GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS 'J.1ITÍ0 STÀTiS Officili MISS. PWKMBKR 17, 1HÄ1 MINERS TESTS. J. NUNAN, MISCELLANEOUS SOME FH AC TIC Al. TESTS FOB ASC^BTAININU The Sutent bridge cost the neat sum of TUE NATl'BB OF METALS. $^,X1 11. (From ti*e Mercury.j H W. Beecher advises the Republi­ All that is necessary for the protq*ect- cans to drop Blaine. or to have with him in his search for I California Street, Jaoksonville, Orearon Tho Prohibition vote in the United precious medals is a small package of fil- tering paper, a few test tubes, one hand States has just doubled in two years. moi tar, a blow-pipe and a spirit lamp, T. A. Bunts, one of the earliest settle!s together with the following chemicals : -1’1 4 ìih < i nrircMlnliuM of 2,300, in Yreka, died last week, aged 58 years. 1 yjand bottle.......................................... Sulphuric Acid t ir I »» »liMtHure *»t HOO mite«. il plant of the Portland Water Co. for $450,- 1 “ 1 os. yellow ...................................... Prusiate Potawh 000. Iberetore oi» r» •»»«• *••• imlurtMicaU» And a few crystals Sulpho-cyanide of Po­ f» n I .ertioer». Owr liwl i« principali/ Europe is resounding with preparations tassium. cmiline«! t«» J»ek, no matter where the place • at Lakeyiew is $2 per 100 pounds. for moisture by adhering to the tongue. Would that never storms assailed it, Rainbows over gently curled; Jack Brady, formerly heavy-weight Before the blowpi|»e, when moistened For the hand that rock.-» the cradle, champion pugilist of the Pacific coast, with nitrate of eovalt, will give a clear I h the hand that rocks the world. died recently in Fresno from lung fever. blue color to the flame. ('bromate of Iron.—Place some of the Infancy'« the tender fountain; John Powers, one of the founders of powdered ore in a test tube with nitric 1’ower may w th beauty flow; Mother* first toguidi th** streamlets; Canyon city in 1802, died at that place acid and boil; it will color the acid green , From them souls unresting grow, recently of heart disease, aged 50 years. then filter, and to the filterate add am- Grow o t tor the good or evil; ■ in I or darkness hurled; The fiiemo of Geldenson, the mur­ [ monia, which will precipitate in dirty Foi the hand to*t rooks a l'QWDXJfc Co.. 103 Wall-sk, Are from Vt other Love impended; a public reception in (he east room of the cences (or boils up) it contains carbon­ N- Y. For the hand th t rocks the cradle. White House. ate ; to confirm the presence of carbonic Is tho hand that l ooks the world. The tendency of the entire country at acid, place some of the powdeie 1 ore in Bb-r sings on the band of woman the present time is to speculation. a test tube with acid and hold «ver it a Fathers, sons nad daughters cry And the sacred song is mingled Bradstreets reports the business outlook glass rod previously dipped in Lime wat­ W-th the worship in the sky; er. The drop on the rod will turn milky about the same. Min les where no tempest darkens, showing the formation of carbonate of llninltows evermore are hurled; A man by the name of P. Mickel of lime. For the hand that rocks the cradle. Seattle mysteriously disappeared in 'r Is tho hand that rocks the world. Sulphates.—To some of the powdered Portland last week. Il is feared he has io. u ux.u . iuuk inii'iv «.(¡'J, warm R ¿Krd 1 been foully dealt with. filter ; divide the filterate into two test ALL SORTS. lubes; to one add solution of chloride of Squire Farrar of Salem has shipped barium. If lead be present add nitr ite “ Wine-¡ooms” are supplying the some fifteen carloads of fruit this season, Stomach, principally to Montana. Apples com­ of barium to the other. After standing thirsty citizens of Atlanta with booze. Nose, or from any eaute is . peedily con­ ii while a white cloudy precipit a*e shows posed the bulk of the fruit shipped. trolled and stopped* It is not considered at all witty to call sulphates to be present. The Saunders’ murder appeal ease an d girl a chestnut belle. Sulphates.—To some of the pow do red was argued before the supreme court ore add a diop of nitric acid. If sulphides John ]•’. Owens, the veteran comedian, last week. The case will be decided be­ be present, it will give off a strong odor It is^cooling, cleansing ami Healing, died at his home in Baltimore on Decem­ fore December 23d, the day set for the like that ef rotten eggs. f’nf 'if’ph It is most efficaeiou-A for this ber 7th. hanging ot Saunders Zinc. — Sulphides of zinc dissolves Vdldl 1 11 y disease. Cold in tlm Head,«Sio. *• Pond’ii Extract Catarrh Cure,” T-za: Ocl.iltiee says he wishes 'his I The late John E. Owens, the veteran readily in dilute solution of hydrochloric Socially prepared to meet serious eases, ( li.nir, i<>r heaven were as blight as I comedian, whose death was announced acid, and sulphuric acid with evolution lould bo apulied with Pond*« Extract Blaines for the presidency. ot hydrogen gas. With the blow pipe on Nasal Syringe. j