ULKE AND UU.Ht.. ITA.>< Tear Merit Hilt ZM. personal mention . A large assortment of the finest and Geo. W. Oliver and wife of Maxwell, A couple of bogus jewelry peddlers un­ The unprecedented »ale of Boachee’a Ger- freshest candies and nuts has just been re­ | Colusa Co.,Cal., were passengers on the last dertook to dispose of some of their stuff in J. T. Layton of Applegate wai here yw- iuuii Nyrup within a few years ba» a»ton- Taxes are now due. ceived at the 8. F. Variety Store. * I steamer for Crescent city. They Intend to town this week, but as they had taken out . , l.A I It a ,a ished .I,-. the ... world. is u-'itk...ilk without <1..111x9 doubt tliA the ------- al terday. Oregon Kidney Tea. remain there tor sometime visiting friends no license Marshal Curtis stopped them safest and best remedy ever discovered for S hiloh ' s C ough and Consumption Cure UNITED STATE! OFFICIAL Mill N. A. Handy, the well-known hide-buyer, the speedy and effectual cure uf Coughs. and relatives. ' at once. One of the fellows Was arrested Read the new advertisements. is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con­ Coldj and the severest Lung troubles. It sumption. Sold at City Drug Etore. S hiloh ’ s V italize » is what you need fur | and bubsequently discharged; but the other is In the valley. Strangers continue abundant here. acts on an entirely different principle from NOVEMBER 26, 1886 FRIDAY. i took to his heels and escaped, proving too F. M. Parker of Meadows precinct was the usual prescriptions given dv Physicians, Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Dizziness Some snow fell in the yailey during the This is the season of lodge elections. Anhlmid, Oregon as it does not dvy up a Cough ami leave the gave in town Wednesday. Railroad Items. week but it soon disappeared. Consider­ and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 last a foot-racer for the Marshal, disease »till in tfie system, but on the con­ The finest millinery goods at Mrs. Prims. ! and 75 cents per bottle. For sale at the chase. Elder E. G. Michael, P. E., is in the val­ trary removes th« cause of the trouble, The railroad work is being pushed along able still lies on lhe higher mountains. Old papers at the T ime > office very cheap. ...... I 7 (fl R. M. Shely. a first-class marble-cutter ley on a pastoral tour. heals the parts affected and leaves them in 25 M hi )»' heavy suit», just received, only................. rapidly from the steam saw-mill at the sum­ Catarrh is a constitutional disease. <’ity Drugstore. 10 00 healthy condition. A bottle kept «) “ All woo! light weight suit» “ .............. The holidays are only one month distant. Hooti's Sarsaparilla is a constitutional rem mit between Shasta ami Strawberry valleys, Subscriptions to newspapers or maga­ hns resumed business at Medford, where Geo. T. Hershberger of Central Point a in purely 15 00 the house for use when the diseases 3) “ English and Scotch suit», »ilk faced, only JO 00 he is prepared to fill order» in his line in 30 “ Black diagonal »uiU (a bargain) only .... and if good weather continues will shortly zines published anywhere in the world re­ was in town yesterday. Roads and streets are muddy once more. edy. Il cures catarrh. Give it a trial. make their appearance will save doctor’s 75 “ Fine overcoats, all style« and price» the best style and at the lowest living reach the level plains of the latter val'ey, bills ami a long spell of serious illnes. A ceived at this office at publishers' prices. Mrs. C. Rader and son oi Butte creek Tailor made pants, fit guaranteed, per pair................................ ............ 6 5<> Sheriff Dean is still on hi» tax-collecting The soil is now in good condition for trial will convince you of these facts. It Boys' «uit« .......................................................................................................... rates. He can furnish monuments, tomb­ ‘ - U>« m 1 npwaid. which will afford easy work to the Klam­ tour. plowing and many of the farmers are tak­ Subscribers to the T imes are allowed a stones, etc., of every description and at were in town on Monday. is positively sold by all druggists and gen­ “ Merino underwear............................................................................................................... JO special discount. ath river. ’ “ ’* ............................................................................................ Henry York and son of Josephine county eral dealers in the land. Price 75 cents, Mens Hundreds of hogs are now being butch- ing advantage of the opportunity offered. any price. Copings, bases, and all kinds “ Fine woolen underwear. |«*r »uit. .................................................................. from $2 00 to 4 00 The storms of the past few days will no large bottles. John Welch and W. M Richards came made us a visit yesterilay. •red. ** Heavy red flannel underwear, per »uit ................................................................................ 3 00 Dr. Van Aukin, who had rather an in­ of stonework well done. Satisfaction guar­ doubt hinder railroad work to some extent, “ am! Boy«’ overahirts. all kinds..................................................................... from 40ct«. to 2 50 Quite ar. area of soil h»s alreaer lb............................................. ¿5 pected the track will be laid close to Butte­ young and o.d, met at Granite Hall Tues- by falling from one of the poles last week, which took place at San Francisco not long Potatoes, per lb......................................... 01 * sonville a visit during the week. since She had been suffering with a tu ­ ville by next Sunday. The surveyors are riety Store. Cahbuge, “ ........................................ 01 ‘ day evening ind organized a musical so- on Siskiyou mountain “ OtV The C. A <). Stage Co. is now running on cietv. Win. Hogue and Mr. Kane of Humbug Onion», mor for nearly two years, and death was in­ at work laying out a different route for the Beans, M .......................................... « Accommodations unaurpaMMMl for comfort and safety. Fares and freight much less than by any Will people never learn that we don't deed a relief io her. Mrs. 8. was highly re­ creek were in town Wednesday. road near King’s salt works, which will be winter time. Cornmeal, per l(K lb»............................... 2 U0 other route between all points in the Willamette Valley and Ban Francisco. Only route via Ed. llcndricks of Applegate lias shipped publish communications unless the name tard. per lb in tin« ................................... 07*. spected by all who knew her and she is about two miles nearer Yreka than the for- H. A. Randall has returned to Steriing- Ham and Bacon.....................................07 to 10 Times are (lull and items as scarce as two carloads oi potatoes from Medford. of the writer accompanies tbe same? The mouAiedby numerous relatives and a host ville from his visit to Portland. mei route, crossing Shasta river above the money itself. Dried Apples, per lb.................................. 06 He raised about 09,000 lbs. of them last name will not be published, but we must of friends. •' Plums, “ ....................................... 10 salt works. It is believed the road on the Dr. Gleaves and O. Burton of Medford “ Peara, “ 10 A nice line of overcoats is being display­ season. know who the writer is. “ Peaches, “ 10 new route over the old C. 8. Moore ranch, ed at Nunan’s Tlie Granite Hall Association of Ashland, have been at the county seat lately * A neat white bronze monument has Sorghum Moiasaee, per gallon.................. 60 below the mouth of little Shasta river, can If you want a large, first-class paper, sub­ which is composed of an enterprising and Deputy Sheriff Jacobs was in Ashland,on Chicken», per dozen..................... $2 00 to 3 00 T C. Powers has moved from Big Butte been placed in the Jacksonville cemetery Turkeys, " ........................ $9 to 12(11 be built much cheaper and with easier scribe for either the San Francisco "Exam­ sociable set of young men, has let the con­ professional business, last Saturday. to Central Point. ♦o mark the last resting-place of Mr« P. iner’’ or New York “Star.” Price only Hi A < OKV.1LL1M. local paper never runs counter to your the roads in their respective districts. gone J M. Fountain of Ashland has my case, Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved an Mail Train. where hogs run at large the year round is running regularly to MjCloud’s siding opinions and ideas, remember that one of The schools stood adjourned yesterday first-class article. effective specific indeed. As an evidence ol to Linkvilie to act as manager of his LEAVE. I ARRIVE. my gratitude I send these facts unsolicited, two things is true, either you have no in­ and no public business was transacted. Emil Berbe, G. Karewski’s engineer, is free from wormy apples. As the wormy near that point. This reduces the distance brother’s store at that place. Portland ........ 7:30 A. M.'Corvallis. .12:25 P. M. and 1 am roady to verify the authenticity oi apple falls it is eaten by the swine, thus to be staged to eighty-five miles, which is Corvallis 1:30 P. M.¡Portland....... 6:15 P. M. dividuality and force oi character, or else sick and D. L. Curtis is temporarily filling this cure, by personal correspondence with Several new divorce cases will come up W. W. Nickerson and wife, who have At Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon Pa­ any one who doubts it.” CllABLSa A. R ob ­ traversed by daylight, thus greatly lessen­ the paper is a milksop and don’t amount at the January term of the circuit court. his place, in order to keep the steam flour­ destroying tho moth. cific for Yaquinu Buy. erts , East Wilson, N. Y. W. H. Wickham, the well-known real­ ing the discomfort of the trip. The time­ been in Ashland for sometime past, have to the traditional “hill of beans.” ing mills in motion. Express Train. This statement is confirmed by W. J. Hunt Mark Armstrong has been wearing the gone to San Bernardino, Cal. LEAVE. I ARRIVE. ley, druggist, of Lockport, N. Y.. who calls the A. J. Weeks of Medford precinct, who estate agent, has removed his office to the table for each road, and also the stage line, marshal’s star during the past few days. Portland......... 1:50 P. M. McMinville.. .8:00 P. M Mrs. O. Harbaugh and Mrs. Gcorgo M. Gone to her Rest. is completed. It is the purpose to con ­ building on Mrs. Houck ’ s lot. Ashland, cure a great victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. has an extensive orchard of young trees, LIBERTY of ENLIGHTENINB THE WORLD McMinnville... 5:45 A. M.|Portland ....... 9:00 A. M Two dramatic entertainments are prom ­ Love left for Portland this week to pay rel­ The wife of A. 8. Johnson of Jackson­ Send tor book giving statements ot many cures. In regard to the unequaled merits oi the planted 800 trees this season, most of where he is always ready to execute all tinue the summer schedule over the stage Local ticket« for »ale and baggage checked at. ville departed this life last Sunday morn­ ised during the holidaytriiy Ashland talent. which are apple trees. orders in his line. Prompt and careful at­ li«e just so long as the condition of the atives and friends there a visit. company’» up-town office, cor. Pine and Second streets. Tickets for principal pointe in Califor­ roads will allow. ing after a short illness, though she had tention given to business. * The population of Central Paint has in­ lion. John 8. Herrin of Ashland paid nia can only bo procured at company’» office, H. E. Baker, the Medford warehouse­ Bold by all druggists. *1; six tor »5. Made been ailing for several months past. She creased considerably during the past year. « or. F aucarlings is fifteen hands high and will and stood the long drive across a country j H;< tory of Palestine. Kitt y ............ them at that price. Luy, Trustees. 1.00 tion for sometime past, left for Eldorado ) HistorV of the World, Lardner ....... Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, I. 0 0. F., A complete line of fine gloves at the 8. F. gains in his line. He is enterprising and compete for the Altamont stakes of 1887. where both grass and water were dried up, .HO i Life of Lincoln, (’rosby.................. county, Cal., this week. will hold its annual election to-morrow Variety Store, Jacksonville, which will be deserves to be patronized liberally. J Famous boys who became great men .05 Capt. Werk is in charge of his stock. while the Texan cattle died by the thou­ 7.50 ) Abbott ’ « American Histories, 8 vol«, W. J. Plymale and W. A Owen, who (Saturday) evening. Several prospectors arrived here during sold extremely low. ) Irving’» Works, 10 vol«.................... 