UKRK AND THERE. Tbc »oil is in good condition for plowing Are you made miserable by Indigestion, PERSONAL MKNTÍON. Julin Bolt, ndiiiiniatrator of tlie »tute of Lodge Klertlon*. in most places and the farmers are taking I Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite/ Silas Draper, deceased, will sell some tirst- At the regular meeting of Ashland lodge, Taxes are now due. We regret to learn that Mrs. J. Topper is j No. 45, I. O. <). F.. the tollowing offic ers | Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s Vitaiizer is a posi­ class mining property, situated on Foots advantage of their opportunity. Oregon Kidney Tea. quite ill again. were elected for the ensuing tjrm: W. W. Manuel Miller, who has been in the tive cure. For sale at the City Drug Store. creek, at the court-house door in Jackson­ UMir» JT4TÍ3 OFFICIAL Mill Only two weeks until Christmas L. D. Brown han returned to Gold HUI Keiitnur, N. G.; John May. V. G.; E J. Willamette valley for sometime past, re­ The real property belonging the Briner ville on the Sth day ot January, 1887. At­ iroiu Portland. Plant your holiday advertisements. turned to Butte creek last week. Farlow, R. 8.; A. D. Helman. P. B.; H. C. estate was sold ut administrator’s sale last tention is called to his advertisement in an­ DECEMBER 10. lS»i FRIDAY. J. H Knutzen, Esq., made our office a Myer, treasurer; A D. Hetman, E. J. The finest millinery goods at Mrs. Prim’s. Great is the rush to Newman Fisher’s Suturday, W. A. Owen acting as auction­ other column. The C. P. R. R. Co. bus employed a vet­ visit a few days since. Farlow and R. Taylor, trustees. Accidents. Old papers at the T imm office very cheap. store in Jacksonville to take advantage of eer. It was bid in by MUson Maule at erinary surgeon from San Francisco, to $620. Ja*. Barneburg, who is it} the employ of Tiie following officers of Ruth Rebekah * F. Barneburg and family of Bear creek Peddlers will now go into winter quar­ the great bargains he is offering. Degree Lodge No. 4, I. O. O. F., were elect­ Austin Bish of Ashland precinct, had bis ters. It was reported that Joe Braendel had assist Dr. Trullinger.sent to Butteville and paid us a visit last Saturday. Mrs. J. G. Birdsey, who has been visiting collar-bone broken not long since while been lost in the mountains between Jackson Berry vale by the Siskiyou Board of Super­ W. J. Nichols, Sum s valley’s clever drug­ ed Dec. 6th: Mrs. Mollie Krause, N. G.; The grand masquerade ball is not far off D. N. Birdsey ami family of Kock Point visors. The railroad managers are as de­ Mrs. M. E. Sturgis, V. G.; R. H. Moore,a using a clod pulveriser. The team he was and Foots creeks, and rotue even started precinct, returned home yesterday. gist, was in Jacksonville Tuesday. I to hunt him. He turned up all right, how­ sirous as our horse-owners to prevent the Rec. Sec.; Miss Nellie Luy, Treas.; N. A driving became unmanageable and pulled now. Dr Sechrist and Prof. Soule of Phcenix Henry Mensor has been appointed post­ tar°y or glanders Lots of fun at Jacksonville on Christ­ Jacobs, F. 8. the implement over him, injuring him se­ master at Woodville and will assume ever. mas. Emery, the enterprising furniture dealer made a trip to town last Saturday. The following officers were elected Wed­ verely. Warren Lodge of Masons, Jacksonville, charge of his office in a few weeks. Jas Helms, A. P. Talent and M. H. nesday evening by Warren Lodge No. 10. of Ashland, has moved into his new 8. M. Lane of Oakland was in town this J. B. Thomas of Gold Hill, while at work will hold u special meeting on the evening A. F. A A. M. : C. C. Beekin in. W. M M; ; High mass will be chanted at the Cath­ building opposite the plaza, where he will I Drake were here one day last week. on a shed the forepart of the week, slipped week. D. Linn. 8. W; J. R. Neil. J. W; N. Lan- of the 18th ¡list., when there will be work olic church on Christmas, and rehearsals keep on hund a larger and better stock of W. B. Furman and W. T. Beagle of gell, Treas; Max Muller, Secy; R. 8. Dun­ and fell to the ¿round, a distance of about FredL Otten of Fools creek was here yes- for the event tire already under way. in the third degree. A full attendance is lap. Tyler. goods than ever I efore. As he keeps the Rogue river were here Wednesday. twelve feet. No bones were broken, but terday. requested. Officers elected Tuesday. Dec. 7th, . 