recently, has been au invalid for several charcoal, it leaves white oxide of zinc, In 18-10 there were only seven occupa­ years, but for twenty years he was an which is white when hot and yellow' tions open to women in the United actor of superior merit. No other preparation has cured more when cold. ciuses of these distressing complaint* than States. Now there are three hundred or Charley Hays, who but recently went Manganese—Dissolved in nitric or hy­ the Extract. Pond*« Extract Plus- more. ler is invaluable in those diseases, I.uin- from Eugene to Camp Harney, met with drochloric acid gives a faint pink color; I l>ago, l’ains in Back nr Side. &c. The (’< rvallis Agri cultural College ad- a severe accident by a horse falling upon filter, and to filterate add sulphide of v.etises h r 500,000 standard «¡ za brink •him and crushing hix rliilii arm. and of f (ieorgia, who ha» a jug in his of pottassium)—a blue precipitate will ity of female diseases tho Extract can be cellar and keeps it filled in spire of the lobbed ¡i few days since while passing occur. This proves conclusively the is well known, with the greatest through Bidwell canyon, California. It benefit. Full directions accompany each law, is called a “jtig-wuinp.” bottle. is not known how much money was ob­ presence of iron compounds. Lead or Galena Ore.—Drop a little “Red” salmon are being shipped daily tained. Fifteen men are said to beon nitric acid on the ore, then add a little to Portland. It is true the “nasty the hunt foi the scoundrels. things” are not fit to eat, but they water, then a crystal of iodide of potas­ Tho genuine has the words “Pond's Extract’’ blown in Archbishop Walsh warns the govern­ sium—a bright yellow piccipitit ‘ will at are good enough for Portland boarding the glass, and oui picture trade-mark on ment that the difficulties in Ireland, al­ once foim, which shows lead to be in surrounding bull wrapner. Noneotheris ready appalling, will be immensely in­ the ore. These tests can all be shown genuine. Always insist on having Pond’« Like Tilden, Mrs. Stewart left the creased if they persist in their attempts with the filtered solution in test tubes. Extruci. Take no other preparation. It is never so'd in bulk or by measure. gr- a\‘. portion of her fortune to trustees to convict prisoners by picked or packed Silver Ores.—I’owder the ore and boil Sold everywhere. Prices, «»Oc., $1, $1.75. of a tiii-t not expiessed. Does this juries, as was the case at Sligo. with nitric in a test tube, then filter and Prepared only by POND’S EXTRACT CO., mean that there is to be another great NEW YORK AND LONDON A recent Sacramento, Cal., dispatch droj> into it a little salt water or hydro­ will case? says: Winters’ breeding stables and tl e chloric acid ; a white curdy precipitate Prohibition in Georgia has had the ef­ Del Rio ranch, which are estimated to of chloride of silver is thrown down. This fect of booming the manufaet lire of liquor. be worth over $2,000,000, will be sold at is a good test for all silver ores except­ Perhaps the Georgians neglected to look auction soon. The stables are said to ing the chloride ores. To these kinds of ores the powder should be placed in a up the word prohibition in the dictionary be the finest in the United States, test tube, with strong ammonia water, before they voted on it. The organization of many syndicates aiid corked up and let stand for a few Now thev -1 v that the Henry George for the development of coal and iron hours ; then add nitric acid in slight ex­ movement in New York was a Blaine in­ lands in Tennessee and Alabama, to­ cess, and the chlorate of silver will soon trigue, disguised under a popular and gether with the fact that, fortunes have fall down, a white curly prec piiate. taking name. A. wily old fox is the been made recently by original investors, Gold—The best test for gold is the fire Plumed Knight from Maine. have caused much excitement in that assay, when assay office is not conven- ieni. i'he best way is to grind up tho Democratic pi «88 of New Yoik is section. after th ! HorW with a sharp stick. Mr. It is given out by authority that Sec­ ro.-.k to a fine powder, add a little potash I’’’.1! ..... wi!! ,e. I the cheek of bi ass retary Manning’s health is steadily and and p- u. it oat into a saucer or small foundry to much longer keep up his pre­ rapidly improving, and that Im finds a pan, or dish of any kind, and ween near­ tence of publishing a Democratic sheet. renewal of his active control of the Treas­ ly all panned down examine it do ely for fine colors of gold. Tho youngest school teacher in Ala­ ury to advance rather than retard his For Pyrites of Iron or Copper Sulphtn- bama is “little May Duke” of Clanton, complete recovery. Of all this the etes.