J h c .gern o cratic ¡Times IARLES NICKET ♦ Ptmufratif Published »»very Friday m«»niin< by I-, (¡»TOR ANO PROPRIETOR. OtlUe—Coraer Third sud C Street. NEW TIMES BUILDING. K kis , »I Hubwrrlptluu : Advertisements will he inserted in the TlRlt i at the following rate* : ft»® haea. one ineerUoo.....................................>2 fO " *’ each subsequent insertion...............¿1 (JO W“ Legal advertisemunt* inserted reaeoGfibly. A fhir reduction from the above rate« made to yaarJyand time advertiaere. THE TIMES JOB OFFICE I 1 ia more complete by far than any other id Bonth- ern Oregon, and ««ompare» tarorably with an> in the State. Job Printing of every lruag.nflhle j deecription done at San Francieco rate*, and in a prompt and tiret-claae manner. - OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. MEDICAL. BUSINESS CARDS tVrr A. G. COLVIN F1B4T JUDICIAL DISTBfCT. JAC1*ON COCNTT. ANOTHER REDUCTION! (Colman's old stand. | (’oiQprisiog Jack*ou, Josephine, I . Hiisch. Htate Printer W H. Bjarb Stipt. Pablo* In*truction. E. B. McElr«»>. Hnpr»*;ne Judges. W P. Lori. Chief Justice W. W. Thayer. R S Strahan. H-r-l.y inform, th. publie that he i» displaying nt th. above »fand » hmt-claM «.lock of »pyrn ILJLIl □ JOSF.I'llINB COCNTY. Senator, tl. H. Miller, R”pr«‘*»*ntnti»e, S. U. Mitohrtll ' uu:ity judge. V.Co vig. Comiu>**ion- er* * -I. M P.iyne; Clerk, C. K ('hanblor. *4 tentf. T G. Pntte«*m»n; Treasurer. J. W. tl>»w»r‘l \*.**e*«or. .J P l»»»wi* School Hu perintentlent. E F Hathaway; Surveyor. W. N. HaundArs; Coroner. Dr. Kremer. 1 11? These goods were bought in the East au«l cannot be excelle«! in «jual- ity or price. Which he will nell Gold n C Sugar in Barre s at 6 Cents per pound ! Kl.kMVTH COUNTY. Joni Senator. (’. M < ’ «rtwright of Wa*c«»;Rep. ,•«*».. u.vriv»* H. McL-*a > »>f Kia n>*t ».County .)udge. f DRY GOODS, l. IKK COUNTY. Han at »r M Cartwright <»f Waamy; llepresen • ■»»tv»», H. M L'in of Klamath;County Jn«ige, A. F.’t** .’n n■ni**e»ner*. Ge ». M. Jones. C. Loftus; Clerk W f Boyd; Sheriff. A. J. Charlton. Treas­ urer K ff ■ ' ille i S • i<» »1 Superintendent, A- H. Fisher; A*-*e«wor, O. L Stanley. NO CREDIT ! SPOT CASH ! II Red Men’s Buildiner, Jacksonville, Oregon CLOT HI MO MKKTING OF COCKTl*. KT»”. Tbs Supreme C«»url of Oregon ni“»*t* at Salem regular terms <*»• irn»»nciog on the firet Mon«iayr in March an«! October. Circuit Court for Jackson county meets the i •»'■••»n.i M »•> I »y in January, firs' Monday tn May £r*rytlkinit ia fresh s»rl of R«x»d quality and i j I >•».*-*.- J »1» I*. v»_ H.*c»»'id M«»ndi«v in V»r 1 a ¡1 tirr t«» tl»»* I» fi <»f i t »uuc»*. F . UePKAlT. A i TOK N E Y A CO V NS E I.« »R-AT- LA W. I Hardware Tinware, Crockery, 3R03ERIES. DKUGS, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc W. R. ANOKEWS. We have just r«*cc»iv**(i h full Bt«»ck in th» m ! m » vv tinewof KortJt». whicli we citn wil cheaper than lhey are »oh! anj where m M»uti>“rn ( >r«»tf«»n, a* we have but very few espere«*. AH km«ìe <»f pru- liuev taken in exchaugt um! ATTORNEY «It COUNSEL«»« AT I. VW HICHEST MARKET PRICE O.fi -e in J %« KM»A I II I.» . «alloweti for sam“. OK MACHINERY! SAA' SOLE AiroUXEY t COUNSELOR AT LAW. W.J |.«->*.-•> •« m ,«lt ri...r',,tir«sof ti • sui... i»H«-r ■■ biililiiiic opp«M«te Court lbsua. corner (’ and Fifth streets. W. F. WILLI \MSON. C'Jl NSEI.OR AT LAW v »A1 11’.' !.'« Medford, J. w. HOWARD & CO,, In the MMfurd. Ceutral Point or Gold Hill WAREHOUSES Oregons HANNA. K. No. 6B North Front Street. - - - Portland. Oregon Wheat, Barley or Oats < ‘^n obtain a Liver Regulator for ' ' , ’ f »ny wds, canned by a temporary j-,.. )nj,, . ,.nt ,f the Liver, fa the last three or icith rlrcifbfl l^f■neflt.,* ' L! - r/.p> ,*>*»ir. a ith Simmons Liver R- gu­ ll* ' -■ IF’' . ■■■" I regard it as the greatmt inr -itrine nf th- tiiitrv far dincaeen pecu­ liar to iftahfrifil rrffinnM. So g >od a medi- > buAiitcits. « «..