1880. best and sells at the lowest rates, he is en ­ S hiloh ' s C ough and Consumption Cure Deputy Sheriff Jacobs was at Phcenix and by Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A. M . Thos G Dr. Stanley informs us that he sustained Winter tights have opened in good style is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con­ Newman Fisher means business gnd is joying a liberal patronage. • Ashland last week on official business. Reames. H P;U Mingus, King; A M Ber- very severe internal injuries. in town. slaughtering goods on every hand. He ry, _____ Scribe, _______ David _____ Linn, , _ C ____ of H William sumption. Sold at City Drug Store. Now that the time for seltling-up is ap­ Gen. A. Jackson and J. E. Olsen of Table Jackson, While handling »sharp ax last Saturday, wants to close out as soon as possible and P J; C C Beekman. R A C; New­ A. W. Presley of Butte creek was in town A number of members of the Masonic everything must be sold, without regard to proaching, business men will find it to their Rock precinct were here a few days ago. one of Jas. Armpriest’s children acciden- this week. mail Flauer, G M 3d veil: W T Clemens. advantage to order their billheads, state* fraternity were in town Tuesday and price. G M 2d veil; G W Isaacs, G M 1st veil; T tally cut another quite severely in the head, • Prof. Scott Morris, principal ot the Med­ Cameron, Treas; Max Muller, Secy; RS ments. letterheads, envelopes, receipt and ford school, ipent last Saturday with us. Don’t forget the grand Christmas ball at Wednesday evenings attending lodge. the blade cutting through the skull to the Dunlap. Sentinel. The late Frank Krause was a member of brain, inflicting a dangerous and ugly Eagle Point. Road supervisors should get their reports the A O. U. W., and his family will there­ note books, etc , at the T imes office. The Installation takes place on Dec. 27th. J. T. Rolison, who is suffering with a weund At last accounts the little sufferer Mrs. 1’hos. McF. Patton died at Salem on ready, as the law requires them to report fore have the benefit of the policy held in best work done at the lowest prices, and very sore hand, is able to be about again. competition defied Give us a trial M. Obenehain of Klamath county the 7th inst. was improving slowly. at the January term of the county court. that Institution, which entities them to Prof. Hall, principal of the Central Point writes to Ilia wife here that former sur­ Rev. Mr. Bickcnbach, ot Jacksonville, Prize-giving is very ¡«opular with the We suppose the different Sunday schools 12,00°. . . school, made our I own a visit last Saturday. First-class Bovk-keo¡»lng. veys have been reported fraudulent and this fetate/who has been transferred from Ashland stores. of Jacksonville will join in a union Christ­ At no place in southern Oregon can bet­ the Oregon Presbytery to the Los Angeles Prof M. J. Unger, the well-known Geo. W. Isaacs of Medford was at the that Wpmgue river valley ia on Klam­ ath Indian reservation. The govern- WHICH HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED AT A nice line of overcoats is being display­ mas festival this year; at least they ought to. ter livery turnouts be obtained than at teacher of book-keeping, will open a school Presbytery, has been stopping a few days Sounty-seat several times during the week. rient will probably reimburse the set­ • The shooting-matches at this place on Plymale’s. Horses boarded at reasonable at this place on Tuesday next. He is mas­ ed at Nunan’s at the residence of Rev. D. O. Ghormly,pre­ M. R. Whitsett and J. Wright, lately of tlers for their improvements, etc. We ter of seven different forms, all ot which Robinson Wright has removed to Big Christmas day are attracting considerable terms and satisfaction guaranteed in every vious to taking his departure, which will Douglas county, have located at Phmni... will have more to say on this subject in attention and will be contested spiritedly. instance. » are first-class and thoroughly practical, Butte precinct. be on the steamer that leaves for San Harry McClallen of Roseburg has been future iaauea. and his pupils can select the one which Our district school commenced a new Prof. Unger, who has been teaching a Francisco to-night.