—The best way to test them for goid between 6 and 7 years old. She has an country is right heartily glad. is to boil the powdered mineral in strong infants’ school and her terms are ten It is expected that the railroad bridge caustic of potash, and then wash or pan cents a month for teaching the little ones at Albany will be completed by the 1st it out as before mentioned, and examine their letters. of January, ready for the passage of for fine colors of gold. Cinnabar (Quicksilver) Ore— Mercury An Indian woman, wife of Saltrase, trains. The grading on the eastern ex­ chief of the Cmur d’Alene, took the pre­ tension is about completed to the point is most always combined with sulphur. mium on butter at the Spokane fair, where the road crosses the Santiam It may be determined by either the dry Nails, per keg................... 9 4 00 much to the chagrin of many of her river, several miles east of the city. I or wet way. In the dry way place some 05 “ “ lb...................... fairer sisters. The forest queen is very It is rumored that a first-class daily , of the powdered ore in a test tube with 65 pi Olid of her diploma. morning Democratic paper is to be start­ an iron nail and heat it over a lamp 1 q't Fruit Cans per cssed foe only ... 1 25 in the diluted solution a clean piece of Buck Saws................. $8,000,000 taxable Ponds, although $33,- der happened near Harrisburg, and the iron or knife blade, and it will soon be 3-inch Bain Wagon.. ... 110 00 officers were unable to procure any clue 000,000 was distributed among th“ heirs ll coated with copper. With the blow pipe 34-inch cc ... 115 00 by the will, -lav Gould is assessed, on whatever to the same. A few days ago ll it Harry McCollum, on his death-bed, in it colors the borax bead green when hot, 3| “ ... 120 00 $100,000 worth of personal property. (4 Idaho, confessed to the murder. He and blue when cold; in the oxidizing L Sulky Plows. , ... 60 00 The jury in the case of Joshua Ham­ gave as his reason that the person killed flame, red when cold. ... 20 00 Antimony—Is scarcely attacked by 72-tooth Harrows.. blin, charged with the murder of John had seduced his daughter in California either hydrochloric or nitric acid, but 5 Massey, in San Francisco, Cal., disa­ and then fled. “ Cultivators . .. 10 00 will readily dissolve in both, when water Cook Stoves............. greed after being out eighteen hours. 20 to 80 00 It is generally believed here that di­ will precipitate a basio-chloride of anti­ It stood eight for acquittal to four for Largest stock of hardware, stoves, conviction. Judge Toohy reprimanded plomatic questions of grave importance mony. With the blow pipe it is distin­ will soon arise between the United guished by its extreme fusibility and va­ implements, etc., in southern Ore­ the jury for not bringing in a verdict. Statesand Mexico, growing out of the por in the candle flame and gives off* gon. A. H. MAEGLY » anything, and mj dotigli eras so bnu i I scarcely slept any at night. My Druggist. ; The hewt *alve in rfift world for Cuts. these, but my aim is to give but a few Mr II. F tbs Minigli t, sei t me a trial bottle BrmspM. Hores. Ulcers. S ilt Rheum. Fever and make them as simple as possible. Of eitra ability and experience, to take general • f DK BO>.\ 5 Ko'8 < <>rGH AND LUNG Norre. Tetter. ( hanp4 of 8. W. 4 Sec ■-’2. and N. H of N. W. Bor. 27. Tp. 87, 8. R. 4 We«t. W M. He names Die following witnesses to prove his con­ tinuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said Lind, viz: ll. W. Houston. A. Koster, 8- Duffield and Geo. W. Lance, all of Bolt P.O., Jackson county, Oregon. _ CHAS. W. JOHNSTON. Register. SILK ANO WOOL ALPACAS, WATERPROOF, (ÍINOHAMS, PRINTS I JOHN A ETC ¡JACKSONVILLE - A Pure, Unadulterated ARTICLE OF EOK GOODS IN OUK LINE Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks ! Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Spectacles and Optical Goods; agents for the Rockford Railroad Watohes. 4 14« GOODS IN THE LINE M an U f A( i (Jitr. ) A’O ORDER AND REPAIRED Watch Rej airing carefully ex «outed. Selection Packages sent on applic.'tl ion. Com>nunioate with u-i before purchasing •'<.■ •where MISCELLANEOUS THE PLACE —TO GET YOUR— CICARS IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF THE U’HE U1.IM HMIGNH» OU EKS THE FOL- Always on hand. 1 County Court, made the 7th day ot December, I lowing land ami stock for sale: 9B0 acres of hvfii, the undersigned, aJminirirato? of the estate land across Rogue river, which joins E. P. Pick­ Sil s-J*.q ¡Ov-e^ed, will otter for sab. to ens’ place; 2 Oi'b acres on Antelope, 18 miles from the highest bidder, on Jacksonville; 71 acres within onotnileof Jack­ sonville. Saturday, the Sth day of January, 188(1. Also 2,000 head of sheep, part of which are inut- ( :«.r. California and Oregon Btroet, Jacksonville at 1 o’clock P. M., at the Court-House door in ton sheep and the rest stock sheen; 20 head of Jacksonville, Oregon, all tho right, title and in. mules, most of wnicn are broke; a No. i jack ami HENRY PAPE. Engineer. t. rest of the said Draperat the .»ate of Lis a fine stallion. W m . BYBEE. decease in and to the following real property, to. Jacksonville. Or. : THROCGH TICKETS, 12J C ents . wit One watet-uitch about a mile long, together with a mining claim on the little fork of Foots FOR SALE. IIOK’E WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS creek. A little ditch taking water out of Foots creek constantly on hand. The reading-table is also 4 BANCHE CONTAINING 1W ACHES OF supplied with Eastern periodicals and leading above the mouth of Foots gulch. 