n f . K e ckio raiitíimíí. K > .i V /> I r n i. r t\ T. p. Judson, formerly «»f Ashland, a clever gentleman, is now book k« rj«er f«»r H B. Miller A (‘o. at Grant’s Pass. Paint yotir h«»d-» s. The welcome rain. FRIDAY Rev K McLean, who bought L. S. Dy ar - pla«<* in Klamath county la-t year, offers 15JKM) lb», of potatoes for sale. Wednesday wa- all-fool»* day. Grtawl*® Pass Items. A number uf strangers arc in town look­ ing for location«. Our S|»e» ial s«'h«>»»l me» ting was a failure, but we will have another Saturday. There are seven ur eight real-estate agents here already ami more are promised H. Abraham i-layingofl* a large pumber of new lots in his additfon to this place. Grant’s Pass continues to improve. A number of new house* are in course of» on- Mructiun. J. H. Stine’s newspaper outfit ha- arriv­ ed and the first i-suc of the “<’ouri»*r" w ill appear this week. All that Grant’s Pass needs n«)w. in th»* way of business houses, is a saddler an«) harness .shop am! a general hardware -t >r« Mes-rs. 8t«»ne an«l Mullan of Minnesota have bought Dr L. Townsend' farm near Grant’s Pass and 50f> acr» • of -« h«-ol lami in Josephine county, alwmi tie»* miles di- tant; also one lot bark of Miller A t’o.’s st»»rr. «»n which they < xpect to erect a bri< k Ltiihling. R lapi . k . -St. Ta m ma nt/’» Pa if. The Rv«l Men of this place, having com­ pleted their magnificent new wigwam, will dedicate the name on the 12th of May That day will aho be th« ov« a-ion of a grand celebration, fur whi« h preparation i- >>eing made on an exten-ivc scab*. The programme will include a para«ie. literary « \erci-t«s, band tournament, etc., during the day ami a granil ball and supper in the vm *ning As the various committee- arc already actively at work, the public may rest assured that this wiil be one of the greatest events of the kin«! ever wit- nrssed in Jacksonville, <>rigonian-P«»«'a honta- Tribe has added a handsome and -ubstantial ornament to our t««wn by th«* erection of a ro-tly building, ami it i- hoped that all our citizens will nianite-t th< ir appreciation «»f the enterpri-e «4 the Re«! Men by joining heartily in the < 11* • I ration A nuiiiber of visitor- from «iitl.-r- rnt portion-oi -outhern < »n jon ami norili- • ' a «‘aliturnia ar<-expected I»« attend >«•«• th«-advertisement for further particular-. Read the new advcrti«« mrnt-. 1 pK k . so . xa L we.y tion . Postmaster Muller has nreived in­ structions from Washington that ar­ Senator Miller of Josephine county ib rangements have been made whereby money orders ran hr drawn on China, ! in Portland. Senator Prim will return from Salem Egypt am! Sweden. 1 wo noteworthy -bort -tories have ■ thi« morning. appeared in th«* April H.-rpcr in" l’«»o Much Momentum," l»y Jame- Lane Al Th»* A. 0. V. \V. meet this evening. leu. ami "How Faith Came and Went.” April promise« to be a stormy month. a new sal«)on at Henley. CaL. and keep a g«)ud stock uf choic»' li«|iiors and ci­ by Anuir T. Slof the S. F Variety ber w ill be increased. A thunder-storm was promised as wr bt«»r»*. went to press. When y«m want to tai - a pleasure M » «-r> Fitz and Soule «>f Pho-nix w« re J. .M. 5Vliarton is tea- hinsr th»* Willow in town 5\’«*dm « iay w ith a load of ti«h. ■ trip in the country or ar«' aalle«) away pui nrgrnl business, remember that Ply- Springs s«*b«»ol. which they fouml m» trouble in : brad higher and -titter than usual. A Grain is looking some« hat better than sions. ‘ boil on hi- neck is the cau«c of his put- it did last w«*rk. The Red Men's celebration promises I ting on thi- extra style. Twenty yard* of calien for JU*hit < ’aro to be on® of the grainiest events that Judg«' Day has been appointed histo­ ha- taken place in Jacksonville for many Rn»s’.. Ph«« nix. rian for the Odd Fellows’ «-rlebratfon in years. Mi-« Annie Kent is te.p-hing th«* Myr­ ’hi- place on April 2»>th, ami i- n«»w cii- Seseral members «•! Banner L«»dg« No | gag« d in writing th«' history of Od«!J*'cl tle iT«*ek «ch< Mil. 23. A <>. V. 5V.,oi thi.-pla« «' pai«l Med- , low-hip in Jacksonville. J A. Hani« y ha- return»*«! from his 1 lord l«»«lge a fraternal visit la-t Saturday trip to Portland. John Orth is the ow ner of a fine three- ! evening. quarter-Jersey Lull, which he keeps in Mr-. E Kenner has r«*turnc«l from The largest, bc-t ami cheapest st«»« k of • hi- pa-tun* m ar tow n. He charges a Me«lford to remain. legal blanks in Or«'g«»n, outside of P«»rt- j moderate price fur pa-tnragr. Read his Tw<*lv«» yard* of Cab >t 5V for SLtO at lam! am! Salem, can be found at the advertisement elsewhere. Caro Bros ’. Pho nix. * T imes «»flice. The egg laid on our table la-t week by Henry Wrede was down from Eden Subscription- taken al ihc T ime - oi­ J"lm Bolt of Applegate mca-ured nine pneinct Wnlnr-day. lier f«»r the S. F 'Examiner.” lhe best ¡inch»-one way and sewn inches tin* I h«* new town «»tfieers of Mellor«! to«»k ».»nd eheapr-t paper on the coast. Only other. We errc«l in stating that it was their «eats thi- we» k ■ 11.50a year. seven inches in diameter’ Reynold- Bros, have our thank- t«>r a I he two-year-«>l«l child ot Mr. ami We arc under obligations t«» J » -U|»ply of choice apples. Mr- i'ameron«»( Evans rre« k «lied a feu >imp-«)ii. -«•< rctary of the Pacific I o ixt Two humlrcd dozen chi< kens wanted day.