10.50 AT THE Dr. J. O. Allen of Medford would like to sand. Owners of young stock in the Wil­ have been in Portland, acting as witnesses • Dickens’ Works. 15 vol»................. 13.01) DEALERS IN John Howell has returned from Apple­ the week and started for Evans creek soon teach a class in short hand writing in lamette, Umpqua and Rogue river valleys 85 > Thrilling Adventure» with Indians. De Moss Family. in tbe case of Roberts vs. the O. A C. R. R. afterward, where one of them had struck Jacksonville. A class of fifteen will be in­ may expect a livelj’ demand and good ) Pop. Am. Dictionary and Cyclopedia .70 A benefit concert for the Children's Hall gate, where he has been at work on J. T. Co., returned home last Sunday morning. ) Pinkerton’s Detective Stories.per v. 1.25 a good prospect several years ago. structed for twenty-five 'essons at the rate prices from tlie buyers who will visit this Sewing and Sunday School was given Sat­ Layton’s residence. - Aad Ail Book» at Large Dl«count».— JACKSONVILLE, OR Fred. Cronemiller,lately of the LaGrande Mr, Buchter, a well-known citizen of of $5 per scholar, scl. •rs to furnish a section next season. Eggs arc bringing 25 cents a dozen regu­ urday evening at Children’s Hall. The “ Gazette, ” has been in Jacksonville dur ­ suitable room, with th necessary lights principal part of the entertainment was larly in this market and have been sold Lancaster, Pa., has used St Jacobs Oil, PRO RO NO PUBLICO. ing the past W’eek. He is now represent­ Committee of Arrangement»: and considers it an excellent remedy in and fuel. furnished by the DeMoss Family, who exe­ for 30 cents a dozen. ing that well-known paper, the “West Fred. Luy, Joseph Blatt, Wm. Deneff The farmers and nen are becoming We will receive in about ten days a fresh cuted an excellent musical programme, Business has been lively in the sheriff’s cases of swellings, bruises and burns Shore.” Moa. 182. IM Third St., Floor Managers: Raphael Morat bought the mining prop­ much alarmed on account of the glanders supply of new goods—direct from the east­ consisting of vocal and instrumental solos, office lately, three deputies being employed J. T. Plant, traveling agent for Hooker Frank Kasshafer, Fred. Luy. Wm. Deneff. Portland, Or. erty belonging to W. Prefontain, which was prevailing at the railroad front. They are ern markets—consisting of Ladies' Fine orchestral music, operettas ar.d a dramatic a portion of the time. sold at sheriff’s sale l ist Saturday, bidding anxious to have the Supervisors of Siski- Dress Goods, Flannda, Prints, Hosiery, A Co.’s famous English remedies, called at reading. On Monday evening next another Reception Committfi: C. 8. Jenkins is teaching the Uniontown the T ime « office, while on his way south ­ kivou county establish quarantine, in or­ Rubber Goods, Ladies’, Gents’ and Misses’ concert will be given.—[8. F. ChiuuMe Adam Schmitt, Fred. Lny, August Bohn. district school and giving satisfaction. It the amount of the judgment and costs. ward. Of course they will be advertised in Young, Middle- WE INVITE INSPECTION The masquerade ball at this place on der that the disease may not spread al! Shoes. will close next Friday. Ticket«, «upper included, >1.25 for each person this paper. rnawiae, We keep constantly in stock a complete Children under 12 year« of age, 50 cento. New Year’s eve will be *he event of the over the country. aged and Old, Bipgle Notice of appeal has been given in the Two grand prize« will be given for the two beat A. F. Eddy has gone to Pendleton to ac­ Mrs. D. A. Sackett of Little Butte pre­ There appears to be no necessity for assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Con­ season. Everybody and t ir sisters and unstained characters; also two grand prize« for cinct was brought to town last week and Moratcase, but no further steps have been their aunts and their cousin J will attend. idling on the part of unemployed laborers. fectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. Any goods cept a position as liook-keeper for Alexan­ or Married Men, and