1 11 goo«I land, all under good rail ience, witn Terms ut sale—cash w hand. house stable and other outbuildings. A good papers of the coast. JOHN BOLT, raochefor either funning or stock-raising, with Administrator of said Estate. sufficient huy and pasturage for wintering 100 Dated Dec. 10,1686. head of stock, and situated in Langell valley, Klninnfh cnnntv Orevon. For further narticu- lurs call on or address Summons. GRANTS PASS ISAAC’ WILSON, Linkville, Klamath county, Or* In the. Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for the County ot Jacason. J B. HUTCH, Proprietor. Chas. Nickell, plaintiff, vs. Mary E. Willson and FOR SAJL j C P. C. Willson defendants; suit in.equdj io fore­ The finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars are always close mortgage. on hand, while the reading table is supplied 4 GOOD. IMViCuvEO FAi . V TABLE kept » ary E. Willson ana i. c. Willson,the above- with the latost newspppers. A Pool Table nmy To named defendants: Zx Kock pre’in* t. containing arret», mostly tillable l..n.i. Is 2 wacereL, with ar excellent also be found here. I propose to keep a strict I N THE NAME uE THE STATE OF OREGON: or« ' . it 1 ’"lore is a comfortable dwelling-house ly first-class ¡»lace Giv.. mu u eall. 1 You ure hereby required to appear ana answer J. B. HUTCH ou it ; <1 so a good barn and outbuildings. Will tlio complaint of the ubove Plaintiff in the abovb besol«! at a reasonable figure. For further par­ entitled ( ourt, now on file with the Clerk of said (’ourt, wit mu ten days from the date ot tho ser- ticulars enquire at the T imes office. iice o. U«4fl summons upon you, it served in Jack- MISCELLANEOUS. sou county, Oregon; but if served in any otner county of the State of Oregon, then within twen­ MISCELLANEOUS days firm the date of me service ol this sum­ MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ARE ty mons upon you; or if served upon you out of the ofiered for sale represented State ol Oregon or by publication, tnen by the liistday of the next l . «:u or said Court, to-wit: as good as thq Famous the second .Monday in January, 18b7. And you are hereby noiimd that if you fail to appear and VIA answer said co.nplunit, as nereby required, tho Plaiutihs wi 1 apply to tue ( oqrt for me relief BUT THEY Oregon ¿0 California R. H. demunucl in said complaint, to-wit: tor a decree A 1 I Ooxl lections. against defendants for &6U0.U) and interest there­ on at the rate of ten per cent, per unnuiu. liom TWO AND ONE-HALF DAYS. Nov. 12. 18»5, and reaaunable attorney s tees and Fare from Portland to 8«in Francisco........#32 00 evstn -aid disbursements ol said suit; ulso for the •• “ •* Sacramento............ 30 00 And like all Counterfeit« lack tho usual decree fortue sale el the premises by the us on execute n at law, and for the appru- ( lo.-e eonimctioas ir.adeat Ashland with stages Bemarkublo L.A»'ranu Qualities Sheuff, pnation of tiie proceeds thereof; also t hat duiend­ of tiie California, Oregon and Idaho Stage Co. OF THE OEXVINE. ant-. and all pciaon.««l umiug under them subse­ quent to the exucuuoii cem equitable to the Couit, I'WCEN POKTLANI» A ANHI.A.M» Published in llie UKM00BA110 'T1ME8 by order of Hon. L li. Webster, circuit judge, made De­ Mail Train. cember 1, IbWl. P. P PRIM. LEAVE.. ARRIVE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Portland.... ... b-M» A. M. Medford. ..3:14 A. M. Medford . . .3:15 A. M. Ashland H»» A. M. Ashland.... >U5 P. M. Medford. . 9:21 P. M. Summon:. ftfedford. . 9:22 P. M. I Port land...... 3:45 P. M . THIS And Insist In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for 21 lbauy Express Train. the County of Jackson. LEAVE. I ARRIVE. Exact upon Foidyce Roper, Geo. ji . Willard and J. IL Muy- Portland..........1:00 P. M. Lebanon......... 9:20 P. M. fit id, plaintiffs, vs. A. S. Jacobs, ex-Sheriff of Lebanon...... 1:48A.M.IPortland. . u>:05A.M. k«-un county, Oregon, Mandell Esberg, P. ABEL J... HAVIN’ Wabsorman, Simon Bachina:!, aud Julius Bber- man. copartners doing busintss at Portland, on Each them Oregon, under the turn ana style ot Es­ daily between Portland and A bland. berg, Bachman Co., Marks Wilzinski, Albert The O. & C. II. R. Ferry makes couneution with Wilzineki. B. J. bideman aud A. J. Lacliman, CHIMNEY all tii«» regular trains oil the East, Side Division with corpa: tners doing business at l’oitrui.d, Oregon, from foot ol F street. under the firm name and style ot WilzmsRi Pat. Oct. Bros. & Co., H. bnglebrecii, 11. B. Miller,doing West Side '-»iviaiou. business under the firm name and style ol H. r.l.N 1*011 < I.A 1 l>A< OH V B. Miller a, Co., and Johuunu llouck, execu­ M Imln trix of the estate of Jasper Houck, Uectascd, Manufactured ONLY by dulendunts. LEAVE. | ARRIVE. To Mandell Esberg, Simon Bachman, Julius Portland....... 