- ng«» and wa- buried in tlu* vicinity Blood II >r-« A-8« h iation. which i- now of Woodville. at Car»» Bros.*, Ph«eirix. !i»»l«ling it-.-pring meeting at san Fran­ Drummer* continue abundant I J B. t’annaml M. Duffy have upcnvl M Forman of Pho nix. the well-known 55 (♦. I\»*nn«'y of M«.'«!ford was in • wheelwright, will sell a fine hack at Jacksonville SVefilies«lay. C«»n.*i«lerable li*ie:.'i«»n i llig •jn in * public -ah* on the '¿'»th in-t. Rmd his notice cl-cw her«'. Justice F«'U«lrav s c«)urt. Nenthamer Bn»«, of Rock P«»int in Jacksonville this week. . cisco. f«»r a sea-on ticket A J Chapman, s«hnol - ti 1 h rintend- ent of Jo.-ephinc county, wil! bold an examination of applicant? lor teacher*’ certil’u ates to-morr«»w .a--iste»I Io 1‘rof- H.iih.i'\a\ and Donmeyer. Ib»y al Br w n. i .rim r v oi thi place, i- managing \ hotel at Yreka ( al IL* sopo- 'if I»i'*k - tin«* -to< k \ Ainan Fisher has lately r<«»'i\c« lino I A.-seniatioti h«*l«l Mr. Jamieson, on«' of th«' most popular a meeting at M»*dford la-t Saturday, and elli< ient «'«iiulucturs uf thc<). A<’. which wa - well att< mlcd. R. R. Co , ha« resigne«! an«l is now ili Roa«i *upcrvi>««rs‘ receipts, in quanti- j a!-" h< Id in the cvrmn;; I Stacy of A-h’aml w.t •il Ja.'k-on- the employ of the Narrow-gauge I’ R ti« - to -nil. for «.(!«• at th«* T tme - • «ili« e I«* la-t week, lie wa- ac< •< unpanietl Co. in th»- Willamette \ alley »•« •» H. Ly n h and M r«. I. I Brak» tl»«' gentleman w h»» i« ah'iut «lartiiig G. Karew«ki - -h»re in thi< piar w« rv «town fl••>»» Wagm r err»* Matur­ •r»'w «*ry at that place. I growing «'mpty la-? -<• many p« < day. \ Pre.-byt« run ehur. h wa- urgan- taking udvatitage of hr great liargi ILiiik <«id.iing-ami Jack Barth' are h<* i- oil» rim-. If }«»u want .anythin; IZt • I at Medford la-t Saturdav by Io \ ercml« A. R Bi. keiibach. M A Will- hi- line call b< fore it i- to«» la: lan«L iam« ami J. V. Milligan M ¡« I k*)ia No1un»l has • *tu m fi to Th«* roads ire in excellent condition Dr. Stirling »M Jo-ephinv county, a Josephine « oiiniy from th* Willaim ttc for travel and -tag« > ar« making good well-known phy-ician and surgeon, «ex­ valley, but exp<«-i- to locate in 1 time. pect-to locate at Kerhyville -'»«»n H«* county with her -on. Ja- Stephen-, who Th«' Portland pr«»«lu« e market i- very made us a « all thi- week. h.a- taken up a place on Antelope • r« • k «lull, with no -ign- of much improve­ A thing of beauty i- a joy («»rover.‘ S. veral hor«c- are in training f.»r th» ment. >oinr ami nothing i- more beautiful and l«a-f race- a? ?tvdfor«i next month W S Fif/gvraLl of t.«»l«l Hill i- put­ hor-rs from «mt.-ide of th«* »•unit are. ing than th«»-e fine photograph- Logan, ting up a m at building near his pre-cut al-«»« xpect» d to parti« ipat< the A-ldand ph«»t«»grapher. i- taking. -tan«l. He phot«.graph« in all th«' late-t -tyles. \V. A l‘ra-« r has gone t«» X* a Y i k. Cun.-idcrablc ■ral freight f«»r Linkvilh* i* where D. D. M. Bean is, and IL A. Jones lhe <>. A < R R. < o. m»w run- «»nly being hauled from the A-hland depot a? is in « barge of tin property at th«* Si-ki <»m* pa-«eng» r ««»a- h to Ashland, hnv prr«ent. yon and Buck R««< k tunncl.- ing taken oil' th« -moking car a- a mat i ha- H«>aglaml ha- g«»n«- to Klamath Thelbyal St.John -• wing-m.i« him- ter of • < onomy. »>ur railroad system i* »•ounty to l«M»k after hi.** father « -took can I»«* found at the land oftue in Me«l- truly 1.« r >ming «»m -bur-«* in « very par interests. ford They will be ex hangernet Bamiof Jacksonville at Holt - hall Saturday evening. April IIth 1. Music by band: 2. < h«»ru-; 3. !>c< laination. ov < ba-. Bilger. I. Song. I»y Daisy Bilger. Wana Miller and Emma Plymale ; ■’». Duet >olu. by Vi-s Via Plymale; ’. Recita- ! Hubbell; ihr Mon»*yles« tion, by G. A M..n. X Miieie, by band; !». S»ng. by little girls; 1<». Rccitati"»i. by M.-*» Laura t .ird- well; 11. S»ng.by Joiinnic Miller ; 12. l>m t. P. McMahon -> in month« ago lo-t a by A«lam Schmitt and «on; 13. Solo. by Jvrrv tmlGto W. He. i.athnrn of Lit­ grain or t w ■nty-«l"llar pic <*«. Ml-« (.’ora Linn; II. Chorus; IV Mti«i- by tle Butt«'pr< ¡net were in Jac ksonville Tr«>u. fishing is n«»w permitte«! by the gray filly, which i« in w nearly a year ¡old. in the vicinitx' Ashland. Hr band ; H>. Song, by boy», An interesting Satur lay game law and du« k- can be killc«) until pronii«*«! and evcrybraly should time i Newt 11 Hall reque-t- us tn -fate that May Bt. other kind-nf game are yet i J will pay a liberal n ward for her re- turn or any information that will lead turn out ami give the baml a r<>u-ing bci cfiE he i« paring ‘JO «» m- a p«»unfi f«>r choice tinder the proba tion of th»* law. t beret ♦Iver-kin-. \ fine and full as««»rtiuent of g» nt > fw Troahte. We pay m» :.ttrtni«»n w hat« ' «•»• t«« anon­ Mr«. Prim is di-p!aying th«* tinc-t :urni-hing goo I- «»i th.