«»hi J HUGG. GENERAL MERCHANDISE ak.k n lo fed me very • « , an I ’>• re u « time I was as strong and I er UNIS. It it the In-nt Hit dirillO I r< tfx.R 1 nr !sprp.tifi. RI H M s U. V \ H G. CRENSHA W*. finter. Have You Malaria ? t'ORRESPONDENt E SOLICITED. All fanner'* storing AU btiMn«—* m my line will n**»?iyt> prompt »»» taut ion. H. 1’0 R Wm. Jessop & Sons’ English Cast Steel! O-n. 1./in & Co., Philadelphia, Pa \ I niRNi-.Y «t < (>UN>ELOK AT-LAW. on application to tn<», a» noon as the Jacksonville. Oregon. Will |»r*;f'C® in all H-«* Court« «»f th»* S*at<» Oift«’«* u¡» »taire in Orth'« brick. C. LEMPEiir GRANT S PASS, OREGON. * M. Da. lirflliiatv of the I'niverAlty of l.elpwir, Germany OKA IN’ IS DECEIVED. PHYSICIAN Sacks loaned to Farmers without charge. . AND SURGEON, E a tie Point. Oregon Having located at tin* placf I a*k a ahar»» »»f th» i»atr»»'iiig»» <»f tin1« flection. Call* aften»l»*«i to at any tune. T. R. YOUNG. M D.. P H \ s 1U I A N S U R a» DAVID LINN > > < >1« PIANOS, ORGANS, T. J. CRESS OREGON. OIL CLOTHS, Linoleums. Rugs Mat*, etc. THE I.AKOEST, HOUSE PAINTER. GROCERIES I CLOTHING JACKSONVILLE, OR. Hats SARDINE GREEK NURSERY »•t. between Oregon and Tl*iV»i. Jaekflonvill«*. < ahfornia R*re«* _______ o------------- \ » B. F. MILLEH. Prop. J. C. CARSON, E Street.. New Stock and New Prices ! 1885 l’KODlf’E I «.ENEllAL lH'ILPIN«; MAJEBUL. BOOKS «out«in infortnation from the m.rheta J. Y^"euy .«1- .will mail a copy FREE to any drew «|«oa receipt ot 10 c,fc *° repeuw of m.lltn« L»t u. he.r ttum you. Re.peetfullr. A ni'«* o >*|>«*«,i iilty ror. Third nnd I Strm*«*. I’OKTI.AM» OKEGON. And all of UNRIVALED GOODS! COR. FIRST l ÏAMHILL STS., Portland. Or. FRUIT TREES By the Thousand ! 1 FRUIT TREES à SHRUBBERY, Any kind rHit***l in a fir*t-« lana Nursery. WeakneflaandPhyvicfll I>ecay in i nungor Mid­ dle A«*dM»*n. Terted for Fight Year» in many thousandca*“« they abeoluU-’.y renter® prematurely r.ged and broken down men to the full enjoyment of perfect and full Manly Strength nnd Vigorous Health. To those wboeuffer from the many obscure a.aeaaes brought about by Indiscretion, Exinwrare, Orcr-Bram Work, or too free Indulgence, we a-ik that you Fond us your name with rtatement of your trouble, and aeouro TBUL PACKAGE FRFE. wi’h Blurt d PaB^blrt.^c. Thne** wanting Tre** thie ail will do wHl to give mo their order», hh I will guarantee natisfac. 11 Irbarrai’f all tny trees if properly cared for. Verme of payment »»am*. Produce taken at mar- ket pru e. 1H0Ü lb., of Prscb Jackson rille. Oregon Aug. 1.1888. B. F. MILLER,G«»M Hill.Or. THE BOSS BOOTS T. Bl'» F.RS- t-t'IDK la lavuril Rrpt. au«l llarrh. Meh year. U«- 3W P«Mt»»* g«a< 11', «nrhr».w«th over 3.000 lllwalrallona - a wbole Picture Aiallery. Tilt I NDEKSIGNEB IH NOW TAKING OR on<«an<1 T rial C!»i..*•*** »*rnploy»’»l «nd u<* dt*viati«»n in ehnr«»*«. _. M * a I i » XYcent*; lo-Uiii* •. .- »nt r<> ' ' c«*nt*. r 1.1 IW IS I ON Prn|»ri»*f«»r IN Fruit Trees of Every Description Wh'»lpsale 3c Retail Dtilnrs in all Varieti s of WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS PER OAY HOUSE TAKEN F. 8. CHADBOURNE & CO •3 Denier in Erse Dusea to and fr:m ths Hotel. lit the TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC., ETC INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Sash, Doers. Blinds n.ehrst FI tV IT TItKFS Stools on«i I>on<» in a «uperior manner anti at pnr»** to *mt thatim**. 1 r»«f»*r t«» th»* job« of painting I have previously «ions for rwommendatum. batiffac- ti»»n guaranteed. JIT- K.~u>». »"U fumtshrsl. PATRONIZE HOME IND’STRY House Paiuting, Paper Hanging Frescoing, Kalsomming, Etc.. 1857 OR., I'aIih>rn>>i Rttritl Pre**. I>l Al.Ell IN — Having pcrnumently l»»«'at«*rtin**nt of MILLER, Proprietor tolls DEALERS IN work is beyoml onr posen« of penetra­ furunur«», cotiBirttir.g *f tion. We notice that some writers are Fniir-t.nod pitchfork coinmending th«- heroic treatment in BEDSTEADS, . . 2 Whit« 1 »wi. '25 lb. k»»£ destroying the crop of apples and [«ears, .... 90 1 zin*iM*d (hl, j* r gai. as though that would l>e sufli«-ient. This 9 BUREAUS, TABLES, Tnrpcnt in»*. " 1* trt ’ tagon barrel » . Wincliffter Rill«**, i»• woiilii not do. if there are no apples 1 on Hau, We bought a box of peaches Wad*, per b»»x last wreck which were badly infested. 10 Ca¡»*. “ “ ........... «’HAULS OF ALL KINDS We do not mean w ith lnrv.-e This pest Cartridge*, per box 15« tn.to 1 «"I Having th“ \gwncy f<»r the Lirge’t H*fb»o»n th“ C»t*t th»*y can d»» a better part bytheircu# Bolt*. p.«r doz .. 15 will take one fruit if another is not toinerHthan other agent*. .. , 07 1 |<»r.