7:30 A. M. <'orvallis. ...12:25 P.M. Eberman, B J. b d« man an i A. J. Luchmun, of Corvallis 1:30 P. M.¡Portland........ 6:15 P. M. me above-named Uelei.daute: At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pa­ PITTSBURGH. PA. N I’HE NAME uh IHt, SPATE OF OREGON: cific for Yaquina Bay. • You are required to appear m said court and Expi'ess Train. answer the complaint oi said plaintiffs, tiled against you. witmn ten days from the time of the LEAVE. | ARRIVE. om«io«of iiii- Mammon« on you. if «orroa within Portland .4:50 P. M. McMinville . 8«0 P. M said county; or, if served on you within any other McMinnville.. .5:45 A. MJPortland........ 9:00 A. M county in mis State, then within twenty days OF THE Local tickets for sal«* and baggage checked at from the timeot tneservice; or, if served on jou company’s up town office, cor. Pine and Second t of the State of Oregon, or by publication, streets. Tickets for principal points in Califor­ HOTEL«, ml then by the first day of the term ot this court fol­ nia can only be procured at company's office, lowing such service, viz: the lbth day of January, < or. I anil t'roiat St«.. Portland. Or, lbb7. And you are noLibed that, if >ou fail to an­ Cor. Third and California 8ts., Freight will not be received for shipment after swer said complaint as above required, the plain­ live o’clock 1*. M. on either the East or West Side JACKSONVILLE OREGON tiffs will apply to the court for the relief demand­ Divisions. E. P. ROGERS. ed therein. R. KOEIILER, G. F. B for a complete change has beon made. I’he table is supplied with everything the mar ket affords. uVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA LACKSMITHING PEARLTOP ARE NOT! THE BEST STYLE PEARLTOP THE LOWEST RATES. CRONEMILI.EB Ä SIROSEí S PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS ■I A( 'K SON VILI ,E, 011KGON BLACKSMITHING ! -O'.TT" HAYS K ELLIOTT, The PEARL TOP iß At their Now Shop near the public hitching rack in GW, A. MACBETH & CO, JACKSONVILLE. LIBERTY ol ENLIGHTENING THE WORLD I In regard to the unequaled merits of the Ire now prepared to do all kinds of Blaoka:i>:(h ing. FLYING DUTCHMAN Jr. HORSsESHOEINil CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT which with its latest improvements is conceded by im­ partial and practical farmers everywhere to be the best plow that ever turned soil. WAGON Ä CARRIAGE WORK. &c. Easy on the team, because it is the lightest draft plow made. Easy on the driver, because the plow being in front, its work is always in direct view. Easy to operate, because simple in construction. Easy for the boys to handle on account of the per- feet manner in which it Turns a Square Corner, For circulars, descriptive, illustrative, demonstrative, logical, philosophical, irrefutable, convincing, sensa­ tional, astonishing, amusing, comical, but all true when they describe the pioneer three-wheel plow, the Flying Dutchman, address, In a prompt and scientific manner, and on Vory Reasonable Terms SATISFACTION GUARANTEED GEO. RIE VES. • ! ‘ | DR. MINTIE, MOLINE PLOW COMPANY, Moline, lllinoll WAGON-MAKER, WOODBURN NURSERY Jacksonville, Or.« At the old stand of 8. P. Hanna, in Cronemillor's building, keeps <>u hand a full line of WAGON MATERIAL! And is prepared to do nil work in his lino on short notice and hl i workmanlike manner. Vehicles of every description made to order. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Toron reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. GEO. RIEVE8. THE SPECIALIST, i Will speedily relieve and perma nently cure all the various difficul­ ties arising from a disordered con dition of the KIDNEY8 ! NNKLL, KEITNHU A WOODARD, Wholesale Agents, PORTLAND, OREGON. SMOKE ILLUSTRATED. And everything will be done to insure the com fort of gueBts. The traveling public who favor this housii with their patronage will always receive the utmost attention, and everything will be done to make the U. 8. Hotel the most popular public house in Southern Oregon. JOHN DeKOBOAM. THt LtTTLE CUPIDS! A Rare Chance! The public are hereby notified that the under­ signed will offer at private sale all the WAGON MATERIAL. (FORMERLY TANNOT’ s ) Jump-off-Jos Preci-ct. TOSiTHINE COUNTY. TDK BUBW’BIBEKB •J take pleasure in informing the public that they have recently put in a new and commodious Ferry­ boat at the old place on Rogue river, and are pro pared to ferry all who deaire to cross in a safe nnd expeditions manner at rnasonable rate*. We guar ftntMXNtf««fez-firm JOTtNHTON HRAH THE NORTHWESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. M1XMEAPOLIS, MINN. „ Strongest corns of Teachers In the WtaC. ____ __ 18 to „i 115 for ® lesson*. Pu pl la received at any Um« Kllt«n Fall tarn» Mglns »«pt. I. Mod for Calendar. Um«. CMAJUsBB M. MOMK, BtmMr. Settle Up Notice jPer Year : HARPER’S MAGAZINE............................... M 00 HARPER’S WEEKLY................................... 