the two richest costume«. taken in the case, as yet. not kept in stock ordered for customers on der A Frazer, which is considered one of examined in Judge PePeatt's court on a Are you made miserable by Indigestion, The contractors building the extension of eOKlAI. IXVITATIOM KXTKJDID TO ALL! Engel Bros, of Phoenix have an immense short notice without extra charge. Inspec­ the leading firms in eastern Oregon His charge of insanity. She lias become quite By the Thousand ! All who 8uffor from Constipation, Dizziness, i '« of Appetite, the California and Oregon are engaging There will be a grand masquerade parade on the melancholy since the death of her children and first-class stock of goods, w hich they Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vi izer is a posi­ every man who comes along, as they wirh tion is respectfully solicited from all inter­ family will follow him in a short time. principal street« at 3 o ’ clock P. m . «nan . HE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW TAKING OR. ested purchasers. about eighteen months ago,and has a desire are selling very cheap. Lost Manhood, Fred. A. Walpole of Meadows precinct, tive cure. For sale nt the \ ity Drug Store to extend the line as far north as possible dors through Jackson and Josephine counties Thanking the public for past patronage whose skill as an artist is undisputed, is in before tho winter sets in. to remain abed continually. Doctors Rob­ Quail arc plentiful in the valley, but for The P. O. Department wii. soon be asked Nervous Debility, Hpermatorrhea. Seminal Loss ­ »500 REWARD. and inviting a continuance of the same in inson and DeBar conducted the examina­ ducks and geese have not appeared in con­ the employ of the lewis A Dryden Print ­ Emery, the enterprising furniture dealer es. Sexual Decay. Failing-Memory. W«ak Eyes, to establish a postoffice a* a convenient the future, we remain FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, tion and pronounced Mrs. 8. insane. She siderable numbers as yet. ing Co. of Portland. He is at present en­ IiRck of Energy. Impediment to Marriage; also point on Pleasant-creek, w»*h mail service of Ashland, has moved into Iris new Blood and Skin Diseases, Syphilis, Eruptions. Respectfully, was taken to Salem by Owen Keegan the ’ gaged in making a sketch of the new bridge Reames 3. \<|.-«m Ruhl has returned to Kiainnth est job printing in southern Oregon, is exe­ Mary Wright of Willow Bpring.* preciiivi. Iyard i’uusday aflerrnKm. Mr Parks was where he has been attending th« annual her and the other occupant of the vehicle the 6th day of September, 1886, the premise» of a young couple favorably known in this a very old man, being b irn in 1815 H* iHCtding of tbe Brotherhood of Locomotive river. Siskiyou county, Cal., where he has to the ground. Fortunately neither one cuted at the T ime « office. That is the rea­ Town Property For Sale! part of the county, w**re united in marriage , has lived in Oregon about twelve years, Engineers. His wiie and son accompanied M. Mensor, situate at Jacksonville. Orpgon. was hurt a great deal, though it was a nar­ extensive mining interests. son why our presses arc continually run­ one day la«t week and have already com­ and came from Jackson county last sum him. and all had a pleasant trip. he heirs of jameh cluogage . de - row escape. The animal was stopped be­ R. V. Beall shipped 2,000 bushels of grain ning. “ARSON COMMUTE«, ceased, offer for »ale their property »ituated menced housekeeping. They have the liest mer to spend his last days with Iris daugh­ fore doing very much damage. The inci­ from Central Point to Ashland, haying sold the corporation of Jackson rille, having left Newman Either means business and is wishes of numerous friends. Li RE RAL ¡NDUCEMEN1N. BOARD OF UNDERWK1TI RS.’’ the within di»p«»sal of the rame in the hand- of the un­ ter. Mrs. Knox. His aged wife an I four dent caused considerable excitement. the same tn the mills there. slaughtering g«K»ds on every hand, lie dersigned children survive him and deeply mourn John H. Yates of Batavia. N. Y., says: San Francisco, October 16th, 1880. All partie« in poeeeeeior. of •» y of the property Every subscriber to the T imes who pay* II. 8. Enn ry of Ashland has removed his wants to close out as soon a« powible and H'. €■’. T. U. F.ntertainmeut. "1 cheerfully commend by Jmru -i ( luggage at the time of hi» d»-ath Iris loss Quite a concourse of people from his arrearages is entitled to either the Illi­ N B.