*» ‘ Shoe*, per II» PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, hamly, ami it is hard to tell what it will Rian«»» ad Organs exchanged for farm produce or cash, or bold on the installment piai 1 25 Ax»** not accept on a pinch. We consider »» Ax Han«lie* CT«'., CTO. 1 <"» Miner** Pick* .. the heroic remedy quite inipraeticable, 10 Handsaw 1 di.** both on account of the «lisposition of the 25 (’all an»! exarnina «»nr goods baf«»re purchasing, for w«» will not !»»• und«*rsold. ( 'ross'cut saw Filo* Aho D»*»re. Sw*h ane« nrt interfere with fldtentt..n t«> buflineu, or cauac pain F or i neon ven ten re >n any way. Founded on flcientiflc medical principle«. Bydirvci ranpHeauont«» the »rat ol di»ca*r it« rpreiflo influence i< ftH without dr’ay. Theaaturai functions of the human organ i«n» restored The waned an. mat ire element* of life art* given back, the patient become« cheerful and rapidiygaiDi bom auaugtb and hcaiUt TREATMiMT.-CijMad.Sj7f»aMe.W. TU«e. S7 HARRIS REMEDY CO., Hue CstMis.. S06 h HOW ATTAR OF ROKES AND OTHER LIQUIDA ARE MADE. long journey, foreen|K-lled to ask credit of a ! foreign company for farming tools and »<•<■«1 to make bread for the next year, their courage, general good humor, their inde* ami stublsirn assertion of ... .......... ........... ..... pcmlcm'«-, ami ability to govern, not i ______ f ___ but their « re liters, fur- only tbelliselv«-s bur meir I'ri-iiiiors, «or-« nisiu-s a striking illustration of Ameri- j eanism with all its faults an»! :... . virtues, .i............ i And all kinds of Musical Merchandise. >lcdi«»rd, Oregon Oftice* in William*' Brick Building 17» PRICES LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. Call* re*p«»nv«*r'* Hot»*l, Jark*wnville. L. L WHITNEY M. ZZ. ©1.CO. Keep const«!.fly on hand a complete line of Applications for leans ani Stor­ age Room are now Solicited. If Mr. Kains Jackson has correctly stuiiied the Euro|s-an situation, with re­ gard to the wheat crop and the quantity of foreigi» wheat ami breadsttiffs that will be required to make up the de­ ficiency, there is a promise of a much larger export of grain ami flour from the Unittsl States than last year. Writing to tiie British Fanner, umler date of August 15th, he states that “there is not a single crop in the United Kingdom which is likely to attain an average yield. The harvest for all sorts of ce­ reals has been seldom so backward as it is this year, and existing probabilities are that wild oats, beans amt pears will la- almost five per cent, short, wheat ami barley will is- quite ten jier cent, umler the average. In Russia an average yielil was not looked for. Owing to tiie change from heat and dronth to rain, a wet fortnight has reduced the harvest promise to a great extent. The wheat in Austria-Hungary has been threshed an«l the yield fouml t«> be ten ja-r cent, below the average. Spain, Italy and Portugal have fair crops but a*»* likely to require sixteen million bushels of foreign wheat. Switzerland will require eight millions, buying usually from Austria ami South Iran««-.'’ In sum­ ming up Mr. Jackson assumes that fifty million luishi ls of foreign wheat will Iw- reipiirvd for England, over and al«ov<- the imports uf last vear, that the de­ mands of France will is- increased to the same extent, ami that southern Eu- ropc will want eight millions of bushels more—making in all forty-eight million bushels in i-x«-ess of the requirements of last year. This estimate is partly l>orm- out, so far as th«- United King-lorn is com-ern«-«!, by the British agricultural returns, which show a steady 'leeline in 1 tin- acreage devotetl to w heat. The total j wlicct product has fallen off ill a like manner. Im lmling Irelaml, the total : yi«-l«l in 18X4 was X2,'HS>,bushels; in 1885, 7!»,<>35,7«M» bushels, ani f««r this | year, aei onling to the E'.atamiet, ba«- | mg its estiinat«- on the oltieial return»,« tlu-aggrogat«* yield will not ex« « «-d 5s.