4 00 H a RP k RS BAZAR........................................ «00 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE .................... 2 CO HARPER’S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRA­ RY, One Year (52 Numbers).................... 16 00 HARBER 8 HANDY SEitLEb. One Year «52 Numbers..................... 15 oo DAY SCHOOL. Postage Free to all subscribers in the United J 5 U0 States Primary Department......................... or Canada. Junior “ ......................... . « CM) Preparatory “ ......................... . 8 00 10 00 Senior and Graduating Department............ . ,____ The volumes of the M agazine begin with the Pupils are received at any time, and npecial at­ numbers for June and December of each year. tention iB paid to particular studies in behalf of When no time is specified, subscriptions will be­ children who have but limited time. For furthei gin with the number current at time of receipt of particulars apply at the Academy. order. Bound Volumes of H arper ’ s M agazine , for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will lie sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents—by a w g# »j mail, postpaid. index to H arpeb ’ s M agazine , Alphabetical, Analytical and (’lassified, for Volumes 1 to 70, in­ clusive, from June, 1850. to June 1885. one vol., 8m<>. Cloth, $1 00. ^-.DISQOUNT Remittances should be mad»' by Poet Office PUBLISHERS PRICED Money < irder or Draft, to avoid chances of loss. Newspapers are not. to copy this ad vertisemen ^SEND ™ CATALOG UE FREE without i he express order of H arper & B roth ER h . Address HARPER A BROTHERS. New York. The Scholastic year of this school will com­ mence about the end of Auguet, and is divided in four sessions of ten weeks each. Board and tuition, per term............. . sw oo . 15 (X) Music................................................... . 8 00 Drawing and Painting....................... Bed and Bedding............................... . 8 00 W W McCallister's Soda Surings, Situat’il «m th«> North F«>rk of Butte creek 3 miles from Jacksonville, in a cool c;tnyon r?'’ *1t. jlcLmt.'nlin. are a delightful resort TO THE HUNGRY & WEARY! I FOR INVALIDS! Ashland Boarding-House and short Th'-so waters aro highly medicinal curing in a time Feed Stable! The Best Accommodations For man and beast, at prices to suit the times. Give me a call for proof of what I say. TROS. MAYHEW The thrilling adventures of all the hero explor­ ers and frontier fighrers with Indian«, ontlaws snd wild beasts, over onr whole c wintry, from the earliest times to the nreaent. Lives and ex­ ploit* of DeSoto. L*»8nlle. Sfardieh. B'One. Ken­ ton, B-ady. i’rockett, Bowie. Houston. Carson, Custer. California Joe, WiM Bill. Buffalo Bill Generals Miles and Crook. ¡Treat Irdisn chief an.4 scores of other* .MP1 XMornt t I i . t . ram atx with 175 fine engraving- AGENT3 WANT­ ED Low-priced, and beats anything to sell. * day’s time given tn '.»r»rt« without capital 84 AMMF.LL ear-«>ld, genuine Burgundy.Goldei.< tiaaeelM. Pop. Am. Dictionary and ('yclopedia .70 Johannisberg. Rieeling, Muscat and Zinfandel Pinkerton's Detective Stories.per v. i.a grape vines—5,(110, in Mock, And All Book« at Large Dhreunt«.— T A« well as many CHRONIC DISEASES! The Springs are easy of access, and parties who come without tents for camping «»ut can be ac­ commodated with cabins nt trifling expense. H. Md ALLlSTER.Proo. For Sale at 830 per M. LUMBER FOR ALL! Alro enttirgs of the above varieties at |'i per M. These are th« best varieties known snd are adapt- ed to .our climate. And I offer bargain rates, as every vineyardist will know. F. A ENGLISH. Trail creek precinct. Beagle, Or.. Nov. 20, 1886. STERLING SAW-MILL AGENTS WANTED for the Ne» Book, i Mlles mil if Jacimnlle, DEEDS or DARING. CREAM Condensed or all BOOKS of ADVENTURES By BLUE & GRAY. Into One Volume. The great collection of the most thrilling per­ PIONEER im DARING HEROES AN1J DEEDS. HARPER’S PERIODICALS, THE 8ISTEHS of the HOLY NAMES. II Kearny Htrcel, Nan Franclnco, < «1. I» NOW UNDER FULL HEADWAY AND 18 A prepared to fut meh the market with every de scription of lumber of a superior quality at the sonal adventures on both eid'-e during theGre.d lowest rate«. Bills sawerk in his line in the best manner u;d at rawmaoNo price«. GRORGF RCHUMPF Battle-up Notice. . A« the nnd*r-igYi« d is cl«»«ing up his black- SETTLE UP ! 1 smith basin-«Min Ja •»«•« nville, those indebted to A of 8. P. Hanna. dec'‘us*» H. K. HANNA. hands for collection. I want bave what is due I AT î - b T improved SHARP. BAU ^dmini«tr«t. r of the Mtats of 8. P. Hann«, I me. FRED. GROB. 1 iRemington and WinehMfar rifles, warrante»! btffce g-Rwin. an.^u .