- latest -tyb'-. for V.ua-tin Schmi«lling («»rinerly «»t thi- We always -pring ami -umim r wear ju-t revived ymous «••»mmunicati"H« sto< k »*f tnillim ry « ver hr«»ueht t«» Ink place, hada «liflirulty at Daytun. W I require that <'orrc*p«»mh'nt« give their it Ja- R. Littb - variety -:<»r- mi emmtu with» H R«e«l. a painter also w «Il-known trm* nain« -. which will m»f. ot « ««nrse, A. i ha!« i- ha\ mg i ■- -nlonn « nlarge«! hr m.ide publi under ordinary < ir. um- Th« Ashland trustee-, have passed an here, and drew hi> pistol H»' wa« arrest­ ed and l«onnd «ivrr in th« -tim of !!.»»<». in ordinal)«-e again-t allowing chicken- to ami greatly improv« «! and will put up a stam-c-. billiard table-non H«' w ill not m«»vv A numlieruf small b««y- haw been in d«-iault of which he wa« lodged in jail I he run at large. int«» Ry an's n< w I ri« k building the habit «-f keeping un.-cemiy hour- -ympatby of thi« community i* with Mr. Steve Currtin. the veteran hostler, i- Mar G. L. Webb will teach the «pring term , iml making considerable noise >< bundling, and a petition in hi« favor. ' in charge uf the -tag»* -fork at Ruf’t- of school at th« M< Andrew srh in his ffore of Par f I ¡mate. and sold quite a number of them • line. He keeps a larg«*. supe rior *.--«»rt- i h«-r who are turbing th« pea« c a few nights since and Recorder Huiler ad- «•«tale «4 ». P. Parker deceased, as lb* ».A i R IL at Almaden, a small, railroa»l depot will be seen «lo«»r in this pin» e on April 11th. lilt, he pi< ked half a pint of rip« straw- men doing well. r »«airy pa «-eng« i- ami ]»n< kaj«« with Kerrie- «»n a hill-ide. Tbose who have re >••• !>r L'-mp' i't "ii Saturday - and A haml-"im' souvenir, giving th« pic­ pnunptn«*-- ami at re:«-onabk rat* - -i«l< «l in -•julhern Oregon know that «traw- y«»u will be cured tr» * I excluding n»e«li- ture« of President Clex « laml. 5 i<« Pres- berries ¡'loom there nearly all Winter. Thi- cine»• u »'Large. All tlio-c u h«> call mi Di. < Lemp< rt. ¡«lent Hcmlri' k-. I h«».«. J»'tlvrs<»n Sam­ is only anoth« r inst.m«'«' «»f the -up« rioritv the German doctor, at .lack-<»nville, tor uel J. Tilden ami Andrew Ja«k-«»n. i« J Heim- 55 uglier < re« k ha- L» « n • •f our«limat»*. treatment on Saturday- will I». treated given t" every -ui»«cril»er to th»* S F. . «hipping a large «pianiity of fin»' apples i "Ex.imitier Everybody «h««ul«l have fn c of charge. ex< hiding medicine. * nite h !•> hr It iti If. t«» Han Francis« «». one. < ha- J. II«»ward <»f Jo-rphinc county lion rh«»3. F. B« all am! C Magruder «1 Trcn-urer Ream« -of Klamath « utility There w« r« a fi w -lmwvr-of rain in Manzanita precimt return»*«! from their i- pay ing «»tl all warrant- pr«>tv-tc«l prior was her«'thi- week He inform- u- that thi- -« « tion »luring the week, w hich ben­ visit to Portland a f«w »lays -ince. Tb«-ir Mr. Kellogg, a brother of J I’ K« llog2 . !•» D» • 7th. DM efit« «1 the crop and vegetation gem ral mission prove«) -ucressful, the railroad of Kerbyville, die«! there la-t week. ly. It was need« «! ami fill at the criti­ Exchange <»n P«»rtlan«l ami Sun Ff.tn- company having arced««! t«> their pr->p« sal> J. B. Ru—ell, lately of Ashland ha­ cal time. Farmer- w ho int« n«l to put in «•¡.-c«> f«»r «ale at A. 1. J«»hn-«»n's land t.» buihl a -wit« h ami atr*»r«l war« hou-e fa < <>rn are o-tabli-h«*d marhl»w»rk-at Yrekn. < ul., • •tti« • in M»*«if«»r 1 | ever. ilitirs nt Central Point M Volk i« al and is doing a line bii-in»-.*-. 11«' i- a J. < Hannah «.>i Tabi«' Rock pre in« t W R r..ii, r. »>,■• ha. .,i,c >'t th.' b< M r» ady on th«* gr«»uml to make the «nney. good workman and give- -ati-fa« tion. am) Receiver K«i hl«*r am! *npt Brawl» fire retarne«! from hi- trip fo Klamath ■ farms in Little Butte pre. itu t. olkrt it Now i- the time t«» in-ert hor-e afiver- ••«»untv la-t week. for -al«* < ui rcn.unable tern,.. Anylxxlv • xp« « te«l r • I«' th«'T«' -non ti-cment-and Lav« Lilis print» 1 We are who desires L invi »I in at, i \i < II"tit S. B« er- inform- n- that R. < arter ha» fully prepared to ■!•< all work in thi- line I.utln -old hi- pia« «' in Plea-ant ere« k p e« inrt in the I»« -t -tyle and at I'du < fi rat».-. him. S'« a«|\« rtisemenl for fnrth.-r \ muirr iiaiiiol W Taylor Ha- brougln to Mr Ellis i«»r I pi» Fountain, "f th« I arm« r - Store at particular-. tu Ja« k'onville fremi A-hland la-t Sii’urday Ih-bcrt» À tl’N' il have < «»mmenevd A law -uil. in w hich ' 55 Br \-hlami, aiiiioiim • « that In rcaftcr he Ly Con «Cable Taylor. chiirg»«l wiih baving breaking ground f«»r their new brick will-ell for ca-h only, but will mak< it was plaiutitL ami J s. IL »ward strac tire M«»-t «»I the « as« « app« alvi t«« the Su­ I he plaintitl a quantity <•!‘ the « xp!«»-i' •« lt«ontaint»l (mr«»l«l Demo» ratio friend< apt Keith court this week, aw ardefi a judgment for $1<>.’» 2â. lu H«' ha i.. i» r x«imin iti- »u in J u - : Eubank-' preme* «»urt from th!-»listri« t Lavr been ot .!«»-• phine « utility wa- in town ye-- defendant propose- appealing t • •»»uri an i wa« hel«l t<» an-w« r m thè smn <»f argm «I ami -ubmitted r>ln\ lie s now proprietor of the • ir»-uit court, w«* learn. *21»» in h'tault of w hi-h b»- ’a- ln»lg< «l n L«»-t A number ««f pir.e- •»! Lami f« i ry form« rly owi e«l by \ W 1’reslvy. e Deputy Sheriff Ja«’«»b« has f«»uml a thè coliLty jail. mu-ie. Th« tinder will plea««* l«av<* the Wante«l ihr»«* tlmu-aml pound- <»f • large number «»l taxpayer- who « «« aped -amc at the T imi -oftire. lloiir. for w hich the highest market price a--c--ment. from whum he collected a N«)«tep-hav< b«*en taken t * appeal the »> N« il ca-e a* yet. ami we have n«»t learnvl that there will be. All pvr-or.s having claim.