- ! IDE GREAT REGULATOR Do You Want Good Digestion ? MILI UlENTS And Every Species of Itch- ing and Burning Dis «30868 Cured byCuti- cura. I ixoersoll ROCK 1) R ! U.S .1X1) CO. II PR ESSORS, .IXD WIRE ROPE—SPEC 7. / L TIES. J. R. NEIL. BANCROFT’S WOKM, Vol.. XXI t . “Th«- Oregon" was the name by which that |»>rtion of the northwest which was «li aineil by the Columbia river was known to early writers and sia-akers in Con­ gress. It was an indefinite region, about which England ami the United States could not agree as to proprietorship. N’ZEMA, or Halt Rheum, with B p MUoiiizinK By some it was represented to be a rich j yelling und burning, instantly relieved by a ami wonderful laml, and by others a { warm bath with C vticvra S oap , and aMngle application <»f PVTICURK. tiie g «»«t Hkin Cure. cold, steril«- ami forbidding one, not I Thia r«*peate«l daily, with two or three d<*»* «»f worth the ink an«l Ineath wasted in its I CrTict’K t B kholvent , the N«*w Blood Purifier, to k«N»p the bl«M»d cool, the perepiration pure and description; the writers or sjieakers unirritatiug. theboweis op»*n. the liver an»! kid­ being governed by motives to promote ney« active, will Rpetaiil) cur«* Eczema, letter. investigation or to prevent it. But Ringworm. Ps<»na.*i*, Lichen. Pruritus. Hcalti Head, Dandruff. an»i every apecied of I d hing. nearly all at that time regarded its value Sealy an«! Pimply Humor»* of the Scalp and Hkin. as chiefly de|«en«ient upon the furs wheu (he beat physician« and all known remedies gathered along its many mountain fail. streams. E< ZKMA. The discussions in Congress, covering I cnilefull) ackoowlsdae a cure of Ecx-ina. or Kalt Hheuni. on iny heapu- lation, ami tin* history of the country. *ir«*h cnnil me of thia h*«*a*»*. Mil. .JOHN THIEL. Wilk» *barrc. Pa. When was fur-hunting, with its adven­ tures, its js-i-uliar class of employees, CUTICURA REMEDIES Are hold by all diuggiflt. I’r.«'»- < (TluiUV .'>»• ami no less peculiar leaders, ever di­ « ••nt*. R esolvent , il.it«; S o \ p , 2'» cent»*. Pori ek vested of romance? Who is m«t curious Dim \ nd C hemicm . < «». Bo*ton. 8»*m! for als-ut the liv«*s of sui-li gentleim*n as “How* to ( hire Skin l»j>-eab»*-.” g— A I iril' Y th»* <’omp!*xi»»n au«l Skin dispensed hospitality at Vam-ouver, past L> EL AA W b\ lining e as i nificance. In the Willamette valley much t«s> low as it is elaimeil that of the But al! «-»timates w:«» foiiml*--! the first government bv E' Onomirt is to«» high. Are You Bilious? \in«-ri< in citizens, west of the Missouri must necessarily be more or less sjieeu- /7<» /* /fihthtc nr rt r ffiiln to rare. J ni -»t river, an in ie|«emlent government, but lativc, being base«! not only on what is . r«*--nirn*n1 it « all wh«* »uffer fr<>m eonj«-i'tur«*< .1 tts Att. 1.» rr any l»i*rase caused by a «!;*• arr .nge«! -tatr -if th2 Liver. | • ral government. The story of how harvest, but also on what quaitity of Kc-.i»tiiv.M* W R BERNARD these men ami women arnveil, l«eggar«-d wheat ami flour th«* p< opl»* w ill consume 1» is well known that by the hardships ami aceiilents of the! i i a given year. WOOD. IRON AND MINING MACHINERY, ( ’all an«! m *“ for yorselvea. JA( OIH BROS. THE PE RFC.ME TRADE. PURELY VEGETABLE. IMPORTERS and DEALERS in Will practice in all th»* Court* of the State. ; iT“ »h ■ wi . District Vf »r.r’v. Court Hows*. Jaekaonvills Al ;i<«liin«*i*V. I U1M« i:i:ns, IHI-I.. < O.. I’lH 1 land, Or.. <»r « Itotmil.l.»« * lllKhsi r. t«.*nt«, JaeksotiTil!«Or PARKE 3c LACY, Oregon. WiB D' v ' ’ ■“ all C » ir»* of th • State. f \ 37 inches, 8.1 HI. 12.01 ». Mens’ Heavy Suits, SlO.fMI and Four-button Cutaway Suits,fine goods, 25.00. k’lj, J M EK I« I^T’« ! ECZEMA III STOUT OF OREGON, v. Tsnth Street. ST. LOVIS. MO. RUPTURED PERSONS oan have FREE Trial of our Appliance. A»K for Termaf Slock Farm For Sale. IV I \i ELI.ENT STOCK EtHMON TKML a'\ cr«,»,k. :?.*> milcH north« a*t <»f Jacksonville, in «»tl • rr»«i f«»r »-al«*. 11 c«>*-tain« If»" acr«** 4(i acres «>f w licit am f»»nr»'d n huge portion of flit* earn rw’ing tim» thy an«i alfalfa ni« a l<»w Land. There ¡Na!*»» .» u«>«»- g«*Hw»r with *h*(l* f.»r *t<»riw^ hay a» «1 *h»’honng *t»wk. boeti!»*s a first eln*f- ontsi«!«» range and ever- I •*♦!’ • w itnr. rif ra ■<'■ »* i* situated near Spik»*- nar»i P. O. and a district *ch»»ol. A gn'-d bargain i* in bt«»t»‘ for th»* purchaser. Eor further partic­ ular* enquire al f I«*» T imes office. SECURE the SHADOW" Er»* th»* •*nlw•taDC■■• fad«*», anti wh»»n you viait I’«»r land, ruake it n part <»f you- h t'i »*<*s fn W. Ji. 1«»\ vnf . at the Sr*:» Er.^-itr«» Giillrry, K. W. rfir- r Firal anil 'Torrison 8tr»*«*tB, and hare your (»holograph iakaii in th»* lughoat Myleof tha art Crayon eniargemontb a specialty . ihr i*c uiorratit ¡Times. ADVERTISING AND JOB WOE K JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1886 VOL. XVI « is copy, per annum.. ....................... in months..................... .......... three month» i Mon: R iiikoai ) Wonx.