptAUi Visit- • lh • • •»»•->■ r-l| n» » of i « ‘‘ii-wt|v« qu.«f- tiva ; M.ea for Pile’», nr no pgr require I. It fr-eo* eharw* »• all whn dwrt it. thi« racip Ap-dirsn»« ah-»w tKey m-«nn bnsi’ses by ooMa. «a tha bi«M« .4 «io vesto mm bs wo«nc iewing machines 1. g tue Uik t iaa«MKs «.a«.*iy,t . t. . *uru«i >M*t al van tag** to a«ttle up w thoat fa« the r delay. A li [Fr. m Th« N,,w«. E <1 ih”thtnwr;. ia guaranteed to give perfect •atl«r*rti«»u nr inGwrwaa. K?«bahoe Froneh. w th fall «iifv». •»a'»«« by Utter (oo *n«tat Banff) iw full , their a,, wit^oat flrt'a. dotar. yvu. p..u.< ^Xatpl.* inaattled aconan** will ho placed in an attorney’* I A* th* and*r«i m- d ia ol «Kpcnaac«». etc. - >np u b dtla 5 c«n?i at Dr. J. W. np»n*r refunded. Prfcw 15 rente n.r bog. fion« f>r t»r «p «ring and aai K. BARRA. hand* for oollection. 1 must have what «a du* i smith h»*. uppv. luuliy IQ ..— i a ìdr w th *ta-«p. nei . ata* •••’d w-»«ri*a» — «arisfsçiior . tor Ml« by all dragghca. ^Ww^Rto^wtor of tho OOMO «f M.. P. U opo «. ut ■ a **atevt ukeam** *uo « ' .»i.»y ttnt*b*d 'A Nojm. GfiPtowari BU m f 1 ,‘“roOBOB' J Judge lUwn»*’» pivti’ie has gut ton in i to the Police Gazette, FOR SALE! California Street, Jaoksonville, Oregon. BOOTH and S1LOEH, GROCERIES, TOBACCO, ETC.. ETC. DISTILLERY! SILK VELVETS AND VELVETEENS, IN COLOFS. POWDER ENGLISH DIAGONALS, A Pure, Unadulterated ALL WOOL FRENCH CASHMERES, BOURBON, RYE Absolutely Pure. TRICOT CLOTH, IN COLORS, D Corn Whisky! AMERICAN CASHMERE, DOUBLE FOLD, SILK ANO WOOL ALPACAS, THE “SUNNY SIDE,” P ain destroy ER Hemorrhages, Sores, ulcers. Wounds, Sprains & Bruises. Railroad Saloon. I NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST Rheumatism, Neuralgia. LIVE OAK SALOON, Diphtheria, Sore Throat, Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks! A For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples..^“ i Female Complaints. _ THE PLACE □VEBLAND TO CALIFOr NHI CAUTION. Pond’s Extract BLACKSMITHING THE BEST STYLE MAE3LY & CO.’S Prices of CRONEMILLER & BIROSEï S PULLMAN P£LACE SLEEPING CAR. ? BLACKSMITHING ! HAYS & ELLIOTT. GEO.^MAEBETH:^ E0. Hardware, Stoves, Etc FLYING DUTCHMAN Jr. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT I U. M. HOTHI . OR. MINTIE, WAGON-MAKER, WOODBURN NURSERY B WAGON MATERIAL! NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES. o Oregon Kidney Tea I K Bri ikerhaff System for Cure of all RECTAL DISEASES. FRUIT TREES T SMOKE HEALTH-CIVINC WATERS THt LITTLE CUPIDS! McCallister s Soda Springs, A Rare Chance! TO THE HUNGRY & WEARY! FOR INVALIDS! Ashland Boarding-House and Dysaeasia and Hl Sumer Complaints. Feed Stable! THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. Johnston’s Ferry. ENGEL BROS., A Few tX-mples AGENTS WANTED for tie New Book, STERLING SAW-MILL B y BLUE & GRAY. J 6 Miles soDth of Jactsannue, CREil O'all BOOKS of ADVENTURES Cenerai Merchandise DRUGGISTS, Harper’s Weekly. I PIONEER iun DARING HEROES ANU DEEDS. J CONSERVAÌW OF MUSIC OREGON. GENERAL IGFNTS WANTED S Settle Up Notice. Cojnteneii Piescniments A 1PSÄ • '*’oAVin?ia«in£itf- B GATLoU^lKlr* teetute. KaMrvwciD trwva a «yrrialw