« u ..tii.-t tlu Red Men - building a-« «»fti •»' P i\-<>TI vilb t'f»f .Sale. • \V I*. Hilli-informs u- that the pre­ ci a t« ot Evans ami Fha-ant « reek- are rapidly -ettling up. A number uf im- b Igrant- irrivedtber«' «luring the week. I 1 M 1» < hildcr-. Klamath county - «q- ( L.-r Bin« klioln r <»f Apph’gam in li« ient --or. w ill comnienc«* hi- an­ for u- hy that a heavy -bower «»f rain fi ll there W« •I ii »*-.I h v « veuing •••n«i-l nual n-u -»ing trip at on« « J D -Ir ar« r La« given up mining ««n rrahly more than tl-« v. I utc in thi*» -re­ f'or Sale. I»*/•»»«r/», d. Fhe rin mit court adi’Uij alter bring in v --» o : ì nr.u! Quite a numlxr of ca-v- writ disposed of It was probably thv longv-r. if not the most rM|»eiisivr. nuirt «-v« r h* Id in Ja« k« »n county, will )»c paid Cal! at Merritt's new store ■n Jat U-onville for further parti« ular-. i W ..rm r < re. k un«l « xp< - t-I** return to timi. . |»we on a visit la fi.re long. M »»'•« !■ I»:,in. «'«»mm¡-«ion« rof Klam­ . ............. .. r- ar« gem rally cnterpri-iic.* ath « ounty . i- exp • ted in Ja< k-*»nville Hr < u( Lie ; .«nd «tverk a number of photograph- I lu un lvT'igmd dc.«iiing t«» remove t«> A u«eh'’ld ami nf the new And hand-ome Rt«) Men - The Jewi.-h fea-t ut Pa--'»v< r i- pr •- kite hen furniture for -ale at rra^onabh* ' wigwam in this place Saturday ' gressing Mr- J«v obs ha- our thank« figure- F«»r further particular« «•nqitirc 5V. II B«»«twi« k of Unfontowii has for some niatxus, or unleavened l»rea«l, at my re-id« n« r. II. F. DoWEM xhippcil II.«»*' (•>*• “» "PPl«’’* »‘•"il his which is cotisunmd Ly Hebrew- during, J.i« k‘oiH ilk-. Manh2*\ !"<• pith-, to San Frum’i't o recently that time «erhibln-n wer»* in atumlem n W ;« jn t !•• le.»i u that Mr un«I Mr-. nt Rr.»i l . bin maim *- »rial g|\» n th»- A. V Wim« r of Josephine county a few littl«* tolk- :H R«»srLiirg fa«t week day- -im*«* lo«t ihcir only daughter, a Coii-i«b*rabL w«»rk i- bring «Jom bright little m»«-<»f luxears OLiluary lhe r«>a«l l»ctw . m? t v.q-t'k m; ford Wc < rr« 't in stating iti tli«- lu-i i--uv «»f ê It W. tirimi - Inform- n- that I’ ib< I tMi.sthat voulu McClung. dr«»wuc«l H arflHfh Mauer, ot Api'h -'.ite lia- i < Im keioith in th«1 Applogah . v.a- buric«l «m th«' riv­ AÎI i o ms arc hereby notiti» d m-t »<• four le,r>. I> i* alive und doing nell. er bank. H«' wa- «I« « »-ntly intern «!, bi­ Frances Rum!» ' . as I will Inirlior mv wife, Taxen « ili Ite delimito nt after this remain- bting f'»II«-wc«l to their la-t rest­ - «»I her eon- lint t.< r<-|u«i»*iblf for any «h’l»t «reek. Taxpa)« f should -etti»- at oner ing place in th< («rant « Pa.-« grave W. H Iti mi iv. traction. . yard by a number of aojuaintance’. ■ ti the; wish to va'i «'Wit: md •’OM* Jack Minili*. Mardi 1**5. pit i m¡ito n /:/rv ve /; ti m ¿. 111 I D VI MïEll’s HU.L. iMHLXXP. M1RCH 2*th. I I NEW THIS WEEK. Mure |«¡ «««pc» t ing than ever i- promised j MISCELLANEOUS. FARM FOR SAXE «APfTAE PMIZk •7a.»aurl«-P<»int. Two -- —---- — 2; . 3 mib'-«*;vt „a am) By order (»£ the chair the «•*• rctary read : hundr d Mcraearo under fence and in cultivation. , This jinrt im wat» r«*d by two good springs and th»* ' | Crit. Tolman and wife haw L it A«h th«* constitution an«! by-law- and nineteen ■ h‘«f the befit i land is excel Im t. Balance timbered, principally ‘ j land for Portland. prominent gentb-men came forward, signr«l with black «»ak. an«! waterod fo Little Butt« . mak- mines •)« the coast. All that is ne « -.-ary ■ ng it exf Eagle Point will place. W. R. POTTER. ; renec and Adam Ruhl have g«»ne t«» Bcavci rca«l an<1 approved. ■O.ite I-itt.'Di Cuwi>.iny. and in person Roseburg this week. »K'Haffe atul C'Mtrul th. Itraw.ngs th.iu- l he -«'cretary rc*a*l u<*ommunication from I creek ami vi< inity on a prospecting tour. I E. C. Kane an«l "ife were down from .. I' ./>, anti that thtsamr are conducted w.th B. F. Miller, stating that it. was impos-ibh* « ThcAim rii an Mining (¡ui«!e, the best au i A«hland Sumlay ln«t »»n a vi-it tuniexty, f.anuM, anil tn good faith tuuard for him to attend without neglecting im­ thorite on thi- siibj« < t, for -ab al the T ime « VMH RHJGNED TAKES THH METHOD all partus, awl we authorue ihe Campanil F. M Drake of Ashland paid his portant business at home he also rcjxirted «»fln'e; al-o blank notices for location of THE 1 of informing th«* public that h«* now k»*« j»s n til use this .-ertificati , with far-similes ofosir i friends in town a visit thi« week. tine bull, of thr»«e4piarters Jersey blood. wh<» I iun O.J nut vies attache./, in its ailvectisements.' progress in the matter of gaining informa­ ■ placer and «juartz min» -. f«*w KU|>«*ri rs in Southern On*g«»n, in hi- pasture Mr«. G M. Willard and John 1' K< I I tion and making a report as to w hat varie­ nuur Jacksonville. I Simmons. Ennis (’u. of Josephine ! ly of]A«hland wen: in Jneluonvill. I n, - Parties in thicen. ties « frui' can !»