—The follow­ ing from a I’ortlaml paper indicates a resumption of railroa«! activity in that city. At a m«*eting <>f the board of direc- tors of the O. R. «k N. company, an ex- penditur«* of |7««,00«) was authoriz-*«! to construct a railroa«! and wagon bridg«- across the Willamette The directors of the terminal company hav«* also onlered tiie resumption of work in the Albina shops; a passengei and freight «lepot to be Imilt separately hav«* been onlered, but will he constructed on a mon* molli­ fied plan than that originally intended s«-««-ral year» ago The.great bri Ige will Is* substantially built. !’ro|»>sals will is- advertiseil for immediately. Al the elei-tiiin in Georgia, held not not long since, an amendment to the «■«»nstituti'jn of the State, to allow pen- sinus to Is- pai'l to «lisabi.-d sitldiers of tin* conf«-«leiate armv, was adopted al­ most without opposition. Several papers an- complaining of this; but it is not easy to s«-«* how it can Is* any outsider's business. If ever it shall !>e propose«! to pay these pensioners out «>f th«* na­ tional treasury, then it will he time enough to talk. Or the nine explorers that ha\<* cross­ ed the continent oi Africa, Dr. Living­ ston«* was the first, twenty-four years ago; ami th«* last is Lieut. Gleerup. The best j«erfuin«*H are made from flowers. The effort that is being made to extract perfumes from petroleum and other things will prove a’>ortive, ar they can never equal the delicacy of the odor of a genuine flower. The amount of co­ lognes mad«* in America ia enormous, hut it rtel of flowers will prodwe only a few drops of oil. The genuine rose is the most expensive oil in the market ; ami worth alsiut »32 an ounerfection that even the most ex|«*rt are deceived by it. Patchouli is made from a plant growing in great abundance in the Ma­ lay islands, and is a great favorite as a perfume. Then* is a growing demand ______________ _ . . n<>« for _ lavendar water. It ________ ia made by mixing rose and orange waters with tie- oil of lavendar, an-J has a refine*! and Baker county’» di»i>lay of mineral pro duet« wan th« chief f«*ature of the late .Mechanies' institute.ami attracted great­ er crowda than any other part« of tl.c expowition. We have al w ay» contended that, while «•■ hate had more or les, slipshod mining in th* State for thbtv- five years, yet ocientifie mining in O*vs, but Bui tin- years in darkness, the li,* lig t cannot be bias yielded millions of gold since I' d. Levi Knott worked ;« quaitz ledge on the ■ boundary line of Lane and Ihyugia» coun­ ties in 1871; and we lielieve the e are ■till good ledges in the same vic i> And «»-further believe there will v« t In­ valuable leiigee discovered and worked on the Mackenzie and Santiam. Enough is alreadv known that g ,od ledges of gobi ami silver ex -t in th 3 State, and that capital should Is* org»n ized to work them, not in the jeiontiv, manner of our pioneer days, hut on » i- entifle principles and w.tli th«- aid of the most modern machinery. We want to see some of the surplus capital of I’cit laml employe«! in mining ente pri* -, instead of real-estate tiaflic an I wh at speculations, for two r«-a»ons. Ttie ti--1 I«1 these is that it will create a dema'i i pleasant a* well as refreshing alor. The ' that d«s-» not now exist, for pro !u, - of g<-nuine heliotro]«-is not as fine an odor | the valley «■ountie» ahieli are shq»p*d The latter is known known I I hither hither for for a a maiket maiket ; ; and and the th«* oth- oth-r is as the imitation. The latter is r t< a» th«- white heliotro|s-ami is ma«l<- from , that it w ill lead eventually to the ma- u- a combination of violet ami vanilla, and , fai tart* in Poitlan I of mining machine v, lias a soporifi«- tendency if breathe. said will raise hair on a bald liea-l. Th«* 1 They are confining their work alino.-t en­ distinguishing mark of the tuberose is tirely to building* and H«amboat-, wli.<- strength, while the violet is light ami the money paid out fur mining machin­ pure. Tiie verlw'iia was once a gre->* ery goex out uf th. «. produces one of the richest perfumes, W k , ms -. L ambs . — Weaning lain!