—Any communication «ddre««ed a« above owned Your Aromatic Wine; are notified io Call at once and make arrange­ An entertainment will be giyen at the large stock of furniture, etc., to hi« new everything must be sold, without regard to Pine creek and this neighborhood attend ­ ment» for payment of rents, etc., if they desire to nois “Western Plowman” or the Louisville It did new life and vigor send building opposite tlie plaza. price. * will be transmitted to th« proper authori tie«. court-house, under the auspices of the W. longer retain poeeeesion of the *ame. Through this weak frame of mine. ed the funeral to pay their last tribute of “Home and Farm,” two first-class farming H. K. HANNA. John Carter, the painter, who is now lo­ The protective stock association o< the C. T. U.,on Dee. 8th. 1886. for the benefit of It d»d for all my stomach ills respbet to this good man.—[Fossil Journal, journals, and Dr. Kendall’« treatise on the Jacksonville. Oct. 1 1K86. There are imitations of the cel­ More than the doctor and hi s pills.” Nov. 6th. Uio library fund. Rev. J. R. X. Bill, ed­ cated at Uakcview. has taken his trotting Neil creek district elec ted C. B. Kingsbury _____________ hors3. free of charge. Those who par in NOTICE. ’preWKtiii and J. M. Wagner secretary, stud advence will get either the “New York ebrated and old reliable itor ot tbe •■Koicbnrg Review," will deliver mare. Queen. to that place. Now that the time for settling-up t » ap­ Stock and Land For Sale. Cantlon. CJTffA’.ED ONE BAT PONY WITH W '-TE Star,” “Detroit Free Press” or “8. F. Ex­ an addreas—subject. Sbakesjiear’s •■Ham­ A. 8. Jacob« of Ashland ha« bought Mrs. effected a permanent organization last Sat­ proaching, business men will find it to their 0 in forehead, naddlemarks, and branded a on If yon ask your druggist for Pond’s Ex­ aminer” free for six months. All other he undkrhignfd offers » the fol - left shoulder. Anyone finding «aid pony will be let.” Full particulars will appear next Thos. Sly’s farm of ICO acres in Manzanita urday. advantage to order their billheads, state­ tract and he tries to impose upon yon bv first-class journals furnished subscribers lowing land and stock for »ale: WK acres of I land acr«MM* Rogue river, which join« E. P. Pick- r^r.M-1. A.,. HUFFMAN. The attendance at the Willamette Uni­ ments. letterheads, envelopes, receipt and Offering “something the «me as Pond's to the T ime « greatly rednce<1 rates. This precinct, paying >2.000 for it. week i ■n* ’ place; 2 (1’0 acres on Antelope. 18 mile» frrm Extract,” do not believe him. There is is an opportunity to get the l»est nf reading Gold Hill, Nov. 11, IM*. Jacksonville; 71 acre« within one mile of Jack­ Better than a letter to your relative« and versity for the ter.n just closing is larger note books, etc , at the T imes office The nothing the same ns Pond’s Extract. It matter for the ensuing year at greatly re­ sonville. Accident. l»est work done at the lowest prices, and than for any corresponding term during cannot be successfully imitated, and any duced rates. Don’t forget it. friends: a copy of the T imes sent regular­ The genuine hns the FULL name , Also 2,000 head of sheep, part «f which •»•:* mut­ Give ns a trial A eon of Geo. McLaren, who is in chnrir« ly. Send it and save writing. the past ten years. It well deserves if*« coni|»etition defied articles offered as snch are only worthless ton sheep and thereat stock sheep; 20 bend of mutes, most of which are broke- a No. 1 jack and counterfeits. Put no faith in any druggist success. of Hanley A Co.’s place on Big Applegate, ¿¿rHtemeitf in Terns. Says the Lakeview “Examiner:” “Dad"» trying to so deceive you. It is wold only in W m . BYBeK. The celebrated DeMoss family will give Jacksonville. Or. was kicked yesterday m »ruingl>y a horse one of their choice entertainments a' the Great excitement has been caused in the At no place in sontliern Oregon can bet­ Byliee, an old resident of southern Oregon, Poxn’s E xtbkct C o .’