«• -hipped at the most «•«miity arc about putting in a hug«- flume, *la®UM will be ehar« ’ and expect to put their mammoth enter­ week for pastuntg'*. Forfurth'-r particular- rnqtiimat no but«h« r- 5 .4 ( olvig hand« «! in his resignation Prof. J N. Hall hit tor Linkvilb* thi-» prise in working shape this year. j»h<»p hi Juuksonvilh*. eahurer, which was accepted. week.t«» take charge nf the school at that JOHN ORTH. (7 E J Curtis of the Si-kiyoti mountain ha* Jackttotn file. April 2. 1—5. Abram Bish was nominated for treasurer; 1 place. been tothc Now river.<’al. mine« and rcturn- the rules were Muprnde»! and he was el« ct- Jas. 1» Fountain, a prominent tner- <*«<*«l with tileni. though a great many < oui»'•■«•ner*. THE FOLLOWING REAL PltOPERTù BE- It wa* m»»ve>«rx bj tb* Lt-ary to |t»«y all th«' funtl of iXn.Illt ha* -one* beon add'd. Hy an overwh*-lniiu< popular ».di- it* franchia. visit this week. Ik sjteaks in flat­ i cvnainitig Uebt.- again»*» mhh ! estât»-: The un«Ì!- •«. 5V II 5Vi« kman -poke <«f the nceessitx a vi-it during the w« ek made* part of th" prinent filatoi onatiluti.m ! vi«!«‘«l • u inmrest in th«* K«*v»-ranc<* ►.'•winill at Big adopted IbT. 2d. A. 1). KU. Rev F N. Blam het will start for | <»f having a fruit cannery at. Ashland, and tering t. rin- of ihefutuir of that mine, and Butte; the S ..f S E. of h. t-i. 1 . .U, S. of R ila <.ron<| hl.iKlp %nmbrr HrawlMwa 2 E.; tie* E. *- of N. W. -4 H »*,. and J . t ,.f b .E. ‘4 mio place inanthl). It nCT*r Mai* ar Klamath county m xt Mo’uiay on a pas­ thought there w«»ubl be some effort made i thinks it can be sold fora round «uiu S. 3 and N. E. of N. E. * S.7. T. 8. of R.2E. Look al the fr,l!owinK diatnbutioa toral tour. ihi- year !owar«l starting on« . Enoch Gale of Grave creek w a- in town • .Said «ird«T «»f -ah* ha% ing ma«!«* heretofore in » - i * i . ewi * ii > urroiii sitv v« ; Pro(>atp court aud a«ij«>uni<*d from w-- k t w«n*k IL' inform- u« , .1------ s. _ . . District \tbuncy K« nt ha« gone to ' <«. F McConnell -aid “1 have .shippvl the forepart of th« w« ' k og »««•«%»:. FOURTH GRAIN» then*uft«*r. I '*rnw. «- hs I i t»i lain«!, ol.‘".'1S‘'- * ».ASS ». IN THE A< ADEMY OF Salem on hu-iness connected with the pea« lies fr«»m Ashland successfully. they that m«»-t of th< miner« of that section will W. 11. PARKER, Adama-tiut«>r. A2 K A J ' SM TLEHDAY. April I wore <«f line «juality and foun«l ready -ale not be able to clean up. owing to the scarcity Ma« key case. II, 11—3 l.9lb Monthly Drawing. I have al-o shipped a quantity .»f apples of water, and consequently their ««*a«on's J. H. (irifiis, secretary ot the Fruit­ I ' thi« *•< ason. which brought a higher pri« «* work w ill n«»t amount to nun h. iOi»-«»OOTicket, a- Fira Dollar* Each growers' As-«»ciation, wa- in Jackson­ than any* other apples in the market. The < liri.-. Krctz.er. who is mining on on« of Frnctloui.in F ft Ut in BroB.r'1. ville Satunlay. • n t>rooor*la>v Oflicc of (’«»unty Treasun r. 1 ! " <•»!> l*.tU'rr <-rnr Totwì on nn and *nd «*ndorwd <-ndnrn» h» rnilroa«! « ompanv already arc offering re- the gulch' ■* above Jackson er«*ek. recent­ i jMckMxivdh', Aprii 2. 1»»5. » pf . any —ij Stat«-. Stai»*. Geo. Conn of Pai-l«'v. Lake countv, ■ «bleed rates for tlm transportation of fruit, < APITAL PRIZE ly* found a good-«ized nugget of gold and Voli» E IH IH -RI BY <»JVEN IBM THEPJ •7B.OI was in th«* valley last w«ek. Hr will and with proper solicitation l»v thi- asso d«> d<» *5». I k * -till more larger ¡n r cent of iti--ilv« r. A large piece j dempti«»n <»f th«- f«.lb»wing eounU *»rra!im pn>- 2 1TÎIZI H Ob fiuti», I2.ÌW . up tu <)«*t«.l»«*r 9th. I -- i ; 5 «io «»f fina« E I*. >!uith has « b»sp«I his term of liberal. W<* should endeavor to have one • »f tlm -amc « «•mpoiient part- wa- found in I NuiiPmr io.au l-r.«. ¡-.-»i. |*w7. issi. JS-3, isyi, |«j>, 10 do «.f ima» IO «B K>J. l-o, |S77. 1»'. 1. 1KÓ. w; ■ 14»;, in 75 1**1. •-**• « h«M»l in M«»uml «ii-trict. having given g«»o«l house in San Francisco u / mi one in do 9» of vu IHM»«. 1« ‘ «;1. 1W12. JWW, l'JH. j-xu.j ]« of Ja« general satisfaction. *. 1.24. bU2, 1MÖ j Portlaml that wecoubl rrlv upoti to re« eive »MI do of io» <’un.si'L'i.)l»h- excitement is raging over] Int»*r«»st «»ii the sanie wiil c» n««* fr<»:n fi»i» date. ___ . our fruit Th«* Early Crawford i« the fa- frM' «io A. H. Burrows of Yreka, manager of of Ko 23. dn Jkc».. e-tiniation. Major Lv«lic Smith, commamb r of the 9 d«» I d»» an... some of the ore mad«' by J II. Fi«k nf Port­ Mr. McConnell wa-billowed by several VOT1CE is HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM garri-«»n at Fort Klamath, ha- returned land shows it to he uf a very* promising ix it (nay roiK^m. that tic* undcrauciHsi will offer 1ÍM7 I’nn-h. atnoubtmg to.. « other gentlemen, who made remark- up«»n from hi- trip to \’anc«»iiv«*r. Apple -.U«. *uoi. for i«»r r:.t.* rau* to duh* emos ahuaJ give full­ I C. 8. 