—|Oregonian, Dec. 3d. paying his friends and------- a visit during Now is the time to insert your holiday suits them best. The term will consist of advertisements, term this week, with a better attendance successful school in Ashland, was in MARRIED. The Ashland correspondent of the “Ore­ the week. six weeks and five lessons each week, for than ever. It is in a flourishing condition. Jacksonville Monday and Tuesday, to gonian” says that the Knights of Pythias Nature’s remedy is what they say of Rev. A. R. Bickenbach, lately of this DAVIH — ROBB — At the residence of th* bride's which the sum of $10 will be charged. This Used Red Star Cough Cure effectually. make arrangements for opening his school are having their new hall plastered, and place, has located at Mason. Los Angeles Oregon Kidney Tea. parents, near Jacksonville. Dec. 8th, by Rev. will give everybody plenty of opportunity 51. A. Williams, R. E. Davis of Klamath coun­ Dr. C. Fawcett, Union Protestant Infiriua. here next week. they will give a grand masquerade ball on county, Cui. Sheriff Dean will sell two parcels of real ty and Miss Aba Ross. to become familiar with the art at a very ry, Baltimore, Md. No depressing effects. S hiloh ’ s V italize « is what you need for Christmas eve. The Knights always have McDONAGH-BMITH-At the residence of th? who has F. K. English, county surveyor, reasonable price. Prof. Unger’s methods property to-morrow. bride’s parents, near this city, by Rev. F. X. Willard & Eubanks of Ashland have Constipation, Los« of Appetite, Dizziness very nice balls, ami they say they intend been quite ill for several months past, is of book-keeping are practical in every de­ Don't forget the grand holiday opening at Blanchet, Jas. McDonagh and Miss I.illio added a fine line of glassware, crockery, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 | I j to make this one of the finest ever given in convalescing. tail, brief and concise—a decided improve- the 8. F. Variety Store. Bin it h. * I '.«pon the theoretical principles of the etc., to their stock of hardware, tinware, and 75 cents per bottle. For sale at the Oregon. KAVANAUGH—CUMMINGS—At the Catholic average business college. He has taught Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Riinerare now lo­ church, in this city, by Rev. F. X. Blanchet, Phil. Glcave and Jeff. Richards of Apple­ etc. City Drugstore. R. M. Shely. a first-class in irble-cutte r in many states and territories and every­ John Kavanaugh of Douglas county, Or., and J. C. Evans of Yreka, Cal., the well- has resumed business at Medford, where cated at Talent We wish them much jny Miss Johanna Cummo ns of Alameda county, where gave the fullest satisfaction, as is gate were here thU week. H. D. Russell was here last Saturday, Cal. shown by the many flattering testimonials Don’t fail to participate in the shooting­ and proposes to work bis mines on Forest known horse-trainer, was at this place on he is prepared to fill orders in his line in and prosperity. he has been favored with. Those desiring match here on Christmas. Capt. Barnes has been on Williams creek creek more vigorously than ever this sea­ Saturday He is now the owner of “Grad­ the best style and at tiie lowest living to learn book-keeping never had as good an uate," a fine stallion imported from Ken­ rates. He can furnish monuments, tomb­ lately, where he has been visiting a num­ Holiday printing a specialty at the T imes son. opportunity as now. and should not fail to tucky by Jay Beach. embrace it, Prof. ~ Unger should be well office. Send in your orders. stones; etc., of every description and at ber of old triends. HEFFNER—In Table Rock precinct, Dec. 2d, to Geo. Gray, who is now employed at Ai­ patronised. Mr. and Mrw. Wm. Heffner, a daughter. 