• K'WN MTI4.FR*H, jBdMriUr July A Ll, PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE I CONDUCTED BY No in pie Dottle Free: «ent on application hy letter, statinp symptoms, sox and age. Com­ munications strictly confidential. D r . M intik ’ h K idney R emedy , N ebhreticum - rpHK UNDERSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OR. curesail kinds of Kidney and Bladder complaints 1 dors through Jackson and Josephine counties Gonorrhoea. Gleet and Leucorrhaea. For sale by for all druggists. $1 per bottle or six bottles for $5. D r . M intie s D andelion P ills are the best cheapest D yspepsia and B ilious cure in FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, and the market. For sale by all druggists. An. kind raised in a first-« lass Nursery. tarr.nge Tools nnd private effects of the late 8. P. Hanna. This is a rare opportunity far any The undi'rsigned takes pleasure in informing one wishing to purchase some nr«t-cla»s carriage the public that he has take», charge of the Boani- material, etc. ing-houae and F**ed Stable in the eeatern portion H. Kr HANNA, Administrator of Ashland, on the old stage-road, where he j* March 8. IMS now prepared to furnish H arper ’ s M agazine during 1887 will contain a novel of intense political, social,and romantic in, terest, entitled ’’Narka’’—a story of Russian life by K aiuleen O’M eara ; anew novel, entitled “April Hopes,” by W. D. H owells ; Southern Sketches,’’ by C harles D udley W arner and R ebecca H arding D avis , illustrated by W m . H amilton bibson ; ‘"Great American Indus­ tries’ continued; ’Social Studies,” by D r R. T. E ly ; further articles on the Hnilroad Problem by competent writers; new series of illustrations E. A. A bbey aud A lfred P arsons ; articles by E. P. R oe ; and other attractions. TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. By the Thousand ! Those wanting Trees this (all will do wollto give me their orders, as I will guarantee satisfac­ tion. I warrant ull my trees if properly cared for. Terms of payment easy. Produce («ken at mar­ ket price. ltJOO lbs. of Peach Heed wanted. A. 8. JOHNSON. I Jacksonville. Oregon Aug. 1, 1883. Harper’s Magazine. Have been thoroughly renovated and put in Treats all Chronic. Special and Private Diseases with wonderful Success. Keeps the largeot stock of Is a never failing cure for Nervous Debility. Exhausted Vitality Bern inal Weakness, Bper- inatoiTlu'H LOST MAN­ HOOD, Impotency, par­ md---- alysis and all theternble «licet a of Self Abuse, VINES AND SÏÏHÜBBERY Youthful follies and ex­ cesses of maturer years, such as loss of Memory. on the Northwest coast. Nocturnal Emissions, Lassitude, aversion to Society, Dimness of Vision, Noises in tl.e head, the vital fluid passing ¡unobserved in the anno and. many other diseases that lead to insanity and ¡loath. Dr. Mintie. who is a regular graduate«I Physi­ cian, will agree to forfeit five hundred dollars for PRICES : a case of this kind the VITAL RESTORATIVE Apple Trees.. ............................. #5 to $10 per 100, (under his special advice and treatment) will not cure or for anything impure or injurious found in Peach “ ............................... 10 “ 18 * ‘ Plum and Prune Trees........... 8 “ 18 “ “ it. Dr. Mintie treats all private diseases success Other trees and shrubbery furnished reasonably. ful'v without Mercury. Consultation free. Thor- ough examination and advice including analysis 8end for t atalogue to J. H. 8ETTLEMIER. Woodbarn. Or. of urine, $5. Price of Vital Restorative $1.50 a bot­ tle, or fo’.’r times the quantity for $5; sent to any address on receipt of price, or C. O. D.. secure from observation and in private name if desired, by A. MI't Fl»;. M. D., FRUIT TREES 1887. The Rooms and Beds I No. II Kearney Nt., Nan Francisco, < al. NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES It is perfectly harmless and can be given to the m«st delicate woman or child. For sale by all druggists. T AND In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Jackson, sitting in probate. In the matter of the estate of Silas Draper, de- LIVE ÛAK SALOON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LIVER AND LIQUORS Administrator’s Sale of Heal Property. C E. C. HEINRICHSES 149 First Street. - - - Portland. Oregon- THE LEADINS JEWELERS OF THE NORTHWEST, K Administratrix’* Notice. hi the matter of tho estate of Tob. Coker, de­ ceased. VTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 uuderiignvd has been appointed by th« corii- ty cour. ot Jackson county, Oregon, sitting in Probate, administrator of the est*e of Teb. Coker, deceased. Ail persons indebted to said estate are request­ ed to settle the same immediately, and those hav­ ing claims against the estate will present them to meat my residence in Pleasant Creek pre­ cinct, Jackson county. Oregon, wiiiiin six months from the first publication of this no­ tice. IDA COKER, Administratrix of said Estate. Dated Dec. 10,18*6 THE “SUNNY SIDE,” WINES, All persons indebted to said estate aro request- e«i to settle the same immediately, and those Lav­ ing chains against the estate will present them with the proper vouchers at my residence in Ta­ ble liock precinct. Jackson county. Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. MARY A. WtMJD. Executrix of said Estate. Dated Deo. 10, 1886. Railroad Saloon NOTHING SAVED BY SENDING EAST -Nature’, own Rome — - - OREGON Oaton & Gurctt, General Agenta Corn Whisky! Stock and Land For Sale. J. Oregon Kidney Tea ! HANLEY, Propr, BOURBON, RYE FARM FOR SALE Fall aud Winter buyers will find prices greatly reduced and onr stuck in keeping with the demand of our constantly augmenting trade. We aro continually adding something new to our already large assort­ ment and offer you standard goods at a legitimate profit. As usual, we pay ail our market will afford for pnxluce, such as Butler, Eggs, etc. o In tho matter of the estate of R. F. Wood, de­ ceased. VOTIi’E 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 undersigned has been appointed by the coun­ ty court of Jackson county. Oregon, sitting in Probate^ executrix of the estate of R. F. Wood, THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE his farm, situatisi near Bybee s ferry, ten miles CHA LE A McKENZIE, Props , from «Jacksonville, containing 180acres, 90 acres being under cultivation and the balance being CALIFORNI A STREET, JACKSONVIJ J J’’«. first-olaea timber and pasture land. A good house, burn and outbui’ilings are connected with Has just been furnished with an elegant new the place. Title perfect anti terms reasonable. For further particulars apply to the T imes JBilliard and Pool Table. office or J. 8. GRIGSBY, Central Point I’. O. Tho finest brand» of fiiy.Special line of Ladies’ All-Wool Scarlet and Merino Underwear. Ladies’ and Misses All-Wool Hose. Nice Goods. BLACKSMITHING, ETC. Executrix’s Notice. DISTILLERY! FARM FOR SAUS AMERICAN CASHMERE, DOUBLE FOLD, Plano. Organ, ........ . Voice. Theory, all Orchestral and —J *—- imenU. Modern language«. Elocution. OREGON. I i * SV^ÍAÍ."« ... SSVÜ4* 'AV W'icïMT.Ï GENERAL AGENTS WANTED Notice for Publication. D THE BEST OF EVERYTHING. J ohnston’s Ferry ENO EL BROS., ROGUE RIVER ESIHING TO ENGAGE LN OTHEB I’Ult I AND suits, 1 offer for sale on reasonable terms, my property on Williams creek, Josephine county. It oomprises 8U acres of land, most <>f which is under fence, well watered and susceptible to cul­ tivation. The dwelling house and outbuildings Ir quapiitie« to suit, and at prices that cannot are in good condition, besides which there is a fail to give satisfactOn. cabinet shop supplied with superior water-power. Our liiiu-rs are absolutely pure, and sup?r:or For further paiticulars, enquire on the premises tunny otners it this market. or address G. B. CALDWKLL. Williams P. O., Or. Nat 1> lac lion GuarMiiteed. Prices of Hardware, Stoves, FOR SALE! THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR BALE A No. I grain farm, containing 204 acres of tillub.e land, lying near the stage road, six miles east of Jacksonville. Place is well improved; good well <»f water for house oso and living stream for stock. Also, 215 acres lying within half a mile of Phonix, all under fence; can at small expense bo put in cultivation. On the 204-acre farm there is 1(XI acres of grain and hay growing that 1 will sell with the farm if^desired. Can give possession at anj iy tim«>. For paitiriUars JOHN 8. HERRIN, - call on or ail dress -------- ---------------- Ashland, Oregon Absolutely Pure. ll« LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. FARMS FOR SALE. We Carry in Stock POWDER WINES AND LIQUORS | OFFER FOR HALE ON REASONABLE terms 1 one of the beet Stock or Dairy Farms in South­ ern Oregon, situated on Deer Creek. Joeephine county. MMitaining SRU ucra« "f rich botttHH laml. ee|H‘eiully adapted to the grow’h of tim'’#>,w and clover. About one-half is cleared and in cultivation, and must of the balance can t>e eat- 1 y cleared. There is « euuam «nt*-r running through the place the rear roiind, affording plenty of water fm stock and some for irrigating. The place is all inclosed hy a good rail fence, t here is a howie and barn and ’AM) young fruit trees on the place. It also has the best outside range in the county; also unother excellent place contain, ing i‘A) acres. For full particulars call upon or address O. J. VANNOY Kerbyvill«. Oregon GENERAL DEALER IN III tilt I.KI'I.VKK». FOR SALE I Counterfeit Presentments Of our beloved ones are alwajs treasures. We *honld never delay in securing them while we -an: and to those of onr readers who visit Port" land, we wonl f’rajor e ^i»»r inhy A CARD. I will be at home, in Jacksonville ever)Batui dav. ar d will HEPAI'l SE ATINO MACHINES For thoae who n ned mv service«, at reMonabk i JF h I SPORTING.BLASTING AND GiANT • '»••d wrhMD »ai.ipfrction. at i order« with Mr. Brooke at hi« drug store '» • -a der Fuse, Cape «nd 1 GAYLOBD BELL I JOHN MILL««'»