8»'rg»*nt’s st«»re. in the town <»f Ph«enix. < ul. Wm Martin of Cow f plant­ |G»talA| NOT! b. tfxpr«^. er particulars in «»nr next i—ue and hope higheRt d beat bi.id« r. for < a-h in I m d. the f<4- fill! ad.io-s«. fatlii'r »«f Mr«. W. J. Plymal«*. i-paving ing I ret s in '»rd« r to have the row « straight u«»n»*y Ord -rs, or New Y<»rk Exchange in ordm«tw , to confirm all r« port- "f the ri« hm<- <»f ■ lowingd«*scribud per>««nal |»roj»**rt> . to-wit: relatiw- io this pla< <* a \ isit • yl.-tter. »jirr.nryby Elj es» rail sums «.fSS uid at right angle-, am! discus-ed the ONE NEW NPK1NG WAGON OR HA< K. and upward- at our«*xpenMe> addiessod W « My« r and P Dunn, two prom ♦ qu«-ti«»n of high an«! low training for th« -c min* - Th«* above dearrilMsl j.roj.' rty will L<* sohl to M. A. DAUPHIN. N^-w Orleans. M. satisfy a In n for th»* muti «»f Hev«*nty-tiv«‘ dollars, (Ir M A. DAUPHIN in« fit iarii;« r.-«>f Ashland precinct, were fruit tree-. < aunty t inii'l. ■ y73.'l' lu id by th«' ii.id'T.dgii'-i a^uin-t sai«! ♦VJ Neventlt Ht.. Washington. D. C. at the county seat Tuesday. The \pril tcrm of the «■••nuty cuininb- i wagon or hark. I<»rhu ju»*t and r«*a*onable charge® W < Myer, while he wa» back «a-t, i Mak«- P.O. Money Orders jaiyable and addr«*» for work don«* an«! material fnrmshrd far « mut .«* - Rog]Ht«*rcd L«*(t« r- to ioner« ’ and probate court« will be hcld next took with him ««»me specimen*» of apples Sol Abraham of Roseburg has hern at und<«r and fo virtue of section 17 of an uct pauaed NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. (’mi-idcrablr important biisine«« by th»* itgidatur»* of tin* Htdt <«f Oregon, nt itb Grant - Pa-« for sometime past looking and pear-, whi< h he said astonished the week. New Orleans. la*. uvular s«- i«»n in 1-71. «uititlee« Red star < ough Cure H«l«*l»> inf*>,-in*, the public that he 18 displayiaj a- being purely \».*gctal»le. absolutely free nt H e , appoint ««»nimittee of ihr« c A-k fni "R< rimò on Cold*.’’ for Couche, cold»- b» 1« '. i«<* an»! improve th«.’ present c«»iistitu- Son* I hr«»:«». 1 i*>ar-«*i.<- mh . Troche*. 15c.¿liquid.23c. 55 hi«-h he wd! m »!1 ii n ami r'port at tin* next r« gnlar meet 1Cong li oh KaK’’ David Wils<»n o| >ania< ruz. < al.. wav ing. ¡'In* «'lmir appointed A L. Johnson of CleaiBout rata, nuce, roachoe, flies. ants. bed. on la-t Tm «day’s train, cn route to I Medford, W Bee-on of Wagner rrecK and bug*, skunk*. chipmunks. gopher-. 15c. Dmg» giotb. Yakima. W I where h«* has landed S. B. Galey of Ashland as such committee. interests. Ilcarl Pains • «»n motion W H. Atkinson. L Martin Palpitation, Drop» icol Swelling«. Dizziness J. W < <>w lc« ami < «aylord Bell of Med­ the um i > i : ut stallion j ami Abram Bi-h w« re appointed to soln it Indigestion Headache, Sleeph «ene^e cured bo ILr *t«>ck eviifti-te of » ford paif !sR5. commencing April ; 1-t. nt Prurtt’- ¡.lac.*, j milvs »'H.-t <»f < ’♦ ntral P-unt. and trm hrr of harp, piano and organ, 2.5th. l-<». “Hough 011 I'Mtii*' f*<»roiise.. 2 day«, returning C1.OTH1NG pain- m chest or side, rtamnin turni, neuralgia. long, we !«*arn. even j nine dayt>. Myer for the free u«» «•( his hall. Bret Harte lftn very dark iron-gray. &<'tuaJ weight Tlitn People. Quin< y A. Grubb»' hu« returned to «r/ilt|i and sired by the imported ( lydc-dal»* Lor-»-. "Old Marion county* from I J. H «. • leal by the i. | .In*r/>hin< f ounty IteiH*. coast. Bret's «lain is the ( op|H*rls»tt<»m mare own«*d b> 1 »r. (>-i" rn»* of Gilroy. and < «>ns d« n»d •' Everythu X’ i- fre^ù ani of good quality, ard XV tB1 ut tiers. number of orders. Tak<- a lrx«k at Br»*t aud judge for yonr-» If. anil Country Produce horurht muí »«old. 1 f youarafaihng, broken, worn out and nr*rv<»ui«. ieinemln'r f'olm&n'ft ohi stand, and give me a Prnf« «sor Doiitney<’r will st.iit -vhu« J in UM* ’AV*1K Il- Jill llrncuvr." FL Druggist». you will b- very liable to breed to him. Phil. Murphy, th» genial agent for «•all when in town. FBI ETT BROS. !!«•( ht P»n».-.' < ch*hrat<«l h»H»t- and shoe-, Waldo on tlu* »'»th «•( April A. G. COLVIN I.th* I’reiprifr lia« b< «*u intervi« w ing hi« nnmcruu* We hear to-day that Da\id fltinch s H '«>u ar«1 l«»-in*j'«»ur grip on hf«*. try W«*11 r customer.- in the valley. h«»u-e Lunu d «fown N«» further parti« u- Health Rnm-wi-r,” Gw* direct tu weak »»pota. I he mt « ting was call»'«l tn order by \ ice- Jersey Bull! Administrator's Sale. County Treasurer’s Second Notice. Capital Prise. 475 000. NOTICE HE FARMER’S STORE! A. G. COLVIN A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. At Very Low Prices I BRET HARTE” DBY GOODS recedes. Provisions. Etc., Etc. The Lowest Notch ! YREKA FOUNDRY lars. J Nunan r«*tiirne«l from .-an Saturday wher«' he laid in iarg«*-t ami b»*-t stock- of j. brought to Jacksonville John Tyr»T, who w as working tor Dr. Spence, cut hi- f«»< •t « i crelv with an ax y«'«terday. - ( Freds, lately from Tcnnes-« «'. is pay ing the family of J J Holt of Eden precinct a vhit He ha« seine intentions of locating her® permam ntly . Supt. Colvig held th«* regular «|uart« r- ly ' Xamination of applicant« for tea« Il­ er-' « crtiii« ales last Saturday Several pcr-«»n« appli«d for certifii atc«. Ex-Senator Nc-mith i- doing well -in«-» his r« turn to hi- home in Polk ounty. am! «trong h»»p<. arc rnter- tain» d of hi« «-oniplcte recovery. < 1». I »wn-dalc.J K. Gill A <'o.'