«» is ami th«* lemon, orange ami daflodil are i rm trifling affair Too mu 1« care can­ J much thought of. But the best |«erfumes ar«* i-omhinations of the original odors. not la* given a lamb «ben Let time comet for it to s«-t up living for itself. 1 s I There are about I«*» of them, many of conu-s at the K-anvn of th«- veai ur-st th«* consumption of meats ami biead- i which have ha«i their day. The secret trying to the system. Unless 8j«e< al stuffs i- regulate«! by the conditions of of a combination is to mix the odors so i preparation is mad«« by i«rovi«llng a ie- traile. When business is brisk ami em­ that non«- is prominent ami all are lost, i serve pasture with extra lee-l, th- p o ployment active, the consumption of The best two are the ancient "i<< dr eo- « To I cees is a hazardous one. and often <1 s.«s- both increases. When it is «lull ami a logne and the cashmere bouquet. trout. The young thing may never. great many |s-opl«* aie out of etnplay-1 mix the odors so that they blend |«er- fectly is difficult. The old stami-hy I , have taken a mouthful of gram feed in ment, they arc <*on>pelled to restrict i . . . its life, particularly if it be a late lamb; their purchases ami ' in mans ' ' . ca*«e: *s to re­ among the combinations is tin- Jockey it has no idea ol f<>xl, other than ns sort to co*r.-er ami mor«- inexpensive ar- : club. Others hav«* seasons uf tsipiilarity mother's n.ilk ; the supply of th it has ticles.«.;i food. But, takingthe well known and then pas» away, but the glory of tiie been lessened by div Weather and aho t fa« t that the a» reage «levottM to w heat in Jockey duh is never dimmed, ami the Next in feed, until at tin- very dc«-r of st.ovation Great Britain ha** «lcclinearated from it. mother, 322 acres in 1SS4, to 2,286tOG4 acre* for oriier of favor «-oin«*« the Gang ylang, and the alternative of eat or «lie is io.ee«! the present year, while tn the meantime and tiie pateliouli, which is tliought by nj>oii it. The pro|H*< way ia to remove many dealers to ia* the best all-round |K»pnlation has gone on steao-s • tivation. w here artistic effects are sought make up for the deficiency. in a trough after, and where there is nee«i of variety hie for three or four days, 1 in which the lambs have i»—n accutt«x> - F arm N otks .—Those who have prac­ in the fitting up of rooms. One of the ed to find salt now let them find some tised soiling sufficiently to test it, know most « harming uses of these decorations branandoats at first; alter ward« add a it to I«* a most valuable aid in the econ­ is in the horn«* and studio of an amateur Begin verv slowly, as tl«e e artist. in the parlor there are gas little corn omy of dairying. is danger of overfeeding at fust. Ou- -« Extra feeding should not consist so brackets on each aide of the chimney, let them learn to cat enough withutl’ As they are not re much in increasing the quantity a» tn over the mantel. scouring, and the future is eaav. Homo bettering the quality of tin- food, if such quire«! for lighting, the owner has had on«* of them fitted with a jointed section put the lambs right into the barn ani thing can be done. pay dose attention to feeding and water Give the sh«*ep a mess of ground oats of pipe, to which is attached a Japanese In the West, nh re paiasol of alxiut nine feet rpr«-a«l The ing for a few days. every evening from now until the lamb­ the laml« fl-sk amounts to hund««td-, ing jsTiod. As soon a» grass fails give joints ar«* so arrange«! «hat when not re­ quired tiie parasol can beckiscil ami will very nice attention is given on a sepa­ them all the hav they can eat. hang at the si«!e of the chimney. When rate ram h that has l-*en h- id m re.-—ve Throughout the entire year turkeys are Son««- dealt, in use it is supported by a jointed stem for their es,s-tial use. salable in lesser quantities for the city like an old-fashioned sunslunle. so that sweet grain for weaning lamb« on is hotels and restaurants chiefly, and they The . reateat dan­ there is no handle to extend downward quite tndis|»-n-alile. average well the year through. and be in th«* wav. There is a frill of ger is scouring, and one which flock­ Make cuttings of currants and goo«- lace around the edge of tiie parasol, and masters dread, n<*t al««ne a» difficult to berries now ; six inches long will answer underneath it is a small table, an easy­ I cure, hut one so har«f to k«**p from be­ Mellow the soi!,ins<*rt them vertically and No pret­ chair and footstools, while a revolving coming epidemic in tiie flock. press the soil firm about them. bookcase is within easy reach. Willi a tier sight can I«- seen than ¡- bunch of One of the greatest d-awhaeks the lamp on th«* table and plenty of leading well-bred, well-weaned, healthy, grow­ new Iwginners in poultry raising have matter at hand, a more «lelightful re­ ing, full-fed «anibs — Farm anri Firrtuif. ia the rr..rat'ir a hi ! Furnirh- .1 II nrk of A rt. High School, who could sec no differ­ rhc*,W«”*t Hhore’’ for <>»*h>l»er contain* : rr. ence lietw.-en then, and cones of the a *rries of magitifluent engraving* illu* ■ Tin F.i Roi-r is tji fstion . — Hon T. I’. white fir. Well, that is just what th. ;* trating the variud feature* »>! 1‘ortl uni Chi , nu*e quarter. In all theeftoits of the va-! < »'Connor cables from Ia>mlon to the N are. and it is etipugh to wtitjg an exas­ Money is playing the biggest perated smile from an old Oregon moun­ riou* periodicals of th»* I’nited State* to il i Y Nf«tr Russia is taineer of thirty-six years ex|»e Chinese funeral I'hvv ar»* executed in three colors ami ar«* works of art. An rea.ly on the verge of bankiuptcy, ami and Ireara cones at tin- height of thiee . r carries on her national affairs w ith the four feet interesting article 'l» 'uriptive of the Chi This is especially true when nese as we see them here accompanies the help of funds rai»eg sketches I he number also contain* an of cveiy conceivable public security n«>t the broken ro.’k, and exposed to tile arti» !«■ on Mount \d.im«, illustrate«! with a previoush mortgaged to England, Rus­ , scorching rays <>t the summer sun. Near surie* of skutehe- illu*tration* <»f the Stat« sia ami Germany. The purchasing the summit of “Grevlrai k" mount.« n. fair recently hel»i in Salem and of the new power of the rouble to-day is actually in Josephine county, arid on ,, the south toil-route across the ( asea<, of interest and merit complete the number, kish war. the whole funning th«* most attractive and her treasury, and lives from han«l to —------------------------------- - --------- entertaining one yet i*«ue«i The publish mouth. Russia, finam ially so weak T- Tnr. — L. . _ ? P _____ R otk oint f L ___ imi _ :.—The o<-- er offers to send th«* remaining number*’ hcraelf, has no stronger hol«i on Bui- »ian of the 23d has the follow ing con- for 1ss»; free to tho>e who subscribe now garia than he latter's terrible monetary : earning the lime kilns ii»e«l n-bmnng for lss7. This will include a large engrav­ Bulgarian jw-as.-ints. an«! all the lime from the Kock l’oiut quarn- _____ •« : ing of Mount Hood, in eight color*. t«> be necessity. ......................... The kiln lately completed at the woikh issued with the holiday number. Two d«>l- classes indeed, will not suffer further “ taxation without resistance, ami thus <>f the Portland Lime and Cetnvnt Co. i* larsa vear ten» of thousand» arc now . in flu- nature in full blast and i* doing ils u<»ik to pet- Popular Woufhly ft>r Or- of things, likdy to fall .in easy prey to feetion. As s<>*»n as (heie i- a ‘let up’ in fn^rr. the Kus-ian roiihle. The largest Rus­ building and th«* demand (or lime be­ Opens with a most interesting article. Th« sian public loans, an«! most of the loans comes less pr»*sHÌng, the company will U* Tragic »’lose of a Strange Reign, th« *ton privately negotiated between the govern- enabled toovei haul kiln N««. 1. wliidi has of L«»ui* 11 of Bavaria well t«»ld amt illustra­ te«!. "lrout Es«diing in Maim* Lak«*s sa­ ment ami hangers, are chiefly he|«l in tss-ii running w ithout a moment » « e-.».«- I’-isman k, who has ample •tion since April last, an«l is 1 .-g.lining to vors more of our land, ami i* a m«»re cheery «iermany. Tin* «oiupanv will put up subject; ami tin* picture ol a thr«*c dav*‘ reason secretly to aim a «leadly blow at n«s* turesqm* career of Her fear of licing taken at a «lisadvantage blv in February , in or-ier to t»* pi-epa <-i man Cortes lend* itself to attra« five pic­ by France. I«ut chiefly la-cause he know s ! for the ojs-ning of the next building sea­ turing. A Walk in the Faroes” i* a hit that a rup.ure wouhi financially cause son. The enteqmse of th-* I’oitlan I of travel in an unfrequ« nted group All who b»v«* |»et* will rnjii\ Parrot I Have almost irreparalile loss to the hankers, Lime and Cement Company has piove-1 : highly successful, and has lss-n th- Met. a* *|.