11 C. Clayton, a new-comer, is giving Parties wishing first-class grape stocks a ivy price. Copings, bases, and all kinds The rains of the past week have raised ken Bros.’mill, had one of his legs badly KITTERMAN — In Sucker creek valley, Jose­ llallis, the streams considerably injured by the team with which he was log­ and cuttings will do well to call on F. A. of stonework well done. Satisfaction guar­ our county a thorough inspection, and may phine county, Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs, H. B. anteed. Give him a trial. » conclude to locate. Kitterman, a eon. En dish, of Rogue river, who is offering a Rev. A 11 Sunderman preaches at the J. P. Dodge has been elected treasurer of ging. —In Flounce Rock precinct, Dec. 2d. to The business of the Jacksonville Marble EVER BROUGHT TO SOUTHERN ! fine assortment of popular varieties for A. J. Florey, Esq., Little Butte’s efficient CLARK Chimney Rock school-house on Sunday at the Ashland Musical Union. Mr. and Mrs. B. ('lark, a son. The building used by L. Buensow ns a sale at reasonable rates. Works will continue right along under the justice of the peace, made a trip to Jack­ GEARY.—In Medford, Dec. Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. the usual hour. Pay your arrearages at the T imes office paint-shop is offered for sale cheap. For Dr. Geary, a daughter. 1’hc great sale uf choice fruit lands, in management of the assignee, A. II. Miegly. sonville Wednesday. Elder M. Peterson will preach at the M. and get one of our premiums. further particulars enquire at the T imes —In Ashland, Dec. 8th. to Mr. and Mrs. lots to suit purchasers, will take place at Anybody desiring a tombstone, monument, Mr. Patterson, representing the Oregon GORE. E- church in Jacksonville on Sunday, both office. * W. 8. Gore, a daughter. Christmas will fall on Saturday this year G. F. Pennebaker’s place near Talent to­ stone coping, etc., will find it to their ad­ Short Line Railroad, paid the valley a bus­ < 'lii-ÎMiiiitix and New Yoni-'x CJnrtlt« morning and evening. Wm. A. Owen, deputy internal revenue —two weeks from to-morrow. day Here is an opportunity to get a vantage to call soon, as prices have been iness visit ibis week. Rov. F. X. B'anchet will hold services at collector, has removed his headquarters to reduced considerably. First-class mechan­ comfortable home «’heap. Ed. Pieniag of the Blackwell district Three Mrs. A. Bilger, who has been visiting the Catholic church in this place on Sun­ Central Point,where he has fitted up a neat ics are employed there and the best of ODOR AND DRESSING CASES. made us a visit a few days ago. If you want a large, first-class paper, sub­ day at the usual time. office. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier work turned out. Satisfaction guaranteed. this section for several weeks past, return­ The Ashland woolen mill is going to scribe for either the San Francisco “Exam­ ed to Portland yesterday. and regulating medicine, is characterized by Liberal Sunday-school and Bible class The infant child of Mrs. O. Vincent of UKBFUKD aoutns. Senator Stanley of Sam s valley made ns three peculiarities, namely: meets every Sunday at 11 o’clock a . m . at put in anew flume this winter. Barn’s valley died rather suddenly the fore­ iner" or New York “Star." Price only Tinies continue dull, money and items a visit on Wednesday. He reports farm­ the U M. L Hall, Talent. part of the past week, being sick only a few $1 50 and $1 respectively. Subscriptions The combination of tho various J. 8. Howard has been re-appointed a no ­ taken at the T imes office. ers busy in his precinct. remedial agents used. hours. Rev. J 1*. Roberts will preach at Browns­ scarce, and produce rules low. tary public by Gov. Moody. Reames & White during the past week Fresh lard, ham and bacon are making J. N. Gotcher of Josephine county, the boro on the second Sunday in December, J. M. Payne, formerly of this place, is The proportion in which the roots, Dr. A D. Cleaves, tha popular dentist, herbs, barks, etc., are mixed. at 11 o’clock a . m ., and at Eagle Point in their appearance in this market. now justice of the peace of Salem, and Iris received a large and flrst-class assortment will leave for Tacoma, W. T , next week well-known manufacturer of lumber, was in Jacksonville last week. the evening of the