?ne attraction for him here. Hon. Wm. K abler an»l wifi* leave Ja« k- «onvill«1 thi- week fi»r avi-itio Puget x««und au»l « a«’« rn Oregon. !'h«-y will be gon,- -evcral month-. B*»n voyage. G«.• W and Wm. A Wilshire, are int« rt sted in stockraising in «•ouniy. arrival at A «bland la«t am! will >lri\e out s«»m< stock on return. who Lake week their 1 rani, »«ilnam, u prc-t nling Stone A < •«. «»f sm Francisco, wholesale dealers in harm ««. -addle-, etc . ha- been m the valley during the w«-«*k. He i- hard t«> l»« at. lion I! K. Hanna, who ha« been at Sah ni f«»r sometime past b»oking after his «lients' interest« in a n nuber Aof • a«e.- before the Supreme Court ha« re- turn«*«l home. Mr« Mattie Bridge, the lectur«*.«-. will pr«»l»a1»ly appear before the people of Jack««»nvillc in the near future she ha- a -on attending th« Stat«* Vnivcr.-i- ty at Eugene « ity. Mi-- Hattie Matlmw-on, who ha« bevn in the < o.juillc valley foing to school some­ time. r< tiiinc«! home La-t week FURNITURE FOR ALL I -AND “Rouuti on » oo II irc I»«'.” instant reli»*f for Nmiralgm. Toothache.F b cr. nd.«*. A-k for ‘Rough on T<»othache. ’ 15nnd2rc, MACHINE SHOP ■•retiy Women. Ladies who would retain frpehn«*»* and vivacity Don’t fail to try ' Wt IK Health Renewer.” J. R. HALE. Second Sired. Eltrndin? from Lmir fo Batte Strrrt*. < alnrrhal Thr«»nt Affection* Hacking, irritating Cough.-.. ( nldft. Korc Thr«»at. The nn.lerM.med. Laving l«*as«*d th* !»• w and ( hauncey Messing« r while attending the enr«*«! by "Hough ouCoughft.” Tr«»«'he*., iScenu*. extensiv«* hr irk Li«iuid 2A cent«-. barn-rai«ing at ('baric- Anderson's place I llouuti on • »n Althousr. fell from the top of the build­ Kongh on Itch” cures humora. erupt ion«, ring­ ing. Wr are glad t«» «ay th«t hr su«taine«l worm. t«‘tt«T, -alt rk-'iun. frosted feet, chillblainr. no >crious injuries IN 5REKA. < AL The Hop«* <»l lb«1 >iUI»n March J*th l«<. i hildren, -l«>w in devr]c»pment. puny, scrawny, I- now prepared to furnish all kind* of arid «folien!«*. n*<* "Wells’ Health Konewer.” The ,\>ic School Lair. XWl«le Av»nke Kn< h Poi>T. Marcii d. I«v>. thr«'v or four I ioutm <*Y«*ry night rousrhme. G« t To Tin I'JUToi: OK THE 1*1'11:- imm<*dmt«‘reli«»f and-«»and r«*t by u-ing Wells’ And will repair \ fair under-tanding of the new school "Rough on »'ougiiH." Troches. 15»'.; Bal-am. 25c. BOILERS. REAPERS. MOWERS. lav i« important right at the present time, **K«»i*gh on Pain** Poron«tro of this to give Also H I II K I / />. V the $.r«i l»onu> to each, leaving a «urplu> of SCROLL SAWING ANO WOCD TURNING. . f nearly $1.Viper child. • TRKYLOR HECKATHORN At the reni«l«*v.* <»f th«* t»nr. Mrs. Samuel Morgan, a «laughter. Drawer H Stier *«or to Hoed A Kioto I GRINTS PASS, OREGON, lln*« lately n»: e<»i>le of Jene- nhin» county that |..* is pn pared to fill m H ord»-r»- for all kiii«ÍH of FOUNDRY & IRONWORKS Furniture, Sash and Doors, MOULDING». FUTURE FRAMES And «*\»Ty thing connect»*«] with the businraa. SUPERIOR CASTINGS, UITOEIITAKING & HEPAIBIKG A Specialty. ; Mj a»»«-!« ar»* eqnal to and niy prices an ow aiiyjn K«»uthern Orason. Sutinfartion guara»t«*d. J. R. HALF. YOUNC Mill and Mining Machinery CRAND CELEBRATION At Jacksonville, Or., Allred sbx utu, Jr., lately of Portland, but who ha- been in Douglas county for sonu lime pa-t. i- pay ing Jack»unvil|e a visit IL will return t«« the f«»riner cnn-idrrable amount <»f money in taxe-. place in a few day.«. 11« i* alway- alive to th«* l»r-t inter« - t- of ( apt. G. H. Hurf«»n. formerly’ of Fort the people at large am! i- proving him- Klamath, ha- h«*»*n appointed major and -rlf an efficient «»llicer. in«pr, tor-general by President Cleve­ Pruett Bro« of Manzanita pre»-met land. which is a promotion of a »leserv- own one of the handsomest and best ing "flii « t ami a worthy g« ntleman. />// It. draft «tallions in southern Oregon. He / '«»!«»mar, m a<*ral -up«*iintcml- Store as i- m«w at E. Brooks’ f«»r a trial - upper at th»'sum« place coming n»»j th. rnt o’. Svahsbury. Hailey A Co.'s stage ’ botth of Dr King s New Di-covery for AH th«»-« who « ver -t«»pp<*.| there kvill < 'on-unii»ti«»n. < ough and Cold«. All per i T ups - ■ v. il io ■ w!■■ n w -1\ that ylit* lines, pulsed through the valley • lay a« c«»mpanie«l by his w ife, Hr is «ons affected with Asthma. Bronchitis. < - oti t he v h route het.»• \ - Illand ami Delta are furni - ht »1 bv Mr- en route to Boi»e city. I. T., his hcad- • Hoarseness. Severe Cough«, or any affee-, tion of the Throat an«! Lung«, can get a Kingsbury. trial bottle <»f this great remedy tree, bv quarters J <’. Whipp i- . «»nstantly rerriving . calling at above Drugstore. Regular sire «f. Louis Jft« oby, a member of the new designs am! i* prepared to •!•» all work firm of Jacoby Bros of Gold Hill, ar­ in his line according to the latest styles. rived from San I rancisco Tuesday, and IL is« n»w«lc«l with «»rd« r- for marble ami i informs us that a complete am! first- «tone work, a’ he never fails to give -at- class stock of goods will soon be dis- i-fa« ti«»n. Call on him at hi- place, of play< «i by them. Mr. J. was for eight busines- in Jack-.