«»rtsm«*n will appreciate *'Hunt­ merchants ami thrifty classes. ing the Sandhill.” The charming “Walks 1 means, not only of furnishing woik to I n ' iiiax W vr V ktfram . — The Indian Ah«mt London, capitally* illustrate«!, is as many men, in quarrying r«s-k, burning war vet.-rans of the north Pacific coast goof that ami clM-where." that is grand ami romantic and interest­ «lay an address will la* delivered by Hon. I , in this city ___________ ________________ ing. Altogether, the numlier i* one that, Elwood Evans, of Tacoma. W T., under 1 T iil report of the graml ofli- «.-is of t .c in variety of topics, « harm of writing and F.. the soven-ign lodg«-of tl.«* fineness of illustration, is unmistakably a the auspie«-of Multnomah Camp N«i. 2, J1. o. «) hit. The plate, in gold ami odors, i* ex­ 1 W.V .to th«* general public,on the*‘In- I world, shows that theord« r ha» grown n dian w.ir of 1 So.»-«'«; the authorities and fwenty-two years froiu lO.OtHi to 510,<>'' quisite. * • * |a* of the 19th m*t. :is*cr t-u v vindicate«!;" for which a charge revenue of over t4,dO«t,U«k>. The u d<* that the Ru**ian bear i* in ugly tuiiiper ami that war may he «l<*ularv«l at an\ mo­ will I»- made for a Imisxi m, to meet ex­ is pros|H>iuiis in foreign iviunlries. Th«* ment. I ids i* the tw« nti« th turn- that war penses ami )»»sil«lv to assist th«* « amp figures <>f the vaiious <>dd Fellows l» n- h «* been iiu'vitabl»? amt imminent «luring in carrying on its laudable work. The cficial associations show its eipts lor the the year tsxii lo« ture-room at Masonic tempi«- lias ls*en past year of f 1,«)' h '.'«■*’>; paid to fum I «•- sei-itre-l for that purpose. The citizens of deceased meuils-is, 1193.362; death». f'orr ¡nr I’ilfH. of I’ortlaml ar.* too well a< -piair>tcd with 1652 ; money on hand, »372,»20. Ti>«‘ r Pile* ar»* frequently pre- e liee«l to l«e told that a rich ' frort of the grand ftea-urer shows . b< of t!u abdomen. « aiising the p.itienl to -up treat is in sto c for tl«-t«»m.i«*h. etc. A mois­ I’.rrrythtHfi fiorit IVrnug In the Isniily meeliaiii-m when tin- liver iT«t- .Hit «*i nr t«-r I'onstipation, «1«'i-.-p-ia contaiiiiiition of the bio. «1. imperfect a*- smiilati .il. ar,...... .. to < nsui- But it is ca*\ to prevent tl,«--« c««u-< «pi«-m',-A. and t., r"in'«v«' thi ir i : iiim '. by a «-ours«- of I! ».-t« t- t«-i« »'l-iiu.'i' li Bitter-which stimulate- «lie lalt.uy organ :«mi r« uniat«', it. action, ill«-ilir«-< t result 1« a ili-appearame if th«- pain» In rii atli the ribs ami tliroltgh tli<- shoulih-r bla«l«'. tb«' iiaii»« .«, h«-a*h«< lie» y.*ll«,wne»» of tiie »kin. furretl l«»«k of the ture. like perspiration, producing a very ton.ru«'. ami *«,ur «»l<«r ««i th«' breath, whi. h m e to th»* apphua- t«l<---ittg- al-«- -«»’Uii'ii to the use oi tlii- tioll of r>r. B*»*aiik«»'s Pile Reni«*«ly. which < « h lu ite«l rc-torative of liealtli. which im­ nut* directly up«»'i the part* alle« t»*d. ab­ parts a «h-gree of vigor to the body which sorbing »In Tunu-r*. allaying th»* intense it« iiin_ .oi l .*'lu. ti ig a permanent cure is its best guarantee of - ifi-ty from mala A«t«lrv*s. Th«* I>r Bosanko rial epidemic» New» weakm «» ait«l over- l’t ie«* So cun’* ten-uni ar«- r- lievi-ii t«v i:, and it improve» Medicine Co., Piutia. Ohio. Sold at the < ity b’-ug Store, laeksonvilla both appetite and sleep While i . »ney is « l«»-c. wag« -an«l prices f'artttrrn and Mrchanlr* I » > \|»ui4*v*. *ii »uld l»e « nt Na\<- nn»u»> .m«l | d »« i < i Bti B Beve I .»UM'litil»!. E c «» ih »uty. til»’ wat« h u«> >i of Tour Nhitlirr*, \Viv< * an«t In a fune Motin - 1.« a I < .U I »<»r ft»r I • •» > ’ ’ iv* Iy |»tiru|i.*i*e of I»r. B»»*iitik »’.' ’ • ¡eli a »<1 k«-« piiic in lite h«»u>c a h<»tt!«» <»t |»r (»«» '.•H.k«» ' < .•uzh M I I.ting K* iup. S!«»|»w u Lung Hyrii|». B. *t knuuii ren e iy tur I jueli lU’iant'v. ndivvc* < <»t 'imptioii, (’«»tigli*. < <>l»i night. It is ju*t tl»«* rcrnctiy for har«i • night, may sax«* voti hutcln «!* time- l*ri<<‘ .V) etc and $1 <À). Sold by { Prie«’, <*«*nts vini *1 "• * ■ .• * * ’ 0old I»r . ’ 'A RotniiMin I • a ’B*. l>r. J W R.)binfon. Jackiunville.