same day. On the third We want correspondence from every por­ services are often in derqand by lovesick of stylish goods from tfle FJast. Thoy will M. Maule, A. L. Johnson, T. A. Harris T11C Proce58by *d>ich t110 active be sold at rates that defy competition. Sunday at Phoenix, and on the fourth tion of the First Judicial District. couples. C. S. Svdenstriker and Willis Alden ot WM ! medicinal properties are secured. and R. M. Shely of Medford were at the Call and see for yourselves. Sunday at Antioch. Table Rock precinct made Jacksonville For 20 years Henry F. Balcom, of Shir­ Geo. W. Heckathorn o£ Butte creek has county-seat during the week. The result Is a medicine of unusual strength One of tfle most pleasant affairs of the and Ashland a visit this week. ley, Mass., suffered with rheumatism- He sixty acres of wheat sown already. CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS, Quite a Treat. and curative power, which effects cure« here­ 8. L. Bennett, I. Merriman and C. 8. season will be the Christmas party at Eagle J. E. Stuart, the artist, has just complet ­ tofore unequalled. These peculiarities belong Messrs. Barnes and Frazer, two perform­ H. H. Magruder and J. E. Smith of Cen­ found nq relief till fle took Hood's Sarsa­ Jenkins of this precinct were in Jackson- Point. The best of supper and music will parilla. ed a successful season at Chicago, and at exclusively to Hood’s 8arsaparilla, and are ers wflo have each beet unfortunate enough tral Point were in town yesterday. Albums. Card Cases, Fancy Stationery, Statuary. Pie. be provided, and nothing left undone to ville yesterday. last accounts was in St. Louis, to lose a leg, paid our town a visit last The d’stillery here will resume the man­ 8. I|. Cook qnd Wm. Pernoll of Apple­ please everybody who attends Dr. Pryce made M. Mensor, of the coun- ture Frames, Accordeons, Jewelry, gate are digging an irrigating ditch, which Monday. They opened with a street; per­ ufacture of superior liquor at once. C. C. Cherry, senior member of the firm Senator Stanley will leave for Salem on ty-seat, a visit yesterday. He reports him of Cherry oa ........ the past season. riety Store. Jacksonville. * ....... Jsn 2 {Bunday.................... ..................... .Jan. » lose no time In seeing it done creek has Is ! hii;. «; very Fine i Wiling Springs precipct during th,e \\\ntej;. Friday......... 141 Friday.................................................... The owners of the Centennial and Rock •• 21 A very large and unusually fine display New goods have just been received by T. P çl w ’ n B ad B oy . Cardwell Bros, have lately added several Friday, Deo. 24,1886. Point bridges, at this term of the county The Company reserves the right to chaugo sailing days. Frank Jlnffer, ofhn fou l»*£n one of Chief of holiday goods will be made in Jackson­ J. Clopton of Brownsboro, who sells at as­ hne horses ahd new vehicles to their all Fares, rail and cabin. $14. Rail and steerage, $9.88. For information apply to court, submitted their financial exhibits, ville this season. Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. Person? desiring . Engineer Eykelsun’s party of O. P. R R. to Prrra Making, tonishingly low rates for cash. Give him a ready large number of turnouts and spare apply for certificates should act accordingly. (’. C. HOGUE. pursuant to order of the court. From them Having located in Jacksonville, I any surveyor«, will return to Jacksonville be­ AB applicants will hereafter be required t<» pare Acting G. F. A Pass, Agent. Corvallis, Or. call and see his fine stock. Hon S. F. Chadwick of Salem and Rev no pains to give sal isYacii.oii. 1 They mean it appears that several thousand dollars an examination in physiology ’ -p The county clerk is kept busy issuing I to keep a livery stable second to none sonth prepared to do first-class work in tfie latest fore kmg. surveying having been suspended have been lost in maintaining each of said John Howard of Roseburg paid the valley styles, Cutting done under the latest im­ for the season. Supt. of Schools for Jackson County. marriage licenses, and the hi lit rim ohi a I !of‘Portland, Give theui a call. • bridges. A member of the