«nville ir you nc:*«| any y«*ars a salesman for Bachman Bros, of thing of that kin»! Hr furnishes mon­ San Francisco, a prominent dry-goods uments, tombstones. ♦ !•■.. at the l«»w»*st firm of that city. rate« Mr A A Fink, u prominent cattle­ Th» deciding heat of the trotting race man of Koutium Oregon, ha- just re­ off at the came Oakland (Cal.) trotting park recenti V. It will Le reniomhiTed tinue«! with hi- family from New Or lean«, w here they have been taking in/ that Alt;.i.««*ni H. 1». and Moscow had each won two beat- and E«l one. E«l the sights at the great expo-iti«»n. Mr f««undry « hanged ford, -tartc l for Arcata. Humbohlt h propri. tor- sometime -ince ami A. county, < al., thi« week Mr. i was lafloewsa, I For Cougha, Bore Throat, Am* -, an experiem «- ! and first-« la«« Ullv «»f the 4 *. ». • R R. f o.'-, boss fold*. llroneltltU, Whooting Cough, artisan, i« now* manager. It ha- also Arthmai Qulnty, Putnala (Vg, »nio*h*r <«*ipcnt« ¡ - during the extension of their offrl'vn« ««fth» Throat «nd Lung*. L« « n -uppli»'«»v« d line toward • aiifornia am! built the This powder never varies. A marwcl of purity Fncr 50 cents a bottle. Sold by Drnrcl’ti» and rtrvngin and whol«anda, and cannot bcaoldincnre pur* »1 t«» •!•• all kiml- ot Work in hi- line pot-. He i> a fir-t-ela— mechanic and grl it for them trill rerrire tiro bvUlrs.ExprimchaTurs petition with the multitude of low teat, short in a prompt ami •up« ri r manner ami a worthy gentleman and carries the best p'jtd. t>>/ eendinff one dollar to weight* alum or phosphate powders. Sow» oxlt UI INK CMABUB A. VOGFI FR (OlPAlY, \ at San Fram isco |frn »*-. R»ad what he ■ wishes of hi« many frieml- here and au«o«c<#r»»n.1 caf *. Duosg FoMtni Cu. 100 Wall-ib, B&kUiorr. Barytas*. T. 8. A. has to fay cDcwbvre. elsewhere witli him. R ed S tar PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE POWDER Absolutely Pure. ST. TAMMANY’S DAY I i EXERCISES OF THE DAY. Emerging from their new Wigwam on corner of ( alifornin and 1 bird street-at 1 o'cha k »*. m ..the (inter will parade the principal at root® of Jack. aonrilJe, lead««! by the I hl- tin*' < 1> i I'- ni I h 1 o and < 'op)»rrlx>ttoiB Stallion will make th«* M*n.*«»n of 1--'. uh follows: Com- mencingHt ni) nu«h]«s in IJagle Point, April 1st. he will remain 4 «lays; theiid* to J. M. Mansfieid’e near Willow Springe, where lie will remain 2dap>; thence to R. \ . B«*a]]*f-. wher«* he will r»-main two • ia>«; returning ever» 9th day to’Jne own Hfabl«« during th«* b«*HM>n. Young Clyde wa- sited hj S. G. ReedV celebrat­ ed Clydesdale stallion, acknowledged to le* one of the best horse«« ever brought to Oregon. Hin «inai was a thoroughbred < opperhngtotn mare. She was imported from Kentucky and wa- one of the l»«*t brad inaree ever brought tn the State. A« to hi«* tHKMhr.g uualiti«**. 1 will refer you to T. P. Beall. R. V. Beall, John E*eld, J. W. Smith, Leri Adam«, A. J. Daley. Janie»* Wil«*y. J. N. Traylor. Bolwrt Potter nn«i others. It ih not ner«-*wiry fo mak«* a great blow. Th«' hone will -how f.r himself. He in large. w»*H pr«>porti<»r»»d anti weighs about l?i*<>>lbe. T erm - Season f7. |«ayubloat dose <>f Heaton; tnHurar.ee. <]■ due when mare in known to be "»th foal J. F. DAYLB. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Cor. 3d and E Streets, POKTT.ANI), OR., Contaiuing 12o IL miuis . woii furni-fa-d. On return of the pr«»ce*>rion to thv Wigwam HON. H. K. HANNA, P. S., The l>«st ONE DOLLAR PER DAY MOUSE IR tho State. Free Duses to and from the Hotel. Ke ( liine-«- «-mploy«-l Kiwi no deviatoio ir ehargr*. M'M l I s 25 c« nt». I«wiging 25 rent«» to 5u cent». E. LEWISTON, Proprietoi. T. J. CRESS. HOUSE PAINTER, Jacksonville Silver Comet Band AND OTHER BANDS. I« JACKSONVILLE, OR. Having nermannntljr locate! fiere. I .ifl.-r •ervi«-«* t«> the peoph* of bout hem Oregon. House Painting, Paper Hanging, Frescoing. Kalaomming, Btc.. Will d«*!iv«*r an addreen. which will be follow«-! Ihm, hi n>!>i>.'n>>r manner »ml »1 pric«* '• »uh by appropriate rural and u -trun:«*ntal music tho time*. I rt-for to th* joU nf lAintin« I he»* and the l.r»viou»ly dot!» for rm-oninmmint.on. H><»urae|f. Order* left m Wl«*rritt*a New ( Store wil receive pro tn ¡4 attention Of their new Wigwam. I m ***««!»- other interesting T. J. (RXffi ex wise®; after which there will le- a t GRANT’S PASS BAND CONTEST Livery & Feed Stables For three prizes. The whole to coni'lod® with H. THeKMTM a feeN. Pr«^a. A GRAND BALL Having assnm«*n H. Pape. Hr.. T. T. M< K* nzu*. Adam Kchiuitt. E. I). Food ray, E. B. Wat*«m aud E. Jaonh*. I Mu-ir A. F. Eddv H. Pape, Jr.. I). 5V. <’rosby. Floor Manager- J. ( . Whipp. William Meu«»or. Chas. Nickell, » has. Puraoll. Braci B«*nn. ('barimi Prim, J. T. Rohlin. David ('rooemiller. D « «»ration—D. W. Crosby. IL Pape, Jr.. D. Hardiu, John Bievenue, Frank L«>rani«. General i'ommitt«-— A'iarn Srl miri. JamcaG. Birdsey, J. R. Little. Settle Up Notice! I 4 LL PWiHONH INDEBTED TO TRY. EMa*ATF .A "f H. P. H&nna. d»M'«*«M-d, arc retuMd to n*tll«* the aavie forthwith, if the? wi4i to awa coh I h . as the buain«*ia of the estate inuat be wonrd up with«»ut further dday. H K. HANVjL Admin nrt rat or of th® eerata.^«» S. P. Uaxma. dececm. Match A W.