« bottles, inclose«! in vicinity of Paris. Texas, by the remarkable HAGA1T1 and dangerously hurt, ft is feared that V. 8. Hail next Monday night. buff wrappers, with the words “ Pond's Ex ­ ter livery turn<»iits be obtained than nt came in from Grant conn tv Wednesday, recovery of Mr. J. K < ’ orlev, who was so SETTLE UP ! his skull is fractured and that hie chances ON THE TIN TAG. Plynialc’s. Horses boarded nt reasonable and left for the Yainax reservation. Klam­ tract’’ blown in the glass, and 1» never «old helpless he could not torn in bed or Fnise Jackson county’« share of the Stale’s ex- in bulk. his head ; everybody said he was dying of for recovery are slim. IXTHOttF. KNOWING T1IEY..ELVKH IN<_' term« and satisfaction guaranteed in every ath county, Friday, where he went to penws for the past year is 14.317 92, which debtiM to the undi'n.ioM will finti itmttieir ' Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. King’s JFesr Boarding Ilan or. prove hi« claim «gainst the government instance. • Don't be deceived. Yon are im­ «d.ant.,* tn settle tip withtett fnitber ilei.,. All New Discovery was sent him Finding re­ is much less than it was in For Rent. i nnwtttled ..fount, will be plnred in .n ntfomey'e S. 0. Carter intends establishing a pleas­ lief. he bought a large bottle and a box of posed upon if the initials h'iniircil f"r ,””M ¡•i.i.taine.l by him during lhe No- The party who drove is a secret aid to be homi, tor rolleetion. I meet hr ee wt nt re du. We are in forme« I that Fred. Downing an«l A small firm one mile west <»( Medford ure resort on Squaw lake, a pretty body of Dr. King’s New Life Pills; by the time he head of hog* to Happj Camp.Cal., for Wm. doc war. Ime. THE >. G1UIB. Many a lady owes her f ha-l token two boxes of Pills and two bot­ can be rente.! on reasonable terms. For Henry Tech have purchased a half interest Bybee, have returned. Not a hoof of the ! jaekwmrtlle. Jn!j 1, IRMI. The family of musicians, recent­ water in the Big Applegate conn try, which tles of the Discovery, he waa well and gain­ in the Big Butte steam saw-mill. further parlicnlnrs call at tbe T ime .« ••Illce ness to it, who would rather stock was b»t, all arriving there in «•*«! ly From Denver. Co‘.orad ». g.ive a very in­ abounds in fish, and will open a Imarding- ed in flesh thirty-six pounds. Trial Bottles house there at once. He will .«|mre neither For Rent. Great is the rush to Newman Fisher’s comlition. Jackaonville. teresting concert at Metropolitan Temple pain« nor expense to make it pleasant for of this Great Discovery for Consumption not tell, and you can’t tell free at drug stores. store in Jacksonville to take advantage of , 'PHF. UNDEHNlUNEll <>FFEBH ONE EAHM If you need nitimtinidoii, firearm«, hard­ last Monday night—a solo on the comet by all who call * Are not on the Tin Teg. Ear Hale. ’ 1 for rant at isMonable rat««. For fun her ml the great bargains he is offering. • ware, nail.«, etc.. «l »»»’t fail tu call on John Miss Minnie DeM loudly applauded. Iticnlara enquire at the home farm, 2’4 miles CATARRH CURED, health and sweet WILL YOU BUFFER with Dyspepsia A small-sixed ly- the lies! g«wl* and sells cheaper than the and insirnmental. nt the seine place.—[San |uaranu»ed to cur« you. Sold at the City |gdj\ Price 50 cents. Nasal injector free, MRM. M. F. MH ing at the Tm«t« at «Mier. Il h»» turned to Brownsboro from east of the by Dr. Robin «ou. City Dru« Store. Francisco Morning Call. Jerhencvdk P <», Oregon cheapest. i mountains to sjwnd the winter never been used. clic ^riuunatic SOME OF THE PRICES 0. H. BLOUNT'S, THE CLOTHIER AND HATTER, 225 MILES SHORTER, 20 HOURS LESS TIME. Daily Passenger Trains Except Sundays OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA A Great Victory POLLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS Hood’s Sarsaparilla FLYING DUTCHMAN Jr. SILAS J. DAY A LOOK OUT FOR THE REIL ESTATE AGENT I A F Few Examples. The Verein Eintracht THE BEST OF EVERYTHING NEW YEAR’S EVE. Dec. 31st, U « ENGEL BROS., HALT., DR. VAN M0HCIS0AR, DRUGGISTS, OREGON. PHOENIX, FRUIT TREES T J. B. PACE CONSUMERS BEWARE! T J. B. PACE TOBACCO. T J B. PACE, Magnolia Balm J J. B. PACE. A