board informs ! i a visit last week. proved ^orman tabor system. Call at Mrs. Charley Straub, formerly of this place, UrarTM*»”: I A”i,ta"‘ E’"roi'"'r"- The .ybland Musical Union will give a McCain’« house, northwest ot T imes office. us that there is no likelihood of any bridge ( J. H. Htiffet4, school clerk, has establish- . booiu. which sfarfe<^ , several weeks ago. is but now of eastern Oregon, is visiting rela­ being purchased or built until the county ; ed annffibe with Judge Day, where school [ hardfy tit its zenith as ye|. grand concert before loug, and Dr. Parson, roB- Mm. A. Z. S ears . tives and friends in this section at present. finances are in a better condition .unless an taxes can be paid. I Rev. E. J. Whitney of Clarkson, N. Y.. B. R. Willits, M. U Alford, Prof. Kohn urgent necessity for the same should arise. He is now engaged in blacksmithing at Mr. McMeans. a relative of G. Naylor,ha«; 1 •*»>’» Gilmore s Aromatic Wine for Female and J. A- McDonald have been appoint­ Fer Jtenf. The Dalles, having tired of stockraising. ---- AT----- Railroatt Meeting. returned from the Eastern States gnd will j Weakness stands without a rival. For ed as a committee to prepare a programme. A small farm one mile west of Medford DEALERS IN Robt. H. Brown and wife have returned hy Dr. J. W. Robinson It wiil no doubt be a fine affair. jt was announced that thè committee to re nain sorqetiiue. can be rented on reasouaote terms. For to Eagle Point fr jiu Victoria, B. C , .rod EAGLE POINT, tyboni was referred the matter of ascertain­ ' F. M. Fredenburg informs us that Geo At J*cïsc>nvlli», A great many orchards have been set further particulars call at the T imes office, Mrs. Mary Wood has been appointed ex­ may resume charge oi their former busi­ « ing the coat and practicability of building ! Hudson of Gold Hill is dangerously ill out in the vicinity of Ashland, and the ecutrix of the estate of Robt. Wood, de­ Jacksonville. ON---- i ness in the spring. Geo. Brown intends a railroad from this town to the main line i with consumption. good work goes on. That place is destin­ ceased, and Judge DePcatt has also ap­ .1 Valttahle JlWtewl Treatise. leaving for California for medical treat ­ of Ilio O. A C. H. R would hold a 'meeting m The ladies should not fail to call at Mrs. ed to be quite a fruit center. pointed Mrs. Ida Coker administratrix of The edition nf 1887 of the sterling Medi­ ment as soon as his health will permit. ast night, full proceedings of which will There will be n great many amusements the estate of the late Teb. Coktr. See their cal Annual, known aa Hostetter’s Alma­ appear in the next issue of the T imf . h . It I Prim's bazaar and inspect her large line of <’. C. Beekman was elected worshipful I nac, is now ready and may he obtained, in Jacksonville «luring Christmas week, notices to th«»t effect elsewhere. is high time that something was done in I tine holiday goods, a hall will be given at the free of cost, of druggists and general coun­ master of Warren Lodge No. 10, F No. 1. Target shooting, with rifle, off-hand, the premises, ami we hope that our citizens New'H'il1 in Eagle Point or. Christmas Eve., Impotency in Man or Worn.m cured '».V including shooting-matches, a b ill and fes­ For eight years Col. J. I). Williamson. 80 yards; purse, *20. All guns to he 45 pUApMIl try dealers in all parte of the t nited States. Dec. 2ith. No pains will be spared to make thia distance will take enough interest in this scheme M . * »r the eleventh the best Iras calibre, and have open eights. ■ IIWUHIAj tival. Everybody is invite«!. Quarter-Master, u. 8. A., and ex-U. 8. Mexico, and, indeed, in every civilized por­ II ecm dof t x the boat hell ever given at Eagle Point, and every­ or No. for the salvation of Jacksonville to nt Gilmore's Aromatic Win «. For sale by 2. Glare ball shooting, with eflosgan, 18 fo tUe Szate The ot her body and their friends are invited to attend. The tion of the Western Hemisphere. Thi.s The real property belonging Io J. J. Oil- * Dr. J ’V. Robinson, least tnako in effort to help theiiisclve*. Consul at Ual!a«>, was crippled with rheu ­ yards rise; puree $2i>. Balls to be thrown from a I Almauac has been I.Mi»e«l regntarif ai xhe jo^c^u oi t^at lodge have also held their best of music and a first-clam supper will be revolving spring trap. | The clothes-line thief lias ceased his j lagban. an«l situated in E len precinct, was matism. II? got no relief until he use«) commencement of eve*A jettlfoL<>veT*on<^ respective offices several years In succes­ furnished for the occasion. Remember the place, No. 3. Same as N«<> 2 fur parse of $10. ('hrlatmrtu nt It oodeilte. WE INVITE INSPEC TION at the New Hall. Eagle Point. Tickets, (includ* Entrance fee to matolier oi Ashland has re- ;he.iehy rebimmend the Stete to all in used of Silre Draper, deceased, will offer for rale to Ing the p«'t M-reral ,lxvv »nrt wheal coin- I tUi;iv,1 fr„nl’ p.^i.nd, where sh* became For sale by Dr. J. W. Ribinson. ; grape vines— S.iMiO, in stock. LaGrande H. Hill. age«t 59 years, one of of a two-cent stamp will forward a copy by of insurance. the hi .. ■ > p.n-ch is ul. i to _ scll.lj it it - vote’s _ celebrate«4 patent region of th? heart, a slight pain le the WoflM the partf who picket! np the relifeyt the Asthnia in ohe minute. ‘ e«»r Alette ili lpih| |ha «parteriy ea- I «>ld plea, and n solid one, continues to lie do all my housework. I owe my thanks to fHpriods of beqtint» fr U. vzxa have heart dis­ Administrator of raid Fa*ate. jostit.and accept her gratitude for the neat residence, and some qf his friends *« I*» F iimt ’ s II rxwt Dated Dec. W). I*« , deM'ri ♦*>./. W Howard A Co., either by mqinati u et mpterante on Friday. Dec. Electric ’ Bitters for having renewed my ease, and kindnrs» ? A liberal rewan| will be paid think that this is suspicious H4ed by all our ex<*hange*: **Y«»ur two or youth, note or book «ocrant, wiil pt*rara retile th* rame II khk ^ t . A* druggisH. $1.31 Descrip­ and removed completely all disease tive 24th, C.»ri«tmte ud!!i»g on th? last Batur- (pr jts R tpn» before th? firet day of January uext or w* will be treatise with eaoh bottle ; or address J . better ihan a letter to your relative* and three dollars may not «eem much* bat and pain.” Try a bottle, only at . compilimi to force a rettlement For Rent. J. Mack A Co , 8 F. ftnterp^t^“ "t t1 'Ocritle. friends: a copy of the Ttuas sent regular­ tlay in tLU mouth, th« regular time. where there are several hundred Ph« you drug Hor^s. J. W. HOWARD ACO. Grant’s Para. Nov. 15, 1888. ÏIE UNDEmiGNFJ) c 1Î. Judge has jnat forwarded several ly. Send it and save writing. V. J of Grant’s Pass is agent for ■ it counts.’’ Newspaper dunning is mean — nr far rent at wwanrmbte n SHILOH ’ S (THE will immediately re ­ ' T ATK8T IMPBOVKD KHAHP. Hu iim WJLLV o U COUGH when Shiloh a wagon low Is of t ne saehllery gnoda to Link- ticuJnrt »nan re nt the h J. T. Delk. Lake creek's popular mer­ the celebrated Racine wiml inills. and those business. isn’t it? Bat why should we np| ( Cure «nil give immediate relief ? Price 10 lieves Crou** ’’«oping t’ough 2nd Hrnn- northnant ®r Jacksonville, ville. Ilia new shop at that place it now a chant, was in Jacksonville Monday laying in nessl «d mi? s lion hl not fail , examine he allowet] to advertise ihe wwc ae the cents. J jRenaiQgt^u *n«i Win chea* er warranted 30 cents and 31. For sale at City chitia. 8 o M by Dr. Robinson. City Drug b **wt ere.M« at JOHN MILLFR'F. firet-claw eatablisbment Stere. I merchants Drag Mere. bi« ^aaWau . They are flrst-ciaas. in a fine assortmer.t of supplies. CoaataroxDKMT. Oc ¿monade iimes. OPENING AT SANTA CLAUS’ HEADQUARTERS, THE S. F. VARIETY STORE, Jacksonville, Oregon, WHERE GOODS ARE ALMOST CIVEN AWAY! LARCEST AND FINEST STOCK OF OREGON Peculiarities LADIES’ SATCHELS AND WORK BOXES. 1st: 2d HANDKERCHIEFS AND FANCY GOODS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 11 Unknown to Others AND EVERYTHING IMAGINABLE ! Sarsaparilla SOME OF THE PRICES 0. H. BLOUNT’S, THE CLOTHIER AND HATTER, O N R 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME. qui Jlòvll N I Daily Passenger Trains Except Sundays Notice Teachers. N GRAND SHOOTINC MATCH THE BEST OF EVERYTHING, GRAND BALL ENGEL BROS,, MONEY PRIZES ORE., CHRISTMAS EÏE QEC. 24. ON CHRISTMAS DAY, 1886. DRUGGISTS, OREGON. GRAPE ROOTS AND CUTTINGS I I T All Sorts of A T